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A20865 A new counsell against the pestilence declaring what kinde of disease it is, of what cause it procedeth, the signes and tokens thereof: with the order of curing the same.; Consilium novum de pestilentia. English Drouet, Pierre, fl. 1578.; Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613. 1578 (1578) STC 7241; ESTC S108183 25,412 76

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had the plague and dressed them Of this Medicine Marsilius Ficinus speaketh There is also another such medicine and it is Christialline and red Arsnick the effect whereof I learned at Argentine and Basil in the yeere of our Lord. 1564. at what tyme the plague raigned almost ouer all Germanie But for as much as Georgius Agricola in his thyrd booke of the nature of things digged out of the ground and after him Theodosius Montuus haue sufficiently disputed of this matter I wyll onelye set downe the receite of the Medicine which is after this maner Take Arsnick christalline and red of eche a lyke quantitie beate them into powder whereof with the white of an egge or the Mucciladge of Tragagant you shall make a lozenge a finger thicke then folde it in a double péece of silke applye it vnto the region of the hart but beware that the moyst Arsnicke exulcerate not the skin and therefore in the morning you must diligentlye wipe the place or at what tyme so euer else the pacient sweateth for which cause it were good to put a fayre linnen cloath betwéene The Arsnicke being applyed strengthneth as wel the heart as the Mylt as Trallianus writeth but it worketh not that effect of custome as Theodosius sayth Surely in this one point God wonderfullye declareth his prouidence when he teacheth vs to applye strong and deadlye poysons vnto our commoditie as Galen sheweth in the eleuenth booke of simple Medicines of the wine made of Uipers and our men of late tyme haue applyed the oyle of Scorpions in the cure of the plague with so good successe that onelye with the annointing of this oyle they dryue awaye the euyll qualitye of the pestilent ayre by example of them which haue gréeuous vlcers in theyr feete D. Ambrosius Pareus geueth this counsell that they which wyll goe visite the sicke of the plague shoulde fyrst make issues in theyr armes and legges bicause nature vseth to purge out by those places whatsoeuer venimous humour is in the whole bodye dryuing that thether whatsoeuer gathereth vnto any principall part Moreouer an oyntment made of Laserpitium the fat of venimous Serpentes and Uitrioll is much commended or if of these be made a broade cake and folded in sylke and layd vpon the heart and arteries I haue also vsed the Linament which foloweth not only in the Pestilence but also in the quiuering of the heart which is thus made Take of the iuce of Cardiaca one ounce of Camfire halfe a dram of Saffron one scruple with as muche waxe as sufficeth make thereof an oyntment and therewith anoynt the region of the heart or make an oyntment of the iuce of Buglosse Borage and Saffron There maye also be one made to the same effect of roses violets red Saunders Cinnamom Cloues Lauender Flowers Orenge pilles the wood Agallochum which is prepared in maner following Take of the three kindes of Saūders Roses Wormwood Agrimonie of eche halfe an ounce beate them into powder and boyle them ouer a softe fyre an houre an halfe then straine the liquour and wring it harde through a linnen cloth then seeth it againe ouer the fyre vntyll it come to the thicknesse of Honie then put thereto the iuce of Lettice smalledge wylde succorie of eche thrée drams Camfyre a dram and with a lytle waxe make thereof an oyntment and anoint therewith the region of the Liuer After this order the oyntments which are prepared I better lyke of not onely in the Pestilence but also in other continuall Feuers then if the pouders were put in whole for else howe could those thicke and grosse pouders mingled with the iuces and oiles doo any good vnto the place Lyke wise there maye be made semblable oyntmentes for the heart of the roote of Lormentill Zedoarie Roses such lyke It is good also to drop into the eare a twoo or thrée drops of the oyle of Sage or Cloues with a lytle Muske I prepare oyles for that purpose after this maner Take of Nutmegges one ounce Cloues and Cinamom of eche halfe an ounce drye Sage an ounce swéete Almondes twoo ounces make them all into pouder and sprincle them with Aqua vitae and presse it hard as you would do oyle of Almondes and vse it as is afore declared and with the same oyle you may anoynt your tēples and nostrels It is good also to kéepe a péece of the rinde of a Citron in the mouth or Cinamom Zedoarie