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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A28936 The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq., epitomiz'd by Richard Boulton ... ; illustrated with copper plates.; Works. 1699 Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691.; Boulton, Richard, b. 1676 or 7. General heads for the natural history of a country. 1699 (1699) Wing B3921; ESTC R9129 784,954 1,756

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whole Quantity made use of could not yield above 2 or 3 Grains of Salt Yet that I might be further satisfy'd I drop'd a sufficient Quantity of Aqua fortis upon the Lixiviate Salt till the Mixture ceas'd to ferment which upon Coagulation shot into Saline Crystals from the Inflammable Qualities of which it appear'd That the Nitrous Spirit was united with the Alkaly And if it should be again suspected that the Alkaline Parts were only the Remains of some of the Aqua fortis which might be carry'd over into the Receiver I answer That Nitre being an Acid it must follow that two Acids united were turn'd into an Alkaly And to prosecute this Experiment further we distill'd a Mixture of Spirit of Nitre with a double Proportion of Spirit of Salt yet tho' some Parts of the Nitre were carry'd over with the Salt the Remaining Substance would wholly flash away if plac'd upon the Coals like common Nitre EXPERIMENT VI. Several Phaenomena exhibited by a Mixture of Oyl of Vitriol c. Having Distill'd Oyl of Vitriol with a Solution of Nitre in a Glass Body and Head plac'd in Sand I drew from it a Spiritus Nitri which before Rectification would dissolve Silver tho' it was diluted with Water treble to the weight of the Nitrous Parts And from the Matter left behind and evaporated to a Driness I obtain'd a Salt which would shoot into Crystals neither like those of Crude nor fixt Nitre nor those of Vitriol but of a Figure hard to be describ'd As for the other Qualities of it it was easily fusible by Heat yet was not inflammable like Nitre tho' quick Coals were thrown upon it in a Crucible for it was so far from that that when it was hot enough to kindle Sulphur it neither flash'd nor flam'd it self as Salt-Petre usually does yet this white Substance being kept in Fusion for a while with a little piece of Charcoal in it smell'd very strong of Sulphur and had a very Fiery Taste on the Tongue as also a Colour very red Encourag'd by these Circumstances they being agreeable to what Glauber relates of his Salt and since he made use of Vessels of Silver I judg'd it could not be Aqua fortis that he open'd the Sea-Salt with nor common Spirit of Salt because too weak wherefore having put an equal weight of Oyl of Vitriol and Sea-Salt together into a Glass Cucurbite set in Sand I obtain'd besides Phlegm a Spirit of Salt which mix'd with Spirit of Nitre dissolv'd Crude Gold and likewise when pour'd upon Spirit of Urine and fermented till there no longer succeeded an Ebullition after a gentle Evaporation it shot into Crystals like Combs and Feathers from whence it appear'd to be of a like Nature to Sal Armoniack The Experiment sometimes also succeeded when instead of Oyl of Vitriol I made use of Oyl of Sulphur by the Bell. But to apply this Experiment to our present Purpose we may observe That tho' Sea-Salt be so fixt as not to be rais'd without a considerable quantity of beaten Bricks to prevent its Fusion and a naked Fire yet when its Parts are unlock'd by an Addition of Oyl of Vitriol they may be carry'd over with a Moderate Fire in Sand the Vitriol being fix'd and left behind yet in other respects considerably chang'd so as to be void both of the Taste of Sea-Salt and Vitriol And from this Experiment what I formerly intimated likewise appears viz. That the Figures of Salts by being embody'd with other Substances might be so far chang'd as to shoot into Crystals of very different Shapes For from the Caput Mortuum Dissolv'd Filtrated and leisurely Coagulated may be obtain'd Crystals much more transparent and of a different Figure from those of Sea-Salt and from each other But to conclude this Experiment I have found this Preparation of Sal Mirabilis very uncertain and tiresome by reason of the Disparities of Bodies taken to be Oyl of Vitriol EXPERIMENT VII The different Qualities of all Bodies are theproducts of Matter variously Modified To shew that all Metals and their different Qualities were but the Effects of one common Mass of Matter differently Modified as to the Shape Size and Texture of their Parts I took the following Method viz. Having praecipitated the Bezoardicum Minerale by an Affusion of Spirit of Nitre on the rectified Oyl of Butter of Antimony I drew off by Distillation as much of the Liquor as I could sometimes cohobating it upon the Powder of the Antimony which being done I melted pure Gold with Three or Four times it's weight of Copper which being put into Aqua fortis the Copper was dissolved and the Gold subsided in the form of a Powder which was further purified by an Antient Chymist and by a competent heat restored to it 's Natural Colour which being dissolv'd in a large Quantity of the above mentioned Liquor there remained a considerable Quantity of white Powder which would neither be dissolv'd by the above nam'd Menstruum nor Aqua Regis The Gold being a second time reduced to a Body by a repeated Solution in the aforesaid Menstruum yeilded more of that Powder which reduced to a Body was White and being dissolved in Aqua Fortis had the same nauseous bitter Taste with Silver so that it is plain the Transmutation of Metals is not impossible nor Gold a Metal impossible to be destroy'd so that I am more apt to believe that by proper Menstruums the Body of Gold may be so ordered as to communicate a Tincture to a Liquor duly conjoyned The Transmution of Metals not impossible as when Sulphur and Mercury by a Coalition constitute Vermilion since from this Instance it is plain that the Colour of the Tincture as well as of the Vermilion may be produced by the Position and Texture of some Particles of Gold associated with that Liquor And that the Colour of such Tinctures as well as of the Gold it self depend on certain Particles conveniently Modified I rather believe because I am told that a known Man in the Netherlands had a certain Menstruum which would extract a blue Tincture from the Calx of Copper prepared by a Dissolution in Aqua Fortis leaving a white Powder behind which would by Fusion be turn'd into a Metal of the same Colour A second Inference which may be drawn from the foregoing Experiment is that if Gold one of the most Permanent Bodies may have it's Texture destroyed there is no Body in Nature but may undergo a Change when wrought on by an appropriated Agent and that the noblest of Metals may be Mechanically transmuted from whence it appears also that the noblest of Forms are but the Results of the Texture of the Parts of Matter of which they consist and a Convention of Accidents which are the Substratum of that Texture So that without a substantial Form merely by a saline Menstruum the Body of Gold may be changed into another substance of very differing Qualities from
equal weight of Oyl of Turpentine and Oyl of Vitriol And that it might more evidently appear that the Mixture of these two Fluids depends on the peculiar Texture of each I committed the Mixture to Distillation and obtain'd a gross Substance which seem'd to be that which united the other Liquors For as soon as this was drawn off the Liquors presently succeeded but separate one from another being not to beunited again by a Violent Agitation but so as to separate again and swim one upon another To this may be added the Liquor which we have mention'd in another place obtain'd by Distillation from Benzoin One Part of it always continuing in the Form of an Oyl and the other according to the Difference of the Weather either shooting into clear Crystals or preserving it's Fluid and Oyly Form To which may be subjoyn'd what we have formely taken Notice of concerning Salt-Petre which tho' when mix'd with Water it becomes Fluid yet upon an Evaporation of some Part of that it presently shoots in Solid Chrystals From whence it not only appears what a gentle Agitation of Parts is sufficient to keep a Body Fluid but from hence we may observe That sometimes Solid Bodies result from a Mixture of Liquids So Oyl of Vitriol distill'd with Quick-silver leaves a white Calx behind it and if we consider how Mercurius Dulcis is prepar'd we shall find that that Solid Substance consists for the most part of Quicksilver the Salts united with it being scarce one Part of three of the Composition And tho' Fluidity be opposite to Solidity yet may it conduce to the Production of a Solid Body since those Particles which lie in the Form of a Powder and are not in a capacity to unite may by swimming in a Fluid have the Opportunity of frequent Occursions so that their Motion bringing them often together they may in time be dispos'd to unite into one Body which is evident in Powder of Alablaster which if when it hath been boyl'd for a considerable time it be well burnt and reduc'd to the Consistence of a thin Pap with clear Water will become firm and admit of as well as retain any Form impress'd upon it by the Internal Surface of whatever Mould it is cast in Where that the Parts of the Alablaster are put into Motion and variously agitated in the Water is evident from that sensible Heat which for some time succeeds the Affusion of Water and this hath been sufficiently experienc'd by filling a Glass full of this Mixture which some time after it was stopp'd broke the Viol and harden'd into a Substance correspondent in shape to the Cavity of it several Spoons-full of this Liquor it was moisten'd with being squeez'd out at a Crack which was made by the Swelling of the Powder and this Substance acquires such a Degree of Firmness as to endure several strokes with a strong piece of Iron without breaking But there are several other Substances which may acquire a greater degree of Solidity than the Powder of Alablaster burnt for the Learned Hydrographer Furnier Hydrograph lib. 2. cap. 6. relates a Story of a sort of Sand in the Kingdom of Naples near Cuma and Puteoli two parts of which mix'd with a third of Quick-lime becomes a hard Substance like Flint when it hath lain or some time in the Water To which Relation he subjoyns That the Lime-ashes of a certain Marble near Tournay in Holland being cast into Water upon a heap of Stones petrifies to that degree as to change into a Substance as hard as Marble But to return to what we have digress'd from That the Variously determin'd Motions of the Parts of Matter contributes to their Union and Coalitions into Solid Substances appears from those Curious Salts which Spontaneously shoot and Crystallize in the Bottom of Spirit of Harts-Horn when it hath been expos'd to the Air for several Months For those Particles by frequent Occursions are by degrees so dispos'd to unite that at the length those Parts which are most apt to cohere meeting together they form exquisitely figur'd Crystals which adhere to the sides of the Vessel And it is not less Remarkable That tho' a Tincture of Amber drawn with pure Spirit of Wine for some Years continu'd Fluid yet at the last some of its Parts were so combin'd as to form little Parcels of Amber almost Spherical in Shape which adhered partly to the Sides and partly to the Bottom of the Vessel Solidity may proceed from the Interposition of the Minute Parts of another Body But there are yet other ways by which Bodies may become Compact and Solid as first by the Insinuation of Small Particles of Matter into their Pores and Recesses which may produce their Effects various ways First by driving out those Particles which being dispos'd to Motion hinder'd the Cohesion of the Fluid Parts Secondly by obstructing the Motion of the Fluid Parts And Thirdly by altering the Constituent Parts of the Fluid so as to render them unapt for Motion and inclinable to a mutual cohesion So the Particles which constitute Rennet by Uniting with some Parts of the Milk they are mix'd with link them together and cause them to unite into a Coagulum and that the Parts of the Rennet cause them to coagulate and that they unite those Viscid Parts and link them together is plain since it is a usual Complaint that the Cheese made where Rennet is us'd tastes very strong of it And that the Coagulating Virtue depends on the Saline Parts of the Rennet appears since other Acid. Liquors have the like Effect in Coagulating Milk as Juice of Limmons c. as also a very small Quantity of Oyl of Vitriol artificially mix'd with it To which I shall add That some Years past I prepar'd a certain Salt endew'd with Qualities not unlike those ascrib'd to Glauber's Sal Mirabilis which would not only like other Salts when dissolv'd in Water upon Evaporation shoot into Crystals it self but also would coagulate and Crystallize a treble Quantity of Water with them which would so far put on the Nature of a Salt as to become brittle and to be reducible to Powder A Liquor turn'd into a Consistent Body by the Addition of a Powder And it may not be fruitless here to subjoyn That tho' the Particles of Oyl of Vitriol be in so violent an Agitation as to acquire a Sensible Heat upon their Mixture with some Bodies yet I so alter'd the Texture of that Liquor as by a Mixture of a certain whitish Powder of my own Preparation to render it a Consistent Body In which Experiment it was observable That several Days after the Oyl was coagulated the Powder remain'd undissolv'd in the Bottom of the Viol so that the Coagulation seem'd to be effected by some subtile Effluvia insinuating themselves into the Pores of the Liquor To this Experiment I shall subjoyn another in which the same Effect was produc'd by leaving Oyl of Vitriol upon Crystals
of Ice and Salt 2 hours it made an oblique crack in the Barrel Six Inches long and the Ice being taken out seemed full of Bubbles but very small ones and the like success we had with another Barrel of a Gun whose Muzzle and Touch-hole were stopped up with Metal nor had we less success when we buried a Pewter Bottle in a frigorifick Mixture both the Barrel of the Gun and the Bottle being burst in a quarter of an hour TITLE XII Experiments concerning a new way of Estimating the Expansive force of Congelation and of highly compressing Air without Engines A new way of Estimating the Expan●…e force of Congelation HOW far we were able to compress the Air by the Incumbent weight of a Cylinder of Mercury we have else where shewn but to reduce it to a greater degree of Condensation I made the following Experiments 1. Having filled a Glass-Egg with Water till it wrought about an Inch into the Stem we placed it in a Mixture of Snow and Salt and in a few hours the Surface of the Liquor was raised about 7 Inches and the Apex of the Stem being sealed up by a fresh application of Snow and Salt it was raised 8 Inches higher So that the Air being compressed into the space of an Inch possessed about nine Parts of ten of what it did before Whereupon the Stem being inverted and the seal'd end opened the Air which when the Stem was inverted rose up to the Ice and separated the unfrozen Water in the Stem from it powerfully expanding it self forced out about ten Inches of Water with Violence and Noise besides a great number of Bubbles ascended from the Bottom of the Glass to the Top. N. B. when the Air was compressed beyond seven Inches we several times observ'd That the Glass just above the Water on the inside was full of little drops of Dew which when the Apex was broke off Disappeared 2. A Vial whose neck was drawn out into a slender Pipe being filled till it wrought an Inch within the Pipe in a little time by the Expansion of the Water the Air being too much compressed the head of the Pipe flew off and the same happened to a round white Glass whose Stem filled with Air was about 3 Inches Nor was the success otherwise when we repeated the Experiment in a large single Vial whose Stem was four Inches long and it's Basis an Inch broad 3. An Oval Glass about the size of a Turkeys-egg with a neck almost Cylindrical was filled with Water within four Inches and a half and then a piece of Paper being pasted upon the Stem divided into half Inches and quarters and the Apex being sealed up by a moderate Heat the Surface of the Water was raised considerably but the Oval Part of the Glass being covered with a Mixture of Ice and Snow the Air was compressed into a 17th Part of the space it possessed before And the Ball of the Glass bursting afterwards with a considerable Noise the Ice appeared full of Bubbles which rendred it white and Opacous In another Glass whose Ball was larger in proportion to the Stem the Air was compressed into a 19th Part of it's former space before the Glass flew in pieces 3. And this way of trying how far the Air might be compressed and Water expanded by Cold we thought least Exceptionable because the Pores of Glass are more impervious to Air and Water than some Metalline Vessels for having broken open the Apex of the Stem of one of our Glass-Eggs we found that tho' the Water was but a little expanded yet not finding a way out at the Pores of the Glass the Water rose up a quarter of an Inch. TITLE XIII Experiments and Observations concerning the Sphere of Activity of Cold. Of the Sphere of Activity of Cold. IN estimating the Sphere of Activity of Cold we are not only to consider the Degree of it in the cold Body but also the Medium through which it is to pass and the Consistence and Texture of it as likewise the Instruments employ'd to receive or acquaint us with the Action of Cold Since from what hath been before laid down it appears That Weather-glasses give us a more nice account of the Degrees of it and that our Sensories may mis-inform us upon the account of their various Predispositions Besides the Sphere of Activity may be vary'd by the Bulk of the cold Body 1. But to consider the Sphere of Activity of small Pieces of Ice we have found it very small in comparison of the Atmospheres of odorous Bodies insomuch that I am perswaded we can have no sense of Cold without the immediate Contact of a cold Body since Ice approaching our Sensory or a Weather-glass affects neither tho' held as near as possibly they may without touching And the like hath been observ'd at Sea where in foggy Nights the Seamen have not been able to discern neighbouring Mountains of Ice Tho' by a Merchant who made the Observation in Greenland I am told That he perceived a manifest access of Cold upon the approach of a floating piece of Ice 2. And I am told that in Ispahan the Capital City of Persia the Ice being never much more than a Finger thick they usually pour Water upon it which as it runs over the Ice is in part froze by which means they thicken the Ice and preserve it in proper Conservatories This Experiment having been tryed in England by pumping of Water upon Flakes of Ice I found That the Pump-water being warmer than the Ice thawed it instead of increasing the Thickness of it And tho' here in England Water poured upon Snow promotes its Dissolution yet in Russia and Muscovy I am told That Water thrown upon Snow freezes it which they therefore make use of to incrustate several Bodies with Ice yet one thing is to be observ'd that generally at the same time the sharpness of the Air is so violent as to incrustate several Bodies with Ice when only Water is made use of so that in trying such Experiments we are to consider the Temperature of the Air at the same time which hath a great Influence in promoting or varying the Effects of such Tryals 3. How deep Frost penetrates into Water and Earth will be a very hard thing to determine since Earth especially may be more or less disposed to freeze according to the several Degr●es of Cold and its Duration the Tex●●●… of the Earth and the Nature of the Juices d●●●…ed through it or subterraneal Steams Whence large Tracts of Land that lye over some Mines are always free from Snow good quantities of Lime-stone being near the Surface of the Earth 4. But tho' it be so difficult to know to what Depth Frost will reach yet that we may contribute as much as we can to the general History of Cold we shall add the following Notes After four Nights hard Frost the Ground in the Orchard was froze about 3 Inches deep and in the
Snow TO discover what Liquors Ice would be soonest dissolved in we contrived to freeze Water in a long Cylinder which being loosen'd by applying a warm Hand we divided some into Pieces ¼ of an Inch long and others into Inches and our Experiments being made with these Cylindrical Pieces of Ice In the first Tryal 1. In Oyl of Vitriol a Cylindrical Piece of Ice of an Inch in length lasted 5 Minutes 2. In Spirit of Wine 12 Minutes 3. In Aqua fortis 12 ½ 4. In Water 12 Minutes 5. In Oyl of Turpentine about 44 Minutes 6. In Air 64 Minutes The second Tryal 1. In Oyl of Vitriol an Inch of Cylindrical Ice lasted undissolv'd 3 Minutes 2. In Spirit of Wine 13 Minutes 3. In Water 26 Minutes 4. In Oyl of Turpentine 47 Minutes 5. In Sallet-Oyl 52 Minutes 6. In Air 152 Minutes 2. We likewise thought it worth while to try what difference there would be in the Duration of Pieces of Ice of the same Bulk and Figure but of different Liquors as also whether Attrition would contribute to the Dissolution of Ice which Iobserv'd it did Whence it appears That as the Agents contiguous to Ice are different they dissolve it's Texture sooner or later and if Snow or Ice be kept in a Place where neither the Sun nor the Air hath much Influence upon it it will continue a long time An Appendix to the XVI Title 1. In confirmation of what was said in the Close of this Title I shall add the following Account of the Italian Conservatories sent me by my ingenious Friend Mr. J. Evelyn The Snow-Pits in Italy c. are sunk in the most solitary and cooled Places commonly at the Foot of some Mountain or elevated Ground which may best protect them from the Meridional or Occidental Sun 25 Foot wide at the Orifice and about 50 deep is esteemed a competent Proportion And though this be excavated in a Conical Form yet it is made flat at the Bottom or Point The Sides of the Pit are so joyced that Boards may be nailed upon them very closely jointed About a Yard from the Bottom is fixed a strong Frame or Tresle upon which lyes a wooden Grate the Top or Cover is double thatch'd with Reed or Straw upon a copped Frame or Roof in one of the sides whereof is a narrow Door-case hipped on like the Top of the Dormer and thatched To Conserve Snow They lay clean Straw upon the Grate or Wattle so as to keep the Snow from running through whilst they beat it to a hard Cake of an icy Consistence which is near one Foot thick upon this they make a layer of Straw and then Snow and Straw again and continue S.S.S. 'till the Pit is full and then laying Straw or Reeds upon all they keep the Door locked This Grate is so contrived that the Snow melting by any Accident in laying or extraordinary Season of Weather it may drain away from the Mass and sink without stagnating upon it which would accelerate the Dissolution and therefore the Bottom is but very slightly steened c. 2. And it hath been observ'd by the Dutch-Men in their Voyage to Nova Zembla That in June the Sun was not powerful enough to melt Snow And even in warmer Climates where the Reflection of the Sun-beams is not so considerable Snow continues unthawed all Summer as upon the Top of the Alps and other high Mountains And Capt. James observes that in August Ice that was kept in the Sun-beams continued unmelted 8 Days or more and the same Author observes that the very Ground was frozen in June TITLE XVII Considerations and Experiments concerning the Primum frigidum Of the Primum Frigidum 1. THO several Sects of Philosophers have disputed about a Primum Frigidum some contending for Earth others Water others Air and another Sect for Nitre yet I am apt to believe That there is no such thing as a Primum Frigidum or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in which that Quality principally resides and from whence all other Bodies derive theirs no more than that there is a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Principle subject of Residence for any other Quality For if an intense Degree of Motion amongst the minute Parts of a Body be sufficient to give it the Quality of Heat it may be enough to render a Body cold that that Motion is diminished upon a removal of its Cause so that it may be doubted whether Cold be a positive or a privative Quality The Earth not the Primum Frigidum 2. Indeed Plutarch supposes the Earth to be the Summum Frigidum But we daily see That it is froze by the contiguous Air communicating Cold to it and by the Interposition of another Body may easily be preserved from that So the Salt-Works upon the Marshes of the Island Xaintonge in France are preserved from the Dammage the Frost would do them by letting in Water by Sluces to overflow them Besides were the Earth the Summum Frigidum it might justly be wonder'd why it congeals not the Water contiguous to it sooner than Hail or Snow in the Air Since Terrene Parts of Matter cannot be brought thither without some Cause able to elevate them and perhaps to alter the Qualities of them Not to mention those Vulcano's which argue the Earth to abound with Subterraneal Fires and that in several Places where there are no such Vulcano's as in deep Mines those that work there find it very hot and troublesome And in deep Wells it is observ'd that the Water is so far from being froze that it comes up reaking hot which cannot be supposed to proceed from the Beams of the Sun since it hath been observ'd by Monsieur de Claves Livre 11. Chap. 8. That in the Southern Countries the Heat of the Sun penetrates not above six or seven Foot deep And the subterraneal Parts are so far from being extremely Cold That it is observ'd by Miners That the lower they dig the more Vapours exhalations and Heat they find And Jo. Baptista Morinus witnesses That in Mines in Hungary four hundred fathom deep after the descent of 80 fathom it is always hot but whether these may proceed from Subterraneal Fires or a Mixture of other Bodies I shall not determine since I have seen Bodies actually Cold mix'd together produce Heat And I am told That in some Parts of England they dig up a Mineral which upon a Addition of Water only becomes Hot and for a like reason perhaps those Heats in the Hungarian Mines may be caused For that Mineral Steams ascend is evident since they have been observ'd in a Perpendicular Groave not only to stink● but by their Corrosive Qualities to corrode the wooden Ladders And Morinus himself tells us That descending into the Golden Mines at Cremnitz the Heat increased extremely as he descended which they attributed to a Mine of Smaragdine Vitriol which lay under it of which kind of Vitriol there is some even in the Cold
And it hath been observed That Iron-Instruments brought out of the Cold into a warm Room have been covered over with a white Hoar and it is not only confirmed by foreign Artists but several here That Cold hath so great an Effect on Steel as to make several Pieces of Metal more brittle than in the Summer so that they are then forced to work them another way and to give them a different temper Hot Water does not freeze sooner than Cold. It being a Tradition and also taught by Aristotle That Hot Water is sooner froze than Cold to determine the matter I made the following Experiments Cold Water being exposed to freeze in one Porringer boiled Water cooled in another and Hot Water in a Third at 8 a Clock the Cold Water began to freeze at ¼ after ten the Boild Water cooled at ¾ past ten and the Hot Water at ¼ an hour past Eleven And the like success happened when the Experiment was tryed a second time in Metalline Vessels And the Experiment being again tryed with greater exactness the Cold Water and the rest being exposed to freeze at ¼ after 6 the first beganto freeze ¼ after 7 the Water heated and cooled again ¾ after 7 and the Hot Water was not froze ½ an hour after Eight The like Experiment being tryed with Water contained in Glass-Cylinders of an equal Bore sealed at one end we found that there was very little difference in the time of their Congelation when immersed in a Mixture of Snow Salt and Water but once when the end of one of the Cylinders was drawn smaller than Ordinary the smallness of the Pipe occasioned the Hot Water to begin to freeze sooner than the Cold Water Postcript Accidentally looking upon the Circulus Pisanus of Berigardus I found That tho' that Author opposes Aristotle in other Points yet he agrees with Him That Hot Water cooled will sooner freeze than ordinary Cold Water but having tryed the Experiment I observ'd That both being exposed to freeze when by a Weather-Glass I found them of the same temper my Domestick who attended them took notice also that they both began to freeze at one time And tho' Berigardus further wonders That warm Salt-Water should be less subject to freeze for being Salt yet from Experiments already laid down it abundantly appears That tho' Salt Externally applyed promotes it yet Internally being dissolv'd in Water it prevents Congelation Particulars referrable to several Titles For a further Confirmation of the VI Title I shall add that Purchas relates Lib. 4. Cap. 19. That the Samojeds when they Bury their Dead only cover them with a Pile of stones and tho' the Dead Bodies may be seen through them yet the Coldness of the Air preserves them from stinking And the same Author tells us That in a certain Island they preserve their Fish and Flesh by hardening it in the Air better than if it were corned with Salt In Confirmation of what hath been delivered under the VII Title I exposed several Vials filled with Water and unstopped to be froze and found that the Bottles were broke in pieces by the Expansion of the frozen Water so that the Phaenomenon could not be attributed to Nature's abhorrency of a Vacuum For if either the Expanded Water could have made it's way by stretching the Glass or leaving the Superficial Ice congealed at first in the Neck or any other way easier than to break the Vessel the Vessel would probably be left intire I say probably because sometimes in such Experiments something may intervene which requires further Tryals and Observations to discover Since I have in other Experiments made it appear That the Water beginning to freeze at the Bottom rose a considerable height in the Stem without breaking the Bottle and I have sometimes had a good deal of a Liquor froze in a stopped Vial without breaking it as if the success were varyed by some uncommon Properties in the Glass or some peculiar softness of the Ice In Confirmation of what is delivered in the VII Title of the Expansion of freezing Water I shall add That the Capacity of a large Bottle being filled with Water except the Neck and that filled with Oyl the expanding Water not only elevated the Cork but raised it several Inches it being supported by a Cylinder partly consisting of Oily and partly of Watry Particles of Ice It is a General Tradition amongst Fisher-men That when Ponds or Rivers are froze up except several holes are broke up for the Air to communicate with the Water the Fishes will be suffocated and Olaus Magnus tells us That Fishes are usually found suffocated when a thaw comes where Veins of living Water do not enter But I am not satisfyed whether if the Tradition be true they may not be killed either by some Subterraneal Steams or their own Excrementitious Effluvia prevented by the Ice from making their way out of the Water and it may be questioned further whether this Phaenomenon may not be caused by excessive Cold as well as for want of Air. Wherefore to satisfie my self whether the Vulgar Opinion be true or not I enclosed some Gudgeons in a large Glass with a long Neck and having froze the Water in the Neck by applying a Mixture of Snow and Salt I found That the Fishes lived a considerable time And the like I observed when the same Fishes were contained in an Earthen Vessel with a little Water frozen over Where the External Air was wholly separated and prevented from communicating with the Water under the Ice yet one thing observable was That there was a large Bubble of Air under the Ice which I suppose came from the Fish For I have observed not only these sort of Fish but Lamprels take in Air and then being immersed under Water emit Bubbles both at their Mouths and Gills Gudgeons frozen up in Ice in a Basin recovered when it was thawed but some that continued 3 Days in Ice revived not Frogs froze in Water till they were all enclosed with Ice and till one of them was stiff with it recovered when it was thawed and Swam about tho' before some of them lay with their Bellys upwards and void of Motion As for the weight of Bodies frozen Capt. James tells us That Wood that had lain all Winter under Ice would sink when cast into the Water And he likewise tells us That the Ice of Wine is so durable that a Butt of Wine which was froze in the Winter continued unthawed in May. Purchas tells us of two pieces of Ice which they found lay fast on the Ground the one of which was 20 fathom under Water and 12 above and the other 18 fathom below the Surface of the Water and 10 above it It is observed by Purchas and several others That the Snow lying upon the Ground in Russia as well as in England makes it fruitful Of the separation of Liquors by Cold. It would be worth while to try what Effects Cold
chrystallized Salts appeared The Oyl of the Fruit became very friable and of a milky-white Colour but the Train Oyl only lost its fluidity and became of the consistence of soft Grease And the same Night a Bottle of Rhenish Wine and another of strong White-wine were for the most part froze the Ice tasting weaker than the Wine but the Wine being several times froze and thawed again neither lost any thing of its Colour Taste or Strength Mr. Hook shewed me an oval Glass which had at one end a narrow Cane an Inch long in which Water tinged with Cochineel being froze the Ice on the out-side was colourless but in the middle of a deep Tincture and I have observed the like in Flasks containing the same Tincture froze Flesh Fish Eggs and Apples being held near the surface of Water and immersed in it are crusted over with Ice and I have observ'd that Mortar and Plaister of Paris will freeze I have seen Ice three Yards thick on the Banks of Thames the Water which flowed successively over the Ice being froze and gradually thickening it and I have froze a whole flask full of Water by gradually pouring it into a Pan which confirms what Olearius says of making huge heaps of Ice to preserve Bodies Tho' my Lord Verulam tells us that Eggs and Apples cover'd with a wet Cloth will not freeze yet I have not observ'd any difference betwixt them and others Oyls of Animals and vegetable Oyls by Expression subside Syrups freeze not Cold affects not Loadstones sensibly in their Operations Having exposed distill'd Waters of Plantan Poppies black Cherries Night-shade Scurvy-grass and Horse-radish to the Cold in order to make a Standard for Weather-Glasses I observ'd that the Black-cherry-water was froze first and the Horse-radish and Scurvy-grass Waters last The best way to discover when Liquors begin to freeze first is by drawing a Pin through the surface of those Liquors CHAP. IX A new Frigorifick Experiment shewing how a considerable degree of Cold may be suddenly produced without the help of Snow Ice Hail Wind or Nitre any time of the year comunicated in the Transactions of July 18. 1666. Cold produced by a mixture of Sal-Armon and Water IF a pound of powdered Sal Armoniack be mixed gradually with three pints of Water and the Liquor be stirred with a stick or a Whale-bone whilst the Salt is dissolving it will produce a considerable degree of Coldness which will not only be sensible to the touch but if it be contained in a Silver Tankard the outside of it will be covered over with a multitude of little drops of Condensed Vapours as high as the Mixture reaches and if some of it be quite wiped off before the Mixture hath lost its virtue it will again be covered over with dew And if the Ball of a sealed Weather-Glass be immersed in it the tinged Liquor will presently descend lower than it did in common Water and upon a Removal of it into the Air again or common Water the spirit will manifestly ascend And this Coldness is more or less lasting as the seasons of the Air contribute to its Coldness and as the Quantity of the Salt in proportion to the Water is greater or less or as it varies in Goodness or as the Salt is put in in grosser Powder and more leisurely And the degrees of Cold may easily be discovered by frequently immerging and removing a Weather-Glass out of it into Water and from the latter into it again Whether Sal Armoniack mixed with Sand or Earth will cool Drink better than without when the Mixture is sprinkled with Water I have not yet tryed But I have found the aforemention'd Mixture cool Liquors conveniently enough after Midsummer March 27. A sealed Weather-Glass being immersed in Water the Spirit that rested at 8 1 ● Inches descended to 7 ● 8 and then the Sal-Armon being put in within a quarter of an hour it descended to 2 1 ● ⅙ Inches and before that time it began to condense the Vapours on the outside of the Glass And when the frigorifick Mixture was coldest Water placed thin on the outside would be froze in a quarter of a Minute About 3 ● of an hour after the Salt was put in the tinged Liquor being remov'd out of Water into it subsided an Inch below the freezing Mark. At 2 ½ hours after the first Solution it was at 5 ½ Inches or 4 ¾ which Mark the Liquor stood at in hard and lasting Frosts in the Winter Three hours after the first Dissolution the Liquor stood at the uppermost freezing Mark. In trying of which Experiment it was observable that some Water being shed it froze the Cucurbite to the Table it stood on In another Experiment before the Weather-Glass was put in it stood at 8 ⅛ but when immersed in Water it sunk to 7 ⅝ or 6 8 in half a quarter of an hour in the frigorifick Mixture it subsided to 7 ¾ and in an hour below 5 and consequently within a quarter of the lowest freezing Mark. Salt which once hath been dissolv'd may by being crystallized in an Iron Vessel be fit for use again So March 29. the Thermoscope which in the Air stood at 8 ⅞ in Water subsided to 8 and in the frigorifick Mixture made of Salt twice used before it subsided to 4 Inches but upon an addition of fresh Water it rose gradually CHAP. X. Of the positive and privative Nature of Cold. Arguments alledg'd in favour of its positive nature answered BEfore I proceed to enumerate what Arguments may be alledged either for the positive or privative Nature of Cold I shall briefly intimate that the word Cold may be either considered in reference to the effect such Bodies have upon the Sensory or upon other Bodies If in the latter then in frosty Weather the Sun may be said to warm the Air because it enables it to melt the Snow and thaw Ice as on the contrary warm Water is said to be cold in respect of a Hand that is much hotter The first Argument But to pass on to Arguments in favour of the positive nature of Cold The first Argument alledged is The considerable Effects it hath both upon the Sensory and other Bodies so that we may summ our Argument up in the words of Gassendus Ii sunt frigoris effectus quales habere Privatio quae actionis est incapax non potest To which it is answer'd That Heat and Cold depending only on a greater or less degree of motion of the parts of Matter than those about our Sensory and all Perceptions being carried to and distinguish'd in the Brain and being various as that Motion is different and it being likewise considered that when one Body communicates Motion to another it loses of its own it will follow that when I take a piece of Ice into my Hand and it is dissolved by the motion communicated to its Parts the motion which the Humors in my hand lost by putting
not that that acts positively upon them but imbibes the moisture And I have seen a Cold Liquor acquire a hardness its moisture being imbibed by a piece of Bread immersed in it as also Spirit of Wine dephlegmed by a Mixture of Salt of Tartar without so much as Heat the Aqueous Parts finding a more ready and easie passage into the Pores of the Alkaly than through the Spiritous Liquor And I know a saline Body which when incorporated with Water the Water will leave this a consistent mass and be imbibed by the Spirit of Wine And for a further illustration of the Cartesian Explication I shall add that Camphire by floating upon Aqua fortis will become a fluid Oyl and continue in that form till the subtle Spirit which by pervading it kept it fluid flyes away and evaporates for being put into Water the Spirit leaving the Camphire and being imbibed into the Pores of the Water it becomes a consistent mass again which that it depended not on the Coldness of the Water was evident since the same would happen on warm Water But tho' Cold should depend primarily on the influence of frigorifick Atoms yet since those by acting on the Body cooled may produce their effect by expelling calorifick Atoms the privation of those calorifick Atoms is the cause of freezing so tho' a Bullet kills a Man yet the issue is a privation of life and when a Room is darkned by extinguishing the light the darkness depends on the privation of light A sixth The last Argument of Gassendus is this Tametsi multa videantur ex sola caloris absentia frigescere nibil ominus nisi frigus extrinsicus inducatur non tam profectô frigescere quam decalescere sunt Censenda Esto enim Lapis Lignum aut aliquid aliud quod nec calidum nec frigidum sit id ubi fuerit ad motum Igni calefiet sane at cum deinceps calor excedet neque frigidum ullum circumstabit non erit cur dicas ipsum frigefieri potius quam minus calidum fieri rediere in suum statum But to this it may be answered that if we speak of Coldness with respect to sense I see not why any Body that grows hot by the action of the fire may not be said to grow Cold rather than Decalescere since Heat being only too brisk an agitation for our Sensory when upon a removal of that Cause and a declining of that motion it became less agitated than the Humours about our Sensory we may not then say it grows Colder and Colder till it become Ice But to conclude this Chapter I shall add that tho' I have offered these Arguments against Gassendus yet I shall wave determining the Controversie till further satisfied in some Speculations and in the Phaenomena of some Particular Experiments besides I would first know from those that would have Cold to be a positive Quality whether and on what account those little fragments of matter are Cold Whether their frigorifick Atoms have weight As also what is their Texture and whether that Quality may be destroy'd and whether they be primitive Bodies or not And why Coldness ensues the Mixture of two warm Bodies And in order to the solving of some of which it would be requisite to enquire how Water comes by its expansive force upon congelation And since Cold is a Privation of motion why upon the Mixture of certain Bodies Cold ensues tho' their Parts be thereby put into motion CHAP. XI Two Problems about Cold. An attempt to measure the great expansive force of freezing Water Of the Production of Cold by the conflict of Bodies appearing to make an Ebullition The first Problem THE first Problem I shall propose is how upon the Mixture of two or three Bodies there should ensue a great and tumultuary agitation of small Parts and yet even during this conflict not any sensible Heat but a considerable degree of Cold be produced Concerning which I shall only propose the question whether local motion be not Generical and whether the figure and size of Parts variously moved may not be able to cause a sensation of Heat and when variously modify'd a sense of Cold or whether the sense of Cold depends not on some frigorifick Atoms which are let lose in the Ebullition and affect the Sensory which would otherwise perceive a hot sensation by the effects of the motion of those Parts with which cold Aoms are mixed and which they over-power The second Problem The second Problem is Whence the vast force of freezing Water proceeds For since Cold depends on an Imminution of local motion it is not a little strange how it should be able to break resisting Bodies which require local motion to separate their Parts And tho' Gassendus tells us that they proceed from the ingress of frigorifick Atoms yet till Glaciation succeeds notwithstanding Water grows colder gradually it subsides and does not expand And Spirit of Wine and Chymical Oyls the greater degree of Cold they are exposed to contract the more and some Oyls even when coagulated are condensed instead of being expanded And as for what the Cartesians offer for the removal of these difficulties it may well be questioned how their Eel-like Particles being relaxed and their spring weakned they should be able to expand in spite of Opposition So that considering that Water when expanded is full of bubbles I was apt to suspect that the Air contained in them contributed to the effect and that a constipation of the Pores of Water might give them a springiness The great expansive force of Water froze To try the expansive force of freezing Water we convey'd a Bladder full of Water into a Brass Cylinder and fitting a Plugg to it upon that we placed a flat Board to hold Weights on and then the Cylinder being encompassed with a frigorifick Mixture upon the freezing of the Water in one Experiment the Plugg raised 115 pound weight and in another 100 pound Averdupois and in a third 254 pound weight Three saline Bodies each purify'd by the fire being mixed together Of the Production of Cold. produced a cold Effervescense with a hissing noise and a considerable Intumescense And in the mean time the Glass which contained it would grow colder than before and gather a Dew on the outside which would reach as high as the Mixture but on the concave bottom of the Glass there was no Dew that being not sufficiently exposed to the Air so that the Mixture could not be supposed to sweat through the Pores of the Glass since it tasted not in the least of saline Ingredients But least our Senses should misinform us of the degrees of Cold in this Mixture we at another time immersed a Weather-Glass in which the Liquor subsided above four Inches lower than in common Water Tho' the Acid Liquor it self being kept all Night in a Room with Water was of the same temper with it which appeared by a Weather-Glass immersed
by the hand above but only the Surplusage of weight which surmounts the weight of an equal bulk of Water And tho' the School-men tell us that this Phaenomenon depends on the indisposition of Water to weigh in its own place yet I have found that Lead being convey'd into melted Butter contained in a wooden Box and that being suspended in Water by a Silken-thred at the end of a ballance we observed that this was as much indisposed to weigh as Water in Water no more weight than what surmounted the weight of an equal bulk of Water being made sensible by the ballance But when it was partly raised out of the Water or wholly a greater weight was requisite to counterballance it for supposing that part of the Bucket N to be above the Surface of the Water L M a great force is requisite to sustain it the weight of Water incumbent on the Surface P Q being not able to ballance it and consequently the bottom of the Bucket H will scarce be pressed upwards half so strongly as before But if the Bucket be raised to O the Water being not at all contiguous to it cannot contribute to the supporting of it All that is further contained in this Appendix being only a Repetition of what hath been already delivered on this subject I shall pass it by as needless to be repeated again APPENDIX II. Why Divers and others who descend to the bottom of the Sea are not oppressed by the weight of the incumbent Water From what hath been already delivered it appearing that Water weighs in Water and consequently presses upon Bodies contained in it I shall therefore before I propose my own opinion briefly take notice of the following And first Monsieur Des Caries tells us See Plate 4. Fig. 6. that if the Body of a Man were placed in the bottom of the Vessel B so as to stop the Orifice A he would feell the weight of the Water C B A incumbent on him but if he were placed at B he would not be sensible of that weight because should his Body descend the Water betwixt B and C would not descend with him but supposing the Orifice A to be stopped with a solid that would feel the weight of the Water because it hindred the descent of the Water betwixt B and A but since the Principles already laid down overthrow the foundation of this Explication I shall only add that were the matter of fact true the Reason would be that when his Body was at A the Man would sustain the weight of the incumbent Water without any subjacent Water at A to buoy up against him whereas at B the subjacent Water buoys up as much as the other presses down or more But Stevinus Hydrostat Lib. 5. Pag. 149. says Omni Pressu quo corpus dolore afficitur pars aliqua corporis luxatur sed isto Pressu nulla corporis pars luxatur isto igitur Pressu corpus dolore nullo afficitur Sed Exemplo clarius ita intelliges esto A B C D See Plate 4. Fig. 7. aqua cujus fundum D C in quo foramen E habeat Epistomium sibi insertum cui dorso incumbat homo F quae cum ita sint ab aquae pondere ipsi insidente nulla pars corporis luxari poterit cum aqua undiquaque aequaliter urgeat Which solution might hold if the question was only why the Body of a Diver is not pressed down to the bottom of the Sea But as for what he says viz. That the equality and uniformness of the Pressure makes it less sensible I am of his opinion for tho' in the Air the Pressure of it is not perceivable for a like Reason yet if ones hand be applyed to the top of a Receiver and the Air exhausted the Pressure of the incumbent Atmosphere will cause a sensible Pain And to shew that the uniformity of the Pressure and the firmness of the Bodies of Divers may enable them to bear the Pressure of the Water I shall add that having included a Tad-pole in an Instrument See Plate 4. Fig. 8. such as Fig. 8. Plate the fourth describes the Plug was so far depressed that the Air in the end of the Pipe was compressed into an eighth part of the space it possessed before so that the Pressure upon the Water was equal to the weight of a Cylinder of Water three hundred foot high yet the Tad-pole moved up and down as nimbly as before being not at all indisposed tho' its Body appeared to be compressed into less room than before CHAP. VII An Hydrostatical discourse c. ALL that is contained in this discourse being chiefly a Repetition of what hath been before delivered in other Parts of the Author's Works and now only repeated to obviate some Objections of Dr. More 's and the truth 's laid down by our Author in his Hydrostatical Paradoxes and Physico-mechanical Experiments being so plain and these Objections so trivial it would but be needless to encrease the bulk of the Book with what may with more Reason be avoided CHAP. VIII A new Essay Instrument and the Hydrostatical Principle it 's founded on c. Communicated in the Transactions of June 1675. The first Section Shewing the occasion of making this Instrument and the Hydrostatical Principle it 's founded upon A new Hydrostatical Instrument and its uses proposed HAving several years ago made of a Bubble with a long Stem to estimate the specifick Gravity of Metals by its easie or more difficult immersion with them I applyed it likewise to estimate the weight of other Solids by observing how Solids suspended at this Bubble would depress it variously according to their specifick Gravities It being a general Rule in Hydrostaticks that any solid Body in Water loses so much of its weight as a parcel of Water of the same Dimensions would weigh in the Air so that Gold being specifically heavier than Copper it must lose less of its weight in the Water than Copper because proportionably the Ignobler Metal possesses the space of a greater quantity of Water whose weight by weighing it in that fluid is lost in the weight of the Body suspended at the Bubble And consequently an ounce of Gold must cause that Bubble to be immersed deeper in Water than an ounce of Brass or Copper would the Brass by Reason of its larger Dimensions losing more of its weight than the Gold The second Section Describing the Construction of this Instrument This Instrument may be made of any Metal or other matter which will float in the Water without soaking it in but the best for the uses hereafter mentioned are those made of Glass tho' they are not so lasting as those that consist of Copper or Silver This Instrument is made of three Parts a Ball the Stem and that which holds the Pipe The Ball consists of two Metalline Plates each of the fashion of a Convex Glass and the Cavity within must be so large that the
several things besides what it performs as a Watch And if the Effects of those Corpuscles of which Bodies are compos'd are sometimes so Prodigious as for Instance the Effects which Fire produces by its Heat we need not wonder that such great things may be done as we sometimes see by several Active Qualities convening into one Body since we see Engines perform very strange things by virtue of those Accidents viz. the Shape Size Motion and Contrivance of their Parts Of Generation Corruption and Alteration VIII Having thus according to our Hypothesis shewed what is meant by a Form it remains that we explain what is to be understood by Generation Corruption and Alteration In order to which we are to consider Considerations requisite to the Doctrin of Generation c. 1. That there are some Particles of Matter so small that tho' they be Mentally or by Divine Omnipotence divisible yet are scarce Actually divided by Nature which in that respect may be call'd Minima Naturalia 2. That there are Multitudes of Corpuscles consisting of a Coalition of several of these Minima Naturalia whose Bulk is so small and Adhesion so close that tho' not absolutely indivisible into the Minima Naturalia yet very seldom are actually divided and these are the Seeds or immediate Principles of many sorts of Natural Bodies as Earth Water c. 3. That both the Minima Naturalia and those Primary Clusters resulting from the Coalition of them having their determinate Bulk and Shape when these are united the Size and Shape by their Juxta-position must be often altered and oftentimes their Tendency in and to Motion vary'd which Accidents will also happen when they are dis-joyn'd by which Unions and Separation of Parts the Size and Shape being variously altered they are accordingly adapted to several Pores upon which Account they have different Effects upon several Bodies 4. That when several of these Corpuscles are associated and put into Motion that Motion will produce great Alterations and many new Qualities in the Bodies they compose as Air swiftly moved is call'd Wind and feels colder to the Touch and Iron rubb'd against Wood feels warm But besides these Invisible Alterations there are several which are visible as when the Particles by knocking together are broke and dis-joyn'd and by that means acquire new Forms their Bulk and Figure being altered and the Texture and Interstices of the Parts being also vary'd Thus Water froze acquires Firmness and loses its Transparency and Milk by a languid intestin Motion of its Parts in hot Weather turns into a thinner Liquor and into Cream which agitated in a Churn turns to an Oyly Substance and a thin fluid So Fruit by being bruised loses its Colour Taste Smell and Consistence From whence it appears that Motion is not only the Grand Agent in Altering but Composing and Constituting the Forms of Bodies 5. And that since the Qualities of Bodies are derived from the Size Shape and Motion and the Texture or Essential Modification of the Parts of Matter we need not deride the Ancient Atomists for attempting to deduce Generation and Corruption from the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Convention and Dissolution and their Alterations from the Transpositions of their Atoms tho' I believe they all three are concern'd in Generation as well as Corruption and Alteration Generatition Corruption c. what These things premis'd our Doctrin of Generation Corruption and Alteration may be compriz'd in a few Words for when there is such a Concurrence of Accidents as are requisite to constitute any determinate Species such a Species is said to be generated in which Action no new Substance is produced but that which was Praeexistent obtains a new Manner of Existence or new Modification which is evident in the making of a Watch where the Parts are the same when separate as when joyn'd only the Union in respect of the whole makes a new Body of a peculiar Modification And when that Union of Accidents which denominates a Body generated is destroy'd and dissolv'd that Body losing its Essential Modification is said to be corrupted for as a Watch is said to be made when its Parts are put together so when they are again displac'd it is no longer call'd a Watch. Hence we may learn to understand that Axiom Corruptio unius est Generatio alterius è contrà for when those Accidents which make one Body are by any means altered it loses that Denomination and being modify'd anew puts on another Form and becomes a Body of another Kind Putrefaction what And here before we wholly leave off the Consideration of Corruption it may not be amiss to take Notice That Putrefaction is but a peculiar kind of Corruption where the Texture of Matter is more slowly altered than in Corruption in a strict Sense and also that all the Essential Qualities are not destroy'd Alteration what And here it may be seasonable to take Notice also That tho' the Form of a Body depends on its Essential Modification yet it seldom happens that a Body acquires no other Qualities than what are essentially and absolutely necessary to denominate its Species since in most Bodies it falls out that there are some Qualities which whether absent or not don 't essentially change the Subject the Acquisition or loss of which is call'd Alteration or by some Mutation Generation and Corruption depending on an Acquisition or Loss of the Essential Qualities of a Body But to conclude this Theoretical Part let us reflect briefly on the Fruitfulness of this Mechanical Hypothesis For according to this Doctrin the World we live in is not a moveless indigested Mass of Matter but an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Self-moving Engine whose Parts are most of them in a variety of Motions and so close set together as to leave no Vacuities or very little ones betwixt them And since the various Coalitions of these Parts are enough to make several Bodies of as various Textures and we see such a vast variety of Words made only of 24. Letters differently situated we need not wonder that so many and such multitudes of Bodies should result from Matter differently Modify'd by a Coalition of Matter subject to so many Accidents as Matter in Motion must be its Parts being subject to be alter'd variously by the Addition Comminution or Substraction of a few Parts of Matter CHAP. II. Further Considerations concerning Particular Qualities HAVING said thus much of the Qualities of Bodies in General I now proceed to Particulars And here I shall not spend Time in reckoning up all the Different Significations of the Word Quality since what follows will explain what Sense we use it in I shall therefore only in short intimate That several things have been accounted Qualities Primary Modes of Matter and Complexions of Qualities mistaken for Real Qualities which seem rato be Complexions of them as Inanimal Animal Health and Beauty the last of which seems to be the Result of
Symmetry and Complexion with Agreeable and Delightful Colours There are other States of Matter also as Rest and Motion Size and Shape usually call'd Qualities which are rather to be accounted Primary Modes of Matter But this concerning Names rather than Things I shall waving the usual Divisions of Qualities treat of them according to the following Division viz. First I shall consider them under two Heads to wit Manifest and Occult Qualities the former of which we shall divide gredients of a Body is evident since Water Hermetically Sealed being froze instead of retaining Fluidity and Transparency becomes Brittle Firm and sometimes Opacous which Qualities upon a Thaw it again loses Also fixt Metal barely by being hammer'd becomes brittle which Quality it presently loses when heated in the Fire And Silver by being hammer'd puts on Qualities which it by no means had when cold as a Power to melt some Bodies and to dry others with several others which it only acquires by Virtue of the invisible Agitation of its Parts put into Motion by hammering I might add several Instances of this Kind but having mention'd them in other succeeding Chapters I shall omit them here and pass to The Third Consideration which hath been prov'd in the preceding Chapter which is That we are not to consider the Effects of Mix'd Bodies as the bare Result of the Parts of Matter of such a determinate Texture but as plac'd amongst other Bodies on which they may variously act and be acted on But Fourthly to remove this Objection we must consider That the Peripatetick as well as Chymical Principles are incapable of accounting for the various Phaenomena of Nature which the Corpuscular Philosophy hath a greater Advantage in For neither the different Colours of the Planets nor the Generation and Perishing of Spots in the Sun are to be accounted for by the Doctrin of the Peripateticks nor Chymists besides several Phaenomena relating to Magnetism Musick Dioptricks Catoptricks and Staticks And indeed I should think it not a little strange that the various Textures The Difference in Agents and Patients diversify the Actions as well as Motions of Bodies would not more sufficiently account for the Phaenomena of Nature than the Cosideration of Quiescent Ingredients for as all Natural Bodies act on one another by Motion so that Motion is variously determin'd according to the different Textures of the Agents and Patients But to proceed to the Second Objection against the Corpuscularian Philosophy which is A Second Objection against the Corpuscularian Philosophy answer'd That it is impossible so great a variety of Qualities should arise from so few Principles as Matter and Motion In answer to this I shall endeavour to shew that it is possible those Catholick Affections of Matter should be deriv'd from Local Motion and that those Principles being variously combin'd and joyn'd together should afford Phaenomena as various as any to be observ'd in Nature And First If we allow what is undeniable viz. That the Tendency of Matter as to Motion is different in several Parts of the Universe it will follow that by Local Motion so diversify'd Matter must be divided into Parts distinct from one another and consequently being Finite must necessarily have a determinate Size as well as Shape And since all the Universal Bulk of Matter hath not its Parts in a constant Motion some of them being intangl'd together must needs be at Rest And hence the Primary Affections of Matter flow But there are yet other Affections of Matter belonging to the lesser Fragments of it in Respect of their Situation as Posture either Horizontal Erect or Inclining in reference to our Horizon and also a peculiar Order in Relation to each other the Union of which Parts collectively consider'd may properly be call'd Texture or Modification And since most Bodies are made up of Parts something Irregular it is impossible but that there should be Interstices or Pores left betwixt them And further some Parts of Bodies being very subtile and fine and easily put into Motion by Heat or other proper Agents such Bodies cannot but emit good store of Effluviums And when Particles of Matter are fitted and adapted so as to adhere together they form those similar Bodies call'd Elements which being mix'd with one another constitute Compound Bodies which being again associated with Compounds form Bodies still more Complex which Compounding and Decompounding of Bodies The Difference betwixt Mixture and Texture may be Properly call'd Mixture which differs from Texture because it implies a Heterogeneity of Parts which the latter does not And Lastly all Bodies whether Simple or Compound are to be consider'd as plac'd in the World as it is now constituted and rul'd by The Vniversal Fabrick of things as well as the Laws of Motion The Phoenomena exhibited by the Corpuscular Principles very numerous From hence it appearing That Matter is very Naturally diversify'd by eleven Primary Affections to which it self being added makes twelve we may by Parity of Reason consider that if such an inaccountable Number of Words may be made of the 24. Letters it will not be hard to think that so many different Modes of Matter may arise from such Finite Principles as could Reasonably be suppos'd to result from the various Associations of those ten Letters And indeed an inaccountable Number more since every one of these Principles admits of an Incredible Variety As first there may be a vast Variety of Associations in respect of the Figure or Number or Order of the Parts joyn'd as in Figure some may be Triangles or Squares others Pentagons c. There may also another Variety proceed from the Different Shapes and Sizes of the Parts of Matter united their Figures being either Spherical like a Bullet Elliptical like an Egg or Cubical as a Dye c. together with a great many others Examples of which the Instruments of Carvers Gravers c. afford those Tools being not only of different Sizes but also various Shapes And there is no less Variety in the Degrees of Motion since Motion may be infinitely different in Swiftness or Slowness Uniformity or Difformity as also according to the different Lines in which Bodies move as Streight Circular Hyperbolical Ellyptical c. as also according to the differently Figur'd Parts they strike against to which Causes of Variety may be added the different Sizes or Shapes of the Bodies mov'd as also the several Degrees of Compound Bodies and the different Modifications of their Ingredients and likewise of the Mediums through which they move as well as the Degreess of Impulse And the Effects of these may be vary'd again according to the different Situation or Determinate Natures of the Bodies they strike against Musical Instruments afford instances of the various Effects of Motion And that Motion is able to produce a vast Variety of Effects we may learn from Musical Instruments where according to the Difference of the Air 's Motion arising from the various
Substantial Forms being examined I shall briefly consider the Physical Arguments usually alledged for the proof of them The first is the Spontaneous cooling of hot Water an Action usually attributed to the Power of the Substantial Form which might be plausible were it not otherwise to be explained for Bodies esteem'd cold having their Parts in a less Agitation than the Natural Juices about the Sensory cause that Sensation but when the Parts of that Water by the heat of the Fire are put into a Violent Motion stronger than that of the Parts of Matter about our Sensory it becomes hot which hot Water being removed from the Fire and the Agitation of its Parts being diminished it returns to its just Temperature To effect which a Substantial Form is no more requisite than when a Ship is put into a violent Motion in a Storm there is required a Substantial Form to stop its Motion upon the ceasing of that Storm And in opposition to Substantial Forms it may be likewise considered that Water in upper Rooms in hot Climates will be kept warm and in Nova Zembla in the Form of Ice meerly by the Temper of the Air in spite of the Substantial Form Another Argument urged is that Matter being indifferent to all Accidents it wants a substantial Form to link the Accidents requisite to every Particular Body together To which it is answered that the World being now made and constituted the Phaenomena of Nature depend on one part of Matter acting on another so that especially fluid Bodies frequently change their States being altered by the several Seasons of the Year and Temperature of the Air which is evident from the different Effects it hath on Weather-Glasses So that the Accidents observable in most Bodies depend on Agents and Efficient Causes which produce in Matter what in the Precedent Chapter we call an Essential Form And there is no need of a Substantial Form to keep those Accidents together since they will continue in the same state till some other Agent works on them which is strong enough to destroy and change the Texture and Form of that Matter which Agent the assistance of a Substantial Form being not able to resist the Body in spite of the Peripatetick Doctrin must be chang'd an instance of which we have in Lead which tho' when melted it returns to it's pristine state upon cooling if it be long continued upon a Violent Fire will be turned into a reddish brittle Glass and lose all its former Qualities and retains those new acquired ones till some powerful Extrinsick Agent cause a fresh Change On the contrary Oranges Tamarinds Senna and several other Bodies retain the same Qualities when gathered and removed from the Soul of the Tree and without the influence of its Form which they had before whilst growing And the colour of Snow soon perisheth notwithstanding its Substantial Form its Texture being altered by a Dissolution The Parts of a Body may adhere without the help of a Substantial Form But there is still another Argument generally alledged in favour of Substantial Forms which is that without them the various changes observable in Bodies and the adhering of several Parts of Matter united into one Totum would be unaccountable As to the first Part of this Argument it is easily answered since Local Motion variously determined is able to effect considerable and various Changes in Bodies an Instance of which besides what hath been said in the first and the preceding part of this Chapter we have in Tallow which by the Mechanical Effects of Fire exchanges Heat for Coldness Fludity for Firmness and instead of Whiteness puts on Transparency And besides the Changes which are caused by the Action of one single Quality in an Agent as Heat the Operations of Bodies proceeding from the Texture of the whole are various as appears by Factitious Vitriol which is made of Iron and a Corrosive Menstruum yet hath all the Qualities of Natural Vitriol And as to the Second Part of the Argument viz. That the Parts of a Body could not be united into one without a Sustantial Form I answer That a Connexion of Parts conveniently figured is sufficient as when a Pear is grafted on a White-thorn or a Plum is inoculated on an Apricock there is a Union of Two different Forms meerly by a Connexion of the Parts of Matter and the Parts grafted or inoculated receive Nourishment as naturally as if they were supposed to be joined by a Substantial Form to a Stock of the same Form and Texture with themselves Another Instance of Union by a Connexion of certain figured Parts we have in Glass where the Particles of Sand are linked together with the Saline ones by the help of Colliquation and the violent Action of the Fire But to conclude I am not ignorant that it is alledged in favour of Substantial Forms that they render Natural Philosophy much more perfect and that it would be very imperfect without them which comes to no more than that if we must not explain things difficult by things unknown we must be imperfect where I think the Imperfection is not at all remedied for should it be ask'd why Jet attracts Straws or why Rhabarb is a Cholagogue and the Answer should be by reason of their Substantial Forms it would be all one as to say by I know not what because those Forms are unknown Being therefore in things purely appertaining to Natural Philosophy unwilling to believe what is not intelligible I shall leave the Doctrin of Substantial Forms to those that have clearer Heads than my self and shall rather proceed upon Intelligible Principles The Form of a Body is its Essential Modification I shall therefore briefly intimate what hath been delivered before concerning our Notion of Forms viz. That the Form of a Body is its Essential Modification and tho' Matter at the first Beginning of things had both Form and Motion from the wise Creator of things yet now the various Forms of Bodies depend on the Effects of Local Motion which divides and variously transposes and so alters both the Textures and Forms of Natural Bodies tho' I say at the Creation the Parts of Matter were guided by a Supream Power so as to convene into an orderly and well contrived Fabrick CHAP. IV. Considerations concerning Subordinate Forms as they are usually held by several Learned Modern Philosophers IT is usually held by several Modern Philosophers That besides the Specifick Form of a Body The Notions of Modern Philosophers concerning Subordinate Forms there are several Subordinate Forms in Determinate Parts of it subservient to that which is the Common Form of the whole Substance and which upon the Dissolution of a Body become Specifick Forms themselves the Specifick Form which presided over them before being destroy'd As when in a Living Animal the Soul which is the Specifick Form of that Animal Body is separated from it the Forms which were before lodg'd in every Part as subordinate
Parts yet when it ceases to be water'd with a continual supply of Sap the Sap is only dispers'd in the Air or intercepted and spent in some other Part of the Tree From whence it appears that nothing at all perishes but only the Manner of Union and the Particular Modification of those Parts of Matter cease so that those solid Parts are no longer fitly adapted to be nourish'd by those Fluids Which Instance may serve to illustrate our Doctrin tho' there be considerable Difference betwixt the things compar'd inasmuch as a Plant hath not always that Aptitude to be again actuated as the Mill hath But there are some Instances which may render the Difference less considerable if we consider that the Rose of Jericho which tho' for several Years gather'd and wither'd is so far refresh'd by Water as to seem but lately gather'd And I have observ'd that tho' a Plant of Aloes had several Years hung near the Ceiling of my Chamber yet it was by the use of a convenient Liquor so far renew'd as to perform several things which are usually the Effects of Life and Growth And the like is confirm'd by what may be experimented in Wasps which tho' drown'd in Water will yet recover Life by the Heat of the Sun The Qualities of a Body whose Specifick Form is destroy'd depend not on the United Action of the whole Ingredients But to wave needless Illustrations I shall proceed to observe That tho' a Body hath laid down its Specifick Form yet the Qualities remaining are not always the Result of the united Subordinate Forms but depend sometimes on the determinate Forms of Particular Parts of that Body tho' the Union be such as to preserve the Structure as to Sense unalter'd as appears when an Extract is drawn out of Rhubarb or the Juice of Oak-Bark is extracted by Water the Remaining Substances tho' as to outward appearance the same New Qualities may be added upon a Dissolution of a Speficick Form retain not their Specifick Virtues Besides upon the Abolition of Specifick Forms several new Qualities may be added to a Body which it had not before by the Influence of external Agents As when Musk results from the Action of some External Body upon Flesh For not only the Seminal Rudiments latent in Bodies that have undergone a Change exert themselves but several outward Agents to which those Bodies are expos'd do by agitating and altering the Textures of that Matter promote such a Favourble concourse of Circumstances that Noble and very Exquisite Forms may result from their Union and Contexture As a Lime-Stone being Physically chang'd by the Influence of Congruous Particles when expos'd to the Air will yield Salt-Petre genuine and inflammable And I have often observ'd an Efflorescence upon certain Marcasites agreeable in both Colour and Taste as well as other Operations with Vitriol which could be nothing but the Effect of outward Agents changing the Texture of those Parts which lay open to the Air for some time The Modidifications of a Body may be twofold first in respect of ths Specifick Form secondly in respect of its own Parts But to wave there things I shall illustrate a little further what I just before hinted concerning a twofold Modification of Matter viz. the Relation it hath to a Specifick Form and that which is the meer Result of Texture amongst its own Parts what I shall offer is That some things are attributed to the Soul or Specifick Form which may be effected by the meer Subordinate Association of Parts promoted by a mutual Concourse of Natural Agents as the Excrements may be voided when a Man 's dead or Fruit may be ripen'd after it is gather'd without the assistance of the Expulsive Faculty of the Soul in the former or the Perfective in the latter Agreeable to this the Inquisitive Oviedo relates a Story to the Emperor Charles the Fifth of a Fruit in the West-Indies call'd Anana's which are gather'd as soon as One is ripe the rest being kept in Chambers to acquire Maturity afterwards And the Learned Josephus Acosta relates the following Account of the Fruit of a Plane-Tree to the same viz. That they usually gather it when green which being laid up in a Vessel mix'd with a certain Herb gradually ripens But the Diligent Piso tells a Story more to our Purpose of those Brasilian Plants call'd Pacoeira and Bananiera for concerning the Fruit he says Continentur plerumque in Vno Ramo quatuordecem aut sedecem numero ut it a una Planta proferat septuaginta aut octuaginta qui subinde Virides avulsi nunc in Aedibus nunc in Navibus suspenduntur donec justam maturitatem flavedinem consequantur And he also says of the Boughs when lop'd off Ramus autem ille fructibus onustus interea dum illi maturescunt augetur floresque semper protrudit ex corpore illo foli●ceo c. And it is not less remarkable that Onions and such like Fruit as well as Potatoes will shoot of their own accord tho' suspended in the Air. But not here to take Notice how far these things may result from the Exertion of Latent and Seminal Principles I shall rather observe That several things usually ascrib'd to the Soul may result even from the Texture of the Body concurring with external Causes as the Hair or Nails will grow considerably for a long time after the Body is dead * A Cessation of Vital Functions upon Death no Arguments of the Soul's Superintendency whilst living And tho' by the Espousers of Sennertus his Opinion the Cessation of the Vital and Animal Functions upon Death are look'd upon as strong Arguments That the Soul is the Agent which effects whatever is acted in the Body yet I conceive it depends on somethings very precarious since notwithstanding what is manifest to us the Cessation of those Faculties may depend on the internal Organization which may in some measure be destroy'd Since the Body consists of Parts not only solid but soft as the Brain and also liquid as the Humours a right and convenient Coaptation of which is required to preserve Life considerable Changes in the Humours being enough to obstruct Circulation on which Life so much depends Thus in Palsies tho' there be no visible Change yet by an Indisposition either in the Humours or Vessels the Parts become void of Sense as well as Motion And even Sleep it self so alters the Disposition of our Bodies that Odours and Sounds are not perceiv'd by a sleeping Man tho' nothing externally obstructs the Operation of the Soul which lodges in the Body and what considerable Alterations in the Humours may be effected without our Perception may be urg'd from the Effects which Thunder hath upon Wine in turning it into a Vinegar sower and uninflamable The former Doctrin of Subordinate Forms apply'd to Inanimate Bodies But to render what I have said of Subordinate Forms more intelligible I shall lay it down in certain Propositions
without making long and tedious Excursions applying it chiefly to Inanimate Bodies And first I shall consider 1. That the signification of the Technical Word Form is indeterminate since it is not agreed what is enough to determine what Forms Bodies are of it being not only disputed whether Water by being froze loses its Form or not But further several Bodies have no particular Forms assign'd to them as Ink Gun-powder Beer Coal c. Nay some Bodies consider'd in different Respects may seem to have more Forms than One as in Vitrum Saturni which is made of Lead it may be doubted whether it hath the Form of a Metal or Glass since it hath a great many of the Qualities of Both as Fusibility Transparency and Brittleness and will contrary to common Glass dissolve in Aqua Fortis yield a sweet Solution and may be reduc'd into a Malleable Lead by Fire so likewise Amel whose Ingredients are calcin'd Tin together with Salt and Sand and some burnt Copper will again yield most of the same distinct Ingredients yet the Compound had not all the Properties belonging to these Bodies But The Nobleness of Forms hard to be distinguish'd II. It is a Matter of Difficulty to determine the Nobleness of Forms This is not only evident from Examples before given but several others as Glass of Antimony is more apt for some uses than Crude Antimony and vice versa Again it hath been formerly a Dispute and may be a Doubt still Whether the Powder resulting from Gold and Silver precipitated be a Nobler Metal than Gold of which were a Spagerical Physician and a Goldsmith to judge the Former would value the Powder as much as the Latter would the Gold Again tho' Silver Soder be the Result of Silver alloy'd with Copper or Brass and of very great use yet it may be question'd whether it is not by that means render'd less valuable And tho' a Plant be petrify'd and for that reason valu'd as a Rarity yet is that New Form in it self less Noble than the former The most Noted Qualities of a Body denominate its Form III. Tho' several Alterations are made in Bodies by a Recess or Access of Qualities yet they retain the same Denomination and are said to have the same Form by reason of some Eminent Quality or Use which is proper to them For which reason Vitrum Antimonii is call'd so because it hath the Fusible and Transparent Qualities of Glass tho' it in other Respects besides its Vomitive and Purgative Properties hath Qualities different from Glass So all Unctuous Bodies as Oyl of Almonds Olives c. are call'd Oyls because Fluid and not apt to be mix'd with Water yet there is a great deal of Difference betwixt them and Empyreumatical Oyl of Guajacum or Box So likewise several Substances of very different Effects are reckon'd amongst Salts because they readily dissolve in Water and are very sapid so that the Word Form seems to be apply'd to Bodies on the account of some Metaphysical Conceptions and in respect of some General Use rather than Physical Forms by which Substances of the same Form are said to be of the same Specifick Nature and Virtue From whence it may be thought that several Substances are generally Class'd together as they are alike States of Matter rather than agreeable Forms As Water and Wine may be turn'd into Ice or Tallow and Mineral Concretes may become of the number of Substances which constitue Flame The Action of several Compounds depends on the Union of their Parts IV. That by Compound Bodies several Effects will be produc'd upon the account of the Union and Joynt-Action of their Ingredients These Operations by the Schools are said to be done Actione Communi as when a Man disputes vivâ voce the Rational Soul concurs with the Vocal Organs to the Forming of Syllogisms Or to use a plainer Instance as a Bullet acts on a Plane by Virtue of its whole Specifick Gravity tho' it touches the Plane but in a Point the other parts acting on it by the Intervention of that Or as in a Pair of Scales the whole Substance of a Man and all that he hath about him presses upon the Scale tho' he touches it but with his Feet But to use an Instance of the Concurrent or Actio Communis of an Organical Body the Effects of a Compound Body are like that of a Watch where if any Part be wanting the Complex Action so much depends on the Common and Joynt-Action of the whole that the Action of the whole is destroy'd Inanimate Bodies have Subordinate Forms V. It is agreeable to Reason to admit of Subordinate Forms in Bodies Inanimate Against this it is objected That one Body cannot have two Forms To this it may in short be answer'd That tho' a Body can have no more than one Adaequate Form yet being a Compound it may have several which are Subordinate to and Parts of that as the Parts of a Watch have each their own Forms which are Subordinate to the Form of the whole A Second Objection is That a Body having a Compleat Form whatever is Concurrent to it makes it Ens per Accidens To this it may be answer'd That according to the Schools the Soul and Body which have each separately distinct Forms being joyn'd make Vnum per se and not per Accidens and the Rational Faculties which are its Accidents are said to make Vnum per se So that thence by Parity of Reason tho' a Congeries of Accidents concur to the Forming of a Body yet the Operation and Property of the whole United being one it may as well be said to be Vnum per se Add to this that the Peripateticks have not scrupled to teach That the Forms of Elements are not destroy'd by being mix'd yet they hold each of the Bodies made up of them to be Vnum per se But it may be further answer'd That tho' a Form be compleat in it self yet the Form resulting from the Union of another with it may be far more Noble and perform things much more curious than before As when Sulphur and Nitre are added to Charcoal or when a Spring is added to the other Parts of a Watch where by the Addition of these Forms the pre-extent are not destroy'd but improv'd the whole in each Composition making one Compound Form A Superadded Form may modify the Actions of Subordinate ones without dest●●y●ng them VI. Sometimes a Superadded Form is Accidental to a Pre-existent yet it modifies the Operations of it without altering its Nature As a Needle which hath its Form consider'd as Steel besides its Figure as a Needle and by being touch'd with a Load-stone acquires several other Properties as to attract others and instead of its Indifferency to move any way regulates its Motion so as to point North and South of which Properties it is again depriv'd by being drawn upon the Pole of a powerful Load-stone But that we may
more clearly understand how a Superadded Form modifies the Actions of a Body we need but reflect on the Parts of a Watch from whence the Forma Totius proceeds where we may see how the Spring by being bent acquires a Tendency to expand and how the Wheels moderate that Expansion From whence we may gather how the Parts of a Body which united make the Forma Totius concur in superadding several New Qualities to the whole So a piece of Lead is Vitrify'd by the Action of the Fire by which Action the Parts which before were pliable become brittle and being otherwise rang'd as to Situation give way to the Rays of Light and becomes Transparent And Salt-Petre by the Addition of Coal and Sulphur instead of burning by degrees and leaving an Alkalizate Salt behind it flashes all away at once Compound may act by Virtue of one single Ingredient VII Besides the Actions of a Body which are specifick in respect of the whole it may have several Operations depending on the separate and particular Properties of an Ingredient This may appear from what hath been deliver'd above But to make it more clear I shall again intimate what hath been before deliver'd viz. That the Parts of a Watch retain several of their Pristine Qualities when put together as they did before To which another Instance might be added from what is elsewhere said of Gun-powder To which it may be added That several Ingredients in Physical Compositions retain their own Qualities tho' the Composition hath in General a Particular Effect upon the account of its Mixture As for Instance Ambergreece retains its Smell as well as Aloes its Taste when made up into Pills with other Ingregredients and Opium likewise its Soporifick Qualities tho' mix'd with so great a number of Ingredients as those of Venice-Treacle Another Example we have in the Precipitate of Gold and Mercury by Heat which tho' it hath a red Colour different from both the Ingredients yet the Mercury retains its Salivating Faculty The most noted often esteem'd the Specifick Form VIII That is often call'd the Specifick Form in several Natural Bodies which is not the Presiding but only the most Eminent To prove this we are to consider what hath been already observ'd As First That the Signification of the Word Form is made use of Arbitrarily and without sufficient Distinction Secondly That Forms are only Respective and the Result of a Determinate Coexistence of the Parts of Matter Thirdly That they are attributed to Bodies upon the account of some particular Qualities as Unctuousness in Oyls c. or some particular Use Pourthly Agreeably to these a Body must be endued wich several of those Qualities upon the Account of which Bodies are referr'd to different Classes As in Vitrum Antimonii in which besides those Qualities by which it is referr'd to Glass it hath a Vomitive and Purgative Faculty by which it is brought into another Class in Physick Fifthly It is not requisite that these Forms should depend on one another since neither the Vomitive nor Purgative Faculty depend on the Form of Glass they both being inherent in the Calx before it was Vitrify'd and would be preserv'd tho' the Glass without an Addition of other Matter should be turn'd into a Regulus Sixthly To these Observations we may add That the Qualities of Bodies are said to be less or more Noble in respect of their different Uses As in Glass of Antimony tho' the Glass may be taken for the Noblest Form by an Artist yet it s other Antimonial Qualities are more Eminent amongst Chymists and Physicians Seventhly From these Considerations we may gather that the most Predominant Form is not always that which denominates the Form of a Body but sometimes that which is most Eminent that is most regarded Some are rather Concurrent Forms than Subordinate IX The Forms just now mention'd are rather to be esteem'd Concurrent than Subordinate And indeed where the Denominating or most regarded Form may be so vary'd they rather seem Concurrent than Subordinate in respect of the Body whose Attributes they are So that the Subjection of some sort of Forms seems very difficult to be explain'd And indeed we are so apt to mistake Names for Things since by only denominating some Bodies which have Particular Operations we are apt to attribute what is the sole Effect of Modification to that Metaphysical Conception which we have of an Aery Form rather than to the Body consider'd as a Physical Agent endued with a Mechanical and Adventitious Texture And it is so far from Appearing that there is any thing of Supereminency or Dominion of one Form in all the Operations of a Compound Body that in some Simple Bodies the Specifick Form is not in the least concern'd in the Effects of them as Water will scald by Virtue of its Adventitious Heat which is contrary to those Qualities attributed to its Form as such And so Springiness may be added to or taken away from Silver without altering the Specifick Form of the Metal nor does the Form of a File consider'd as Metal affect what is attributed to it upon the Account of those Asperities Nor is the more than usual Hardness the Product of the Substantial Form but an acquir'd Temper given it by the Smith It would be an easy Matter to add several other Instances But to conclude Tho' the uncertain Signification of Terms hath made the Foregoing Discourse the more Difficult and Dark yet I hope it may serve to detect some receiv'd Errors and promote a truer Theory concerning these Matters CHAP. V. Experiments and Thoughts about the Production and Reproduction of Forms Bodies distinguish'd into Spaecies how IT was not without Grounds that I intimated in the preceding Chapter about Qualities that Bodies are in a great measure distinguished into several Species by a sort of Tacit Agreement there being as yet no Diagnosticks sufficient to distinguish the several Species of things but they are rather taken for distinct Species by being known by such Names than any true Characteristicks As for instance some well skill'd in the Writings of Aristotle hold that Water and Ice are not esteemed distinct Kinds of Bodies they both having the same Nature yet Galen not without Reason favours the contrary Opinion since they differ both in respect of Fluidity and Firmness as well as Transparency Besides Ice and Salt beaten together will freeze other Liquors whereas Water and Salt will not where there seems to be difference enough to denominate them Two distinct Species of Bodies as well as that Must Vinegar Wine Spirit of Wine or Tartar should be esteemed so or that a Chick should be thought different from the Egg which was hatched Yet some Aristotelians have been very doubtful whether the Natures of them be different or not as also whether Clouds Hail Rain or Snow differ in Specie from Water tho' the Writers concerning Meteors us●●●ly treat of them as different And if so
small an Accident as Mo●●●● o● whatever distinguishes Wind and Exhala●●●… is enough to entitle them to distinct Species of Bodies a Greater Right may be presumed 〈◊〉 Paper and Rags Glass and Wood-Ashes should be esteemed so too as also Soap Sugar Gunpowder c. For it is not a sufficient Objection that most of these Bodies are Factitious for the present state of a Body denominates its Species however it came by that Nature as the Salt which is made in the Isle of Man by the Sun acting upon the sea-Sea-water is as much Salt as that which is artificially made by the Heat of the Fire by boiling Sea-Water in Chauldrons and Silk-Worms and Chickens hatched by the heat of Ovens or Dunghils are equally as much Silkworms or Chickens as those produced by the heat of the Sun or warmth of a Hen. The Products of Art the Effects of Nature Besides the Objection that most of the forementioned Bodies are Factitious is less valid since they seem equally performed by Nature the Artificer being only concerned in putting Natural Agents together which take the same Measures in causing their Effects as if they had casually been brought together by Chance As in Chymistry the Agent which is Fire operates upon the Subjects it hath to work upon as Fire and not as it is barely an Instrument of a Chymist and therefore tho' the Application belongs to the Chymist the Action is as much Natural as the Productions of Aetna or Vesuvius where by the internal Action of the Fire Stones are Calcined and Metals not only colliquated but Metalline Flowers and Ashes dispersed about the adjacent Parts And I am not without Probability inclined to believe that several Minerals as well as other Bodies which lie near the Center of the Earth are rather the Productions of Subterraneal Fires changing the Textures of other Bodies than that they have lodged there since the first Creation of things for we see that Lead becomes Minium and Tin Tutty in a very small time and the Fumes of Sulphur uniting with those of Mercury convene into that delicate red Mass called Vermilion which hath so far the similitude of a Mineral that it hath been called by the same Name of Cinnabaris So that we may easily conceive how in the Bowels of the Earth certain Mineral Fumes penetrating and uniting with a stony Concretion Minerals may be formed From whence it may appear that a Congeries and Union of Accidents is as sufficient to discriminate the several Species of Bodies as the imagination of Substantial Forms The Artificial Production of Vitriol correspondent to the Natural But to illustrate the Mechanical Origin of Forms we may take notice of the Artificial Production of Vitriol which is so like the Natural that it makes us able to guess what Measures are taken in the Natural Production of it And since Vitriol is not a meer Salt but rather to use a Chymical Term a Magestery it is requisite to observe that according to the sense of that Word it is not prepared by a Separation of Principles but by the changing the Form of a whole Body by an Addition and intimate Union of a Saline Menstruum Agreeable to which Notion it is to be noted that an Acid Spirit and a Metalline Substance may be drawn as well from Artificial as Natural Vitriol and consequently both must be equally natural Vitriols in the strict sense of that Word But these are not the only Characteristicks of the Natural Agreement of Factitious and Natural Vitriol since Vitriol of Mars whether prepared by Oyl of Vitriol or Spirit of Salt hath both the Colour Transparency Brittleness aptness to Fusion and Styptical Taste with the Vitriol of Marchasites as also several other Qualities as to turn an Infusion of Galls into Ink a Vomitive Faculty when taken in a small Dose as also to be endowed with Crystals of very Curious Figures and a Disposition to run per Deliquium as Guntherus Belichius hath observed common Vitriol made use of in Germany to have And here we see that the same Qualities may arise from the Union and Association of Two Ingredients which are to be found in Common Vitriol without the Incomprehensible force of Imaginary Substantial Forms or a Generation of a Form distinct from the Ingredients and their Essential Modification or a Texture of Parts of convenient Shapes and Sizes Neither is there such an Intimate Mixture as the Schools imagine of these Two Ingredients but a Juxta-Position and new ranging of their Parts in respect of Order and Position Which is evident since by Distillation the greatest part of the Vitriol may be drawn off leaving the Metalline Substance behind and that most of its Qualities depend upon the Position of its Parts is plain since through a good Burning Glass the Sun Beams will so alter their Order and Texture as to turn it red CHAP. VI. Doubts and Experiments concerning the Curious Figures of Salts The Figures of Salts to be accounted for with the help of a Plastick Power THO' I am not willing to acquiesce in the Doctrin of Substantial Forms since to me they are Incomprehensible Yet I am as forward to own That I acknowledge the Admirable Wisdom of our CREATOR no less because He hath thought fit that the Changes and Alterations in Matter should depend on Accidents easy and intelligible at least with less Difficulty to be conceiv'd than the incomprehensible Doctrin of Substantial Forms And tho' the Curious and Delicate Shapes of Salts be Generally us'd as Arguments of the Great Plastick Skill of Substantial Forms yet I must own I think them very slight things compar'd with Organiz'd Bodies and therefore I would not have it inferr'd That because the Figures of Salts may be accounted for without the Assistance of Plastick Powers that therefore the Bodies of Animals may That Substantial Forms are not necessary to the Production of those Curious Figures in Salts I am induc'd to believe First Because a Concrete of no less Curious Figured Parts than other Vitriols may be made by a bare Connection of Metalline and Saline Bodies Secondly because according to the different Quantities of Liquor or the space of Time they shoot in their Figures vary According to which Agricola lib. 12. p. 462. de re Metallica speaking of the Cords that are immerg'd into vitriol-Vitriol-Water for the Crystals to stick to says Ex his pendent restes lapillis extentae à quo Humor spissus adhaerescens densatur in translucentes atramenti sutorii vel cubos vel acinos qui Vvae speciem gerunt Crystals obtain'd from an Alkaly I remember also that having a long time thought that the Method usually taken in preparing Alkalyes such as Salt of Tartar c. was the reason why they are gather'd in the Form of Calx I took care to dissolve Alkalyes well purify'd in Water slowly evaporating it till crusted over with an Icy Crust which being preserv'd entire lest they should want a
sufficient quantity of Liquor to give them liberty to move in order to their more Curious and Congruous Coalitions I continued them in a moderate Heat for some time and then breaking the Crust I had a variety of figur'd Lumps of Crystalline Salt transparent and not much unlike white Sugar-Candy From Oyl of Vitriol and a Solution of Sea Salt Likewise having several times distill'd Oyl of Vitriol and a strong Solution of Sea-Salt together till the Matter left behind was dry that Salt Substance when dissolv'd in Water filtrated and evaporated would shoot into Salts of Figures differenr according to the various Proportions of the Ingredients yet nevertheless tho' sometimes in the same Glass the Salts would be of different Figures yet would they be more exquisitely figur'd than those of Vitriol often are And from a Mixture of Spirit of Wine and Spirit of Nitre digested long together From a Mixture of Spirit of Wine and Nitre I have got Crystals much like in shape to Crystals of Salt-Petre and I have obtain'd Plates of Crystals made up of solids very curiously shaped and so congruously adapted as to make a very plain Surface much different from what I have elsewhere mention'd from a Solution of Silver in Aqua fortis or Spirit of Nitre when I have order'd it so that it should shoot leisurely Thirdly I have several ways made it appear That Insensible Parts of Matter of various tho' very curious Shapes guarded with plain as well as smooth sides will convene into Bodies differently shap'd And tho' Blood Urine and Hart's-Horn might probably have their Substantial Forms destroy'd by the Fire yet forasmuch as the Saline Parts with which they are impregnated are of the Figures just now mention'd in the Liquors they have been expos'd to shoot leasurely I have observ'd several Masses the surface of some of which were Plains very curious and delightful and the Figures of others exactly Geometrical And stillatious Acids as well as the Bodies they are appropriated to dissolve into Crystals variously figur'd according to the Nature of the Menstruum or the Bodies it works upon as I have experienc'd with a Menstruum which would dissolve Gems and likewise with Coral dissolv'd in Spirit of Verdigreece For which Reason when I try'd whether the Shapes of the Particles of Silver dissolv'd in Aqua fortis would dispose them Salts obtain'd from a Solution of Copper without a Coagulation with Salts to shoot into smooth and flat Concretions I observ'd that Part of the Solution being diluted with distill'd Rain-water and a Copper-Plate immers'd in the Liquor after it had remain'd there a while Clusters of Metalline Bodies devoid of Transparency settled about it joyn'd together in Plates very thin yet very glossy and flat the Edges of the largest being prettily shaped From Gold And that the Particles of Gold are apt enough to associate with Congruous Salts and to compose Bodies of determinate sizes I have observ'd in Crystals afforded me by Gold dissolv'd in Aqua Regis and being preserv'd in a cold place till the superfluous Moisture was evaporated And from the Parts of Gold divided by a stronger Menstruum so minutely as to be capable of being sublim'd I have obtain'd Crystals much of the same shape tho' different in size from one another And I remember having long since dissolv'd several Saline Bodies together in Water by a gentle Evaporation they have yielded Concretes different in shape from each of the Ingredients but it oftentimes is very difficult to associate them because some are dispos'd to Crystallize sooner than others As may be observ'd in purifying Barbary Nitre from the common Salt it is mix'd with and as Agricola lib. 12. de re Metallica takes Notice where a Vitriolate Substance and that from whence Allom is drawn are joyn'd together yet Venetian Borax Crystals obtain'd from Venetian Borax tho' made up of several Salts yields Crystals of very Regular and Geometrical Figures And the Caput Mortuum of common Aqua fortis which consists of Bodies disagreeable in Nature by frequent Solutions and Coagulations of their Saline Parts yield Salts of very curious Figures as Triangles Rhomboids Hexagons Prisms and Pyramids compos'd of several Triangles meeting in a Vertical Point and as curiously shap'd as Cornish Diamonds But the Acquisition of new Shapes by being compounded is not only practicable in these Grosser but even in Chymical Salts which affect one another with an Ebullition because in that Conflict the Volatile Spirits unite and lose much of their Force so that being less apt to fly away upon Evaporation Salts obtain'd from Spirit of Urine and Nitre c. they form curiously shap'd Crystals as I have Experienc'd with Spirit of Urine and Spirit of Nitre Spirit of Sheeps Blood and of Salt Spirit of Nitre and Oyl of Vitriol and likewise with Spirit of Salt and Spirit of Urine the last of which shews how much Compound Figures are owing to the Union of the Particles of the Ingredients of which they are compos'd the Spirit of Vrine and Salt affording Concretes different from those of Oyl of Vitriol and Spirit of Vrine the shape of the first being like that of a Comb whose Teeth stand out on each side or like a Feather the Crystals on each side being so much inclin'd Crystals of a like Figure to which From Soot and Sal Armoniack arise from a just Proportion of Soot dissolv'd and coagulated with common Sal Armoniack Fourthly To confirm what I have above deliver'd concerning the Origin of Vitriol and also to make it appear That the Figure of its Parts depends on the Texture of its Ingredients I shall add another Particular which is That having compar'd the Composition of Artificial Vitriol I thought it might reasonably be rank'd under the same Species with the Natural To which I shall subjoyn that having also consider'd that Oyl of Vitriol and Spirit of Salt were improper Menstruums to dissolve several Metals I made use of Aqua fortis which with Copper made a Curious Vitriol and with Silver it afforded Crystals shooting into thin Plates and with Lead and Quick Silver it yielded Crystals far more thick and differently shap'd from each other Now if from hence it appears That the Curious Figures of Salts generally alledg'd as Arguments of the Necessity of Substantial Forms depend meerly upon Texture why may not the more Ordinary Phaenomena of Nature since it is manifest that Matter and a Congeries of Accidents are sufficient to account for what is usually attributed to Imaginary Forms Neither can I see Reason why Arguments grounded on the Qualities and Effects of Bodies esteem'd factitious may not be sufficient to shew us what may be ascrib'd to the Mechanical Affections of the universal Mass of Matter since it is not agreed how factitious shall be distinguish'd from that Species of Body call'd The Productions of Nature In favour of which Gun-Powder is no despicable Instance where by a bare Mixture
