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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A53579 The witch of Endor, or, The witchcrafts of the Roman Jesebel in which you have an account of the exorcisms or conjurations of the papists, as they be set forth in their agends, benedictionals, manuals, missals, journals, portasses, which they use in their churches concerning the hallowing of the water, salt, bread, candles, boughs, fire, ashes, incense, pascal lamb, eggs, herbs, milk, honey, apples, wine, cheese, butter, new baked bread, flesh, font, marrying ring, pilgrims wallet, staff, cross, sword, &c. : proposed and offered to the consideration of all sober Protestants / by Titus Otes. Oates, Titus, 1649-1705. 1679 (1679) Wing O62; ESTC R16959 54,855 50

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Life Verily if this Doctrine were true it were a very easie thing to enter into Heaven We should not need to Pray nor Fast nor give Alms nor to do any other good work but only to eat and drink and to be merry according to the old saying Dum sumus in mundo vivamus corde jucundo But our Saviour Christ teaches us far otherwise saying Enter in at the strait Gate for wide is the Gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat But strait is the Gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto Life and few there be that find it The Apostle saith That by many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Of merits and deserts we have before spoken And as touching Everlasting life we are taught by the holy Apostle that it is the free gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom be glory for ever The hallowing of the Font. THe hallowing of the Font solemnly is used in the Popish Churches twice in the Year that is to say on Easter-Even and Whitsunday-Even At other times secretly if necessity requireth they use also to have it but not with so great solemnity and pomp Now that this matter may be done formally it is appointed that at both these times the Priest shall furnish himself after the best manner put on his Surplice his Stole and his Cope He must also have one with him that shall bear the Tar-box otherwise called the Chrismatory wrapped in a Towel another to carry the Censer a third to bear the Ship and two more to carry the two Candlesticks burning to light him that he stumble not by the way besides the whole Quire All these being set in a most seemly order they take their Journey out of the Chancel unto the Font merrily singing the Kyrie and calling upon a number of Saints as Angels and Archangels Patriarches and Prophets Apostles and Evangelists Martyrs Widows and Virgins with all the company both of he Saints and she Saints with Omnes Sancti orate pro nobis desiring them to take so much pains for them as to pray for them When they have once done with the Saints they return unto God and desire him to be favourable unto them and to grant them their Petitions which be divers and many Among all that he will vouchsafe to keep the Apostolick Lord that is to say the Pope and all the Ecclesiastical Degree in holy Religion They pray also for the Bishop of the Diocess But as touching either King or Queen they are past over with silence These things dispatched out of the way with a Pater noster and a Credo the Priest falleth in hand with the consecration or hallowing of the Mass and desireth God to command that all unclean Spirits may depart out of that Water and that all the wickedness of the Devils deceit may stand far off c. That it may be an holy and an innocent Creature free from all invasion of the Enemy and purged through the departure of all wickedness Again That it be a living Fountain a Water that regenerateth and begetteth a-new purifying Water c. And while he is singing these things it is appointed in the Book that besides divers others to the number of six he make two solemn Crosses in that Water with his right hand dividing the water in the manner of a Cross After these things he speaketh to the Water on this manner Wherefore I bless ✚ thee thou Creature of Water by ✚ the living God by ✚ the true God by ✚ the holy God who at the beginning separated thee from the dry Land whose Spirit moveth upon thee which commanded thee to flow out of Paradise and in four Flouds to water the whole Earth c. Here must the Priest make the third Cross in the Water after the manner before appointed Then goeth he forth again to speak to the Water on this wise I ✚ bless thee by Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who in Cana of Galilee by his wonderful power turned thee into Wine who walked on foot upon thee and was baptized in thee of John in Jordan Who brought thee forth out of his side with Blood also and commanded his Disciples that they that believe should be baptized in thee saying Go teach all Nations Baptizing them in the name of ✚ the Father and of ✚ the Son and of ✚ the Holy Ghost Here must the Priest cease his singing and read these words O Almighty God be thou mercifully present with us that keep these Commandments Lovingly breath Here must the Priest breath into the Font