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A30303 Expository notes with practical observations on the Four Holy Evangelists, viz., St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John wherein the sacred text is at large recited ... and the instructive example of the holy Jesus to our imitation recommended ; designed for the instruction of private families ... / by William Burkitt. Burkitt, William, 1650-1703. 1700 (1700) Wing B5736; ESTC R29600 900,471 338

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Winnow his Corn separating it from the Chaff preserving the one and consuming the other Learn hence 1. That the Church is Christ's Floor 2. That this Floor Christ will Purge and that throughly 3. That the Word of Christ is the Fan in his Hands by and with which he will thoroughly Purge his Floor The Church is compared to a Floor upon the Account of that Mixture which is in the Church in a Floor there is Straw as well as Grain Chaff as well as Corn Tares as well as Wheat Cockle and Darnel as well as Good Seed Thus in the Church there is and will be a Mixture of Good and Bad Saints and Sinners Hypocrites and Sincere Christians But this Floor Christ will Purge Purge it but not Break it up Purge out its Corruptions but not Destroy its Essence and Existence and the Fan with which he will Purge his Floor is his Word accompanied with the Wing of Discipline The Fan detects and discovers the Chaff and the Wing dissipates and scatters it and by the help of both the Floor is Purged His Fan is in his Hand c. 13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him Here we have our Saviour's Solemn Inauguration and Publick Entrance upon his Prophetick Office by Baptism or Washing with Water according to the Manner of the Priests under the Ceremonial Law Exod. 29.4 Where we have Observable 1. The Circumstance of Time Then cometh Jesus that is after he had lain hid in Nazareth Thirty Years he comes abroad and enters upon his Publick Ministry Teaching us by his Example That when we are ripe and fit for Publick Service we should no less willingly leave our Obscurity than we took the Benefit of it for our Preparation Obs 2. The Action it self Christ is Baptized now as he was Circumcised before not because there was any Impurity in him either Filth or Foreskin which wanted either the Circumcising-Knife or the Baptismal-Water yet Purity it self condescends to be Washed Christ to be Baptized for these Reasons 1. That by this Symbol he might enter himself into the Society of Christians as by Circumcision he had done into the Society of Jews as a King condescends sometimes to be made a Freeman of a City or Corporation 2. That he might by his own Baptism Sanctifie the Ordinance of Baptism unto his Church 3. That thereby he might fulfil the Righteousness of the Ceremonial Law which required the Washing of the Priests in Water when they entred upon their Office as appears from Exod. 29.4 Obs 3. The great Dignation and Condescention of Christ in seeking and submitting to the Baptism of John Christ cometh to John not John to Christ Behold the Lord seeking to his Servant Christ will be Baptized of his Messenger Our Saviour's Design hereby no doubt was to put Honour upon the Ministry of John Oh how dare the Greatest upon Earth despise the Ministry of Man being appointed by God which Christ honoured in his own Person and graced with his own Presence 14 But John forbad him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me Note here 1. The Modesty of John's Refusal John forbad him and refused to admit him But why 1. In regard of Christ because he knew he needed it not such was his Majesty and Greatness that he was above it and such was his Purity and Holiness that he could not want it 2. In respect of himself he knew his own Uncleanness I have need to be Baptized of thee c. He thought it unsuitable that a Sinner should Baptize and Wash him that was no Sinner 3. With respect to the People lest they seeing Christ Baptized should apprehend him to be a Sinner and one that wanted the Baptism of Repentance as well as themselves Obs 2. As the Modesty of John's Refusal so the Reason he assigns for it I have need to be Baptized of thee As if he had said Thou art Purity I am Pollution thou art Spirit I am Flesh Thou are the Son of God I am the Son of Adam Such an humble Apprehension has this Holy Man of himself Learn That the more Holy a Person is the more sensible he is of his Unholiness where there is most Grace there is the greatest sense of the want of Grace 15 And Jesus answering said unto him Suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness Then he suffered him These Words contain our Saviour's Reason why he submitted to John's Baptism because it became him to fulfil all Righteousness that is particularly the Righteousness of the Ceremonial Law which required the Washing of the Priests in Water when they entred upon their Office Exod. 29.4 Learn hence 1. That whatever the Law required in order to perfect Righteousness that Christ fulfilled in most absolute Perfection both in his own Person and also in the Name of all Believers 2. That as it became Christ to fulfil the Righteousness of the Ceremonial Law for himself so it is our Duty and Interest to fulfil the Righteousness of the Moral Law for our selves as an Evidence of our being Righteous in God's Sight 1 Joh. 3.7 He that doth Righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous 16 And Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him 17 And lo a voice from heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Here we have the solemn Investing of Christ into his Office accompanied with a threefold Miracle 1. The Opening of the Heavens 2. The Descent of the Holy Ghost in the likeness of a Dove 3. God the Father's Voice concerning his Son The Heavens were opened to shew that Heaven which was closed and shut against us for our Sins is now opened to us by Christ's Undertaking for us As the First Adam shuts us out of Heaven the Second Adam lets us into it he opened Heaven to us by his Meritorious Passion and he keeps it open by his Prevailing Intercession Next the Holy Ghost descends like a Dove upon our Saviour here we have an Evidence of the Blessed Trinity the Father speaks from Heaven the Son comes out of the Water and the Holy Ghost appears in the likeness of a Dove Hence we gather That the Holy Ghost is not a Quality or an Operation but a Person and a Person really distinct from the Father and the Son But why did the Holy Spirit now descend upon Christ First For the Designation of his Person to shew that Christ was the Person set apart for the Work and Office of a Mediator Secondly For the Qualification of his Person for the Performance of the Office This was Christ's Unction Isa 61.1 when he was Anointed above his Fellows to be the King Priest and Prophet of his Church Last of all We have the audible Voice
Diet but both by their Habit and Diet set an Example of Gravity and Sobriety before their People being in these as well as in other things an Example unto their Flocks 7 And preached saying There cometh one mightier then I after me the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose Observe here 1. The high Opinion that the Baptist had of Christ he is mightier than I That is a Person of greater Dignity and Excellency by far than my self whence may be gathered that tho' Christ was Man he was not meer Man but more than Man even very God equal with the Father for John Baptist was the greatest of them that were born of Women Matth. 11.11 yet says he Christ is mightier or greater than I. How so but in regard of the Dignity of his Person being both God and Man in two distinct Natures and one Person Observe 2. The humble and low Estimation that the Baptist had of himself His Shoe-latchet I am not worthy to unloose A proverbial Speech implying that he was unworthy to do the basest and meanest Service for Christ Oh how well doth Humility of Mind an humble Apprehension a low Esteem and Opinion of themselves and their own Gifts and Abilities become the Messengers and Ministers of Christ John was a Man of eminent Abilities yet of Exemplary Humility he thought himself unworthy to unloose Christ's Shoe or do the meanest Office for him 8 I indeed have baptized you with water but he shall baptize you with the holy Ghost John shewed the Dignity of Christ's Person above his own in the former Verse in this he declares the Excellency of Christ's Office and the meanness of his own I wash the Body with Water but Christ cleanses the Soul by the Operation of his Holy Spirit Thence Learn That tho' the Ministers of Christ do by Christ's Command dispence the Outward Ordinance of Baptism yet it is Christ himself that by the Inward Work of his Spirit doth make it effectual to such as receive it I Baptize with Water but he with the Holy Ghost 9 And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized of John in Jordan 10 And straightway coming up out of the water he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him 11 And there came a voice from heaven saying Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased See the Note on Matth. 3.13 Observe here 1. The great Condescention of Christ in seeking and submitting to the Baptism of John Christ tho' he was John's Lord and Master yea Lord of Heaven and Earth yet cometh to hear John Preach and will be Baptized of his Messenger Thence Learn That the greatest Persons should neither think themselves too great nor too good to come unto the Ministers of God to hear the Word from his Mouth or to receive the Sacrament at his Hand Christ the Son of God was content to be Baptized of John a mean Person in Comparison of himself How dare then the greatest upon Earth despise the Ministry of Man being appointed by God Observe 2. The solemn investing of Christ into the Office of a Mediator by a threefold Miracle namely the opening of the Heavens the Descent of the Holy Ghost and God the Father's Voice or Testimony concerning his Son The Heavens were opened to shew that Heaven which was closed and shut against us for our Sins is now opened to us by Christ's undertaking for us As Christ opened Heaven by his meritorious Passion so he keeps it open by his prevailing Intercession Next The Holy Ghost descends like a Dove upon our Saviour Here we have a Proof and Evidence of the Blessed Trinity The Father speaks from Heaven the Son comes out of the Water and the Holy Ghost descends in the Likeness of a Dove But why did the Holy Ghost now descend upon Christ First For the Designation of his Person to shew that he was the Person set apart for the Work and Office of a Mediator Secondly For the Sanctification of his Person for the Performance of that Office This was Christ's Unction the Day in which he was Anointed above his Fellows to be the King Priest and Prophet of his Church Isa 61. v. 1. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me he hath anointed me c. Observe 3. The Voice of God the Father pronouncing 1. The Nearness of Christ's Relation to himself This is my Son 2. The Endearedness of his Person This is my Beloved Son 3. The Fruit and Benefit of this near and dear Relation unto us In him I am well pleased Hence Learn 1. That there is no Possibility for any Person to please God out of Christ neither our Persons nor our Performances can find Acceptance but thro' him and for his sake 2. That the Lord Jesus Christ is the Ground and Cause of all that Love which God the Father sheweth to the Sons of Men In Christ God is well pleased with us as a reconciled Father out of him a consuming Fire 12 And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness 13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan and was with the wild beasts and the Angels ministred unto him Immediately That is 1. After his Baptism Christ is no sooner out of the Water of Baptism but he is in the Fire of Temptation Such as are Baptized with Christ and entered into the Profession of Christianity they must look to be assaulted with Satan's Temptations Again Immediately that is 2. After the Father had declared his Complacency in him and being well pleased with him Learn thence That great Manifestations of Love from God are usually followed with great Temptations from Satan The Spirit driveth him That is the Holy Spirit of God For the Devil is seldom if ever called the Spirit but usually some Brand of Reproach is annexed as the evil Spirit or the unclean Spirit and the like Christ was led by the Spirit says St. Matthew 4.1 He was driven by the Spirit says St. Mark that is He was carried by a strong Impulse of the Spirit of God to be tempted by Satan and did not go of his own private Motion to enter the Lists with Satan Teaching us our Duty not to run into or rush upon Temptations without a Warrant and Call from God Observe next the Place where Satan assaulted Christ with his Temptations it was a solitary Wilderness No Place can priviledge us from Temptations or be a Sanctuary from Satan's Assaults The solitary Wilderness has a Tempter in it yea Satan oft-times makes use of Men's Solitariness to farther his Temptations and such as separate themselves from Humane Society and give themselves up to Solitude and Retirement they give great Advantage to the Tempter to tempt them Observe next the Time and Continuance of our Holy Lord's Temptations not for an Hour a Day a Week or a Month but for Forty Days
Member or as the Paper in the Printing-Press receives Letter for Letter and the Wax under the Seal receives print for print So in the Work of Regeneration whatever Grace is in Christ there is the like for Kind instampt upon the Christian's Soul All the Members of Christ being made plentiful Partakers of his Spiritual Endowments Learn hence That all fulness of Grace by way of Supply for Believers is treasured up in Christ and communicated by him as their Wants and Necessities do require His Fulness is inexhaustible it can never be drawn low much less drawn dry Of his Fulness do we receive Grace for Grace that is Grace freely Grace plentifully God grant that none of us may receive the Grace of Christ in vain 3. John prefers Christ before Moses whom the Jews doated so much upon The Law was given by Moses not as the Author but as the Dispenser of it Moses was God's Minister by whom the Law which reveals Wrath was given to the Jews but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ Grace in Opposition to the Condemnatory Curse and Sentence of the Law and Truth in Opposition to the Types Shadows and Ceremonies of the Legal Administration Learn hence That all Grace for Remission of Sin and for Performance of Duty is given from Christ the Fountain of Grace Grace came by Jesus Christ The Grace of Pardon and Reconciliation the Grace of Holiness and Sanctification the Grace of Love and Adoption even all that Grace that fits us for Service here and Glory hereafter Christ is both the Dispenser and the Author of it Grace came by Jesus Christ Again 4. John the Baptist here v. 18. doth not only prefer Christ before himself before Moses before all Believers but even before all Persons whatsoever in Point of Knowing and Revealing the Mind of God No Man hath seen God at any time that is no meer Man hath ever seen God in his Essence whilst he was in this mortal State Here God's Invisibility is asserted next Christ's Intimacy with the Father is declared The only begotten Son that is in the Bosom of the Father This Expression implies three Things 1. Unity of Natures the Bosom is the Child's Place who is part of our selves and of the same Nature with our selves 2. Dearness of Affection None lye in the Bosom but the Person that is very dear to us A Bosom Friend is the dearest of Friends 3. It implies Communication of Secrets Christ's lying in his Fathers Bosom intimates his being conscious to all his Father's Secrets to know all his Counsels and to understand his whole Will and Pleasure Now as Christ's lying in the Father's Bosom implies Unity of Nature it teacheth us to give the same Worship to Christ which we give to God the Father because he is of the same Nature with the Father as it implies Dearness of Affection betwixt the Father and the Son it teaches us to place our chief Love upon Christ the Son because God the Father doth so He who is the Son of God's Love should be the Object of our Love as God hath a Bosom for Christ so should we have also the noblest Object challenges the highest Affection Again as Christ's lying in the Father's Bosom implies the Knowledge of his Mind and Will it teaches us to apply our selves to Christ to his Word and Spirit for Illumination Whither should we go for Instruction but to this Great Prophet for Direction but to this wonderful Counsellor We can never be made wise unto Salvation if Christ the Wisdom of the Father doth not make us so ¶ 19 And this is the record of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him Who art thou 20 And he confessed and denied not but confessed I am not the Christ 21 And they asked him What then Art thou Elias And he saith I am not Art thou that prophet And he answered No 22 Then said they unto him Who art thou that we may give an answer to them that sent us What sayest thou of thy self 23 He said I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness Make straight the way of the Lord as said the prophet Esaias 24 And they which were sent were of the Pharisees 25 And they asked him and said unto him Why baptizest thou then if thou be not that Christ nor Elias neither that prophet 26 John answered them saying I baptize with water but there standeth one among you whom ye know not 27 He it is who coming after me is preferred before me whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to unloose 28 These things were done in Beth-abara beyond Jordan where John was baptizing In these Verses we have a second Testimony which John the Baptist gave of our Saviour Jesus Christ The Jews sent Priests and Levites from Jerusalem saying Who art thou That is the Sanhedrim or Great Council at Jerusalem to whom it belonged to judge who were True Prophets sent Messengers to the Baptist to know whether he was the Messias or not John refuses to take this Honour to himself but tells them plainly He was his Harbinger and Forerunner and that the Messias himself was just at hand From hence Note how very cautious and exceeding careful this Messenger of Christ was and all the Ministers of Christ ought to be that they do not assume or arrogate to themselves any part of that Honour which is due to Christ but set the Crown of Praise upon Christ's own Head acknowledging him to be All in All 1 Cor. 3.5 Who then is Paul and who is Apollo but Ministers by whom ye believed Observe farther in this Testimony of John the Baptist these two Things 1. A Negative Declaration who he was not I am not says he the Messiah whom you look for nor Elias nor that Prophet you expect not Elias that is in your Sense not Elias the Tishbite not Elias for identity of Person but Elias for Similitude of Gifts Office and Calling John came though not in the Person yet in the Power and Spirit of Elias He farther denies that he was That Prophet that Prophet which Moses spake of Deut. 18.15 nor any of the old Prophets risen from the dead nay strictly speaking he was not any Prophet at all but more than a Prophet The Old Testament Prophets prophesied of Christ to come but John pointed at shewed and declared a Christ already come and in this Sense he was no meer Prophet but more than a Prophet 2. We have here the Baptist's positive Affirmation who he was namely Christ's Herauld in the Wilderness his Usher his Fore-runner to prepare the People for the receiving of the Messias and to make them ready for the Entertaining of the Gospel by preaching the Doctrine of Repentance to them From hence Learn That the preaching of the Doctrine of Repentance is indispensably necessary in order to the preparing of the Hearts of Sinners for the receiving of Jesus Christ Observe lastly The Great Exemplary
disciples into the land of Judea and there he tarried with them and baptized 23 ¶ And John also was baptizing in Enon near to Salim because there was much water there and they came and were baptized 24 For John was not yet cast into prison Our Blessed Saviour having now finished his excellent Sermon preached to Nicodemus at Jerusalem he departs thence with his Disciples into the Country of Judea to make Proselytes by the Ordinance of Baptism VVhere Note 1. Our Lord 's unwearied Diligence in doing his Father's VVork and VVill. He goes from Place to Place from City to Country preaching with and baptizing by his Disciples for Jesus himself baptized not but his Disciples John 4.2 Note 2. That the Enjoyment of Christ's bodily Presence did not take away the use of his own Ordinances None are above Ordinances till they come to Heaven The Ordinance of Baptism is here administred by the Disciples even in the Presence of Christ himself This is called The Baptism of Repentance of which Children as well as others were capable Subjects because Baptism doth not require Childrens Repentance at present but engages them to Repentance for time to come As Children that were circumcised were obliged to observe the whole Law but could not perform it till they came to understand it Note 3. How John did go on with his VVork of Baptizing tho' Christ and his Disciples did eclipse and obscure him though the People now flockt after Christ All Men came unto him v. 26. yet John keeps to his Duty 'T is the Duty of God's Ministers to continue their Diligence and go on with their VVork when God raises up others about them of greater Parts and better Success Oh the admirable Humility of that Minister who can say with John the Baptist Let another increase though I decrease 25 ¶ Then there arose a question between some of Johns disciples and the Jews about purifying 26 And they came unto John and said unto him Rabbi he that was with thee beyond Jordan to whom thou barest witness behold the same baptizeth and all men come to him Observe here What a Spirit of Envy there was in John's Disciples against Christ upon the account of the multitude of his Followers He that was with thee beyond Jordan baptizeth and all Men come unto him Where Note 1. How meanly John's Disciples think and speak of our Saviour compared with John their Master They do not so much as allow him a Name or give him any Title but he that was with thee beyond Jordan the same baptizeth Observe 2. How they intimate as if Christ had received all his Credit and Reputation from their Master John He to whom thou barest witness baptizeth as if they had said This Man whom the People flock after neglecting thee and thy Disciples is much inferior to thee for he came to thee thou didst not go to him thou baptizest him he did not