of Transparent Liquor and a dry brittle Caput Mortuum I reduced the Caput Mortuum into Powder which by that means was turned from a Red to a pure Yellow Colour and being mixed with the Liquor was formed into a Red Balsam which by a continued Digestion began to lose that Colour so that the Powder being wholly dissolved it could not be distinguished from Laudable Turpentine CHAP. VIII Experiments concerning the Origin of Qualities and Forms HAving in some of the foregoing Chapters given a short Scheme of the Principles of the Corpuscularian Philosophy for the better understanding our Experiments concerning the Productions and Changes of Particular Qualities I shall now lay down such Natural Phaenomena as induced me to take up such Notions in which not Art but Nature discovers her Operations EXPERIMENT I. An Experiment to illustrate what hath been delivered concerning Forms and Qualities The First I shall begin with is what occurs in hatching of an Egg. And. First we are to consider that in a Prolifick Egg by the same Reason that Bones and Membranes are called Similar Parts of an Animal the Liquor of the Yolk as well as the White is to Sense a Similar Substance though by Distillation several Substances may be drawn from them Secondly That by beating the White of an Egg well it loses much of its Tenacity and becomes a fluid Body in which Agitation there is only a Mechanical Alteration of the Texture of the Body Thirdly That the Rudiments of the Chick lodged in the Cicatricula are nourished only by the White till it becomes a great Chick the Yolk being reserved as a stronger Nourishment till the White is spent and the Chick is able to digest it and in effect the Chick seems to be furnish'd with Head Wings Beak and Claws before the Yolk is touched Lastly It is not a little to be admired that so Soft and Similar a Liquor as that of an Egg should be in so short a time changed into a Chick endowed with Organical Parts of different Fabricks and Similar ones different in Texture very much from one another besides the Liquors contained in the Solid Parts being as different as the former and endowed First With new Qualities as Colour Taste Odours Heat Hardness c. Secondly Qualities distinct from Sensible ones as Fludity Consistency Hardness and Flexibility c. Thirdly Occult Qualities as when Birds or Parts of Annimals afford Specifick Medicines or at least most Noble ones But Fourthly since some may Object that these Parts are formed by the Plastick Power of the Soul and that a Chick is not a Mechanically contrived Engine we are to consider that let the Plastick Principle be what it will yet still being a Physical Agent it must act after a Physical manner and having no other Matter to work upon but the White of the Egg it can work upon that Matter but as Physical Agents and consequently can but divide the Matter into Minute Parts of several Sizes and Shapes and by local Motion so variously contex them as is requisite to produce an Animal of this or that Species though from so many various Textures of the Parts formed there must naturally arise such different Colours Tastes and Consistencies and other Qualities as we have taken Notice of For we are not here to consider so much what is the Agent or Efficient in these Productions but after what manner the Matter they are made of is affected in producing them To illustrate which we may observe that a Man who is to frame a Building or some curious Engine though he may by the help of Reason and Art skillfully contrive his Materials yet he can but move divide transpose and contex the several Parts into which he reduces the Matter assigned And that the Soul of a Hen does not any more contribute to the forming of a Chick is plain fince we are assur'd that multitudes of Eggs may be hatch'd meerly by the regulated Heat either of Ovens or Dunghills Whence it easily appears That the Plastick Power no otherwise contributes to the Formation of a Chick than by guiding the Parts of the White put into Motion by the external Heat so that they may associate after a manner necessary to produce an Organical Chick EXPERIMENT II. Water may by altering its Texture put on New Forms Water tho' a Homogeneous Diaphanous Fluid Body devoid of Colour Taste and Smell c. may by altering the Texture of its Parts acquire Attributes different from these This is evident in the Growth of Vegetables when nourish'd even by simple Water in Bottles where I have observ'd that Crows-foot after six Months Growht weigh'd above three times as much as before it was put in But not only Crows-foot but several other Plants owe their Substance to the Particles of Water alter'd in Texture as Spearmint Marjorane Raphanus Aquaticus and Ranunculus From whence we may infer that the same Particles of Matter which compose Water may by having their Parts differently modify'd produce several Concretes endu'd with different Qualities as Firmness Volatility Colours Smell and Taste together with other Specifick or Occult Qualities Yet it is to be admir'd that so insipid a Body as Water should be converted into a Juice so caustick as that of Ranunculus or one so inflammable as Oyl which may be drawn by Distillation from Plants only nourish'd in Bottles OBSERVATION III. All Plants may be nourish'd by one and the same Substance It is usually believ'd That Plants by the Faculties of a Vegetative Soul select and suck in a Juice appropriated to each rather than that they are all nourish'd by one Juice differently modify'd in that Plant But the Latter will easily appear if we consider what happens in Grafting and Inoculations for if a Pear-Tree be Grafted into a White-Thorn the Aliment suck'd in by that Root will be so alter'd as to yield Nourishment to a Pear Fruit much different from that of the White-Thorn The same is evident in Inoculations where the Sap selected by the Root is so alter'd in the Bud inoculated that the same Sap which in the Genuine Branches of the Tree constitutes one sort of Fruit is turn'd into another in those springing from the inoculated Bud. And here it is further Remarkable That not only the same Juice yields various sorts of Substances in different Plants but even in the same Tree where the Skin of the Fruit differs from its Flesh and that from the Stone and all of them from the Substance of the Tree not only in Colour but several other Qualities as the Blossoms of a Peach have a Purgative Virtue which is not in the Fruit And Garcias ab Horto affirms That the Seeds of solutive Cassia fistula are Astringent An Account not unlike to which we have of certain Kernels of a Fruit much like a White Pear-Plum by Mr. Lygon in his History of Barbados p. 67 68. Five of which work'd a dozen times upwards with him and twenty times
by Stool yet by taking away a thin Film which divides the Kernel into halves the Nut is as sweet as a Jordan Almond and has no sensible Operation Which Relation is also favour'd by Monardes under the Title of Fabae Purgatrices where he speaks of a Purgative Fruit brought from America from Carthagena and also from Nombre de Dios. And Vincent le Blank in his Survey of the World p. 260. Part. 2. gives an Account of a Golden Apple as bitter as Gall containing Five Kernels of an equal Bigness with Almonds whose Juice is sweet and he also relates That of a thick Film which encompasses the Nut in the Shell they prepare an Excellent Sweet-Meat OBSERVATION IV. Further Instances in Cheese We have also an Instance how Matter may be alter'd by a Variation of its Texture in Rotten Cheese which differs from the Sound both in Colour Taste Smell and Consistence In which likewise by a good Microscope we may perceive Clusters of Animals endu'd with Parts very differently modify'd and Qualities little different from Occult ones CHAP. IX A Continuation of Experiments concerning Forms and Qualities EXPERIMENT I. MIX a convenient Quantity of Camphire grosly beaten with Oyl of Vitriol and when it begins to dissolve and by shaking the Glass to mix with the Oyl it will first tinge it with a Yellow and afterwards a Colour not much different from Red which Tincture will be so deep as to render the Clear Oyl Opacous And from the Ingredients perfectly mix'd if in just Proportion may be obtain'd a Liquor void of a Camphire Smell yet by the sole Addition of Fair Water the Mixture will become Pale and the Camphire will again associate and form a floating Combustible Body as before dissolv'd and renew its Odour Several Phaenomena the Result of a Change in Texture From the Phaenomena of this Experiment may be drawn several Instances to our Purpose I. That a Light Body reduc'd into Parts conveniently Figur'd may be mix'd with a Body heavier than it self so that Gold the heaviest of Bodies may float in a Liquor if its Parts be dissolv'd and render'd minute enough by Aqua Regis From which two Observations we may Learn That the Textures of Bodies as well as the Rules of Hydrostaticks are concern'd in determining whether Bodies will sink or swim II. That several Colours may be produc'd by a Mixture of a Colourless Liquor and a White Concrete III. That those Colours may again be destroy'd and the former renew'd by Water which can neither afford the Colour it reduces Camphire to nor destroy that of the Liquor IV. That a Light Body emerges out of one much lighter which did not in a heavier Liquor which the Mixture was before the Addition of Water which may be an Argument against the Schools concerning Mistion since some of them assert That in Mistion the Elements depose their own Forms and put on new whereas the Camphire had not its Form destroy'd throughout the Process but still retain'd its own Qualities in a Disposition to be again united V. It is to be admir'd That Odours should depend on so slight a Texture that Camphire by a bare Separation of its Parts should lose its Scent and upon the Mixture of a Body void of Odour should again recover its Smell and that so slight a Texture as that of the Oyl and Camphire should as to Sense wholly for a time alter the Qualities of the Latter And that several of the preceding Phaenomena are caus'd by the Particular Texture of the Liquors made use of to exhibit them is manifest because if Camphire be cast into Spirit of Nitre well dephlegm'd it will not afford those Phaenomena which it does with Oyl of Vitriol And when to the Red Mixture above-mention'd two or three parts of Spirit of Wine were added instead of Water no such Changes succeeded but the whole Mixture with its Accidental Colour was dissolv'd by it being in Colour much like Red Turbid Wine So that the Colour of the Mixture was wholly owing to the Mixture of the Oyl and Camphire and depended on their Union which is further confirm'd because when we added a sufficient quantity of Water to that Turbid Liquor it presently depos'd its Colour and the Particles of Camphire immediately emerged in the Form of a white Powder But there are other Phaenomena which by a prosecution of this Experiment the Mixture afforded us For VI. Having kept the Mixture moderately warm in a Glass Retort and distill'd it the Liquor drawn off had a Smell unlike both that of the Camphire and also that of the Mixture And the Ingredients united in this Mixture were both Transparent in the Sense that Fluid and Solid Bodies contus'd are said to be so yet the Remaining Mass not only became Opacous but of a very Black Colour some Parts of it being not unlike polish'd Jets which is the more Remarkable because Camphire Chimically handled usually ascends in White Flowers leaving behind them a Caput Mortuum of an Agreeable Colour VII The last Phaenomenon this Mixture afforded us was That tho' Camphire be a Body very much dispos'd to dissipate and fly away yet by the Association of the Oyl it might be kept together so that the Caput Mortuum above-nam'd was able to endure a pretty hot Fire in the Retort before it was reduc'd to that Pitchy Substance lately taken Notice of And further it was Remarkable That Part of the Substance being taken out of the Retort and kept in a Red-hot Crucible for half an Hour it afforded a considerable quantity of Black Brittle Matter without the least Smell of Camphire Fixedness and Volatility are so much vary'd by Texture EXPERIMENT II. Diversities of Qualities depend on Variety of Textures Amongst the various Experiments which might be produc'd to prove That the Diversity of Qualities depends on the various Alterations of Texture I shall instance those afforded me in Copper and Silver by the Intervention of Sublimate where we shall have a Considerable Number of Changes made by the Recess Addition and Trasposition of the Insensible Parts of Matter First then Having put a Pound of Venetian Sublimate grosly beaten into a Glass Retort we threw in Copper Plates an Inch broad and about as thick as a Grain of Wheat so that the Ascending Fumes might by Compulsion act on the incumbent Metal Which being done we plac'd the Retort in a Sand Furnace and having adapted a small Receiver we continu'd a Gradual Fire for seven or eight Hours and at the last increas'd it to a considerable degree which was as high as the Furnace would permit The Effects of which Operation were the following 1. Very little Liquor was carry'd over into the Receiver but about ten Ounces of Sublimate was crusted over the Neck of the Retort The Retort contain'd two Ounces and a Quarter of Running Mercury and what was to be admir'd was the Acid Spirit uniting with the Copper left the Mercury unaffected 2. When the
Mass in a Viol cover'd with Ashes and being preserv'd in Fusion for a little time afforded a Luna Cornea But if instead of dropping the Salt upon the Solution the same Method just before laid down be taken with the Crystals yielded by that Solution moderately evaporated they will shoot into Diaphanous brittle Crystals much different from those of other Metals endu'd with several other Qualities the Quantity of Salts interpos'd betwixt the Parts of the Metal weighing but a third part of the Compounded Mass In the Foregoing Process the following Phaenomena may be taken Notice of to our present Purpose First That tho' Acids and Alcalyes have generally contrary Effects yet both Oyl of Tartar per Deliquium and Spirit of Salt have the same Effect in Precipitating Silver which evinces That the Precipitation of Bodies is neither to be attributed to Alkalyes nor Acids consider'd as such But to a mutual Interposition and Texture of the Parts of the Matter whereof those Bodies consist Secondly It may be observ'd That Bodies Diaphanous and void of Colour may be chang'd into Opacous and white ones Thirdly That a white Powder may be turn'd into a Yellow Body in some measure Transparent Fourthly That Silver by a Mixture of Saline Parts may be render'd so apt to Fusion that it will melt like Wax at the Flame of a Candle Fifthly It is remarkable That tho' either of the Ingredients of this Mix'd Body would readily dissolve in Water yet the Composition would not Sixthly It is to be admir'd that a Body in Texture not unlike a piece of Horn should be the Result of an Association of two rigid Bodies Wherefore to be satisfy'd That the Alteration depended on the Texture of Parts of the Ingredients I made use of the Oyl of Vitriol instead of Spirit of Salt and found that the Concrete resulting from an Union of that with the Crystals of Silver differ'd from the former it being much more brittle and easily divided into Parts But what is more remarkable is That a Body compounded of one of the most Bitter and another of the sowerest Taste should be it self insipid or of a different Taste from either of them And it is yet as strange that Salts so fugitive and apt to dissipate in the Air as those of Aqua fortis and Spirit of Salt should by acquiring a New Texture put on such a degree of Fixedness as to melt with a Metal and that without the least perceivable Evaporation EXPERIMENT IV. Several Phaenomena in Proof of the Doctrin of Forms and Qualities Having made a Salt of very different Qualities from all others and which is so nice in the Preparation that it is as difficult to direct how it is to be made as to make it I shall rather chuse to mention what Phaenomena it afforded me The First Thing Observable was That tho' the Ingredients of this Salt were Eminently Saline yet the Salt it self was judg'd by a Stranger to be Sweet tho' it had a Sweetness peculiar to it self as every Sweet Body hath Another Thing Considerable is That tho' it be of an Inoffensive Smell when cool yet if expos'd to a considerable Heat it emitted Effluviums more strongly faetid than those of Aqua fortis Spirit of Armoniack Salt or Distill'd Urine whereas those Fumes being again united into a Salt became Inoffensive as before And it is further to be Observ'd That tho' all Volatile Fix'd and Lixiviate Salts are so specifically different from each other that being mix'd together they ferment and by that means destroy each other and unite into a Substance different from each yet this Salt is so powerful as to be destroy'd by none of them but being mix'd with any of them remains quiet and without the least Ebullition But to be further satisfy'd that it was different from each of the foremention'd Salts I try'd several Experiments by which I sound that it would neither turn Syrup of Violets red as Acids do nor green as Volatile and Fix'd Salts usually do and tho' Spirit of Armoniack Salt or Urine will turn a Solution of Sublimate in Water white and Salt of Tartar will give it an Orange Colour yet was it not in the least alter'd by this Nay tho' this Salt was dropt into a Solution of Syrup of Violets along with Acids and Alkalyes yet did it not hinder their Effects Tho' in Dissolving several Substances this Salt exceeds both Aqua fortis and Oyl of Vitriol And it is further Observable That tho' by a gentle Heat this Salt wholly Sublimes yet when mix'd with Liquors it does not fly away as other Volatile Salts do and tho' it be Volatile yet it will run per Deliquium as soon as any Salt can do and as present reassumes its own Form the Superfluous Moisture being taken from it add to this That by a gentle Heat it may be dissolv'd in a Limpid Liquor And it is endu'd with a Quality yet more Admirable for it will readily dissolve either in Spirit of Wine or Water or Oyls themselves whereas some Bodies which may be dissolv'd in Water cannot incorporate with Oyls or Spirit of Wine and è conversò EXPERIMENT V. Several Changes in Bodies may be effected by the Addition or Substraction and new Modification of Matter The Experiment which I am about to deliver I presume will be sufficient to shew That Considerable Alterations in Bodies may be effected by the Access of some Parts and a Recess of others the Remaining Parts being Modify'd afresh The Experiment is the following viz. Digest for some Time one Part of Sea-Salt with a double Proportion of Spirit of Nitre which being distill'd in a Retort till the Caput Mortunm remains dry the following Changes of Qualities will be observable First That it becomes an Aqua Regis and would dissolve Gold but not Silver yet would precipitate the Latter when dissolv'd in Aqua Regis Secondly The Taste is more mild affecting the Sensory rather like Nitre than common Salt Thirdly It becomes Fusible like Salt-Petre and like Nitre dissolves in the Flame of a Candle But Fourthly Tho' it be a Quality of Sea-Salt to resist the Action of Fire and of Acid Spirits to cool Inflammations yet a Lump of this Matter cast upon Coals flam'd like Nitre as also by an Addition of Charcoal when melted in a Crucible it wou'd burn with a lasting and splendid Flame which would again renew upon a fresh Addition of burning Charcoal But what I chiefly design'd in this Experiment was to turn an Acid into an Alkaly An Acid may be turn'd into an Alkaly which was effected by consuming the more Fugitive Parth of the Salts by repeated Deflagrations whereupon it acquir'd instead of an Acid a Lixiviate Taste would turn Syrup of Violets green precipitate a Solution of Sublimate into an Orange Colour and as other fix'd Salts would ferment with even Spirit of Salt which Alkalyzate Nature could not be suppos'd to proceed from the Charcoal Ashes because the
what it had before But to render our present Experiment more instructive I shall add another Attempt to sublime Gold after the following Method Having then dissolved laminated Gold in some of the above mentioned Menstruum we drew it off in a Retort placed in a Sand-Furnace by which means a considerable Quantity of Gold was elevated and either fell into the Receiver in the Form of a Golden coloured Liquor or shot into red Crystals like Rubies in the Neck of the Retort which in the Air would run per Deliquium Where we are to observe that by a new Affusion of the Menstruum upon the remaining Calx more of itwould still be elevated by Distillation But to make this Experiment more serviceable it will be necessary to Note that upon pouring running Mercury into this elevated Tincture the Particles of it were immediately Guilded and by degrees the Mercury being kept in Motion the whole Liquor lost it's Tincture which being decanted and the Guilded Mercury with a good Quantity of Borax Melted in a Crucible the elevated Gold was reduced into a Mass which evinces what I just now taught viz. that a Liquor might be Tinctured by having the Parts of that Body from whence it received it's Tincture conveniently interwoven in it's Texture without being wholly destroyed And here I think it seasonable to advertise that having elsewhere mentioned a Volatile Gold in some Oars where none of that Metal is to be found I would be understood to mean it Volatile in no other Sense than the foregoing Sublimation intimates viz. that it's Volatility depends on a mixture of Volatile Parts which carry it along with them when dissolved into very minute Parts so as to be capable of Swimming in that Vehicle EXPERIMENT VIII How so hard a Body as Silver c. may become a sowre substance by an alteration of Texture Having dissolved an Ounce of refined Silver in Aqua Fortis and permitted it to Crystalize we found that the Silver by the addition of Acid Salts was increased in weight several Drachms which distilled in a Retort with such a degree of heat as made the Retort red hot yielded a Phlegm eminently Sower Which shews that a very Bitter Body may yield a substance of a quite different Taste For the Liquor being cold in the Receiver Smoaked as well as Smelt and Tasted like Aqua Fortis and by corroding Copper turned it into a Bleuish Colour After wards we made a Solution of Minium in Aqua Fortis and having by Filtration and Evaporation procured a Saccharum Saturni we Distilled it in a well coated Retort over a naked Fire and obtained an offensive Acid which had the Smell of Aqua Fortis which being put upon Minium bubbled and making a considerable noise presently afforded a Liquor from which might easily be obtained a true Sugar of Lead Where it is observable that the Caput mortuum was neither Sweet as before Distillation nor Sower as the Body drawn from it but insipid and easily reducible by Fusion into a malleable Lead Phaenomena to be observed in this Experiment In which Experiments the following Phaenomena are also Remarkable First that the Salt which encreased the Silver in weight no more than a third or fourth Part was able to Sublime the greatest Part of that fixed Body Secondly that the Parts of the same Liquor being mixed with three several Metals may produce as many different Tastes tho' the same Aqua Fortis should be successively made use of in those three Experiments and howsoever varied in respect of Order in the Tryal And here we are to observe likewise that Part of the Distilled Spirit of Nitre being poured on the Caput Mortuum of Saccharum Saturni turned some Parts of it into a Vitriol and another Part of it being poured upon Filings of Silver the Silver being partly dissolved with a hissing Noise was Coagulated into a Bitter Salt EXPERIMENT IX Because Transmutation of Bodies whose Textures are esteem'd Primordial as those of the Elements and which are found to be Ingredients of most Compositions here below will be a further Confirmation of the Possibility of Altering the Textures of other Bodies I shall subjoyn what Progress I have made in order to turn Water into Earth A Transformation of Water into Earth Having therefore in a Glass Vessel distill'd Fair Rain-Water and several times re-distill'd it again we found that after every Distillation there was a considerable Quantity of white Earth remaining at the bottom of the Vessel which was more plentifully afforded in the latter Distillations than the first and therefore we had the greater Reason to believe it could be nothing else but a certain quantity of Water turn'd into Earth which afforded the following Phanomena viz. 1. Being put into a Microscope in the Sun-Beams Phaenomena exhibited it appear'd to consist of Parts exceeding fine which were as fine in the Microscope as Hair-powder usually is to the Eye yet not in the least Transparent 2. Being mix'd with Water it turn'd it into a whitish Colour as the Powder of white Marble usually does yet being settled in the Bottom it remain'd undissolv'd 3. After it had lain a considerable time in a Red-hot Crucible it was neither diminish'd in quantity nor did it in the least smoke 4. It exceeded Water in weight so as to be equal to twice its Bulk of Common Water being almost as heavy as Wood-ashes freed from their Salts which to its Bulk of Water is as 1 to 2 â…™ which does not much come short of the weight of white Glass which is twice and a half heavier than its weight of Water So that from these Phaenomena we had Reason to term the Foremention'd white Substance Earth considering likewise its fixedness and other Qualities But further it is to be Observ'd That the Glass in which it was distill'd was not in the least damag'd by this Process as also That an Ounce of Water yielded six Drachms of Powder Water almost wholly convertible into Earth a considerable quantity of Water still remaining behind So that this Experiment is no small Confirmation of our Hypothesis For if Elements themselves may be Transmuted and Artificially Destroy'd by an Alteration of the Texture of their Parts why may not Considerable Changes be effected also in other Bodies by a Local Motion and a New Manner and Form of Union of Parts of different Figures and Sizes since in this Experiment the Parts of Water being modify'd a-new form a Solid Body of very different Qualities from what belong'd to it before as want of Transparency Solidity c. How Water acquires the Form of a Solid Powder As for the Manner of its being so modify'd anew it may easily be conceiv'd That the Parts of Water being put into Motion and rubbing upon one another by violent Occursions might be so alter'd and adapted as to stick together and to form several little Moleculae which being more condens'd and consequently heavier than Water
could no longer swim in it but obtain'd the several New Qualities before mention'd And that the Change was thus effected we have Reason to believe since by a bare Circulation in a just Degree of Heat Quick-Silver will assume the Form of a Powder which will not with so much ease be rais'd by the Fire as the Mercury it self but this will be further illustrated by the Tenth Experiment Inferences drawn against the Doctrin of the Chymists Therefore to draw Inferences from this Experiment which may disfavour the Hypostatical Principles of the Chymists If Water be capable of being chang'd into Earth by the same Reason the other Ingredients of Bodies may and in the Analization of Bodies there may be a Transmutation of Substances as well as a Separation of Pre-existent Principles From hence also may be brought strong Arguments against Helmont who because he boasted of an Alkahest which he says would turn all Bodies into a Liquor therefore concluded all Bodies were made of Water for by the same Reason I might say All Bodies are made of Earth because Water may be turn'd into Earth So that tho' he should turn all Bodies into Water yet that Water being again capable of being disguised it would only shew That Water and Earth may be mutually Transmuted by a successive Change of Texture But to leave these Reflections I shall mention some Scruples concerning this Transmuted Powder which I could not have time to satisfy my self in As Whether the Water Remaining was lighter than before Distillation Whether the Particles of Insipid Bodies may act as Menstruums in the Dissolution of others not but that they may be so chang'd in the Vessels of Plants as to become sharp and powerfully penetrating Whether the Weight of the Glass-Vessel was diminish'd by this Experiment I should likewise be willing to be satisfy'd Whether Water it self be truly a Homogeneous Body which if it be it will be strange that without the help of a Plastick Power or Seminal Principle it should be so transmuted since that a bare Convention of the Particles of a Fluid into a Concrete should alter their Specifick Gravity is hard if not impossible to be parallell'd by Art But in this Experiment it is further Remarkable That Oyl of Vitriol pour'd upon this Powder would corrode it and that by an Effusion of Spirit of Salt there was rais'd a considerable Ferment as when Spirit of Salt is put upon Lapis Stellaris So that I suspected the Rain-water might be impregnated with some of the Sandy Parts of Glass dissolv'd by the help of the Fire and actuating the Particles of it but this Suspition was partly taken off because I had observ'd the like Ebullition upon a Mixture of Spirit of Salt with Wood-ashes which were clear'd of their Salts in Boyling Water But to conclude this Experiment we may further reflect upon the fore-going Suspitions that if the Body of the Glass-Vessel were in the least dissolv'd in this Operation it will be a powerful Instance of the Force of Insipid Menstruums and it will be no less a Confirmation of the Doctrin of Forms and Qualities before deliver'd that Water it self is subject to undergo such considerable Changes as this Experiment shews it is I might produce a great deal more on this Occasion to corroborate what I have deliver'd concerning Transmutations but I shall only add that I as well as two several Persons whom I employ'd have without the Addition of any thing obtain'd from Spirit of Wine which was wholly inflammable a considerable Quantity of Phlegm and that too without its being affected by any Visible Body EXPERIMENT X. Consider able Changes may be wrought in Bodies by Mixture and the Texture thence resulting To conclude this Chapter I shall add an Experiment to shew what sudden Productions and Alterations of Qualities may be effected by a Coalition of the smallest number of Ingredients generally taken for Homogeneous Bodies from whence it will appear That the Changes of Bodies in themselves considerable may be effected by very easy Mixtures viz. Having by Degrees mix'd an equal weight of Spirit of Wine and Oyl of Vitriol together and plac'd them in a Bolt-head stopp'd close with hard Wax and a Cork digest the Mixture in a Moderate Heat for some time then pour it out into a Glass Cucurbit luting on a Head and a Receiver to preserve the Subtle Spirits from flying away then with a moderate Heat draw off the Spirit of Wine till the Drops begin to come over-sowrish then shift the Receiver and carefully go on with the Distillation increasing the Fire till as much is drawn off as you can keeping the Substance remaining in the Cucurbit in a Glass well stopp'd and secure from the Air. The Phaenomena exhibited by this Experiment were the following First That the Spirit first drawn from these two Inodorous Bodies was endow'd with a Smell different from all others and parts tho' pleasant and fragrant yet very subtle and penetrating Secondly That the Liquor drawn off last had a very strong Sulphureous Smell which stunk and affected the Sensory so powerfully that it would almost take away one's Breath Thirdly This Mixture yielded a Liquor which would mix with neither of the former yet was very subtle pleasant and Aromatical Fourthly The Substance remaining in the Bottom of the Vessel was Opacous and almost as black as Jet and withal very brittle Fifthly And tho' it was made up of two Liquors the one corrosive and the other inflammable and both of very pungent Tastes yet was it void of Taste and could not without great difficulty if at all be brought to burn Sixthly Neither would it be mix'd for some Days with Water tho' the Oyl and Spirit readily diffuse themselves in that Liquor besides it was of so very fix'd a Nature that it would not be rais'd by a strong and lasting Fire tho' both Oyl and Vitriol and Spirit of Wine be extreamly Volatile And now Having thus in short laid down these Experiments as sufficient Proof of the Doctrin before deliver'd I shall conclude with this Reflection viz. That in all the Changes and Alterations that have been effected by Art it appears that they are so far from depending on the Imaginary Substantial Forms of the Schools that they evidently appear to be the sole Effects of Local Motion so altering the Figures and Sizes of the Minute parts of Bodies or otherwise transposing them as upon a fresh Association and Coalition of them to form New Concretes of Textures very different from the former And if Motion Bulk and Shape together with peculiar Textures be enough to cause so many different Phaenomena as have been laid down there is no Reason why other Qualities may not be produc'd by the same Fertile Principles since all the Difference betwixt the Works of Nature and Art in altering the Forms of Natural Bodies lies in this viz. That in the Works of Nature Active and Passive Bodies casually meet together and
the Liberty of uniting as they ought to form Crystals of a natural Figure which Guess is confirmed because the Crystals which shot in Water where they have room enough and an indifferent Vehicle were more perfect than those which were produced by a Mixture of the nitrous Powder and Saline Spirit where they were forced for want of Room to Cry stalize before they had time to Convene after a manner requisite to make them of a natural Figure and Size But to proceed This Experiment which shews how a Body divided into different substances by Distillation may be again united into an Original Concrete will be a very strong and convincing Instance to prove that the Forms and Qualities of Bodies depend on an essential Modification of their Parts and that the difference observable in particular Substances depends on a different Texture and a Coalition of Parts of different Figures and Sizes so that the Redintegration of Bodies is no more but a restoring of their former Parts into the same Order and Position being Artificially handled so as to acquire their former Sizes and Figures in order to their Coalition Yet this I think necessary to be represented viz. that the Composition of Nitre is so little Organical that it will be hard to judge what success in order to Redintegration may be expected in other Bodies where the Fabricks of them are so curious by Reason of their numerous Ingredients and the curious Contexture of them that the latter is not to be imitated by Art in the Production of Substances much less Organical than the Parts of living Animals Chymical Medicines laid aside too rashly The last Observation I shall make on our Experiment is That from what hath been said it may be thought that some Chymical Medicines may be too Rashly laid aside by some Physitians who suppose that the Menstruums made use of in their Preparations are in some measure mixed with them since besides that those Salts may by care be washed away several Parts of them may be so altered by Corrosion that those associating with other Particles of the Body they work upon may degenerate into an innocent Concrete An Instance of which we have in our Experiment where a corrosive Spirit and a Caustick fixed Salt unite into an innocent Medicine And that Corrosive Salts may in a great measure be dulcified by their acting on other substances is evident in a Mixture of Spirit of Vitriol and Crabs Eyes or any other testaceous Body And again though Vinegar powerfully corrodes calcined Lead yet uniting with it it constitutes a Sweet Body in which the sharpness of Vinegar is perfectly destroyed And tho' it be an Argument usually alledged against the use of Medicines so prepared that from several of them corrosive Particles may be drawn yet since the same may be Effected by the Action of Fire upon Salt-Petre the Objection is as invalid as the general Practice of Physitians can make it CHAP. XI Containing the History of Fluidity WHETHER Fluidity and Firmness might not with more Reason be esteem'd States than Qualities of Bodies or not this is most certain that they are to be accounted the most General Affections of Matter all Bodies being either Fluid or Solid If then these Qualities or States of Bodies be so General it will be of moment to consider the Causes of them and the rather in this place because the Foregoing Experiments of Salt-Petre may serve to illustrate them The Definition of a Fluid Body To proceed then A Body is said to be Fluid because it consists of Parts which easily slip upon one another's Surfaces to and fro when mov'd by Reason of the Porous Interstices which remain betwixt those Parts which they are made up of they not being wholly Contiguous on every side and also because by Virtue of that Motion they spread and diffuse themselves on every side till oppos'd by some Solid Body to the Internal Superficies of which they presently adapt themselves And what Thoughts Epicurus and the Ancient Corpuscularians had of Fluidity will appear from these Verses of his Paraphrast Lucretius Illa autem debent ex Laevis at que Rotundis Esse magis fluido quae Corpore liquida constant Nec retinentur enim inter se glomeramina quaeque Et procursus item in proclive Volubilis extat And indeed we may rationally believe That the Smoothness of their Parts may much contribute to the Fluidity of Liquors as well as the Globular Figures of them tho' there are several Fluid Bodies whose Parts are of Figures very various besides Flame and Air the Figures of whose Parts are very irregular * Bodies whose Parts are less condensed than Water to be esteemed Fluid And here we are to take Notice That to render a Body Fluid there is no need that its Parts should be so closely condens'd as those of Water are since Flame and Smoke may be so manag'd as to resemble Liquid Bodies of the Latter of which we have Proof by blowing Rosemary-Smoke into a Glass-pipe which if when it is fill'd the lower End be stopp'd and the Pipe be held in a Perpendicular Line the Surface of the Fumes will subside till Level and tho' the Pipe be inclin'd several ways yet the Superficies of the Smoke answers to the Horizon till the Glass be further inclin'd and then the Smoke will run along the Pipe like Water dispersing it self afterwards in the Air. But to return to the Cause of Fluidity We conceive that there are Three things requisite to render Bodies Fluid Minuteness of Parts requisute to Fluidity 1. The Minuteness of the Particles which constitute them by which they are dispos'd to an Intestin Motion and to be preserv'd in it more easily as the Parts of Lead Quick-silver and Gold when dissolv'd by a Menstruum are easily rais'd and mix'd with the Parts of that Menstruum Nay Fluidity so much depends on the Minuteness of the Parts of Matter which constitutes Fluid Bodies that the Parts of Antimony dissolv'd and broken into small Corpuscles may be turn'd into Butter of Antimony and that Butter of Antimony is chiefly made up of the Substance of the Antimony is evident since by a Mixutre of fair Water a white Calx will precipitate easily convertible into Glass of Antimony And Nature her self supplies us with further Instances since the very Substance of Bones is by Comminution in the Stomachs of Dogs turn'd into a Liquor And to confirm this Observation I shall add That I knew a certain Gentleman who was a close Student who liv'd for several Days together without the least Drink tho' in the mean time he sweat moderately and easily enough his Urine being agreeable to his Constitution as the Urine of other Men's generally is to theirs But that Solid Substances may yield and be turn'd into Fluids by a Comminution of their Parts may be evinc'd by the Fusibility of Metals since the more the Massy Particles of Metal are broke into small Parts
the more their Fluidity is encreas'd A Fluid may be obtain'd from a Consistent Body And here it may not be unseasonable to enquire how it comes to pass That a Transparent Liquor should be drawn from such Brittle Bodies as Common Salt I know it is usually alledg'd That the Fire only separates the Moist from the Dry Parts but since Bodies already Calcin'd or Melted must needs by the Action of the Fire have their moist Parts likewise so separated it is rather probable That the Fire only divides their Parts and puts them into a violent Agitation by which they are rais'd in the Form of Vapours which falling into the Receiver condense into a Fluid whose Parts by reason of their Shape and Size being apt for Motion continue to move up and down and so preserve that Body in the Form of a Fluid the Motion of the Air or of some Interpos'd Bodies concurring to preserve the Parts of that in Motion likewise and that the Air abounds with Parts perpetually in a various Motion will appear by and by Some Bodies more easily preserv'd fluid than others But in the mean time that a much greater Degree of Motion is requisite to preserve some Bodies in a Fluid Form than others is plain since several Bodies will be froze with one Degree of Cold with which others will not and tho' the Watry Parts of Wine in some Countries will freeze yet the Spirituous Corpuscles of the same Liquor remain untouch'd And tho' it is evident by the help of good Weather-Glasses that Cold condenses the Air yet it was never so far condensed as to become Ice because the perpetual Motion concurring with the Minuteness and Shape of its Parts they are always in an Agitation requisite to keep it in that Form and it is not improbable but that the Parts of Salt are very Minute since from Experiments before mention'd it appears That Spirit of Salt and Vrine will unite into a Sal-Armoniack and it is further confirm'd since Common-Salt mix'd with Aqua fortis will dissolve Gold as well as Spirit of Salt joyn'd with the Latter and tho' Crude Nitre it self be mix'd with Spirit of Salt the Resulting Mixture will supply the Place of an Aqua Regis And I am inform'd that that a Chymist in Holland drew no less than fourteen Ounces of Spirit from a Pound of Salt a whitish Clay being made use of instead of the Common Caput Mortuum and that when he had dephlegm'd the Spirit twelve Ounces remain'd very highly rectify'd which may be something in favour of Beguinus who pretends to have got a Pound of Spirit from a pound of Salt But it may be a Question Whether the Fluidity of these Bodies may not in part proceed from the Action of the Fire working upon some Parts of the Concrete since a Phlegm or Water may be obtain'd from Rectify'd Spirit so as to change Part of it into a moist Body like Water And this will rather be thought probable if we consider and believe what the Famous Helmont says viz. That he could reduce Oyl and Salt into Insipid Water The Figures of the Parts of Bodies as well as their Sizes contribute to tseir Fluidity without the help of that Noble Alkahest which would render Gross Bodies wholly Liquid And here it is requisite to add That it is not only the Sizes of the Parts of Bodies that endues them with a Disposition to Fluidity but also their Shapes and I am the more confirm'd in this Opinion because having distill'd Oyl of Olives in a Glass-Retort per se near a third Part of it was coagulated in the Receiver into a whitish Substance not very much unlike Butter where the distill'd Substance which usually is fluid tho' drawn from solid Concretes was on the contrary in this Experiment a Consistent one yielded by a Liquid for which no other Reason can be given but that the Shape of the Liquid Parts were so alter'd as to become unfit for Motion But to return to the Reason of Fluidity it is evident That in pouring of Sand Corn Flower Apples Walnuts c. out of a Sack that that Aggregate of Bodies whose Parts are the least appears most like Liquids and it is commonly observ'd That Whites of Eggs by being beaten with a Whisk presently lose their Clamminess and Viscidity and are reduc'd to a thin and fluid Substance their Parts being broke asunder and more minutely divided And I have observ'd that That Jelly which is by the Vulgar thought to fall from a Star by being a long time digested in a well-stopp'd Glass became a permanent Liquor Again it is observ'd That when Silver is to be cast in Moulds and to receive the Curious and Fine Impressions of Hair-Lines the Metal is not only to be pour'd in very hot but to be kept a Considerable Time in Fusion before it is thin enough to run into those Lines and to take exact Impressions of them from whence it appears That Bodies already fluid may become more fluid and the like Instances might be brought from other Bodies as Turpentine Oyl c. And if what Helinont asserts of the Liquor Alkahest be true viz. That it will turn all Substances whether Minerals Metals Plants or Animals into a fluid Substance of an equal Weight with each other then it follows That to divide a Body into Parts small enough is enough to make it fluid And to this I must add that considerable Changes may be effected meerly by a long Digestion in Vessels well stopp'd and plac'd in a Convenient Heat 2. The Second Requisite to constitute a Fluid Body is That it should have considerable Vacuities or Pores betwixt the Parts of it Porousness in Bodies requisite to their Fluidity for if there were no such Spaces the Parts being put into Motion would not have Space to continue it in nor could one Particle by the Impulse of another be forc'd to give way But before I proceed it will be requisite here to Note That by Spaces I would not be thought to mean Vacuities properly so call'd but that there is no such Substance betwixt them which will obstruct the Motions of the more Solid Parts This Caution being premis'd I shall to illustrate this Second Requisite observe That Snow which is of an open and slight Texture before it is compress'd may soon be squeez'd into so close and compact a Lump as to resist a very strong Pressure the Air which before was interpos'd betwixt the Parts of it being press'd out Again we may observe That when Water is clos'd up in a Bladder and wants its Liberty to move in a yielding and free Medium the Parts thus confin'd together resist Impressions like a Solid Body and this Experiment I the rather made use of than a Bladder distended with Air because the Distention of that might partly be attributed to the Spring of the Included Air. How such Vacuities contribute of Fluidity But it is further to be
observ'd That tho' such Vacuities are necessary to constitute Fluid Bodies yet they are only so to use School-Term as Removens prohibens i. e. they prevent the Inconveniencies which must be the Consequence of a Plentitude viz. Want of Liberty to move or in other Words as they dispose the Parts of a Body to yield to each other's Motion And here I would Note That tho' in most Liquid Bodies this Doctrin may take place yet I conceive it not altogether absurd to Question Whether Matter may not be so exquisitely agitated and divided as to fill up these Vacuities and to be squeez'd into any Figure as Occasion requires But not to spend Time in examining this Point at the present I shall proceed A Perpetual Motion if Parts requisite to Fluidity 3. To the Principal and last Requisite in Modifying a Fluid Body which is That all the Particles of a Fluid Body should be separately and variously mov'd up and down either by Virtue of some subtle Matter diffus'd through their Substance or an inherent Quality of their own For the Difference betwixt Solid and Fluid Bodies seems to consist in this viz. That the Parts of Solids are at rest and not so apt to yield to the Pressure of One's Finger as the Parts of Liquids are which are in Motion since the Latter being already agitated to and fro it is much more easy to guide that Motion than to put the Parts of a Body into Motion whose Parts according to the Laws of Motion must be at rest till mov'd by an Agent powerful enough to put them into Motion But when once they are put into Motion by the same Laws they must continue so till stopp'd by some other Body and consequently they must be in a perpetual Change as to their Places and Order so that hence it appears why some Bodies come to be so soft since such small Parts of Matter being in Perpetual Motion must needs yield very easily to the Touch and give way to the Impressions of other Bodies And also it cannot but dispose them easily to be confin'd by the Vessels they are contain'd in and as apt to disperse themselves when Liberty is given them Having premis'd this Brief Account of Fluidity I shall now proceed to illustrate it by Experiments And first by that concerning Salt-Petre The Doctrin of Fluidity illustrated by Experiments Salt-Petre then may become a Fluid Body either by having the Particles of it dissolv'd in Water so that they may move up and down and to give way to the Impression of an External Agent as the other Parts of that Liquid do or it may put on a Liquid Form by being expos'd to the Air in a moist Cellar where by running per Deliquium the Salt-Petre will be dissolv'd and put on so far the Form of a Liquid as to have all it's Parts in an Agitation sufficient to rank it amongst Fluid Bodies But Salt-Petre may put on a Liquid Form without the Addition of a Liquid Body as first It may be reduc'd to so fine a Powder as to resemble a Liquid in the pouring of it out of one Vessel into another besides the other Requisites of a Fluid Body viz. That it hath Vacuities betwixt its Parts and that they may be easily put into Motion only they differ from the Parts of Liquids in some Respects since the Powder hath not it's Parts always in Motion besides the Vacuities are more sensible But notwithstanding if by the force of Fire each of these Parts be again subdivided those insensible Corpuscles being violently agitated make up a Fluid Body So the Particles of Metals being by the same Agent seperated and put into Motion do not only move variously one amongst another but are sometimes toss'd a considerable height into the Air. And not only Fire but some other Bodies which are sensibly Cold may provided the Texture and Motion of their Parts be rightly dispos'd reduce several Substances to a Liquid Form so Camphire puts on the Form of an Oyl when swimming upon Aqua fortis And when Salt-Petre is by the Action of Fire endow'd with a Fluid Form it is equally a Fluid as when incorporated with Water there being very little difference betwixt these two States of Nitre only that in the Former the Agent which keeps the Nitrous Parts in Motion is more Volatile and Brisk and divides it into smaller Parts without making an Addition to its Bulk But perhaps it will be a Scruple Whether the Powder of Nitre be an Imperfect Fluid when pour'd out or rather like a heap of Sand not reduc'd to a permanent State of Fluidity To remove this Scruple we may take Powder of Alablaster or instead of it Plaster of Paris and we shall find that by putting it into a hot Vessel by the continued Action of the Fire the Parts of that Powder will be so agitated and by the Assistance of the more Spirituous Parts kept in Motion as to Boil and emit Steams like a Fluid Body and altogether resemble a Coherent Substance yet if it be remov'd from the Fire it again subsides in the Form of a Powder tho' for once again it will assume the Form of a Liquid if expos'd to a competent degree of Fire yet when the Ebullition of the Parts of it are most violent if a small Portion of it be thrown upon a piece of Paper it appears to be nothing but a very fine Powder From whence it is evident that Fluidity depends on a vehement and various Agitation of Parts which Fluidity the same Body may be depriv'd of by losing that Intestine Motion What the Motion of the Parts of Fluids depends on And thus it briefly appears how much Motion contributes to the Fluidity of Bodies And here tho' it would be very desirable to determine what is the Essential Cause of that Motion yet since it is a Matter of too much Intricacy it being by some held to be inherent in Matter and by others to be promoted by Impulse I shall rather pass it by than enter upon an Examination of those two Points especially since there would be the same Necessity of Discussing others which equally relate to the Cartesian Principles It may therefore suffice in short that neglecting the Unintelligible Doctrin of Substantial Forms we rather ascribe it to those Catholick Affections of Matter Motion Shape and Situation But to omit what we have elsewhere deliver'd concerning these Catholick Affections of Matter we shall observe what this Experiment further affords us We are therefore to take Notice That there is a difference remarkable betwixt a Fluid and a Body which hath a Quality of Wetting Bodies which are Contiguous to them since every wet Body is Fluid but not vice versâ For Air Flame Melted Liquors or Salt-Petre tho' fluid are all void of a Wetting Quality Humidity a Relative Quality Whence we are led to consider That Humidity is but a Relative Quality depending on the Congruity that one Body
hath to stick to the Pores of another whence some Fluid Bodies whose Parts are not adapted so as to adhere to the Pores of other Bodies want that Quality as Quick-silver which slips over the Surfaces of most Bodies without sticking to them tho' in Respect of some as Gold or Tin it may be esteem'd Fluid since inasmuch as it dissolves them it hath much the same Virtue as Liquids have in softening other Substances And that Humidity depends on an apt Configuration of the Parts of Matter and their Congruity with the Pores of other Bodies is further evident since Water it self in respect of some Bodies is not moist as the Feathers of Swans Ducks c. Add to this That it is further observable that when the Texture of a Liquor is chang'd it may adhere to Bodies it would not stick to before As for Instance Tho' neither Quick-silver Lead Tin or Tin-glass will stick to Glass yet a due Proportion of each mix'd together will presently without the Assistance of Fire adhere to it That the Pores of a Body cannot be perceiv'd no Argument of their Non-existence But further If it be objected That the Insensible Agitation of the Parts of Fluid Bodies are but Imaginary and Precarious since the Smallness of them makes them too fine to appear I must answer That since their Vacuities are so small as not to be Visible it is as impossible to discern their Parts and consequently the Motion of them since one Part is so presently succeeded by another that the Eye hath always a whole heap before it tho' separated by Pores so small as to be undiscerned And tho' the. Vacuities betwixt the Parts of powdered Nitre be so large as to be discern'd by the Eye yet when it's Corpuscles by the Action of the Fire are render'd more Minute not only Salt-Petre but Gold also are said to possess a less Space and consequently must leave less Vacuities betwixt their Parts and which are altogether Invisible to the Eye For which reason the Body appears continuous The Motion of the Parts of Liquids variously determin'd And that the Particles of Fluid Bodies are in Motion variously determin'd appears from their Effects since they not only penetrate but putrify some Bodies and presently dissolve them as when Sugar is cast into Water that sweet Substance is dissolv'd and its Parts so much associated with those of the Water as to be carry'd up to the Top of it which is further observable in Sea-water whose Salts upon Evaporation swim at the Top of the remaining Liquor and it is not less remarkable That a Solution of Gold in AquaRegis will presently Tincture twenty times as much fair Water And further That the Particles of Flame may be discern'd to move very fiercely even by the Eye is commonly known and further confirm'd both by their Operations and the Rays which every way expand themselves and strike against the Neighbouring Bodies And that the Air hath it's Parts in a constant Motion variously agitated we have ä great deal of Reason to believe since we may easily discern whole swarms of Motes swim up and down in the Sun-Beams and not only so but in clear Sun-Shine Days we may perceive on the Walls of Churches and other Spacious Buildings certain obscure Shades to quiver and tremble And we have yet a further Instance in Salt of Tartar which after Fusion being for a considerable time left in a moist Cellar will dissolve and put on the Form of a Clear Liquor by imbibing the Moistness of the Circumambient Air which penetrates and gets into the Pores of the Salt by an Intestin and Powerful Motion And it is further to be Noted That if in Summer cold Water be put into a Glass the moist Vapours which move about it will be condens'd on the outward side of the Glass and appear in the Form of Dew those Moist Particles which swim in the Air being by the Perpetual Motion of it's Parts successively driven upon the External Superficies of it In trying of which Experiment it is Remarkable That the Dew on the out-side was not to be observ'd above the Surface of the Liquor contain'd in it And these Relations are the less to be wonder'd at if we consider that so weighty a Body as Lead may be rais'd in the Form of Smoke a considerable height into the Air by the Assistance of proper Vessels plac'd in a convenient Furnace which Smoke will be soon scatter'd and dispers'd by the Various Motion of Aerial Particles And this Experiment does not only shew that the Parts of Air are in a Perpetual Motion but also how much the Minuteness of them contributes to their Fluidity And tho' Quick-silver much exceeds any other Body in Weight except Gold yet it 's Minute Parts agitated and rais'd in the Form of a Vapour will like other small Particles of Matter glide to and fro in the Air whence it hath often-times happen'd that in Evaporating of it several pieces of Gold have been so whitened over with the Fumes of it as not to be got off again without a great deal of Trouble But to make it almost Visible that the Parts of Liquid Bodies are perpetually in a variously determin'd Motion mix a Solution of unrefin'd Silver in Aqua fortis with 15 times its Proportion of Fair Water Decanting or Filtrating the clear Mixture In which Liquor the Parts of the Silver are not in the least discern'd tho' upon Immerging a Copper-Plate into it the Particles of that Metal which before swam up and down in the Mixture presently adhere to the Copper and crust it over with a Metalline Powder and if the Copper Plates remain in that Liquor for a Night the whole scatter'd Corpuscles of Silver will be collected together about them the Liquor being Tinctured with a Blue Tincture by some Parts of the Copper corroded and divided into Parts by the Salt Parts of the Aqua fortis And to render this Experiment still more Useful I have observ'd That by letting a piece of Spiltre lye in this Tincture for some Days the Copper Particles were gather'd round about that also from all the Parts of the Liquor which could not be were not the Water in a Perpetual Intestin Motion so that its Parts might by often changing their Places successively strike against the Spelter and so leave the Silver behind To this Experiment may be added another which I have long since try'd when first I began to consider the Reason of Fluidity I drop'd then into Spirit of Wine moderately Deflegm'd a small quantity of Oyl of Turpentine letting it fall so far that it might by the force of it be broke into small Drops which by reason of their Tenacity being unapt to mix with the Spirit would swim upon it and be mov'd up and down variously and irregularly by the Spirituous Parts of the Liquor which struck against them in their Ascension and whilst these Spirituous Parts continue to exhale it is
pleasant to behold how the Globous Parts of the Oyl will sometimes be gather'd together and almost unite and presently after be again dispers'd abroad and move to and fro amongst one another and this Motion would continue till the most Agile and Spirituous Parts of the Liquor were wholly spent And lest this Motion of the Oyly Parts should be suspected to arise from some Antipathy betwixt it and the Liquor I try'd the Experiment with small chop'd Straws which were likewise impetuously and confusedly mov'd up and down on the Superficies of the Spirit From whence we may learn That there may be an Intestin Motion of the Parts of a Liquid Substance tho' it be not discern'd by the Eye I might here reckon up a great many more Phaenomena exhibited by this Experiment but it shall suffice to take Notice besides what hath been already deliverd That some of the aforemention'd Spirit being clos'd up in a Glass Hermetically seal'd to try whether the Oyly Drops would continue their Motion when the Vinous Spirit could not exhale the Vessel was presently broke without any force otherwise discernible than by the effects of it And that the small Parts of the most weighty Liquors are actually in a Continual Motion may not only appear from what hath gone before but may be further confirm'd since Quick-silver will not only penetrate into the Pores but destroy the Texture of so solid a Metal as Foliated Gold And Salt of Tartar tho' cold is able to extract Tinctures from several Bodies And that the Parts of Oyl of Vitriol are in a Perpetual Motion may be evinc'd by the Corrosive Qualities of it which it powerfully exerts without the Assistance of Heat not only in Corroding Metals but if pieces of Camphire be thrown into it they are presently turn'd into an Oyly Substance And whoever is unwilling to believe that there is an Intestin Motion of Parts in these two Oyls may easily be undeceiv'd by the Heat and Ebullition which follows upon the Mixture of them agitated together in a Glass But here we are to observe that tho' it be an Essential Property of Fluid Bodies that one Particle readily gives way to another and that the other is as apt to succeed in the Place of it interchangeably yet that is not to be conceiv'd of all Fluid Bodies in General but is to be understood only in such Bodies as are either Simple and Homogeneous or as have an Aptitude to mix with each other as Wine and Water since there are some Liquid Bodies which will not be mix'd together but like compact Substances resist the Impressions of each others Superficies and it is not a little strange that Lucretius and some other of the Antient Atomists should overlook so obvious an Observation since it is apparent in Oyl which will not mix with Water but more eminently in Quicksilver which denys to mix any of those Liquors which were familiar amongst them But to add an Experiment which is more remarkable having so prepared and opened the Body of Copper with a sufficient Quantity of Sal Armoniack as to render the prepared Mineral inflammable I applied some Grains of it to the Wiek of a Candle by the force of whose Flames it was not only Melted but carried up along with the Tallow to the Bottom of the Flame where it was observable that the Flame of it was both lasting and as distinct from that of the Candle as if the two Flames had been separated by the Interposition of some other Body Why some Liquids are unapt to mix with each other But to return to what I have said of the unaptness of Liquors to mix with one another the reason in general seems to be no other than the particular Texture and peculiar Motion of their Parts And this I am the rather induced to believe because Salt of Tartar dissolved by the moistness of the Air into a Liquid Form will readily mix with Spirit of Wine the Texture being only changed by an addition of Water tho' before they both had their distinct Superficies and tho' mixed by a Violent Motion yet would presently separate again and each regain it's former Position And Oyl or Spirit of Turpentine gently drawn off from Sea-Salt Melted or well Decrepitated will readily mix with Spirit of Wine though there was no sensible difference betwixt that Oyl and another which would not Again a Solution of Salt of Tartar digested for some time with Oyl of Almonds would be turned into a soft Saponary Substance tho' by a strong Agitation Lixivial Liquors cannot be mixed with Oyls Moreover tho' cold Quicksilver will not mix with Oyl of Vitriol yet the boiling Oyl will by piercing it's Substance both alter and incorporate with it The Superficies of Liquids by pressing one against another give each other a determinate Figure There remains one thing yet to be taken notice of concerning the Difference in fluid Bodies which is That some of them which will touch each others Superficies without Mixture will also reduce them to a determinate Shape As for Instance if Spirit of Wine be poured upon Oyl of Tartar per deliquium tho' the contiguous Superficies of both be parallel to the Horizon yet the upper Superficies of the Spirit will be endewed with a visible Concavity if the Experiment be tryed in a slender Glass unstopped In which Liquors it may be further noted that upon a Mixture of Oyl of Almonds it presently separated the one from the other the Superficies of the Oyl of Almonds contiguous to the Oyl of Tartar being Level as well as that which was next to the Spirit of Wine But if Oyl of Turpentine be poured upon it instead of Oyl of Almonds it will be divided into several Portions some of which Swimming in the Spirit of Wine will be of a Globular Figure and others which rise to the top of the Liquor will be partly Level with the Superficies of the Liquor and partly Sphaerical on the immersed Superficies And it may be yet further observed that some Globular Parts would tho' the Liquor was shaken continually Swim upon the Oyl of Tartar being contiguous to it only in a Point But what is more Remarkable is that several drops of Oyl of Turpentine falling into the Spirit of Wine lay upon the Superficies of the Oyl of Tartar like so many Hemispheres their convex Superficies being upwards yet by degrees they became Globular being equally pressed on every side and touching the Oyl of Tartar only in a Point And these Experiments I have the rather recited because they being added to that which may be observed in the Torrecellian Experiment by suspending Mercury in the Air by admitting Air into the Glass Tube so as to separate the Mercurial Pipe into several Short ones which will have on each side a Superficies something convex because I say they might be of Use in Accounting for the different Configurations of Fluid Bodies as well as the distinct Superficies of
those Vapours which Swim in our Atmosphere A Transparent Liquor may yield a Liquor Diaphanous and another Opacous Having said thus much of Fluidity it may not be amiss to subjoyn one Experiment which shews how a transparent Liquor may be divided into two the one Diaphanous and the other Opacous Pour into a warm Solution of an Ounce of Quicksilver with a double Quantity of Aqua Fortis about half an Ounce or an Ounce of Filings of Lead being cautious that it be not put in so fast as to make the Liquor Boyl over the Event of which will be that the Lead will be immediately precipitated in the Form of a white Powder the Mercury running together again into a Fluid Body immersed in the Aqua Fortis And here it is to be noted that if the success of this Experiment be frustrated the Mercury may by degrees be again recovered if the white Precipitate be diligently ground for some time with Water Motion in the Parts of some Consistent Bodies But to put a Conclusion to this Chapter it is highly probable that not only Fluid but some consistent Bodies have their Parts in a certain degree of Motion whence as we may conjecture proceeds that Dust which is the Effect of Putrefaction in some sorts of Wood And it is not absurd to imagine that from hence Worms in Fruit as well as Magots in Cheese derive their Original And that there is Motion amongst the Parts of some consistent Bodies is further made probable both by that Turpentine which I have observed to Sweat out of Deal Boards and the growth and increase of the Bones and other consistent Parts of Bodies but more particularly in those of colder Animal Substances as Oyster-Shells Crabs-Claws and such like consistent Substances Having said thus much concerning Fluidity it might not be improper to take notice how by the Mixture of Liquids their Fluidity is sometimes promoted and also sometimes destroyed But since we shall have occasion sometime or other in the following Chapter to make such Observations I shall to close this Chapter add an Experiment which may intimate that the event of Mixtures is not always certain The Experiment is the following We Evaporated a Solution of Copper in Spirit of Nitre from whence we obtained a Vitriol of a lovely Colour We likewise dissolved one Part of good Tin in a double Quantity of Spirit of Nitre and tho' Salt-Petre as well as Tin be both Fusible yet this Metalline Mixture would neither melt on quick Coals nor in a red hot Crucible Whereas the Vitriol of Copper would melt with the heat of ones Hand though the Metalline Ingredients be much more hard to be brought to Fusion than Lead or even Silver it self and we have sometimes obtained such a Vitriol as might be preserved in a Fluid Form by the Languid heat of the Sun in Winter either with Spirit of Nitre or a certain Aqua Fortis From whence it appears that the Textures of Compositions are to be considered as well as the Particular Consistence of the Ingredients CHAP. XII Experiments concerning the Superficial Figures of Fluids Especially of Liquors Contiguous to other Liquors COnsidering that the greatest Part of the Universe is made of Fluid Bodies especially if according to the Cartesian Hypothesis the Sun and fixt Stars consist of Fluids it may not be amiss to illustrate what we have only hinted at in the foregoing Chapter For the following Experiments made about the superficial Figures of Fluid Bodies may not a little contribute to illustrate as well what hath been before delivered as what hath been said concerning the Pores of Fluid Bodies besides they may be of no small use in accounting for several Phaenomena belonging to the Grand System of the World EXPERIMENT I. and II. The Figure of the Surface of a Nitrous Liquor To try whether the concave Surface of Fluids contained in a Pipe was wholly to be attributed to the Pressure of the Contiguous Air I poured Dephlegmed Spirit of Wine upon a strong Alkalizate Menstrum which was made of fixed Nitre run per deliquium in a moist Celler and contained in a Cylinder of Glass of about a quarter of an Inch Diameter I found that the Menstrum changed it's concave for a horizontal Superficies and the like succeeded in a Glass of a much greater Diameter And that Superficial Cavity was likewise almost destroyed by pouring on Oyl of Turpentine instead of Spirit of Wine EXPERIMENT III. Of Water If instead of the former Liquor common Water was put into the Glass Cylinder it retained it's former Surface tho' Oyl of Turpentine Swam upon it instead of Spirit of Wine EXPERIMENT IV. To try what Surface would be made by an Oyl heavier than Water Of Oyl of Turpentine by being contiguous to it I put pure Oyl of Turpentine into a Glass Cylinder and found that the Concave Superficies which it had whilst the Air was Contiguous became Convex and protuberant upon an Affusion of Water EXPERIMENT V. The Superficies of a Solution of Tartar c. Again having put Salt of Tartar deliquated into a Glass Cylinder and poured Oyl of Guajacum upon it we found that the Concave Superficies was not altred as it was by Oyl of Turpentine And having gently poured Water upon these two the Oyl of Guajacum Swam betwixt the Water and the Oyl of Tartar having a Convex Superficies at each end that next the Oyl of Tartar being most protuberant EXPERIMENT VI. Of Oyl of Cloves Having likewise put Oyl of Cloves into a Glass Cylinder by pouring Water upon it it 's Concave Superficies presently became Convex and this Oyl being too heavy to Swim upon Water we poured some of it upon Deliquated Salt of Tartar pouring upon it likewise a little common Water which being done we found the Oyl Protuberant at both Ends but more at that which was Contiguous to the Water EXPERIMENT VII Again having put a considerable Quantity of Quicksilver into a Pipe of the same Diameter Of Quicksilver but much longer than the former we found that the Superficies of it which was otherwise considerably Protuberant was in some measure Depress'd when Water instead of Air was Contiguous to it EXPERIMENT VIII Of the same Upon tryal whether a greater or less Quantity of Water would alter the Surface of the Mercury I found that the greater the Quantity of Water was the more it was depressed tho' it did not always succeed But when the Cylinder being of a considerable length was filled with Water the Mercury Contiguous to the Glass was depressed to a Level having in the Center of its Superficies a Protuberance Semicircular and raised above the other level Surface half it's Diameter which Protuberance gradually subsided as the Mercury was drawn off EXPERIMENT IX The Surface of Liquors in Vacuo Boyliano Having conveighed two of the afore-mentioned Cylinders one containing Water and the other Mercury into our Pneumatical Receiver
may be further noted That even the Shining Reflection of Quick-silver may be increas'd by the Addition of a Liquor For if Distill'd Mercury be put into a Viol and Petroleum be gently pour'd upon it the Reflection will be sensibly increas'd by the Addition of that Liquor but whether that Reflection proceeds from some Subtle Body included betwixt the Petrloeum and the Mercury I shall not determine only to make it probable That were there such a Body included it might much contribute to such a Phaenomenon I shall add That I once saw a Transparent Body which was suppos'd to have a true Oriental Pearl in it but upon the Breaking of it that which was suppos'd to be a Pearl was nothing but a Cavity containing a Substance something grosser than Air And I have a piece of Glass by me which hath Air included in a Cavity of a Pear-like shape which causes such a vivid Reflection as to resemble a fair Pearl And I am Master of a Small Stone which look'd upon in one's Hand directly down seems to be like Common Glass but if the Beams of Light in another posture fall upon it obliquely it appears to be a fine Opal or Oriental Pearl EXPERIMENT XVI An Experiment in Vacuo Boyliano Having melted a Gummy Substance in a deep round wide-mouth'd Glass and conveigh'd it into our Pneumatical Receiver upon extracting the Air we found that which was contain'd in the Pores of the Gummy Substance to rise in Bubbles several of which settled at the Top and others were detain'd in the Body of it upon the Cooling of that Substance Where it was to be observ'd that those which were included in the Gummy Substance did not only cause a considerable Reflection but also the Air was so rarify'd in them that upon the intro-admission of external Air into the Receiver those Bubbles which were rais'd to the Top and adorned with Curious Colours like those of a Rainbow were presently broke EXPERIMENTS XVII and XVIII Of Water included in Oyl Tho' it is usually thought That the Parts of Water are Spherical in falling Rain yet since Hail which is nothing but Drops of Water froze and often of a Figure different from Orbicular to be further satisfy'd concerning their Figures we conveigh'd several Portions of Water into Oyl of Cloves and found that one which was as big as a Pea was so near an Orbicular Figure as to approach an Elliptical one and other Portions of Water which were larger were somewhat Elliptical but rather more depress'd in the middle and these Phaenomena were afforded by those Portions of Water which were only contiguous to the Oyl and Air. EXPERIMENT XIX Having put Oyl of Turpentine upon Oyl of Cloves which was contain'd in a Glass Cylinder I observ'd that Water being encompass'd betwixt these two Heterogeneous Bodies the Surface of the Oyl of Cloves was but a very little protuberant And the lower Surface of the Oyl of Turpentine was but moderately Convex EXPERIMENT XX. Of Coagulated Oyl of Aniseeds To try whether Fluid Bodies would retain their smooth Surfaces when reduc'd to a Solid Form I left Oyl of Aniseeds to coagulate upon Water and found that that Superficies which was Contiguous to the Air as well as that which was next the Water had each a peculiar kind of Roughness EXPERIMENT XXI Having expos'd one Portion of Water to be froze with Oyl of Junipers upon it and another with Oyl of Turpentine I found that the Ice which was under each had a different and peculiar Surface A Variety of Surfaces may likewise be observ'd upon several frozen Liquors which abound with Water And I have observ'd my self in a red Decoction of Soot of Wood set to freeze Crystals shap'd like Daggers curiously emboss'd as well as fring'd at the ends EXPERIMENT XXII And besides the Irregular Surfaces of a frozen Liquor contiguous to a Heterogenous Body I have observ'd in Oyl of Vitriol that Part of it being froze the Superficies which was contiguous to the Liquid Part was very unequal with several Asperities EXPERIMENT XXIII And not only Bodies which are Naturally Fluid but those brought to Fusion by Art acquire Various Sufaces upon their putting on of a Solid Form For I have observ'd upon the Surface of a Regulus Martis Stellatus and a Regulus of Antimony without Mars Curious Embossments of the Figure of a Star but if to these Bodies Copper be Artificially added they acquire New Surfaces sometimes resembling a Net And I have now by me a Mass of a Conical Figure consisting of two Parts contiguous to each other which when separated the lower Part had upon it's upper Side a great many Protuberances and the Conical Part on it's Superficies which was contiguous to that was furnish'd with Cavities answerable to and adapted to receive those Protuberances Whence it might be inferr'd That the more Metalline Part which was emboss'd with those Protubetances was first hardned and the other more scorious and recrementitious Part was afterwards adapted in it's Coagulation to the Protuberances of that which would melt with the Heat of ones Hand tho' the Metalline Ingredients be much more hard to be brought to Fusion than Lead or even Silver it self and we have sometimes obtain'd such a Vitriol as might be preserv'd in a fluid Form by the languid Heat of the Sun in Winter either with Spirit of Nitre or a certain Aqua fortis From whence it appears that the Textures of Compositions are to be consider'd as well as the particular Consistence of the Ingredients CHAP. XIII Containing the History of Firmness ALTHO' the Compactness and Solidity of Bodies is usually attributed to the Coagulating Qualities of a saline Ingredient by the Chymists yet since their Explications are not intelligible I shall proceed to enquire after another Cause First then The Solidity of a Body being a Quality contrary to Fluidity A Definition of Solidity seems to consist in this viz. That the gross Parts of solid Bodies are so entangled and interwoven together that they are unapt to diffuse themselves several ways like fluid Bodies and that the Figure of their Superficies is rather to be attributed to the Connection of the Parts that compose them than to the Impressions of outward Bodies In which Definition these three Things appear to be the Causes of Solidity viz. Grossness of Parts Rest and the Implication of the constituent Parts The Grossness of the Parts of a Body contributes to its Solidity And First That the Grossness of the Parts of a Body contributes to the Solidity of it is evident from what hath been already said of Fluidity for if Minuteness of Parts is requisite to produce such a Quality as Fluidity it must follow that the Inaptitude that is in grosser Matter to be put in Motion must be a further Argument That the Grossness of Particles is conducive to Firmness But here it is to be noted that by Grossness or Minuteness of Parts I would
again without the Additional weight of four Ounces And in this Experiment it was further to be observed that as the Valve was raised higher and higher in the Cucurbite a weight portionably less was sufficient to open it In which Experiment if fuga Vacui resisted the opening of the Valve it would have required the same weight at the top of the Water as in the Bottom the Valve being in both places under Water And therefore the difference rather proceeds from the Compressure of the Ambient Water that presses the Parts of the Valve together And tho' Air be a Body much more light than Water yet considering that the difference is but about as much as 1000 to 1 and that the Particles of Air which press upon our Atmosphaere are incumbent upon each other for several score Miles in height it is not absurd to expect that their pressure should be considerable and sufficient to press the two Marbles together For a further Confirmation of our Doctrine of Firmness to this I shall add another Experiment which is that having suspended the aforemention'd coherent Marbles in a large Glass when the Air was considerably exhausted the lower presently fell from it And tho' the uppermost was let down to it yet it could not be raised till fresh Air was admitted into the Glass again and then they were again pressed strongly together and became coherent as in the open Air. Rest it self for the most part sufficient to cause Rest But to return to our Discourse from which these Experiments have made a Digression tho' the Pressure of the Air may so joyn Bodies together as to make them coherent yet generally Rest it self is sufficient to render a substance Solid for since from what we have said above concerning Fluidity it appears that it depends on the Motion of Minute Parts one amongst another to deprive Matter of that Motion is enough to render it Solid the Parts of a Solid being contiguous and at rest The Opinions of some Antients and Moderns briefly refuted I know it is by all Philosphers whether Modern or Antient usually held that there is something else requisite to keep the Parts of a stable Body together For some hold that a Substantial Form is requisite but since it is equally as difficult to conceive how Matter should be so variously united in several Substances by a substantial Form as without it we may as well fly to imaginary Substances which are united by their peculiar Texture Others think that the Particles of solid Bodies are linked together by a Spirit diffused throughout the World or by a certain sort of Glue which Glews their small Corpuscles together But as to the first it s altogether unlikely for it may as well be a Question how those Parts stick to the Spirit as how they stick to one another themselves and it will be no less difficult to conceive how the Particles of that Spirit it self come to be fastned together Besides were that true it would follow that Ice which is looked upon as a Body void of Spirit must abound with it since the Parts of that brittle Substance could not be joyned by a Spirit which was not betwixt them Nor is it more Reasonable to suppose them joyned by a Cement since it might likewise be asked how the Parts of that Cement were linked together which should it be affirmed to be done by a Substance yet finer the Question might still be continued ad Infinitum so that it would at last be allowed that some Parts of Matter must adhere without a Cement or there must be Cements finer one than another ad Infinitum which since it cannot be allowed we may as well suppose that the Parts of a Body adhere without a gross Cement as that the Parts of a subtile Cement can stick together without another Substance to Cement them especially since the Corpuscles of a Body may be so figured and contrived as to be linked amongst one another very firmly an agreeable Contact with a real rest of Parts contributing to render the united substances a Solid Body But in favour of the former Opinion it is urged by some that the Spirit which they suppose joyns the Parts of a Body together consists of Parts indivisible and consequently there is no need of another substance to Unite them But since Bodies as Solid and Adamantine as these can be supposed to be may be broke a bare Affirmation must not be taken for Proof for to suppose that these Parts of Matter were made up of hooked Parts it would be as reasonable to believe that those hooked Parts might not be broke as that by a violent Agent the Particles of the most Solid Bodies cannot be divided since it is plain they may But to proceed The last thing we suppos'd necessary to constitute a Body was the Texture of its Parts and indeed tho' a Juxta-position and Rest of the Parts of a Body are sufficient to render it Solid yet if those Parts are more intimately interwoven with one another so as to be linked together like Hooks it must contribute to render the Body much more firm Parts so joyned being much more difficultly separated and put into Motion than those which have only an immediate Contact And it may not a little serve to confirm our Opinion to take Notice that in an Egg or Water by a meer alteration of Texture the Disposition of Corpuscles of those Substances are considerably changed as when an Egg is by the insinuation of the Parts of Fire so altered as to become hard or as when the Latter as well as Water is beaten into a Froth which in some Measure is like a Solid Body as long as they continue in that Form Having thus far inquired into the conjunct Causes of Solidity we shall consider briefly how many Ways a Body may come to be so Modified and what things are requisite to make Bodies apt to put on such a Form The Figure of the Parts of a Body contribute to their Solidity The first and most remarkable thing is the Figure and Shape of the Parts of Matter as if they be hooked or otherwise shaped so as to entangle one within another they will be with more difficulty separated which is evident in close-set Hedges where by pulling away one Bough the slender Twigs of others interwoven with it make it harder to be separated and not without pulling some others along with it ●o likewise the slender Threds which make up Cables being twisted and wound one within another are capable of sustaining a much greater Weight and require much more Force to braeke them And indeed this Configuration of Parts seems to have been the Opinion of the antient Atomists of which Lucretius hath given the following Account in these Verses Denique quae nobis durata ac spissa videntur Haec magis hamatis inter se esse necess ' est Et quasi ramosis alta compacta teneri In quo jam
of Salt-Petre well dry'd where it was to be noted That the Oyl was not only Coagulated but seem'd to be joyn'd together by certain Fibres which were form'd out of the Saline Effluvia of the Salt-Petre dispers'd through the Body of the Oyl And that those subtle Effluvia which insinuate themselves into the Pores of a Fluid Body may so alter the Texture as to render it Solid is more eminently evident from the Fumes of Lead which Coagulate and harden Quicksilver and that Lead does really emit such Fumes is evident from the Effects which a Physician observ'd in himself viz. both Vomiting and Purging by barely holding his Head over melted Lead several times successively and it hath been observ'd by the Famous Geometrician Dr. Wallis That the Fumes of Lead have by being several times melted been so spent that the Lead after the first time it was melted sometimes lost it's a Coagulating Virtue And Phaenomena not much different from the former are exhibited by the following Experiment For if either Common A Fluid turn'd Solid or Oyl of Sweet Almonds be pour'd upon Aqua fortis the Steams of the Latter will soon Coagulate either of them whereas if Camphire which is a brittle Substance were cast upon the same Aqua fortis it would be turn'd into an Oyly Substance A Solid Body turn'd Fluid which shews how much the Effluvia of Bodies may contribute to Fluidity or Firmness accordingly as the Bodies acted on are pre-dispos'd to assume different Forms And before I leave this Experiment it may be material to take Notice That tho' Oyl of Tartar per Deliquium be endew'd with an Extraordinary Faculty of Mortifying Acids yet it would not reduce the Coagulated Oyl to a Fluid Form But to proceed The Last way by which such Penetrating Effluvia may conduce to the Solidity of Bodies is by putting those Bodies into such Violent Motions as they may by being impell'd upon and knock'd one against another be dispos'd to Union and to be entagl'd one within another And tho' this Concurrent Cause never acts separately without the Joynt-Action of the aforemention'd Ways yet is it necessary to make a Distinction because this differs from the Former in as much as these Effluvia contrary to the other make up no part of the Body upon which the Alteration is wrought but only agitate the Parts of it So that the Figure and the Texture of the Parts of the Body become different from one another A Complication of Parts sufficient to render a Body Solid and more complicated And that a bare Complication of Particles is sufficient in a great Measure to render a Body stable will appear from an Observation very common viz. That That tho' from a heap of Osiar-wands a single Twig may be taken without removing the rest yet if they be twisted together in the Form of a Basket the whole follow upon the taking up of one and the same may be observ'd in most of the Works of Mechanicks And what great Effects bare Motion may have in altering the Textures of Bodies is manifest and very obvious in Churning where the Branched Particles which are dispers'd and diffus'd through the whole by frequent Occursions are so freed from the rest of the Liquor that they presently unite and form that soft Oyly Substance call'd Butter and not only so Homogeneous a Body as Milk may be so alter'd by Motion but even Oyl of Turpentine may be render'd a Consistent Body without the Assistance of any other Agent than Motion given to it's Parts by Distillation the Substance drawn off being a Stable and Consistent Coagulum And to illustrate farther what we have deliver'd of Fluidity and Firmness I shall add the following Experiment viz. That Oyl of Wax being distill'd afforded a Substance not unlike Butter which when it had stood a while was dissolv'd without the Influence of any External Heat into a Transparent Oyl A Change of Qualities succeed a Change of Texture But further Fluidity and Firmness so much depend upon Texture that the same Corpuscles which united one way form a Fluid by an opposite Texture may become Solid and è conversò And this is not only evident in Water successively Froze and Thaw'd again but also in Metals which after Fusion put on their Pristine Form upon Cooling But a more Emiminent Instance is That Quick-silver being kept in a Sand-Furnace for about ten Weeks in a Glass-Vessel well stopp'd the Particles of that Body being variously entangl'd and wound together constitute a Red Powder which may by Chymists be precipitated per se and in a few Hours if a quantity of Quick-silver be distill'd in a Glass Retort a Red Powder like the former will remain in the Bottom as well as about the Sides of the Vessel In which wonderful Phaenomenon it is not absurd to imagine that the Change is wrought much after the same manner as in Whites of Eggs which by an Alteraration of Textures become hard or that by frequent Revolutions the Parts of that Liquor are so link'd one within another as to put on a different Form and whatever may be the Method by which this Change is effected yet that it depends on an Alteration of Texture is most certain since that Powder being rais'd in the Form of Fumes in a convenient Glass condens'd into Running Mercury in the Neck of it But to prove further how much Motion or Rest contributes to the Fluidity or Solidity of Bodies I shall add That I once had Mercury which I looked upon to be Mercury of Saturn which by being barely agitated to and fro would put on the Form of a Black Powder which would again become fluid Mercury by grinding it in a Glass-Mortar Fluids consist not of Parts divisible into Fluids as Quantity into Quantity From which Experiments of Mercury we may learn what may be thought concerning the Opinions of some Modern Philosophers who are of Opinion That Fluid Bodies may be divided into Fluid Bodies as Quantity into Quantity as if every Particle of a Fluid Body must be Fluid it self since from the aforemention'd Experiments it is evident that the Particles which constitute Fluids are Solid in themselves forasmuch as upon a bare Change of Texture they appear in that Form which is render'd further probable if not evident both since the Particles of which Salt consists being dissolv'd in Water put on as to Sense the Forms of Fluids as well as because the Corpuscles of so Solid a Body as Silver do the same when dissolv'd in Aqua fortis And on the contrary the Calx remaining behind after a Distillation of Quicksilver with four times its quantity of Oyl of Vitriol in a Sand-Furnace is a Consistent Substance which if dissolv'd in Water will after Evaportion shoot into very brittle Crystals which rather proceeds from the Parts of the Oyl condens'd than from those of the Metal since the Calx remaining behind exceeded the weight of the Mercury the
Liquor drawn off being not equal to that of the Oyl And I am further confirm'd in this Opinion because I have observ'd several Crystals sometimes to adhere to the Sides of a Glass in which Oyl of Vitriol was contain'd which were again resolv'd when expos'd to the open Air into the pristine Form of Oyl But it may be further urg'd as an Argument against the Divisibility of fluid Bodies into such fluid Parts that if it were so all Bodies would be equally dispos'd to insinuate themselves into the Pores of other Bodies and it would not happen that one Body should be more inclin'd than another Motion as well as Minuteness of Parts requisite to Fluidity It is not indeed to be deny'd but that a fluid Body may be divided into very small Parts consider'd barely as Matter and that Minuteness of Parts may render it more apt for Motion and consequently more fluid but it does not therefore follow That the Parts of a fluid Body are indefinitely so divided because consider'd as Matter they may be Mentally since it does not appear that they are Naturally so divided Besides to render a Body fluid Motion as well as Minuteness of Parts is requisite which appears from what we have said before concerning Powder of Alablaster which puts on the Form of a fluid by having its Parts violently agitated But Solidity not altogether proceeding from Saline Parts From what hath been already premis'd it appears likewise What Thoughts we are to entertain of the Doctrin of the Chymists who assert That Coagulation Stability c. are the Effects of saline Parts For tho' Salt hath a Power to curdle Milk and coagulate other Humors yet the hardning Properties of it are not the Effects of any inexplicable Qualities inherent in it but of the Shape and Motion of the Particles which constitute it which by insinuating themselves into the Pores of a Body and sticking several Parts together do like a Wire fasten them one to another But notwithstanding the saline Parts of a Body may thus contribute to the Solidity of it yet it is not an Ingredient altogether necessary since the Parts of a Body may be so interwoven and by reason of their Figure and Contexture be so dispos'd to Union as to form a solid Body without the Association of a saline Ingredient besides it might be urg'd That Salts themselves may easily be reduc'd into fluid Substances by a Mixture of Water and several of them as Salt of Tartar c. will without the Addition of any other Body barely by being expos'd to the Air be render'd fluid But not to insist upon these Instances I shall rather desire to know what Salt can be suppos'd to insinuate it self into and cause Solidity in Mercury when it coagulates in the Fumes of Lead Or what Access of saline Parts can be imagin'd in the Preparation of Mercury precipitated per se And it may as well be question'd how any saline Body can penetrate the fine and subtle Pores of Glass When in a cold Night the Water contain'd in it is frozen and is turned to so consistent a Substance as Ice And it may be likewise noted That tho' the Shells of Hens Eggs be soft when first lay'd yet they presently harden without the Addition of any other saline Ingredient And that this Effect cannot be wholly attributed to the Influence of the Air it may be urg'd that it hath oftentimes been observ'd That Shells have been found hard several times in the very Bodies of the Hens before they were laid But that which I look upon to be a more convincing Argument is that in Aegypt where Eggs are hatch'd by the Influence of a moderate external Heat that fluid Substance is chang'd into several Parts of very different Degrees of Consistency without the Addition of any other Body or the Accession of a new Salt But further I shall make use of Arguments drawn from the Concessions of the most Eminent of their own Writers for in transmuting of Quick-silver into Gold by a white or red Tincture the Quantity of it being only a Grain to a Pound of Quick-silver it may justly be demanded How so small a Quantity should change six or seven Thousand times its Weight whereas even that Grain is not altogether saline Part of it being a sulphureous Substance And it is observ'd that Helmont affirms upon his own as well as the Experience of Raymond Lully that if the Alkahost were drawn from Quick-silver the fluid Mercury would be so coagulated as to be capable of being reduc'd into a Powder tho' not the least of the saline Liquor was left behind And I am credibly inform'd that the present Duke of Holstein hath by him a certain Glass Spirit of Urine which in cold Weather shoots into Crystals and in warm dissolves into a limpid Liquor which Spirit was no otherwise prepar'd than by cohobating the distill'd Spirit so often till the whole saline urinous Substance was brought over united together into one Mass And for a further Confirmation of the Doctrin by us deliver'd to these I shall add that it hath been observ'd that if so much as Juice of Lemmons falls into a Caldron of Sacharine Syrup it keeps the whole Mass from Thickning into a Sugar and this is confirm'd both by the French Publisher of the Natural and Moral History of the American Islands call'd Les Isles Antilles Histor Moral Cap. 5. and also by Gulielmus Piso Histor Nat. Med. Brasil l. 4. c. 1. the latter of which expresses himself in these Words Si Momentum succi Limonis vel Acidi quid injiciatur Sacchari Consistentiam nunquam acquiret sed in totum perditur and it may be further observ'd to our present Purpose that in making of Sugar the Juice squeez'd out of the Canes is usually first depurated in large Vessels of Copper from whence it is remov'd into Vessels of a less Size in order to a farther Depuration where we are to note also that whilst it remains in the larger Vessels they usually add very strong Lees to promote Depuration and when the depurated Liquor is remov'd to the small Vessels it is the Custom to add Oyl or Butter to preserve the Liquor and to prevent it from boiling over which Preparation Piso takes notice of together with the above-mention'd Author the Words of the former being these Observatu dignum si Oleum majoribus inderetur Ahenis in quibus Liquor primus Caldo dictus purificatur Saccharo conficiendo planè foret ineptus vicissim si minoribus lixivium sicut majoribus infundatur aequè impossibile Saccharum conficere The Fluidity and Firmness of Bodies depend so much upon the peculiar Texture of the Matter which constitutes them rather than on a saline Substance To these Authorities for a further Confirmation of our Hypothesis I shall add a few Experiments of my own and first having prepar'd a Liquor not much inferior in Saltness to Aqua fortis and then put
small Fragments of solid Harts-horn into it we found that they were gradually soften'd the Particles of the Liquor insinuating themselves into the Pores of the consistent Body and rendring it in a few days time of the Consistence of a Mucilage We mix'd likewise Spirit of Vinegar with Salt of Tartar An insipid Water drawn from Sp. of Vinegar Salt of Tartar till the Ebullition wholly ceas'd and by Distillation obtain'd an insipid Water from the Mixture and so successively pour'd fresh Spirit of Vinegar upon the Mixture and again extracted the insipid Water repeating reiterated Affusions and Distillations till the fix'd Salt was sufficiently impregnated with the Acid Parts of the Vinegar and then we obtain'd a Mixture tho' made up of pure and elementary Salts which so far emulated a fluid Body as to depose its saline Form when influenc'd by a very moderate Heat Camphire dissolv'd in Oyl of Vitriol c. Again we mix'd some Pieces of Camphire with Oyl of Vitriol by which they were presently dissolv'd into an Oyl and when violently agitated together readily mix'd with the Oyl of Vitriol and seem'd to constitute a uniform Liquor for several Hours yet by an Addition of four times as much fair Water the Camphire presently assum'd its own Form again and swam upon the Top of the Liquor where it is to be noted That the saline Parts of the Oyl of Vitriol render the Camphire Fluid instead of making it more Solid and on the contrary that Fluid is turned into a Consistent Body again by a Body so much void of Saltness as Water And that a Body may acquire those other Qualities viz. Hardness and Brittleness without an Addition of Saline Parts is evident from the different Tempers that may be given to a Piece of Steel for if it be immerged in Water red hot it acquires a Brittleness and Hardness which it hath not if leisurely cooled in the Air yet if it be again heated till it turns to a deep Blue it acquires a comparative softness and aptness to bend And that an Alteration in Texture is enough to render a Body more or less Solid is evident in Snow for its Parts being compressed more closely together it is abler to resist the Impressions of other Bodies and yet when further by thawing it it's Parts are brought closer together it hath a greater degree of Solidity and Firmness when Froze again the Texture being much more close and compact than that of the Snow But by some it is taught that Induration depends on a certain inward Principle A Plastick power inherent in Bedies or a Plastick Power called by some a Form and by others a Petrifying Spirit lodged in a Liquid Vehicle And indeed since I have observed that some Stones dug out of the Earth are endewed with such curious and exquisite Figures as if they had been the product of Art I cannot but acknowledge a Plastick Power which the wise Creator of Things hath implanted in certain Particles of Matter which produce both the determinate Figure as well as consistnce of those Bodies Plastick Power what But we disagree with the generality of those Philosophers as to the Manner in which this internal Principle produces its Effects and since the Manner of it by them is not intelligibly explained it will be necessary to Consider how many ways Nature takes to render Bodies Solid by which we shall be better Qualify'd to Judge of the Manner which those Particles operate by in which the Plastick Power is said to lodge But to proceed For as much as Hardness is the highest degree of Firmness we shall endeavour to make it appear that an Alteration of Texture concurring with other dispositions of the component Parts of a Body is enough to render it hard without the Addition of an adventitious Salt The Tradition is common amongst those that search into the Secrets of Nature that Coral tho' a hard Substance with us is a soft Body whilst remaining under Water according to that of Ovid Sic Cor allum quo primum contigit Auras Tempore durescit mollis fuit herba sub Vndis Ovid. Metamorph. Lib. 15. And tho' Beguinus Tyrocyn Chym. lib. 2 Cap. 10. hath urged very strong Arguments against this Tradition yet that it hath sometimes been found true appears from what Gassendus lib. 4 An. Dom. 1624. relates of an Ingenious Gentleman who Fished for Coral near Toulon viz. The Plants which were pluck'd up and drawn out were neither red nor handsome till their Bark was pulled off in some Parts they were soft and would give way to the Hand as towards the Tops which being broken and squezed they sent forth Milk like that of Figs. To which may be added the Testimony of the Jesuit Fournier Hydrograph lib. 4. Cap. 27. And I am informed by one that Practises Physick in the East-Indies that he gather'd white Coral divers times on the Sands of the Island Mehila not far from that of Madagascar which is usually as soft as an Onion and is observed to decay if it is not gathered at a certain Season of the Year Agreeable to which Piso lib. 4. Cap. 68. making mention of several stony Trees on the Brasilian Coast says E fundo erutae mox durissimae si insolentur in Littore siccae niveique coloris fiunt which may be favoured by the following Relation of Scaliger's Ex bovillis Oppidanus adjutus Medicamentis eminxit vitrum sane ex illa Nobili Paxagorae pituita dum mingeretur albuminis Mollitie emissum vitri duritie ac splendore Senatoris filius ejecit puttis modo multis maximos Qui aeris Contactu postea in Gypseam tum speciem tum firmitatem concrevere hic quoque nunc recte valet And I have been informed by a Merchant and likewise a Chymist of Dantzick that several Lumps of Amber have been taken up soft upon their Coast which presently grew hard in the Air which I the rather believ'd because I have several times observed both Spiders Flys and Straws enclosed in Amber Observations of Indurated Bodies And here we may take Notice that tho' it from hence appears that some Bodies which are soft under Water become hard when exposed to the Air yet it is a Matter of difficulty to determine how much the Infiuence of the Air contributes to the hardning of them For Gassendus in Vita Piereskii lib. 1. says he hath observed in the lesser Streams of the River Rhosne where he usually washed himself several Lumps of hard Substances upon the same Place where he was wont to find the ground smooth and soft and that some time after the same hard Substances remaining in the Water as well as some which he carried home with him were turned into perfect Pebbles from which relations and also what we have before observed concerning the Powder of Alablaster it appears how much the Mechanical Textures of Bodies together with other Mechanical Qualities contribute to their various
Forms for besides the aforementioned Instances I have observed that that bony Substánce so much esteemed by Physitians which is usually taken out of the Deer's Heart and is of a hard Consistence hath appear'd in one of those Creatures which I purposely look'd into to be soft and flexible like Cartilages And indeed Solidity seems so much to depend upon Texture that it may justly be doubted whether the most solid Bodies have not before their Concretion been in Fluid Forms since amongst other Rarities I have seen in the midst of Stones the exact Figures of Fishes with their Scales and Finns c. And I have known not only Wood but several other Substances as Lead-oar Minera Antimonii Marchasites c. found in the midst of stony Concretions which are strong Arguments that those Stones have been before their Indurations in the Forms of Fluids and from hence we may have ground to Question the Opinions of some who think that Stones and such like or more solid Concretions have been existent in the same Forms since the Creation since we may with probability enough presume that these Concretes are the Results of Matter newly modified and united after a different Manner from what they were before otherwise it would be impossible that such things should be lodged in such hard Concretes And these Considerations and Observations may farther confirm what we have elsewhere noted concerning the growth and increase of Minerals But the most eminent Instances to shew how much the Fluidity and Firmness of Bodies A very remarkable Instance to shew how much Fluidity c. depends on Texture is owing to the Texture and various Coalitions of their Parts are in those Waters which when permitted to rest instead of Fluidity acquire a stony hardness And it hath been observed in some hollow Caves that by the Coagulation of a certain Humor which issued out of the top of it several Concretes have been formed like Icicles of which I have some by me now gathered by a very ingenious Person which are of a perfect stony hardness being 8 or 10 Inches in Length and of a proportionable Thickness and I have also now by me certain stony Concretes sent me from a famous petrifying Cave in France And if we will give Credit to Aventinus as well as some other Authors he hath recorded in his History that several Men and Women were at once Petrify'd by a Terrene Spirit and changed into Statues that Petrifying exhalation operating much after the same Manner and altering the Texture of their Bodies as when by Incubation and the subtile Insinuations of calorifick Atoms the Parts of an Egg are so newly modifyed and disposed as to put on the Form of a Chick And it is Testified by Pamphilio Pixcentino of a Woman in Venice who upon eating of an Apple was turned into a very hard Stone after she had been hideously tortured for about 24 hours Mixture sufficient to produce Petrifaction which History together with Observations of my own which I shall add will be a good Argument to prove that even Mixture is sufficient to petrify some Bodies the Observation is in the following Experiment viz. If two Ounces of Quick-silver be mixed with two Ounces and a half of Verdigreese together with about an Ounce of common Salt and put into a Frying Pan when that Mixture hath been Boiled for a considerable time with an equal Quantity of Vinegar and Water gradually infus'd as it wasts by Effluviums the Mixture washed and cleansed from its Salts will afford an Amalgama not unlike Quick-silver which if Dexterously prepared may be cast into Moulds and formed into imbost Images and it is in this Amalgama very remarkable that tho' at the first it is so soft as in a great Measure to emulate a Fluid Body yet when for some hours exposed to the Air it becomes hard and as Brittle as Steel where the Induration seems to result from the Coalitions of the mixed Ingredients and their new Texture rather than from any innate Principle The Particles of the Fluid Mercury being so intangled and interwoven one with another as to lose their former Fluidity and to convene so closely as to unite into a Solid Body And that the Induration depends on a Mutual Combination of the Saline Ingredients with the Mercury is beyond doubt since not only a true and perfect Copper may be obtained from the Amalgama but when it hath been for some time exposed to the Air the Surface will be covered over with the Saline Parts of the Verdigreese which have freed themselves from their more intimate commixture with the metalline Particles of the condensed Quick-Silver But lest it should be Questioned whether the Particles of Salt can have any sensible Operation when mixed with a Body so firm as condens'd Quick-Silver I shall add that in Bodies much more firm it hath been observ'd viz. in those Stones from which Vitriol is got for it is remarkable in them that when they have been for some time exposed to the open Air the internal Agitation of the Saline Parts is so violent that several of them will not only swell but even burst asunder And I remember that having preser●'d a Mineral much of the same Nature with these Stones in my Chamber the Superficies was cover'd with a Powder both in Colour and Taste resembling Vitriol And that the Motion of the Parts of this Amalgama whilst it was Fluid which they might be put into by the external force of the Fire might contribute to their Concretion we have sufficient Reasons to believe from what is related and observ'd by experienc'd Masons viz. That the best Morter will not acquire it 's utmost compactness under 25 or 30 Years and that after a long time it becomes so hard as to be more unapt to break than the Stones it Cements But lastly that the Condensation of the Parts of the Quicksilver depends on the Mixture of the Ingredients and the Texture thence resulting is evident since the Proportion of the Ingredients being vary'd the Condensation of the Mercury was neither so speedy nor so firm And that it may appear That Nature and Art sometimes take Measures not unlike in the Hardning of Bodies I shall add a Passage from a Jesuit nam'd Pierre Belleprat who relates it as an Observation in the American Continent where he was sent to preach to the Indians A Strange Sort of Earth The Relation is That near the Mouth of the River there is to be found a Green sort of Clay which being soft and capable of being put into any Form whilst under Water grows so hard when expos'd to the Air as not to be much softer than Diamonds and this he says the Natives usually make Hatchets of which they cut their Wood in pieces with But A Concrete resulting from a Mixture of Spirit of Wine and a Solution of Coral To conclude this Discourse I shall add an Experiment which will be a farther Confirmation That
