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A17183 Fiftie godlie and learned sermons diuided into fiue decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian religion, written in three seuerall tomes or sections, by Henrie Bullinger minister of the churche of Tigure in Swicerlande. Whereunto is adioyned a triple or three-folde table verie fruitefull and necessarie. Translated out of Latine into English by H.I. student in diuinitie.; Sermonum decades quinque. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; H. I., student in divinity. 1577 (1577) STC 4056; ESTC S106874 1,440,704 1,172

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that by a certeine heauenly couenant it is so appointed by GOD that sacramentes shoulde haue grace in themselues and should from themselues as by pypes conuey abroade the water of grace vnto those that are thirstie that is alledged without warrant of the Scripture and is repugnaunt vnto true religion As by those thinges whiche haue hitherto béene handeled and disputed of doeth as wee thinke sufficiently appeare wherevnto also we adde this The holy and elect people of God are not then firste of all partakers of the first grace of God and Heauenly gyftes when they receiue the Sacramentes For they enioy the thinges before they be partakers of the signes For it is plainely declared vnto vs that Abraham our father was iustified before he was circumcised And who gathereth thereby that iustification was not exhibited and giuen vnto him by the sacrament of circumcision but rather that that righteousnesse whiche he by faith before possessed was by the Sacrament sealed and confirmed vnto him And moreouer who wil not thereof gather that we whiche are the sonnes of Abraham are after no other manner iustified than it appeareth that our father was iustified and that our sacramentes worke no further in vs than they did in him especially since the nature of the sacramentes of the people of the olde Testamente and ours is all one Whereof I will speake a little afterwarde more at large when I expound the place of the Apostle in the fourth to the Romanes The Eunuche of whome I spake euen now out of the Actes as he iournyed and sawe water he said to Philip See here is water what letteth me to be baptised Philip sayde vnto him If thou beleeuest with all thy hart thou maist And he answered and saide I beleeue that Iesus Christe is the sonne of God. Afterward immediately it followeth And they wēt down both into the water he baptised him The Eunuche sayeth the Euangelist beléeued with al his hart that is to to say truly without dissimulation Nowe let vs sée what the Scripture saith concerning suche a faith S. Iohn the Apostle Euangelist saith Who so euer beleeueth that Iesus is Christ is borne of God. He againe saith Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in GOD Also Paule that elect vessel and doctour of the Gentiles sayth If thou shalt knowledge with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt beleeue in thine hart that God raysed him from the dead thou shalt bee saued And againe Saint Iohn sayth in his Epistle He that beleeueth on the sonne of God hath the witnesse in him self And this is the record how that God hath giuen vnto vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne He that hathe the Sonne hathe life and he that hath not the Sonne hath not life Briefely of all these thinges this wee gather The Eunuche beléeued before he receiued baptisme therefore before he receiued baptisme he was borne of God in whome he dwelled and God in him hee was iust and acceptable in the sight of God and moreouer he had also life in himselfe and therefore the baptisme whiche followed did not giue that to the Eunuch which he had before but it became vnto him a testimonie of the trueth a seale of the righteousnesse whiche came by faith and there withal to assure vnto him the continuance and increase of God his gyftes After the same maner we reade of Cornelius the Centurion in the same Actes of the Apostles that he beléeuing the preaching of the Apostle Peter receiued the holie Ghost also in a visible shape as the Apostles did at Hierusalem in the day of Pentecoste And that Peter when he knewe that thing sayde Can any man forbid water that these should not be baptised whiche haue receiued the holy Ghost as wel as we For asmuche therefore as Cornelius with his housholde receiued the holy Ghoste before they were baptised it is manifest that he did not obteine the holie Ghoste as giuen firste by baptisme or with baptisme Againe we reade in the Actes of the Apostles They that gladly receiued the woorde of Peter were baptised Therefore before they were baptised of Peter they had obteined the grace of God through faith For why I pray you doe we baptise our Infantes Is it because they beléeue with their hart and confesse with their mouthe I thinke not Do we not therefore baptise them because God hathe commaunded them to bée brought vnto him because he hath promised that he will be our GOD and the GOD of our séede after vs To be short because we