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A19988 Christian prayers and meditations in English French, Italian, Spanish, Greeke, and Latine. Day, Richard, b. 1552, attributed name.; Day, John, 1522-1584, attributed name. 1569 (1569) STC 6428; ESTC S105219 107,331 687

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dicato grege arce Quin gregem ipsum nouis tuis beneficijs ita orna vt tibi tuum supremum honorem nobis tua in hac parte vice fungentibus obsequentiam sibi inter se mutuam charitatem nusquam deneget Conserua porro tua bonitate mihi partam pacem ab omni belli impetu assere patriam regnum potissimum ab intestinis domesticis tumultibus quibus bona iam orbis Christiani pars quatitur immunes nos prolege Et quoniā pauperrimi cuiusque atque abiectissimae conditionis hominis afflictio ad nos qui tui sumus attinet etiam afflictorum omnium qui tua opera promptiori egere videntur vt te misereat supplex oro obtestor Idque meritis nomine filij tui domini nostri Iesu Christi qui tecū viuit regnat in omnem aeternitatem Fiat Alia precatio SVmme Deus qui me iam ab ineunte aetate antequam in lucem essem aedita admirabili potentia incredibilique prouidentia a capitali humani generis inimico eiusque sceleratis administris hactenus tutam incolumemque cōseruasti concede itidem vt tua singulari benignitate freta cum ab omnibus clandestinis insidiis tum etiam a domesticis exterisque hostibus eripiar ea libertate mentisque quieto tranquilloque statu consistam vt populum regnumque meae fidei ac tutelae commendatum sartum tectum ab omnibus periculis tuearis cum ex hac vita migrauero tecum immortali fruar beatitudine in omnes aeui aeternitates Amen § § 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ΘΕὸς 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ΚΎριε ὁ δεὸς 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ΥΠέρτατε πάτερ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 E R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Jacob and a scepter shall rise of Israell c. Num. 24. Mary the mother of Jesu betrothed to Joseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her that she may be geuen thee to wife For to thee doth the right of her c. Tob. 6 And in the vi month the angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6. And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke 1. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him I pray c. Exo. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was conceiued c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Let euery manchild among you be circumcised That is ye shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh c. Gen. 17 Where is the king of the Jewes that is borne for we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herode the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem c. Math. 2. Abner said to Dauid make couenant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3. The Quene of Saba bring giftes to Jerusalem to Salomon with a very great trayne c. 3. Reg. 10. Then the dayes of Purification after the law of Moses were accomplished they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to presēt him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord Luke 2. God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open all maner matrices among the childrē c. Exo. 13. Anna bare a sonne brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh and the childe was yong c. 1. Sam. 1. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c. Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32. The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c. Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seyng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 3. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hande vpon the sea c. Exodus 14 They cutte downe a branche with one cluster of grapes and beare it vpon c. Num. 13. The Angel sayd to Joseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. ● God spake to Jacob Get thee out of this
he had hewen out euen in the rock and rolled a great stone to the dore St. Math. 27. Assone as the sunne was downe Josue commaundeth that they c. Josu 8 Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 31 There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. She wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. He layd it in a tomb hewen out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. When Joseph was come to his brethren they stript him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea ▪ c. Jonas 1 For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to the women Feare not for I know you seeke Jesus which was crucified c. Math. 28. Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. Judicum 16. And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Jonas c. Jonas 2. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast vij deuils And she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 16 The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litle from them then I found him c. Cant. 3. Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. John 20. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniell c. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunswered the Lord be with vs why then c. Jud. 6. So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God And they went forth and preached c. Mar. 16 And Enoch walked with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. 5. There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirlewinde c. 2. Reg. 2. The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Jacob and a scepter shall rise of Israell c Num. 24. Mary the mother of Jesu betrothed to Joseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her that she may be geuen thee to wife For to thee doth the right of her c. Tob. 6 And in the vi month the Angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6. And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke i. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him I pray c. Exo. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was conceiued c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Abner said to Dauid make couenant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3. Where is the king of the Jewes that is borne for we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herode the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem c. Math. 2. Abuer said to Dauid make coueuant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3 The Quene of Saba bring giftes to Jerusalem to Salomon with a very great rayne c. 3. Reg. 10. When the dayes of Purification after the law of Moses were accomplished they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to presēt him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord Luke 2. God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open all maner matrices among the childrē c. Exo. 13. Anna bare a sonne brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh and the childe was yong c. 1. Sam. 1. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeks the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c. Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32 The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 1. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c. Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seyng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math.