Fluidity and Firmness depend on Texture and the Motion or Rest of the Insensible Parts of Matter The Experiment is That having made a Solution of Coral in Vinegar so strong that part of it fell to the Bottom I pour'd Dephlegm'd Spirit of Wine upon the Clear Decantated Liquor so gently that it might swim upon it for some time where it was suprizing that upon a violent Agitation the two Liquors being mix'd together united into a Concrete so firm as not to afford the least Drop of a Fluid Liquor yet by adding an equal quantity or thereabouts of Spirit of Nitre it would again lay down that Viscidity and become a Transparent Liquor And here it will not be amiss to specify That this Experiment is so difficult that it scarce succeeds without a great deal of Caution for First If the Tincture be not strong enough or the Spirit of Wine not rectify'd the Coagulation will be but partial and not so quick Secondly The Experiment hath succeeded in a Wide-mouth'd Glass where it had a free access of Air tho' it would not in one which was closer Thirdly Upon an Infusion of Spirit of Nitre the Mixture must be stirr'd with an Instrument made of Gold Wood or Glass lest the Menstruum corroding it should render the Experiment unsuccessful And Fourthly The quantity of each of these Ingredients is hard to be defin'd by Reason of the Difference in respect of the Strength of the Tincture and the Spirituousness of the Spirit but it is rather to be learnt by Varying the Proportions if the first Tryal does not succeed Having made this Progress in the History of Fluidity and Firmness It might be seasonable to pass on and consider those other Qualities relating to it as Hardness Brittleness Softness c. but remembring the Advice given by some of the Ancients Noscenda est Mensura sui I shall leave them for others who are better able and more at leisure being content that I have explain'd the two former Qualities more Intelligibly than some of the Peripateticks or Chymists having lay'd open a Way to accommodate Chymical Experiments to the Explanation of Fluidity and Firmness so as to deduce those Qualities from more Intelligible Principles viz. Size Shape and Motion CHAP. XIV An Essay of the Intestine Motions of the Particles of Quiescent Solids The Signification of the Word Rest limited THE Word REST is of so Ambiguous a Signification that before the Question Whether there be in Bodies any Absolute Rest can be answer'd it is requisite to consider That in the Common Acceptation it is us'd to denote such a Rest as is not perceivable to Sense but when taken in a more Strict and Philosophical Sense it usually signifies such an Absolute Rest as to intimate a total Negation of Motion In which latter Sense if it be taken I will not affirm That there is such a Rest even in the Parts of Solids since it is not improbable but that there is Motion tho' imperceivable by Sense even in the most Solid Bodies In favour of which Opinion were it necessary I should offer Arguments à priori deduc'd from the Doctrin of the Epicurean and Cartesian Principles For should we allow the World to arise from a Casual Concourse of Atoms and that there were actual Motion in all of them it would not be absurd to think That tho' in Forming Concretes they are usually wound one within another yet there is a continual Endeavour to Elasticity by which they continually strive to disentangle themselves and to fly away and consequently the Result of those Endeavours must be a Motion amongst those Atoms And on the other side should we with Cartesius allow a Continual Circulation of a Materia Subtilis through the Pores of Bodies we may imagine That the Insensible Atoms which constitute that Body will be shak'd and disturb'd by it tho' not so much as to be perceiv'd by Sense So in the Summer the Leaves are carry'd off the Trees with gentle Gales of Wind which are not perceiv'd by those that stand some Distance off But not to enlarge upon this Point it may appear from several of the Phaenomena mention'd above in the History of Fluidity that the Particles of Bodies may be in Motion tho' that Motion is not discern'd and Particularly that of Water where tho' its Parts be in a very Various Motion yet to Sense they seem to be as much at Rest as those which form the Glass in which the Water is contain'd And that there may be a like Motion in the Substance of Silver or Iron may be argu'd from what is evident to the Touch or by throwing Water upon them when hot it being peculiar Properties in them when hot to burn the Fingers and to set the Water a-boiling and the like Qualities tho' not so violent may be rais'd without the help of Fire by barely Hammering of Iron or Silver they not only by that means acquiring a Power to heat but likewise to raise Water into Vapours Argument to prove Motion in Solids But if to this it should be objected That tho' the Motion be indiscernible yet the Agent that gives it that Motion is not since we can discern how those Qualities are added to it and how the Alteration is wrought I answer That tho' a Vigorous Loadstone appears to be drawn along it's Axis and back again the Alteration is not visible in the Body of the Iron yet it certainly loses after it hath acquir'd those Noble Faculties viz. it 's Attracting and Directing Virtues properly belonging to Magnetical Bodies But that there may be in Metals a Motion tho' not discernible is further evident in a Bell which a long time after it has been struck with the Clapper continues to put the Air into an Undulating Motion and thereby to cause very odd Sounds which must be an Argument that the Partieles of that Bell are in a very nimble Agitation otherwise they could not communicate Motion to the Circumambient Air and thereby cause such a Noise in the Ear. But I must confess there are two Difficulties Objections answer'd which occur to what I have been offering As First That it is hard to imagin how the Internal Parts of such Solid Bodies should be work'd upon by Agents so weak as the Air and especially some parts of Matter more Minute which are dispers'd through it And Secondly It may be question'd how any Parts of Matter can be mov'd so slow if at all as to be so long in moving from the Internal Parts of a Needle to the Superficies as our Hypothesis requires But To the First I answer That those External Parts are not the sole Causes of these Motions but only assistant to the Principal which is evident from what hath lately been noted concerning the Connate Dispositions to Motion attributed to Matter according to the Epicurean and Cartesian Philosophy and by the Effects of a Loadstone upon the Needle we may be taught to guess what
following Instance will make it appear That the Parts of a Liquid being put into Motion may have such Effects tho' it is not to be deny'd but that a tremulous Motion may be given to the Earth so violent as to be extended to a greater Distance the Instance is That the Water hath been put into so violent a Motion by an Engine contriv'd to sink Ships that it shak'd several Ships which were at a considerable distance so strongly that those who were on the Decks could scarce stand And in the late great Sea-Fight between the English and the Dutch tho' they engag'd at several Leagues Distance from the Hague yet the English Embassador who was then Resident there assur'd me that the Guns were not only heard thither but that his Chamber Windows were considerably shaken And some Bodies are so apt to receive Impressions from the undulating Motion of the Air as to be sensibly tho' not visibly affected of which Simon Pauli in his ingenious Tract De Febribus Malignis p. 71. gives an Instance in these Words Atqui aeger ille Gallus brachio truncatus octiduum quidem superfuit sed horrendis totius corporis Convulsionibus correptus qui quoque ut illa addam Observatione dignissima dum in Domini sui aedibus ad plateam Kiodmoggerianum Romanè Laniorum appellares decumberet ac me ac aliis aliquandiu ad Lectum illius considentibus quidem sed nobis non attendentibus explodentur tormenta bellica ex Regiis ac Praetoriis Navibus sinistra truncum dextrâ brachii fovens ac complectens toties quoties exploderentur singula exclamabat au au me miserum Jesu Maria cont undor penitus adeo permolesta intolerabilis illi erat Tormentorum explosio quidem ex loco satis longinquo terrâ non firma aut contiguâ verùm super salo aut mari Balthico instituta From whence it appears that a Fluid Body may operate considerably upon a Solid tho' the Motion which causes such Effects be not perceiv'd And of the Truth of the foregoing Relation I am further assur'd by the like Effects produc'd in the shatter'd Bones of wounded Men at Sea who have had sensible pain upon the Discharge of the Enemies Cannon But lest in the aforemention'd Instances it should be alledg'd that these Sounds are rather propagated by the Earth which the Bodies which receiv'd the first Impression leaned upon than conveigh'd through the Air I shall subjoyn that the Sound of Thunder is not liable to such Objections since it can only be propagated through the Air yet the Parts of the Air are in so Powerful an Agitation that they have been observ'd to shake not only Houses but several Ships at Sea But these Effects will not be thought strange if we reflect on what hath been observ'd to be produc'd by the Celerity of the Motion of the minute Parts of a Body especially if we likewise consider that Sounds are propagated with greater Celerity than any thing we know besides in our Sphere For tho' as Marsennus takes Notice a Bullet moves 240 Yards in the sixth Part of a Minute yet I have observ'd Sounds to move 400 Yards in the same space of time But tho' it being granted that Sounds may be conveigh'd through the Air the Concussion of Houses or Ships at Sea might be suppos'd to arise from the Impetuous Motion of the Medium violently shaken by an intense Agitation where those Sounds were originally form'd yet I conceive the Effects which those Sounds have on Bodies which are plac'd upon the Surface of this Globe depend in some measure on the Dispositions of those Bodies to be work'd upon by such But to put an end to Instances alledg'd in Proof of this Proposition I shall add an Observation made by the Experienc'd Platerus which shews that a Solid Body may have such a Disposition as to be capable of receiving Impressions from the languid Motion of Air for lib. Observ 1. p. 185. He says Faemina quaedam in subitaneum incidit morbum viribus subito prostratis se suffocari indesinenter clamitans etsi nec Stertoris nec Tussis aliqua essent Indicia maxime verò de aura quadam adveniente si vel leviter aliquis adstantium se moveret quae illam opprimeret conquerebatur seque suffocari si quis propius accederet clamitabat Vix dum biduum in ea anxietate perseverans expiravit To which he adds Vidi alios aegros de simili aura quae eos si quis illis appropinquaret in suffocationis periculum induceret conquerentes quod semper pessimum est signum deprehendi III. Prop. III. Tho' the Number of Insensible Parts of Matter put into Motion enable them to perform several things yet they are usually slighted because invisible The Effects of some subtle Parts of Matter are usually esteem'd very inconsiderable by those who imagine that these more subtle Effluvia of Bodies only Act upon the exteral Superficies of others But if we consider that those Effluvia are not only very Numerous but of convenient Figures and Sizes to penetrate into the inmost recesses of Bodies they work upon we may attribute more powerful Effects to them than Men usually are wont to do for as the Motion of the Effluvia are more or less strong and numerous they may either disjoyn or otherwise alter the Textures of those Bodies As in an Ant-hill whose Soyl is full of Eggs by the Number and Motion of those little Insects the Eggs which are up and down interspers'd betwixt the Parts of the Earth will presently be separated and displac'd or as the Leaves and Boughs of a Tree are variously bent and broken off by the force of the Invisible Parts of the Air which passes through it But to come to Instances which may more Illustrate what we are about That the subtile Parts of Matter whose effects are less taken Notice of are enabled by their Size and Figure to disjoyn the Parts of Bodies they work upon we have an evident Instance in Sugar and Amber thrown together into Water for the Water presently divides the Parts of the Sugar and totally dissolves them whereas the Amber continues unaltred To which Instance may be added one of no less Force afforded by Chymistry for if you pour limpid Water upon that consistent Substance which remains after an abstraction of five Parts of Oyl of Vitriol from one of Mercury and shake the Mixture the Calx will presently exchange it 's White for a Limon-colour the Texture of the whole Mass being presently alter'd And how powerful the minute Parts of some Bodies are we may further observe in Spirit of Wine For if a Piece of Metal be held in the Flame of it these subtil Particles presently penetrate the Substance of that Solid Body and so exagitate the Parts of it as to put them into a Motion strong enough to Cause a sensible Heat And we have not a less remarkable Instance of the Force of unheeded
the Button I luted on a Receiver to prevent a Communication betwixt the External and Internal Air yet the Sound of the Watch might be perciv'd by holding One's Ears over that place where the Watch was suspended And I have often felt not only the striking of a Watch included in a double Case when I have worn it in my Pocket but even the gentler Motions of the Ballances To the Foregoing Instances I shall add That upon sudden Claps of Thunder the very Beds have been perceiv'd to shake by those that lay upon them And Agricola de Nat. eorum quae fluunt è terra Lib. 4. cap. 7. says Si Animal deijicitur in Antrum quod est in Carelia Regione Scandiae erumpit ut perhibent sonus intolerabilis magno cum flatu Si leve pondus in Specum Dalmatiae quamvis inquit Plinius tranquillo die turbini similis emicat procella But there are still some who are unwilling to believe That Motion is propagable through Liquid Bodies at least to any considerable Distance because of the easy Cession of their Parts But the contrary easily appears if we allow of the Corpuscular Notion of Light by Considering not only how far the Rays of Light are impell'd and propagated from a small Light but from the fix'd Stars which are plac'd at so immense a Distance But to proceed to Instances not so liable to Objections that the Parts of Liquids tho' in Motion and Separate one from another may communicate Motion and propagate it a considerable way is evident by casting a Stone into the Water which by that Impulse will successively propagate Motion in the Mass of Water which appears by the Curling and Circular Streams which flow from it And I am told by one who was us'd to Fish for Whales near Green-Land that sometimes upon the Thawing of the Ice it would give such Cracks as to cause Sounds much lowder than Claps of Thunder and when huge pieces of Ice upon a Thaw fell into the Sea they caus'd such a Disturbance in it as at two Leagues Distance to raise a considerable Storm And tho' some People are apt to think That the Air being a Body much more Fluid than Water Motion is less propagable in it I shall intimate that even in that Medium a very small Sound is propagated much further than we think of for tho' we are not able to take Notice of it beyond the Place where we stand yet we may learn from Ecchos that the Undulating Motion of the Air is continu'd a good way further and it is not improbable that it is continu'd further than the Place where the Eccho is made since the Learned Fromundus Professor of Philosophy at Lovain in the Year 1627 says That at the Siege of Ostend the Noise of the Cannon was heard an hundred and twenty English Miles To which may be added what Verenius Geogr. Gen. Lib. 1. Cap. 19. relates as observ'd by Traelichius at the Mountain Carpathus in Hungary His Words are these Explosi in ea summitate Sclopetum quod non majorem Sonitum primò prae se tulit quam si tegillum aut bacillum confregissem post intervallum autem temporis murmur prolixum invaluit inferioresque Montis partes Convalles Sylvas opplevit Descendendo per Nives annosos intra Convalles cum iterum Sclopetum exonerarem major ac horribilior fragor quam ex Tormento capacissimo inde exoriebatur hinc verebar ne totus Mons concussus mecum correueret duravitque hic Sonus per semiquadrantem horae usque dum abstrusissimas Cavernas penetrasset ad quas Herundique multiplicatus resiliit talia quidem objecta concava in summitate se non illico offerebant idcireo fere insensibiliter primum Sonus repercutiebatur donec descendendo Antris Convallibus vicinior factus ad eas fortius impegit V. The Effects of the Particular Modifications of the Invisible Motions of Fluids Prop. V. on Animal Bodies dispos'd to be work'd upon by them are not usually sufficiently noted Tho' it may be thought strange That the Impulse of so Slight and Languid Parts of Matter as those of Air should by their Motion produce any Sensible Effects yet if we consider what a number of those Parts succeed each other it is less to be admir'd that the Effects of their Joynt-Action should be considerable since we see that a Pendulum of a Clock is continued in a swinging Motion by a very Languid Force and the Air may be put into a Motion so powerful either by the Vibration of the Strings or the Mechanical Form of a Musical Instrument or Scraping the Edge of a Knife upon Metal as to cause an Involuntary Excretion of Urine upon a Body rightly dispos'd as it happened to a Knight of Gascony or to cause that Effect which is usually term'd Setting the Teeth on Edge Besides which Instances of the Effects of so Languid a Motion as that of the Air I shall add That I had a Servant whose Gums would presently bleed upon tearing of Brown Paper And Sir Henry Blount as well as Kircherus relates a Story of the like Nature the former having observ'd in Grand Cairo in Egypt a Nest of Serpents which upon the Sound of a Citron would presently crawl out of their Nests and upon a Cessation of that Sound run away again as fast and the Latter tells us of a Fish about the Streights which divide Sicily and Italy which will be entic'd to follow the Ships which pass by that way by the Sound of a Musical Instrument And that these Effects are produc'd by a sort of Disposition in those Bodies to be work'd on by such Sounds may be confirm'd by observing That a Man is sooner affected and awak'd out of Sleep by the Agreeable Sound of his own Name than any other And the Effects of a gentle if a Surprizing Sound are no less Remarkable which will raise a Body from the Ground which could not be so pois'd with some hundreds of Weights But the most Eminent Instance is in Persons bit by a Tarantula who upon the Playing of a peculiar Tune are compell'd to dance as long as it continues tho' other Tunes have no such Effects on them the Truth of which Relation is confirm'd both by Epiphanius Ferdinandus and several Others And I was acquainted with One who told me That a certain Lady could not forbear Weeping when she heard a particular Tune play'd and I have found several times a sort of Chilness upon my self upon the Repetition of two Verses in Lucan especially when I have been any thing Feverish To which Instances of the great Effects of Languid Motions may be added what is produc'd by the Subtile Effluvia the Rays of Light causing those that come out of a dark Place presently to Sneeze And Colours which are but several Modifications of Light have not less considerable Effects which is evident from the Influence Red Cloth hath upon Turky-Cocks And the Learned Valesius
that the Houses in that Town apparently shook especially those which were most directly situated towards the Gap which as that Author observes must needs proceed from the Impression of the Air upon the Houses for had it been the Effect of a Tremulous Motion in the Ground all the Houses would have shook alike which was otherwise To prove that Motion may be propagated through different Mediums besides what hath been before deliver'd I shall add That the Eloquent Famianus Strada De Bello Belg. Dec. 2. lib. 6. vel 7. says That a very Stupendious Work being rais'd by the Prince of Parma to prevent the City of Antwerp from being reliev'd by the River Scheld an Engineer contriv'd to blow it up tho' with Success not a little Tragical by a Boat fraught with Gun-powder c. for it rais'd such a Commotion that the Earth shook to the Distance of 36 English Miles and the deep River was so agitated as first to discover it's Bottom and afterwards to overswell the Banks the Castle together with Men Cannons c. being violently toss'd into the Air together with a vast number of other Accidents horrid and dreadful And to illustrate further what hath been deliver'd in the foregoing Chapter concerning the Effects of Musick on Bodies duly dispos'd to be work'd on by it I shall add that an Experienc'd Traveller told me That in the East Indies he saw Tame Serpents which would raise themselves erect in the Air except 3 or 4 Inches of their Tails which they rested upon And he added That upon the Playing of some Parts of the Tune they would be put into very brisk and surprising Motions whereas when another Part of it was a-playing they seem'd to be half a sleep and dissolv'd in Pleasure Another Instance which shews how much the Peculiar Textures of Bodies contribute to their Effects is publish'd by the Learned Marhofius who relates That Nicolaus Petterus had found out a Note which being loud and lasting would without visibly touching the Vessel cause a Glass-Romer to tremble and burst but if the Note were rais'd either too high or depress'd too low it would have no such Effect A further Instance of the Efficacy of Languid Motion is That I once obtain'd several pieces of Glass the Textures of which were so peculiar that if the internal Superficies were gently scratch'd obliquely with a Pin they would fly in pieces tho' 6 or 7 times thicker than common Drinking-glasses To shew how much Motion even in Solid Bodies may be promoted by the Strokes of very weak Agents I shall here relate that several Urinals whose Parts were of a peculiar Texture being rubb'd with Sand and Water had their Parts put into such a Degree of Motion as in a little time after to break without any Cause to be observ'd except that precedent Attrition of Sand. To make it evident that the Parts of Solid Bodies which seem to be at Rest may have very powerful Effects I shall add the following Observations First That I have been inform'd by a Famous Jeweller That when he ground Rubies or Saphires or other Precious Stones upon a Mill their Parts would acquire such a degree of Heat as to afford Light like Fire the Light flowing from each being of the same Colour with the Gem it came from And I am likewise inform'd by another that when they have acquir'd a certain degree of Heat the Edges would gape and if the Motion of the Mill was continu'd the Gems would fly in pieces but if it was stopp'd the cold Gem would be whole and entire To this Observation it will not be amiss to add That I once plac'd a Bottle to which was adapted a Glass-stopple in my Window and about a twelve Month after as I was sitting in the Room the Top of the Stopple flew off of its own accord leaving the other Part fast in the Glass but the Parts of Solid Glass will not only fly in pieces of their own accord but I have been inform'd that sometimes in the East-Indies Diamonds themselves are observ'd to burst asunder without the Impression of any Visible Agent THE WORKS Of the HONOURABLE ROBERT BOYLE Esq EPITOMIZED BOOK II. CHAP. I. Of the Systematical or Cosmical Qualities of Things Qualities proceeding partly from the Influence of outward Agents as well as the Primary Affections of Matter CONSIDERING that the Particular Qualities of Bodies depend on a certain Relation which they have one towards another by which they are adapted to Act or to be Acted on I the rather chuse to call the Qualities consider'd in this Chapter Systematical or Cosmical Qualities they not being the Effects of those primary Affections of Bodies consider'd barely as such viz. Motion Size and Shape but of Bodies so diversify'd by those primary Affections Acting mutually on one another As Quicksilver is endew'd with a Power to dissolve both Silver and Gold and an Aptitude to be dissolv'd in Aqua fortis So that I would not be understood to mean by Cosmical Qualities such as may be attributed to the mutual Actions and Passions of Bodies plac'd in some imaginary Spaces beyond the World but plac'd in the Universe as now Constituted with a vast Variety of Bodies about them This I have already hinted in the foregoing Chapters of Forms and Qualities and therefore my design in this Chapter is to consider what Qualities a Body may Aquire by the Impressions or Influence of Agents whose Effects are unknown or not taken notice of And though all these Phaenomena which are usually attributed to the Laws of Nature might properly be considered in a Chapter that bears this Title yet since those Agents most concerned in the Effecting of these Phaenomena are either the Stars the subterraneal Parts or the Aether and Atmosphaere we live in I shall wave those and only here consider what is requisite to prove that there are such real Qualities depending on unheeded Agents and the Ordinary Course of Nature Our Notion of Cosmical Qualities grounded on the three following Propositions but before I proceed I shall briefly intimate that our Notion of Cosmical Qualities is grounded upon these three Propositions 1. That some Bodies are altogether inactive till they are acted on and that others are put into Action chiefly by the Influence of these Catholick and unheeded Agents 2. That there are several Bodies which when put into Action are subtle enough to insinuate themselves into the Pores of other Bodies which they are by the Established Laws of Nature forced to act on 3. That an Alteration of the Mechanical Texture of the Body is enough to dispose it or render it unapt to be worked on by those unheeded Agents And these three Propositions I shall endeavour to make out by the following Phaenomena and Experiments To begin then with the first Proposition viz. That some Bodies are altogether inactive till they are acted on and that others are put into Action Proposition the first chiefly by the
Colours which Phaenomena could by no means be exhibited were not either some Insensible Corpuscles transmitted in the Form of Effluvia from those Objects or some other subtle Particles of Matter directed by Local Motion from the Object to the Paper and from thence to the Eyes The Establish'd Laws of the Universe Contribute to the producing of several Phaenomena From whence it appears that the Established Laws of the Universe in a great measure contribute to the producing of several Phaenomena which arise from the Operations of insensible and unheeded Causes For a further Confirmation of which I shall add That if a Bar of Iron be held in a perpendicular Line so that the lower end of it touch the Northren Point of a Magnetical Needle it will presently drive it away whereas if the Position of that Iron Bar be so altered as to touch that Point with the other end it will by a contrary Faculty attract it except the Iron Bar hath stood a considerable time in a Perpendicular Posture exposed to the Air and the Magnetical Effluvia of the Earth or hath lain a considerable time pointing North and South and so hath acquired a more durable Verticity And if it should be asked How a Bar of Iron acquires Magnetical Qualities why by such Postures the Magnetical Qualities of Iron should be so much increased it might probably be answered that it proceeded from hence viz. Because the Pores of the Iron by lying nearer the Magnetical Effluvia of the Earth have their Pores rendred more apt to receive and transmit the Effluvia of the Needle so that consequently that Part of the Iron which is most affected by those Steams must become the stronger and consequently the North Point of the Needle for which reason it must drive away the North Point of the Needle and attract the South But if on the contrary the other end of the Bar be applyed to the Needle by a contrary reason it being less Magnetical it must attract it But not to insist upon this Explanation of the Magnetical Qualities of a Bar of Iron I shall only observe that it is necessary in order to acquire a durable Magnetical Virtue that the Iron should stand long in that Perpendicular Posture which is sufficient to prove what I contend for viz. That the established Laws of Nature are requisite for the Production of several Phaenomena which would not be effected were not those Laws observ'd The Third Proposition But to proceed to the third and last Proposition viz. That an Alteration of the Mechanical Texture of a Body is enough to dispose it or render it unapt to be work'd on by those unheeded Agents This is evident from what is practis'd at Sea it being the usual Custom for the Sea-men to throw Water upon their Sails to quicken the Motion of their Vessels when pursu'd by Pirates for the Threeds of the Sails being swelled with Water and the Pores by that Means made less the Wind not finding so free a Passage through them must consequently have the greater Force upon the Sail-Clothes and so drive the Ship forwards more swiftly Another Instance of considerable Effects succeeding a very slight Alteration in Texture may be observed when on a windy day a Chamber-Window is left open for the Wind which before only shook the Glass will presently blow the Curtains about and other things in the Chamber which are in a Disposition to be easily moved as Dust Papers c. But to proceed to Examples altogether not so gross we may take notice That though common Tartar will neither dissolve in the Air nor easily in Water yet when Part of it is driven away by Calcination it readily dissolves and runs per Deliquium in a moist Air. To which may be added that tho' a Loadstone by being heated in the Fire and cool'd again underwent no visible Change as to Shape or Size nor for as much as could be perceiv'd by the Eye lost none of it's Parts yet by an invisible Change of Texture effected by the Magnetical Effluvia of the Earth it may alter its Verticity according to the different Postures it is permitted to cool in And the like Change I have observed in Iron whose Verticity was altered by a Change of Texture wrought by so weak an Agent as the Earth To these we may add several Instances in liquid Bodies and first That tho' Honey and Water mix'd together in an undue Proportion reserve each their distinct Natures yet if four or five Parts of Water be added to one Part of Honey by some subtle Agents or other they are presently fermented and unite into one common Mass and I am assur'd by a Merchant who liv'd several Years in the Canary Islands That if a Hogshead of Wine close stop'd be violently roll'd along the Texture of the Liquor would be so chang'd that if it were but about a Month old one of the Ends would be burst out and the Liquor lost Another Instance in which the Texture of the Body disposes it to be so powerfully work'd upon we have in Glass which upon a sudden Removal from the Fire into cold Water is subject to fly in Pieces But an Instance which is more remarkable is That a hot Plate of Copper being permitted to cool upon some which were more moderately hot in the Fire and thence remov'd upon a Plate several Pieces like Scales would fly off it when expos'd to the Atmosphere and To conclude this Chapter I shall add That the Bolonian Stone acquires such an admirable Quality by Calcination that by being plac'd in the Sun-beams for some time it gets such a Degree of Luminousness as to retain it a considerable time when remov'd into the dark CHAP. II. Of Cosmical Suspicions THE World about us being stock'd with such a Variety of Objects and other things too small or subtle to be discern'd it may not be unuseful upon some Accounts to propose Conjectures where the Subject consider'd admits of no clearer Discoveries Suspicion the First And First it is not without Reason I suspect that besides those uniform Parts of Matter of which the Aether by some Philosophers is thought to consist there are also several other Parts of Matter which are differently dispos'd to work upon Bodies according to the various Textures of those Bodies they chance to work upon or according to the different Agents they chance to work concurrently with And this Suspicion is not improbable since the inquisitive Gilbert hath not only discover'd the Magnetical Qualities of the Earth to be diffus'd on every side but also it is commonly known that upon the Hunting of a Deer several subtle Effluvia are left behind in the Air which we should pass by unobserv'd were there not such Creatures as Blood-hounds endow'd with Organs fitted to receive those subtle Steams A Second And it is not a little strange that several Persons should have such peculiar Temperaments as to be able to discover
mixed with it by pressing into the Vessel I shall add Instances not lyable to such Objections for it hath been observed not only at the Cape of Comori but elsewhere by Divers that the Water is as Salt at the bottom as at the top and I am informed that Divers have not only under the Torrid Zone observed the Water exceeding Salt but have brought several Lumps of Salt from the bottom with the Sea And the like Saltness of the bottom of the Sea hath been discovered near the Straights of Gibralter's Mouth And further that I might not only be sure that the Sea was thus Salt at the bottom I procured two Quarts of Sea Water the one taken up at the bottom of the Sea and another at the top in which though there was some Difference in Colour yet being Hydrostatically tryed there was no sensible difference in the specifick Gravity of them But to make out what I have before intimated viz. That the Freshness of the Water in the bottom of the Sea near Goa might be produced by the Rise of some Springs under Water though it may be objected that the specifick Gravity of the Salt Water would in some measure obstruct the Rising of fresh Water Yet this Objection will easily be answered if we consider that according to what we have delivered in our Hydrostatical Paradoxes and also what Stevinus hath observed let the Quantity of Water be never so great no more can resist the Rising of such Springs but that Pillar of Water which lyes over them in a perpendicular Line and if the Spring takes it's Rise from some high Place so that the Weight of that Water which lyes in the Vein be heavier than the perpendicular Pillar of Sea Water the Rising of it can by no means be hindered by the Pressure of that incumbent Water But to explain and confirm this Paradox I shall add that having procured a long Glass Syphon part of it being inverted so as to form a short Leg I filled it with Claret stopping the Orifice of the longer Leg with my Thumb which Syphon being immersed in Salt Water contained in a Glass Vessel and the Orifice of the longer Leg being opened the Claret notwithstanding the Pressure of the Salt Water presently rose up in it in the Form of Clouds which lasted till the Liquor in the Pipe was brought to a just Aequilibrium with the incumbent Pillar of Salt Water The Reason of the Saltness of the Sea But to pass on to the Cause of the Saltness of Sea VVater I deny not what Gassendus and other Moderns teach but grant that the Saltness proceeds from a Solution of Salt in the VVater yet I am apt to suspect that that Saltness is not only supplyed by those Salt Rocks which may be contiguous to or near the Water but that the Sea is in a great Measure supply'd by Salt wash'd away and carry'd into it by Springs and Rain-water which float into the Ocean And I am the more confirm'd in this Suspicion because several Chymists have not only found Salt in some Waters but have obtain'd a good Quantity of common Salt upon refining of Salt-Petre which according to Sir Francis Bacon is in most Soils which are not spent in Vegetation or wash'd and consum'd by the Sun and Rain But not to insist too long on these things it is not only probable That the Salts in the Earth may by this Means contribute to the Saltness of the Sea but that from what hath been before deliver'd such Salts may be communicated to it by latent Springs not to be taken notice of or discern'd by us And further That such Salt as abounds in the Earth may supply the Sea with most of the Salt which is perceiv'd to be in it we are to render it further probable to consider That the Sea-Salt and that are agreeable in the main with each other since they have almost the same Shape and Taste c. the former of which will appear by Evaporation and Crystalizing them and as for some small Difference to be perceiv'd betwixt them that may easily arise from those Bituminous and other as well as Nitrous Bodies which flow into the Sea and which may be mixed with them both by the internal Agitation of the Parts of the Water as well as the outward Action of the Sun and Air. And that there is such Salt dissolv'd in Sea-Water might be probable if it were possible so to raise the fresh Water it was dissolv'd in by Distillation as to leave the Saline Parts behind but not now to mention that not only I but the Judicious Sir John Haukins in his Voyage to the East-Indies have by distilling of Salt-Water obtain'd from it a wholesome fresh Water I shall without making a long Digression proceed to answer an Objection which is urg'd against what I have deliver'd viz. That if the Springs acquir'd such a Saltness by running through the Earth it would be discernible before they emptied themselves into the Ocean To this I shall answer That besides those fresh Springs which are visible to us there may be several others which lye too deep for us to take Notice of But here it may be requisite to take Notice That I do not say That the Saltness of the Sea wholly depends on such Supplies but that they contribute to the Saltness of it The Bitterness of Sea Water whence Having said so much of the Saltness of the Sea and its Causes it may be now seasonable to observe from whence proceeds that Bitterness remarkable in some if not most Sea-Water which we conceive may proceed partly from the external Power of some Catholick Agent and partly from those Bituminous Bodies which are carried along with spring-Spring-Water into the Sea which hath been visibly apparent in the Island Barbadoes where that which they call Barbadoes Tarr hath been seen to flow from the Rock into the Sea and to these Causes may concur some Subterraneal Exhalations and Effluvia which I have elsewhere taken notice of to flow from and pervade the Earth And as for those different Tastes which are perceiv'd in the Sea at several Places it is no less probable that they proceed from other adventitious Bodies mix'd and incorporated with the sea-Sea-Water for that the Sea-Salt which is dissolv'd in it is not a simple Salt but a compound I have been induc'd to believe by a Salt which I obtain'd from it And that some Catholick Agents may work Changes in the Saltness of the Sea which it would not otherwise have by a bare Solution of those adventitious Bodies that are mix'd in it I have Reason to believe since I have found That by keeping the Parts of sea-Sea-Water in Agitation by a continued digestive Heat it hath considerably differ'd in Taste from a bare Solution of Sea-Salt in Water And for a further Confirmation That the Saltness of the Sea is vary'd in several Places I shall barely intimate those several Colours different
thing which hath not been taken notice of by Hydrostaticians which is the weight of the Sea-Salt to its Bulk of Water which I have found to be almost as two to one and I likewise found that a piece of Sal Gemm which is more pure and weighty than Sea-Salt was to its Bulk of Water about as 2 2 8 to 1. CHAP. VIII Memoirs for the Natural History of Mineral Waters THE Use of Mineral Waters are so Universal and the Methods which some Physicians take to try them so slight that tho' I am satisfied it is difficult without Experience to Ascribe Virtues to them à priori by Reason of the Great Variety of Minerals which may impregnate them with Particles of various and very different Natures I cannot but think but that if we were furnish'd with a sufficient Number of Quaeres and several Methods in order to a Discovery of them more nice Tryals might much Contribute to the clearing up of a Natural History of Mineral Waters since by a competent number of Experiments it might be hoped that the Nature of those Metalline Salts with which Mineral Waters are Impregnated might be discovered Wherefore I have lay'd down such sorts of Experiments that might be most easily try'd viz. chiefly Chimical Ones which may be made at home without the Inconveniencies of attending those Mineral Fountains from whence they spring And because my Design is rather to improve Physick by the following Observations than to entertain Speculative Naturalists I have chiefly made it my Business in the following Papers to consider those Waters call'd Acidulae rather than the other term'd Thermae because the former are of more general Use The danger of an ill use of Mineral Waters But perhaps some may think that the Quares hereafter propounded may be too troublesome and more than requisite since the Use of Mineneral Waters are thought so innocent as to be of no ill Consequence if Unsuccesful To which it may be answer'd that tho' when skilfully given they do a great deal of good yet they are as prejudicial if unskilfully prescrib'd and therefore since there cannot be too much Caution we cannot be too inquisitive to inform our selves of their Virtues for there may be a great many hidden Qualities in them and they may be impregnated with several Metalline Properties which may not be discover'd to the Eye or by common Tryals Besides were such Experiments industriously prosecuted they might help to discover several other Qualities in Mineral Waters which are as yet unknown for from the following Experiments it is evident that the Earth which abounds with Minerals of a Martial Nature may be more apt to impregnate subterraneal Waters than we can otherwise imagine for upon pouring of a Tincture of Galls filtrated through Cap-paper upon filings of Steel The Effects of filings of Steel in a Tincture of Galls the Liquor in half an hour became Opacous and almost as black as Ink The like Phaenomena to which were exhibited by Steel in an Infusion of Brasil or Log-wood made in common Water To which we may add that several Waters have been discover'd under ground of very different Tastes some of which have been found to be corrosive and others as harmless being endow'd with several Medicinal and Useful Qualities and I am inform'd more particularly of one which is a Mine of Coral in Devonshire about 360 foot deep in which was found a Water very thick and red yet cool and Diuretick and not in the least nauseous to the Taste CHAP. IX Titles propos'd for the Natural History of Mineral VVaters consider'd whilst in their proper Channel Quaeries in order to a discovery of the Virtues of Mineral Waters IN order to a natural History of Mineral Waters they ought to be consider's in three different Capacities First as they are found in their natural Receptacles Secondly when drawn up for use and thirdly with Respect to their Effects on Human Bodies To the first of which Heads the following Quaeres may be refer'd 1. Within the Precinct of what Climate or Parallel and in what degree of Latitude the Mineral Waters are to be found 2. To what point these Waters lie open most in their Receptacles 3. Whether the Ground in which they are found be a Plain or how much it differs from a Plain 4. If the Ground be upon an Ascent how far they are from the botttom of that Ascent 5. Whether a Recrementitious Substance adheres to Stones long contiguous to these Waters 6. Whether subterraneal Fires be near such Waters and what Phaenomena such exhibit 7. Whether Brimstone or Sal-Armoniack c. be found about the Vents of such subterraneal Fires 8. Whether instead of subterraneal Fires there are other adjacent Aestuaries and whether such be constant or intermitting and if so whether periodical or irregular 9. Whether Mineral Fumes of particular colours or smells arise from such Aestuaries 10. Of what Temper the neighbouring as well as the Soil they pass through is of 11. Whether and of what Nature those Minerals are of which they pass through 12. Whether the Mineral Waters be originally fresh and derive their Virtues from the Soil they afterwards pass through 13. Whether if it acquir'd its Virtues so there were upon the Impregnation any Effervescence or whether any such Effect succeeded its Mixture with another Liquor 14. Whether there be a Spring of a contrary Nature near it viz. as to Heat and Cold as it is observ'd in France 15. Whether an oyly or bituminous inflammable Substance float in it 16. Whether the Seasons of the Year or Temperature of the Weather alters them and what Qualities they lose or acquire by such For after Rain I have observ'd such Waters incapable of turning a Tincture of Galls black But as to its Medicinal Virtues I have found that Rain after long Droughts hath rather increas'd than diminish'd their Strength by dissolving and diluting those Salts which were fix'd in the Earth for want of a Vehicle but if the Waters be weak and the Rain much those Salts being the more diluted render the Waters less Effectual 17. Whether the Qualities of the Waters may be Chymically and Mechanically discover'd as also of what Colour and Weight and with what Menstruums their Salts may be mix'd and likewise what Substances they will yield when expos'd to different Degrees of Fire and what other Chimical Tryals those as well as the Caput Mortuum may undergo CHAP. X. Containing Titles for the Natural History of Mineral Waters when drawn out of their Receptacles A Continuation of Qeaeries 1. WHether the Mineral Water propos'd be actually Hot or Cold From whence we may judge from what Depth those Waters rose and whether they were impregnated with a Salt-Peter or Sal-Armoniack in their Ascent And the several Degrees of Heat or Cold may be either try'd by immerging a Thermoscope or by trying whether they will Coagulate Oyl of Aniseeds or melt Butter 2. Of the specifick Gravity which being
compared with that of common Water will shew what Quantity of Mineral Substance the Water hath dissolv'd in it and whether Metalline or more Volatile as it is heavier or lighter where we are to observe that Mineral Waters are sometimes lighter than common Water partly because they are impregnated with Volatile Parts and partly because they are void of Saline Parts which makes common Water something heavier But to discover the different Weight of several Mineral Waters I caus'd a Glass-Viol with a flat Bottom and a long Neck three Inches long to be blown which was so light as to weigh but ʒvi + 42 Grains tho' it was capable of containing ℥ iij ss and 43 Grains of Water which made it more proper for a Nice Ballance by which I found the following Mineral Waters to differ thus in Weight Waters Ounces Drachms Grains Common 3 4 43 Common distill'd 3 4 41 Acton 3 4 48 ½ Epsom 3 4 51 Dulwich 3 4 54 Staton 3 4 55 Barnet 3 4 52 North-Hall 3 4 50 German-Spaw 3 4 40 Tunbridge 3 4 38 Islington from the Musick-House 3 4 36 Islington from the Vault with Steps 3 4 39 Islington from the Cellar 3 4 39 3. Of their different Degrees of Transparency or Opacity 4. Whether without being exposed to the Air it will afford a Pracipitate By which Observation the different Soils through which they pass will not only be discover'd but hence we may learn to distinguish such from the true Caput Mortuum of the Water German Spaw Water yielded a good Quantity of yellowish Oker N. B. the Water so try'd must not be expos'd to the Air for if it be the Air will precipitate a considerable Quantity of Matter in most Waters 5. What Microscopes can discover in Mineral Waters N. B. those moving Corpuscles discernible in a Solution of Pepper c. in Water are Animalcula and not Portions of Inanimate Matter which swim up and down such Liquors which is apparent if those little Animals be touch'd with Spirit of Salt for being kill'd by it they move much more slowly 6. Whether there be any variety of Colours in several Mineral Waters 7. Of their different Odours These are to be perceiv'd at the Spring-Heads where not only a Bituminous and Sulphurious Smell may easily be perceiv'd but I am inform'd that there is a Mineral Spring in France which hath a manifest vinous Odour 8. Concerning the different Tastes of Mineral Waters 9. Whether taking it up or keeping it stop'd or unstop'd or whether freezing or thawing it will alter the Colour Smell or Transparency of it For tho' some Waters retain their Purgative Virtue a good while yet I have observ'd an Exhalation of some fugitive Parts from those which are lighter than Water and abound with Spirituous Parts so that tho' they were carry'd but a little way from the Fountain they presently lost their Power of turning a Tincture of Galls into a Purple and instead of that turn'd it red and even the Strongest Waters if kept unstopp'd or not kept close presently lose that Property 10. Concerning the different Consistency of such Waters 11. Whether they be more apt to Expansion and Condensation or Heat and Coldness than Common Water 12. Whether they are apt to Putrify and how soon and what Phaenomena they afford 13. What Alteration in Colours ensues the Mixture of Astringent Juices with them as also their Mixture with several Juices of the Body N. B. in trying of Mineral Waters it is usual to make use of a Tincture of Galls without considering the Alterations which may be made in the Tryal by an Uncertain Proportion of Galls Wherefore I usually make use of a settled Proportion as 5 Grains to an Ounce tho' Mineral Waters may be try'd with much more Expedition and Certainty by making use of the Powder it self suspending about three Grains of Powder in an Ounce of the Waters and I have found by Experience that so small a Quantity as a Grain hath given German Spaw-Water a deep Purple Colour But it is not always necessary to make use of Galls in such Tryals since Rose Leaves or the Flowers and Bark of Pomgranates will have much the same Effect affording a Cloudy and Blackish Tincture And it is further to be noted That I made it one Part of this Quaere what Colours would be produc'd by a Mixture of Mineral Waters with Animal Juices because I have observ'd the Root of the Tongue sometimes Blackish upon the taking of Large Doses But to return to what I have observ'd concerning the trying of Mineral Waters by an Infusion of Galls I not only doubt whether all Martial Waters will turn a Tincture of Galls black but whether all liquors which will are to be esteem'd Martial for I have found that a Mineral of a Different Nature from Steel would give it a Black Colour and that a Liquor which was a Preparation of Steel would not which induc'd me to think that such a Tincture was rather the Effect of some Acid Fumes which had work'd on the Mars with which those Mineral Waters are Impregnated To which it may be added That I have found that if a Vitriolate Water be impregnated with Copper instead of Iron instead of turning a Tincture of Galls Blackish it only would render it Muddy and Thick And I had a sort of white Earth which I found by Tryals to be Lead that would turn a Tincture of Galls Blackish tho' it was altoger void of Martial Parts and probably would have very bad Effects if taken inwardly To which I might further add That a Tincture of Gold in Aqua fortis likewise turn'd an Infusion of Galls Black And those Observations I have been the willinger to lay down because tho' I would not be thought by them to slight the Use of Galls in such Tryals yet I would thence urge them to make such Tryals to be more warily made Observations requisite in Trying Mineral Waters And because it may be of some Use to observe the different Colours exhibited by such Tryals I shall add the following Considerations as Requisite to be thought on by him who designs to make such Experiments 1. That he ought to observe the Changes of Colours made by such Tinctures in a good Light which may help a Curious Observer to distinguish what Minerals such Tinctures are impregnated with 2. It way be of Use to vary the Shades of Colours produc'd by Mineral Waters either by dropping such Waters upon Paper whose Pores are saturated with Vitriol powder'd or ting'd with a Decoction of Log-wood Several Variations in Colours may be also made by dropping other Medicinal Liquors either into the Mineral Waters or the Infusion of Galls before Mixture or after 3. I would recommend for such Tryals not only the Parts of Astringent Plants but also Animal and especially Mineral Substances For besides the Astringents I have contriv'd a certain Substance which would not only turn a Vitriol Water impregnated with Iron
black but also One saturated with Copper a Succedaneum to which may be made by adding to Sulphur as it melts over the Fire and equal Proportion of Salt of Tartar finely powder'd stirring them till they incorporate and become red Which Mixture being put into a Glass Retort with half it's weight of Sal-Armoniack dissolv'd in Water let it be distill'd in Sand shifting the Receivers as the Liquor drawn off is ting'd more or less so that the strongest may be preserv'd by it self And such Tryals as these will be of more use than those usually made with a bare Tincture of Galls since there are several Mineral Substances and other Bodies which Mineral Waters may be impregnated with which discover not themselves in an Infusion of Galls As Sulphur or Copper may be so lock'd up in these Waters as not to be perceiv'd till the Body of the Liquor is open'd by some proper Additament And even Arsenick it self may be so disguised as not to be perceiv'd when mix'd with the Waters yet if Spirit of Urine or Oyl of Tartar per Deliquium be dropp'd into a Solution of it it presently precipitates in the Form of a white Powder and so likewise if a Solution of Sublimate be added to it Whether Mineral Waters have Arsenick dissolved in them But to discover whether Mineral Waters be impregnated with Arsenick or not I put Dantzick or English Vitriol into a Solution of it either of which caus'd a dark precipitate gradually to subside 14. Whether Spirituous Acids volatile Alkalys or Lixivial Salts will precipitate such Waters 15. The Manner of Extracting Salts from such Waters and what Quantities may be extracted Guesses may be made concerning the Saltness of these Waters by trying whether they will Lather with Soap and if not what Quantity of Curdled Matter they will yield I have observ'd that even the lightest Waters will yield a small Quantity of common Salt 16. How to discover what Acidity is to be found without Evaporation Having taken a peculiar Method to try the Acidity of Mineral Waters by mixing them with an Infusion of Lignum Nephriticum in simple Water I found that tho' German Spaw yielded a small Quantity yet in that of Action there was none discernible 17. What may be observ'd by Distillation in Balnco 18. What and whether the same Quantity of Caput Mortuum be afforded by Evaporation and Distillation 19. Whether Mineral Waters will acquire the same Qualities and Texture by a Reunion of their Caput Mortuum when distill'd to such a Consistence in Glass-Vessels exactly luted which they had before 20. What Changes if any Mineral Waters undergo by being boil'd in Water in a Glass Hermetically seal'd From whence might be learn'd whether a Change of Qualities would succeed an Alteration of Texture without a manifest loss of Parts And whether an Agitation of Parts without the Influence of the Air would precipitate any thing or deprive it of it's Power to turn a Tincture of Galls Purple 21. How much the Mineral Waters exceed their Caput Mortuum in Proportien 22. What Parts are contain'd in the Caput Mortuum and whether dissoluble in Water 23. How much the Saline and Terrestrial Parts differ in Proportion 24. Whether in strong Fires the Salts be Volatile or Fix'd and to what Degree 25. Whether the Salts will Crystallize per se or with other Salts and what 's the Figure of the Genuine or Compounded Crystals 26. Whether Acid or Alkaline Qualities are most predominant The Acidity will either appear to the Taste or Smell or may be discover'd by turning Syrup of Violets red as also by making use of an Infusion of Lignum Nephriticum which upon a Mixture of Acids loses it's Blue Colour Their Acidity may likewise be discover'd by trying whether they will be precipitated by Alkalys or ferment with them And if Alkaly be predominant it on the contrary discovers it self by a Lixivial Taste and Smell and may be discover'd by turning Syrup of Violets Green or precipitating a Solution of Sublimate or Fermenting with Aqua fortis or lastly by increasing the Colour of a Tincture of Brasil or Log-wood in Common-water And tho' we have no such Springs here in England as afford Alkaline Salts yet without question in Egypt such may be found since their Latron or the Egyptian Nitre abounds with a Salt of an Alkaline Nature and I have obtain'd such an Alkaly from that Famous Water of Bourbon in France which would turn Syrup of Violets green and ferment with Volatile Acids If such Waters abound with Vitriol they 'll turn an Infusion of Galls black and Vomit those that drink them and if an Alkaly be added will yield a yellow Precipitate upon dropping of Spirit of Vrine or Salt of Tartar into them I have not found any of the Waters about London to be impregnated with Vitriol and I am told that in France the Mineral Waters are so far from being impregnated with Vitriol that there is a Vitriolate Spring in that Kingdom As for the Nature of the Salt which most Mineral Waters are impregnated with I think that it is not to be referr'd to any Glass but is either sui generis and a peculiar one or a Compound Salt made up of such as the Water is impregnated with in it's Passage through the Earth and that Purgative Salts may by a Change of Texture be made of Salts not at all Purgative I the rather believe because I have been told by an Ingenious Emperick That a Salt which I made of Salt of Tartar and Common Sulphur mix'd together had a gentle Purging Virtue 27. In what Menstruums the Caput Mortuum may be dissolv'd and in what it may not Whether Volatile or Fixt and what Qualities it hath in Respect of Colour or Smell What Proportion of Salt Mineral Waters afford It is to be admir'd what a great deal of Caput Mortuum some Mineral Waters yield in Comparison of others since those Waters which are purely Diuretick have very little if compared with the Caput Mortuum of Purging Waters For tho' a pound of Barnet Waters yielded a Drachm yet the same weight of Tunbridge afforded but a Grain And It is not a little strange that so small a Quantity of a Mineral should impregnate so much Water as I have by Tryal found a Grain of Iron Stone did enabling it to Tincture an Infusion of Galls deeper than Tunbridge or German Spaw Water would And I have try'd that half a Grain of Marchasite dissolv'd in Spirit of Nitre communicated a Tincture to 61440 Parts of Water tho' Part of that Marchasite was Sulphur and Part of it Caput Mortuum And here it may be seasonable to take notice That if so small a Portion of a Metalline Substance would when grosly dissolv'd impregnate so large a Quantity of Water how much more may it when rais'd in the Form of a Subtile Mineral Fume and as in such a Form it may impregnate a larger Quantity of Water so will it be
more apt to fly away when expos'd to the Air. And that Vitriol may probably rise in the Form of a Vapour without losing it's Qualities is evident in Sublimate which consists of Mercury chang'd by an Addition of Salt and Vitriol for some Vitriolick Parts being carry'd up in the Preparation turn Opacous upon an Affusion of Spirit of Sulphur But further to make it evident that the Particles of Iron may be considerably expanded I dropp'd four Drops of a Vitriolick Liquor made use of in Copperas-works into twelve Ounces and a half of Water and found that it so much impregnated 1500 times it's Proportion of Common Waters as to make it strong enough to turn a Tincture of Galls Purple tho' by Evaporation we found that 3 Parts of 4 of that Liquor were Water 28. What Alterations the Earthy Parts of Mineral Waters undergo by Ignition and whether they may be Vitrify'd per se as also what Colours they impart to Venice Glass if mix'd with the Powder before Fluxion 29. Of what use they are in Baking Brewing Tanning or Dying of Colours c. 30. How many ways they may be made Artificially and with what Proportion of Ingredients CHAP. XI Titles for the Natural History of Mineral-Waters consider'd as a Medicine IT may be worth Observing in order to a more Compleat Natural History of Mineral-Waters what Constitutions they agree with and in what Distempers they are Proper or Dangerous What Sensible Operations they have and whether their Effects be alter'd by Drinking them Hot or Cold at the Well or at a Distance from it Whether Exercise or the Warmth of a Bed promotes their Operation Whether they have any Occult Qualities It may likewise be requisite to observe What good Effects may succeed a due Preparation of the Body that drinks them and what Advantage it may be to drop some Strengthening Stomachick into the First Dose What Quantity is enough for the First Dose and how it must be vary'd How long they may be Drunk and whether constantly or with Intervals whether Purging sometimes may contribute to their good Effects What Regimen in the Six Non-Naturals is to be observ'd whilst they are a-taking Which are the Signs that denote the kindly Operations of them or their future ill Effects What ill Accidents attend the taking of them and how they may be Remedy'd or Prevented Whether it be proper to Purge after the Taking of them What Effects they will have by Mixing other Liquors with them or by Boiling Meat in them Whether a Salt extracted will be of Equal Effect when Diluted in Fresh Water What External Effects they will have and of what use their Sediment is when Externally apply'd What Effects they will have on Dogs if injected into their Veins or if they be kept with such for constant Drink CHAP. XII Of the Natural and Preternatural States of Bodies especially the Air. IT is the General Consent of most Men that the Determinate States of Bodies are not only first fram'd by what they call Nature but that they are likewise preserv'd in those States by the Superintendency of that Power and that whenever they lose that State they are said to be put into a Preternatural One But if we consider that such Changes proceed from Natural Causes and that those New States depend on the like Catholick Agents The Common Distinction betwixt Natural and Preternatural States ill grounded and the Establish'd Laws of Nature it will appear That the Distinction Men usually make betwixt the Natural and Preternatural States of Bodies is but ill-grounded and that Preternatural is only a Relative Term intimating that that Body hath undergone a Change either by the Operation of some unheeded or more noted Agent For Matter being altogether void of Sense and Perception and not affecting one State more than another the Changes it undergoes depend on the Alteration of it's Textures and New Position of it's Parts alter'd afresh by that Agent which such a Body was last expos'd to As a piece of Wax is put into a New Form by the last Impression made by another Body upon it without affecting one Form more than another it self Ice a Natural State in some Places And that the States of some Bodies which are said to be Preternatural as truly depend on Natural Causes and the Establish'd Laws of Nature as others is evident in Ice and Water In which Bodies the Forms of each depend upon the Effects of External Agents for tho' in these Hotter Climates Water is Esteem'd a Natural and Ice a Preternatural State of that Substance yet I am inform'd that in Siberia a Province belonging to a Russian Emperour Water is froze most part of the Year and at a small Depth from the Surface of the Earth the Soil is froze throughout where Ice is look'd upon to be the Natural and the Alterations made by a Thaw and the Influence of the External Temperature of the Air and the Sun Beams are esteem'd Preternatural States of Bodies And further tho' Butter in our Clime be sold in a consistent Form and when it is melted is look'd upon to be in a Preternatural State yet I am inform'd that amongst the Europeans it is fluid and is sold by Measure and not by Weight as here in England And it is further observ'd That several Substances as Rosin of Jalap Gum Lacca and even Aloes it self are considerablely softened in their Consistence by the Temperature of the Air and the Force of External Heat whilst they pass under the Torrid Zone so that I am told that the former of the aforemention'd Drugs was melted into a sort of Balsam whilst it continued in Africa but when it was brought to Spain it put on a Consistent Form again And tho' Aloes was soft whilst carry'd through America and those hotter Climates yet when it approach'd our Climate it presently became hard But to bring further Instances concerning the Natural and Preternatural States of Bodies I shall observe That according the Receiv'd Notion of Natural and Preternatural States it is very difficult to determine the Natural State of the Air for not to insist on the different Temperature of the Air as to Heat and Cold in different Climes It may be demanded Since Heat and Cold rarifie and expand the Air what is to be esteem'd the Natural State of it in Reference to Rarity and Density And it is no less Questionable what Place is most fit to determine it's Natural State since the State of it is not only different in several Countries but in those Places at different Times And that the Changes as to the Density or Rarity of the Air are very frequent appears by the several Degrees of the Atmosphere's Gravity evident in the Torrecellian Experiments hereafter to be deliver'd A forced State the Natural State of the Air. But further Except the States of the Air be said to be Preternatural only in a Relative Sense with respect to the State it was in
into the Air. EXPERIMENT XXI Concerning the same HAving fill'd a Glass Viol with Water which contained something above a Pound I took a Glass Pipe about as thick as a Goose Quill and having put one End of it into the Neck of the Bottle and clos'd it with Cement I fill'd the Pipe half full with Water sticking a piece of Paper at the Superficies of the Water on the outside of the Pipe which being plac'd in the Pump after the Air had been pump'd a while above sixty Bubbles of Water as big as Pease rose out of the Water one after another and the Water in the Bottle so far expanded as to rise quite up to the Top of the Pipe and being permitted to subside several Bubbles of Air rose out of it afresh as soon as it renew'd its Expansion as before but upon a reingress of the Air it presently subsided almost to the Bottom of the Pipe Besides which the following Phaenomena were observable First That those Bubbles which ascended last were much larger than the former either because their Parts were more expanded than before or because more Bubbles of Air were united together but whatever was the Cause of it we observ'd that they ascended much slower than before Another thing to be observ'd was that tho' Bubbles are usually wont to rise above the Surface of the Water encompass'd with a thin Film yet in this Tube the Surface of the Water being Convex the less protuberant Parts of the Bubble were covered with Water Another Observation which occurr'd was that whereas those Bubbles which rose at the Beginning of the Operation divided the Water which they pass'd through in their Ascent these latter expanded Bubbles filling up the Cavity of the Cylinder in their Passage rais'd the Water before them till the Air was again permitted to re-enter the Receiver and then they wholly disappeared From which Observations it may Naturally be inferr'd First Bodies under Water may be press'd upon by the Atmosphere as well as incumbent Water Secondly It cannot be hence inferr'd that the Intumescence of the Water proceeded from any Elasticity in it since it might more probably proceed from the Elasticity of the Air lodg'd in the Pores of the Water And to make it probable that those Bubbles proceeded from small Particles of Air dispers'd through the Pores of the Water and not from any spirituous Parts of the Liquor expanded I shall subjoyn the following Experiment EXPERIMENT XXII The Bubbles prov'd to be Aerious and not Watery by observing the like Bubbles in î Mercury To which is subjoyn'd a Digression whether the Air is generated de Novo c. THO' it be generally alledg'd that the Bubbles which rise in the Cylindrical Tube in the foregoing Nineteenth Experiment are Particles of Water expanded upon a Diminution of the Incumbent Weight of the Air Yet I am apter to believe them really Parts of Air dispers'd through the Water because upon the re-entring of the Air the Water was not impell'd quite to the Top but was depress'd by the Air lodg'd above it almost an Inch which being collected together was able to resist the Pressure of the Air. The Bubbles which rise in Water Aerial proved But in order to a further Discovery whether the aforesaid Bubbles were Water or not We try'd the Nineteenth Experiment in a small Receiver and upon drawing out the Air the Water subsided upon which several Bubbles rising to the Top of the Cylinder prevented the Rising of the Water half an Inch being possess'd by the Bubbles of the Air collected at the Top of the Cylinder And we were further perswaded that those Bubbles were Aerial because the Air being a second time exhausted the Water contain'd in the Tube was by the Spring of that Air contain'd in the Cylinder depress'd below the Surface of the Water which was without the Tube having a Convex Superficies as Water expos'd to Air in such Tubes usually hath but rather more protuberant And to demonstrate that those Bubbles were really made up of Aerial Particles when the Air was almost exhausted and the Water had subsided near as low as the external Water by applying Water to the Tube which contain'd the Air we observ'd that it was so far expanded as to depress the Water down to the Bottom of the Tube several Inches below the External Water So that the Air which was before expanded to near a hundred times it's extent was capable of being further expanded by Heat But I was yet further confirm'd in my Opinion that those Bubbles were nothing but Air lodg'd in the Pores of the Water because the Air being exhausted out of the Receiver the subsiding Water yielded not Bubbles as before except a few small ones when it was near pump'd out And what I took for a stronger Argument was that the same Experiment being try'd with Mercury several Bubbles likewise rose to the Top of the Cylinder and the Mercury subsiding a second time upon the Exsuction of the Air several Bubbles appear'd in the Bottom of the Cylinder which grew bigger and bigger as the Surface of the Mercury descended lower From whence it appear'd that a Body The Expansion of Water depends on the Elater of the Air lodg'd in its Pores more ponderous than Water might contain Aerial Particles in it's Pores capable of expanding themselves when the Cause of their Compression is taken away so that we have Reason to believe that the Intumescence of the Water not only in these Experiments but also the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the Water contain'd in the Pewter Globe before mention'd proceeded from the Expansion of the Aerial Particles contain'd in the Pores of the Water rather than from any Elasticity in the Water it self These things being premis'd it would be a Matter of some Importance and of no small Consequence Whether Air be a primogeneal bedy or not to determine whether what we have said of the Air be true to consider whether Air be really a Primogenial Body and inconvertible into Water and Vice versâ or not But it being as difficult as requisite we shall rather chuse to offer what may be urg'd of either the Affirmative or the Negative And first in favour of the inaptitude of Air to be turn'd into Water or of Water into Air it may be urg'd that besides that it hath been the Opinion of several Philosophers it hath likewise been found impossible by Experience to effect such a Change in either of them And the diligent Schottus Mecham Hydraulicopneumat Part 3. Class 1. relates that in the Musaeum Kircherianum Water hath been hermetically seal'd in a Glass with a long Neck and kept there this forty Years without undergoing any Change Nor indeed do we perceive the least alteration in the Nature of Air Hermetically seal'd in Glasses for Chymical Uses tho' it may acquire several Degrees of Heat in them And it may very plainly be seen that tho' Water is divided into
Parts are checked by Cold. But leaving this plausible tho' not satisfactory Experiment I shall proceed to another which is this Having filled a Glass Bubble capable of containing about three Ounces with near equal Parts of Oyl of Vitriol and Water half a dozen Iron Nails being cast into it we stopp'd the Cylindrical Neck of the Tube with Diapalma so close as to exclude the Air altogether which being done we immers'd the Neck of this Bubble into a Glass Vessel full of the same Liquor and in a little time perceiv'd Bubbles to rise to the Top of it being rais'd by the Heat produced by the Action of the Oyl upon the Nails and this Air was so much increas'd in a little time as to depress the Water quite out of the Bubble into the Cylindrical Neck of it But lest that Pressure should be thought to proceed from the Agitation of those insensible Parts of Matter we observ'd That tho' the Vessels were expos'd to the Air for four days to give the Motion of the Parts time to cease had the Effect proceeded from them we observ'd That the Liquor all that time continued depressed the Space beforementioned being filled with Air. And what was worthy to be noted Upon a small degree of Heat approaching the Bubble the included Air was further dilated And the like Phaenomena succeeded upon a Tryal with Nails corroded in Aqua fortis From which Experiments it might be inferred That if Water be not convertible into Air yet it seems probable that it may be generated anew And that Air and Water are mutually convertible into each other might further be urg'd as nothing but what the Aristotelians teach and allow of But we shall rather urge That if what Democritus Lucippus and Epicurus together with other Naturalists teach be allow'd of viz. That the Qualities of Bodies depend on the different Figures Shapes and Textures of the Parts of Matter they consist of it will be reasonable enough to think That the Texture of the Parts of Water being alter'd they may acquire the several Qualities of Air since it is certain That the Parts of Matter may by a lucky Concourse of Causes become springy So Silver by being beaten with a Hammer acquires Springiness which it loses by being heated in the Fire and becomes flexible EXPERIMENT XXIII The Subject of the former Experiment prosecuted IN Prosecution of what was deliver'd in the foregoing Experiments We filled a Glass call'd a Philosophical Egg with common Water about a Foot and a half high it being large enough to contain about nine Ounces and the Diameter of the Neck being at the Top half an Inch and at the Bottom an Inch this being put into the Receiver and the Pump ply'd when the Air was pretty well exhausted several Bubbles rose to the Top and broke but all of them finding an easy Passage through the Water did not elevate it as when they ascended in a narrower Cylinder but upon an Admission of Air into the Receiver again the Water was sensibly depressed To try whether distilled Water was more subject to expand than common Water I put two Ounces of it into a Glass Bubble which wrought to the Middle of it's Neck but it neither swelled nor yielded Bubbles upon an Exsuction of the Air. But having put distilled Water into two distinct Philosophical Eggs the Neck of the former being straitned with a Glass Tube we plac'd them in the Receiver and found a manifest Difference upon the Exsuction of the Air for in that which was straitned the Air manifestly elevating the Water several Bubbles were gather'd about the bottom of the Glass Tube whereas in the other Egg the Water was not in the least elevated and though the Bubble in the last-mentioned disappear'd upon the Re-ingress of the Air those above the Tube continu'd visible only a little contracted for a considerable time the Surface of the Water which was before elevated being depressed lower than when first put into the Egg. And after a days time having again ply'd the Pump we observ'd That the Bubbles were so much drawn out before that we could scarce discern a Bubble in either but that in which the Cylindrical Tube was plac'd swell'd the Breadth of a Barly Corn tho' the other did not yet in the former upon a Re-ingress of Air it subsided again and whether that Swelling was caus'd by the Rarefaction of the Water or the Spring of some latent airy Parts is not easy to determine EXPERIMENT XXIV The former Experiments prosecuted with other Liquors HAVING put Sallad Oyl into a Glass about the Size of a Turkey's Egg whose Stem was near â…“ of an Inch in Diameter the Liquor reaching up to the Middle of the Stem we plac'd it in the Receiver together with the like Vessel fill'd to the same Height with Water and upon drawing out the Air the Bubbles were not only more copious than those of the Water but rose much sooner as well as longer continuing till the Pumper was quite tired with Pumping and what was very remarkable in this Experiment was that when the Oyl was put into the Receiver before the Receiver could be closed and the Pump put into Action it subsided near half an Inch in the Stem Having put Oyl of Turpentine into a Glass Bubble we observ'd That it afforded a good Quantity of Bubbles which expanded themselves in their Ascent and would sometimes raise the Oyl in the Tube so much as to make it run over But besides the foregoing we try'd the like Experiments with other Liquors amongst which a strong Solution of Salt of Tartar afforded very few Bubbles and those much later than other Liquors Spirit of Vinegar likewise yielded very few Red Wine afforded Bubbles pretty plentifully which chang'd Places by moving in an oblique Ascent and formed a sort of Froth near the Top which presently disappear'd Milk afforded plentiful Bubbles which elevated that Liquor more than common Water We likewise put Eggs into the Receiver to see whether the Substance contain'd in the Shells would break them leaving the Film within it whole as that Substance frozen had done but it succeeded not We put Spirit of Urine into a Glass Egg filling another up to the Middle of the Neck with common Water to which we added as much Spirit of Wine as rais'd it half an Inch higher and into a Glass which differ'd from the former only in having a flat Bottom we pour'd rectify'd Spirit of Wine till it rose to â…” of the Neck And the Edges of these three being mark'd we put them into a Receiver Upon the Exsuction of the Air the Mixture of Water and Spirit of Wine afforded very few Bubbles The Spirit of Urin swell'd near an Inch and a half above the Mark affording Store of Bubbles which formed a Froth upon which several larger Bubbles lay which were plac'd one above another to the Top of the Tube The Spirit of Wine afforded Bubbles till we were weary
of pumping which ascended very swiftly and immediately disappear'd at the Top first lifting up the Surface of that spirituous Liquor so as to form a thin Film And it was further observable That the Motion of these Bubbles in their Ascent was in a strait Line whereas those of the Water and Wine made a Line which on each side appear'd like the Teeth of a Saw And lastly in this Spirit we took Notice That the order which these Bubbles ascended in was in Lines parallel and of an Equal Distance from each other the Bubbles likewise following each other in such an order as to form a sort of Bracelet one end of which seem'd to rise from a certain Point at the Bottom of the Glass When Air return'd into the Receiver the Bubbles on the Spirit of Wine gradually subsided yet neither that nor the Mixture of Water and Spirit were depress'd below the Mark But the Spirit of Wine continu'd expanded near half an Inch which I found to succeed upon several Tryals EXPERIMENT XXV Concerning the Air 's Gravity and Expansion under Water HAving fill'd a Wide-mouth'd Jar with about half a Pint of Common Water we sunk two Glass-Viols whose Shape and Size is represented by the Eighth Figure one of which contain'd just so much of a Ponderous Mercurial Mixture as was requisite to sink it when cover'd with white Wax the other being weigh'd down by Water and the Mouths being downwards the Quantity of Water contain'd in the former filling three Parts of four of the Glass the Air contain'd in the latter being equal in Dimensions to a Pea. These being let down into the Receiver upon plying the Pump at the last so many Bubbles rose up to that which swam upon the Water as were able by expanding themselves to cause some of the Water to fly out and make the Viol emerge to the Top of the Water contain'd in the Jar where at every Exsuction it continu'd to expand till it was able to raise up the side of the Viol and in part to evacuate it self upon which it presently swam upon the Water as before and eight times after discharg'd a Bubble of Air about the Size of a Pea but when we permitted the Air to enter in again it presently subsided to the Bottom As for the other it continu'd at the Bottom all the while But some time after the Pump being ply'd it rais'd it self considerably but about sixty Parcels of Air as big as Peas finding vent and getting out it presently subsided tho' upon a further Expansion of the Air it rose again and subsided which successive Ascent and descent it continu'd Nine times after after the Pump ceas'd working but when the Air was again let in it was presently fix'd at the Bottom From which Experiment that Hydrostatical Rule That a Body will swim in the Water if it be lighter than its equal Proportion in Bulk will appear to be likewise true when the Weight of the Atmosphere is taken off EXPERIMENT XXVI Concerning the Vibrations of a Pendulum IT being usually taught That the Motion of a Pendulum is something quicker accordingly as the Medium it moves in is thinner we suspended one which weigh'd about twenty Drachms in our Receiver fixing it to the Cover by a piece of Silk and having fix'd another of an equal weight without the Receiver we gave them both an equal Motion and observ'd that whilst the Latter made twenty Vibrations the Former counted twenty but the Pendulum being afterwards put into Motion in the exhausted Receiver and likewise in the same Receiver before it was exhausted continu'd it's Vibrations to an equal space of Time in both so that from what we could observe the Difference of the Vibrations in Air and that more rarify'd Medium viz. the exhausted Receiver was scarce sensible EXPERIMENT XXVII Concerning the Propagation of Sounds IT hath been the receiv'd Opinion of the Schools That the Air is the Medium through which Sounds are conveigh'd But the Industrious Kircher having observ'd that if a Bell be fix'd in the upper end of a Tube and upon making the Experiment de Vacuo be left there a Load-stone apply'd to the side of the Tube will attract the Steel-clapper which upon a Removal of that Load-stone will fall upon the other side of the Bell and cause an Audible Sound He thence infers That the Medium through which Sounds are conveigh'd must be much more subtle than the Air. But to evince the contrary we suspended a Watch in our Receiver by a Packthred and observ'd That the Sound was not only audible at the sides of the Receiver but that that which was likewise perceiv'd by the Ear held near the Cover was different from that which we heard at the sides of the Receiver but the Air being drawn out we could not perceive the least Sound tho' the Motion of the Minutes assur'd us that the Pendulum continu'd it's Motion yet upon admitting of Air again into the Receiver the Sound was again renew'd which Experiment seems to evince that the Air is the Chief Medium through which Sounds are conveigh'd Yet it is not a little strange that so slight a Stroke as that of the Pendulum should give such an Impulse to the Ambient Air as to inable it to communicate a Motion to the sides of the Receiver strong enough to put the External Air into an Undulating Motion But having supported a Bell in the Middle of our Receiver by a large Stick which reach'd from one side to the other the Diameter of the Bell being about two Inches we observ'd that tho' the Sound in the Receiver was not equally as sharp as in the open Air yet there was no considerable Variation when the Air was drawn out which evinces that a subtler Medium than the Air is not altogether incapable of propagating Sounds no more than Air however in the foregoing Experiment try'd with a Bell suspended in a Glass-Tube it may not without Reason be suspected that the Cavity of the Tube was not wholly void of Air since Experience informs us that it is impossible to fill the Glass-Cylinder so as to keep the Upper Part of the Tube void of Air since the Aery Parts lodg'd in the Pores of the Mercury fly up into it And further on this Occasion to shew how far the Air is the Principal Medium of Sounds we might alledge that it was observable in a former Experiment that tho' upon the striking of Fire with the Lock of a Pistol in our Receiver the Sound is audible yet it is much more dead than when made in the open Air And the like Variation is observable in all other Sounds made in our Receiver EXPERIMENT XXVIII The Eruption of Bubbles from Water upon the removal of the Air. FOR a further Confirmation of what hath been deliver'd in the XXth Experiment viz. That the Air included in our Receiver makes as strong a Pressure upon Bodies encompass'd by it as if they were
be observ'd That tho' the Receiver was but moderately exhausted and tho' it leak'd considerably yet the Weight supported by the Pressure of the Atmosphere amounted to ten Pound Nor indeed is it strange that it's Pressure should be so considerable if we do but think how large the Cylinder of Air that recoiling from the Ground presses against it is being extended to the utmost Superficies of the Atmosphere EXPERIMENT XXXIII Concerning the Pressure of the Air against the lower superficies of the Sucker what Weight will draw it down and how much it is able to raise A Discourse concerning the Nature of Suction c. The weight of the Atmosphere consider'd TO compute more exactly the Weight of the Incumbent Atmosphere we impell'd the Cylinder to the Top of the Pump taking off the Receiver and fixing just such a Weight to one of the Teeth of the Sucker as was able to bring it down to the Bottom of the Cylinder which being done and the Sucker impell'd up again to the Top of the Cylinder the upper Orifice of it was exactly stopp'd and a pair of Scales being fix'd to the Iron-Sucker by casting in so many Weights as were able to draw down the Sucker we were truly inform'd of the Weight of a Pillar of the Atmosphere of an equal Diameter with the Bore of the Cylinder By which Method we found that the Sucker which requir'd 28 Pound of Lead to draw it down was not drawn down with less than the Addition of an hundred Pound when the upper Orifice of the Cylinder was stopp'd tho' upon turning of the Key of the Stop-cock and letting in Air it would readily fall without that Weight which was an Argument that the Descent was hinder'd by the Pressure of the Air which buoy'd up against the lower Part of the Sucker What weight the Atmosphere is able to raise suspended at the Sucker This Experiment being try'd and the Sucker being forcibly drawn down to the Bottom of the Cylinder whose Diameter was about three Inches the Pressure of the Atmosphere was so considerable as to be able to raise above a hundred Pound weight besides the weight of the Sucker which was not a little admir'd by the Standers-by because they saw no Force used to lift it up And tho' by such Tryals we may not be able to discover exactly the weight of the Atmosphere yet as a Famous Poet says Est quoddam prodire tenus si non datur ultra But were this Experiment Try'd at several Seasons in the Year and in several Climes as well as in Cylinders of a different Diameter it might render our Guesses more certain as to the Height and Gravity of the Atmosphere and whether it varies considerably at such distant times For the Place where the Foregoing Experiment was try'd was about 51 Degrees Latitude being try'd in the Winter and about the Change of the Moon But not to spend so much time as would be taken up with all the Reflections that might be made on the Foregoing Experiment I shall consider some few Inferences which may be drawn from them And First From the Rising of the Sucker and the Weights fix'd to it we may call in Question what some teach concerning Suction viz. That there is a sort of Endeavour to draw the Body suck'd in the Parts of that Body which is said to suck for tho' when we suck a thing with our Mouths there is a Manifest Endeavour of our Mouth to draw the Body suck'd yet the Cavity of the Cylinder is not so dispos'd by any Endeavour in the Glass-Tube Nor can the Ascent of the Sucker be attributed to any sucking Force of every Part included in the upper Part of the Cylinder since it appears not how such Aery Particles should be hook'd in the Pores of the Sucker or how they should be able to raise such a Weight Nay that those Particles of Air do not draw it up is further evident since by admitting more Air in that supposititious sucking Quality is diminish'd and not increas'd And for the same Reason it is evident that it cannot proceed from a fuga Vacui for there is the same Reason for an Endeavour to prevent a Vacuum tho' a little more Air be let in as there was before since there still remains a Vacuity Nor can the weaken'd Attraction upon letting in of Air be attributed to the Resistance of the Vacuity but rather the Spring of the included Air since when in the former Experiment it was plain that the rising of the Sucker and Weights was not obstructed by the Cavity of the Cylinder when void of Air. Considerations concerning a Vacuum But to proceed From hence further we may be directed what to think of Nature's Abhorrency of a Vacuum which hath been so long held as an Axiom in the Schools For besides that the Insensible Parts of Matter can neither have Sense to perceive any ill consequences in the Universe which would ensue a Vacuum nor be able to know how as Intelligent Parts of Matter to prevent it for if they did Nature may be said in a great many Cases to act very irrationally to effect her Designs since in the XXXII d Experiment instead of rushing into the Receiver she less cautiously rais'd up the Valve and kept her self out But I say besides the Insensibility of Matter it may farther be urg'd against that Axiom that the Endeavour which those Bodies may seem to have rather is to fill than to prevent a Vacuum since upon the drawing down of that Valve the Air which rush'd in could not prevent what was already in Being Besides in our XIXth Experiment it might be demanded Why the Water which descended into the Tube upon the Exsuction of the Air did not rather keep it's place to prevent a Vacuum or why for the same Reason it did not ascend before the Re-ingress of the Air. Moreover the Air may rather be said to rush in again as being impell'd by the Spring of the Neighbouring Air than a Design to fill the Vacuities since from our XVIIth Experiment it appears That when the Receiver was suppos'd to be full we could by the help of the Sucker find the Spring of Subsequent Air impell'd by it still force more into it and even in Wind-Guns it is manifest that the Air compress'd as much as it is in our Receiver may be squeez'd into half the Room And from the foremention'd Experiments it may further be deduc'd That the Reason why Metaphorically speaking Bodies may seem to forget their own Natures to shun a Vacuum seems to consist in this viz. that the Weight of the incumbent Water or the Pressure of the subjacent Air were not strong enough to press down or buoy up one another for from our Nineteenth Experiment it appear'd that when the Pressure of the Air was taken away the Weight of the Water it self was sufficient to make it subside tho it left no Air behind it But further from this
last mention'd Experiment it appears that it is possible Even by Weights to measure how far Nature is dispos'd to prevent or fill Vacuities since a small difference in Weight determin'd by depressing or permitting the Sucker to rise how far Nature's Abhorrency of a Vacuum depended on the Causes we have so often mention'd But here it may be requisite to advertise that by Vacuities I do not mean Spaces altogether void of Matter but void of such as may be perceiv'd so that I take the Word Vacuum in the Common not the strict and Philosophical Sense of the Word But lastly from this XXXIII Experiment it appears that the Weight of the Atmosphere we live in is stronger than what Men usually think it is And probably near the Northern Pole it is much stronger Since if what Varenius observes the Air is so condens'd in Nova Zembla as to hinder the Motion of a Pendulum except moved by a heavier Weight than what is usually made use of in our Climate EXPERIMENT XXXIV Attempts to weigh light Bodies in our Receiver TO try whether the Aequilibrium of two Bodies of an equal Weight in the Air but of unequal Dimensions would be lost in our Receiver as it usually is in Water by Reason of a greater Quantity of Water buoying up against that whose Dimensions are most extensive I took a Bladder half full of Air and ty'd it to one end of our Balance which turns with the 32 part of a Grain which being counterpois'd with a Weight in the other Scale we let it down into the Receiver and having clos'd it up upon an Exsuction of the Air we found the Bladder to dilate and manifestly to preponderate but upon admitting the Air into the Receiver again the Bladder was over-pois'd by the Weight but leaving them in the Receiver all night the Bladder imbib'd so much of the External Moisture as to weigh that end of the Balance down a good way yet the Bladder being dry'd a little they were both brought to an Aequilibrium And the like Experiment we try'd with a piece of Cork instead of the Bladder and observ'd that the Receiver being Evacuated as well as upon a reingress of the Air the Cork manifestly preponderated EXPERIMENT XXXV Of the Cause of Filtration and the Rising of Water in the Syphons c. The Cause of Filtration TO try whether in Filtrations the rising of the Water might not proceed from the Impulse of the Air we made use of a Syphon of Glass represented by the Third Figure which is made of two strait Pieces and a crooked one which joyns the other two together the Junctures being well clos'd The longer Leg of the Syphon was pervious only at the small End so as to suffer the Water to pass through it but both the ends of the shorter Leg were equally pervious the Diameter of their Bore being ¼ of an Inch. The length of these two Pipes was about a Foot and a half that the Rarifi'd Air in the Receiver when it was pretty well exhausted might not raise the Water included in the Pipe too high The shorter Leg of the Syphon being immers'd two or three Inches in a Vessel of Water the other end was fastned to the Cover which things being done and the Receiver clos'd up we began to pump The Result of which was that the Water dropp'd out of the lower Leg of the Syphon as if it had been expos'd to the open Air till the Receiver was in some measure exhausted and then several Bubbles rising in the Water gather'd together at the Top of the short leg'd Syphon where expanding themselves they stopp'd the Course of the Water that in the longer Leg being suspended in the Tube and ceasing to drop and the Water in the shorter Leg was so far depress'd as not to be above a Foot high But as soon as the External Air was let in again it enter'd in at the small Orifice of the longer Tube and ascending through the Water contain'd in the Pipe joyn'd with the former which was lodg'd in the upper Part of the short leg'd Tube But to prevent what Inconveniences ensu'd the rising of these Bubbles the two foremention'd Tubes were placed so as to meet in the middle of a Glass Viol the Neck of the Viol being clos'd up with Cement and the Tubes being thus fix'd and they as well as the Viol fill'd with Water the Syphon represented by the Fifth Figure was plac'd in the Receiver with its shorter Leg in a Vessel of Water upon which the Pump being ply'd the longer Syphon continu'd to drop much longer than before but at the last the Bubbles which rose in the Pipes were so dilated in the Viol as to press down into the Ends of the Tube and interrupt our Experiment tho' what we observ'd gave us Reason to believe that the Air contributed to the Motion of the Water through the Syphons And here I shall subjoyn that I once had a very slender Pipe which when held upon the Surface of the Water in a Perpendicular Posture the Incumbent Atmosphere press'd so much more on the Surface of the External Water than that contain'd in the Tube that the Water was rais'd in the Tube and this Pipe being bent into a Syphon and plac'd with the shorter Leg in Water as Syphons usually are the Water of its own accord rose up in the shorter Leg and ran down the other and this Syphon being plac'd in our Receiver to try what Alteration of the Phaenomenon would appear there we could not discern any sensible one But tho' in this Tube just now mention'd the Water rises of its own accord yet if such a Tube be thrust a little way into the Mercury instead of rising the Mercury in the Tube will be below that which is without it EXPERIMENT XXXVI The Weight of Air in the Exhausted Receiver The subtle penetrating Power of some Spirits above that of the Air. The Cause why Air will not enter the Pores of some Bodies which Water will The Weight of the Air examin'd by an Aeolipile The Proportion betwixt the Gravity of Air and Water Betwixt Water and Quicksilver Conjectures concerning the Weight of the Atmosphere The Weight of the Air. NOtwithstanding the several Methods propropos'd by Galileo and others to try the Weight of the Air being willing to be further satisfi'd we caus'd an Oval Glass with a small Tube at one End to be blown at the flame of a Lamp And this Glass Bubble being of the size of a Hen's Egg was fix'd to one End of a Balance being counterpois'd by a Weight at the other End which being suspended in our Receiver and the Pump set on work the Bubble after three Exsuctions continu'd to preponderate more and more till the Air was let in again and then the Balance was reduced to its former Aequilibrium But having repeated the Experiment with an additional Weight of three Quarters of a Grain in the Scale opposite to the
Bubble the Weight of the Air included in the Bubble brought the Balance to an Aequilibrium when the Air was drawn out which Aequilibrium was again lost upon a reingress of it so that had the Air been wholly exhausted the Air contain'd in the Bubble might probably have weigh'd a whole Grain and to prove that the Weight of the Air did really depress the Balance to which the Bubble was fix'd we exhausted the Receiver when the Neck of the Bubble was open and did not perceive that End of the Balance in the least to preponderate But a Lamb's Bladder being equally pois'd with a correspondent Weight manifestly weigh'd down the Balance tho the Air included in it was considerably expanded when the Air was pump'd out of the Receiver The Penetrating power of some Spirits above that of the Air. But once having caus'd the Pump to be ply'd longer than ordinary the Air contain'd in a Glass Bubble expanded it self so powerfully as to cause the sides of it to fly in pieces which is a strong Argument of the Closeness of the Pores of the Glass which are too fine to permit the Air to pass through them And for a further Proof of the imperviousness of Glass even by so minute Particles as those of the Air I shall add that in all the Tryals I ever made I but once found that a Spirit whose Parts are much more subtle and volatile than Air I say I but once found that a Spirit drawn from a Substance abounding with volatile Salts and subtle Spirits made way through the Pores of the Receiver which unusual Phenomenon probably depended on the brisk Agitation of those spirituous Parts encreas'd by the more than ordinary Heat with which they were rais'd for the Motion of them was so violent as to fill the Receiver and almost burst it with their impetuous Steams so that the Pores of the Glass being open'd with the violent Heat several of them penetrated those Pores and appear'd on the outside of the Glass Why the Parts of the Air are more indispos'd to pass through the Pores of some Bodies than others But tho' by some the Particles of the Air are thought to be able to penetrate Glass yet by others they are thought to be Grosser than Water since from the following Experiment it appears that Water is capable of penetrating Bodies and of being compress'd into their Pores which Air is not For having conveigh'd a small Bubble of Water into the longer Leg of a Syphon whose Orifice was as small as a Pin that Air being incapable of passing through so small a Pore kept the Water above it suspended in the Tube but as soon as that Bubble by blowing into the wider Orifice of the short Leg was compress'd and squeez'd out Water pass'd through that small Orifice without any other force than the Weight of that which lay upon it And the Inability of Air to pass through such Pores which Water will readily enough will be further evinc'd by holding Water in a Tube the lower End of which being very narrow and perforated with a Pore no longer than a Hair for the Water will readily pass through it but if the Tube be inverted the Water in the narrower End of that Pipe will be suspended as if the End were wholly unperforated the Air not being able to get through so small a Passage And that Water will pass through Pores which Air will not may be further evinc'd by putting a little Alkalizate Salt into a Lamb's Bladder for by wetting the End of the Bladder on the outside the Water passing through it's Pores will presently dissolve that Salt The force of the Air 's Expansion But to return to what we have hinted before concerning the Expansion of Air in a Bubble so violently as to break it the Learn'd Jesuit Cabaeus says he saw a Pillar so thick that three Men could not grasp it and that 1000 Yoke of Oxen could not tear it in Pieces yet the Air included in the Crannies of it so violently expanded upon the burning of a Fire near it that it flew in pieces tho' the Pillar was made of so solid Stones as Marble And as for the Reason why sometimes the Bubbles included in our Receiver did not break as at others it probably proceeded from the Air 's Expansion by Heat when they were seal'd the included Air upon a Removal of that Heat contracting it self and losing part of it's Springiness but this Guess we cannot wholly rely on But The Weight of the Air. To determine more exactly the Weight of the Air we heated an Aeolipile of Copper as hot as we could conveniently and removing it from the Fire we stopp'd the Neck with hard Wax to keep out the Air which being Weigh'd when cold counterpois'd six Ounces six Drachms and Thirty nine Grains but the Air being permitted to rush in by perforating the Wax with a Needle the Aeolipile and Wax balanced an additional Weight of 11 Grains so that the Weight of so much Air as fill'd the Cavity of it weigh'd half a Scruple and a Grain And tho' Mersennus affirms that he had rarifi'd the Air to seventy times its Bulk in an Aeolipile yet I must confess it seems impossible to me except the Metal his were made of would bear a much greater Degree of Heat without melting than ours would to rarifie and expel the Air contain'd in them Besides the Method he took seems much less exact than ours since he weigh'd the Aeolipile whilst hot which might throw off a Considerable Quantity of Scales as we have often observ'd the Weight of which in weighing so light a Body as Air might be considerable Proportion betwixt the Weight of Air and Water c. As for the Difference in the Weight of an equal proportion of Air and Water tho' Ricciolus and Galileo have by different Methods made very different Computations and Mersennus hath asserted it to be as 1300 to 1. Yet by the most accurate Computation we could make in our Aeolipile the difference appear'd to be no more than as 1 to 938. I shall not wholly reject what Mersennus relates but rather endeavour to reconcile the Difference by representing that my Observations were not only made in this Climate in London where it is much colder than at Paris but also at a time when the Air was condens'd by the Winter 's Cold at which time it may be suppos'd to be a fifth Part heavier than at Paris when Mersennus made his Observations Wherefore it would be of no small use to make such Observations in several Countries and at several Seasons of the Year Conjectures concerning the Height of the Atmosphere Having said thus much about the Weight of the Air it may perhaps be expected that I should by the Assistance of the Observations already deliver'd determine the Height of the Atmosphere from whence the Pressure of the Air proceeds But tho' it may be no difficult Task to
before it will nevertheless rise when the superfluous Weight is taken away And as for an Internal Conatus of the Included Air were such allow'd as Mr. Hobbs contends for it would rather hinder than promote the Rising of the Sucker for were that Included Air forc'd out so violently as he supposes and were it strong enough to cause a violent Repercussion in the Air the Internal Force counterpoizing the External the Rising of the Sucker would not thereby in the least be promoted But since from our Experiments it appears That the Receiver is for the greatest Part void of Air and that such an Impetus would be of no Force in causing the Phaenomenon he endeavours to explain by it it is more Natural to belive that the External Pressure of the Atmosphere rais'd it CHAP. XXVI Several scatter'd Explications and Passages in his Dialogue consider'd WHEREAS we have in the XXXXVth Experimenti mention'd an Experiment wherein the Water Rose up into a long slender Tube which was plac'd in a Perpendicular Line the Water in the Tube being above the Surface of the Water without the Tube Mr. Hobbs endeavours to explain this by the Impulse of the Particles of Matter swiftly agitated in the Air but since the same Agitation of Parts within the Tube might also depress that to an equal Surface with the External the Account he gives of it is the less satisfactory The Reason which he assigns for the Difficulty in drawing up the Stopple when the Receiver is exhausted is a Violent Conatus proceeding from the Motion of the Particles within but were the Impetus so great as to cause so great a Repercussion as Mr. Hobbs before suppos'd able to repel the Sucker it should rather raise the Stopple and if that Motion contributed to the fastning of it it would continue upon a Re-admission of the Air since the Air in the Cavity runs about and is in Motion for a good while Nor could the Plentitude he supposes cause the Phaenomenon because he supposes the World to be equally and at all times full But that the close Connexion of the Stopple to the Socket depended on the Pressure of the External Air appear'd by closing the Hole in the Cover with Cement instead of that Stopple for when the Air was drawn out of the Receiver the External Air was drawn out of the Receiver the External Air would press so violently upon it as to make the upper Superficies Concave and sometimes to force it down into the Receiver with a Noise and great Violence He further assigns the Boiling of Water in our Receiver to the Motion of the Air included but since I have made it appear That there is no such Motion our Explanation is the more probable since the Parts of the Liquor being agitated by Heat will be apt to to expand more powerfully upon a Removal of that Pressure And tho' he says the Parts of the Water could not be mov'd except à Movente contiguo A Contiguous Body in Motion yet since he allows that the Motion of his Earthy Parts which swim in the Air is innate and consequently depends not on any Contiguous Body I shall leave that to answer what he here delivers and shall only intimate That the Parts of the Water being agitated when put into the Receiver is enough to account for the Phaenomenon when the Pressure of the Air is taken off Why Animals die in the Exhausted Receiver The sudden Death of Animals which I ascribe doubtingly tho' not without Probability to the Exsuction of the Air in the Receiver he attributes to the Circular Motion of the included Air and it's Tenacity but since I have already made it appear that there is no such Motion that is a Sufficient Answer And as for the Air being thicker in the Exhausted Receiver than before the contrary appears in the Magdeburg Experiment where the Exhausted Receiver weigh'd much less than before but from the Breaking of Bubbles outwards it further appears that it is not a thicker but a lighter and more yielding Body And tho' Mr. Hobbs from his supposition of the Air 's Thickness endeavours to Account for the sudden Extinction of Flame in our Receiver yet thinking it a Matter of Difficulty to explain the true Cause of the Extinction of Flame it may suffice that I have made it appear that the Air is not thick as he supposes CHAP. XXVII Several other Passages in Mr. Hobbs's Dialogue examined IN this Chapter Mr. Hobbs objects against what our Author delivers concerning the Cause of the Coliesion of two Marbles but all that is contain'd in what he here offers being obviated by what hath been deliver'd under the Title of Fluidity and Firmness For a further Confirmation of the Doctrin there deliver'd I shall add the following Experiments And The Pressure of the Air upon Bodies contain'd in it prov'd First If an Aeolipile freed from Air be whilst hot stopp'd with Wax upon a Perforation of that Wax the Air will be press'd in to the Cool Aeolipile whether the Orifice be held down or Horizontally which shews that the Air on each side may press upon the Lower Superficies of the Marble as well as the Subjacent Pillar of Air and that the Air is not impell'd against it only in a Pyramidal Figure as he would urge viz. because Lines drawn from the Circumference and Borders of the Stones to the Center of the Earth must form Pyramids To which it might be added That Part of the Air being drawn out of a large Glass and a Book clapp'd upon the Orifice the Pressure of the Subjacent Atmosphere kept it suspended there And the Author of the Magdeburg Experiment says That two Plates of Copper whose Diameter was about half an Ell stuck so close to each other that six Men could not pull them asund * See Fig. 6. Plate second And it appears from an Experiment made in a Glass Viol anon to be describ'd that if the Tube be so immers'd that it 's Lower Orifice just touch the Water the oblique Pressure of the Atmosphere will raise the Water in the Tube a considerable Height as the Air is suck'd out of the Tube Mr. Hobbs objects against the Author's Explications of the Rising of Water in Glass Fountains and says That it cannot be accounted for by the Expansion of the Air since the Parts of the Air expanded take up no more room after they are expanded than before but since he means so as adequately to fill more Space and we only mean such an Expansion as is before explan'd by instancing compress'd Wool it appears that in our Sense it will take up more Space so as to keep the gross Parts of Water from getting betwixt them There are other Objections mention'd in this Chapter as well as some other Particulars relating to the Royal Society but since the Author finds no weight in them against any thing he hath taught I shall only further take Notice of what Mr. Hobbs