beléeue that GOD of his méere grace and mercie in the bloud of Iesus Christ hathe cleansed and adopted them and appointed them to bee heires of eternall life We therefore baptising Infantes for these causes doe aboundantly testifie that there is not first giuen vnto thē in baptisme but that there is sealed and confirmed whiche they had before Let vs also ioyne vnto these thinges a testimonie of the Supper of the Lord. The Apostle teaching how the Godly shoulde prepare them selues to come to the Lordes Table sayth Let a man proue him selfe and so let him eate of this bread and drinke of this Cuppe But to examine or proue signifieth to search as muche as lyeth in man the harte or minde and thoroughe diligent inquisition to sifte ones conscience And GOD is sayde ●o proue our nartes And the same Apostle willeth vs To proue what is the good acceptable wil of God. But this proofe cannot be without knowledge iudgement y knowledg iudgement of Christians is faith therfore whosoeuer proueth himselfe before hee come to the Supper hath faith If he haue faith then he wanteth not those thinges that are coupled with faithe and therefore in the Supper those heauenly benefites are not firste receiued but thankes are giuen for those that are receiued I haue hereby shewed and proued I suppose that Sacramentes doe not conferre grace They obiect I know well enoughe against these thinges who are persuaded that sacraments giue grace and conteine included within them the thinges signified that wee doe euacuate and make of none effect the Sacramentes and that wee teache that the faithfull receiue in them or by them nothing but bare water and bare bread and wine and that by that meanes GOD by vs is accused of falshode and lying Wee briefely answere If they set voyde or emptie thinges as I may so say againste full thinges so as they bee voide or emptie whiche haue not the thinges themselues included in them truely I had rather confesse them to be voide than full But if they call them voide or emptie and meane prophane or vnholy thinges that is to say whiche differ nothing from prophane signes if by bare they vnderstande thinges of no force we openly professe that we haue sacramentes whiche are holy and not prophane effectuall and not without force
godly yea euen at this day do receiue baptisme as it were at the handes of God him selfe though they be baptised through the ministerie of men For the Lorde establishing his institutions by his spirite worketh saluatiō in the elect So that it must néeds followe that the vertue or efficacie of Baptisme is not hindered by an euill minister Whereof hath bene already elsewhere and hereafter shal be spoken At that time truly baptisme was instituted and beganne at S. Iohn the Apostle when he began to preache openly that the time was fulfilled and that Christe was exhibited and giuen to the worlde But the signes of thinges to come or of things which should be reuealed the thing it self being present do no more remaine but ought to be chaunged into other signes And Circumcision was a signe of the blessed séede which was to come I meane of the Messias him selfe which by the sheading of his bloud shuld bestow his blessing vpon the whole worlde Therefore when he was come and should forth-with shed-forth his bloud it was néedeful that Circumcision should be chaunged into Baptisme Whereof shal be spoken hereafter Nowe Baptisme consisteth of the signe and of the thing signified of the worde or promise of God and of the holy rite or ceremonie The signe is the outward actiō that is the sprinkling of water in the name of the Father and of the sonne and of the holy Ghost with the calling vppon of the name of god The promise or worde of God is Baptising them He that shall beleeue and be baptised shall be saued And so forth Whereof we haue spoken aboundantly inough in the sixte Sermon Many in the olde time haue distinguished betwene the baptisme of Iohn and the baptisme of Christ and his Apostles For some of them deny that forgiuenesse of sinnes was comprehended in the baptisme of Iohn but if we diligently view weigh the doctrin● of the holy Scripture we shal finde that the baptisme of Iohn and Christ and his Apostles is one and the selfe same Certeinly the doctrine of Iohn of Christe and his Apostles is one and the selfe same euery where For they al with one mouth do preach the gospell and by it repentance and remission of sinnes in the name of Christ Let him that wil conferre those thinges which Iohn the Euangelist writeth of the doctrine of Iohn Baptist in the firste and thirde chapter and that which Luke writes in the ●ourand twentieth chapter of his gospell and in the Acts of the Apostles of the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and he will say that all their doctrine is one and the selfe same But to their doctrine is baptisme set to as a seale to an euidence Who therefore beléeueth that there are diuerse seals of their doctrine or diuers baptismes S. Iohn baptised with water the Lorde commended no other element to his disciples than water neither baptised they