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A40002 Englands happiness increased, or, A sure and easie remedy against all succeeding dear years by a plantation of the roots called potatoes, whereof (with the addition of wheat flower) excellent, good and wholesome bread may be made every year, eight or nine months together, for half the charge as formerly : also by the planting of these roots ten thousand men in England and Wales, who know not how to live or what to do to get a maintenance for their families, may of one acre of ground make thirty pounds per annum / invented and published for the good of the poorer sort, by John Forster ... Forster, John. 1664 (1664) Wing F1601; ESTC R40960 16,456 38

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the Herbarists Heliotropium indicum tuberosum Flos solis piramidalis After peruvianus tuberosus and falsly in English Artechocks of Jerusalem The fourth sort which are these I shall write of in this Treatise and are fittest for our purpose are the Irish Potatoes being little different from those of Virginia save only in the Colour of the Flower and time of flowring for these bring forth a white Flower about the end of June and so continue flowring most part of the Summer the other as Mr. Gerard saith flowreth not till August and beareth a purple Flower These Roots although they came at first from the Indies yet thrive and prosper very well in Ireland where there is whole Fields of them from whence they have been brought into Wales and into the North Parts of England where they likewise prosper and increase exceedingly They are in quality temperate very agreeable and amicable to the Nature of Man and of a good and strong nourishment In substance they are brittle and mealy and therefore very fit to be put into Bread and to make divers kinds of wholesome Meats as shall be shewed hereafter If you intend to plant of these Roots you must make choice of such a Piece of Ground as is not too wet in the Winter for if the water stands upon it and hath not free passage away all the Roots by being too much soaked with the wet will become rotten therefore the Ground must either lye upon some kind of Discent or else be so ordered in the Digging and divided into long Beds with Furrows between them that the water may the better be conveyed away which Beds ought not to be above six Foot wide that so the Planter by going along the Furrows may pluck up the rank Weeds which come up before the Potatoes and not tread upon the Beds Having found out Ground fit for the purpose it must be digged at the beginning of Winter that the Frost may make it hollow and if it be not sufficiently rich of it self it must be made so by mixing good rotten Dung with it and then at the latter end of March it must be digged over again and all the Clods and Turffe being well broken you may plant the Roots half a Foot deep in the Earth and about eight or nine Inches asunder but you must first cut them into quarters or halves or into lesser pieces leaving alwayes upon every piece one Bud at least which you may perceive in the little cavities here and there upon the Roots and thus a great deal of Ground may be planted with a few Roots which about the beginning of May thrust forth their Leaves the Flowers being of a white Colour bud forth in the end of June the Fruit or Berry comes not to maturity in our Climate but is for the most part alwayes green The Roots may be digged from the beginning of September till the end of March seven Months together and may be used for the making of Bread and other kinds of Food eight Months even till the end of April And for fear of Snow or hard Frost they may be kept upon dry boarded Flowers for two or three Months together and though they may seem a little withered yet in the boyling they will be as plump and as full as at the first In the Digging you must observe that all the very small Roots and all the little pieces of Roots must be left in the Ground that it may be sufficiently stored the next year Also they must not be digged after the end of March for that will hinder their early coming up and consequently their increase will be the less Thus far of the manner of planting Potatoes we now come to shew the several Uses thereof and first How to make Bread with Potatoes THe first and greatest Use of Potatoes is for the making of Bread which I doubt not but will be of much benefit to all sorts of people especially to the Poor in times of scarcity And indeed this was the chief Cause both of the Invention and Publication hereof For having seen how much poor people have suffered and what great Complaints they have sometimes made by reason of the dearness of Corn and the slender relief which they found at the hands of those who were able enough to help them I began to think with my self what means might be used to prevent the like for the future And knowing the Nature and great increase of this Root I made trial thereof for the making of Bread and by the blessing of God it succeeded