Pillars to which the Feather is fastened being joyn'd to the upper Basis of the Bellows with Cement we fix'd a Weight to the Lower Basis and convey'd it into the Receiver See Fig. the Eighth where we observ'd upon the exhausting of the Receiver that the Air in the Bellows rais'd up the upper Basis together with it's Weight and the Air rising out at the Vent manifestly mov'd the Feather But when the Receiver was quite exhausted and the Weight upon the Upper Basis depress'd it violently we could not perceive that the Feather was in the least mov'd and the like was observ'd upon repeating the Experiment EXPERIMENT XXXVI The great and seeming Spontaneous Ascent of Water in a Pipe filled with a Compact Body whose Particles are thought incapable of imbibing it WE took a slender Pipe and having ty'd a Linen-cloth to the Iower Orifice we fill'd it with Minium and immerging it in Water in a Wide-mouth'd Glass about an Inch the Water ascended about 30 Inches and the Experiment being again repeated in another it rose 40 Inches In which kind of Experiments the following Particulars were to be observ'd First That other Powders being made use of instead of this the Experiment did not succeed so well nor was the Success much better when we made use of Ink instead of Water Secondly Our Experiment succeeded the better the finer and closer the Minium was But if the Pipe be too small the Event will not always be successful Thirdly We observ'd That the Water ascends not to it 's utmost under 30 Hours and sometimes longer Fourthly From hence it appears That the Water in our Tube rose without any swelling of the sides of the Tube which some Learn'd Men ascribe the Cause of Water's Rising in Filtres to Fifthly From hence it may be urg'd as probable That the Sap in Trees may rise after the like manner being promoted by Heat and a due Texture of Parts EXPERIMENT XXXVII Of the seeming spontaneous Ascent of Salts along the sides of Glasses with a Conjecture at the Cause of it I Have several times observ'd that the watery Part of a Solution of Sea-Salt or Vitriol being evaporated the coagulated Salts would creep up the sides of wide-mouth'd Glasses in which the Solution was contain'd and not only so but if the Experiment were longer continu'd they would rise over the sides of the Glass and cover the external Superficies with a Crust of Salt As for the Cause of so strange a Phaenomenon tho' I will not be positive in it yet it may not improbably depend on the like Cause as the Ascent of Water in the Tube mention'd in the foregoing Experiment For we may observe that the Edges of Water are not only above the Superficies of the rest of the Water but Sea-Salt as well as several others chrystallize at the Top of the Liquor they swim in and near the sides of the Glass their Coagulation being promoted by the Coldness of it which Salts when once the sides of the Glass is beset with them the Water may rise to the Top for the same Reason that it does in the slender Pipe before mention'd and Salts carri'd up to the Top of those and coagulating there still lay a further Bottom for their Ascent and so successively till they rise to the Top of the Viol And that there are Passages betwixt these saline Parts for the Water to ascend through appears since they may be broke off in Flakes separate from each other And if it should be thought that the Water in such an Ascent would dissolve the Salt it may be answer'd that the Water being so much impregnated with Salt already can imbibe no more and consequently for that Reason when it runs down the outsides of the Vessels coagulates by the way being too thick and full of Salts to continue long fluid EXPERIMENT XXXVIII An Attempt to measure the Gravity of Cylinders of the Atmosphere so that it may be known and express'd by common Weights The Weight of a Pillar of Air of a determinate size BEING desirous to know what was the Weight of an Atmospherical Cylinder of Air of a determinate Diameter I caus'd a Pipe to be made of Brass whose Diameter was an Inch and it's Length three one End of which being clos'd up with a Plate of Brass I counterpois'd it in a nice pair of Scales and found that it was able to contain about 137 Drachms 45 Grains of Mercury which being multiply'd by Tens a Cylinder of Mercury of 30 Inches and consequently an Atmospherical Cylinder able to counterpoise it must amount to 12 Ounces and about 6 Drachms And by weighing Water in this Tube before the Mercury was put into it the Water weighing 10 Drachms 15 Grains the Proportion of Water to Mercury seem'd as 13 18 41 to 1. But in estimating the Weight of a Cylindrical Pillar of Air it may be here requisite to advertise that I made use of a Brass Cylinder because the Cavities of a Glass Tube are unfit for such an Experiment since it is a hard thing to know whether the Bore of such Tubes be equal throughout their Diameter The Weight of a Cylinder of Mercury being thus found it will not be very difficult to know the Weight of a Cylinder of a different Diameter by the Assistance of the Doctrin of Proportions and the 14th Proposition of the 12th Book of Euclids Elements For since according to that Cylinders of equal Bases are to one another as to their Heights and since by the second Proposition of the same Element such Circles as the Bases of Cylinders are to one another as the Squares of their Diameters and since Mercurial Cylinders will bear the same Proportion in Weights as they do in Bulk The Rule will be That as the Square of the Diameter of the Standard Cylinder is to the Square of the Diameter of the Cylinder propos'd so will the Bulk of the former be to that of the latter and the Weight of that to the Weight of this so that the Square of one Inch being 1 and the Square of 2 being four the Weight of the latter will be four times the Weight of the former EXPERIMENT XXXIX The Attractive Virtue of a Load-Stone in the Exhausted Receiver TO try how far the Account given of the Attraction of a Load-Stone depended on what some Modern Philosophers teach viz. That the Effluvia of a Load-Stone pressing away the Air betwixt the Body attracted that Air helps the Attraction by pressing against the opsite side of the Stone We plac'd a vigorous Load-Stone in our Receiver having adapted a Cap of Steel to it to the lower side of which a Scale with 6 Ounces of Troy Weight was fix'd which being all the Load-Stone besides the Steel and the Scale was able to keep up all which being suspended at a Button which was on purpose on the inside of the Cover of the Receiver we observ'd that tho' the Receiver was exhausted as much again as
in common Experiments yet the Load-Stone sustain'd it's Weight almost as firmly as before the Pump was ply'd and the Reason why it was not altogether was the thinness of the Medium since the Weight suspended must be heavier when the Air which was nearer proportion'd to their Weight was exhausted FINIS ADVERTISEMENT THE Number of Sheets contain'd in this Volume amounting to what the Booksellers think fit to answer the Price put upon it And also to make the succeeding Volume Proportionable the next Volume begins with a Continuation of what our Author further delivers concerning the Air. The TABLE A. ACCIDENTS no distinct Entities Pag. 3. Secondary Affections of Matter what Pag. 8. The Effects of Natural Agents how diversify'd Pag. 10,21 Considerations in order to the Doctrin of Alteration Pag. 13 14. Alteration what Pag. 15 16. Products of Art the Effects of Nature Pag. 59. An Acid may be turned into an Alkaly Pag. 90. The Air 's Spring and Weight proved Pag. 166 167 311 317. from thence to the End of this Volume Objections raised by Franciscus Linus answered Pag. 393. The Actions of some Bodies depend on the Catholick Laws of the Vniverse 241. and the Established Laws of Nature Pag. 242. The Temper of the Air in Subterraneal Groves Pag. 256. The Air inclosed in the Receiver acts by Virtue of it's Spring Pag. 315. What Weight is requisite to draw the Sucker down Ibid. The Air 's Expansion in a Lamb's Bladder Pag. 317. The Force of it Pag. 318 371 451. It 's Expansion measured Pag. 319 320 409. Whether Air be a Primogeneal Body Pag. 341. The Air 's Gravity and Expansion under Water Pag. 351. The weight of the Atmosphere considered Pag. 360. Why Air is indisposed to pass through Pores which Water will Pag. 370. Proportion betwixt the weight of the Air and Water Pag. 372. beewixt it and Mercury Pag. 374. The Height of the Atmosphere considered Pag. 372. The Tunicular Hypothesis examined Pag. 398. A Table of the Air 's Condensation Pag. 411. of it's Rarefaction Pag. 413. Why Air condensed by Cold does not raise Mercury equally as when condensed by Pressure Pag. 415. Why Animals die in the Exhausted Receiver Pag. 430. The Air 's Pressure on Bodies contained in it Pag. 431. The weight of a Pillar of Air of a Determinate Size Pag. 480. The Air 's Pressure sensible to the Touch Pag. 461. B. A Bitter Substance may become sower Pag. 96. The Expansive Force of steeped Beans Pag. 243 244. A Bubble broke in the exhausted Receiver Pag. 450. A Bladder broke by the Air 's Expansion Pag. 449. A Portable Barometer Pag. 465 C. Colours no Inherent Qualities Pag. 9. Considerations in order to the Doctrin of Corruption Pag. 13 14. Corruption what Pag. 15. Similar Colours no Arguments of Similar Substances adequately Pag. 24 25. The Chymists Doctrin refuted Pag. 100 112. Motion in the Parts of Consistent Bodies Pag. 144. Colours exhibited by Reflection Pag. 151 153. Camphire dissolved in Oyl of Vitriol Pag. 188. A Concrete the Result of a Mixture of Spirit of Wine and a Solution of Coral Pag. 196 197. The different Temper of Climates Pag. 252. Observations concerning Coral Pag. 272. Of the Flame of a Candle in the Exhausted Receiver Pag. 323. Concerning Live Coals c. Ibid. Corrosives their Effects Pag. 390. Cupping Glasses how they operate Pag. 474. D. Motion in the Parts of Diamonds Pag. 205 206. E. Eggs how Hatched Pag. 73. A strange sort of Earth Pag. 196. The Temperature of the Regions of the Earth Pag. 256. of the First Pag. 257. of the Second Pag. 259. of the Third Pag. 261. Why the Middle Region is coldest Pag. 259. The Pneumatick Engin described Pag. 307. The Method of managing it Pag. 310. Elasticity explained Pag. 418. The Pneumatick Engin made use of in the First continuation described Pag. 435. F. Forms what Pag. 11. Their Effects whence Pag. 12. The Doctrin of Substantial Forms considered Pag. 29. Forms not reduced out of the Power of Matter Pag. 30. The Aristotelian Doctrin of Forms contrary to Reason Pag. 31. Their Arguments considered Pag. 32 33. Substantial Forms no Causes of Adhesion Pag. 34 35. A Compound Form what Pag. 36 41. The Doctrin of Subordinate Forms considered Pag. 37. Subordinate Forms proved Pag. 38. A Compound Form what Pag. 39. Specifick Forms considered Pag. 40. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hard to be distinguished amongst the Forms of Natural Bodies Pag. 41 50. How distinguished Pag. 51 55. Subordinate Forms act how Pag. 42 43. Subordinate Forms in Inanimate Bodies Pag. 49 52. A Superadded Form it's Effects Pag. 53. Concurrent and Subordinate Forms how distinguished Pag. 56. Subordinate Forms not necessary to Discriminate Bodies Pag. 67. Fluidity it 's Definition Pag. 115. What is requisite to render Bodies Fluid Pag. 116 119 120 121 193 434. All Bodies not equally inclined to Fluidity Pag. 117 118. What the Motion of the Parts of Fluids depends on Pag. 124. The Superficial Figures of Fluids Pag. 142. of a Nitrous Liquor Pag. 146. of Water Ibid. of Oyl of Turpentine Pag. 147 151. of a Solution of Tartar Ibid. of Oyl of Cloves Ibid. of Quick-silver Pag. 148. of a Nitrous Liquor and Spirit of Wine Pag. 150. of Oyl of Aniseeds Pag. 153. of Water included in Oyl Pag. 155. of Oyl of Turpentine upon Cloves Ibid. of Oyl of Aniseeds coagulated Pag. 155. of several other Mixtures Pag. 156 157. A Fluid turned Solid Pag. 180. Fluids not divisible into Fluid Parts as Quantity into Quantity Pag. 183. Subterraneal Fires their Effects Pag. 262. Filtration it 's Cause Pag. 365. G. Considerations in order to the Doctrin of Generation Pag. 13 14. Generation what Pag. 15. Gun-powder it's Ingredients Pag. 67 Phaenomena afforded by a Gummy Substance in Vacuo Boyliano Pag. 154. Solidity of Glass depends on a Juxta-position of Parts Pag. 162. The Parts of Glass in Motion Pag. 207 208 209. What Figured Glasses best resist the Pressure of the Air Pag. 320 321. Gun-powder exploded in Vacuo Boyliano c. Pag. 328. Glass Plates broke in the Exhausted Receiver Pag. 448. Flat Glasses broke in the Exhausted Receiver Pag. 447. H. Heat no Inherent Quality Pag. 9. Heat what Ibid. Humidity a Relative Quality Pag. 125. Heat unusual in Mines whence Pag. 263. Heat produced by Attrition Pag. 445. I. Juxta-position of Parts not the only cause of Cohesion Pag. 160. Juxta-position of Parts promoted by the Air 's Spring Pag. 161. proved by the Cohesion of Polish'd Glasses Pag. 163. by the Cohesion of Polished Marbles Pag. 164 165 166. The Interposition of Minute Parts may turn a Liquor into a Solid Pag. 178. Observations of Indurated Bodies Pag. 191. of the Bone of a Deer's Hart Pag. 192. The Effects of a Bar of Iron held to a Mariner's Compass in a Perpendicular posture Pag. 202. Iron how it acquires Magnetical Virtues Pag. 246. L. The Motion of the Parts of Liquids variously determined Pag. 126 127 128 140. proved
by a Solution of Sugar in Water Pag. 126. by a Solution of Salt of Tartar Pag. 127. by Lead raised in the Form of Vapours Pag. 128. by droping Oyl of Turpentine upon Spirit of Wine Pag. 139. by opening the Body of Copper with Sal Armoniack and applying it to a Candle Pag. 141. Liquids why sometimes unapt to mix with each other Ibid. A Diaphanous and Opacous Body afforded by a Liquid Pag. 143. The Superficies of Liquors in Vacuo Boyliano Pag. 148. A Liquor may become consistent by the mixture of a Powder Pag. 179. The Effects of a Load-stone upon Filings of Iron Pag. 293. M. Matter defin'd Pag. 2. Motion a Catholick Agent Ibid. Guided by God in the Creation Ibid. Mechanical Affections their result Pag. 7. Mixture and Texture how different Pag. 22. The Effects of Motion various Pag. 23. Modification twofold Pag. 44 45. In what Respects Pag. 47 48. Medicines Chymical laid aside too rashly Pag. 113 114. The Effects of languid and unheeded Motion from Pag. 210 to 238. Motion may be propagated through different Me diums Pag. 223. An Observation concerning Manna Pag. 253. Concerning a Match burning in the Receiver Pag. 325. Why Mercury is not always suspended at the same Height Pag. 334. Marbles disjoyn'd in the exhausted Receiver Pag. 446. Mountains their Height Pag. 468. N. Nature may not be always exact in her Laws Pag. 255. Natural and Preter-natural States of Bodies not rightly stated Pag. 302. The natural Sate of the Air a forc'd State Pag. 304. O. Odours no inherent Quality Pag. 9. Odours what Ibid. Observations about Lignum Vitae Pag. 103. Observations made in Quarries Pag. 104. P. Primary Affections of Matter Pag. 3. Putrefaction what Pag. 16. Corpuscularian Principles very firtile Pag. 21 22. Minuteness of Pores no Arguments of their Non-existence Pag. 125. A Plastick Power inherent in Bodies Pag. 189. Plastick Power what Pag. 190. Petrification how effected Pag. 194 195. Q. Qualities no distinct Entities Pag. 3. Qualities the Result of Modification Pag. 5. Proved Pag. 6. Qualities act how Pag. 11. Complexion of Qualities no real Qualities Pag. 17. Whether Qualities depend on substantial Forms Pag. 18. Qualities of a Compound different from the Ingredients Pag. 19. Some Qualities the Result of mixture Ibid. Qualities how alter'd Pag. 20 182. Different Qualities in Homogeneous Bodies Pag. 26. Exhibited by Venice Turpentine Pag. 27. By putrifi'd Vrine Pag. 27. New Qualities added upon a Dissolution of the Specifick Form Pag. 46. Qualities the Result of Motion c. Pag. 73 74 76 77. Various Qualities produc'd by a Change of Texture in Camphire Pag. 78 79 80. In Copper and Silver Pag. 81 82 83 84 85. In preparing of Luna Cornea Pag. 86 87. In preparing of a Peculiar Salt Pag. 88. By digesting Spirit of Nitre with Sea-Salt Pag. 89 90. By distilling Oyl of Vitriol with Nitre Pag. 91 92. By digesting Spirit of Wine and Oyl of Vitriol together Pag. 102 103. By a Redintegration of Salt Petre Pag. 108 109. R. Redintegrations of Bodies consider'd Pag. 69. Of Amber Pag. 70. Of Roch Allom Ibid. Of Vitriol Pag. 71 72. Of Antimony and Oyl of Vitriol Ibid. Of Salt Petre Pag. 105 106 107. The Signification of the Word Rest limited Pag. 198. Of Respiration Pag. 382. The Aristotelian Rarefaction examined Pag. 404. Rarefaction explained Pag. 416. According to the Doctrin of the Plenists Pag. 417. The Rota Aristotelica explain'd Pag. 419 420. S. Sounds no Inherent Qualities Pag. 9. Sounds what Ibid. Species of Bodies how distinguish'd Pag. 57 58. Salts their Figures how accounted for Pag. 62. Salts obtain'd from an Alkaly Pag. 63. From Oyl of Vitriol and a Solution of Sea-Salt Ibid. From a mixture of Spirit of Wine and Nitre Ib. From a Solution of Copper Pag. 64. From Gold Pag. 65. Venetian Borax Ibid. Spirit of Vrine and Nitre Pag. 66. Soot and Sal Armoniack Ibid. Spirit of Nitre and Pot-Ashes Pag. 68. Salt Petre obtain'd from Pot-Ashes Pag. 107. Aqua Fortis and Salt of Tartar Ibid. Solidity refin'd Pag. 158. What is requisite to Solidity or Firmness Pag. 158 159 160 161 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 176 177 178 179 181 184 185 186 187. A Solid turn'd Fluid Pag. 180. Motion in the Parts of Solids Pag. 200 201. Cosmical Suspitions from Pag. 249 to 256. The Temper of Submarine Regions Pag. 266. Of the uppermost Ibid. Of the lower Pag. 267 268. The Bottom of the Sea unequal Pag. 279. Vndisturb'd in Storms Pag. 271. Almost stagnates Ibid. The Proportion of Salt in the Sea to the Water Pag. 275 282 283 284. Springs in the Bottom of the Sea Ibid. The Reason of the Saltness of the Sea Pag. 278 279. It s Bitterness whence Pag. 280. Concerning the Propagation of Sounds Pag. 353. A Spring bent in the exhausted Receiver Pag. 458. To what Height Water will be rais'd by Suction Pag. 452 454 456. T. Transmutation of Metals not impossible Pag. 94 95. The Texture of their Liquids contributes to their Mixture Pag. 175. The Texture of Bodies enables them to work on each other Pag. 247. Trees under Water Pag. 273. V. Union the Cause of the Effects of Compounds Pag. 44 51. Vitriol Natural and Artificial agree in Qualities Pag. 60 61. Vitriol turn'd into Allom Pag. 68. Vortices beyond the Concave Surface of the Firmament Pag. 256. Of a Vacuum Pag. 331 362 440. Vapours and Fumes why they ascend Pag. 356. W. Water acquires new Qualities by an Alteration of its Form Pag. 76. Water Convertible into Earth Pag. 98 99. How it becomes Solid Powder Pag. 99. An insipid Water drawn from Spirit of Vinegar and Salt of Tartar Pag. 188. Water its Gravitation Pag. 270. Agitation requisite to keep Water from stinking Pag. 281. Memoirs for the Natural History of Mineral Waters Pag. 286. The different Weight of Mineral Waters Pag. 291. Observations requisite in trying them Pag. 295. Whether they have Arsnick in them Pag. 296. What Proportion of Salt they afford Pag. 299. Of the Elater of Water Pag. 337. It depends on the Elater of the Air contain'd in the Pores of it Pag. 339. Water hot its spontaneous Ebullition Pag. 391. The END ADVERTISEMENT THis Volume containing an Epitomy of several of the Author's Works I think it necessary to advertise that to avoid a Repetition of all the Titles prefix'd to the Tracts Printed severally I have digested each of those Books into such a Method as they would have been probably Printed in had they been all writ by our Author at one time each Book being contain'd in Chapters the Titles of which will acquaint the Reader what Tracts they belong to And that the Reader may be more clearly satisfi'd I intend at the End of the next Volume to add such a Table of the Author's Works as shall readily direct what Chapters each Book is abridg'd in by referring to them IMPRIMATUR Liber Cui Titulus THE WORKS Of the HONOURABLE ROBERT BOYLE Esq EPITOMIZED By RICHARD
bending P. in pressing up the Plug E. E. E. the Fingers might more vigorously draw up the Leaver L. T. T. A Rectangle of Iron compassing the Leaver L. L. and the Iron O. P. O. to keep it in such a Posture that the Plug may not fly out whilst the Air is compressed into the Globe A. A. I. I. An Elliptick Hole which is shut with a Valve that opens inward the Design of it is that what is amiss in the Globe may be seen and mended S. S. A Plate of Metal perforated with a Screw V. which sustains the Valve and keeps the Hole V. shut Q. A Hole for the Air which is to be pressed into the Globe to enter in at when the Sucker D. is pulled down to the lower End of the Tube C. C. The Method to press Air into this Globe is this I set my Foot upon the crooked End of the Sucker D. and then pulling up the Globe as soon as the Tube C. C. is full of Air I depress the Globe by which means the Air in the Tube is forced into it through the Valve F. and this Method being taken as long as the Air 's Spring would permit us to compress it any further the Air may be discharged if when the Plug D. is drawn out and a Bullet is put into the Tube instead of it the Plug E. E. E. be raised so that the End of the Iron Wire may open the Valve B. for the Air violently rushing out will drive the Bullet away with great Violence The Globe will be sooner filled with Air if half an Ounce of Water be put into the Tube C. C. before the Sucker D. for the Top of the Tube being filled with Water the Air will be forced clearly out of the Tube into the Globe And this Wind-Gun hath these Advantages above any other yet mentioned First that it is not so subject to be spoiled as those that have two Valves Secondly it is easily mended what is amiss being taken out at the Elliptick Hole Thirdly it is much more stanch the Crannies being stopped with Silver Soder which damages not the Leather on the Valve because it is put in after the Soder is cooled at the Elliptick Hole Fourthly several Bodies may be conveighed into it at the Elliptick Hole whereby we may be enabled to try several Experiments PLATE V. How Factitious Air may pass out of one Receiver into another A.A. A Metalline Plate perforated in the Middle B. B. To which a Stop-Cock is fixed the lower Orifice being made into a Male Screw D. C. Which is received by the Female Screw D. of the Copper Funnel D. C. See Fig. 2. E. E. A hollow Tube both of whose Ends are formed into a Female Screw to receive the Male Screw of the Stop-Cock B.B. See Fig. 1. F. F. The Receiver laid on the Plate A. A. and exactly fitted to it The Matter of which factitious Air is to be made is to be put into the Receiver F. F. and the Orifice of the Tunnel C. being placed on the Receiver and the Stop-Cock B. being open'd the Air is to be drawn out of the Receiver which being done the Stop-Cock is to be shut again and the Male Screw being taken out of the Female Screw in the Brass Tunnel the Receiver is to be immers'd in Water to keep External Air out As for the Degrees of Compression of the factitious Air they may be discover'd by the Mercurial Gage before mention'd To transmit this Air into another Receiver F. F. we make use of the small Tube E. E. Fig. the Second into each End of which the Stop-Cocks of two Receivers being screw'd and the Crannies stopp'd with Cement by turning the Stop-Cocks the Air may be let out of one into the other To discover the Rarefaction of the Air contain'd in which Receivers because they must be inverted we contriv'd the following Gage See Fig. 4. A. A. A Viol filled with Mercury up to the Superficies D. D. B. B. A Tube cemented in the Neck of it C. C. Another which passing through the Tube B. B. leaves room for a due intercourse betwixt the External and Internal Air the upper End of which must be seal'd and the other End open If this Gage be put into a Receiver when it is inverted both the Tubes will have the Air contain'd in them exhausted and will be ready to receive factitious Air as soon as the Stop-Cocks are turn'd to give an Intercourse betwixt them and then the Gage being inverted and the Mercury which lay below the Orifice of the Tube B. B. falling about the Pipe C. C. by rising up into it will shew the Degrees of the Compression of that factitious Air. PLATE VI. An Instrument by which Air may be filtrated through Water See Fig. 1. A. A. A Glass Receiver whose Orifice is adapted to the Plate B. B. which is perforated in the Middle by the Tubes C. C. D. D. which are cemented to it E. E. E. E. A Stop-Cock into which the lower Ends of the Tubes C. C. D. D. are inserted F. F. The Key of the Stop-Cock in which is made the Chink G. G. without any Perforation H. H. The Receiver to which the Stop-Cock is fix'd preventing an Ingress of outward Air and having a due Intercourse with the Pump I. I. L. L. A Glass Vessel M. The Stopple in the Top of the Receiver fasten'd with a Screw See Fig. 2. A Stop-Cock cut transverse so that the Insertions of the Tubes C. C. D. D. into the Stop-Cocks may be perceived The Use of this Instrument is as follows To try how much Air may acquire new Qualities in respect of a Body included with it we conveigh that Body into the Vessel and then pouring a sufficient Quantity of Water at the Orifice M. until the Receiver A. A. be half full and the Vessel L. L. swim up to the Top of it the Orifice M. is stopped up which being done and the Key so placed that the Tube C. C. may communicate with the Chink G. G. upon drawing down the Sucker the Air in the Receiver A. A. will pass through the Pipes C. C. and the Chink G. G. into the Receiver H. H. and from thence into the Pump Upon which the Chink in the Stop-Cock being turn'd so as to communicate with the Insertions of the Tube D. D. and then the Sucker being rais'd to the Top of the Cylinder the Air will be impell'd into the Tube D. D. and emerging through the Water will rise into the Top of the Receiver A. A. and by this Method we could strain it through Water as often as we had a mind to be inform'd what new Qualities it acquir'd in reference to the Bodies about it FIGVRE III. How the same Numerical Air may be sometimes condensed and sometimes rarified The Receiver A. A. being fix'd upon the Plate B. B. and the Stop-Cock C. C. being fix'd to the Perforation of the Plate B. B. The
Harts-horn in Vacuo HArts-Horn burnt in Vacuo yielded some Air. June 17. Air produced by burnt Harts-horn was soon destroy'd but if it lasted an hour undiminish'd it usually continu'd a considerable time June 19. Harts-horn taken out of the Receiver yielded a fetid Oyl but no Volatile Spirit EXPERIMENT III. June 21. Amber in Vacuo AMber being burnt in a Receiver ascended in Fumes up to the Top and thence reflected downwards but burnt in Vacuo they rose not above a Digit at the first but afterwards it rose almost to the Top The Mercury in the Gage was not alter'd in it's height June 22. Water in which the Receiver was immers'd got into the Receiver July 8. No more Water got in Nor did the Amber produce the least Air. EXPERIMENT IV. Jan. 18. 77 Camphire included in a Receiver TWO Drachms of Camphire being put in an empty Receiver upon a Digesting Furnace Jan. 19. It was sublimed into Flowers no Air was produced EXPERIMENT V. May 24. 76. Sulphur Viv. melted in a Receiver SULPHUR Viv. being melted in an exhausted Receiver by the help of a Burning-glass yielded no Air. EXPERIMENT VI. July 19. PASTE included in a Receiver and burnt afforded so much Air that the Cover which before could not be mov'd without difficulty easily parted from the Receiver ARTICLE IX Concerning the Production of Air in Vacuo EXPERIMENT I. Sept. 9. 76. Dry'd Grapes in Vacuo AN Exhausted Receiver being half full of dry'd Grapes Sept. 10 It ascended ½ Sept. 12 It ascended ½ Sept. 14 It ascended ⅜ Sept. 17 It ascended ⅜ Sept. 22 The Ascent was ⅝ Sept. 27 The Ascent was ⅝ The Height was 3 Digits Octob. 11. The Mercury was 6 Digits high Sept. 9. 76. A Receiver being half full of dry'd Figs the Air was drawn out till it stood at 3 Inches Sept. 10. No Air produced Sept. 17. No Air. Whence it appears that there is no Regularity in the Production of Air from dry'd Fruits EXPERIMENT II. August 5. 76. Pears and Apricocks PEARS and Apricocks were shut up in Vacuo Aug. 6. In 18 Hours the Mercury was rais'd 2 Inches In ten Hours more the Height of it was 3 Digits Aug. 7 The height was 5 Aug. 8 The height was 6 ½ Aug. 9 In 14 hours it was 7 ¼ Inc. hig Aug. 10 The height was 8 ¾ Aug. 11 The height was 10 ¾ Aug. 12 The height was 12 ¼ Aug. 13 The height was 14 ¼ Aug. 14 The height was 16 Aug. 15 The height was 18 Aug. 16 The height was 20 Aug. 18 The height was 25 Aug. 19 The height was 29 Aug. 20 The height was 31 ½ Aug. 21 The height was 32 ½ Aug. 22 The height was 34 Aug. 23 The height was 35 Aug. 26 The height was 38 ½ Aug. 29 The height was 41 Sept. 1 The height was 42 ½ Sept. 4 The height was 44 Sept. 7. The three last Days being hot it was rais'd to 46 ¼ Sept. 10 The height was 47 ½ Sept. 13 The height was 44 Sept. 23 The height was 48 Sept. 27 The height was 50 ½ Nov. 5 The height was 52 ⅓ Nov. 28. The Apricocks were reduc'd to Water the Skin being sever'd from the Pulp no more Air was produc'd Jan. 10. 77. It was a hard Frost at which time the Mercury came to 57 Inches Upon a Thaw it was depress'd to 23. March 3. The Apricocks were putrifi'd and had lost their Colour Hence it is evident that Apricocks afford Air almost as fast in their wonted Pressure as in Vacuo EXPERIMENT III. June 20. 76. Sowre Cherries SOwre Cherries whole being put into one Receiver and others cut into another The whole ones rais'd the Mercury in two hours 10 Lines the dissected ones 20. June 21. The whole ones rais'd the Mercury to 3 Inehes the other Gage was spoil'd June 26. The whole ones rais'd the Mercury 15 Digits The other Receiver was full of Air. July 9. The Receiver being remov'd from it's Cover I eat a Cherry which was well tasted The rest being included in Vacuo and some of them broke in an hour rais'd the Mercury 2 Digit July 10. The Mercury ascended not because the Gage was spoil'd July 15. The Cover was sever'd from it's Receiver Whence it appears that dissected Fruits produce Air sooner than whole ones EXPERIMENT IV. June 9. 77. Cherries in Vacuo CHerries being put into a Receiver rais'd ¼ of a Digit of Mercury in an hour Jun. 10. The Mercury was rais'd in 18 hours to the height of 11 Digits June 11 It rose to 15 June 12 It rose to 15 † June 13 It rose to 22 June 16 It rose to 30 June 18 the Receiver was open'd Fruits of the same kind in France fill'd their Receiver in 2 Days and probably there may be the like difference in other Fruits in several Countries EXPERIMENT V. June 12. 76. Cabbages in Vacuo CAbbages being included in a Receiver in an hours time rais'd the Mercury a Line June 13. It was rais'd to 10 Digits June 17. It was rais'd almost to the Top of the Gage the Cabbages being very little alter'd June 19. Having been 2 days expos'd to the Air were corrupted and blackish being shut up in Vacuo they rais'd the Mercury ½ an Inch. June 22. It was rais'd to the height of 1 ½ June 23. No more Air being produc'd the Cabbage was taken out It stunk much So that I suspected that Bodies have afforded as much Air as they can before they putrifie EXPERIMENT VI. May 29. 76. Oranges in Vacuo HAving shut up two pieces of Orange which weigh'd 4 Ounces in 2 exhausted Receivers large enough to hold 10 Ounces of Water June 10. They remov'd the Receiver from it's Cover upon which I shut them up in an exhausted Receiver capable of containing 8 Ounces of Water upon which the Mercury ascended ½ of a Digit June 13. It was almost 2 Digits high June 16. It ascended about 3 Lines June 21 It ascended not one Line July 18. The Mercury was no higher but some Mouldiness appear'd EXPERIMENT VII April 27. 76 A Tulip in Vacuo A Tulip being shut up in a Receiver with as much Air as rais'd the Mercury 2 Digits May 2. That which before was strip'd put on a dark Red and became moist It afforded but little Air. EXPERIMENT VIII April 22. 76. A Limon in Vacuo A Limon shut up with a Mercurial Gage 3 Digits long April 24 It was 1 ½ Digits high April 25 It was 2 Digits high April 26 It was 4 lines higher Apr. 27 It rose 1 Line Apr. 28 It rose 1 Line Apr. 29 May 3. In four Days it ascended a little above a Line May 3. 77. The Limon was a little alter'd The Mercury was rais'd to the Top of the Gage Jan. 1. 17. The Limon had contracted a Yellowness and Moisture EXPERIMENT IX March 16. 67. An Apple in Vacuo AN Apple which began
It was 7 Aug. 29 It was 10 Aug. 30 It was 12 Aug. 31 It was 13 Sept. 1 It was 15 Sept. 2 It was 16 Sept. 3 It was 18 Sept. 4 It was 18 Sept. 5. They began to be Yellow Sept. 7 They grew Yellow the Mercury was 18 Inches Sept. 15 it was 20. This is a further Confirmation of the former Experiment EXPERIMENT IV. Sept. 10. 77. TWO Ounces of ripe Grapes being included in a Receiver capable of holding 10 Ounces Ripes Grapes Sept. 11 It was 6 Sept. 12 It was 9 Sept. 13 It was 12 Sept. 14 It was 15 Sept. 15 It was 20 Sept. 16 It was 25 Sept. 17 It was 28 Sept. 18 It was 30 The Grapes unalter'd Sept. 19 It was 30 Sept. 20 Grapes a little riper Sept. 21 The Receiver was forc'd from the Cover Sept. 22 The Grapes beginning to Rot were shut up in another Receiver Sept. 23 It was 5 Sept. 24 It was 9 Sept. 25 It was 14 Sept. 26 It was 17 Sept. 27 It was 20 Sept. 29 It was 27 Sept. 30 It was 28 Oct. 10 The Receiver forc'd from the Cover The Grapes seem'd rotten but preserv'd their Firmness Sept. 10. 77. The same Quantity of bruis'd Grapes being included in a Receiver of the same Size Sept. 11 It was 4 Sept. 12 It was 7 Sept. 13 It was 10 Sept. 14 It was 12 Sept. 15 It was 15 Sept. 16 It was 18 Sept. 17 It was 20 Sept. 18 It was 25 Sept. 19. A good Quantity of the Juice was Spilt the Receiver being sever'd from the Cover Sept. 20. The same Grapes were shut up with as much Air as rais'd the Mercury 3 Inches Sept. 21. The Receiver was separated from the Cover and the Grapes enclos'd in another Receiver with common Air. Sept. 22. The Mercury was 11 Inches high Sept. 23 It was 19 Sept. 24 It was 19 Sept. 30 It was 20 Oct. 3 Being taken out they were bitter Ripe Grapes yield more Air when bruis'd than unbruis'd EXPERIMENT V. Nov. 19. 78. A Sound and a bruis'd Apple Sound and bruis'd Apples in Receivers being each put into a distinct Vessel Another bruis'd one was put into a third which was so adapted to it that when the Receiver was exhausted the Air form'd in the bruis'd Apple expanding it self squeez'd out the Juice Nov. 22. In the first Receiver the Mercury was 5 In the second 3 In the third 0. Nov. 23. In the 1st 7 Inches In the others no Alteration Decemb. 7. In the 1st 11 No Alteration in the others Jan. 23. The first separated from the Cover May 20. 79. The third separated from the Cover In the second no Air produc'd The Reason why bruis'd Fruits yield most Air in Vacuo seems to be because they there have more Liberty to expand their Parts ARTICLE XV. Air is sometimes found unfit to produce Mouldiness EXPERIMENT I. July 12. 78. ROses being included in two Receivers Roses in Common and Compress'd Air. and as much Air with one of them as sustain'd 60 Digits of Mercury August 2. Those in Common Air turn'd Yellow the others retain'd their Colour Feb. 10. 79. Those in the Compress'd Air were unalter'd This compar'd with Exp. IV. Art IV. shews that several times the Air is so different as sometimes to hinder and sometimes to promote Corruption EXPERIMENT II. May 22. Tulips and Lark-Spurs TUlips and Larks-spurs being shut up in two Receivers and as much Air compress'd in One as sustain'd 60 Inches of Mercury 15 Days ago In five days some of the Tulips in the Common Air that were cut seem'd Mouldy To day the other part seem'd Mouldy The Flowers seem'd as fresh as when first put in but those in Compress'd Air were more moist June 22. No more Mouldy This Experiment compar'd with the same made the Year before confirms the Inference drawn from the foregoing ARTICLE XVI Experiments concerning the Change of Weight made in the Beams of the Sun even in Vessels seal'd Hermetically EXPERIMENT I. Sept. 4. 78. Minium expos'd to the Sun Beams A Drachm of Minium being expos'd to the Sun Beams concenter'd by a burning Glass lost ¼ part of a Grain EXPERIMENT II. Sept. 6. Calcin'd Coral expos'd to the Sun Beams CAlcin'd Coral being expos'd to the Beams of the Sun in a Glass hermetically seal'd became whiter Sept. 10. In two hours the Glass being weigh'd it from the first had lost 1 1● of a Grain EXPERIMENT I. May 23. Calx of Tin in a Glass Hermetically Seal'd CAlx of Tin included in a Glass hermetically Seal'd lost 1 64 part of a Grain by the Effects of the Sun Beams concentred by a burning Glass May 29. The Experiment being tried with Minium it lost 1 32 part of a Grain May 30. Being about to repeat the Experiment the Glass flew in Pieces June 6. The same Experiment being tried with Minium it lost 1 64 part of a Grain Upon a second tryal the Glass broke July 15. The Sun had no effects on Coals of Wood. June 20. The Sulphur Vive tho' it melted and fum'd lost none of it's Weight August 1. The same Experiment being repeated it lost no Weight ARTICLE XVII The Preservation of Bodies in Compress'd Liquors EXPERIMENT I. Aug. 3. 78. An Apricock in Water AN Apricock was shut up in one Receiver full of Raisins of the Sun ston'd Another being conveigh'd into a Second so that it neither touch'd the Water nor Raisins Sept. 10. The Apricock enclos'd in the Water being taken out bubbled whilst the Air made it's way out The Apricocks had a pleasant Relish but the Raisins had lost their Taste Feb. 10. 78. The other Apricock only seem'd to have lost it's Firmness Some Fruits may reserve their Taste in an Infusion of Raisins of the Sun if the Vessel will bear a great Compression of Air. EXPERIMENT II. Sept. 17 78. Peaches included in Artificial Air. PEACHES being included in 2 Receivers with an Infusion of Raisins Sept. 11. The Air generated in one Receiver forc'd out some of the Air. Sept. 25. More of the Liquor was forc'd out so that a fifth part seem'd empty but the Screw being set it was preserv'd Sept. 26. The same Receiver leak'd again Nov. 27. The Receiver being open'd whilst the Air made it's way out the Peaches bubbled The yellow sort were soft but preserv'd their Taste the other sort reserv'd it's Firmness The Liquor was very grateful and pleasant Decemb. 28. The other Receiver being open'd tho' before it seem'd unalter'd yet both the Liquor and Peaches bubbled One side was soft the other hard It 's Taste was pleasant but something sharp So that Liquors may acquire a Sowerness tho' no Spirits evaporate EXPERIMENT III. Sept. 20. Peaches and crude Grapes PEACHES and unripe Grapes being included in two Receivers in one of which was Apples bruis'd to a Pulp In the other an Infusion of Raisins of the Sun Sept. 25. That in which the Raisins were had forced half it's
Receiver so far that but one part of twenty of the Air was drawn out and then we observ'd the following Particulars First The Water except about the Fish afforded no Froth and but few Bubbles Secondly The Fish discharg'd several Bubbles at its Mouth and Gills and several after it rested half an hour stuck to its Fins and Tayl and other Parts these Bubbles by swimming would be shaken off but upon a little Rest they would appear about him again Thirdly Except at the latter End he seem'd to take in Air at his Mouth and Gills Fourthly After a while he lay on his Back and would swim in that Posture Fifthly In some time he mov'd more lively than at first An hour and half after he was included he seem'd clear of Bubbles but lay on his Back and was a little tumid yet as lively as before An hour and a ¼ after he was without Motion and stiff yet being excited by Motion he mov'd a little Air being let into the Receiver whilst he was under Water he sunk to the Bottom and seem'd a little reviv'd and being conveigh'd along with the Water into a Bason of fresh Water he was further recover'd yet could not lie on his Belly but turn'd from one side to the other his Belly seem'd much shrunk he was alive at 24 hours end and then was able to lie on his Belly TITLE VIII Of two Animals included with large Wounds in the Abdomen in the Pneumatical Receiver EXPERIMENT I. ABird in Vacuo A Small Bird whose Abdomen was open'd tranversly in about a Minute after we began to Pump had Convulsions in its Wings and being taken out was past Recovering tho' there was very little Alteration in its Lungs and the Auricles of its Heart continued to beat EXPERIMENT II. A Frog in Vacuo A Frog whose Abdomen was so much open'd that two curl'd Lobes of its Lungs came out at the Incisions was suspended by the Leg in a small Receiver which when it was in some Measure exhausted lay void of Motion its Abdomen and. Thigh being swell'd very much as if distended with some Aery Vapour One Lobe when the Frog was shut up appear'd full the other shrunk up and thus they continu'd till Air was let into the Receiver again and then the Body growing less tumid and the Lobe of the Lungs which was tumid subsiding it presently recover'd TITLE IX Of the Motion of the separated Heart of a cold Animal in the exhausted Receiver EXPERIMENT I. The Heart of an Eel in Vacuo THE Heart of an Eel being shut up in a Receiver upon a Tin Plate beat as in the open Air and the Receiver being exhausted grew tumid emitting several Bubbles out of it yet it continu'd to beat as fast or faster than in the open Air. The like Success we had with another EXPERIMENT II. THE Heart of another tho' tumid beat an hour in Vacuo and then beginning to fail I apply'd Heat to the Glass upon which it renew'd and continu'd it's Motions another hour at which time it 's Motion was renew'd by applying of Heat a second time at the end of the third hour the Motion which was but a trembling one could neither be promoted by the Air nor Heat TITLE X. A Comparison of Times wherein Animals may be kill'd by drowning or withdrawing of the Air. EXPERIMENT I. Sept. 10. Animals in an exhausted Receiver A Green-Finch being sunk in Water by a Weight was dead after it had lain half 0184 0108 V 3 a Minute without Motion EXPERIMENT II. A Sparrow which at the first moved very vigorously under Water being taken up after it had lain half a Minute without Motion was past Recovery EXPERIMENT III. A Mouse being immers'd half a Minute and some Seconds after some faint signs of Life tho not Convulsive dy'd EXPERIMENT IV. A Duck being immers'd by a Weight after it had lain quiet for a Minute was a little uneasie but being quiet at the end of the second Minute we took it out and in a little time it recover'd but being immers'd again in fresh Water it emitted several Bubbles at its Beak and Nostrils and in two Minutes time began to struggle At the end of four Minutes ceasing to emit Bubbles it began to gape which continu'd two Minutes and then its Head hanging carelesly down it seem'd dead being taken out a Minute after it was past Recovery EXPERIMENT V. A Duckling being immers'd with its Beak about 2 Inches under Water emitted Bubbles at its Beak which likewise arose from some place in its Neck about as far from its Eyes as from its Ears after which several times it endeavour'd to dive lower and having been moderately convuls'd hung its Head down as if dead at 3 Minutes end soon after a trembling Motion appeared in some parts of its Bill but that ceasing at the end of the 4th Minute it was taken out past Recovery EXPERIMENT VI. A Viper was so long kept in Vacuo that it seem'd dead but being kept all night over a digestive Furnace in a Glass Body was as lively as ever Then we immers'd it in a Glass Body stopp'd with a Cork and depress'd with a Weight where it lay a considerable time with very little Motion when four hours were almost past it swam above the Bottom of the Water and had several times put out its Tongue when a little more than seven hours were past it seem'd dead its Head and Tail hanging down without Motion N. B. Tho' several of these Animals seem to die a little sooner in Water than in Vacuo yet it does not certainly prove that the former kills them faster for in Water they are depriv'd of Air instantly In a Receiver by degrees which is evident from hence viz. That having provided a Receiver which could be exhausted at one suck the Animal contain'd in it would be dead in half a Minute TITLE XI Of the Accidents that happen'd to Animals in Air brought to a Considerable Degree but not near the utmost one of Rarefaction EXPERIMENT I. Aug. 18. A Linote being 3 hours in a Receiver Several Animals in Vacuo large enough to hold 4 ½ Pints seem'd sick but being taken out recover'd EXPERIMENT II. Aug. 18. A Linote being enclos'd in a Receiver half exhausted was not in danger of Death in less than 1 ¼ hour and then being expos'd to the Air Recover'd EXPERIMENT III. Sept. 9. A Lark being included in a Receiver of the former Magnitude together with a Gage when ¾ of the Air was exhausted in a Minute and half was taken with Convulsions and at the end of the second Minute was past Recovery EXPERIMENT IV. Sept. 9. A Green-Finch being shut up in the same Receiver half exhausted in a Minute was sick and threw Matter which she vomited upon the side of the Glass upon which she seem'd better and continu'd so for 3 Minutes and then being sick and vomiting as before she eat part of it up
suspended by a Wire in the Neck in 2 ½ hours we found it dead and with much ado recover'd when Air was blown in with a pair of Bellows the seal'd end of the Glass being broken off The Station of the Mercury in the Receiver was not alter'd EXPERIMENT II. THE same Experiment being try'd with a small Bird in half an hour it was sick and drooping and in 2 ½ hours a difficulty of breathing gradually increasing it dy'd The Gage was not sensibly alter'd EXPERIMENT III. TO shew that it is not a defect of Cold in an exhausted Receiver that kills Animals included in it We hermetically seal'd a small Bird in a Receiver large enough to hold 3 Quarts of Water In a few Minutes it began to be sick and pant and continu'd so half an hour The Viol was immers'd 6 Minutes in Water refrigerated with a Solution of Sal Armon but the Bird was not refresh'd it vomited and purg'd when taken out of the Water and continuing to pant as before in an hour from her first Imprisonment dy'd TITLE VI. Of the Use of the Air to elevate Steams of Bodies The usefulness of Air to raise Steams from Bodies contiguous to it TO prove that the Air carries off the fuliginous Steams from the Lungs in Respiration We prepar'd a Red Liquor consisting of such Saline and Spirituous Parts as the Mass of Blood yields This Liquor well stopp'd up in a Bottle tho' it be but half full emits no Steams but when the External Air comes to it it emits white Exhalations which rise up into the Air. Whence it appears that the Contact of the Air may enable Bodies to emit Vapors In this Liquor there are two things worth our Notice the First is that when the Viol hath lain quiet and stopp'd a competent time the upper Part will appear void of Fumes so that the Air will retain but a certain Quantity which may help to give a Reason why the same Air which will be clogg'd with Steams in a short time becomes unfit for Respiration The Second is that in Vacuo for want of Air tho' the Bottle was unstopp'd these Exhalations would not rise but as soon as it was let into the Receiver they rising up plentifully were drawn out along with the Air a second time exhausted This Experiment hath some Affinity with that Mentioned in the 29 of the Experiments of the Spring and the weight of the Air in the first Volume that being made with Corrosive Ingredients and this of Medicines good for the Lungs TITLE XVII Of the long Continuance of a Slow-worm and a Leech alive in the Vacuum made by our Engin. EXPERIMENT I. A Slow-worm and a Leech alive in Vacuo WHite Snails without their Shells being shut up in Vacuo had store of Bubbles sticking to them but they put out and drew in their Horns at pleasure in some Hours they became void of Motion and Tumid And in the space of Twelve hours seem'd like blown Bladders the substance of their Bodies being consumed The External Air being let in they sunk together like two Skins no signs of Life appearing EXPERIMENT II. ANEft being included in an Exhausted Receiver 48 hours it seem'd swelled in it's Belly it 's under Jaw moved the first Night but not after The Receiver being opened under Water and half filled the Animal was very much revived EXPERIMENT III. A Leech being included with a little Water in a Receiver large enough to hold 12 Ounces when the Air was Pumped out the Leech keeping under Water several Bubbles rose from distinct parts of it's Body yet it was not much indisposed It continuing well five days by opening the Receiver under Water I found that it had been all the time well exhausted TITLE XVIII Of what happen'd to some Creeping Insects in our Vacum EXPERIMENT I. SIX Caterpillers being shut up in Vacuo two hours after Creeping Insects in Vacuo moved up and down 8 hours after they seemed quite dead but being exposed to the Air in the Morning were alive EXPERIMENT II. CAterpillers being Shut up in two Receivers to one we added the Air which was drawn out of the other Receiver Those which had Air with them were alive two days the others in Vacuo seem'd dead in a little time TITLE XIX Of the Phaenomena suggested by Winged Insects in our Vacum EXPERIMENT I. Winged Insects in Vacuo FLesh-Flies whose head were cut off being included in a Portable Receiver furnished with a large Pipe and a Bubble at the end of it When the Air was drawn out they lost their Motion two hours after Fire not being able to excite Motion in them I let in the Air and then they began to move and were observed to move the next Morning EXPERIMENT II. SEveral Ordinary Flies and a Bee or Wasp lay as if dead in the exhausted Receiver except some which for a few Minutes were Convulsive after 48 hours they neither Recovered when exposed to the open Air nor the Meridian Sun EXPERIMENT III. A great Flesh Flye being put into a Portable Receiver was very brisk and lively till the Air was drawn off but then was taken with Convulsions the Air being let in again she Recovered but it being a second time exhausted she lay as dead till the Glass was stirred and then she moved a little the next Night after neither heat nor any thing else would recover her of a long time but at the last when she was well being shut up again 48 hours and placed in a Warm place she grew so ill as to be past Recovery EXPERIMENT IV. A Grass-hopper whose Body was an Inch long being shut up in an oval receiver large enough to hold a Pint when the Pump was first Plyed he was very uneasie and several Liquid drops came from his Abdomen to the quantity of a quarter of a Spoonful when the Receiver was pretty well exhausted he fell on his back and lay as dead But the Receiver being plac'd in the Sun-shine he moved a little and soon after lay as dead 3 hours But the Receiver being open'd and placed after he seem'd dead half an hour some time in the Sun beams in a short time he recovered EXPERIMENT V. A Rose-Flie being shut up in a receiver strugled much whilst the Receiver was exhausting but in 6 hours time seem'd dead the Receiver being opened Four hours after the Beetle was lively enough The Receiver being a Second time exhausted the Animal in the mean time seemed much disquieted EXPERIMENT VI. SEveral Butterflies being Shut up in Vacuo were not able to flye in so thin a Medium but when the Receiver was inverted would fall from one end to another rudely enough TITLE XX. Of the Necessity of Air to the Motion of such small Creatures as Ants and even Mites themselves Air requisite to the Life of very Minute Animals ANts being shut up in Vacuo in Seven hours time seem'd dead but the Receiver being opened about 14
Mercury so easily the rarified Air would rather penetrate than buoy it up The Reason of Suction To shew in Opposition to Mr. Hobbs how much the Atmospherical Air is concern'd in Suction we took a Glass Bubble whose long Stem was Cylindrical and very slender and having by the help of heat expelled a good quantity of the Air contain'd in it when by immerging it in Water that Rarified Air which remained in it was condens'd the VVater was almost raised to the Top of the Pipe when this was done the Air in the Bubble being Rarified it forced out almost all the Water in the Stem only a few Drops which satisfi'd us that none of the Rarified Air had got out of the Pipe as the Depression of the Water so low assured us on the other side that the included Air was almost as much Expanded as when the Water began to ascend into the Pipe When the Air was thus Rarified we presently removed the Pipe out of the Water into the Stagant Mercury which ascended into it in a short time In which Experiment did the Mercury rise to prevent a Vacuum or did it's Ascent depend on any internal Principle of Motion or on the compression and propagated Pulsion of the Air that was expelled there would be no reason why the Mercury should not rise as high as the Water But from our Hypothesis the Reason is plain for as soon as the Cylinder of Water or Mercury together with the compress'd Air is equiponderant with the Atmosphere incumbent it rises no higer So that tho' the Air is less condens'd when the Tube is immers'd in Mercury yet the greater Weight of Mercury making a greater resistance than Water the external Air is not able to buoy it up any higher to compress the Air enclosed And this Experiment is confirm'd by the following For having expell'd a little Air out of the Bubble by heat so much Quicksilver ascended into it as fill'd a Fourth Part of the Pipe which being carefully removed so that no Mercury could run out we caused the Air in the globous part to be Rarified till almost all the Mercury was expell'd the end of the Pipe being all the while immers'd in Water as soon as the Air included began to cool the Water rose up into the Body of the Ball buoying up the Mercury before it whereit was observ'd that as the Air was more or less Rarifi'd and the Quicksilver exepll'd out of the Stem the Ascent of the Water would proportionably vary So that as the Body to be buoy'd up by the External Air varies in Weight so do the Degrees of it's Ascent Another Observation which shews that there is no Circulation of Wind such as Mr. Hobbs supposes to be the Cause of Suction is that Smoak will ascend without being in the least blown about But since Mr. Hobbs will not allow of a Vacuum but asserts that the Air makes it's Way through the close and solid Bodies I shall add that having expell'd the Air by Rarefaction out of a very thin Aeopile and stopp'd the Orifice up with Wax the External Air made such a violent Pressure on it as to thrust the Sides of it considerably inwards CHAP. VII The Cause of Attraction by Suction Attraction what SUction being look'd upon to be a sort of Attraction before I descend to a more particular Consideration of the former I shall premise something of the latter And tho' Attraction is generally taken to be a kind of Pulsion yet both of them to me seem to be but extrinsical Denominations of the same Local Motion in which if a Body mov'd precede the Movent or tends to acquire a greater Distance from it we call it Pulsion and if upon the Account of Motion the same Body either follows or tends towards the Movent it is term'd Attraction so that the difference is no Physical one but only Accidental in respect of the Line of Motion to the Movent As when a Man draws a Chain after him tho' he goes before it yet he hath some Part of his Body behind one Link which draws the rest after it and so if that Chain draws any thing after it tho' the Cause of the Attraction goes before yet there is a certain Cohesion of Parts that enables it to drag that Body after it so that Attraction evidently appears to be a Species of Pulsion and such an one as is usually term'd Trusion as when a Gardiner drives his Wheelbarrow before him without letting go his Hold. But perhaps it may be said that there are Attractions where it cannot be pretended that the Attrahent comes behind any Part of the Body attracted as in Magnetical and Electrical Attractions or as when Water rises by pumping As for the two first Instances should we allow with Modern Philosophers of screw'd Particles and other Magnetical Emissions we might say that these coming behind either the Body attracted or it 's porous Parts on it's Superficies might cause such an Effect or by procuring some Discussion of the Air that may make it thrust the moveable towards the Attracting Body But were there none of these nor any other subtil Agents that cause this Motion by a real tho' unperceiv'd Pulsion I should to distinguish these from other Attractions term them Attraction by Invisibles But as for the last Instance I suppose it will be easily granted that the ascending Rammer only makes way for the Water to rise as it is buoy'd up by External Air for from the Torrecellian Experiment it is evident that since the Terraqueous Globe is continually press'd upon by the Atmosphere if in any part that Pressure be taken off the Incumbent Atmospherical Pillar will buoy up as much of that Liquor as a Pillar of Air of such a Diameter is able to counterpoise The Truth of which is further confirm'd by observing that if the Air from about a Syringe be exhausted the Sucker may be pull'd up without elevating the Water or drawing it up after it And indeed supposing two Men by thrusting equally on each side a Door to keep it shut one might as well say that he that left off thrusting on one side was the Cause of the Doors opening as that the Water rises by the drawing up the Rammer which only gives way to the Water as buoy'd up by the External Air. Thus much being said of Attraction I shall proceed to consider The Cause of Suction as laid down by others exanun'd that Species of it call'd Suction for which several Philosophers have thought on various Causes As Nature's Abhorrency of a Vacuum which were it true Water by Suction might be rais'd to any Height but we have found by Experience that it will not be rais'd above 33 ½ Foot which Weight the Atmosphere is able to buoy up as appears from the Torrecellian Experiment And further from an Experiment elsewhere laid down where tho' Water may presently be suck'd up to the Top of a Pipe 3 Foot long yet
Mercury being too heavy to be buoy'd up so high it will not be elevated higher than an Atmospherical Cylinder is able to raise it But those Modern Philosophers who allow not a Fuga Vacui ascribe the Ascent of such Liquors to an Impulse or Propagation of Motion by the Dilation of the Thorax for they think that the Lungs drawing in the Air the dilated Thorax propagates the Impulse till it reaches successively the Body suck'd for such thinking the Universe totally a Plenum think that such Matter not finding any other Place to move into does upon that score buoy up the Water or Mercury in the Pipe But if we consider how vast the Dimensions of the Air are and comparatively how inconsiderable an Impulse the Thorax by dilating can make it will scarce be thought that so slight a one will compress the whole Air so much as to make it impel the Body suck'd vigorously enough to rise to that height which Liquors may be rais'd to by Suction But the Ascent of such Liquors evidently depends on this that by Suction the Pressure is taken off the Surface of the Water within the Pipe and consequently it must rise and be buoy'd up by the Pressure of the Atmosphere on the stagnant Water To countenance my Opinion and to refute the others I have mention'd I shall offer the following Experiment viz. A small Bubble with a Stem being seal'd up when the Air was forc'd out by Rarefaction the Stem was broke under Water upon which the Water rush'd into the Cavity of the Bubble where if it be said to go into the Bubble to prevent a Vacuum those that say so allow dari Vacuum and subvert their own Principles and as for the Plenists upon the same Account we may ask them what became of that Air which was expell'd out of the Bubble and remain'd so till the Stem was broke since were the World an absolute Plenum before there could be no room for it without nor could there be such an empty Space within to receive the Water Besides if they say the external Air being condens'd and compress'd by that which is forced out of the Bubble occasions the Re-ingress of Water when the Stem is broke off it may justly be wonder'd that a cubic Inch of Air should be able to condense the Air so much that a Mile's distance from the place the Bubble was evacuated in it should be able to press the Water thus in again But by our Hypothesis it is accounted for without these Difficulties since the Resistance of the rarifi'd Air within the Bubble being disproportionable to the Pressure of the less rarifi'd Ambient Air it must consequently yield to it and give way to the Ingress of Water Our own Opinion propos'd and prov'd From what hath been said it plainly appears what our Hypothesis is which that I may confirm by the following Experiments I shall briefly intimate That the Ascent of Liquors by Suction in a Word depends on the External Pressure of the Air when it is taken off the internal Superficies of the Liquor in that Tube what that Pressure depends on we have elsewhere prov'd in our Physico-Mechanical Experiments of the Air 's Spring and Weight and therefore shall proceed to Experiments to confirm what we teach of Suction We took then a crooked Syphon whose shorter Leg was parallel to the longer which being hermetically seal'd and so much Water conveigh'd into the crooked End that it was of an equal Height in both Legs so much Air was contain'd in the Cavity of the shorter Leg as possesses an Inch and ½ The Instrument being thus prepar'd one was order'd to suck at the Top of the longer Leg and by all the Force and reiterated Suctions he was not able to raise the Water higher than the Air in the shorter Leg depress'd the Surface of that for when the Spring of that Air was so far weaken'd that it could not depress the Water subjacent the Water kept at the same Station being not above four Inches high which was not two Inches and an half higher than at first But as soon as the External Pressure of the Atmosphere was again admitted to the Surface of the Water in the longer Tube it was presently depress'd and the Air in the shorter Leg condens'd till the Water likewise rose in that to it's first Station For a further Confirmation of our Hypothesis about Suction I shall subjoyn Experiments to prove the following Propositions Our Hypothesis reduc'd to Propositions I. That a Liquor may be rais'd by Suction when the Pressure of the Air neither as it hath Weight nor Elastacity is the Cause of the Elevation II. That the Weight of the Atmospherical Air is sufficient to raise up Liquors by Suction III. That in some Cases Suction will not be made as according to the Hypothesis I dissent from it should although there be a Dilatation of the Suckers Thorax and no danger of a Vacuum tho' the Liquor should ascend The first Propositions prov'd To make out the first Proposition I made the following Experiment viz. I took an inverted Tube such as was formerly made use of for a Travelling Baroscope but something longer which being fill'd with Mercury it was inverted and the Mercury in the longer Leg stood above the Mercury in the shorter Leg as high as it usually does in an ordinary Barometer and then one was order'd to suck at the shorter Leg upon which the Mercury subsided in the longer and rose in the shorter the Mercury in the longer by it's own Weight depressing the subjacent and raising that when the equivalent Weight of the Atmosphere was taken off The second Proposition prov'd As for the second Proposition laid down viz. That the Weight of the Air is sufficient to raise Liquors in Suction It may easily be prov'd by Arguments drawn from our Physico-Mechanical Experiments and therefore here I shall only take notice of Phaenomena exhibited by our Travelling Baroscope for having got a Baroscope whose shorter Leg was something longer than ordinary we caus'd one by Suction to raise the Mercury up to the Top of it and then hermetically sealing it up we mark'd the place to which the Mercury had subsided in the longer which being done we unseal'd the shorter Leg and observ'd that the Pressure of the Atmosphere elevated the Mercury in the longer Leg 5 Inches The third confirm'd For a further Confirmation of the Doctrin laid down in this Proposition I shall subjovn the following Experiment We made use of a Travelling Baroscope whose shorter Leg was 2 Inches above the Surface of the stagnant Mercury and having seal'd up the End of the shorter Leg we open'd the End of the longer upon which the Weight of the Atmosphere being added to the Pressure made by the Cylinder of Mercury the Air contain'd in the shorter Leg was compress'd into half the Space it possess'd before This Experiment being try'd a second time had the like Success To
make it further appear how much the Ascent of Liquors depends on Pressure I took a Glass Syphon like the former and having hermetically seal'd up the shorter Leg I pour'd in so much Mercury as compress'd the Air in the shorter Leg into half the Space it possess'd before the Mercury in the longer Leg being at the same time about 30 Inches higher than in the other nevertheless the Mercury could not be rais'd by Suction above one Inch higher in the longer Leg whereas did the Ascent of Liquors depend on Nature's Abhorrency of a Vacuum it would have rose much higher there being no danger of leaving a Vacuum in the shorter Leg since the Air was compress'd into half the Space it naturally possesses so that the Reason according to our Hypothesis evidently appears to be this viz. that the Pressure of the Cylinder of Mercury and the compress'd Air being in a due Aequilibrium when by sucking the Air is drawn out of the longer the Air in the shorter expands it self so much as Pressure is taken off by the Removal of that Air and when it is expanded so far the Pillar of Mercury keeps it from expanding any further so that there being no other Force to raise and press the Mercury up it can be elevated no higher since the Air included in the shorter Leg acts only by Virtue of it's Spring and not as in the open Atmosphere by Virtue of it's Spring and Weight too so when it hath lost it's Spring it can propel the Mercury no higher To conclude this Discourse I shall here explain one Phaenomenon in Vacuo Boyliano which to some seems an Argument of Nature's Abhorrency of a Vacuum The Phaenomenon is That if ones Finger be apply'd to the Orifice of the Pipe that conveighs Air from the Receiver to the Pump the Pulp of one Finger will enter a good way into the Pipe and be very painful the Protuberant Part of it seeming to be drawn in by Attraction To which we give this brief Answer viz. That when first the Finger is plac'd there it receives an equal Pressure from the Air within the Pipe and from the Atmosphere but when that Air is drawn away the External Pressure finding no Resistance presses the fleshy Part into the Tube which is accordingly painful as the External Pressure in reference to the internal Resistance is greater or less To illustrate this Explication I shall add that having clos'd up one End of a Glass Pipe whose Diameter was an Inch with a piece of oyl'd Bladder and fill'd it full of Water it was immers'd in a tall Vessel full of Water the immers'd End of the Tube reaching almost to the Bottom of the Vessel and the other End emerging and standing open above the Vessel This being done we took Water out of the Tube till the Surface of it was considerably lower than the Surface of the Water in the Glass Body upon which the Bladder being more strongly press'd against by the Water in the Vessel than that in the Tube the Bladder was forc'd so much into the Cavity of the Tube as to form a Semi-Globe but if when the Water in the Tube and that in the Vessel were equally pois'd the uppermost Orifice of the Tube were stopp'd tho' the Pipe were so much immers'd that the Quantity of Water which press'd against the lower side of the Bladder were greater than that in the Tube yet would not the Bladder have the least Protuberance but if the Orifice of the Tube were left open to the Air the Bladder would suddenly be press'd so much into the Hollow of the Pipe that it 's Convex Superficies would represent a Semi-Circle The same Experiment being try'd with a Tube the lower End of which was so bent as to form a right Angle the Success was the same Nor did it vary when try'd in the straight Pipe with Wine instead of Water save that Wine not being specifically aeque-ponderant with Water a greater Quantity of Wine was requisite to settle them at first in a just Aequilibrium but when that Aequilibrium was lost by immerging the Tube into the Water the Bladder was rais'd so as to become protuberant in the Cavity of the Pipe CHAP. VIII Some Observations and Directions about the Barometer communicated by Mr. Boyle in the Phil. Transact of April 1666. Observations concerning Barometers THE Design of trying Barometrical Experiments in several Parts being only that by comparing Notes The Extent of Atmospherical Changes in Point of Weight might be the better estimated I shall lay down the following Directions for those whose Curiosity leads them that way First It will be requisite to note the Day and Hour in which Observations are made Secondly The Situation of the Place where the Barometer stands as to Height since by the Length of the Atmosperical Pillar of Air that presses upon it the height of the Mercury may vary tho' not always exactly for sometimes upon Changes in the Air not otherwise observable the Mercury will subside more than usually in that which stands furthest from the Center of the Earth when at the same time it does not proportionably subside in that which is plac'd in a lower Situation And It perhaps may be Worth Noting whether upon excessive Droughts when the Ground is parch'd and crack'd some subterraneal Effluvia may not rise which may add a specifick Gravity to the Air. Nor will it be needless when other Observations are making at the same time to observe the Weather as also what Winds blow and whether violent or more remiss for sometimes it is observ'd that when high Winds blow the Mercury is the lower tho' not always But to favour what hath been intimated viz. That the Alterations in the Weight of the Air depend on subterraneal Steams mix'd with it It hath been observ'd that after long Droughts upon a Shower of Rain so many Steams have been either prevented from rising or depress'd and precipitated that the Mercury hath subsided within 2 16 of an Inch. CHP. IX An Account of a new kind of Baroseope which may be call'd Statical communicated in the Philosophical Transactions of July 2. 1666. A new Baroscope describ'd HAving caus'd a Glass Bubble to be blown as large and thin as it possibly could be I counterpois'd it in a Pair of Scales which would turn with the 30th Part of a Grain which Ballance being suspended at a Frame both the Frame and the Ballance were placed by a good Baroscope from whence the present Weight of the Atmosphere might be learnt By which means I could discern Variations by which the Altitude of the Mercury was not alter'd above ¼ of an Inch. And it was not a little pleasant to behold that sometimes the Bubble would be counterpois'd but when the Atmosphere was very high it would manifestly preponderate and upon other Changes the Scales would preponderate on the other side and in some Days time again regain it's Aequilibrium so that by looking
Poyson and in some a Faintness and Dispiritedness according to the Testimony of several Physicians And that Mineral Expirations may cause a determinate Distemper we may learn from an Observation of mine which was That a Chymist rubbing very often Red Arsnick in a Mortar and endeavouring to make an Excellent Medicine of it first complain'd to me of a Difficulty of breathing and sometimes of Pains and Tumors in his Testicles And it will not be very much doubted whether Mineral Effluvia penetrate the Pores of the Body or not by those that shall know that the Fumes of Sulphur are so penetrating that at the Pic of Teneriff they blacken Silver in the Pockets of those that go up to it I made a Preparation of Sulphur which emitted Effluvia so powerful in the Cold that they penetrated a Leathern Purse and discoloured Silver contain'd in it But besides the forementioned Effects of Vapours on the Pic of Teneriff I was told that one that ascended that Mountain had the Colour of his Hair altered before he came down again which argues the Power of Mineral Effluvia to penetrate the Pores of the Body But lest it should be questioned by some whether such Mineral Effluvia would not be consumed and cease in less time than Endemical Diseases are continued in one Place I shall imtimate that I think several subterraneal Bodies may have a power of propagating their Virtue to Matter contiguous to them by some Seminal Principle or something Analogous to a Ferment or by bringing some more Crude Mineral Earths gradually and successively to a greater Degree of Maturity and Perfection For it hath been observed that in Tract of time a Mineral might be obtained from an Earth which at another time it could not be obtain'd from which Observation holds as to Nitre which is one of the most Catholick Fossils and most plentifully emits Effluvia Besides tho' Mineral Effluvia in the Region of the Earth discoverable by us should be consum'd I see not why supplies may not be brought from the Bowels of the Earth Indeed considering how closely the Matter of Minerals is crowded together and how long Magnets severed from their Mines emit Effluvia without a sensible Diminution the Stock of Mineral Earth from whence they flow cannot be thought suddenly to be exhausted for an Effluviating power is so durable that one had a perfumed Watch which tho' constantly worn preserv'd it's Scent 16 years and by the same Reason could perfume Marbles quite through so that they retain'd their Scent a long time But before I leave this second Proposition it is requisite that I should take Notice that noxious Effluvia may cause Distempers not only by Respiration and penetrating the Pores of our Body but by impregnating the Water made use of for preparing and Diluting our Aliment without any sensible alteration in the Water to be discern'd by us So Water by an Infusion of Crocus Metallorum becomes Emetick and indeed sometimes those Effluvia are so numerous that in the Borders of Lancashire the Mud in a Ditch is so strongly impregnated with subterraneal Exhalations that at the Surface of the Earth or Water they will take fire and flame like a Candle But besides that Distempers may be propagated by these subtle Effluvia impregnating Water they may be also prejudicial in as much as being mixed with the Nutriment of Plants they may deprave their Juices and consequently make them unfit to be eaten And that Mineral Effluvia may in a great measure deprave and influence the substances of Plants in their growth is confirmed by some who have noted that Oaks growing in Ground which abounded with Vitriolate Mines were much more heavy and solid than others and these Effluvia are sometimes so numerous and crouded into the Pores of Plants as not to be overcome and concocted by the Ferments of the Plants but to keep their own Natures for I have observed in a Vine near Paris several Marchasitical Particles throughout the Pores of the Root and Trunk And I have been told that at Tockay in Hungary the very Kernels of the Grapes are as if it were Guilt over with Leaf Gold But Besides the aforementioned Ways by which our Bodies may be affected with Noxious Effluviums we may not a little suffer by the deprav'd Humours which some Animals we Feed upon are nourished by and which vitiate their Bodies primarily and secondarily ours As from what hath been said it appears that Subterraneal Effluvia may cause Distempers so it may not be amiss to take Notice that possibly in some measure Mineral Effluvia may prevent Distempers for 't is Observed that several parts of Scotland are free from Agues and that very hot and large Regions in the East-Indies are rarely troubl'd with the Plague nor is it less remarkable that in Ireland the Air is impregnated with such sort of Emanations as prevent the Generation of any venemous Creatures To which I shall add the following Instance from Beguinus in his own words who says Dignum admiratione est quod quamvis in vicinia Hydriae Comitatus Gloricensis ubi reperitur copiosè ☿ singulis fere annis Lues pestifera grassatur illa tamen semper immunis ab hac manere soleat idque viri providae aetatis se observasse et a Majoribus suis accepisse mihi sancte confirmarunt to which I shall add further that the Learned Michael Magerus pronounces Mercury an Antidote against several Diseases and particularly the Plague PROPOSITION III. It is likely Proposition 3. that divers Epidemical Diseases are in great Part produc'd by Subterraneal Effluvia THo' several Epidemical Distempers are caused by manifest alterations in sensible Qualities of the Air yet to shew that some of them principally and others partly depend on the Effects of Subterraneal Effluvia I shall offer the following Considerations And First the Structure and disposition of the Parts of our Globe which are not much below the Surface of it and much more the deeper Subterraneal Regions are so plentifully stocked with Mineral substances so that it is not improbable but that Subterraneal Effluvia ascending thence into the Air may cause excessive Heat or Cold or some other manifest Qualities and consequently in part occasion most Epidemical Diseases For from what I have elsewhere shewn it not only appears that these Effluvia by acting on one another may excite sudden heats but also that Minerals of different Degrees of Maturity acting on one another may produce an Intense Cold. Besides the changes of the Air on which Epidemical Diseases depend are so considerable and instantaneous that they can scarce be attributed to the Influence of the Sun or Moon which are too regular and constant in their Influence to cause such Anomalous effects as we cannot but take Notice of in a few years time but are rather caused by an irruption of Subterraneal Steams which are frequently both impetuous and irregular And tho' some attribute them to the Influence of the
the open Air And it is related by a Noble Man of this Country that an Oak being dug out of a Rock of Salt was so hard that Iron Tools could scarce work upon it yet in three or four Days being expos'd to the Air it was rotten And it hath been observ'd by several that the Air hath such an Influence on Diaphoretick Antimony that if it be long expos'd to it it becomes Emetick From which Observations and what I have before laid down concerning Quick-Lime the Air seems to be a Substance capable of being assimilated by every Body The Air seems to consist of all sorts of seminal Principles or that it consists of all sorts of seminal Corpuscles so that any Body may find a Substance there analogous to it and fit to make up a part of the same Body But without any further notice of this odd Surmise I shall subjoyn the following Phaenomena to favour my Suspicion The first is That tho' the Juice of the Fruit of the Tree Junipa which the Indians use to black their Faces to make them more formidable to their Enemies gives such a Tincture that it cannot be wash'd out with Soap yet the Air abounds with Particles of such a Nature that it disappears in ten Days time tho' I suspect that it in a great measure depends on the continual Excretion of Sweat through the Pores of the Skin Damasco S●… 〈…〉 And I am inform'd that Instruments made of Damasco Steel tho' when first made they excel not or scarce equal those of commo● 〈◊〉 yet when kept in the Air two 〈…〉 they answer Expectation and a●… 〈…〉 prov'd And I have observ'd that 〈…〉 ●…e Body which would not be dissolv'd in a strong Menstruum nor lose it's Colour by Fusion would presently be turn'd black if expos'd to the Air. Remarkable Changes of Colours It is observ'd in Blood concreted that the black internal Parts being expos'd to the Contact of the Air become florid and I have prepar'd a factitious Concrete which if kept to the Fire or secluded from the Air would be of a red Colour yet in a quarter of an hour being expos'd to the Air it would turn almost black To which I shall add that an inquisitive Person prepar'd a Medicine of a vegetable and Animal Substance which at that time of the Year would be coagulated in a Viol like Oyl of Aniseeds but if unstopp'd and expos'd to the Air it would presently dissolve again and recoagulate when stopp'd up again The Consideration of which Experiments may tell us that the Air by being communicated to the Blood by Respiration may have Effects not inconsiderable upon it in carrying off it's fuliginous Recrements To what hath hitherto been deliver'd in favour of our Suspicion it may be added That there are Anonymous Substances and Qualities in the Air To countenance which I shall take notice of those various and odd Diseases incident both to Men and Beasts which prove Mortal to a particular Species of Animals and in particular Places which depend on some unknown subterraneal Vapours To which I shall subjoyn that Fernelius mentions a Plague which affected no Animals but Cats Dionysius Halicarnassus takes notice of one that only affected Maids whereas that which raged in the time of Gentilis seiz'd none but Lusty Men And Bolerus gives us an Account of another which only affected the younger sort of People Cardan speaks of a Plague at Brasil which only affected the Switzers and neither the Italians French or Germans and Johannes Vtenhovius gives an Account of a cruel Plague at Copenhagen which only raged amongst the Danes As for the Cause of these Diseases tho I think they are chiefly to be ascrib'd to subterraneal Effluviums yet I deny not but that the Particular Constitutions of Men are concern'd in them nor do I think the Distempers already mention'd alone depend on such Steams as rise from the Earth but the Sudor Anglicus in the 15th Century the Scurvy and the Morbus Hungaricus the Lues Moraviae Novus Morbus Luneburgensis and some others in the last Century Considerations drawn from what hath been said And now if from what hath been said our Suspicions concerning Subterraneal and Sydereal Steams may seem not ill grounded they may lead us to consider the following Particulars 1. Whether those Effects which are sometimes thought to depend on the immediate Wrath of God and the Intercourse of Angels may not arise from these Steams whose Qualities are probably heteroclite and unknown since we see that there are several Steams dispers'd through the Atmosphere which cause it to raise Mercury in a Baroscope which could be no otherwise discover'd but by the Effects they have on the Air made evident by that Instrument And this Consideration hath sometimes made me suspect that even the Sun-Beams may cause a manifest Gravity in the Atmosphere besides that which they do by virtue of their Heat and it may be worth Enquiry whether some Spots in the Sun upon their Dissolution may not be dispers'd through and cause some considerable Effects in our Atmosphere at least in it's Gravity 2. It will not seem improbable that some Bodies have peculiar Dispositions to be associated with those Exotick Principles which arise from subterraneal Parts or are transmitted from the Planets Upon which Dispositions or the contrary what we call Sympathy and Antipathy depend By Virtue of such Dispositions a Burning-Glass refracts the Sun-Beams and the Sun-Beams impart a Lucidness to the Bolonian Stone And that the Steams of subterraneal Bodies will act on some Bodies and not on others we have given sufficient Proof 3. The third thing which may be suggested by what we have deliver'd is whether there may not be Receptacles or Attractives of Syderial and other Exotick Effluviums that wander up and down the Air such as are Magnets by which I mean not such a Body that can attract foreign Effluvia but such a one as can detain them when by virtue of their various Motions they happen to come near such a Magnet Just as Oyl of Tartar per Deliquium draws to it aqueous Vapours and embodies with them when they chance in their Passage through the Air to come near it But a greater resemblance of the Magnet may be allow'd to some Bodies than what is here mention'd for such a Magnet may not only by a Juxta-Position or Contact detain the Effluviums that would glide along it but also arrest those subtle Parts of Matter by a kind of precipitating Quality and so it may fetch in some Effluvia which would otherwise pass by it On which occasion I remember that in some Cases I have been able to give some Bodies Electrical Qualities without exciting them by rubbing c. CHAP. XXI Some Additional Experiments relating to Suspicions about the Hidden Qualities of the Air. EXPERIMENT I. Experiments relating to occult Qualities of the Air. HAving pour'd Water upon the Calx of Dantzick Vitriol part of it soon
exprimit per Tubum C. D. primum quidem vehementius subinde remissius prout Aeris vis elastica sensim conquescit Hoc idem quod de Aere intra Vas comprimendo ad aquam evibrandum comminisci placuit servatâ analogiâ dicendum est de Aere tum conatu manûs rectâ trusillum impellentis tum ope Cochleae similiter conformatae intra conceptaculum comprimendo ut ex fistula deinde multa vi emittatur plumbea Glans ubi reseratus Aeri exitus illum subito dilatari permiserit Quin Pneumatica hujusmodi tormenta citra conceptaculum Aeris compressi construere non inutile accidat si quemadmodum nostrates pueri surculos sambuceos fungosa medulla exhauriunt utraque Tubuli extremitate papyraceis Globulis obstructa alterum Globulum congruo Cylindro propellunt atque inclusum Aerem densant quoad Aeris vim elasticam impellentis manûs Conatum non ferens extremus alter Globulus edito scloppo expellatur ita ferream fistulam longiorem paraveris cujus alteri extremitati immittatur plumbea Glans obducta papyro aut simili Materia ut exquisitè Tubi osculum implens demum universam Aeris vim excipiat alteram extremitatem aliquot Spiris ambiat cava Cochlea quam impleat Cylindrus ferreus in congruentem Cochleam deformatus si enim hujusmodi Cylindrus vis brevior fuerit quam fistula apto Manubrio convolutus in fistulam sensim immittatur totum Aerem quo fistula replebatur ad exiguas spatii angustias adiget ex quibus magna vi demum qua data porta erumpens ejacul abitur plumbeum Globulum Casati Mechanicorum Lib. 8. Cap. 5. p. 792. 793. c. TITTLE V. Of the Magnetical Particles in the Air. TITLE VI. Of the Destruction Generation Absorpsion and Extrication of the Air. Concerning the Production of the Air. AIr being a body not only concern'd in agreat many Phenomena of Nature but likewise so necessary to the Preservation of Animals Is thought it of no small use to thy whether it might be Artificially prepar'd and obtain'd from Bodies which seem'd not at all to abound with Air for could it be done it would not only be considerable in helping to explain several Phaenomena of Nature but to preserve Divers much longer under Water To try therefore whether it might be effected and whether that which seem'd to be Air were truly so I made use of the following Experiments taking a durable Springiness or Elasticity as the Criterion by which I should judge whether the Air generated were Genuine or not EXPERIMENT I. Jan. 17. Air generated by a mixture of Oyl of Vitriol and Filings of Steel FIlings of Steel and a conveniently shap'd Glass which contain'd Oyl of Vitriol and was seal'd at both Ends but with a Hole open'd near one of them were coveigh'd into a long and large Tube so much Water being put in with them as was sufficient to dilute the Oyl This being done and the External Tube and the Water exhausted till the Mercury in the Gage was so far rais'd in the open Leg that little remain'd in the seal'd Leg we clos'd up the External Tube exactly and observ'd that when the Oyl was caus'd to run out of the internal Tube by acting upon the Metal it caus'd several Bubbles and a sensible Heat when this Conflict had continu'd some time so much Air was generated as depress'd the Mercury in the open Leg down to the Bottom and rais'd it so much in the other that the Air above it was more compress'd than when the Atmosphere had free Liberty to press against it The Spring of this newly produc'd Air was so strong and durable as to keep the Mercury at ●he same height 3 or 4 Days and some Days after a Boy having heedlesly remov'd the Tube from its usual Station the Mercury in the Gage ascended an Inch and a half at which Height it continu'd till the 25th of January EXPERIMENT II. March 8. Flower moisten'd with Water A Glass Viol which was large enough to hold a Pint was fill'd with Flower of Wheat drench'd with Water and the Orifice being clos'd with a Cork and strong Cement after the Glass had been placed 13 Days in a warm Place it was burst by the Violent expansion of the included Matter tho' the Night before part of the Glass below seem'd empty The Taste of the included Matter seem'd to me only a little sowrish but to another manifestly acid EXPERIMENT III. March 9. Raisins included in Vacuo with Water BRuised Raisins with a little Water being put into a Bolt-head when it was exhausted I plac'd it in a warm Place In four Days no Air was generated but some time after the Bolt-head was burst in pieces and the Raisins thrown about EXPERIMENT IV. Feb. 22. A Glass which would hold about 3 Pound of Water having a sufficient Quantity of Raisins put into the Water a Bladder was ty'd to the Neck of it which had all the Air squeez'd out and in two Days time it was so fill'd with Air that we could not tye it up without losing some of the Water EXPERIMENT V. April 28. SPirit of Salt and Filings of Steel being put into a wide mouth'd Glass we cover'd it with a Receiver fitted with an Eel-Skin and a Wire to the latter of which a thin Glass Vessel was ty'd hermetically seal'd at the Bottom and furnish'd with a sufficient Quantity of Filings of Copper This being done and the Receiver exhausted we thrust the Glass which contain'd the Filings against the Bottom of the Viol and broke it off whereupon the Filings falling into the Menstruum a considerable number of Bubbles were generated The Viol being kept ¼ of an Hour longer in Vacuo the Liquor acquir'd not the least Greenness EXPERIMENT VI. Air shut up in Oyl of Turpentine and Spring Water A Bubble of Air about the Size of a Pea being left at the Top of a round Viol with a long narrow Neck the Cavity of it being fill'd with fine Oyl of Turpentine and then inverted into a Viol fill'd with the same Liquor Another Viol which had a Bubble in the Top was fill'd with Alcohol of Wine and inverted it into the the same Liquor On the sixth Day the Bubble in the Oyl disappear'd and on the seventh that in the Spirit of Wine vanish'd EXPERIMENT VII May 23. Frog 's Spawn A Receiver which had been three Years exhausted was open'd and a black opacous Liquor which we judg'd to be Frog's Spawn which was contain'd in a Viol being taken out was of a stinking Smell but not mouldy It had yielded some Air. EXPERIMENT VIII IT is observ'd that when Miners meet with running Waters under Ground they are by those supply'd with Air enough for Respiration tho' it is observ'd that standing Waters do not afford Air. Experiments about the Production of Air and the Examining thereof propos'd Sect. I. To produce Air by Fermentation in Receivers exactly clos'd and in
of Salt I am induc'd to believe that the Air abounds with Volatile ones For besides that an Acquaintaince of Mine obtained a Spirit and Salt of Similar Qualities with Spirit of Harts-horn from Earth dug up some Yards deep we may observe in favour of what I propose that the very Soot which rises from fires near great Towns a great part of which is dispersed in the Air abounds with a Saline Spirit which may be obtain'd from it by Distillation as likewise a great quantity of Volatile Matter may be raised in the form of Vapours from Animal substances putrified and corrupted But besides these more simple Salts there may be several others compounded in the Air which may result from several Coalitions of simple Salts and several Compound Salts may not unlikely arise from Subterraneal Parts In favour of which I shall add that in America the Effluvia of a Vulcano not only offended the Faces of some that approach'd too near but caused a manifest alteration in the Colour of their Hair And it hath been observ'd that several Sulphureous Exhalations have been gathered about the Crannies of Mount Vesuvius which issuing out of small Crannies stick to the Edges like Flower of Brimstone To which I shall add that I had a Stone brought me from another Vulcano whose Pores were full of a White Salt compounded of a fixed one and another Volatile much like Sal-Armon The Salts we have hitherto taken Notice of are such as may be referred to a determinate Species But I am apt to believe that there are others which are such as are not known nor have they any Names given them this appears from what we have elsewhere taught of Subterraneal Fumes and may be further illustrated by intimating that I have observ'd Old Glass-windows sometimes corroded as if Worm-eaten which probably proceeded from some corrosive Particles carried thither by the Wind. As for the Nature of these several Salts that at different times and in various Places impregnate the Air amongst the different Methods that might be taken to investigate them I shall mention the following Several ways to discover the Nature of the Salts in the Air. First We may expose such Bodies to the Air as we think will most likely be work'd upon by the Salt we judge Predominant in that place as Lime where we think Nitre abounds as also we may hang up Silks of such Colours as Nitre is most apt to fade or discolour In places where we think Vitriol abounds we may expose Preparations of Sulphur which it usually turns Black In other Places we may spread White Linnen Cloths and observe what Salts they imbibe along with the Rising Vapours and Falling Dew A Second way to discover the Nature of the Salts in the Air may be by exposing some Body which several Salts have different Effects on EXPERIMENT I. CLean Copper Plates being placed over Glasses under which Spirit of Salt and Spirit of Nitre diluted with Water were set I Oserved that they were discoloured alike by the ascending Fumes it being common for these Spirits to draw a green Tincture from Copper as Spirit of Soot and Urine do a Blew one I have observed a piece of Copper brought from a Mine overcast in several Parts with a Verdigrease which effect I judged to depend on the Efficacy of some Effluvia in the Air. And possibly with other Bodies discovering different discolourations we be enabled to learn what kind of Steams those Effects are produced by And it hath been observ'd not only at Amsterdam but elsewhere that Plate in a little time in those Airs would acquire a Rusty Colour or one partaking of Yellow and Black A Third way which may be taken to discover the different Nature of Effluvia may be by exposing Preparations of Mineral Bodies whose Colours are apt to be changed by the Air. EXPERIMENT II. IF a Solution of Silver in Aq. Fortis be precipitated with Spirit of Sea Salt the Powder will be at the First White but after a while being exposed to the Air the Surface of the Liquor will acquire a dark Colour which may perhaps vary as the Air is differently impregnated EXPERIMENT III. AN equal Weight of Filings of Copper and Powdered Sal Armoniack being mixed and put into a Covered Crucible and kept over a moderate Fire till the Sal Armon had done Smoaking as much of the remaing Mass as could be parted was taken out and looked of a Dark Colour but being grossly beaten and exposed to the Air looked like Verdigrease a substance whose Colour commonly varies according to the Nature of the Salts concerned in the production of the Pigment But a Parcel of the same Mass being grosly beaten and Hermetically Sealed up from the Air and left in a South Window was not discoloured when that exposed to the Air had acquired a Virdigrease Colour EXPEREMENT IV. SPirit of Soot of Wood dissolved Copper into a lovely Azure but the substance growing dry in the Air changed it's Ceruleous for a Cyanious Colour such as may be seen in good Turquoises Which Change depended not on the Saline-Sulphureous Salt Which I rather believe because I had the same success when I made use of an Urinous Spirit drawn from an Animal substance Most of the Inland Parts of our Country abound not with Corrosive Vapours the Bars of Iron being not so subject to be corroded and Rust So that I believe this Salt may proceed from Sea Vapours or a dissolution of some Corroding Salt upon the burning of a Sea or Mineral Coals Mox ollam ex igni removent Agricola de re Metal Lib. 12. postea ex refrigerata eximunt halinitrum purissimum quod candidi marmoris speciem gerit aetque tunc etiam id quod terrenum est in fundo residet At terra ex qua dilutum fuit factum Rami quernei vel consimilis Arboris alternis sub dio ponantur aqua quâ combibit halinitrum conspergantur quo modo quinque vel sex annis rursus apta fit ad conficiendum dilutum Halinitrum quodammodo purum quod dum terra tot annos quievit interea ortum fuit quod lapidei parietes in Cellis Vrinariis locis opacis exudant cum primo diluto permistum decoquatur Si verò locus aliquis talium venarum copiam suppeditaverit ipsae statim non conjiciantur in cast ella sed primò convehantur in areas atque cumulentur quanto enim diutius aeri pluviis expositae fuerint tanto meliores fiunt Nam in ejusmodi cumulis aliquot post Mensibus quam Venae in are as fuerint conjectae nascuntur fibrae longe venis bonitate praestantes deinde vehantur in sex plurave Castella longa lat a ad novem pedes ad quinque alta Si verò dum dilutum recoquitur seperata non fuerint mox ex minoribus Vasis infundatur in Majora eaque concludantur in quibus item atramentum sutorium seperatum ab alumine
The Canary Birds build in the Barrancos of Gills Birds which the Water hath fretted away in the Mountains places very cold They have also Quails and Partridges less than ours great Wood Pigeons Turtles at Spring Crows and sometimes the Falcon appears from the Coast of Barbary They have Goats on the Mountains Beasts c. and also Hogs and Conies but their Camels come from Lancerote Amongst their Fish are the following viz. The Cherna Fish a large well-tasted Fish The Mero Dolphin Shark Lobsters Mussels Periwinkles and the Clacas the best Fish in the World which grow in the Rocks 5 or 6 under a Shell through the Top of which they peep with their Nebs They have likewise a Fish with 7 Tails each of which is a Span long united to a short Body and much resembling our Eel They have besides these Turtles and Cabridos preferable before our Trouts The Island is full of Springs of pure Water like Milk Springs which in Laguna they strain through a Bason made of a Spungy Stone Their Vines are very plentiful Vines Customs of the Inha●…ants Dr. Pugh who had done some charitable Cures amongst the Antient Inhabitants called Guanchios was permitted to visit the Caves where the dead Bodies lie which are sew'd up in Goats Skins very curiously and close with Thongs of the same which are more soft and pliable than our Kid's Skins The Preserving of Bodies thus by Embalming them was a Custom of a Particular Tribe of Men who marri'd only amongst themselves and kept their Art of Embalming to themselves so that upon the Conquest of the Spaniards most of them being destroy'd the Knowledge they retain of the Ingredients is by Tradition which is that Of the Embalming of Bodies They boil in Butter of Goats Milk which for that Purpose is preserv'd in the Skins 1st A sort of Wild Lavender 2ly A Gummy Herb call'd Gara which grows on the Mountains 3ly A kind of Sow-Bread 4ly A Wild Sage of which they make a Balsam and when their Bodies are Embowel'd and several times wash'd in a Lixivium of the Bark of Pine-Trees and dry'd again either in the Sun in Summer or in a Stove in Winter they then several times successively anoint them with the Balsam and dry them again till they grow light and the musculous Parts appear through the shrievel'd Skin and then they sew them up in Goats Skins curiously dress'd but the Poorer sort having their Brains taken out are sew'd up in Skins which have the Hair on They have above 20 whole Families of their Kings and great Persons which they will not discover They are laid in several Postures and some of them being laid along on Beds of Wood so harden'd that Iron will not cut them They also have Earthen Pots so harden'd which they boil their Meat in They make their Knives and Lancets of a kind of Slate call'd Tabona Their Food Their Food is Barly roasted and ground betwixt two Stones which they make into Cakes with Milk and Hony and carry it on their Backs in Goats Skins They drink no Wine nor do they care for Flesh But are Lean Tall very Active and Couragious They will leap from one Rock to another Activity sometimes Ten Fathom deep Having a Lance which they point at the Place which they design to light on and then when they leap they clap their Feet to the Lance which Lance lighting on the Rock first takes off the Violence of their Fall Novices often break their Necks in learning They whistle so loud they may be heard 5 Miles and it so affected the Relator's Ears who was in Company with one of them that he could not hear well of 15 Days after Besides they throw Stones with as much Force as a Bullet goes out of a Gun But to return to Mount Teneriff by one that went to the Top it was observ'd that no Snow was on the South side and tho' it was on the North side yet it was not within two Miles of the lowest part of the Sugar-Loaf He likewise observ'd that tho' the Sack which they drank at the Top was exceeding cold and seem'd to have no Effect on them yet when they came into a thicker Air two of the Company were drunk Having try'd to fire a Birding-Piece upon the Top of the Mountain he could not the Company that gave the former Relation say they did The sulphureous Matter they travell'd over was so hot that it burnt two or three pair of Pumps in pieces in the Journey tho' their Feet were not sensibly more hot than at other times In some Regions of the same Mountains it was very hot and on the other side of the same very cold Queries To what Depth the Water will be frozen in hard Winters To what Depth the Earth will be froze at the same time Whether Muscovian Ice be harder than that in England Whether Liquor cast up will freeze before it comes to the Ground Whether Brandy Sack c. will freeze in Russia Whether Instruments of Iron or Steel be britler there than here Of the cracking of Timber and the Causes of it in Wooden Houses Of the Preservation of Flesh Fish Herbs c. in hard Weather Of the curing of those whose Nose or Cheeks c. are frozen Of the Symptoms of those that are froze to death Of the keeping of dead Bodies TITTLE XX. Of the Air in Reference to Light it 's Perspicuity Opacity Reflections Refractions Colours Light and Lightnings Of the Air in reference to Light ctc. I Am told by a Traveller that on the Coast of Genoua from a high Place he could see Places remote in a Morning tho' not when the Sun was near the Meridian The late King Charles the Second told me that walking upon the Beack on the Strand by Dover he unexpectedly discern'd a Coast which had rising and falling Ground upon the Virge of the Horizon and the same was observ'd by the Courtiers that stood by him but in a little time it disappear'd again as if it had sunk into the Sea which Phaenomenon I attributed to this viz. That that Coast lying but a little too far off to be seen before the Air interpos'd betwixt His Majesty's Eye and the Shoar being fill'd with Vapours and subterraneal Steams was render'd more refractive than before by the help of which new Refraction the French Coast which lay beyond it was as if it were lifted up in reference to the sight and so became visible as long as that new Refraction lasted but when those Steams were dissipated they presently disappear'd In favour of which Conjecture I alledg'd that a piece of Gold being laid in the Bottom of a Cup and the Eye so plac'd that the Object is but just hid from it upon pouring in Water the Object will without removing the Eye become visible The Surface of the Water which is a thicker Medium than the Air refracting the Rays and
changing them from a Perpendicular to an inclin'd Position so that they are caus'd to fall upon the Pupil The Duke of York told me that he was not a little surpriz'd in Scotland that contrary to the common Observation by Country men in other Places a Morning in which the Sky was red was succeeded with a fair Day it being usual in those Parts It is observ'd that when the Redness is pretty near the Ground and appears with narrow streaks intensly red it signifies bad Weather but if it be elevated and the Wind Easterly it foretels a fair Day Capt. James in his Northern Voyage observ'd that by Reason of these Refractions the Sun seem'd to rise 20 Minutes too soon and to set 20 Minutes too late and this he learn'd by calculating of it's rising and setting with good running Glasses and comparing that Calculation with the Stars when come to their Meridian March This Evening the Moon rose in the Form of an oblong Oval along the Horizon April Tho' on a clear Sunshiny Day I could not see an Island which lies but 4. Leagues off South-South-East yet when the Weather was misty it might be seen from the lowest Place The Height of it being taken Instrumentally standing near the Sea-side it was 34 Minutes the Sun bing 28 Degrees high which shews how great the Refraction was yet it will not be amiss to note here that I have seen the Land elevated by Refractitious Air when the Sun hath rose presently round Jan. 6. The Latitude was 51 52 which Difference was occasion'd by a greater Refraction Jan. 21. The Sun rofe like an Oval seeming as long again as it was broad but as it rose higher it gradually recover'd it's roundness In Poland near Warsaw June 1669 70 we had clear Weather and extreme cold and for two Days we observ'd the Sun and two Parhelions from near 10 to almost 12 a Clock yet the Air was free from Clouds and so clear that we could perceive Icy Spangles flying in it And whereas usually in Frosty Weather any smooth Iron or rather Metal being brought into a warm Room out of the open Air first a Dulness and then drops of Water will appear in the Glass at this time there appear'd something like a hoar Frost Whether subtle Particles of Cold will penetrate polish'd Metal or not I will not determine tho' the sudden Adhesion of ones wet Finger to Iron seems to favour the Affirmative The same Month returning back from Warsaw I saw the Sun rife with a large Pillar colour'd like a Rainbow perpendicular over it out of a clear Horizon In Cornwall it was observ'd that in driving home Levels or Links the Waters partaking of the Minerals are sometimes sanative and at other times cause Wounds One who travell'd over the Alps observ'd that in the Clouds below which seem'd big with Thunder something mov'd up and down like a shining Fish in muddy Water the Lightning appearing through the Cloud It hath been observ'd on the Coast at Naples that in the Morning at Sun rising a Town which was at some distance off seem'd to have two Steeples tho' it really had but one in it and another Morning the Refraction was so strong that there seem'd to be a very fair Town beyond it wall'd about and adorn'd with Towers and Steeples very delightful which very Town disappear'd when the Sun was rose higher above the Horizon A dry blighting East Wind which Country People call a red Wind causes an Opacity or Thickness of the Air like Vapours which continuing for two Years together not only blasted the Fruit but the Leaves of the Trees just in the Tender Mr. J. T. That the Air is sometimes Clear and Transparent and sometimes darker and more clogg'd with terrestrial Steams is a common Observation But it hath been sometimes observ'd in Russia that in a clear frosty Air the Stars have appear'd to be much more Numerous than at other times Captain James hath observ'd in Charlton Islands which tho' of the same Latitude with Cambridge almost is but little warmer than Nova Zembla that in January the Firmament appear'd fuller of Stars by two Thirds than before The Cloud in Cancer appearing full of Stars and a great many small ones amongst the Pleiades But the Moon rising about Ten a Clock a quarter of them was not to be seen the Wind for most part of the Month being Northerly and very cold And the like hath been observ'd by the Russian Emperor's Physician The Duke of York when he was High Commissioner in Scotland sent me word that he had observ'd the Sky so clear that the Stars afforded Light enough to read by and that several Fleaks of Light extended themselves from the Horizon like so many Tails of Blazing Stars and passing betwixt Charles's Wain and the North Star seem'd to terminate over our Heads This was observ'd in December TITLE XXI Of the Operation of the Air on the Consistency of Animal Substances The Effects of Air on Animal Substances IT is generally believ'd by those that judge of things by their Senses that since the Air is an invisible Body it acts only upon others by it's manifest Qualites viz. Heat and Moisture But I am apt to believe that it hath other Faculties amongst which some may be call'd Generative and Restorative and others Corruptive and that not only in respect of Animals and other Bodies of a slighter Texture but also of Salts and Minerals It hath been observ'd that when Cheshire Cheeses have been carry'd from hence to the East-Indies without being kept in leaden Boxes fitted to them those that have been cut under the Line were dry on the outside but unctuous and soft in the Middle as if all the oyly Parts wanting in the outside were shrunk back thither But those that were cut when they had pass'd the Torrid Zone and came into the Temperate Zone were uniform and good enough It is observ'd that in Peru as well as Aegypt where it seldom rains that Bodies are not subject to corrupt In the Country last mention'd it is likewise observ'd that the Air abounds with Nitre It hath been observ'd that under the Line not only Biskets have been alter'd but that most of the Meat and even Salt Meat hath been much impair'd but that their Water which was fresh would be as clear and sweet as when first put into the Casks Silk Stuffs that have been brought to Jamaica I am told have rotted without losing their Colour by being expos'd to the Air. TITLE XXII Of the Operation of the Air on the Consistency of vegetable Substances The Effects of the Air on consistent Bodies A Piece of Limon having been kept a Year and some Months in a Receiver with a mercurial Gage it kept it's Colour pretty well as well as it's shapes except that the upper side was a little depress'd the Liquor which fill'd it up before stagnating upon a Glass Plate which was adapted to the Receiver When the Receiver
