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A81852 The evangelical history: or, The life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ comprehensively and plainly related. With practical inferences and discourses thereupon. In four books. I. Of the birth of John the Baptist. Of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ; with an account of what passed to his entrance upon the ministerial function. II. The history of the acts and miracles of our Saviour, in the first two years of his ministry. III. A relation of his acts and miracles, in the third year of his preaching. IV. An account of his acts and preaching, from the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Of his Crucifixion, Resurrection, apparitions, and glorious ascension into heaven. With a large practical introduction, by way of preface. Written in French by the learned L.E. du Pin, and Englished by a divine of the Church of England, with additions. Adorn'd with copper cuts. Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719. 1694 (1694) Wing D2641A; ESTC R229041 170,749 286

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which God hath appointed for the Exercise and Execution of them And because Jesus Christ was not to appear till John had preached him therefore God brought him first out of his Retreat This Holy Fore-runner of Christ therefore in the Fifteenth Year of Tiberius Caesar by the Divine Order did go into the Wilderness of Judea and into all the Country round about Jordan preaching the Baptism of Repentance not that which procures Remission of Sins Mar. 1.4 but which disposes Men to receive Pardon and was a Figure of the Baptism which Jesus Christ afterward appointed This Office and Ministry of S. John was foretold by Two Prophets which are cited by the Evanlists Mal. 3.1 the one calls him the Messenger or Angel of God which should go before Jesus Christ to prepare his Ways before him The other saying Isai 40.3 That they shall hear the Voice of him that cryeth in the Wilderness Prepare ye the Way of the Lord and then every Valley shall be filled and every Mountain and Hill shall be made low the crooked Paths shall be made streight and the rough Places plain Which figurative Expressions import nothing but that a thorough Reformation of Mens Manners shall then begin and be compleated by the Preaching of Christ He began his Preaching with these Words Matth. 3 1-6 Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand and to gain the greater Authority to his Sermons he preached Repentance as well by his Example as Words for he was cloathed with Camel's Hair and wore a Leathern Girdle about his Loyns and lived upon Locusts and wild Honey a course Garb and Food suitable for a Penitent And certainly such a Preacher as first practises what himself teaches must needs be extraordinarily followed And so indeed he was for all Jerusalem and all the Country round about Jordan and all Judea flocked to him and confessing their Sins were baptized of him in Jordan Among the great Multitude that followed him there came also certain of the Pharisees Matth. 3 7-10 and of the Sadduces to be baptized of him The Pharisees were a Sect among the Jews who professed a more perfect Knowledge and exact Observation of the Law and by that means had gotten themselves a great Veneration and Authority among the People but as we shall see in the sequel o● this History they were great Hypocrites wh● under the outward Varnish of Vertue and Religion concealed intolerable Pride and Arrogancy The Sadduces were another Sect which did not believe the Immortality of the Soul or the Resurrection they were not so numerous a Party as the former but the Persons of the First Rank were generally of it To those Persons of these Two Sects who came to be baptized by him S. John speaks thus O Generation of Vipers full of the Poison and Venom of Hypocrisy and Sin wh● hath fore-warned you of the Wrath and Vengeance which shall shortly fall upon your Heads and taught you that Wisdom to avoid it by coming to me by Repentance Bring forth therefore Fruit● worthy of Repentance And think not to say within your selves that you are secure because you have Abraham to your Father for God can out of these Stones raise up Children unto Abraham And indeed the Ax is now laid to the Root of the Tree therefore every Tree which bringeth not good Fruit shall be cut down and cast into the Fire Luke 3 10-14 The People the Publicans i. e. the Farmer● and Receivers of the Tribute and the Soldiers asked him What they should do He answere● the People He that hath Two Coats and Food let him impart to him that hath none He admonishes the Publicans to exact no more than what is appointed them and the Soldiers To be content with their Pay and not to do Violence nor Cheat or Plunder any Man Luke 2 15-17 Matth. 