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A26759 The utter routing of the whole army of all the Independents and Sectaries, with the totall overthrow of their hierarchy ..., or, Independency not Gods ordinance in which all the frontires of the Presbytery ... are defended ... / by John Bastvvick, captain in the Presbyterian army. Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1646 (1646) Wing B1072; ESTC R10739 685,011 796

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or sweare fealty to any King who is owned by the people and whole Kingdome to be their lawfull King as appointed and set over them of God and is openly proclamed through the whose Realm to be their King though at that time hee be in an other Countrey and but now comming to take the possession of his Kingdome I say I demand whether such subjects as take the oath of allegeance and sware fealty unto him before he comes and sits visibly upon his Throne be not by this their oath become that Kings subjects as truly and as really as if the King were bodily present I demand further when hee is in person come into his Kingdome and visibly amongst them saluted and entertained and owned by the people for their King whether or no those subjects that then take their oath of allegeance and promise by that their oath their subjection unto him bee not as really and truly his subjects as those that after hee is inaugurated and gone into one of his other Kingdomes take then the oath of allegeance and sware subjection unto him in all his just commands I am confident that all men that are but a little skilled in politicks or any good learning will acknowledge that either of the former subjects are as truly and really subjects unto him though they never saw him as many hundred thousands never did their Kings as those that tooke the oath when hee was gone in triumph into an other of his Kingdomes And thus it was with those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist that great Officer of Christs kingdome and the blessed Apostle those Stewards Secretaries privie Counsellors Embassadours of his Royaltie who all baptized those that came unto them into Iesus Christ the King and Messiah as well before his death as after and all they owned him as well then for their King as after crying Hosanna thou sonne of David and strowing their garments in the way saying Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord peace in Heaven and glory in the Highest Luke 19. vers 4. and therefore it is a senslesse reason yea contradictory unto it selfe that I. S. bringeth considering there is no difference for the substance of the matter though there be some variety in respect of the circumstance of time and in this fond error of I. S. is my brother Burton and the Papists who thinke there was a great difference between the Baptisme before Christs death and that after his death when indeed for substance there was none no more then was betweene the Sacrament of the Lords Supper before Christs death and after And therefore all those that received either of those Sacraments or both of them before his passion were as good Christians as those that received them after for hee was owned by them at that time to be the Lambe of God that was to take away the sins of the world of beleevers and to be the King of the Iews the Saviour of his people to be the anoynted Christ they took the Sacraments upon it which is as much as the oath of allegeance to any King which were sufficient to make them as good Christians as any that should come after them and therefore they that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist into Christ to dye which I. S. doth acknowledge they were all as good Christians as any now baptized by the Independents and therefore that hee faith to the contrary and in opposition to this truth is a meer babble and a contradiction of himselfe And this shall suffice to have spoke to his first answer to prove that those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist were as good Christians as any other that were baptized after Christs death His second is as senselesse which is this To say saith he that the Baptisme of Iohn was the same with Christs and the Apostles is flat contrary to the assertion of Iohn himselfe and the Apostles Mat. 21. 25. Act. 18. 25. I baptize you with water saith he but there comes one after me who shall baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire These are the words of his second argument to prove that those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist were no Christians In the entrance of this his answer he beats the ayre and fights with his owne shadow and falsifies my words for I never said nor thought it that the Baptisme of Iohn was the same with Christs for the Scripture relateth that Christ baptized not at all Iohn 4. vers 2. I said indeed it was the same with the Apostles and that is manifest out of many places of the holy Scriptures as out of the 3. of Luke ver 2. Iohn the 1. v. 33. where Iohn himself speaking saith hee that sent mee to baptize with water the same said unto me c. Yea one of those places quoted by himselfe Matth. 21. vers 25. sufficiently declares that Iohn had his Commission from God himself whose Prophet he was to baptize with water and the Apostles themselves before Christs death and Ascention baptized but with water and had no other Commission but that Saint Iohn the Baptist had and Iohn baptized with the Baptisme of Repentance saying unto the people that they should beleeve on him which should come after him that is on Christ Iesus Act. 19. vers 4. and the very Apostles Baptisme before Christs death vvas no other but the Baptisme of repentance and to beleeve in Christ yea faith and repentance was the summe of all the Preaching both of Iohn and of all the holy Apostles both before Christs death and after as wee may see Acts 20. vers 21. where the Apostle saith Testifying both to the Iewes and also to the Greeks repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Iesus Christ Now when the Baptisme of Saint Iohn and the Apostles both before Christs death and after was all one for substance and all into Christ as wee may yet further see Acts the 8. 