any other wise than with water They themselues baptised into Christ into repentance and remission of sinnes But Saint Mark writeth of Iohn Baptist Iohn baptised in the wildernes preaching the baptisme of repentaunce for the remission of sinnes And S. Paule speakinge of the doctrine baptisme of Iohn saith Iohn baptised with the baptisme of repentaunce saying vnto the people that they should beleue on him which shoulde come after him that is on Iesus Christ By these testimonies who can not gather that the baptisme of Iohn and of Christ is altogether the very same vnlesse this peraduenture séeme to any man to bring some differēce that Iohn baptised in him that was to come and should be reuealed but the Apostles into him that was already reuealed But I sée not how so little space of time can bringe any difference especially since Iohn spake so much frō the beginning of his preaching of him which should be reuealed for immediatly he did both point him out present with his finger and he bare witnesse that he was present and reuealed that he should come no more or be reuealed Herevnto is added that Christ was baptised with no other than with the baptisme of Iohn For if Iohns baptisme were an other baptisme beside the baptisme of the church of Christ it would followe that neither Christ was baptised with our Baptisme neither wee in the Baptisme of Christe But Christe did sanctifie with his bodie the baptisme of Iohn and did vouchsafe to be baptised with vs into the same fellowship so that we at this day are also baptised not with that baptisme of Iohn but of Christe who by Iohn instituted baptisme and he him selfe consecrated the same Wherfore Christe in Matthew 28. Chapter and in Marke the 16. Chapter doeth not abrogate the baptisme whiche Iohn began he doeth not institute a newe but commaundeth to continue and to minister the same to them that beléeue In the name of the Father and of the sonne and of the holie Ghostc Now where as Iohn sayth him selfe I baptise with water but hee shall baptise you with the holie Ghoste hee maketh not difference betwéene his owne baptisme of water and Christes baptisme but hee attributeth some-what more vnto Christ wherein no man or minister for they did erre which in time past baptised with fire had parte with him but hee olone giueth the baptisme of fire that is the singular giftes of the holie Ghoste but firste of all the vse of tongues vnder the fourme of fire For so this matter is expounded in the Actes firste by the Lorde Christe him selfe then by experience in the Church For the Lorde sayth Departe not from Hierusalem but waite for the promise of the father whereof saith hee ye haue heard of mee for Iohn truelie baptised with water but yee shall be baptised with the holie Ghoste after these fewe dayes And consequently vppon the day of Pentecoste they were baptised with the baptisme of Christe not with water againe but were all filled with the holie Ghost clouen tongues as it were fierie sitting vppon eache one of their heads and they began to speake with other tongues In the Actes the Citizens of Samaria are baptised of Philipp with the baptisme of Christe in water lawfully and fullie But the verie same afterwarde are baptised with the peculiar baptisme of Christe while by the laying on of handes by Peter and Iohn they receiue the holie Ghoste Not that hetherto they were altogether voide of the gifte of the holie Ghoste for how coulde they beléeue without the holie ghost but for that they were baptised with the visible Baptisme of fire beside and receiued the gifte of tongues and other excellent graces As it is also read of Cornelius who verilie béeinge firste baptised with fire I meane with the peculiar baptisme of Christe spake with tongues and afterwarde was baptised with water Contrarywise those twelue disciples at Ephesus were firste fullie baptised with the Baptisme of Iohn and with the baptisme of the water of
I haue admonished you elsewhere Therefore it is an horrible offence to iterate the Ceremonie of baptisme it is without example Neither in this matter is there any necessitie for to what ende is it to baptise againe when as baptisme once giuen is sufficient for the whole course of a mans life Beside this since Anabaptisme is nothing else but a confederacie conspiracie and a certeine lincking together by one marke into a newe and seditious or at the least superstitious companie into a newe and scismaticall Church and into a new and straunge kind of doctrine and as contrarie as can bée to the doctrine of Christe and his Apostles truely it is no meruaile that the obstinate Anabaptists are kept vnder and punished by common lawes For otherwise these thinges are damnable and not to be dissembled or suffered of a Christian magistrate But the Anabaptists presently obiecte vnto vs these two places The first out of the fifte Chapiter of Iosua where we read in these words Make thee sharpe kniues of stone and goe to againe and circumcise the children of Israel the second time Behold the second time they could not bee circumcised saye they vnlesse they