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A60172 A replication to a late book written by Mr. Benjamin Keach against infants-baptism intituled A counter-antidote, &c. By Gyles Shute of Lime-house. Shute, Giles, b. 1650 or 51. 1694 (1694) Wing S3712; ESTC R221469 41,869 83

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Figure of Baptism it is buried with him in baptism which is the death and burial of Sin 2. Here was the total Abolition of the Ceremonial Law but not of the Moral Law for the substantial part of the Ten Commandments are as much in force and as binding now as ever and likwise of Circumcision the Token of the Everlasting Covenant which is centered in the Ordinance of Baptism 3. This destroys their Argument viz. That Persons do act Grace in their own Baptism For what Analogy can there be in Burial which they make the Pattern for their Mode of Baptism wherein the Subject is wholly passive so as nothing can be more and being active in Baptism here the former part of their Argument contradicts and destroys the latter part thereof 4. The substance of these Scriptures do not only make more for us who do affirm That all the Subjects of Baptism are wholly passive in the Administration thereof but also it points out unto us the very subjects themselves namely Young Infants For such were the subjects of Circumcision 5. And Lastly The Apostle represents the new Birth in these Scriptures in which all the Elect Young and Old are as passive as a Child is in its own natural birth and this Spiritual birth is frequently set forth by sprinkling washing and pouring water as I have proved and let them prove that it is represented by dipping or plunging if they can in all the Book of God 2. Let us hear something of what Mr. John Ollyffe Rector of Almer in the County of Dorset saith in his Brief Defence of Infant-Baptism concerning the Mode or Manner of Baptism First Mr. O. saith in pag. 57. It is to be observed that whenever the Holy Ghost in the New Testament hath occasion to mention the Act of Dipping it is never expressed by this word that signifieth to baptize but by another which we have but four times in the New Testament viz. Luke 16.24 John 13.26 Matth. 26.23 Rev. 19.13 But whenever the Act of Baptizing is exprest it is always exprest by another word The word Baptize is often used to signifie any kind of washing or cleansing by water by the application of water any way to the thing Mark 7.4 The Pharisees eat not except they wash In the Greek it is Except they be baptized Again Luke 11.38 The Pharisees marvelled that our Saviour had not first washed before dinner In the Greek likewise it is That he was not first baptized Secondly In pag. 59. In those Examples which seem to be most express for Dipping and therefore are most commonly urged for the Proof of it there is at most but a bare probability of it and hardly that in some but there is no demonstrative Proof can be made from any of them The first is Mat. 3.13 16. which sets forth the Baptism of our Saviour by John Baptist at Jordan ver 16. Jesus when he was baptized went up straitway out of the water c. But indeed this Text if rightly interpreted doth not so much as prove that our Saviour went into the water at all for in the Greek he came up from the water and not out of it c. And so I have it in my Spanist Testament also viz. Y Jesus Desque Fue Baptizado Subio Luego Del Aqua y heaqui los cielos le Fueron Abiertos y vido Al Espiritu de Dios que Decendia como paloma y venia Sobre el And Jesus when he was baptized came up straightway from the water Subio Luego Del Agua came up from the water and not out of the water Mr. O. saith Another Text that is urged is John 3.23 That John was baptizing in Enon near Salim because there was much water there And because of the numbers of those that went to John to be baptized it was most convenient that it should be in such places where there was plenty of water but can any one prove hence that they were baptized by dipping into it or under it c. In that place it is not said that there was much water together but in the Original it is many waters that is many Streams or Rivulets c. But let that be how it will there is no determinate manner exprest or to be certainly and evidently concluded as ought to have been to build a Consequence of such a nature upon as to infer an obligation to such a determinate manner Thus you hear what this Learned Author saith touching the Mode of Baptism and it is to be observed from Mr. B. K's own words to me in his Book that this Mode of theirs is but a bare Supposition at best because saith he Suppose it be found at the Last Day to be Dipping This looks little especially to lay such a stress upon it as to Assert all other Modes are no Baptism for if he had a clear Command for it why had he not said You shall find it to be Dipping at the Last Day and not Suppose it be found so But say I Suppose it be found at the Last Day to be Sprinkling pouring Water c. For there is a far greater Probability of that then of Dipping as I have sufficiently proved Wherefore this Great Pretended Infallible Mode of Dipping for Baptism is but a bare may be at the best I shall descant a little upon the unseemliness of Immersion of Women and Maids in Baptism 1. If it be a shame for a Woman to be uncovered in the Church and Worship of God because of the Angels how much more abominable in the fight of God Angels and Men is it for Women and Young Maids to be uncovered by being stript out of their ordinary Dress within a little of naked and to be handled about the Back and Breast and have their Heels tript up and flounced over Head and Ears for Baptism This is against the plain written Word in 1 Cor. 11. For Baptism is a part of Gospel Church-Worship 2. Doth not Nature it self teach us that it is a shameful luxurious way thus to baptize Women and Maids For though the Mans Hands do not slip it is a thousand to one but his Heart and Thoughts may for I know of no Saint upon Earth that is so perfectly holy as to be out of the reach of Satans Temptations for David though a Man after Gods own Heart was insnared at the remote sight of a beautiful Bathsheba a washing her self though he was not so near as to handle her 3. All sober modest Women do count it to be a very bold lascivious Action for any Man except their own Husband to attempt to lay his Hands upon her Breasts and looks upon it to be but one degree short of most notorious Impudence And the Caution concerning Womens behaviour and deportment in the Church and worship of God is brought in by the Apostle Argumentativily viz. Because of the Angels for they are strict observators of ALL persons in the Church and worship of God 4.
