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A06911 The complete farriar, or The kings high-way to horsmanship Experimentally unfolding 1. The dyeting and governing of the running horse. 2. How to order, feed, and keep any horse for war, pleasure, hunting, or travell. 3. How to know the age of any horse. Lastly, certaine rare and approved secrets for the cure of the worst infirmities in horses. By G. Markam.; Discource of horsmanshippe. Abridgments Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. 1639 (1639) STC 17341; ESTC S121248 46,187 190

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horse it is a present remedy Also to dissolve the ball in his ordinary water being made milke warme it worketh the like effect and fatneth exceedingly To give one of these balls before travell it prevents tyering to give it in the height of travel it re●t●●●eth wearinesse and to give it after it saves an horse from all su●fens and inward sicknesse And thu● you shall spend this third ●o●night CHAP. V. An approved cure for the Botts and all manner of wormes of what nature soever TAke a quart of new milke and as much clarified honey as wil make it extraordinary sweet then being luke-warm give it the horse early in the morning he having fasted all the night before which done bridle him up and let him stand tyed to the emptie racke for more then two houres then take halfe a pinte of white-wine and dissolve into it a good spoonfull or more of black soape then the horse having stood two houres as aforesaid give it him to drinke then ride and chafe him a little and let him fast other two houres and the wormes will avoyd in great abundance CHAP. VI. Another most excellent receipt for the Botts or any wormes which is most easie most safe and mo●● certaine TAke the soft downy hair which growes in the ear of an horse and which you clip away when you coule him and the little short ●●● which growes on the top of his forehead underneath his ●oretop and having a pretty quantity of them mixe them well with a pottle of sweet oats and so give the● to the horse and there is not any thing will kill wormes more ●●●●redly CHAP. VII An excellent purgation when a Horse is dangerously sicke of his grease or of costivenesse TAke a pinte of old white wine and set it on the fire then dissolve into it a lump halfe as much as an Hens-egge of castle-soape and stirre them well together then take it off and put into it two good spoonfulls of hemp-seed beaten and an ounce and an halfe of sugar-candie beaten to powder and brew all well together then having warmed the horse to stirre up his grease and other foule humours give him this to drinke and walke him up and downe a little after it to make the potion worke then set him up warme after a little stirring up down in his stall if he grow sickish give him liberty to lye downe After two or three houres fasting give him a sweet mash then feed as at other times CHAP. VIII For laxativenesse or extreame loosenesse TAke a quart of red-wine and set it on the fire then put into it ●● ounce and an halfe of Bolearmonie in powder and two ounces and an halfe of the Conserve of sloes then stirre and ●●●● them well together after take it from the fire and put to it a spoonfull or two of the powder of Cinamon and brewing all well together give it the horse Let him fast two houres after it and let him eat no washt meat Hay is wholsome so is bread and oats if they bee well mixt with beanes or wheat but not otherwise CHAP. IX An infallible helpe for the stone or paine of urine by winde causing sicknesse MAke a strong ●ecoction that is to say boyle your first quantity of water to an halfe part 3-times over of keene onions clean ●ill'd and chopt and parcelie then take a quart thereof and put ●o it a great spoonfull of London●reackle as much of the powder of egge-shells and give it the horse to drinke and thus doe divers mornings if the in fir mitie be great otherwise when you see the horse offended CHAP. X. An approved medicine to cure and breake any old festered cold and to drie up a foule running glaunders TAke a pinte of verjuyce and put to it so much strong mustard ●●●●● with wine vineger ●● will make the verjuyce strong and keene thereof then take an ounce and more of roach-allome and beate it to powder then when you give this to the horse as y●● fill your horne so with a knife or spoone put some of the allome into the horne and so give it the horse part at the mouth and part at both his nostrills but especially at the nostrill which runneth most then ride and chafe him a little after it then set up warme at noone give him a warme mash and at all times give no cold water but when hee may have exercise after it And thus drench the horse three daies together and it will be sufficient CHAP. XI Another for a violent cold TAke of white wine vinegar halfe a pinte and as much