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A87828 Seven questions about the controversie betweene the Church of England, and the Separatists and Anabaptists, breifely [sic] discussed. 1. Whether is the Church of England as it now stands a true church? 2. Whether the Church of England be a right nationall church? 3. Whether are the ministers in the Church of England sent of God, and so are true ministers or not? 4. Whether is the baptisme of infants a true and lawfull baptisme or no? 5. Whether it be lawfull to be rebaptized or not? 6. Whether it is lawfull to separate from all the publike ordinances and Christian assemblies in our English church, because there are some defects in discipline, and in other things amongst us? 7. Whether is it necessarie to demolish our churches (steeple-houses as the Separatists call them,) and to build them in other places, because they were built by idolators for idolatrous worship, were abused with images, and dedicated to saints? By Immanuel Knutton, preacher of Gods word at Beeston in Nottingham shire [sic]. Knutton, Immanuel, d. 1655. 1645 (1645) Wing K744; Thomason E25_20; ESTC R4217 31,540 40

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he ought to feele the force and vertue of his baptisme working mortification and vivification in him he must often remember the covenant he made with God in that ordinance and in the remembrance of it must bee carefull to take heede of falling into sinne to rise after he is fallen and to serve God in sincerity all his dayes Now some of the separatists hold that our baptisme in the Church of England is no baptisme because it s conferred upon Infants and therefore they are rebaptized but they grosly erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God in that Sacrament to us I hold these their tenets and practise unlawfull for these reasons 1 Because they seeke to nullifie and frustrate the Sacred ordinance of Christ viz. Baptizing in Infants and so by consequence speakes blasphemy horribly taking Gods name in vaine in that they vilifie and reject one of his Ordinances as a matter of no worth efficacy and consequences if any of them shall say that they never felt or discerned any benefit by their baptisme in their infancy I answer that they doe discover carnality and pride and are in the bond of iniquity with Simon Magus if they were regenerate they might feele as much benefit and comfort of their baptisme in their infancy as the godly L●●●n might from their circumcision in their infancy also they discover hypocrisie in that they made profession formerly of their Covenant made with God in Baptisme but now since their Separation they disclaime this Sacrament and acknowledge themselves nothing better for it 2. Because many of them are baptized by such as are no true Ministers of Christ not sent by him to preach the Gospel for I am certaine they are not able to preach the word therefore not sent by the Lord now none should baptize but they who are able teachers sent of Christ Mat. 28.19 3. Because this opinion revives the antient heresie of Marcion the Hereticke who lived in the yeare 143. hee was the inventer of a strange new custome for he taught that after a man had been once baptized he may be baptized againe the second time and third time also This hee did to wash away his whoredome his father was a Preacher of Gods word in Pontus and hee himselfe had vowed chastety and afterwards polluted himselfe with whoredome and was cast out of the Church by his owne father who when hee came to Rome not being admitted to the fellowship of the Church there he joyned himselfe to the fellowship of Cerdon and augmented his errour who held that there were two Gods or two beginnings the one they called the Authour of all good things the other the Author of all evill things to which Marcion added this heresie hee said first there was one supreame and vniversall God and him he called the good God who created nothing that is in this world secondly there was a visible God who was creator and maker of all things and thirdly there was the Devill as a mid thing betweene the visible and invisible God no heresie sprang up at that time that was so universally over spread in many nations and countries as Marcions heresie was Object But we reade Acts 19.3 4 5. that Twelve Disciples of Ephesus were Baptized by Paul who had beene baptized by John therefore it s lawfull to be rebaptized Ans Some thinke that those twelve Disciples were only instructed in the Doctrine of John there called baptisme and not baptized of him with water but were now baptized in the name of Jesus Some hold they were baptized of John with water not of Paul as the text seemes to import but that they were baptized in the name of Jesus that is they were furnished with admirable gifts of the Spirit after Paul had laid his hands upon them which effusion of the spirit is called baptizing Acts 1.5 Some hold they were baptized amisse by some of Johns followers in a corrupt forme but now were rightly baptized yet here was no rebaptization Some hold they were baptized of Iohn and Paul both for the divers manner of signification Iohn baptized in the name of Jesus that was to come and to be exhibited Paul in the name of Jesus already come and exhibited But let us consult the text a little better first the text saith not that Paul baptized those