some of which are dead and some living But I find he is so subject to mistake both in quoting Authors and Scriptures that I dare not lay any weight upon what he says of them 1. In pag. 4. saith Mr. K. I shall begin with Mr. S. pag. 5. viz. I think there is more to be said for sprinkling or pouring water on the Face in Baptism then there is for dipping or ducking over head and ears in a River or Pond for the latter is more like a punishment of Criminals than the solemnizing of an Ordinance of God c. To which I Answer I am of the same mind still and can see no reason at all to alter it for you cannot produce any positive Command for it nor clear Example of it in all the Book of God but the Learned will tell you that the word Baptize is frequently used for pouring and washing with water 2. What was the signification of all those Sprinklings and Pourings and Washings with Blood and also with Water but to set forth and Typifie the cleansing Vertue of the Holy Ghost and the absolute necessity of Regeneration and Sanctification Isa 52.15 So shall he sprinkle many nations c. that is God will sanctifie many Nations or some of many Nations and what is Baptism but a Sign or Token of Sanctification and Regeneration Exod. 24.8 And Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and said Behold the blood of the covenant which the Lord hath made with you And yet that was but the Sign of the Blood of the Covenant for the real Blood of the Covenant was the Blood of Christ who was given for a Covenant of the People Isa 49.6 8. Heb. 9.13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh Mind it was but the purifying of the Flesh not the Spirit it was but an External Sanctification or a Sign thereof and is Water-baptism any more But mind the 14th verse How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your consciences from dead works to serve the living God Ezek. 36.25 26. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanse you A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh And I pray mind all these following Scriptures of Sprinkling and Pourings c. Heb. 12.24 1 Pet. 1.2 Isa 44.3 Exod. 29.16 20 21. Levit. 1.5 11. chap. 9.18 chap. 32.8 13. ch 4.6 17. ch 5.9 ch 8.11 24. chap. 14.7 8 9 16 51. Numb 19.18 19 20 21. 2 Chron. 29.22 chap. 30. 16. Here you see are sprinklings c. both of blood and water under the Old Testament and also the New which Types out Regeneration viz. blood for Justification and water for Sanctification which is very compatible to the signification of Baptism Now pray find us out so many Scriptures if you can wherein Dipping or Immersion in blood and water do so nearly represent and parallel the Ordinance of Water-baptism and also that have the Covenant for their Center as all these I quoted have both in the Old and New Testament 3. It is a practice among the Heathens as I have been informed when they Dedicate any thing to their Idol-Gods to take it and dip or plunge it all under water and if so then it is plainly forbidden in Levit. 20.23 And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nations which I cast out before you c. 4. Suppose for Arguments sake that it should be granted That dipping in Baptism was the Mode in those Hot Countries where it could not be so prejudicial to their Health yet it doth not therefore follow that Persons should be dipped all under water in these Northern Countries where it is so extream cold especially in the Winter unless there had been a positive Command given for so doing for Baptism is a Duty at all times of the Year for God never Appointed any Ordinance that would put his People in Jeopardy of their Lives 5. The Anabaptists will have Dipping to be the only Mode of Baptism For say they John baptized in Enon near Salim because there was much water there But the Learned do tell us that it should be read thus viz. Because there were many waters there And so I have it also in a Spanish Testament which I may as well make use of as Mr. B. K. hath of the Dutch Tongue Viz. John 3.23 Y Baptizava Tambien Juan en Enon junto a Salim porque Avia muchas Aguas y venian y eran Baptizados If it had been much water then it must have been mucho agua in the singular and not muchas aguas which is many waters in the plural And Travellers that have been in those Countries do say that there is scarcely water enough to cover a Mans Ancles much less to bury their Bodies 6. Another Scripture they lay great stress upon for Dipping is Rom. 6.4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism c. In which Text is Typed out unto us the new Birth which consists of two parts namely the death of Sin and the Resurrection of Spiritual Life c. And both these are pointed at in Baptism as a Sign thereof and so it was in Circumcision both which you have represented together to the same purpose in Col. 2.10 11 12. which seems also to refer to or point out unto us the change of the Ordinance from Circumcision to Baptism viz. And ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ Buried with him in baptism wherein also you are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised him from the dead Ver. 13 14. And you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross Here are several things to be observed from these Scriptures 1. Here is Circumcision and Baptism both pointing at one and the same thing viz. The death of the body of Sin for all the Elect of God vertually in the death of Christ and the Resurrection of their Spiritual Life when Christ arose from the dead which is the First Resurrection on whom the Second Death shall have no power for under the Figure of Circumcision it is said putting off the body of the sins of the flesh Secondly Under the