tyme which he had diligently searched c Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seyng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 3. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hande vpon the sea c. Exodus 14. They cutte downe a branche with out cluster of grapes and beare it vpon c. Num. 13. The Angel sayd to Joseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. 2 God spake to Jacob Get thee out of this countrey Jacob toke all his goodes and cattell c. Gen. 31. Dauid asked counsell of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Judah c. 2. Sam. 2. The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esau selleth his birth right for a messe of pottage c. Gen 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt toke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazarus come forth Then he that was dead came forth bound hand foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Jesus said vnto them c. John 11. Helias stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Helias c. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. He was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sunne and his clothes were as white as the light And beholde there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias c. Math. 17. Abraham said Lord if I haue now found fauour in thy sight c. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser aunswered Lo I see foure men loose walking in the midst of the fire Dan. 3. Jesus sayd Many sinnes are forgeuen her for she loued much To whom a little is forgeuen ▪ he doth loue a litle And he said vnto her Thy sinnes are forgeuen thee c. Luke 7 Dauid said to Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord c. 2. Sam. 12 Aaron looked vpon Miriam and behold she was leprous Num. 12 When Christ came nere Jerusalem he beheld the citie and wept for it saying O if thou hadst euen knowen at the lest in this thy day those thinges which belong vnto thy peace c. Luke 19. Who shall haue pitie then vpon thee O Jerusalem or who c. Jere. 15. Their feastes are turued into lamentation their altats c 1. Macha 1. Christ riding to Jerusalem many spred their garmentes in the way other cut downe branches of the trees strawed them in the way And they that went before and they that folowed c Mark. 11 The women sang by course in their play and said c. 1. Sam. 22 The children of the prophetes came to meete Helisha c. 4. Reg. 2. Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought saying vnto them it is written Myne house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a den of theues Luke 19 Is this house become a denne of theeues wherupon c. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people c. Esay 56. The chiefe priestes and the Scribes and the Elders of the people consulted how they might take Jesus by suttletie and kil him But they said not on the feast day least any oprore c. Math. 26 When Josephes brethren saw him a farre of c. Gen. 37. Absolon rose vp early and stode hard by the c. 2. Sam. 15. They appointed vnto him thirtie pieces of siluer and from that tyme Judas sought oportunitie to betray Christ his maister Now on the first day of the feast of vnleauened bread c. Math. 26 Judas said Come let vs sell him to the Ismalites c. Gen. 37 So Joseph was brought downe into Egipt and Potiphar c. Gen. 39. Jesus at his last supper as they did eate tooke bread whē he had geuen thankes brake it and gaue it to his disciples saying Take eate this is my body c. Math. 26. Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine and he c. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israell This is that bread c. Exo. 16 Jesus said all ye shall be offended by me this night c. He said moreouer vnto them sitte ye here while I go and pray yonder And he toke Peter and the two sonnes c. Math. 26. I saw all Israell scartred sheepe that had no shepeheard c. 3. Reg. 22. Helisha sayd behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou c. 4. Reg. 7. Jesus knowing all thinges that should come went forth and said vnto them whome seeke ye They answered him Jesus of Nazareth ▪ Jesus aunswered I am he Judas also c. John 18. The foolish virgines came also saying Lord Lord c. Math. 25. The great Dragon that olde serpent was cast out c. Ruee. 12. Judas had geuen them a token saying Whomsoeuer I kisse he it is take him and lead him away And as soone as he was come he goeth to him and saith Maister maister c. Marke 14. Joad tooke Abner aside peaceably and smote him vnder the ribbe that he died c. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeme Jonathan sendeth mony and the children to Triphon c. 1. Macha 13. The Jewes spate Christ in his face and buffeted him saying Prophecy vnto vs O Christ who is he that smote thee Peter sate without in the hall and a maid c Math. 26. When C ham the father of Chanaan saw the nakednes of his father he told his two brethren c Gen. 10 Heliseus is mocked of little children crying vnto him Come vp thou baldhead c. 4. Reg. 2. Pilate let Barrabas lose vnto thē and scourged Jesus and deliuered him to be crucified Then the souldiours of the gouernour toke Jesus in to the common hall c. Math. 27. The plowers plowed vpon my backe and furrowes long did cast c. Psal 131. Sathan smoke Job with sore boyles fed the soule of his foot c. Job 2. And the souldiours platted a crowne of thorne vpon his hend and a reede in his right hand and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying God saue c. Math. 27 When thou hast done all thy duety sitte downe that thou maist receue a crowne c. Eccle. 32. Abner said vnto Dauid who art thou that
your flesh c. Gen. 17 Where is the king of the Jewes that is borne for we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herode the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem c. Math. 2. Abner said to Dauid make couenant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3. The Quene of Saba bring giftes to Jerusalem to Salomon with a very great trayne c. 3. Reg. 10. When the dayes of Purification after the law of Moses were accomplished they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to presēt him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord Luke 2. God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open all maner matrices among the childrē c. Exo. 13. Anna bare a sonne brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh and the childe was yong c. 1. Sam. 1. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c. Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32. The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof From two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c. Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seyng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. The Angel sayd to Joseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. 2 God spake to Jacob Get thee out of this countrey Jacob toke all his goodes and cartell c. Gen. 31. Dauid asked counsell of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Judah c. 1. Sam. 2. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 3. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hande vpon the sea c. Exodus 14. They cutte downe a branche with one cluster of grapes and beare it vpon c. Num. 13. The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esau selleth his brith right for a messe of portage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt toke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. Christ cried with a loud voyce Legarus come forth Then he that was dead came forth bound hand foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Jesus said vnto them c. John 11. Helias stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Helias c. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. He was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sunne and his clothes were as white as the light And beholde there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias c. Math. 17. Abraham said Lord if I haue now found fauour in thy sight c. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser aunswered Lo I see foure men loose walkyng in the midst of the fire Dan. 3. Jesus sayd Many sinnes are forgeuen her for she loued much To whom a little is forgeuen ▪ he doth loue a litle And he said vnto her Thy sinnes are forgeuen thee c. Luke 7 Dauid said to Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord c. 2. Sam. 12. Aaron looked vpon Miriam and behold she was leprous Num. 12 When Christ came nere Jerusalem he beheld the citie and wept for it saying O if thou hadst euen knowen at the lest in this thy day those thinges which belong onto thy peace c. Luke 19. Who shall haue picie then vpon thee O Jerusalem or who c. Jere. 15. Their feastes are turued into lamentation there altats c. 1. Macha 1. Christ riding to Jerusalem many spred their garmentes in the way other cut downe branches of the trecs strawed them in the way And they that went before and they that folowed c Mark. 11 The women sang by course in their play and said c. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophets came to meete Helisha c. 4. Reg. 2. Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought saying vnto them it is written Myne house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a den of theues Luke 19 Is this house become a denne of theeues wherupon c. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people c. Esay 56. The chiefe priestes and the Scribes and the Elders of the people consulted how they might take Jesus by suttletie and kil him But they said not on the feast day least any vprore c. Math. 26 When Josephes brethren saw him a farre of c. Gen. 37. Absolon rose vp early and stode hard by the c. 2. Sam. 15. They appointed vnto him thirtie pieces of siluer and from that tyme Judas sought oportunitie to betray Christ his maister Now on the first day of the feast of vnleauened bread c. Math. 26 Judas said Come let vs sell him to the Ismalites c. Gen. 37. So Jeseph was brought downe into Egipt and Potiphar c. Gen. 39. Jesus at his last supper as they did eate tooke bread whē he had geuen thankes brake it and gaue it to his disciples saying Take eate this is my body c. Math. 26. Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine and he c. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israell This is that bread c. Exo. 16. Jesus said all ye shall be offended by me this night c. He said moreouer vnto them sitte ye here while I go and pray yonder And he toke Peter and the two sonnes c. Math. 26. I saw all Israell scattred as sheepe that had no shepeheard c. 3. Reg.
angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6. And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke 1. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him I pray c. Exo. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was conceiued c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Let euery manchild among you be circumcised That is ye shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh c. Gen. 17 Where is the king ▪ of the Jewes that is borne for we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herode the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem c. Mark 2. Abner said to Dauid make couenant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3. The Quene of Saba bring giftes to Jerusalem to Salomon with a very great trayne c. 3. Reg. 10. When the dayes or Purification after the law of Moses were accomplished they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to presēt him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord Luke 2. God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open all maner matrices among the childrē c. Exo. 13. Anna bare a sonne brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh and the childe was yong c. 1. Sam. 1. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c. Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32 The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seyng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 3. Litt vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hande vpon the sea c. Exodus 14. They cutte downe a branche with one cluster of grapes and beare it vpon c. Num. 13. The Angel sayd to Joseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. 2 God spake to Jacob Get thee out of this countrey Jacob toke all his goodes and cattell c. Gen. 31. Dauid asked counsell of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Judah c. 2. Sam. 2. The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esau selleth his birth right for a messe of pottage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt toke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazarus come forth Then he that was dead came forth bound hand foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Jesus said vnto them c. John 11. Helias stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Helias c. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. He was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sunne and his clothes were as white as the light And beholde there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias c. Math. 17. Abraham said Lord if I haue now found fauour in thy sight c. Gen. 18. Nabuchadnesee aunswered Lo I see foure men loose walking in the midst of the fire Dan. 3. Jesus sayd Many sinnes are forgeuen her for she loued much To whom a little is forgeuen he doth loue a litle And he said vnto her Thy sinnes are forgeuen thee c. Luke 7 Dauid said to Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord c. 2. Sam. 12 Baron looked vpon Miriam and behold she was leprous Num. 12 When Christ came nere Jerusalem he beheld the citie and wept for it saying O if thou hadst euen knowen at the lest in this thy day those thinges which belong vnto thy peace c. Luke 19. Who shall haue pitie then vpon thee O Jerusalem or who c. Jere. 15. Their feastes are turned into lamentation their altars c 1. Macha 1. Christ riding to Jerusalem many spred their garmentes in the way other cut downe branches of the trees strawed them in the way And they that went before and they that folowed c Mark. 11 The women sang by course in their play and said c. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the propheres came to meete Helisha c. 4. Reg. 2. Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought saying vnto them it is written Myne house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a den of theues Luke 19 Is this house become a denue of theeues wherupon c. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people c. Esay 56. The chiefe priestes and the Scribes and the Elders of the people consulted how they might take Jesus by
with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. 5. There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirlwind c 2. Reg. 2 Behold a woman a Cananite came out of the sea coastes and cried saying vnto him Haue mercy on me O Lord c. Math. 15. A certayne man was diseased 38. yeares when Jesus saw him lie and knew c. John 5. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went vnto them walkyng on the sea c Math. 14 Mary stoode at the sepulcher wepyng and as she wept she bowed her selfe into the sepulcher and saw two aungels in white sitting the one c. John 20. Ruben returned to the pit and behold Joseph was not in the pit c. Gen. 37. I will seeke him that my soule loueth I sought him but I found him not c. Cant. 3. And he tooke the v. loaues and two fishes and looked vp to heauen and blessed and brake and gaue the loaues to his disciples and the disciples c. Math. 14. He that is without fault let him cast the first stone c. John 8. Jesus seyng their faith said to the sicke of the palsey sonne c. Math. 9. The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Jacob and a scepter shall ryse of Israell c Num. 24. Mary the mother of Jesu betrothed to Joseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her that she may be geuen ther to wife For to thee doth the light of ber c. Tob. 6 And in the vi month the Angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6 And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke 1. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him I pray c. Ero. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was conceiued c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Let euery manchild among you be circumcised That is ye shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh c. Gen. 17 Where is the king of the Jewes that is borne for we haue sent his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herode the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem c. Math. 2. Abner said to Dauid make couenant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3. The Quene of Saba bring giftes to Jerusalem to Salomon with a very great trayne c. 3. Reg. 10. When the dayes of Purification after the law of Moses were accomplished they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to presēt him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord Luke 2. God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open all maner matrices among the childrē c. Exo. 13. Anna bare a sonne brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh and the childe was yong c. 1. Sam. 1. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32 The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c. Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seyng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 1. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hands vpon the sea c. Exodus 14. They cutte downe a branche with one cluster of grapes and beare it vpon c. Num. 13. The Angel sayd to Joseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. 2 God spake to Jacob Get thee out of this countrey Jacob toke all his goodes and cattell c. Gen. 31. Dauid asked counsell of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Judah c. 2. Sam. 2. The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esau selleth his birth right for a messe of pottage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt toke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazarus come forth Then he that was dead came forth bound hand
foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Jesus said vnto them c. John 11. Helias stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Helias c. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. He was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sunne and his clothes were as white as the light And beholde there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias c. Math. 17. Abraham said Lord if I haue now found fauour in thy sight c. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser aunswered Lo I see foure men loose walking in the midst of the fire Dan. 3. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c. Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord ▪ and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32. The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Ecomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalis sayng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. The angel sayd to Joseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which soughth the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. 2 God spake to Jacob Get thee out of this countrey Jacob toke all his goodes and cattell c. Gen. 31. Dauid asked counsell of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Judah c. 2. Sam. 2. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 3. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hande vpon the sea c. Exodus 14. They cutte downe a branche with one cluster of grapes and beare it vpon c. Num. 13. The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stoues be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esau selleth his birth right for a messe of pottage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt toke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazarus come forth Then he that was dead came forth bound hand foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Jesus said vnto them c. John 11. Helias stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Helias c. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. He was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sunne and his clothes were as white as the light And beholde there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias c. Math. 17. Abraham said Lord if I haue now found fauour in thy sight c. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneset aunswered Lo I see foure men loose walking in the midst of the fire Dan. 3 Jesus sayd Many sinnes are forgeuen her for she loued much To whom a little is forgeuen he doth loue a litle And he said vnto her Thy sinnes are forgeuen thee c. Luke 7 Dauid said to Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord c. 2. Sam. 12. Aaron looked vpon Miriam and behold she was leprous Num. 12 When Christ came nere Jerusalem he beheld the citie and wept for it saying O if thou hadst euen knowen at the lest in this thy day those thinges which belong vnto thy peace c. Luke 19. Who shall haue pitie then vpon thee O Jerusalem or who c. Jere. 15. Their feastes are turned into lamentation there altars c 1. Macha 1. Christ riding to Jerusalem many spred their garmentes in the way other cut downe branches of the trees strawed them in the way And they that went before and they that folowed c Mark. 11 The women sang by course in their play and said c. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophets came to meete Helisha c. 4. Reg. 2. Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought saying vnto them it is written Myne house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a den of theues Luke 10 Is this house become a denne of theeues wherupon c. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people c. Esay 56. The chiefe priestes and the Scribes and the Elders of the people consulted how they might take Jesus by suttletie and kil him But they said not on the feast day least any vprore c. Math. 26 When Josephes brethren saw him a farre of c. Gen. 37. Absolon rose vp early and stode hard by the c. 2. Sam. 15. They appointed vnto him thirtie pieces of siluer and from that tyme Judas sought oportunitie to betray Christ his maister Now on the first day of the feast of vnleauened bread c. Math. 26 Judas said Come let vs sell him to the Ismalites c. Gen. 37. So Joseph was brought downe into Egipt and Potiphar c. Gen. 39. Jesus at his last supper as they did eate tooke bread whē he had geuen thankes brake it and gaue it to his disciples saying Take eate this is my body c. Math. 26. Melchifedeth brought forth bread and wine and he c. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israell This is that bread c. Exo. 16 Jesus said all ye shall be offended by me this night c. He said moreouer vnto them sitte ye here while I go and pray yonder And he toke Peter and the two sonnes c. Math. 26. I saw all Israell scattred as sheepe that had no shepeheard c. 3. Reg. 22. Helisha sayd behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou c. 4. Reg. 7. Jesus knowing all thinges that should come went forth and said vnto them Whome seeke ye They answered him Jesus of Nazareth Jesus aunswered I am
i. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him I pray c. Exo. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was conceiued c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Let euery manchild among you●● circumcised That is ye shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh c. Gen. 17 Where is the king of the Jewes that is borne for we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herode the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem c. Math. 2. Abner said to Dauid make couenaut with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3. The Quene of Saba bring giftes to Jerusalem to Salomon with a very great trayne c. 3. Reg. 10. When the dayes of Purification after the law of Moses were accomplished they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to presēt him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord Luke 2. God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open all maner matrices among the childrē c. Exo. 13. Anna bare a sonne brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh and the childe was youg c. 1. Sam. 1. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c. Math. 2. Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32. The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c. Mat. 2. Saul sayd to Doeg turne thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seyng her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kinges seede But Jehosheba c. 4. Reg. 11. The angel sayd to Joseph Arise and take the babe and his mother ▪ and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. 2 God spake to Jacob Get thee out of this countrey Jacob toke all his goodes and cattell ▪ c. Gen. 31. Dauid asked counsell of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Judah c. 2. Sam. 2. And Jesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and John saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 3. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hande vpon the sea c. Exodus 14. They cutte downe a branche with one cluster of grapes and beare it vpon c. Num. 13. The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esauselleth his birth right for a messe of pottage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt toke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazarus come forth Then he that was dead came forth ▪ bound hand foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Jesus said vnto them c. John 11. Helias stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Helias c. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. He was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sunne and his clothes were as white as the light And beholde there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias c. Math. 17. Abraham said Lord if I haue now found fauour in thy sight c. Gen. 13. Nabuchadneser aunswered Lo I see foure men loose walking in the midst of the fire Dan. 3. Jesus sayd Many sinnes are forgeuen her for she loued much To whom a little is forgeuen he doth loue a litle And he said vnto her Thy sinnes are forgeuen thee c. Luke 7. Dauid said to Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord c. 2. Sam. 12 Aaron looked vpon Miriam and behold she was leprous Num. 12 When Christ came nere Jerusalem he beheld the citie and wept for it saying O if thou hadst euen knowen at the lest in this thy day those thinges which belong vnto thy peace c. Luke 19. Who shall haue pitie then vpon thee O Jerusalem or who c. Jere. 15. Their feastes are turned into lamentation their altars c. 1. Macha 1. Christ riding to Jerusalem many spred their garmentes in the way other cut downe branches of the trees strawed them in the way And they that went before and they that folowed c Mark. 11 The women sang by course in their play and said c. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophetes came to meete Helisha c. 4. Reg. 2. Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought saying vnto them it is written Myne house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a den of theues Luke 19 Is this house become a denne of theeues wherupon c. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people c. Esay 56. The chiefe priestes and the Scribes and the Elders of the people consulted how they might take Jesus by suttletie and kil him But they said not on the feast day least any vprore c. Math. 26 When Josephes brethren saw him a farre of c. Gen. 37 Absolon rose vp early and stode hard by the c. 2. Sam. 15. They appointed vnto