three times in the manner of a Cross Bless thou ✚ these simple waters with thy mouth that besides the natural cleansing which they may shew in washing the bodies they may also be of strength to purifie the minds Here the Priest is commanded to take the burning Candle and to drop of it into the Font after the manner of a ✚ and holding the Candle still in the Font to sing with a lusty and couragious voice on this manner O let the virtue of the Holy Ghost descend and come down into this fulness of the Fountain and make all the substance of this Water fruitful with the effect and power of regenerating or begetting a-new Here must the Priest divide the Water with the Candle and afterwards pluck it out and give it again to the Minister After these things he must breath thrice into the Font and so after a few words he maketh an end of singing When he hath once done the Consecration and Blessing of the Font he is commanded to put Oyl into the Water making a ✚ of the Oyl with the Bullion which is in the Vessel of the Oyl otherwise call'd the Chrifmatory saying on this manner The commixtion or mingling together of the Oyntment of Oyl and of the Water of Baptism In the Name of ✚ the Father and of ✚ the Son and of ✚ the holy Ghost This thing being dispatched out of the way the Priest must put Cream into the Font making a cross of the Cream with the Bullion that is in the Vessel of Cream and say This Font be made fruitful and sanctified with this healthful Cream to all that be born a new of it In the Name of ✚ the Father and of ✚ the Son and of ✚ the holy Ghost These things thus finished the Priest with all his Trinkets and Complices must return into the Quire merrily singing Rex Sanctorum c. Then also for joy and glee must all the Bells be rung that are either in the Steeple Church or Chancel And thus endeth the sanctifying and hallowing of the Font according to the Pope's appointment Here hath been much ado about a thing of nothing I mean about the Consecration of the Font. But what needeth all this reckoning To what end hath the Popish Priest been so busie with his Exorcisms and Conjurations with his
Sanctifications and Consecrations with his Blessings and Crossings with his Gapings and Breathings with his Oylings and Creamings To make the Water more holy But who can make the Water more holy than God himself hath already made it To make the Sacrament of the more efficacy virtue and strength But Christ instituting the holy Mystery of Baptism maketh no mention of all these trifling Ceremonies which without all doubt he would have done if he had thought them necessary for the due administration of Baptism When John Baptist baptised in the Wilderness he used simple and natural Water without blessing or crossing So likewise did the Apostles of Christ as Philip when he baptised the Eunuch and others Many years also after Christ's ascension the holy Fathers of Christ's Church baptised with Water simply without any addition of such Consecrations and Blessings The more simple and the nearer to Christ's Institution their Administration of the Sacrament was the better was it allowed of all true Christians They knew not this pomp this pride this magnificence and this solemnity that is now used in Popish Churches The Devil and the Pope that Antichrist of Rome invented all those trifles and thrust them into the Church of Christ unto the great obscuring and utter defacing of the purity of Christ's holy and blessed Mysteries And notwithstanding into such ignorance and blindness are both the Priests and People come through the wicked traditions of men that if any of the least of these frivolous Ceremonies be left out they think the Baptism to be nothing worth and the Children not to be christned O lamentable blindness But let all true Christians persuade themselves that pure and simple Water coupled with the Word maketh the Sacrament of Baptism sufficient and perfect as St. Austin saith The Word is joyned to the Element and thereof is made a Sacrament As touching the Consecrations Blessings Crossings Gapings Breathings Oylings Creamings Perfumings and such other trifling Ceremonies they are the drousie dreams and foolish fancies of Hypocrites and therefore not to be regarded nor frequented but rather to be neglected and omitted as things nothing appertaining unto the substance and matter of Baptism But let us consider certain things used of the Papists in the Consecration of their Font. First the Priest desireth God to command that all unclean Spirits may depart out of that Water and that all the wickedness of the Devils deceit may stand far off c. There is no Creature that ever God made be it never so pure and clean but if it come once into the hands of these sacrificing Papists it is straight-ways not only unpure and unclean but also full of Devils and wicked Spirits When notwithstanding God at the beginning pronounced the Water as all his other Creatures to be very good and no evil in them yea the Lord our God so esteemeth this Creature of Water that by it he hath not only wrought many wonderful Miracles but also in his holy Scriptures compareth his holy