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water_n boil_v half_a put_v 6,896 5 5.6561 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50456 Tutela sanitatis sive Vita protracta The protection of long life, and detection of its brevity, from diætic causes and common cutoms. Hygiastic præcautions and rules appropriate to the constitutions of bodyes; and various discrasyes or passions of minde; dayly to be observed for the preservation of health and prolougation of life. With a treatise of fontinells or issues. Whereunto is annexed Bellum necessarium sive Medicus belligerans the military or practical physitian reveiwing [sic] his armory: furnished with medical weapons munition against the secret invaders of life; fitted for all persons and assaults; with their safe and regular use, according to medical art and discipline by Everard Maynwaring doctor in physick. Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628-1699? 1664 (1664) Wing M1517; ESTC R213837 52,197 167

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only the joynts but the periostia of the Bones between joynt and joynt the Muscles of the body and membranes of the internal viscera they prevent fluxion and transition of turgid humors evacuates biting Choler Saline and sharp Serous humors And checks the serocity of their nature By their alkalisate quality they destroy exotic acidities which are dolorous and hostile to neru us and and membranous parts and are a singular prophylactic or preservative from the cruelty of arthritick arthritic or Gout pains Use them Spring and Autume for prevention or at other seasons if occasion require The full Dose is 5 Pills for feminine and tender bodyes easy to operate 4 may be sufficient Take them early in bed lye an hour or two after drink a little posset when they work and eat at noon Do so two or three days together intermit 4 or 5 dayes and take again After Purgation the Sudorifio Pills are beneficial For the Skin THE Cosmetick Water is appointed for discolourations and commaculations of the skin native or adventitious accounted no small infirmity with the Ladyes being symptomes denoting the constitution temperature of some principal parts diseases present and imminent or the vestigia and markes of preceding infirmities and external accidents displayed in their proper distinguishing colours citrine liuid brown red swarthy c. According to the nature of their causes as in both the jaundice Scurvy distempered Livers and Spleens obstructions and most Cachectic bodyes small-Pox Measels Contusions burns c. This washing is no fucus that sayes an artificial colour upon the skin to palliate a bad complexion and deceive the sight But to amend and tiear a dark brown skin of the face neck breast or bands it takes away Sun-burn roughness swarthiness Morphew small Pox spots and pimplex hath an abstersive and attenuating faculty to thin and puri●e a muddy thick skin which clouds the lustre of a lively peircing aspect There is nothing more amiable then the life which is presented to view with some interposition being vailed with the skin which if dark and thick eclipses and hides much of the lustre and penetration But if thin clear and more transparent the glory and beauty of the life then streams forth with great attraction And therefore the eye is the most lovely victorious part for its dilucid clearness in which the sparklings and vigour of life is most visible and naked 'T is not white and red that hath the magnetisme of love but the life dressed in those perspicuous colours You may use or leave this water when you will without prejudice there is no Mercury not any thing to injure the tenderest skin Shake the Bottle then wet a cloath with it and wash your face every morning The Powder of Saturn is appointed for Cutany defaedations venereous Scab● Vlcers pustules knobs in the flesh and glandulous tumors From the venereous cause Also Scabs and Vlcers from other causes Tettars Ringworms itch pushes pimples Chilblanes cooles all outward inflammations represseth tumors and asswageth their pain very profitable for Sores or Tumors of the Kings evil Vse it thus take a quart of Smiths water let it stand to settle then pour of a pinte and halfe clear in it put the powder and let it boil gently to a pinte in a glass● bottle set in a Kettle of water then let it stand 2 dayes to settle very clear poure it off and keep it for use and with this liquor bathe the places affected morning and night For the Venereal Pox. THE Italic Pills are a specific purgative Medicine for the Venereal Pox. They purge and clense the body by their appropriate vertue from the virulency and foulness of that disease which corrupts the whole masse of bloud and breaks forth into pustul's Scabs and Vicers by time invading the solid parts they mitigate pain checkes and abates the rigour of other symptomes which attends this disease and prevents the danger The Dose for