16. where it is said they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus It was no error in mee to say that the Baptisme of Iohn was into Christ Iesus and the very same with that of the Apostles for the Holy Ghost which is the spirit of truth hath so taught mee and therefore all those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist were as good Christians and beleevers as those that were baptized by the Apostles if repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Iesus Christ and being baptized into him could make good Christians which were blasphemy to gain-say and nothing else but to give the spirit of God the lye and therefore J. S. affirming that there was a difference between the Baptisme of Iohn and that of the Apostles and denying that those that were baptized by Iohn were Christians gives the spirit of God the lye for the holy word of God which was penned by his spirit asserteth the contrary And for that text that he citeth
out of the third of Matthew where Iohn saith I baptize you with water but there comes one after me who shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire this is nothing to his purpose nor nothing against my opinion For as I said before it was never my beliefe that the baptisme of Christ and Iohns baptisme was all one seeing Saint Iohn the Baptist hath taught the contrary as in the words alledged it is sufficiently declared But I demand of I. S. whether the Apostles all whose names were written in heaven were not as good Christians and Beleevers in Jesus Christ by Iohns baptisme before they had received the gifts of the Holy Ghost and were baptized with fire which we read of Act. the 2. as they were after the cloven tongues appeared unto them ver 3. If either he or any of his fraternity shall deny it then they must deny the sixteenth chapter of Matthew and the sixt of Saint Iohn where we finde that honourable confession of all the Apostles where they testifie their faith in Christ into whom they had been baptized before that yea they must deny the whole Scriptures of the New Testament which affirme the contrary And if the baptizing of any with the Holy Ghost and with fire be that thing onely that makes men Christians and Beleevers then none that were not so baptized were good christians for the gifts of the Holy Ghost as the diversity of tongues and working of miracles were not promiscuous and given to all as Saint Paul doth sufficiently declare 1 Cor. 12. 30. Have all the gifts of healing Do all speak with tongues So that all the people were not baptized with the Holy Ghost and therefore by I. S. his learning were no christians Neither was that the worke of the Apostles but it was Christs work onely who first breathed the spirit upon the Apostles and after his ascen●ion first poured down those gifts upon them Acts the 2. and after that at many other times through the prayer of the Apostles and putting on of their hands upon the Beleevers Christ for the confirmation of their Ministry and to manifest to all those that were converted by them that they were sent by him shed down those miraculous graces upon many but gave them not to all and it is also declared that they first believed and then they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and wee have but one President that I remember in the holy Scripture that any received the gifts of the Holy Ghost before they were baptized with water and that is those of Cornelius his house but all the rest were baptized with water before And therefore those gifts made them not Christians but declared them to be beleevers and were the effects of their faith which notwithstanding were not conferred by the Apostles but were immediately given by the spirit of Christ So that those visible gifts were not essentiall for the making of any Christians and Beleevers for they were alwayes Beleevers before they received them and if those gifts had been essentiall and absolutely necessary for the making of any Christians then all that had received them should have been saved which they were not besides then many hundred thousands of the primitive Christians should not have been true Beleevers and Christians indeed for all men generally received them not as I proved before and all the Christians for ought I know since the Primitive times and all that now live should be no good Christians for they were not and now are not baptized with the holy Ghost with fire So that al men may see with how little reason this I. S. speaketh in these his argumenta●ions and how vain and impious he is in all his cavills this shall suffice to have spoke concerning his second answer And now I come to his third which is as good as the two former His words are these 3. Therefore now saith I. S. by Iohns baptisme they were not all made Christians no more then the body of the Iewes before John were turned Christians by being baptized in the red Sea c. For they were baptized into Christ by their baptisme 1 Cor. 10. 