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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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to such as can find him yet if we can by no meanes find him what shall the vnderstanding hereof profit vs nothing at all 1. Cor. 28.10 Esa 55.6 Christ to be found by hearing the word preached and read 1 LIke as if one haue a Moyne of Copper Tinne or Leade he vseth great paine and diligence to come by the same but if it proue a veine of Siluer or Gold then the owner thereof setteth Pyoners on worke who with great care courage and comfort labour night and day in hope to be greatly enriched thereby and albeit the veine sinke downe verie deepe and proue most hard and difficult to winne yet do they not cease or slacken their labor but rather adde so much the more diligence in hope that their gaines will double their paines when the Moyne is once wonne for this they holde as a rule infallible that the lower any mettal doth lie in the earth the better and more gainful it prooues in substance Euen so it is in the studie of the Scriptures and in hearing the same read and preached the more paines and diligence one vseth therin the more increase of sound knowledge wisedom comfort is gotten in the ende being that most rich and vnvaluable Moyne wherein all the treasures of wisedome and vnderstanding are to be found conteining and comprehending all the counsels and commaundements of the Lord c. 1. Chro. 28.10 Pro. 3.13 14 26. 8.18.19 Ioh. 30.31 Mat. 7.7 8. Children dying before they be baptized are not damned 1 AS by Circumcision which was a cutting off of the the fore-skin the Children of the Hebrewes were brought vnto God were sealed vp with the Seale of his Couenaunt and receiued into his Church to the great comfort and ioy of the Parents which were certified by the same that God was not only their God but also the God of their posteritie and seede and yet if any thing had happened vnto them afore they could bee circumsized they mistrusted not but that GOD would by the vertue of his Testament saue them So by Baptisme the Children of Christians are brought vnto Christ are sealed vp with the Seale of the people of God receiued into his Church as members of his sonne Iesus Christ and fellow-heires with him of his heauenly Kingdome which thing vnto the faithfull parents must be a heauenly comfort For by it they are certified and assured that their sinnes be not only washed away with the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ but also the sinnes of their posteritie and Children But if it be not the pleasure of God that the fathers and mothers should see their Children aliue for to offer and present them vnto him by Baptisme yet there is no cause why they should thinke that they should be damned because the grace of is not bound to the Sacraments For if there were some good man among the Turkes or else among the Idolaters and Infidels which had the knowledge of the Gospell and a true faith in our Sauiour Christ and yet could by no maner of means come by the Sacrament of Baptisme or be baptized yet no man ought so much as to thinke that such a one for want of a little water should be damned seeing he hath the chiefe and principall that is to say a true iustifying faith else the water should haue more vertue and efficacie then the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ or at least as much and the Minister that should minister the outward Baptisme should be of as much power as Iesus Christ himselfe 2 Like as the Water and Minister can do nothing without the spirit and bloud of our Sauior Christ So it should follow if Children be damned that die before they be baptized that Iesus Christ his spirit and bloud should be able to do nothing without the water and Minister And so by this means our Sauior Christ and his Spirit should be as subiect vnto the Minister and Water as the Water and Minister should be subiect vnto Christ and his holy spirit and so consequently his grace and mercie should be alligated and bound vnto corruptible elements and made subiect vnto men Whereby it should come to passe that Iesus Christ should be no more true God nor yet true Sauiour 3 As the fleshly Children of Abraham and such as came of his flesh which departed this life before the eight day of Circumcision were not damned but by the vertue of the promise and couenant of God were saued So also after the same maner the spirituall Children of Abraham that is to say the Infants of all the Christians are not condemned if they decease before Baptisme but are saued by the efficacie of the promise of God and by inuisible Baptisme wherewith our Sauiour Christ Baptizeth them who by his death and precious bloud hath redeemed them Cares of this world coole the loue and desire of heauenly things 1 AS the Sea that the winde hath laine sore vpon is yet tossed and troubled after the winde is laid and the tempest gone Euen so mans mans minde lately comne out of the businesse and Cares of the world still casteth and studieth the same things and panteth after them and cannot after this come straight to it selfe and so to meditate and exercise spirituall matters Math. 13.22 Luk. 8.14 2 Like as when a Riuer or Fountaine is troubled there can no water be taken or drawne out of them but such as is full of mudde Euen so when the minde is troubled and choked with the ouer carefull and vnquiet sauour of the mire and dyrt of this peeuish world there can neither holy prayers nor any godly exercises be found there The breach of Gods Commaundements 1 AS many worldly men deale with their Creditors who will hardly let slip one houre or day but will take the aduantage and forfeiture of their Bondes and Obligations without any more delay Euen so if our good God and mercifull Father should deale as precisely and stricktly with vs in taking aduantage of the Bonds forfeytures and penalties wherein wee daily fall into by breach of his Commandements many wayes then our estate should be most miserable Iob. 9.2 3. 