countrey Jacob toke all his goodes and cattell c. Gen. 31. Dauid asked counsell of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Judah c. 2. Sam. 2. The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esau selleth his birth right for a messe of pottage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt toke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazarus come forth Then he that was dead came forth bound hand foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Jesus said vnto them c. John 11. Helias stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Helias c. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. He was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sunne and his clothes were as white as the light And beholde there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias c. Math. 17. Abraham said Lord if I haue now found fauour in thy sight c. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser aunswered Lo I see foure men loose walking in the midst of the fire Dan. 3. Jesus sayd Many sinnes are forgeuen her for she loued much To whom a little is forgeuen ▪ he doth loue a little And he said vnto her Thy sinnes are forgeuen thee c. Luke 7. Dauid said to Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord c. 2. Sam. 12 Aaron looked vpon Miriam and behold she was leprous Num. 12 When Christ came nere Jerusalem he beheld the citie and wept for it saying O if thou hadst euen knowen at the lest in this thy day those thinges which belong vnto thy peace c. Luke 19. Who shall haue pitie then vpon thee O Jerusalem or who c. Jere. 15. Their feastes are turned into lamentation their altars c 1. Macha 1. Christ riding to Jerusalem many spred their garmentes in the way other cut downe branches of the trees strawed them in the way And they that went before and they that folowed c Mark. 11 The women sang by course in their play and said c. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophets came to meete Helisha c. 4. Reg. 2. Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought saying vnto them it is written Myne house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a den of theues Luke 19 Is this house become a denne of theeues wherupon c. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people c. Esay 56. The chiefe priestes and the Scribes and the Elders of the people consulted how they might take Jesus by suttletie and kil him But they said not on the feast day least any vprore c. Math. 26 When Josephes brethren saw him a farre of c. Gen. 37. Absolon rose vp early and stode hard by the c. 2. Sam. 15. They appointed vnto him thirtie pieces of siluer and from that tyme Judas sought oportunitie to betray Christ his maister Now on the first day of the feast of vnleauened bread c. Math. 26 Judas said Come let vs sell him to the Ismalites c. Gen. 37 So Joseph was brought downe into Egipt and Potiphar c. Gen. 39. Jesus knowing all thinges that should come went forth and said vnto them whome seeke ye They answered him Jesus of Nazareth Jesus aunswered I am he Judas also c. John 18. The foolish virgines came also saying Lord Lord c. Math. 25. The great Dragon that olde serpent was cast out c. Ruee. 12. Judas had geuen them a token saying whomsoeuer I kisse he it is take him and lead him away And as soone as he was come he goeth to him and saith Maister maister c. Marke 14. Joad tooke Abner aside peaceably and smote him vnder the ribbe that he died c. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeme Jonathan sendeth mony and the children to Triphon c. 1. Macha 13. The Jewes spate Christ in his face and buffeted him saying Prophecy vnto vs O Christ who is he that smote thee Peter sate without in the hall and a maid c Math. 26. When C ham the father of Chanaan saw the nakednes of his father he tolde his two brethren c. Gen. 10. Heliseus is mocked of little children crying vnto him Come vp thou baldhead c. 4. Reg. 2. Pilate let Barrabas lose vnto thē and scourged Jesus and deliuered him to be crucified Then the souldiours of the gouernour toke Jesus in to the common hall c. Math. 27. The plowers plowed vpon my backe and furrowes long did cast c. Psal 131. Sathan smote Job with sore boyles frō the soule of his foot c. Joh. 2. And the souldiours platted a crowne of thorne vpon his head and a reede in his right hand and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying God saue c. Math. 27 When thou hast done all thy duety sitte downe that thou maist receue a crowne c. Eccle. 32 Abner said vnto Dauid who art thou that criest to the king c. 1. Sam. 26 Pilate toke water and washed hys handes before the multitude saying I am innocent of the death of this iust man looke you to it Then answered all the people c. Math. 27. Jezabell sent a messenger vnto Helias saying The Gods do so to me c. 3. Reg. 19. Then the king commaunded and they brought Daniel and cast c. Dan. 6. and Jesus bare his crosse and came into a place named Golgotha where they crucified him and two other with him in either side one and Jesus in the midst of them c. John 19. Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offring and layd it upon Isaac his sonne c. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks and Eliah called her and said c. 3. Reg. 17. And when they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euil doers one on the right hand and the other on the left c. Luke 23. Tubultaim wrought cunningly euery craft of brasse and iron c. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a saw and fasted on a tree c. One of the souldiours with a speare pearced his side forthwith ran there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. John 19. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocks and water c Exo. 17 Joseph toke the body and wrapped it in a cleane linnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which
with a speare pearced his side forthwith ran there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. John 19. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocks and water c Exo. 17 Joseph toke the body and wrapped it it in a cleane linnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rock and rolled a great stone to the dore c. Math. 27. Assone as the sunne was downe Josne commaundeth that they c. Josu 8 Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 31 There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. She wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. He layd it in a tomb hewen out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. When Joseph was come to his brethren they script him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea c. Jonas 1 For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to the women Feare not for I know you seeke Jesus which was crucified c. Math. 28. Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. Judicum 16. And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Jonas c. Jonas 2. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast vij deuils And she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 16 The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litle from them then I found him c. Cant. 3. Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. John 20. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniell c. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunswered the Lord be with vs why then c. Jud. 6. So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God And they went forth and preached c. Mar. 16 And Enoch walked with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. 5. There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirlwinde c. 2. Reg. 2 The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Jacob and a scepter shall ryse of Israell c Num. 24. Mary the mother of Jesu betrothed to Joseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her that she may be geuen thee to wife For to thee doth the right of her c. Tob. 6 And in the vi month the Angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the head of the serpent Gen. 2. The angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6. And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke i. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him I pray c. Exo. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was concerned c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Abner said to Dauid make couenant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3. Where is the king of the Jewes that is borne for we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him When Herode the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem c. Math. 2. Abuer said to Dauid make coueuant with me and behold mine hand shall be with thee c. 2. Sam. 3 The Quene of Saba bring giftes to Jerusalem to Salomon with a very great trayne c. ● Reg. 10. When the dayes of Purification after the law of Moses were accomplished they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to presēt him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord Luke 2. God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open all maner matrices among the childrē c. Exo. 13. Anna bare a sonne brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh and the childe was yong c. 1. Sam. 1. Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c. Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esau is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. 1. Sa. 19 He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose 10. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32 The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe before the arke of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the