3. I deny not but this baptisme of John was to prepare men for Christ and did beare a more immediate relation to such a worke then any Ordinance before but it did not make them absolute Christians It did not absolve and perfect the new Church I mean not so far as that Ordinance of baptisme was to do afterwards Thus I. S. blasphemeth rather then disputeth For that he saith is impious in the highest degree for it is an apparent giving of the spirit of truth the lye and a confuting of Christ himselfe and Saint Paul and an opposing of the generality of all the Independents as every understanding man will easily gather for the Scripture everywhere and all the orthodox Divines yea and all the Independents that ever I talked with or read of before I. S. and my Brother Burton acknowledge that those that were baptized by the Baptist and Christs Disciples before Christs death were Christians and Beleevers for otherwise they could not have been baptized Notwithstanding I. S. out of his learning denyeth not onely that they were Christians but affirmeth also that those that were baptized by Moses in the red Sea were no Christians whether therefore this be not to beat up the quarters of Iohn the Baptist Christ himselfe and the quarters of Moses the servant of the Lord and of all the Independents and to pull down the very pillars of the holy Scriptures and be not a horrid blasphemy in I. S. I leave to the judgement of the learned Our saviour saith Luk. the 7. v. 29. 30. And all the people that heard him the Publicans justified God being baptized with the baptisme of John but the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the Councel of God against themselves being not baptized of him Here we have Christs testimony who asserteth that the Lawyers and Pharisees only excepted all that heard Iohn of which innumerable multitudes of them came from Jerusalem for all Ierusalem went out to him did justifie God and did not reject his Councell that is to say they were Believers for the councel of God in the ministry of Saint Iohn to all the people was that they should repent and believe in the Messiah and in token of their faith that they should be baptized now this sweet councell for the obtaining of free grace and favour offered unto them by God in the ministry of Iohn did the Pharisees and Lawyers reject to their own perdition for they would not bring forth fruits meet for repentance that is they would neither believe in the Messiah nor repent nor be baptized and therefore as a company of Infidels and unbeleevers they despised the councell of God and his grace and favour but all the other that heard Iohn saith Christ justified God and did not reject his councell that is they acknowledged that
the officers replyed saying That never man spake as this man ver 47 48. Then answered the Pharisees are ye also deceived Doth any of the Rulers or the Pharisees believe in him But this people that knoweth not the Law is cursed Take here notice of the confession of the very Pharisees excepting themselves and the High Priests they acknowledge that the generality of the people believed in him Here was increase upon increase of Christians and Believers all the people generally believed in him certainely one place could not have contained them all And which is yet more to be observed that whereas the Pharisees said none but the cursed people believed in him and none of the Rulers in this very chapter we finde one Ruler one Nicodemus Vers 50. none of the least of the Rulers And in Iohn 12. 42. it is affirmed That among the chiefe Rulers many believed on him but because of the Pharisees they did not confesse him lest they should be put out the Synagogue And in Verse 11. of the same chapter it is asserted That many of the Iewes went away and believed on Iesus here was multiplication upon multiplication of Believers And in Vers 19. The Pharisees therefore said among themselves perceive ye how ye prevaile nothing behold the world is gone after him These words the Pharisees spake in private among themselves deliberately and confest that the world of men were turned Christians all Ierusalem swarmed with Believers without doubt all these could not meet in one place And indeed through all the Evangelists we shall reade of infinite multitudes that believed in him and the reason is given Matth. 7. 29. Because he taught them as one having authority and not as the Scribes and did such works of wonder and wrought such miracles as in Iohn 7. 31. they confest none could do but Christ and in Chap. 12. Vers 11. it is related that the raising up Lazarus from the dead made many believe on him and was the cause that such multitudes of people followed him and did so highly honour him and magnifie him and did receive him comming into Jerusalem with such an acclamation crying Hosanna as in this 12 Chapter is specified and is more largely set downe in Matth. 21. 8. where it is related That a great multitude spread their garments in the way and others cut down branches and the people that went before and they that came after cryed Hosanna and said this is Jesus the Prophet of Nazareth they all believed in him and confessed him before the world Now our Savionr saith He that shall confesse me and own me before men I will confesse and own him before my Father in Heaven Here is a whole City of Believers and Confessors Yes the very children believed in him and openly and in the Temple cried Hosanna And Christ himself allowed of their testimony and avouched they did well and accordingly as was written And in Luke 19. 47 48. it is said That he taught dayly in the Temple but the chief Priests and Scribes and the Elders of the people sought to destroy him and could not finde what they might do for all the people were very attentive to heare him The universality therefore of the people by all these places were believers and such as followed Christ So that a man may wonder how that Ierusalem it self though it were a mighty City could containe such multitudes of people as believed in Christ so far improbable it is that any one place or Congregation could containe the hundreth part of them And we may also gather that the great miracles at his Suffering and at his Resurrection and the apparition of so many that rose from their graves and went into the holy City made a great increase and addition of Disciples and new Believers so that the number was daily augmented we finde no diminution but if some that followed Christ for bread that were but Hypocrites left following him yet in those places we read again and again of numberlesse companies that daily came in and believed in him And to all this we may adde that Iohn the Baptist and his Disciples a little before his death and Christ and his Disciples by reason of the increase of the multitudes of Believers were forced to baptize in severall places For so it is in Ioh. 3. 