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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16460 A necessarie and briefe treatise of the contagious disease of the pestilence with the causes, signes, and cures of the same. Collected and newly composed for the benefit and comfort of the vulgar sort. By W. Boraston ... Boraston, William. 1630 (1630) STC 3372; ESTC S106525 13,362 56

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prepared Take of good Triacle of Andromachus halfe a dragme of Methridate one dragme red Sanders of Torralemnia halfe a scruple Rose-water and of Vineger of each as much as will suffice to make an Vnguent and let it bée applyed as aboue directed When the Apostume first appeareth you may if you please take Walnuts or Filberd nuts Figges and Rue beaten together and apply it thereto Also when the sayd Apostume breaketh and the venome penetrateth the heart whose signe is perceiued by the liue from the Center or middest point of the apostume leading to the heart Bruise then some of the gréene plant called Vna inuersa or Leopards haue and apply thereto but if it cannot bée gotten gréene but withered then macerate it in Wine or Vineger and apply it after the same sort and let it bée repeated twice or thrice ouer For this doth extract and draw out the venome mightily the Patient being in an agonie and doe reuoke and call him backe as from the Graue and driueth many into admiration thereof Against the Symptomes of the Pestilence IN Constipations and Costiuenesse of the belly the patient may vse some purgatiue medicine except it bée at such time when the Botch or Carbuncle appeareth any other sores of the Pestilence growing towards ripenesse For if it bée done then it will contrary to nature proue her intentiō But the second day after Sweating If no Botch or sore appeareth then may hée vse either Sena or Rhewharb or the extract of either They that haue any of the Fluxes of the bowels called Diarrhea or Dise●teria joyned with the Pestilence Morning Noone and at night they may take halfe a scruple of Crocus Martis in the extract of Acorus Luteus to the full effecting of the cure They that are dexed with burning heates let them dip linnen cloathes in Rose-water vitriol and with the juice of Semper viue and apply to the pulfes and when the same cloathes are dryed let them bée we● againe in the same liquor and applyed in like manner And if the Patient be very dry and thirstie giue him of this Iulip thrée or foure spoonefuls at once viz. Take of Rose-water of the waters of Endiue Buglasse Sorrell sharpe Viniger and of the juice of Lemmons of each foure Ounces of Sugar one pound boyle them a little with a gentle fire and when it is cold giue thereof to drinke thrée or foure spoonefuls at once Or else take of the waters of Roses and of Buglasse of each thrée Ounces of the Sirr●p of Endine and Lemmons of each two ounces of the Oyle of Vitriol one scruple mixe them and take them as aforesaid If the Patient cannot sléepe if after vomiting Bezoardicks and other meanes fit to eua●●●te grosse humours a man may giue the Patient Landanum Paracelsi thrée graines thereof in Carduus benedictus water or for want thereof the Temples of the Patient may bée anoynted with this oyntment Take of Vnguentum Populionis of Vnguentum Rosarum of Vnguentum Alabastrinum of each half an ounce of the oyles of Violets and of water Lillies of eyther two dragmes of Opium one scruple or two first dissolued in Rose-water and then together mixed anointing the Temples therewith will both cause sléepe and stay raging Or if you will you may vse this Take of the sirrup of Violets of the sirrup of of Lemmons of the sirrup of Popple of each one ounce of Diascordium thrée dragmes let them be mingled together and giue therof sometime to the patient to driu●e for the foresaid purposes If through the heate of the stomake the Mouth Throate and Tongue be hot dry and furred Take French Barly S●uckfolly Violet and Strawbery leaues of each one handfull of Woodbind and Col●●bind halfe an handfull Boile all these in a Quart of faire water and to the same Liquor strained out put thereto of Diamo●um and of Mel ●osarum o● eyther two ounces of the oyle of Sulphur as much as will a little sharpen it and let the Patient with some of the same liquor warmed gargarize and wash his Mouth Tongue and Throat Of Fleubotomie FLeubotomie may be vsed once in a Moneth except age or any other cause prohibite it as in women with child or on them that are brought low by sicknesse or on them that are subiect to any fluxe of the Belly or on them which are already infected with the Pestilence and the Botch or Sore groweth towards ripenesse Let bloud-letting be done vpon the veine Basilica whether it be in the right or left arme before he eate or drinke and after the opening of the same let the Patient bée jocund merry and cheerefull and to drinke good Wine or Béere but alwayes temperately Neither is it lawfull nor conuenient to sléepe the same day that the veine is opened if any féeleth himselfe infected with an Apostume then let him altogether refraine sléepe and preuent it by walking for in sléepe heate inwardly induceth