was open'd the external Air rush'd in with a considerable Noise whence it was evident that all the Air the Limon had yielded in that time was not sufficient to fill the Cavity of the Receiver Neither the Limon nor the Juice were mouldy or ill tasted so that it made me think that Mouldiness cannot be well produc'd without a Concurrence of the Air. The Liquor was acid but clear and without Faeces being of a Colour betwixt brown and red It turned Syrup of Violets into a Purple Colour and corroded Fragments of red Coral in the Cold. It hath been observ'd that Lozenges which a Scholar frequently carry'd in his Pockets were dissolv'd when he came near the Line but recover'd their old Consistence when much past it TITLE XXIII Of the Operation of the Air on consistent mineral Substances The Effects of the Air on mineral Substances IN drawing Copper out of deep Mines in Sweedland I am inform'd they use Ropes made of Leather Links of Iron being subject to break with the Coldness of the Air and the Weight of the Ore It hath been observ'd that Glasses kept half a Year tho' well neal'd have broke in pieces and froze of themselves the Cracks partly depending on some Particles of Salt which had not undergone a sufficient Comminution I am told there is a House in Suffolk near the Sea in which tho' it is but 8 Years old the Iron Bars are swell'd and so rotten that they 'll crimble away The Winds which blew upon those Windows in which they were being Southward and I am likewise told that Iron Bars drench'd in Sea Water and after expos'd to the Air were so far impair'd that when hammer'd great Flakes would fly off them Purbeck and Blechington-stone will moulder away in the Air But those dug up at Painswick near Gloucester will by being expos'd to the Air change their Primary Softness for a Crust-hard and Glassy Marble which penetrates but a little way into it's Substance but is generated sooner the oftner it is wash'd TITLE XXIV Of the Air in reference to Fire and Flame CAndles which burn in Grooves furnish'd with Air Shafts will sometimes continue burning 8 Fathom deep or more When they come into close Ground tho' Candles will burn for a while yet when the Dust rises they go out Experiments touching the Relation betwixt Flame and Air. THE burning of Candles c. under a Glass Bell as also Spirit of Wine Matches Touch-Wood Sponck c. The keeping of Animals under a Glass Bell whilst the Flame is burning The burning of Bodies to Ashes in sealed Glasses as also in exactly clos'd Receivers Cotton burnt in a seal'd Glass The burning of a Mixture of Flames under Water in an E. R. as also of a saline Substance and likewise of Salt Petre. A Pistol not firing in an E. R. An Experiment of burning Gunpowder The burning of Spirit of Wine and Oyl of Turpentine in Glass Vessels with slender Necks TITLE XXV Of the Air in reference to Fermentation Of the Air in reference to Fermentation RAisins being enclos'd in an exhausted Bolt-head half full of Water and set on a digestive Furnace presently began to ferment and swimming upon the Liquor afforded Bubbles which were gradually fewer and at last a Sediment appeard in the Bottom The Top of the Bottle being accidentally broke the External Air rush'd in with some Noise and the Surface of the Liquor was cover'd with Froth like Bottle Drink and I thought I perceiv'd a visible Fume come out of the Glass which had a Languid Smell The Liquor had a high Tincture of the Raisins and was of a better Consistence than that of Water TITLE XXVI Of the Air as the Receptacle of Odours TITLE XXVII Of the Operation of the Air on the Odours of Animal Substances Of the Effects of Air on Odours SOur Grapes having lain 3 Years in Vacuo were not mouldy but the Surface of the uppermost was discolour'd with a Tartarous Efflorescence The Grains had a musty Smell but the Liquor tasted Acid and would corrode Coral in the Cold. The Gage scarce discover'd any Air produc'd In Madrid I am told tho' they throw their Excrements into the Streets in the Night yet the stink is not very much the next Day nor will dead Animals stink long there TITLE XXVIII Of the Operation of the Air on the Odours of vegetable Substances LArge Pieces of Oranges having been three Years included in Vacuo their Rinds were on their Surface almost black they yielded very little Liquor being neither mouldy nor putrid TITLE XXIX Of the Operations of Air on the Odours of Mineral Substances TITLE XXX Of the Operation of Air on the Tastes of Animal Substances MR. Nickson told me that Meat might be preserv'd in frosty Weather all Winter without Salt but if drest when froze would not relish well TITLE XXXI Of the Operation of Air on the Tastes of Vegetable Substances TITLE XXXII Of the Operation of the Air on the Tastes of Mineral Substances TITLE XXXIII Of the Operation of the Air on the Colours of Animal Substances Of the Effects of Air on Colours THE Air influences Colours so much on black Taffety that in Brasil after it hath been worn a few days it becomes of an Ironish Colour but if it be kept from the Air the Colour fades not In a Particular Region in Brazil 50 Leagues beyond Parigna White People turn Tawny but a little beyond that they recover their Colour again Upon Charlton Island there is a sort of Birds call'd Partridges which are white in the Winter and gray in the Summer TITLE XXXIV Of the Operation of the Air on the Colours of Vegetable Substances I Am told that most Trees in Jamaica acquire a Greenness when newly cut down on that Part which is most expos'd to the Air and that Lignum Vitae when green is as soft as Oak Several Trees which are soft when cut down afterwards grow hard especially the Cabbage-Tree which presently hardens and the Pith rotting out it serves for a Pipe about 100 Foot long which will not corrupt under Ground but grows as hard as Iron The Juice of Aloes Plants which in the Island of St. Jago was clammy bitter and of a dark Colour under the Line lost it's Bitterness and acquir'd a green Colour Stains are most easily got out of Linnen at those times of the Year when the Fruit with which they were stain'd flourish TITLE XXXV Of the Operation of the Air on Mineral Substances ONE Part of Lapis Calaminaris being mix'd with four of Salt-Petre was kept some hours in a vehement Heat in a Crucible by which means the Matter being alkaliz'd Water was pour'd upon it which made a muddy red Tincture which being set in a Wide-mouth'd Glass in a Window it became green and more diaphanous than before but in a few Days it became a transparent Liquor a Powder subsiding which was red like Brick-dust Spirit of Vinegar receiv'd no Tincture
prius de eadem ab eo interrogatus quod tum certior aliis de hâc pluvia factus esset tanquam testis oculatus ut qui aliquos horum pisciculorum videram confirmavi is porro ingeniosissime summâque veri specie nodum ita solvit ut diceret hos pisciculos unà cum aquis furentium ventorum gyro in turbinem actis evectos esse nubes è quibus non procul inde pondere rursus suo relapsi fuerint in vicinam terram TITLE XLVII Promiscuous Experiments and Observations of the Air. TITLE XLVIII Desiderata in the History of the Air and Proposals towards supplying them THE WORKS Of the HONOURABLE ROBERT BOYLE Esq EPITOMIZED BOOK IV. CHAP. I. Experiments and Observations about the Mechanical Production of Tastes THAT Taste which is Quality of a Body by which it is enabled to cause such a Sensation upon our Sensory may be caus'd by the Peculiar Size Shape Motion and mechanical Texture of a Body will appear from the following Instances whether they be simple or compound Bodies EXPERIMENT I. To divide a Body almost Insipid in two Bodies of very strong and very different Tastes Two Corrosives obtain'd from an insipid Body SAlt Petre refin'd tho' almost an Insipid Body distill'd by the way of Inflammation or by the Help and Addition of a Tastless Clay will yield a nitrous Spirit so sharp and corrosive that it will dissolve Metals and a corrosive fixt Salt different in Taste from the former and this will dissolve Substances that the other will not work upon and precipitate several Metals and other Concretes out of those Solutions made of them by the Spirit EXPERIMENT II. Of two Bodies The one highly Acid and Corrosive and the other Alkalizate and Fiery to produce a Body almost insipid An insipid Body produc'd from two Cirrosives IF a sufficient Quantity of Spirit of Nitre be dropp'd upon the fixt Nitre made per Deliquium till it is satiated upon a gentle Evaporation it will afford a Salt Petre and I have often obtain'd the like from Spirit of Nitre and Salt Petre which new Taste I am apt to believe proceeds from the new Figure and Size of the component Parts which they acquire upon a mutual Attrition in the Preparation For as the Prismatical Figure of Salt of Nitre by being broke and render'd more minute may have a more free Access to the Organ of Taste and by it's new figur'd Angles be able to corrode it these again uniting and forming Prisms may become as inoffensive to the Taste as before So Wedges may be made of a piece of Iron and those again united after a convenient Manner may form blunt pieces of Iron again and tho' a Stick cut in two be inoffensive enough to the Hand yet if violently broken the ragged Ends will be apt to prick into the Flesh EXPERIMENT III. Of two Bodies the one very bitter and the other extremely salt to make an insipid Substance An Insipid obtain'd from a bitter and saline Body IF strong Brine made of Salt and Water be cast upon Crystals of Silver dissolv'd in Aq. Fort. or Spirit of Nitre the dry'd Mixture being brought to Fusion in a Crucible and kept in that state a competent time will afford a tough Luna Cornea insipid which will not easily dissolve in more powerful Menstruums than Spittle PROPOSITION IV. Of two Bodies the one very sweet and the other salter than Brine to obtain an insipid Mixture An Insipid obtain'd from a sweet and a salt Body IF a just Proportion of Spirit Sal Armon or Urine be cautiously pour'd on a Solution of Minium in Vinegar or Saccharum Saturni dissolv'd in a proper Menstruum if the Taste be not destroy'd by the Mixture it will by being dry'd and flux'd as in the foregoing Experiment EXPERIMENT V. Of an Insipid and Soure one to make a Substance more bitter than Aloes A Bitter obtain'd from an insipid and a sour Body WHich is done by dissolving a sufficient Quantity of Silver in Aq. Fortis to satiate the Menstruum which if it be filtrated and it 's superfluous Moisture abstracted it will yield Crystals more bitter and no wonder since if one touch the Powder of the Crystals with ones Finger or Nail it would so stain them that it cannot easily be remov'd EXPERIMENT VI. Of an insipid Body and a highly corrosive one to make a Substance as sweet as Sugar A sweet Body obtain'd from a corrosive and an insipid IF good Aq. Fortis be put upon Minium and kept together in a gentle Heat till the Menstruum is satiated it will be as sweet as Saccharum Saturni but the Ingredients must be both good EXPERIMENT VII Of obtaining without Addition from the sweetest Bodies Liquors corrosive enough to dissolve Bodies A corrosive obtain'd from a sweet Body SUgar distill'd in a Retort will yield a red Spirit which being rectify'd will come over clear and colourless And the Caput mortuum will be altogether insipid The Spirit is of a very penetrant Taste and tho' taken to be a homogeneous Body yet I have found it to consist of two Spirits one of which would dissolve Copper Yet these sour Spirits being incorporated with Minium would acquire a saccharine Sweetness part of which they will dissolve in Digestion And a like Spirit to this may be obtain'd from Hony EXPERIMENT VIII To divide a Body bitter in the highest Degree into two Substances the one extremely sowre and the other perfectly insipid A sowre and an insipid obtain'd from a bitter Substance THis is done by distilling Crystals of Luna in a Retort with a strong fire in a Sand Furnace by this means the Spirits being driven away unite into an Acid corrosive Menstruums leaving an insipid Substance behind them EXPERIMENT IX To produce Variety of Tastes in one insipid Body by associating it with divers Menstruums Divers Tastes produc'd in an insipid IF Zinke be dissolv'd in Aq. Fortis Aq. Regis Oyl of Vitriol Spirit of Nitre Spirit of Salt distilled Vinegar Spirit of Sal Armon or of Urine it will by a Conjunction with those sapid Bodies so alter their Textures as to produce a different Alteration in the Tastes of each EXPERIMENT X. To produce Variety of Tastes with one Memstruum by associating it with insipid Bodies Various Tastes caus'd by an insipid AQua Fortis with refin'd Silver will produce a Bitter with Lead a saccharine sweet Taste with Tin a different Taste tho' not odious with Copper an abominable Taste with Mercury and Iron bad Tastes of different kinds It will likewise produce different Tastes with Tin Glass Antimony Brass Emery and Zinke EXPERIMENT XI Of two Liquors the one highly corrosive and the other very pungent and not pleasant to compose a Body of a pleasant and Aromatick Taste An Aromatick obtain'd from two corrosives MIX gradually an Ounce of good Aq. Fortis or Spirit of Nitre with an equal Quantity of inflammable
Spirit of Wine and when they are well mix'd and grown cold again if they be distill'd over together they yield an acid corrosive Spirit of a vinous Taste and a pleasing Smell EXPERIMENT XII To imitate by Art and sometimes even in Minerals the peculiar Tastes of natural Bodies and even Vegetables natural Tastes Artificially imitated WHatever is the Plastick Agent in the formation of Bodies of each distinct Species to shew that the Nature of them depends on Mechanical Principles I endeavour'd to imitate natural Tastes Artificially Endeavouring to alter the Taste Smell c. of Oyl of Vitriol and Spirit of Nitre I obtained a Liquor which tho' at the first pleasant would at a certain point of time taste like Garlick And it hath been observ'd that Mustard-Seed put into Cyder to give it a brisk Taste made it stink like Garlick And Semen Dauci fermented with Beer or Ale made it relish of Limon-Pills If Gold be dissolv'd in a Mixture of Aqua Fortis and Spirit of Salt and the Experiment be made hastily one may obtain a Solution or a Salt of an Austere Taste like Slows And the like Taste I have observ'd in Gold volatilized or dissolv'd without any Tincture at all The last Instance I shall make use of is this Take a Ê’j of Orris Root sliced and infuse it in a Pint of Canary or Malaga Sack till it hath given it the desir'd Taste and Smell and then keep it in a cool place The same Method being taken with Claret-Wine and Cochinele the Tincture was taken for good Rasberry-Wine some of which retain'd it's Taste 2 or 3 Years A short Excursion about some Changes of Tastes made by Maturation Tastes produc'd by Maturation THAT several Fruits after they are gather'd acquire a greater degree of Maturity after they are separated from having any communion with the Soul of the Tree is beyond doubt since it is not only observ'd in England that Apples and Medlars become Mellow after they are gather'd but the Fruit call'd Bananas in the East-Indies are gather'd green and hung up to acquire a greater degree of Maturity and to ripen by degrees and thereby undergo a Change both in Colour and Taste and this I am told hath been often found true in America And that the Texture and Consistence of Fruits may be much alter'd and vary'd by the Influence of outward Agents mechanically working upon them is evident in Cherries which undergo a sensible Alteration by a small Bruise by which the Parts are forc'd to work one upon another and another Instance we have in Wardens set to roast in the Ashes And I have seen a sort of Pears betwixt France and Savoy which being stew'd a while in a moderate Heat would be reduc'd to a juicy Substance of a lovely red Colour and very sweet and luscious to the Taste And some Pears by a moderate Compressure will lose their hardness and acquire a yielding Contexture and a pleasant Taste But not only vegetable but more stubborn Salts may be alter'd by an intestin Motion of their own Parts when dissolv'd in Water so as to become of a peculiar and a pleasant Taste And how in Vegetables by an intestin Commotion of the saporifick Parts a new Taste may be produced is evident in Juice of Grapes which from a sweet and spiritless Liquor becomes a spirituous Wine and after that a sharp Vinegar without any Addition CHAP. II. Experiments and Observations concerning the Mechanical Production of Odours TO shew that not only Tastes but likewise Odours may be Mechanically produc'd I shall lay down the following Experiments EXPERIMENT I. With two Bodies neither of them odorous to produce immediately a strong Vrinous Smell A Smell produc'd from inodorous Bodies THis will succeed if good Quick-lime and Sal Armoniack be ground together EXPERIMENT II. By the bare Addition of common Water to produce immediately a very strong Smell in a Body that had no such before A Smell renu'd by an inodorous Body IF a good Quantity of Camphire be dissolv'd in Oyl of Vitriol the Gum will lose it's Scent but by an Infusion of cold Water the Camphire will emerge and smell strong as before EXPERIMENT III. Of producing some Odours each of them quite different from that of any of the Ingredients Odours produc'd different from those of the Ingredients TWO parts of Oyl of Turpentine being gradually mix'd with one of Oyl of Vitriol the clear Liquor which they afforded by Distillation in a sand Furnace smelt very strong of Sulphur and not of Turpentine What remain'd behind in the Retort being forc'd for the most part over in the form partly of an Oyl and partly of a Butter they smelt like distill'd Oyl of Bees-Wax EXPERIMENT IV. Of the Production of some Odours by local Motion I Know several Bodies inodorous which being considerably hot emit not odorous Effluvia yet being put into a peculiar kind of Agitation emit a strong Smell And some Woods yield a powerful Scent whilst in a Turner's Leath which before were not odoriferous as Lignum Vitae and Beech-Wood the latter yielding a fragrant Smell much like Roses EXPERIMENT V. By mixing a good Proportion of a very strong scented Body with an inodorous one to deprive it speedily of all it's umell IF Aqua Fortis not too much dephlegmed be pour'd upon Salt of Tartar till they cease to ferment this Liquor evaporated will yield Crystals like Salt Petre but if distill'd or burnt they yield very offensive Fumes EXPERIMENT VI. By putting a very strong stinking Body to another of a Smell not sweet to produce a Mixture of a pleasant and strongly Aromatick Odours THis Phaenomenon is afforded by the Liquor prepar'd in the XI Experiment of the preceding Chapter EXPERIMENT VII By digesting two Bodies neither of them well scented to produce Bodies of a very subtle and strong fragrant Odour SOme Ounces of Vitriol digested with ssj of Spanish Wine afforded this Phaenomenon EXPERIMENT VIII By the bare Addition of a Body almost inodorous and not well scented to give a pleasant and aromatick Smell to Spirit of Wine EQual parts of Oil of Dantzick Vitriol and Inflammable Spirit of Wine being digested together about a Month and then being distill'd yielded a very fragrant Spirit which was sometimes so subtle that tho' distill'd with a gentle Heat in a tall Glass it would sill the Elaboratory with Fumes whence we may learn how much a Mineral Sulphur may be enobled with a vegetable Sulphur and how much new Coalitions and Contextures may alter the Odours of Bodies EXPERIMENT IX To make the foremention'd fragrant Body without Addition of fire degenerate into the rank Smell of Garliek A fragrant Body turn'd into one of a Garlick Smell THE Odiferous Liquor mentioin'd in the preceding Experiment being kept in a Bottle close stopp'd in a little time acquir'd a Garlick Smell And the like Smell I have perceiv'd in an Oyl distill'd from vegetable and mineral Subtances Salt
within so the Sensory being Indisposed that Indisposition may vary the appearance of External Objects For I have taken notice that after looking upon the Sun or Moon with a Telescope my Eye hath been so alter'd that the flame of a Candle seem'd to vary much in its colour from what it used to be and if I often open'd and shut my Eye whilst that adventitious Colour seem'd to last I could discern it gradually diminish till the Candle appear'd to me as before and one thing worthy of notice was that if I looked upon the Object with one Eye when the dazled Eye was shut the Adventitious Colour disappear'd but was visible again upon opening the dazled Eye To this Observation I shall add that a Lady who had by a Fall got a Hurt near her Eye for six Weeks together fancy'd every thing cover'd over with very dazling and glorious Colours especially white Bodies some of which were such as she could not describe And a Learned Gentleman told me that looking upon the Sun with a good Telescope without a colour'd Glass to guard his Sight the Brightness of the Object left such an Indisposition in his Eye that nine or ten Years after whenever he look'd upon the Window he fancy'd he saw a light Body before his Eye of the Size and Brightness of the Sun as it appear'd to him in the Telescope to which Instances I could add others from the Experien'd Epiphanius Ferdinandus of the Symptoms of those Bitten by a Tarantula from whence it would appear that an Indisposition in the Organ of Vision is sufficient to vary our Judgment of Colours but these may be more properly deliver'd in another place The Superficies of a Body consider'd as the cause of Colours But to proceed from what hath been said it appears I allow and teach that the superficial Parts of a Body reflecting the Rays of Light and modifying them may in one sense be said to be the Cause of that Colour it represents since as the Beams of Light are variously modify'd we perceive several Sensations And tho' some hold that the Rays of Light which conveigh Colours are not reflected barely from the Superficies of a Body but penetrate deeper into it's Substance yet we are apt to call those Bodies transparent or semidiaphonous whose Substance the Rays of Light visibly insinuate themselves into And that in all Bodies there is no such Penetration of Light is evident since several Substances appear to be of one Colour on the outside and of another within which is evident not only in Fruit but temper'd Steel for tho' it be furnish'd with very vivid Colours on the Superficies yet within a Hairs breadth of it it retains it's Steel Colour And a more Eminent Instance is that Lead being melted and pour'd into an Iron Vessel when the Scum was taken off several Colours succeeded one another upon it's Superficies and that which appear'd last before the Metal cool'd remaining upon the Superficies of it we found that if never so little was taken off that adventitious Colour would be taken off too and the Metal would appear in it's own Colour which shews not only what I alledg'd it for but also that probably an adventitious Colour may be acquir'd by the Effects the saline Parts of the Air have on Lead so dispos'd to receive it's Impressions which it will not do till brought to a much higher degree of Fusion than bare melting One thing remarkable in these Colours was that they succeed not so regularly as those in Steel but in the following order Viz. Blew Yellow Purple Blew Green Purple Blew Yellow Red Purple Blew Yellow and Blew Yellow Blew Purple Green mixt Yellow Red Blew Green Yellow Red Purple Green Tho' it is held by antient Atomists that the Figure of a Body is sufficient to vary it's Colour yet I am perswaded that there are other things requisite since we see by the help of good Telescopes that the Superficies of Bodies are not only full of several Protuberances but likewise several Cavities which appear not to the naked Eye so that the very Figures of those may have a great stroke in causing various Colours and differently forming the Superficies of a Body so as to enable it variously to reflect the Rays of Light and cause different Effects in our Organ of Sense The various Figures of the Superficial Parts requisite for the Production of Colours But besides the various Figures of these superficial Particles the Surface of a Body may be enabled variously to reflect the Rays of Light as they are bigger or less and the Protuberant Particles are set closer or at a greater distance So Water if it have but a few Bubbles on the Top of it hath scarce any sensible Colour but if it be beaten into a Froth and a great number of Bubbles are close set it presently varies it's Colour and seems white to which not only the Number but the Convex Superficies of the Bubbles conduce nor is it requisite that all the Protuberant Corpuscles should be of one Figure since those which produce a Blew and those that yield a Yellow being mix'd together afford a green Colour But further the Cavities intercepted betwixt the Protuberant Parts and their Figures are to be consider'd in the Production of Colours as well as the Figure and Size of the Particles themselves For the Superficies of a Body may be cut transversly with a Methamatical Plain void of Depth or Thickness above which as well as below may be several Superficies as in the Superficies of the Earth there may be several Parts above the Horizontal Plain as well as below upon which Account the Rays of Light may be so differently reflected as to cause different Colours so the two sides of a Piece of red Glass seem differently colour'd when the one is Rough and the other Polish'd and tho' several sorts of Marbles are never so curiously Polish'd yet their Superficies so far vary as to exhibit distinct Colours The Situation of them likewise requisite Besides in variously reflecting the Rays of Light the Situation of the superficial Parts of a Body are considerable in reference to the Light and the Position of the Eye and also their order in reference to each other for the Rays of Light will be differently reflected to the Eye from Parts which are erected upon a superficial Plain from what it will be from those Parts inclined and obverted to the Eye so Plush or Velvet varies it's Colour as the Parts of it are differently inclin'd and a Field of Corn varies it's Colour as the Wind depresses the Ears of Corn successively or in different places And for a like Reason the Hair of a Dog exhibits a different Colour when the order of them is changed and so the Parts of Water in Froth and the Parts of Harts-horn shaved alter their Colours and Glass by being beaten loses it's Transparency with the order of it's Parts and becomes white And
for a Reason not very different I have observed that Pease set in parallel Lines when they are risen about half a quarter above the Ground by casting one Eye the same way with the parallel Lines the Ground would appear of it's own dirty Colour but if I look'd upon it transversly it would wholly appear green the Rays which were reflected from the Soil being intercepted The Motion of the part of a Body contribute to the Colour And that the motion of the Parts of a Liquor may contribute to the change of a Colour I am perswaded since I have elsewhere mention'd a Liquor which whilst it was at rest would be clear and transparent but when it's Parts were put into Motion they would rise up and form a white Fume and the like Fumes I have observ'd to rise from a Liquor diaphanous and another red And if the Superficies of a Body be made up of Parts whose different sides afford several Colours then the Motion or Rest of that Body may contribute to the variation or continuance of a Colour since a new side being turn'd towards the Eye we must consequently see a new Colour so when the Leaves of a Tree whose Colour on each side varies are forced by the Wind to appear with their other sides outward they exhibit a new Colour tho' a few of them makes no considerable Alteration as a single Thred of Scarlet seems almost void of Redness but when several of them are placed together their Colour becomes more conspicuous So likewise in a Piece of Taffety which is made of red and blew Threds interwoven I found by a Microscope that when the Silk was so commodiously placed that the blew Threds were not intercepted by the red ones the Colour would be blew but when the red Threds were more commodiously placed than the others the Colour would vary Wherefore it would not be amiss to endeavour to discover a Reason by the Use of Microscopes why Mother of Pearl Opals and such like Bodies are of such curious Colours and what contexture of Parts is apt to produce Colours so delightful How far Asperity contributes to Colours But till we are furnish'd with better Microscopes or more exquisite Senses I fear these things must be undiscover'd since there are several degrees of Asperity and the Parts which form them are so minute that we are not able to know how their Shades are mix'd with or intercepted one by another tho' I was told by Dr. Finch that there was a Blind Man at Mastricht not far from Vtretcht who was able to distinguish simple Colours by the Touch tho' mix'd Colours he could not discern And The Account this Man gave the Doctor of his Sensations of those Colours was that Black and White were the most Asperous Colours and so like that it was hard to distinguish them but Black was the rougher of the two Green next to it Gray next to Green Yellow a degree below that Red and Blew so much alike that they were hard to be distinguish'd but that Blew was the least rough of the two and these Diversities of Surfaces this Man discover'd by placing the Body whose Colours he was to try betwixt his Thumb and his Fore-finger And it was very remarkable that his Thumb was not only the most sensible of the two but that he had only this Exquisiteness of Sense when fasting the least drink disabling him to distinguish so nicely the difference of Colours But I am apt to suspect that this blind Man rather discriminated these different Colours by the Smell of the ingredients than the Touch and that if the Organ of Touch contributed to it it rather did it by discovering the several Forms than Degrees of Asperity since he found it so difficult to distinguish Black and White from one another tho' not from other Colours and indeed tho' the Ribbons which were offer'd might be almost equally rough yet in such slender Corpuscles as those which reflect the Rays of Light we may easily conceive not only a greater closeness of Parts or a paucity of extant Parts but that they may be otherwise ranged and the Cavities left betwixt much deeper in one than the other for supposing the Protuberant Particles to be very slender and cylindrical like the Hair of a Brush and furnish'd with Hemispherical Tops they may be so very sharp that a less exquisite Touch cannot distinguish them than that of this blind Man Nor is every kind of Roughness inconsistent with Whiteness since the level Superficies of Water being made rough by Bubbles presently acquires a Whiteness and so does Glass when scratch'd with a Diamond But to proceed supposing the sharp pointed Particles which are ranged upon the Superficies of black and white Bodies were so like that the Touch could not distinguish them easily yet upon the Account of some difference in the Cavities which intercept the Rays of Light they may variously reflect it as if the Cavities of a black Body be deep and the other superficial the one will drown and detain the Rays of Light whilst the others undisturbedly reflect them From whence it appears that Colours rather depend on different Forms of Asperities than on different degrees of it and tho' the blind Man tells us that Black was the roughest of Colours yet it does not therefore follow that those Bodies which have the least Asperities must be the lightest and reflect the Rays of Light most since according to him White is the roughest next to Black and tho' he assigns Yellow two degrees less of Asperity than Green and as many more than Blew yet it is manifestly to the Eye a lighter Colour and reflects the Rays of Light more plentifully than either How many ways Liquors may alter Colours But to return to what I was saying of the different Asperities of Bodies by which Colours may be diversify'd To assist us to judge of the Reason of the Changes in Colours produc'd by corrosive saline Corpuscles in a fluid Form I shall consider how many ways such Liquors may by working upon them alter the Superficies of Bodies upon which they act and consequently cause them variously to reflect the Rays of Light And First Such Liquors may alter the Colours of Bodies by insinuating and lodging their small Particles in the Pores of a Body So Oyl or Water dropp'd upon Paper alters the Colour of it and the High Road upon Rain loses it's dry Colour and changes it for another Secondly A Liquor may alter the Colour of a Body by freeing it from an adventitious Colour as when the dirty Colour of Gold is taken off by putting it into the fire or Aq. Fortis And not only Silver may be restored by the like means to it's genuine Lustre but I know a volatile Liquor which incorporating with Grease will take such Stains out of Cloaths And I have try'd that having rubb'd a Compound Metalline Body on a Touch-stone Aq. Fortis would take off all the other
Ingredients and leave the Gold appearing with its genuine Colour Thirdly A Liquor may alter the Colour of a Body either by destroying or subdividing the Parts of it as when Wood is cut into Chips or a piece of hot Crystal quench'd in cold Water for it being by that means crack'd will not reflect the Rays of Light as before Fourthly A Liquor may change the Colour of another Body by collecting together Parts of Matter scatter'd and dispers'd so Quicksilver pour'd into a Solution of Gold acquires a thin Film of a yellow golden Colour and by a like Method all those Colours that seem to be produc'd by Precipitation are generated tho' Resinous Gums dissolv'd in Spirit of Wine being unites into a Mass again and so rectify●d transparent Butter of Antimony upon a Mixture of Water precipitates that white Substance which when it's Salts are wash'd off is called Mercurius Vitae A Fifth way by which a Liquor may alter the Colour of another Body is by altering the Texture of it's Parts as when Quicksilver is kept long in a convenient Heat Metals are corroded or Fruit is bruised or when the Parts of a Liquor are agitated by the Affusion of another Body or when Chymical Oyls are shaken in a Bottle for the Bubbles by that means rais'd will exhibit very lively Colours Another way is by putting the Parts of a Body into Motion after which they may unite in a new Form so Vitriol rubb'd upon the Blade of a Knife imparts not any new Colour to it but if the Vitriol be moisten'd it will impart a true Copper Colour to the Iron Another way by which a new Colour may be imparted to a Liquor is by an Association of it's saline Parts with those of the Body it is made use of to work upon by which means the superficial Parts of a Body may be alter'd both in Shape and Figure and not only a greater number or a less may be compriz'd in the same space but the Pores betwixt the Protuberant Parts may be much straitned and the old ones partly fill'd up as well as new ones intercepted as when Quicksilver is dissolv'd in Aq. Fortis the saline Parts of the Menstruum associating themselves with the Mercurial Corpuscles will afford a Green which afterwards degenerates easily And so Minium by being dissolv'd in Spirit of Vinegar yields a clear Solution and if Aqua Fortis be dropp'd upon a Copper Plate the Parts of the Metal being corroded acquire an Asperity and coagulating with the Menstruum form Grains of blew Vitriol whereas Spirit of Urine will produce a much deeper Blew And Aqua Fortis which will give Red Lead a dark Colour with crude Lead will produce a white one with Iron a reddish and upon white Quills a yellowish Colour And that in Chymical Dissolutions and Precipitations the saline Parts of the Body made use of to precipitate unite with metalline Parts they precipitate we shall have reason to believe if we consider how much Vitriol and the Calces of Metals are heavier than the Metals themselves After what we have laid down concerning the Causes of Changes of Colours there are two things to be taken Notice of The one is that there are other ways to vary Colours speedily besides those we have taken notice of by the help of Liquors as in Tempering Steel c. The second Particular requisite to be noted is that tho' a Change of Colour may be effected any one of the ways above-mention'd yet generally at least three of them are at once concerned Several Bodies generally esteemed opacous semidiaphanous From what we have been discoursing of the Asperities of Bodies in causing a Reflection of the Rays of Light one would think that the Substances themselves are perfectly opacous and impenetrable by the Rays of Light and so contribute to the Variety of Colours reflected to the Eye But I am apt to believe that even those Bodies which we call Insensible are compounded of Parts still more minute whose Commissures are not utterly impervious to the Rays of Light and that the Bodies compounded of those are in some degree Diaphanous For in a dark Room where the Light is only permitted to enter at one Hole I have observ'd that those Motes which were otherwise insensible in the Beams of Light would represent several vivid and florid Colours like those of a Rainbow or of sparkling Fragments of Diamonds and as soon as that Position which they had at that time in reference to the Eye and the Light was lost they ceas'd to represent those Colours tho' still remain'd visible so that from hence it appear'd that these small Fragments of Matter commonly reputed Opacous did not barely reflect but also refracted the Rays of Light And it is not a Phaenomenon altogether to be slighted that Water tho' a diaphanous Body hath a manifest Power in refracting the Rays of Light so that by passing through it they represent the lively Colours of a Rainbow And it is further observable that several Bodies which are generally esteem'd Opacous appear in a great measure transparent when they are reduc'd into thin Parts and interpos'd betwixt the Eye and a Powerful Light which is evident in thin Plates of Ivory thick Leaves of Trees Shells of Fishes and shavings of Wood. And in a darkned Room I found that the Substance of my Hand was in a great measure transparent when it was held betwixt my Eyes and the Rays of Light which came in at a small Hole And not only white Marble of a convenient Thickness but Lapis Specularis or Muscovite Glass being divided into thin Plates will be considerably transparent and even Coral it self will manifest the same Transparency if held near the Light But on the other hand I must own that having look'd upon Mercury precipitate per se Filings of Copper and Steel the Red Calx of Lead and the Red Colour of Vitriol they appear'd not to have the least Transparency How far the Transparency or Semidiaphaneity of Bodies may contribute to the Variety of Colours produc'd by them I shall not take upon me to determine since beaten Glass Snow and Ice whose superficial Parts are manifestly transparent represent not the lively Colours which they do when conveniently qualifi'd by their Bigness Shape and Texture But to draw an Inference from what hath been said of the Cause of Colours It appears that according to the Hypothesis we have laid down Bodies can only be said to be coloured when placed in the Light but that according to the Antients if we take the Sense of the Word Colour to mean only that Disposition of the superficial Surface of a Body which enables it to modifie the Rays of Light They may be said to have Colours in the Dark since they have that Disposition which enables them to reflect the Rays of Light in such a Form as to produce Colours The short duration of Colours no Argument of their not being genuine And from what
hath been deliver'd it likewise appears that tho' Colours which are evanid and last but for a while as the Colours of the Rain-bow and all Emphatical Colours are generally distinguish'd from True and Genuine ones in as much as the latter are produc'd by Reflection and these proceed from Refraction yet since we usually account all Ecchoes genuine Sounds and all Smells true Smells in as much as they are real Objects of the respective Sensories they affect by the same Reason we may conclude these Emphatical Colours genuine since the Rays of Light equally affect our Sensory for the time And tho' the shortness of their Continuance hath been offer'd as an Argument of their not being genuine by the same Rule we might say that the Colour of Grass is not genuine because the Colour of an Emerald is more lasting but white Colour of Froth is held to be genuine tho' it is soon generated and in a little time destroy'd Besides were the Whiteness of Froth accounted an imaginary Colour we must no longer believe such to be distinguish'd from genuine ones by Refraction since Froth retains it's Whiteness whether the Sun be setting rising or at the Meridian the Position of the Sun in reference to the Eye and the Object not at all diversifying it Moreover were a Colour to be pronounced genuine by the time of it's Duration the white Froth of a Tenacious Body might be said to be more genuine because it will continue much longer than the Colour of those Flowers of the Mervail of Peru which fade the very day they are Blown And I have seen a Virginian Flower which seldom continues longer than a day And that the bare Disposition of the Parts of a Body by which it is said to reflect or refract the Rays of Light is sufficient to produce different Colours is not only evident in Cloth held in several Positions by which means it variously reflects the Rays of Light but it is further evident since the Beams of the Sun trajected through a Prismatical Glass represent a lively and vivid Rain-bow upon any Body upon which they terminate which may be discern'd by the Eye plac'd in any Position whatsoever viz. whether above or below or on the side of the Glass And tho' when the Prism is taken away the Rain-bow disappears yet nevertheless the Light for the time being truly reflected and refracted from the Prism and reflected again from the Body which those as the Cartesians suppose the several kinds of Motions of these Globuli might contribute to vary the Perception of Colours so I think that without such Globuli the Rays of Light may variously affect the Eye themselves as their Motion is vary'd in order or degrees of Swiftness when they affect our Sensory or as their Motion is undulating or more or less direct But since I pretend not this Discourse to be a compleat History of Colours I shall only in their proper Place deliver some Experiments which may shew the Insufficiency of the Peripateticks and the Doctrine of the Chymists and in favour of that opinion which I am most inclin'd to be of which is that Colour is a Modification of the Beams of Light which they receive from the Object from whence being reflected to the Eye they cause that Sensation we call Colour But how they come to be so modify'd I shall not take upon me to declare till I know both what Light is it self and what figur'd Corpuscles it consists of and likewise their Size and Motion And before I pretend to lay down my Opinion I would further be satisfy'd what is the Nature of Refraction and what degrees of Commixture of Shades with the Light made in the superficial Parts of a Body is requisite to produce this or that Colour CHAP. V. Of the Nature of Whiteness and Blackness Part. II. Of the Experimental History of Colours ACcording to Aristotle it is taught by Demomocritus that Blackness depends on the Asperity of the Surface of a Body and Gassendus who is the first that hath attempted to explain the contrary Colour viz. Whiteness mechanically gives us the following Account Cogites velim says he lucem quidem in Diaphano nullius coloris videri A mechanical account of Whiteness sed in opaco terminante candicare ac tanto magis quanto densior seu collectior fuerit Deinde Aquam non esse quidem coloris ex se candidi radium tamen ex eo reflexum versus Oculum candicare Rursus eum plana Aquae Superficies non nisi ex una parte eam Reflectionem faciat Si contigerit tamen illam in aliquot Bullas intumescere Bullam unamquamque reflectionem facere candoris speciem creare certa superficiei parte Ad haec spumam ex Aqua pura non alia ratione videri candescere albescere quam quod sit congeries confertissima minutissimarum Bullarum quarum unaquaque suum radium reflectir unde continens candor alborve apparet Denique nivem nihil aliud videri quam speciem purissimae spumae ex bullulis quam minutissimis confertissimis cohaerentis Sed ridiculum exhibeam si tales meas Nugas uberius proponem But tho' this Account be ingenious enough yet I shall to render it more full Add that Whiteness consider'd as a Quality in the Object depends on the Asperity of the Surface of a Body whose Parts are so ranged as to reflect the Rays of Light not upon one another but upon the Spectators Eye and that too barely by reflecting them as a Looking-glass does without Refraction for in most other Colours they are so ranged as either to alter the Texture of the reflected Light or to vary it with Shades but in reflecting the Rays of Light to represent the Body white it is not only requisite that the reflected Beams should be unalter'd but likewise that they should almost all be reflected back so that some of them facing one way and some another they may obvert themselves to the Eye on which side soever it is placed To illustrate this Opinion with Experiments and Observations I shall first observe that the Colour of the Sun at Mid-day in clear Weather is much more near to a Whiteness than when stain'd by sublunary Bodies and than when near the Horizon where it's Rays have a greater Quantity of Atmospherical Parts of Matter to pass through and Water it self the more it is shin'd on appears to be much whiter to the Spectators And I have taken notice that the Sun when cover'd with a white Cloud hath appear'd in the Water to be not red but white And it is observ'd by Smiths that Iron which when moderately hot appears red when it hath acquir'd a higher degree of Ignition it seems to be white So those that have weak Eyes complain of too great a Reflection of Light when the Ground is cover'd with Snow and it is attested by several Writers and other Travellers that the Whiteness of the Sun hath been
so great that in Muscovy and Russia they found the Snow to reflect the Light so much that they could see much farther upon snowy Ground than we here in England where no Snow lies on the Ground so that they could see their way by the bare Reflection of the Snow when the Sun did not shine Tho' I am apt to believe that the Effect might in some measure proceed from the Clearness of the Air cleans'd of those Steams which sometimes darken it since it appears that we are able in a frosty Night by reason of the clearness of the Air to discern more Stars than at other times And that white Bodies reflect the Rays of Light most plentifully and have no native Light of their own appears since Snow enclosed in a dark Room was not at all visible But on the contrary it is observ'd that white Cloths are the most easily discerned in dark Nights And for a further Confirmation that white Bodies reflect the Rays of Light not only most plentifully but from themselves I shall add that if the Rays of Light which enter into a dark Room at a small Hole Light upon a white Wall they Enlighten the Room much further than if they fall upon any other Colour And that white Bodies cast most Rays of Light from themselves appears since white Paper is not near so apt to be set on fire by a Burning-Glass as black the concentred Beams being reflected back much more by the one than the other To which I shall further add that I have perceiv'd a much greater degree of Heat when I have held my Hand in the Sun Beams with a black Glove on than when it was covered with a White one And to shew that white Bodies not only reflect the Rays of Light plentifully but unstain'd I shall add that in a dark Room when the Rays reflected from a coloured Body were thrown upon a white Wall they would represent the Colour of that Body whereas if the Beams Reflected from a yellow Body upon a blew it would make a green And to these I shall further add on this occasion that having cast the Rays of a troubled Water by the help of a Lenticular Glass into an upper Room darkened the concenter'd Reflections of the glittering Waves at a few Paces distance represented a white Body but if we approached near the Place on which those Rays were cast they only seem'd to be Beams reflected from glittering Waves which appear'd like so many shining Scales of Fishes succeeding each other successively and disappearing again But if the seeming Whiteness of a River proceed not from the reflection of the Sun Beams but the brightness of the Sky a Storm may cause the Surface of it to appear Black the Rays of Light being reflected more inward than outward except near the Sea Shore where the Surface of the agitated Water is covered with Froth The Surfaces of White Bodies Specular But to shew that the Surfaces of white Bodies are Specular I shall Subjoyn that drops of Mercury being rais'd by a convenient heat in an Alembick represented so many looking Glasses but caused the sides of the Glass they stuck to to appear White And it 's observ'd that if we look upon the Milky Way or Gallaxy with a Telescope tho' to our Eye it appears White by the help of that we shall discover that that Whitness only depended upon a Collection of the Rays of Light whose confused Beams represented to the Eye a white Body and why for a like Reason the Superficies of a Body which to the Eye reflects the Beams confusedly may not appear White as well as the Planets which shine by a borrow'd Light I see no contradictory Reason But to return to Experiments we see that the whites of Eggs which are in some measure Natural Speculums by being beaten into a Froth appear White And if Oyl of Turpentine be mixed with Water and shaken in a Vial as the Particles of the Oyl are more or less numerous and minutely divided it appears more or less White which Experiment will likewise succeed if tryed with a yellow Mixture of crude Turpentine instead of the Oyl and likewise with an Oyl dyed Green with a Tincture of Copper And for a like Reason the Water which is carried over with Oyls distilled in an Alembick appears White as long as the globular Particles of Oyl Swim in it and hot Water is observ'd to be considerably Whitest and Opacous when the hot Vapours disper'd through it stop the Passages of the Rays of Light and cause them to fly from it more plentifully upon the Eye so that I am apt to think that the Superficies of white Bodies may as well be convex as smooth provided the Superficies be so set with Specular Particles as to reflect the Rays of Light plentifully upon the Eye for it is not only observ'd that the globular Particles of Oyl make the Water they are mix'd with appear White but the same Colour is likewise reflected from Powdered Glass and even several Threds of it laid together so that it is not according to the Opinion of some requisite that the Particles of a white Body should be altogether Globular And I have observ'd that Snow look'd upon with a Microscope appear'd to consist of slender Icicles of several shapes And I remember that by contusion I have obtained a whitish Powder of Granates Glass of Antimony and Emeralds and the Salt of Venereal Vitriol Powdered will comparatively with the Entire Chrystals exhibit a considerable Degree of Whiteness And as a Body which is not White may acquire that Colour by a Change of the Texture of its Parts so one that is White may be deprived of that Colour Thus Silver being first brush'd and then boyled with Salt and Tartar appears White but becomes Specular by being rubb'd with a Piece of Steel the protuberant Parts being by that means depress'd into a continu'd Superficies and reflecting the Image of a lucid Body whereas before the innumerable little Speculae reflected the Rays of Light more confusedly 〈◊〉 ●●cha●… Ac● of Blackness From what hath been said of Whiteness we may be able to guess in some Measure of the Reason of Blackness concerning which Quality Gassendus says Existimare par est corpora suapte natura nigra constare ex particulis quarum Superficicculae scabrae sunt nec facilè lucem extrorsum reflectunt So that Black differs from White in as much as the Particles which are reflected externally by the one are deaded by the other and not reflected outward either because the Superficies hath such protuberant Parts as reflect the Rays internally or being soft and pliable yield to the Impress of those lucid Parts that strike against them so a Ball that would fly back from a Stone will scarce at all Rebound from a Net or Mud tho' the latter Explication I think the less propable because several Bodies are Black whose Surfaces are scarce of so yielding a Texture
except their peculiar Texture would render them more capable of being worked on by the Rays of Light than other Bodies otherwise softer than they But whatever is the Cause why the Beams of Light are very sparingly reflected from Opacous Bodies that that is the Reason of Blackness will be rendred probable if we take notice that if a black Substance be held partly in the Sun-shine and partly out that Part will appear Blackest which is least Shone upon and if the rough Surface of a black Marble be well Polish'd and brought to the Form of a Concave Speculum it will represent the Image of the Sun without dazling the Eyes and will not in a long time set Wood on Fire tho' a less Speculum of Matter of a more reflecting Nature would cause it to Flame in a Trice And to this I shall add that having set a white and a black Marble Mortar in the Sun the Black one collected the Rays of the Sun so as to form a Focus much more conspicuous and hot than the other by which they were more dispers'd and reflected a glaring Light And the Beams of a Candle being cast upon two Pieces of Marble through a round Hole half an Inch Diameter the Circle of Light on the Black one tho much less Luminous was better Defin'd And for a further Confirmation of our Hypothesis I shall add that when the Rays of Light fall on the Holes in linnen Cloth or the Mouth of a Well those Parts are much Darker the Beams of Light being not reflected back upon the Eye And even black Velvet being stroak'd up and down seem'd much Blacker one way than the other the silken Piles when inclin'd reflecting a greater Number of Rays to the Eye than the Tops of them were able to do which make but a small Part of the Superficies And I have observ'd that a Cart-load of Carrots appear'd much more Dark when the Ends of them were towards me than when a greater Number of Rays were reflected to the Eye by the sides of them And in a dark Room it is observ'd that if the Light falls upon a black Cloth the reflection from it is not near so sensible as if a White one be employ'd And I have observ'd that a Piece of Tile being partly colour'd Black and partly White the Red was much hotter than the White tho' not so hot as the Black Part And it hath been observ'd in Italy that black Marbles expos'd to the Sun were much hotter than White ones tho' it is observ'd that the black Marble is much more solid than White And it is further observ'd that Rooms hung with Black are much warmer than others so that a Lady who was of a Tender Constitution was us'd to complain that she was apt to take Cold after she had visited Persons whose Rooms where hung with Black And I am told that in hot Countries Eggs colour'd Black and expos'd to the Sun would be roasted by it And I have observ'd them in England to acquire a considerable Degree of Heat by being expos'd to the Sun in the Summer-time Blacken'd over And not only the blind Dutch-man but as Bartholinus says a blind Earl of Mansfield could distinguish White from Black by the Roughness of the latter And for these Reasons I am the rather inclin'd to believe the Doctrine propos'd leaving it to be determin'd by experience whether the Beams of Light be reflected from opacous Bodies and so differently modified before they reach the Eye or whether from white Bodies they are not mov'd more briskly CHAP. VI. Experiments in Consort concerning Whitness ond Blackness EXPERIMENT I. Several Experiments concerning Whitness Blackness TO shew that the Colours of two diaphanous Liquors may be destroy'd by a Change of Texture Satiate warm Water with Sublimate and having filtered it through Cap-paper to render it clear and limpid if a few drops of Spirit of Urine be drop'd into two Spoonsful of it the mixture will immediately become White yet by an addition of Aqua fortis it will again become Transparent and will become White again with Spirit of Urine and the like hath succeeded in other Experiments as well as of these EXPERIMENT II. IF a Solution of Vitriol be shaken with an Infusion of Galls diluted with Water it will turn it Black but by an addition of a few drops of Oyl of Vitriol it will presently lay down it's dark Colour and become Transparent but upon an addition of Salt of Tartar dissolv'd it will again acquire a Blackness and tho' this Ink be pale yet when Dry it is very Black The like succeeded with common Ink but not so easily the Operation of the Salts being hindred by the Gum. And here I shall take Notice that tho it be generally allow'd that alkalizate Salts will not precipitate Bodies except first dissolv'd in some Acid Menstruum Yet I have try'd that a Lixivium of Pot-ashes being pour'd upon Decoctions of Vegetables would precipitate a curdled Matter which would be left behind in the Filtre And in making the first Ink several Particles of black Matter would be seperated by a Filtre and when the Ink was made Clear again by the Oyl of Vitriol the Salt of Tarter seem'd to precipitate and to unite those Particles of Matter which were dissolv'd by the corrosive Oyl And to shew that Galls are not so requisite to the making of Ink as they are generally suppos'd I added a few Drops of a Solution of Vitriol to a Decoction of Rose Leaves upon which it turn'd black and changed that Colour for a deep Red when Aqua Fortis was added to it which was reduc'd to a Black again by Spirit of Urine And tho' upon a Mixture of Liquors mention'd in the Second Chapter of this History of Colours a black Colour immediately emerges yet both the Infusion of Orpiment and a Solution of Minium were before they were mix'd limpid and Colourses EXPERIMENT III. THE Caput Mortuum of white Harts-horn distill'd in a Retort will be black which that it depends on the change of it's Texture only is evident since the same happens if it be distill'd in Glass Vessels Yet by Calcination in open Vessels it will regain it's pristine Whiteness Ivory burnt yields a curious black and so does the burnt Caput Mortuum of Tartar but if it be throughly calcin'd it will be white So white Woods as Hazel will yield a black Charcoal and whitish Ashes and even Animal Substances grow black by being burnt and white when perfectly calcin'd EXPERIMENT IV. THO' it be held as a Maxim by some Philosophers and most Chymists viz. Adusta nigra sed perusta alba yet I have try'd that Alabaster burnt yields a Yellow and Lead calcin'd forms a red Minium which urg'd further by the fire turns to a Glass darker than Minium So likewise white Calx of Antimony yields a Glass of a red Colour deeper than the Calx of burnt Antimony And tho' common Glass of Antimony adulterated
came through it that they appear'd to the Eye of a greenish Blew and the like succeeded with a Leaf of Silver EXPERIMENT X. I Am told that Lignum Nephriticum is us'd in the Country where it grows as an excellent Medicine against the Stone which Virtues Monardes likewise ascribes to it given in Infusion An Infusion of this Wood if it be not too strong will appear betwixt the Eye and the Light to be of a golden Colour except that upon the Top it will be cover'd with a sky Colour'd Circle but if your Eye be plac'd betwixt the Window and the Vial the Liquor will appear to be of a lovely Blew And this Experiment hath succeeded by Candle Light If the Liquor be held partly before the Eye and a Light and partly betwixt the Eye and an Opacous Body it will half of it seem of a golden Colour and half a Blew but if turning your back on the Window you observe the Liquor as it is poured out it will at the first seem Blew but when it hath fallen lower and the Rays of Light penetrate it more it will seem Particouloured If a little of this Tincture be pour'd into a Basin of Water partly in the Sun Beams and partly shaded it will afford several pleasing Phaenomena If some of it be pour'd upon white Paper the drops about it will appear of different Colours as the Position of the Eye in reference to them varies and when it is pour'd off the Paper will be dyed Yellow and if this be plac'd in a Window in the Sun-shine and a Pen held betwixt the Sun and part of the Paper the Verge of the Shadow next the Body that Causes it will be Golden and the other Blew Which Phenomena proceeded from the most subtile Parts of the Wood Swimming in the Water and in several Positions variously reflecting the Rays of Light Some of this Liquor being carefully Distill'd it yielded a colourless Limpid Water a deep ceruleous Liquor remaining behind Spirit of Wine and Salt of Harts-horn being mixed together I observ'd that it required a certain proportion betwixt the Liquor and the Salt which enabl'd it to vary it's Colour So that tho I was induc'd to believe that our Tincture receiv'd its Colour from a Salt dispers'd through it yet I suspected that this Salt would be either alter'd or incorporated by Acid Salts and accordingly dropping Spirit of Vinegar into some of the Tincture it lost its Blew but not the Golden Colour but upon an Affusion of Oyl of Tartar per deliquium that correcting the Acid Salts it presently regain'd its Blew Colour again the ponderous Tartarous Liquor first altering the Bottom of the Liquor and gradually rising again And since Kercherus Art Mag. lucis umbrae Lib. 1. Part 3. writes something of this Exotick Plant which agrees not with our account of it since he says it will according to the difference of the Medium in respect of Light and its several Positions vary its Colour yet from the Account he gives of it it appears that the Wood he made use of was different from Ours since he calls it a white Mexican Wood whereas ours as Monardes witnesses is brought from Nova Hispania and is not of a White but a darker Colour except on the outside which part is much weaker than the other Besides he tells us that his Tincture was like Spring Water when held betwixt the Light whereas ours is Yellowish or Reddish as the Tincture is weaker or stronger And since he tells us that the Tincture will afford all sorts of Colours and resume a ceruleous Colour in the Dark I could wish to know how he was convinc'd of the Latter and as for the Former I have tryed that it would not at all Answer Tho' this I must needs own that having held a Tincture of Lignum Nephriticum in the Rays of the Sun in a darken'd Room partly in and partly out and also wholly out of the Beams but partly near them it afforded a much greater Variety of Colours than in a lighten'd Room In this Experiment it is not a little to be admir'd that the Blew Colour should be so easily destroy'd whereas the Yellow Colour is so durable and further that Acid Salts should destroy it and Sulphureous one Restore it A Corollary of the Tenth Experiment Acid and Sulphureous Salis adistinguish'd THis Experiment may give us a hint towards a Discovery of some way to distinguish whether Liquors abound with Acid or Sulphureous Salts for if they be Acid they destroy the ceruleous Colour if Sulphureous they restore it And by this Method we have found that tho' it hath been doubted what was the Nature of Quicklime it abounds with Lixiviate rather than Acid Salts But of what use this Tincture may be where neither Acid nor Alkalious Salts are Predominant I leave to be determined by Experience since I found not that Spirit of Wine Spirit of Tartar freed from Acidity or Chymical Oyl of Turpentine would restore the ceruleous Colour of this Tincture when it disappear'd upon a mixture of Oyl of Turpentine EXPERIMENT XI I Have a flat Piece of Glass which held betwixt my Eye and the light appears Yellow but being held so that it reflects fewer Beams upon the Eye it degenerates into to a pale Blew And the same Piece of Glass being held Perpendicular to the Horizon that Part which the Sun shines on will be of a more dilute Yellow than the other which is shaded but if it be held Perpendicular to the Horizon the shaded Part will be of a Golden Colour and the other Blew if the Sun-beams pass through it upon a white Paper they will represent a Yellow yet the Position may be so vary'd as to yield a mix'd Colour more or less inclining to Yellow in some Places and in others to Blew N. 1st In trying of these Experiments the Sun-beams must fall upon the superficial Parts of one side of the Glass on which we must take care to keep our Eye And we have prepar'd a sort of Glass which would answer our expectation by laying a Leaf of Silver on one side and urging it with a stronger Fire than usual And one thing in this Experiment remarkable was that whereas common Artificers colour their Glass by putting a Calx of Silver Calcin'd without corrosive Liquors and temper'd with fair Water on the Plates of Glass when they burn them theirs appears Yellow whatever side is held to the Eye or in whatever Posture but this of ours held betwixt the Eye and the Light appear'd Transparently Yellow but the Eye being placed betwixt the Light and it it appear'd Blew and not in the least Transparent EXPERIMENT XII IT is worth observing that tho Painters can imitate most Colours which are to be met in Nature yet they make use of no more than White Black Red Blew and Yellow to produce all their Compositions Thus Black and White represent several sorts of Grays Blew and Yellow
Greens Red and Yellow Orange Tawny Red with a little White a Carnation Red with an Eye of Blew a Purple and by a Decomposition of all these they represent what Colours they please But in producing of Colours it is to be observ'd that we must take care that the Pigments be so harmless as not to destroy each others Textures for then the success will be frustrated EXPERIMENT XII WE observ'd that the Colour of a Body did not only seem compound when we look'd through two Glasses at once upon it but when the Beams of the Sun were cast through a double Glass the penetrating Beams would be ting'd with the compound Colour But the Rays of Light cast by reflection on a Sheet of Paper from several varnish'd Glasses they were ting'd with none of the Colours except Yellow so that I suspected the Beams of Light to penetrate deeper into that Substance than others and to be ting'd with the Varnish which Guess I was confirm'd in by spreading a little transparent Varnish of a Gold Colour on a Plate of Muscovy Glass for the Rays thence reflected were of a Yellow Colour EXPERIMENT XIV I Not only found by Experience that those Colours which are by the Schools taken to be Phantastical might be compounded with as much certainty as real ones but that if those Colours were deficient the resulting Colour would be so too And amongst those Experiments I made it was observable that the Yellow Beams of an Iris passing through a blew Glass were turn'd Green And the blew Part of an Iris cast upon Red CIoth would turn it Purple And by casting one Part of an Iris upon another Iris made by another Prism I could compound Colours which would answer my expectation as well as with those that are esteem'd real Colours EXPERIMENT XV. I Endeavour'd to try what alteration would be made in Colours by the use of a Colour'd Prism but I found that it was too difficult to get such as I desir'd since whatever Pigments a Prism was Colour'd with they would make it too Opake for our Purpose EXPERIMENT XVI THere are some Liquors which are of themselves devoid of Colour but when rais'd in the form of Vapours for the time have very conspicuous Ones as Spirit of Nitre and Aqua fortis which in the form of Vapors put on a Red or a deep Yellow And I further Observ'd that the Beams of the Sun Trajected through these Steams appear'd Ting'd with their Colour and so did the Rays of Light which were receiv'd from the setting Sun upon a Piece of white Paper EXPERIMENT XVII HAving mix'd Colour'd Powders together I observ'd that if a Liquor was made use of in the Mixture the same Colour would not emerge as from the dry Powders Orpiment and Yellow Oker being mix'd afford a good Green A Yellow solution of Gold in Aqua fortis being mix'd with a blew Solution of crude Copper by shaking yielded a transparent Green And so did blew and yellow Amel melted together Whether this compound Colour proceeds from a Union of Rays or else from the joint Effect they have upon the Retina as when two Strings sound at the same time they make one united Sound I shall not now stay to Examine but shall briefly intimate that by a good Microscope I could discern each of the Powders of the Bise and Orpiment Distinct so that a Transposition and Juxtaposition of Parts may produce a new Colour by variously modifying and reflecting the Rays of Light that fall upon them So that Colours being mechanically produc'd there is no need of substantial Forms to explicate them nor do they seem to be such inherent Colours as they would have them to be since they consist only of a heap of mix'd Particles of Matter Nor does it appear how these compound Colours should be caus'd by a Sulphur which tho' the Ingredients must contain it cause no such Effect there EXPERIMENT XVIII SYrup of Violets being drop'd upon Paper and a yellow Solution of Gold mix'd with it the result was a Red not a Green which was occasion'd by the Acid Salts in the Solution so that to produce a particular Colour with certainty by the mixture of Ingredients it is requisite they should be such as may be mix'd without altering each others Texture for a blew Solution of Copper in Spirit of Urine made with Syrup of Violets not a Blew but a Green EXPERIMENT XIX TO shew that Colours may be alter'd without any Change in the Chymical Principles of a Body I shall urge that essential Oyls or Spirit of Wine being shaken till Bubbles rise they will afford as long as they last very lively Colours and so does Water and Sope made into Bubbles by Children and so will Bubbles in Oyl of Turpentine and thin ones blown of Glass And I have discern'd several Rainbows represented by holding before my Ryes and the Sun a Feather or a Piece of black Ribband EXPERIMENT XX. ALmost any Acid mix'd with Syrup of Violets will turn it Red but Oyl of Tartar per deliquium will turn it Green and all other Alkalize Salts And this may discover what Salts are predominant in Bodies as well as our Tincture of Lignum Nephriticum Only it will not be work'd upon by so slight and weak Ingredients EXPERIMENT XXI BLew Bottle or Corn-weed being Candied preserves its Colour a long time and when newly press'd the Juice will be Blew yet Spirit of Salt will turn it Red and Alkalies Green and this being drawn upon a piece of Paper moisten'd with an Acid it render'd it Red. A Solntion of blew Vitriol in Water upon an Addition of a Lixiviate Liquor or an urinous Salt becomes Yellow Whence it appears that Volatile or Alkalizate Salts change not Blew into Green upon the account of an easie Transition from Blew to Green but upon the Account of the Texture of them EXPERIMENT XXII ITalian Painters being us'd to imitate Vliramarine Azure by grinding Virdigrease with Sal Armoniack and leaving it to rot in a Dunghil This gave us a hint to pour Oyl of Tartar upon a Solution of Verdigrease which tho' at first the Mixture was turbid yet being settl'd it produc'd a lovely Tincture and a Lixivium of Pot-ashes being made use of instead of this Oyl it yielded an Azure something Paler than the former and if Spirit of Harts-horn be made use of instead of these a greater variety of ceruleous Liquors may be obtain'd The better way to separate these Azure Liquors from their Feces is by Decentation than Filtration the Lquor being by the latter means usually stain'd EXPERIMENT XXIII THo' the Fumes of Sulphur usually whitens Rose Leaves yet Oyl of Sulphur per Campanam heightens the Colour of their Tincture EXPERIMENT XXIV A Grain of Cochinele dissolv'd in Spirit of Wine and afterwards gradually in Water it gave a Tincture to above 125000 times its weight which is an Instance of the great Minuteness of the Parts of Matter and of a vastly minute
whilst it was stirred about the Spirit of Wine in the Weather-glass gradually subsided EXPERIMENT IV. Another immersed in Spirit of Roch Allom c. Having poured as much rectify'd Spirit of Roch Allom into a wide mouth'd Glass as was sufficient to cover the globulous part of a Thermoscope when the Spirit of Wine was equally cooled with the Air about it we poured into it a volatil Salt obtain'd by Sublimation from Sal-Armoniack and a fixt Alcali and tho' upon the joint Action of these two Bodies a considerable Noise was raised with Bubbles and Froth yet the Spirit of Wine began to subside and continued to do so 'till the Spirit of Allom was wholly glutted with the volatil Salt the whole Descent being the length of an Inch. From this Experiment and the foregoing it appears That when Alcalies and Acids produce Heat upon a mutual Conflict which ensues their Mixture they have not that Effect precisely consider'd as such since it is evident that an urinous Salt mixed with an acid Spirit viz. of Roch Allom produces Coldness and not a true Effervescence EXPERIMENT V. A Thermoscope in a Mixture of Oil of Vitriol and Sal Armon One part of Oyl of Vitriol being shaken together with twelve parts of Water the Mixture acquir'd a little Warmth but when it was cool being poured into a wide-mouth'd Glass and a Thermometer immersed in it when the Liquor in the Thermoscope was equally cool with the external we poured in a sufficient quantity of Sal-Armoniack to glut the Acid The effect of which Mixture was that upon a cold Ebullition the Spirit of Wine descended an Inch. EXPERIMENT VI. Heat produced by a Mixture of Salt-peter and Oyl of Vitriol Tho' Salt-Peter usually produces a Coldness in Liquors yet eight Ounces of it being mixed with six of Oil of Vitriol the Mixture acquired a considerable degree of Heat emitting Fumes copiously EXPERIMENT VII The effect of Gun-powder mixed with Water Though Gun-powder be a Body so inflammable yet it evidently imparts a Coldness if mixed with Water If a small quantity of Oil of Vitriol be mixed with the Salt formerly made use of before the Oil hath been mixed with Water it acquires a considerable degree of Coldness A Digression about Potential Coldness Potential Coldness Mechanically explained Potential Coldness is usually looked upon to be a Quality so absolute as not to be explicable without the Doctrine of Substantial Forms But it will easily appear That it may without any great difficulty be clearly explained by Mechanick Principles if we consider that the Figure Shape and Texture of Bodies may be so contrived as to lessen the usual and natural Agitation of Humors about our Sensory and consequently the Perception of this Imminution may cause such a Sensation as is usually term'd Potential Coldness which account being allowed it will follow That Potential Coldness is only a relative Quality depending on the dispersion of the Agents through the Bodies to be cooled by them According to which Notion the cold Fitts in Agues may easily be conceived to arise from an Intermixture of the Parts of some clammy Matter which before a Dissolution were unable to cause any considerable Effect in the Mass of Blood but presently after being mixed with the Blood produce such a change in the Motion of its Parts as affects the Sensory with such a Sensation as is usually esteemed Potential Coldness which Sensation may not only be so produced in Agues but by a like Cause in other Distempers and in several Parts of the Body as in Hypochondriack and Hysterical Cases To render which Account more probable I shall subjoyn That I have learnt by the Effects of Poysons that the small Parts of them being interpersed through the Parts of Humors previously disposed may cause a notable Refrigeration And I my self have prepar'd a penetrating Chymical Liquor a Drop of which being given to an Animal would cast him into a seeming Sleep and a little larger Quantity being by Mischance applyed to an akeing Tooth gave the Person a sort of trembling and almost an universal Refrigeration And that Coldness may be produced by the Mixture of some subtile Parts of Matter with the Mass of Blood appears from the following Histories Famulum habui says Benivenius Cap. 56. Abditorum apud Schenk Lib. 7. de Venen Obs 24. qui a Scorpione ictus tam subito ac tam frigido Sudore toto Corpore perfusus est ut algentissima Nive atque Glacie sese opprimi quereretur verum cum algenti illi solam Theriacam ex Vino potentiore exhibuissem illico curatus est And to this I shall add another related by Amatus Lusitanus Cent. 6. Obs Vir qui a Scorpione in Manus digito punctus fuit multum dolebat refrigeratus totus contremebat per Corpus dolores Cute tota quasi aut puncta formicantes patiebatur c. What Refrigeration depends on Whether such Refrigeration depends on a sort of Coagulation of the minute Parts of the Blood or whether it may be produced by a different Determination of the motion of the Parts of those Liquors as to the Lines they move in I shall not now examine but shall rather offer it to be considered since the internal Constitutions of several Parts of the Body are different from each other and since the Size and Textures of several Agents are also various whether they may not upon that account have different Effects upon distinct Parts of the Body for all the Qualities of such Agents do not wholly depend on the Action of the Corpuscles of the Medicine only but depend on some adventitious Qualities which they acquire by being mixed with particular Humors and which they may dispose to be more or less worked upon by the other Efficients of Heat or Cold. And these Conjectures may not be render'd a little probable by observing That tho' Spirit of Wine inwardly taken causes Heat yet externally it abates the Heat of inflamed Parts but hath different Effects on a tender Eye And though internally five Grains of Camphire may diffuse Heat through the whole Body yet externally it is used in refrigerating Medicines How far these Observations may be of Service in determining whether Camphire c. be hot or cold I shall leave to Physicians to consider and shall here only offer in Proof That Potential Coldness is only a relative Quality the following particulars viz. That from the VI. and VII Experiments it appears that according to the Dispositions of Bodies to be worked on the Agent may have different Qualities As Fumes of Lead may coagulate Mercury tho' it hath not a like Effect on other Liquors And further although Sal-Armoniack and Nitre be when separate cool and tho' the latter melted in a Crucible takes not Fire of it self yet upon an addition of Sal-Armoniack it flashes vehemently But I shall leave this Digression and proceed to Experiments about Cold. EXPERIMENT VIII Oyl of
Vitriol poured upon a Solution of Sal-Armon To make it appear how much Motion and Texture may contribute to the Production of Cold we gradually added twelve Ounces of Water to an equal quantity of Sal-Armoniack and whilst upon a Dissolution of the Salt the Water became cold we poured in twelve Ounces of Oyl of Vitriol upon which the Mixture became hot where it is not a little strange that though Sal-Armoniack in either of these Liquors produces Cold yet a contrary Effect should happen upon its Mixture with both together The Reason of which could be no other but that the Heat produced by the two Liquors overpowred the Degree of Cold which the Salt was able otherwise to produce EXPERIMENT IX The Effects of the same Mixtures are so uncertain sometimes that I have observed that having placed a Thermometer in eight ounces of Spirit of Verdigrease and gradually put in two ounces of Salt of Tartar after some time the Ingredients having worked upon each other with a copious Froth and a hissing Noise the Bottle was something warm and the Liquor in the Thermometer raised Yet another Salt being mixed with Salt of Tartar and Spirit of Verdigrease prepared without Spirit of Vinegar and Spirit of Wine poured upon it instead of an Incalescence a considerable degree of Coldness would be produced EXPERIMENT X. Oyl of Vitriol and Water shaken together upon an Addition of Sal-Armoniack acquire a sort of Goolness but if Oyl of Vitriol and the Salt be first mixed upon an Affusion of Water they become hot And tho' Salt of Tartar grows hot in Water yet the Caput Mortuum of Salt of Tartar and Cinnabar distill'd in a strong Fire produces no Heat notwithstanding a hissing Nolse like that of Quick-lime succeeds its Immersion A coincident Disposition betwixt the Agent and the Patient requisite to the production of their Effects That the artificial Production of Cold may be obstructed by an Indisposition in the Patient to be acted on by the grand Efficients of Cold I have learned by several Observations and particularly by noting that tho' Oyl of Vitriol be so fiery a Liquor as in some measure to have the Effects of Fire it self and to dissolve Ice sooner than Spirit of Wine yet a Pound of choice rectified Spirit of Wine being put into a Bottle except a little at the Top it was wholly coagulated into a consistent Mass like Ice notwithstanding the Glass stood in an Elaboratory in which that Oyl was never at any other time observed to congeal And this Phenomenon was the more remarkable because the Oyl continued in that state when the Weather was too moderate to be the cause of such an Effect on the contrary I have observed that Oyl of Anniseeds which usually coagulates with a less degree of Cold than Water continued undisturb'd and transparent without the least Coagulation in a very frosty Season and the like we have observ'd in Camphire reduced to an Oyl by some Nitrous Spirits But to conclude this Section If Heat depends on a brisk agitation of the Particles of the Humours about our Sensory and if Cold be an Effect of a less degree of Motion than that about our Sensory it appears that an Imminution of that Motion which is requisite to produce Heat is sufficient to cause the contrary Quality viz. Coldness And tho' Cold seems in such a Sense a privitive Quality yet in as much as the Agent which causes that Imminution acts positively upon the Parts in motion it may be esteemed a positive Quality tho' in respect of our Sensory it is but a relative one as luke-warm Water will appear hot or cold as the Hand immersed in it hath either been exposed to an intense degree of Cold or Heat And indeed the principal mistakes which sometimes occur in Discourses concerning Cold happen upon the account of the ambiguity of that Expression which sometimes is used to signifie the Idea imprinted on the Mind by the advention of an external Object sometimes for an Imminution of such a Motion as causes Heat and sometimes for the Object upon a contact of which we perceive Cold. CHAP. II. Shewing that not only our Senses but common Weather-glasses may misinform us about Cold. neither our Sensories nor Weather-glasses infallible Criterions of the degrees of Cold. THO' most Philosophers have hitherto taken the Testimony of our Sensories for the only Criterion by which they estimated the degrees of Cold yet since Cold is in respect of our Organs only a Relative thing and since it hath sensible Effects on other Bodies which are affected by more minute Variations than our Sensories it may not be amiss to estimate the degrees of it by the changes it causes on those Bodies that discover it 's slighter Variations as well as by the assistance of our Senses since neither our Sensories alone nor common Weather-glasses are too confidently to be relied on in judging of the degrees of it For Cold being a relative Quality in respect of our Sensories as the Disposition of the Organ varies so the same degrees of Cold may seem violenter or more remiss as it is observed in hot Baths the most remiss degree seeming hot to those that come out of the open Air yet Cold and Chilling to those that come out of a hotter Bath into that the Reason of which appears to be that the Parts of the cooler Bath are more briskly agitated about our Sensory than the Ambient Air but when we come out of a hotter Bath they being less agitated in Respect of that causes a Cold Sensation by altering and checking the motion of the Humors which before were briskly agitated about our Sensories But our Sensories may not only misinform us in such Cases where they evidently appear to be differently tempered in respect of those Objects but sometimes when those Variations in the Dispositions of our Sensories are Caused by unsuspected Agents or insensible degrees so we perceive the Air in a celler much Colder in the Summer when Bodies accustomed to a warmer Air descended into it Nay sometimes we judge amiss of the degrees of Cold when we think our Sensories unaltered so Air blown out of a pair of Bellows upon the Sensory by penetrating into the Pores and retardating the Agitation of the Humors seems Colder than before yet when blown upon a common Weather-glass that motion enables it not to depress the Mercury Besides sometimes we may be more sensibly affected with Cold when it depends not on the Qualities of the Air in general but either on some Steams which are endowed with frigorifick Qualities as Opium externally applied or on some chilling distempered Humor in our Bodies But further sometimes Bodies appear colder to our Sensories than to a Weather-glass because the former are more affected by the Density and Penetrancy of the Parts So water hath appeared cold to our Bodies See Plate 1. Fig. 1. when by a nice Weather-glass I could not discover that it was Colder
be much more uncertain Which way of Estimating Weather-glasses tho' it be not so certain as unquestionably to answer expectation yet it may be of advantage to come as near as we can to certainty But Consideration the 2d Secondly There is unaccurateness in measuring of Cold by Weather-glasses which may be avoided yet is not since sufficient care is not taken that the Diameters of the Cylinders are exact all along from one end to another nor that there be a certain Proportion betwixt the Diameter of the Cylinder and that of the Pipe Besides open Weather-glasses may be more Commodiously contrived for Thermometrical Experiments than those that are commonly made use of See Plate 1. Fig. 2. See Plate 1. Fig. 2. In which the mouth of the Vial being so closed with cement or wax that the External Air hath no communication with it but through the Pipe upon an Expansion or Condensation of the Internal Air the Liquor hath much more Room to rise and fall in than the Pendulous Liquor in ordinary Glasses where the Quantity of Air is much too small in respect of the Proportion of the Cavity into which it must expand it self when rarified to make the rising or falling of the Liquor in that to be so sensible enough But besides that this of ours hath this advantage that the Quantity of Air is greater in respect of the Proportion of the Cylinder and consequently the Water hath much more Room to play up and down in it hath this advantage further that it is much more convenient for our purpose Since the Ball of it may be immersed in Bodies whose Coldness we have a mind to measure and consistent Bodies as Snow or Ice may be more conveniently heaped about it than common Weather-glasses Thirdly Men too Confidently conclude that if the Liquor in a Thermoscope rise an Inch higher to day A third Consideration than it was the day before and an Inch higher the next that the Air must be as Cold again the last day as it was the preceeding since it appears not tho' we should allow that Cold of it self contracts the Air That a double degree of Cold must produce a double degree of Condensation exactly for besides that the different Quantities of Air contained in these Instruments and the Proportions of Pipes as well as the degrees of the Expansions considered together are sufficient to render the Hypothesis suspicious I am inclined to believe That the Condensation of the Air and the ascent of the Water depend on the Pressure of the ambient Air as we shall in a little time make appear and then this Computation will be found to be very fallacious For we have elsewhere shewn that the forces required to compress Air is in Reciprocal Proportions or thereabouts to the spaces comprehending the same proportion of Air so that if a Cylinder of four Inches be able to resist a Pressure equivalent to ten Pounds weight when it comes to be compressed into two Inches an equal force super-added to the former will drive up that already compressed Air into half the space which is about an Inch Whence it follows that in estimating the Condensation of the Air in a Weather-glass we must not only Consider how much Space it is made to desert but also what Proportion that deserted Space bears to the whole Space it possess'd before and to what degree of Density it was brought before the Application of that force And we must remember that the resistance of the Included Air is not to be looked upon as that of a weight which may remain always the same but that of a Spring forcibly bent whose resistance is greatest as it is crouded into less Room The fourth Consideration Fourthly we ought to have a regard to the particular Nature of the Liquors employed in Weather-glasses till we have a more determinate Theory of the cause of Cold For amongst Liquors it does not follow That because the one is most subject to be affected with the highest degrees of Cold and to freeze that the other is less susceptible of the lower degrees of it Since it is observed That Spirit of Wine receives notable Impressions from fainter degrees of Cold than Water does when made use of in Weather-glasses tho' in our Climate the latter is much more readily turned into Ice Besides we are not to conclude That all Subtil and most Spirituous Liquors must be least capable of being congealed since Oyl of Aniseeds Distilled by a Limbeck is extremely hot yet will it be congealed by a much gentler degree of Cold than Water and will be longer undissolved upon a Thaw And I know some distilled Liquors which consist of Parts very penetrating and vehemently Agitated yet more subject to freeze than the generality of Chymical Oyls or saline Spirits And indeed if we allow that Cold depends on a Diminution of the usual motion of the Parts of a Body I see not besides those more Catholick Agents which produce Cold in most Bodies they invade why one Body may not be said to be more or less frigorifick in respect of this or that Body and not of a third For Quick-silver will be coagulated by the fumes of Lead which have no such effect on other Bodies nor can the utmost degree of Cold 〈…〉 power to congeal it and from 〈…〉 the Jesuit relates it appears That Water in peculiar Regions may receive such a disposition from the Soil as to receive strange Impressions of Cold in respect of the effects it produces there on Humane Bodies And tho' Opium refrigerates not Water as I have experienced by the help of a good Weather-glass yet a few Grains of it presently refrigerate the Mass of Blood which is not only an argument That most Liquors have peculiar Textures but that the Parts of one Body may be so conveniently shaped as to be able by insinuating into the Pores of another to stop the Agitation of their Parts And in favour of what we have laid down I shall further add That I know more Liquors than one which mingled with Spirit of Wine well dephelgmed will presently deprive it of it's Fluidity and the like change I have sometimes observed in other Liquors And I can make a Liquor much of the same temper of Water that receives a degree of Coldness by the Addition of a certain substance which stops the Agitation of it's Parts that would scarce have any sensible effect on Water But to proceed to what we have further to offer in favour of our new Thermometers Considerations concerning the new Thermometers besides that the Water and Air may be both alternately condensed without the influence of the Atmosphere's gravity they have another advantage That they may be used in several Places and removed without spilling the Liquor contained in them or without danger of it being evaporated Besides they may be safely let down into any Liquor even the most Corrosive it we have a mind to examine
their In doing of which instead of Liquors made use of in common Glasses we employ Spirit of Wine tinged with Cochineele opened by the most Volatile Spirit of Urine which is not only in less danger of being froze but susceptible of the slightest degrees of Cold impressed upon it by external Bodies But tho' we think these Weather-glasses subject to fewer Exceptions than common ones yet in estimating the several degrees of Cold we look upon them as Instruments to be employed by our Reason and not quite exempt from those Imperfections we have imputed to Weather-glasses since I suspect that some sort of Steams penetrateing the Pores of the Glasses may have other effects upon the Spirit of Wine than what they have in reference to Heat and Cold For I once observ'd that having immersed the Ball of a Weather-glass in a strange kind of a Luke-warm mixture the Spirit rose up slowly 8 or 9 Inches in a Tube not above a foot long and subsided not again much above half an Inch when exposed to the Air a good while after it had been immersed in Water 5 hours The Chymist Orthelius in his Theatrum Chymicum Vol. 6. tells us That the Liquor Distilled from the Oar of Magnesia or Bismute will swell considerably in the Glass it is kept in at the full Moon and subside at the New which observation the Jesuit Casatus makes use of as an Argument And I have observed my self a Tincture of Amber made with rectified Spirit of Wine undergoe several changes when stopped up in a Bottle which other Liquors abounding with Spirit of Wine did not so that not unlikely if Weather-glasses furnished with different Liquors were kept together in the same Place there would be some disparity which could be ascribed to nothing but the peculiar Natures of the respective Liquors which tho' of different kinds may receive the same Colour from the same Metals So Copper gives the known Colour to Aqua fortis and affords a fair Solution in Aqua Regis as well as gives a lovely Blew to Spirit of Urine or Sal Armoniac and I have found that it would give a good Tincture to Chymical Oyl of Turpentine And to shew that even Spirit of Wine in Weather-glasses may be worked upon and influenced by external Bodies I shall add That I have observed in one that lay by me some time emergent Bubbles Which whether they were only made up of united Bubbles lodged in the Pores of the Liquor or some Parts of the Wine disposed to Elasticity by frequent alterations I examin not But sometimes they have been so great as to possess many Inches of space in the shank of the Weather-glass which Bubbles if they be small and lurk about the juncture of the Ball and of the Cylinder may by dividing the Spirit in the Stem from that in the Ball hinder it from rising according to the Changes of the Weather a Bubble of Air being more dicffiultly removed up and down in the Stem of the Glass than the Spirit it self in favour of which we have else-where shewn That Water will pass through a narrower space than Air except the latter be forced But to draw near to a conclusion tho' I have mentioned all these difficulties about sealed Glasses I would not be thought to do it with a design to set Men upon greater Nicities than are necessary but rather to excite us to take into our Consideration as many collateral Experiments and Observations besides those made by our Sensories on Natural as well as Factitious Bodies in judging of the degrees of Cold as we can For tho' Water be thought to be most susceptible of such an intense degree of Cold as destroys Fluidity yet besides Oyl of Aniseeds I have distill'd a substance from Benzoin which becomes fluid and consistent upon much slighter alterations as to Heat and Cold than would freeze Water or thaw it And I have observed likewise That Amber-grease dissolv'd in highly rectified Spirit of Wine or in other Sulphereous or Resinous Concretions dissolved in the same Liquor will shoot into fine figured Masses in cold Weather and re-dissolve in warm others being more rudely congealed And even in Chymical Preparations of Harts-horn and Urine I have observed That sometimes the Spirits would be clear and at other times would suffer a greater or less quantity of Salt to Chrystallize at the bottom according to the various alterations of the Weather in point of Heat or Cold. But to bring Instances from more obvious Liquors it is observed in some Parts of France by the Water-men That their Boats will carry greater Loads in Winter than Summer and on frozen Coasts in several Countries it is observed That Ships draw less Water than on our British Coasts which is an Argument that the Water is heavier and thicker in Winter than in Summer And I my self have poised a Bubble so exactly with Water in it that tho' it would swim upon the top of the Water at Night yet in the Day when the Sun had rarified the Water it swam in it would subside to the bottom And sometimes was so exactly of a correspondent weight with and so equally poised in the Water that it would neither subside nor swim upon the top but move up and down till the Water was either more rarified or further condensed From what hath been said in this Chapter it appears 1st That by reason of the various predispositions in Bodies the testimony of our Senses is not to be taken in judging of the several degrees of Cold. 2dly Tho' Weather-glasses are subject to fewer alterations than our Senses yet they may misinform us except we at the same time measure the Air 's Gravity by other Instruments 3dly Our sealed Weather-glasses are highly preferable before common ones 4thly To conclude this Chapter I shall add That I would not have Men easily deterred from making Experiments about estimating Cold because they may seem disagreeable to vulgar Notions since I doubt not but that the Theory we have is not only very imperfect but ill grounded CHAP. IV. Concerning the cause of the Condensation of the Air and ascent of Water by Cold in common Weather-glasses COncerning the Reason why Water in common Weather-glasses descends upon Heat and is raised by Cold there are three Opinions which may deserve our Consideration The Opinion of the Schools concerning the ascent of Water in Weather-glasses examined The first is that of the Schools and common Peripateticks which teaches That the external Air condensing that included in common Weather-glasses it rises to fill up that space deserted by the Air to prevent a Vacuum But not to urge That they have not yet proved that Nature will not admit of a Vacuum or that it is contrary to the Notion a Naturalist ought to have of Matter to suppose it to act any thing contrary to its own natural tendency for a publick Good I say not to urge these Arguments which we have elsewhere made use of I
shall alledge the following Experiment viz. That Experiments alledged against their Doctrine If a Bolt-head with a long Stem be made use of to try the Torrecellian Experiment with the space deserted by the Mercury in the Cavity of the Bolt-head and from whence the Mercury drove the Air continues void the Pendulous Cylinder remaining at 30 Inches without offering to ascend to prevent a Vacuum Nor will the Quick-silver rise ¼ of an Inch higher upon the application of cold Bodies outwardly tho' in a common Thermometer the same degree of Cold would make Water ascend several Inches To this I shall add another Argument taken from the consideration of sealed Weather-glasses see Plate 1. Fig. 3. in which it is observed See Plate 1. Fig. 3. That the Air instead of contracting upon an increase of Cold expands it self If it be said That the Water contracting the Air follows it to prevent a Vacuum it may be demanded Why since Nature causes the one to contract in common Glasses and the other in sealed ones to avoid a Vacuum she does not rather make the Air retain its natural extension than suffer it to be condensed and then put her self to double trouble in compelling the Water to ascend contrary to its nature But not to insist on these Arguments I shall rather urge that what is offered by them will not solve the Difficulty for whether the Water or Air be expanded into a large space since Glass is impervious to Air and Water I see not how a Vacuum interspersum and coacervatum can be avoided For if upon the expansion no other Body is added and penetrates the Glass to fill the space deserted by some Parts of the expanded Body there must remain Vacuities betwixt them Because it is impossible the same quantity of Matter should compleatly and adequately fill a greater space by being expanded the Parts of the Body being only able inadequately to fill it by receding from each other But were it allowed that upon the expansion of one of these Bodies and the condensation of the other a third Substance harboured in the space deserted by the one it may be questioned how such Matter should make its way out again Mr. Hobbes his Doctrine examined The second Opinion I shall take notice of is that of Mr. Hobbes which is to me partly precarious partly insufficient and scarce intelligible for tho' when he asserts That the coldness of Liquors depends on their being pressed with a constant Wind besides that he asserts it without Proof it will appear from an Experiment shortly to be alledged That Liquors sealed up in Glasses and suspended in Liquors not subject to freeze may be refrigerated tho' it appears not how they can be raked on by the Wind as his Hypothesis requires Secondly I see no necessity that the Cold should press upon the superficies of the Water in the Shank since by Cold it will be raised in a Weather-glassess kept in a still Place and void of any sensible Wind. Besides he ought to shew Why Air insensibly moved deserves to be styled Wind and how it is possible such a Wind should raise Water so many Inches by pressing upon it Nay further Water poured into a Bolt-head till it reaches into the Stem will subside when refrigerated and not rise And if the Ball of a Weather-glass be encompassed with a mixture of Ice or Snow and Salt the Water will readily ascend which how it will be explained by Mr. Hobbes's Hypothesis I do not see Thirdly Mr. Hobbes allowing not of a Vacuum I wonder he should tell us That by a bare Pressure the Water finding no other Place to recede into is forced to rise into the shank of the Weather-glass For since according to him the shank of the Weather-glass must be full before I see not how it should be able to receive the ascending Water except to use Mr. Hobbes's own words it can be fuller than full Besides it may be further alledged against Mr Hobbes his Doctrine that it gives us no account of the condensation of the Air by Cold in Weather-glasses in which the Water descends with Cold and rises with Heat Fourthly whereas Mr. Hobbes in explaining the depression of Water in Weather-glasses attributes it solely to it 's own Gravity it will easily appear that we must likewise have recourse to the spring of the included Air For if a Thermometer be placed in the Sun when the Water in the shank is but a little above the Surface of the Water without the Tube the rarified Air will depress the Surface of the Water in the Pipe below the other and sometimes so far that some of the rarified Air making it's way out of the Pipe as soon as the remaining Air is refrigerated again the Water will be able to rise up higher into the Tube than it did before A Modern Opinion examined The third and last Opinion I shall consider is one held by some modern Naturalists which ascribes the Ascent of the Water to the Pressure of the Air gravitating upon the Surface of that Water without the Pipe but supposes that the Air contained in it is contracted by Cold alone As for the first Part of this Hypothesis I readily Assent to it and the Author 's proposed but am apt to believe that the contraction of the included Air depends on the same Cause and that the spring of it being weakened by Cold it is condensed by the same Pressure of the Atmosphere the weight of the External Air over-powering the weakened Spring of the Internal In favour of this Opinion I shall add the following Experiments See Plate 1. Fig. 5. and First having filled a Vial capable of holding five or six Ounces half full See Plate 1. Fig. 5. and having inverted a Glass Tube into it about 10 Inches long much bigger than a Swan's Quill it being first sealed at one end and filled with Water the Orifice of the Vial was closed with Cement so that the External and Internal Air had no communication with each other It was placed in a Mixture of Snow and Salt till the Water in the Bottom of the Vial began to freeze yet notwithstanding so great a degree of refrigeration the Water in the Tube did not at all descend so that either the Air was not condensed by Cold or the Water descended not to prevent a Vacuum The Glass being left in this Posture in our absence the sealed end of the Pipe flew off being beaten out by the Intumescence of the freezing Water Having fixed another Pipe as the former which was some Inches longer and drawn very slender at the sealed end that it might easily be broken this was set to freeze as the other yet the Water descended not but as soon as the top of the Glass-Tube was broke off the external Air pressing upon the Water and by the intercourse of that upon the Air the Water in the Tube subsided 8 or 10 Inches but rose