23. After these dayes came Iesus and his Disciples into the land of Iudea and there he tarried with them and baptized and Iohn also was baptizing in Enon neere Salim because there was much water there and they came and were baptized And very reason will tell all men that of necessity there must be an innumerable multitude of beleevers for none were Baptized but beleevers that must take up an hundred preachers or thereabouts for our Saviour had twelve Apostles and 70. Disciples as we may see in the 9. of Luke and in the 10. chapter of the same book and Iohn had also many Disciples though not so many as Christ and all these were imployed in preaching the Gospell and many of them in working miracles and wonders so that the very Devills were subject unto them as they rejoycingly confest to Christ when they returned to give him an account of their Ministery And without doubt if these miracles wrought so with the very Disciples they prevailed much more generally with the people to make them beleeve so that infinite multitudes of people came in and were Baptized as the Scripture it selfe informeth us And of necessity so many Ministers must have severall places to Preach in and severall congregations and Assemblies to Preach to and severall places to Baptize in for otherwise there would have beene great confusion for but one of them could speake at once and all these Disciples were taken up in their severall Ministeries and had their hands full as the Scripture it self sufficiently declareth in expresse words for it is said That Christs Disciples Baptizedin Indaea and Iohn in Enon neere Salim because there was much water there It seemes there was too little water to Baptize them in in others places which expression is worthy to be taken notice of And amongst those that came to be Baptized multitudes of them came from Ierusalem And if wee compare times with times which will make much for the evidencing of the truth and consider the divers passages in the holy Scriptures wee shall find the like division of the people in those dayes some standing for Christ and Iohn Baptist and speaking in the justification of them and their Ministery and others that were of the Pharisaicall faction and of the high Priests company as is even in these our dayes betweene them they call Caviliers and those they call Parliamentiers Now what twenty or thirty places in the Citie of London can containe all the Parliamentiers to partake in all acts of Worship Or what ten places can hold all those of the Prelaticall Faction that contend for their Bishops and Service and all their other trumpery
Congregation For it is most certain that the beleevers that were in Jerusalem at that time were innumerable and those inhabitants for the Scripture is clear in this point for to say nothing of those that cryed Hosanna and cut down branches at Christs coming into Ierusalem which all made profession of him with the little children that cryed Hosanna also to the highest whose Parents were all inhabitants in Ierusalem and without doubt had taught all their children their lesson which they thought they might better shew publickly then themselves The Scripture in the third of Matthew and in the first of Mark and in the third of Luke saith in expresse termes That all Ierusalem which being taken Synecdochically must needs signifie an innumerable company of all sorts of men came out to the Baptisme of John and were all baptized by him in Jordan confessing their sins and all these were inhabitants And in the fourth of Iohn it is expressed there that Christ made more Disciples then John and that his Disciples baptized more so that necessarily there were infinites of beleevers then in Ierusalem yea it is expressed in the twelfth of Iohn ver 19. that the world went after Christ that is beleeved in him therefore there was a numberlesse company of beleevers in Jerusalem and all inhabitants there and all these were good Christians and true beleevers though I. S. most impiously affirmeth the contrary and pag. 8. 9. of his Pamphlet asserteth That they were not Christians to whom my brother Burton in the 16 page of his briefe answer assenteth Now that they were all good Christians and true beleevers that were baptized by John and Christs Disciples all good Christians are bound to beleeve it if any credit be to be given unto Christs words whose testimony I conceive is rather to be credited in this controversie then that of I. S. and my brother Burton for his witnesse is infallible who knew not onely their outward conversation but their very hearts also and therefore could give a true testimony of them and yet he concludes of all those that were baptized by the Baptist that they were all very good Christians and true beleevers Our Saviours words are these Luke 7. ver 29 30. And all the people mark I pray his expression All the people saith Christ that heard him and the Publicans justified God being baptized with the baptisme of John But the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the Counsell of God against themselves being not baptized of him which words of our blessed Saviour are to be beleeved before the words of men and angels though they should all speak the contrary as w●cked I. S. and my brother Burton both do Now our Saviour in those words proclames all those that heard John the Baptist and were baptized by him to be good Christians and the Scripture saith that Jerusalem and they of Ierusalem came out to his baptisme and were baptized by him in Iordan Matth. 3. And in Ae●on neer to Salim there was much water John 3. 