3.11 12. These wise Answers being accompanied with so innocent and austere a Life begat so great an Opinion of John in the Minds of the People that they generally believed that he was the Christ i. e. the Messias so long expected To remove this Prejudice concerning himself he told them That he baptized them with Water only but there cometh another adds he who is mightier than I whose Shoes I am not worthy to bear or unty he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire He hath a Fan in his Hand and he shall throughly cleanse his Floor He will gather the Wheat into his Garner and shall burn up the Chaff with unquenchable Fire XIV Jesus Christ is baptized by John At the same Time that all Judea went to be baptized by S. John in Jordan Jesus Christ Matth. 3.13 17. Mark 1 9-12 Luke 3.21 22. being about Thirty Years of Age departed from Nazareth where he had patiently waited for the Time of exercising his Ministry which he came into the World to perform and therefore went to Jordan to be baptized by his Fore-runner among others But S. John not being able to endure this great Humility opposed his Desire with all earnestness saying to him I ought to be baptized by thee and comest thou to me But Jesus answered him Suffer it to be as I will for this Time for so it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness S. John then submitted to this Command and baptized Jesus who being baptized went out of the Water and betook himself to Prayers And as he was praying the Holy Ghost descended upon him in a bodily Shape like a Dove and remained on him and a Voice from Heaven uttered these Words Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Then Jesus being full of the Spirit returned from Jordan and the same Spirit conducted him and drave him immediately into the Wilderness XV. Jesus Fasting and Temptation Mat. 4 1.-11 Lu. 4.2.13 Mar. 1.12.13 Jesus having passed fourty days without eating or drinking in the VVilderness whither the Spirit had conducted him that he might be tempted of the Devil was contented after so long a Fast to undergo the pressures of hunger that he might give the Devil an opportunity to tempt him Then the Devil came unto him and said unto him If thou be the Son of God command that these Stones be made Bread Deut. 8.3 But Jesus answered him Man doth not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God Then the Devil carries him up to the top of the Temple of Jerusalem and enticeth him to cast himself down from thence that he might prove that he was the Son of God for it is written saith he to him Ps 91.11 That God will give his Angels charge concerning thee to keep thee and in their hands they shall bear thee that thou do not hurt thy self Jesus answered this place of Scripture by another Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Deut. 6.16 After this the Devil setteth him upon a high Mountain from
whence he shewed him in a moment all the Kingdoms of the World with all the Splendor and Pomp that attends them and promised him all those things if he would fall down before him and Worship him for they are given to me saith he falsly and I give them to whom I please Deut. 6.13 Then Jesus answered him Get the hence Satan for it is written Thou shalt Worship the Lord thy God and serve none but him only The Devil having thus finished all the temptation without success departed for a time and the Angels came to Jesus Christ and readily tendred themselves to minister unto him XVI St. John's Testimony concerning Jesus Christ After these things Jesus being come out of the Wilderness went to Bethabara Jo. 1 15.-18 the place where John was Preaching and Baptizing This faithful Fore-runner when he saw him could not but bare witness of him before all that heard him and therefore cryed out with a loud voice This is He of whom I spake He that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me he adds We have received of his Fulness a sufficiency of all Graces for the Law was given by Moses but Jesus Christ hath brought Grace and Truth to the World and that the only begotten who is in the Bosom of the Father is come to discover God to us whom no man hath ever seen Notwithstanding John spake thus honourably Jo. 1 19.-28 and plainly of the Messias the Jews took him for the Person he spake of and therefore sent certain Priests and Levites who were Pharisees and consequently much admired by the people to enquire of him Who he was And he freely confessed and denied not but owned that he was not the Christ for so the Gospel delivers the Confession of St. John and the Testimony which he gave of Jesus to these Messengers Then they asked whether he were Elias or some other Prophet And when he had answered them that he was not They said to him Who art thou then that we may give an answer to them that sent us What sayest thou of thy self I am saith he the Voice of one Crying in the Wilderness Make strait the ways of the Lord. They urged Why then Baptizest thou if thou art not the Messias nor a Prophet He replyed It is true I Baptize with Water but there is one among you whom ye know not He it is who coming after me is preferred before me whose Shoo-strings I am not worthy to unloose The next day John seeth Jesus Christ coming unto him Jo. 1 29.