had béene also circumcised before I answere To circumcise the second time or to doe a thing once againe doeth not signifie to doe that which was done before For when the fore-skinne was once cutt off howe could it be cutt off againe Therefore that which was left vndone for a certeine space is nowe againe renued and is said to be done the second time So that the second time is not applied to them that should bee circumcised but vnto the verie time wherein they that were vncircumcised should bée circumcised For they were first solemnely circumcised in Aegypt before they did eate the Passeouer Nowe entering into the land of Chanaan they are the second time solemnly circumcised which hetherto by reason of the wildernesse and iourneying were not circumcised And so it followeth immediatly in the same Chapter that all the males that came out of Aegypt died in the wildernesse and that their sonnes were vncircumcised so that nowe it was expedient that they should be circumcised as their fathers were before them Therefore the Anabaptistes in this testimonie of the lawe haue no defence at all The latter testimonie to mainteine Anabaptisme or rebaptising they bring out of the 19. Chap. of the Actes where they say that those twelue men of Ephesus were once baptised by Apollos with the baptisme of water and with that of Iohns likewise but the verie same afterward are rebaptised of Paule in the name of Christe I aunswere That those twelue men were not baptised againe of Paule with water They were once baptised with water whiche was sufficient for them But neither could Paule minister another baptisme of water than that of Iohns For I taught and euidently proued anon after the beginning of this Sermon that the baptisme of water ministred by Iohn Christe and his Apostles is one and the selfe same There I declared that the baptisme of fire or of the spirite is peculiar and proper to Christe Those men therefore of Ephesus were baptised with the baptisme of water as the Samaritans were by Philip but they were not as yet fully instructed of the baptisme of fire neither were they baptised with fire yea they confesse they know not whether there be any such baptisme that is whether there be an holy Ghoste whiche in the visible forme of fire shuld come downe vppon men For they could not be altogether ignoraunt that there was a holy Ghost without whom vndoubtedly they had not beléeued yea in whome they had beléeued if they had rightly beléeued Therfore they were onely ignoraunt of that baptisme of fire As therefore Peter and Iohn layed their hands on the Samaritanes and they forthwith receiued the holy Ghoste So Paule layeth handes on the men of Ephesus and they receiue the holy Ghoste For Luke sayeth When they heard these thinges they were baptised in the name of the Lord Iesus And least any man should vnderstand this of the baptisme of water by and by he addeth the manner thereof and a plaine exposition saying And when Paule had layed his handes on them the holy Ghoste came vppon them This I say hee called baptising in the name of the Lord Iesus For it followeth And they spake with tongues and prophecied And this alwayes hath béene the fruite and effecte of the baptisme of fire in the Primitiue Churche as I declared anon after the beginning of this Sermon Wherefore the Anabaptists haue no testimonie out of the scriptures for their Anabaptisme or rebaptising So that all that will gather their witts about them doe plainely sée that they are to be forsaken and shunned of all good men But wée haue sufficiently disputed against them as it séemeth Nowe wée goe forward to expound those things that remaine to be opened touching baptisme whiche are not the last and of least account Now that we are come to intreate of the vertue efficacie of baptisme we will followe that order which wee shadowed out in the description of baptisme knitting vp at least the particulars because in the generall consideration of Sacramentes wée haue spoken largely of them Yet neuerthelesse it is good first of all to knowe what the aduersaries of the Churche haue sometime thought touching the force of baptisme The Manicheis baptised none of their secte For they taught that Baptisme did auaile the receiuers nothing to saluation The Seleucians who are called also Hermiani did likewise sett baptisme at nought The Messalians whiche bee called Euchetes or prayer-makers as I haue shewed in the end of my former Sermon and the Enthusiastes inspired I say by some heauenly power nay rather by some hellishe furie are persuaded that baptisme neither profiteth nor hindereth any man For so they did attribute all meanes of saluation to the inward woorking of the spirite yea to mans prayers in somuch that they loathed and abhorred all outward helpes yea and doctrine also as vnprofitable and without force Whiche Theodoret in his Ecclesiasticall historie Libro 4. cap. 11. rehearseth of them But the holy Scripture teacheth that wée are washed cleane from our sinnes by baptisme For baptisme is a signe a testimonie and sealing of oure cleansing For GOD verilie hath promised sanctification to his Churche and hée for his trueths sake purifyeth his Churche from all sinnes by his Grace thoroughe the bloud of his sonne and regenerateth and clenseth it by his spirite whiche cleansing is sealed in vs by baptisme whiche wée receiue and thereof is it called in the Scriptures cleansing and remission of sinnes purifying newe birthe regeneration and the lauer or founteine of regeneration as circumcision is called the couenaunt and sacrifices sinnes and sanctifications For wée read in the Gospell according to Sainct Marke Iohn baptised in the desart preaching the baptisme of repentaunce for the remission of sinnes