who before were baptized of Iohn as the Anabaptists urge but wee must rightly distinguish the words of Paul from the words of the Evangelist Luke relating that history Pauls words were these Iohn verily baptized with the baptisme of repentance saying unto the people that they should beleeve on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus Lukes words were these When they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus and when Paul had laid his hands upon them c. So Luke saith when they heard this that is the Preaching and Doctrine of Iohn then they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus that is of Iohn not of Paul So that Luke here sets downe how truly worthily and rightly these 12. Disciples were baptized of Iohn and that Iohn baptized in the name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost for else his baptisme had not beene right and sound but Iohn baptized thus I say as appeares Mat. Secondly in that those twelve said they heard not whether there bee an Holy Ghost or not its not meant of the existence of the holy Ghost for Iohn taught clearely concerning the holy Ghost Mat. 3.11 but it s to be understood metonymically of the effusion of the visible gifts of the holy Ghost which flourished excellently in the beginning of the Church as Iohn 7.39 so that when Paul had laid his hands on them the holy Ghost came upon them that is after a visible manner he meanes not here the gift of regeneration offered to all in baptisme but those peculiar and extraordinary gifts as the gift of tongues and gifts of working miracles and such like Give me leave to set downe a short Paraphrase upon five verses in the beginning of this Chapter for the further illustration of this point Acts 19.2 Have ye received the holy Ghost since ye beleeve and they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any holy Ghost Para ∣ phrase Have ye received the extraordinary and miraculous gifts of the holy Ghost since ye beleeved and they said unto him we have not so much as heard that there are those miraculous gifts of the holy Ghost bestowed on men that beleeve Verse 3 And he said unto them unto what then were ye baptized and they said unto Iohns Baptisme Paraph And he said unto them These graces and gifts are wont to be given by imposition of hands after Baptisme which since Ye have not taken notice of tell me unto what were ye baptized And they said wee were Baptized by Iohns Baptisme to the remission of sins by Jesus Christ that
lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Verse 4 Then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptisme of repentance saying unto the people that they should beleeve on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus Paraph. Then said Paul Iohn verily as the outward Minister of Baptisme baptized you with water to the remission of sinnes together with his baptisme teaching the people that they should beleeve in that Jesus Christ which should come after him so as his baptisme was true and perfect yet such as was not accompanied attended with these miraculous gifts which now since the full glorification of Christ are bestowed upon men Verse 5 When they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus Paraph. Whiles therefore Iohn taught them thus and made this holy comentary upon his said baptisme they that heard it in receiving his baptisme were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Verse 6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them the holy Ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and prophesied Paraph. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them as having before beene fully and duely baptized the Holy Ghost came downe upon them in miraculous gifts and they spake with tongues and prophesied So that here is no ground for rebaptization in this place these twelve doubtlesse had received the Holy Ghost though not in that miraculous and extraordinary manner as they did after for Paul in his question saith they beleeved now to beleeve is a fruit of the Spirit Therefore the Separatists doe very ill oposing our Baptizing of Infants for in Scripture we finde no examples wherein Infants of Christian Parents were denyed baptisme but examples we find wherein they had it conferred upon them 1 Cor. 10.2 as I proved before and Lydia with all her houshould was baptized likewise wee finde no negative precept inhibiting paedobaptisme neither can it bee proved truely that Christs command Teach and Baptize c. doth exclude infants from baptisme now if their bee neither example nor precept against paedobaptisme then such as oppose it doe ill for they follow those pestilent hereticks called Annabaptists in Germany who sprung up there when the light of the Gospel first began to shine not very long since about Luthers time this their opinion being but new and upstart there is good reason they should disclaime it and be humbled for it QVEST. VI. Whether is it lawfull to separate from all the publike Ordinances and Christian assemblies in our English Church because there are some defects in Discipline and in other things amongst us Ans I Conceive it is absolutely unlawfull to relinquish Gods holy Ordinances and the Assemblies of godly Christians in this Church of England because of our mixt congregations and because of some defects in our Discipline Reas 1 Because Jesus Christ leaves us not for our defects and weakenesses but continues with us and I hope will doe for ever It appeares Christ dwells amongst us because hee hath setled his sacred word amongst us sent us many godly and learned teachers and where these are teaching the truth there is Christ Mat. 28.20 Also he hath planted his Sacraments in our Church he hath converted many soules in our land to himself by the faithfull dispensation of his Ordinances but where all this is there Christ is resident Exod. 20.24 such a Church is the spouse of Christ and whilst she holds the foundation of Religion retaining the substantiall grounds of it agreable to the analogie of faith she is spoused to Christ but if shee reject the foundation of religion she is an harlot as the Church of Rome is Revelat. 