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A34877 A supplement to Knowledge and practice wherein the main things necessary to be known and believed in order to salvation are more fully explained, and several new directions given for the promoting of real holiness both of heart and life : to which is added a serious disswasive from some of the reigning and customary sins of the times, viz. swearing, lying, pride, gluttony, drunkenness, uncleanness, discontent, covetousness and earthly-mindedness, anger and malice, idleness / by Samuel Cradock ... useful for the instruction of private families. Cradock, Samuel, 1621?-1706. 1679 (1679) Wing C6756; ESTC R15332 329,893 408

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to Hell How should we endeavour by our earnest intreaties to keep them from falling into that dismal place of torment 5. We should consider with what extreme folly they are possessed who mind only this present life that live as if there were no other life besides this or none else worth looking after 6. We should above all things endeavour to secure to our selves eternal life in Bliss and Happiness Every man and womans portion must be one of these two either everlasting life in Bliss or everlasting damnation And if we must be either eternally happy or eternally miserable methinks it should make us pass the time of our sojourning here in fear 1 Pet. 1.17 and to give diligence to make our calling and election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 And to quicken our diligence hereunto leet us consider these things 1. By nature we have no title to everlasting Bliss By nature we are children of Wrath Eph. 2.3 2. We must be united to Christ if ever we intend to obtain it God hath given eternal life and this life is in his Son He that hath the Son hath life he that hath not the Son hath not life 1 Joh. 5.11 12. 3. Holiness of heart and life here is necessary for the obtaining of eternal life in bliss and happiness hereafter 4. As Parents have been instrumental under God of conveying a temporal life to their Children So they should labour as much as possibly they can that they may be so religiously instructed and educated that they may at last obtain an eternal life in bliss and happiness Of Baptism A Sacrament * Vox Sacramentum non occurit in Scriptura quia est Latina Apud veterem Latinum interpretem est pro Graeco nomine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vox autem Graeca generaliter pro omni secreto minus generaliter pro secreto divino specialiori significatione pro secreto divino symbolis signis figurisque externis proposito ac representato In hac significatione respondet ei vox Latina Sacramentum quae deducta est a verbo Sacrare a scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis Latinis a Militia desumpta fuit in qua juramentum quo milites Duci obstringebantur vocabatur Sacramentum Vide Riveti Cathol Orthodox Sacramentum proprie stricte accipitur pro signo sigillo quo res coelestis declaratur obsignatur communicatur is an outward and visible rite instituted by Christ to signifie the benefits of his death and passion and to seal and confirm the promises of Salvation to those who perform the conditions required of them There are two Sacraments of the new Conant or or new Testament viz. 1. Baptism 2. The Supper of the Lord. Being to speak here of Baptism I shall first distinguish of the several kinds of Baptism 1. There is Baptismus fluminis sive aquae the Baptism of water John 1.33 He that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on him the same is he that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost 2. Flaminis sive Spiritus The Baptism of the Holy Ghost Mat. 3.11 I baptize you with water saies John Baptist but he that cometh after me shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost 3. Sanguinis sive Martyrii The Baptism of Sufferings Mat. 20.22 Are ye able sayes our Saviour to the sons of Zebedee to drink of the Cup that I shall drink of and to be Baptized with the Baptism that I am to be Baptized with that is are ye able to partake with me in those sufferings and afflictions which I am shortly to undergo I am to speak of the first of these viz. The Baptism of water Concerning which that I may proceed Methodically I shall speak 1. Of the Institution of it 2. Of the Nature of it 3. Of the excellent uses and ends of it 4. I shall inquire who are the persons that ought to be Baptized 5. Whether Baptism be of absolute necessity to Salvation 6. What improvement those who were baptized in their infancy ought to make of their Baptism when they are grown up and come to years of understanding 7. What are the particular duties of Christian Parents towards their infant Seed and Children 1. I begin with the first The institution 'T is God only who hath authority to appoint Sacraments in the Church 'T is his divine institution which makes a Sacrament The whole Church cannot do it And John 1.33 We read that John Baptist had commission to Baptize with water He that sent me to Baptize with water the same said unto me c. 2. Christ gave Commission to his Apostles in the first year of his publick Ministry to baptize else 't is not imaginable they would have done it John 3.22 After these things came Jesus and his Disciples into the land of Judea and there he tarried with them and baptized that is by the hands of his Apostles for Jesus himself baptized not but his Disciples John 4.12 3. After his Resurrection he enlarged the Commission of his Apostles Matth. 