plentiously c. 290 4 Who so euer worketh any thing for thee giue him his hire immediately c. 273 Out of the booke of Iudith 8 WHat manner of sentence is this whervnto Ozias hath consented c. 926 Out of the first booke of Machabeis 2 OF prayer for the deade or departed this life c. 774 Out of the second booke of Machabeis 2 The obedience and fayth in the Machabeis in olde Eleazat and certaine other c. pleased the Lord c. 383. 511 Out of the newe Testament and first out of the Gospell after Saint Matthewe 1 THat which is conceiued within her is of the holie Ghoste c. 688 1 Marie shal bring foorth a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus c. 60 3 All Iurie came out to Iohn the 〈◊〉 of the Lorde and were baptised of him c. 573 3 This is my beloued sonne in whome I am pleased beare him c. 527. 628. 682 3 I baptise you with water but he shall baptise you with the holie Ghost c. 983 3 The Lorde is sayde to haue a vanne is his hande and cleanseth the flowre c. 819 4 All these will I giue thée if thou falling downe wilt worship me c. 653 4 Anoyd sathan For it is written Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God c. 653. 671 5 The father sendeth rayne vppon the iust and vnuist c. 641 5 Blessed are you when men shall reuile you and persecute you c. 468. 910. 5 ye are the light of the world a citie that is set on an high hil c. 910 5. 6. 23 Hypocrutes much and often spoken against in the Gospell c. 817 5 ye haue heard what was sayde of olde Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe c. 130 5 Ye are the salt of the earth if the salt become vnsauourie c. 908 5 Ye haue heard that it was sayde to them of olde Thou shalt not cōmit adulterie c. 234 5 To hun that will sue thée at the lawe and take away thy coate c. 195 5 Blessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake for c. 307 5 Be ye perfect euen as your father which is in heauen c. 405 5 Who so euer is angrie with his brother shall be in daunger of iudgement c. 326. 508 5 Think not that I am come to destroy the lawe or the c. 409 410 5 Therefore if thou bring thy gift vnto the altar there c. 574. 924 5 Let your light so shine before men that they may sée youre good workes c. 453. 476 6 When ye pray say Our father which art in heauen halowed be thy name c. 703. 941 6 Ii ye forgiue men their trespasses your heauenly father will also to giue you c. 574 6 No man can serue two maisters c. 653 6 Ye can not serue God and Manimon at once c. 263 6 But then what thou pravest enter into thy chamber and when c. 914. 927 6 Hoorde not vppe for your selues treasures in earth where the rust moth c. 264 6 The light or candle of the body is the eye if therefore thine eye be single c. 264 6 If ye forgiue men their trespasses your heauenly father shall also c. 924 6 Fastings must be without superstition and feigned hypocrisie c. 243 7 Aske and it shall be giuen you séeke and ye shall finde knock and it shall be opened vnto you c. 647 7 Euery one that asketh receiueth and he that séeketh findeth c. 545 7 What so euer ye would that mē should doe to you do ye the same to them c. 102 7 Cast not youre pearles before sw●ne neyther giue that whiche is holie c. 961 7 Striue to enter in at the streight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction c. 712 8 It is no reason that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe c. 36 8 Goe thy way and as thou haste beléeued so be it vnto thée c. 776 8 I say vnto you that many shall come out of the East and out of the West c. 432 9 Beware of false Prophetes whiche come to you in shéepes clothing c. 858 9 I came to séeke that which was lost c. 645 9 They that are whole néede not the Physician but they that are sick c. 568 9 The children of the bride chamber do fast when the bride is taken from them c. 242. 243 9 Beholde a certeine ruler came to Iesus worshipped him c. 649 10 Fréely ye haue receiued c. 1119 10 The sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to giue his soule a redemption for many c. 690 10 Are not two sparrowes solde for a farthing and one of them shal not light on the ground c. 638 648 10 If they haue called the Lorde of the house Béelzebub howe much more shall they call them of his housholde c. 910 10 He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you c. 154 10 It shall be easier for the lande of Sodome in the day of iudgemēt then for the c. 508 10 For it is not you that speake but the spirite of your father hee it is which speaketh in you c. 719 10 Feare ye not them whiche kill the body but are not able to kill the soule c. 765 10 I came not to send peace but a sword For I am come to set a man at variaunce c. 452 11 It shall be easier for Tyre and Sidon in the day of iudgement than for you c. 508 11 Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie loden and I will refreshe you c. 545. 