Infant-Seed of Believers are the proper Subjects of Baptism not to exclude Adult Proselytes and in proving this I shall Answer all Mr. B. K's Twenty Seven Arguments as fully and effectually as if I had confuted them one by one for the Ground of all his Arguments is to prove that all Children are excluded the Ordinance of Water-baptism in their Infancy And to effect my Purpose I shall take this Method viz. 1. I shall prove from the Sacred Scriptures that there is a Command from our Saviour Christ for the baptizing young Infants 2. There are undeniable Examples for it 3. I shall prove it from the peculiar Promises that are made to the Seed of Believers 4. From the Renowned Titles that are given unto them 5. From their being under the care conduct and Ministry of the blessed Angels 6. And Lastly From the tender care and sweet condescending Carriage and Behaviour of our blessed Redeemer to the Children of Believers above all other Mens Children in the World 1. There is a positive Command for the baptizing of Infants as well as of others in Christs Commission in Mat. 28.19 20. Go and disciple all nations that is Baptize them for if you observe Teaching comes after Go and disciple all nations make them disciples by baptism Now either Children are no part of a Nation or else there were no Children in all these Nations to whom Christ sent his Apostles and Ministers to preach the Gospel or else Children are every whit as much concerned in the Commission with a respect to Baptism as the Adult But Children are a great part of a Nation and for any to imagine that there were no Children in all these Nations is ridiculous and therefore Children are included in this Commission of our Lords and so they come under the Power and Authority of Christs positive Command to be baptized 2. They Object Children must be taught before they ought to be baptized and Children are not capable of being taught and therefore not capable of baptism Pray hear what God saith in Isa 59.21 As for me this is my covenant with them saith the Lord My spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed saith the Lord from henceforth and for ever Isa 54.13 And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children Heb. 8.11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest This Teaching of God proceeds from his Covenant Love as appears by the aforesaid Scriptures 2. In Mark 16.15 there is Christs positive Command to preach the Gospel to every creature that is to some of all Ages and Sects of the Rational Being therefore Children are concerned in this Command as being a very great part of the Rational Being and they have a great benefit by the Ministry of the Gospel which benefit lyeth principally in their Parents being so disciplined and taught as to be made Believers at which Instant their Children are also initiated and planted into the Covenant of Grace and are holy Children in Gods account 1 Cor. 7.14 and so have a Right to the holy Discipline viz. Water-baptism the Initiating Seal of the Covenant 3. And Lastly There is a Command for Children to hear the Word of the Lord as well as Adult Persons in Jer. 2.4 Even as Moses summoned all Israel Man Woman and Child to appear before God and renew their Covenant with him in Deut. 29.9 to 13. Thus I have proved A Command for the baptizing all the Infant-Seed of Believers 2. I will prove Infant-Baptism from clear Examples First From the Example of John the Baptist Mat. 3. Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea and all the regions round about Jordan And were baptized of him in Jordan confessing their sins But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism he said unto them O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come c. John baptized all the Natural Seed of Abraham that came to his Baptism he refused none though at the same time he exhorted them to Repentance and not to rely upon their Covenant-Relation to Abraham Ver. 11. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance c. So that it doth not appear that John baptized none but them which were truly penitent 1. Here you see all the Jews Men Women and Children that came unto John were baptized by him for all came to his Baptism for Children were a great part of Jerusalem and of all Judea c. And therefore Children were not excluded but were baptized 2. The Ordinance of Baptism was first Instituted among the Jews and their Seed before it was among the Gentiles and theirs many Years for the Gentiles must first be proselyted and taken visibly into Covenant by Discipline 3. And Lastly If John had not baptized all Children how could it be said that Jerusalem and all Judea and all the Region round about Jordan went out to him and were baptized of him Therefore it is plain that all were baptized by him Now if I should say All my Houshold