28.19 Go ye therefore and teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Here he prescribes the form they should use in the administration of Baptism injoyning them to baptize in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost And the words in Mark 16.16 He that believes and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned seem to be an addition to those in Matth. 28. and are not any express direction as to the admitting Infants or not admitting them but a direction how they should go and disciple the Heathen Nations by preaching the Gospel to them and when they had converted any to Christianity they should baptize them and so bring them into Covenant with God and when the Parents were in Covenant their Children could not fail to be so also as God willing we shall shew hereafter 2. We come to consider the Nature of Baptism Baptism in its general notion is an outward visible sign and representation of inward and spiritual blessings and benefits conveyed and made over by Christ unto the persons baptized they performing the conditions required of them In Baptism there are two parts 1. The Outward 2. The Inward In the outward part there are three things considerable 1. The outward Element Water 2. The Action of applying the water by sprinkling or dipping 3. The form of administring or applying the water viz. in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost The quantity of water which is to be used is not limited by the holy Scriptures Sprinkling * Imm●rsio non est de necessitate baptismi quum non in ea posita sit mysterii hujus vis efficacia Causab in Mat. C. 3. Ablutio est de necessitate baptismi Dom. Soto is as significant as to the main ends of Baptism as dipping Therefore the blood of Christ which is signified
men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men 5. His appearing in and under a visible sign argues his Personal existence This is related Matt. 3.16 And Jesus when he was Baptised went up strait way out of the water and lo the Heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a Dove and lighting upon him He took the form or shape of a Dove and nothing but a Person can assume a shape wherein to appear 6. He is placed in the same rank and order with other Divine Persons and is set forth as the proper Object of Divine and Religious Worship Matth. 28.19 Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost 7. To him is ascribed Vnderstanding 1 Cor. 2.10 The Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God Searching is a Personal action and undeniably argues him to be an understanding Agent 8. To him is ascribed Will Vnderstanding and Will are most eminently distinstuishing Characters of a Person 1 Cor. 12.11 But all these things worketh that one and the self same Spirit dividing to every one as he will 9. He is said to teach Luk. 12.12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say Joh. 14.26 But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my Name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you And those that pretend to be Teachers of others and neither seek nor regard his guidance or assistance had need consider what they do 10. He calls men to the Ministry Act. 13.2 3 4 And the Holy Ghost said Separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them Act. 20.28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the Flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you Overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his blood 11. He is spoken of as the Object of such actings and actions of men as none but a Person can be the Object of Thus he is said to be tempted or provoked Acts 5.9 Then Peter said unto her How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord He is said to be resisted Act. 7.51 Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost as your Fathers did so do ye He is said to be grieved Eph. 4.30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of Redemption Compare this with Isa 63 10. But they rebelled and vexed his holy Spirit therefore he was turned to be their enemy and he fought against them Now to be tempted provoked gresisted rieved though improperly spoken of God yet are such affections as a quality is not capable of And these expressions declare what effects they would produce in