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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00941 A bryefe summe of the whole Byble. A Chrystian instruction for al parsons yonge and olde, to the whiche is annexed the ordenarye for all degrees. / Translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Antony Scoloker. Heyden, Cornelius van der.; Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1550 (1550) STC 3018; ESTC S124414 67,231 231

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make vs alyu● eue● in the middest of persecucion O lorde we desier not 06 to bee deliuered frō the crosse nor yet that thou take vs from the worlde before that our houre come whiche thou hast appoynted But deliuer and make vs fre frō euell and suffer vs not to perishe betwene our ennemies For if thou diddest not helpe vs our soule shulde immediatlye dwell in hell and that fearfull Image of death shuld without ceasyng torment trouble and vexe vs in euerlastyng darkenes in the snates of hell O thou speciall helper of all weake and troubled creatures if thou accordinge vnto thy Iudgement suffer vs to fal for there is no man which hath not synned yet lyft vs vp agayne And like as a mother lyst teth vp her childe that is fallen euen delyuer vs from all th●●● thynges whiche might or 〈…〉 be hinderfull vnto vs. O mo●●● true father thou kepest thy couenaunt and promis at all tymes and euermore We trust in the that lyke as thou ones haste deliuered vs from all euell through thy Sonne Iesus Christ thou shalt preserue saue vs through the effusion and sheddinge of his holy and precious bloude with the whiche he hath sprinkled and clensed vs of all our synne vppon the crossr Conclusion of the lordes prayer or pater noster This prayer we send vnto the o almightie euerlasting God heauenly Father stedfastlye trustinge in thy bottomles mercy and holy promises For thyne onely sonne our 〈…〉 Iesus Christ 〈…〉 ●●●aunded 〈…〉 ●●●●●ge Aske Luke xi it shal be ●●●e vnto you knocke and it shal be opened vnto you And what soeuer thou askest beleue and it shal happen vnto the What soeuer thou askest my father in my name sayth Christ he shall gyue it the. Therfore o holy father we come vnto the Iohn 14. in the name of thyne onely sonne not douting but that thou wilt heare vs But o lorde gyue vs our peticion and request not according as it shall seine good in our sight or accordyng to our wyll But whē thou shalt thinke it time and as thou wylt and by such meanes wayes as shal be most agreable to thy Godly wil. A brefe instruction of Baptysme THere are th●e whiche be●●● recorde in heauen Iohn v. the ●●ther the W●●●●e th● 〈◊〉 ghoost these thre are due 〈◊〉 Our lord Iesus Christ sayde vnto his disciples Mat. xvi Go ye your way into all the worlde and preach the Gospell vnto al creatures Who so beleueth and is baptised shal be saued but who so beleueth not shal be dampned When we then are baptised we receyue a sure witnes that al we whiche beleue in Chryste are wasshed and clensed in the precious bloude of that lābe Iesus Christ our sauiour whiche was put to death And the dipping in the water signifieth vnto vs that we are mortified of synne of oure owne wyll and of all fleshlye desier and after this maner are we buried with Chryste in the fonte And that we are lifted again out of the fo●●e 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 that is 〈…〉 ●y●ne which might dr●●ge vs to death in a newe spirituall lyfe And also that after this tēporall death we shal ryse agayne into euerlastinge lyfe And vppon this we receaue our name thus are our names written in the rolle of the christian knightes of Chryst vnder the standarde of the holy crosse as long as we lyue Prayer O moost blessed foregoer and guyde of the Christen people Iesus Chryst who submitting and humblyng thy self vouchsauedst to bee baptised of Iohn in the Iordane werest not only baptised in water but also in bloud and in the holyghoost vouchsafe euen so to enclyne bowe and dispose our outward lyfe wyth our inwarde my●●● 〈◊〉 ●●●●ctes and desyres in the 〈…〉 rightuousnes so that we ●●yng now mortified and dead of the olde Adā through thy holy witnes of baptysme by the worke operacion of the holy ghost may alwayes haue our holye couenaunt in remembraunce before our eyes that vowe or couenaunt I saye whiche we haue taken vpon vs in baptysme to the intent that we maye as faythfull campions striuyng agaynst the world the deuell aud the flesh vanquish and ouercom thē with all other wych myght bee noysome or hinderfull vnto vs. Amē A bryefe Instruction of christes supper in the whiche he geueth vs his flesh and bloud Saynct Paule