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A17464 A verie perfect discourse, and order hovv to know the age of a horse and the diseases that breede in him, with the remedies to cure the same: as also, the description of euery veyne, and how and when to let him blood, according to the diuersitie of the disease: as hath been proued by the author L.W.C. L. W. C. 1601 (1601) STC 4286; ESTC S113441 17,625 40

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the Mouth nie the vpper Teeth Mange is taken by some Scabbe or byting Mallander is a Scabbe in the bone of the Knees Molt-long is the pinching of a straight Hoofe Mourning of the Chine is a wasting from the Backe or broken Winded Nauell galled is a sore on his Backe against the Nauell or an Impostume sore Paynes is a sorenesse about the Hoofe or Foote-lockes Powle-euill is on the nape of the Necke and breedeth by stripes Pinne or Webbe which couereth the beard of the Eye Rume is taken by cold and so his Teeth will waxe loose and seeme long and then he cannot eate his meate but it will lie in lumpes and about his Iawes Ring-bone is a hard Gristle about the Hoofe Quinasie is a sorenesse in the Throate Sclander is a Scab on the Hammes on the hinder Legges Shackle gawled is on the Pastorne Spauen is on the Ioynt in the Hoofes behinde Splent is a splend Sinniew aboue the Fetter lockes Staggers is a doosinesse in the Head breeding of cold and of the Pellowes Stranglings is a swelling of the Throate Sto●e in a Horse Surbating is vnder the Sooles of the Feete on the further side Viues is a certane Curnell vnder the Eares or a Canker in the Mouth or Throate Windgalles are Bladders aboue the Fetter-lockes Yellow is a kinde of Iaundies and will cause the Eyes to looke yellow and other partes of the body also APPROVED REMEDIES FOR THE CVRING of any kind of disease hurt maine or maladie in Horses For the Gawling of a Horse TAke Butter Vineger and Bay-salt and melt them together and lay on the Horse backe warme then straw vpon it Sutte or the powder of a Clay wall An other for the same TAke ob of Turmerace bruse it a handfull of Bay salt and a handfull of Sutte with two handfulls of Oatemeale mingle it with Vrine and make it into a cake as well as you can and then vpon a hot harth bake it till it be burnt blacke then beat it into powder and when you haue washed your Horse backe with Lie very hotte or Chamberlie then straw on the Powder and when the Powder is almost gone then dresse it as aforesayd If it be festered take Yeest Hony the white of an Egge and Sutte mingle them togither and make a Playster thereof and lay it to eate the dead flesh then straw on Verdegreace and renew it once a day An other for the same TAke a Pottle of Vergis two penny worth of greene Coparis and boyle it to a pint and a halfe wash and search the hole therewith then fill the hole with redde Lead and so let it remaine three dayes vntouched then wash it with the same and fill it againe with the redde Lead and so euery other day wash it with that water not made so strong of the Coparis and lay thereon red Lead This will heale it though it be galled to the body An other for the same TAke of the strongest Beere a pint put into it a quarter of a pound of Allum and halfe a handfull of Sage seeth it to the one halfe then take out the Sage leaues This will heale any Canker or Sore in a Horse To heale any Cut in a Horse TAke a quarter of a pound of fresh Butter of Tarre and blacke Sope halfe so much of each and a litle Turpentine boyle them altogether but the Sope and as soone as you take it from the fire put in the Sope and then vse it For a Horse wrong in the Wales TAke Butter and Salt and boyle them together till they are blacke then powre it in on hot then take vp a flake of Doung that is hot and lay it on the sore backe and so dresse him till he be w●ole For Fretting on the Bellie which commeth with gawling of the fore Gyrt. THis commeth with the fore Gyrt and it stoppeth the Blood which is in the principall Veynes called the Plate Veynes which do runne length wayes Take Oyle of Bayes and Oyle of Balme two ounces of Pitch two ounces of Tarre one ounce of Rosen mingle them altogether and annoynt the foure Bowels then take Floxe and lay vpon it and feare it with a hot Yron but take heed it be not too hot for feare of burning For Thistulaes VVHen you first perceiue it to swell then scalde it with Hony and Sheepes Shuet but scald it very much This will keepe it from breeding Then take and slit it in the neather end of the Sore and put as much Mercurie Sublimatum as a Pease abate it