a Nature capable of such Affections And so much of the first particular the Holy Ghost is a Person Secondly He is not a Created but an Eternal Divine Person having one and the same Divine Nature with the Father and the Son and so is truly and properly God This I shall prove by these Arguments 1. He is expresly called God Act. 5 4 9. Then Peter said unto her H●w is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the L●rd You have n●● lyed unto men but unto God 2. Divine Properties are attributed to him which none can be endu●d with to whom the Divine Nature belongs not and which ●vi●● 〈◊〉 d●●l●re him to be the most High God Such are first Eternity Heb. 9.14 How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal ●pirit offered himself without spot to God purge your consciences from dead works to serve the living God Secondly Immensity Psal 139.7 Whither shall I go from thy Spirit Or whither shall I flee from thy presence Thirdly Praescience Act. 1.16 Men and B●eth●e● This Scripture must needs be fulfilled which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas which was guide to them that took Jesus Fourthly Omniscience 1 Cor. 2.10.11 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God For what man knoweth the things of a man save the Spirit of man which is in him Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God Thirdly Divine Works are ascribed to him and which are only proper to God Such as are Creation Job 33.4 The Spirit of God hath made me And the working of Miracles Matth. 12.28 If I by the Spirit of God cast out Devils then the Kingdom of God is come unto y●u And thus we have proved that the Holy Ghost is a Divine P●rs●n 3. He is a Person distinct from the Father and the Son I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter saith our ●●viour to his Disciples Joh. 14.16 Now the Person sending and the Person sent must need be distinct the one from the other And this same reason also proves the Son and the Holy Ghost to be two distinct Persons b●c●use the Holy Ghost is also sent by the Son Joh. 15.26 But when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testifie of me Joh. 16.7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto y●u but if I depart I will send him unto you 4. He is a Person pr●ceeding from the Father and the Son The Father proceeded from none the Son from the Father the Holy Ghost from both First from the Father Joh. 15.26 The Spirit of truth which proceeds from the Father Secondly From the Son For he is called the Spirit of the Son Gal. 4.6 Because ye are Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father Rom. 8.9 Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he his none of his Thus we have proved that there is but one God and yet Three distinct Persons or Hypostases distinctly subsisting in the same Divine Essence or ●eing Now a Divine Person is nothing but the Divine Essence considered with an especial property and subsisting in an especial manner As in the Person of the Father there is the Divine Essence with its especial Properties of begetting the Son and subsisting in an especial manner as the Father And because this Person hath the whole Divine Nature all the Essential Properties of that Nature are in that Person The like may be said of the Persons of the Son and Holy Ghost Each Person having the understanding will and power of God becomes a distinct intelligent voluntary Omnipotent Agent
22. to the end Mat. 9. from 18. to 27. 21. He restores two blind men to their sight Mat. 9. from 27. to 32. 22. He casts a Devil out of a man which made him speechless Mat. 9. from 32. to 35. 23. He teaches now at Nazareth his Countrey where he is despised Mark 6. from 1. to 7. Mat. 13. from 54. to 59. 24. He hath compassion on the multitude who were as Sheep without a Shepherd and exhorts his Disciples to pray that Labourers may be sent into the Harvest Mat. 9. from 35. to 39. 25 He sends out his twelve Apostles to Preach and to work Miracles he giveth them their Charge and Commission and fortifieth them against persecutions and promises a blessing to those that receive them Mat. 10. from 1. to 43. Mark 6. from 7. to 12. Luke 9. from 1. to 7. 26. The Apostles depart and Preach up and down and cast out Devils and anoint such as were sick with Oyl and recover them Mark 6. from 12. to 14. Matth. 11.1 27. John Baptist is now beheaded by Herod and his body buried by his Disciples Mark 6. from 17 to 30. Mat. 14. from 3. to 13. 28. Herod hearing of the fame of Christ thinks him to be John Baptist risen from the Dead others think him to be Elias or one of the old Prophets Mat. 14.1 2. Mark 6. from 14 to 18. Luke 9. from 7. to 10. 29. The Apostles having preached up and down return to their Master and give him an account of their Labours He takes them with him into a desert place whither a great Multitude followed him of about five thousand men whom he feedeth with five loaves and two fishes Mark 6. from 30. to 45. Mat. 14 from 13. to 22. Luke 9. from 10. to 18. John 6. from 1. to 14. 