again when the internal Air was rarified within half an Inch of the top and then the Apex being sealed up it was placed in Snow and Salt yet the Air in the top had it's Spring so weakened by refrigeration that it was not able to depress the Water tho' as soon as the Apex was broke off it subsided several Inches the external Air pressing upon it The Experiment being a third time reiterated with 3 ½ of Air in the Pipe when the Water in the Vial was in some measure froze it was able to expand it self a little But when the Apex was broke off the External Air depressed the Surface of the Water two Inches but being removed into a warm Room it ascended above an Inch higher than the uppermost Level Having put so much Water into a Vessel See Plate 1. Fig. 6. Such as Plate 1. Fig. 6. Delineates as was able to fill almost the whole Tube we caused a Mixture of Snow and Salt to be placed about the Ball of it yet we perceived not the Water in the least to rise but if at all it might well be ascribed to the the Intumescence of some airy Parts lodged in the Pores of the Water But the Apex of the Tube being broke off under Water the External Air forced the Water several Inches up into the Cavity of the Pipe Another Experiment we made with the following Vessel See Plate 1. Fig. 7 the Stem of this being no thicker than a Raven's Quill tho' several Inches long See Plate 1. Fig. 7. and the Ball being about as big as a Nutmeg we dropped a few drops of Water into the Stem which being suspended there betrayed very slight changes in the Rarefaction or Condensation of the internal Air. Watching therefore when the Air within had raised the Bubble up to the top of the Stem we immediately sealed it up and observed That tho' the sealed Glass was placed in a Mixture of Snow and Salt the Bubble did not in the least subside But if the Apex of the Stem was broke off the Bubble of Water would be sometimes depressed so low as to fall into the Ball of the Weather-glass And what was further remarkable was That when the Liquor was descending if the end of the Tube was sealed up the Water would immediately stop at the place it rested at when the Pressure of the Atmosphere was taken off Where it would continue till the Stem was broke open again and then the Water would be further depressed as the weight of the Atmosphere was able to over-power the Resistance made by the internal Air. Having made use of such a Vessel as Fig. 7. Plate 1. represents and conveyed a pretty Quantity of Water into both the Legs See Plate 1. Fig. 7. we sealed up the end of the bent Stem leaving so much Air above it as we thought convenient Which being done we placed the Ball of it in a frame in which the Tube hanging down we could cover the round Ball with Snow and Salt Upon which the Air in the Stem was able to expand it self so far that the Water in the longer Leg was raised the length of a Barly-corn higher than before and depressed as much in the other But when the end of the Stem was broke open the Water was raised 2 ¼ Inches in the longer Leg and depressed so low in the shorter that several Bubbles rose into the Cavity of the Ball. In which Experiment it cannot be supposed That the weight of the Water in the shorter Leg could be able to raise the Water in the other except by Virtue of it's Spring which being but small answerable to the Quantity of of it it cannot be expected that it should have any considerable Effect upon the Air in the other Leg tho' it's Spring were in some measure weakened by Cold. An Explication of the Figures in the first Plate Fig. 1. p. 12. A. The Ball or Egg. B C. The Stem D. The little Aqueous Cylinder Fig. 2. The open Weather-glass mentioned p. 16 22. Fig. 3. The Sealed Weather-glass or Thermoscope mentioned p. 16. Fig. 4. The Barometer or Mercurial Standard placed in a Frame B B. mentioned p. 17. Fig. 5. An Instrument mentioned p. 34. A. The Vial. B C. The Pipe cemented into the neck of the Vial open at C and sealed at B. Fig. 6. p. 35. A. The Bolt-head B. The small Stem B C. The Cylinder of Water enclosed Fig. 7. p. 36. CHAP. V. The Experimental History of Cold begun TITLE I. Experiments concerning Bodies capable of Freezing others BEfore we proceed to the natural History of Cold it perhaps may be necessary to consider what Bodies are capable of retaining such Qualities and what are not but that being a consideration not so necessary to our present purpose which is only to set down what Observations we have made in Bodies subject to be froze I shall only in short take notice That most Bodies except fire are susceptible of actual Cold and it is a Question whether even that be not rather a state of Matter in such a peculiar motion than a distinct and particular species of Natural Bodies since even Gun-powder and Spirit of Wine before they are set on fire by some other Body are actually Cold. But to proceed to what Observations relate to our Title Experiments of Bodies capable of freezing others 1. Bodies cold enough to freeze others are very few here in England Snow and Salt mixed being most remarkable which cool the Liquor contained in those Vessels which are closed up in such mixtures 2. Snow alone would not freeze Water as a Mixture of it and Salt does and tho' Water poured betwixt the Interstices of Snow or Ice freezes yet there is a great disparity betwixt exposing it to the Air and keeping it up in Vessels and tho' it is froze when covered with Snow in a Bottle all night yet that may proceed from the Coldness of the Air as well as the influence of the Snow 3. If Nitre Allum Vitriol Sal-Armoniack or Sugar be mixed in due Proportion with Snow they will enable it to freeze tho' not so intensely as common Salt 4. Spirit of Salt being shaken together with Snow in the Vials they caused a Dew which was gathered on the outside the Glass to be froze tho' the Mixture within was not and Oyl of Vitriol mixed with Snow in a thin Vial had the same Effect only more intensely 5. But not only these Acid Spirits had these Effects on the moisture of the Air condensed on the outside the Glasses but likewise Spirit of Nitre Spirit of Vinegar and Spirit of Sugar the former of these three being very powerfull tho' the latter were not so strongly frigorifick 6. Spirit of Urine mixed with Snow in a Vial froze the External moisture weakly but Spirit of Sal-Armoniack drawn from Quick-lime did it powerfully 7. Spirit of Urine and Oyl of Vitriol poured upon Snow froze moderately 8. Sal Gem with a
sublimate made with common sublimate and Sal-Armoniack nay and with both loaf and Kitchin-Sugar as likewise a strong solution of Pot-ashes mixed with Snow did freeze tho' very faintly And both a Solution of Salt of Tartar and Pot-ashes Agitated with Snow in a small Vial produced Filmes of Ice on the outside the Glass tho' very thin ones 9. A sweet Solution of Minium in Spirit of Vinegar mixed with Snow excited the frigorifick Quality of it yet some of that Solution being enclosed in Snow and Salt would not be froze by them Snow shut up alone thawed much more slowly than that which was mixed with Salts or Spirits No Salts will promote the frigorifick Quality of Snow so far as to enable it to freeze which quicken not it's Dissolution Neither Chrystals of Tartar nor Borax both beaten to powder nor Sublimate would enable Snow to freeze as well as the Powder of each lying undissolved in it 10. Water of Quick-lime being twice tryed would not freeze but only gather a dew on the outside yet the Liquor being kept up 12 Months the Spirits with which those Waters abound flew away 11. Oyl of Turpentine in which Ice dissolves slower than in several other Liquors enables not Snow to freeze Tho' Spirit of Wine shut up with Snow in a Bottle enabled it to freeze powerfully and to Chrystalize even Urine it self which might be taken off in Scales 12. Spirit of Nitre and Snow being mixed together in a just Proportion froze very powerfully and speedily not only Water but Spirit of Vinegar and weak Spirit of Salt the first of which retained it's taste when froze and the latter shot into Chrystals which lay across each other A Solution of Sal-Armoniack partly evaporated would shoot into Chrystals like combs and feathers and Sal-Armoniack distill'd from Quick-lime would shoot into Branches almost like those so nimbly that one's Eye might discern them to spread and increase The like Experiments being tryed with Wine and strong Ale succeeded but very faintly 13. Since Bodies generally help Snow to freeze which hasten it's dissolution we threw into a Vial which contained Snow heated Sand which enabled it to cause a Dew but not to freeze And warm Water poured into another when it had been shaken produced a considerable degree of Cold and gathered Dew but froze it not 14. Tho' it is generally believed That the Hoar-froast on Glass-windows is only exsudations through the Pores of the Glass and froze by the External Cold yet it will easily appear That it is rather on the inside the Glass the Steams which rove up and down the Room being condensed by the External Cold and froze 15. To shew That the Ice which appears on the outside of the Vial in the fore-going Experiments proceeds not from any subtil Parts of the Mixture penetrating the Pores of the Glass and settling on the outside we found that four Ounces and ¼ of the Mixture of Ice and Salt being shut up in a Vial by the access of Dew on the outside the weight of it was increased 12 Grains Another Vial which contained two Ounces six Drams and a half increased in weight 4 Grains the Vial being unsealed under Water it sucked in a good quantity of it Six ounces Snow and Salt being sealed up in a Glass the Hoar-Frost was wiped off but returned again and the Vial being counterpoised in a pair of Scales the Vapours condensed by the coldness of it in the time that the Snow was melting weighed 10 Grains A like quantity of Snow and Spirit of Wine being shut up in a single Vial the outside was presently cover'd with Ice and in all it became 7 Grains heavier than before Another time a mixture of Snow and Salt which weighed 3 ¾ ounces afforded 18 grains of condensed Vapours And a mixture of Snow and Sal-Gem which counterpoised 3 ounces and 70 grains upon an additional weight of condensed Vapours weighed 20 grains more than before TITLE II. Experiments and Observations concerning Bodies disposed to be Frozen Of Bodies disposed to be frozen WIthout any more than barely intimating that there are several Bodies disposed to be froze by one degree of Cold that are not with another I shall observe 1. That in very cold snowy Weather Water Urine Beer Ale Milk Vinegar French and Rhenish Wine were either totally or partly turned into Ice But besides these more obvious Instances we froze a Solution of Sugar and another of Gum Arabick in Water a Solution of Allum Nitre and Vinegar froze without affording any considerable Phaenomena A Solution of Vitriol was in part froze and in part unfroze that which was froze being not much different in colour from Water but the unfroze part was of a very high Vitriol-colour 2. Spirit of Urine and Spirit of Vinegar exposed to an intense Fire both of them froze 3. A drachm of Salt of Pot-ashes being dissolv'd in two ounces of Water presently froze in an intense Cold and Oyl of Tartar per deliquium or at least a Solution of the fixed Salt of Tartar was congeal'd in a mixture of Snow and Salt Appendix to the II. Title Oyl becomes much more hard in Muscovy than here in England in the most excessive Cold but will in neither be turn'd into perfect Ice And Captain James speaking of an Island where he and his Men were forced to Winter Pag. 58 says All our Sack Vinegar Oyl and every Thing else that was liquid was now frozen as hard as a piece of Wood and we must cut it with a Hatchet And Olaus Magnus Gent. Sept. Hist l. 11. c. 24 says speaking of the Fights wont to be made on the Ice in the Northern Regions Glacialis congressus fit in Laneis calcibus non pellibus aut coriis unctis Vis enim frigoris quodcunque fit unctuosum convertit in Lubricitatem glacialem There being a great similitude betwixt Spirit of Wine and Oyl in respect of their inflammability and being dispos'd to mix with oily Bodies and as great an aptitude in the Spirit of Wine to mix with other Liquors I enquir'd of the Russian Emperor's Physician what alterations he had observ'd to be produc'd by Cold in Muscovy To which he answer'd That Aniseed and other weak Spirits would be turned into an imperfect kind of Ice and that strong ones would turn Ice into a kind of Substance like Oyl Particulars referrable to the II. Title 1 In a very hard Frost in December a Solution of Minium near the Fire seem'd to be froze tho' it was made with Spirit of Vinegar and so strong that part of it was shot into Saccharum Saturni Some at the top which was yellow did not freeze tho' poured out 2. A Solution of Gold made with Salts was likewise froze As also a Pint-vial full of the Tincture of Lignum Nephriticum which being froze the Ice had no such colour as the Tincture 3. It is reported That in Russia Brandy will freeze but the Ice of it is
Spirit of Wine and immersed the Ball and part of the Stem in a Vessel of Water which was half buried in Snow and Salt and when the Water began to freeze at the bottom and about the sides the Liquor was Subsided to 5 2 ● Divisions each Division being half an Inch and then the Weather-glass being taken out of the Water and applied to the Snow and Salt it Subsided to 1 ½ Division To this we shall add another which shews That the Water tho' froze was warmer than the Spirit of Wine when the Mixture of Snow and Salt was applied to it Jan. 15 the Weather-glass being kept in the Water till it began to freeze descended to 5 ½ but being removed into the Snow and Salt it Subsided first briskly and then more gradually till it sunk to the Bottom of the Stem but being removed into the Water again it ascended to the same height the Water had before depressed it to For a further Tryal how much Liquors may be condensed by Cold we took Oyl of Turpentine rectified in a gentle Heat and having weighed a Glass-ball with a long Stem it being one Ounce one Dram five Grains and a half we poured on it so much of the Turpentine as increased the weight to two Ounces seven Drams and thirty four Grains and a half which reaching a little way into the Stem we marked the Superficies with a Diamond after which we poured a Dram more in and successively more still marking how high each Parcel which was weighed exactly rought in the Stem till the Additional weight increased the former to three Ounces one Dram four Grains and a half and then taking a wide-mouth'd Glass with Water in it we immerged the Weather-glass in the Water as before the Vessel in which it was contain'd being first encompass'd with Snow and Salt When the Water began to freeze we mark'd the Stem of the Glass which contain'd the Oyl at the place to which it subsided and then conveying it into a Mixture of Snow and Salt when it had subsided as low as it could we mark'd the Superficies and then remov'd it into the Air till it rose to it's first station and then we pour'd so much of the Oyl out into another Glass carefully poised in a pair of Scales that the Superficies of the Oyl remain'd at the Mark which it subsided to in the Water and we found that the Oyl poured off weigh'd about 10 Grains And so much more being pour'd off as made it stand at the Mark to which the Snow and Salt depress'd it it weigh'd about as much as the former so that the Oyl was Artificially condensed so far That it subsided as much after it had been condensed by Cold strong enough to freeze Water as it was caused to fall by the force of that And by dividing the whole Proportion of Oyl by the number of Grains whose Bulk it seem'd to lose by subsiding in Water we found that it was condensed by the first degree of Cold to a 94th Part of it's Bulk and by dividing it by the Additional number of the Grains more we found that the Snow and Salt had condensed it a 47th Part of it's Bulk Having circumscrib'd Water moderately Cold with a Mixture of Snow and Salt what it shrunk was if not insensible inconsiderable To measure the differing weight and Density of the same Proportion of Water in the Heat of Summer and when extremely Cold we weighed a Glass-Bubble in it which was Heavier than Water moderately cool and by the Diminution of it's weight in that Medium we found according to the Rules of Hydrostaticks the weight of a Portion of Water of equal Bulk And then weighing it in Water cool'd by a Mixture of Snow and Salt we were inform'd by a new Decrement of it's weight of the weight of an equal Bulk of that Cold Water by which we were enabl'd to make an Estimate of the Gravity and Density acquired by the Action of Gold and by weighing the same Bubble in the same Water in hot Weather we Learnt further how much more dense and heavy Water moderately Cold and extremely Cold is than warm Water It would be of use to try such Experiments as these in Italy where they have the Conveniency of keeping Snow and of freezing warm Water speedily A Glass-Bubble which in the Air weighed 150 Grains being weighed in Water on a Day not frosty it weighed 29 ● 8 and being weighed in Water which was a little froze in a Mixture of Snow and Ice it was not above ⅛ Part of a Grain lighter than before so that the Water by Condensation lost not above a 230th Part of it's former Bulk How far it may be of use at Sea to make such Experiments as these and whether they may thereby learn to know by finding the Density of the Water in several Places what Loads to carry in their ships and what the Water will be able to bear I shall leave others to Judge But if such Experiments be try'd in several Parts our Seal'd Weather-glasses or that which contains the Pendulous drop of Water may be of use since they not being subject to be varied by the Alterations in the Atmosphere's Gravity and since they may be conveniently carried from one Country to another the different degrees of Cold in various Regions may be better Estimated a Register being kept of the degrees the Liquor or Pendulous drop stood at such times as the Tryals were made and where and when exposed to such a degree as was able to freeze To conclude this Title I shall add that in making these Experiments with the Thermometer in which the Pendulous Water is contain'd the Stem may for conveniency be held either Horizontal upwards or Perpendicular TITLE V. Experiments concerning the Tendency of Cold upwards or downwards What way or in what Line Cold acts most vigorously THAT Heat generally acts most powererfully on Bodies above it and that it's Tendency is upwards is self-evident But to discover in what Line Cold acts most vigorously and furthest we made the following Experiments A Glass-Bubble with Water in it having a flat Bottom was suspended within less than half an Inch over a Mixture of Ice and Salt but froze not A Bottle which contain'd a Mixture of Snow and Salt being held under Water it was cased with Ice especially about the Bottom so that the Action of Cold seems chiefly to tend downwards But I rely less upon this Experiment because it is observ'd That when a frigorifick Mixture is exposed in a Vial the Ice on the outside is always opposite to the Mixture not reaching higher or lower than that Mixture above half the Breadth of a Barly-corn and as the Mixture dissolves and that which swims upon the dissolv'd Part grows less and less so Proportionably the circle of Ice grows narrower on the outside till the Mixture is wholly dissolv'd and then the Ice vanishes And from an experiment shortly to be
mention'd viz. Eggs suspended under Water it appears That Cold acts on every side the Shells being wholly incrustated with Ice To put an end to this Title I shall in order to facilitate some Experiments hereafter to be made advertise That whereas in common Experiments Water naturally beginning to freeze at the top and that Ice confining the subjacent Water so that when froze it hath not room to expand I say whereas in such cases the Glasses are subject to break to prevent such ill Consequences I lay the frigorifick Mixture first about the bottom of the Glasses by which means the Water beginning to freeze at the bottom the Water is raised up above it and as the Salt and Ice is raised higher about the Glass so the Ice gradually rises without danger of breaking the Bottles To this Advertisement I shall add That tho' I only at the first lay the mixture about the bottom of the Glass yet to keep the Water above cool I usually put Ice it self or Snow either of which will succeed in these Experiments above that Mixture TITLE VI. Experiments and Observations concerning the preservation and destruction of Eggs Apples and other Bodies by Cold. Of the Preservation of Bodies by Cold. IT is a common Tradition That if Eggs or Apples be thawed near the Fire it spoils them but if they be immersed in cold Water they thaw slowly without dammage To try the truth of this Tradition I made the following Experiments An Egg which weighed 12 drachms and a grain being wrapt in a wax'd Paper to defend it from the thawing Snow was froze in a mixture of Snow and Salt and then wanting 4 grains of its former weight it was put into a Basin of Water It acquir'd such a Crust of Ice about it as increased the weight to 15 drachms and 9 grains and the Ice being taken off and the Egg dryed it weighed 12 drachms and 12 grains being broke we found it almost thawed When froze it swam in the Water but when thawed it sunk We took two Eggs well froze and placing them both at an equal distance from the Fire the one was put into Water and the other laid on a Table When that in the Water was crusted over with Ice we took it out and breaking it found that the Yolk and some part of the White were thawed but the other Egg being cut asunder the White was wholly frozen and the Yolk hard as if it had been over-boyl'd There likewise appear'd in it certain concentrical Circles of different Colours and a very white Speck in the middle of it The same Experiment being tryed a second time we were confirmed in our Perswasion That frozen Eggs will thaw sooner in cold Water than in the open Air. An Egg being suspended in Water was cover'd with a Crust of Ice equally thick on all sides Frozen Pippins being put into a Basin of Water were covered over with a Crust of Ice of a considerable thickness where it was observable 1. That that Part of the Pippin which was immersed was covered with a much thicker Crust than that which was above it 2. The extant Part seem'd harder than the immersed 3. Those in the Water were thawed but one that lay out of it was much harder and more froze 4. Neither the frozen Eggs or Apples condensed and froze the Air tho' they incrustated the Water Eggs being froze in Snow and Salt till they crack'd we put one into Milk two into a Glass of Beer and two more into a large Glass of Sack but produced no Ice Eggs being put into Vinegar produced no Ice but the Vinegar corroded the Egg-shells A Cheese immersed in Water in a cold Country was crusted over with Ice but lumps of Iron pieces of Glass and Stones being kept longer in Snow and Salt than was sufficient to freeze Eggs produced no Ice in Water Water being poured into a Bottle which stood on the North-East side of our Elaborotory Part of it was presently turned into Ice Ice and Juice of Pippins shaken together in a Vial produced a great deal of Dew and so did Ice beaten into a Liquor with the White of an Egg. Pippins were much better when thaw'd in cold Water than hastily It hath been observed in the cold Northern Climates That when they have come out of extreme Cold too hastily to the Fire it hath raised Blisters wherefore it is a custom amongst the more careful sort to wash their Hands or other frozen Parts in cold Water or Snow before they approach the Fire I am told by one That Cheeses being froze in Muscovy those thaw'd in Water were crusted over with Ice but were much better than others thaw'd in a Stove And Guilielmus Fabritius Hildanus Cap. 10. de Gangraena sphacelo gives an Account of a Man who was successfully thaw'd and crusted over with Ice as our Apples and Eggs were Tho' a moderate degree of Cold preserves Bodies from putrifaction yet Glaciation leaves them more subject to it upon a thaw tho' whilst they are in that state they putrifie not To prove that the highest degree of Cold under Glaciation hinders Bodies from Corruption I shall alledge the following Instances Bartholinus de usu nivis says p. 80. Regii Mutinenses nivem hoc fine arcte compactam servant in Cellis Nivariis in quibus fervente aestate vidi carnes mactatorum Animalium a Putredine diu se conservasse And Capt. James in his Journal p. 74. hath these words By the ninth of May we were come to and got up our five Barrels of Beef and Pork and had four Buts of Beer and one of Cider It had lain under Water all the Winter yet we could not perceive that it was any thing the worse P. 79. he farther says That a Cable having lain under Ice all Winter was not in June found a jot the worse And from Simlerus his Account of the Alps it appears That entire Bodies may be preserved by Snow without Glaciation Refert says Bartholinus speaking of him p. 79. de figurativis in Rhetis apud Rinwaldios nivium è monte ruentium moles Sylvam proceras Abietes dejecisse accidisse etiam Helvetio Milite per Alpes iter faciente ut 60 homines plures eadem Nivis conglobatione opprimerentur Hoc igitur Nivium tumulo sepulti ad Tempus aestatis delitescunt quo soluto nonnihil Nive deciduâ Corpora Mortua inviolata patent si ab amicis vel transeuntibus quaerantur Vidimus ipsi triste hoc Spectaculum c. To prove that inanimate Bodies whilst froze are not subject to Putrifaction I shall bring several Instances Nor indeed is it much wonder since whether Glaciation proceeds from intruding Swarms of frigorifick Atoms wedged in betwixt the Parts of a Body or whether we suppose it to arise from an avolition of those restless Particles which before kept the Body fluid or soft we must suppose an unusual rest and consequently the concomitant cause of Corruption
to be wanting But to proceed to Instances I am told That on the Coast of Sweeden and Denmark the Cold will preserve Bodies a long time from putrifaction And Bartholinus relates a Story of several dead Bodies p. 83. de usu Nivis which being kill'd in a Battel in the Winter were froze in several Postures and continued so without being corrupted as long as the Winter lasted To which I shall add that Capt. James tells us p. 76. of a Man whom they found froze in the Ice six Weeks after he had been committed to Sea and all the alteration the Frost had wrought on his Body was that his Flesh would move up and down upon his Bones like a Glove upon a Man's Hand And Bartholinus de usu Nivis Cap. 12. further tells us That 't is observed in Greenland that the Frost preserves Bodies from Putrifaction 30 Years But tho' freezing preserves Bodies from Putrifaction for the time yet when they thaw they presently discover that the Textures of them were impaired and vitiated all that while by the action of the Cold for having froze an Ox-Eye I observ'd that the Chrystalline humour which was so transparent before being froze lost its diaphaneity and became white And it hath been observed by others That tho' Cheeses which were thaw'd in Water were better than those that were otherwise freed from the Ice yet they were all in some measure impaired by the Frost To these Instances I shall add that Purchas Lib. 3. Cap. 5. Sect. 2 p. 493. tells us That in Nova Zembla their strong Beer being froze was wholly vitiated and without strength or taste And Capt. James tells us That strong Alicant Wine by being froze had lost much of its Spirits And it hath been observed in the Northern Country less cold than Muscovy That Beef having been froze was almost insipid and yielded Broth little better than Water Besides which Instances I am inform'd That Bodies much harder than any yet mention'd may be work'd upon by Cold not to mention that it is observ'd That Bones and even Steel it self are much more subject to break in frosty Weather than at other times And it is to our present Purpose further observable That Capt. James relates that in Charlton-Island the Wood must be thaw'd before the Carpenters are able to work it And I am further inform'd That the Timber of the Houses in Moscow will not only crack in frosty Weather but 't is observ'd That Brick-Houses in the West-Indies decay much sooner than here in England And it hath been further observed That Marbles themselves have not only flown in pieces in frosty Weather but that Brass-Instruments and even Iron-Hoops have been crack'd by extreme Cold as Olaus Wormius and the Dutch-men in their Voyage to Nova Zembla witness But I am apt to believe that the breaking of the Iron-Hoops rather depended on the operation of the Cold on the Liquor contain'd in those Barrels than immediately on the Iron-Bars themselves and that they were broke by the expansion of that Liquor An Appendix to the VI. Title In confirmation of what hath been deliver'd before the Russian Emperor's Physitian told me That if those that have their Noses or Cheeks froze don't rub them with Snow before they go into the Stoves they sometimes drop off and he likewise told me That moderately weak Wine by being froze would lose both its colour and taste He further told me That Bodies there will keep all the frosty Weather uncorrupt and that Venison and Beef and other Flesh will be preserved a long time by Frost but if it is not thawed leasurely before it comes to be roasted it will be much impaired And I am told That a young Man having been froze all over was recovered by being first rubb'd with Snow before any other means was used Particulars referrable to the VI Title Fishes taken from under the Ice in Lakes and Ponds which were frozen over and packed up would be preserv'd a Month without being salted or dryed and it was observ'd That when they were taken out of the Water in the cold Air they would be froze immediately It was likewise observ'd by the same Person who told me these things That tho' Flesh-meat froze was better when thaw'd leasurely in cold Water than hastily by the Fire yet it acquir'd not a Crust of Ice about it In Lapland when any Part is froze they toast Cheese made of Deer's Milk and anoint the affected Part with the cows-Cows-body I had some Cheshire-Cheeses froze my self one of which being thrown into Water gather'd a Crust of Ice about it There are white Bears in Green-Land which have so excellent a scent that when the Carcass of a Whale was left at some distance from the shore they would raise themselves on their Legs and with their two Paws would fan themselves with the Air and snuff it in at their Snouts and then throwing themselves into the Sea would Swim towards the dead Carcasses the fat of some of them would yield a Hogshead of Oyl In Moscow a Hogshead of Malaga-Sack being froze a Spirituous Liquor distill'd out of it stronger than the Sack it self but the Liquor left behind it was a strengthless Phlegm A Barrel of Beer being froze on the Coast of Green-Land the Spirituous Part was contain'd in the middle The Spanish and French Wines that are brought to Moscow betwixt Russia and Poland are sometimes so frozen by the time they come there that they are forced to break the Casks and to transport it in Jars from one place to another and when they have a mind to thaw it they put it into another Hogshead and that being placed in a hole made in Ice or Snow it thaws leasurely there without being so much impaired as if thawed in a Stove or by the Fire TITLE VII Experiments concerning the Expansion of Water and Aqueous Liquors by freezing Of the Expansion of Water and other freezing Liquors THO' it hath been generally allowed that Water and other Liquors are condensed by Cold yet from what I shall offer it will appear That Ice is not Water condensed but Rarified For I have not only observ'd That Water exposed to be froze in a Bolt-head would if the frigorifick Mixture inclin'd it to begin to freeze at the Bottom first be expanded so as to rise considerably higher in the Stem but when that Ice was thawed again will subside And to this I shall add That having included Water in a Cylinder both ends of which were stopped up with Wax the Cylinder being hung up in the Air and the Water froze it was so far expanded That it forced the Wax out of each end of the Pipe and form'd a Rod of Ice much longer than the Cylinder from whence it appears That the breaking of Bottles by Cold rather depends on the Expansion of the Included Liquor than that the weight of the Air caused that Effect as some Moderns teach or that the Internal Liquor being
Marks was about the 15th Part of the whole 10. A large Glass-egg with a proportionable Stem being so far fill'd with Water that it wrought up an Inch into the Stem the next Day the Water was rais'd 15 Inches The whole contain'd in the Cavity of the Egg being froze the frozen Water continuing to swell was rais'd 4 Inches higher a few drops running over the top of it but when the Ice was wholly thaw'd it subsided again 11. Another Egg about the same height being plac'd in beaten Ice and Salt the Water rose an Inch in an Hours time and several Laminae of Ice appear'd at the Jointure of the Ball and the Neck but after an Hour and a quarcer those disappear'd and the Ball seem'd to be fill'd with white Ice the Water in the Neck being rais'd 4 ½ Inches above the first Mark. Several small Bubbles ascended through the Neck till it was wholly thaw'd and the white Ice was full of Bubbles The Experiment being further prosecuted the Water swell'd till some of it ran out at the top of the Tube Upon which the top of it being seal'd up we plac'd it in a warm Room till the Water was quite thaw'd so much Air only-remaining above the Water when froze as in dimensions equall'd a small Pea. When the Ice was wholly thaw'd the Water subsided to its first Mark and then the top of the Stem being broke off under Water so much of it was impell'd by the external Air as when the Pipe was re-inverted again rose 7 Inches above the first Mark and left about an Inch ¼ above it so that the Air which caus'd the Water when froze to swell and which was generated there took up one Inch and ¼ Which being expanded through the Cavity of the Cylinder above the surface of the Water when thaw'd so far appear'd not to be Air that it wanted a Spring to resist the ingress of the Water 12. Another time the tip of a seal'd Stem being broke under Water it receiv'd 10 Inches and above ½ 13. In the same Bolt-head wherein the greatest condensation of Air was try'd the Water being froze was rais'd a Foot above its former station and then being seal'd up and leasurely thaw'd it subsided again to its former Mark And then the Seal being broke off under Water so much of that contain'd in the Basin was forc'd into the Tube as sill'd 11 Inches of it near ⅛ of an Inch of Air being generated in the former part of the Operation 14. Another time the Water swelling 10 Inches in the same Glass we broke off the Neb under Water and it receiv'd as much of the external Water so that in this no Air was generated 15. The like Experiments being try'd with aqueous Liquors the Neb of one that contain'd Milk being broke off under Water it was manifestly impell'd by the outward Air. And another being likewise open'd under Water which contain'd Urine it receiv'd about five or six Inches of Water 16. Another Glass which contain'd Claret-Wine being open'd under Water the Water was impell'd near an Inch above the Mark which would not have happen'd had the Bubbles been fill'd with true and permament Air. TITLE X. Experiments about the Measure of the Expansion and the Contraction of Liquors The expansion and contraction of Liquors measur'd TO measure the expansion of the Air we took a Bolt-head and pour'd in so much Water that it rose a little way into the Stem which being done and the number of Ounces it contain'd set down to those we successfully added one Ounce after another marking how high each of them wrought Which being done we pour'd out a convenient quantity and froze the remaining Water from the bottom upwards and the Ice that consisted of 82 parts of Water filled the space of 91 and ½ so that the congeal'd Water possess'd a 9th part of space more than it did before In another Experiment 55 Parts of Water being froze were extended to 60 ½ 6 of those remaining unfroze 2. Another way we took to measure the expansion of Water was by marking a Cylindrical Pipe at the superficies of the Water contain'd in it which when it was froze was rais'd a tenth part higher than before Another more exact Cylinder being made use of we found that Water froze expanded to about a ninth Part of the space it possess'd before 3. But perhaps this Method of measuring the expansion of freezing Water may suggest a difficulty to those that are acquainted with Hydrostaticks since Archimedes hath made it appear as well as Stevinus That floating Bodies will so far and but so far sink in the Liquor that supports them till the immersed Part of the Body be equal to a bulk of Water weighing as much as the whole Body 4. For Capt. James hath observ'd Ice to float a great deal above the Water and the Hollanders in their Voyage to Nova Zembla take notice of a Hill of Ice which was 16 Fathom above the Water tho' but 36 below it And Janus Munkius in his Account of G●…enland observ'd That one that was but 4● Fathom under Water was 20 above it whereas according to our Computation of the expansion of Water the Part under Water ought to be 8 or 9 times as deep as that above it 5. But to clear this difficulty I have these things to represent First That the Ice which we take notice of floats in fresh Water but that observ'd by Navigators being fresh floats in salt Water yet this is to be likewise consider'd That near the Poles the Seas are not so salt as ours or those under the Line and consequently will not be able to bear up the floating Ice so high except the coldness of that Region recompenses the want of Salt 6. But besides these Considerations that which I would chiefly insist upon for the removal of this difficulty is That these huge Piles of Ice are made up of vast Lumps betwixt which are large Vacuities which are only fill'd up with Air so that we are not to judge of their weight by the bulk they appear to be of to the Eye but by the specifick weight incumbent on that part immers'd in the Water For we see in Barges that sometimes they carry Loads which consisting of light Matter may be piled a great height above the Water without depressing the Vessel so much as heavier Bodies of less bulk which are more ponderous in Specie for the greatest part of these floating pieces of Ice as Bartholinus takes notice are compiled of store of Snow frozen together Besides it is observ'd That most of those stupendious Mountains which lay so much above Water below rested on the Ground so that probably they might have sunk much lower had the Water been deep enough for them for Mr. Hudson in his Voyage takes notice in a Bay that bears his Name of a piece of Ice sevenscore Fathom deep 7. Having said thus much of the expansion of Water it perhaps may
and Superficial Region of the Earth 3. But if against what hath been said it should be alledged That by the Primum Frigidum they only mean some Earth Mixed with the common Parts of the Terrestrial Globe I should be glad to know how we must discover this But tho' I have brought these Arguments against this common received Notion I cannot agree with Gassendus who thinks that the Earth is no more Cold than Hot Since it being naturally a Body whose Parts are inclined to rest it without the assistance of some Extrinsick Agent to put it's Parts in Motion must consequently affect our Sensory with a greater degree of Coldness than Air or Water whose Parts are more Agitated 4. And if those that argue for the Earth's being the Primum Frigidum had only urged that it was the Summum Frigidum Earth the Summum Frigidum I could have more easily agreed with them Since in the Straits of Weigats the Seas are froze but not in the Northern Seas nor that of Tartary for the main Seas never freeze but only near the Land where it is much Colder than in the Ocean Water not the Primum Frigidum 5. It is the Opinion of Aristotle and the Schools That Water is the Primum Frigidum but in all Waters that are Froze by Cold we always see they begin at the top where the Air is Contiguous which argues the Air Colder than the Water since it congeals it Whereas if Water was the Coldest Body it ought always Naturally to be Froze or to begin to freeze rather in the middle than at the top and rather in the main Ocean than in Gulfs Straits and small Rivers For it is observ'd That those vast heaps of Ice that float in the Sea and which we have so often mention'd depend not on the Penetration of Cold to that depth they sometime sink to but vast pieces of Ice being gathered together from the shore and small Rivers and cemented together depress each other by their own weight upon which the falling Snow gradually increases their Bulk 6. But tho' I am far from taking Water to be the Primum Frigidum yet I cannot agree with Gassendus who thinks it indifferent as to Heat and Cold For except where some adventitious cause Concurs the Parts of Water being less Agitated than the Humors about our Sensory by it we must adjudge it Cold. And tho' by the Heat of the Sun the superficial Parts of the Water are a little warmer yet all Divers Unanimously agree That it is Colder at the depth of a few Fathoms Besides it is observ'd in warm Regions to be much warmer at Land than Sea and those Countries that lye near the Sea are generally cooler But as Cold as it is there they don't find That it is able to congeal the Water tho' at the top it is often Froze Air not the Primum Frigidum 7. By the Stoicks and many of the modern Philosophers the Air is looked upon to be the Primum Frigidum Yet considering how great a Part of it lies under the Torrid Zone and that it is for the most Part very Hot and likewise that Water enclosed in a Mixture of Snow and Salt will freeze at the bottom and not where it is contiguous to the Air I say considering these things it will appear That the Air is so far from being the Primum Frigidum That it is not the Summum Frigidum Besides Air condensed to the utmost degree it was possible by the Coldness of the Air and shut up in a convenient Glass hath been condensed further by the Application of other Bodies Whence it appears that the Coldness of the Air depends on the Mixture of some frigorifick Corpuscles with it and not on the Specifick Texture of it's own Parts Besides Water may be Froze when inclosed in Substances not apt to freeze and when the Air is not Contiguous to it Nitre not the Grand Efficient of Cold. 8. The next Opinion I shall consider is That of the learned Gassendus who ascribes the frigorifick Virtue of Bodies to the admixture of Nitre But tho' I allow Nitre to be a substance dispersed through most Bodies yet since Cold is only a Privative Quality and an absence of Heat there are other Agents which by stopping the motion of the Insensible Parts of a Body may deprive it of it's power of Heating Besides it must be a prodigious Quantity of Nitre That would be able to render every Part of the Sea so Cold as it is found to be rot to mention That Nitre is scarce ever found so deep in the Earth as some Seas extend besides the Seas afford us very little Salt-Petre but a great deal of common Salt 9. And tho' Gassendus asserts That Bodies receive the Impressions of Cold from Nitrous Exhalations swimming in the Air yet amongst all the Experiments I have made to resolve Nitre into Vapours I have not found that it was able to effect more in the Production of Cold than other Saline Bodies And Spirit of Nitre is so far from having an actual Coldness greater than other Bodies That it is potentially Hot. And whether the Exhalations of Nitre will congeal Water or not Spirit of Nitre I have observ'd will dissolve Ice as soon almost as Spirit of Wine And tho' Nitre mix'd with Snow or Ice may promote Congelation yet it proves not that the Parts of Nitre are frigorifick since the Experiment will succeed with Spirit of Wine 10. Having said thus much of Gassendus his Opinion we shall in the next place propose some Experiments which will be a further Confirmation of what we have been saying 11. Rock-Petre and Ice being put into a Bottle congeal'd the Vapours on the outside but pieces of Salt-Petre laid upon Plates of Ice dissolv'd it Water being satiated with Salt-Petre and exposed to the Cold in a Bottle broke it several Chrystals of Salt-Petre having shot in the Bottom of it From these Experiments it appears That there are Colder Bodies than Salt-Petre and that it dissolves Ice and it is rather Hot than Cold in respect of Ice 12. On a windy and a cloudy Day having suspended a Weather-Glass in Water satiated with Salt-Petre we observ'd That when it had stood a considerable time and was raised by the string up into the Air the Liquor contained in it was raised about 2 divisions and being again immersed in the solution of Nitre it was presently raised so that the Air was Colder than the solution of Nitre 13. But to conclude this Title tho' I am far from thinking Nitre to be the Summum Frigidum yet I doubt not but that Parts of it rising from the Earth in the form of Vapours may contribute to the refrigeration of the Air. Not but that there are several other Bodies in the Bowels of the Earth whose Effluvia being mix'd with the Air and dispersed through it may cool the Air according to their Proportions as much as
one Bowl in Motion striking against another not in Motion communicates as much of it's Motion as it can to the other and loses it 's own and so the Vapours and steams in a Room in frosty Weather striking against the Glass-Windows are deprived of their Motion and froze which is observ'd to be much thicker upon the Glass in Russia than here in England A Note out of Martinius in his account of China This Author tells us That at Peking tho' the Pole be not elevated above 42 degrees yet for four Months together from the middle of November the Rivers are froze in one Day so that they bear Coaches and Horses A Note taken out of Martinius Cromerus his Polonia The Cold is so violent in these Countries sometimes That the Trees wither at the Roots and Water is froze as it falls through the Air and the Waters are froze up for two Months so that they bear Horses loaden and Coaches And this Author tells us That he passed over the Weisell in Massovia with a Coach and Horses and other Horse-Men And in Prussia the Fishing in the Ice began after the beginning of November and lasted till March was ended Another Note out of the same 1. They catch Fish more commodiously in Winter than Summer for breaking holes in several Places in the Ice a Net being cast into one of them and ropes fastned to it Men with Poles and Horses draw the Net from one Place to another 2. I am told that at Warsaw in twelve Hours the Water was froze 4 Inches downwards One that sailed to make Discoveries beyond the Arctick Circle told me He could eat as much in one Day as in ten here and that after they had sailed over a deep blew Sea they came to one as black as Ink which being sounded it was above 70 Fathom Sack being froze and thawed again presently lost its Vigour 3. In these Parts the Frost penetrates the Ground five Foot and the Ice in Iberia in the River Ob is said to be a Fathom and a half thick there being there but twelve Weeks in the whole Year without Frost The Rivers have breathing places a Mile long out of which Fumes ascend as out of a Cellar when the Door is open'd Death by Cold is not painful if it be intense Cold dries excessively cleaves the Earth and causes Timber to crack TITLE XX. Experiments concerning the Weight of Bodies frozen and unfrozen The Weight of Bodies frozen and unfrozen 1. TO try whether Bodies upon freezing would grow heavier since Epicurus and other Atomists suppose Congelation to depend upon the crowding in of frigorifick Atoms we exposed Eggs to be froze all Night and in the Morning we found they had lost four Grains of their Weight which we suspected to proceed from the Avolition of some Exhalations through the Shell since at other times we observ'd That Eggs counterpoised lost eight Grains of their Weight in some process of Time 2. Water froze and weighed counterpois'd a Grain and a little more than when it was thawed But the Experiment being made in a Glass with a long Stem hermetically seal'd when the Water was froze it was as heavy or heavier after it was thawed and the same Equality of Weight betwixt frozen and unfrozen Water happened in other Experiments 3. Stones being weighed after exposed to the cold Air and also in a warm Air they seemed to discover an Increase of Weight but I suspected it proceeded from Water imbibed into their Pores since Stones are observ'd to increase their Weight in Water And further because one that was well polished and not apt to imbibe Water retain'd barely its own Weight So that the Doctrine of the Epicurean Freezing must be invalid except he supposes the frigorifick Atoms like those of a Load-stone to be without Weight An Appendix to the XX Title The fore-going Experiments may not only satisfie us That the Doctrine of the Epicureans is erroneous but may likewise help us to correct some extravagant Relations on the other Hand For Helmont tells us That Water thawed in a Vessel Hermetically sealed was ⅛ heavier than before But perhaps this Difference might in part depend on the Access of Vapors on the outside the Glass In opposition to what Manalphus tells us I found That Water froze in a Metalline Porringer in one Experiment lost 50 in another 60 Grains of its Weight which I attributed to an Avolition of some Parts of the Water since when we order'd the Matter so that no Water could steam out there was no considerable Increase or Decrease in the Weight of Water froze or thawed Particulars referrable to the XX Title 1. Quick-silver being weighed in the Air and afterwards counterpoised in Water when by the application of a Mixture of Snow and Salt it began to freeze the Bubble weighed ¾ of a Grain less than before A Globe of Snow rammed into a Mould whose Diameter was an Inch weighed 112 Grains A Globe of Ice of the same Diameter weighed 2 Drams and 5 Grains 2. After a long Frost and Snow the Liquor in the gaged Weather-glass stood below the first Mark but the Mercury in the Baroscope stood at near 2 ● below 29 Inches which perhaps might be attributed to the high Wind. 3. Four Ounces of Snow being counter poised were exposed to the Frost all Night and at 10 or 11 in the Morning had lost near 30 Grains which Parts seemed to have been evaporated the melted Liquor in the Bottom of the Scale amounting to no more than 8 Grains 4. Two Ounces of Snow depressed flat so as to form a large Superficies and counterpoised in a Night's time lost 55 Grains no Water being found in the Scale and two Hours after the Decrement was 63 Grains none of the Snow appearing yet to be melted TITLE XXI Promiscuous Experiments and Observations concerning Cold. Whether Frost hinder odoriferous Effluvia from exerting their Power 1. SEveral Flowers being gathered in December and January and hastily smel●ed 〈◊〉 had no sensible effect on the Sensory whic● Phaenomenon I attributed to the Frost hindring a sufficient Quantity of spirituous Sap from rising up into them and not that it prevented those spirituous Parts from emitting Effluvia since a vigorous fresh Primrose had an Odour genuine and sweet 2. Rose-water being froze when it was wholly Ice afforded a genuine Scent but something fainter than when it was thawed again but in making these Experiments it is requisite that the Body smelt at should not be held too long near the Nose lest the warmth of one's Face should help to excite those Odoriferous Parts and consequently frustrate the Tryal 3. Stinking Water being exposed to the Cold and froze was altogether inodorous 4. It is reported by several and attested by Olearius That the Russians and Livonians enable themselves to bear Cold extremely by going out of their Store naked immediately into cold Water and even Ice it self 5. Having made use of a good
hath upon occult Qualities as well as manifest ones and likewise upon Fermentation since it is observ'd to retardate the working of Ale extremely and it is observed That Must may be preserved sweet a long time in a deep Well or if let down into the Bottom of a River and will when taken up be less apt to ferment than other parcels of Must kept in the warmer Air. It hath been observed in the Northern Countrys That the most Spirituous Parts of Liquors have been separated and Collected together by a Congelation of the Phlegm wherefore to try what Cold would Effect in our Climates I hung out a Bottle of Beer in a sharp Night and found That most Part of it being froze the Liquor which was not froze was very strong and Spirituous the frozen Part being Spiritless But Rectifyed Spirit of Wine tinged with Cochineel being mixed with Water Congelation separated not their Parts nor did it separate the red and the Watery Parts of Claret I made several Tryals upon Milk and Blood as also on Vinegar in which my Attempts proved insatisfactory But a Solution of Salt being made in 24 Parts of Water so that it was as strong as the Sea-Water about us I caused it to be exposed to freeze in a flat Vessel which was the larger That the Superficies of the Water might be considerable and when it was covered with a Cake of Ice that being taken off it acquired another which when dissolved yielded Water not near so Salt as that which remained unfroze and being Hydrostatically weig●ed was considerably lighter Having exposed several Vegetable and Animal Substances to be froze I found That by that means I could discover their succulent juices and squeez them out in the form of Ice which being done by cutting them transversely and length ways I could discover also the Figure and Size of the Pores in which those Juices lodged Amongst the Animal substances exposed to freeze were the Eyes and the Brains of Animals which by being froze would be fitter to be dissected the latter when cut in two seeming like an Apple froze the Ventricles and i●… whole substance being filled with Icy Particles N●ither an Eye nor a Liver lean flesh or fish nor a living Frog would be crusted over with Ice as Eggs and Apples are when put into Water after they had been froze As for the Reason why flesh is usually much impaired by being froze I suppose it to proceed hence viz. That the Alimental Juice being expended by freezing hath not it's own texture altered only but even the solid Vessels which contain it are thereby bruised and crushed for from several Experiments it is evident That Eggs will be burst by the freezing of the Alimental Juice and that the Textures of Stones and Vegetables will be destroyed by the Powerful Congelation of their respective Juices which will be less wondered at if we consider that Aqueous Parts by their Expansion were able to burst the Barrel of a Gun Had I had leasure and conveniency I would have tryed what Effects Cold hath upon Animals froze to Death but having exposed a Rabbet to the Cold all Night I found that only one Leg was swelled and a little stiff But a strangled Rabbet being exposed to be froze Ice was produced in several Parts It is affirmed by several Modern Writers That if Water be impregnated with the Salts of Vegetables upon Congelation they will represent the shape of the Plant they belong to But notwithstanding I have several times tryed the Experiment I found it either false or very contingent since it did not once answer Expectation But having exposed a Lixivium of Pot-ashes to freeze I found That the Chrystals upon the Surface of the Water were Prismatical and that under those lay a great many thin Parallel Plates of Ice but not ranged in such an order as to represent the shape of Trees And tho' Bartholinus tells us That if a Decoction of Cabbage be froze it will represent a Cabbage yet I could never find That the Experiment succeded except that once there appeared the faint resemblance of a single Leaf But I have found That fair Water froze would represent the shapes of Vegetables oftner than their Decoctions And tho' Berigardus also affirms the same yet I suspect That he only wirt without trying the Experiments himself And yet I deny not but that prepossessed Spectators may fancy they see such things when they do not for tho' Sea-Salt and Allum consist of Parts of determinate Figures yet when dissolved in Water they exhibit Figures too various and extravagant not to be referred to Chance And on this occasion to what hath been said I shall add That by Distilling and rectifying Oyl of Turpentine from Sea-Salt in a Glass-head as the degrees of Heat were varyed so would the Figures of Trees be represented different on the inside the Glass And I have several times produced the shapes of Trees from Bodies belonging to the Animal Kingdom And I have found That tho' Figures curious enough would be represented by Spirits Solutions Decoctions Vinegar Milk and even common Water yet it was in vain to hope for the same success and that the like Figures should always be afforded by the same Liquor since very small Circumstances would vary them considerably And in trying of such Experiments as these it may not be amiss to advertise That it will be convenient that the Liquor should be as shallow as it possibly may That it may be more speedily froze A frozen Egg being Put into Oyl of Turpentine instead of common Water it gathered not about it any crusty Film It is observed by Mr. Wood That tho' New-England be 10 or 11 degrees remoter from the Pole yet the Winters are much more piercing and Cold than ours And to what hath been delivered in the XVIII Title of the infrigidating Power of Wind I shall add That sometimes it hath been so much more Cold than at others That being blown through the frigorifick Mixture it would cause not only the Spirit of Wine to subside but being blown upon the Ball of another Weather-Glass not only the Liquor but even Mercury it self would be forced to ascend tho' the Vicinity of the frigorifick Mixture could not cause that Effect And I have often tryed That when the Temperature of the Air was such that tho' when first blown upon the Ball of a nice Thermoscope it would not cause the Liquor to ascend yet at another season the Tinged Liquor ascended as if the Air by being more than ordinarily compressed in the Room had some sensible Effect in compressing and contracting the Air included in the Thermoscope To try whether Liquors by losing their fluidity and becoming consistent would acquire a greater degree of Coldness I caused the Ball of a Weather-Glass to be immersed in Sallet-Oyl and a Solution of Minium in Vinegar or of Quick-lime in Water either of which will coagulate the Oyl but I did not find That
the Influence of Subterraneal fires for which Reason deep Cellars are generally warmest And it hath been observ'd That the deepest Mines in Hungary are always the hottest and tho' the upper Region in some measure seems Cold yet that may easily be caused by the Predisposition of our Sensories when out of the warm Air we find it comparatively Colder in the top of the Groove and in our ascent Colder in respect of those Regions which are nearer the Influence of Subterraneal fires And that the lower Regions are hotter than the uppermost is not only evident from what hath been elsewhere delivered but from what Arch-Bishop Vpsal hath observ'd in the deep Mountains in Poland from whence they dig Rock-Salt And tho' the Heat of Springs in the Winter may be alledged by some as a cause of Antiperistasis yet it is easily otherwise explain'd since the Subterraneal Effluvia of the Earth as well as the Comparative Coldness of the Air is sufficient to solve that Phaenomenon And that the Antiperistasis is not so powerful in the Winter as to have any effect on the Subterraneal Parts is evident since Capt. James tells us That he had a Well which remain'd unfroze all Winter so that by breaking the Ice on the top they could get fresh Water And it is attested by a Latin Author That in or near the Island Hueena wherein the famous Tycho built his Vrani-Burgum there is one Spring which is not froze in Winter and Olaus Magnus tells us That near Nidrosia one of the chief Cities of Norway there is a Lake that in that Northern Region never freezes And Josephus informs us of a hot Spring in Peru from whence the Waters issue out boiling hot yet a Spring which is just by it is Cold as Ice so that the Nature of the Soil through which Bodies flow may have a considerable stroak in altering the Temper of the Water And to favour what I have said of the Reason why Springs steam in the Summer I shall add That it is observ'd that our Breath as well as the steams of Issues are visible in the Winter tho' not discernable in the Summer and the very steams of a labouring Man have been froze on the outside of his wastcoat whilst he was working And it 's commonly observ'd That the steams of a River are very apparent in the Evenings tho' not discernable at Mid-day in Summer And that the Earth is not only heated by those Subterraneal steams but that those Meteors which we frequently see proceed from Subterraneal Effluvia will be rendred probable by observing That Miners usually foretel Storms and alterations in the Air by the damps which rise in their Mines And in Cornwall it is observ'd by the Fisher-men that those Sulphureous Exhalations which appear like fire up and down generally precede considerable Storms And the like hath been observ'd on the Coast of Ireland when a black Cloud like a Barrel rising out of the Water a violent Storm presently succeeded And an Anonymous Writer tells us That in Comitatus Zotiensis in Hungary a Clift of Ground emits such steams that Birds and Cats or Dogs being held over it are killed by the steams of it And the same Author tells us That near the City Buda there are such hot Springs that the River Danubius is not able to keep them cool and he tells us likewise that in the River Istroganum they may discover hot Springs by removing the sand with their feet And I am inform'd by credible witnesses That in the North of England there is a ditch which emits steams which are inflamable and probably there may be other places which emit such kind of Effluvia and afford matter for fiery Meteors and Winds And we are told That not only in Muscovy a Tract of Water a Mile long continued unfroze when the rest was and emitted hot steams But Olaus Magnus tells us of a Lake Veter which thaws with a considerable noise That as well as the River Peking near China which thaws in one Day beginning at the bottom and so thaws upwards and in these thaws it is observ'd That they are foretold by a great boiling of the Water first under the Ice And that such Effluvia being detained from flying away and kept up in the Earth may contribute to the Heating of Cellars appears further since in Muscow when a Cellar hath been long kept shut when first the door is opened the steams will affect the Men so Powerfully as almost to suffocate them So that from hence it appears That the Retention of hot Effluvia depend on a Constipation of the Pores of the Earth and not on the Disposition of hot Vapors to fly away from their contrary since we see that they have no such Disposition the Vapors of a Well rather dispersing themselves in the Air than flying away from it But to disprove the Doctrine of Antiperistasis further I shall add That a rod of Iron which had a piece of Iron fixed to one end of it having that end made red hot and quenched in Cold Water the Heat did not recede into the other end to avoid the Coldness of the Water But a more convincing Experiment is That a Weather-Glass being suspended in a wide-mouth'd Glass in Water when that Glass was placed in hot Water the Coldness of that in the wide-mouth'd Glass was so far from being drove upon the Weather-Glass that the Spirit of Wine did not in the least subside but when the Heat of the External Water was diffused through the other it manifestly rose And this Experiment being try'd with warm Water in the wide-mouth'd Glass and Cold Water about that the Heat was not more intense about the Weather-Glass but when the Cold had diffused it self through the warm Water the Spirit of Wine subsided Postscript Tho' from what hath been said it appears That the Doctrine of Antiperistasis is not without Reason exploded yet I shall suspend my Judgment whether Cellars are warmer in the Winter than the Summer or not since the learned Jesuite Zucchius tells us That having suspended a Weather-Glass 3 years in a Cellar the Water would rise in the Winter and descend in the Summer And another tells us That he knew a Well Colder in Summer than Winter yet I am far from believing this Observation universal since what hath been said evinces the contrary for tho' the superficial Parts of the Earth are subject to vary in their Temperature as the Weather influences them yet Subterraneal Cavities than are very deep are neither hotter or colder in the Winter or Summer and tho' Zucchius hath undertaken to measure it by the assistance of Weather-Glasses yet since ordinary Weather-Glasses are subject to be influenced by the Gravity of the Air as well as the Heat and Cold of it and since some places are fuller of Subterraneal Vapors than others and consequently the sudden ascent of Exhalations may presently increase the weight of it I think the following Experiment made by the
Frost and Tiles of Houses and stone-Buildings scale upon a thaw for which Reason the North side of Buildings first decay Alabaster and Marble that have chinks in them usually break with the Frost but solid Marble does not nor does Frost affect those stones or Bitumens which will bear a Polish Ice laid on a Table and having Salt strowed upon it it stuck so fast that it could not be separated without being broke in pieces and the Salt made its way through the Ice down to the board but if Salt be strowed betwixt the Ice and the board it will not be froze to it but thawed The following Salts cause not so firm an adhesion as common Salt viz. Kelp Sandever Sal Indus Gem Prunel Armon and Pot-ashes A nail held betwixt my lips could not be remov'd without difficulty and Pain A Tincture of Cochineel with Spirit of Wine and another with a little Sea-Salt Water being froze throughout retained an equal colour in all Parts and so did a Tincture of Mades-weed and Indico A Decoction of Soot was froze without any Concentration yet Mr. Hook a worthy Fellow of the Royal Society hath observed the contrary effect Eggs and Apples-froze differed not in weight nor do Bodies weighed in sealed Glasses Frost renders Wood Iron Steel and the Bones of Animals more friable in frosty Weather especially in those that are tainted with the Lues Venerea Frost preserves Bodies from Putrefaction and confirms the Tone of Animals and fattens some it clears the Air so that musty Stone-Bottles being fill'd with Water and froze after a Thaw were very sweet it likewise destroys Animals and Vegetables so that in Greenland nothing but Glass grows as also in Nova Zembla The qualities of Ice As for the qualities of Ice it is slippery smooth hard firm and strong diaphanous interposed betwixt the Eye and a Candle appears in many round Circles from whence proceed Rays in the form of a Star a quarter of an Inch in diameter I have seen the Ice in the Thames eight Inches thick and in Garden-walks the Earth froze near two Foot thick but in rich Soils it did not penetrate above a Foot and a quarter Ice generally swims but I have seen Snow-balls compressed and moistned with Water sink Congealed Oyl of Vitriol sinks Ice is colder than Water and that quality is increased by adding Salt or Snow It hath no smell but checks that quality in other Bodies It yields both Reflection and Refraction North and North-east Winds the absence of the Sun the highest Parts of Mountains a mixture of Snow and Salt promote freezing Water falling upon Ice or Snow freezes and a mixture of beaten Ice with Sea-Salt Kelp Allum Vitriol or Nitre and Oyl of Vitriol will promote freezing and if Water be set upon such Mixtures it begins to freeze at the Bottom Salt Petre dissolv'd in Water and agitated in a cold Season turned not the Water into Ice A Bolt-head being placed in Snow in a Pan tho' the Pan was set on the Fire and thawed gradually yet the Water in the Bolt-head froze not Water frozen in Pans being set on New-castle Coals in a Cellar and likewise on Sand and on the Earthen Floor they thawed in the same order and so did Eggs and Apples A Syphon may be made of Ice through which Water will run very fast Another use which may be made of Ice is for Refraction of which Mr. Hook hath given a learned Demonstration Having formed Ice into various Figures the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were the same as those mentioned by Dioptrick Writers We may likewise make a Speculum of it by holding a piece of Paper behind it The Learned Bartholinus delivers the following Propositions of it 1. That the more subtil distilled Spirits gain a clear splendour and elegancy from Snow placed about them 2. The Rayes of Snow newly fallen glitter and dazzle the Eyes by reason of the multitude of Globuli by which they are reflected 3. A Cabbage putrified in that part which was above the Snow And I have observed great Housleek or American Aloes destroy'd by Cold in an upper Room and Sea-Onions as well as common Onions will be putrified by the Cold. 4. Snow yields Vapours plentifully when melted by the Sun-beams 5. It melts and falls off from Ivy. 6. It contains a little Earth in it which I have found true by Evaporation 7. Viscosity with Softness is greater in new than old Snow 8. Water-Cresses and Scurvy-grass will grow under Snow in Gardens but I am apt to believe they are at a perfect stand the nutritious Juice being congealed 9. Air is included in Snow Whites of Eggs being beaten into a frothy Consistence and this being laid on a Trencher soon appeared to be Snow A Pail being filled with warm Water and Hair Moss and a piece of Rosemary hung over it the rising Vapors sticking to them formed a Hoar-frost and the like is observed on the Beards of Men and the Hairs of other Animals 10. Snow abounds with Fat 11. Snow with Ice swims on Water 12. Snow-water boils Meat sooner and makes Flesh whiter I could not find that this bolds in Fish or Flesh 13. Snow newly fallen hath no taste but when it hath lain on the Ground it bites the Tongue This I could not discern 14. Worms are sometimes found in Snow I could never observe this 15. A strong Salt may be drawn from Snow by a peculiar Art 16. After much Snow plenty of Nuts It sometimes fails The Duke of Tuscany distill'd a Spirit from Wine only by putting Snow upon the Alembick and the Duke of Mantua had a Powder which would freeze Water in the middle of Summer Weather-Glasses being framed after the Italian mode and in part filled with tinged Spirit of Wine I placed one of them in a North-west Window and the other in Mr. Pullyn's Ware-house under St. Paul's Church in the warmest place the Spirit of both when they were settled on the fifteenth of Octob. 62. having the Altitude of three Inches and when that in my Study-Window was depressed an Inch that in the Cellar receiv'd no manifest alteration But when the other was depressed two Inches it subsided ¼ of an Inch which was the lowest Station it subsided to all Winter and in April following it rose not above the three Inches it first stood at above ¼ of an Inch tho' that in my Study was raised four Inches ¼ In this Cellar Liquors that were froze above Ground would be thawed in the Morning The Spirit in the Glass above ground subsided into the Ball after two days hard Frost Whence it appears that Cellars are not hotter in Winter than Summer One thing observable was that the tinged Spirit had lost its Colour in the Cellar In January a Pint-Bottle of Claret a Glass-Cane filled with Canary a Solution of Sal Gem. Train-Oyl and the Oyl of fructus Musae in a Night's time were all froze except the Sal Gem in the bottom of which
those of the Water into motion induces a sensation of Cold and consequently there seems to be a privation of that motion which before caused Heat The second Argument Another Argument alledged for the positive Nature of Cold is this from Gassendus Cùm per hyemem immittimus manum in labentis fluminis Aquam quod frigus in ea sentitur non potest dici mera privatio aliudque prorsus esse apparet sentiri aquam frigidam sentiri non calidam Et fac eandem aquam gelari sentietur haud dubie frigidior an dices boc esse nihil aliud quam minus calidam sentiri Atqui calida jam antea non erat quomodo ergò potuit minus calida effici To which it is answer'd That our Sensories may mis-inform us as when a Stick is partly immersed in Water should we judge of it by what appears to our Senses we should conclude it broke but our Reason rectifying the Error of our Senses we are satisfied it is not Besides Sensations may depend on alterations in the internal Parts as well as on the impressions of outward Objects as in Hunger Thirst Coldness in Agues and Titilation upon venereal Thoughts besides which Argument that urged against the former Objection may be offer'd against this And since Water is not so cold as Ice it may in a Philosophical Sense be said to be comparitively warmer and tho' in respect of the Humours of our Body it be cold yet by the same reason we might conclude warm Water cold when the Hand is removed out of hot Water into it A third But in favour of the positive nature of Cold it is further offer'd that Cold is sometimes introduced into Bodies not hot before To which it is answer'd That since Fluidity consists in an agitation of the insensible Parts of a Body and Heat in a tumultuary one those Bodies into which Cold is introduced by Congelation differ whilst they are fluid only in degrees of motion from Heat and even when Water is froze it is not absolutely and perfectly cold since the Ball of a Weather-Glass being immersed in a Glass of Water and taken out when the Water was froze about it the Glass having been before tallow'd over to make it part with the Ice the Ice being broken off the Ball of the Weather-Glass the Air which was colder caused the Liquor to subside And that there may be sensible Perceptions of several degrees of Privation of the impressions of outward Objects appears since we perceive a sensible privation of Light when the Moon is eclipsed nine Digits and a more sensible one when it is totally darkned But tho' I argue for the privative nature of Cold yet I would not be thought to mean that an absolute Privation of Motion is the cause of it and by which it is affected for I rather think them the occasion than the efficient cause the motion of the Blood and Humours being differently modifyed upon a privation of their motion and consequently a different Sensation impressed upon the Sensory and that a Privation of the motion of some Parts of matter about our Sensory may occasion a new Determination of the Motion of those Fluids may be inferr'd from easy Observations for a Tennis-Ball is variously determined in its motion according to the Angle of Incidence upon another Body and tho' the Arches of a Bridge be quiescent Bodies yet by throwing the Water together they render its Stream violent enough to turn Mills and even the rapid motion of a Bullet may receive a new determination of its motion by striking upon the surface of the Water if when it was first discharg'd it made a sharp Angle with the Water so that its Angle of Incidence might not be too blunt and that various effects may ensue a Privation of some principal cause of former Events appears further from observing that by stopping the motion of Water a Mill presently ceases to move tho' no positive violence be offer'd to it And upon a relaxation of the violence of Wind all that was perform'd by the Mill presently ceases for want of Wind And in Paralytick cases a viscous or narcotic Humour obstructing or disaffecting one part of a Nerve so that Spirits cannot freely circulate through it occasions several odd and terrible Symptoms And Animals included in an Air-Pump dye barely by a privation of Air tho' nothing else is present to disaffect them And even Insects tho' void of motion upon a privation of Air yet when it is again let into them they move about as the advantages of their Species enables them so that from what hath been said it appears that a privation of the Agitation of the Humours may occasion a contrary and probably the effects ascribed to Cold. A fourth The next Argument alledged by Gassendus and to be considered is this Fac manuum immitti in aquam nunc calidam nunc frigidam quamobrem manus intra istam non intra illam refrigeratur An quia Calor manus intra frigidam retrabitur manusque proinde relinquitur calida manus At quidnam calor refugit quod intra frigidam reperiatur nonne frigas At si frigus est Tantum Privatio quidnam calor ab illa metuit Privatio sane nihil est atque adeo nihil agere unde ejus motus incutiatur potest But without supposing insensible matter to be in the least capable of proscecuting or avoiding what is hurtful to it this Objection is easily answered for the Reason why warm Water feels hot and cold affects us upon immerging our hand in it is because the Parts of the one is more and the Parts of the other less agitated than those about the Sensory and the motion of Humours about our Sensory being increased we feel a hot sensation and a cold one upon a Privation of that motion A fifth And tho' it be urged by some in favour of the positive Nature of Cold that Water is froze by externally applying to the outside of a Glass a Mixture of Snow and Salt yet to shew that Argument proves not that Cold acts positively I shall add the following explication of des Cartes Quia materia subtilis partibus bujus aquae circumfusa crassior aut minus subtilis consequenter plus virium habens quam illa quae circa nivis partes herebat locum illius occupat dum partes nivis liquescendo partibus salis circumvolvuntur Facilius enim per salsae aquae quam per dulcis poros movetur perpetuo ex corpore uno in aliud transire nititur ut ad ea loca perveniat in quibus mortui suo minus resistitur quo ipso materia subtilior ex nive in aquam penetrat ut egredienti succedat quum non satis valida fit ad continuandam agitationem hujus aquae illam concrescere sinit And in a similar manner Calces or Precipitates or other Powders are dryed by being placed on a piece of Paper
in both successively And the Salt it self being cast into Water scarce made it sensibly colder nor did the Glass wherein this Salt was kept disclose any remarkable degree of Coldness And even the frigorifick Mixture it self when the Ebullition was over appear'd not colder than common Water in a Night's time so that the Coldness depended purely upon the Texture of the fermenting Liquor And to this I shall add that tho' I made use of a Spirit that was drawn off at the same time with this Salt and which in the Judgment of my senses appeared to be of the same kind yet instead of a cold Ebullition it produced a Luke-warm Heat And to these I shall further subjoyn that tho' the Liquor above mention'd would produce a cold Ferment with the dry Salt yet with the Spirit it grew warm tho' some of the same frigorifick Spirit kept warm by the fire till the Liquor in the Weather-Glass rose yet upon the injecting of some of the dry'd Salt it would be manifestly depressed Nay tho the Spirit and Salt were both warm yet upon their Mixture they would produce a manifest Coldness And to this Experiment I shall add that Salt of Tartar mix'd with Spirit of Vinegar produced upon their Ebullition a degree of Coldness greater than that of Water and when a Weather-Glass was removed out of Water into it an hour after the ferment the Spirit was depressed about half an Inch tho' Salt of Pot-ashes mix'd with Spirit of Vinegar produced Heat as appeared by the same Weather-Glass successively immersed in either CHAP. XII Of the Mechanical Origin or Production of Heat Of the mechanical Production of Heat HEAT being a quality whose nature seems to consist in a mechanical Motion of the Parts of the Body said to be hot it may be requisite to note that the three following Conditions are necessary in modifying that Motion First That the Motion be more rapid than in Bodies barely fluid so Water becomes hot by an increase of the motion of its Parts which argue their vehement motion by dissolving Butter and rising in the form of Vapours Which effects are more conspicuous as the degree of Motion is greater or less Another Instance to shew that the Parts of hot Water are in a more violent agitation than those of cold is in Water cast upon a hot Iron for they presently acquire such an additional Motion from that hot Body that it hisses and boils yielding Steams copiously But a stronger instance of the vehement Agitation of the parts of hot Bodies is in actual Flame since they move so impetuously as to dissolve and shatter whatever lies in their way A second Condition requisite to render a Body hot is that the motion of its Parts be variously determined which variety of Determination is apparent in Fire which produces the same effects on the same Bodies whatsoever is their Scituation in respect of that Fire so a red Coal melts Wax whether held above below or on one side of it and that a variously determin'd Motion is requisite appears if we observe that the rapid motion of Water in a River which is only one way contributes not to the increase of its heat A third requisite is that the Parts in such a Motion should be very minute so as to be insensible since it is manifest that tho' Sand be put into a violent motion it acquires not a heat by it This account of heat being considered it will appear that a Body may become hot as many ways as it is capable of having its parts put into such a Motion To illustrate which Observation I shall subjoin some instances of the Production of Heat several ways as first by an effusion of Oyl of Vitriol upon Salt of Tartar Aq. fortis upon Silver But to pass over these common Instances I shall proceed to some not so frequently known having first taken notice of the Heat which succeeds an effusion of cold Water upon Quick-lime which Phaenomenon tho' it be commonly held to be an effect of an Antiperistasis upon the enclosure of the Lime in cold Water yet that the effect is produced by another cause appears since the like succeeds if hot Water be made use of instead of Cold and further because tho' Oyl of Turpentine be poured on it cold no such Effect follows EXPERIMENT I. Tho' Helmont ascribes the Incalescence of Quick-lime upon an Affusion of Water to a conflict of an Alkalizate and an acid Salt set at liberty by being dissolv'd in the Water yet since no such acid appears to be latent in Quick-lime the account is unsatisfactory For I might as well suppose an Acid latent in other Alkalies in as much as Salt of Tartar mixed with Water either in the Palm of ones Hand or in a Vial affords a sensible Heat EXPERIMENT II III IV. Others think that the cause of the Heat of Quick-lime proceeds from some fiery Empyrumatical Atoms lodged in the substance of the Stone when calcin'd and set at liberty in the form of Effluvia but this Hypothesis is not without some difficulties since no such Heat succeeds an affusion of Water upon Minium or Crocus Martis per se tho' their increase of weight argues that they are stuffed with fiery and metalline Particles To which I shall add that I knew two Liquors which being several times separated and reconjoined without addition did at each Congress acquire a sensible heat so Salt of Tartar several times freed from Water The effects of a mixture of Salt of Tartar and Water will produce Heat when mixed again with that Water which shews that the violence of the Fire is not requisite to impress upon all calcin'd Bodies that will heat with Water what passes for an Empyreum And this Phaenomenon I am apt to believe proceeds from a disposition of the Texture of the Salt being stocked with store of igneous Parts which upon an ingress of Water pressed into the Pores of the Body by the weight of the Atmosphere are apt to break the Texture of that Body and to put them in motion so as to produce a sensible Heat And that the Ferment depends upon the peculiar Texture of the Salt I am perswaded and a constipation of the Pores of it since Sal-Armon dissolv'd in Water and boiled to a dry Salt was not so much impregnated with fiery Parts as to cause a Heat upon its mixture with Water again but a considerable degree of Cold and tho' one would expect a greater cognation betwixt the Particles of fire adhering to Quick-lime and Spirit of Wine wholly inflammable yet the latter poured upon the former did not produce any sensible incalescence or dissolution of it and when this Spirit was soak'd into it I poured Water upon it without perceiving the least Heat or the Lime broken till within a few hours after so that the Spirit being sucked into the most capacious Pores of the Lime and associating with the Water rendred it more unfit to
and Garcias ab Horto pretend to be Eye witnesses of Carbuncles which shone in the dark and Marcus Paulus Venetus tells us that the King of Zeilan had a Rubie as thick as a Man's arm and a Palm long And two Russian Cossacks tell us that they heard from the People of Cottay that their King had a Rubie which would shine Night and Day And Benvonuto Cellini an Italian Writer gives us an account of a Carbuncle which afforded a considerable Light in the Night And we our selves have been informed of a shining substance found in Scotland And I am further told that a Dutch Admiral had a Diamond which when he opened a Coffer under Deck in a dark Room would shine by its native Light which is the more strange because that is a much colder Climate than the East-Indies for it is observable that warmth much contributes to the shining of such stones since rubbing will cause some to shine which when cold will not which makes me the less doubt of what is said of right Turquois viz. That it changes colour as the wearer is sick or well and loses its splendor after Death which is attested by the Observations of Boetius de Boot and Olaus Wormius and tho' Antonio N●ri tells us that a Turquois discoloured and grown white will regain its colour if immersed in Oyl of sweet Almonds yet Wormius tells us that a Nephritick stone being dipped in a Decoction of herbs lost its virtue And it is observed that the Texture of Oculus Mundi will be so changed by being left in Water that from Opacous it will become Transparent which acquired lustre it will soon lose in the Air. Observations made on Mr. Clayton's Diamond It was a flat Table Diamond ⅓ of an Inch long and less in breadth of a bad Water and less vivid in the day than other Diamonds being blemished with a whitish Cloud about the middle of it which blemish covered near a third part of the stone This Diamond being looked upon in a shady place in the day and also with a Microscope neither any thing peculiar in the stone nor any light was perceived Secondly when the Candle was removed in a dark Room it did not shine without being rubbed or otherwise prepared Thirdly I could neither produce Light by rubbing together two Pebbles nor by a vehement attrition of Rock-Crystal nor by two Diamonds as by this stone Fourthly it was hard enough to grave upon Rock-Chrystal with it and was endewed with an Electricity Fifthly by rubbing it in the dark it would be excited to shine like rotten wood but much fainter than the scales or slabber of a Whiting or than Glow-worms and it presently ceased after the attrition was ended But being rubbed brisksly it would continue its Light much longer so that it lasted eight times as long as it was a rubbing Sixthly holding it near a faint fire excited its Luciferous Qualities a little but by holding it near a Candle it was more apparently excited in a dark Room and it acquired a little glimmering by being held near a red piece of Iron as also by being contiguous to my naked Body sometime Seventhly by being rubbed till it acquired Luciferous Qualities it was also Electrical but not when it was excited to shine by the Heat of the Fire or a Candle Eighthly attrition varied its Luciferous Qualities as the Cloath varied in colour but on white and red it succeeded best It was likewise excited in some measure by being rubbed upon a white wooden Box and a purely glazed Earth which excited it much better than any other Body except white ones Ninthly when it was excited being plunged into Water Spirit of Wine Oyls of all sorts Acid Spirits and Alkalizate Solutions none of them destroyed its shining properties but when it was taken out of the Water it was not so easily excited as before Tenthly neither Spittle nor warm Liquors would extinguish its Light but being rubbed with a transparent horn I could discover Light through it and sometimes little sparks of fire Eleventhly being rubbed upon a blue Glass the faint Light was not visible through it but being first excited and then applyed to the Glass the Rays were tinged in their passage through it Twelfthly by pressing it hard upon a piece of white Tyle it became Luminous as also it discovered a short Coruscation when I pressed my finger upon it And if I thrust or stuck the point of a Bodkin against it it would discover a short but not a lasting Coruscation so that its Light seemed to be promoted by pressure rather than attrition The same Experiments being tryed with other precious Stones some Diamonds would by attrition be brought to a glimmering Light but others would not but neither the other precious Stones nor Artificial or Natural Chrystal would afford the least glimmering of Light CHAP. XXIV The Aerial Noctiluca or some new Phaenomena and a process of a Factitious self-shining substance Of an Aerial Noctiluca PHosphorus's are either natural as Glow-worms some sorts of rotten Wood and Fishes or artificial which are the chief subject of this discourse and are either First such as will retain a Lucidness sometime after they have been exposed to the Sun-Beams as the Bolonian Stone and Phosphorus Hermeticus of Balduinus which may be made of Chalk the latter of which succeeds much better than the former for it is presently excited in the Sun-Beams and even at the flame of a Candle and continues to shine a considerable time in the dark yet this advantage the Bolonian Stone hath above the other that it retains its Virtue of being excited much longer Or Secondly self-shining substances such as are usually called Noctiluca and are either consistent or liquid such as Mr. Crafft brought to London the consistent one being of a gummy Nature and constantly lucid but the other apt to vanish if exposed to the open Air. To which I shall add one of my own preparation which does not shine it self but when exposed to the Air the Effluvia mixing with it became lucid which therefore I call the Aerial Noctiluca In preparing of which from some Parts of a Man's Body it was not only difficult to hit upon the true degree of Heat but the Vessels in which it was raised by Distillation being not able to hold out so long as they should we were forced to save the Luciferous matter by small parcels and in distinct Vials Observations made on the Liquor which was contain'd in the second Vial which tho' it was large enough to contain two ounces had but a spoonful of the Liquor in it 1. By Day-light this shining Liquor was not near Diaphanous but of a muddy grayish colour And when it was disposed to shine in the dark the Cavity of the Vial above the Liquor seemed to be full of whitish fumes tho' at other times transparent 2. The Vial when close stopped was not Luminous in the dark but the Light or Flame appeared as
Mace as with Oyl of Cinamon yet upon further Tryals I found that it succeeded And to what hath been deliver'd on this Subject I shall further add when the Noctiluca was wholly consum'd to a Caput Mortuum that as soon as it was turned with the other side upwards it would immediately take Fire a-fresh THE WORKS Of the HONOURABLE ROBERT BOYLE Esq EPITOMIZED BOOK V. PART I. CHAP. I. New Experiments of the Positive or Relative Levity of Bodies under Water Arguments against the Positive Levity of emerging Bodies WHEN any Body that is lighter in Specie than Water is immersed in it and upon the removal of that force which depressed it it rises again it is usually attributed to the Positive Levity of that Body but since the instance of Wood emerging is that which is usually offered as an Argument to it I shall answer That Wood being a Body full of Pores except some which will not swim in Water and upon that account specifically lighter than Water the Water by the Pressure of that which is incumbent getting betwixt the Superficies of the Vessel and the Body immersed causes it to rise the Water which succeeds it in its place making a more powerful Pressure against it than its Specifick Gravity enables it to resist And that Bodies Specifically lighter than Water will be thus buoyed up by it will appear from the Hydrostatical Paradoxes hereafter to be laid down And tho' it be usually urged that the Bodies imimmersed are too closely contiguous to the bottom of the Vessel for the Water to insinuate themselves betwixt yet from the following Experiment it will appear that were the contiguous Surfaces so close the positive Levity of the Wood would not be able to raise it for two black Marbles being so exactly polished as to be as contiguous as possibly they might we tyed a Bladder full of Air to the uppermost and then causing them both to be immersed in Water the positive Levity of the Bladder would not cause the Bladder to rise but as soon as by a servant the uppermost Marble was gradually slipped half off the Polished Surface of the lowest the Water which before was not able to insinuate it self betwixt the Surfaces of the contiguous Marbles and to separate them presently caused the Bladder to rise with a considerable swiftness and force above the Surface of the Water Which Event that it did not depend on Nature's abhorrency of a Vacuum is evident since that would have an equal force when the Polished Surfaces were wholly contiguous the Power of Nature's abhorrency of a Vacuum being held by its Assertors to be unlimited And that it was not the heaviness of the upper Marble nor want of lightness in the included appeared since when the Surfaces of the polished Marbles were not contiguous the Bladder was able to lift up a weight of six or seven pound besides the Marble And to shew that the Bladder might be raised by the Pressure of the Water according to the laws of Hydrostaticks usually buoying up Bodies Specifically lighter than it self having pressed out the greatest part of the Air contained in a Bladder I tyed a piece of Iron to it and immersed it in a wide-mouth'd Glass which was so deep that the Bladder was totally immersed and yet not far below the Surface of the Water and this being convey'd into our Pneumatick Engine when by exhausting the Air part of the Pressure was taken off the Air in the Bladder expanding it self and takeing up more Room in the Water and consequently becoming so much more Specifically lighter and the resistance of the Water which endeavours to buoy it up becoming respectively greater it was together with the suspended weight raised to the Surface of the Water and continued there till the outward Air was let in again and then the Air being contracted into its former dimensions it subsided again In which Experiment the positive Levity of the Air was not varyed but only its relative and respective weight in reference to its proportion of Water And that Rarefaction alters not the positive Levity of Bodies may appear from the following Experiment for having oyled a Bladder and when the Air was expressed tyed it to the neck of a Vial I found that in the exhausted Receiver tho' the Air in the Vial was so far expanded as to fill the whole capacity of the Bladder yet the Vial neither rose higher nor subsideded lower when the Air was drawn out or let in again CHAP. II. New Experiments about the Pressure of the Air 's Spring on Bodies under Water The Pressure of the Air 's Spring on Bodies under Water TO shew that the Spring and Weight of the Air hath manifest effects on Bodies separated from an immediate contact by the Interposition of Water I shall subjoyn the following Experiments EXPERIMENT II. We luted the neck of a Vial which was capable of containing above a point of Water upon that pipe which conveys Air out of the Receiver into the Pump which being done we whelmed over this Receiver our large one and having poured in a sufficient quantity of Water we closed it up with the Turn-key that no Air might get out that way and then the Air being exhausted out of the Vial if flew into a great many peices the sides of the Glass being not able to resist the Pressure of the Air that lay upon the Surface of the Water in the large Receiver EXPERIMENT II. The greatest part of the Air being squeezed out of a Bladder and the Bladder tyed to a weight which kept it something below the Surface of Water contained in a wide-mouth'd Glass this being convey'd into a Receiver the Air in the Bladder expanded as the Air on the Superficies of the Water was extracted EXPERIMENT III. A Brass Plug being fitted to a Cylinder which was closed with a Plate of the same Metal at one end we put a Bladder half blown into the Cylinder and placing the Plug upon it with a weight of a Conical figure upon that we poured so much Water into the Receiver in which it was placed as covered the top of the Conical weight but left the Ring which was fixed to the top of it and which was fastned to the Turn-key by the help of a string and things being thus ordered when the Air above the water was considerably exhausted the Spring of the Air in the Cylinder raised the Plugg and Weights a considerable height tho' the whole weight amounted to twenty eight pounds EXPERIMENT IV. A Glass Vial being closed with Cement and immersed in a deep Brass Cylinder of Water this was convey'd into our Receiver and when the Air which pressed upon the Water was drawn off the Vial in the bottom of the Water was violently shattered in pieces by the Spring of the included Air for want of a sufficient Pressure of the Air incumbent on the Water to resist the force of that Spring EXPERIMENT V. To shew that the Expansion
or Rarefaction of Air increases not the positive Levity of Air we suspended a Bladder half full of Air with a Counterpoise at a ballance in our Receiver and tho' when the Air was exhausted the Bladder was sufficiently distended yet it seemed to retain the same weight whether dilated or contracted CHAP. III. New Experiments concerning an effect of the varying weight of the Atmosphere upon some Bodies in the Water Communicated in the Transactions of Feb. 24.1672 3. Of the Effects of the differing weight of the Atmosphere on Bodies under Water COnsidering that the Pores of most Liquors are plentifully stocked with Aery Particles and that upon that account the Atmosphere may according to its several degrees of weight have considerable Effects on them I caused three small Glass-Bubbles with slender Stems to be blown which were so equally poised in Water by their weight that a little thing would make them emerge or sink And I observ'd that these being put into Water contained in a wide-mouth'd Glass sometimes they would emerge and sometimes subside and sometimes emerge again as the Atmosphere varyed in weight or degrees of Heat and Cold. And it was easie to observe that when the Heat of the Air raised one of these Bubbles the heat of the Sun-Beams would so rarisie the Water included in them as to cause some of it to get out upon which the Bubbles emerged but when those Beams were intercepted the Water being condensed and getting into the Bubble again it would subside But when their subsiding depended on the weight of the Atmosphere if the Mercury in the Baroscope stood high the Heat of the Sun would not raise the Bubbles N. B. 1. That the Bubbles not being all equally poised sometimes one and sometimes two would rise as the Air was heavier or lighter and consequently capable of affecting the lightest only or all 2. The Success did not always answer for when the subsiding depended on some occult cause they would continue there as if some airy Parts had insinuated themselves into the Water 3. The fittest time for these Experiments and in which they best succeed is in the Spring the Air being more subject to vary in its Weight as well as other things CHAP. IV. New Experiments about the differing Pressure of heavy Solids and Fluids Of the different Pressure of Solids and Fluids ONE great reason why some Learned Men believe that the Air hath no such a considerable Pressure on subjacent Bodies as we teach is because they think it would be too heavy for Animal Bodies to live or move under it but since we have positive proof of it we may as well doubt whether the Load-stone be endewed with an attracting and other Virtues because we cannot understand how they are perform'd Besides Men being born under such a Pressure their Bodies seem not only accustom'd to it but proportionably strong But could we suppose a Man born somewhere without the incumbent weight of an Atmosphere doubtless such Bodies would not be so able as ours to resist its Pressure But it is urged by some that were there such a Pressure of the Atmosphere it would cause Pain but to this it may likewise be answered that our Bodies being from the Birth accustomed to it we only feel Pain upon some new unaccustomed and additional Pressure so when we are accustomed to wear heavy Cloaths we are not sensible of their weight nor are we sensible of the Heat of the Blood in our Heart because it 's habitual to those Parts whereas if our finger be put into the Heart of a newly dissected Animal we shall find it sensibly hot But further from what I have elsewhere laid down it appears that a Cubick Inch of Air will be able to resist the weight of the whole incumbent Atmosphere and that a little quantity of Air resists a further compression as well as a greater and I have likewise shewn that the Pores of the Parts of Animals whether fluid or consistent are plentifully stocked with numerous Aerial Bubbles which cause those Bodies to swell or expand in our exhausted Receiver And as for those membranous and fibrous Parts which are not altogether so porous they are of so strong and firm a Texture as to resist external Pressure upon that account Besides there is a great deal of difference betwixt the partial Pressure of a solid Body and the Pressure of an Ambient Fluid which presses uniformly and is resisted either by the solidity of the Parts or the Spring of those Airy Particles contained within their Pores And that the uniformness of the Pressure makes it less sensible is evident since it hath been observed that tho' the Atmosphere is so much lighter upon the tops of some high Mountains as not to elevate Mercury so high in a Baroscope by three Inches as at the bottom yet those that have been upon those Mountains tell us that they perceived no considerable difference in the Pressure of the Atmosphere above and below nor are Miners sensible of any great weight upon them tho' in deep Mines in Mountainous Countrys nor are Divers sensible of any Pressure when under Water but that Air weighs in Air and that Water weighs in Water I have elsewhere made it evident yet I don't think that a Diver is violently depressed by the weight of the incumbent Water since from what we have elsewhere delivered it appears that if a Man's Body were of an equal specifick Gravity with the Water the subjacent Water would sustain him but his Body being heavier than an equal bulk of Water the Surplusage of weight depresses it for which Reason in some Sea-Water which is near of the same specifick Gravity with their Bodies Divers find it very difficult to dive However it is not a little strange that at so great a depth as one hundred fathom Divers should not perceive a sensible Pressure especially upon their Thorax and Abdomen But I am apt to believe that the inadvertency of some of them rather than any thing else makes them not take notice of it or else the haste which they rise and sink in since I have been told by some that they have perceived a manifest Pressure when they sunk leisurely And I was likewise told by another that when he descended a great depth under Water the Blood was squeezed out of his Nose and Eyes and another who dived in a Leathern-case told me that it was so much pressed against his Thorax and Belly that he was forced suddenly to come up again But since these Relations are not altogether to be relied on I shall endeavour to give a Reason why the Pressure is no more sensible which I take to be the strong Texture of a Human Body and the uniformity of the Pressure As to the first to what I have said of the Resistance made by our Bodies to external Pressure I shall only add that a Bladder being tyed upon the end of a Cylinder about an Inch in Diameter
when the Air was exhausted the incumbent Pressure of the Atmosphere was not able to break it tho' when a Man's hand was placed there he was not able to raise it till some of the Air was let in again the Pressure which held his hand down being equivalent to a Cylinder of Water thirty foot high But to shew the effects of an uniform Pressure of Liquids upon Solids contained in them I shall subjoyn the following Tryals EXPERIMENT I II and III. Having placed an Egg betwixt two Bladders half blown in a Brass Cylinder and cautiously put a Plug upon them with as much weight upon it as amounted to thirty pound I placed them all in a Receiver and when the Air was exhausted tho' the expanding Bladders must needs press equally against the Egg and the Plug yet the incumbent weight was raised and the Egg when taken out as whole as before the weight it sustained in the Cylinder being not quite so much as the weight of the Atmosphere But tho' the Egg was able to sustain so much weight when pressed upon uniformly yet Weights being successively laid upon the same Egg exposed to the open Air four Pound weight crushed it in pieces And by further Tryals we found that an Egg-shell which had all the Yelk and White taken out as also a thin Glass Bubble being placed betwixt two Bladders as in the first Experiment neither of them was in the least cracked EXPERIMENT IV. To shew that what we have taught of the Nature of Fluids will hold in Water as well as Air if the Pressure be uniform we enclosed an Egg in a Bladder almost full of Water and putting it into the Brass Cylinder we heaped upon the Plug as many Weights as amounted to seventy five pound yet the Egg being taken out was as found as when first put in In which Instance it cannot be pretended that the Egg bore no weight by those that allow not Water to gravitate in Water since there was a considerable Pressure made by Metalline Weights which every body allows to weigh in Water From this Experiment and the other before mention'd of an Egg being broke by a partial Pressure it appears that the Strength of the Texture of a Humane Body together with the Uniformity of the Pressure of ambient Water may be the reasons why Divers feel no greater Inconveniency under Water for tho' their Thorax may be a little more compressed than other Parts yet that Part being naturally dilated and contracted a little Pressure may make no sensible Alteration But I have been told by a Diver that at a consicerable Depth he perceived a painful Pressure upon the Drums of his Ears 'till he contriv'd a way to guard them from that Inconveniency the reason of which Phaenomenon seemed to be no other than that in that Part there was not an equal internal Pressure to resist and counterballance the external Pressure of the Water CHAP. V. An Invention for estimating the Weight of Water in Water with ordinary Ballances or Weights Communicated in the Pub. Transact of Aug. 16. 1669. A Bubble about the bigness of a Pullet's Egg with a long Stem turned upo at the end was heated and when the Air was most of it expelled sealed up and then being by a convenient weight of Lead immersed under Water it was suspended at the end of a Ballance and counterpoised and then the Apex of the Stem being broke off with a Forceps so much Water got into the Cavity of the Bubble as required four drachms and thirty eight grains to reduce the Ballance to an Aequilibrium Which being done we drove out the Water by the help of a Flame of a Candle into another Glass which was counterposed and we found that it weighed four drachms and thirty grains which together with what was evaporated and lost and the weight of the Apex amounted to the weight first mention'd So that from hence it appears that Water weights as much in Water as it does in the open Air which according to the best Computation we could make succeeded a second time in a larger Bubble As for the Objections which Mr. George Sinclair hath made to this Experiment since it is the Opinion of our Author that he only differs from him in Expressions I shall wave what he there says as not at all requisite in this Place and shall only add what our Author hath said to explain what he means by Water weighing in Water viz. That it gravitates or weighs in as much as it tends downwards upon the account of its specifick Weight tho' it does not preponderate that is the Parcel of Water weighed hath but an equal Tendency downwards with the Ambient Water but upon an additional Weight it preponderates as much as the additional weight increases its Tendency towards the Center CHAP. VI. Hydrostatical Paradoxes made out by new Experiments BEfore I procced to the Hydrostatical Paradoxes I shall briefly intimate that tho' I can readily assent to the Hydrostatical Conclusions laid down in Monsieur Paschall's Discourse yet as for the Experiments he makes use of to prove them by I must own I am not satisfy'd with them since he makes use of such as require that a Man should sit under Water fifteen or twenty Foot with the end of a Tube leaning upon his Thigh But he neither acquaints us how a Man shall be able to continue there or how he shall discern the alterations in the Mercury or other Bodies at the bottom Besides such Experiments as he proposes require Tubes twenty foot long and Vessels as many foot deep which are hard to be got in England nor is it possible to obtain from a Tradesman Brass Cylinders or Pluggs made with so much Mathematical Exactness as he proposes Having therefore contriv'd a more easy way to demonstrate the Truths contain'd in the foregoing Paradoxes before I proceed to examine them I shall premise a word or two by way of Postulatum or a Lemma which consists of three Parts The first of which is That if a Pipe open at both ends and held perpendicular to the Horizon have the lower of them under Water there passes an imaginary Plain which touching the Orifice of the Pipe is parallel to the Horizon and likewise as to sense to the upper Surface of the Water To which it will be consonant secondly that as long as the Surface of the Water is even the Water incumbent on this Plain will equally press on all the parts of it But thirdly if there be a greater Pressure on one part of this Plain than another as when a Stone presses upon it the Water which lyes under that Stone will be displaced as the Stone subsides successively 'till it come to the Bottom But on the contrary if there be less Pressure on one part of that Plain than on another the Liquor will be raised on that part so high 'till the Liquor on that part of the Plain gravitates equally as the Water