with Sallet Oyle laying it on with a Fether● after that take Verdegreace iiii d. worth Vitreall ob Lead .iii. d. worth beat these together and euery day wash the wound with Copris water made with Copris and Elder leaues in Sommer and with the inner greene Barke in Winter after the washing take the powder and put it on the Sore and after it drop on a litle Oyle Another for the same TAke the vttermost greene shelles of Wal-Nuttes and put them in a Tubbe strowing three or foure handfull of Bay salt vpon them some in the bottome some in the middle and some on the toppe and so keepe them all the yeere and when you will vse them take a pint of them and a litle Bay salt and halfe a quarter of a pound of blacke Sope with halfe a sponefull of May Butter and for want thereof other Butter and incorporate them togither and then spread it on the sore But two howers before you lay it on annoynt the sore with a litle Venis Turpentine A Medecine to kill the Thistula cleane TAke Vnguentum Egipsiacū which is made of Hony a pint Vineger di a pint Allum a quarter of a pound and Vergrece i. oz. di and seeth them altogither till they be thicke and a tawwe colour this is called Egi●siacum and to make it the strongest way is to put in Sublimat i. oz. made in powder and Arsenicke two scruples and boyle it together This strongest is for Thistulaes Cankers and foule Soares and the first may be vsed in the mouth but not that which is made of Sublimatum and Arsenice for they are poyson A Tent to put into the hollow place of the Thistula TAke of Sublimatum wel powdered i. oz. the middest of well leauoned Bread slacke baked iiii oz. of N●●●n x. drammes mingle them together with a litle Rose water and make Tentes thereof and dry them vpon a Tile and then take it to your vse To make Lie for the same or Water to kill it at the bottome TAke Lie Hony Roach Allome and Mercury and seeth them together and apply it to the Thistula at the bottome thereof Also to dry a Thistula take red Wine Goates doung and Beane flower and seeth them together and lay it on and this will dry it vp To sinke a Thistula TAke first and seere it as with this marke ⊗ and then take Rosen Sheepes tallow and Brimstone and boyle them together and lay it
Lycoris beaten into powder put them into strong Beere and giue it him to drinke For the paynes or Crotches which commeth by heate and the sodaine cold vpon it THe paynes appeare about the Hoofe you shall know them by the haire standing right vp you must take vp the Shackle vaynes on both sides then take the soft row of a red Hearing and Mustard and blacke Sope and boyle these in Vineger and make a Playster and lay it to the sore There is no Vayne betweene the Pastorne and the Hoofe but the Shanke vayne and the vayne which serueth for the Crotches must be taken vp on the inside and the outside Wash it first with warme Vrine then dry it with a cloth and clip away all the haires on the Scabbie place then rubbe and chafe it all ouer and make fast his feete and rubbe the place greeued with Butter and Tarre boyling together vpon a cloute tyed on a stickes ende and bath it well therewith vse this once or twise a day till it be whole Butter and Hony molten together is good to annoynt an Horse for Paynes or Crotches Take a pound of Hogges greace i. d. worth of Verdigreace ii oz. of Mustard di a pound of Oyle de Bay a quarter of a pound of Naruell di a pound of Hony di a pound of English Waxe i. oz of Arsenicke ii oz. of red Lead halfe a pint of Vineger boyle all these together and make an Oyntment of it clippe the Horse legge bare and lay this Medecine to it very hot For gourded Legges or Scratches TAke vp the Veynes beneath the knee and let him blood as much as you thinke good then knit the Veyne aboue and beneath and annoynt the Legges with this Oyle following Take Franckensence and Rosen and fresh Greace and boyle them together and straine it and keepe it to your vse A Drinke to rayse a Horse or for a Horse that is sicke TAke two penny worth of Pepper two penny worsh of Saffron two penny worth of Annis seedes two penny worth of Turmeracke a penny worth of long Pepper two penny worth of Treacle a penny worth of Licoris a good quantitie of Penny-royall and Archangell giue him these with the Polkes of Egges in Milke to drinke And for Neate Cattle giue these in drinke For a Surfet Horse TAke a quart of Beere or Ale and .ii. d. worth of Sallet oyle and as much Dragon water a penny worth of Treacle make them warme vpon the coales and put into it a penny worth of Horse Spices giue it him For a Hide-bound Horse THis commeth by ouer