30. The People are so affected with this Miracle that they would forthwith have made him King but he withdraws himself to avoid it and sends his Disciples to Sea in the mean time retires himself to the Mountain to pray then he cometh to his Disciples they being in a great Tempest walking on the Sea Peter desires leave from him that he may come to him on the water which being granted Peter being afraid beginneth to sink but is saved by him He stilleth the Tempest whereby he is acknowledged to be the Son of God He comes again into the Land of Genezareth and heals many sick persons John 6. from 14. to 22. Mark 6. from 45. to 57. Mat. 14. from 22. to 37. 31. The multitude that had been miraculously fed by him follow after him and find him at Capernaum He reproves them for following him for loaves and admonishes them to seek for incorruptible food which is to be obtained by Faith in him He shews that Faith in him comes from the Father He declares himself to be the Bread of life to true Believers that his Flesh is meat indeed and his Blood drink indeed which must be eaten and drunken Spiritually to obtain eternal life At this Doctrine several of his Disciples stumbled he instructs them concerning the right sence of his words Many of his Disciples forsake him Peter and the other Apostles confess that he hath the words of eternal life and abide with him He declareth that one of them is a Devil John 6. from 22. to the end The fifth part of our Saviours life from the third Passeover after his Baptism to the fourth containing the Acts of the third year of his publick Ministry In which we have these particulars 1. Our Saviour now goeth up to the Passeover at Jerusalem and making there but a short stay returns into Galilee John 7.1 2. Certain Scribes and Pharisees come thither to him from Jerusalem and quarrel with him because his Disciples did eat with unwashen hands He reproves their Hypocrisie and Transgressing of Gods Commandments through their Traditions instancing in the Fifth Commandment Then he sheweth what it is that truly defileth a man viz. that which cometh from within out of the heart Mat. 15. from 1. to 21. Mark 7. from 1. to 24. 3. He now retires himself into the borders of Tyre and Sidon where he casteth out a Devil out of the Daughter of a Canaanitish woman highly commending the strength of her Faith who would not be discouraged though he called her Dog Mat. 15. from 21. to 29. Mark 7. from 24. to 31. 4. He healeth one deaf and dumb putting his fingers into his ears and saying Ephatha and touching his Tongue Mark 7. from 31. to 38. 5. He goeth up into a Mountain and there he heals all manner of diseased People brought unto him Mat. 15. from 29. to 32. 6. He feeds four thousand men with seven loaves and a few little Fishes Mat. 15. from 32. to the end Mark 8. from 1. to the 10. 7. He refuses to give the Pharisees and Sadduces any new Sign from Heaven but refers them to what was prefigured by the rising of Jonah out of the Whales belly Mark 8. from 10. to 13. Mat. 16. from 1. to 5. 8. He warneth his Disciples of the leaven and corrupt Doctrine of the Pharisees Sadducees and Herodians Mark 8. from 13. to 22. Mat. 16. from 5. to 13. 9. At Bethsaida he restores a blind man to his sight Mark 8. from 22. to 27. 10. Divers opinions of the people concerning him Peters confession of him to be the true Messiah whom he commendeth and promiseth upon the rock of that truth to build his Church which he will govern by the Ministry of his Apostles and his other Servants that shall succeed them giving them the Keys of his Kingdom He foretelleth his Death and Resurrection and rejects the evil Counsel of Peter disswading him from dying and suffering He requires of all that would be his Disciples to be willing to bear the Cross and to be ready to lay down their lives for him He gives them an intimation that some of them there present should see a Type and resemblance of his second coming in the destruction he should bring upon Jerusalem and the Jewish Nation by the Romans for their obstinacy Mat. 16. from 13. to 29. Mark 8. from 27. to the end Mark 9.1 Luke 9. from 28. to 28. 11. He taketh Peter James and John into an high Mountain and is transfigured before them Moses and Elias appearing to them from Heaven he is declared to be the Son of God He teacheth that John is that Elias that was to come Mat. 17. from 1. to 14. Mark 9. from 2. to 14. Luke 9. from 18. to 37. 12. He casteth out a Devil that inflicted dumbness and deafness on a Lunatick which his Disciples were not able to do the cause whereof is declared as also the power of Faith quickned by Fasting and Prayer Mat. 17. from 14. to 22. Mark 9. from 14. to 30. Luke 9. from 37. to 43. 13. He again foretelleth his Death and Resurrection Mark 9. from 30. to 33. Mat. 17. from 22.