23. So that all these were inhabitants of Ierusalem and such as had their aboad in that City yea our blessed Lord and Saviour that true witness who out of his bare word ought ever to be believed doth not onely say they were good Christians and true beleevers but proves it by many arguments The first of the which is this that they justified God that is they acknowledged that God was a most just righteous and a mercifull God forgiving iniquity transgression and sin and keeping promise unto his people which was 2 Chron. 7. ver 14. that if his people which are called by his name shall humble themselves and pray and seek his face and turn from their wicked wayes that then he would hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land This promise of God and all his other gracious promises those that were baptized by Iohn did beleeve for saith o●r Saviour they justified God declaring unto the world by their profession that they beleeved in him and imbraced his promises which is yet farther manifest from Christs second argument which is this they rejected not saith he the counsell of God against themselves as the Pharisees and Lawyers did Now if we consider but what the counsell of God was to the people in the ministery of Iohn the Baptist we shall find it in the third of Matthew where the Baptist preaching unto all Ierusalem that came out unto his baptisme as it is also clear in the third of Luke he says there repent for the Kingdome of heaven is at hand warning them to fly from the wrath to come exhorting them all to bring forth fruits meet for repentance telling them of the danger that would otherwise ensue if they did not repent and beleeve in the Messiah who was to come shortly after him with his fanne in his hand who would throughly purge his floore and gather his Wheat into his garner but burn up the chaffe with unquenchable fire and therefore he exhorted them all again and again to repent and beleeve in the Messiah this good counsell did Iohn the Baptist give to all those that came out of Ierusalem to his Baptisme and our Saviour affirmes and witnesses of them all that they rejected not his counsell as the Pharisees did to their own destruction but imbraced it to their salvation and therefore they were all true beleevers if our Saviour knew who were beleevers which yet he proves by a third argument saying that they were all baptized of him confessing their sins in token of their repentance and of their faith in the Messiah they were all baptized by John saith Christ and therefore they were all very good Christians and true beleevers all these arguments for brevity sake may be reduced into one argument after this manner All those that justifie God and imbrace the counsell of God that do repent confesse and forsake their sins and beleeve in Iesus Christ and in token of their faith and obedience are baptized into him they are all good Christians and true beleevers but all these saith Christ that heard John the Baptist with the Publicans except the Pharisees and Lawyers were such Ergo they were all good Christians and beleevers and all Jerusalem consisted of such for Ierusalem went out to Jo●n the Baptist and were baptized by him in Jordan confessing their sins and yet more then these were converted by Christ his Apostles and seventy Disciples ministery and all inhabitants in Jerusalem And therefore all these could not possibly be contained in any one place or a few and all these were then in Jerusalem as well as the hundred and twenty names and therefore all the beleevers at that time in Jerusalem though they were all epi tò autò as well as the Apostles yet they were not all in one place as the Homothumadon brethren would infer for those that the first chapter of the Acts speaks of ver 15. those hundred and twenty names which met together
world as they do mightily extoll one another and upon the praises and commendations of this man many thousands of people should by and by flock after him wheresoever they should hear he preacheth and some one or more of his followers should come unto this minister that so praysed him and say Sir such a man who you so commended in such a place behold he now preacheth and all men come to him and follow his ministry would such a relation I pray as this made unto him that had formerly praised that minister infer that those that told him of such concourses of people as ran after him not only hesitated but wer right down scandalized at him I am confident that upon mature deliberation no rationall creature would make such an inference Neither can I see any ground why either I. S. or any of his associats or any other should so conclude For the Scripture relateth every where that there was fairer agreement and much love and amity between Johns Disciples and Christs and that they knew one another very well and desired to imitate one another so that they did not envy one anothers masters prosperity nor doubted not of one anothers masters ministry nor were scandalized one at anothers masters happinesse And there is very good reason for it For they all knew that John had so honourable an esteem of Christ as he thought himself not worthy to carry his shooes Mat. 3. 11. they knew also how highly Christ had often magnified Iohn proclaiming him to be the greatest prophet that ever was borne of women and how that Christ had commanded John to baptize himselfe so much he honoured his ministry They by their experience likewise knew that their was great correspondency continued amity between their masters and that they justified each others ministry and that before all the people John teaching the people That he was the Messiah and the Lambe of God that was to take away the sins of the world and Christ upon all occasions making mention of John with great praises saying That his ministry was from heaven and that he was his messenger to prepare his way before him So that I say in all these respects and many more that might be specified it followeth that Iohns Disciples neither hesitated nor were scandalized at the true Messiah as I. S. grollishly and wickedly inferreth Besides they knew that at Christs Baptisme Mat. 