are baptized and yet none of my Children are baptized who are almost double in number the rest of my Family How could that be true So that it is very plain from the Example of John the Baptist we have unquestionable Authority to baptize all our Children in their Infancy 2. There are Examples of Infant-baptism from the Apostles practice for they baptized whole Housholds wherefore if there had been but one Child in all these Housholds that was not baptized it could not properly have been said that the whole Houshold were baptized for children are the principal Upholders of the House for where there are no children that House is but of short duration and it is plain that believing Parents and their children make a holy House a sanctified Husband or a sanctified Wife and holy children make one Body and therefore they ought to be baptized 1 Cor. 12.13 For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body c. 3. Here are whole Housholds that were baptized by the Apostles Acts 18.8 Acts 16.14 15. and ver 30 31 33. and some others and also whole Housholds that were Believers which we read nothing at all of their Baptism 3. That Children are a great part of the Houshold is very clear for by our Saviours Words Parents and their children onely make the Houshold Mat. 10. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother c. And a mans foes shall be they of his own houshold These were Parents and Children not one Servant mentioned And the Widow of Zarephath 1 King 17.15
Christ hath forbid all wanton Looks to prevent Luxury and Uncleanness therefore he never appointed the Holy Ordinance of Baptism to run parallel in this muddy Channel with it viz. For Women and young Maids to be made such a shameful spectacle to Angels and Men which is most abominable for it is against the Law and Light of nature as well as against the Express Commands of God namely To abstain from all appearance of evil and let all things be done decently and in order 5. Were we in a State of Innocency such a Mode of Baptism might be Authentick but it can never be good in our depraved laps'd Estate especially if we consider these Things 1. There is no Saint of God either Man or Woman but is liable to Temptations 2. Satans great Work and Business lieth chiefly among Christians to tempt them to sin 3. That there are the Remainders of corrupt nature in all the Saints of God whilst they are in this Life 4. The greatest Saint upon Earth hath a deceitful Heart within him and that Soul that knows nothing of this hath little acquaintance either with God or his own heart The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it Jer. 17.9 6. For a Man to go hand in hand with a beautiful brisk young Gentlewoman or Maid into the water and to handle her back and breasts and trip up her heels and flounce her over head and ears is a very immodest tempting thing because there are as many Remainders of sin in a Believer as there is in an old Sinner only here lieth the difference Sin doth not reign in a Believer 1. Though the domineering power of sin in the believer be destroyed yet the being of sin is not for though it be not in him as a King yet it is in him as a Tyrant 2. But sin reigns over the sinner as the Heart of a believer is a Throne for Christ and Grace so the Heart of a sinner is a Throne for sin and Satan 7. These Men that Transact this Mode of Baptism must put great confidence in their own Hearts otherwise they could never dare be so bold thus to dally with a Temptation But what saith the Scripture He that trusteth his own heart is a fool and the reason is plain because it is so deceitful as nothing can be more for it is deceitsul above all things and desperately wicked who can know it And this many a dear Child of God have found by woful experience therefore it is every Christians Duty to keep a strict watch over his own heart and against the Temptations of Satan to keep them asunder for our Hearts are like Tinder that no sooner the Tempter strikes Fire but it takes unless the Heart be well guarded 8. By this unseemly Mode of Baptism they go not only into the water but at the same time they run into the Fire of Temptation and dally with the Tempter wherefore I will appeal to these Mens own Hearts and Consciences that ingage in this Mode whether they can perform this Thing with those Female Subjects aforesaid without being tempted by Satan to vain lascivious Thoughts Pray remember to watch and observe your Hearts the next time if ever you ingage in it again and if you do I am sure you will find what I say to be true But in the baptizing the Infant Seed of Believers by sprinkling water upon them there is none of all this danger because there is no Object to draw out the Hearts Lusts for Satan to fasten his Temptation upon therefore Dipping or Immersion for Baptism cannot be good 9. The Words for Administration of the Ordinance of Baptism ought to be used at the same Instant when the water is applied to the Person baptized but if Dipping or Plunging be the Mode of Baptism then these things would necessarily follow 1. They must go into the water very near as deep as their Waste before the words of Administration are spoken and so they are half baptized before the words are spoken 2. If the words are spoken