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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59955 The true Christian's faith and experience briefly declared, concerning God, Christ, the Spirit, the Holy Scriptures, the Gospel, and the doctrines thereof also, the titular Christian's faith and profession try'd, examin'd, and judg'd : written for the confirmation, and consolation of the one, and for the information in order to the restoration and salvation of the other : also, a few words to such who are newly turned in their minds to the light within, & are believers in it / by William Shewen. Shewen, William, 1631?-1695. 1675 (1675) Wing S3424; ESTC R24530 87,397 208

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long as he liveth unto Christ which was before the Law and before there was any Occasion for the Law who alone is able to Justifie the Righteous and condemn the Wicked whose Wayes are all Equal Just and Righteous never condemning the Just nor justifying the Wicked and it may be truly said of this Titular Christian as Christ said to the Covetous Pharisees who derided him ☞ Ye are they which JVSTIFIE YOVR SELVES before Men but God knoweth your Hearts Luke 16.15 for that which is highly esteem'd amongst Men is Abomination in the Sight of God And now the same Spirit that then derided Christ and set him at Naught and that then ruled in the Hearts of Scribes Pharisees and Hypocrites and Impenitent hard-hearted Jews in this Part of the World called Christendom ☞ is now turned Professor of him in Words and teaches him in whom it rules to talk of Salvation and Justification by him though at the same Time that Spirit lives and rules in his Heart to which God looks and which he knoweth that denyeth ☞ despiseth betrayeth and crucifieth him even while he pretends to worship him as the Jews did who sm●te him on the Head Mark 15.19 and spit upon him and mocked him and at the same Time bow'd their Knees and worshipped him and as Judas did who said Hail Master and Kissed him Mat. 26.49 and at the same Time betrayed him the Nominal or Titular Christian is guilty of the same Thing he living in that and daily committing that which ever was the Cause and Occasion of all his Sufferings viz. Sin Therefore is he many Times convicted ☞ reproved judged and condemned in his Heart by God's Spirit that searcheth it even while his Tongue talks of Justification Now to this Spirit of God which searcheth his Heart and tryeth his Reins and the innermost Parts of the Belly is this Titular Christian counsel'd to take heed and to hear its Judgment concerning him and with his whole Heart receive the same and by it judge all the Flatteries vain Conceits Notions Imaginations and Dreams by which he hath been led and deceived through the Subtilty of that grand Enemy the Devil and Satan who will suffer his Servants Children Slaves ☞ to turn Professors of Christianity be Christians in Name and to talk of the Gospel while he keeps Possession of the Heart Let the Titular Christian confider these Things before it be too late IX The True Christian's Faith and Experience concerning Baptism and the Lord's Supper THE True Christian believes and lives under the two great Ordinances of Christ Baptism and the Supper of the Lord in the Mystery and he can give an experimental Account how he come to live in the Enjoyment of these Ordinances even how he passed through the Work of Regeneration Mortification and self Denyal Sanctification and Justification before he come to be a true Subject and Partaker of these Ordinances he can tell how the Old Man with his Deeds were put off and the New Man put on Gal. 3.27 for he that is baptized into Christ hath put on Christ ☞ not only professed him while the Old Man was alive but baptized with the same Baptism he was baptized with in a Measure even with the Holy Ghost and Fire which is inward and spiritual and washeth cleanseth and purifieth inwardly and Spiritually which all the outside Washing and Baptisms were but a Type of and by this Baptism the True Christian is not only washed and made clean but kept and preserved by the same clean and pure prepared and made fit to put on the Wedding-Garment and to sit at the Table of the Lord and partake of the Feast of Fat Things and drink of the Wine that he hath prepared which is the Blood of the New Testament which is Drink indeed and he eats the Flesh of the Son of Man John 6 5● which is Meat indeed and this is the Supper of the Lord and he eats and drinks worthily discerning the Lord's Body having heard his Voice and opened the Door at which he once stood