working ill dyeting and naughty dressing Take Fenne Creeke Turmeracke Annis seedes Bayes Lycoris and Commine beate all these together and giue him one sponefull of all these in Ale or Beere blood warme This is also good for the Cough This will also keepe him from it if you vse to giue it him before the disease commeth An other for the same TAke away some blood with a fleame then giue him some warme Mashes morning and euening and giue him Malt sodden in water together or Branue and Water or some Wheate sodden with Barley in Water and it will helpe him For the Hoofe bound YOu shall rayse the Hoofe aboue from the toppe to the soole in foure or fiue places so that the Water may come out some do rayse it round with a sharpe Knife and along downeward and then rubbe it well with Salt once or twice For a loose Hoofe TAke Tarre three spoonefull of Rosen a quarter of a pound of Tansey of Rue of red Mintes of Sothernwood of each halfe a handfull beate them all togeather in a Morter and put thereto halfe a pound of Butter i. d. worth of Vergins Waxe then fry them all together and binde it to the Hoofe for vii dayes and it will cure him For a brittle Hoofe IF your Horse hath a brittle Hoofe it is because he is too hot or too dry and doth stand dry in the Stable vnstopped Take Oxe doung and temper it with Vineger and bind it warme all ouer vnto the feete and vnder the sooles of the feete on the next day vse him so againe so vse him for a weeke together and it will helpe him vse to stoppe his feete with Oxe or Cow doung or his owne and let him stand so a moneth Or take the fatte of Bacon and temper it with Turpentine and annoyne his Feete therewith which is very good A Medicine for the Cough or mourning in the Chine KEepe your Horse meatlesse ouer night then take a pint and a halfe of Milke three heades of Garlicke pilled and stamped boyle them to the halfe giue it to your Horse and some at his nose then runne him a quarter of a myle then rest him and after that runne him three times more euery time resting him then put him into the Stable and keepe him very warme and giue him no Water till after noone then giue him a good Meshe and so vse him with Meshes three dayes and giue him no Water but alwayes warme for three dayes An other for the same TAke Harehound Licoris and Anniseedes in powder make Balles thereof with fresh Butter and giue it your Horse An other for the same TAke Wheate Flower Anniseedes I scoris being stamped in a Morter v or vi cloues of Garlicke being brused mixe all these together and make a Past of them and roule them in Balles as bigge as a Walnut then pull out his Tongue and cast them Balles downe his throate three or foure of them at a time and giue two new layde Egges after them shels and all For the Glaunders TAke Swines greace cleane clarifyed and as much Oyle of Bay as a Wallnut giue it him to drinke with faire Water luke warme An other for the same TAke of Elacompana Anniscedes and Licoris of each i. d. worth boyle them in three pintes of stong Ale or Beere vnto two pintes or lesse then put into it a quarter of a pint of Sallet Oyle and giue it him to drinke blood warme Then take Enforbiū in a quill and blow it vp into his nose and within three dayes after take Mustard Vineger and Butter and boyle them together put thereto halfe an ounce of Pepper and giue it him to drinke Vse the one Medecine one weeke and the other an other and ride or worke him easely An other for the same TAke a quantitie of Anniseedes Licoris and Clacompana rootes long Pepper and Garlicke of cach a like with three Egges and some Butter a quantitie of Malmesey and some good Ale mixt together and make it warme and so giue it him and keepe him warme An other for the same SEeth a handfull of pilled Garlicke in Milke and put a peece of Butter thereto and some Ale and stirre them all together and giue it him fasting and ryde him softly a while after and then set him vp but keepe him warme nine dayes after For the Strangles CVtte him betweene the
