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A65834 An antidote against the venome of The snake in the grass, or, The book so stiled and the Christian people called Quakers vindicated from its most gross abuses and calumnies in certain reflections detecting the nameless author's malice, outrage, and persecution against the said people : unto which is annex'd a brief examination of the author's second book stil'd Satan dis-rob'd : also, some notice taken of his discourse for The divine institution of water-baptism. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1697 (1697) Wing W1889; ESTC R27066 123,381 290

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Devil has stolen from us so that the Soul soon disappeared and left a noisome Carcass of Religion p. 209 210. What a strange confused Whimsie is this How has the Devil stolen from them the Body of Religion and left a noisome Carcass behind 'T is more likely that he has stolen away the Soul of Religion from them or rather their Minds from it and left them only a Carcass behind● who are so much doting about and even idolizing the Shadow which is far short of the Body of true Religion and neglecting the Life Soul and Substance thereof so that their outward Observations are dead empty and fruitless as those Observers are who are void of Christian Humility Love or Charity Those repeated known Falshoods 1. That Christ's outward dying and shedding of his Blood many of the Quakers have turn'd to mean nothing but his spiritual Suffering within us c. 2. To spiritualize AWAY the literal Humanity and Sufferings of Christ p. 208 209. These Falshoods being fully answer'd and denied by us already we need but persist in our Negation thereof To conclude this Head of Baptism with an Argument or two from the Terms of the Commission Mat. 28. Go teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Arg. 1. If the Commission intended baptizing them with Water then the Apostles must have followed and used the Terms of the Commission in the Execution thereof to manifest their Authority for it But they did not follow nor use the Terms of the Commission in baptizing with Water therefore that Baptism was not intended in the Commission The first part of the Argument is undeniable from the Sanction and Authority of the Commission it self which is expresly Go teach all Nations baptizing them in or into the Name of the Father and of the Son and Holy Ghost The second part of the Argument is prov'd by the following Arg. 2 Christ's Apostles and Ministers did Teach and Preach in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost but they did not Baptize with Water in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Therefore baptizing with Water was not intended in that Commission The second Proposition is proved by their baptizing only in the Name of the Lord or in the Name of the Lord Jesus when they baptized with Water as John did We do not find in all the Acts or other Scripture that the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost were used by any of the Apostles of Christ in baptizing with Water Let him peruse W. DELL's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Or The Doctrin of Baptisms and T. Lawson's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Or A Treatise concerning Baptisms Whereunto is added A Discourse concerning the Supper Bread and Wine called the Communion To his 15th Sect. Concerning the Satisfaction of Christ. Herein he saith the Quakers are direct Socinians for they positively deny the Satisfaction Here he stumbles at the Threshold again this is a positive Untruth in Fact They are neither Socinians nor do they deny the Satisfaction of Christ it self for God was ever well pleased and so satisfied in his dear innocent Son but never with Sinners continuing in their Sins That therefore which we deny is the Vnscriptural Sin-pleasing and Sinner-soothing Notions of our former Adversaries about it as that of Christ suffering under Vindictive Justice from the Father and making such a rigid and strict Satisfaction and Payment in our Stead thereby to acquit and justifie the guilty Offender though persisting in Sin all his Days This Notion of Satisfaction as severely and rigidly stated as vindictive upon the dear Son of God and thus indulging to Sinners both the Quakers and even a Bishop of the Church of England have opposed 'T is also such a Notion of a rigid Satisfaction and strict Payment held as a Notion of Law in the strictest and severest Sense that W. P. opposeth God's Compassion unto in pardoning Iniquity passing by Transgression and Sin and forgiving our Trespasses which we ever own to be for Christ's sake but upon true Faith and Repentance from these Scriptures Mica 7. 18. Mat. 6. 12 14. ch 18 Therefore this Adversary mistakes and misrepresents W. P. in this Point as blaspheming and arguing against the Satisfaction of Christ p. 212 213. when he argues against that kind of Satisfaction held as a rigid Notion of Law that admits not of Forgiveness of Sins past which we consess Christ's Sufferings and Sacrifice has made way for upon true Repentance on the Offenders part which Christ's great Sufferings under the Burthen of the World's Iniquities do call for and require universally of them And as to the Praise of the great Love and Grace of God to Mankind we must confess that it was by the same Grace Christ tasted Death for every Man and was really an Offering and a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour to God Ephes. 