baptize thee thou gavest Testimony to him he did not give Testimony to thee Whence we observe What a bitter Spirit of Envy Emulation there has always been amongst the Ministers of the Gospel even from the very first Plantation of the Gospel Which causes them to look upon the exalted Parts and Gifts of Others as a diminution and debasing of their own but why should the prospering of the Work of God in one Ministers Hand be Matter of repining unto others shall not God honour what Instruments he pleaseth and will he not reward all his faithful Labourers according to their Sincerity not according to their Success 27 John answered and said A man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven 28 Ye your selves bear me witness that I said I am not the Christ but that I am sent before him 29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom but the friend of the bridegroom which standeth and heareth him rejoyceth greatly because of the bridegrooms voice this my joy therefore is fulfilled 30 He must increase but I must decrease 31 He that cometh from above is above all he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth he that cometh from heaven is above all Observe here How holily and wisely John the Baptist corrects the Envy and Jealousie of his own Disciples and endeavours to root out all Prejudice out of their Minds against Christ in order to which he shews them a fivefold Difference betwixt Christ and himself 1. He tells them Christ was the Master John but his Minister and that he had told them so from the beginning Ye your selves bear me witness that I said I am not the Christ but sent before him The faithful Ministers of Christ think it honour enough to be Servants to him and would not have their Followers attribute the least part of that honour and glory to him which is due to Jesus Christ 2. John acquaints his Disciples that Christ was the Bridegroom of his Church to whom the Christian Church was to be solemnly espoused and married and that he had honour enough in being one of the Bridegroom's Friends and Servants and accordingly instead of envying he rejoyced at the Success which the Bridegroom had and took great pleasure in it Learn 1. That the Relation betwixt Christ and his Church is a Conjugal Relation a Relation of Marriage yet set forth under the Name of Bride and Bridegroom rather than under the Notion of a compleat Marriage because it is but begun here and to be consummate in Heaven and also to shew that Christ's and his People's Affections are as warm and fresh as strong and vehement each towards other as the Affections of espoused or newly-married Persons are to one another Isa 62.5 As the Bridegroom rejoyceth over the Bride so shall thy God rejoyce over thee Learn 2. It is honour sufficient to the Ministers of Christ that they as Friends of the Bridegroom are imployed by him to farther the Marriage-Relation betwixt him and his Spouse Their Office is to woe for Christ to commend his Person and to invite all Persons to accept of him for their Head and Husband 2 Cor. 11.2 I have espoused you to one Husband that I may present you as a chaste Virgin to Christ Learn 3. That there is no greater Joy to the Ministers of Christ than to see themselves honoured by him as his Instruments in preparing a People for Christ and happily uniting them unto him Oh! how little do our People know and less consider how much of the Comfort of their poor Ministers Lives lies at their Mercy We live as we see any of them stand fast in the Lord. We die as we see others stick fast in their Sins This was the second Difference which John acquaints his Disciples was found betwixt Christ and himself The third follows v. 30. He must increase but I must decrease He must increase that is in Honour and Dignity in Esteem and Reputation in Discovery and Manifestation He shall shine forth as the rising Sun
Voice a Voice in his Habit a Voice in his Diet and a Voice in his whole Conversation His Example Teaches us That the Ministers of the Gospel are not to affect Bravery in Apparel or Delicacy in Diet but having the necessary Comforts and needful Conveniencies of Life to be therewith content 5 Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan Obs here The great Encouragement which John had in his Ministry from the People's Attendance upon it he was now Fishing for Souls and God brought the People very thick about the Net of the Gospel and multitudes were inclosed Learn thence That it is matter of great Rejoicing to the Ministers of Christ when they find their People forward to encourage their Ministry by a diligent Attendance 6 And were baptized of him in Jordan confessing their sins This Place the Papists bring to support their Doctrine of Auricular Confession but very groundlesly For 1. The Consession of those Converts was voluntary and not constrained 2. It was general and not of every particular Sin 3. It was publick and open not in the Ear of a Priest Note That Confession of Sin past together with a Profession of Faith in and Obedience to Christ for the time to come are necessary Requisites and Qualifications in all Persons of riper years that are admitted to Baptism John admitted these Persons to Baptism upon their Confession of Sin and Promise of Amendment 7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadduces come to his baptism he said unto them O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come 8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance 9 And think not to say within your selves We have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham Here we have the Entertainment which John gave to his unexpected Auditors the Pharisees and Sadduces which came to Hear him and to be Baptized by him He gives them first a quick and cutting Compellation Oh Generation of Vipers next a sharp and severe Reprehension Who hath warned you to flee from the Wrath to come It was matter of Wonder and Admiration to see such Men turn Proselytes Note thence That the Condition of proud Pharisees pretending and false-hearted Hypocrites tho' it be very dangerous yet is not hopeless and desperate and their Salvation tho' very improbable yet must not be despaired of as impossible And accordingly the Baptist having given them a smart Reproof subjoins a seasonable Exhortation Bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance as if he had said Do not satisfie your selves with a bare Profession of Repentance but let us see the Fruits of Repentance in your daily Conversation Learn thence That sincere Repentance is not a barren thing but constantly brings forth the Fruits of Holiness answerable to its Nature As the Body without the Spirit and as Faith without Works is dead so Repentance without Fruits is dead also Observe farther How he enforces his Exhortation with a necessary Caution Think not to say within your selves We have Abraham to our Father c. As if he had said Trust not to your outward Priviledges and glory not in them flatter not your selves that because you are Abraham's Seed and the only Visible Church that therefore the Judgments of God will not reach you for God can out of the obdurate Gentile World raise up a People to himself and take them into Covenant with himself and cast you all out Now from St. John's plain-dealing with these Hypocritical Pharisees we Learn That it is the Duty and ought to be the Endeavour of the Ministers of Christ to drive Hypocrites from their vain Confidence who do constantly bear up themselves upon their External Priviledges in the Enjoyment of which they promise themselves a freedom from the Judgments of God Think not to say within your selves We have c. 10 And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewen down and cast into the fire The Baptist had preacht the Doctrine of Repentance in the former Verses he backs it with a powerful Motive in this Verse drawn from the Certainty the Severity and Suddenness of that Vengeance which would come upon them if they continued impenitent Now is the Ax laid to the Root of the Trees Learn 1. That those whose Hearts are not pierced with the Sword of God's Word shall certainly be cut down and destroyed by the Ax of his Judgments Learn 2. That it is not unsuitable for Gospel-Preachers to press Repentance and Holiness of Life upon their Hearers from Arguments of Terrour John does it here and Christ elsewhere Observe farther That forasmuch as the Sin here specified is a Sin of Omission which brings this sore and severe Judgment Every Tree that bringeth not forth Good Fruit as well as that which bringeth forth Evil Fruit is hewn down and cast into the Fire we may gather That Sins of Omission are certainly Damning as well as Sins of Commission the Neglects of Duty as are dangerous and damnable as the Acts of Sin Such Trees as stand in God's Orchard and bring forth no Good Fruit are markt out as Fuel for the Devil's Fire 11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy Ghost and with fire In these Words John declares the Excellency of Christ's Person and Ministry above his own As to his Person he owns that he was not worthy to carry his Shoes after him or to perform the lowest Offices of Service for him And as to his Office he declares that Christ should not Baptize as he did with Water but with the Holy Ghost and with Fire that is should plentifully pour down of the Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit upon his Proselytes which like Fire in their Operation should purifie their Hearts from Sin consuming their Lusts and Corruptions but at the same time he has a Fiery Indignation and Flaming Judgments to destroy and burn up Impenitent Sinners like combustible Stubble Where observe How Christ is represented by one and the same Metaphor of Fire in a way of Comfort to his Children and in a way of Terrour to his Enemies he is a Fire unto both He sits in his Church as a Refiner's Fire he is amongst his Enemies as a Consuming Fire a Fire for his Church to take Comfort in a Fire for his Enemies to Perish by 12 Whose fan is in his hand and he will thorowly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire In these Words the Baptist compares Christ the promised Messiah to an Husbandman the Jewish Church to a Barn-Floor the Office of the Husbandman is to Thresh Fan and