sayth to the Corinthians g. corin xi Mat. xxv That wych I deliuered vnto you receyued I of the lorde Mat. xiii Luke xxi For the lord● Iesus the same nyght in the whiche he was betrayed toke bread and gaue thākes and brake it and sayde Take ye and eate ye this is my bodye whiche is broken for you Thys do in the remembraunce of me After the same maner also he toke the cuppe when supper was done and sayde This cuppe is the new testament in my bloude this do as oft as you drinke it in the remembraunce of me For as oft as ye shall eate of thys bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shewe the Lordes death vntyll he come Wherfore who soeuer shal eate of this breade drike of this cuppe of the lorde vnworthely shal be gyltye of the body and bloude of the lorde ● corin xi But let a man examen him selfe and so let him eate of this breade and drinke of this cuppe For he that eateth drinketh vnworthely eateth drinketh hys owne damnacion because he maketh no difference of the lordes body This hath the sonne of God first instituted vnto vs to the intent we shulde do the same thyng after hym euen vnto the ende of the worlde and that we outwardly shulde kepe holde and exercise oure selues in thys supper of thankesgeuing hauinge alwayes in remembraunce hys inexplycable loue and benefite sshewed towardes vs left vs in a Testament to a corroboracion or strēthening of our beleue or fayth Prayer O most blessed and holy bloudeshearder for all synneful creatures Iesus 〈…〉 so our 〈…〉 sences or vnderstandyng so and in such wise I say that we altogether through one perfect knowledge in one fayth and in one spirite may so vse this misterie and holy sacrament in the christen cōmunion and receaue the same in suche wyse euen as thou hast instituted it to the intent that we may come wortely to thy communion and that we maye there so eate and drinke and being assembled in feruent charite and brotherly loue may declare thy bitter death to eache other haue the same alwayes in our remembraunces not doubtyng but stedfastly beleuyng and contynuinge therby vnto death that thy holye Bodye and moost precious bloud hath be●e ●ffred ●●es for all ●●pon ●he 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 ●●●fect att●●● 〈…〉 forgeuenes of all ou●●yn●es Furthermore gyue vs grace o lorde that we and all men maye rightlye and iustly knowe to what end and wherfore thou diddest institute and ordeyne thys new Testament to the intent that we through the same
¶ A Bryefe summe of the whole Byble a Chrystian Instruction for al Parsons yonge and olde to the whiche is annexed the ordenarye for all degrees Translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Antony Scoloker Romano xv What thinges soeuer are written are written for our learning The contentes of this booke Fyrst THe prologue to the reader A briefe summe of the byble Thre thinges necessarie for a man to knowe The .x. commaundementes of GOD goodly expounded The prayer of the Lorde or the pater noster expounded Instruction of baptisme Instruction of Christes supper Instruction for all estates or degrees and first howe the spirituall Prelates ought to vse them selues amongest the commen people Howe the commen people ought too behaue them selues towardes the prelates Howe the wordely prelates as Emperour kinges princes lordes Iusticers and officers ought too behaue them selues in rulynge or gouernynge of their subiectes Howe subiectes ought to behaue them selues towardes the superiour powers How parentes as father and mother ought to behaue them selues in r●linge bringing vp of their chyldren Howe children ought to obey their parentes or elders Howe the Lorde and lady master and mastres ought to behaue them selues towardes their seruauntes Howe seruauntes shall behaue them selues towardes their lordes or ladyes masters or mastresses How maried men ought to behaue them selues towardes their wiues How women ought to lyue with their husbondes Of the state of matrimony in generall Of the state of virginitie Of the state of widdowes Exhortacion to the riche of this worlde Exhortacion to the poore Exhortacion to the hanoycraftes man Exhortacion to relygious or deuoute parsones Exhortacion to the marchaunt Exhortacion to the husbandman Exhortacion to souldiours or men of warre Exhortacion to tolners or custumers Exhortacion to vzurers Exhortacion to whoremongers and fornicatours Exhortacion to dronkardes Exhortacion to all sinners generally Exhortacion to all men in generall Instruction howe men ought to occupy and exercise them selues in their daylye prayers fyrst in the morninge when they ryse At night when they go to bed When