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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20536 Ten sermons tending chiefely to the fitting of men for the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper VVherein amongst many other holy instructions: the doctrines of sound repentance and humiliation, and of Gods speciall fauours vnto penitent sinners, and worthy communicants are largely and effectually handled. The six first, by I. Dod. The foure last, by R. Cleauer. Whereunto is annexed, a plaine and learned metaphrase on the epistle to the Collossians, written by a godly and iudicious preacher. There is also set before the sermons, a short dialogue of preparation: containing the chiefe points that concerne the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper, taken for the most part, out of the sermons following: and collected into a method for the benefit and ease of those that desire direction in this matter. Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. aut; Winston, John, fl. 1614-1634. 1610 (1610) STC 6945; ESTC S114601 221,900 292

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vnto his Father for a blessing to be bestowed vpon the receiuing of it not onely vpon those that were then present but vpon all that should afterwards to the end of the world faithfully partake of the same In that Christ Iesus seekes the blessing of this ordinance from the Lord Doct. 6 the doctrine is that The vertue and efficacie of the Sacrament The vertue of the Sacrament is from Gods owne hand See the Sermon on Iohn the 6. is from Gods owne hand through the mediation of Christ Iesus God giues it and Christ procures the benefite of it vnto his people and this is common to all other ordinances and seruices with the Sacrament To this purpose it is said that Moses gaue not that Manna vnto the Israelites in the wildernesse from heauen Doct. 5 but my Father saith Christ giueth you the true bread Iohn 6.32.33 which giueth life vnto the world that no Minister nor creature in heauen or earth can bestow vpon any First Reasons 1 one generall reason of this doctrine is that euery good giuing and euery perfect gift is from aboue and cometh downe from the Father of lights Iames 1.17 Now what more excellent perfect gift can there be then the body and bloud of Iesus Christ and therefore if God be the author and giuer of all other good things this must of necessity proceed from his bounty in a speciall manner A second cause why God wil haue the disposing of his graces in his owne hand is that there might be a difference betweene him and all his Ministers and that he might retaine that prerogatiue for Christ Iesus alone for he it is that giueth the meate which endureth to euerlasting life And the reason is because the Father hath sealed him that is the Lord hath authorized him by the broade seale of heauen and will et none to be copartners with him in that office he is the Lord Treasurer of all graces and therefore he must blesse his ordinances vnto vs if euer we looke for benefite thereby In which regard Iohn Baptist saith I baptize you with water that is all that he could do as for washing of the heart and purging of the conscience that he attributeth wholly vnto Christ Iesus Matth. 3.11 He will baptize you with the holy Ghost and with fire Iohn would not arrogate that vnto himselfe lest he should treacherously lay claime to that which is proper vnto the crowne The like faithfulnesse in giuing God his due we see in the Apostle Paul who saith I haue planted Apollos watered 1 Cor. 3.6 but God giueth the increase thereby intimating that the best Ministers are but as Gardeners in the Lords Church they can but put the scions into the stock or the roote into the ground And as possible it is for a man to make a tree as for a Minister to make a Christian and as possible to put sap into a dead blocke and to make it grow and flourish and bring forth fruit in aboundance as for a Minister to put into any the least drop of grace or to adde any whit vnto it where it is already wrought Thirdly the Lord wil haue the vertue of the Sacrament to be in his owne power to bestow where how he will that there might be a difference betweene Communicants to wit betweene the good and the bad If it were in mens hands to dispose and did consist in the deede done as ignorant Papists imagine men would bestow it promiscuously and wicked hypocrites should haue as good a share as those that are truly religious and the worst speed as well as the best for men cannot search the hearts of their people to see with what prepararation they come and there is that loue in them which is a thing commendable that they desire all might be faued If Moses could haue giuen euery man in Israel grace when he gaue them the Manna he would haue done it he that could haue bene content that his name should be razed out of the booke of life for their sakes would not haue stuck with them for such a matter If Abraham could haue circumcised Ismaels heart when he circumcised his flesh he should not haue bene excommunicated for his prophanenesse but God hath alwaies heretofore and doth still keep this power in his owne hand that so he may enrich with grace those whom he thinketh fittest and deale with euery one as he knoweth their hearts 1 Cor. 10. Moses was the Minister of Baptisme to those that passed through the red sea yet with many of them God was not pleased for onely those that are good in his sight shall taste of his good gifts And therefore Christ praieth not for the world but onely for those which he hath chosen out of the world Iohn 17. such as shall beleeue through the preaching of the Gospell that they may be partakers of the benefite of his ordinances First for instruction Vse 1 if euer we would speed well when we come to the Sacrament let vs make the Lord our friend sith the distribution of grace pertaineth to him alone let vs seeke it at his hand and not bring any sinne with vs which may offend his glorious presence which if we can do we may and must expect a blessing from him It is not the goodnesse of the Minister that can do it though it be a good comfort to haue a holy mans praier for vs it is as possible that a man should appoint where the raine shall fall as where grace shall fall and though it should be concluded by Parliament what daies it should raine and in what parts of the land it were of no force for God alone hath the ordering of the cloudes and so hath he also of the graces of his Spirit Secondly Vse 2 this maketh for the comfort of such as come preparedly vnto the table of the Lord with a true heart though burdened and wearied with many corruptions Christ hath praied that the Sacrament may be effectuall vnto them and therefore it shall be so and he hath praised God for giuing it vnto his people and therefore it shall not be in vaine neither their owne weaknesse nor the meanenesse of the Elements nor the imperfections of the Minister shall hinder the powerfull working of Gods ordinance But we are base creatures Obiect and the Minister is no better then he should be Indeed if Grace were to be fetched out of such dirty ditches as we are we could looke for little good Answer but God is a cleare fountaine and from his fulnesse shall we receiue grace vpon grace But alas neither we Obiect nor our Minister can pray so earnestly nor praise God so heartily when we communicate at the Lords table as God requires and we ought to do What of that Answer were not Christs praiers and praises such as must needes be pleasing to the Lord If they were as cannot be denyed let vs neuer be discouraged for