knocking and he is now come in unto him according to his faithful Promise Rev. 3.20 and suppeth with him and he with him here is the Fruit of the Vine drank new in the Kingdom of God Mark 14.25 Luke 14.15 and here is the blessed Man that eateth Bread in the Kingdom of God and sitteth down therein being cloathed with his Wedding-Garment of fine Linnen and adorned as a Bride for her Husband and enjoying the efficacious Vertue of him which is Everlasting Life and Salvation hungring and thirsting no more after the forbidden Fruit nor after the Wine of Sodom because he hath the same Mind which was in Christ Jesus who never hunger'd nor thirsted after those Things ☞ though tempted yet never transgressed but overcame the Devil in all his Temptations This is the State and Glory of the True Christian this Honour have all the Saints who come to be established in the Mind of Christ and this Honour they had in former Ages born witness of and testifyed in the Holy Scriptures and is in Store and laid up for all that love his Appearance and come unto God by him The Titular Christian he saith he owns Christ's Ordinances and professeth himself a Subject of the Baptism of Christ and a Guess at the Lord's Table but his Profession must be examined tryed and searched for as in other Things so in this he must not be so because he professeth it this were to judge according to Appearance and so not Righteous Judgment his Account that he gives to prove that he is so is as followeth First as to Baptism he hath received the Administration of it by Water after one Fashion or other either when he was a Child he had Water sprinkled upon his Face by the Hand of a sinful Priest or plunged all over it may be accompanied with other Ceremonies as Spittle Cream Salt Oyl and the Sign of the Cross c. or otherwise when he grew up to Years of Discretion able to receive the Traditions of his Fore Fathers and to read the Holy Scriptures therein he finds that divers were baptiz'd in Water after they did believe in John's Ministry who was the peculiar Minister of it was a burning and a shining Light in his Day as the Voice of one crying in the Wilderness Prepare the Way of the Lord and that Jesus himself was baptized therewith and that many others were baptized not only by John but also by the Disciples and Apostles of Jesus Now this Reader it may be in the Tenderness and Simplicity of his Spirit the Vail being over his Heart when he reads is ready to conclude Surely this is an Ordinance of Christ this is Christ's Baptism if I will be his Disciple I must be a Subject of it if I would be counted a Believer I must also be baptized with Water or else I
cannot be saved and so this Reader his Eye being abroad and being ignorant of that Head in which the Wise Man's Eye stands and not discerning the Times and Seasons and the divers Dispensations of God towards Mankind since the Fall ☞ nor perceiving the End of them layes hold of the Shadow and Figure instead of the Substance and gets Possession of the Shell instead of the Kernel his Body washed though not with the pure Water of the Word his Outside baptized with outward Water and then accounts himself a Subject and Partaker of Christ's Ordinance But herein the Titular Christian of all Sorts is deceived for notwithstanding his Teachers tell him that he entered within the Pale of the Church ☞ and was made a Member of Christ when he was sprinkled with Water in his Infancy and the other when of Understanding to imitate others I say herein he deceiveth himself and is deceived because he still remains ignorant of the One Baptism which washeth and cleanseth the Inside purifieth the Heart and sprinkles the Conscience from dead Works of which all the Outside Sprinklings ☞ Washings and Baptisms that ever were apointed of God or practis'd of holy Men were but a Figure or Type And the True Christian sticks not nor remains in any of them but it 's a great Mystery to tell the Titular Christian of being baptized with this one Baptism which is the Baptism of Christ under the Term of Holy Ghost and Fire though he may read that Christ foretold that even those that were Partakers of John's Baptism which was the greatest of outward Baptisms should be baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire And John said I indeed baptize with Water Mat. 3.11 12. unto Repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier then I whose Shoes I am not worthy to bear he will baptize with the Holy Ghost and with Fire whose Fan is in his Hand and will make clean his Floor and gather his Wheat into his Garner and burn up the Chaff with