5. 2. and our only Mediator and in that Sense sincerely own what was really his Satisfaction to the Father to stay the Execution of his Wrath and obtain our Pardon giving us Repentance by his Light and Grace in our Hearts yet such a kind of rigid Satisfaction and strict Payment to vindictive or revenging Justice as if God poured out his just Indignation or Wrath merited by Sinners upon his innocent Son as some of our Adversaries have affirmed no less This we confess we cannot reconcile either to God's divine Justice or Mercy or to Christ's Mediation and Intercession for Transgressors And little short of this is our present Adversary's Notion That Justice cannot remit the least Farthing else it were not Justice speaking of divine Justice even of God as being not only just but Justice it self in the Abstract the highest and most adequate Notion of Justice p. 214. All which duly considered borders upon the most rigid and extream Notion of Satisfaction as if divine Justice i. e. God himself in his Sense could not remit the least Farthing but Christ must strictly pay every Farthing of the Debt of Offenders whereas there is a divine Justice or Righteousness that 's truly Evangelical which is declared in the Forgiveness of Sins that are past through the forbearance of God Rom. 3. 25. and ver 26. to shew at this time his Righteousness that he might be Just and the Justifier of him that believeth in Jesus It was for this end that God set forth his Son Jesus Christ to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood to declare his Rightoousness for the remission of Sins past c. Wherefore the Quakers do not make one of God's Attributes fight with or conquer the other nor one to subdue and beat down the other or his Justice to quit the Field to his Mercy as is ignorantly and unjustly suggested to make us guilty of great Nonsense and Blasphemy p. 214 215 216. For all God's Attributes in himself are in Concord Union and Harmony and in his Creatures concur and agree in
appointment this part of the Supper being laid aside as Jewish fulfilled and ended by Christ. And therefore to us that last Supper of Christ appears to be a Consummation and fulfilling of the Jewish solemn Feasts under the Law as John's Baptism was of the divers legal Washings or Baptisms imposed until the time of Reformation when Christ blotted out and nailed the Hand-writing of Ordinances to his Cross. After which they were not legally obligatory though condescended unto for a Season by reason of the Weakness of divers and Respect many had unto them in the Churches Infancy And tho' too many now are very formal and superstitious in those outward Observations and Shadows laying so much stress for Salvation upon them that they neglect the Substance yet others being more conscientiously tender in the observation thereof we are the more tender to these so as not to censure or condemn them meerly for practising that which they believe is their Duty either in breaking of Bread or Water Baptism yet desire they may see further and come under that higher and evangelical Dispensation of the spiritual Communion and Bread of Life and Cup of Blessing from Heaven which can only nourish the Soul unto eternal Life and of the spiritual Baptism of Christ which only is the Soul 's sanctifying and saving Baptism so that this One Baptism and this One Bread which is the Substance they may livingly partake of unto eternal Life We do hitherto want Proof that Paul either received of the Lord the Bread and the Cup or the real Supper of the Lord in the Figure or Type but the Mystery thereof or that to observe the Figure was an Institution of Christ to continue in the spiritual Church And tho' he fulfilled the Command of the Passover at his Supper we have no reason to think that was his own Institution to continue in the Christian Church no more than the Passover Legal Offerings Circumcision c. We confess That the neglect and abuse of the Holy Mystery p. 207. which is the Substance Christ the living Bread did and doth incur Damnation and grievous Diseases as among the Corinthians He that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh Damnation to himself not discerning he Lord's Body 1 Cor. 11. 29. If you rest or stick in the Shadow and neglect the Substance or Mystery so as you discern not the Lord's Body you discern not that whereby your Souls should live and be nourished unto eternal Life 'T is Matter of Condemnation you are but eating and drinking Damnation to your selves The main end and drift of the Apostles labouring with and writing to them at Corinth was to bring them to Life and Substance to the spiritual Rock the spiritual Meat and Drink which is Christ 1 Cor. 10. 14 15 16 17. 2 Cor. 13. 5. that they might be blameless in his Day which 't is evident the outward Figure or Shadow did not bring them to but they were blameable and blamed for the Carnality Divisions and Disorders which were among them 1 Cor. 3. 