men go to their worke When men are bounde towardes any Iourney When mēne come home agayn or at their iourneys ende A prayer for Emperour or Kinges For all teachers of Gods worde For them that ligh sicke For all women bound with the lordes handes For all men in generall For the Citie or towne wherein a man dwelleth For all frutes of the earth Grace before meate Grace after meate Conclusion The prologue to the reade● FOr asmuche as all he althe welfare prosperitie of mā cōsisteth in the perfect knowledge of god of hym selfe Hieronymus whiche knowledge euerye mā may haboundauntly fynde in the most holye sacred scriptures as in a right cleare mirrour and moost parfecte glasse / in the whiche all men ought to delyte exercise thēfelues both daye and night to the amendement of their lyues Psalm i. to the edifiyng of their neighboures chyldren housholde or famylie And considering also that there are manye in these latter dayes god amende it which saye that they are good Chrystiās / in dede are nothinge lesse Apocal. ii I haue the●fore taken vpon me after my simple vnderstandyng learning / with the liuing God thorow his moost holy spirite mought vouchesafe to augmēt strēgthen encrease in meat all tymes to set fourth bringe to lyght a very compendious instructiō to the prefermēte augmētyng settinge fourth of the laude prayse glorye and knowledge of God also to the edificacion profyt vtilitie and amendemente of all men especiallye to the youth whiche are of a reasonable age discrecion Whiche as by daylye experience may be sene through the negligence of their wicked vngodlye parentes do so miserably and pituously rōne astraye in all maner of disorder wantonnes disobedience asciuiousnes and in all kinde of vngodly liuinge I saye vngodlye parentes Chrysost ▪ super ●a theum homeli 49. For if they feared God in very dede as faythful Christians ought to do they woulde vndoutedly g●ue their vnderlinges chyldren Aug. ad patres Pro. xxii subiectes housholde or familie an other example instruction and chastysement euery one in his degree for to leade a Godly and christiā lyfe walking in the loue feare of God But alas many parentes which is greatly to be lamented knowe not thē selues so farre is this miserable wretched worlde rōne astray cleane out of course wherein their true christianitie consisteth or wheruppon it is grounded Neyther knowe they anye thinge at all what it is to be a Christiā Howe is it thē possible that they shulde instructet eache and geue good example vnto other when they thē selues do not know the most wholsome doctrine Mat. xii workes and wyll of their master true guide Iesus Christ Iohn i. Thinkinge them selues to bee very perfect Christians when they ones haue receyued baptisme do not consider nor knowe what Iesus sayd vnto Nicodemus Iohn 4● and .vii. Except sayth he a man be borne of water and of the spirite he can not come into the kingdome of God by these woordes might suche Parsons learne to vnderstande that we may not oneli put or seke our trust in this that we bee onely baptised in water Tit. ii as though we shulde therby become very Christians without hauing any respect vnto any other thing beside Roma vi Col. ii iii But we must alter and chaunge oure owne wicked and sinfull conuersacion with a penytent and sorowfull harte for our offences amending our lyfe and walking in the feare and loue of God according to the spirite of astedfast fayht bringing fourth the fruytes of charitie Ephe. iiii towardes our neyghbours with all lowlynes mekenes according to the voyce of our good and true shephard Iesus Christ in all long sufferaunce breaking our fleshly Iustes desires Oh but howe farre are the moost parte of vs frome this frutefull vertuous moost holy christianitie Mat. xiii yea I dare wel saye if mē may iudge the tre by the frutes as christ sayth men maye that there is a greate multytude which beere the name after christ christians whiche notwithstanding do far excede the Iewes Turkes Sarazens Heathen and Paynims in all kynde of abhominable wickednes and vngodly lyuing For the Sarazens Turkes Iewes are a great deale more carefull vse muche more diligēce in obseruinge of the Lawe of their ydoll seducer Mahumeth then we are in the obseruing of our christen lawe The Iewes do teache their Chyldrene as soone as they can speake to rehearse declare the law of Moses euen by roote or without the boke But we wretched catiues are truly to our greate rebuke shame suche neglygente slouthfull and moost wretched people that we haue our christen relygion in no reputacion or estymacion yea we set in a maner nothing at all by it Whiche holy moost christen religion