-34 and being unwilling to lose so good an opportunity of discovering him he saith to them that were with him Behold the Lamb of God This is He that bears and takes away the Sins of the World He adds That this was He of whom he had spoken so much already and he assures them that he saw the spirit descending and remaining upon him in the shape of a Dove and that he had been taught by Revelation that this was He that should Baptize with the Holy Ghost XVII Jesus Christ calling Disciples Jo. 1 35.-42 The next day Jesus passed again through the same place two hours before Sun-set and St. John who was there with two of his Disciples said as soon as he saw him Behold the Lamb of God The two Disciples hearing these words followed Jesus who turning himself about demanded of them Whom seek ye They answered Master where dwellest thou he saith unto them Come and see They went with him and abode with him that day One of these two Disciples named Andrew had a Brother called Simon to whom he said We have found the Messias and he brought him to Jesus who having considered him said unto him Thou art Simon the Son of Jonas thou shalt be called Peter The day following the Son of God going into Galilee Jo. 1 43.-51 found one named Philip who was of Bethsaida of which place both Andrew and Peter were and he saith unto him follow me Philip meeteth Nathanael and tells him that they had found the Messias promised by the Law and foretold by the Prophets and that Jesus of Nazareth was he Nathanael answered Can any good thing come out of Nazareth And he followed Philip who brought him to Jesus As soon as Jesus saw him Behold an Israelite indeed without guile or deceit Nathanael astonished at his words asked him Whence knowest thou me Jesus answered Before that Philip called thee when thou wast under the fig-tree I saw thee Nathanael saith Master Thou art the Son of God thou art the King of Israel Jesus answered him Dost thou believe because I said unto thee that I saw thee under the fig-tree thou shalt see greater things Verily verily I say unto thee Hereafter thou shalt see Heaven opened and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man to attend his triumphant Ascension into the Glories of his Father XVIII The first Miracle that Jesus did The third day after his departure from the River Jordan Jesus was at a Marriage in Cana of Galilee Jo. 2 1.-11 to which the Holy Virgin was also invited and his Disciples At this solemnity there being a great want of Wine the Holy Virgin pitying the unseasonable scarcity said to her Son They have no Wine But Jesus being desirous to teach us that in those Actions wherein the Service and Honour of God is concerned we ought to have no respect to Man but even our Parents themselves are to be look'd upon as Strangers saith unto his Mother What is that to you or me mine hour is not yet come The Holy Virgin was not at all disturbed or discouraged at this answer but bid them that waited to do whatsoever he commanded them Now there were six great Water-potts of Stone which were used in the Purifications which were common among the Jews The Son of God orders them to fill them with Water and when they were full he saith unto the Servants Draw out now and carry it to the Governour of the Feast Having tasted of it and perceiving it to be excellent Wine but not knowing whence it was tells the Bridegroom that he had done contrary to the Custom because he had kept the best Wine till the end of the Banquet This change of Water into VVine was the first Miracle that Jesus did and it was of great use to manifest his Glory and confirm his Disciples in their Faith in him XIX Jesus drives the Merchants out of the Temple Jo. 2.12 -25. From Cana he went with his Mother Kindred and Disciples to Caparnaum a City of the same Province of Galilee where he stayed but a little while because the Feast of the Passover being near he went up to Jerusalem Being there he found in the Temple certain Merchants who sold Oxen and Sheep and Doves and the Changers of the Mony sitting at their Tables And he immediately made a VVhip with Cords and drave them all