1 3. Now as to the outward Supper so little being said for it by our Opposer we are not willing to enlarge or enter into any strict Controversie about that Subject but for further Explanation refer him to what our deceased Friend Robert Barclay has writ upon it in his Apology from p. 493 to p. 514. And if we were convinced that it is our Duty to receive Bread and Wine as an outward Memorial of Christ's Death we should never own this our Accuser who has shamefully reproached us or any such Enemies to be our Administrators nor hold Communion with them For Baptism he alledges Mat. 28. 20. Go teach all Nations baptizing them And here the Man breaks leaving out In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost and then brings in And lo I am with you alway even unto the end of the World Taking it for granted that this Commission must intend Water Baptism and the continuance thereof as well as Teaching or Preaching even unto the End of the World Hence saying They i. e. Christ's ministerial Officers indeed were impowered as John to baptize with Water p. 205. But is this Adversary really for John's Baptism or for baptizing as John did He 's not express nor plain in this Point Tho' he would seem an eminent Advocate for the Church of England we may greatly question his Sincerity herein If under this Pretext he means Infants Baptism or Sprinkling them he should not take up the Anabaptist's Arguments for that which they oppose as a scriptureless Thing and at the same time deem them Schismaticks Enthusiasts and number them among the various Sects set up by Rome under universal Tolleration as before p. 17 18. 2d Part. He 's very disingenuous in this as well as in many other Things He should have plainly told us what Baptism he aims at and who the Subjcts of it whether Infants or Believers before he had either upbraided or threatned us for the neglect of it However pray observe the great Stress he lays upon this outward Baptism with Water viz. That it was an Ordinance instituted as a means of Grace whereby the inward Baptism with the Holy Ghost was conveyed therefore the Form appointed of admission into the Society of the Church and thereby giving a Title to all the Privileges and Promises annexed to it p. 206. whereby Persons are daily baptized into Christ's death p. 209. And tells us of Outward Signs and Seals Pledges and Means of Grace which he judges the Enemy has deluded Men into a neglect of Now observe 1. He makes Water-Baptism whether of Infants or Believers he resolves not not only an Institution but a Means of Grace whereby the inward Baptism of the Holy Ghost is conveyed 2. Such a Form appointed of admission into the Church as giveth a Title to all the Privileges and Promises c. 3. That 't is the Baptism into Christ's Death 4. A Seal Pledge and Means of Grace In all which he does but upon his own Authority impose upon the Reader without Scripture-proof And his Impositions herein are liable to many Exceptions 1. They suppose all Persons under Grace and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost who are come under Water-Baptism without Exception of Infants or others when the contrary is evident in many wicked Persons and even in Simon Magus the Sorcerer who was baptized and yet wicked and wanting the Gift and Baptism of the Holy Ghost would have bought it for Mony Acts 8. 2. It also supposes all to be void of Grace and of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and of the Promises who are not baptized with Water consequently that many thousands are Damned because they are not so baptized Which is highly uncharitable 3. We deny that by Water-Baptism Men are baptized either into Christ's Death Body or Church or that 't is a Seal or Pledge of Grace For 't is by one Spirit that true
Believers are baptized unto Christ and into Christ's Death and into One Body there being One Faith and One Baptism which is that of the Spirit 's which is the Soul 's saving Baptism typified by that of Water See 1 Cor. 12. 13. Rom. 6. 3 4. Gal. 3. 27. Ephes. 4. 5. 1 Pet. 3. 21. In the next place we may observe this censorious uncharitable Man will not allow Christ's Commission Mat. 28 19. To intend spiritual Baptism or the Baptism of the Holy Ghost because he saith Christ only is he who could baptize with the Holy Ghost To say that Man could bestow God which the Holy Ghost is is the highest Blasphemy p. 203 204. And further to aggravate the Matter against us he saith If the Quakers Interpretation of Mat. 28. 