before their heels are tript up then they are baptized before they are dipped 3. And Lastly If they speak the words while they have them under water they cannot be active in their own Baptism which is to overthrow one of their own grand Arguments they produce to prove that none but Adult Believers ought to be baptized viz. Because that all Persons ought to be Active in their own Baptism Pray what Grace can they exercise under Water when they can scarcely exercise their Reason much less their Graces 10. Saith Mr. K. pag. 6. Sir you should take more heed to your Words and to what you Assert Is it said they were baptized in the Jaylors house c. How can you say pag. 7. that they were all baptized in his own house when the Text speaks not any such thing How can you presume to Assert that they did not go out of the House Reader observe the Text well And so say I too Pray Reader observe the Text well and therefore I will fairly repeat it in Acts 16.23 And when they had laid many stripes upon them they cast them into prison charging the jaylor to keep them safely Ver. 24. Who having received such a charge thrust them into the inner prison and made their feet fast in the stocks Ver. 25. And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them Ver. 26. And suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and every ones bands were loosed Ver. 27. And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open he drew out his sword and would have killed himself supposing that the prisoners had been fled Ver. 28. But Paul cried with a loud voice saying Do thy self no harm for we are all here From this Passage we may observe that the Jailors House or Appartment and the Place of Paul's close confinement were both within view and call one of another for Paul perceiving that the Jaylor would have murdered himself crys out unto him to prevent it Ver. 29. Then he called for a light and sprang in and came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas Ver. 30. And brought them out and said Sirs what must I do to be saved This seems as if that Inner Prison where they were thrust was a dark Dungeon because the Jaylor called for a Light and sprang in and brought them out of it and not out of the House for then they preached the Word of God to him and to all that were in his House as you may see in Verse 32. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house Thus you see they were not out of the House which I look upon to be the Jail-keepers Appartment for they preached to
all that were in it But saith Mr. K. Might they not in that hour go a little way out of the House and be baptized This is begging the Question and yet he thus concludes viz. 'T is evident he abuses the Sacred Text. But hitherto you may see it is plain they did not go out of the House Ver. 33. And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was baptized he and all his straightway Ver. 34. And when he had brought them into his house he set meat before them and they rejoiced believing in God with all his house This was to bring them into some more peculiar Place or Dining-Room in his House for you see it is clear they were not out of the Prison before for so it appears by the next Verse viz. Ver. 35. And when it was day the magistrates sent the sergeants saying Let those men go But the Apostles refused to go out of the Prison And they came and besought them and desired them to depart out of the city Thus you see here was 1. The Jaylors bringing the Apostles out of their close confinement after his conviction 2. There was preaching the Word of the Lord to all that were in his House and not out of his House 3. Here was washing their stripes after they were taken out of their close confinement into his House at large 4. And Lastly Here was their Baptism And all this was done in the same hour of the Night straightway and then when this was done he invites them into his own peculiar Appartment or Dining-Room and set Meat before them And in the last place it doth plainly appear that they did not go out of the House or Prison all night because they were there in the Morning and refused to go out when the Magistrates sent to the Jaylor to release them therefore there is no manner of ground to imagine that they went out of the Prison and out of the City a little way in the Night to be baptized in a River or a Pond of Water but besides the Gates of Cities use to be shut in the Night and Guard kept at them who would have secured them had they attempted to go out in the night Ergo they were baptized in the House So that I have not abused the Sacred Text but it is evident that Mr. K. hath abused me in charging me falsely 12. And Lastly I shall give some Reasons to Evince that the Face of the Subject is the properest part to be baptized Because by the Face both God and Man are described 1. God is described by his most glorious face Psal 51.9 Psal 44.24 〈◊〉 18.10 Not that we are to conceive of God as of any Form or Shape who is a most Glorious Immense Spiritual Being in himself but it is in condescension to our weak capacities 2. Man is described and best known by the Face Gal. 1.22 Psal 84.9 And how common a thing is it among Men to say I never saw such an Ones Face That is they never saw the Person 2. The Face