Rocks 4. The graves were opened The Centurion and people return to the City much affected Towards the evening the Jews besought Pilate that the legs of the Crucified persons might be broken to hasten their death that so they might be removed which being granted the leggs of the two Thieves were broken but not of Jesus being already dead yet a Soldier with a Spear pierced his side out of which came blood and water Mat. 27. from 31. to 57. Mark 15. from 20. to 42. Luke 23. from 29. to 50. John 19. from 16. to 38. 17. Joseph of Arimathea begs his body of Pilate and he and Nicodemus wrap it in fine linnen with spices and lay it in Josephs new Sepulchre hewn out of a Rock in a Garden They roll a stone to the door of the Sepulchre Mary Magdalen and other Religious women observed where his body was laid and went and prepared Spices and Oyntments purposing more exactly to embalm him when the Sabbath was over The Chief Priest desired Pilate that the Sepulchre may be secured Hereupon a Guard is set upon it and the Stone sealed with the publick Seal Mat. 27. from 57. to the end Mark 15. from 42. to the end Luke 23. from 50. to the end John 19. from 38. to the end SECT V. Of our Saviours Death and Burial WE have now presented you with a short view of our Saviours Life as also with the History of his Death Touching which these things are further to be taken notice of 1. That the promised Messias was to suffer according to the predictions that went before of him Esay 53.4 5. Surely he hath born our Griefs and carried our Sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted He was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our Peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed Mark 9.12 And he answered and told them how it is written of the Son of man that he must suffer many things and be set at naught 1 Pet. 1.11 Searching what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signifie when it testistified beforehand the Sufferings of Christ and the Glory that should follow Luke 24.26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his Glory verse 46. Thus it is written and thus it behoveth Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day Acts 26.22 23. Having obtained help of God I continue unto this day witnessing both to small and great saying none other things then those which the Prophets and Moses did say should come That Christ should suffer and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead and should shew light unto the People and to the Gentiles 2. As his Sufferings in the general were foretold so that he should Suffer Death was also particularly determined God had in his all-wise Council determined that his Son should die for the sins of men The Serpent was to bruise the heel of the Womans Seed and the same seed viz. Christ to bruise his head Gen. 3.15 And Acts 4.27 28. For of a truth against thy holy Child Jesus whom thou hast anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the People of Israel were gathered together for to do whatsoever thy Council had determined before to be done 3. His suffering Death was typified 1. By the Paschal Lamb slain 2. By the brazen Serpent lifted up John 3.14 3. By the daily Sacrifices which intimated that without the shedding the blood of the Messias there could be no remission of sins Let us now consider in the next place how our Saviour Suffered The ancient Creed sayes He suffered under Pontius Pilate Suffered under Pontius Pilate But who was this Pilate Pilate was a Roman sent by Tiberius the Emperor to be Governor of Judea About sixty years before our Saviours birth the Jews by Pompey the Great were made tributary to the Romans For though during the life of Hircanus the High Priest and the Reign of Herod and his Son Archilaus the Roman State suffered the Jews to be Governed by their own Laws and Governors yet when Archilaus was banished by Augustus they received their Governors from the Roman Emperors being made a part of the province of Syria Pilate therefore was Procurator of Judea at this time and under the President of Syria was furnished with power of Life and Death The Chief Priests and Elders though they condemned our Saviour in their own Council as guilty of death yet could not put him to death the power of Life and Death being at this time out of their hands Therefore they bring him before Pilate and vehemently accuse him before him Pilate saw plainly that it was for envy that they thus accused him Mat. 27.18 For when he had examined him he found no fault in him touching those things whereof they accused him Three times did he challenge the Jews to shew what evil he had done Three times did he profess that he found no cause of death in him His own wife sent to him this Message Have thou nothing