19. do hold it will follow that the Apostles and their Successors have power to baptize with the Holy Ghost which is Blasphemy Reply He is highly mistaken in his superlative Charge of Blasphemy in this Case for if our Interpretation of the Text does hold That Christ's Apostles and Ministers had Power given them by him being present with them even in his own Work to baptize with the Spirit as well as to convert Men to God then our Interpretation isd not Blasphemy because it holds This severe Judge against us is quite out here For tho' Christ be the great and efficient Cause both of giving and baptizing with the Spirit yet his true Ministers who were indued with his divine Power were instrumental in his Work of baptizing with the Spirit yea and of ministring the Spirit and he was with them in his own Work Lo I am with you always to the end of the World saith he What for To enable them to baptize with Water No that many can do without him or the least sense of his Presence but lo Christ was with them to impower them to Go teach all Nations baptizing them into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost It is not Go teach and then baptize them with Water but Go teach all Nations baptizing them c. There was a divine and spiritual Baptism immediately attending and present with their Ministry and it was to such as were docible too and not to Infants who are not capable of Teaching and this spiritual Presence of Christ and his Baptism accompanying their Ministry is evident according to St. Peter's own Relation Acts 11. 15 16. And AS I began to speak the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard even as upon us at the beginning Then I remembred the Word of the Lord how he said John baptized with Water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost What 's more plain than that here was Teaching and Baptizing with the Holy Ghost accompanying his Ministry Query But were Christ's Apostles instrumental in ministring the Spirit Yes they being Ministers of the Spirit and not of the Letter See Gal. 3. 2. Received ye the Spirit by the Works of the Law or by the hearing of Faith preached And ver 5. He therefore that ministreth to you the Spirit and worketh Miracles among you doth he it through the Works of the Law or by the hearing of Faith preached Their Speech and Preaching being not in the enticing Words of Man's Wisdom but in plain Evidence of the Spirit and of Power that the Faith of the Hearers might not stand in the Wisdom of Men but in the Power of God 1 Cor. 2. 4 5. For said he our Gospel was not unto you in Word only but also in Power and in the Holy Ghost and in much Assurance 1 Thes. 1. 5. But contrarywise this imposing Judge has promoted Water-Baptism above the spiritual powerful Ministry of the Gospel He 'll have the spiritual Baptism to go along with that of Water duly administred and received as he saith p. 205. But by no means will he allow the spiritual Baptism to go along with the Gospel Ministry or Teaching as commanded Mat. 28. 19. No by no means that he deems Blasphemy which bewrays his no small Ignorance both of the Scriptures and of the Power of God and true Gospel-Ministry in this case and therefore he 'll not allow Inward Baptism to supersede the Outward Though John Baptist who had a peculiar Commission for the Outward allowed it he preferred and exalted Christ's Baptism above his own saying He must increase but I must decrease John 3. 30 I indeed baptize you with Water unto Repentance or amendment of Life but he that cometh after me is mightier than I whose Shoes I am not worthy to bear he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire Mat. 3. 11. Mark 1. 8 Luke 3. 16. John 1. 26 27. That John as to this his outward Ministry of Baptism should decrease implies not an immediate or present end thereof upon the entrance of Christ's Dispensation or Baptism but that John's should gradually decrease and wear out as Christ's Ministry and Baptism do encrease and grow as the Heat of Fire or Sun dries up the Water and causes it to decrease by Degrees and not suddenly all at once For John and his Ministry being of great esteem with many both Jews and Greeks no doubt his Baptism was condescended unto and allowed when the Apostles were gathering divers of the Churches of Christ to a higher Ministry And that this of John's Baptism was an Act of Condescention and not of Commission to the Apostles Paul is very plain in this case 1 Cor. 1. 14 15 16. after he saith I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius lest any should say that I had baptized in my own Name I baptized also the Houshold of Stephanus c. He gives a more general Reason for his thanking God he baptized no more ver 17. For Christ sent me NOT to baptize but to preach the Gospel c. And doubtless Paul's Commission from Christ was as large and extensive as any of the Apostles had therefore their Commission in Mat. 28. 19 was not to baptize with Water but with the Spirit wherein their Gospel Ministry came His supposing that If the inward Baptism must supersede the Outward then must Inward Teaching p. 203. This supposes the outward Baptism of equal Authority with Teaching or Preaching the Gospel and as necessary to continue which we do not believe yet we deny not but the inward and immediate Teaching of the Holy Spirit is more excellent and permanent than the Outward as the Holy Spirit is the Original and Spring from whence the true outward Ministry arises and flows and unto which it leads and the more People come to know an Introversion and joining of their Minds to the Inward the less need they 'll have of the Outward though we bless God for both But how proves this Adversary That the visible Representation of the Lord's death by the Bread broken and the Wine poured forth and also Water-Baptism are the Body or outward part of Religion which he saith the