2. there Christ walkes amongst the seven golden candlestickes viz. Those seven Churches of Asia yet some of them had great defects Now till Christ leaves us it is unlawfull for them to leave us and account our Church an harlot such as do thus do through the sides of our Church wound Christ strike at him and dishonour him Luke 10.16 Reas 2 Because in separating from our Assemblies and Ordinances you prevent the exercise of many an holy duty which you might ought to have performed amongst us Heb. 10. And let us consider one another to provoke unto love good workes but some might aske how must we performe this duty he answers verse 25. not forsaking the Assembling of our selves together c. here the Apostles impugneth the supercidiousnesse of the selfe conceited Jewes who out of contempt of the Gentiles deserted the Christian Assemblies as if he had said notwithdrawing and utterly separating our selves from the assemblies of Gods people upon conceit of the peculiar rights prerogatives which God hath given the Jewes above the Gentiles and standing upon the high tearmes of difference as the manner of some is c. Reas 3 Because its the high way to the sinne against the Ghost as is very cleare Heb. 10.25.26 for such as despise and desert our Christian Assemblies and Gods holy ordinances amongst us for some defects and imperfections which doe not alienate Christ his presence love from us are in the ready way to fall to blaspheme the truth and to sinne unpardonable Mr. Paget of Amsterdam in his preface to his booke called An arrow against the Separation of the Brownists complaines of them thus It is apparent that three or foure hundred of the Brownists have brought forth more Apostate Anabaptists and Arrians sometimes in one yeare then 10000 members of the reformed Dutch Church in this City have done in ten yeares or more though tempted and compassed about with seducers as much as any other Now the Arrian heresie is fearefull and odious in the yeare 324 sprang up Arrins a Presbyter in Alexandria who denyed that the Sonne of God was begotten of the substance of the Father but said that he was a creature and that there was a time wherein the Sonne was not The Anabaptists taught that infants should not bee baptized untill they came to perfect age and can give a confession of their owne faith Next that Christ tooke not flesh and blood of the Virgin but brought it from heaven Next that God not onely revealeth his will by the written word but also by visions and dreames Next that that Church is not a true Church wherein there is any Spot or wrinckle Next that the Office of Magistrates under the New Testament is not a calling approved of God Thomas Muntzerus one of the first Fathers of this Sect made a great insurrection though the Anabaptists teach that warres are unlawfull for Christians but was overcome and beheaded in the yeare 1533. Iohannes Leidensis troubled the City of Munster but was taken and condemned to death he called himselfe King of new Ierusalem David Georgius an Anabaptist in Holland said that he was Christ the Messias and Saviour of the world Thus wee see when men disdaine the Assemblies of Saints for some defects God leaves them to
the Infaint in Baptisme seeing every one must live and be saved by his owne faith Ans Those phrases Teach and Baptize Repent and Beleeve and bee Baptized c. are meant of such who were of riper yeares and made profession of the Christian faith whom they gathered out of the Heathens by the preaching of the Gospel In like manner if we were to preach the Word amongst the Pagans and Infidells who knew not Christ beleeve not in him heard not of him wee ought not to Baptize them nor their children till they professe faith in Christ and come to know him But now in this Church of England all our people professe themselves Christians and say they beleeve in Christ and hope to be saved by him though in their workes many prophane Protestants and licentious Christians deny Christ opposing the power of godlinesse yet having a temporary faith they are intituled and called Christians and have right to Baptisme as well as the Children of many prophane Jewes had to Circumcision Secondly I say the Parents faith may benefit the Infant so much as to bring it under the compasse of the Covenant and to make it a partaker of the signe and seale of the Covenant Rom. 4.11 He saith Circumcision was a Seale of the righteousnesse of the faith children we know were circumcised what faith could they expresse therefore the faith of their parents applying the righteousnesse of Christ to themselves