Angelica or such lyke Our husbandmen in the Cuntreye smell vnto hearbe grace it were not a misse neyther to beare in a spunge to smell vnto Cinamom water rose vineger rose water or this sweet ball the discription wherof insueth Take roses Styrax calamite Cloues of eche twoo ounces Arrace rootes of Florence thrée ounces Muske twoo scruples of these make a swéete ball Some stiepe Cloues in vineger al night eate them in the morning and washe their face arme holes and priuie partes with vineger The Phisitions of Germanie shaue the roote of the great cloat leafe and stiepe it in vineger a night or more thē they roule it in Suger and geue it in the morning to preuent the plague But I vse to laye the same roote to sooke in whyte wine or wine of wormewood and in the morning geue it to drincke with Sugar The. 9. Chap. THose things which are receyued in at the mouth to preuent the sicknesse are partlye Medicines against poyson and infection and partlye purgatiue remedies for wée hope that such purgatiues are onely néedefull for this purpose as do clense the first region of the bodye without moouing the humours For we must take héede least by sharpe and strong purgations we cause a laske which were verye daungerous in this disease For in a pestilent constitucion the humors be mooued by the smallest occasion that maye bée and forciblye doo run downe into the bellie such purgatiues whereof we now speake are Rhabard Agarike made in infusion in the decoction of such hearbes as are naturall good against this infection adding thereto the Syrupe made by infusion of Damaske roses of Uiolets of Succorye compound and such other lyke as in respect of the age custome and temperament maye bée prescribed by the skilfull Phisition Howbeit for children I vse Rhabarb thus prepared Cut Rhabarb into small slices moysten them with the vapour of whyte wine then stiepe it with Cinamom a daye and a nyght in rose water in Sūmer but in Wynter in white Wine and rose water mingled togeather and when the Rhabarb hath lost his colour in the water then dreane that water awaye and put freshe too and thus shall you doo vntyll the Rhabarb coulour the water no more then take those couloured waters and boyle them to the one halfe ouer a good fire for temperate heate then put vnto this liquour Sugar or Honye and boyle it againe vnto the consistence of a Syrupe perfectly boiled and then put the slices of Rhabarb
into the sirupe Of this sirupe you may minister twoo or thrée sponefuls vnto children of twoo or thrée yéere olde and to them that are elder you maye geue one slice of the Rhabarb with the sirupe With this Medicine you shall not onelye preserue them from the plague but also slaie and driue foorth the Wormes that bée in the guts Or else when you haue thus sliced your Rhabarb mingle it with the sirupe of Uiolets Succorie or roses and while the substance of the Rhabarb is somwhat soft séeth the sirupe againe when it is cold put thereto Rhabarb againe with Cinamom cloues and minister foure or fiue slices with two sponfuls of sirupe And vnto those that are elder but delicate wée vse to prescribe in Winter pilles of Rhabarb Aloës Agarike Sene and Mirobalanes according to the custome of theyr lyfe diuersity of natures and in Summer we geue Potious made of the same or the lyke The maner of making whereof is this Také Rhabarb an ounce and a halfe Agarike one ounce Sene clensed foure ounces Cinamom one dram Ginger halfe a scruple Anise and Fenell seedes of eche twoo drams beate them into a grosse pouder and sprincle it with Aqua vitae afterwarde stéepe it in Borage water or fayre common water and when it is sufficientlye couloured then straine it then powre the like water vpon the dregges and let it stéepe as before then straine it and wring it and boyle the strayned lycour ouer a soft fyre vntyll it come to the consistēce of Honie then put Sugar thereto and kéepe it to your vse geue of this three pilles for halfe a dram more or lesse according to the age strength and temperament I knewe one in England Baptista Agnelli who had spent all his life in the art of Distilling hee vsed this Opiate in the time of Pestilence with verye good successe whose description followeth Take Agrimonie Wormwood romane of eche twoo handfuls Anise halfe an ounce Sene twoo ounces boyle them in common water the space of foure houres then straine thē all stronglye and vnto the strayned licour put an ounce of Sugar of clensed Cassia twoo ounces make it after the maner of an Opiate whereof you may geue half an ounce at a time for it purgeth gentlye without troubling the humours Some put Manna to the sirupe of Roses and so make an Opiate But all wryters commende the pilles called Ruffi