to do with that Just Man And when he heard that our Saviour declared himself to be the Son of God He was then more afraid Yet at last through the vehement clamor and importunity of the Jews who told him if he spared him he was not Caesars friend He was prevailed upon even against the light of his own Conscience to condemn him to be Crucified The Historians of those times acquaint us that this Pilate was a very vile Person That he was a man of a high rough and untractable Spirit that he brought the Bucklers stamped with the picture of Caesar into Jerusalem which was an abomination to the Jews and would not for all their intreaties remove them till commanded by Caesar After that he Seized on the Corban or Sacred Treasury and spent it upon an Aquaeduct nor could all their importunate Petitions divert his intentions When the Galileans came up to Jerusalem to worship God at his own Temple he mingled their blood with their Sacrifies as we read Luke 13.1 And being a notorious wretch he was afraid of being accused at Rome for the insolencies and rapines of his Government and therefore to content the people he released Barabbas unto them and delivered Jesus to be Crucified But though herein he acted against all principles of Honesty and Justice yet he was an instrument of fulfilling the determinate Council of God For the promised Messias who was to die for our sins was to be crucified and to suffer upon the cross This was typified by the brasen Serpent was Crucified Numb 21.9 and Joh. 3.14 As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness even so must the Son of man be lifted up This also was Prophesied of our Saviour Psal 22.16 They pierced my hands and feet And Zech. 12 10. They shall look on me whom they have
given because that Jesus was not yet glorified 6. He ascended that he might prepare a place for his members John 14.2 In my Fathers house are many Mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you Heb. 6.20 Whither the forerunner is for us entred even Jesus made an High Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck 5. We come to consider the time when he ascended viz. forty dayes after his Resurrection Acts 1.3 The reasons why he continued so long we may suppose to be these two 1. to confirm unto his Disciples his Resurrection and assure them of the truth of it and 2. To instruct them in the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God 6. Let us consider the place from whence he ascended viz. Bethany that part of Mount Olive● which was near Bethany 7. Let us consider how he ascended viz. while he blessed his Disciples he was parted from them And while they beheld a Cloud received him out of their sight We come now to consider what improvement we ought to make of this Doctrine 1. Christs ascension confutes the Popish Doctrine of transubstantiation He is not really and corporally present in the Sacrament He is not there for he is ascended into Heaven 2. It makes for our consolation It may serve to encourage us to go to God in all our necessities seeing we have so powerful an advocate at Gods right hand 3. Seeing Christ is ascended it may assure us that if we be his members we shall ascend also The head being ascended the members must likewise in due time ascend John 17.24 Father I will that those also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me The Apostle speaks of the ascension of true Believers as a thing already effected by Christs ascension Eph. 2.6 And hath raised us up together and made us sit together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus that is having by that power by which he raised Christ from the grave quickned us and bestowed a new spiritual life upon us he hath also in assured hope raised us up from the dead in Christ our Head and hath set us with him in Heaven For He sitting there who is our Head we who are his members may at present not unfitly be said to fit there also in him and shall infallibly come thither in due time 4. It may take away the fear of death yea make it desirable to us if we be members of Christ seeing it will but carry us thither whither he is gone before to prepare a place for us Therefore the Apostle sayes Phil. 1.23 that though he was in a strait betwixt two whether he should desire to die or live considering the need the Philippians and others had of his Ministry yet as for himself he had a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better than to continue in this World Having thus spoken of Christs ascension to Heaven sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty it remaineth that I speak of the other part of the Article viz. his sitting on the right hand of God the Father Almighty Concerning this Article we shall shew these things 1. That the promised Messiah was to sit on the right hand of the Father 2. That our Messiah did after his ascension sit on the right hand of God 3. We shall shew the importance of this phrase 4. What improvement we are to make of this Article 1. The promised Messias was to sit on the right hand of the Father This was foretold Psal 110.1 The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand untill I make thine enemies thy footstool That those words were spoken concerning the Messiah may appear from Mat. 22.44 and Acts 2.34 35. 