sallet-oyle brew them well together and then put to it an ounce and a halfe of sugar-candie in powder and so give it the horse and stir him a little after it This is exceeding good but it will occasion sicknesse for a small time CHAP. XII An excellent Cordiall powder for any ordinary cold and to prepare an Horse before travell to refresh him in travell and to preserve him from mischiefe after travell TAke of English liquorice and of elicampaneroots of each one ounce of sugar-candy an ounce and an halfe beate them to fine powder and searce them keepe the powder in a boxe and when you have occasion to use it if it be for a cold then give it in sweet wine or strong ale but if in ale then take a quart and so give it both before travell at your haire in travell and in your Inne or at home immediately after travell CHAP. XIII An excellent scowring when other scowrings will not worke TAke of sweet butter a quarter of a pound half so much Castle-soape beate them well together then ad to them two spoonfulls of hempseed bruised of Anniseed a spoonfull bruised of sugar-candie an ounce of Rozzen bruise halfe a spoonfull worke all these into a paste and give it the horse in the manner of pills immediately after his heate or when you have warmed him and stirred up the grease and foulenesse within him CHAP. XIIII An admirable water for any sore eye or to cleare any dimme sight at moone-eies and the like TAke the stone Lap●●● laminarius and 〈◊〉 red hot in the fire th●● quench it in a pinte 〈◊〉 white wine and thus doe 〈◊〉 times together then adde 〈◊〉 the quantity of wine half so much of the juyce of housleeke and with this water bathe the eie twice or thrice a day and it is excellent against any imperfection therein CHAP. XV. Another water for any sore eye no lesse precious then the former TAke a pinte of Snow-water and dissolve into it 3 or foure drams of white Vitrioll and with it wash the Horses eyes three or foure times a day and the effect is great CHAP. XVI For any extreme blow or bruiseon the eye for any pearle pinne web or unnaturall filme or foulenesse TAke of womans 〈…〉 if it can be got o● f●● want of it new 〈◊〉 from the Cow 〈…〉 three spoonfulls and halfe 〈◊〉 much
two daies then the third day open the hose at the top but stirre not the poultus onely take molten hogsgrease hot as the Horse can suffer it and with a spoone lade it unto the poultus on every side till it will receive no more for this wil renew the strength of the poultus then close up the top of the hose and so let the horse stand other 2. daies or 3. then you may open the leg and rub it downe and if strong occasion you may apply another new poultus if not your cure is wrought Now if besides the swelling of his legs your horse hath ulcers and chaps as scratches paines mules or the like then you shall first apply the former poultus in al respects as aforesayd then after five or six daies application when you take the poultus away you shall take a quart of old urine and put to it an handful of salt as m●ch Allome halfe an ounce of whi●● copporice and boyle all well t● gether then with this water very hot wash the sores once or twice a day and after a little drying ●noint them with the ointment called Aegyptiacum and is made o●wi● neger 8 ounces of honey 12 ounces of verdigrease two ounce● of Allome one ounce and an halfe boyled to that height till it come to a red salve And it will both kill the malignant humours and also heale and dry up the sores CHAP. XXVII For gourdings swellings and paine in the joynts MAke a very strong brine of water and salt and to a quart thereof put two or three handfulls of Rew and boyle it till the hearb be soft then with this water very hot bathe the grieved part well Then take a flat bagge filled with salt and he ated hot at the fire and lap it about the griefe also then roule it up and thus doe once or twice a day and it is a good cure CHAP. XXVIII Another approved cure for the scratches or any disease of that nature as Mallander sellander c. TAke of hogsgrease and blacke-soape of ●●●● eight ounces of 〈…〉 stone of lime of ●●Spand●● powder of each three ounces ●●● of soote as much as will suffic● to bring the rest to a salve boyle the hogsgrease and soap together and bring the other hard simples to a fine powder and so mixe all together and make a blacke oyntment with this anoynt the so●● once a day after they are clea●●ed and made raw CHAP. XXIX For any splente spaven curbe ●ing-bone or any hard knot or ex●rescion FIrst having taken viewe of the excrescion clip away the haire as far as the excrescion go●th and a little thought more then ●ake a peece of Allomd-leather ●ade as bigge just as the place you ●ave bared and fitted to the same ●roportion then take a little shoo●akers waxe and spread it round ●bout the very edge or verge of ●he same leaving all the inward or ●iddle part empty and