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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A89410 An answer to George Keith's libel. Against a catechism published by Francis Makemie. : To which is added, by way of postscript. A brief narrative of a late difference among the Quakers, begun at Philadelphia. Makemie, Francis, 1658-1708.; Keith, George, 1639?-1716.; Mather, Increase, 1639-1723. 1694 (1694) Wing M307; ESTC W24940 61,656 129

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say God had a Church among the Jews under their Defections and Failings away to Idolatry and Superstition Now where Christ has a Church though Invisible in the Wilderness there are the Essentials of Religion Ordination and Church-constitution tho' much infected with Error and corrupted with Romish Superstition and these Essentials are still Gods and to esteem his and not theirs who are the chief Instruments Heads and Authors of all the Corruptions under that Defection to whom only and properly belong those Errors Corruptions Idolatries and Superstitions they have invented and introduced to the Church And yet the soundest of Divines believe that upon all Reformations which undoubtedly are originally and efficiently of God a people or particular persons leaving and Renouncing the Abominations of Antichrist and their submitting to and embracing the Truth of the Gospel and the Purity of all Ordinances and Worship abandoning the Pope as their Head and Subjecting themselves to Christs Kingdom they are ipso facto Constituted Churches of Jesus Christ and the Gospel Truths Ordination and Ordinances VVord and Sacraments they adhere to are not theirs nor from those they Separated from is Keith ignorantly and invidiously asserts but they are still the Lords and belong to Jesus Christ for even in the Church of Rome and under Antichrist there were Ordinances of Jesus Christ VVord and Sacraments Praying Preaching and Praising of God tho' much vailed and corrupted and consequently they had Ministers or Officers to Dispense these Ordinances who undoubtedly had some of the Essentials of Ordination which was the Lords and nothing was properly Antichrists but Antichristian Corruptions of which he is Author for differentia constituit speciem so that we no more have Ordination from the Pope upon Reformation then we have Baptism and the Lords Supper Reading and Praising and Quakers have Prayer Teaching the Scriptures and their new Observation of the First Day of the VVeek And we would gladly know from what part of Gods Word is it or can it be made to appear that upon every Defection and Corruption of the Church God will Beget and Create New Churches in an immediate manner under the Gospel more man under the Law For after the Defections of Israel and long continuance in Idolatry upon their Repentance and Reformation from all their Coruptions and Abuses they were Re Established 〈◊〉 Ad●…itred unto all the Ordinances and Priviledges of the Church of God and what does Keith think of them and their Reformation d●are he affirm they had all their Ordination and VVorship from Jereboam Who made Israel to Sin and other chief Idolaters so it will unquestionably follow that neither we our Ordination Doctrine VVorship nor Sacraments while warranted from the Autho●ly of Gods VVord are from Rome the Pope or any Prelate in the VVorld as Quakers after the manner of Satan would Accuse the Brethren Thus Keiths invincible Armado is beat to pieces whereby he thought to have overthrown all Churches who have obeyed Gods Call and are come out of Babylon And we are confident that a great part of our Teachings are Christian Experiences to which we oft publickly do Appeal for Confirmation of what is delivered and many Preachers have a peculiar way of Preaching their own Experiences And finally as he begins so he closes shuts up his Paper with groundless False Calumnies and invidious Reflections affirming I assert and alledge False things concerning Baptism and the Lords Supper and First concerning Baptism he saith First I do not distinguish between Johns Baptism and Christs In answer to this I Freely assent to any and all the distinction made in the Scriptures which is not in Substance or Essence but in Fruit and Efficacy and the same distinction I still make between our External Administration and Christs Efficacious Blessing thereof for what John said we and all Ministers of the Gospel to the end of the World must still acknowledge we Baptise with Water but Christ and he alone Baptiseth with the Holy Ghost and with Fire And if the Baptism Administred by Christs Disciples in His Name Authority and Presence was Christs and no doubt it was the same with Johns for Substance as you or any other may Read