or Common or of Aloes Saffron and Mirrhe not onely because they purge euyll humours but because they resist putrifaction strengthning the heart Lyuer and other partes and consume superfluous moistures which br●●de great occasion of this disease as Auicen wryteth But they which can not take purgations they must often haue theyr bellies mooued with a Glyster or they in whome blood alone or ioyned with other humours is found much abounding would haue some taken from them after these aboue rehearsed euacuations speciallye if they haue bene accustomed to lettyng of blood and haue large veynes and bée much geuen to drynking of Wine and eating of fleshe The ▪ 10. Chap. THus when at sundrye times the body hath bene gentlie purged let the Pacient take betimes in the morning fasting a dram of this Opiate following Lake olde Triacle one dram conserue of the flowers of Tunica and rosemary● of eche thrée drams with the iuce of a Citron make them vp in the forme of an Opiate Or thus Take the rootes of Angelica Zedoarie Tormentill of eche one ounce Cinamom twoo drams the rinde of a Citron a dram bring these into pouder and boyle them in rose water an hower and a halfe then straine it hard and boyle the strayned licour with Sugar sufficient vnto the consistence of Hony and make it an Opiate or make it an Clectuarye in lozenges After the same order you maye make a very good Opiate of the iuce of gréene Juniper berries with Sugar to coale the stomacke to expell the grauell out of the reynes and to fortifye the principal partes Or thus Bruse the berryes and boyle them in common water to the thyrd part then boyle the strayned licour againe as I haue shewed before Of Bole Zedoarie Gentian and Angelica maye bée made trochiskes with the iuce of Borage Scabious Pimpernell But those that insue I vse more commonlye and they are more pleasaunt to bée taken Take ten Citrons and cut them into many péeces the tops of Borage an handfull good white wine thrée pintes styll them in an earthen vessell and there wyll drop forth very cleare water soote pleasaūt to taste take of this water twoo ounces euerye morning fasting Another Take Aqua vitae thrée ounces rose-water an ounce and an halfe● wherein laye a stiepe of Cinamom thrée drams yealowe Saunders one dram straine it through an hairen strainer swéeten it with conserue of roses take one ounce thereof euery morning eyther in a spone or vpon a tost of bread Another Take Tormentill Bistort Zedoary Enelacāpane of eche one ounce Diuels bit Scordium Saucealone wilde Sorrell Pimpernell of eche halfe an handfull Borage and violet flowers Taxus Barbatus the tops of Rue one gripefull Citron séedes and Carduus benedictus ofech twoo drams Juniper berries thrée drams Cloues Nutmegs of eche a dram and an halfe plde Triacle an ounce and an halfe good white wine a pint and an halfe distyll them all in Balneo and minister twoo ounces of this distylled water The most wicked and desperate varlets whome the Magistrates of Lions put to death for carreing about and increasing the plague when they were led to execution confessed that they preserued themselues from the Pestilence with none other thing then a walnut which they tosted or scorched a lytle against the fyre before they eate it Leonhardus Fuchsius tolde me once in his owne house that there was nothing more holsome against the plague then an Electuarie of Egges and that it was a cōmon thing among the Germanes both to preuent and to cure the plague and hee sayde as much also of Angelica The. 11. Chap. FOr as much as at the beginning of this disease there is great plentye of euyll humours gathered into the stomack and other common passedges of the bodye which may easilye bee discerned by the burning and byting of the stomacke vnquencheable thyrst lothing vomyting of fleame choler or some other humour then must the cure bee begun by clensing the bellye with a suppositour or common Olyster Afterward the pacient maye take a dram of mine Electuarye whose discription is to bee founde in the ●yght Chapter and twoo or three howers after that you must prouoke vomite with Antimonie whose preparation you shall finde discribed in the ende of this treatise But to the intent that the pacient maye vomite with more ease and lesse trouble vnto him it were good for him to sup the broath of a Chick an hower or twaine after hee haue receyued the vomite and to doo so as often as hée perceiueth him selfe mooued to