3. The Holy Ghost discending like a dove lighted upon him and a voice came from Heaven saying this is my beloved sonne in whom I am well pleased So that Iohns Disciples that were dayly with their master and waited upon his ministry which onely preached up the Kingdome of Christ could not doubt much lesse be scandalized at the true Messiah Jesus Christ Again in the 1. of Iohn it is related there that Iohn openly among all the people proclaimed Christ to be the Lambe of God and sayeth that hee knew him so to be by the discending of the spirit from Heaven upon him because that God that sent him to baptize with water said unto him upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit discending and remaining on him the same is hee which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost and I saw saith hee and bare record that this is the Sonne of God And all this was spoke in the hearing of Johns Disciples so that they could not doubt now of the Messias or be scandalized at him for then they should have beene very untaught Schollers which the words following verse 33. shevves they vvere not for two of Iohns Disciples at that time hearing their Master speake these vvords beleeved and follovved Iesus and inquired vvhere he dvvelt vvho inviting them to come and see went with him to his aboad and tarried with him that night and the story and discourse follovving shevves that they vvere so confirmed in their faith and were so far from doubting and being scandalized at the Messiah as they likewise preached him and gained Disciples to him And the same we may say of all Iohns other Disciples that they honoured Christ very much and predicated his fame unto their master upon all occasions as in the 7. of Luke when the rumour of Christ miracles was spred abroad Iohns Disciples were alwayes wont to relate it unto their master Whereupon Iohn at one time calling unto him two of his Disciples sent them unto Jesus saying art thou he that shall come or looke we for another which message was not sent by S. Iohn that either he or his Disciples doubted or hesitated or were scandalized at the true Messiah but that they all also might be as well eye witnesses of his miracles as others and might say another day that they had not onely heard of his fame but that they themselves had seen his wondrous works For John desired by all manner of wayes hee could to publish the Kingdome of the Messias and knew that the more witnesses Christ had and them of knowledge of reputation the more their report and preaching of him would be credited especially when they themselves could say that they had seene him working miracles and that Christ bade them goe and tell Iohn what things they had seene and heard how that the blind see and the lame walke and the Lepers are clensed the deafe heare the dead are raised and the poor receive the Gospel and for this very end did Iohn send two of his Disciples to Christ not that either he or they doubted whether he was the Messias or no but that they might be eye witnesses and relate these things with the more confidence both unto the people and to those that should be pen men of the Holy Scriptures as St. Luke in the 1 chapter v. 2. Even as they delivered them unto us which from the beginning were eye witnesses and Ministers of the Word according to that of Saint Peter Acts the 1. verse 21. Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Iesus went in and out amongst us beginning from the baptisme of Iohn unto the same day hee was taken up from us must one be ordained to be a witnesse with us of his resurrection So that it may well be gathered that Iohn the Baptist had a speciall eye to the future and desired not only in his owne person to preach up Christs Kingdome but that his Disciples after him might relate to their Auditors and to the holy pen-men what they had both heard with their owne eares and seene with their own eyes and so might the better witnesse unto Christ neither will any man deny but that Iohns Disciples might also be much strengthned in their faith in beholding those wonderful miracles of Christ though they no way doubted or hesitated or were scandalized at the Messiasbefore no more then the people in Samaria doubted concerning him Iohn 4. after the woman had said to the men of that Citie Come see a man which told me all things that ever
examples of gathering Churches and of admitting of Members whereas in all the New Testament wee have but one way of admitting of Members whether in an ordinary way or an extraordinary for they that are made Members of any particular Church by vertue of that they are made Members of the Catholike and those likewise that are made Members of the Catholike Church may by vertue of their admission into it be Members in any particular Church as I shall prove by the Independents owne Principles And as for the ordinary way of admitting of Members I have proved it from the fore-going examples and the Primitive practise that it was upon condition onely of Repentance Faith and Baptisme and Christ required no more and for the extraordinary way if it bee evinced that that was after the same manner and upon no other conditions then all men may see into what a desperate condition of Rebellion all the Independents have by their new wayes plunged themselves into and may withall well perceive the vanity of all those cavils my Brother Burton and Master Knollys made against my following Arguments Now that they may see how and upon what conditions all Christians were admitted into the catholicke visible Church it will be worth their paines to looke upon the practice of the holy Ministers of the Gospel both Evangelists and Apostles who were all directed in what they did by the speciall command of Christ himselfe And therefore farre more worthy of imitation then our Independents practises Now we may take notice that when the Angel appeared unto Cornelius in the tenth of the Acts hee sent him unto Ioppa to call