criest to the king c. 1. Sam. 26. Pilate toke water and washed hys handes before the multitude saying I am innocent of the death of this iust man looke you to it Then answered all the people c. Math. 27. Jezabell sent a messenger vnto Helias saying The Gods do so to me c. 3. Reg. 19. Then the king commaunded and they brought Daniel and cast c. Dan. 6. And Jesus bare his crosse and came into a place named Golgotha where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one and Jesus in the midst of them c. John 19. Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offring and layd it vpon Isaac his sonne c. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks and Eliah called her and said c. 3. Reg. 17. And when they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euil doers one on the right hand and the other on the left c. Luke 23. Tubultaim wrought cunningly euery craft of brasse and iron c. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a saw and fasted on a tree c. One of the souldiours with a speare pearced his side forth with ran there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. John 19. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocke and water c Exo. 17 Joseph toke the body and wrapped it it in a cleane linnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rock and rolled a great stone to the dore c. Math. 27. Assone as the sunne was downe Josne commaundeth that they c. Josu 8 Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 31 There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. She wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. He layd it in a tomb hewen out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. When Joseph was come to his brethren they stript him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea c. Jonas For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to The women Feare not for I know you seeke Jesus which was crucified c. Math. 28. Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. Judicum 16. And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Jonas c. Jonas 2. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast vii deuils And she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 16 The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litle from them then I found him c. Cant. 3. Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. John 20. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniell c. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunswered the Lord be with vs why then c. Jud. 6. So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God And they went forth and preached c. Mar. 16 And Enoch walked with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. 5. There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirlwinde c. 2. Reg. 2 Behold a woman a Cananite came out of the sea coastes and cried saying vnto him Haue mercy on me O Lord c. Math. 15. A certayne man was diseased 38. yeares when Jesus saw him lie and knew c. John 5. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went vnto them walkyng on the sea c. Math. 14. Mary stoode at the sepulcher wepyng and as she wept she bowed her selfe into the sepulchre and saw two aungels in white sitting the one c. John 20. Ruben returned to the pit and behold Joseph was not in the pit c. Gen. 37. I will seeke him that my soule loueth I sought him but I found him not c. Cant. 3. The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Jacob and a scepter shall rise of Israell c. Num. 24. Mary the mother of Jesu botrothed to Joseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her that she may be geuen thee to wife For to thee doth the right of her c. Cob. 6. And in the vi month the Angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the held of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6. And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke i. And Moyses returned to Jethro his father in law and sayd to hym I pray c. Exo. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name Was then called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was concerned c. Luke 2. Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 21 Let euery manchild among you be circumcised That is ve shall circumcise the foreskin of
22. Helisha sayd behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou c. 4. Reg. 7. Jesus knowing all thinges that should come went forth and said vnto them Whome seeke ye They answered him Jesus of Nazareth Jesus aunswered I am he Judas also c. John 18. The foolish virgineg came also saying Lord Lord c. Math. 25. The great Dragon that olde serpent was cast out c. Reue. 12. Judas had geuen them a token saying Whomsoeuer I kisse he it is take him and lead him away And as soone as he was come he goeth to him and faith Maister maister c. Marke 14. Joab tooke Abner aside peaceably and smote him vnder the ribbe that he died c. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeme Jonathan sendeth mony and the children to Triphon c. 1. Macha 13. The Jewes spate Christ in his face and buffeted him saying Prophecy vnto vs O Christ who is he that smote thee Peter sate without in the hall and a maid c Math. 26. When C ham the father of Chanaan saw the nakednes of his father he tolde his two brethren c. Gen. 10. Heliseus is mocked of little children crying vnto him Come vp thou baldhead c. 4. Reg. 2. Pilate let Barrabas lose vnto thē and scourged Iesus and deliuered him to be crucified Then the souldiours of the gouernour toke Jesus in to the common hall c. Math. 27. The plowers plowed vpon my backe and furrowes long did cast c. Psal iji Sathan smote Job with sore boyles frō the soule of his foot c. Job 2. And the souldiours platted a crowne of thorne vpon his head and a reede in his right hand and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying God saue c. Math. 27. When thou hast done all thy duety sitte downe that thou maist receiue a crowne c. Eccle. 32. Abner said vnto Dauid who art thou that criest to the king c. 1. Sam. 26. Pilate toke water and washed hys handes before the multitude saying I am innocent of the death of this iust man looke you to it Then answered all the people c. Math. 27. Jezabell sent a messenger vnto Helias saying The Gods do so to me c. 3. Reg. 19. Then the king commaunded and they brought Daniel and cast c. Dan. 6. And Jesus bere his crosse and came into a place named Gol gotha where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one and Jesus in the midst of them c. John 19. Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offring and layd it vpon Isaac his sonne c. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks and Eliah called her and said c. 3. Reg. 17. And when they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euil doers one on the right hand and the other on the left c. Luke 23. Tubultaim wrought cunningly euery craft of brasse and iron c. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a saw and fasted on a tree c. One of the souldiwith a speare pearced his side forth with ranne there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. John 19. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c. Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocke and water c. Exod. 17. Joseph toke the body and wrapped it it in a cleane linnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rock and rolled a great stone to the dore c. Math. 27. Assone as the sunne was downe Josue commaundeth that they c. Josu 8 Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 31 There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The nert day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. She wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. He layd it in a tomb hewen out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. When Joseph was come to his brethren they stript him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea c. Jonas 1. For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to the women Feare not for I know you seeke Iesus which was crucified c. Math. 28. Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. Judicum 16. And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Jonas c. Jouas 2. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast vij deuils And she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 16 The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litle from them then I found him c. Cant. 3. Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. John 20. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniell c. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunsuered If the Lord be with vs why then c. Jud. 6. So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God And they went forth and preached c. Mar. 16 And Enoch walked with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. 5. There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirle winde c. 2. Reg. 2. The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a sta● of Jacob and a scepter shall rise of Israell c. Num. 24. Mary the mother of Iesu betrothed to Ioseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her that she may be geuen thee to wife For to thee doth the right of her c. Tob. 6. And in the vi month the Angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The