on very hot with a cloath this will sinke it downe againe This is good also for a Windgall take and pricke it out but beware of Sinnewes and then lay it on but not too hot but very reasonably and this will keepe it cleane For a Thistula in the head TAke the iuce of House-leeke and dippe a locke of Wooll in it and put the locke of Wool in his eares and bind it fast vse this once a day An other for the same IF there be any Inflamation in the Eares or that it groweth to an Impostumation in that place you shall boyle the rootes of Mallowes in water till they waxe tender then bruse them and straine out the water cleaner and being warme giue it the Horse to drinke To know the Bottes WHen you thinke your Horse hath the Bottes looke in his mouth and smell to his breath for it will stinke and his mouth will be full of slyme To cure the Bottes TAke as much blacke Sope as a Wall-nut as much Brimstone beaten and a litle Garlicke and put it in good Ale and giue it the Horse blood warme but for a Mare with foole then take Brimstone Sutte and Garlicke without Sope. Take a handfull of new Hennes doung and a quart of good stale drinke and all to bray it with your handes then take a good handfull of Bay salt and put two Egges to it and bray them altogether and giue it your Horse to drinke in a Horne An other for the same TAke a pint of Milke ob of Saffron ob of Allum beate them together and giue it him to drinke To kill the Woormes in the Maw TAke the Crops of young Broome and of Sauen and Grounsell of each a quantitie then choppe them small and giue it him with his Prouender euening and morning and let him not drinke for a good space after If he haue the long Woormes take Milke Brimstone and Hony and giue him to drinke For Woormes in the Coddes TAke the Guttes of a young Pullet and cast it into his mouth fasting and make him to swallow them downe do this three morninges together but let him not drinke or eate in fiue howers after Some vse to giue him fresh Broome in his prouende● and salt Water to drinke Others do giue him of greene Willow or greene Reede to eate and in disgestion of the meate he shall cast out the Woormes An other for the same TAke the Garbidge of a young Henne or Pidgion while it is warme rowle it first in a little blacke Sope and after in Bay-salt and force it downe his throate and it will helpe him Probatum To know when a Horse hath Woormes TAke vp his vpper Lippe and you shall see many small blew Veynes greater and bigger then the Woorme veynes by a great deale For a Horse that hath the Trunchons LEt him drinke Hennes doung Myntes Sage and Rue and let him blood in the Nostrilles or els giue him Sauen or Sothernewood to drinke and it will cure him An other for the same TAke ob of Arment ob of Hony ob of Venycreke ob of good stale Ale mingle them together and ●e vp the Horse head on high and giue it him to drinke with a Horne For Blisters TAke the iuce of ground Iuie with so much Brimstone a quantitie of Tarre and so much Allum put it all together and lay it to the Blister For the Barbes IF they grow long they will hinder his feeding they do vse to clip them with a paire of Sheares and then wash his mouth with Water and Salt and that will cure him For the Staggers YOu shall perceiue them by beating his head and he wil be as though he were blinde Take Garlicke Rue and Bay-salt and beat them grosly and put Vineger into it and put it into the Horse eares and then wa● Wooll in this medecine and stop his cares therewith and bind them close and let it be so xxiiii howers and then pull out his Tongue and wash it with Vineger to make him haue a good stomacke First take a wispe of wet Hay and burne it vnder his nose that the smoake may goe into his head then take halfe a handfull of Salandine and as much Hearbe Grasse three or foure cloue● of Garlike and a litle Bay-salt and stampe them together and put thereto foure or fiue spoonefull of Vineger or Verges then cramme it into the Horse cares tie the eares close that no ayre may come in let it continue in his eares a day and a night and then let him blood Or els take Rue and Salandine of each a like and white Salt and stampe them together and put it into his eares and then binde them vp for two howers An other for the same TAke Oyle of bitter Almondes i. Oz. di of Oxe gall two Drammes of blacke Ellabar stamped ob of Grames of Casterum of Vineger and of Varuice v. drammes seeth them altogether till the Vineger be consumed then straine them and put it into his cates For the paine in the Head or stifeling KEepe his Head warme and let him drinke warme Water mindgled with Wheate meale or Fennell-seedes and blow it into his nose with a quill and some powder of Ellab●r or Neesing powder mixed together with some Pepper then take a pint of Malmesey the whites and yolkes of v. new layde Egges one head of Garlicke bruied small Pepper Sinamon and Nutmegs beaten sine and a quantitie of sweete Butters mingle them all together and giue to him to drinke three dayes after but let him not drinke in foure howers after For the Wanders TAke halfe a bushell of Barley and set it on the fire in a yanne and put thereto running water and euer as the water wasteth