according to my desire I then planted of them and afterwards for two years together I made further trial of them and found that they might be put to divers other good uses which in love to my native Country and for the good of the Poor I have here set down beginning with the way and manner of making Bread therewith which is as followeth If you will bake a Bushel you shall take half a Bushel of these Roots and putting them into two little Nets which is a Peck into each Net boyl them in a Kettle of water till they break between your fingers but let them not break in the boyling when they have boyled a quarter of an hour in which time they will be boyled enough take out the Nets with the Roots and hang them up a while that the water may drain from them then put them out into a wier Sieve made for the purpose being almost as thick as a course hair Sieve and strengthened with three or four strong Wiers or small Iron Rods over-thwart the bottom and with an Iron Truel let them be all broken and rubbed through the bottom of the Sieve into a Vessel underneath by which means the Skins of the Roots will remain behind and the Meal will pass through being much like unto boyled Rice Before you put the Roots into the Nets you must cut the great ones into halves or quarters otherwise the small ones will be boyled to pieces before the great ones are boyled enough The Roots being thus prepared you may make Bread of them after this manner You must take as much Wheat or Barley Flower as your half Bushel of Potato Meal weighs and mix them well together with your hands then put to it as much warm water mix'd with a little Barme as you think will make it into very stiffe Dough and as much Salt as is convenient which being done knead it well until it be exactly mingled which will quickly be by reason of the dryness and mealiness of the Roots afterwards make Loaves of it and see that it be well baked This Bread if the Corn was good and if it be rightly made and well baked will be as hollow and as white as pleasant in taste and as wholesome and nutrimental as if it was all of Wheat for all that have written of Potatoes do agree that howsoever they be eaten they do mightily comfort strengthen
and nourish the Body But if any shall Object That this Bread is Windy I Answer That it cannot be for the Roots being first boyled and then mingled with Flower and afterwards baked it is impossible they should be windy For by this double Coction they are so corrected that they are made the more wholsome and all their windiness taken away Neither being thus used can you at all or very little discern the taste of the Potatoes by which it is evident that the Bread made of them is not windy And not only may Bread be made of these Roots but also divers other wholesome Meats as here followeth How to make Paste of Potatoes YOu may make of Potatoes excellent good Paste if you take equal parts of the Root and of good Wheat Flower and make Dough thereof as you did for Bread with warm water only in this you must leave out the Barme and adde a little Butter yet not in too great a quantity Of this Paste you may make Pyes Pasties Tarts c. which you must bake presently after they are made in an Oven made something more hot than ordinary for such things and so you will have as good Crust as if it had been all of the best Wheat Flower Also you may make Paste with Barley Flower and these Roots and it will be better and not so apt to cleave and crack as that which is made all of Barley How to make Puddings of Potatoes either baked or boyled FOr to make Puddings of Potataes you must take one half of the Roots boyled and broken as before for Bread and one half of Wheaten or Barley Flower and mix them well together with some kind of Liquor adding also two or three Eggs to make it hollow and what other Cost you please and having so done you may either bake them in an Oven or boyl them in a Bag and being well baked or boyled and then buttered or they may be made with Suet if you please they will be as pleasant in taste and as wholesome as if they were made only of Wheat How to make very good Custards of Potatoes TAke a Quart of New Milk or Cream if you will be at the Cost six or seven Potatoes boyled and very well broken a couple of Eggs beaten Sugar about a quarter of a pound a little Nutmeg grated mingle them well together and put it into a shallow pewter or earthen Dish or else into Crust having first put a little piece of Butter into the bottom if it be made only of Milk and so bake it in an Oven or over some Coals then keep it till it be almost cold and you will have an excellent dainty and wholesome Dish being both very pleasant to the Palate and very restorative and strengthening to the Body and also so cheap that for four pence charge as much may be made as will serve two reasonable men for a Meal How to make Potato Cheescakes YOu may make Cheescakes of Potatoes after this manner Take of the Roots very well broken and rubbed through a wier Sieve what quantity you please grated