whereof I now speake which hath in it a firy quality of y thing out of which it is drawne The making of the salt is after this maner Take wormwood romane scabious burne them to ashes poure cōmon fayre water vnto thē boyle thē halfe an hower more then straine the water put freshe vnto the ashes and boile it as before which you shall doo so oftē vntil in boiling the water chaūge neither tast nor colour Thē clēse these waters which you haue kept either through a cloth or by dreaning and cause it to bée euaporated away by a soft fire and you shal haue the salt in the bottom sides of the vessell whereof you shal geue x. grains in white wine delaied with the water of Buglosse conserue of roses or the water of Citrons before discribed With this Medicine onely many were saued of the plague in the yéere of our Lord. 1567. at what time it raigned ouer all England Germani You may also after the same maner and to the same purpose draw a salt out of Angelica Zedoarie Guaicū such like But thys much I aduertise the Readers the vnto sweating medicines they put some thing that may helpe the part affected by natural inclination as if the gréefe be in the Liuer geue the salt in the decoction of such hearbs as experiēce hath taught do comfort the Liuer the lyke discrecion is to be vsed in the other partes Ierome of Flaūders a Surgeon when he was once heartned by the plague that was at London began boldly to goe visite first his friendes afterward the common people of the Englishmen that were sick to the imitacion of them who hauing once escaped the daunger of the Sea warre goe vnto the same againe with better courage hoping the hey may escape harder perils as saufe they did before And this was a cause to make them lesse dispaire of recouerie He gaue them ten or twelue graines of salt made of the Ashe trée which he had of a friend which he ministred vnto them in the cōserue of Borage Rosemary flowers Roses or in the water of Carduus benedictus or Scabious immediatly their bodies ran all on a sweat the sick were recured eyther the mallice of the disease being ouercome or dryuen forth into some voiding place as he faithfully reported the same vnto mée and other his friendes These thinges haue I not gathered out of the most vaine trifles of Paracelsus as Andernacus a man verye well learned Adamus a Bodestein can wel remember but rather out of Geber Raymundus Lullius For Geber sayth that of euery thing may be made Lime of Lime salt of salt water or oyle And indeede if you dissolue this salt in Aqua vitae let it putrifye fiue or sixe dayes in Balneo or Dungue afterward distyll it you shal haue an oyle whereof thrée drops being mi 〈…〉 some conuenient lycour prouo 〈…〉 eat plentifully as I haue oftentim 〈…〉 perimented in curing of the Qua 〈…〉 Ague by the oyles drawen foorth 〈…〉 salts of Germāder Ceterac Polipo 〈…〉 or of the Ashe trée But they that haue no leisure to prepare their salt let them vse the medicines following Take Triacle thrée ounces conserue of Buglosse of the flowers of Rosemary of eche one ounce Scabious Diuels bit Pimpernell of eche halfe an hādful Gētian Angelica Zedoarie Cinamom of ech twoo drams flowers of Chamomil Peneriall of eche twoo gripes the séedes of Caduus benedictus a dram an halfe beate the rootes leaues into pouder with equal quātity of the water of Carduus benedictus white wine distyl thē in Balneo or ashes and giue thrée ounces thereof at a time Or boyle Milium in common fayre water vntyll it yeeld no more skum then take of this decoction thre ounces of good white wine an ounce an halfe mingle them togeather let the pacient drinke it warme it prouoketh sweat abundantlye This kinde of remedie also we vse in Feuers distillacions and other infirmities w 〈…〉 ein we think it conuenient to prouoke ●weat othersom prouoke sweat with 〈…〉 or seauē drops of the oyle of vitrioll 〈…〉 with the oyle of Anise séede But the most surest remedy is prepared of the decoctiō of Guaicū the rootes called Chynae Zarsa parilla adding thereto the sirupe called Acetositatis citri the Theriacal water with such like I know a surgeō at Andwarp who to prouok sweat vsed to wrap his paciēts in a shéete moistned with the decoctiō of Guaicum the roote of Tormētill Walwort and the herbe Bardana wherein al he dissolued Sublimatum Others vse to make a Suffumigation or smoake of Cinabar Frankēsense such like which we vse ordinarely in curing the Frenche pockes but the vse of our Mercurie water is more effectual wherwith we vse to bathe al the ioynts of the body to prouoke sweat in the Plague in the French pocks of which medicines we wyl dispute more at large in another place And some againe make a Suffumigaciō of Frankensence Cinabar Antimonie Cloues and such lyke which through tynnen funnels and pipes they 〈…〉 he sicke mans bed to cause him 〈…〉 ut prouided alwaies that the 〈…〉 ot the head 〈…〉 e. 13. Chap. N 〈…〉 me vnto y which I proposed 〈…〉 he third last place wherin it is conuenient to set downe the particular