not toucht with the waxe according to this ●igure O Then take of the hearb Spear-grasse which hath the ver●ue to raise blisters and bruising it in a morter lay some thereof upon the leather in the voyd and emptie place which ought to containe the just quantity of the kne● or excression and binde it fa● thereon suffering it to lie if i●● in the spring or summer time whe● the hearbe hath its full strength and vertue about halfe a 〈…〉 if it bee in the winter 〈◊〉 hearb hath lesse vertue 〈◊〉 if to renew the strength of t●● hearb you ad to it a drop or t● of the oyle of Origanum and ● it lie halfe a day fully And ●● sure to tye up the horses head tw● or three houres for feare of ●●ting it away When you have taken off t●● plaster anoynt the place wi● Trayn-oyle warme and you sh● finde no excression CHAP. XXX Another cure for splent spaven c. and to drie up windgalls or swellings FIrst hea●e the Sarrance with an hot pressing Iron then vent it in severall places with your ●leame then take a spoonfull of ●alt halfe a spoonfull of Nerve●yle a penny waight of verdi●rease and the white of an egge ●eate all to a salve and dipping ●ax hurds therein apply it to the ●riefe and it helpeth CHAP. XXXI An approved cure for the swift cut or any hewing on the leg and 〈◊〉 heale any wound TAke a pinte of 〈…〉 wine and put 〈…〉 or three 〈…〉 honey and stirre the● well together then boy 〈◊〉 till they come to the body of an oyntment then take it from the fire and put to it halfe so 〈◊〉 turpentine as there was honey and stirre all well together then ●tra● it and with this salve 〈…〉 hot anoynt the sores twice or thrice a day and it is a most speedy healer CHAP. XXXII To heal saddle bruises hard swellings and all sorts of Impostumations FInst ●ipen it with rotten Litter or wet Hay then when it is soft open it to let out the corruption then fill the hollownesse with the powder of Rozen and lay a plaster of shooemakers waxe over it and thus doe once in twenty foure houres till it be whole If it be slow in skinning or drying up take a spoonfull or two of thick creame and mix it with soot till it be a salve and anoynt it therwith and it will drie and skinne presently CHAP. XXXIII For any maunge scab or ●●pr●sie wheresoever FIrst let blood then take a quart of old urine o●●ineger and breake 〈◊〉 it a quarter of a pound or better of the best Tobacco then set it on a fire of embers where it may simmer and not boyle and so let it stew all an whole night then with this water wash the infected places wheresoever they be and it is a certaine remedy CHAP. XXXIIII For the foulest and most desperate Farcie that may be TAke hearb of grace and the hearbe Cley-Cleys which is a weed growing by the water-side having a great broad round leafe and is green on the upper side and white on the nether of each of them take an equall quantity beat them in a morter and strain them then to a pinte of this juyce put halfe a pinte of the juyce of housleek and half a pinte of Aquavitae and two good spoonfulls of pepper beaten and finely searc't of this liquor take a pinte and give it the horse to drink then with round plediants of flax dipt in the same stop both his eares then with the strained bruisings of all the hearbs rub the sores and stop the holes if there bee any hollownesse doe thus twice at the least and oftner if you finde occasion CHAP. XXXV For any founder f●eltize su●●ait or any imperfection in the feet FIrst pare thin open the heels wide and take good st●r● of blood from the toes then 〈◊〉 on a shooe somewhat hollow after take of the best frankincen●e and rouling it in a little fine cotten wooll or bumbast with an hot Iron melt it into the foot betwin the shooe and the toe till the o●●fice where the blood was taken be filled up then take halfe a pound of hogsgrease and melt it on the fire then mix it with wheat 〈◊〉 till it be as thick as a poultus then boyling it hot as is possible stop up the horse foot there with then cover it with a peece of an ould shooe and splent it up and so let the horse stand for three or foure dayes then if occasion serve you may renew it otherwise the cure is wrought CHAP. XXXVI To make hoofes grow quickly and to be tough and strong TAke of Allome beaten and of the juyce of garlick of each seven ounces of hearbe of grace three handfulls of old hogsgrease two pound of Asses dung or for want of it Cow dung an handfull mingle them and boyle them all well together then with this both stop the horses feeet and anoynt the crownets of the hoofes the medicine being hot and the effect is great CHAP. XXXVII A generall salve for any s●re or swelling prick cloynige or treade TAke Turpentine blacksoape hogsgrease green Treate and Pitch of each like quantity mix and boyle them all well together and apply it warme to the griefe either plaster wise or tent wise The best of Secrets CHAP. XXXVIII For decayed rotten