John 2.22 23 24 26. verses For 1. That Baptism wherewith Christ and His Disciples Baptised in the Land of Judea was Water Baptism 2. It was an outward visible and discernable Baptism to Spectators saith Johns Disciples to him Rabbi he that was with thee beyond Jordan the same Baptizeth and all men come unto him it is observable that it was not the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and with Fire as distinct from the outward Ordinance for it is said John 4.2 Jesus himself Baptised not but His Disciples yet it is called his in the 1 v. of this chap. and in the 22. v. of the former chap 1 Because done by his Disciples 2 By his Command and Authority And it was the same Baptism his Disciples and Apostles performed in all and Every Church where they Preached the Gospel according to that last Commission of Our Lords immediately before His Ascension Matth 28. and last Go Teach and Baptise al Nations and Lo I am with you to the end of the World Hence Four things are observable in this Text. 1 That Teaching of Nations yea All Nations by external means and instruments is a Standing and Perpetual Ordinance in the Church of Christ to the end of the World 2 That as many as are Called Ministers of the Gospel are also Commissionated To Baptise also Go Teach all Nations Baptising them 3 That Water Baptism or the External Ordinance is that Enjoined or Commanded in the Words and not the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and with Fire for it is enjoined to meer men who can do no more then John could do who Professed he Baptised with Water and yet we believe many who were Baptised by John received also the Holy Ghost otherwise a very empty and insignificant Ordinance and unprofitable to all if nothing else was reaped thereby but Sprinkling or Washing with Water and yet the Outward Mean Ordinance and Administration was from John and the fruit efficacy and blessing was from Jesus Christ and it is bold impudence and Arrogant Presumption for any to pretend to Baptise with the Holy Ghost and with Fire which is Christs peculiar Work and Prerogative And Keiths answer here unto in his Book is void of all satisfaction to any Intelligent Person for he affirms tho' no man Baptize with the Holy Ghost efficiently yet they may instrumentally we who use the outward mean Instrument and Ordinance may through the Blessing of God and Efficacious Presence of Christ's Spirit and undoubtedly are made Instruments of the Inward Grace Life and Advantage of that Ordinance but how Quakers can be Instruments of Baptizing Spiritually who are opposite to and ridicule the outward Ordinance which is the only proper means and instrument of Gods own Appointment I cannot resolve unless they
will take Gods place by working without Means and contrary to Means or they imagine to work Effects by unsuitable causes and attain an end by improper means as if a man intended to Merchandize by Labouring in the Ground intend for Europe from America and yet Steer to the South or by Planting Tobacco to imagine to Reap Corn for I am perswaded that such as in Faith Administers the outward Ordinance of Baptism and that purely according to the Divine Institution Praying and Depending on God for his Blessing and Christ for his Vertue and Presence are in the most probable way of being Instruments of the Grace of Baptism so that this Baptism is a standing and perpetual Ordinance to the End of the World which is clearly inferred from the Promise annexed which is perpetual and Lo I am with you to the End of the World as durable as Teaching it self which the after practice of the Apostles and Servants of Christ to this day Confirm should be continued until Christ's Second Coming notwithstanding of all Gainsayers He further would insinuate That we Learned and Received Sprinkling of Children from the Church of Rome but it is easy to make appear they go hand in hand with Rome in more things than we do who are known to all the Followers of Antichrist to walk more opposite to and in abhorrence of their Principles and Practices then any others for their Universal Redemption their Free-will their denying Perseverance their possible Perfection in this Life their Vilipending the Scriptures and denying it to be the Rule and their holding the Pope of Rome not to be Antichrist and their Denying the Morality of the Fourth Command they have raked and picked these with many more out of that filthy Sink and stinking puddle of Romish Corruption and as for our Sprinkling in Baptism it is not so repugnant to Scripture as perverse Quakers do imagine For Water in Baptism Represents the Blood of Jesus Christ and why not sprinkling the Sprinkling of the Blood of Christ which is so clearly expressed by