cure of the Pestilēce Wherefore assoone as thou cūmest to one whom thou suspectest to be sick of the plague geue him a dram of the Electuarie following Take Angelica Zedoary Tormentill Gentian of eche an ounce the séedes of Carduus benedictus of Citrons of eche two drams beate thē into pouder boile them ouer a soft fire the space of twoo or thrée howers then straine them wring them hard and boyle the strained lycour with Sugar vnto the consistence of an Opiate or make it into an Electuarie In the stede of this compositiō take twoo drams of the Opiate before described with the dystilled water of Citrons and in the meane while search diligently in what part of the bodye the infection lurketh which you may easily perceyue by the agréemēt concurse of signes wherof we haue intreated before Wherfore if the infection be in the Liuer 〈…〉 paine and pricking and sti 〈…〉 be grine immediatly let the pa 〈…〉 in the ancle veines but if the b 〈…〉 not foorth in sufficient quantitye or 〈…〉 e for some other consideration it be not good to open those veines thē were it good to set cupping glasses vnto the place with scarification and before or immediatly after opening y veine to mooue the belly with a suppositour made of Honie or the common Glyster afterward set cupping glasses to the grine where it beginneth to swel foure fingers breadth beneath the place affected applye the leaues of Elleborus niger which Plinie calleth Cōsiligo layd too playsterwise And to draw the corruption
foorth vnto the voyding place the roote and leaues of Yarrowe stāped with common salt layd too after the same maner is very good to breake the botch as the same varlets of whom we made mencion before declared at theyr death as Maister Laigle the flower of our Citie a very wel learned Phisition a mā of good credite affirmed vnto mée For being demaunded by the gouernour how they saued thē whome they had infected 〈…〉 heyr wyll they aunswe 〈…〉 s medicine only they vsed 〈…〉 e poisō which possessed the 〈…〉 es so they saued them 〈…〉 ould not haue to perishe The 〈…〉 hale of the walnut with salt hath the same effect as also Brionie the black vine the inner rinde of Viburnū While the Surgeon is busie about these maters let him vse also the ointments afore described for the Liuer the heart or let him anoint the region of the heart with oyle made of the kernels or the flouers of Peaches or of rosemary or S. Johns wort Or beat dried roses into very fine pouder boyle it in rose-rosewater an houre an half or sumwhat more thē strain it hard the the finest part of the pouder which is dissolued by boyli may passe through the lynnen strayner Then when it is strained boyle it againe ouer a soft fire vntyl it come to the consistence of hony or an oyntment therewith anoynt the region of the heart This is the maner to draw the earth as they terme it out of simples as I my selfe at other tymes haue drawne the like out of wormwood Gaules Pomegranate floures such lyke against harde milte 〈…〉 bleeding of the Hemerodes 〈…〉 long stubborne diseases 〈…〉 vnto the roses may be a 〈…〉 of Citrons of Orenges a 〈…〉 rs of Gentian especiallye in Burgondie which is a place that nourisheth most rare and precious simples I vse to put vnto this oyntment while it is boyling a fewe drops of the iuce of Limons that by reason of the more liuely heat and pleasantnes of the tast it may be the more acceptable vnto the sicke person If there appeare any swelling in the necke or about the eares or any other signes declare the infection to bée in the Braine the forehead veine must be opened or else the small veines in the Nose with Milfoile thrust into the nostrels or with some other pricking thing The learned and expert Surgeons do open the outward veine of the throate with no feare or daunger of to much confluxe of blood as I my selfe haue also experimēted in the continuing headach The later practicioners let blood in a small quantitie out of Cephalica othersome open the veines that are vnder the tongue bicause as the diuine Hippocrates 〈…〉 ten it is most requisit to 〈…〉 lace vnto the pain And 〈…〉 very good reason that it 〈…〉 to apply cupping glas 〈…〉 ation vpō the neck back 〈…〉 and armes and beneath the place affected must the things be applied which I described erewhile When the swelling riseth vnder the arme open the veine Basilica on the same side where the swelling appeareth And if it ryse vnder both armes opē the Basilica in the right arme then make a little cut in the inner side of the hand on the same side right against the little finger and then lay vnto the cut Scordium or Sauce alone in the steede thereof to drawe forth the Uenim at the peculiar voyding place this medicen I learned of D. Pelleterius