is the properest part for the application of water in Baptism because the Face represents the whole Man 3. The Face ought to be baptized as the properest part because the part baptized ought to be naked for these Reasons viz. 1. Because otherwise the Cloaths and not the Person are baptized 2. Because it maketh the truest Figure of Man in his natural laps'd State before he is washed in the Water of Regeneration and renewed by the Holy Ghost by which the Soul puts on these two blessed Garments of Salvation namely Christs Righteousness for Justification and the Robe of Holiness for Sanctification Every Soul in a laps'd State you have set forth in these two Texts in the old and New Testament first in the Old Testament Ezek. 16.4 5 6. Here you have Man in his natural State which is unsavoury loathsome polluted and helpless and in the New Testament Rev. 3. there he is set forth to be wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked This is the State and Condition of all Men by nature before they are washed in Regeneration 4. And Lastly The Face of the Subject is the properest part for the application of water in Baptism because Nature it self teacheth us that the Face is the most delightful comely part of Man for Conversation We do not care to converse with a Man that turns his back upon us Thus much for the part of the Subject that ought to be baptized and the posture the Subject ought to be prepared in and that is the naked Face Thus I have confuted Mr. Keach's Arguments which he hath produced to prove that Dipping is the only Infallible Mode for Baptism whereas there is neither Precept nor Example for it no not so much as a bare May be for it in all the Book of God but you see there is a great Analogy between those many Sprinklings and Baptism though the Mode is not absolutely determined declaratively II. I will prove that all Elect dying Infants must have the Grace of Faith or they can never be saved 1. But saith Mr. K. in p. 14 16. How doth God sanctifie dying Infants I speak as to the Mode of it No mortal Man I am sure can tell if it is by infusing Grace let it be so though it can't be proved while the World stands yet Gods design therein could not be the same in them as in others c. Though the Grace is given by which we do believe yet is not the Act ours Can God be said to believe for us or can there be Faith in any Subject and yet no knowledge of the Object To which I answer that the Mode of sanctifying Elect dying Infants must be by Infusion of Grace by the Holy Spirit into their Souls is as clear as the Sun because there is no other way for Old or Young to be savingly sanctified by 2. God hath promised it Isa 44.3 I will pour my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thine off-spring c. 3. Gods design is the same in the infusing Grace and Holiness into an Elect Infant as it is in an Adult Elect Sinner for God hath no other End nor higher Design then the glorifying his own Free Grace in the salvation of both Old and Young therefore that part of your carnal Argument is already destroyed Pray Sir in your next let us know if God hath any other or differing Design or End in the saving Adult Elect Sinners from that of sanctifying and saving Elect dying Infants and let us also know what way that is 2. Faith is the Gift of God though the Act of Faith may be said to be the Believers yet if God do not Act in the Believers Faith his Acting will signifie nothing for God is the authour and finisher of our faith Heb. 12. And it is God that worketh in us both the will and the deed of his good pleasure
3. And immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like unto an emerald This was Christ whom God gave to be a Light unto the Gentiles and a Covenant of the People Isa 49.8 And the Rain-bow round about the Throne is an Allusion unto the Token of Noah's Covenant which is a Token of Mercy and Grace and the various providential Dispensations of God towards his Covenant-People and the various Gifts and Graces of the Spirit for the full accomplishment of all the Promises of the Covenant both to Jew and Gentile especially about the Latter-day Glory in calling and converting the Jews with the Fulness of the Gentiles when God will set Christ his King upon his Holy Hill in Zion and make all his Enemies his Foot-stool Psal 2.6 Psal 110.1 Which is Typified in that aforesaid Rev. 4.2 3. 2. We have Noah's Covenant recited in the Gospel by way of clear Expression in 1 Pet. 3. when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us c. Here are Six things to be observed from these Texts aforesaid 1. Here is Noah's Covenant and the Token thereof brought down and joined to the Gospel-Dispensation and the Ordinance of Baptism which is the Initiating Seal of the Covenant in the room of Circumcision is also joined to it 2. As the Waters that drowned the Old World were Waters of Mercy to Noah and his Family because they bore up the Ark and saved them so Christ who is a Lyon of Judgment to the Ungodly is a Lamb of Mercy to his People and is the Ark of God wherein all the Elect of God are which is born up by the Power of God by the Waters of Regeneration unto Salvation of which Water Baptism is a Figure Titus 3.4 5. 