Man or Woman is 5 Pills Take them early in bed lye an hour after and when they work drink a little posset-drink you may eat at noon The Neapolitan Pills are a Peculiar Sudorific Medicine for the great Pox after the preceding purgation to transpire and breath out by sweating the remaining malignity and contagious infection wherewith the body is tainted They dispell the maligne vapours and releive the spirits oppressed purifie the bloud and eradicate the impurity and venenate qualities of the disease by their peculiar propriety and opposition The Dose for Man or Woman is 4 Pills Take them in bed eaily or at night if more convenient for your occasions half an hour after drink a draught of hot bear or posset drinke wherein Sage is boiled be covered warm and lye to sweat when you have sweat 2 hours not longer let some cloaths be taken of and cool by degrees and have a care you take not cold after sweating the Pores being open A regular and easie cure for the Venereal Pox with the preceeding Medicines THis disease sometimes lyes obscure and dificult to be dettcted and puts on the disguises of other infirmities but those who are guilty of the danger may conclude by some of the following symptoms what it is that troubles and alters them Yet this foul disease is not alwaies got by impure copulation But otherwise sometimes Man with Man and Woman with Woman lying together and having intimate Society And although it be infections yet all bodies are not apt to receive it as all catch not the Plague in an infected house But I must shorten the discourse and come to the symptomes which attend the disease and they are various according to the degree and heigth arrived at At first a lassitude weariness and indisposition to motion heaviness and dulness the Spirits being tainted and opressed with the infection pain of the head shoulders and other parts cheifly at night heat and burning in the palmes of the hands and soles of the feet a Gonorrhae a or running of the Reins afterwards breakin gs out upon the skin venereous buboes and Ulcers of the privy parts c. Which come not altogether but successively by degrees discovering the discase in its progress and degree of malignity The cure is performed thus the first day take a Dose of the I●alic pills the second day let a vein be opened if you be Feavorish or of a hot constitution take blood at the discretion of your Chyrurgeon The fourth day take the Italic pills again rest the fifth sixth and seventh the eight day take the Italic pills again the tenth eleventh twelfth dayes take the Neapolitan Pills to sweat then rest 2 or 3 dayes and take the Italic pills again and after that the Neopolitan As occasion requires continuance This method you are to observe for a short or longer time according to the greatness and inveterate contumacy of the disease Interchainging these Medicines and giving convenient respite which course will not be hard for you to observe although
dissolve the stone diuretical purging by urine The Dose for Man or Woman is half a Dram which is about the quantity of a hasel nut Take it thus five or six mornings together fasting roll it in fine powdered Sugar or Hony and so swallow it then drink a good draught of White-wine after or mixed with Ale And you may follow your business The Nephritic Powder clenseth the Reins and bladder from sand and gravel opens the Uriters and Urinary passages provokes Urine cooles the reins and prevents the stone Take it in a glasse of White-wine fasting half a douzen mornings together But let the Powder be put into the wine over night and stand close covered The Dose is one Dram. The Dysuretic Powder corrects the sharpness of Urine having an Hostile quality and antipathy to acidityes which causeth the Uriters to twitch and vellicate with a painful Convulsive motion and contraction in the small of the back and hips to the Region of the bladder and bottom of the Belly helps incontinency of Urine or debility of holding water strengthning the Sphincter Muscle of the bladder and taking away the acrimony of the Urine which provokes the expulsive faculty it checks the over strong attraction of the reines causing immoderate making water thereby wasting the body exhausting the natural humidity and impoverishing the Masse of bloud coagulates a saline and tartareous resolution in the body which comming into the ductures of the Vrine stimulates and irritates to expulsion by its acrimony Cooles the reins mitigates the ardor and scalding heat of Vrine The Dose for Man or Woman is a Dram for the age 14. two scruples 8 years old half a Dram. Take it in the morning an hour before you rise in posset drink you may eat or drink when you are up and go abroad Vse it a fortnight or three weeks together Observe your diet and let your drink be steeled For the Genital Parts THE Restaurative essence asists digestion in the Spermatic vessels strengthens the generative faculty effectual