promulge and publish the Doctrine of Salvation 2. The Quality or Kind of this Voice a crying Voice the Voice of one crying This implies 1. His Earnestness and Vehemency his Zeal and Fervency in Preaching When we lift up our Voice and cry aloud we speak with Earnestness and Fervour When our own Hearts are warmly affected with what we preach we may hope to affect the Hearts of our Hearers Why has God commissioned Men rather than Angels to be the Preachers and Dispensers of his Word But because we can speak to and treat with Sinners more feelingly and more affectionately than the Angels can 2. This crying of the Holy Baptist in his Preaching implies his Liberty and Boldness as well as his Vehemency and Earnestness in delivering of his Message The lifting up of the Voice in speaking argues Boldness and Courage in the Speaker as on the contrary the depressing of the Voice sheweth Timerousness Learn hence That the Ministers of the Word are to use both Zeal and Earnestness and also Courage and Boldness of Spirit in delivering the Word and Message of God Not forbearing to reprove Sin nor concealing any part of God's Truth for fear of M●n's Displeasure Observe 3. The Sum and Substance of what he cried Prepare ye the Way of the Lord make his Paths straight That is Make ready your selves prepare your own Hearts to entertain the Doctrine and glad Tydings of the Gospel It is a Metaphorical Speech taken from the Custom of Loyal and Dutiful Subjects who when ●heir Princ● is coming to lodge in their ●ity they prep●re ●nd make ready the way for his coming by removing every thing that may obstruct or hinder his Progress Learn hence That Man's Heart by Nature is very unfit to embrace and entertain the Lord Jesus Christ We have naturally no Fitness no Disposition no Inclination to believe in him or to submit unto him 2. If ever we desire to entertain Christ in our Hearts we must first prepare and make fit our Hearts for the receiving and embracing of him For tho' the Preparation of the Heart be from the Lord yet he requires the Exercise of our Faculties and the Use of our Endeavours He prepares our Hearts by enabling us to the Preparation of our own Hearts This is done by getting a sight of the Evil of Sin a sense of our Misery without Christ an hungring and thirsting Desire after him a true Faith in him Christ will lodge in no Heart that is not thus made ready to receive him 4 John did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins A twofold Account is here given of St. John's Execution of his Ministry and Office first his Baptizing secondly his Preaching John did Baptize That is admit Persons into the Church by washing them with Water John baptized into the Name of Christ who was to come the Apostles baptized into the Name of Christ already come The second Part of his Office was Preaching where Note That Preaching of the Word and Administration of the Sacraments are to go together and belong only to the Ministers of the Word lawfully called John did Baptize and Preach but where and what did he preach The place where was the Wilderness a place not much frequented tho' not altogether uninhabited a solitary mean and obscure place Thither God had called him and there he contents himself Learn hence That the Ministers of God must be content to execute their Ministry where God calls them be the Place never so mean and obscure and the People never so rude and barbarous John was a Preacher of great Note and Fame Jerusalem the chief City might seem more fit for him but God had called him to Preach in the Wilderness and he would not leave it We must not leave our Place because it is mean and obscure nor desert our People thinking them too base to instruct but where God has called us we must there abide till he that call'd us thither remove us thence Observe farther as the Place where the Baptist preach'd in the Wilderness so the Doctrine which he preach'd namely the Baptism of Repentance for the Remission of Sin That is the Doctrine of Baptism which sealeth Remission of Sins to the Party baptized Learn hence That the Preaching of the Doctrine of Repentance is absolutely necessary and the Indispensible Duty of every Gospel-Minister John Baptist preach'd it our Saviour preach'd it his Apostles preach'd it They went out Preaching every where that Men should repent 5 And there went out unto him all the land of Judea and they of Jerusalem and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan confessing their sins Here we have an Account of the Success of John's Ministry 1. In the general Concourse and Resort of the People to it All Judea and Jerusalem that is a great many of all Degrees and Ranks of Ages and Sexes John was famed for a Prophet and a Prophet was now a great Rarity Malachy was the last Prophet before John and he lived about Five Hundred Years before John Now the Excellency of his Person the Earnestness of his Preaching the Acceptableness of his Doctrine that the Messias was come and the Austerity of his Life and Conversation all these caused the People to flock unto him Learn hence That it is a great Encouragement to the Ministers of Christ when People shew themselves ready and forward to repair unto the Places where the Word and Sacraments are dispensed to them All Judea and Jerusalem attended upon John's Ministry The second Fruit of John's Ministry was that the People were ready to receive at his Hand the Sacrament of Baptism They were all baptized of him in Jordan Learn hence That the Ministers of Christ ought not only to preach the Word but also to dispense the Sacraments to their People even to all that do desire them and are fit to be Partakers of them A third Fruit of John's Ministry was his Hearers Profession of their true Repentance by the Confession of their Sins As the Profession of Repentance is requisite in all that are Baptized so a free and voluntary ingenious and impartial Confession of Sin is a good Evidence and Testimony of the Truth and Sincerity of our Repentance 6 And John was cloathed with camels hair and with a girdle of a skin about his loins and he did eat locusts and wild honey This Verse acquaints us with the Strictness and Austerity of St. John's Life in the Wilderness which is laid down in two Things in his mean and frugal Apparel and in his sober and temperate Diet. His Apparel was rough and hairy and his Girdle of Leather as Elijah his Forerunner was clad before him 2 Kings 1.8 His Diet was course and ordinary Locusts and wild Honey that is such plain and ordinary Food as the Wilderness afforded His Example teaches us That the Ministers of the Gospel are not to affect either Bravery in Apparel or Delicacy in
Humility of the holy Baptist the mean and lowly Opinion he had of himself Although John was the greatest among them that were born of a Woman and so much esteemed by the Jews and had the honour to go before Christ in the Exercise of his Office and Ministry yet he judges himself unworthy to carry Christ's Shoes after him He that cometh after me is preferred before me whose Shoes I am not worthy to unloose Learn hence That the more eminent Gifts the Ministers of the Gospel have and the more ready Men are to honour and esteem them the more will they abase themselves if they be truly Gracious and account themselves highly honoured in doing the meanest Offices of Love and Service for Jesus Christ Thus doth the holy Baptist here His Shoes Latchet I am not worthy to unloose 29 ¶ The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him and saith Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world 30 This is he of whom I said After me cometh a man which is preferred before me for he was before me This is John the Baptist's third Testimony concerning Christ in which he points out Christ as the True Sacrifice for Expiation of Sin Behold the Lamb of God the Lamb of God's appointing to be an Expiatory Sacrifice the Lamb of God's Election the Lamb of God's Affection the Lamb of God's Acceptation the Lamb of God's Exaltation who by the Sacrifice of his death has taken away the sin of the World The sin not the sins in the plural Number to denote Original Sin as some think or as others to shew that Christ has universally taken upon himself the whole Burthen of our Sin and Guilt And there seems to be a secret Antithesis in the Word World In the Levitical Sacrifices only the sins of the Jews were laid upon the sacrificed Beast but this Lamb takes away the sin both of Jew and Gentile The Lord hath caused to meet on him the Iniquity of us all And the Word Taketh Away being of the Present Tense denotes a continued Act and it intimates to us thus much viz. That it is the daily Office of Christ to take away our sin by presenting to the Father the Memorials of his Death Christ takes away from all Believers the Guilt and Punishment of their sins the Filth and Pollution of them the Power and Dominion that is in them and as St. John called upon the Jews to behold this Lamb of God with an Eye of Observation so is it our Duty to behold him now with an Eye of Admiration with an Eye of Gratulation but especially with an Eye of Faith and Dependence improving the Fruit of his Death to our own Consolation and Salvation Isa 45.22 Look unto me and be saved c. 31 And I knew him not but that he should be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with water 32 And John bare record saying I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and it abode upon him 33 And I knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on him the same is he which baptizeth with the holy Ghost 34 And I saw and bare record that this is the Son of God Observe here 1. That John the Baptist tho' a near Kinsman of Christ's according to the Flesh yet the Providence of God so ordered it that for thirty Years together they did not know one another nor converse with each other nor probably ever saw the faces of each other to be sure he did not know him to be the Messiah This no doubt was over-ruled by the wisdom of God to prevent all suspicion as if John and Christ had compacted together to give one another Credit that the World might suspect nothing of the Truth of John's Testimony concerning Christ or have the least jealousie that what he said of Christ was from any Bias of Mind to his Person therefore he repeats it a second time v. 31. v. 33. I knew him not Hence we may learn That a Corporal sight of Christ and an outward Personal Acquaintance with him is not simply needful and absolutely necessary for enabling a Minister to set him forth and represent him savingly to the World Observe 2. The Means declared by which John came to know Christ to be the true Messiah it was by a Sign from Heaven namely the Holy Ghost descending like a Dove upon our Saviour He that sent me to Baptize with Water the same said unto me Vpon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining the same is he Learn hence 1. That Christ taking upon him our Nature did so cover his Glory with the Veil of our Flesh and common Infirmities that he could not be known by bodily sight from another Man Till John had a divine Revelation and an evident Sign from Heaven that Christ was the Son of God he knew him not Learn 2. That Christ in his solemn entry upon his Office as Mediator was sealed unto the Work by the descending of the Holy Ghost upon him he was sealed by the Holy Ghost's descending and the Teacher's testifying that this was his beloved Son in whom he was well pleased Now it was that God gave not the Spirit to Christ by Measure for the effectual Administration of his Mediatorial Office now it pleased the Father that in Christ should all fulness dwell He was filled Extensively with all Kinds of Grace and filled Intensively with all Degrees of Grace in the Day of his Inauguration when the Holy Spirit descended upon him ¶ 35 Again the next day after John stood and two of his disciples 36 And looking upon Jesus as he walked he said Behold the Lamb of God It is evident that John's Disciples were never very willing to acknowledge Jesus for the Messias because they thought he did shadow and cloud their Master See therefore the Sincerity of the Holy Baptist he takes every Opportunity to draw off the Eyes of his own Disciples from himself and to fix them upon Christ he saith to two of his Disciples Behold the Lamb of God As if he had said Turn your Eyes from me to Christ take less Notice of me his Minister but behold your and my Lord and Master Behold the Lamb of God Learn hence That the great Design of Christ's faithful Ministers is to set People upon admiring of Christ and not magnifying themselves Oh! 't is their great Ambition and Desire that such as love and respect them and honour their Ministry may be led by them to Christ to behold and admire him to accept of him and to submit unto him John said to his Disciples Behold the Lamb of God 37 And the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus 38 Then Jesus returned and saw them following and saith unto them What seek ye They said unto him Rabbi which is to say being interpreted Master