2. Our Messias after his ascension did sit at the right hand of God Mark 16.19 He was received up into Heaven and sate on the right hand of God This was an honour never promised never given to any but the Messias Heb. 1.13 To which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand The Angels indeed stand about the Throne of God but never any of them sate down on his right hand But our Saviour was so assured of this honour that before the Chief Priest and Elders when he saw his death contrived and his Cross prepared he expressed his assurance of it Luke 22.69 Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God And the Apostle Peter speaking of him after his Ascension 1 Pet. 3.22 sayes Who is gone into Heaven and is on the right hand of God Angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him 3. Let us inquire what is the importance of this phrase sitting at the right hand The intent of the Holy Ghost is not to shew what bodily posture Christ is in but what dignity he is in therefore in Scripture Christ is sometimes said to be at Gods right hand Rom. 8.34 1 Pet. 3.22 sometimes to sit on Gods right hand as Mark 16.19 sometimes to stand * Sedere judicantis est stare vero adjuvantis G egor at Gods right hand and thus he appeared to Stephen Acts 7.55 56. as ready to assist him as ready to plead for him as ready to receive him 'T is true God being a Spirit hath no material parts no right hand or left hand but he is pleased to condescend to our capacities and to speak to us after the manner of men among whom the right hand is the most honourable place Thus 1 Kings 2.19 Bathsheba was placed on Solomons right hand The right hand of God must therefore be taken here metaphorically not properly And so it signifies 1. The great honour given to Christ 2. The great Power and Dominion he hath obtained in Heaven It imports his Kingly Power and it was his solemn entry upon his Regal office as to the execution of that full dominion which was due unto him For worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing Rev. 5.12 Therefore he said after his Resurrection all power is given to me in Heaven and in Earth Mat. 28.18 And the Apostle tells us Phil. 2.8 9. To him every knee shall bow that is that all should be subject to him The principal end of this Regal Office of Christ is the effectual Redemption and actual Salvation of all those whom God hath given him And whosoever or whatsoever opposeth their Salvation is by that opposition become his enemy And seeing the Promise of God cannot be evacuated our Saviour must exercise this his Regal Power at the right hand of God till all such enemies be subdued 1 Cor. 15.25 For he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet And when the whole Office of the Mediator shall be compleated and fulfilled
so do ye Vpon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come He ordains that their Collections for the poor Saints and oblations should be on that day And St. John sayes Rev. 1.10 I was in the Spirit on the Lords day Thus the observation of the seventh day of the week which the Jews kept did cease and was buried with our Saviour And the observation of that day on which the Son of God rose by the practice of the blessed Apostles was transmitted to the Church of God and so hath continued in all ages of the Church ever since As God spake by Moses to the Israelites Exodus 31.13 Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep for it is a sign between me and you viz. that you profess your selves to be my people in an especial manner So they that belong to the Church of Christ are known by observing the first day of the week on which he arose and by this mark among others are distinguished from such who own not Christ nor his Gospel 6. And lastly Let us consider the ends for which Christ arose And those were such as these 1. for our justification Rom. 4.25 He was delivered for our offences and rose again for our justification 2. To assure us of our resurrection If Christs body had not been raised how could we have expected the Resurrection of our bodies The Resurrection of the members depends upon the Resurrection of the Head 2 Cor. 4.14 3. That he might be declared to be the Son of God with power Rom. 1.4 by his Resurrection from the