Vnquencheable Fire This the True Christian witnessed fulfilled in the Primitive Times and now is Partaker of the same being baptized into Christ Gal. 3.27 Col. 2.12 hath put him on being baptized into his Death is buried with him in Baptism ☞ and this Baptism being one brings all that are Partakers of it The Ground of Vnity of what Nation or Country soever Bond or Free into one Body into Oneness of Heart and Mind and Spirit as Paul testified to the Corinthians For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body whether we be Jews or Grecians 1 Cor. 12.13 whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one Spirit this blessed Oneness and Unity is the Fruit and Effect of the one true Baptism of Christ Jesus These Things the Titular Christian can read of in the Holy Scriptures which the True Christians were Witnesses of But till the Vail of the Covering be rent and taken away from off his Heart and he truly turned unto the Lord and becomes sensible of the Operation of his Spirit as a Fanner as a Purger as a Gatherer of the Wheat in the Garner and as a Fire to burn up the Chaff till this he knows working in his own Heart ☞ he remains in Death and Darkness and only talks of Heavenly Things and lives in the Earthly and boasts of Christ's Ordinance of Baptism but is a Stranger to it and sticks in the Outside and Shadow and abides in the outward Court which is trodden under Foot of the Gentiles and cryes up the Temple of the Lord and his Ordinances but dwells not therein nor is not a living Witness or Member thereof And concerning the Lord's Supper the Titular Christian professeth himself a Guess prepared to sit at the Table and to eat of the Dainties that he hath prepared but the Master of the Feast hath appeared and taken notice of his Guess and hath given an Eye also to his Children to see beyond the outside Appearance and Profession and the Day of Tryal and Manifestation is come and the Titular Christian must be examin'd whether he sits at the Table of the Lord and eats of his Flesh and drinks of his Blood or on the contrary whether he only professeth it ☞ and crowdeth himself in unprepared without his Wedding-Garment and catcheth at a Shadow and feedeth upon Husks and is as one that dreameth he eateth but when he awakes is hungery therefore how doth he demonstrate that he is a Partaker of this Supper why he hath received by Tradition or findeth it written in the holy Scriptures That the same Night that Christ was betrayed he took Bread and blessed it and brake it and gave to his Disciples and said take eat this is my Body which is given for you do this in Remembrance of me and also the Cup saying This Cup is that Now Testament in my Blood which is shed for you this do as often as ye drink in remembrance of me and Paul saith So often as ye eat this Bread and drink this Cup you shew forth the Lord's Death till he come This was only to and amongst the Disciples and weak Believers and was in it self but a Representation and Figure of that which is Meat indeed and Drink indeed which Paul principally aim'd at which at Christ's second Appearance without Sin unto Salvation his Saints and Disciples were Partakers of But the Titular Christian before he hath approved himself a Disciple of Jesus and before he hath followed him one Step in the Work of Regeneration ☞ begins to imitate what he finds was practised by Christ and his Disciples though not in the same Spirit nor to the same End one Sort gets Bread and Wine and consecrates it as he saith by a sinful Hand and polluted Lips and then imagins it immediately Transubstantiated or changed into the Real Flesh and Blood of Christ this is a great and strong Delusion indeed be being led by such a gross implicite Faith as to believe so palpable and witless a Lye contrary to his outward Senses which are able to try outward Things for the very Bread and Wine so consecrated remains of the very same Quality Nature and Form as before and as subject to Decay Mould and Corrupt and be eaten by Vermin as any other Bread and Wine of the same kind Another Sort not quite so much besotted in this thing blesseth Bread and Wine after his manner and looks upon it as Bread and Wine after his Blessing is bestowed upon it eating and drinking of it some after one Fashion and some after another calling it A Blessed Sacrament one will eat it before Dinner another after Supper one Standing another Kneeling another Sitting c. and do not look upon it as Real Fesh and Blood but a Representation Type or Figure or something which ought to be partaken of in Remembrance of Christ till he comes But in all