3. As the Waters that were aspersed upon the Ark was a Token of Mercy and Grace to Noah and his Seed so is Water-baptism to Believers and all their Seed which is the Figure thereof Now how can this be a like Figure to the Dispensation of God towards Noah and all his Seed if our Children are excluded from Baptism the Figure thereof 4. This also points out unto us the subjects of Baptism as well as the Mode thereof 1. The Subjects of Baptism For as Noah and all his Children were in the Ark so all Believers and their Seed are in Covenant and ought to have the Figure of Noah's Preservation namely Baptism administred unto them in their Infancy For though all Noah's Seed were not eternally saved yet they were all in Covenant until Ham sinned himself out of it neither do I believe that all are saved or shall be saved that are baptized for Judas and Simon Magus and many others were baptized 2. It gives good Authority for sprinkling or pouring Water in Baptism for dipping or plunging is more like a punishment of Criminals than the solemnizing of Gods Holy Ordinance of Baptism It is a nearer Representation or Figure of Gods Wrath upon the Old World than of Grace and Mercy in the Covenant God made with Abraham and his Seed the blessing of which is devolved upon us Gentiles and our Children Gen. 12.3 Acts 3. Ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers saying unto Abraham And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed Vnto you first God having raised up his Son Jesus sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities 5. As the Old ungodly World were all immersed and dipped in Wrath and Judgment so proud Pharaoh and all his Host were plunged and destroyed when he pursued Israel into the Red Sea but Israel passed through safely and were but sprinkled and so were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea 1 Cor. 10.1 2 3 4. 6. And Lastly By all these things God hath plainly demonstrated unto us that his Covenant Love and Grace is the same now as it was ever both to Believers and their Seed it is unchangable even like God himself that made it 3. Mr. K. saith in p. 25. The Covenant of Works was primarily made with Adam yet another Addition or Ministration of it was given on Mount Sinai and to that Covenant I did there prove Circumcision did appertain But how Mr. K. can make these things hang together I know not for Circumcision was Instituted 430 Years before the Ceremonial Law was given upon Mount Sinai and the Moral Law was from Adam's Time for Cain was Excommunicated for breaking the Moral Law But if the Moral Law was abrogated when the Ceremonial Law was then hath Mr. K. gained a Point for he saith the Substance of his other Arguments are in this and to prove it to be a Additional Ministration to the Covenant of Works saith he The Man that doth those things shall live in them Which latter is true in it self for there is no Salvation to be had without Moral Righteousness though not for it and so he lives in it in sincere Obedience though not in perfect Obedience for the latter is in Christs Obedience and tho' a Man in doing these things lives in them yet he is not justified by his own Obedience to the Moral Law but he is justified by Christs personal perfect Obedience both active and passive to the Law and Justice of God but by the Deeds of the Law no Flesh can be Justified in the sight of God Pray mind what the Apostle saith in Gal. 3.17 21. And this I say that the covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ the law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot disanul that it should make the promise of none effect 2. Here is to be observed that the Everlasting Covenant God confirmed with Abraham of which Circumcision was a Token is called the Promise and the Sinai Covenant is called the Law but saith the Apostle in ver 21. Is the law then against the promises of God God forbid for if there had been a law given which could have given life verily righteousness should have been by the law Ver. 11. But that no man is justisted the law in the sight of God it is evident for The just shall live by faith 3. The Apostle doth clearly prove that the Sinai Covenant of Obedience to the Moral Law is still in force in Rom. 7.7 12. What shall we say then Is the law sin God forbid Nay I had not known sin but by the law for I had not known lust except the law had said Thou shalt not covet Wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and
his Book of Election But seeing they are all called holy Children without exception our Duty is to hope well of them all and dedicate them all unto God in the Ordinance of Baptism and believe and pray for them all as if they were all Elected and we did know it as long as we do not know any thing to the contrary But God hath put all the Infant-Seed of Believers in their Infancy now under the Gospel into the Ballance alike with a respect to their Parents knowledge as if they were Elected in the 1 Cor. 7.14 Thus I have proved splendently That the Infant-Seed of Believers are in Covenant and are the proper Subjects of Baptism not excluding Adult Proselytes By which I have fully Answered all the Arguments that ever were raised against it and also Mr. B. K's Book in particular as much as if I had confuted them Argument by Argument V. And Lastly