dead Therefore says the Apostle Acts 13.32.33 We declare unto you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the Fathers God hath fulfilled the same unto us their Children in that he hath raised up Jesus again as it is also written in the second Psalm Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee Christ was the Son of God before but then he appeared so to be against all contradiction For he arose by his own divine power which no meer man ever did or shall do 4. He rose again to encourage us firmly to believe in him as a most perfect Redeemer Our Surety is released and set free therefore Gods Justice is satisfied and so we are begotten unto a lively hope of eternal life by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead 1 Pet. 1.3 5. By his Resurrection he hath shewed us how we ought to imitate him and to rise from the death of Sin to the life of Grace This the Apostle intimates to us Rom. 6.4 Therefore we are buried with him by Baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life Let us consider therefore and seriously examine our selves whether we be risen with Christ or no Are our affections set on things above Acts 3.2 Do we delight in the Ordinances of God They that have a spiritual life will delight in that food whereby that spiritual life is maintained Do we delight in communion with God and exercise our selves in frequent meditation and the believing views of the Glory of the other life Those who are risen with Christ seek the things that are above SECT VIII Of our Saviours Ascension and sitting on Gods right Hand He ascended into Heaven THe words of the Creed are these He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty In treating of this Article I shall first shew that the promised Messias was to ascend into Heaven 2. That our Jesus did really and truly ascend thither 3. I shall shew what Heaven it was he ascended into 4. The reasons of his Ascension 5. The time when he ascended 6. The place from whence he ascended I begin with the First namely that the promised Messias was to ascend into Heaven This was typified of him by the High Priests going once a year into the Holy of Holies Heb. 9.11 which was a type of Heaven The High Priest when he had slain the Sacrifice did with the blood thereof enter into the Holy of Holies So the Messias having offered up himself a Sacrifice to God for us with his own blood went into the Holy of Holies viz. into Heaven there to intercede for us by the virtue and merit of that blood And as this was typified so it was also prophesied of the Messias Psal 68.18 compared with Ephesians 4.8 Thou hast ascended up on high thou hast led Captivity Captive thou hast received gifts for men He was to conquer Sin and Death and Hell and triumphing over them he was to ascend to the highest Heaven and thence to send the precious and glorious gifts of the Spirit unto the Sons of Men. And accordingly he himself did foretell his Ascension John 6.62 and John 20.17 2. This was not only foretold of the Messias but really performed by him He who was the Eternal Son of God and by his Divinity present in Heaven while here upon the Earth did by local translation of his humane nature really and truly ascend from this earth below into the Heavens above as is sufficiently testified by these following Scriptures Mark 16.19 Luke 24.50 51. Acts 1.9 10. Christs Ascension was visibly performed in the sight of his Apostles They saw him when he ascended the holy Angels there present bearing also Testimony unto it Acts 1.10 11. 3. Let us consider the place he ascended unto which was the Heaven of Heavens he passed through all the regions of the air through all the coelestial Orbs till he came to the Heaven of Heavens the most glorious presence of the Majesty of God He ascended far above all visible Heavens to the third Heaven 2 Cor. 12.2 that he might fill all things that is fulfill all things prophesied of him 4. Let us consider the reasons why he ascended 1. Having finished the work of our Redemption it was meet he should return thither from whence he came John 16.28 John 17.4 5. 2. After his Humiliation his Exaltation was to follow The first step of which was his Resurrection and his Ascension another step of it 3. Christ by his Ascension manifested his victory over Sin Satan and Death 4. He Ascended to make intercession for us Rom. 8.34 1 Joh. 2.1 Heb. 9.24 5. That he might send down a more plentiful effusion of the gifts and graces of his Spirit And accordingly he tells his Apostles John 16.7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you John 7.38 39. He that believeth on me as the Scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water But this spake he of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy-Ghost was not yet