for one Simon whose surname was Peter hee did not send him unto the Church in Joppa And it is related that when Peter came to Cornelius and that hee had recited unto him the manner of the vision and that hee was commanded by the Angell to send for him it is further also declared what Peter there did and that he said of a truth J perceive that God is no respecter of persons but in every Nation hee that feareth him and worketh righteousnesse is accepted with him And after a Sermon made unto Cornelius and all that were assembled there with him It is said that the holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the Word and that all the beleevers that came with Peter were astonished at it for they heard them speake with divers tongues and magnified God Then answered Peter can any man forbid water that these men should not bee baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as wee And hee commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Here wee see first that Peter was sent unto and not the Church Secondly that he admitted Cornelius and those that were with him into the number of beleevers and into the fellow-ship of the Church by his owne authority and never consulted with the Church to aske their leave or voyce but concludes the busines with an interrogation which hath a greater force of binding that no man ought to hinder any beleever from comming into the society of the church and communion of Saints in whom the graces of Gods spirit evidently appeare as in these so that if either the Ministers come into their houses or they goe into the Ministers and make sufficient testimony by themselves of their faith and that they feare God of what nation soever they bee they are by the Ministers to bee admitted the congregation hath nothing to doe to hinder any such nay they may not it is more than belongs unto them neither did those that came with Peter intermeddle in that busines or require a covenant at their hand or a publik confession of their faith Againe when the Lord of his infinite mercy was purposed to reveale himselfe unto the Eunuch in the 8. of the Acts he sendeth Philip the Evangelist unto him whom hee found reading in his chariot the prophesie of Jsaiah and after that hee had interpreted unto him that prophesie and preached unto him Iesus and Baptisme in his name it is related that when they came unto a certaine water the Eunuch said unto him what doth hinder me to be baptized and Philip said if thou beleevest with all thine heart thou maist And hee answered and said J beleeve that Iesus Christ is the Sonne of God and hee commanded the chariot to stand still and they went downe both into the water both Philip and the Eunuch and hee baptized him Here wee see that Philip and not the church was sent unto the Eunuch and that Philip by his owne authority and upon the Eunuch his owne testimony without any reference unto any church or without consulting with any Congregation admits him into the number of beleevers and makes him a member of the church and here was neither a publicke confession required of him by any of the church or any Covenant exacted by the people and so when Saul in the 9. of the Acts was fallen downe out of astonishment and afterwards was converted as the Storie there fully declareth the whole manner of it the Lord sent one Ananias a Disciple and Minister unto him hee did not send the church unto him neither did Ananias when hee came to Saul say unto him I will consult with the church to see whether they will admit thee to be a member for thou hast greatly wasted the church and made havocke of the Saints and therefore I will have their approbation and consent and I will have thee first walke with the Church some time that they may behold thy conversation and then thou shalt make a confession of thy faith publickly before the Congregation and give in thy evidences of the truth of thy conversion and enter in a private and solemne covenant and so be received and admitted But without all this adoe he baptizes Paul and admitteth him into the number of beleevers and makes him a member of this formed Church that by his sole authority and he was received immediatly among the Disciples at Damascus without any reluctation or so much as any scruple and strait-way hee preached Christ in the Synagogue that hee was the Son of God hee was both ordained and put in office without the approbation and consent of the people who knew nothing of the busines but onely stood amazed and said Is not this hee that destroyed them which called on this name in Ierusalem and came hither for that intent that hee might bring them bound unto the high Priest The Ministers in those dayes when they were all taught of God they only admitted Members by their owne authority into the church without the approbation of the people but in these our dayes wherin people have gotten itching eares and teachers after their owne humours such as S. Paul speaks of in his Epistles to Timothy they teach a new doctrine and bring forth new borne lights to the darkening of truth it selfe and to the bringing in a confusion