would accept such a piece of Service from her who was a Samaritan for the Jews abhor the Samaritans and will have no commerce with them because they being Strangers had possessed themselves of part of their Country and had changed the Laws of Moses by several Pagan Superstitions which they mixed with it This her surprize she discovered to Jesus who said unto her If thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that desires drink of thee thou wouldest have asked of him thy self and he would have given thee Living Water The VVoman understood these words in the literal sense Jo. 4 12.-18 and not knowing but he would draw the Living VVater either out of that or some other VVell She replyed Master thou hast nothing to draw with and the Well is deep how then wilt thou get this Living Water Art thou greater than our Father Jacob who gave us this Well and drank of it himself and all his Family Jesus answered He that drinks of this Water shall thirst again but he that shall drink of the Water that I will give him shall never thirst but it shall become a Well in him springing up unto eternal Life which he meant either of that Grace which quenches all humane desires of Earthly and Carnal Enjoyments or else of his Celestial glory which shall perfectly satisfie all our Appetites But the Samaritan VVoman understood it of Corporeal VVater which made her to say to Jesus Christ with great earnestness Lord give me this Water that being a-thirst no more I may not be forced to come hither to draw Jesus said to her Go call thy Husband She answered that she had no Husband whereupon Jesus reply'd Thou hast good cause to say so for thou hast had five Husbands and he that thou now hast is not thy Husband in this thou hast said truly By these words she perceived that he knew how she had lived and she said unto him Jo. 4 19.-26 either to divert his discourse to a more pleasing Subject or that she might get some Advantage and Instruction from a Person so knowing Lord I am sensible that thou art a Prophet I pray resolve me this controversie Our Fathers worshipped upon this Mountain and ye say that Jerusalem is the place where Men ought to Worship VVhich of us are in the Right Jesus takes an occasion to tell this VVoman that God being a Spirit and the Truth he will be adored in Spirit and Truth and be known by those that worship him that this VVorship depends not upon Places and the time is coming when he shall be worshipped in that manner only She replyed I know that Messias will come and when he is come he will Instruct us throughly in these matters Whereupon Jesus said unto her I am the very Messias that thou speakest of In the mean time his Disciples who were gone into the City to buy Food Jo. 4 27.-34 came and wondred to see him Discourse so freely with the VVoman but the respect which they had for him hindred them from demanding the Reason of it Nevertheless she left her Pitcher there and went into the City and said to the Inhabitants Come and see the Man who hath told me all that ever I did Is not this the Christ Jesus remained still at the Well And when his Disciples earnestly desired him to eat he said unto them I have meat to eat which ye know not of and then he explains to them what sort of meat he meant in these Words My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his Work● This Work was the Salvation of Man and his Meat was the Faith of those who were converted by his Preachings Soon after these things the Woman with whom Jesus had talked Jo. 4 39.-42 returned with the Inhabitants of Sychar who believing on him already because of the Womans words came to desire him to abide with them He stayed with them two days and by his Discourses much confirmed them in the Faith and increased the number of those that believed in his Name Insomuch that they said unto the Woman Now we believe not because of thy saying for we have heard him our selves and we know that this is certainly the Christ the Saviour of the World The End of the First Book BOOK II. The History of what Jesus Christ Did and Taught in the First two Years of his Preaching I. His Preaching in Galilee WHEN the two days were expired Matt. 4 12.-17 Mar. 1.14 15. Lu. 4.14 15. Jo. 4.43 -45. Jesus went on his intended Journey into Galilee being filled with the power of the Spirit and was joyfully received by the Galileans because they had seen the Miracles which he did at Jerusalem at the Feast of the Passover Here he began to Preach the Gospel that is to say the Joyful news of the Kingdom of God which he came to publish to the World saying The time is come The Kingdom of God is at hand Repent ye and believe the Gospel And this he taught in all the Synagogues of this Province with great success for he was highly esteemed with all Men and his Fame went abroad into all that Country Jesus being again at Cana of Galilee where he made the Water VVine Jo. 4.46 -53. there came a certain Noble Man to him who desired him to go down with him to Capernaum to heal his Son who was at the Point of Death Jesus knowing the thoughts of his Heart and the Imperfections of his Faith Book II. said unto him Except ye see Signs and Wonders ye shall not believe But this Lord whe● was one of Herod's Courtiers being very earnes● with him to go down before his Child dyed he answered him Go thy way thy Son liveth And he believed Jesus's words and returning home his Sarvants met him and brought him the New●s of his Sons recovery He then inquired of them what hour he began to amend and they told him yesterday about One a Clock in the Afternoon the Fever left him which was the very same hour in which Jesus said unto him Thy Son i● well This Miracle converted the Noble Man and all his Family and they believed on Jesus Christ II. The Calling of Four Apostles Matt. 4 18.