against sterility or barrennesse in the feminine sex and deficiency in the masculine if the causes be superfluous moisture crudity and infaecundity of the seed debility of the Genital parts frigidity or imbecillity of nature and not organical impediments and defects It strengthens a weak back preserves the balsom of nature and natural heat restores consumptive weak persons strengthens old age and the declinings of nature refresheth the animal and vital spirits by its aromatical fragrancy roborates the internal parts asists the digestions prevents crudityes and the superfluity of crude humors Taketh away putrefaction in bodyes that have a ranke or strong favour by reason of putrid humors breathing forth through the pores of the body it will depurate clense and make such bodyes more sweet and wholesome and more acceptable to their bed fellows Shake the bottle before you use it Drop it into fine powdered sugar and take it upon a knifes point then drink a glasse of Tent Muskadel or Sack after it The Dose is 24 drops for Men or Women You may take it night and morning in bed In the use of strengthning Medicines Take this observation That if the body be soul let gentle purgation precede first clense then strengthen that 's a regular course for this purpose let women take the Hysterical Pills Men may use the Stomack or Cachectic Pills As the condition of their body most requires The Hysterical Pills have an abstersive and purgative faculty to clense and open obstructions of the veins leading to the Matrix whereby the terms may have their due times and colour according to the course of nature they dissipate flatulent vapours and evacuate noxious humors collected in the womb which having aquired maligne qualities by residence there occasions various symptomes and disturbance in several parts by consent from the Matrix as Hypochondriac Melancholy palpitation of the heart shortness of breath and compression about the stomack pains of the head deliriums Convulsive motions sadness palenesse and unwonted Complection they prevent fits of the Mother disperse the vapours and corrects the malignant cause They cure the Green Sicknesse brings the termes into their right order restores the Complexion and purgeth the lower Region of the body The full Dose is 6 pills for fifteen years old 5 pills or but four if she be a tender body and easie to operate Take them early in the Morning you may lye an houre after when you are up drink a good draught of warm Posset and walk in the House Eat at noon Thus do two or three days together intermit so many days then take twice or thrice more And you will finde the benefit The Expulsive Powder Is appointed for a difficult and perilous Child birth being effectual to expedite the delivery of Women in a slow hard labour it procures travelling pains when nature is unable and weak giveth strength to the woman and Child and hastens the Birth expells a dead child and brings away the after burden You may give it twice in twelve hours for the foresaid occasions not oftner The Dose is one paper of powder Take it in a small spoonful of Cinnamon-Water Penyroyal-Water or Mace Ale or these mixed at the discretion of the Midwife The Restringent Powder helps the debility and weakness of the Spermatic Vessels procured by immoderate coition or other accidents stayes a Gonorhaea or Running of the Reins so called corrects the heat and acrimony of the seed that stimulates to expulsion and allays the pain asswageth any sharp humor in the privities of either Sex heals an exulration or excoriation there takes away itching or molesting heat prevents the danger by immoderate copulation cools allayes and strengthens those parts Use it thus Take a quart of Smiths water let it stand six hours to settle then pour off a pinte cleer in it put the Powder shake it well in a Bottle then with a Syringe inject it into the privy part morning and night and you will receive much help and ease But if the Gonorrhaea be virulent proceeding from the Pox then it is requisite also that you take the Medicines proper for that disease as the italic and neapolitan Pills to purifie and clense your body from that malignity and virulency where with the humors are tainted and vitiated And to prevent future danger For the joynts THe Arthritick Pills are peculiarly appointed for the Gout whether hereditary or acquired by diaetetic errors or differing in the part affected as the feet knees hips hands or other Joynts yet owning the same approximate cause and admit the same cure They attract the serous acrid humor which pricks and lancinates the Periostium and nervous parts about the Joynt and retract the confluence of humors caused by pain resorting to the part affected They are very profitable and Auxiliary against a rheumatismus commonly called the running Gout which is an erratic pricking pain wandring from part to part caused by a flatulent acrimonious humor afflicting not