and accoutrements And yet although they be in divers and sundry Assemblies they are still the Prelaticall party and all of them of the Malignant Church and as the diversity of the places changeth not their complexions so it altereth not their faith nor manners but they continne still Malignants and remaine all Members of the Malignant Church And as in these dayes all that wish well unto the true Religion through both citie and kingdome and love their countrey stand for the Parliament so in those dayes those that loved Zion and the prosperity of Jerusalem cleaved unto Christ and the Gospel and stood for him and all his Ministers and by all computations though all the power and Authority was in the hands of the malignant Magistrates of those times who were swayed and guided by the Scribes Pharisees Elders and the high Priests yet to one Pharisee or Malignant Scribe or Ruler there was ten of those that beleeved in Christ and honoured him and all his Ministers and Disciples Yea the Pharisees themselves do acknowledge it not once but many times as is evident from the places above cited and many more that might be produced So that if I should frame no Argument out of them it is apparent that those new additions of Beleevers that were converted by Christ and his Ministry considered by themselves a part from those that Saint Iohn the Baptist converted were so great and numerous that they could not all meet in any one place for partaking of all acts of worship but of necessity must be distributed into severall Congregations and Assemblies if they would all be edified much lesse could they all meet together being joyned to those that beleeved through the Baptisme and Ministry of Iohn But out of the former places above specified I thus argue Where there was an innumerable multitude of beleevers in a word the whole people and Citie of Ierusalem whom the Pharisees accounted accursed there they could not all meet at any one time or in any one roome or place and in one Congregation to partake in all the Ordinances but of necessity must bee distributed into severall assemblies and divers Congregations if they would all bee edified But in Ierusalem the Scribes and Pharisees and Rulers by their owne confession being excepted there was an innumerable multitude of beleevers and in a word the whole people and Citie of Jerusalem whom the Pharisees accounted accursed Ergo they could not all meet together at one time and in one place to partake in all the Ordinances but of necessity must be distributed into severall assemblies and divers congregations if they would all be edified For the major no rationall man will deny is that hath but read the Scriptures or is but a little acquainted with the Histories of those times For the minor it is evident from the places produced and therefore the conclusion doth necessarily follow But I yet further thus argue Where there was a world of beleevers with many Rulers and men of great place and office with infinite multitudes of men and children all the people they could not al meet together at one time and in one place and congregation to partake in all acts of worship but of necessity must be distributed into divers assemblies and severall congregations if they would all be edified But in the Church of Jerusalem there was a world of beleevers with many Rulers and men of great place and office with multitudes of men and children and all the people Ergo they could not all meet together at one time and in one place to partake in all acts of worship but of necessity must be distributed into divers congregations and assemblies if they would be all edified For the Major it is evident by the very light of nature neither will any rationall man deny it that hath not resolved to sacrifice himselfe to stupidity For the Minor the places above specified prove it for in expresse words it is said that the world followed him that is believed in him and that great multitudes entertained him with their acclamations and crying Hosanna the very children also seconding them And that the chiefe Priests Scribes and Elders sough● to destroy him and could not find what to doe for all the people were very attentive to heare him The whole people we see here or the generality of them except the Scribes Pharisees Elders and High Priests which in comparison of them were very few beleeved in Jesus Christ and were his Disciples and such as were converted by his Ministry and such a multitude there was of them as for that present they so awed the High Priests and Elders that they durst not destroy Christ though they desired it so that the minor stands firme and from the premises the conclusion necessarily followeth But out of the former places I yet further thus argue Where ther was such an increase of multitudes of Beleevers as that there was not water enough in any one place to baptize them all nor any one place in the wildernesse capable to containe or receive them all so that Christ himselfe and his seventy Disciples and twelve Apostles and Iohn Baptist and all his Disciples were for the numerosity of them forced in severall places to preach unto them and baptize them there they could not all meet at any one time or in any one place or roome or in one Congregation to partake or communicate in all acts of worship but of necessitie were to be distributed into severall congregations or assemblies if they would all be edified But in Jerusalem there was such multitudes of beleevers that went out to the Baptisme of John and Christ as that there was not water enough in any one place to baptize them all nor any one place in the wildernesse capable to containe or receive them all so that Christ himselfe and his seventy Disciples and his twelve Apostles and Saint John Baptist and his Disciples were for the numerosity of them forced to divide themselves into severall places and severall assemblies and congregations that all the people might partake in all acts of worship and be edified Ergo they could not all meet at any one time or in any one place but were of necessity forced to divide and distribute themselves into divers places and severall congregations and assemblies that they might all be edified For the Major and Minor of the Syllogisme they are so evident both by reason and the holy Scripture that no man that hath not resolved with himselfe to remaine incredulous and continue in his obstinacy can deny the truth of them so that the conclusion of necessity must from the premises be granted And all these multitudes of people were beleevers before Christs Suffering Resurrection and Ascension Now before I goe on to declare what infinite multitudes of beleevers were added to those that were converted by Iohns and the Disciples Ministry in the Church of Ierusalem after Christs death and ascension which makes it an