put in more so that the Barley be couered with water and let it seeth till the Barley be broken then take a little Poake or Sacke and put the Barley therein and lay the same on the Horse ridge on length from the Mane to the Cropper al hot and let it lie till it be cold and there let it lie a nyght and a day and put the Horse into a greene Yarde some xx iii. howers and there he will wallow and then take him in and he will be whole For the Yellowes YOu shall know them by the white of his eye which wil be yellow or else by his tongue which will haue yellow vaines or else put vp his vpper lyppe and you shall see the vaines yellow Take two races of Turmeracke and ob of Saffron and put it in a pint of strong Beere or Ale and warme it blood warme and giue it him An other for the same TAke Turmeracke a cloue et di et di a dosen ●hinnes of Saffron one or two Cloues and sixe sponefulles of Vineger or Verges and put in each care three sponefull and stoppe his eares with blacke Wooll and then tie them fast vii or .viii. dayes An other for the same TAke long Pepper Graynes Turmeracke and
Iawes and take out the Kirnels and wash the place euery day wi●h Beere and Butter and stoppe it vp as long a● you can and giue him new Milke and Garliake to drinke and the iuyce of the leaues of Birch withall or in Winter the barke of Birch also smother him with the gumme of Masticke or Franckensence For the Farsey TAke blacke Sope Arsenicke Vnslaked Lime Verdegreace and red Lead worke these all together and lay them to the sore An other for the same TAke iii. oz. of Quicksiluer and put it into a Bladder with two sponefull of the iuyce of Orenges or Lemmons and shake them together to coole the Quicksiluer then take halfe a pound of fresh Hogges greace and of Vergis an ounce put all these in a Treene dish and worke them well together then annoynt the knots with this Oyntment till they rotte then let them out with a sharpe knife and annoynt them still and put into his eares the iuyce of Ragg-weede and they will dry vp Probatum A Drinke for the Farsey LEt him blood in the Necke on both sides foure fingers from the Head and giue him this drinke Take a gallon of faire Water and put therein a good handfull of Rue and a sponefull of Hempseed and bruse them in a Morter all together and seeth it till the halfe be consumed and when it is cold giue it him to drinke For the Farsey TAke blacke Sope Mustard made of sharpe Wine or Vineger and red Lead mixe all these together and annoynt the Veyne all along rubbe it ouer with a hot Yron made of purpose but very thicke rubbe the Medecine much in with the Yron being red hot To destroy the Farsey TAke iuyce of Hemlocke a good quantitie and bray them together and put it into the eares and pricke the Knottes and put in Salt and giue him drinke with sweete Wort Fennell and Treacle For a Horse Foote that is wrounged in the Foote-locke SEeth a quart of Brine til the foame rise then straine it and put thereto a handfull of Tansey as much of Mallowes a sawcerfull of Hony and a quarter of a pound of Sheepes Tallow stirre all these on the fire till the Hearbes are well sodden and all hot lay it to the Ioynt and then lay a cloth ouer it and it will be whole an three dayes For a wrench in the Foot-locke TAke Pompilion Naruile and blacke Sope of each a like and heate them hot on the fire and then annoynt him therewith For a Horse that is Stifled or Hipped TAke a pound of Bole-armoniacke one quart of red Wine-vineger vi Egges beaten shelles and all two penny worth of English Hony as much Venus Turpentine one quart of Flower one good handfull of Bay salt and put all these in a pot and keepe it close one nyght and the next day apply some of it to the hurt dressing it once a day for ix dayes together For a Horse that is Foundered TAke Verdegreace Turpentine and Sallet Oyle two or three sponefull of Hogges greate and Bees waxe i. oz. boyle all together and so dip Flaxe or Tow in it and stuffe his Feete therewith and let him blood in the Tooes and he shall be whole An other for the same PLucke off his Shooes and pare hollow his Feete nigh to the quicke then race him with a crooked Launce from the Heele to the Too in two or three places on both sides of the Hoofe and let him bleede well then clap two or three hard Egges to it as hot as he may suffer it and as they coole lay on more and then lay hot Horse doung vpon them and about his feete and he will soone recouer if you giue him rest For a Horse that is Fowndred in his Feete TAke Tarre Neates-foote oyle and the Youlkes of Egges i. d. worth of Verdegreace and some