or over strained lungs which wee call broken-winded or for any old drie cough of long continuance TAke halfe a pinte of the water of Colts-foot and put unto it ten drops or at the utmost not above a dram of Balsamum sulphuris and give it the horse in the morning fasting then ride him a little gently after it bee sure to keepe warme and give no cold water without exercise Do thus every other morning till you find amendment CHAP. XXXIX How to make Balsamum sulphuris TAke an ounce of the oyl of Turpentine and an ounce of the flower of brimstone and put them into a violl then set it on a fire of embers or hot ashes and th●●e let it stew till the brimstone be dissolved and incorporate with the oyl and become a red unguent Of this take a full dramme at the least CHAP. XL. Another of Saint Anthonies cures for any straine or swelling TAke Commin-seede and bruise it grosse and boyle it with the oyle of camomile then adde to it so much yellow waxe as will bring it to the bodie of a Cer●ot or gentle plaster and spread it on either cloth or leather and very hot apply it to the griefe and renew it not above once in two or three dayes It is a wonderfull soveraigne for any straine in a man also CHAP. XLI An approved cure for the swiftcut or any hewing on the legs TAke a pinte of white-wine and put to it two or three spoonfulls of honey and boylethem till they bee well incorporated together then straine it and with this water some what hot bathe the sores twice or thrice a day and it is a most speedy heale● FINIS The three estates of Horses bodies Times for matching Particular estates of Bodies Matching of a foule Horse Of dro●● sing
his match as thus If your match is to be run upon the Monday then your fittest heating dayes are Mondaies and Frydaies and the Mondaies to be ever the sharpe● heat both because it is the day of his match and there is three daies respite betwixt it and the other heate If the match day be on the Tuesday then the heating dayes are Tuesdaies and Saturdaies if it be on the Wednesday then the heating dayes are Wednesdaies and Saturdaies by reason of the Sabboth if on the Thursday then Thursdaies and Mondaies and so of the rest Thirdly you shall give no heat except in case of extremitie in very rainy and foule weather but rather deferre houres and change times for it is unwholsome and dangerous and therefore in case of showers and uncertaine weather you shall be sure to provide for your Horse a warm lined hood with lined ears and the nape of the neck lined to keep out Raine for nothing is more dangerous then cold wet falling into the ears and upon the nape of the neck and the E●llets Lastly observe to give you● heats the weather being seasonable as early in the morning as you can that is by the spring of day but by no means in the dark for it is to the horse unwholsome and unpleasant to the man a great testimony of folly and to both an act of danger and precipitation CHAP. V. The second fortnights keeping NOw to descend to the second fortnights keeping touching your first approach to the Stable and other by respects as cleansing shaking up of litter and the like you shall do all things as in the first fortnight onely before you put on his bridle you shall give him a quart or better of clea● fifted Oats which as soon as h●● hath eaten you shall then bridle him up and dresse him in all points as was declared in the first fortnight you shall cloath him saddle him ayre water and bring him home as in the first fortnight onely you shall not put any Hay in his Rack to teare out but onely draw with your hand as much fine sweet Hay which you shall tosse and dust well as you can gripe and let him as he standeth on the bridle teare it out of your hand which if he do greedily and earnestly then you may give him another and another and so let him stand on the bridle an houre or more after then come to him and after rubbing and other ceremonies before declared performed sift and dust up a quart of Oats and set them by then take a ●oafe of bread that is at least three ●aies old made after this manner CHAP. VI. The First Bread TAke three pecks of clean Beans and one peck of fine Wheat and mix them together and grinde them to pure Meale then boult it through a reasonable fine Raunge and knead it up with great store of Barme and lightning but with as little water as may be labour it in the trough with all painfulnesse tread it break it and after cover it warm and let it ●● a pretty space in the trough ●● swell then knead it over againe and mould it up into bigge loaves like twelvepenny houshold loaves and so bake them well and ●● them soake soundly after th●● are drawn from the Oven tur●● t●● bottomes upward and let them coole at three daies old you may adventure to give this bread b●● hardly sooner for nothing doth occasion Surfet or is more dangerous then new bread yet if necessity