Mr. B. K. hath laboured hard to prove That the Church State under the Law was only a Carnal Legal Church State and that it was dissolved at the Coming of Christ in the Flesh And one of his Topping Arguments to prove it to be so is That they were a Natural Church and the Churches under the Gospel are congregational Therefore my business is to prove the contrary and I shall pursue this Method viz. 1. I shall prove that the Church is of the same Form and Mettle substantially now as it was under the Law 2. That there are the same sort of Members both for Age and Sects 3. And Lastly The Church lives and feeds upon the same spiritual Food now as the Church did under the Law 1. That the Church is of the same Form and Mettle I shall prove first out the Old Testament Zech. 4. And the angel that talked with me came again and waked me as a man that is wakened out of his sleep And said unto me What seest thou And I said I have looked and behold a candlestick all of gold c. Secondly the New Testament Rev. 1.20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand and the seven golden candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches Candlesticks are to set up a Light in and they are of the same Mettle viz. Golden Candlesticks What though there was but one under the Law and that was National and now several and they congregational yet the Form Use and Mettle is the same Suppose a Man hath a Tree in his Orchard that hath but one Branch upon it and that is decaying and he cuts that off and graffs several Branches upon the same Stock that doth not destroy the Root or Stock of the Tree Rom. 11.16 For if the first-frruit be holy the lump is also holy and if the root be holy so are the branches The Church-State under the Law was the same as it was in Abraham's Time which was 430 Years before the Law of Moses and it is the same as it was in Adam's Time Gen. 3.15 On this Promise the Foundation or Church-State was laid and as it was in the Beginning so it is now and ever will be to the Worlds End But saith Mr. K. in pag. 9. I also ask you whether the Jewish Church that was sounded upon the Old Covenant is not gone and dissolved If so what doth your arguing prove I Answer The Jewish Church-State was founded on the Covenant of Grace call it what Covenant you please for Abraham had the Gospel preached unto him when God established the Covenant with him Gal. 3.8 And so had Adam Gen. 3.15 And Noah was a Gospel Preacher 2 Pet. 2.5 And the Church-State is the same now as it was before the Dispensation of the Gospel 1. By the Words of our Saviour himself Mat. 21. Therefore I say unto you The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruit thereof Now if this Kingdom of God was not the Church-State in which all the Jews then were pray tell us what Kingdom of God this was 1. It appears that this Kingdom of God was the Church Militant and not the Church Triumphant 2. That the Church State was mutable and yet indissolvable God might remove it from one Nation to another as he did from the unbelieving Jews unto the believing Gentiles Mat. 21.43 Rom. 11.17 But the State of the Church is the same and is unalterable 3. There were the seven Churches of Asia dissolved but that did not destroy the Church State no more than the Excommunicating Members out of a particular Church doth 2. The Apostle makes it appear plainly that the Church State is the same now as ever it was before the Incarnation of Christ in Eph. 2. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and forreigners but fellow-citizens with the saints and of the houshold of God And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord In whom you also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit Now pray Mr. K. what do you think Was the State of the Jews Church a carnal legal Church State Whereas you hear it was a Habitation for God through the Spirit and Jesus Christ the chief corner Stone Did God dwell in a carnal Church Or was Christ ever the Foundation of a carnal Church Which must necessarily follow as the consequence of this carnal Position 3. In pag. 43. saith Mr. K. I ask whether or no Christ did not remove by the Gospel Dispensation all the Wheat out of the old Barn nay and pull down that Barn c. Christ did not pull down that Barn but he purged the Floor of it neither did he remove the Wheat out of it but he did winnow and fan away all the chaffy Hypocrites the unbelieving Jews and gathered his Elect Gentile-wheat into his Garner Kingdom or Church and John the Baptist's Testimony is sufficient to prove this let any Man deny this if they dare Mat. 3. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier then I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy Ghost and with fire Whose san is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire Here are Two Things to be observed from this Text The Firist is A threatning the Expulsion of the unbelieving Jews and the Second A Prediction of the calling and conversion of the Elect Gentiles which was the taking the Kingdom of God from the Jews and giving it to the Gentiles 2. The Church is the same now in a sense as it was under the Law with a respect to the Members of it for as the Jews and their children were the Members of it under the Law so Believers