2 As euill debters when their day of payment draweth neare and when their Creditors are at hand to demaund the same doo seeke to hide themselues and to shunne their Creditors presence So likewise the most part of the world bee so carelesse in keeping that couenant vowe and promise which they made to God at their Baptisme that euen wilfully they throw themselues indebted vnto GOD and thrall vnto Satan some by one sinne and some by an other through violating and breaking of Gods Commaundements that when by sicknesse or death they are summoned to render an account of their bayliwicke then they wish that the mountaines would fall vpon them to hide them from the presence of God but all in vaine Esa 2.19 Hose 10.8 Luk. 23.30 Reue. 6.16 Luk. 16.2 Christ is not a Redeemer but
the eye is not in all places that the sight dooth reach vnto As wee knowe that seueritie and mercie are in God so ioyntly ioyned together that the one cannot be seperated from the other and yet they that feele his seueritie doo not feele his mercie that is to say those whom he doth according to his righteous iudgement punish euerlastingly in hell fire them doth he vtterly banish and put away from his bounteous goodnesse and mercie Euen so although the Diuinitie and humanitie of Christ be so lincked and ioyned together that wheresoeuer the one is it doth not therfore follow that the other is there also For the godhead of Christ can be euerie where and in more places then in one at once but his manhood cannot be euerie where nor in moe places then one at once Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper do no more change their substance nor qualities then the water in Baptisme 1 AS in the Sacrament of Baptisme the substance of water remaineth still So likewise in the Lords Supper remaineth the substance of Bread and Wine 2 As in Baptisme is giuen vnto vs the holy Ghost and pardon of our sinnes which yet lie not lurking or inclosed in the water so in the Lords Supper is giuen vnto vs the Communion of Christes body and bloud that is grace forgiuenesse of sinnes innocencie life immortalitie without any transubstantiation or including of the same in the Bread Mar. 16.19 Luk. 24.6.51 Act. 1.9.10 Iohn 12.8.26 3 As by Baptisme the old man is put off and the new man put on yea * Gal. 3.27 Christ is put on but without transubstantiation or chaunging of the water Euen so it is in the Lords Supper wee by faith spiritually in our soules do feede on Christs Body broken do eate his flesh and drinke his bloud do dwell in him and he in vs but without transubstantiation Bookes 1 AS Theeues be loth to assault an house where they know to be good Armour and Artillerie so wheresoeuer the Bookes of the holy Scriptures be wel occupied and exercised there neither the diuell nor any of his angels dare come neare 2 Like as Smithes Masons Carpenters and other handie craftsmen what need soeuer they be in or what shift soeuer they make will not sell or lay to pledge the tooles of their occupation for then they could not worke or follow their trade and so get their liuing So likewise euerie good Christian ought to be like minded and affectioned towards the Bookes of the Prophets Apostles and other holy writers inspired by the holy Ghost the instruments of their saluation and therefore not to sell or pawne them away 3 As vnto those precious stones the greatest price is due which not onely with their colours do delight the eyes but also are of effect for medicines So vnto those Bookes is the chiefest praise due which in them do not onely containe pleasant speech and eloquent but also that do deliuer the minde from all vice and corruption 4 Like as one dish of meate well chewed and digested will comfort nature more then diuerse delicates that lie rawe and vndigested in the stomacke Euen so one good Booke often and throughly read will do thy soule more good then the superficiall sight and taste of a thousand 5 Like as no wise man will receiue a writing for the least plotte of grounde without the counsell of some learned Lawier nor a medicine for his body without the aduise of some learned Phisition Euen so much more ought a Christian not to venture vpon a Booke wherein may be some damnable errour which may conuey from him his heauenly inheritance or some deadly poyson which may kill his soule without the direction of some godly Diuine 6 As vnto men of diuers complexions and affections God hath giuen choise of meates and varietie of apparell So likewise many Bookes to one ende are published and set forth by sundrie men in diuers fashions and with a diuers gift order and facilitie that hee whom one