among themselves Whither will he go that we shall not find him will he go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles and teach the Gentiles 36 What manner of saying is this that he said Ye shall seek me and shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come Observe here 1. How enraged the Pharisees were when they heard that so many of the Common People were brought to Believe in Christ and to cleave unto Christ insomuch that they sent publick Officers Armed with Authority to Apprehend our Blessed Saviour The Pharisees and Chief Priests sent Officers to Take him Learn thence That nothing more enrages the Enemies of Religion and draws on Trouble on the Preachers and Professors of it than the success which the Gospel at any time meets with Observe 2. Our Saviour tells them that as they desired to be Rid of him so ere long they should have their desire he would leave them and go to his Father and in his Absence they would wish for his Bodily presence again but should not have it Learn The Despisers of Christ have little cause to be weary of him and to seek to put him away by Violence and Persecution for their obstinate contempt of him will cause him to depart from them and finally to forsake them Observe 3. How the Jews not understanding our Saviour's words aright Reasoned among themselves whither by Leaving of them he meant to go into some Pagan Country and Teach the Gentiles the Mysteries of the Jewish Religion which above all things they could not endure to hear Learn hence That it is the Ordinary Sin of a People priviledged with the means of Grace not to be sensible of any hazard or danger of Christ's Leaving and forsaking them Till at last he forsakes them finally and casts them off to their inevitable and unutterable Condemnation Thus did our Lord deal with the Jews here I go my way and whither I go ye cannot come 37 In the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink The feast of Tabernacles which is the seast here meant lasted Eight days the first and last of which were to be kept Holy with Religious Assemblies and Sacrifices and it was a Custom among the Jews upon that Solemn day to offer up a Pot of Water unto God which they drew out of the Fountain of Siloam with Reference to this Custom Christ here cries with a loud Voice inviting the People to fetch and draw from him as from a Living fountain all the Sanctifying Gifts and Saving Graces of the Holy Spirit Learn hence That Jesus Christ is the Original and Fountain of all Saving Grace whom if we Thirst after Repair to and by Faith depend upon as Mediator we shall certainly Receive what influences of Grace so ever we want and stand in need of 38 He that believeth on me as the scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water Here again Christ Alludes to a Jewish Custom the Jews were wont at Fountains to Build great Vessels of Stone and in the midst or Belly of them to have Pipes through which the Water passes Now says Christ Thus shall it be with every one that Believeth on me he shall be abundantly filled with the Spirit of God in all the Sanctifying and Saving Graces of it Christ and his Holy Spirit are a Living Fountain whose Waters never fail they are not a Water-brook but a Spring of Waters we shall never miss of the Waters of Life if we seek unto and wait upon Christ for them For if we Believe on him out of our Belly shall flow Rivers of Living Waters sufficient for our selves and wherewith to refresh others 39 But this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified These words are the Evangelist St. John's Commentary upon the foregoing promise he tells us That Christ spoke this of the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit which did Accompany the descent of the Holy Ghost at the Feast of Pentecost For the Holy Ghost was not yet given that is not so plentifully given because that Jesus was not yet Glorified Learn hence That altho' the Spirit was in some measure given by God from the Beginning to good Men yet the more plentiful effusion of it was deferred till the Ascension and Glorification of Jesus Christ 40 ¶ Many of the people therefore when they heard this saying said Of a truth this is the prophet 41 Others said This is the Christ But some said Shall Christ come out of Galilee 42 Hath not the scripture said That Christ cometh of the seed of David and out of the town of Bethlehem where David was 43 So there was a division among the people because of him 44 And some of them would have taken him but no man laid hands on him In these Verses an Account is given of the various effects which our Lord 's foregoing Sermon had upon his Hearers hearts Some were so affected with it that they Believed him to be the great Prophet promised to Israel Deut. 18.18 Others apprehended him to be the Christ Others contradict both supposing him to be Born not at Bethlehem but in Galilee And upon this Diversity of Opinions there arose a Division amongst them And some had a mind to have apprehended him but by an over-ruling Providence they were restrained from the doing of it at present Learn hence That Diversity of Opinions in matters of Religion even concerning Christ himself have been even from the beginning Some accounted him a Prophet others the Messiah some thought him neither but a grand Impostor and Deceiver Our dear Lord when here on Earth passed through evil Report and good Report let his followers expect and prepare for the same For Innocence it self cannot protect from Slander and false Accusation 45 ¶ Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees and they said unto them Why have ye not brought him 46 The officers answered Never man spake like this man 47 Then answered them the Pharisees Are ye also deceived 48 Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him 49 But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed Observe here 1. How God restrained the rage and malice of Christ's Enemies till his hour was come the Officers of the Chief Priests who were sent forth with a Commission to apprehend him return without him but with this Honourable mention of him in their mouths never Man spake like this Man Such is the Power of Christ's Doctrine that even those that come unto it with prejudice and with a persecuting purpose may be surprized by it and tho' not converted yet bridled and restrained the preaching of the Gospel doth sometimes restrain the violence of the Hand when it works no change in or upon the Heart Thus it was
Saviour which is Christ the Lord. 13 And suddenly there was with the Angels a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying 14 Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace good will towards Men. Although the Birth of our Blessed Saviour was published by one Angel yet is it Celebrated by an Host of Angels the whole Quire of Angels chaunt forth the Praises of Almighty God upon this great and joyful Occasion Here Observe 1. the Singers 2. the Song it self The Singers of this Heavenly Anthem are the holy Angels called an Host partly for their number partly for their Order where Learn 1. The goodness and sweet disposition of these Blessed Spirits in whose Bosoms that Cankered passion of Envy has no place if it had there was never such an occasion to stir it up as now But Heaven admits of no such Passion Envy is a Native of Hell 't is the smoke of the Bottomless Pit the character and temper of the Apostate spirits these grieve at the Happiness of Man as much as the Angels rejoyce O ye Blessed Angels what did these Tidings concern you that ruin'd Mankind should be taken again into favour whereas those of your own Host which fell likewise remained still in that gulph of Perdition into which their Sin had plung'd them without either hope of Mercy or possibility of Recovery The less we repine at the Good and the more we rejoyce at the Happiness of others the more like we are to the Holy Angels yea the more we resemble God himself Learn 2. Did the Angels thus joy and rejoice for us then what joy ought we to express for our selves Had we the Tongue of Angels we could not sufficiently chaunt forth the Praises of our Redeemer Eternity it self it will be too short to spend in the Rapturous Contemplation of Redeeming Mercy Obs 2. The Anthem or Song it self which begins with a Doxology Glory be to God in the Highest that is let God in the highest Heavens be glorified by the Angels that dwell on high The Angelical Quire excite themselves and all the Host of Angels to give glory to God for these wonderful Tidings as if they had said let the Power the Wisdom the Goodness and Mercy of God be acknowledged and revered by all the Host of Heaven for ever and ever Next to the Doxology follows a Gratulation Glory be to God in the Highest for there is peace on earth and good will towards men The Birth of Christ has brought a peace of Reconciliation betwixt GOD and Man upon Earth and also a peace of amity and concord betwixt man and man and is therefore to be Celebrated with Acclamations of joy 15 And it came to pass as the Angels were gone away from them into Heaven the Shepherds said one to another let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass which the Lord hath made known unto us 16 And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger 17 And when they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child 18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the Shepherds 19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart Several particulars are here observeable as 1. That the Shepherds no sooner hear the News of a Saviour but they run to Bethlehem to seek him And tho' it was at Midnight yet they delayed not to go Those that lest their Beds to attend their Flocks now leave their Flocks to enquire after their Saviour Learn thence That a gracious Soul no sooner hears where Christ is but instantly makes out after him and judges no earthly Comfort too dear to be left and forsaken for him These Shepherds shew That they preferred their Saviour before their Sheep Obs 2. These Shepherds having found Christ themselves do make him known to others v. 17. When they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child Learn That such as have found Christ to their comfort and tasted that the Lord is Gracious themselves cannot but recommend him to the love and admiration of others Obs 3. What effect this relation had upon the generality of people that heard it It wrought in them amazement and astonishment but not Faith The people wondered but not Believed 'T is not the hearing of Christ with the hearing of the Ear nor the seeing of Christ with the sight of the outward Eye neither the hearing of his Doctrine nor the sight of his Miracles will work divine Faith in the Soul without the concurring Operation of the holy Spirit the one may make us marvel but the other makes us Believe All that heard it wondered at these things Lastly Note The effect which these things had upon Mary quite different from what they had upon the common people they wondered she pondered the things that affected their Heads influenced her Heart she kept all these things and pondered them in her heart 21 And when eight days were accomplished for the Circumcision of the child his name was called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was conceived in the womb Two things are here Observable our Saviour's Circumcision and the name given him at his Circumcision There was no impurity in the Son of God and yet is he Circumcised and Baptised also tho' he had neither filth nor foreskin which wanted either the Circumcising Knife or the Baptismal Water yet he condescends to be both Circumcised and Baptized thereby shewing that as he was made of a Woman so he would be made under the Law which he punctually observed to a tittle And accordingly he was not only Circumcised but Circumcised the eighth day as the ceremonial Law required and thus our Lord fulfilled all Righteousness St. Matth. 