compell you sooner to give it or that the bread be dan● and clammie so as the Horse taketh distaste thereat then cut the loafe into thin Shives and lay it abroad in a Sive to drie and then crumbling it small amongst his Oats you may give it without danger But to returne to my purpose where I left when you have taken a loafe of this bread of three dayes old you shall chip it very well then cut it into thinne slices and breake three or foure Shives thereof which may countervaile the quantity of the Oats very small and mix it with the Oats you had before fifted and so give them to the Horse About eleven of the clock you shall come to the Horse and having performed your by ceremonies before spoke of you shall give him the same quantity of Bread and Oats as you did in the morning and so let him rest till the afternoone At one of the clock in the afternoone or after if you intend not to give him an heate the next day you shall feed him with bread and Oats as you did in the forenoone and so consequently every meale following for the day observing every action and motion as hath been before declared But if you intend the next day to give him an heat to which I now bend mine ayme you shall then onely give him a quart of Oats carefully sifted but no Hay and so let him rest till foure of clock in the evening At foure a clock before you put on his Bridle give him a quart of clean sifted Oats and assoone as they are eaten put on his Bridle and tye up his head not forgetting all by-ceremonies before declared then dresse him cloath him saddle him ayre and water him as before shewed also bring him home and order him as before shewed onely give no Hay at all After hee hath stood an houre on the Bridle give him as before a quart of cleane sifted Oats when he hath eaten them you shall then put on his head a sweet clean washt moosell and so let him rest till nine of the clocke at night Now touching the use of this moosell and which is the best you shall understand that as they are most usefull being good and rightly made so they are dangerous and hurtfull being abused or falsly made The true use of them is to keepe the Horse from eating up his litter from gnawing upon boords and mud walls and indeed to keep him from eating any thing but what he receiveth from your own hands These moosells are sometimes made of leather and stampt full of holes or else close but they are unsavoury and unwholsome for if it be Allomd leather the Allome is offensive if it be liquored leather the grease and Tanners ●uze are full as unpleasant besides they are too close and too hot and both make an horse sick cause him to forbeare rest and retaine his dung longer in his bodie then otherwise he would do The best Sommer moosell is the net moosell made of strong packthred and knit exceeding thick and with small mashes in the bottome and so enlarged wider and wider up to the middle of the Horses head and then bound about the top with strong tape and upon the neer side a loop and on the farre side a long string of tape to fasten it unto the Horses head The best winter moosell is that which is made of strong double Canvase with a round bottome and a square latisse window of small tape
generally all over all his ribs but particularly upon his short and hindmost ribbes if his flesh generally handle soft and loose and your fingers sinck into it as into down then is the horse foule without question but if generally it be hard and firme onely upon the hindmost rib it handleth soft and downy then it is a pregnant signe there is grease and foule matter within the Horse which must bee avoyded how leane or poore so ever hee appeare in outward speculation The inward help is onely sharp exercise and strong scowring the first will dissolve and melt the foulenesse the latter will bring it away in abundance If your Horse be fat and thick and as it were closed up betweene the chaps or if his jawes handle fleshie and full it is a sign of much foulnesse both in the head and bodie But if hee handle thinne and cleane onely with some small kirnells or lumps between his chaps then it is only a signe of some cold or pose newly taken Observations from the privi● parts It is good for our keeper to observe his Horses stones if hee bee stoned for if they hang downe side or long from his body then is the Horse out of lust and heart and is either sicke of grease or other foule humors but if they be close couched up and hid in a small roome then is the Horse healthfull and in good plighte if his yard befoule stained rough or skalie then feare no foule play but if it be cleere bright and as it were new scowred then looke to your Groome for he hath covered a Mare lately Observations for the limbes It is good for our keeper to observe ever the night before hee runnes either match or heate to bathe his Horses legs well from above the knees and above the