Booke sauoureth not might yet like the taste of an other Our second Birth LIke as we see the naturall Body from the first Birth to receiue diuers members and euerie member diuers offices vses as it is the vse of the eye to see good or euill and of the hand to take vnto it that which is good and to remoue from the Body that which is euill Euen so in the second Birth we receiue new members whereof euerie one hath his diuerse vse and function as knowledge of the will of God hope loue faith which is as it were the hand reaching vnto vs all the mercifull promises of GOD in Christ whereby we are so surely ioyned in affection to the Lord that by nothing we can be seperated Cares of the world hurtfull AS a Clocke can neuer stand still from running so long as the peases and plummets doo hang thereat Euen so a worldly man hauing infinite Cares cogitations and anxieties hanging vpon his minde as waights vpon the Clocke can neuer haue rest or quiet day or night but is enforced to beate his braines when other men sleepe for the compassing of those trifles wherwith he is encombred Carelesse keepers of Gods commandements AS the Scribes and Pharisies that came from Ierusalem picked a quarell against our Sauiour Christ because his Disciples did eate with vnwashed hands wherby they transgressed as they said the tradition of the Elders Our Sauiour Christ in defence of his Disciples chargeth the Scribes and Pharisies which were so zealous to maintaine their owne ceremonies that they were carelesse to breake the commaundements of God Euen so it commeth to passe alwaies that they which are most earnest in vpholding and defending traditions and ceremonies inuented by man are most forgetfull in keeping the commaundements of God But this is the iust iudgement of GOD against those that inuent a new worship of their owne braine That first they loose their labour and secondly that they are depriued of all-right vnderstanding because they haue presumed to be wiser then God Whom the word of God condemneth Esa 29.13 14. 6.9 Math. 13.14 Act. 28.26 Rom. 11.8 Iohn 12.40 Carnall minded men AS with a leaude and naughtie Companion if wee keepe companie we shall learne no good but rather be readie to be infected with his sinne and vice Euen so if wee suffer our selues to be acquainted with the flesh and vse it as a companion in all our dealings and yeeld vnto it we shall then be sure to learne no good of it for the flesh prouoketh vs to whordome to drunkennes to wantonnesse c. Now if we shall acquaint our selues with the flesh we shall learne those things which tend to our destruction Gal. 6.8 Rom. 8.12 13 14 15 16. Tit. 2.12 The Cause of Gods plagues are diligently to be searched out LIke as the Phisition seeing in a glasse by the water the disease within the body by skill and learning searches out the cause of
taking the signes for the thing it selfe 15 As Siluer and Gold beeing not coyned is nothing else but Siluer or Gold but if by her Maiesties commaundement a new forme or stampe bee added by a print it is made currant money which it was not before although it bee the very same substance which it was before Or as if one take waxe which is fastned to a writing or publike instrument and it differeth not from other wax of it selfe but onely because of the vse to the which it is appointed that is to say to serue for a testimonie that the instrument is effectuall and auaileable the which it hath not by nature but by the ordinance of man Euen so the signes of the Sacraments to wit water in baptisme and bread and Wine in the Lords Supper although they be not chaunged concerning their substance meane quantitie or qualitie but onely in the vse of them and doo differ from common water bread and Wine in that they are ordained of God to serue vnto vs as gages and pledges of those benefits which Christ by his death and ●●ssion hath purchased for vs yet they bee ordained of God for an excellent couenant to represent vnto vs most great and excellent things And albeit that this mutation here spoken of changeth not the substance of the signes neither of bread water or Wine but only the vse of them and is done and wrought by the holy Ghost according to the ordinance of the good will of God which is testified to vs by that promise whereto the signe is ioyned and not by the pronunciation of words after the manner of Sorcerers and Charmers but the promise is the soule of the signe so accordingly the water the bread and the wine become Sacraments that is to say true and veritable signes of those things which the word promiseth and which be presented by them so that this alteration is onely in the vse therof for before and after the administration of the Sacrament it taketh no place but onely during the action and vse to the which this chaunge or mutation tendeth 16 Like as the word serueth to no purpose except it be so preached that it may be vnderstood and further except that which it declareth and representeth to vs that is to say Iesus Christ with all his goodnesse be receiued by the faith of those which heare it Euen so also ought wee to vnderstand of the Sacraments if wee bring not faith which is the onely meanes to receiue that which is preached to vs represented and offered by the same word but contrariwise in dispising them by our incredulitie and reiecting that goodnesse