3.15 Obs 2. The Name given at our Saviour's Circumcision his name was called Jesus that is a Saviour he being to save his people from their sins St. Matth. 1.21 The great End of Christ's coming into the World was to save Persons from the punishment and power of their Sins Had not he saved us from our Sins we must have dyed in our Sins and dyed for our Sins and that Eternally Never let us then sit down desponding either under the Guilt or under the power of our Sins and conclude that they are either so great that they cannot be forgiven or so strong that they can never be overcome 22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. 23 As it is written in the Law of the Lord every male that openeth the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord. 24 And to offer a Sacrifice according to that which is said in the Law of the Lord a pair of Turtle Doves or two young Pidgeons A Twofold
there is required a lawful Authority a righteous Cause an honourable Aim and Intention and a just and righteous manner of Prosecution without Vanity and Ostentation without Cruelty and Oppression Courage and Compassion on the one hand and Cowardise and Cruelty on the other hand do frequently accompany one another 15 And as the people were in expectation and all men mused in their hearts of John whether he were the Christ or not 16 John answered saying unto them all I indeed baptize you with water but one mightier then I cometh the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unlose he shall baptize you with the holy Ghost and with fire 17 whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his Wheat into his Garner but the chaff he will burn with Fire unquenchable Observe here 1. How the extraordinariness of John the Baptists Person the earnestness of his Preaching the Acceptableness of his Doctrine and the Exemplariness of his Conversation drew all Persons to an Admiration of him insomuch that they began to think within themselves whether he were not the Messias himself He plainly tells them he was not but only his Servant his Harbinger and Fore-runner Obs 2. The high Opinion which John had of Christ he is mightier than I that is a Person of greater Authority Dignity and Excellency than my self From whence may be gathered that tho' Christ was man he was more then Man even very God equal with the Father for John himself was the greatest of them that were born of Women Matth. 11.11 yet says John Christ is mightier then I. How so but in regard of the Dignity of his Person being both God and Man he that cometh after me is mightier then I. Obs 3. The humble and low Estimation that the Holy Baptist had of himself his Shoe-latchet I am not worthy to unlose a Proverbial Speech implying that he was unworthy to do the lowest Offices and meanest Services for Christ Lord how well does humility of Mind an humble Apprehension and a low opinion of themselves become the Messengers and Ministers of Christ John was a Man of eminent Abilities yet of exemplary Humility he thought himself unworthy to unlose Christ's Shoe Obs 4. John does not only declare the Dignity of Christ's Person but the Excellency of his Office He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire as if he had said I only wash the Body with water but Christ cleanses the Soul by the operation of his Holy Spirit which is as fire in the effects of it purifying the hearts of his People from Sin and consuming their Lusts and Corruptions yet at the same time having fiery Indignation and flaming Judgments to destroy and burn up impenitent Sinners like dry Stubble Observable it is in Scripture that Christ is represented by one and the same Metaphor of fire in a way of Comfort to his Children and in a way of Terror to his Enemies he is a fire unto Both. He sits in the hearts of his people as a Refiners fire he is amongst his Enemies as a Consuming fire a fire for his Church to take Comfort in a fire for his Enemies to perish by Observe Lastly how the Holy Baptist compares our Saviour to an Husbandman and the Jewish Church to a Barn floor the office of the Husbandman is to thresh fan and winnow his Corn separating it from the Chaff preserving the one and consuming the other Observe 1. That the Church is Christ's floor 2. That this Floor Christ will purge and that thoroughly 3. That the Word of Christ is the Fan in his hand by and with which he will thoroughly purge his Floor The Church is compared to a Floor upon the account of that Mixture which is in the Church In a Floor there is Straw as well as Grain Chaff as well as Corn Tares as well as Wheat Cockel and Darnel as well as good Seed Thus in the Church there has been there is and ever will be a mixture of good and bad Saints and Sinners Hypocrites and Sincere Christians but this floor Christ will purge purge it but not break it up purge out its Corruptions but not destroy its Essence and existence And the Fan in Christ's hand with which he will purge his Floor is his Holy word accompanied with the wing of Discipline The Fan detects and discovers the Chaff and the Wing dissipates and scatters it and by the help of both the Floor is purged his Fan is in hand and he will thoroughly purge c. 18 And many other things in his exhortation preached he unto the people 19 But Herod the Tetrarch being reproved by him for Herodias his brother Philips wife and for all the evils which Herod had done 20 Added yet this above all that he shut up John in prison Observe here 1. In John the Baptist the character of a zealous and faithful Minister of the Gospel he is one that deals plainly and durst tell the Greatest Persons of their Faults Herod tho' a King is reproved by him for his Adultery and Incest The Crown and Scepter of Herod could not daunt the faithful Messenger of God There ought to meet in the Ministers of Christ both courage and impartiality courage in fearing no faces and impartiality in sparing no sins Obs 2. Who it was that Imprisoned and Beheaded the Holy Baptist Herod a King How sad is it when Kings who should be nursing Fathers to the Church do prove the bloody Butchers of the Prophets of God The severest Persecutions which the Ministers of God have fallen under have been occasioned by their telling great Men of their Crimes Men in power are impatient of Reproof and imagine that their Authority gives them a License to transgress Obs 3. The heinous aggravations of this Sin in Herod He added this to all his other Sins that he shut up John in prison This evidenced him incorrigible and unreclaimable John had preacht before Herod and Herod had heard John with some Delight but he had a darling lust which occasioned his Destruction Learn thence that Hypocrites may hear the word with some pleasure and do many things with some delight but they have always some beloved Lust that must be spared they will neither part with it nor bear Reproof for it Herod sticks not to cut off that Head whose Tongue was so bold to reprove him for his Lusts 21 Now when all the people were Baptized it came to pass th●t Jesus also being Baptized and praying the heavens were opened Obs 1. The great Condescension of Christ in seeking and submitting to the Baptism of John Christ tho' John's Lord and Master yet yields to be Baptized of his Servant and Messenger Obs 2. The Reasons why Christ would be Baptized 1. That by this Rite he might enter himself into the Society of Christians as he had before by Circumcision entred into the Society of the Jews 2. That he might by his own Baptism
for and on behalf of his Members yet did it not in the least dishearten him in or discourage him from that Great and Glorious Undertaking Observe 2. That tho' Christ was first to Suffer before he did Ascend and to be lifted up upon the Cross before received up into Heaven yet is there no mention of his Death here but of his Ascension only as if all thoughts of Death were swallowed up in his Victory over Death teaching us by his Example to over-look our Suffering and Death as not worthy to be named or mentioned with that Glory which we are received into after Death The Evangelist doth not say the time was come when he should Suffer but when he should be Received up 52 And sent Messengers before his Face and they went and entered into a Village of the Samaritans to make ready for him 53 And they did not receive him because his Face was as tho he would go to Jerusalem Our Saviour was now going from Galilee to Jerusalem and being to pass thro' a Village of Samaria he sent Messengers before him to prepare Entertainment for him The Son of God who was Heir of all things sends to and sues for a Lodging in a Samaritan Cottage Oh Blessed Saviour how can we be abased enough for thee who thus neglected thy self for us It was thy pleasure to appear not in the Figure of a Prince but in the Form of a Servant yet the people in the Samaritan Village would not receive him Strange to hear the Son of God Sue for a Lodging and be deny'd but the Reason was the difference of Religion which was between the Jews and the Samaritans the Jews Worshipped at the Temple in Jerusalem the Samaritans at a Temple of their own built upon Mount Gerizim Upon the Building of this new Temple there arose so great a Fewd between the Jews and the Samaritans and in process of time such an implacable Hatred that they would not shew common Civility to one another A Samaritan's Bread to a Jew was no better then Swines Flesh they would rather thirst then drink a Draught of samaritan-Samaritan-Water Hence we Learn That no Enmity is so desperate as that which arises from matters of Religion 54 And when his Disciples James and John saw this they said Lord Wilt thou that we command Fire to come down from Heaven and consume them as Elias did Here Observe 1. The Crime which these Men were guilty of no affront must be accounted little no indignity light that is offered to the Son of God But these Samaritans did not Revile Christ nor any of his Retinue that we read of they did not violently assault him they did not follow him with Stones in their Hands or Blasphemies in their Mouths but the wrong and injury was only Negative They received him not They denied him a Night's Lodging and this not out of any dislike of his Person but from an antipathy against his Nation Observe 2. The Carriage of the Disciples upon this occasion it was thus far commendable that from the endeared Love which