wheate Branne and boyle these together and binde them vnder his foote very hot If he be foundered in his Body TAke ob of Garlicke ii d. worth of the powder of Pepper ii d. worth of the powder of Ginger ii d. worth of Graynes brused and put it into a pottle of stale Ale the best you can get and giue it him to drinke and lytter him to the belly and lay cloathes on him as many as he can beare and let him blood on the sydes For Blindnesse TAke two dry Tyse stoones and rubbe them together and blow the powder of it with a quill into his eyes three or foure times For the Webbe in the eye TAke the leane of a Gammon of Bacon and dry it and thereof make a powder and vse the powder and it will cure it For the Pearle in the Eye TAke the iuyce of ground ●uie the iuyce of Salandi●ae and Womans Milke and put it into the eyes and it will also cure him For the Haw in the Eye MAke a Playster of the iuyce of Ground Iuie and of Iuie Berries stamped in a Morter beaten with Wine or Water and Playster wise lay it to the eye or eyes euening and morning An other for the Haw in the eye SOme take a Needle and a double threed and thrust the Needle through the filme of the eye wherein the Crush groweth which pull out laying it on your fingers end and holding the Needle and threede straight and so cut away all the hard matter a penny breadth But beware you cut not away the fatt which is the wash of the eye neither cut the Filme wherein the eye groweth but cut betweene the Filme the Crush then squirt in Beere For a Canker in the eye TAke Roch Allum and greene Copris of each a like boyle them in three pintes of running Water vntill the one halfe be consumed then take it from the sire and once a day wash his eyes therewith being made luke warme For a stroke in the eye LAy thereto the iuyce of Smalladge Fennell and the white of an Egge For a Windgall TAke and cut the skinne then take a sponefull of Oyle de Bay one sponefull of Turpentine i. d. worth of Verdigreace the white of an Egge and a quarter of an ounce of red Lead boyle them together and it will make a Salue Lay the same to the place where you did cut him Probatum An other for the same FIrst clippe off the haire bare then cut it the length of a Beane and let it out but beware of the Sinnewes that you cut not them then haue ready molten Rosen sheepes Tallow and Brimstone boyled together then lay on this Medecine but beware it be not too hot For the Spauen TAke Mustard seede Oyle de Bay Cow doung the rootes of Mallowes a quantitie of ●urpen●ne di oz. of Bole-armoniacke beare them to powder and worke them together and binde them hotte to the Spauen For the blood Spauen and bone Spauen TAke vp the Vaine aboue and beneath the ioynt and let it bleed well then knit vp the Vaines and annoynt them with Butter till they be whole
For the bone Spauen pricke it with a sharpe poynted knife then take a peece of Candle lay a peece of browne Paper vpon it and with a hot Yron melt the Tallow and after noynt it with Butter For Inflammation of the Coddes BOyle Groundsell in Wine and Vineger and so hath him therewith and vse to ride him into the Water An other for the same TAke a quart of good Alewoort and set it on the fyre with the crummes of browne Bread strongly leauoned and a handfull of Commine or more in powder make a Playster of all these and Beane flower and apply to the griefe as hot as may be suffered An other for the same TAke new Cowdoung and seeth it in Milke then make a Playster and lay it to the griefe as hot vpon the swelling as may be For swelling of the Coddes LEt him assaile a Mare and giue him no prouender and let him blood aboue the great vaine betweene t●e ●ippes and lay thereto hard Egges in his owne doung and make a Playster of the same and lay it to the Coddes and if it helpe him not let him stand in the water halfe an hower For the Strangulion TAke Bread and Bayes of Lorell and temper them together with May Butter and giue him thereof three dayes together and he shall be whole For festering of the Sore TAke Lime and tough Horse doung and temper it together with Pepper and the white of an Egge and lay it to the sore fiue dayes and it will cure him A Drinke for the Stone TAke a pint of white Wine halfe a pint of Burre seed and beat them small ii oz. of Parseley seede halfe a handfull of H●●op halfe an oz. of blacke Sope mingle these together and warme it and giue it him For the Stone Collicke and Fret TAke vnset Leekes and stampe them smal and Sope Milke and Butter and giue it the Horse it will make him pisse For a Horse that cannot Stale TAke a Nutmeg and a handfull of