by their Circumcision it made their children to bee borne Jewes by nature Gal. 2.15 Next this their faith assured them that God would be a God to their seede according to that promise Gen. 17.7 In as good stead doth faith stand Christian Parents in now about the Baptisme of their children for Baptisme is a clearer seale of righteousnesse then Circumcision was Thirdly We reade the Apostles Baptized whole families Acts 16.15.33 Acts 18.8 1 Cor. 1.16 and it is probable there were children amongst them Reas 4 Because 1 Cor. 10.2 The Apostle making their passing under the cloude and through the red sea a tipe of Baptisme he saith they were all Baptized through the conduct or Ministery of Moses in the cloud and sea now there were sixe hundred thousand footmen Exod. 12.37 besides very many young infants and small children and they were all baptized tipically very well yea much more may Infants of Christian Parents now under the Gospel have Baptisme conferred upon them in the Truth and Antitipe for the Truth or Antitipe is larger and of greater consequence then the Type The Israelites their passing into the bottome of the sea signified our buriall with Christ in Baptime their comming out of the sea our rising up to newnesse of life Rom. 6.4 So the Apostle 1 Pet. 3.21 Makes Noahs Arke a type of our Baptisme for saith he the like figure whereunto even baptisme c. as if he had said Answerable unto which preservation of the eight persons in Noahs family by water is the benefit which we receive by baptisme which doth also now save us by and in applying unto us the power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and become effectuall unto us not in respect of the outward element which onely washeth off the filth of the flesh but in respect of the inward efficasie of the grace thereby represented and exhibited whereby the conscience is both quieted assured of pardon and favour and is there upon enabled to treate for and expect mercy from God and reconciliation with him Object But Christ was not Baptized untill he was thirty yeares of age Luke 3.21 22 23. Ans True he was baptized 1 to fulfill all righteousnesse Mat. 3.15 that is to accomplish in all due obedience all that part of Gods will which concerne him 2 To confirme Johns baptisme doctrine ministry to commend and confirme to us the use of baptisme by his example 3. That he might sanctifie our baptisme to us and seale up this fellowship with us 4 To signifie that he was sent to be baptized namely to die and to wash away our sins with his blood Luke 12.50 5 That the truth might answer the type or figure for as the high Priest at his inauguration had his whole body washt with water the sacerdotall garment was put upon him he was set in the sight of all the people and oyle was powred upon his head Exod. 29.4 5 6 so Christ being to enter upon the publike function of the Ministry to preach the Gospel he would be baptized that he might be ordained and confirmed by the publike testimony of the whole Deity But this example binds not us in respect of the time of his baptisme for if it did then Ministers must be baptized at their entrance into the Ministry then none might enter into the Ministry till they be thirty yeares old nor bee baptized till they come to that age so then Christ entring upon his publike function at that age did answer the legall type of the Priests and Levites who ordinarily were chosen to the publike service of the tabernacle at thirty yeares of age Numb c. He did not by his example binde us to receive baptisme at that age Reas 5 Because Baptisme hath beene effectuall to produce mortification and vivificate in many as divers good people can witnesse which it should not have done if God had not approved of Paedobaptisme QVEST. V. Whether is it lawfull to be rebaptized or not I Answer that if one were Baptized in the name of God in generall without particular explication and recitation of the three persons be not mentioned but omitted in Baptisme it s not right and lawfull baptisme or if one was baptized of those heretickes who delivered not the right doctrine of the Trinity such as were the Marcianites Arrians and Pneumatomachi it s not right and lawfull Baptisme because the essentiall forme of Baptisme is not observed which according to Christs institution must be in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost but if Baptisme be rightly administred according to the institution of Christ and the forme prescribed of him then rebaptization is unlawfull for these reasons Reas 1 First because there is no command for rebaptization as there is for the frequent receiving of the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 11.26 and the Apostle saith there is but one Baptisme Eph. 4.5 Reas 2 2. Because Circumcision was not iterated to which Baptisme succeeded Reas 3 3. Because Baptisme is a Sacrament of Regeneration but it s enough to be once borne againe and to bee entered into the Church of God as one is borne naturally but once so the spirituall birth is but once Object But many who were baptized in their infancy were never truly borne againe Ans Likewise many who are baptized in their elder yeares are never truly regenerate but are notorious Hypocrites as Simon Magus and others Reas 4 4. Because the strength and fruit of baptisme lasteth all the life of a true Christian and a Christian may yea