the Venome vnto the Heart and other Spirituall Members in such sort that scarce any Hearbe may reuoke the same venome vnto its former state which thing happeneth not as long as a man is in motion But it may bée some men will aske of whom is sléepe to be auoyded What if hée should haue a continuall sléepe To this I briefly answere that in the time of Pestilence if any haue an appetite to sléepe presently after he haue eaten any thing thou such desires ought to be hindered for a space either in the Garden or Fields for one houre then with naturall sléep the body may haue for one houre its naturall refection rest Therefore Auincen saith That if a man will sléepe he ought to drinke a good draught before his sléeping because in sléepe hée attracteth and draweth many humors and those euill humors are repelled by the humour of a good draught But againe if a man shall aske when a man is infected how he ought to know it To this I say answer that a man that is infected the same day he shall not eate much because he is repleate with euill humours and presently after Dinner he hath a desire to sléepe and perceiueth a great heat with coldnesse hée hath great paine in the former part of the head but all these are reuoked and put away by mouing hither thither for to walke he is not able by reason of ouermuch vnweldines and sluggishnesse of body for a man infected hath alwayes a desire to sléepe because the venome iniernall doth perturbate and trouble the spirits vitall so that it alwayes tendeth to rest by these signes and all others before related a man may alwayes perceiue himselfe to bée infected If hée will not giue credit vnto it let him make tryall for halfe a dayes space and presently hée shall féele the Apostume vnder his Armes or about the groine or else about the Eares Therefore the chiefest remedie is if a man perceiue all these tokens in time of the Pestilence that he shake off sléepe as I haue said before for as by the reasons before also alledged it is manifest that in sléepe the Spirits vitall doth rest but the venome is scattered through the membrands from one place vnto another as I haue often obserued This being truely marked when a man findeth himself infected as soone as possible may be let him let bloud in as ample manner that he almost saint thereon for the taking of small quantity of bloud stirreth vp the venemous quality more forcibly If a man will not cut many veines at once then hée shall suffer to goe ouer the same veyne incided as aforesaid euen vnto the retardation and staying of the Blood Also he that is let blood whether hée be infected or not he must also shunne sléepe the whole day euen to midnight And alwayes in the same part of the body that the Apostume shall appeare shall be made the incision of a veyne As for Example If the Apostume shall appeare vnder the right Arme Phlebotomie shall bée made in the middle part of the same arms from the veyne Mediana but if vnder the left arme the apostume sheweth it selfe then must you open the Mediana as aforesaid in the same arme or the Hepatien that is to say in the veyne about the middle finger If the apostume be about the Groyne let a veyne be opened in the Foote about the héele on the same side If the apostume bée in the Necke Phlebotomize the Cephalica about the Thumbe in the hand of the same side or the Mediana of the same arme or in the hand on the same side about the lesser finger If it shall appeare about the Eare incide the Cephalica on the same side or the veyne which is betweene the fore-finger and the thumbe least many venemous vapours inuade the braine Or the vayne which is about the lesse finger or about the article which of Phisitians is called Basilica If the tumour shall appeare about the shoulder blades heart and throat Vse scarifications with application of Ventosis And first let blood on the Median If the Apostume appeare on the backe open the veyne called Pedia Magna And all these may bée let blood If a man haue not slept before the knowledge of the Apostumation But if hée féele such Apostumations after sléeping then bléeding ought to be made on the contrary part As if the Apostume appeared in the right arme the Basilica or Liuer veyne or Mediana in the lest arme shall bée opened And if the Apostume sheweth vnder the right arme let it bée as it is spoken of the left arme and so of other places in which the Apostumation appeareth And whensoeuer Blood-letting is to bée vsed let it bée alwayes done in opposite manner And if hée that haue béene let blood be very weake then may hée sléepe after the midst of the day And before the middest of the day hée ought to be in continuall motion either riding or moderately walking And if afterward the Botch increaseth feare not For it is a token that Nature putteth out the venemous quality and restoreth a man to soundnesse then may you apply such remedies thereto as is aboue-mentioned And if any there bée that shall receiue benefit and recouery by these Directions First let him thanke GOD that ha●● created Medicine of the Earth to heale his people and secondly pray for mée Sinner the writer of this little Treatise for to that intent I tooke the paines FINIS