cambrells downward with either dogsgrease which is the best or trotters oyle which is the second or the purest clarified hogsgrease that can be got which is most tolerable and to work it in with the labour of his hands and not with melting at the fire and what hee gets not in the first night will be got in the next morning and what he gets not in the next morning will be got in when he comes to uncloath at the end of the course so that you shall need to use the oyntment but once but the fricasse or rubbing as oft as you finde opportunity Observations for the giving of water Our keeper shall observe that albeit I give no directions for the watering of his Horse in the evening after his heate yet hee may in any of the two latter fortnights finding his Horse cleer and that his grease is consumed and come away somewhat late at night as about sixe a clocke give his horse water in reasonable quantity being luke-warme and fasting an houre after it Also if through the unseasonablenesse of the weather you cannot water abroad then you shall at your watering hours water in the house with warme water as aforesaid nor need you in this case to heate all your water but making a little quantity very hot put it into a greater and so make all luke-warm if you throw an handfull of wheate meale or barm or oat-meale finly pounded but Oat-meale is the best into the water it is not amisse but wholsome and comfortable Observations in the choise of ground to runne on Our keeper shall observe that if the ground wheron he is to run his match be dangerous and ap● for mischievous accidents a● straines slips bearings over-reaches and the like that then he is not bound to give all his hea●s therin but having made his horse acquainted with the nature thereof then either to take part of the course as a mile two or three according to the goodnesse of the ground and so to runne his Horse fourth and backe againe which we call turning heats provided alwaies that he end his heat at the weighing post and that he make not his course lesse but more in quantity then that hee must runne but if for some especiall occasions hee liketh no part of the course then he may many times but not ever give his heats upon any other good ground either forth right or turning or round about any spatious large field where the Horse may lay downe his body and run at pleasure Observations from sweating Our keeper shall observe in all his ayrings heatings and all manner of exercise and motions whatsoever to the sweating of his Horse and to the occasions of his sweating as if an Horse sweat upon little or no occasion as walking footpace standing still in the stable or the like it is then aparent that the Horse is faint foule fed and wanteth exercise If upon good occasion as strong heats and the like he sweat yet his sweat is white frothy and like soap ●●●s then is the Horse inwardly foule and wanteth also exercise but ●● the sweate bee blacke and as ●● were onely water throwne upon him then is the Horse in good lust and good case Observations from the Horses haire Our keeper shall observe well his Horses haire in generall but especially his necke and those parts which are uncovered and if they lie sleeke smooth and close then is the Horse in good ease but if they be rough and staring or any way unnaturally discoloured then is the Horse inwardly cold at the heart and wanteth both cloathes and warme keeping or else there is some sicknesse creeping upon him Many other observations there be but these are most materiall and I hope sufficient for any reasonable understanding CHAP. XII How to order feed and keep any Horse for pleasure hunting or travell T would have our keeper of these ordinary Horses to rise early in the morning by the spring of day or before according to the season of the yeare and to sift the horse the quantity of three pintes of good old and drie Oats and to put to them an handfull o● two of spelted-beanes hulls and all and so give them to the horse After hee hath eaten them ●● him dresse him according to the order of good hors-manship that is first currie with the Combe then dust then currie with the brush then dust then rub with wet hands after with an hairy cloth then with a cleane woollen cloth after with a cleane linnen cloth then picke all obscure and secret places lastly combe down the mayne and tayle then saddle him and ride him forth to water warme him both before and after water very moderately and so bring him home drie without sweat Then cloath him up after you have rubbed his head body and legs and let him stand on his bridle more than an houre then give him the former quantity of provender and the same in kinde After he hath eaten his provender give him into his Rack a pretty bundle of Hay and so let him rest till after dinner When you have dined give him the former quantity of provender and the same in kinde