are vsually most effectuall euen the most vnlikely of all other in the eye of reason many of them being very filly and of maruellous weake and slender capacity others violently caried with sundry grieuous and strong corruptions of anger pride raging lusts and the like And therein doth the power of God more clearly manifest it selfe in ouerthrowing the strong holds of the Diuell Mat. 11.25 c. Our Sauiour magnifieth Gods name saying I praise thee Father Lord of heauen earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise prudent and reuealed them vnto babes And when the Apostle had spoken of many notorious and abhominable sinners 1 Cor. as fornicators Idolaters adulterers buggerers c. he addeth And such were some of yee but you are washed but ye are sanctified c. If we might make the choice of those that should be conuerted we would haue good natured ciuill men and wise and politicke men and noble and great men to fill vp the number that God might that way be more honored and religion countenanced but God in his wisedome taketh another course that maketh more for his glory he chuseth the worst to make them best and not many wise 1 Cor. 1.26.27 nor many noble are called But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and the weake things of the world to confound the mighty c. that the whole worke and the glory thereof may be attributed to him alone This should instruct vs to go out of our selues Vse 1 and to looke beyond sense and reason when we are to meddle with the things of God not to thinke we are of capacity sufficient to conceiue the mysteries of saluation but to call vpon the Lord for assistance Neither let vs rest vpō the act done in hearing of the Word or receiuing of the Sacrament as if thereby grace must needes be conueyed vnto vs for we may partake of those ordinances of God to our greater ruine as Iudas and Simon Magus did Further let vs be admonished hence not to depend vpon the excellency of the Minister for it is God not man that giueth working to his ordinances God indeed may heare their prayers but he himselfe doth the whole worke Moses was a rare Minister yet he could not giue grace vnto the Israelites but many of them perished that receiued the Sacrament 1 Cor. 10.5 Iohn Baptist also was a rare Minister yet he could onely baptize with water Christ must baptize with holy Ghost and with fire On the other side doth the vertue of the ordinances depend on God then let vs not be discouraged in regard of the weaknesse of the Minister or of the outward meanes for though neither the party administring nor the things administred can breake our hearts and worke grace therein yet the Lord can and will do it therefore let vs not thinke the worse of that precious Iewell because it is brought by a simple messenger and and in a plaine boxe as it were neither let vs lightly esteeme of pure gold because it is carryed in a leatherne bagge but let vs value the gift according to the worth of it and according to the diguity of the giuer If men should iudge according to corrupt reason they would neuer thinke that a poore man by speaking vnto them by powring a little water vpon them and by giuing them a little quantity of bread and wine should make them Kings and fellow-heires with Christ Iesus for euer but if in this gift we looke vnto the Sonne of man whom God the Father hath sealed and ordayned for that purpose and cast the eye of our faith vpon the promises that are made through him and the all sufficient power that is in him we shall easily conceiue that all this may be wel effected for he is a rich fountaine Of whose fulnesse we all receiue What though our capacity be slender Gods word giueth wisedome to the simple Psal 19.7 Ezek. 36.26 What though our hearts be hard GOD is able and ready to soften them What though we haue plaid the hypocrites So had these here vnto whom our Sauiour directeth this exhortation They pretended to seeke for the bread of life when their coming was onely to haue their bellies filled yet Christ doth not cast them off but biddeth them labour for the food that endureth to eternall life and then promiseth to giue them eternall life And so will he deale with vs albeit we haue bene dissemblers yet if now we turne from our hollownesse to soundnesse and from our hypocrisie to plainenesse we shall be sure of a blessing This is further for the great consolation of all Gods faithfull seruants Vse 1 Is the vertue and effectuall working of the Word and Sacrament the gift of Christ by the appointment of the Father through the grace of the holy Ghost then certainly they are highly in Gods fauour on whom this is bestowed If once we haue any testimony of grace the Lord hath greatly magnified his loue towards vs according to that speech vttered by Wisdomes own mouth Blessed is the that man findeth me he shal receiue life and fauour from the Lord And therfore as Christ telleth the woman of Samaria if we knew who it is that offereth such mercy and what the gift of God is we would esteeme it more highly and seeke it more earnestly then ordinarily we do The Manna that they had in the wildernesse was counted excellent food and they extraordinarily graced and fauored that did eate thereof because Angels were the Ministers of it how excellent then is this heauenly Manna which is by Christs owne hand conueyed vnto vs and made effectuall for our good and comfort Surely we can neuer be ioyfull and thankfull enough for this inestimable treasure The end of the eight Sermon THE NINTH SERMON MARKE 18. And as they sate at table and did eate Iesus said Verily I say vnto you that one of you shall betray me which eateth with me 19. Then they began to be sorrowfull and to say to him one by one Is it I and another Is it I 20. And he answered and sayd vnto them It is one of the twelue that dippeth with me in the platter 21 Truly the Sonne of man goeth his way as it is written of him but woe be to that man by whom the sonne of man is betraied it had bene good for that man if he had neuer bene borne THis History containeth in it especially and principally the Institution of the Lords Supper wherein 2. things are chiefly to be obserued 1 A conference that was before it 2 The maner celebration of it First for the conference it was betweene our Sauiour his Disciples at the eating of the Passeouer before the institutiō of the other Sacrament wherin 1. Christ Iesus doth discouer vnto them the practise and treason that was conspired against him Iesus said Verse 18. Verily I say vnto