644. 662 12 By thy déedes thou shalt be iustified and by the same thou shalt be condemned c. 470 21 The baptisme of Iohn was it from heauen or of men c. 963 12 If I through Béelzebub cast out diuels by whome c. 883 12 A disparation touching the sabbaot● betwēen our sauiour Christ and the Phariseis c. 143 12 Eyther make the trée good and the fruite good or else the trée nought c. 817 12 The Prophetes and the lawe prophecied vnto Iohn since the time the kingdome c. 436 12 Euerie sinne and blasphemie shall be forgiuen vnto men but the sinne against c. 517. 568 12 As Ionas was thrée dayes and thrée nightes in the bellie of the whale c. 69 13 To euery one that hath shall be giuen and he shal abound and from him c. 476 646. 722 13 The sonne of man shall sende foorth his Angels and they shall gather out of his kingdome al things that offend c. 740 13 The kingdome of heauē is like vnto a net which being cast c. 818 13 The parable of him whiche bought the precious pearle c. 21 13 Cockle
the second parte where wee haue to shewe you that GOD the father hath faithfully perfourmed to vs that which he promised to our forefathers in giuing to vs his onely begotten Sonne who is that true and looked-for Messiah that is to bee blessed world without ende In making this matter manifest the Euangelistes and Apostles of oure Lord haue taken great paines and set it forth so well and faithfully that it cannot be bettered They shewe that Christ doth come of the stocke of Dauid descending lineally of the séede of Abrraham they tell that his mother was the Virgin which did conceiue by the holie Ghost and being a Virgin still brought him into the world They note the time wherein Christ was reuealed in all points correspondent to the Prophets prophecies They add that the place of his natiuitie was aunswerable to that whiche Micheas foretolde In the Easte there appeareth a starre whiche moueth the Princes or wisemen to goe and salute the newe borne Kinge They come therefore and euen in Hierusalem doe openly professe that the Messiah is borne and that they are come out of the Easte to worship and honour him According to their woordes so were their déedes For when by the leading of the starre they had once found him they fall downe before him and doe by offering to Christ the giftes that they brought not obscurely declare howe ioyfull they were and how much they set by their Lord and Sauiour In the verie citie of Hierusalem the most iust man Simeon with great ioye of heart and godly gratulation doeth in the temple openly testifie that God according to his eternall goodnesse and constancie had giuen to the world his onely begotten sonne whome hee had promised vnto the fathers therewithall protesting that hee was willing to die He addeth the cause For that saith hee mine eyes haue seene thy saluation to witt that Schilo the Sauiour whome thou O God hast determined to set before al people a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glorie of thy people Israel that is that hee shaking off al darckenes should bring the light of trueth life vnto the Gentiles to lighten them withall and that hee should bée the glorie and life of the people of Israel Herevnto also belongeth the testimonie of that notable man Zacharie the holie priest of God saying Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for hee hath visited and redeemed his people hath raised vp a horne of saluation for vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid As hee spake by the mouth of his holie Prophets whiche haue beene since the world began And so forth as is to be séen in the first of Lukes Gospel Moreouer Iohn the sonne of this Zacharie syrnamed the Baptist than who we read not that any one more holie was euer borne of women did with his finger pointe at Christ Iesus and openly declare that hee is that looked for Messiah whome all the Prophetes promised and that God by giuing him vnto the woorld hath done that hee promised and wholie powred himselfe with all his benefites into and vppon all faithful beléeuers And as the people wayted saith Luke and thought in their heartes of Iohn whether hee were verie Christ Iohn aunswered saying to them all In deed I baptise you with water but one stronger than I commeth after me whose shoes latchet I am not worthie to vnlo●se hee shall baptise you with the holie Ghost and with fire And in the Gospel after S. Iohn wee read The next day Iohn seeth Iesus comming vnto him and sayeth Beehold the lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world This is he of whome I said After mee commeth a man which is preferred before mee because he was before mee and I knewe him not but