Deliquium instead of Water and Spirit of Wine instead of Oyl of Turpentine these Liquors being not disposed to mingle with one another and instead of fair Water 06 we may make use of a filtred Solution of Sea-Salt when the other is not easily got And when we have a mind to vary the Experiment we may make use of Oyl of Turpentine along with the other two and by depressing a Tube into them with Water in the bottom exhibit very pleasing Phaenomena PARADOX II. That a lighter fluid may gravitate or weigh upon a heavier paradox 2 The truth of this is evident since all Bodies have a tendency towards the Center by which they are always disposed to press downwards tho' sometimes they have a respective Levity as when a piece of Wood emerges in Water yet nevertheless that relative Levity argues not that it hath no weight at all since tho' when a Man stands in a pair of Scales and lifts up a weight notwithstaning the Ascent of the weight he will perceive a manifest tendency of it downwards But to make it more plain See Plate 2d Fig. 2. where supposing a Cylinder of Water I G See Plate 2. Fig. 2. to be immersed in Oyl of Turpentine to the immaginary Surface E F the Water in the Pipe I H being heavier in Specie than the Oyl it will equally ponderate upon the Surface E F as the lighter Oyl K E L I and if the Pipe be immersed deeper the Cylinder of Water being not equiponderant with the extenal Oyl the Oyl will tho' a lighter Body in Specie rise in the bottom of the Tube and buoy up the Water Again the Bubble X which consists of a Glass heavier than Water and Air which is lighter See Plate 2. Fig. 3. or partly of Water it self which is specifically as heavy as long as the whole aggregate is lighter than Water of an equal bulk it will float but if it grows heavier it will sink and if any heavy Body presses upon it which is specifically heavier than Water by which the included Air may be compressed the Bubble will subside but when that Pressure is taken off and the Air expands it self again it will as soon emerge the Water that was before sucked in being by that means expelled But for a further Confirmation of this second Paradox I shall add the following Experiment viz. That having put a Glass-Bubble pretty well poised into a Tube filled within a foot of the top with Water it swam there till a good deal of Oyl of Turpentine was poured upon the Water but then more Water being forced into the Bubble by the weight of the incumbent Oyl it presently subsided but when part of that Oyl was taken off the spring of the Internal Air forcing the impressed Water out again the Bubble presently immerged And For a further Confimation of this Paradox as well as the first I shall add that a Bubble swimming in a Tube as in the former Experiment tho' depressed to the bottom by a Wier yet when that Pressure is taken off again it will rise up as before but if it be held under Water till more is poured in and till it rises about a foot above it in the Tube the weight of the incumbent Water will depress it but if that Water be gradually taken off the Bubble will presently emerge If it should be asked why in these Tryals I did not make use of Oyl of Tartar per Deliquium instead of Water I shall answer That in such slender Pipes as the first Experiment was made in as the Oyl of Tartar flowed down one side the Oyl of Turpentine would rise on the other which makes me wonder that Monsieur Paschall should teach that if a Tube filled with Mercury be immersed fourteen foot under Water if the Tube be fourteen foot long the Mercury will not wholly run out but continue to the height of a foot in the bottom of it and I the more wonder at it since probably the Impetus would make it descend and since the like would not succeed with much more favourable circumstances betwixt Oyl of Turpentine and Oyl of Tartar PARADOX III. paradox 3 That if a Body contiguous to the Water be altogether or in Part lower than the highest level of the said Water the lower part of the Body will be pressed upward by the Water that touches it beneath This may be proved from what hath been delivered under the first Paradox for where-ever an imaginary Surface is beneath the real one the weight of the Water being incumbent on all other Parts of the same Superficies that part on which the immersed Body chances to lean must have a Proportionable endeavour upwards and if that endeavour be greater than the specifick Gravity of the immersed Body is able to resist then it is buoyed up and tho' the Gravity of the immersed Body is so great as to over-power the tendency of the Water upwards yet the tendency of that Water is not therefore to be denyed for as much as it in some measure resists the subsiding of that Body And this may be confirmed by the Experiment tryed in the second figure for as more Oyl is externaly poured on the Water is impelled and buoyed up in the Pipe by the subjacent Oyl which could not be if the Oyl did not press against it beneath and even when the Water and Oyl are in an Aequilibrium the latter presses upwards in as much as it resists the descent of the Water out of the Tube And the truth of this Proposition is equally true whether we suspend Oyl in Water or Water in Oyl And that the Water makes a resistance to Bodies that descend in it See Plate 2. Fig. 4. will appear from the following Scheme for supposing the Pipe E F to contain Oyl specifically heavier than Water and when the Oyl and Water without were in an Aequilibrium the Pipe be raised drops of Oyl will fall out but much more slowly than in the open Air where if the drop G were not specifically heavier than the Water it would not break the imaginary Surface of the Water H I. But further it not only from hence appears that since as long as the two Liquors are in Aequilibrium they are not able to remove each other out of their places but from hence we may infer that a Liquor of an equal specifick Gravity with Water being placed in any part of that Liquor would remain in the place assigned But to illustrate what we have said of Water obstructing the descent of Bodies heavier than it self I shall add that if twelve ounces of Lead be counterpoised in the Air when the Lead is let down below the Surface of the Water the Scale in the Air will manifestly preponderate which shews that the Water hinders the descent of the other And the resistance of Fluids to the lower superficies of Bodies may be further confirmed by observing that Bodies specifically lighter than
Water are raised by it as Wood and drops of Oyl the Reason of which seems to be this that there is a greater Pressure upon the lowest part N than upon the upper part of the drop M because that upon all the Surface K L there is an uniform Pressure of the Water A K. B L and upon all the Parts of the Surface H I there is a greater weight of Water A H. B I except at the part N for there the Oyl G being not so heavy as so much Water it is consequently unable to resist the ascent of the Water beneath it for which Reason it is buoyed up and the case being the same with that and any other Parallel Plain where-ever it is in its ascent it must be by the same Reason gradually raised up for the Oyl being pressed against by two Pillars of Water the one above and the other below and the lower being longer by the thickness of the rising Body than that which lyes upon it it must consequently be buoyed up and more or less swiftly as the lower Basis presses more or less on the subjacent superficies And for the like Reason when two pieces of stick of a different length are immersed in Water the longest rises the fastest for if O P were two foot high and Q R but one and both rested upon the same imaginary Plain the one hath a Pillar of Water a foot longer to resist its rising than the other and as the emerging Body rises slower as the proportion betwixt the upper and the lower Pillar of Water is less so thence may be deduced a Reason why in some Liquors whose whiteness depends on the intermixture of drops are so long a rising the minuteness of them rendering the difference of the upper and lower Pillar of Air inconsiderable but as these drops by moving up and down unite into larger the difference growing more considerable they are accordingly buoyed up in less time and swim upon the top of the Water And for the same Reason See Fig. 3. Plate 2. that these Bodies float upon Water a Cubick Inch of Wood is by its specifie Gravity only so far depressed into the Water contained in the Vial A B. C D till the Water about it makes an equal Pressure upon the imaginary Surface X W and because the Wood is not so heavy in Specie as Water therefore part is kept emerging above the superficies of it But to shew further that the weight of a floating Body is equal to as much Water as its immersed Port takes up the Room of I shall subjoyn that having placed several Marks upon the Surface of a floating Glass and when it was taken off the Water put just so much Water into it as filled it up to those Marks by that means I found that the weight of the Water which was sufficient to fill the space possessed by the floating Vessel below the Surface of the Water was equal to the weight of the whole floating Vessel and all that was contained in it And the same end may be obtained another way viz. By first filling a Cistern or Pond with Water by a Vessel of a known capacity and then having emptyed it again for if the Vessel be placed in that Cistern or Pond and Water put into the Cistern again till it floats the Vessel and fills the Cistern or Pond full as much as it falls short of the weight of Water first contained in the Cistern so much is the weight of the floating Body PARADOX IV. That in the ascension of Water in Pumps c. There needs nothing to raise the Water but a competent weight of an external fluid The truth of this Paradox sufficiently appears from what hath been before delivered however to make it plainer if possible I shall add that if a tinged Liquor be sucked up about an Inch into a Tube and whilst the upper Orifice is covered with ones Thumb it be depressed in Water till the superficies of the external Water is above the Surface of the internal and then a considerable quantity of Oyl be poured upon that and when ones Thumb is taken off the upper Orifice of the Pipe the external Fluids will by their Pressure raise the tinged Liquor above the Surface of the Water tho' not quite so high as the Oyl From whence it appears that a Liquor may be raised in a Tube by the Pressure of an external fluid and that lighter than it self in Specie which may illustrate what we have said of the rising of Water in Pumps where by the Pressure of the Atmosphere the Water is buoyed up when the Pressure of the incumbent Atmosphere is taken off the internal superficies by the rising sucker and makes way for the Water to ascend within the Pipe I took likewise a small Tube whose Diameter was the sixth part of an Inch and having immersed it an Inch in Quick-silver I put my Thumb upon the upper Orifice and kept it there till I had immersed the Tube eighteen Inches in Oyl by the weight of which pressing against the Quick-silver it was not only kept from falling out of the Pipe but raised a little and as when the Tube was raised some of the Mercury would fall out so when it was depressed the Mercury would be buoyed up by the greater weight of the external Liquor upon it And indeed that the Water in a Pump may be raised by the Pressure of an external fluid will appear more fully to him that shall consider that in the Torrecellian Experiment the Pressure of the external Air is able to raise Mercury in a Tube twenty nine or thirty Digits which is equiponderant to a Cylinder of Water thirty three or thirty four foot high paradox V PARADOX V. That the Pressure of an external fluid is able to keep an Heterogeneous Liquor suspended at the same height in several Pipes tho' those Pipes be of very different Diameters This is evident from what is represented in Fig. 6. Plate the second See Fig. 6. Plate 2. for if the Orifice of that Vessel A B C D be closed up with a Cork and that Cork have four holes in three of which the Pipes are fixed and in the fourth the Tunnel and if when so much Water hath been poured in as reaches to the Surface E F Oyl be poured through the Tunnel till it reaches to the Surface G H it will depress the Surface of the Water down lower and the Oyl not being able to get into the Pipes L. M. N. by its weight it will cause the Water to rise to O P Q the Surface of the Water which before rested at E F being depressed down to I K upon which imaginary Surface the Water contained in the Tubes answerable to their Bulk making an equivalent Pressure with a Cylinder of external Oyl of the same Bore the Water must consequently be buoyed up to the same height in all except the last Pipe be very small but the
difference on that account being easily distinguished it will be no difficult matter to make an allowance N. B. when the Oyl is poured through the Tunnel it will be requisite to put some Cotton Wool in it to break the force of the falling stream lest the violence of it should prejudice the Experiment PARADOX VI. If a Body placed under Water paradox VI with its uppermost Surface parallel to the Horrizon how much Water soever there may be on this or that side above the Body the direct Pressure sustained by the Body for we now consider not the Lateral or the recoiling Pressure to which the Body may be exposed if quite environed with Water is no more than that of a Column of Water having the Horizontal superficies of the Body for its Basis and the Perpendicular depth of the Water for its height And so likewise If the Water that leans upon the Body be contained in Pipes open at both ends the Pressure of the Water is to be estimated by the weight of a Pillar of Water whose Basis is equal to the lower Orifice of a Pipe which we suppose to be parallel to the Horizon and its height equal to a Perpendicular reaching thence to the top of the Water tho' the Pipe be much inclined towards the Horizon or tho' it be irregularly shaped and much broader in some Parts than the said Orifice As for the first part of our Paradox it is proposed by Stevinus in more general Terms and thus demonstrated See Fig. 7. Plate the second where supposing A B C D to be a solid Rectangular figure of Water whose Basis E F is parallel to the Horizon and whose height G E is a Perpendicular from the Surface of that Water the bottom D E E F and F C cannot be charged with a greater weight than what is respectively Perpendicular because none of them can receive an Additional weight from the Water Collaterally but it must diminish the weight of Water Perpendicularly incumbent on that other bottom else there must be a greater weight upon the Basis D E F C than is contained in the Surface A B. C D which is impossible To which instance of the learned Stevinus I shall add the following For if Oyl be suck'd up into the Pipe represented by Fig. 8 Plate the second and when it is at a convenient height in the longer Leg you nimbly stop the upper Orifice till it be depressed so low into the Water that the Oyl is but little above the Surface of the Water it will rest near that station when the upper Orifice is unstopped and if it be depressed lower than that the weight of the incumbent Pillar of Water will force its way into the Pipe so far as answers the weight of a Cylinder of Water of an equal Bore with the Oyl contained in the Pipe and on the contrary if the Pipe be elevated above its first station as much Oyl will rise out of the Pipe and emerge as answers in weight to the part of the incumbent Pillar of Water removed by that means from gravitating upon it And to this I shall add that tho' Water is not contained in Pipes yet it presses as regularly upon subjacent Bodies as if it were which will be evident if a Vessel of the shape of the Funnel delineated in Fig. the 6th be imployed for the Liquor contained in the small Stem of that will be able to sustain the whole incumbent Water In confirmation of which we made use of such a Vessel as Plate the third figure the first represents See Plate 3. Fig. 1. and filling the parallel Leg with Oyl and the other as well as the Ball with Water the Oyl was elevated no higher in the longer Leg than if the less Leg had been an uniform Tube of the same Diameter and when the Experiment was reiterated with Oyl in the Ball and Water in the long Leg the weight of that Oyl was not able to raise the Water in the long Leg to an equal superficies with it self the Liquors in both these Experiments which was contained in the capacity of the Ball being sustained by the concave sides of the Glass And the like Experiment being tryed with Quick-silver which was poured into the shorter Leg C D till it rought almost to the bottom of the Ball and as high in the longer Tube A B upon an affusion of Water into the longer Leg the Mercury was buoyed up into the Ball till it rought to H E G where if more than what was Perpendicularly incumbent on the Tube C had pressed upon it the Water would not have been able to keep it at such a height But to confirm the second part of our Paradox See Plate 3. Fig. 2. we made use of a Glass such as Plate the third Fig. the second represents and having filled the Glass half full of Water we stopped it with a Cork in which the Pipes there delineated were fixed and likewise the Tunnel the bottom of each of the Pipes being each immersed considerably in Water and then pouring in Oyl through the Tunnel we observed that the Water was elevated to an equal height from the lower superficies of the Oyl which pressed on the Water in which Experiment tho' the Pipes contained more Water by being included yet that Water pressed no more upon the imaginary Plain than an erect Pipe of equal Bore with the lower superficies of the Water contained in it would have done And if Oyl of Turpentine be poised in a Pipe in an erect Posture and then by inclination a greater portion of it brought under Water yet the external Water will raise the Oyl contained in it and the same was evident when Oyl of Turpentine being contained in three Pipes of such figures as Plate the third Fig. the third represents for in all such cases See Fig. 3. Plate 3. where the Pipes are in an inclined Posture or some Parts of them larger than ordinary part of the weight of the Liquors contained weigh upon the sides of the Vessel and no more presses upon the subjacent Liquor than is answerable to an erect Pipe of equal Bore with the lower Orifice and of equal height with an erect Tube answerable to the length of one end of that Pipe from the other To make out what Stevinus hath asserted viz. That if a Cylinder of Water be placed upon a subjacent Body the Basis will sustain a weight equal to that Circular Basis and to the Perpendicular height of it we provided a Vessel of Laton See Fig. 4. Plate 3. of the figure represented by Fig. twelve Plate the third which being furnished with a close bottom C D made of a flat piece of Wood covered with a soft Bladder and greased on the lower side near the edges that leaned on the rim of Wood G H contiguous every where to the inside of the Latten that it might be easily lifted up from off the rim and yet at other times lye
so close upon it that the Water should not be able to get out between them To the midst of this bottom was fastned a long string for a use to be hereafter mention'd the Instrument being thus prepared the Water was poured in at the top of the Pipe A B which pressing upon the false bottom C D against the subjacent rim G H contributed to render the Vessel more close and to obstruct its own passage whereupon we tyed the upper end of the string I K to a beam and put so many weights into the opposite Scale as were sufficient to raise the false bottom C D from the rim G H. And then deducting from that weight the weight of the false bottom and the Water contained in the broad Cylindrical Box B E C H. G D F we found that the Pressure which was made upon C D was much greater than what reading Stevinus would make one expect and than all the Water contained both in the Pipe and Cylinder would have been had it been contained in an uniform Cylinder paradox VII PARADOX VII That a Body immersed in a fluid sustains a Lateral Pressure from the fluid and that increased as the depth of the immersed Body below the Surface of the fluid increaseth This appears from what is represented by Plate the third Fig. the fifth See Plate 3. Fig. 5. where Oyl being sucked up into the Pipes G F K and they sufficiently immersed in the Water contained in the Vessel A B C D so that the Surface of the Oyl I K may be but a little above the Water the Imaginary Pillar of Water H G will suspend it there but if the Pipe be raised the Oyl becoming too heavy to be kept up by so short a Cylinder the incumbent Cylinder will force it out of the Orifice G but if the Pipe be further immersed the Water will raise the Oyl in the Tube and fill part of the Cylindrical cavity below it To this Experiment I shall add See Plate 3. Fig. 6. that having stopped the Mouth of the Vial ABCD represented by Fig. six Plate the third with a Cork and Cement and bored with a hot Iron a hole to receive the Pipe G H and the other E F I stopped the Orifice G with a Cork and Cement likewise and then pouring in Water through the Pipe E till it rose to the Surface I the Bubble X was so nicely poised that it swam but as soon as by pouring in more Water the Surface was raised to K the Bubble X subsided to the bottom From whence it appears that the whole Water contained in the Pipe E presses upon the whole Water within the Glass otherwise it could not compress the Air in the Bubble and make it sink and likewise that it not only presses upon that subjacent but likewise upon those Parts that are latterally situated in Respect of it And that not only the upper Parts of the Water but even the Cork that is below the Surface of the Water I is pressed by the weight of it and obliquely too appears since if the Orifice G be not closely stopped the Water will be raised through it and if instead of a Cork and Cement it be only stopped with ones Thumb one may perceive an evident Pressure of the Water against it And that the subsiding of the Bubble depended on the Pressure of the Water above it appeared since if part of the Water was poured off by inclining the Vial it would presenty emerge again And one thing in this Experiment worthy our notice was that if the Glass A B. C D was not wholly filled but the space betwixt L M filled with Air yet the Pressure of such different Fluids may be so easily communicated from one to the other that the Bubble would descend equally as if it were filled with Water paradox VIII PARADOX VIII That Water may be made to depress a Body lighter than it self as well as to buoy it up The truth of this Paradox will be easily made out by the following Experiments for if a Glass Syphon See Plate 3. Fig. 7. of the Figure represented by Fig. 7. Plate the third be filled from H to I with Oyl of Turpentine and immersed in the Glass A B C D till the Orifice A of the shorter Leg be under Water if then the Orifice E be unstopped and the whole Tube E I F G H be depressed gradually the incumbent Water H K will press the Oyl out of the shorter Leg H G into the longer E F. And For a further confirmation of this Paradox as well as the foregoing and the second I shall subjoin that having provided a Pipe of the Figure represented by Fig. 8. and sucked so much Oyl into it as filled the space L M N P See Fig. 〈◊〉 I immersed it in Water and upon the opening the Orifice O as the Pipe was gradually depressed the Oyl was pressed out of the Pipe L M to N and from thence to what height I pleased in the Pipe O P N. PARADOX IX paradox IX That whatever is said of Positive Levity a parcel of Oyl lighter than Water may be kept in Water without ascending in it Considering that since the Surface of a Vessel of standing Water is Physically speaking Horizontal the Water that presses against the lower part of the immersed Body must needs be deeper than that which presses against the upper and that this is the Reason why Bodies lighter than Water emerge I concluded that if the Water upon the upper Surface of Oyl in a Tube could be so high as to ballance the Pressure of that Water below Oyl might be suspended betwixt two Parcels of Water To try the Result I sucked an Inch of Water into a Tube and by stopping the upper Orifice and by that means suspending the Water in the Tube I removed it into a Vessel of Oyl and then opening the upper Orifice till an Inch of Oyl was buoyed up into it I removed it again into a Vessel of Water and immersed it so far in that till the Water below the Oyl was equal in height to the Water above it in which station the Cylinder of Oyl and Water being equal in weight with the Pressure of the external Water the Oyl Q. R. was suspended betwixt the Water S. R. and that below it P. Q. the Surface of the Water in the Pipe T. S. being so much above the Surface of the Water A D. as was requisite to make the Oyl and Water contained in the Pipe to press equally on the Surface G. H. with the external Water See Plate 4. Fig. 1. as Plate 4. Fig. 1. represents PARADOX X. That the Cause of the Ascension of Water in Syphony paradox X and of flowing through them may be explained without having recourse to Nature's Abhorrency of a Vacuum To demonstrate this See Plate 4. Fig. 2. we provided a Glass Tube A B. C D. of a convenient wideness and half a
yard or more in depth as also a Syphon with two Legs F K and K G to which is joined a Pipe E K and to each of the Legs of that Syphon we tyed a Glass Pipe sealed at the bottom and having Water contained in each to the height there delineated Things being thus prepared Oyl of Turpentine must be poured into the Tube A B. C D but that it may not take up too much of the Oyl the bottom of the Vessel to X Y may be filled with Water till it reaches above the top of the Syphon F K G and then by the weight of it the Water in the Pipe will be raised through the Syphon and run into the lower Vessel H. In which Experiment the Water is raised through a Syphon by pressure tho' at the same time there be a free communication of Air through the Pipe E K without danger of a Vacuum In which Experiment if the Reason be asked why the Water does not rather run out of the Bipe H into G than the contrary It may be answered That tho' externally the Oyl is deeper upon the surface of the Water in the Pipe H and consequently presses more upon it yet the Tube G on the other side instead of having that pressure of Oyl hath a Cylinder of Water of an equal length which being heavier than Oyl raises the Water out of that Tube more forcibly than it is raised out of the other And for the like Reason when once the Water is raised in Syphons tho' there be a longer Cylinder of Air upon that end which is immersed in the lower Vessel yet there is a greater weight on the other because besides the incumbent Atmosphere there is a considerable Weight of Water But if the Syphon be above 34 or 35 Foot high the Water will not flow through it the pressure of the external Air being unable to raise Water to such a height And one thing observable in these Experiments is That if when the Water is running through these Syphons a small hole be made upon the top of a Syphon the Air pressing upon the Water within the Pipe as well as without it it will cease to run tho' the hole be no bigger than one made with a Needle which hole if it be stopped with a Needle the pressure of the external Air will by that means be taken off and the Syphon be rendred fit for use PARADOX XI paradox XI That a Solid Body as ponderous as any yet known tho' near the top of the Water it will sink by its own weight yet if it be placed at a greater depth than that of twenty times its own thickness it will not sink if its descent be not assisted by the weight of the incumbent Water To demonstrate what is contained in this Paradox See Plate 4. Fig. 3. we must fill the Glass A B C D see Plate the 4. Fig. the third almost full of Water the length of it being near three Foot in which Water if we suppose the Weight E F to be placed upon the surface G H it will sink by reason of its specifick Gravity the Water incumbent on other parts of that Plain being not equiponderant but if we suppose it to be placed upon the Surface I K the Pillars of Water being above nine times as thick as it they will counterballance it for which Reason were there no Water upon it it would subside no further and were a method contrived to keep the Water from pressing upon it the like would happen supposing it to lean upon the Surface L M. And to shew that were the weight so depressed free from incumbent Water it would not subside I shall add the following Experiment let then the Brass Body E F See Plate 4 Fig. 4 see Plate 4. Fig. 4. be the cover of a Brass valve the valve being fastned with Cement to the Glass Pipe O P the Body E F must by pulling a hair fired to the button of Valve Q close the Orifice of it and then it being convey'd under Water a foot deep the Cement and sides of the Glass O P will keep the Water off the upper part of the Body E F and consequently the imaginary Surface V W will only be pressed upon by the sole weight of the Body E F but the other Parts of that Surface by the incumbent Cylinders of Water so that the Body E F will be bore up without the assistance of any thing else but the Water buoying up against it but if the Tube be raised till the Body E F be above the Surface I K and near X Y the weight of it being greater than the weight of the incumbent Pillars of Water the Body will be no longer supported but if upon the first immersion when the Body E F is let down to the Surface R S a weight L be suspended at it that will not be able to sever the Body from the Valve from whence it appears that there is no need in our Physico-mechanical Experiments to fly to a Fuga Vacui to explain the Reason why two exactly polished Marbles when contiguous are so hard to be separated To what hath been said under this Paradox I shall add that when the weight L is suspended at the button Q the Body E F will be separated before it rises to the Surface I K. APPENDIX I. Objections to evince that the upper Parts of Water press not upon the lower Objections answered answered The first Objection is that if the upper Parts of the Water pressed upon the lower the lower would be condensed but to this it is answered that Water consisting of Parts tho' minute yet very solid it does not therefore follow since in a heap of the powder of Diamonds the lower are no more compressed than the superficial ones besides it hath not been found that Water was capable of being compressed by any force we could use And tho' it be further urged that Plants grow in the Sea without being depressed yet that happens because the Pressure is not only incumbent but Collateral likewise and so contributes to sustain it and the rather because the Collateral Pressure is greater than the incumbent Another Objection is that a Bucket of Water weighs no more when full in Water than the Bucket it self out of it nor so much But the Reason of this is very plain for supposing A B C D to be a Well See Plate the fourth See Plate 4. Fig. 5. Figure the fifth in which the Bucket which is contiguous to the Plain I K is suspended by the string E F the Water in the Bucket G if it be made of Wood which is lighter in Specie than Water and the incumbent Pillar of Water not pressing upon the Surface H equally as the Water on the Surface I K the Water below must buoy it up And tho' the Bucket was made of something heavier than Water yet the whole weight of it will not be perceived
of stuff being quire drained of its Ore and laid on a heap in the Air in thirty years it afforded Metal again And the same Gentleman told me that having caused the Water which washes the Earth away from the Ore to lay down that Earth by stopping the current of it till its own weight made it subside that Earth being twelve years exposed to the Air yielded a good quantity of Metal And Relations agreeable to these I have received from another Of the growth of Lead It hath been observed that Lead Ore cleared of its Metal and laid in heaps for some years yields Metal a second time And J. Gerhard in Decade questionum p. m. 22. says Fessularum mons in Hetruria Florentiae civitati imminens lapides Plumbarios habet qui si excidantur brevi temporis spatio novis incrementis instaurantur And Agricola speaking of the growth of Mines in general testifies the same but I am told that this happens not in all Mines And tho' it be believed that the Reason why the passages into some Mines grow narrower is to be attributed to the growth of the Metal yet I am apt to believe that it may be caused by the powerful expansion of some frozen Water in the Earth that encompasses those passages and whereas it is urged as an Argument of the growth of Metals that Lead increases its weight by being exposed to the Air on the tops of Churches yet I am inclined to believe that it rather proceeds from a Cerusse formed by corrosive Parts uniting with the Parts of the corroded Metal and chiefly for this Reason viz. Because I have observed that the Wood which lyes about that Lead abounds with an Acid Spirit capable of corroding Lead and that when they have been long exposed to this Acid a white Lead may be scraped off better than the common Cerusse and this is found on that side the Lead which is next the Wood and not on that exposed to the outward Air. And I have observed that even Alablaster and white Marble will yield an Acid Spirit so that we question whether Lead fixed to the feet of Statues may not by the help of that acquire a greater bulk and increase of weight Of the growth of Iron We are told not only by Pliny and Srabo but Fallopius and Caessalpinus that in the Island of Elva not far from the coast of Tuscany Iron hath been observed to grow and Agricola attests the like to be observed in Germany And Johan Gerherd tells us that he was informed that not far from Amberga the Ore exposed to the Air for some time in heaps requires Metalline Parts Of the growth of Silver I have been told that Silver grows in the form of Vegetables and in a Voyage to Pern I find the following relation viz. That in the Mines of Potosi it is observed that Earth that was dug out of the Grooves and Shafts and thrown aside hath such a propensity to the Production of Metals that after some years it would yield Metal Of the growth of Gold Tho' there is no Gold to be found on the coast of Guyny in Congo and other Parts of Africk where Writers mention it to be found yet I am told that in Hungary the Master of that famous Gold Mine of Cremnitz hath observed that the whole Mountain abounds with Particles of Gold and that when they have cleared a great deal of the Soil in one Place of its Metalline Parts they throw it into the hole again and observe that in a little time it will yield Gold as before and Johan Gerherd gives us an Instance of the growth of Gold in Germany Postscript Dr. Brown tells us that he observed the passages in several Mines grown up especially in moist places and that the yellow Soil near Cremnitz yields some Gold Whether the increase of Metals depends on the influence of the Air or some other cause till further and more strict Observations have been made I shall not undertake to determine but shall only add that a Marchasite having been shut up in Vacuo it acquired a Vitriolate Efforescence betwixt blue and green CHAP. X. A Hydrostatical way of estimating Ores Ores Hydrostatically estimated TO help me to make an estimate of the proportion of Metalline or the Mineral ingredients of Bodies I weighed a piece of Rock-Crystal or white Marble first in Air and then in Water by which I found that its weight to an equal bulk of Water was as 2 ¾ to 1 or as 11 to 4 and then by weighing Metalline Bodies such as Magnets and Emeri I found that the weight of these in Water was more than that of Crystal the proportion of the latter being as four to one by which Tryals I was enabled to guess that these stones contain Metalline Parts in them And by the same method I discovered Metalline Ingredients in some Bodies which are not generally looked upon as such as Lapis Hematites and American Talc And as it is generally a certain sign that a Body contains mineral ingredients proportionably as it is heavier than Crystal so it is no less certain that Bodies lighter than Crystal are not impregnated with a Metalline Ore as Jet Succinum Sulphur Vive common Sulphur English Talc Venetian Talc and black Lead whose weight to Water is but as 1 1● 100 to 1 and which by certain Tryals I have found to be a kind of Talc As for the advantages that may be reaped by estimating Ores they may either respect Jewellers Physicians or Chymists as when the Metalline Ingrediens are but small or Mineralists whose business it is to extract the Metal when by this Hydrostatical way it appears to be sufficiently impregnated But because there are some cruder Metalline Ingredients in some Bodies as Antimony Bismuth Lapis Calaminaris and Pyrites which may deceive an unskilful Mineralist who estimates them this way it may be convenient to make use of other Tryals to distinguish them And since some mineral Ores when tryed in the lump appear to be poorly stocked with Metalline Parts it may be of use to beat them to powder and to separate the Metalline Parts by washing or else by fire for by that means I once found that a Metalline Ore which was wrought for Lead afforded a sufficient quantity of Silver to answer the charge of working it and to this caution I must add the following viz. That since Marcasites are generally heavier than common Crystal and by some looked upon to be plentifully stocked with Metalline Parts because of their weight and the glittering of their Parts yet they may easily be undecived by placing them in a hot fire for by that means the Sulphureous Parts will be consumed and leave behind them a black Calx but tho' Marcasites abound not with Metalline Parts proportionable to their bulk yet I have found by experience that some of them have afforded not only Copper Silver and Gold but sometimes a quantity of running Mercury
vitrify'd Sand as filled a Retort and two or three fluxing Additaments of small price sixteen grains of pure Gold And tho' by some it is thought strange that there should be a necessity of fixing Gold yet I have elsewhere made it appear that by a small addition of another Substance Gold may be sublimed without a naked Fire and form several Crystals like Rubies And if Sands as well as Earths and Stones abound with Mineral Ingredients it may be convenient to take an account where such Substances are found and likewise to take a Sample of them as also of the Ores of different Mines and to try them Hydrostatically for I have observ'd that in English Lead Ores of several kinds those in which thirty pound of Lead is only to be got out of an hundred of Ore are looked upon as not worth working those that yield half their weight of Metal are indifferent and other Ore which yields from fifty five to sixty in the hundred is looked upon to be very good but those that afford eighty Pound in the hundred are accounted very rich but I have not met with any that afforded more than seventy five in a hundred weight Which Ore seemed to consist wholly of Metal and was made up of Parts of a Cubical Figure and much resembling Dies placed one by another But besides what hath been already proposed to be inquired after concerning Metalline Fossils not only its Proportion is to be consider'd but the plenty or scarceness of the Mineral the easiness or difficulty of coming at it as also its depth and freeness from Waters its nearness to plenty of Fuel its nearness to Water to drive Mills and to transport it c. are to be consider'd likewise before one begins to work a Mine An Explication of the Instruments employed in these Experiments and those in the following Chapter aa The Beam See Plate 1. Fig. 00. bb the Dishes cc the Frame to suspend the Beam upon which d a sliding Socket e its Arms containing f a Pulley over which g another Pulley passes h a Line fastned to i a moveable Weight by which the Beam is raised up or let down k a Hair to suspend l the Body to be weighed in the Water held in m the Glass Cistern n the Bucket for Liquors o the Box of grains p the Forceps to manage them q the Pile of Weights r the Handle of the Ballance ssss the Table CHAP. XI Medicina Hydrostatica FROM what is contain'd in the fore-going Chapter it appearing that white Marble or Crystal may be a Standard to distinguish mineral Substances from other Bodies I shall here subjoin the way of weighing sinking Bodies in Water The method of weighing Bodies And first the solid Body to be examin'd is to be suspended by a Horse-hair at one of the Scales just now described and there to be counterpoised then the Weights being taken out by deducing from the weight of the Body in Air the weight of it in Water by the Remainder divide the whole weight of the given Body in the Air and the Quotient will shew the Proportion in specifick Gravity betwixt the examin'd Solid and as much Water as is just equal to it in Bulk For Example if the Weight of a Cubick Inch of Rock-Crystal be 1169 grains in the Air and 738 in Water the Remainder will be 431 grains by which the 1169 grains being divided the Quotient will be found to be 2 × 71 100 or near enough 7 10 for the proportion of the Gravity of white Marbles to Water In which Direction it is requisite to observe first Cautions requisite to be observ'd That what we have said implys that the Body weighed must be heavier than Water Secondly Horse-Hairs are more convenient than other strings because they are nearer to a specifick Gravity with Water Thirdly Where the Figure of a Body disabled us from suspending it by tying a hair about it we platted a sort of net of Hairs to hold it in Fourthly So much of the Hair as is above the Water must be counterpoised by a Weight in the other Scale Fifthly Sometimes instead of the Scale I counterpoised the opposite with a weight of Lead and suspended the Horse-Hair at the String but when I did not take off the Scale I caused it to be perforated in the middle Sixthly Care must be taken that the Water below touches not the bottom of the Scale and that the Body be freely suspended and wholly immersed in the Water Seventhly Care must be taken that no Bubbles of Air be contained in the Pores of the Body weighed since the success will be apt to fail in some Tryals upon that account And these circumstances being observed it will be easie to know by the method proposed the difference betwixt the specifick weight of other Bodies heavier than Water It being agreeable to that Hydrostatical Paradox of Archimedes That a Body heavier than Water weighs less in Water than in the Air by the weight of as much Water as is equal to it in Bulk or Magnitude And The first Use of this method of weighing Bodies By this Method we found That the weight of Lapis Hematites to Water was as four 15 100 to one and by subliming it with Sal-Armoniack we found by the Astringency of it that it abounded with Metalline Parts of a Martial Nature which was further confirmed by observing that a grain of it turned an Infusion of Galls black Lapis Lazuli was to its bulk of Water in weight as three to one A Load-Stone which besides Magnetical hath Medicinal Vertues appeared to be as four 93 100 to one Lapis Calaminaris was as four 169 100 to one In which Concretes the Medicinal Virtues seem to depend on the plentiful mixture of metalline Ingredients but some Bodies which abound less with Mineral Substances may be as operative by reason of some more active Particles But This Hydrostatical method of weighing Bodies Use II may be further serviceable in distinguishing Stones from Plants or other petrified Substances as Coral which weighs in proportion to Water as two 68 100 to one and therefore appears to be a Stone being heavier than Crystal A monstrous Pearl taken out of an Oyster which weighed 206 grains was to Water as two 51 100 to one A Calculus Humanus which weighed six drams and a half was in proportion to Water as one 76 100 to one and another that weighed four drachms and a half was to Water as one 69 100 to one These Stones tho' the productions of Distempers have been accounted better than Oriental Bezoar in their Effects Choice Bezoar Stones which weighed three drachms in the Air being weighed in Water one of them was as one 47 100 to one another somewhat lighter was as one 53 100 to one a third which was taken out of another Stone which being weighed in the Air weighed six drachms wanting nine grains was in proportion to Water as one 55 100 to
one So that these have a much less specifick Gravity than Fossil Stones A third use of this Hydrostatical way of weighing Bodies Use III may be to distinguish several Species of Bodies into subordinate Species as the Load-stones of several Countries are different in weight for I have observed Norwegian and the English Load-stones to be heavier in specie than those that came out of Italy in which the Island of Elba abounds with Mines whereof one intire Mass weighed a great many hundreds of Pounds Fourthly Use IV This method may enable us to distinguish counterfeit Stones from those that are real and good since when they are Hydrostatically weighed there will appear a manifest difference not only in adulterated Coral but Bezoar and other valuable Stones Fifthly Use V By this means we may be enabled to distinguish betwixt genuine Concretes used in Medicine and those that are not genuine as also whether precious Stones abound more or less with Metalline Ingredients But tho' sometimes Stones that are transparent may not be so plentifully impregnated with Medicinal and Mineral Effluvia yet considering the Activity and great subtlety of some Pigments the latter may be as powerful And that every sensible part of a Body may be impregnated by a small quantity of Pigment will appear from the following Experiment viz. If five grains of Zaphora be mixed with one ounce and half of Venice Glass finely powdered and kept in fusion in a furnace with a violent hot fire it will give the whole a fine blue colour and if the proportion of the Zaphora be as one to six the Glass will be too deeply tinged to make a handsome Gem. And to shew further that a small quantity of Metalline matter may be sufficient to impart a virtue to Glass and even Gems I shall add that eight grains of the powder of a German Granate being kept in fusion with an ounce of Crystalline Glass it gave it a Tincture like that which Steel gives to pure Glass From what hath been said it appears how the proportion of solid substances to Water may be Hydrostatically-distinguished but since there are other substances which cannot be so weighed being either subject to dissolve in Water or not fit to be suspended by a Hair by reason of their form being either powders or liquids to make an estimate of these I contrived the Bucket formerly mentioned and represented in Fig. 00 Plate the first which being suspended in Water and counterpoised we put a known weight of Quick-silver in it by which means comparing its weight in Water with its weight in Air and dividing the greater number by the difference of its weight in Air from what it was in Water and which was thirty four grains we found the Quotient to be fourteen and about 1 10 so that the Mercury made use of in this Tryal was as 14 11 100 to 1 but common Mercury which is sold in the Shops we have found to weigh not above thirteen and a half to one and indeed I have found a notable disparity in the weight of most common Mercuries especially those drawn from Gold for the Mercury being combined with that Metal becomes heavier than common Mercury By the same measure we may know the specifick Gravity of any Liquors which are heavier than Water and which are unapt to mix with it such as Oyl of Cinamon Cloves Guajacum c. And by the assistance of the same Bucket we may be able likewise to weigh Powders and estimate their goodness if we put a known weight of them in the Air into the Bucket and pour in gently as much Water as will fill up the Pores contained betwixt them and be sufficient to expel the Particles of Air contained betwixt the small Parts of it but in all these Tryals it will be requisite to suspend the Scales of the Gibbet delineated in the preceding Figure that the Scale may hang the steddier whilst the Body is a weighing But since there are several saline Bodies as Sublimate Mercurius dulcis Vitriol Rock-Allom c. which cannot be weighed in Water in such cases instead of Water we may substitute Oyl of Turpentine which tho' it be of a different specifick Gravity from Water yet by carefully weighing a parcel of any substance which is genuine in that Liquor it may serve for a Standard to estimate the goodness of other parcels of the same substance by and it will be no very difficult matter for one well skilled in numbers by comparing the specifick Gravity of Oyl of Turpentine and Water together to know what proportion the Body weighed in Oyl would bear to an equal bulk of common Water Another way which may be taken to estimate the specifick Gravities of Liquors is by making use of a Body that will subside in all Liquors but Quicksilver for thus by first weighing that Body in Air and then in several Liquors and having noted the difference betwixt the solid and each of the Liquors it is not difficult to find the specifick weight of each and the proportions betwixt them And since it is but one solid that is compared thus to the differing Liquors whatsoever their Number is it will not be difficult to compare the specifick Gravities of the Liquors betwixt themselves and to discover by the weight of the first that of any other which ever one pleases But in making choice of such a solid Body as may serve our present purpose care must be taken that it be such as will not be subject to be consumed by Effluvia or too large for a tender Ballance nor so big as to require too much Liquor to cover it and lastly it ought to be of such a Nature that it may not be liable to be corroded by sharp and corrosive Liquors or easily broke but such as may be easily obtained that what Experiments are tryed with it may easily be tryed by others and communicated to Posterity The Bodies made use of in trying these kind of Experiments and which came nearest what we thought requisite for such Tryals was when we examined common Water Rain-Water Spirit of Wine Wine Brandy Vinegar and the Liquors drawn from it Cyder Beer Ale Urine Waters distilled from Vegetable and Animal substances Amber But to estimate the weight of heavier Liquors we employed a Glass-Bubble Hermetically sealed and filled with Mercury But this being both hard to be obtained and harder to be preserved I made use of the following Body in such Experiments as are to be recorded for Posterity viz. A Globe of Rock-Crystal which was suspended by a hair which passed through a small hole in it and which we employed to discover the difference of those Liquors which we could obtain greater quantities of but for others we employed an Hexagonal Prism with a kind of Pyramid at the end and this Body being of such a Figure we were able to employ it in small Cylinders in which a small quantity of Liquor would surround it and cover it
The weight of the Ball of Crystal we employed was to its bulk of Water as 2 57 100 to 1 and the weight of the Prism as 2 66 100 to 1. And this method of weighing Amber in different Liquors may not only acquaint us with their specifick Gravities but also from thence we may learn to know which are most Spirituous For tho' a piece of Amber weighed but 6 ¾ grains in Water yet in common red French Wine it weighed 8 ½ in Nants Brandy 17 ⅛ and in rectifyed Spirit of Wine 34 ⅛ This Hydrostatical method of estimating may likewise contribute to discover the strength of Acid Liquors those that are strongest causing the solid to weigh less as they are stronger the greater decrement of weight proceeding from the greater proportion it contains of Salts that are not Volatile It may likewise save the wasting of several Liquors as Spirit of Wine or Brandy in trying their goodness And further it may be imployed in estimating the intensive weight of Wine Beer Ale Mead Cyder c. and distinguish their goodness without consuming them But Amber will not be heavy enough to distinguish the strength of Oyl of Tartar per deliquium and such heavy Bodies since they are too heavy for it to subside in Besides the afore-mentioned there may be another use made of our Hydrostatical solid viz. To shew when Menstruums are of a convenient strength For that there is a peculiar degree of Spirituousness requisite in some Solvents is evident since if Aqua Fortis be too strong it will not be able to dissolve Silver no more than if it be too weak till it is diluted by an addition of Water and it is much more fit to dissolve filings of crude Lead when more dilute So rectifyed Spirit of Wine is not always the most proper Menstruum for gummy Bodies since it dissolves only the purest Resin and leaves the Mucilaginous Parts behind which may be as good in Medicine as the other and further we see that Gum Arabick and Tragacanth are not so easily dissolved in good Spirit of Wine as in weak Liquors and the like may be observed in dissolving Myrrh To what hath been said on this occasion there is one thing to be added that when this Expedient is made use of in Oyl of Vitriol or Tartar per deliquium it is necessary to put something into the Scale to compensate the lightness of the Horse-hairs since in such Experiments the specifick Gravity of the Liquors exceed the Gravity of the Hairs and consequently they will be apt to buoy up the Body immersed and misinform us in its true specifick weight To the afore-mentioned ways of Hydrostatically estimating Liquors we may add the following And first it may be done by filling a Vessel with a slender Stem successively with different Liquors and weighing them as also it may be done by a Brass Cylinder made heavier at one end than the other by which it may be made to float and to swim deeper or higher above the Water as the Liquor contained is heavier or another way is by fitting too Bubbles together with Cement by which their Stems being joined and the one caused to sink lowest by a Ballast of Mercury as the other is filled with a heavier or lighter Liquor it will manifestly preponderate Another way proposed by Mersennus is by weighing a Glass and a Stopple in Water and then filling the Bottle quite full and putting in the Stopple for the weight of the Glass and Stopple being deducted from the weight of the whole the remaining weight will be the weight of the Liquor proposed But instead of this we made use of a round Glass-Ball with a Glass Stopple which being first weighed in Air and Water and counterpoised there we were able to discover the weight of the Liquor contained and its proportion to the bulk of the Liquor it was weighed in and if the Bubble were too light to subside in some heavy Liquors we would bring it to a just weight by a Ballast of Mercury But since such Vessels as these are very hard to be got and some other inconveniencies attend it we think it less satisfactory than those other ways we made use of and proposed before A sixth Use that may be made of these Hydrostatical Tryals Use VI is in reference to several Medicinal Bodies for thus the Jucies of Plants may be weighed if when they are contained in our Hydrostatical Jar delineated in the Figure above they be hung at a nice Ballance in Oyl instead of Water since they are not subject to mix with it And by this means we may be satisfied whether Juices of Plants alter their specifick Gravity when kept a good while and after fermentation And by this method likewise we may be able to weigh Honey Vinegar Verjuce c. As also we may compare and weigh the Juices of Fruits of different kinds and the subordinate Species of each kind as also the several Juices in their several states of Crudity or Maturity But the use of this Hydrostatical Bucket being very tedious and difficult to those that are not very skilful in making Experiments the other will be more useful which are tryed with Amber But to what hath been already delivered on this subject I shall add that tho' in several Tryals made with precious substances a nice Ballance is requisite yet in most cases the difference betwixt Bodies is great enough to be discerned by a Ballance not altogether so nice for let the Ballance be never so nice there is difference in the Textures and Compositions of Bodies of the same Denomination for which as well as in defect of a nice Ballance allowances are easily made But perhaps it may be objected by some against the method I have been proposing that since I generally weigh most Bodies in Water it will be a hard matter to make them with any exactness since it hath been observed that most Waters themselves differ in specifick Gravity But to this I shall briefly answer that I have not perceived so considerable a difference as will frustrate these Experiments in which we require not a Mathematical but a Physical certainty CHAP. XII Hydrostatical Stereometry applyed to the Materia Medica IT being usual for Physicians in the descriptions of several Parts of the Materia Medica to signifie the size of Bodies by very indeterminate Terms I thought that they might be assisted by Hydrostaticks to give descriptions much more exact and satisfactory and for that end having made two hollow Brass Cubes whose Cavities being Cubical Inches contained 256 grains or a Cubical Inch of Water it being a Law in Hydrostaticks that whatever Body is weighed in Water it loses so much of its weight as an equal bulk of Water weighs I concluded it would thence follow that whatever solid was weighed in Water if in that fluid it lost 256 grains of its weight it might be said to be a Cubical Inch and as it lost more or
less so it might be said to be of a Magnitude proportionable for if it weighed but 128 grains less in Water it might be said to be of such a bulk of Water but if it weighed 256 wanting thirty two grains that being an eight of a whole Cubick Inch of Water the bulk of the Body may be said to be ⅞ of a Cubick Inch. And if the Body weighs one ounce thirty two grains amounting to 512 grains or one ounce and a half forty eight grains amounting to 768 grains the bulk of the Body will be equal to two or three Cubical Inches And if after the Division there remains a Fraction it will not be difficult to estimate it and to know the exact bulk of the Body since the Cubical Inch consists of such aliquot Parts as are easily and regularly divided and subdivided And thus we may easily know the bulk of a Body that is heavier than Water but if it be specifically lighter it will be a difficult matter The method Mersennus proposes is this viz. First weigh the Body to be examined in the Air. Secondly take a piece of Lead of a determinate weight and able to sink the other Body in Water Thirdly weigh the Plate in Water and the weight it loses in Water will be the weight of Water equal in bulk to the Body weighed Fourthly tye together the Plate of Lead and the lighter Body and note the weight of the Aggregate Fifthly weigh the Aggregate in Water and substract the weight of it there from its weight in the Air and the difference will be the specifick weight of the said Body in Water Sixthly from this difference substract the formerly found specifick Gravity of the Plate alone in Water and the remains will give you the weight of the lighter Body in the same Liquor And then dividing the obtained weight of the light Body in Water by 256 grains and it will give you the solid content of that naturally floating Body To illustrate this method I shall subjoin the following Experiment I. The Oaken Cube in Air weighs seven drachms thirteen grains and a half 193 ½ II. The weight of the Lead in Air four drachms 240 III. The weight of the Lead in Water three drachms and a half ten grains 220 which being substracted from its weight in Air leaves for its specifick weight in Water 020 IV. The Aggregate of the two in Air is 433 ½ V. The weight of both together in Water is 162 which being substracted from its weight in Air gives the difference of both the Aggregates 271 ½ VI. The difference betwixt the weight of Lead alone in Air and in Water or which is all one the specifick weight of the Plate alone viz. 020 Being substracted from the difference of the Aggregates in Air and in Water gives for the weight of the Cube proposed which wants but four and a half of the weight of a Cubical Inch of Water 251 ½ The same method that hath been taken with solids not subject to dissolve in Water may be taken with Alloms c. Which is only by employing Oyl of Turpentine instead of Water for a Cubical Inch of that weighing 221 grains and ⅛ the difference of the weight of a solid in the Air and in that Oyl being divided by that Number the Quotient will give you the solid contents of the Examined Body But to discover the weight of Bodies which are apt to imbibe too much of the Liquor they are weighed in we may guard them from it by a thin coat of Bees-Wax and having first taken the weight of the Wax in Air and then fastned it to a Plate of Lead substract the weight of as much Water as is equal in bulk to the Wax and proceed with the Body contained and the Plate of Lead as before taught and having thus obtained the Weight of the proposed Body in Water by dividing it by 256 grains by the help of the Quotient we may obtain the solid contents of the proposed Body Another way I devised for to learn the solid contents of a Body without imbibing Water into it was by finding the weight of a Cubick Inch of Mercury and also the specifick weight of the Vessel and then pouring upon the Body contained in that Vessel as much Silver as it would hold by knowing the weight of that Quick-silver from the weight of the whole which the Vessel would contain one might be acquainted to how much Mercury the matter contained was equal Having thus proposed a Hydrostatical way of trying Bodies I shall leave it to others to contrive an Instrument more apt for such uses than I have done And shall to what I have said add that these kind of Experiments do not always equally answer in success being apt to be diversifyed as well by the want of uniformity in the Qualities and specifick weight of Bodies of the same Denomination as by the difference in Water in intensely Hot and Cold Weather as also upon the account of less exact Ballances But another reason is the difference of weights of the same Denomination for we are told by a diligent Mathematician that cum omnia grana vel semina quae reperiri solent in atriis venalibus Lutetiae and stateram expendisset vix granum ullum inter ejusdem Speciei grana grano alteri exacte respondisset in incertis Ludere noluit And the same Author tells us that 688 Roman grains are but equal to 576 French grains and this estimate of their difference by another Ballance was found to be thirty six grains false And the same Author receiving two accounts of the number of grains contained in a Roman ounce the one told him there were 612 the other 576. And tho' our weights as well as those made use of by Gheraldus have twenty four scruples in an ounce yet he divided his scruples into twenty four grains whereas we divide ours but into twenty And Mersennus p. 37. lib. 16. tells us that cum autem dixi Chelinum undecim dici denariorum credunt tamen alii decem duntaxat nil assero And. To what hath been said I shall only add that tho' this method of weighing Bodies be not Mathematically exact yet it comes as near Physical exactness as we can expect and may be of use till some more nice way of Tryals be found out A Table representing not only the Weight of several Bodies in Air and Water but their Proportions in Weight to an equal Bulk of Water A Weight In Air in Gr. In Water in Grains Proportion AMber 306 12 1 4 100 to 1. Agat 251 156 2 64 100 to 1. A piece of Allom-stone 280 ¾ 152 ¼ 2 18 100 to 1. Antimony good and supposed to be Hungarian One 391 295 4 7 100 to 1. B       Bezoar stone 187 61 1 48 100 to 1. A piece of the same 56 ½ 22 1 64 100 to 1. A fine Oriental one 172 60 1 53 100 to 1. Another 237 61 1 34
Country near Armsterdam a sort of Mercury in the custody of a Farmer which was of a Golden colour throughout and would if put upon the fire in a proper Vessel precipitate in the form of a red Powder And I am likewise told by a Judicious Physician that he saw in the possession of a Stranger a sort of Mercury whose small Globules were of a green colour CHAP. X. Various Observations about Diamonds Observations about Diamonds DIamonds being not only the most Noble but Valuable amongst Gems it may be worth our while to consider them a little and to relate what Observations I have been able to make about them And I. It is observed that Diamonds are so much harder than other Bodies that they require a greater force to cut and polish them than other Gems II. It is observed by one who hath long dealt in Diamonds that those which are now brought over are much softer than those of the old Rock III. The Tradition is false that Diamonds cannot be cut without being softened in Goats Blood the contrary being found by Diamond cutters and an Experienced Diamond-cutter hath informed me that he uses to polish Diamonds with the dust which he obtains by pounding of boared Diamonds in an Iron Mortar IV. Tho' it be a general received Opinion that Diamonds have a weight proportionable to their Solidity yet I find amongst my Experiments that a Diamond being weighed Hydrostatically in Wattr was to its proportion of that Liquor as 2 22 23 to 1 so that it did not equal its treeble proportion of Water in weight V. I am informed that if Diamonds be Cloudy sometimes one as big again as a Pea will be at least four grains heavier than another of an equal size VI. The natural shape of Diamonds is uncertain since most of them which we see are only broken pieces whose figures are very irregular yet I have seen some which seemed to consist of Triangles terminating in solid Angles and I am told by one who cuts a great number that those which are of a regular Figure are usually four corner'd VII It is observed that in Diamonds there is a regular tendency of Fibers or thin Plates which lye parallel to each other which may be called the grain of them which way they may easily be divided tho' not against that grain without difficulty VIII As to the colour of Diamonds tho' it generally be so well known as not to need to be described yet in the East-Indies some have been observed to be of a pale blue colour And Monsieur Tavernier says he hath seen one of a very red colour and a Relation of mine wore a Diamond in a Ring which was of a Golden yellow besides which varieties of colours I have observ'd one amongst a great many in the East-India House whose colour was green IX And I have seen a Diamond brought from the East-Indies which had six Triangular sides and a Cavity in one of them in which Diamond the Fibers might easily be discerned And the Merchant to which this belonged told me he had seen one brought from Borneo which before it was Polished was black tho' after it appeared to be a clear Stone X. To conclude this Chapter I shall add the following Relation which will contenance what I have elsewhere related viz. That the Virtue of Gems may probably arise from Metalline Tinctures incorporated with the matter of them whilst it was soft and fluid the Observation is that having applyed a Load-stone to a small Diamond which was pretty dull it would not only be taken up by it but would at a considerable distance leap up to it To these Observations I shall only add that there are several other Observations which are scattered up and down my Writings which I shall not repeat here they properly enough belonging to those writings THE WORKS Of the HONOURABLE ROBERT BOYLE Esq EPITOMIZED BOOK V. PART III. CHAP. I. Of the Original and Virtue of Gems Of the Original of Gems THO' I am far from believing that Gems are endowed with so many Medicinal Virtues as are usually ascribed to them yet I believe they may have considerable Effects on Humane Bodies which Virtues they may receive from the Intermixture of Mineral and Metalline Parts whilst they were in a fluid form And that precious Stones have once been in a fluid form may be argued hence viz. First from their Diaphaneity fluid Bodies being more apt to have their Parts ranged in an order requisite to transparency than solid Bodies as Silver dissolved in Aqua Fortis and Lead in Spirit of Vinegar not only become transparent but may form Diaphanous Crystals Secondly from their External figure it being usual for Bodies to form more regularly and curiously shaped Crystals when in a fluid than a solid Ambient substance for which Reason if a Glass-Bottle be filled with a Solution of Nitre and the Water hath been pretty well consumed by boiling the Salt will shoot into a Mass whose side next the Glass answers the form of it but that next the Water will be set with Prismatical Crystals of a Nitrous figure And I have seen Indian Granates taken out of a lump of Heterogeneous matter some of whose Surfaces were Triangles others Paralellograms c. according the figures of the Cells they were contained in And I have seen not only Bristol Stones but Cornish Diamonds curiously shaped like Crystals of salt Petre And I have likewise seen Rubies very Geometrically shaped and amongst other Rarities a Diamond whose Surface consisted of several Triangular Planes which contained several lesser within them which for the most part met at a Point and formed an obtuse solid Angle And I have observed that most Diamonds have angular and determinate shapes And in favour of the Hypothesis already laid down I shall add that precious Stones being dissolved in a Particular Menstruum they shoot into Crystals like those of Nitre but insipid And I have observed that tho' Bristol Stones have on the upper part six smooth sides which were so cut as to represent six smooth Triangles which terminate like those of a Pyramid in a Virtex yet the lower Part which was next the matter it adhered to made it appear less transparent and conformable in figure to the Cavity of its womb this is more remarkably evident when clusters of these Crystals grow out of one Mineral lump And to this I shall further add that I have seen a Mass which consisted of two flat Parallel Cakes which seemed to be composed of a dirty kind of Crystalline substance and out of each Cake there grew towards the other a great number of Stones which having a little space about them were regularly shaped and of the colour of a German Amethyst And I have a Stone which consists of four Parts the lowest being like a flake of coarse Stone only adorned here and there with very minute glittering Particles as if of a Metalline Nature over this is spread
a thin white Opacous bed and the third is made up of a long series of Crystals thick set and which look whitish and upon these which are not much thicker than a Barly-Corn lyes another made up of Crystals like Amethysts some higher tinged than others and more elevated where they had most Room to shoot those that were most elevated being hard enough to grate lines upon Glass And I have found in the Cavities of concreted Stones Crystals which were set round the sides of them and seemed to be formed of a Lapidescent Juice which was Percolated through the substance of the Stones and formed curiously shaped Crystals And I am told by a digger that he hath observed several clusters of these Crystals which stuck to no part of the Rock but seemed to be hastily formed in a soft Mould But thirdly not only the External but their Internal Texture favours our Hypothesis since it seems to imitate that of those Bodies which have been formerly fluids For it hath been observed that several Particles of Salt sticking together have not only formed large lumps but Sal-Gem and lumps of the Isle of Mayow Salt being broke seemed to be made up of the like Parts And tho a solution of Silver usually shoots into thin Plates yet it may be so ordered that several of these joining together may form larger Crystals whose outsides may be finely shaped like some peculiar kind of Vitriol And tho' transparent Bodies are usually thought to be of an uniform Texture yet I have observed that a thin Muscovy Glass Plate which was so thin as to be scarce visible might be further divided into Plates and the like hath been observed in other Stones and to this I shall add that I have been able to perceive the grain of a large Grizolette with my Eye as well as in Hyacinths and Saphirs and English Granates when they are broke appear manifestly to be made up of flakes or Plates and so do even Diamonds themselves which are observed to cleave much more easily with the grain than against it as Wood is observed to do which is made up of an assimilated Juice which was first fluid But it is observed in some Diamonds that the flakes are not wholly Parallel but in the substance of the Stone sometimes make Angles for which reason some of them break in pieces before they will cleave through Fourthly it seems requisite that these Stones should have been in solutis Principiis that they might be tinged with Mineral Juices Which proposition suggests several Observations and First That most Gems lose their colour or have it altered by the fire and tho' it may be suggested that the loss of a colour may be effected without the addition of a Pigment by a change of the superficial Texture of a Body as when red Ink is beaten into a froth or when Crystal receives several flaws in its Surface by being suddenly cooled in Water and becomes white or in Cochinele and puts on a pleasing colour by the insinuation of the Tincture into the cracks and flaws yet Indian Granates are observed to change their redish for a dark and dirty Iron colour and Agats being kept a competent time in the fire became white except where Mineral Veins ran where it was observed that the colour was not destroyed but changed and became a deep red tho' I suspected that a more lasting fire would have turned them white and the like change of colour hath been observed in Pebbles and other Stones some of which losing their Transparency by Ignition acquired a deeper colour upon their Extinction in Water And to countenance what I have laid down it may be further offered that Gems are generally found near Mines or Mineral Veins and tho' they are not sufficiently skilled in digging Mines to discover what they otherwise probably might yet I have seen several Amethysts which were taken out of Ground abounding with Iron and Tin Ores and those softer Gems called by Mineralists Fluores are often to be found in or near Metalline Veins finely tinged with Mineral Juices which were they in hot Countries and sufficiently hardened with the Sun they might pass for Emaralds c. And I remember that I once prepared a Menstruum no more corrosive than white Wine which being poured upon well coloured Granates extracted a lovely Tincture from them And Benvenuto Cellini tells us that he saw a Rubie which was not of the usual colour but white as also he acquaints us that he hath seen Berils Topazes and Amethysts of the same colour and Rubies and Saphirs have been observed to be of the same degree of hardness so that they were looked upon to be the same kind of Stone tho' differently tinged and that the same kind of Stone may be differently tinged appears since Diamonds have been observed to be yellowish more yellow and perfectly yellow bluish greenish and some as green as Emaralds And one who lived near the River Siam or Pegu in the East-Indies told me he had seen Stones taken out of the Water partly void of colour and partly of the colour of a Rubie And besides what I have observed in Agats and Opacous Gems as to the differing colours of the same Stone I wear a Sardoinx in a Ring the uppermost part of which is black the middlemost of a Chesnut and the other of a blue colour almost like a Turquois and each of these of an uniform breadth and Parallel to each other and even amongst Saphirs tho' they are commonly azure yet a white Stone hath been called by the same name because of the same degree of hardness And to these I shall add that in Italy I have seen a large piece of Crystal whose Pyramidal part was of a trnsparent green the Vertex being richly tinged like an Emerald but the further the colour spread from the Vertex the more dilute and pale it grew so that the Base was transparent and like ordinary Crystal agreeable to which Josephus Acosta says that Emeralds seem to grow in Stones like Crystals and by little and little to thicken and refine He likewise says he hath seen some half white and half green others all white and some green and very perfect And I have seen a Saphir so odly tinged with Mineral fumes that it might well be taken for a Chalcedonian tho' of the hardness of a Saphir And to shew further that solid Gems may include Heterogeneous matter in them I shall add that not only I but others have perceived something in the Body of Rock-Crystal which by varying the posture of that Stone might be rendered visible and the like hath been seen in Grisolets brought from the East-Indies And in a hard Stone brought from thence and designedly broke I found several clear and transparent Crystals which had their Points inwards and were Arguments that they had swam in some Liquors whose incoagulable Parts were either imbibed by the Ambient matter or penetrated it And to illustrate what I
have said I shall add that I have not only seen a Fly in shape and size much like a Grass-hopper enclosed in solid Amber but variously and curiously coloured with his wings displayed And I have seen white Amethists in which there appeared to be several lines some of a brownish and some of a reddish colour which looked like hairs some lying Parallel to each other and others more inclining and I am apt to believe that even Diamonds are not void of Particles of Heterogeneous matter which is countenanced not only by odd Clouds which I have seen in a great many of them but the different specifick Gravity of those of the same Water the difference amounting to a Carrat betwixt Diamonds of the size of two ordinary Pease But besides what hath been already offered to prove that Gems have been once in a fluid form it may be further alledged that the Mineral Particles which they are so uniformly tinged with are convincing Arguments since it is inconceivable how they should otherwise be so impregnated And to what hath been already delivered I shall further add what is delivered by a French Author viz. That the Stones which are found in the Earth have their Water coloured by the Earth whether it be fat and black or abounds with black or red Sand and in some the Gems have been observed to be black or yellow but tho' this Author hath said thus much which countenances our Hypothesis yet I must not omit to advertise that tho' he asserts Diamonds to be not only the hardest but heaviest of Stones I must yet say that they are not the heaviest as may be Hydrostatically discovered But perhaps against what we have said It may be urged first that the figures of these Crystals are so curious that a Plastick or Seminal Power seems requisite to the forming of them which were it requisite it might be answered that that Plastick Power may be lodged in fluid as well as solid substances since the solid Parts of Animal Bodies as well as Plants are formed of liquid substances but that the figures of these Crystals may be owing to an apt convension and coalition of fluid Particles may be argued hence viz. Since common Salt by the help of Oyl of Sulphur or of Vitriol and Water will shoot into Crystals with Points like Diamonds and not unlike native Crystal in shape and transparency but if the Quality or proportion of the Oyl of Vitriol be varyed they will shoot into Crystals sometimes of one shape and sometimes of another for the most part fiuely figured And to shew that the regular figure of Sea-salt contributes not to such figurations I shall add that having dissolved some Stony Stiriae found in Caves or Grottoes in Spirit of Verdigrease and evaporated the clear solution in a digestive Furnace after the ordinary manner it yielded rather a coagulated Mass than any thing like Crystals whence it appears that a concourse of circumstances may be sufficient to determine the figures of consistent Bodies made of fluid ones especially since when I allowed a longer time for the fluid to shoot in it afforded a good number of distinct Crystals long transparent and curiously shaped And not only the external figure of Crystalized Bodies may be accounted for without he help of a Plastick Power but their internal Construction likewise since divers Bodies upon a slow coalition will form Concretes some of which will consist of streaks and others of flakes as lumps of Sal-Armoniack which tho' a factitious Body when broke will appear to be full of streaks like those Stiriae observed in petrifying Water And I have made artificial Concretes of Salts alone or of Salts or Minerals as Stones or Antimony which look very like Talk being white Bodies made up of a multitude of streaky Particles lying long ways one upon another as in that Mineral and I have not only found Concretes shaped like Rhomhus's or Lozenges composed of a multitude of flat and extreamly thin Plates but have imitated such by Art And I have observed that tho' generally Crystals of Silver form flakes seemingly simple like scales of Fishes yet when they have shot leasurely they are Geometrically enough shaped and made up of thin flakes sticking one to another And Tin-Glass which naturally consists of a multitude of shining and polished flakes will tho' beaten to Powder and melted upon its Refrigeration form several broad and shining flakes which lying one upon another cross each other at various Angles as the matter happens in several Portions to be variously refrigerated And the like instances may be observed in some Mixtures of Copper Iron and other Minerals and very conspicuously in good Regulus Martis Stellatus whose internal structure appears upon breaking of it to be made up of shining flakes almost of a specular Polish And tho' whilst we are looking on some Concretes the Stony Stiriae in some places have a streaky and in others an angular Configuration yet I have seen several of them made up of Parts confusedly jumbled together and if there be a due disposition in the components Parts to such Configurations they may be brought to Concretes in a far shorter time than any one would expect or believe so that a solution of Silver being heated hot and removed suddenly into cold Water one might not only very easily but plainly see the Silver shoot with ones naked Eye but even a strong Solution of Sal-Armoniack or some Urinous Spirit being spread upon the outside of a Glass in which a frigorifick Mixture is contained will in less than a minute of an hour be coagulated into Crystals of a determinate figure according to the Nature of the Liquor that afforded it But if against these instances it be urged that tho' they are taken from saline Bodies which are for the most part disposed to convene into smooth Surfaces and Angular shapes and are easily wrought on by External Cold yet it may seem strange that the figure of a Mould or Womb should alter the Internal Construction of solid Minerals and Gems but that it may is evident since tho' Tin-Glass consists of several smooth and bright Planes which sometimes meet and sometimes lye across each other at very different Angles yet having beaten a sufficient quantity of it to Powder and when it was melted cast it into Iron Moulds whose Cavities were each an Inch in Diameter it formed a Bullet which when varily broke seemed to be made up of a multitude of shining Planes so shaped and placed that they rought every way like so many Radius's of a Sphere tending from a Centre to the Circumference so that they seemed gradually to decrease as they were removed further and further from the Circumference But if the melted Tin-Glass was permitted to cool in a Crucible the hardened matter would form several Planes irregularly and confusedly associated together And the like Experiment being tryed with Regulus of Antimony it succeded tho' not so uniformly as with Tin-Glass
which being dryed in the Air formed Bodies like Moss and here and there small Mushrooms prettily coloured And from other Granates I obtained a Tincture which after evaporation did in the Cold afford saline Concretions but so small that their figures could not be determined And probably were tryals made other Mineral Concretes might be wrought on by appropriated Menstruums for tho' the Spar that is found in Lead Mines next the Veins of Ore be Semidiaphanous and usually breaks in smooth and Glassy Superficies and looks like a Talck and also for the most Part is made up of figured Particles shaped like Rhombuus's or Rhomboides yet I found it was a more open Body than Talk being dissolved in Spirit of Salt without the assistance of Heat But I am apt to believe that besides the methods already mentioned there are other methods to discover the Metalline Ingredients of a Body by Fusions and proper Additaments And to conclude this Chapter I shall subjoyn the following Experiment viz. Having dissolved Stony Stiriae of petrifyed Water in Spirit of French Verdigrease and after a gentle Evaporation placed it in a cool place it yielded ●…stals figured much like those of pure Nitro● 〈◊〉 some of this Stony solution being mixed wi●● a solution of Copper they did not precipitate each other but upon Evaporation yielded Crystals transparent and colourless and that were richly adorned with a greenish blue Tincture of the Metal CHAP. II. Containing a Conjecture about the Causes of the Virtues of Gems FROM what hath been elsewhere and in the preceding Chapter laid down it appears that the Earth does not only abound with several Mineral and Metalline substances a great many of which are undiscoverd and a great many already known but also that several Mines are furnished with Water which being impregnated variously may be no dispicable Menstruums but may likewise concur to the Production of Mineral Bodies and not only serve as corrosive Menstruums but pure Solvents to Mineral Earths And that common Water is able to impregnate it self not only with Saline but Mineral Parts is evident from the various tasts of Waters and their uses some being fitter for brewing others for washing some for dying particular Colours and some to temper Steel and others again for other uses And amongst the most remarkable ●…ies are Thermae and Acidulae reckoned up by various Authors as also Salt Springs and those Waters of Hungary and other Parts which yield a Vitriol which is a substance compounded and decompounded containing a saline a Sulphureous a Metalline and an Earthy Part and if Water may be thus impregnated with Metalline Parts it is no difficulty to apprehend how a Lapidescent Humour being sufficiently mixed with and proportioned to it may be coagulated into Stony Stiriae and from such like Coalitions may arise those precious Stones and transparent Gems for the Virtue of specifick Juices are so powerful that I have seen Vegetable substances sufficiently hardened by them to grave on Iron and I had a substance which I looked upon to be a petrifyed Gum which was hard enough to grave on Glass And if the Parts of Minerals may thus by being dissolved in Water be mixed with a petrifyed Body by this means Gems may not only be impregnated but thence receive their Medicinal Virtues as the Nature of the Mineral is different in Qualities and abounds in Quantity which Original of their Virtues may be rendeed probable not only by what hath been said in the foregoing Chapter but by their different colours And that their Impregnation with Mineral Parts enobles them with Medicinal Virtues is evident from the Testimony of Experience and is rendered probable by the Effects of a Loadstone which tho a much harder substance than some Gems emits Effluvia very copiously and hath not only manifest Effects on Iron but Humane Bodies And even those Pebbles with which they counterfeit Diamonds have been caused in a trice to emit copious and strongly scented Steams and even Diamonds the hardest of Gems may by rubbing be caused to emit Electrical Effluvia And tho' it be thought by some that the digestion of a Man's Stomach is not able to extract the Metalline Parts yet there may be a greater Congruity betwixt the Juices of our Bodies and the Mineral substances with which they were impregnated than we are aware of besides we see that the Stomach hath manifest Effects on Chalybeate Preparations and even crude Steel it self And I have obtained a Tincture from several hard Bodies and even Gems themselves by a Liquor distilled from a Vegetable substance as temperately qualifyed as Bread And that the natural Heat of our Bodies may contribute to the extracting of the Virtues of precious Stones I am perswaded since it makes an evident alteration in the hardest of them so as to render a Diamond Electrical and I have had one which by warm Water would be excited to shine in the dark And indeed it is not altogether improbable that Gems having the most subtile Mineral Steams in them being not dispersed by the action of fire they may be more Effectual considering their quantity than Preparations of Metals which have undergone a Fusion And their Virtues may sometimes be much different upon the account of a great quantity of Mineral Particles since Vunzerus tells us that amongst those Stones which are called Nephritick Stones some are much more effectual than others besides the petrifick Juices themselves may have distinct natures and peculiar Qualities upon the account of their Coalitions with Adventitious Liquors And if petrifying Liquors may have such manifest effects on several Bodies one would think indisposed to petrify why may not such a Liquor subdue transparent Minerals abounding with Saline Sulphureous and Bituminous Bodies which being excited may emit their most subtil Parts and as in the Earth there are severl Bodies compounded by the action of Subterraneal fires those petrifyed may enable the Body with correspondent Qualities on which occasion I here subjoyn that I have seen a saline substance which was formed in the Bowels of the Earth like that which is artificially made And I have seen Volatile Salts and Sulphurs shoot into transparent Crystals in a fluid Medium after Distillation which have been more curiously figured than several Gems And if it be objected in disfavour of the Medicinal Virtues of Gems that they grow no lighter when they are said to emit Effluvia I shall add that not to urge that the Antimonial Cup impregnates Wine without losing of its substance and that Mercury will give Water a Virtue of killing Worms by being boiled in it tho' by these means it loses nothing of its weight I shall rather demand how it appears that Bodies grow no lighter by the loss of their Effluvia And tho' in some cases the Gem may be lighter than Crystal yet it is no argument of their more languid Effects since the specifick Gravity of those Bodies they are impregnated with may be of a saline Nature
and specifically lighter than Crystal And I shall in favour of this add that I have several times made Bodies colourless like Crystal and curiously and regularly figured which were of a compound Nature and abounded with an easily separable and strongly scented Sulphur And on this occasion I shall further add that tho' when Gems are specifically heavier than Crystal it is an Argument of a Metalline substance mixed with them yet sometimes those mineral Particles may be so spirituous as not to increase their specifick Gravity for I have seen a ferruginous Water which tho' strongly impregnated was little heavier than common Water And now if together with what hath been delivered in this Chapter we reflect on what follows concerning the Atmospheres of consistent Solids and the efficacy of Effluviums it will not be absurd to ascribe to precious Stones some Medicinal Virtues especially to those that disposed to emit copious Effluvia And to shew that what we have deliver'd may not only be applyed to transparent but opacious Gems and to render our Hypothesis not only probable but possible I shall intimate First That I have seen lapidescent Juices so penetrating as to turn several Animal and Vegetable Substances into Stone amongst which one was a new Cheese which could be distinguish'd no otherwise from another Cheese but by its stony Hardness and I have a piece of Wood petrified which retains its grain and is hard enough to grave upon Iron or Glass and to resist the action of the Fire and likewise to strike Fire like an excellent Flint But to render this Hypothesis further probable I shall subjoin the following Arguments And First It appears from the Method taken to weigh Bodies in our Medicina Hydrostatica where White Marble was proposed as a Standard to determin whether Metalline parts were in Bodies or not for a piece of White Marble being in proportion to its Bulk of Water as 2 72 100 to 1 and Blood-stone as 5 2 10 to 1 a Loadstone as 4 and 6 10 to 1 Lapis Calaminaris as 4 7 10 to one and Lapis Tutice as 5 to 1 It follows that those must proportionably be impregnated with Mineral Parts heavier in specie than Stone and for that Reason I have found some Stones of the same kind specifically heavier than others as they were impregnated in Solutis Principiis more or Iess with mineral Parts But it will not be amiss here to advertise That some Stones lighter in specie than Fossils may be compounded with mineral Parts and thence deduce their Medicinal Virtues and others may be impregnated with mineral Parts lighter in specie than Marble and consequently their mineral Nature cannot be Hydrostatically determin'd as yet which is to its Bulk of Water as 1 22 100 to 1 and yields no inconsiderable Proportion of Oyl A Second Argument for the Confirmation of our Hypothesis may be deduced from the Necessity of it to explain several Phaenomena as why Diamonds and other Gems shouldbe included in Rocks or Clusters of hard Stones which must be soft or could not at the first admit a hard Gem to lodge amongst their Parts and I shall further urge the Necessity of it from several Gems which I found in an odd kind of Mineral sent me from an American Colony And it is not improbable that Opacous Gems are petrified Earths since they vary so much in their Dimensions so that I have heard of a Spleen-stone which weigh'd 80 Pound weight And I have seen a Medicinal Stone which being sawed asunder its internal Parts were full of Cavities whence it appeared to be made up of porous Earth petrifi'd and not of an indurated Liquor From our Hypothesis the following Phaenomena may be explained viz. Why sometimes one part of a Gem is tinged with a Metal and another is not since in making Artificial Gems the Mineral Pigment hath tinged one Part without discolouring the other And I have now by me a lump of petrifi'd Matter which consists of several Stones which tho' first petrify'd apart and afterwards joined together by a petrescent Liquor bear an uniform polish without discovering betwixt their Parts the least Commissures and an acquaintance of mine discover'd several loose Stones where this was found which were separately of the same Nature and afterwards harden'd into stony Masses by the intervention of a petrescent Liquor And I have an Agat by me which seems to consist of several Layers of Clay or Earth lying parallel to each other and petrify'd partly into Transparent and partly into Opacous Stones and to favour this conjecture I shall add that I have seen several Layers of mineral Earths one upon another within the compass of an Inch which lay in different postures in reference both to the Horizon and each other and sometimes the exterior ones successively surrounded the interior and several of these have been found in a small compass of Ground and by a like Method differently coloured Chalcedonians and Jaspers may be accounted for And from hence may be deduced a Reason why Marchasites and Flints Wood and Shells have been found enclosed in other hard Stones And on this occasion I shall add that Stones which were partly Diaphanous and partly Opacous being calcin'd the diaphanous Parts became White and some others which were before tinged had their Parts heighten'd so as after Calcination to be of a rich and permanent Red and this difference of Colours was not only remarkable in the thin Layers but in the specks and irregularly shaped Clouds whether Greenish or Bluish And to illustrate an Observation formerly made on Diamonds bedded one within another I shall urge what is observed in Cryftalizing Salts where as well as in a Metalline Solution I have observ'd that when a number of Crystals had shot after the first Evaporation several successive Layers shot upon those in the latter of which Solutions the Crystals of one Layer were not only fastened to the others but differed considerably as well in their Shape as Postures In this Metalline Solution the Mineral was only one and the Menstruum simple but had the first been Compound there would have been a greater diversity as likewise Crystals of a compound Nature as when a Solution of Salt-Petre and Sea-salt in Water is set to Crystalize where besides Salts of resulting Figures a considerable part of the Sea-salt coagulates in the Form of imperfect Cubes about the Bottom before the nitrous Particles shoot into Crystals of their own shape And I shall further add That Crystallization may not only be promoted by Evaporation but by soaking part of the Water up either by immersing it or by placing dry Earth under the Solution or some other porous Body And by some Analogy to these Instances we may conceive how some of the superfluous Moisture of a Petrescent Liquor being dispersed the remaining may be more apt to coagulate but by a moist Season or supervening Cold the moisture ceasing to be further dispersed the Coagulation may be for a
time suspended and upon that account upon the second Crystallization may yield Crystals less regular and apt to convene uniformly with the others than in Artificial concretions perform'd in distinct Vessels And on this occasion I shall add That I have had Fire-stones brought from several Places in one of which the internal Texture was very different from the more Central Texture and in another I not only observed one Spherical Stone contained within another but of a different Texture and distinguished by a visible Commissure tho' the Commissure was not so uniform as to admit these two to be separated But perhaps it may be objected against what we have delivered That these Bodies are found where petrifying Springs are not Against which it may be offer'd not to urge that Men and Beasts have been petrify'd upon the sudden invasion of a petrifying Spirit that rain-Rain-Water may bring such Particles along with it Since over a Bath in Hungary that abounded with petrifying Particles the Steams which were arrested by the building over it were turned into stony Concretes which may give us Reason to think that petrifying Vapours raised from the lower Parts of the Earth meeting with rightly disposed Matter may form Stones without the help of Rain or Springs which Conjecture may be favoured by relating that I have not only found an Earthy and Sulphureous Sediment in the bottom of Rain-water but I have observed that a distill'd Liquor being kept some time in a Vial well stopp'd the Steams penetrated the Cork and formed whitish Stiriae very slender and of a surprizing length And that petrescent Springs are not always requisite will appear since I have found transparent Stones in a dry Soil which lay upon a Rock and I have found that a solution of stony Stiriae in Spirit of Verdigrease being poured upon Bolus Armenus contained in a Glass when the superfluous moisture was exhaled several transparent and untinged Crystals appear'd dispersed through that Red Earth And the best petrify'd Wood that I know of was taken up out of a Plot of sandy Ground where there was not the least signs of a petrifying Spring And tho' some Stones seem to grow as from a Root yet these may easily be supposed to have been formed in certain Molds and that after their formation the Winds or Rains washed away the looser Soil from their upper Parts Besides it might be easily shewn that stony Concretions might be produced by the mechanical action of the Air upon the stony Parts that successively apply themselves to the Matter that first begins to coagulate and began to be forsaken by that moisture that accompanied those Parts and was necessary to their due Application to their casual Roots in imitation of which I have obtained from saline and stony solutions dry Turfs prettily sigured and diaphanous or White as also slender Stiriae that seemed to grow out of the solid Glass But further sometime petrifying Particles may be so diluted with ordinary Water as not to discover themselves 'till they have fit Bodies to work upon For I have received transparent and petrify'd Cristals from a Lake in the North of Ireland which grew to the Rocks in the bottom but had no ill effects on the Fish which swam in that Water and it is easie to suppose that whether Water which lies in the Cavities of Rocks be impregnated with petrifick Particles from Springs Rain-water or subterraneal steams I say it is easie to conceive how these after an Exhalation of the superfluous moisture may petrifie the adjacent Soil and form different Stones according to the particular Nature of the petrescent Liquors and the disposition and structure of the Soil they invade in which Soil if any Heterogeneous Matter be lodged whether Vegetable Animal or Mineral Substances they must needs be found in that petrify'd Soyl when broken up Nor is it requisite that this Soyl should be all petrify'd at once for it may be petrify'd gradually as the Position or porousness of the Body give advantage to the petrifying Body that works upon them so that from hence it appears how medicinal Stones of different Colours Consistencies and Effects may be formed and seem entire Bodies And I have a Stone by me which contains a perfectly shaped Serpent coiled up in it but without a Head which appears to have been formed before the Stone in as much as in the upper and lower Parts of the Stone there are Cavities left which together form one Cavity of the size and shape of the contained Body and that the Serpent and the Stone about it were petrify'd at several times may be argued from the different Texture of the petrify'd Animal it being a clearer kind of Stone than that of the Mold and even that Part of the Mold it self which is contiguous to the included Body is whitish and abounds with shining grains or flakes in both which respects it differs from the other Parts But to proceed in those several places in which Stones are plentifully found in times past pretrescent Liquors may have been since not only Earth-quakes Inundations sinking of Grounds but the incroaching of the Land on the Water as well as fiery Eruptions have been able to dry up Pools and Lakes and to divert the course of Springs and Rivers so as to leave not the least footsteps where they flowed before Another Argument which will favour the Hypothesis already laid down may be deduced from this that by proper Menstruums Mineral Parts may be drawn from some of these Stones so a Solution of Blood-Stone turned an Infusion or Galls blackish and so did a Load-Stone Emeri and Marchasites opened with corrosive Menstruums And Lapis Calaminaris kept in Fusion with Copper changes it yellow for a Golden colour and makes it Brass and adds to its specifick Gravity considerably And Quick-silver is known to be distilled from Ore found in the Mines of Friuli But as we before intimated there are several Stones which owe their Virtues to a Mixture of Bodies specifically lighter than Crystal which is evident since not only Brimstone but Bitumens are specifically lighter the proportion of Brimstone being as two to one and that of Asphaltum as one and a little less than 4 10 to 1. And even some Bodies specifically Lighter than Crystal may owe their Virtues to Mineral Particles since they may be mixed with Ingredients specifically Lighter than Crystal which may compensate the Surplusage of theirs for I have had a piece of blackish East-Indian Flint and likewise an English one of the same colour the one of which weighed as 2 6 10 to 1 and the other as 2 7 10 to 1 which is equal to the specifick Gravity of Crystal so that the Blackish colour seemed to proceed from some Mineral smoak that had pervaded it which may give us Reason to believe that the matter of Medicinal Stones may be tinged with Mineral Vapours before it is hardened And that several subterraneal Bodies may be raised in the form
of Vapours will appear from what hath elsewhere been delivered and that Quick-silver will we are assured by the effects of Fumigations in the Lues Venerea and that it may be incorporated with Stones may be observed in some kinds of native Cinnabar And I have found that not only artificial but natural Sal-Armoniack may be raised in the form of Exhalations by the help of fire And that Sal-Armoniack Sulphur and Mercury may be sublimed into a Gold like substance appears from the Preparations of Aurum Musicum and that the Earth abounds with Mineral Exhalations of various kinds appears from what hath been elsewhere delivered as well by us as several other Authors and since the Earth abounds with so great a Number of Minerals there is no question but some of them may be able to penetrate and tinge some indurated Stones and that a small quantity of a Mineral may be sufficient to tinge a great quantity of a Stony substance will appear from several Experiments already delivered But to proceed to the last Argument to be alledged on this occasion I shall add that it appears that opacous Gems receive their Virtues from Mineral Particles since most of them consist of Mineral Bodies petrified And tho' most of these Bodies differ little from artificial ones we are not therefore to deny them Medicinal Virtues since several Medicinal and specifick Virtues are attributed to Chymical Preparations and that artificial Bodies may be endewed with Medicinal Virtues appears from Galen who delivers the ashes of a Cray-Fish as an Antidote against the biting of a mad Dog And even Treacle is esteemed not only as an Alexipharmick but endewed with specifick Virtues upon the account of its manifest as well as occult Qualities And to what I have said I shall add that several Stones of the same kind differ in the goodness of their Medicinal Qualities as Lapis Nephriticus and several of them have Virtues which seem to belong to other kinds when they are impregnated with the like Exhalations so that I have seen a Blood-Stone which would stop Hemorrhagies when made use of without the Persons knowledge yet by its colour it seemed to be of another kind of Stone But to the foregoing Particulars I shall add that subterraneal Exhalations may be so powerful and penetrating as to petrifie both Animal and Vegetable Substances as appears from petrifyed Skulls Bones and pieces of Wood and that Vegetable substances may be hardened into Stones is evident since Lapis Lyncurius a Stone near Naples being rubbed and moistened and then exposed to the Sun in a due season will yield Mushrooms fit to be eaten so that the seminal Principles of Vegetables may be petrifyed without losing a power of exerting themselves when they find an opportunity And these kind of Stones are sometimes found to be of an extraordinary bigness And that other Earths subject to be petrifyed may be endewed with Medicinal Virtues appears since I knew a Clay-Pit in which a Bed of Clay yielded by distillation a Volatile and strong Salt which was a good Cordial and a great opening and Diaphoretick Medicine And that sublimable Salts Sulphurs and Bitumens may be met with in the Bowels of the Earth and in the Bodies of Stones I have found by their Chymical Examens And that Metalline Parts may concur to the Composition of a Medicinal Stone may appear from native Sulphur which is it self a compound Body besides a good proportion of Mineral Earth CHAP. III. Of the Atmospheres of Consistent Solids Of the Atmospheres of consistent Bodies THAT fluid Bodies such as Water Wine Urine c. emit Effluvia is too evident to want proof and that even consistent and solid Bodies emit Effluvia will appear from what follows since not only Leaves of Plants but Ambergrease c. are manifestly odoriferous And not only Volatile Salts are sensibly diminished by being exposed to the Air but Camphire which is a tough tenacious Body And even from the Electrical Qualities of Amber hard Wax c. it appears that they emit corporeal Effluvia which sensibly affect the Nostrils when violently rubbed And as further instances of the Effluvia of consistent Bodies we may add that not only Apples but Eggs lose of their weight in Winter and so does Wood for having caused a Cup to be made of it and Counterpoised it it grew sensibly and gradually lighter so that tho' it wanted two drachms of two ounces yet it lost forty grains of that weight in ten hours And even Ice which weighed two ounces in a frosty Night lost ten grains of its former weight tho' not in the least thawed And it is known to those that deal amongst Lead and Tin that those Bodies emit very hurtful Effluvia and Cold-share Iron hath been observed to smell so rank whilst red hot that the Smith could scarce endure to work it and not only Iron but Brass and Copper when heated smell very unpleasantly And to these instances I shall add that besides Load-Stones black Marble as well as other Stones whilst a Polishing will emit sensible Effluvia which is evident by the smells they emit And amongst other Bodies which convince us that they emit sensible Effluvia by their smell I shall enumerate those Conical Stones called Thunder-Stones which upon attrition emit a Sulphureous smell and so did a Substance which much resembled a Marchasite And I made a Mixture of a Metalline Body and a coagulated Mercury which had considerable effects on the Eyes as well as other Parts near which it was worn as an Appensum And Vitrum Saturni made with a good quantity of Minium is not devoid of Electricity nor is Brass free from an offensive smell when its Parts are put into a violent concussion by turning And amongst Electrical Bodies I have seen some of so close a Texture and so hard that they would strike fire and Aqua Fortis it self would not work upon them as Cornelians Rock-Crystal c. And even so hard Bodies as Diamonds are found to be Electrical And I have observed that Concretions called Cugoli made use of by Glass-men in the East-Indies emits a smell upon attrition and so will a Calculus Humanus and Iron it self if held to a grinding Stone without the use of Water And Marchasites likewise upon an attrition emit a Sulphureous Odour And even so fixed Bodies as Regulus of Antimony and its Glass communicate to Liquors Emetick and Purgative Emanations and Glass it self which is fixed enough to endure the force of the Fire upon Attrition emits offensive Effluvia And the Heat of the Sun and Fire have so great a stroke in exciting the Atmospheres of Bodies exposed to them that Amber being exposed to the former and Glass to the latter they both became Electrical And I question not but that if a great many Bodies not yet tryed were carefully weighed they would appear sensibly to emit Effluvia tho' the waste made by some Bodies is so small as to be