Bishop of Monpelier when he was at Paris fiftene or twēty yéere a goe D. Hollerius a Phisition of Paris who sumtime was my mayster vsed to apply liue Oysters to the same purpose Now when the botch i● swolne somwhat bigge then lay therto an Oynion rosted in the embers with garlick and barrowes greace or butter Or make an Oynion hollow and fill vp the hole with olde Triacle 〈…〉 vp and rost it in the embe 〈…〉 Malowes violets cammo 〈…〉 and the fresh flowers of 〈…〉 they be well boyled pow 〈…〉 and straine thē through an hairen strainer then put therto the oyle of S. Johns woort or of Camomill and make therof a plaister The last yéere all the Surgeons in England applied plasters whiche they made of Crabbes before they were ripe othersome cut a Pomegranate into smale pieces and boyle it in vineger and powne it and spread it vpon a linen cloath laye it too not to repell the large recourse of the noisome humour as some doo write but to drawe rather for it is straunge to sée howe by the laying too of this the sore wyll sodainly swell waxe byg but the playster must touch the whole places about the sore also y from thence it may draw moysture into the swelling kernell Whatsoeuer else belongeth to the cure of the pestilēt ●ote● the Readers maye gather it out of Hollerius booke of the Pestilent feuer out of Ambrosius Par●us and others that haue written more copiouslye of this argument THis is the forme aud representacion of the Fornace with his vessell which notwithstanding I thought good to place apart whereby their seueral figures might be the better perceiued The vessell with the thrée neckes must so be plac 〈…〉 nace that the twoo necke 〈…〉 one direaly against an 〈…〉 maye passe through th 〈…〉 fornace made on eythe 〈…〉 the twoo endes maye come 〈…〉 the fornace and the thyrd sticke ●●rectly vpryght Nowe when after this maner the vessell is placed within the fornace and couered with Bricks or Tyles layd one vpon another so close that the heate of the fyre passe foorth at no chinke the doore which you see in the side may serue partlye to put in the fire and partly also to kindle it that it goe not out for want of ayre The nethermost doore is made to auoide the ashes and at the beginning of the worke you shall make a great fire so long cōtinuing vntyl the earthen vessell be all red hote which for the most part wyil bée in halfe an howre or an howre at the most Then take one dram of crude Antimonie and cast it into the vessell at the neck which sticketh vpright and then couer it immediatlye with a stople of earth or glasse and forthwith the Antimonie wyl ryse vp too the twoo neckes which are at 〈…〉 e fornace which in the top 〈…〉 hite beneath somwhat 〈…〉 stay betwéene casting in 〈…〉 me may be the more per 〈…〉 d. Anon cast in againe as much more crude Antimonie do so styl as I haue before declared vntyll you sée the twoo side necks halfe full of prepared Antimonie Then withdrawe the fire and when the vessell is colde breake it and gather the Antimonie awaye from the refuse which lyeth in the bottome whereof there is no vse in Phisicke And kéepe the red Antimonie vnto your vse whereof I haue intreated in the. 〈…〉 Cha. And reserue the whyte vnto other purposes especiallye against the impedimentes of the eyes and other most gréeuous diseases of the bodye of which thing God wylling I meane hereafter in some other place to discourse more at large FINIS Hippoc. in his boke of the nature of mankind Gal. in the preface of the. 1. booke of Epidem Galen in the same place Galen in the same place Galen in the second boke of Feuers Ioseplius the 7. boke and. 13. cha Galen in the. 3. of his cōmet vpon the. 3. of Epid In his boke of kernels Galen in the. 3. of his cōmet vpon the. 3. of Epid Galen 1. boke and 4. chapter of the differēces of feuer● Galen 5. boke and. 7 chap of places affected Galen in his boke of Triacle vnto Piso Galen in the same place Dioscorides in the. 4. boke Hippocr in his boke of the ayre c Gal. in his cōment vpō Hippocr of humours Gale. in his comment 1. Booke of feuers and. 5. of simple medicines Aphrodiseus the. 88. question of the. 2. boke The. 104. question of the. 2. boke of problemes The. 5. question of the 6. booke of problemes The. ● question of the 7. of the problemes The. 3. boke chap. of the paine of the colick and chap. of the palsie and Hipp. also Emerius in his boke of the pestil Signes of ● the infectiō bee in the spirites If in the substance of the heart If in the braine If in the Lyuer If in blood If in chole● If in Fleagme If in Mclancholie The. 7. cha of his boke of the Pestilence The. 8 boke chap of the hardnes of the Splene Booke 4. ●en 1. cha 4. Raymun Lul in Clauicula In Claus●● la. The forme ●f the Forace