and blessed Spirit to this Element of Water One also of the principal and chief Mysteries which he hath left to his holy Congregation for their comfort and to express therein his singular good will toward them is set forth in Water as an Element most apt to set forth our Regeneration and New Birth in Christ But the Papists as we have before heard find fault not only with the Water but with Salt Bread Wax Fire and what not But this their doing is well known to be nothing else than plain jugling St. John Baptist knew no Devil nor evil Spirit in the Water when he baptized in the Wilderness Christ's Apostles judged the Water pure and clean and the good Creature of God when they baptized Philip baptizing the Eunuch used the Water that was next at hand If Christ had known the Devil to be in the Element of Water he would never have made it a Sacrament of Regeneration St. Paul doth so greatly esteem this Mystery of Baptism which partly consists of Water and partly of the Word that he calleth it the Fountain of the new Birth and renewing of the holy Ghost And in his Epistle to the Ephesians he hath these words Christ loved the Congregation and gave himself for it to sanctifie it and cleansed it in the Fountain of Water through the Word to make it unto himself a glorious Congregation without spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blame Doth not our Saviour Christ say plainly That except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God If Devils or wicked Spirits had been in the Water as the Papists dream the holy Ghost would never have beautified this Element of Water with such praises and commendations in the holy Scriptures And who knoweth not that of all the four Elements none is more necessary than Water neither have we any in more use God give us grace to use this and all other Creatures unto his glory with thanksgiving Amen Now let us see to what end the Papists would have the Devil and all wicked Spirits driven out of the Water It is forsooth that it may be an holy and an innocent Creature free from all invasion of the Enemy and purged from all wickedness And that it be a living Fountain a Water that regenerateth and begetteth a-new a purifying Water c. The Creature of Water is already Holy sanctified of him who is Holiness it self and therefore hath no need of the Popish sanctifications and hallowings It is also of it self innocent and harmless created of God for the use and commodity both of Man and Beast as all other Creatures of God are If at any time we be plagued either with Water or Fire or with any other Creature of God the fault is not in those good and innocent Creatures of God but in our selves who through our manifold wickedness provoke God unto anger as we may see in the Histories of the Flood and of the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah c. Whereas they desire of God that it may be a living Fountain a Water that regenerateth and begetteth a-new c. we grant that Baptism is an holy Sacrament but that the outward Water giveth life begetteth a-new and purifieth the heart we utterly deny It being not in the power of a lifeless Element to do this It is the work of the Holy Ghost alone as our Saviour saith It is the Spirit that quickeneth and maketh alive When Christ talked with Nicodemus of our regeneration and new birth he made mention not only of Water but of the Spirit also to declare that the chief worker of our regeneration and new birth is the Holy Ghost without whose Grace and secret Inspiration the outward washing profiteth nothing Judas Iscariot Simon Magus Ananias and Saphira with divers others were Baptized with the outward Baptism of Water and yet are they now damned Souls in Hell Fire
and wicked Conjurer goeth about by this heathenish Ceremony to obscure the glory of Christ and his death while he goeth about to attribute that to the idle invention of Man which is only given to the faithful of God alone through the Lord Christ his dearly beloved and only begotten Son For what can Christ bring unto us but free deliverance from Satan and his Ministers freedom from all sin and uncleanness health of body and mind quietness of Conscience security of hope strength of faith and in fine everlasting Life All these things bring the bewitched Water by the Doctrin of the Papists to them that be sprinkled with it And is this any other thing than to make Christ Jack out of Office and to place a new Saviour in his stead Wo unto thee thou Pope and thou Devil Ah thou Antichrist who in thy Antichristian Doctrin teachest thy Captives and Bond-slaves to seek salvation in this thy beggarly Ceremony and to say these words when they take this thy conjured and bewitched Water Aqua benedicta sit mihi Salus Vita that is to say This blessed or rather bewitched Water be unto me Salvation and Life O blasphemy passing all blasphemies Water utterly abused to bring Salvation and everlasting Life O damnable Doctrin Salvation cometh by none but by him alone who is the Saviour of the World even the Lord Jesus who only and alone saveth his People from their sins as St. Peter saith There is Salvation in none