that hee should be declared vnto Israel therfore am I come baptising with water And immediatly after hee sayeth I sawe the spirite descending from heauen like vnto a doue and it aboad vpon him And I knew him not but he that sent mee to baptise with water the same said vnto me vpon whom thou shalt see the spirite descending tarying still on him the same is hee whiche baptiseth with the holie Ghost And I sawe and bare record that this is the sonne of God. Againe when the disciples of Iohn did enuie the happie successe of Christ that it gréeued them to sée their maister Iohn as it were neglected in cōparison of Christ Iohn said to his disciples Ye your selues are witnesses that I said I am not Christ but I am sent before him Hee that hath the bride is the bridegrome but the friend of the bridegrome whiche standeth and heareth him reioyceth because of the bridegrome Therfore this my ioy is fulfilled hee must increase but I must decrease The father loueth the sonne and hath giuen all thinges into his hand He that beleeueth in the sonn hath life euerlasting hee that beleeueth not in the sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth vppon him These testimonies are firme cleare and euident enough and might suffice for the confirmation of this cause But let vs yet of a many moe picke out and add a fewe whiche may declare that Christ is alreadie exhibited vnto vs Therefore our Lord himselfe whome wee beléeue to bee Messiah when hee had a great while béene verie greatly commended by the testimonie of Iohn doeth at length come abroad preach the woord of life But it is not read that in any age before or since there was euer any y taughte with so great grace And therewithall hee shewed almost incredible and wonderfull miracles which do easilie argue who hée was and were sufficient to winne such a man with whome no woordes might possiblie preuaile Hee was louing and gentle to sinners repeating still and beating into their heads that hee was come to saue them and call them to repentance Therefore when the disciples of Iohn did once come vnto him saying Art thou hee that should come or shall we looke for an other Hée aunsweared Goe ye and tell those thinges to Iohn whiche ye see and heare The blinde receiue their sighte and the lame walke the lepers are clensed the deafe heare the dead are raised to life and to the poore is preached the glad tydinges of the Gospell Nowe by these his doctrine I meane and his woorkes or miracles his minde was to shewe that hee was exhibited the true Messiah vnto the world and that none other is to be loked-for Moreouer in the Synagogue at Nazareth where hee read and expounded Esaies prophecie of the comming of Messiah he declared there that that Scripture was in himselfe fulfilled And to the historie is immediatly annexed And all bare record vnto him and wondered at the gratious sayings that proceded frō his mouth Againe in the tenth Chapiter of S. Iohn his Gospell The Iewes came round about the Lord and said How longe doest thou make vs to doubt If thou
to wit that she should remember she is no Ladie or mistresse ouer the sacraments but a seruant or minister and that she hath no more power or authoritie to institute anye fourme of a sacrament than she hath to abrogate any law of god Aquinas also Part. 3. quaest 46. ariculo 2. saith He instituteth or is the authour of a thing which giueth it force and vertue but the vertue and power of the sacraments commeth from God alone therefore God alone is of power to institute or make sacraments And in déede God alone is of power to institute the true seruice and worship but sacraments belong to his seruice and worship therefore God alone doth institute sacraments If any one in the olde testament had offered sacrifice whiche God commaunded not or offered it not after that manner that God willed it to be offered it was not only nothing auailable vnto him but also his offence in so doing was rewarded with moste terrible and fearefull punishment Who knoweth not that the sonnes of Aaron for offering strange fire were horribly burnt and scortcht vp with fire which fell downe from heauen Suche sacrifices therefore displease God as prophane or vnholy neyther deserue they to be called lawfull sacraments whiche haue not God him selfe for their authour Herevnto is added that sacraments are testimonies and as it were seales of Gods good will and fauour toward vs And who I pray you can better more vprightly or more assuredly beare witnesse of Gods good will to vs-warde than God him selfe In no wise deserueth that to be called or counted the seale of God whereto he neyther set his hand nor printed it with his owne marke yea it is a counterfet seale bycause it cōmeth not frō God and yet in the meane time beareth a shew outwardly of the name of god In this behalfe is reade that saying of S. Augustine whiche is in euerie mans mouth The worde is added to the element and there is made a sacrament Whereby we gather that in the institution of sacraments the worde of God obteyneth principall place and hath most adoe The word I say of God