which God offereth with the same to vs we seale our owne condemnation 17 Like as the Gospell ceaseth not of his owne nature to be the word of life and saluation although the wicked through their contempt turne it into the sauour of death and damnation Euen so the Sacraments cease not to be true Sacraments although they be either ministred by vnworthie persons or receiued vnworthily 11 As the seede how good so euer it be bringeth not foorth fruit at the same instant that it is sowne but continueth a certaine time in the earth So is it not meete to restraine the fruit and vertue of the word of God to the same houre that it is preached or the Sacraments to the same instant that they be ministred but the fruit shall be shewed in the elect when it pleaseth God 19 As water is not the water in Baptisme nor a signe nor consequently a Sacrament thereof but so farre forth as they bee ioyned with the word of Iesus Christ by the which it is dedicated and consecrated to that vse and so being applyed to those persons which are to be Baptised according to his commaundement So the verie like is of the Bread and Wine of the Lords Supper for they can no more bee the signes thereof then may the water of Baptisme if being ioyned together with the word of Iesus Christ whereby they are dedicated and consecrated to this Sacrament they bee not giuen and distributed to those which should bee partakers of the same as it dooth appeare by the expresse word of Iesus Christ in that hee saith of both the signes Take yee and eate yee likewise Drinke yee all of this For it is plaine that these wordes may not bee spoken either to the Breade or to the Wine but onely to the persons which might vnderstand them and execute the commaundement that our Sauiour Christ gaue vnto them by the same For the Bread and the Wine can neither eate nor drinke themselues Math. 28.19 Math. 26.27 Mark 14.22 23. Luk. 22.19 20. 1. Cor. 11.24 20 Like as louing and tender hearted parents are not content to procure for their children costly possessions and liuely-hoodes but take order that the same may bee conserued and come to their vse Euen so our Lord and Sauiour thought it not sufficient to purchase for vs his Fathers fauour againe which is the deepe fountaine of all goodnesse and eternall life but also inuented the wayes most wisely by the institution of his holy Sacraments whereby the same might redounde to our commoditie and profit 21 Like as of olde time God decreed his wonderous benefits of deliuerance of his people in memorie by the eating of the Passeouer with his rites and ceremonies So our louing Sauiour hath ordained and established the remembrance of his great mercy expressed in his Passion in the institution of his heauenly Supper wher euery one of vs must be guests and not gazers eaters and not lookers on feeding our selues and not hiring other to feede for vs that wee may liue by our owne meate and not perish for hunger whiles others deuour all Exod. 12.1 c. 22 As of necessitie we must be our selues partakers of the Lords Supper and not beholders of other So wee must addresse our selues to frequent the Sacrament in reuerent and due maner least as Physicke prouided for the body being misused more hurteth then profiteth so this comfortable medicine of the foule vndecently receiued tend to our greater harme and sorrow 23 Like as the Supper of the Lord is a spirituall meate and sweete to those that bee incorporated and made one body with Iesus Christ and with their neighbour Euen so of the contrarie it is a mortall poyson to them which put not their whole trust in Iesus Christ and be seperated from their neighbour 24 As it is not enough for a child to be borne and that hee haue life by his parents which begot him if that afterwards they doo not also nourish him to conserue him and to the ende that hee may grow and become tall and strong in the same Euen so God our Father dooth not content himselfe to haue begotten vs for his children in his Church by the incorruptible seede of his word and to haue giuen vs life in his Sonne Iesus Christ by the vertue of his holy spirit but will
Christians obey sinne they are the Seruants of sin whose wages is death Rom. 6.16 22 23. Gods Spirit purified 1 AS cleane water washeth and maketh cleane our bodies So the Spirit of God maketh our hearts and soules cleane in the eyes and sight of God Ezech. 36.25 2 As no man that hath the Spirit of God can blaspheme Christ and worship Idols So none can acknowledge Christ for Lord and God without the same Spirit 1. Cor. 12.3 3 As Iohn by the fire and Spirit meaneth nothing but the Spirit of God which purgeth and purifieth as the fire doth Math. 3.11 Euen so our Sauiour by Water and the Spirite meaning nothing else but the Spirit of God which cleanseth the filth of sinne and cooleth the boyling heate of an vnquiet conscience as water washeth the thing which is foule and quencheth the heate of the fire Iohn 3.5 Sinne maketh our bodies the Diuels dungeon LIke as if a man had a faire house wherein he must entertaine a King and should make thereof a Swinstie or a stable all men would say that hee did greatly abuse both the house and the King Euen so mans body being at the first made a Pallace for the euerliuing God if a man shal abuse it by drunkennesse swearing lying fornication or any vncleannesse he