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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B21355 A catechism, or, Familiar instructions on the principal points of the Christian religion written for the use of his own family by Mr. Drelincourt.; Catechisme, ou, Instruction familiere sur les principaux points de la relgion chrĂȘtieno. English Drelincourt, Charles, 1595-1669. 1698 (1698) Wing D2159 63,542 132

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Cir●umcised he doth not doubt of his Salvation ●nd makes no difficulty to say I shall go to ●im but he shall not return to me 2 Sam. 12. Of the Passover Q. WHy did God institute the Passover A. To be a memorial of the Angels ●assover who smote all the first-born of Egypt ●nd who spared the Israelites Children who had ●●eir houses sprinkled with the blood of the ●amb that they had sacrificed by Gods Com●andment Exod. 12. Q. Did not that Lamb signify something else A. It was the figure of our Lord Jesus Christ ●ho is our Passover and the Lamb of God ●hich takes away the sin of the world 1 Cor. ● John 1. ●f the Sacraments of the Christian Church HOw many Sacraments are there in the Christian Church A. There are two the holy Baptism and the ●●rds Supper Q. But what is the number of Sacraments ac●●●ding to the Doctrine of the Church of Rome A. The Church of Rome reckoneth seven of ●m for she hath added to the Holy Baptism ●d to the Lords Supper the Confirmation the ●itence the Extreme Unction Marriage and 〈◊〉 Orders Q. Why is it that you acknowledge but the holy Baptism and the Lords Supper for to be the tru● Sacraments of the Christian Church A. Because they are the only ceremonies that our Lord Jesus Christ did Institute for all the faithful to be the Seal of his Covenant and to be celebrated in his Church to the end of the World Of Confirmation Q. WHY do you not believe the confirmatio● which is practised in the Roman Church to be a Sacrament A. Because Jesus Christ is not the author thereof Q. But doth not Scripture speak of the laying o● of hands A. Yes but it was the Symbol of the extraordinary and miraculous graces of the holy Ghost and that hath nothing common with th● confirmation of the Church of Rome Of Penitence Q. WHY is not Penitence a Sacrament A. Because it hath no visible sign instituted by Jesus Christ to represent an invisibl● grace but it is a duty whereunto God oblige all the faithful since our first Parents fall th● Prophets as well as the Apostles preached repentance and all the books are full of it Of Extreme Unction Q WHY do ●ou not rank Extreme Vnction amon● Sacraments A. Because it was not instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ Q. Is it not mentioned in the 5th Chapt. of St James A. No for the Unction that St James speaks of hath nothing common with the Church of Rome's extreme unction since it was an extraordinary Symbol of the miraculous cures that were done in that time as it is said in the 6th of St Mark that the Apostles healed the sick in anointing them with Oyl Of Marriage Q. WHAT think you of Marriage A. Marriage indeed represents to us the Union of Jesus Christ and his Church but to speak properly it is no Sacrament of the Christian Church For it was instituted by God in the terrestrial Paradice in the state of Innocency before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ it was established among all Nations of the World and still to this day it is found among Infidels Q But doth not St Paul call it a Sacramen● in the 5th ch to the Ephes A. There is in the Greek this is a great mystery and St Paul adds but I speak concerning Christ and the Church Of the Orders Q. WHY is it that you do not count the Orders or Ecclesiastical offices for a Sacrament A. Because the Sacraments are Seals of God's Covenant and that they belong to all the faithful add to that that according to the Doctrine of Rome there are seven different Orders the Porters the Readers the Exorcists the Acolyths the Sub-deacons the Deacons and the Priests So that if the Orders are Sacraments of the Christian Church instead of seven Sacraments there shall be thirteen Of Baptism Q. WHAT is Baptism A. It is the Sacrament of our Spiritual New-birth and the outward seal of our adoption and of our entrance in the Church of God Q. Where do we find the Institution of Baptism A. In Matt. 28. where Jesus Christ saith to his Apostles go teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Ghost Q. What is it Baptism represents to us A. The remission of our Sins and our Regeneration Q. Why is it that the Apostle St Paul saith Rom. 6. that we who were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death A. Because that the Death of Jesus Christ which is represented in Baptism acquired to us these two advantages for not only he expiated our Sins and reconciled us to God but also merited for us the Spirit of Sanctification Q. What conformity is there between water and the blood of Jesus Christ A. As the water washes away the uncleanness of the body the blood of Jesus Christ washes away the uncleanness of the Soul and as speaks St John thereof in his first Epistle Chapt. 1. it cleanseth us from all sin Q. Do you mean that to cleanse our Souls from their sins they must be dipt in the substance of the blood of Jesus Christ A. By no means but they must participate of its vertue and of its infinite merit Q. And what resemblance is there between the water of Baptism and the holy Ghost A. As water make the Plants to spring out and to fructifie the holy Ghost regenerates us and makes us to fructifie in good works Wherefore our Lord Jesus Christ faith John 3. that except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God Of Little Childrens Baptism Q. IS it well done to Baptize little Children A. Yes for the promise of Salvation is made to us and our Children Act. 2. St Paul declares that they are holy 1 Cor. 7. and Jesus Christ assures us that the kingdom of God belongs to them Matt. 19. if one refused Baptism to the Christians Children their condition wou'd be worse than that of the Children of the ●ews who wer● Circumcised the 8th day Gen. 17. Q. How is it that little Children are holy A. It is not that they be Sanctified and Regenerated by the holy Ghost but they are called ●oly because they belong to the Covenant of God and that they be born of faithful Parents ●n the same sense that the Apostle saith that the ●nbelieving Husband is Sanctified by the Wife ●nd the unbelieving Wife is Sanctified by the Husband Q. May one infer the Baptism of little Children ●rom the Jewish Circumcision A. Yes because Baptism succeeded to Circumcision and that both these Sacraments represents to us the same thing Q. How do you prove it A. By the Apostles word Collos 2. we are Circumcised with the Circumcision made without hands in putting off the body of the Sins of the flesh by the Circumcision of Christ buried with him in Baptism Q. How many sorts of Baptisms are there