Parseley seede beate them in powder with a handfull of But●●● and heate it in good Ale giue it him blood warme and he shall stale at ease For the Stone and to make him pisse TAke the seed of Smallage Parseley Saxefrace the rootes of Philu endula Cherry-stones kirnelles Gr●unell seedes and Broome seede of euery one like much make them in fine powder and giue it him in white Wine For a Horse that cannot doung TAke xi leaues of Lorell and stampe them in a Morter and giue it him to drinke in strong stale Ale For a Horse that pisseth blood TAke Barley and seeth it in the iuyce of Gumfolly and giue him the Barley to eate and the iuyce to drinke Or else take and let him Blood and boyle the blood with the powder of the pill of Pomegranuts and put in some Wheate then straine it and giue it him to drinke three or foure morninges but let him not trauell Take the powder of Licoris and Anniseedes rould vp in Hony and giue him three or foure balles of them at a time pulling out his tongue and putting it in his throate It looseth his breath and setteth his winde at libertie and purgeth the cold stiffnesse and expelleth the Glaundees Brused Licoris Anniseedes Garlicke brused a little Sallet oyle and Hony giuen blood warme i● Milke cureth very many diseases and keepeth him from more For a Horse that is broken Winded TAke a Hedgehog and split him and take out his guttes and dry them vp in an Ouen vntill you make powder of them giue it your Horse to drinke in a pint of good Ale a part thereof then make Bals of Annyseedes and Licorie rowled in Butter and cast them downe his throat and wash his Oates in good Ale or Beere then take Commin Annyseedes Licoris and Sentatie and make powder of them and strew threee sponefull in his Oates being moyst vse this some .xiiii. dayes An other if he be Pursey TAke Moll ne or Longwort and make a powder thereof and giue it him to drinke with Water and it will heale him Or you may take the powder of Gensian at the Apothecaries and that will heale him also For a Horse pricked with a Nayle TAke out the Hoofe till you come to the bottome or Vayne then take Turpentine i. oz. Tarre i. oz. Pitch i. oz. Beefe suet i. oz. and one head of Garlicke boyle them all together and lay them to it so hot as may be suffred And if it chaunce to breake out aboue the Hoofe then take the sayd Medecine and annoynt it To heale a Mangie Horse LEt him blood on both sides of his Necke then cut the Skinne in the middest of his Fore-head two fingers broad then rayse the skinne on both sides and put in slyces of Angellica roote or Elacompana leaue them till it rotte thrust out the matter but leaue the rootes they will come out as it healeth annoynting the mangie places with the powder of Brimstone and Verdigreace mixed with Oyle Ollife An other for the same TAke Lampe Oyle fine powder of Brimstone of blacke Sope Tarre Barrow-hogges greace the Sutte of a Chimnie of each a like then mixe them all together and annoynt the place therewith so hotte as may be suffered and it will helpe him For the Mangie of a Dogge TAke Vineger Gon-powder blacke Sope Brimstone burnt Allum and Verdigreace boyle all together with Hony and rub ouer the mangie place For the String-hale TAke vp the M. Vaine aboue the Knee and vnderneath the same Vaine lyeth a String cut it away then cut him below in the Nostrilles and take away two stringes and then annoynt him with Butter and Salt For the Mares Euill TAke Milke Otemeale Mallowes Woormewood Horehound and Sn. allage wring these together with your handes and boyle them together till they be soft and lay it to the griefe which will bring it to a head then you must launce it then take red Lead burnt Allum and Rosen beat these to powder and cast vpon it To take away Bones Knobbes or Ring-bones TAke a pound of Strong Lie and Sope a quarter of Vitreall Romane i. oz. of Salarmonick● asmuch of Roch Allum and boyle them together till they are thicke and so vse it for an Oyntment Gipsiacum the strongest kind lay it on with Cotten three or foure times will take it away This is good also for a Splint and though it he a Thistula in the Crowne it will sinke it For the Powle Fuill which commeth of a bruse behind the Eares TAke a hat Yron but first take vp the haire all the whole compasse then feare it with the Yron and then take red Lead and blacke Sope and mingle them with Water and make it thicke and annoynt him withall till it be whole To make a Water for the same TAke a quart of Water halfe a pound of Roch Allum iiii d. worth of Mercurie a quarter of a pound of Verdigreace and when you see the Horse rubbe his