suttletie and kil him But they said not on the feast day least any vprore c. Math. 26 When Josephes brethren saw him a farre of c. Gen. 37 Absolon rose vp early and stode hard by the c. 2. Sam. 15. They appointed vnto him thirtie pieces of siluer and from that tyme Judas sought oportunitie to betray Christ his maister Now on the first day of the feast of vnleauened bread c. Math. 26 Judas said Come let vs sell him to the Ismalites c. Gen. 37 So Joseph was brought downe into Egipt and Potiphar c. Gen. 39. Jesus at his last supper as they did eate tooke bread whē he had geuen thankes brake it and gaue it to his disciples saying Take eate this is my body c. Math. 26. Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine and he c. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israell This is that bread c. Exo. 16 Jesus said all ye shall be offended by me this night c. He said moreouer vnto them sitte ye here while I go and pray yonder And he toke Peter and the two sonnes c. Math. 26. I saw all Israell scad●red sheepe that had no shepeheard c. 3. Reg. 22. Helisha sayd behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou c. 4. Reg. 7 Jesus knowing all thinges that should come went forth and said vnto them whome seeke ye They answered him Jesus of Nazareth Jesus aunswered I am he Judas also c. John 18. The foolish virgines came also saying Lord Lord c. Math. 25. The great Dragon that olde serpent was cast out c. Ruee. 12. Judas had geuen them a token saying Whomsoeuer I kisse he it is take him and lead him away And as soone as he was come he goeth to him and saith Maister maister c. Marke 14. Joab tooke Abner aside peaceably and smote him vnder the ribbe that he died c. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeme Jonathan sendeth mony and the children to Triphon c. 1. Macha 13. The Jewes spate Christ in his face and buffeted him saying Prophecy vnto vs O Christ who is he that smote thee Peter sate without in the hall and a maid c Math. 26. When C ham the father of Chanaan saw the nakednes of his father he told his two brethren c Gen. 10 Heliseus is mocked of little children crying vnto him Come vp thou baldhead c. 4. Reg. 2. Pilate let Barrabas lose vnto thē and scourged Jesus and deliuered him to be crucified Then the souldiours of the gouernour toke Jesus in to the common hall c. Math. 27. The plowers plowed vpon my backe and furrowes long did cast c. Psal 131. Sathan smote Job with sore boyles frō the soule of his foot c. Job 2. And the souldiours platted a crowne of thorne vpon his head and a reede in his right hand and bowed their knee before him and mocked him saying God saue c. Math. 27 When thou hast done all thy duety sitte downe that thou maist receue a crowne c. Eccle. 32 Abner said vnto Dauid who art thou that criest to the king c. 1. Sam. 26. Pilate toke water and washed hys handes before the multitude saying I am innocent of the death of this iust man looke you to it Then answered all the people c. Math. 27. Jezabell sent a messenger vnto Helias saying The Gods do so to me c. 3. Reg. 19. Then the king commaunded and they brought Daniel and cast c. Dan. 6. And Jesus bare his crosse and came into a place named Golgotha where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one and Jesus in the midst of them c. John 19. Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offring and layd it vpon Isaac his sonne c. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks and Eliah called her and said c. 3. Reg. 17. And when they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euil doers one on the right hand and the other on the left c. Luke 23. Tubultaim wrought cunningly euery craft of brasse and iron c. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a saw and fasted on a tree c. One of the souldiours with a speare pearced his side forthwith ran there our bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. John 19. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocke and water c Exo. 17 Joseph toke the body and wrapped it in a cleane linnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rock and rolled a great stone to the dore c. Math. 27. Assone as the sunne was downe Josne commaundeth that they c. Josu 8 Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 31 There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. She wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. He layd it in a tomb hewen out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. When Joseph was come to his brethren they stript him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sca c. Jonas For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to the women Feare not for I know you seeke Jesus which was crucified c. Math. 28. Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. Judicum 16. And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Jonas c. Jonas 2. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast vij deuils And she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 16 The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litle from them then I found him c. Cant. 3. Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. John 20. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniell c. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunswered he Lord be with vs why then c. Jud. 6. So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God And they went forth and preached c. Mar. 16 Ano Enoch walked
he Judas also c. John 18. The foolish virgines came also saying Lord Lord c. Math. 25. The great Dragon that olde serpent was cast out c. Reue. 12. Judas had geuen them a token saying whomsoeuer I kisse he it is take him and lead him away and as soone as he was come he goeth to him and saith Maister maister c. Marke 14. Joad tooke Abner aside peaceably and smote him vnder the ribbe that he died c. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeme Jonathan sendeth mony and the children to Triphon c. 1. Macha 13. The Jewes spate Christ in his face and buffeted him saying Prophecy vnto vs O Christ who is he that smote thee Peter sate without in the hall and a maid c Math. 26. When C ham the rather of Chanaan saw the nakednes of his father he tolde his two brethren c. Gen. 10. Heliseus is mocked of little children crying vnto him Come vp thou baldhead c. 4. Reg. 2. Pilate let Barrabas lose vnto thē and scourged Jesus and deliuered him to be crucified Then the souldiours of the gouernour toke Jesus in to the common hall c. Math. 27. The plowers plowed vpon my backe and furrowes long did cast c. Psal 131. Sathan smote Job with sore boyles frō the soule of his foot c. Job 2. And the souldiours platted a crowne of chorne vpon his head and a reede in his right hand and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying God saue c. Math. 27 When thou hast done all thy duety sitte downe that thou maist receue a crowne c. Eccle. 32. Abner said vnto Dauid who art thou that criest to the king c. 1. Sam. 26 Pilate toke water and washed hys handes before the multitude saying I am innocent of the death of this iust man looke you to it Then answered all the people c. Math. 27. Jezabeli sent a messenger vnto Helias saying The Gods do so to me c. 3. Reg. 19. Then the king commaunded and they brought Daniel and cast c. Dan. 6. And Jesus bare his crosse and came into a place named Golgotha where they crucified him and two other with him in either side one and Jesus in the midst of them c. John 19. Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offring and layd it vpon Isaac his sonne c. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks and Eliah called her and said c. 3. Reg. 17. And when they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euil doers one on the right hand and the other on the left c. Luke 23. Tubultaim wrought cunningly euery craft of brasse and iron c. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a saw and fasted on a tre c. One of the souldiours with a speare pearced his side forthwith ran there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. John 19. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocke and water c Exo. 17 Joseph toke the body and wrapped it it in a cleane linnen cloth and lard it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rock and rolled a great stone to the dore c. Math. 27. Assone as the sunne was downe Josue commaundeth that they c. Josu 8 Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 31 There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. She wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. He layd it in a tomb hewen out of a rocke wherein was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. When Joseph was come to his brethren they stript him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea c. Jonas 1. For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to the women Feare not for I know you seeke Jesus which was crucified c. Math. 28. Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. Judicum 16. And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Jonas c. Jonas 2. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast vij deuils And she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 16 The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litle from them then I found him c. Cant. 3. Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. John 20. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniell c. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunswered If the Lord be with vs why then c. Jud. 6. So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God And they went forth and preached c. Mar. 16 And Enoch walke●●ith God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. ● There appeared a charet o● fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirleminde 2. Reg. 2. The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Jesse and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Jacob and a scepter shall rise of Israell c. Num. 24. Mary the mother of Jesu betrothed to Joseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Joseph her husband being a iust man c. Math. 1. But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife c. Gen. 24. I will speake for her thac she may be geúen thee to wife For to thee doth the right of her c. Tob. 6 And in the vi month the Angell Gabriell was sent frō God to a citie in Galile named Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. The seede of the woman shall tread vppon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him the Lord is with thee thou valiaunt man Judges 6. And Mary arose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Juda and entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke
him thirtie pieces of siluer and from that tyme Judas sought oportunitie to betray Christ his maister Now on the first day of the feast of vnleauened bread c. Math. 26 Judas said Come let vs sell him to the Isinalites c. Gen. 37 So Joseph was brought downe into Egipt and Potiphar c. Gen. 39. Jesus at his last supper as they did eate tooke bread whē he had geuen thankes brake it and gaue it to his disciples saying Take eate this is my body c. Math. 26. Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine and he c. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israell This is that bread c. Exo. 16 Jesus said all ye shall be offended by me this night ▪ c. He said moreouer vnto them sitte ye here while I go and pray yonder And he toke Peter and the two sonnes c. Math. 26. I saw all Israell ●●●●●●ed a● sheepe that had no shepeheard c. 3. Reg. 22. 〈◊〉 sayd behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou c. 4. Reg. 7 Jesus knowing all thinges that should come went forth and said vnto them Whome seeke ye They answered him Jesus of Nazareth Jesus aunswered I am he Judas also c. John 18. The foolish virgines came also saying Lord Lord c. Math. 25. The great Dragon that olde serpent was cast out c. Ruee. 12. Judas had geuen them a token saying whomsoeuer I kisse he it is take him and lead him away And as soone as he was come he goeth to him and saith Maister maister c. Marke 14. Joab tooke Abner aside peaceably and smote him under the ribbe that he died c. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeme Jonathan sendeth mony and the children to Triphon c. 1. Macha 13. The Jewes spate Christ in his face and buffeted him saying Prophecy vnto vs O Christ who is he that smore thee Peter sate without in the hall and a maid c Math. 26. When C ham the father of Chanaan saw the nakedues of his father he told his two brethren c Gen. 10 Heliseus is mocked of little children crying vnto him Come by thou baldhead c. 4. Reg. 2. Pilate let Barrabas lose vnto thē and scourged Jesus and deliuered him to be crucified Then the souldiours of the gouernour toke Jesus in to the common hall c. Math. 27. The plowers plowed vpon my backe and furrowes long did cast c. Psal 131. Sathan smote Job with sore boyles frō the soule of his foot c. Job 2. And the souldiours platted a crowne of thorne vpon his head and a reede in his right hand and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying God saue c. Math. 27 When thou hast done all thy duety sitte downe that thou maist receue a crowne c. Eccle. 32 Abner said vnto Dauid who art thou that cried to the king c. 1. Sam. 26. Pilate toke water and washed hys handes before the multitude saying I am innocent of the death of this iust man looke you to it Then answered all the people c. Math. 27. Jezabell sent a messenger vnto Helias saying The Gods do so to me c. 3. Reg. 19. Then the king commaunded and they brought Daniel and cast c. Dan. 6. And Jesus bare his crosse and came into a place named Golgotha where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one and Jesus in the midst of them c. John 19. Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offring and layd it vpon Isaac his sonne c. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks and Eliah called her and said c. 3. Reg. 17. And when they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euil doers one on the right hand and the other on the left c. Luke 23. Tubultaim wrought cunningly euery craft of brasse and iron c. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a saw and fasted on a tree c. One of the souldiours with a speare pearced his side forth with ran there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his recorde is true And he that c. John 19. With the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man c Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocke and water c Exo. 17 Joseph toke the body and wrapped it in a cleane linten cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rock and rolled a great stone to the dore t. Math. 27. Assone as the sunne was downe Josue commaundeth that they c. Josu 8 Then they arose and went all night and toke the body c. 1. Sam. 31 There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followed the day of preparing the hie priestes and Pharises c. Math. 27. She wepeth continually in the night and her teares c. Lamen 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara for the lord hath geuen c. Ruth 1. He layd it in a tomb hewen out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd And that day was the preparing of the Saboth the Saboth drue on The women that folowed after c. Luke 23. When Joseph was come to his brethren they stript him c. Gen. 37. So they toke vp Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea c. Jonas For feare of him the kepers were astonied became as dead men But the Angell sayd to the women Feare not for I know you seeke Jesus which was crucified c. Math. 28. Samson arose at midnight and toke the dores c. Judicum 16. And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Jonas c. Jonas 2. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast vij deuils And she went and told them that had bene with him which mourned c. Mar. 16 The king said vnto Daniell O Daniel the seruaunt c. Daniel 6. When I had past a litl● from them then I found him c. Cant. 3. Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand and put it into my side and be not faythlesse c. John 20. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniell c. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunswered the Lord be with vs why then c. Jud. 6. So after the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God And they went forth and preached c. Mar. 16 And Enoch walked with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. 5. There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire so Elias went vp by a whirlwind c 2. Reg. 2 ¶ The Emperour Emperour or king I must thee bring