they bare to their Master they did highly resent the churlish Denial of an act of Kindness towards him A gracious Heart is Holily impatient at the sight of any indignity offered to Christ But their fault was That they were too far Transported with Passion and Revenge even to desire the Death and Destruction of the uncivil Samaritans Wilt thou that we command Fire to come down from Heaven and consume them They do not say Master will it please thee who art Lord of the Creatures to command Fire to come down Nor did they say if it be thy pleasure command us to call down Fire but wilt thou that we command Fire this savours too much of Pride Cruelty and Revenge so dangerous is a misguided Zeal 55 But he turned and rebuked them saying ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of 56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy mens Lives but to save them Here we have our Saviour's Censure of the rash and hot Motion of his Disciples which proceeded 1. from ignorance of themselves Ye know not what Spirits ye are of ye are not now under the rough and sower Dispensation of the Law but under the calm and gentle Institution of the Gospel which designs universal Love Peace and good Will to all Mankind Hence Learn first That a cruel and revengeful Spirit is directly contrary to the Design and Temper of Christianity Secondly That no difference in Religion no pretence of Zeal for God can warrant and justify such a Spirit and Temper Again This rashness in the Disciples proceeded from their ignorance of Christ their Lord and Master as well as of themselves The Son of man did not come to destroy mens lives but to save them that is the proper intent and design of my Coming was to save and not destroy tho' the accidental event of it may be otherwise thro' the malice and perverseness of men Learn That it was the Design of Christ and his Holy Religion to discountenance all fierceness rage and cruelty in Men one towards another and to inspire them universally with a Spirit of Love and Unity Christ is so far from allowing us to persecute them that hate us that he forbids us to hate them that persecute us 57 And it came to pass that as they went in the way a certain man said to him Lord I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest 58 And Jesus said unto him Foxes have holes and Birds of the air have nests but the son of man hath not where to lay his head Observe here 1. A Person resolving to follow Christ a good Resolution if made deliberately and wisely not for sinister Ends or secular Advantages which it is to be feared was the Case here by our Saviour's Answer For says he Foxes have holes and the Birds of the Air Nests but the Son of Man has not where to lay his head as if Christ had said My Condition in the World is very poor I have no house of Residence that I call my own the Birds of the Air have their fixed Nests and the Beasts of the Earth have their Dens and Holes but I have no fixed Habitation therefore if you think to follow me for the sake of Wordly Advantage you will find your self greatly disappointed Learn hence That such Men will find themselves miserably mistaken and greatly disappointed who expect to gain any thing by following of Christ but their Souls Salvation 59 And he said to another follow me but he said Lord suffer me first to go and bury my father 60 Jesus said unto him Let the dead bury their dead but go thou and preach the Kingdom of God We are not to suppose by this Prohibition that Christ disallows or disapproves of any civil office from one Person to another much less of a Child to a Parent either Living or Dying but he lets us know 1. That no Office of
him 11 The woman saith unto him Sir thou hast nothing to draw with and the well is deep from whence then hast thou that living water 12 Art thou greater then our father Jacob which gave us the well and drank thereof himself and his children and his cattel 13 Jesus answered and said unto her Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again 14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life Observe here 1. How ignorant Persons are of spiritual things till enlightned by the Holy Spirit of God This poor Womans Question Whence hast thou that living Water looks much like that of Nicodemus John 3.9 How can these things be A natural Person cannot perceive the Mind of Christ when speaking to them about spiritual things Spiritual Objects must have a spiritual Eye to discern and behold them 1 Cor. 2.14 The natural man perceiveth not the things of the Spirit Observe 2. With what great Humility and Condescension our Holy Lord treats this poor Woman pitying her Ignorance and pardoning her Infidelity He tells her That the Water of that Well which she was about to draw could not give an abiding Satisfaction but the Thirst quenched for the present would certainly return again But he that should drink of the Water which he had to give that is be made partakers of the Graces of his Spirit shall find such refreshing satisfaction therefrom that all inordinate Desires after earthly things will be quench'd and extinguish'd and will be like a Well of Water springing up till they come to Eternal Glory Learn hence 1. That as the Body of Man is subject to natural so is the Soul of Man subject to a spiritual kind of Thirst 2. That no Creature-Comfort or earthly Enjoyment can quench this Thirst which the Soul of Man is subject unto 3. That the Spirit of Grace which our Saviour here calls the Water of Life is able fully and perfectly to quench this Thirst of the Soul And where it is once savingly received shall never be totally or finally lost It shall be in him a Well of Water springing up into everlasting life 15 The woman saith unto him Sir give me this water that I thirst not neither come hither to draw 16 Jesus saith unto her Go call thy husband and come hither 17 The woman answered and said I have no husband Jesus said unto her Thou hast well said I have no husband 18 For thou hast had five husbands and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband in that saidst thou truly These Words set forth unto us 1. What manner of Person this Woman was whose Conversion Christ sought so industriously after 2. The Means he used in order to that End Observe 1. What manner of Person this Woman was besides that she was an Idolater as being a Samaritan she was also an Adulteress and lived now in the Sin of Uncleanness with one that was not her Husband after she had had five Husbands before Whence we learn That the ice of old Age will not quench the Fire of Lust Concupiscentia non senescit such is the Pollulution of our Nature that Lust will be insatiable if Grace doth not restrain it This Woman after five Marriages yet lives in the Sin of Uncleanness Observe 2. The Way and Manner our Lord takes the Method and Means our Lord uses in order to her Conversion 1. He deals very tenderly and gently with her he uses no roughness or tartness of Speech with her he doth not call her Whore nor upbraid her for her impudent Lewdness in living with a Man that was none of her Husband but only gives her to understand that he knew the Sin she lived in yet this he did likewise with all imaginable privacy whilst his Disciples were away and no Body by but they two only Hence learn 1. That private Sins are not to be reproved publickly 2. That in reproving Sin all sharpness and bitterness of Expression must be avoided The Pill of Reproof must be rapp'd up in Sugar for if they to whom it is given taste the bitterness of Gall and Passion mixt with it they will certainly spit it out before it may be upon our Faces Our Lord's Practcie here instructs us That Sin is to be so reproved as that the Credit and Estimation of the Sinner may be preserved as much as may be Note 2. That as Christ dealt with this Woman tenderly and gently so he discovers her Sin to her particularly and sets her secret Sin before the Face of her Conscience distinctly If ever the Ministry of the Word works upon the Minds of Men to their Conversion it must be by a particular and close application of the Word to every Man's Conscience Generals will not affect Note 3. What the particular Sin is which Christ charges home upon the Conscience of this Woman it is the Sin of Uncleanness that the Man she kept with was not her Husband Learn thence That amongst all Sins the sin of Uncleanness will lie heaviest upon the Conscience and wound the Soul most deeply when the Spirit of God once effectually discovers it and charges it home upon the Conscience For there is no Sin so directly opposite to Sanctification and Holiness as this Sin No Sin that quenches the Holy Spirit of God like this Sin 19 The woman saith unto him Sir I perceive that thou art a prophet 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship In these Verses the Evangelist declares a threefold Effect and Fruit of the Grace of Conversion that appeared in this Woman 1. She neither denied nor excused nor extenuated the Sin which Christ had charged her with but tacitly owns and implicitly confesses it 2. She doth not only own and confess what she was charged with but she doth profess Reverence to our Saviour's Person and pays Honour to him as an extraordinary Prophet Sir I perceive that thou art a Prophet 3. She desireth Instruction and Resolution from him concerning the Worship and Service of the true God how she might seek him and where she might serve him most acceptably whether at Jerusalem or upon Mount Gerizim Our Fathers worshipped in this Mountain but ye say Jerusalem is the place where Men ought to worship Where Observe How ready and forward Persons of a false Religion are to ascribe too much to Antiquity and to the Example and custom of their Fore-Fathers Whereas it is not the continuance of a thousand or two thousand Years that can make any thing truly Ancient in Religion except it has been from the beginning Nothing is truly Ancient in Matters of Religion but that which can derive its Original from him that is truly called the Ancient of Days 21 Jesus saith unto her Woman believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither
Head and gave up the Ghost 31 The Jews therefore because it was the preparation that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day for that sabbath-day was an high day besought Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away 32 Then came the souldiers and brake the legs of the first and of the other which was Crucified with him 33 But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already they brake not his legs 34 But one of the souldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came there out bloud and water 35 And he that saw it bare record and his record is true and he knoweth that he saith true that ye might believe 36 For these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled A bone of him shall not be broken 37 And again another scripture saith They shall look on him whom they pierced These Verses contain several remarkable passages tending to the Confirmation of our Faith in the Belief of the certainty and reality of our Saviour's Death in which the Jews the Soldiers and St. John do all give their several and sufficient Evidences Observe 1. The Jews part in clearing up this Truth They desire Pilate who had Power alone to dispose of the Dead Bodies of condemned Persons that the Legs of the crucified Persons might be broken to hasten their Death that so they might be taken away and buried because according to the Law Deut. 21.22 23. the Land was defiled with those that were hang'd if not timely buried and they judged if the Bodies of these Persons did remain on the Cross all that Night and the next Sabbath Day which was an high day the ordinary Sabbath and the first Day of the Passover or Feast of unleavened Bread meeting together it might pollute both them and their Feast Where Note The cursed Hypocrisie of these Jews they look upon themselves as strictly bound to observe an outward Ceremony but their Consciences never scruple to violate the most weighty Precepts of the moral Law they strictly observe the Ceremonial Precept that the dead bodies should not remain upon the Cross but they scruple not to Crucifie the Son of God and to use him with the utmost Rigour desiring his Bones may be broken Observe 2. the Soldiers part contributing to clear the Truth of Christ's Death they execute what the Jews had desired and Pilate granted breaking the Legs of the two Thieves but not of Jesus because he was already Dead but one of the Soldiers resolving to make sure work thrusts a Spear into his Side and there came out straight way Blood and Water proving that he was really Dead All which points out to us that it is he who came by Water and Blood 1 John 5.6 and that from the merit and efficacy of his Death there floweth out Blood for the obtaining Remission of Sin and Water to Regenerate and wash us from our Uncleanness From the Barbarous Soldiers peircing of Christ's Side after he was Dead We learn That no cruelty was omitted towards Christ either Dead or alive which might testifie the great desert of our Sin nor was there any needful Evidence wanting which might make clear the Truth of his Death the Soldier 's piercing of our Saviour's Side was at once an exercise of their Cruelty and an Evidence of the certainty of Christ's Death Observe 3. St. John's part in this Evidence he avouches that Christ really died and expresly affirms that he saw it with his own Eyes for the confirmation of our Faith he that saw it bare Record and his Record is True And farther shews that by these Actions of the Soldiers That was done by which several Scripture-Prophecies were fulfilled and received their Accomplishment particularly That of Exod. 12.46 concerning the Paschal Lamb which was a Type of Christ that a Bone of it should not be broken and that prediction Zach. 12.10 They shall look on him whom they have pierced Learn hence That Christ is the Truth and Substance of that Type the Paschal Lamb mentioned Exod. 12. and the True Passover Sacrificed for us therefore what was ordained concerning the Paschal Lamb is applied here to Christ as the Substance of that Type A Bone of him shall not be broken 38 ¶ And after this Joseph of Arimathea being a disciple of Jesus but secretly for fear of the Jews besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus and Pilate gave him leave he came therefore and took the body of Jesus 39 And there came also Nicodemus which at the first came to Jesus by night and brought a mixture of myrrhe and aloes about an hundred pound weight 40 Then took they the body of Jesus and wound it in linen clothes with the spices as the manner of the Jews is to bury 41 Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new sepulchre wherein was never man yet laid 42 There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews preparation day for the sepulchre was nigh at hand This last Paragraph of the Chapter gives us an Account of our Lord 's Honourable Burial such a Funeral as never was since Graves were first digg'd Where Observe 1. Our Lord's Body must be begg'd before it could be buried the dead Bodies of Malefactours being in the Power and at the Disposal of the Judg Pilate grants it and accordingly the dead Body is taken down wrapped in fine Linnen and prepared for the Sepulchre Observe 2. The Persons who bestowed this Honourable Burial upon Christ Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus the one provided fine Linen the other fine Spices and they jointly wound and embalmed his Body after the Jewish manner both of them Worthy tho' close Disciples Grace doth not always make a publick and open shew where it is But as there is much secret Treasure unseen in the Bowels of the Earth so is there much Grace in the Hearts of some Saints which the World takes little notice of We Read of none of the Apostles at Christ's Funeral fear had put them to flight but Joseph and Nicodemus appear bold If God strengthen the weak and leave the strong to the prevalency of their own fears the weak shall be as David and the strong as Tow. Observe 3. The Grave or Sepulchre in which our Lord was buried it was a Sepulchre in a Garden to expiate Adam's Sin committed in a Garden as by the Sin of the First Adam we were driven out of Paradice the Garden of Pleasure so by the Sufferings of the Second Adam who lay buried in a Garden we may hope for Entrance into the Heavenly Paradice And it was in a new Sepulchre wherein never any Man was laid lest his Adversaries should say it was another that was Risen who was buried there before or that he Arose as one of the Old Prophets did by touching the Bones of some other Dead Person Observe 4. The
Eternal All Believers have and shall experience the healing Power of our Redeemer's Death to the end of the World Lastly The Israelites that were cured by looking up to the brazen Serpent dyed afterwards some Distemper or other soon carried them to their Graves but the Soul of the Believer that is healed by Christ shall never dye more Whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal Life 16 ¶ For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Here observe 1. The Orignal Source and Fountain of Man's Salvation and that is God's free and undeserved his great and wonderful Love God so loved the World he doth not say how much but leaves it to our most solemn raised Thoughts it is rather to be conceived than declared and admired rather than conceived God so loved the World Hence Note That the Original Spring and first Cause of our Salvation is the free Favour and meer Love of God Observe 2. The Greatness of the Gift by which God evidenced and demonstrated the Greatness of his Love to a lost World He gave his only begotten Son that is he deliver'd him up from out of his own Bosom and everlasting Embraces Now this will appear a stupendious Expression of God's Love if we consider that God gave Him for us who was not only the greatest but the dearest Person to him in the World even his own Son That he gave him for Sinners That he gave him for a World of Sinners That he gave him up to become a Man for Sinners That he gave him up to become a miserable Man for Sinners That he gave him up to be a Sacrifice for the Sin of Sinners Observe 3. The Gracious end for which God gave this great Gift of his Love to lost Sinners That whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal Life Where Note 1. The gentle and merciful Condition upon which Salvation depends Whoever believeth on Christ shall not perish 2. The infinite Goodness of God in proposing such a vast Reward unto us upon our performing of this Condition He shall have everlasting Life Learn hence That Faith is the way which God hath appointed and the Condition which God has required in order to our obtaining Salvation by Jesus Christ This Faith consists in the assent of the Understanding That Jesus is the Saviour of the World In the Consent of the Will to accept of Jesus freely and voluntarily deliberately advisedly and resolvedly for our Saviour in accepting the Merit of his Blood and submitting to the Authority of his Laws it being in vain to expect Salvation by Christ if we do not yield Subjection to him He that thus believes on Christ that submits himself to his ruling Power as well as commits himself to his saving Mercy shall not perish but have everlasting Life 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved 18 ¶ He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begoten Son of God Observe here That the Salvation of Sinners was the intentional End and the Condemnation of them only the accidental Event of Christ's coming into the World The Design of Christ's first coming into the World was to save it The End of his second coming will be to judge the unbelieving Part of it Observe Secondly That Unbelief is the formal Cause of the Sinner's Damnation it is that sin which doth bind all other sins upon the sinner and consign him over to Damnation it is that sin which doth not only procure Damnation but no Damnation like it which is intimated in the next Verse 19 And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil Observe here 1. The Worth and Dignity of a choice and invaluable Priviledge declared Light is come into the World A Personal Light Christ a Doctrinal Light the Gospel 2. Observe the Unworthiness Abuse and great Indignity which the World through Infidelity offers to this Benefit they reject it and love Darkness rather than Light Obs 3. The dreadful Sentence of Wrath which the Rejection of this Benefit and the Abuse of Christ brings upon the impenitent and unbelieving World It terminates in their full and final Condemnation This is the Condemnation That is 't is a just and righteous Condemnation 't is an inevitable and unavoidable Condemnation 't is an heightened and aggravated 't is an accelerated and hastned an irrevocable and eternal Condemnation Learn hence That the greater and clearer the Light is under which the unregenerate and impenitent do live in this World so much the heavier will their Condemnation and Misery be in the World to come if they wilfully and finally reject it 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God In these Words our Saviour acquaints us with the different Nature of Sin and Holiness It is the Nature of Sin and the Property of Sinners to hate the Light because it discovers the Evil and Sinfulness of their Ways unto them and condemns them for them as the Ethiopians are said to curse the Sun for its bright and hot shining whereas holy and gracious Persons that walk uprightly do love the Light that is they delight to have their Thoughts Words and Actions tried by the Light of the Word because they are wrought in God that is performed as in the sight of God According to the Direction of the VVord of God and with a single Eye and sincere Aim at the Glory of God Learn hence 1. That the Word of God or the Gospel of Jesus Christ it has all the Properties of a Great and True Light It is of a pure and purifying Nature it is manifestative and of a discovering Nature It has a piercing Power and penetrating Vertue It enters the darkest Recesses of the Soul and detects the Errors of Mens Judgments as well as discovers the Enormities of their Lives Learn 2. That nothing is so hateful to and hated by a wicked Man as the discovering and reproving Light of the Word of God for at the same time that it discovers the sin it condemns the Sinner Learn 3. That a truly gracious Person who acteth agreeably to the Will of God is not afraid to examine his Actions by the VVord of God but desires and delights that what he does may be made manifest both to God and Man He that doth Truth cometh to the Light and rejoyceth that his Deeds may be made manifest because they are wrought in God 22 ¶ After these things came Jesus and his