-22 Matt. 8.24 On the East side of Galilee there was a great Lake which the Gospel calls a Sea according to th● usual manner of speaking among the Jews and sometimes it is called the Sea of Galilee because some part of this Province adjoyns to this Lake and sometimes the Lake or Sea of Gennesareth of Tiberias Lu. 5.1 Jo. 21.1 from a City of these two Names which stood upon the Shore of it Jesus walking by the side of this Lake saw two Fishermen casting their Nets into the Water The one of them was Simon and the other Andrew his Brother who being one of John's Disciples and hearing his Master say that Jesus was the Lamb of God followed
163. the Devil desires to tempt the Apostles 179. Prayer to keep out of Temptation 188. by Watching and Prayer also Ibid. S. Thomas Made an Apostle 55. willing to dye with Christ 140 doubts of the Resurrection 212. sees and believes Ibid. Traditions Preferred before the Law by the Pharisees 87. Transfiguration Of Jesus Christ 93. Trinity To be believed 11. Truth Jesus Christ is the Essential Truth 12. the Truth and the Life 155. makes us free 108. Tyre A Pagan City shall be less punished than the Jews 64. V VIrgin Mary The Mother of Jesus always a Virgin 5. a Virgin Conceived 10. the Praise of Virginity 133. the Parable of the Ten Virgins 183. Vine Vineyard the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard 138. the Vineyard and the Husbandmen that Hired it 159. Jesus Christ the true Vine 204. Vipers Pharisees compared to them 22. Voice Jesus owned to be the Son of God by a Voice from Heaven 23. W WAsh Water Baptism with Water 22. Water changed into Wine 27 Jesus went upon the Water 82. as also St. Peter Ibid. Water and Blood issued out of Jesus's Side 204. living Water 6. Rivers of living VVater 105 Jesus VVashed the Feet of his Disciples 176. Simon the Pharisee reproved for not VVashing Jesus Feet 66. and the Disciples for not VVashing their Hands 86. Wine VVater changed into Wine 27. Wine and Oyl poured into VVounds 114. Wine mingled with Gall given to Jesus 201. Woman The Woman with the Bloody Flux 48. the Woman of Canaan 88. the VVoman bowed down 121. the VVoman Sinner 65. sinful VVomen converted by John Baptist 64. a VVoman Divorced not to be Marryed 132. the Woman that had 7 Husbands 163. Holy Women Delivered from evil Spirits 7. follow Jesus and Minister to him Ibid. saw him dye 203. Prepared Spices to emalm him 206. go to the Sepulchre 208. saw two Angels Ibid. and then Jesus himself 209. tell the Apostles of his Resurrection ibid. Word What it is 10. Jesus is the Word of God Ibid. this Word is the Life and Light of Souls 12. the Truth and essential Wisdom Ibid. Word Of God happy are they that observe it 79. Christ's words are words of Life 86. he that keeps them shall not dye 77. World Knows not nor receives Christ 12. full of offences 99. is no profit when gotten by the loss of the Soul 93. hates Christ 183. an Enemy of Christ and believers 186. the Devil is its Prince 154. Christ calls us out of the VVorld 186. false pleasures of the VVorld 56. Z ZAchary Father of John the Baptist 4. Prophesieth 8. Zachaeus Jesus Lodgeth at his House 146. Zebedee Father of James and John Apostles 36. Zeal The disorderly Zeal of John and James 145. ERRATA PAge 4. line 14. read had and so p. 17. l. 2. p. 26. l. ult after saw him add he said p. 27. l. ult after Feast r. He. p. 36. l. 2. r. will and l. ult dele in p. 39. l. 6. r. instant p. 55. l. 10. r. touch p 57. l. 8. from bott after did put not p. 64. l. 8 from bottom dele use p 69. l. 20. for they have r. he hath and for have r. hath and l. 21. for are r. is p. 70. l. 15. for end r. shore p. 73. l. 10. for they r. we p. 77. l. 9. from bott for they r. the. p. 78. l. 2. r. followed l. 7. after with r. in the. p. 81. l. 12 r. thousand p. 84. l. 7. r. 5000. p. 85. l. 11 12. and p. 91. l. 12. change hard and heard for each other p. 89. l. 4 r. hand p. 95. l. 11. from bott r. their p. 101. l. 9. from bott for suffered from r. committed against and in the Margin for 19. r. 10. p. 109 l. 6. from bott r. Siloam p. 114. l. 23. after but r. a. p. 132. l. 1. after that r. as p. 135. l. 2. dele will p. 138 l. 29. dele came p. 144. l. 1. r. that p. 161. l. 12. r. without p. 182. l. 1. after but put his l. 32. before power r. no. p. 184. l. 26. dele of p. 187. l. 13. r. thou hast sent me p. 188. l. 5. r. decreeed p. 201 l. penult r. casting p 204 l 6 ●efore gave r. and. p. 216. c 51. r. appearances p. 217 l. 7 after meet put them and l. 10. r. this p. 223. l. 4. for second r. first Other Literal Mistakes in the Printing are desired to be corrected with the Pen by the Reader