7. And from whence proceeds what is evil in them A From the residue of our Corruption Section 5. Q. 1. ARe our good works agreeable to God A. Yes Q. 2. How is that since you say that they are imperfect A. Because God in his mercy bears with the infirmities of his Children Q. 3. Of what use are good works A. To glorify God to edify our Neighbours and to let us know that we are the Children of God Q. 4. Are our good works any thing deserving toward God A. By no means for when we shall have done all what God commands we are obliged so to do Q. 5. How then do you hope for Life everlastg A. As the heritage of my heavenly Father that hath been acquired for me by Jesus Christ Q. 6. But it is written that nothing defiled shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven A. It is true Q. 7. By what means then shall ye be purged of your sins A. Through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ Section 6. Q. 1 How do you apply to your self the merit of the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ A. Through Repentance and Faith Q. 2. How many sorts of deaths are there A. Two Temporal death and Eternal death Q. 3. What is Temporal death A. It is the separation of the Soul from the Body Q. 4. What becomes of the souls of the wicked in the hour of this separation A. They are cast into Hell Q. 5. And those of Gods Children A. They go into Paradice Q. 6. And what becomes of the Bodies A. They die to rise again in the last day Q 7. What is the death of the faithful then A. It it is a pass-over to the blissful life Section 7. Q. 1. WHom do you direct your Prayers to A. I direct them to God Q. 2. In whose name do you pray to him A. In Jesus Christ's name Q. 3. Do you not call upon the Angels nor the Saints A. No. Q. 4 Why A. Because God did not command it and that in all his word there is no example thereof Q. 5. Must Images be used in the worship of God A. No. Q 6. Why A. Because God forbids it in the second Commandment Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image nor the likeness of any thing c. Q. 7. How must we worship God then A. In Spirit and in truth Section 8. Q. 1. WHich is the rule of Gods service A. It is the holy and divine word Q. 2. Where do you find that word of God A. In the holy Scripture of the old and new Testament Q 3. Is it lawful for Children to read the Scripture A. Yes to follow the example of Timothy who from his Infancy learnt the holy Scriptures Q. 4. What doth this word of God teach us A. It makes us wise to Salvation through the Faith which is in Jesus Christ Q. 5. Hath God added nothing to his word to strengthen our Faith A. He added thereunto his Sacraments Q 6. What is a Sacrament A. It is a visible sign which seals an invisible Grace Q. 7. How many Sacraments are there in the Christian Church A. There are two Baptism which is the Sacrament of our Regeneration and the Lords Supper which is the Sacrament of our spiritual nourishment Section 9. Q. 1. IN the name of whom have you been baptized A. In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Q. 2. Why are little Children baptized A. Because the Kingdom of God belongs to them and that under the old Testament little Children were circumcised Q. 3. What does the water of Baptism represent A. It represents the blood of Jesus Christ who redeems us and the Holy Ghost who sanctifies us Q. 4. Are the bread and the wine transubstantiated in the Lord's Supper into the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ A. No for it is not said in Scripture and it is repugnant to sense and reason Q. 5. Are the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ with the bread and in the cup A. No for our Lord Jesus Christ did not teach it and that doth not agree with the truth of his humane Nature Q. 6. Why is it then that the bread is called the body of Jesus Christ broken for us and that it is said of the wine that it is his blood which was shed for the remission of our sins A. Because it is the memorial thereof Q 7. Where is our Lord Jesus Christ A. As God he is every where but as Man he is in heaven at the right hand of God his Father Section 10. Q. 1. HAve we not any communion with Jesus Christ himself A. Y●s b●● it is a spiritual Communion Q. 2. How ●●h he communicate himself to us A. By his Spirit Q. 3. And how do we unite our selves to him A. Through Faith Q. 4 Must Jesus Christ be offered in propitia●ory sacrifices A. No. Q. 5. VVhy A Because he did sacrifice himself and did not command to sacrifice him and no body can Q. 6. VVhy is it that with the bread which is broken in the Lord's Supper the consecrated wine is distributed A. It 〈◊〉 to represent to us the precious blood of Jesus Christ which was shed for us on the Cross and to assure us that in him we have entire nourishment Q. 7. Ought the faithful people to participate of the cup as well as the Pastors A. Yes for Jesus Christ makes no distinction therein he redeemed us all by the same blood and commanded us all to drink of his cup and to shew forth his death till he come Section 11. Q. 1. WHat must we do before we come to the Lord's Table A. We must examin our selves Q. 2. What doth happen to those who do not examin themselves A. They communicate to their condemnation Q. 3. And what fruit received those who examined themselves A. As the bread and wine nourishes our Bodies in this temporal life the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ nourishes their Souls in hope of everlasting life Q. 4. In what consists the examination of those who desire to receive worthily A. They ought to examine themselves to know whether they have Faith Repentance and Charity Q. 5. What is Faith A. It is an holy confidence that God loves us and that for Jesus Christ's sake he will be merciful unto us and save us in his heavenly Kingdom Q. 6. How can true faith be discerned from carnal presumption and security A. It is known by its fruits for it produces good works and fructifies in Charity Q. 7. From whence can we have that Faith A. We must beg it of God who gives it of his pure Grace and Liberality Section 12. Q. 1. WHat is Repentance A. It is to sorrow for passed sins and living better for time to come Q. 2. By wh●● do we know that we truly repent A. If we abhor evil and take pleasure to do good Q. 3. Who is the Author of