Bread a quarter as much Cream and Eggs beaten together enough to make it of a fit consistence or so thick as it usually is made for this purpose Currants Sugar and Spice of each as much as is needful Stir all these things well together then raise your Coffins in form round and shallow which fill with your former mixture afterwards bake them in an Oven and you will have Cheescakes so called àformà similitudine in goodness excceeding those that are made of the Curd of Milk These Cheescakes may be made even in the midst of Winter when the other sort by reason of the scarcity of Milk and the coldness of the weather are very seldom to be seen To make Cakes of Potatoes THose kinds of Cakes commonly made by Bakers of the best Wheat Flower with Fruit Spice c. may also be made with a mixture of these Roots with the Flower so well as not to be discerned in the least But there is another kind of Cakes cheaper and more fit for poor people made after this manner Take of the Meal of the Roots as much as you please of Wheat Flower or for want thereof fine Barley Flower enough to make it into Dough without water put a little Salt to it and knead it well then make thin Cakes of it and bake them in an Oven or upon the Hearth These Cakes are quickly and easily made and being eaten with Butter whilst they be hot are very good for Children and by reason of their cheapness for all poor people After the same manner may Bread be made cheaper than the other way before mentioned for by how much the more of the Root is put into it by so much will it be the cheaper And usually to make Bread without water or any other moisture than what is in the Roots except a little Barme there is required three parts of the Meal of the Roots to two parts of Flower I have seen Bread made after this way very good white and hollow though there was no Barme at all put into it but I shall leave this to every one to use that way which by his own experience he finds to be best I could here set down divers other things which might be made with these Roots as divers kinds of fryed Meats divers kinds of sweet Meats c. but I will not at this time because I think these are sufficient to lead those that be ingenious as many are for their Bellies especially to the discovery of other things of the like nature Nor would I have these to be followed and imitated Ad unguem but let every one according to his knowledge and experience according to his Purse and Palate adde alter or diminish what he please Besides the former wayes of using them they may also be used of themselves for Meat for some boyl them or roast them in the Embers and having peeled them stew them in Wine with Butter and Sugar or butter them only and so eat them Some bake them in Pyes with Marrow Sugar Spice and other things Some boyl them and eat them with fat Beef or other kind of fat Meat and others dress them other wayes every man according to his own taste and liking all which wayes they are a very wholesome and strengthening Food and by these several wayes of dressing them they are like so many varieties and change of Dishes And thus I have shewed you the several uses of Potatoes I shall now proceed to shew what great Benefit they may be First to the Planters by planting of them Secondly to the whole Kingdom by the use of them The Benefit which these Roots will be to the Planters will be very great as shall be proved by the Demonstration following Suppose a man should plant one Acre of good Ground which if it be Earable Land
quickly be procured and here in England be easily maintained without raising the Prizes of any kind of Grain whatsoever Secondly The Merchants which deal and trade with these Commodities in any great quantity as they may when these Roots be once brought into use must needs be enriched by it Thirdly Husbandmen and Farmers who perhaps may think the former way viz. of making Bread of these Roots to be some hinderance to them as indeed it will may by this means sell their Corn for as good Prizes as if the aforesaid Roots had not been in use The Third Vtility ANother Utility of these Roots is this That whereas there hath been of late years divers whole Lordships and Towns enclosed and their Earable Land converted into Pasture Ground which practice being still continued and more and more Land every year enclosed will certainly in time very much increase the Price of Corn yet by the use of these Roots poor People who will suffer most by such practices may notwithstanding that have Bread at reasonable Rates The Fourth Vtility FOurthly Poor People may maintain their Families more easily and live more plentifully than heretofore but especially in dear and scarce years such as was 1661. these Roots will be a great benefit to them for if Wheat be at ten Shillings and Barley at six Shillings a Bushel as it was that year yet may they make Wheaten Bread after the rate of five Shillings a Bushel and Barley Bread after the rate of three Shillings saving thereby one half so may they have Money even in very dear