scarce discernable if at all as in Loadstones Ambergrease c. Those requiring a long time to make their Consumption discernible in which time we are not sure but the Weights themselves may have lost of their weight as well as the Counterpoise and consequently not be able to discover the loss those sustain But there are several other besides statical ways of trying whether Bodies emit Effluvia or not and there are several peculiar ways requisite to cause them to emit them as Glass c. affect the Nostrils upon an Attrition I had a Diamond as well as a Ruby which would be excited by a gentle heat in my Pocket or only by strokeing my Finger over the former tho' sometimes they would fail to be so easily or uniformly excited and it is not a little strange that upon the Tread of a Hare or Partridge Effluvia should be so long emitted as to give a Scent to Dogs several Hours after And if Load-stones and other Bodies may have Constant Atmospheres which are only to be discover'd by particular Bodies several other Substances not yet taken notice of may emit Effluvia which by peculiar Methods may be discover'd CHAP. IV. Of the Strange Subtlety of Effluviums Of the subtlety of Effluviums THE subtlety of the Effluviums will be most aptly represented by considering I. The strange extensibility of some Bodies whilst their Parts remain tangible II. The Multitude of visible Corpuscles that may be afforded by a small Portion of Matter III. The smallness of the Pores at which the Effluvia of some Bodies will get in IV. The small Decrement of Bulk or Weight that a Body may suffer by parting with great store of Effluvia And V. The great quantity of Space that may be filled as to Sense by a small quantity of Matter when rarify'd or dispersed And First I have observed that a Grain of Silver Wire amounted to 27 Foot or 324 Inches and since half an English Inch may be divided into a 100 Parts by diagonal Lines it must consist of 64800 true Metalline Parts which may be well conceived to be made of Parts yet more minute And I had a gilt Wire an Ounce of which made a Wire 1000 paces long allowing Five Foot to a Pace and 720 Foot above and had this Wire been drawn out to an equal smallness with the Silver Wire the Gold would have been divided to an indefinite number of Parts being sufficient to cover the superficial Area of so long a Wire And I have known Silk to be drawn out of the Mouth of a Worm which tho' it weigh'd but two Grains and a half was 300 Yards long But to evince the great extensibility of Matter we took six beaten Leaves of Gold the sides of whose Squares were 3 Inches and 2 8 which Number being reduced to a Decimal Fraction viz. 3125 100 and multiplyed by it self affords 10●5● 10000 for the Area of each and this multiplyed by 6 the Number of the Leaves amounts to 6313750 10000 square Inches for the Area of the six Leaves of Gold which weighed but 1 Gr. ¼ so that 4 Grains was extended to above 50 square Inches And if each of these Inches may by Lines drawn from opposite Points be divided each into 100 Parts one Grain of Gold must be divided into 500000 little squares discernable by a good Eye and if an Inch were divided into 200 Parts as I have one by me that is then a Grain may be divided into 2000000 of squares And to be satisfy'd further of the extensibility of Gold I enquired and was told that 8 Grains of Gold would gild an Ounce of Silver Wire as fine as a Hair and which would reach betwixt 90 and 100 Miles But supposing the Wire to be as fine as that first mentioned and that 8 Grains of Gold went to gild it a sheath of Gold weighing but 8 Grains may be extended so as to reach 60 times as much in weight of Silver Wire as it covers and consequently a grain of that Wire being twenty seven foot long the ounce of Gold would reach to 777600 foot i. e. 155 ½ miles and if this Gold Wire were cut into as small thongs or lists as posibly it might be it must reach to a stupendious length But secondly to shew into what a number of visible Corpuscles a Body may be divided we put an ounce of Water into an Aeolipile and having placed it upon a Chafing-dish of Coals we observed that Vapours streamed out or above sixteen minutes and considering a few intermitting gusts afterwards and what drops of Water were condensed in the top of it I guessed that had the whole been driven out in Vapours they would have continued twenty minutes N. B. to the Orifice of the Aeolipile we applied a long Tube twenty Inches long and an Inch in Diameter the remoter end being continued about six Inches longer and so far expanded that its Diameter was four or five Inches and by the help this Pipe we were able tho' not actly to measure the Extension of the rarified Vapours To this instance I might add the prodigious expansion of some Inflamable Bodies when turned into actual flame as Spirit of Wine c. Which being burnt in a Glass Lamp so contrived that the Surface of the Liquor was still Circular the waste made in ¼ of an hour was very small tho' the Physical superficies of the Liquor must needs be successively rarified and expanded and fly away in streams and if so little of this Liquor was able to afford matter for flame so long the same bulk of a more compact Body may easily be supposed to be capable of being expanded to much greater Dimensions And to these instances I shall add that half a grain of Gun-Powder being exploded under a Vessel whose Basis was eight Inches and its Altitude twenty and its figure such that it was more Capacious than a Cone of that size the exploded Gun-Powder was observed to fill the whole Cavity of the Vessel as to sense and successively issued out of the upper Orifice for half a quarter of an hour so that the Diameter of it being two Inches many Myriads of visible Corpuscles must be conceived to throng out in so long a time as they crouded out one after another But to make a kind of an estimate of the Expansion of this Substance we filled the Vessel full of Water and found that the weight of it amounted to 320000 half grains And if we suppose the specifick Gravity of the Gun-Powder to be as much again as that of Water we my probably guess the smoak to posses 500000 times the space that the Gun-Powder did And as a further Argument of the great minuteness of small Parts of matter I shall urge the smallness of Cheese-mites which being so small as not to be discernable to a naked Eye but when they move must be made of extremely fine Parts otherwise there would not be room enough for an Organical Body
and if an Organical Body furnished with all the Parts requisite for the Preservation of Life be contained in so small a compass how minute must they be at the first since the Eggs out of which they are formed bear but a small proportion to them when perfectly formed and even comparative Observations tell us that a Mite being ten days a hatching the Rudiments of its Body at the first must bear but a small proportion to the bulk of that small Egg and to this I shall add that tho' these Creatures be so very small yet I have been able to discern single hairs growing upon their Legs Another instance of the Extension of matter minutely divided is this viz. We dissolved a grain of filings of Copper in Spirit of Sal-Armoniack pouring the Solution into a tall Cylinder four Inches in Diameter and successively filling it four times with distilled Water still pouring it off into a Conical Glass which being done and the weight of the Glass Cylinder deducted from the Joint weight of the Liquor contained in it we found that one grain of Copper was able to give à Tincture to 28534 times its weight of Water tho' its specifick Gravity is not half so much as that of fine Gold and if we estimate the proportion not by weight but the bulk of these Bodies the bulk of Water to Copper being as nine to one the aforementioned number multiplyed by nine will give us the proportion betwixt the tinged and tinging the Body so that one grain of Copper gives a colour to 256806 parts of Limpid Water and by prosecuting this Experiment further I found that it was able to give a manifest Tincture to above 385200 and a faint but discernable one to above 513620 times its bulk of Water To shew that the Effluvia of Bodies may enter in at very small Pores I shall intimate the effects of Cantharides held in the hands of some Persons and on the Neck of my own Bladder when applyed outwardly to my Neck And not only Scaliger tells us of Spiders in Gascony whose Virulent Poyson would penetrate the Shooes of those that trod upon them but Piso speaking of a Fish called Amoreatim and by the Portugals Peize sola he says Quae mira sane Efficacia non solum Manum vel levissimo attactu sed pedem licet optime calceatum Piscatoris incaute Pisciculum conterentis Paralysi stupore afficit instar Torpedinis Europeae sed Minus durabili Lib. 5. Cap. 14. And to shew that some Emanations even of solid Bodies may be subtle enough to get through the Pores even of the closest Bodies I shall add that a needle being Hermetically sealed up in a Glass Tube and that laid upon Water a Load-Stone would cause the Needle to leap up in it and by the help of the Load-Stone I could lead the Tube from one part of the Surface of the Water to another as I moved the Load-Stone And to shew that the Magnetical Effluvia of the Earth may penetrate so close and compact a Body as Glass I shall add that a Cylindrical piece of Iron being sealed up in a Glass Cylinder and held in a Perpendicular Posture it acquired such Magnetical Virtues as to become a North Pole and according to Magnetical Laws to drive away the North Point of a Needle but being inverted and held under the Point of a Needle it became a South Pole and attracted it Another Proof of the great subtlety of Effluviums may be taken from the small decrease of Weight by parting with store of such Emanations as Vitrum Antimonii Crocus Metallorum and Quick-silver the two first of which give a Vomitive Virtue to a vast quantity of Wine without growing sensibly lighter and so Quick-silver impregnates Water with a Virtue of killing Worms And a piece of Ambergrease which weighed about 100 or 120 Grains being suspended three days in the open Air lost not sensibly of its Weight notwithstanding the quantity of odoriferous Steams it must have parted with in that time Assa Foetida in about six Days lost about half a quarter of a Grain one Ounce of Nutmegs in six Days lost 5 Grains ½ and an Ounce of Cloves 7 grains ⅝ And tho' Loadstones emit Effluvia without a sensible loss of weight yet I suspect that as these Magnetical Particles fly out of one Pole they enter in at the other and so make the Pores of the Load-stone their constant Thorow-fares To these Instances I shall add that a Grain of Copper being dissolved in a spoonful of a Menstruum and that put into a Glass-Lamp the Metal tinged the Flame which continued half an Hour and six Minutes so that supposing the Flame to have streamed through a Cylindrical Pipe so long that small parcel of Metal must be divided into a vast Number of small Parts for Water which ran through a Cylinder whose Diameter was but half as great as that of the Flame amounted to above Nine Gallons or Seventy two Pounds The last Particular I shall insist upon to shew the strauge subtlety of Effluviums is the great quantity of space a small parcel of Matter may be extended to and as to Sense possess it this we may be enabled to guess at by considering how long a Dog will distinguish the Scent of Partridges Hares c. after they have left the Place and will almost give one sufficient grounds to guess how long the Animal hath been gone from thence before And I am told that a Blood-hound will not only perceive the Seent of a Man that hath gone over a piece of Ground several Hours before but that the scent of a Deer will continue upon the Ground from one Day to the next And if we consider that the eighth part of a Grain can scarce be suppos'd to be left on the Ground where such an Animal hath stood and likewise at what distance it may be scented and how long that scent continues it will be sufficient to convince us of the extraordinary minuteness of those Parts of Animals which were rendered more apt to be dissipated in Effluviums by their having been first strained through the Pores of their Bodies Nor is it less remarkable that Birds especially Crows are able to discover the smell of Gun-powder at a considerable distance and that they are I am satisfi'd by my own Observations as well as the Relations of others And on this occasion I shall add That Julius Palmarius in his Tract de Morbis Contagiosis observes that Horses Beeves Sheep and other Animals have grown mad by eating the Straw that mad Swine have lain on which may give us Reason to suspect that the Feet of distempered Animals may leave an Infection upon the Grass they tread on But to prosecute the chief aim of our Discourse I shall add That since Corpuscles that are too minnte to be visible may affect an Organ of Sense it is not improbable but that there may be a great many which may be so fine
as not to affect any one of our Senses and consequently may continue an Atmosphere much longer than we are able to take notice of So Forestus tells us of a Pestilential Contagion that was a long time preserved in a Cobweb And Alexander Benedictus tells us of a Flock-Bed which when several Years after the Plague it was beaten it presently infected the By-standers And Sennertus tells us that in Vratislavia in six Months six Thousand Men dyed of the Plague and that from that time the Infection was preserved in a Linnen Cloth and being displayed in another Place 13 Years after it infected that Place likewise And Trincavella tells us that an Infection was preserved a long time in Ropes by which dead Persons were let down into their Graves And an Instance of the like kind we are furnished with by Diemerbroeck who acquaints us that an Apothecary of his turning over some Straw upon which a Bed had lain which held an infected Person the Steams immediately caused Blisters upon his Legs and a Carbuncle which was a Fortnight in healing And to conclude this Chapter I shall add that I have a pair of Spanish perfum'd Gloves which have continu'd their scent about Thirty Years tho' they were not so much as shut up in a Box. CHAP. V. Of the great Efficacy of Effluviums THO' Particles of Matter which are minute are looked upon to be unable to have any considerable Effects O the great Efficacy of Effluviums yet I shall endeavour to shew that they may have considerable Effects I. Upon the account of their great Number II. Their Penetrating Nature III. The Celerity and Modification of their Motions IV. The congruity of their Bulk and Shapes to the Pores of the Body they are to act upon V. The Motion of one Part of a Body which they cause to act upon the other IV. Their Aptitude to cause themselves to be assisted by more Catholick Agents tho' they may perform several things considerable upon these Accounts yet sometimes two or three or more concur to the producing of the same effect And First From what hath been deliver'd in the fore-going Chapter it appears that the Effluvia of Bodies are very minute and consequently it will follow they must be numerous and that a great number of small Agents when they act per Modum unius may have considerable Effects is evident since inundations of whole Countrie may be caused by Showers of Rain when drops fall in multitudes and aggregates of small Sands not only bound the Seas but form Banks upon which the greatest Ships are sometimes split and tho' the Effects of a single Grain of Gun-powder is immaterial yet prodigious things may be done by a great number of them and tho' Vapours are made up of very small Particles which seem to be inactive yet in moist Weather they cause Salts to melt wood to swell and Viol-strings if they be stretched too much to break And it hath been observed that the invisible Steams of a newly whited Room are so offensive that People who slept in such Places have been found dead in the Morning being suffocated with those Fumes and tho' the Vapors which can issue out of such Bodies at once cannot be sufficient to produce such Effects yet if we consider that they continually succeed each other as Wind out of an Aeolipile their Number and Minuteness may enable them to cause considerable Effects And that the subtlety and penetrating Nature of Effluvia contribute much to their Effects appears since good Aqua-fortis and Spirit of Nitre are so penetrating as in a little time to pervade the Corks with which the Bottle they are contain'd in are stopp'd and to reduce them to a Pap. And running Mercury hath been found in the Heads of those that have been too much exposed to Mercureal Fumes And in the Laboratories of Chymists the Steams of Sulphur Antimony Arsnick c. make those stagger that less cautiously unlute the Vessels in which they have been sublimed or distilled To which Instances may be added the infectious Steams in the Plague which suddenly infect the internal Parts and likewise the sudden Effects of a Torpedo And I prepar'd a Sal-Armoniac so powerful that it restored a faculty of Smelling to one that had lost it a considerable time which Virtues it had besides those more common ones of affecting the Eyes Mouth and Stomach And on this occasion I shall subjoin that the Steams of Water assisted by warmth are sufficient to dissolve hard and solid Bodies so that by Philosophical Calcination solid pieces of Harts-horn are made so friable as to be easily reduced to Powder only by being hung over the Steams of distill'd Waters And to this I shall add that under several Places in the Torrid Zone the Dew is so penetrating that it causes Knives to rust in their Sheaths and Swords in their Scabbards and even Watches in their Cases And in England I have known hard Bodies become friable by the insinuation of Vapors into their Pores and I have known solid and Mineral Bodies burst by the powerful insinuation of Effluviums And that the Celerity of the Motion of minute Bodies may contribute much to their Effects appears from the Effects of Gun-powder Aurum Fulminans Flames Whirl-Winds and Winds And I have made it appear that those Odoriferous Steams which swim in the Air and affect our Nostrils are in too languid a Motion 'till enabled to affect the Sensory more powerfully by running through the Nostrils in a Stream and I have likewise made it appear that Setting-Dogs c. will be much more affected with a Scent when the Wind Blows from the scent towards their Nostrils than when it comes the contrary Way the current of the Wind causing the Odoriferous Steams to affect the Sensory more briskly And Electrical Bodies exert that Faculty more strongly after Attrition the emission of their Electrical Steams being by that means excited And the Learned Faber hath observed that if a Hare was suspended near an Electrick when the Effluviums were too briskly agitated it would not be attracted but driven away from it And I know a certain substance made by distillation whose smell in the Cold is very inoffensive but when it is warm it emits Steams more strong and penetrating than Sal Armoniac And I have known solid Substances stink egregiously when excited to emit their Effluvia by Attrition And as celerity of motion contributes to the Effects of subtile Bodies so does the different modification of that Motion for as a Stick or a Javelin hath different Effects when they fly with one end first from what they have when they twirled round with a certain Rotation and the sounds of Musical Instruments are different according to the different determination of their Motion And the Impressions made upon the ambient Air. And that besides what we have already taken notice of the congruity or incongruity of the Particles of Matter in reference to the Bodies they
are to work upon contribute much to their Effects appears from the Effects of Lightning For I have seen two tall drinking Glasses so alter'd in their shape by the influence of Lightning that the one was a little widened near the bottom and the other so far bent that it stood awry the Beams of Lightning being able in the twinkling of an Eye to melt Glass tho' in Glass Furnaces the Fire is sometime before it can produce that Effect And I once saw Lead melted by Lightning which left the Glass unaffected and likewise other combustible stuff that was near it and tho' it left these Things untouched yet it threw down part of a Wall belonging to the House by passing through it And it is a common Observation that Thunder either by giving a determinate Concussion to the Air or transmitting some Effluvia turns Beer sowre but having sealed some up in Glasses Hermetically the Thunder was not able to affect the Liquor contained in them and it is a common practice to prevent Beer from sowring upon Storms of Thunder to place Chafing-Dishes of Coals under the Barrels the sulphureous steams being by that means so alter'd as either not to be able to penetrate the Barrel or not able to alter the Liquor Another Way by which considerable Effects are caused by Effluvia is by exciting such a Motion in the Body they work upon as to make one part of it act upon another Instances of which may be brought from inanimate Bodies as well as living ones since some vigorous Loadstones destroy the attractive Virtues of an Excited Needle in a trice or give it a Virticity quite contrary to the former without touching it and these magnetical Emissions which must needs be very minute since they are subtle enough to penetrate Glass are able to take up a considerable weight of Iron so that I have seen a light one which would take up Eighty times its weight But the chief Instances I shall now insist on are those wrought upon Animals for it is evident that our Organs of smelling are chiefly affected by such minute Particles of Matter as the finest Odours consist of nor do they always affect us as Odours since violent smells whether stinking or sweet are able to cause very troublesome Head-achs And the smell of a very pleasing Perfume may produce in a humane Body which before was well and strong both faintness swoons loss of sensible Respiration Intumescence of the Abdomen seeming Epilepsies Convulsive motions of the Limbs c. And I had a Sal-Armoniack which would in a little time remove Hysterick fits and recover People who by the by-standers were judged to fall down in Epileptical fits which sudden effects seem to depend on the consent of the Genus Nervosum But besides these effects of Odorous Bodies upon Women I know a Man of a strong Body and a sanguine Constitution who will be put into a violent Head-ach by the smell of Musk and another to whom the smell of Roses was as offensive and I know a Lady who would presently swoon at the smell of Roses if they were not speedily removed And as these slight smells have proved offensive so it is not much less considerable that the smell of Sal-Armoniack cures the Head-ach Besides the aforementioned effects of Effluvia it is observed that Women have miscarryed upon the stink of a Candle carelesly extinguished And I not only know a Gentleman who will Vomit upon the smell of Coffee but a Physician who will Vomit and Purge if he does but smell at Electuarium Lenitivum And I know another whom the smell of the grease which is about the wheels of a Hackney-Coach will make sick and cause to Vomit if it does but pass by him And not only smoak is offensive to the Eyes and Lungs but the invisible steams of Sal-Armoniack And besides the aforementioned instances of the effects of Effluvia upon the Genus Nervosum I shall add one of their Effects on the humours for I know an Apothecary who upon the smell of Roses hath such a Colliquation of Humours in his Head that they set him a coughing make him run at the Nose and give him a sore Throat and also by an affluence of humours make his Eyes sore And as Effluvia may be enabled to perform several things on the account of the structure of particular Bodies so they may effect several things by Virtue of the Fabrick and Laws of the Universe for Bodies by Effluvia may be rendered fit to be wrought on by Light Magnets the Atmosphere Gravity or some other Catholick Agent of the Universe And to what instances have already been given of Bodies working upon others placed at a distance I might add the effects of contiguous Bodies as Bloodstones Cornelians Nephritick Sones Lapis Malacensis and some Amulets and other solid Substances externally applyed by Physicians as Cantharides c. CHAP. VI. Of the determinate Nature of Effluviums Of the determinate Nature of Effluviums THO' Aristotle and his followers have only distinguished the Exhalations of this Globe into those which he calls fumes and which rising from the Earth he terms hot and dry and those Vapours which rise from the Water which he calls hot and moist in these words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet besides these slight differences since the Earth contains several Bodies which have each of them distinct Atmosphere we may probably conceive them to have their distinct and determinate natures and even in fluid Bodies Heterogeneous Parts may swim which notwithstanding their fluidity may retain their determinate Nature since Rock-Allom and Salt-Petre being dissolved together in Water upon a gentle Evaporation will each of them shoot into Crystals of their respective and determinate Natures And that Effluvia retain their determinate natures tho' so small as to swim in the Air or Water appears since upon their Re-union they are of the same Nature with the Body that emitted them as Water raised in Vapours condenses again into drops of Water And Quick-Silver in Distillation if it be raised with a convenient fire will almost all be found in the Receiver in the form of running Mercury And if when Chymists are either making an Amalgama or forcing the Mercury away from it by the fire they hold a piece of Gold in their Mouths it will be white as if it were Silvered over And not only Sulphur but Camphire sublimed in close Vessels unites into a Substance of the same Nature as the other and tho' a Body be compounded of a Metal and another Mineral and two or three Salts yet upon the Purification of the Mixture from its grosser Parts if the remaining and finer Parts be minute enough and finely shaped the wholy Liquor will ascend and yet in the Receiver altogether recover its pristine form of a transparent fluid composed of differing Saline and Mineral Parts which is evident in the Distillation of Butter or Oyl of Antimony very well rectify'd for this Liquor
that Effect to which might be added what is observed about the ceasing of the Plague at Grand Cayro in Egypt but enough of that having been already delivered in another Place I shall add here that I have made a stain upon a Body by the invisible steams and Effluvia of another cold Body I altered the Colour of that Stain by the invisible and cold steams of a Third And to countenance my Conjecture of the Cause of Meteors besides what hath been said of subterraneal Effluvia in another Place I shall add the following Citation from Agricola who having mention'd out of Ancient Historians the raining of White and Red Liquors subjoins Vt autem majorem fidem habeamus Analium monumentis facit res res illa decantata quae Patrium memoria in Suaevia accidit Aer enim ille stillavit guttas quae lineas vestes crucibus rubris quasi sanguineis imbuebant And it will not be thought strange that subterraneal Salts Bitumens and Sulphurs may be raised into the Air if so fixed a Body as common Earth may which the newly cited Author testifies And that the odoriferous Particles of Plants reserve their determinate Nature much longer than we are wont to imagine may appear since one drop of Oyl of Cinnamon gave not only a taste to 14000 times its Bulk of Water but withal diffused a great number of odoriferous Particles through the ambient Air. The Last way we shall mention to evince the determinate Nature of Effluviums is from their Effects on other Bodies As the stupefying Effluvia of the Fish Amoreatim mentioned by Piso The effects of Opium and Hypnoticks upon a Boy who whilst he was distilling them cast him into a sleep And the Root and Juice of Mandragora is said to cast those that take it into a deep Sopor like a Lethargy and Levinus Lemnius tells us that the Apples of the same Plant being laid in his Study made him so sleepy that he could scarce recover himself Aurelaeus tells us that the Poison of a Mad Dog hath been convey'd to one in the form of Effluvia and Calius Aurelianus acquaints us That some have become mad by being wounded only by the Claws of a mad Dog and that one fell into an Hydrophobia solo odore ex rabido cane attracto And Matthiolus tells us of one who was poisoned only by putting his Hand into the Mouth of the mad Dog without being bit and to this I shall add that Sennertus relates that a Painter having opened a Box in which Realgar had been contained the Fumes being snussed up his Nostrils presently caused a giddiness in his Head and fainting Fits To these Instances I shall add That several have been purged by the smell of Black Hellebore and as Sennertus witnesses by the Odor of Coloquintida and there are several other Things which purge when only externally applyed And it is attested by approved Writers that the Shadow of a Wallnut-Tree with the Leaves on it is very hurtful to the Head And it is not only observed That Birds will not so much as light upon those Poysonous Trees in the West Indies called the Manchinello-Tree and it is looked upon as safe for Men to eat of Fruit found in a strange Country if it appears that the Birds have been pecking at them before And Nicolaus Florentinus tells us of one who drawing into his Nostrils the Smoak of a burnt Spider he was much disordered and fell into a fainting Fit and was much disordered about the Heart his Pulse being likewise weak tho' after he was cur'd by a mixture of Treacle Diamosc and the Powder of Zedoary And I saw a Berry called Maccu-buy in Ireland which being pounded in a Mortar caused the Head and Face of one that stood hard by to swell enormously And To what hath been delivered of the determinate Nature of Effluviums I shall add that Amber Musk Civet c. will communicate a Perfume to Gloves tho at a distance off them and contagious Distempers as the Plague Small-Pox or Measles may not only be communicated by immediate Contact but by steams which issue from the Body of the sick Person But to conclude this Chapter I shall add the following Experiment Viz. Having shut up an Ounce of a Volatile Tincture of Sulphur in a Vial capable of holding at least twice as much and having placed a Paper at some distance and unstopped the Vial the spreading Fumes presently caused what was writ with invisible Ink to become legible And so would several Letters writ with a Solution of Sublimate in Water some of them being more and others less Black according to their distances from the smoaking Liquor and other Circumstances And when the Paper thus writ upon was held over the Orifice of the Vial tho' the Letters were on the upper side yet in a quarter of an Hour they became legible and as in some cases this smoaking Liquor with a solution of Sublimate will produce a Precipitate of a Silver Colour so in some of the Colourless Ink we found the like Colour And I have performed the like with a couple of Liquors wherein was neither Sulphur nor Sal-Armoniac nor Sublimate And as a farther Proof of the great penetrancy of Effluviums I shall add that having a Paper which was writ on with this invisible Ink betwixt six folds of Paper these Fumes penetrated it in Ten Minutes and turned the Ink Black and another piece of the same Inked Paper being placed betwixt the Leaves of a Book the steams penetrated Twelve in three Minutes and turned the Ink blackish CHAP. VII Of the Porousness of solid Bodies Of the Porousness of Solids THAT even solid Bodies are not destitute of Pores I am inclined to believe because most solid Bodies as Gems c. have once been in fluid Forms and since Fluids are generally made up of Particles of a determinate size and shape they must needs leave some Pores betwixt them Another Reason why I am inclined to think most Bodies porous is their specific gravity which would not vary were the Parts of them equally compressed and closed together but since Copper is heavier than Iron and Gold as nineteen to one to its proportion of Water and Copper only as nine to one it must follow that the matter of Iron possesses as much space again as Gold and more And tho' hardness is urged by some as an Argument of their Substance being condensed yet I have elsewhere shewn that tho' Diamonds are the hardest Bodies they are far from being the heaviest which is the only sign whether they be condensed or not And since Metals themselves are made up of a Coalition of several Parts it is impossible they should be so Physically adapted as totally implere spatium since were Cubes made of Marble it is impossible they should be so exactly Polished as every where to be contiguous since the Bodies employed to Polish them are observed to make little furrows upon them and consequently leave little
the Root are impelled into it and thence conveighed into the other Parts of the Tree being conveighed in the form of Sap which passing through new strainers receives alterations requisite to turn it into Wood Bark Leaves Fruit c. And in young thriving Animals it cannot be imagined how the nourishment should be conveighed to all the Parts without supposing them furnished with Pores for its reception and passage Another Argument of the Porosity of Animal Bodies may be brought from the plenty of Humours carried off by sweat and insensible Transpiration And by the help of good Microscopes we may discern Pores in the skins of Animals and especially in the inward sides of Gloves which are nothing but skins dressed and they are further evident since Quick-silver readily passes through the Pores of Sheeps skins and leaves the dross behind in the Leather and the like I have tryed with the skin of a Man's Arm tanned which Pores according to Steno and Malpighius are the Excretory Vessels of the Glandulae Miliares contained in the skin And that the skins and shells of Eggs are not void of Pores appears since the moisture contained is so far dissipated through them as to diminish their weight And Sanctorius in his Medicina Statica tells us that if the Meat and Drink taken one day amounts to eight Pound five Pound will be carried off by insensible Transpiration And he elsewhere says that in the space of twenty four hours ●n the Winter time a healthful Body may exhale fifty ounces or more a great part of which is carried off through the Pores of the Membranes of the Aspera Arteria And if ones finger in hot Weather be held to the Surface of any cold Body it will presently be sullyed over with the steams that issue out of the Pores of the skin And their Porosity is further confirmed by observing how soon those black and blue spots in the skin occasioned by bruises are removed for which use Helmont employs white Bryony root and I have seen a Poultess of chopped Hyssop and fresh Butter remove the Pain and black colour of a contusion in a little time And not only the Skins but the Membranes of Bodies are stocked with Pores since the Bladder of a dead Animal appears to be full of them for if Salt of Tartar be put into a Bladder and it be then immersed in Water enough of it will penetrate the Bladder to dissolve the Salt and render it Liquid and the like succeeded but much more slowly when the Experiment was tryed with Sugar and some say that Syrups made this way instead of using ordinary Water are much more preferable And as a further instance of the Porosity of the shells of Eggs I shall add that one having been immersed in very sharp Vinegar tho' the shell was part of it consumed yet being taken out and wiped it was considerably swelled and heavier than before the Menstruum being imbibed and insinuated into the Pores of it And I am not only told that the Chineses had a way of salting Eggs but I found by coating one over with Clay after it had lain some time in Brine the substance contained tasted evidently Salt And I know a Physician who was affected with a giddiness upon the use of Clysters of Sack and another told me that having applyed Tobacco to the sore Leg of one of his Patients it caused her Stomach to turn or actual Vomiting and another told me that he used to Vomit himself by applying Decoctions of Tobacco to his wrists or other extream Parts and it is a common custom to Purge Children by the Application of external things and it hath been observed that Bathing the sore Heads of Children with a Decoction of Tobacco hath caused a giddiness And a Virtuoso told me that having taken another by the Hand which was gently besmeared with Oyl it gave him three or four stools presently And to what hath been delivered of the Porosity of Membranes I shall add the aptness of Lute-strings to imbibe into their Pores moist Particles and also the Metastasis or Translations of Morbifick matter in diseased Bodies as the matter which causes a Feaver being discharged upon the Brain causes a Delirium and other Distempers as it is discharged upon the Pleura the Membranes of the Chest the Throat or Guts Another Argument of the Porousness of Animal Bodies may be drawn from their aptness to imbibe Effluvia from without as when Cantharides externally applyed affect the Bladder to which instance may be added the effects of Plasters and Oyntments and Pericarpia for I have often cured Agues with a Mixture of ●●●ians Hops and Bay-Salt and it is vulgarly known that Mercury externally used in Oyntments will salivate To which may be added the effects of Periapta and Appensa of Blood-stones in stopping of Hemorragies and of another kind of Stone made use of by the Indians in Obstructione Menstruum And I have found my self that the Moss of a dead Man's skull would stop an Hemorrhage as soon as warmed by the contiguous skin And Zwelfer tells us of one who preserved several from the Plague by using Helmonts Troches of Toads in Amulets and several of these Troches being put upon the Plague sores of the infected they were afterwards cured by the use of vulgar Remedies And to these I shall add that having drawn a Spirit from a Mixture of flowers of Brimstone powdered Sal-Armoniack and good Quick-lime in equal quantities by degrees of fire in a Retort till the sand be red hot if a piece of Copper be foulded up in Sheeps Leather and held over the Vial it is contained in the Metal will be tinged with the rising fumes without discolouring the Leather and the same will succeed only more slowly through a double fold of Leather And all the alteration the Leather received from these pervading fumes was that they gave it a sulphureous smell And this Experiment may favour the accounts we have of the Effects of Lightning which hath been observed to discolour the money in Men's Pockets without burning them and the same effect hath been taken notice of by some who have ascended a burning Mountain in America And it is observed that Lambs Leather hung up in the Air acquires a moisture which adds considerably to its weight And to these instances may be added the effects of Cantharides upon some that only carried them in their Pockets the Effluviums of them having caused them to piss Bloody Urine And as a further Confirmation of the Porousness of Bodies I shall subjoyn that the Permeating Liquor above mentioned had the like effect upon Copper through the tough skin of an Egg and likewise through a wet Sheeps Bladder and to confirm what I have said of the Porousness of Animal Bodies I shall add that a Gentleman who had a long time a Perforation in his Thorax and was wont to inject medicated Liquor often to cherish the Parts and likewise to wear a silken Bagg
Spirits XIII Of the relation betwixt Spirit of Human Blood and the Air. XIV Of the Hostility of Human Blood with Acids whether in the form of Liquors or Fumes XV. Of the Medicinal Virtues of Spirit of Human Blood externally applyed XVI Of the Medicinal Virtues of Spirit of Human Blood internally given in Pleurisies Head-achs Coughs Fevers Scurvies Cachexies Dropsies Fits of the Mother XVII Paralipomena and promiscuous Experiments and Observations concerning the Spirit of Human Blood TITLE I. Whether Human Blood may be so ordered by Fermentation or Putrefaction as that in Distillation a Spirit either Vrinous or Vinous may ascend before the Phlegm COnsidering that Fevers have been looked upon to proceed from a Fermentation in the Blood and likewise that Human Urine which hath a great Cognation with Human Blood will not whilst fresh afford a Spirit till the Phlegm be first drawn off this Subject of this Title may not appear Groundless But I am not much encouraged to expect a Vinous or ardent Spirit from Human Blood nor am I sure there is any such thing as Fermentation in Human Blood And on this occasion I shall add that having once kept Blood Hermetically sealed up in a Glass for twelve Months when it came to be opened it smelled so offensively that we could not make any tryal upon it and another time having digested in a pretty large Vial Hermetically sealed some Sheeps Blood when it had been a good while in the digestive Furnace it suddenly broke with a considerable noise and blew off the long neck of the Vial. And here to what hath been laid down I shall add That some Ounces of Serum of Blood being added to a fourth Part of Raisins of the Sun stoned and kept in a Glass in a warm Room for several days the event of this tryal was that within in a few Days the Raisins began to emerge and whilst they floated yielded a considerable quantity of springy and permanent Air from whence it appeared that there had been some Degree of Fermentation But when this Serum came to be distilled tho' it did not stink as if it had been putrified yet the Spirit which first ascended tasted not like a-Viscous Spirit nor like a meer Phlegm Whether the Fermentation observed in this Liquor depended on the whole Serum or only on the Aqueous Parts distinct from it I shall leave to Experience to determine To try whether Digestion or Putrefaction would so open the Texture of Blood as to make it part with its Spirit more easily and before the Phlegm I kept a quantity of Serum for that purpose four times as long as was sufficient to make Urine part with its Spirit before its Phlegm but the Liquor which came over by a gentle heat had but little strength either in Smell or Taste nor would it readily turn Syrup of Violets Green yet like a Volatile Alkaly it would soon turn a Solution of Sublimate in fair Water into a White Opacous and almost Milky Liquor TITLE II. Whether Spirit of Human Blood be really any thing but the Volatile Salt and Phlegm well commixed FOR several Reasons I am inclined to believe that the Spirit of Human Blood is totally composed of a Volatile Salt and a Phlegm which is not so pure and Elementary but that some Particles of Oyl and others of Salt may be mixed with it and whether by frequent Rectifications this Phlegm may be rendered Homogeneous I much question since I am not sure but that in frequent Distillations some Particles of the Fire mny be from time to time associated with the Liquor and even in the first Distillation the Fire uniting with the Liquor may form one different from the Ingredients or Principles of the Body and I have found that Woods afford by distillation a Liquor which is not an Oyl nor an Acid or an Alkaly and yet no true Phlegm but an Adiaphorous Liquor And on this occasion to shew That the Composition of a Body may as well be made known by investigating the way of generating or producing it as by that of Analysing or resolving it I shall add that having dissolved as much Volatile Salt of Human Blood in distilled Water as the Liquor would take up and then having distilled it in a conveniently shaped Vessel with a regulated degree of Heat the Distillation afforded us such a Liquor as was desired since by Smell and Taste it appeared to be a good brisk Spirit of Human Blood And this Experiment was again repeated with the like success TITLE III. Of the Species of Saline Bodies to which the Spirit of Human Blood is to be referred THO' it be generally allowed that Saline Spirits are of two sorts yet it may not be amiss to add That some of them are Acid in Taste as Spirit of Nitre Vitriol c. Others are rather like common or lixiviate Salts and their different Effects and Operations are much less alike than their Taste for upon their mixture there ensues a manifest conflict and usually one will precipitate the Bodies the other will dissolve And amongst Salts called Alkalies some are fixed in considerable Degrees of Fire and others who take Acid and Alkalies for the true Principles of mixed Bodies call the one Fixed and the other Volatile Alkalies And tho' I who question this Doctrine often call the Salts made by Combustion simply Alkalies or lixiviate Salts and those that ascend sometimes Vrinous and sometimes Volatile Salts yet since the Names of Fixed Alkalies and Volatile ones are in request now I shall now make use of them in that Sense These Things being premised I shall proceed to observe that notwithstanding that some Physicians and Chymists ascribe Digestion to an Acid Ferment in the Stomach yet the Spirit of Human Blood is referrable to that Classis which many call Volatile Alkalies since it generally performs what Volatile Alkalies are said to do for it will ferment with Acids turn Syrup of Violets Green and precipitate a Solution of Sublimate in common Water Were I sure that the Ferment of the Stomach were Acid I should be apt to believe that the Blood retains something of Acidity in it but yet that would not be an Argument why I should not refer the Spirit of Human Blood to the Class of Alkalies because so few Acid Particles would either be destroyed by the Alkalizate ones that are so abundant in the Spirit or at least they would be so very much predominant as to give us Reason on their account to denominate the Mixture Alkalious As if some drops of Spirit of Vinegar were mixed with stale Urine they would be either depriv'd of their Acidity by some Particles of a contrary Nature or be so overpowered by the Fugitive Salts they abound with that the Mixture might well be referred to the Classis of Volatile Urinous Salts TITLE IV. Whether the Spirit of Human Blood be differing from Spirit of Vrine and other Salts called Volatile Alkalies UPON this Occasion I shall offer
that not to intimate that a Body may have many similar Qualities in respect of another Body and yet distinct Operations on a third Substance I say not to intimate that there may be a considerable difference betwixt Volatile Salts or Spirits as they are commonly prepared and when prepared as they may by reiterated Rectifications and other ways of Depuration by a dextrous Chymist to bring them to a greater degree of Purity and Simplicity a greater degree I say because it may be difficult to bring them to an absolute Purity since unheeded commixtures may be made upon the Account of some Corpuscles of Fire with the Body they work upon And that there is a manifest difference betwixt Spirit of Human Blood and other Alkalies as Spirit of Urine and Harts-horn is evident to several People who tho' they abhor the Odour of Spirit of Blood yet they will with Pleasure hold their Noses a great while over Spirit of Urine and Sal-Armoniack And tho' from a due proportion of Spirit of Urine or Sal-Armoniack with Spirit of Salt I have got a Salt which shoots into the shape of that of Urine or Sal-Armoniack yet I have seldom if ever obtained a Salt of the like shape from a Mixture of the Spirit of Humane Blood with that of Common Salt for tho upon an Evaporation of the superfluous Moisture the Salts would coagulate together yet the Concretion seemed confused and not of the Regular shapes of those Salts resulting from a Mixture of the Spirit of Sea-Salt with Urinous Spirits And Helmont tells us that the Spirit of Human Blood will cure Epilepsies which Spirit of Urine will not do TITLE V. Of the Quantity of Spirit contained in Human Blood whether accompanied with its Serum or dryed THIS is not easie to determine since some Mens Blood is much more Phlegmatick than others or more Serous which may of it self be more Spirituous according to the Complexion Age Sex c. of the Person that Bleeds Twelve Ounces of Healthy Human Blood afforded us seven Ounces and a half of Phlegm and consequently about Four Ounces and a half of dry stuff And havi●g distilled in a Retort in a Sand Furnace seven Ounces of well dryed Blood we obtained about an eighth part of Spirit which tho' not rectified left in the Receiver and Viol I kept it in a good deal of Volatile Salt undissolved which a Phlegmatick Liquor would not have done And if Spirit of Blood be but a Salt and Phlegm united We may well suppose that Human Blood yields a far greater Proportion of Spirit than this since from the seven Ounces of dryed Blood we obtained about five Drachms of Volatile Salt which had it been united with a due quantity of Phlegm it would probably have afforded us near two Ounces more of a Liquor deserving the Name of Spirit TITLE VI. Of the Consistence and Specifick Gravity of Human Blood A Compact Body which in the Air weighed fifty eight Grains and in Water weighed six Grains and ¾ in rectifi'd Spirit of Human Blood weighed but five Grains and ¼ and what was considerable was That a piece of Amber would not subside to the Bottom but kept floating upon the Top and if plunged into it would emerge again As for the Degree of the Fluidity of the Blood or its immunity from Tenaciousness tho' divers other Alkalizated Liquors as Oyl of Tartar per deliquium fixed Nitre resolved per deliquium a Solution of Pot-Ashes are sensibly unctuous and but languidly fluid yet I observed that Spirit of Human Blood did not appear more Unctuous than common Water And whereas it is commonly found That as Liquors are more spirituous so the Bubles raised by Agitation soonest disappear I have observed that the Spirit of Blood was almost as soon clear of them as Spirit of Wine and when some Drops of it were let fall they manifestly appeared less than Drops of Water To discover the subtlety of the Parts of Human Blood we so prepared common Water by Infusions made in it without Heat that by putting one single Drop of our Rectified Spirit of Human Blood into ten Ounces and four Scruples of the prepared Water and lightly shaking the Viol there appeared throughout the Liquor a manifest Colour whereof no Degree was discernible before so that it dispersed it self through a thousand times as much Water and produced a manifest Change in the Colour of it And tho' this Computation is made upon the common supposition that a Drop of Water weighs a Grain yet tho' it weighs more a little the Difference is recompensed since having dropped ten Drops of common Water into a common Ballance well adjusted and having likewise dropped ten Drops of this Spirit we found that the last were not only less in bulk but lighter since they weighed not above four Grains so that the Proportion to which it extended it self may be said to be as one to betwixt 4000 and 5000 and this subtlety of the Parts of the Spirit of Human Blood will appear to be yet much greater if we consider that some Part even of this Drop must needs be Phlegm TITLE VII Of the Odour Taste Colour and Transparency of the Spirit of Human Blood THat the Spirit of Human Blood is in respect of some Liquors potentially Cold since it refrigerates them and with reference to others potentially Hot since being mixed with them it renders them Hot may appear from the following instance for having put the lower end of an Hermetically sealed Weather-Glass into a slender Cylindrical Glass we poured as much moderatly strong Spirit of Blood into it as covered the Ball and then dropped on that Liquor some good Spirit of Salt upon which ensued a conflict accompanyed with a Noise Bubbles and Heat which made the Spirit of Wine presently ascend above two Inches and a half which Experiment seems to be the more remarkable because several other Volatile Alkalies being mixed with Acids produce a notable degree of coldness and whereas I had several times found by Tryal that the Spirt of Verdigrease would with Volatile Salt of Sal-Armoniack or Urine produce a real coldness This Spirit of Verdigrease being mixed in the small Cylindrical Glass with Spirit of Blood moderately strong not only produced a hissing Noise and store of Bubbles but an actual Heat upon which the Liquor in the Thermoscope ascended above an Inch and a half tho' both the Liquors employed amounted not to above two spoonfuls TITLE VIII Of the dissolutive power of Spirit of Human Blood THAT this Spirit is not only a good Medicine for several Diseases but is also a good Menstruum will appear from the following instances And first having poured Spirit of Human Blood upon Crude Copper in about a quarter of an hour the Liquor was tinged blueish which colour grew higher and higher till in some hours it was deeply Ceruleous And to this I shall add that having dropped a drop or two of Spirit of Blood upon a piece of
bright Copper within about half a minute of an hour the Verge of the moistened part of the Surface appeared blueish and in a little time after the rest of the wetted Part acquired a fine Azure Having poured Spirit of Blood upon filings of Zinke or Spiltre it presently began to work manifestly in the cold and when assisted by a little Heat it dissolved the Zinke briskly and not without producing store of bubbles being also a little discoloured by the operation of this Experiment Having put a piece of clotted Blood which had been exposed to the Air into a slender Vial of clear Glass and then poured on a little rectified Spirit of Human Blood and shook the Glass a little the blackness of the superficial part of the Blood presently disappeared and became a florid Scarlet and the Liquor was tinged with a fairer red and from a succession of bubbles passing from time to time out of the cold into it seemed to work somewhat like a Menstruum but in a little time after the Blood was degenerated from its former colour to a little more dark one But another clot of Blood one side of which was red and the other black being put into the Vial and Spirit of Blood poured upon it the red side had its colour improved but the other continued black and dirty And I once preserved twelve drachms of Blood in two of the Spirit of Blood and found that twelve months after it remained fair and florid and little less than totally fluid and when the Vessel was opened there appeared little sign of Putrefaction but only a small clot was fastened to the bottom the rest passing readily through a strainer so that the Spirit seemed to have a great embalming Virtue since it was able to preserve six times its weight of a Body so apt to putrefie But to what hath been observed I shall add that having comitted the Mixture to Distillation the first Liquor was a kind of Phlegm which was succeeded by a Spirituous Liquor and Volatile Salt in a dry form Having poured some of our Spirit upon filings of Iron where they were not in the least Rusty and kept them together a while in digestion we found as we expected that that Liquor by working upon them had produced a light substance something paler than a Crocus and there appeared likewise in the Liquor good store of thin Plates which after a gentle Agitation being held against the Sun-Beams exhibited the colours of the Rain-Bow very vividly but the taste of the Liquor appeared not at all Martial TITLE IX Of the Tincture that may be drawn with Spirit of Human Blood SPirit of Blood being put upon Saffron presently acquired a yellow colour and from Tu merick a Tincture like a solution of Gold which may doubtless prove a good Medicine in the Jaundice and some of this Spirit being put upon powder of Blood it presently extracted from it a colour as red as that of French Claret but when I made use of another parcel of Spirit well rectified I found that it extracted not a Tincture so soon and after several hours the colour it obtained was brown which in some hours after was heightned into redness and in a longer time it became almost as red as the former Tincture To shew that Spirit of Human Blood may extract Tinctures out of the hardest Bodies we put filings with it into a small Egg and kept them all night in digestion in a moderate Heat and the next day we found the Liquor tinged with a deep brownish red and those filings which stuck to the sides of the Vessel and were above the Liquor were turned by the Exhalations of this Spirit into a yellow Crocus But the Mixture being kept some days longer in the same Vessel the colour of it was grown Opacous and appeared to be black when it was looked upon in a considerable bulk but it seemed of another colour when looked upon as it was spread thin upon white Paper Some of this Ticture being poured upon an infusion of Galls it would not make it of an Inky colour nor was the precipitate which presently fell to the bottom of an Inky colour From which Experiments it appears that it is unsafe either to suppose that if Chalybeates be dissolved in the Body it must be by some Acid Juice or to conclude that if Steel be dissolved by the Liquors of our Bodies they must be ex predominio Alkalizate since a Liquor that is very different from Acids dissolves it but without touching further upon this account I shall rather commend it to the consideration of Physicians to pitch upon some other method of explicating the effects of Chalybeates upon Human Bodies and whether martial Medicines may not be made use of which are prepared by Volatite Alkalies instead of Acids Spirit of Human Blood being kept in digestion with powder of Amber it extracted no considerable Tincture but whether the fault was in the fineness of the Amber or the weakness of the Spirit I shall leave undetermined Some Spirit of Human Blood being put upon some of that Gum called Seed-Lac soon became tinged which I supposed to proceed from a superficial colour of some Parts of the Gum proceeding from some adhering Blood of the little winged insects who by their bitings occasioned this Gum upon the twigs of the Trees where it is found so that the colour seems not to be given by the Gum but the Blood of those Animals and may probably be a good solvent Medicine since most of the insects used in Physick consists of Parts very subtle and penetrating and of considerable Efficacy TITLE X. Of the Coagulating power of the Spirit of Human Blood HIghly rectified Spirit of Human Blood being well mingled by shakeing it with a convenient quantity of Urinous Spirits there will presently ensue a Coagulation or a concretion of Parts either of the whole Mixture or a Portion of it into corpuscles of a Saline form which cohering loosely together make up a mass of a fluid and consistent soft temper in which form it will continue in a cool place several months TITLE XI Of the Precipitating power of Spirit of Human Blood IT hath a power of Precipitating as other Volatile Spirits most Bodies dissolved in Acid Menstruums I say most because there is no need this rule should be general or hold when the Body is of such a Nature that it may be as well dissolved by an Acid as an Alkaly and that there are such Bodies appears since Spirit of Human Blood will dissolve both Copper and Zink which may be likewise dissolved by Aqua Fortis and other Acid Menstruums But that this Spirit will precipitate other Bodies dissolved in Acid Menstruums I am convinced by several tryals made on red Lead dissolved in Vinegar Silver in Aqua Fortis Gold in Aqua Regia and Tin dissolved in an appropriated Menstruum and several other Bodies And out of a Solution of common Salt made in Water
believe that there are such by the common Observations of a great many learned Men and able Physicians and to favour this common Observation viz. That there are such Substances which have peculiar effects which can be ascribed to no manifest Qualities I shall urge the effects of Poysons taken in a very inconsiderable quantity And I am told that something that fell from a Spider into a Man's Eye caused him to lose his sight to which I shall add that Spiders are observed to kill flies much sooner than cutting off their Heads or running them through with Pins will do it To which instances we may add that most Poysons are cured by appropriated Antidotes and as perfumes cause ill symtoms in many Histerick Women so the fumes of Feathers burnt relieve them And I have found that the smell of Spirit of Harts-horn or Sal-Armoniack hath recovered People made sick by fragrant Odours But beyond all other Arguments is experience for Galen tells us That the ashes of a burnt Craw-Fish will cure the biting of a mad Dog and that their effects are much more considerable if to ten Parts of burnt Craw-Fish we add five of Gentian and one of Frankincense And Diascorides commends them against the same Disease that the Pergamenian does And tho' the stings of Scorpions usually produce very acute Pains and formidable Symtoms yet the mischief is easily remedied either by crushing the Body of the Scorpion upon the Hurt or by anointing the Part with Oyl of Scorpions tho' the Liquor appears not to have any sensible Qualities to which their Efficacy may be ascribed And to these Instances I might add that Verginian Snake-weed cures the sting of a rattle Snake and the Jesuit's Powder is a specifick in Agues And tho' it be argued against the Virtues of specifick Medicines that they are altered by the ferment of the Stomach and other strainers of different Textures and that a great deal is carried off by Excrements or is assimilated and converted into the Substance of our Bodies yet to these things it may be answered that not only Oyntments Plaisters Periapta c. work upon the mass of Humours but even those Medicines which are allowed to work by manifest Qualities perform what they do upon the account of their Particles alterering and differently disposing the Humours of our Bodies and in doing of that they are liable to the same objections offered against specifick Medicines Besides it is observable that Rhubarb will tinge the Urine of those that take a considerable Dose And there is a Fruit called prickled Pears in the English American Colonies which passes by Urine so much unaltered that the People think when strangers to it that they piss Blood And Elaterium so much impregnates the Milk of a Nurse that it will Purge the Child that takes it And I remember that in the confines of Savoy and Swizerland when the Cattle fed on a Herb called wild Garlick the butter would sensibly taste of it And in Ireland they have a kind of Sea-Fowl which feed upon Fishes which is so little altered as to make some question whether it be Flesh or Fish And tho' it be further urged against Specifick Medicines that so little is dispersed through the habit of the Body that it can have no considerable effects yet their Efficacy may answer for their smallness in quantity For I am told that the Negroes have a Poyson which tho' it work slow is nevertheless Mortal and this they conceal under the Nails of their Fingers and drop into the Aliment of those they have spite to And I know a Vegetable Substance half a Grain of which will be too violent a Purgative and sometimes Mortal And tho' English Vipers are looked upon as no Poyson yet by the Wound of a single Tooth I knew one who was taken with violent Vomitings To which may be added the terrible effects of Scorpions in the Island of Java And we see that several Women otherwise strong and lusty will fall into Swoons upon the smell of Musk or Civet tho' all the Effluvia that affect them would not amount to the hundredth part of a Grain and by Effluvia perhaps not more plentiful these Symptoms may be again removed And the Portions of Crocus Metallorum in Wine or of Quick-Silver in Water tho' small have very considerable effects so that when a Child who obstinately refused all Medicines drank small Beer impregnated with Mercury he was much relieved in a violent worm Fever That their Operations may be Mechanically solved is proved in the following Propositions Having said thus much of specifick Medicines I shall now proceed to lay down some things in the following Propositions to shew that they be mechanically explicated But first I shall premise that I would not have the Body to be considered as a dull lump of matter but as an admirably contrived Mechanical Engin consisting of Parts exquisitely contrived and adapted to their particular Uses and that the effects of Bodies upon it may be considered in reference to that Disposition of their Parts This being premised there is no need to think that all specificks act after the same manner or the same way and sometimes the specifick may operate by a joynt and in a compound way But to proceed to the following Propositions PROP. I. Prop. I. Sometimes the specifick Medicine may cure by discussing or resolving the Morbifick matter and thereby making it fit for Expulsion by the greater common shores of the Body and the Pores of the Skin Thus the Blood impregnated with Medicinal Particles may act upon gross Humours which obstruct the Parts and are not to be resolved without specifick Solvents which by their figure and agitation may get in betwixt and separate those Viscous Parts so Blood impregnated with Sal-Armoniack dissolves Copper not by manifest Qualities but by Virtue of the Shape Bulk Solidity and other Mechanical affections of its Parts which concur to enable it to disjoyn the Parts of a Body of such a determinate Texture And indeed there are not only a great number of Menstruums very different from one another but their effects evidently appear not to depend upon manifest Qualities since it several times happens that a Menstruum less Acid may dissolve this or that Body which a much stronger Menstruum will not work upon so Water will dissolve the white of an Egg which Spirit of Wine will coagulate and so will Spirit of Salt and Oyl of Tartar it self and thus dephlegmed Spirit of Urine will more readily dissolve filings of Copper than Spirit of Vitriol and yet the latter will speedily dissolve Crabs Eyes tho' the other leaves them untouched so Quick-Silver will dissolve Gold in the cold tho' Aqua Fortis assisted by Heat leaves it untouched yet Aqua Fortis will dissolve Iron and Quick-silver will not And Brimstone will be dissolved by common Oyl tho' not by Aqua Fortis And I know a Liquor of which one may safely drink a Wine
Glass full tho' it will have such an effect upon Stones and Metals as can scarce be matched And if specifick Medicines may act upon Humours in the Body after the manner of Menstruums we may easily guess why they have peculiar Virtues viz. By reason of their aptness to work upon peculiarly disposed Bodies so as I have elsewhere noted Aqua Fortis will not work upon Silver if too strong till diluted with Water And as the dissolution of a Body may partly depend in its disposition to be acted on by such a Menstruum from thence may be deduced a reason why a Medicine which hath good effects in one Disease may have but indifferent ones in others for tho pure Spirit of Wine will easily dissolve Gumm Guajacum and that Rosinous matter lodged in the Pores of the Wood yet the same Menstruum will not work upon the Wood it self And if so no wonder that those Medicines which cure one Distemper in one Person will not cure it in another since a Variation in the Texture of the Morbifick matter is enough to vary the effects of the Medicines And that a slight alteration of Texture varies the effects of a Menstruum appears since tho' Spirit of Nitre or Salt separate will each dissolve Copper and tho' the Spirit of Nitre will dissolve Silver yet if Spirit of Salt be added to it it soon loses that Quality And here tho' some object against specifick Medicines that since they rove up and down in the Blood they cannot act well on particular Humours yet if we suppose the Medicines act by impregnating the Blood and that they turn it into a kind of Menstruum it is possible that both the Menstruums may be appropriated to the peccant Humour so as to resolve it more easily than any other Humour of the Body As if you take some Bone ashes Crocus Martis Saw-dust Powdered Sea-Salt and filings of Gold and mix them together common Water will dissolve the Salt and leave the others untouched and Quick-Silver will alone dissolve the Gold And those that work in Spanish Gold Mines tell us that Quick-Silver poured upon powdered Ore of Gold and Copper mixed it will scarce meddle with the latter till the former is licked up And from what hath been said we may be furnished with a reason of the effects of Periapta Amulets and Appensa especially if we consider what hath already been delivered of the Effluviums of Bodies and the Porosity of Animal Bodies and tho' these Effluvia be very small in quantity yet their effects may be more considerable in as much as they are neither altered nor consumed by previous digestions and circulating through Parts in which they might be in a great measure dispersed and carried off a-long with the Excrements PROP. II. Sometimes a specifick Medicine may mortifie the over Acid or other immoderate Particles that infect the mass of Blood and destroy their Coagulatory or other Effects Tho' I believe not that all Distempers are yet I question not but that a great many are caused either by Acids or their ill effects or Productions and which may be cured by specifick Medicines two ways viz. either by mortifying them by a positive Hostility such as Alkalizate Salts whether fixt as the lixiviate Salts of Plants or Volatile as those of Urine c. Or by taking off or blunting their edges as a Knife may lose its power of cutting by putting it in a sheath or sticking something upon the edge for the edges of an Acid may be taken off as well by being lodged in a Porous Alkaly as by having their edges broken off and thus it is that Minium takes off the Acidity of Vinegar Chalk takes off the edge of Aqua Fortis and Lapis Calaminaris lessens the Acidity of Spirit of Salt and Spirit of Nitre and that Acids are rather sheathed than altered by these Bodies I am apt to believe because as Glauber tells us they may by a strong fire be drawn out of Lapis Calaminaris much stronger and more dephlegmed than before And tho' it may be urged by those that plead against specifick Medicines that they act by a manifest Quality viz. their Alkalious Nature or their Acid yet there is so great a variety betwixt Acid and Alkalious Medicines themselves that I am perswaded they perform a great deal upon the account of something else besides their Acid or Alkalious Nature since Aqua Fortis will not dissolve God tho' it will Silver but if it be altered by an addition of Spirit of Salt it will dissolve Gold and not Silver And a different Modification may not only make a difference betwixt Acids but a contrariety since Spirit of Salt will precipitate Silver which Aqua Fortis hath dissolved And Spirit of Nitre will precipitate out of Butter of Antimony an Antimonial powder with a considerable Conflict and Effervescence yet this Butter of Antimony is so highly Acid that a little quantity of it put into a little Water makes it so sower that many Chymists call it Acetum Philosophorum And as there are several kinds of Acids and of Alkalies too so every Alkaly will not mortifie the same Acid for tho' Chalk will precipitate a Solution of Copper in Aqua Fortis yet a Volatile Alkaly will not And indeed when I consider what difference there naturally is betwixt Acids it is not unreasonable to expect that there may be Acid Humours produced in the Body utterly unknown to us and which may require a specifick Alkaly to correct them as it is observed that tho' neither Spirit of Vinegar nor Spirit of Salt nor Oyl of Vitriol will dissolve a Calculus Humanus yet Spirit of Nitre will and by that means loses its Corrosiveness And to what hath been said I shall add that I am of opinion that particular Acids may be the occasion of Distempers which they are by some rather taken to be Remedies for tho' Acids are looked upon to be of an incisive Nature and tho' in some cases I am willing to allow them those Virtues yet I believe that Obstructions and the Diseases depending therein are caused by Acids coagulating some fluids disposed to be thickned by them which might be exemplified by the Coagulation I have made of some Acid Salts as Spirit of Salt of the white of an Egg which by being beaten is reduced to an Aqueous consistence And Milk will be coagulated not only by Spirit of Salt but Rennet and Juice of Limons and it hath been found by experience that some Acids transmitted into the mass of Blood have coagulated it in living Animals But tho' I believe a great many Distempers are occasioned by Acids yet I conceive some are occasioned by Acid Salts uniting with other Saline Bodies as Spirit of Salt and Spirit of Urine produce a Sal-Armoniack And Spirit of Nitre with Salt of Tartar dissolved in common Water will coagulate with it into Salt-Petre and the same Spirit of Nitre with Spirit of Urine will produce a very
externally applyed yet from what hath been said of the Porosity of Bodies and the effects of Effluvia it will easily appear how they may influence the Body and alter the Humours which circulate in it and to what is there offered we may reasonably add the ill effects of Amulets of Arsenick mentioned by Diemerbreck and the effects of Cantharides upon some Persons who only wore them in their Pockets And indeed there are a great many Medicines externally Specificks which one would not take to be so as Camphire which internally is very hot and good in some Malignant Fevers yet outwardly it is used to take off Heat Pimples in the Face and in cooling Oyntments and against Burns and Spirit of Wine tho very hot when internally used yet it if presently applyed takes out the fire of Burns And so mild a Body as Bread if chewed and outwardly applyed hath considerable Virtues in external affections And I have several times eaten a thing without any such effect which a Physician told me externally applyed would Purge Children being neither offensive in colour smell or Gripeing And to these instances I shall add That Galen tells us that an Epileptick Boy was free from such Fits as long as he wore only Piony Root as an Appensum And I knew one who was Paralitick that was suddenly relieved in violent Cramps only by handling the Tooth of a River-Horse and I as well as others have been relieved in the Cramp by putting a Ring made of an Elks Hoof upon my finger And I knew another cured of an Incontinentia Vrinae by the sole use of an Appensum And a Lady had a Scrophulous Tumor dispelled only by successively applying the Body of a dead Man to the part affected till the cold sensibly penetrated into it And I my self had not only a violent Haemorrhage speedily stopped by holding moss of a dead Man's Skull in my hand but a Gentleman told me that if when he was let Blood he held it in his hand no Blood would flow out till he laid it aside And another told me that he had been freed from a Palpitation of his Heart which usually fell upon him after a few hours sleep with great terror only by wearing smooth and flat Cornelians in a bag over the pit of his Stomach Galen tells us That Jaspers worn after the same manner are good for the Stomach and Monardes tells us that the Bleeding of the Hemorrhoids have been stopped by wearing a Ring made of a Blood-Stone upon the fingers And not only Boetius and Johannes de Laet commends Lapis Nephriticus but the experienced Monardes and others And Untzerus tells us that by wearing this Stone some Parts of the Stone were made so minute as to be expelled out at the Eyes And that one that had a Catarrh was Purged fourteen times in one day by wearing of it and it had the like effect tho' not so strongly upon another But To conclude this Discourse I shall here advertise the Reader that tho' I have laid down several ways by which Specifick Medicines might operate yet I think not those always singly effectual but that sometimes they joyntly contribute to the producing of the effect without enlarging upon this account I shall only subjoyn that I hope from what hath been already delivered it may appear that the Doctrine of Specifick Medicines is not irreconcileable to the Principles of the Corpuscular Philosophy CHAP. XII A short account of Ambergrease communicated in the Transactions of October 6. 1673. I Received the following account from one of the Committee of the East-India Company Ambergrease is not the Scum or Excrement of the Whale c. but issues out of the Root of a Tree which always shoots out its Roots towards the Sea seeking the warmth of it thereby to deliver the fattest Gum that comes out of it Which Tree otherwise by its copious fatness might be burnt and destroyed Wherever it is shot into the Sea it is very tough and can scarce be loosened from the Root except by its own Weight or the Motion of the Sea If you Plant the Trees where the stream sets to the shore it will cast it up to great advantage March 1. 1672. in Batavia Journal Advice From c. FINIS ADVERTISEMENT THE Works of the Honourable Robert Boyl Esq Vol. 1st and 2d Sold by J. Phillips at the Kings-Arms and J. Taylor at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard The Table A AIR not the Primum Frigidum Page 103 Of the Air 's Temper p. 107 The Doctrine of Antiperistasis examined p. 145 Of the Pressure of the Airs Spring on Bodies under Water p. 268 271 Of the ●tmospheres of Consistent Solids p. 412 Of Ambergrease p. 551 B To preserve Birds c. p. 353 Of the Bladders of Air in Fishes Ibid. The natural History of Human Blood p. 459 Of the Colour of Human Blood p. 460 516. Of its Taste Ibid. Of its Odour Ibid. Of its Heat Ibid. Of its Inflamability Ibid. Of the Acid Parts naturally mixed with Human Blood p. 461 Of its Specifick Gravity Ibid. Of the Specifick Gravity of the Consistent part p. 462 Of the Consistence of Human Blood Ibid. Of its Disposition to Concretion Ibid. What Liquors or Salts Coagulate it Ibid. What hinder its Coagulation Ibid. What Liquors preserve it c. Ibid. Of the Volatile Salt of Human Blood Ibid. Of the Phlegm and Oyls of Human Blood p. 465 Of the fixed Salt of Human Blood p. 467 Of its Terra Damnata p. 468 What substances may be Chymically obtained from it Ibid. C Of the Mechanical Production of Cold p. 1 189 Cold produced by a Solution of Sal-Armoniack p. 2 by a Mixture of Spirit of Salt and Vrine p. 3 by Spirit of Rock Allom. Ibid. by oyl of Vitriol and Sal-Armoniack p. 4. Potential Coldness Mechanically explained p. 5 Degrees of Cold neither to be judged of by our Sensory nor Weather-Glasses p. 11 Of the degrees of Coldness in several Bodies p. 48 Of the Circumscription of the Sphere of activity of Cold. p. 53 85 Of the Preservation of Bodies by Cold p. 55 Of the Contraction of Liquors by Cold. p. 66 Of the Expansive force of Congelation p. 83 What Mediums Cold may be diffused through p. 88 Of the strange effects of Cold. p. 120 Promiscuous Experiments concerning Cold. p. 129 Mr. Hobbes's Doctrine of Cold examined p. 158 Of the Positive and Privative Nature of Cold. p. 180 D Observations about Diamonds and other shining Bodies p. 138 139 141. E What the success of Experiments depends on p. 9 The Earth not the Primum Frigidum p. 100 Earth the Summum Frigidum p. 102 Experiments about Explosions p. 232 Of the strange Subtlety of Effluviums p. 415 Of their Efficacy p. 424 Of their determinate Nature p. 431 F Of Bodies capable of Freezing others p. 38 Of Bodies disposed to be Frozen p. 42. Of Bodies not disposed to be Frozen p. 45 The effects of Frost on Solid Bodies
p. 123 Several Experiments about Freezing p. 164 Fire and Flame made Ponderable p. 205 206 210. Of the Relation betwixt Flame and Air. p. 218 220 223. Flame preserved under Water p. 225 Of the Propagation of Flame in Vacuo p. 226 227 Of the Relation betwixt Air and the Flamma Vitalis of Animals p. 229 G The effects of Gun-Powder dissolved in Water p. 4. Of the Perviousness of Glass p. 213 A comminution of Gold into Powder p. 363 Of the Nature of Granates Ibid. Of the Origin of Gems p. 380 Of the Virtues of Gems p. 397 H Heat produced by a Mixture of Salt-Petre and oyl of Vitriol p. 4 Of the Mechanical production of Heat p. 191 Hydrostatical Paradoxes made out p. 279 A new Hydrostatical Instrument and its uses proposed p. 311 Observations about Hurricanes p. 365 I Of the Levity of Ice and its cause p. 68 Observations and Experiments concerning Ice p. 91 What Liquors soonest dissolve Ice and Snow p. 96 The Qualities of Ice p. 172 L The Expansion and Contraction of Liquors measured p. 75 Of the Relation betwixt Light and Air. Of the Levity of Bodies under Water p. 265 A self moving Liquor p. 351 A Preparation of Liquid Laudanum described p. 354 M Of Mercury growing hot with Gold p. 203 Of the growth and increase of Metals p. 318 Medicina Hydrostatica p. 329 The weight of several Bodies weighed in Air and Water p. 346 Passages relating to the Art of Medicine p. 355 Of Specifick Medicines p. 528 Their operations Mechanically solved p. 531 That by their uniting with a Distempered Humour a third Body may be produced not so offensive to Nature p. 547 N Nitre not the Grand Efficient of Cold. p. 104 Of the effects of Nitre in Freezing p. 131 Of the Aerial Noctiluca p. 245 Of the Reason of Noctilucas p. 247 Of the Icy Noctiluca p. 255 Of the Subtlety of its Parts p. 259 O Oly of Vitriol and Sal-Armoniack mixed together p. 8 A Hydrostatical way of estimating Ores p. 321 P Of the Primum Frigidum p. 99 A Chymical Analysis of Pearls p. 370 Of the Porosity of Bodies p. 440 Of the Porosity of Animal Bodies p. 450 The effects of Putrefaction and Fermentation on Human Blood p. 485 R What Refrigeration depends on p. 6 Strange Reports p. 373 S Of the different Pressure of Solids and Fluids p. 272 Of the Serum of Human Blood p. 474 Of the Spirit of Human Blood p. 483 Spirit of Human Blood what p. 487 Of what Classis of Saline Bodies it is of p. 488 Whether different from Spirit of Vrine c. p. 490 Of its proportion to the Substance it is drawn from p. 491 Of its Consistence and Specifick Gravity p. 492 Of its Odour Taste and Colour p. 494 Of its dissolving power p. 495 Of the Coagulating power of Spirit of Human Blood p. 499 Of its Precipitating power p. 500 Of its affinity with some Chymical Oyls c. p. 501 Of the Relation betwixt Spirit of Human Blood and Air. p. 504 Of its Hostility with Acids c. p. 506 Of its Medicinal Virtues p. 508 511 T The effects of a Mixture of Salt of Tartar and Water p. 193 What Tinctures may be drawn with Spirit of Human Blood p. 497 V Titles for the Natural History of Human Vrine p. 472 W Of the ascent of Water in Weather-Glasses p. 30 Of the Expansion of Water and other Freezing Liquors p. 62 187 Of the Expansive force of Freezing Water p. 79 Water not the Primum Frigidum p. 702 The weight of Bodies froze and unfroze p. 126 Whether ●ot Water freezes sooner than Cold. p. 134 Of the weight of Water in Water p. 277 FINIS
it this Salt ceases to produce most of the forementioned Effects and forms a Body very like Sal Armoniack which change may probably depend on the Motion and Shape of its Parts destroyed since by Evaporating most of the Liquor I have found the Salt not only much less Fugitive and Volatile than that of Urine but the Crystals of a different Figure being like Combs and Feathers And These Considerations together with the Extra-Essential Changes of Bodies may let us see that Substances may work variously upon different Senses as well as other Bodies and those Effects too may depend on Extra-Essential Changes which may be wrought in Motion Shape and Texture c. the Essential Modifications of Bodies nevertheless agreeing So that from what hath been said the Objection I hope will seem less considerable and not so perplexing as some imagine And these Three Difficulties I have the rather considered because they may not only explain but confirm and illustrate what is deliver'd in the Chapter before concerning Forms and Qualities and may also clear and render more Intelligible some things hereafter to be related CHAP. III. Of the Origin of Forms THE Origin of Forms Pyrophylies is one of the most Noble yet most Obstruse Enquiries in Natural Philosophy so that the Wisest of the Peripateticks have either confessed their Inability or given Explanations of them very insatisfactory But not to examine all their Various Opinions on this Point I shall only here briefly consider the Opinion of the Modern Aristotelians having already in our Hypothesis laid down in the foregoing Chapter our Thoughts on this Subject The Doctrin of the Aristotelians considered The Controversie betwixt us and the Schools is this Whether the Forms of Natural Bodies be eduted out of the Power of the Matter and whether they be substantial Entities distinct from Matter That they are not appears from what is contained in the foregoing Chapters and therefore what I shall here insist on is that the Doctrin of the Peripateticks is to me Incomprehensible for tho' the Schoolmen make use of an Obscure Distinction viz. That in producing Forms the Power of Matter is partly Eductive and partly Receptive yet since they deny Forms to exist in Matter it is hard to conceive how they should be educed before existent And since the Receptive Power only enables Matter to receive a Form how can it help to produce it when the Form must be produced before the Receptive Power can lodge it It is manifest that the Body hath a Receptive Power in Relation to the Soul Forms not educed out of the power of Matter disproved which nevertheless they allow to have a Substantial Form yet not educed out of the Power of Matter It 's true were the Form of a Body a more subtile Portion of Matter as Spirit is of Wine the Eductive Power might be considerable and signifie the same as if it were granted that the Form is but a Modification of Matter which would amount to this viz. That by proper Agents Matter may be so disposed as to produce a Body of this or that denomination As the Form of a Sphaere may be conce●…●o exist potentially in a Piece of Brass because that Metal is capable of being put into such a Form But this they disallow because if it were granted Forms would be but Accidents And as for the other way of educing Forms out of Matter as Spirit out of Wine that cannot be granted by them because then Matter and Form would be the same Substantial Principle diversified by Accidents But they tell us strange things of the Efficacy of the Agent which works upon the Matter out of which Forms are to be educed To which it may be briefly answered That the Agent can only act as a Physical Agent and if the Form produced by it's Operation be a Substance not preexistent in that Matter it works upon and which constitutes the Body the Form must either be made of some Parts of that Matter or created de novo if they allow the former then the Form is not a Substance distinct from Matter but if they will not allow it to be made of Matter it must be de novo i. e. out of nothing which being granted Natural Bodies must be produced by Creation and Generation and not by the latter only and it 's strange if they allow that a Physical Agent can effect that which Antient Philosophers thought too great to be ascribed to God himself The Aristototelian Doctrin of Forms contrary to Reason And as for these Reasons what they say of the Origin of Forms is to me Incomprehensible so that what they deliver concerning Substantial Forms is irreconcilable to Reason For though they allow these Forms to be Substances yet they teach that they depend upon Matter both in fieri and in esse i. e. they cannot exist out of the Matter which supports them which is to give them the Name of Substances but the Nature of Accidents Nay these imaginary Forms as much invalidate the Doctrin of Corruption as that of Generation for if a Form be a Substance distinct from Matter it must exist of it self as the Soul of Man does when the Body is dissolved But they assert that in Corruption the Form ceaseth to exist by which means they make it an Accident and likewise contradict what they commonly hold viz. That upon Corruption Bodies are resolved into their first Principles since if what they assert of Forms be true Bodies are but partly dissolved into their first Matter and partly annihilated or restored to the common Stock of Forms which notwithstanding any thing to the contrary must be immortal Arguments alledged by the Schools in defence of their Doctrin answered But to examine some of the most Plausible Arguments brought by the Schools to evince their Doctrin of Forms First they argue thus Omne compositum substantiale requirit materiam formam substantialem ex quibus componatur Omne Corpus Naturale est compositum Substantiale Ergo c. In which Syllogism for Brevity sake I shall deny the Minor because nothing in Nature is composed of Matter and a distinct Substance but Man The Second Argument they bring is that if Substantial Forms were deny'd all Bodies must be Entia per Accidens to which it may be answered that there is no such Necessity since Matter Figure Texture and Motion ordinantur per se intrinsice to make up natural Bodies Another Argument which they alledge is That if there were no Substantial Forms there could be no Substantial Definitions which comes to no more than that if we don't grant some things which are not in Nature we shall want a Foundation for our Definitions And indeed if we must define Natural Bodies by Imaginary Forms which we know not it is better to exchange Substantial for Essential Definitions grounded on the Essential Differences of Natural Bodies themselves Their Physical Arguments considered These Arguments for
expos'd to the Pressure of the Atmosphere we put a Viol fill'd with Water and well stopp'd into our Receiver and upon an Exsuction of the Air found no sensible Alterations but another which was not so close stopp'd being put in we observ'd that the Air included in the Bottle upon the Surface of the Water making it's way out several Bubbles presently appear'd in the Bottom of the Water from which Tryals it appears That whilst the Air was included the Water appear'd as if press'd upon by the Atmosphere But in order to a further Prosecution of our Design in this Experiment we fill'd a Glass-Egg with Water and suspended it by a String to the Cover so that by turning the Glass-stopper in the middle of the Cover we so screw'd up the Neck of the Egg as to break it and thereby make way for the Exclusion of the Air upon which a number of Bubbles presently rose in the Water so as to represent a Shower of Rain inverted But this Experiment may be try'd with less trouble in one of our little Receivers where the Exsuction of the Air is more expeditious In one of which the Experiment being made with red Wine instead of Water it appear'd immediately frothy like Bottle-Ale tho' open'd less cautiously EXPERIMENT XXIX The reason of the Ascent of Fumes and Vapors TO shew whether the Ascent of Fumes and Vapours was rather promoted by the Ambient Pressure of the Air than that their Ascent depended on their own Positive Lightness I conveigh'd a Certain Liquor which I had formerly made for other Purposes into our Receiver it consisting of Metalline Ingredients which upon Unstopping of the Bottle would emit copious Steams like the Powder of Alablaster but upon stopping of it again the Upper Part of the Bottle as well as the Liquor became Transparent and this Liquor being conveigh'd into our Receiver with a Weight affix'd to the bottom of the Viol to keep it from rising up when the Cork was pull'd out we ty'd a String to the Cork and the other End to the Receiver and having clos'd it up and pump'd out the Air we screw'd the Cork out of the Bottle and observ'd that tho' some Parts of the Air included in the Bottle rais'd a few yet the Fumes did not rise as when expos'd to the open Air but lifting up themselves by their own Agitation rose to the Top of the Viol and no higher but ran down the outside of the Glass in Streams which continued till the Ingress of Air was permitted to put a stop to that Phaenomenon but as soon as the Bottle was taken out into the open Air Fumes plentifully rose as before From whence it appears that Steams in a Medium thinner than themselves may tend downwards EXPERIMENT XXX The Nature of Fluid Bodies illustrated by Smoak TO shew how much the Ambient Atmosphere emulates the Nature of a fluid Body We enclos'd a light Match in our little Receivers and when it was fill'd with Smoak we took the Match out leaving the Smoak behind closing the Receiver again to keep it from flying away upon which we observ'd that the Smoak settling it self in the lower Part of the Receiver so far emulated a Fluid as to change it's Horizontal Superficies as the Glass was variously inclin'd As also upon a more violent Agitation of the Vessel it was put into a Vibrating and Undulating Motion as Liquids usually are which it lost again by degrees When the Key of the Stop-cock was turn'd Part of it would flow out like Red Wine out of a Bottle when the Neck is inverted and immers'd in Water the Air gradually ascending into the Receiver in it's Room Besides which Phaenomena it was remarkable that a hot Iron being held near one side of the Vessel the Smoak was presently rais'd in a Stream up to the Top of the Receiver keeping distinct Superficies from the Air included in the Receiver yet nevertheless upon a Recess of that Heat it would again subside And these things being consider'd as likewise that there is a manifest Difference in the Weight of Proportionable Quantities as to Extension of other Liquors it may not be absurd to mention the Atmosphere amongst others Liquids especially since besides what we have already taken notice of we may rationally suppose that there are several Inequalities upon the Borders of the Atmosphere as well as upon the Surface of that Smoak since the Inequalities of it's upper Superficies are not altogether indiscernible if we look upon the Setting-Sun with a good Telescope for by that means we may perceive the Surface of it rough with several Inequalities which curl along like Waves in the Sea EXPERIMENT XXXI Concerning the Cohaesion of Flat Bodies TO try the Strength of the Air 's Spring when rarify'd in a great Measure by Exsuction in our Receiver we try'd an Experiment formerly more fully taken notice of with two flat polish'd Marbles For having fasten'd a Weight of about four Ounces to the lower and wet the flat Superficies of them with Spirit of Wine to keep the Air from getting betwixt them we put them into our Receiver and found that the Spring of the Air after several Exsuctions was strong enough to bear up the Under-stone and to keep it from falling And how strong the Cohaesion of Flat Bodies may be we have a Notable Instance related P. Nic. Zucchius apud Schot Part. 1. Mec. Hydraulopneum who says Juveni lacertorum suorum robur jactanti proposita semel est laminea aerea per ansam in medio extantem apprehensam elevanda è Tabula Marmorea cui optimè congruebat Tum instantibus amicis manum utramque admovens cum luctatus diu harentem removisset excusavit impotentiam objecta peregrini potentissimi glutinis Interpositione quo fortissimè copulante nequiret divelli donec vidit ab alio per tabulam facillimè laminam deduci ad extrema productam actam in transversum inde deportari But to make it evident that two Bodies may stick together by having their Surfaces Contiguous only in a small Compass I shall subjoyn an Experiment made in our Receiver EXPERIMENT XXXII The Pressure of the outward Air on a Valve fix'd to the External Orifice of the Stop-cock HAving exhausted our Receiver and taken it off the Pump we apply'd a tapering Valve of Brass such as the Ninth Figure represents the taper End being put into the Orifice of it and the Chink betwixt the Stop-cock and the Glass being fill'd up with Diachylon To the lower Superficies of the Door of that Valve was fix'd a Button to which a Scale was hung to hold Weights in and then the Key of the Stop-cock being turn'd the Atmosphere made such a strong Pressure to get in as to keep the Valve close to the Orifice till a considerable Weight was put into the Scales and then the Weight of the Atmosphere being overpower'd it was presently drawn down In which Experiment it was to
penetrate the minuter Pores and to dissolve the Lime EXPERIMENT V. Quick-lime being immersed in Spirit of Wine in a Retort and the Spirit and Phlegm drawn off the remaining Quick-lime instead of being slacked was a more fiery substance than before for if a piece of it was thrown into Water it would hiss like a Coal and heat the Liquor which property it retained several weeks being kept close from the Air. Whence it appears how much the Texture of Quick-lime and the association of the Spirit of Wine improving that Texture contribute to the Phaenomena offorded by Quick-lime and that the Spirit of Wine was associated with the Quick-lime is probable since Part of it became a Spiritless Phlegm and I have observ'd Quick-lime and Spirit of Wine sometimes to come over in white fumes To which I shall add that in such distillations the Odour of the Spirit hath not only been changed but its taste rendered more fiery and brisk But the success is not always the same being diversified according to difference of the Quick-lime which may be more or less calcined or the stone may be of a different nature it self EXPERIMENT VI. But to proceed to other Experiments which shew that Heat may be produced mechanically A nail hastily hammered grows hot the Parts of the metal being by that force vehemently and variously determined tho' the hammer and Anvil be not warm so that hence it appears that it is not requisite a calorifick Body should be hot it self the Hammer being able tho' cold to warm the Iron it beats upon and so the head of a nail grows hot when it can pierce no deeper into wood the force of the beating Hammer being not spent in depressing the nail but putting the resisting Parts into agitation EXPERIMENT VII And once I caused a piece of Iron to be beaten by three Smiths till it grew so hot as to kindle Sulphur upon it EXPERIMENT VIII And that Heat may be produced by percussion and attrition appears further since Iron grows hot by being boiled a knife by whetting a Brass nail by being rubbed and flints by being struck together EXPERIMENT IX To shew that Heat may be produced without the attrition of contiguous Air I placed pitch under Water and by the Sun-beams cast into a Focus by a burning Glass upon it it was not only melted but seemed to boil and smoak EXPERIMENT X. The Powder of slacked Quick-lime washed from its Salts being mixed with Sal-Armoniack and melted together the cold mass being put into a Glass upon an affusion of Water grew too hot to be touched with ones hand tho' the Sal-Armoniack it self in Water produces Cold. EXPERIMENT XI Sal-Armoniack and filings of Steel being sublimed together the Caput Mortuum in which the greatest Part of the Salt remained instead of increasing the coldness of Water being poured upon it several Months after the Caput Mortuum was first laid up gave the Water a notable degree of Heat EXPERIMENT XII Equal Parts of Antimony and Sal-Armoniack being sublimed with several degrees of Heat in a Glass-Vessel we obtained three several substances which being severally powdered the Caput Mortuum which was like Antimony being put into Water in which a Thermoscope was immersed scarce raised the Liquor sensibly But the yellow sublimate which consisted of the Sulphureous flowers of Antimony and the more Volatil Salts of the Sal-Armoniack caused the Weather-Glass in another parcel of Water to descend a quarter of an Inch and the lower sublimate which was black being put into a third parcel of Water the Liquor in the Weather-Glass subsided near three Inches But the like Experiments being tryed with the Caput Mortuum of Minium and Sal-Armoniack it neither caused the Liquor in the Weather-Glass to rise or fall but the sublimate raised from these ingredients caused the Liquor to subside a little EXPERIMENT XIII Whether Solvents dissolve Minerals and cause that Heat observable in their Action by any Antipathy betwixt the Mineral and the Menstruum or whether it did not rather proceed from the violent agitation of the parts of the Metal either dissolv'd by the insinuation of its parts into the Pores of the Metal or by obstructing the passage of some aethereal Matter through those Pores which wanting its usual course dissolves the Metal by forcing a new way I shall not undertake to determine but having agitated Oyl of Vitriol with four times its weight of Water thereby it obtained a sensible Heat from which Experiment it appears that the Heat produc'd by Minerals depends not on a conflict of Acid and Alkalies since Water is void of either of those chymical qualities EXPERIMENT XIV If a piece of wet Ice be thrown into a Viol which before contained Oyl of Vitriol the Oyl mixing with the Water dissolves the Ice and causes a strong Fermentation and a violent Heat EXPERIMENT XV. Half an ounce of Spirit of Wine being mixed with an ounce of Oyl of Vitriol acquired a considerable degree of Heat presently and almost most filled the Bottle with Fumes and the Bottle grew so hot at the last that I could not hold it in my Hand The like Succeeded only in a more remiss Degree with common Brandy and also with Aqua Vitae EXPERIMENT XVI Tho' the Chymists teach that the Incalescence of Bodies depends on an Antipathy of the mixed Bodies yet I found an intense Heat ensue the Mixture of Parts of the same Bodies viz. Calcin'd Colcothar and Oyl of Vitriol EXPERIMENT XVII Oyl of Vitriol and Oyl of Turpentine mixed together produce a considerable degree of Heat EXPERIMENT XVIII An ounce of rectify'd Petroleum being mixed with an equal weight of Oyl of Vitriol the former Liquor seemed to work upon the surface of this like a Menstruum upon Metal the Fumes of the Oyl of Vitriol rising into the Ol. Petrae and the mutual re-action of both the Liquors caused a moderate Warmness And we had almost the like success with Petroleum and Spirit of Nitre But in these last mention'd Tryals Spirit of Salt made use of instead of Oyl of Vitriol had no such considerable Effects EXPERIMENT XIX Oyl of Vitriol caused a considerable Effervescence upon Filings of Steel especially if they be soaked in Water And it will grow sensibly hot with Lime Oyster-shells Chalk Lapis Calaminaris c. EXPERIMENT XX. Oyl of Vitriol grows hot with Cherries and likewise with Raisins of the Sun beat in a Mortar as well as with several other Vegetable Substances and very considerably with Crumbs of white Bread EXPERIMENT XXI Oyl of Vitriol causes a considerable Heat if mixed with minced Flesh EXPERIMENT XXII Tho' Sea-Salt imparts a Coldness to Water yet with Oyl of Vitriol it causes Heat yet with Sal Armon part of which consists of common Salt it produces a Coldness EXPERIMENT XXIII Common Sulphur acquir'd a Heat by attritition and emitted sulphureous Steams copiously so that Sulphur it self as well as other Bodies ows its Heat to local Motion EXPERIMENT XXIV Equal parts
of Sal Armon and Quick-lime being fluxed together an ounce of the Powder put into Water caused a violent Heat tho' Sal Armon it self produces Cold. EXPERIMENT XXV We observ'd that beaten Sublimate being mix'd with powder'd Antimony after it had stood some time in the Air the Mixture grew sensibly hot which Phaenomenon I attribute in part to the Moisture imbibed from the Air since it is requisite to make the Experiment succeed that it should be exposed in a moist Cellar EXPERIMENT XXVI Tryals have assured me that in Summer fine Sulphur and Filings of Steel being mixed together in Water will grow intensely hot if stirred about an hour after they are mixed and will likewise emit Steams copiously EXPERIMENT XXVII Several Tryals have convinc'd me that a Mercury may be so prepared as to afford an Incalescence with Gold EXPERIMENT XXVIII Having distill'd from Quick-silver four times its weight of Oyl of Vitriol and by that means reduced it to a Powder which upon the account of the Salts of the Menstruum was white and glistering and being put into Water in which a Weather-Glass was immersed it caused the Spirit to rise manifestly which is the more remarkable because Helmont observes that the Salt adhering to the Mercury corroded in a good quantity by Oyl of Vitriol if it be washed off and coagulated becomes a kind of Allum And this Phaenomenon is still the more remarkable because Vitriolum Martis made with Oyl of Vitriol and Filings of Steel being put into Spirit of Wine was not impelled up as by the former Mixture but after a while rather subsided Common Sublimate dissolved in Water neither sensibly depressed or raised the Spirit of Wine CHAP. XIII Of Mercury growing hot with Gold communicated in the Transactions of Feb. 21. 1675 6. Of Mercury growing hoe with Gold HAving obtain'd a Mercury fine and clean and even purged by Sublimations and Distillations and incorporated a multitude of heterogeneous Particles with it so that they could not be discovered and much less separated except by a skilful Artist I mixed sometimes half and sometimes an equal quantity of Calx of Gold with this Mercury in the Palm of my Hand stirring and pressing it with the Finger of my other Hand by which means the Ingredients being mixed they grew sensibly hot in a Minute and I observ'd that when they were mixed in equal quantities they would produce a much greater degree of Heat than if their Proportion was not exact And the like success ensued when the Mixture was preserved from being contiguous to the Skin by being contained in a piece of Paper laid betwixt my Hand and it and the same succeeded in the Hands of other Persons But with Silver it would not produce an Incalescence But tho' this Mercury grows hot with Gold yet I much question whether as Chymists call them Mercurii Corporum made by extraction from Minerals and Metals will grow hot with Gold as I found Antimonial Mercury did And I am far from affirming that that which is called Philosophick Mercury or even those obtain'd from Gold and Silver are fitter for such uses than common Mercury skilfully purged and impregnated with the subtle and active Particles of congruous Metals and Minerals To what hath been said of this Mercury I shall add that it preserves its quality of growing hot with Gold two or three Years and tho' it be distill'd from Gold again and again And whereas its usual to take eight or ten parts of Quick-silver to make an Amalgama with Gold this Mercury would do it being used in an equal Proportion As for the manner of preparing this Mercury I don't think it convenient to publish it only this I shall say that it may be made more ways than one and without employing Antimony or such solid Metals as Mars But that of ours I observ'd succeeded best in the production of Heat by being mixed with Quercetanus's Calx of Gold viz. by melting Gold with three or four parts of Silver for by putting this into Aq. fortis the Silver will be dissolv'd and the Gold remain in the form of a Calx But lest an Incalescence produc'd by such a Calx should be supposed to proceed from saline Particles of the Aq. fortis working on the Quick-silver I shall add that it will not produce such an effect on common Quick-silver but ours will cause an Incalescence even with pure Leaf-Gold CHAP. XIV New Experiments to make Fire and Flame ponderable EXPERIMENT I. A Thin Plate of Copper being placed in a Crucible which had a Hole on purpose in the bottom of it this Crucible was inverted into another which contained flaming Sulphur so that the Copper-Plate was exposed to the Flame of it In two Hours the Sulphur being consum'd the Copper-Plate was manifestly swelled and tho' its Weight at the first was but a Dram and a half and twenty five Grains yet it became thirty two Grains heavier which is about a fifth part above its former Weight EXPERIMENT II. Refined Silver being placed over the Flame of Sulphur after the same manner as the Copper was in an Hour and a half weighed one Dram five Grains and three quarters its weight before being a Dram wanting two Grains Whether it depends on the closeness of the Metal and incongruity of the Pores that Silver acquires not proportionably so great a weight as Copper I shall leave to the Reader to consider But from these Experiments it appears that the Corpuscles of Fire like other Menstruums may be united with the Bodies it works upon EXPERIMENT III and IV. An ounce of Copper Plates being kept in a shallow crucible in a Cuppelling Furnace two hours weighted thirty grains more than before But an ounce of filings in three hours time were caked into a lump and weighed forty nine grains more than before EXPERIMENT V. Calcined Harts-horn and an ounce of Brick being two hours in a cupelling Furnace the latter neither increased or lost of its weight but being exposed to the Air in a scale by imbibeing the moisture of the Air in a little time caused it to preponderate but the Harts-horn lost near eight grains of its former weight which I supposed to be caused by an Evaporation of some moist Particles of the Air because by being exposed to the Air a while it increased in weight again EXPERIMENT VI and VII An ounce of Tin being calcined in a Cupel under a Mouffler in two hours had gained a dram in weight And an ounce of Lead placed upon a Cupel made of calcined Harts-horn was turned into a litharge upon it and the Part of the Cupel was lost in the fire yet the Lead and it weighed seven grains more than before EXPERIMENT VIII A Cupel made of ten Parts of Bone-ashes and one of Charcoal-ashes with a sufficient quantity of Ale weighed about two ounces and this being placed under a Mouffler and weighed again when it was throughly hot it weighed two grains more but being kept under the