doth make it in stead of a Temple for the holy Ghost to be a stie or stable for the Diuell For the more filthie a mans body is the more fit it is to bee a dwelling place for Sinne and Sathan 1. Cor. 6.15 Sathans subtiltie 1 AS Naab the Ammonite warring against the men of Iabes Gilead would not raise his siege but vpon condition that hee might thrust out all their right eyes So Sathan the enemie of our soules who seeketh by all meanes possible our destruction neuer ceaseth to assault vs vntill hee haue depriued vs of the eye of right iudgement that wee may not see our saluation in Christ Iesus onely 1. Sam. 11.2 1. Pet. 5.8 2 Like as if men by long experience and obseruation of the naturall causes can attaine vnto such great knowledge of things to come that they can tell twelue yeares before the change of the Moone the Eclips of the Sunne what day hower and minute it shall bee Euen so much more Sathan who is a more excellent nature then man and greater experience hath knowledge of things to come for that he hath beene practised therein from the beginning of the world and is also more circumspect in obseruing of causes because thereby he deceiueth man a poore simple soule 3 As Amalek resisted the children of Israel that they might not enter into the land of Promise So dooth the Diuell with Christians that they should not enter into heauen Deut. 25.17 Exod. 17.8 9. Spirituall man AS a man sore wounded and diseased may for a time or season bee depriued almost of all operations of the naturall life to the outward shewe of his owne indument and feeling Euen so may a Spirituall man be soare wounded by Sathan and diseased by the present sight and feeling of his sinfull corruption specially in temptation that he may thinke yea appeare to others that the life of the spirit is not in him Impenitent Sinners LIke as a Captain that hath taken some hold or Sconse doth rule and gouerne all therein and disposeth it at his wil and pleasure Euen so it is with all blind ignorant and impenitent Sinners not one Diuel alone but euen legions of Diuels possesse them and rule their hearts and therfore how soeuer they may sooth themselues and say all is well for God is mercifull yet their case is far worse then Mary Magdalens was who had bene possessed with seuen Diuels Mar. 16.9 Preuenting of Sinne. 1 EVuen as a Father when hee sees his childe too bolde and venterous about Fire Water takes and holds it ouer the fire or ouer the water as though hee would burn or drowne it wheras his purpose indeed is nothing else but to preuent daunger for the time to come So in like maner Christs subiects are bolde to sinne by nature and therfore to preuent a mischief he doth exercise them with affliction and seemes for a season as thogh he wold quite forsake his Church but his meaning is only to preuent offences in times to come Hosea 2.6 2 As Beasts which going in the way see green pastures and desire to enter in and therefore go to the hedge but feeling the sharpenesse of the thornes dare not venture to go in So likewise Gods people like vnto wilde beasts in respect of sinne viewing the green pastures of this world which are the pleasures therof are greatly affected therewith and if it were not for the sharpenesse of crosses and temptations which are Gods spirituall hedge by which he keepeth them in they would raunge out of the way and rush into Sinne as the Horse into the battell Sentence of condemnation why set downe AS a wise Father of a family will check his seruant and if the cause require correct him in his childes presence and that the child it selfe may learn therby to feare and stand in awe of his father So likewise Christ the most carefull and wise gouernor of his Church hath set downe the Sentence of condemnation against the wicked that the children of God in this world when soeuer they shall heare or read the same might be moued thereby to stand in great feare of God and more dutifully performe obedience to his commaundements Mat. 25.41 The holy Spirite regenerateth not all AS the Sun doth not warme euery thing that it lighteneth So neither doth the Spirit regenerate nor draw to the loue of wisedome all which it illuminateth and to whom he giueth the knowledge of his doctrine but onely the godly and the faithfull Math. 24.46 Mot to grieue the Spirit of God 1 AS men vse their guests friendly curteously shewing vnto them all seruice dutie So likewise must we do to Gods Spirit which is to come to dwell abide in vs dooing nothing in any case which may disquiet or molest him Ephe. 4.30 2 Like as when the Arke of the couenant which was a signe of the presence of God was in the house of O bed Edom then the Lord blessed him and all his house Euen so much more when the holy Ghost dwelles in any mans heart there is more then the Arke of the Lord present euen God himselfe and therfore such an one may looke for a greater blessing if he grieue not him by sinning 2. Sam. 6.11 1 Thes 5.19 The vse of all prescribed meanes to Saluation is necessary 1 IF a King should giue vnto one of his subiects a Princely Pallace vpon condition that he shall goe vnto it in the way which hee shall prescribe hee would no doubt take what pains he could to know the way and afterward endeuour to keep continue in it So likewise the kingdome of heauen is the most glorious and royall Pallace