the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews but neither Infant Baptism nor Sprinkling is 〈◊〉 Controversy between Quakers and us for 1 They are against the Baptism of Old as well as Young 2. They are against Washing or Dipping as well as Sprin●ing therefore I wave both And next I shall make appear That George Keith is guilty of a double falshood concerning Baptism in his Book 1. In opposition 〈◊〉 Scripture to say with his Brethren that Water ●aptism was only for Johns Dispensation and conse●ently Abolished or abrogated in Christ whereas 〈◊〉 was continued all the time of Christ's Life and 〈◊〉 he was Dead and Gone and still does without all interruption as any may read in the Acts of the Apostle 2 He contradicteth himself and his Brethren too in saying that only it stood in force in Johns time and abolished immediately yet some may be Sent of the Lord and Instructed to Baptise with Water and if they can prove they are Sent of the Lord should be gladly Received but Hi● Labor h●… Opus est for how they go about to prove this they have never yet told us Now let his Friends and Followers consider and examine what this man would be at for it is abolished and yet they may be called by the Spirit of God to Administer it can it be supposed that the Spirit of God will call any to Administer that Worship that is Removed and Abolished by God and His Holy Spirit were not this to make God and His Holy Spirit who are Essentially one to Clash with themselves which were Blasphemy to affirm He impugnes Water Baptism with all his might as not now warranted by Scripture and yet will Justifie a Call and Mission to Administer Abrogated Worship and from the same Argument why not Called and Sent to perform all the Abrogated Services Rites and Sacrifices under the Law as Circumcision the Passover and all Legal Sacrifices and so from a pretended Call to set up again the Mosaical Worship This would be a brave Spiritual Work indeed and to make this appear to be the Judgment of others of that Party as well a● his own he acknowledged at my House A Quake● once Baptised with Water and was approved of for it Is Water Baptism not warranted by Scripture but Abolished since Johns Dayes and yet performed and approved of by those who are Enemies thereunto from an imaginary and unknown Call and Mission which would be to introduce the grossest Enthusias● in the World and an open door to all wild fancies and imaginations Let Keiths Friends and Followers beware of this mans principles and Books And concerning the Lords Supper he asperses us all but I doubt not to make it convincingly appear that he both contradicteth Scripture and his Brethren too 1 He contradicteth Scripture in undervaluing this great Ordinance as no Special Divine Spiritual Gospel Ordinance but Jumbles it in with the common and dayly Eating and ordinary means of Believers an high indignity to this Ordinance and the Author of it repugnant to Scripture and inconsistent with the sure and certain experience of thousands of the Godly who have Eat at the Table of the Lord to their unspeakable comfort and transporting Consolation more then they reaped by their ordinary Meals so that Christian Experience witnesseth against them and confutes all their Quibling Arguments and Sophistical Quirks and my own experience of the Grace Blessings and Benefits of this Great Special and Solemn Ordinance shall be an unanswerable Argument to me against all Hereticks in the World And it is also strange with what impudent Spirit they can call the Supper of the Lord no Special Ordinance distinct from Ordinary Meals For 1 Our Lord oft Eat with Mixed Multitudes but in this Ordinance with a Select Number of his own even his Apostles 2 He never did Celebrate that Ordinance but once and that was in the very Night wherein he was Betrayed a great Argument of his Love and Faithfulness to his Church 3 He Instituted it immediately after the Passover and that Hymn that was usually Sung after the Passover was deferred till after the Administration of the Lords Supper to signify the Abrogation of the one and Institution of the other in its Room and Place 4 At what other Meals did ever Our Lord say This is my Body and as oft as you do it do it in Remembrance of me 5 Those that make their Ordinary Meals to be the Lords Supper which is a new notion of K's they alter the Elements at your Pleasure which are Signs instituted of God the Bread to signify his Flesh and Wine to signify his Blood and they Arrogantly Presumptuously appoint others Fish Flesh and what ever comes in the way far from the practice of the Apostle Paul in the Church of Corinth who delivered nothing to that Church in this great Ordinance but what he received of the Lord Jesus the Author of it