other but in the Lord Jesus Neither is there any other Name given unto Men wherein they may be saved but only the Name of the Lord Jesus And as concerning everlasting Life saith not the Lord Christ of himself in this manner I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me although he were dead yet shall he live and every one that liveth and believeth in me he shall never die Again he saith I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me Likewise saith St. John Baptist of this Christ the Lord He that believeth on the Son of God hath everlasting life but he that believeth not on the Son of God hath not life but the wrath and vengeance of God abideth upon him He saith not He that sprinkleth himself with holy Water hath everlasting Life but he that believeth on the Son of God hath everlasting Life Neither saith he He that sprinkleth not himself with holy Water hath not Life but the wrath of God abideth upon him but he saith He that believeth not on the Son of God hath not life c. And St. John the Evangelist speaking of Christ saith This is the true God and everlasting life And are not these the words of blessed St. Paul Everlasting life is the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. He saith not Through the sprinkling of holy Water Hence it evidently appears how greatly the wicked Papists in times past and still do in some places have abused the simple Christians while by this and such other like Ceremonies they have taught the People to seek Salvation both of Body and Soul Victory over Satan and all his infernal Army quietness of Conscience freedom from all Sin and Uncleanness security of Hope corroboration and strength of Faith and in fine what not Is not this to deny the Lord that bought them Is not this to make Merchandise of the People Is not this to tread the blood of Christ under foot and to count it of no force God destroy thee and thy Kingdom O Antichrist that the glory alone may be the Lord's But let us behold more of their wicked Exorcisms and Conjurations Of HOLY BREAD AS the Papists teach their Captives to seek salvation both of body and soul in their conjured Water so likewise do they in their bewitched Bread for in the Exorcising or Conjuring thereof they use these words Bless ✚ thou O Lord this Creature of Bread as thou didst bless the five Loaves in the Wilderness that as many as tast of it may receive health both of Body and Soul Here have we the very same sour and stinking leaven of the Papistical Pharisees that we had before The crafty Conjurer and subtle Sorcerer to cloak his wicked doings putteth Christ in remembrance how he blessed five Loaves in the wilderness when he fed five Thousand People as we read in the Gospel And he meaneth by blessing nothing else than the wagging of the two fore-fingers of the right hand as the manner of the Popish Bishops is to bless the People and to make them never the better But Christ's blessing was Prayer and Thanksgiving to his heavenly Father for the benefits which he bountifully doth daily bestow upon his Creatures but especially upon Mankind And methinks that the Prayer of the Popish Priest is very large in that he desireth of God that as many as tast of that conjured Bread may receive health both of Body and Soul What if Mag Pie or Jack Daw or Philip Sparrow should chance to eat of it as it may happen hath it not been known that the little god of the Altar hath been eaten and devoured of Mother Mouse and Will. Worm should they also through the tasting and eating thereof receive health and salvation both of body and soul A foul and a great oversight The almighty God ordained this his Creature of Bread for the sustentation and preservation of the body and the Papists utterly abusing it transpose it unto the salvation both of body and soul and teach us to seek health both of body and mind in this beggarly Ceremony being an idle invention of their most idle brain When we are sufficiently taught in the holy Scriptures That all our Salvation cometh from God through Faith in Christ and not from holy Bread and holy Water But the Papists have another Blessing of Bread which is this O Lord holy Father almighty eternal God vouchsafe ✚ to bless this Bread with thy holy spiritual Benediction that unto all those which receive it it may be salvation of mind and body and a safeguard against all Diseases and all laying wait of the Enemy In this Prayer we have not only that the Popish holy Bread bringeth salvation of mind and body unto all those which receive it but also that it is a safeguard against all Diseases and a defence against all layings in wait of the Enemy Will any Man be free from the Pox the Piles a Feaver or any other kind of Disease let him eat holy Bread and by the Doctrin of the Pope he shall be free from all evil Maladies If this were true as it is most false it were a very ready way and of little charge to cure Diseases And by this means also should we not only chase away all Infirmities out of the Country but also be free from the torments of Chyrurgions and the heavy Counsels of Physicians and from the Charges of them both This is therefore