years to buy them other Necessaries which otherwise they would want And now let any indifferent Reader judge if this Project will not be beneficial to Tradesmen also who have never less Trading than when Corn is dear as I have heard many of them confess for then poor People who are none of their worst Customers have enough to do to get Money to buy Bread for their Families without which they cannot live and therefore must let alone other things less necessary But when these Roots shall once come into use People will live more happily and plentifully Trading will flourish and much Glory will redound to Almighty God for discovering so profitable a Secret The Fifth Vtility THe fifth Utility and Commodity the use of these Roots will yield is That all those poor People that are maintained by the Parish where they live and are a constant Town Charge may be maintained with farre less Charge than formerly which will be a great ease to those Parishes that are full of poor People And so I come to The Sixth and Last Vtility WHich is to all sorts of People in general for that there is none of what quality or degree soever but if they please may yearly save Money in House-keeping by the use of these Roots and that without any discredit or disparagement at all it being no discredit for any man to be frugal But if any shall be so proud as to think it below their degree to make use of so mean a help let them forbear the use of them unless by publique Authority it be commanded Many I know there are who because they are Gentlemen will think that it belongs not to them to be saving and provident but rather to be free and generous as the Name imports and to spend what they have merily but let such consider that a prodigal Father makes a beggerly Son and that the Estates which they so freely spend was left by their Ancestors not to them only but also to their Children after them which for them to waste in Extravagancy and Riot and so to rob and deprive their own Children of their right is not only as great a Sin but also a Fact much more unnatural than to rob a man upon the high way for which they ought to suffer Death by the Laws of the Realm I have known some who have been so guilty of this wasteful and extravagant kind of Living that it hath been the utter ruine and destruction of themselves and their Posterity But to come to a Conclusion Let every Man that desires to live in Credit in the World and that his Children should do so after him remember the Golden Sayings of the Philosopher Adibe curam tene mensuram eris dives and not lavish away his Estate like a Prodigal and when he dyes leave his Children Beggers but let him use all the wayes of Frugality that he can among which this Experiment which I have here published for the good of my Country will be none of the least Thus have I finished what I intended in this Treatise and have to my knowledge omitted nothing either concerning the Planting or Use of these Roots I have now nothing else to say of them but what I have partly said already which is that they are good and wholesome strengthening and nutrimental not windy in the least much of the nature and temperature of Wheat viz. having no great inequality of heat cold moisture or dryness yet if they exceed in any quality it is in dryness and in that they are the more wholesome for Hypocrates saith Siccumest sano proximum and Experience teacheth that a drying Diet is better for the Body than that which is too moist For when a Compositum must perish it perisheth by the Element of Water which overcomming natural Heat is quenched and extinguished in Animals hence followeth the destruction and mortification of a part or of the whole Body But these Roots by their moderate dryness preserve the true temperature of the Body which according to Hypocrates is Naturalis ejus siccitas and therefore may safely be used as a wholesome and healthful Food Neither are they wholesome only but very profitable also and that for two Respects First For that by the use of them Bread may be made a great deal cheaper than with all Wheat or Barley Secondly For that they are not hurt as Corn is by the unseasonableness of the Weather for whether the year be dry or wet if the water have free passage away and stand not upon them they are not hurt by it nor is their increase much the less And now lest any should erre in the making of this Bread and so impute the fault to me which is caused through their own unskilfullness I will here again set down the way and manner of making it as plain as possible I can and so conclude this Treatise Take therefere of the Roots as many as you please or as your present occasion requires and if they be for white Bread or for Paste you may if you please pare them with a Knife if for courser Bread you need not Then cut the great ones into halves or quarters that they may be boyled as soon as the small ones afterward put them into a Net made indifferent large and thick never putting above a Peck into a Net and boyl them in a Kettle of Water