not the worde of men nor yet of the Church Wherevpon it followeth that the signe ought to haue his procéeding euen from God him selfe and not from any manner of mē be they neuer so many be they neuer so clearklike or lerned be they neuer so harmlesse and holy of life of that nowe there can be no other authour of Sacraments than God him selfe alone As we doe receiue the worde of saluation and grace so it is néedefull also that we receiue the signes of grace Although the worde of God be preached vnto vs by men yet we receiue it not as the worde of man but as the worde of God according to that saying of the Apostle When ye had receiued the worde of God whiche ye hearde of vs ye receyued it not as the worde of men but as it is in deede the woorde of GOD. It is behoneful for vs to haue respect to the first authour thereof who when he sent abroade his disciples sayde Goe into the whole worlde and preache the Gospell to all creatures teaching them to obserue what so euer I haue commaunded you and baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghoste He that heareth you heareth mee and he which despiseth you despiseth me And therefore albeit by the handes of men the Sacramentes are ministred yet are they not receyued of the godly and religious as procéeding from men but as it were from the hande of GOD him selfe the first and principall authour of the same To this belongeth the question which Christe our Lorde asked in the Gospell saying The Baptisme of Iohn was it from heauen or of men Truely Iohn who did baptise was a man but in that he baptised he baptised according to Gods institution and ordinaunce and therefore the baptisme of Iohn was from heauen though the water wherewith he baptised flowed out of the bottomelesse depthe into the riuer Iordan and Iohn him selfe conuersaunt on the earth To this also notably agréeth that which Paule sayth That whiche I deliuered vnto you I receyued of the Lorde Therefore although Sainte Paule were a man yea and a sinner too yet that whiche he deliuered to the Churche he did not deliuer it as from him selfe or as any inuention of man but as Christ had deliuered the same so that it is not his or mans but Christes tradition a diuine and heauenly tradition Besides this oure highe Prieste and euerlasting Byshoppe woorketh euen at this daye in his Churche whose ministerie they execute that is at whose commaundement they baptise and according to whose institution they which are the stewardes or disposers of the mysteries of GOD minister the holie Sacramentes of the Lordes Supper The institution therefore of the Sacramentes must be acknowledged of vs to be the verie worke of god And thus farre touching the authour of Sacramentes Peter Lombard in his sentences reckoneth vp thrée causes why Sacramentes were instituted that is to say why spirituall and heauenly thinges were deliuered and committed vnto vs vnder visible signes fourmes and ceremonies the first of whiche is so colde and weake that I am loathe to moue it to memorie He placeth merite in that that by Gods gouernement and direction as he affirmeth man séeketh saluation in thinges baser and inferioure to him selfe Vnto the whiche he addeth this afterward Although not in them yet in GOD through them he séeketh saluation which also vnaduisedly enoughe he hath vttered and not sufficiently considered The other two causes to wit that Sacramentes were inuented and ordeined vnder visible signes for oure instruction and exercise séeme not altogether absurde or disagréeing from reason The truest and most proper cause why Sacramentes be instituted vnder visible signes séemeth partly to be Gods goodnesse and partly also mans weakenesse For verie hardly doe we reache vnto the knowledge of heauenly thinges if without any visible ●ourme as they bee in their owne nature pure and excellent they be layde before oure eyes but they are better and more easily vnderstoode if they be represented vnto vs vnder the figure of earthly thinges that is to say vnder signes familiarly knowne vnto vs As therefore our bountifull and gratious Lorde did couertly and darkely nay rather euidently and notably set before vs to viewe the kingdome of GOD in parables or darke speaches euen so by signes it pleased him to lay before our eies after a sort the very same thing and to pointe out the same vnto vs as it were painted in a table to renue it a freshe and by liuely representation to mainteine the remembraunce of the same among vs This cause doth Iohn Chrysostome allowe as a chiefe and proper cause who in his eightie and thrée Homilie vppon Matthewe sayeth The Lorde hath deliuered vnto vs nothing that is sensible The
Distinct 1. Quest 3. among other thinges at the length sayth Wee must not say by any meanes that grace is conteyned substantially in the Sacramentes as water in a vessel or as a medicine in a boxe yea to vnderstande it so it is erronious But they are saide to contein grace in that they signifie grace and because vnlesse there bee a want on the part of the receiuer grace is alwayes giuen in them so that ye must vnderstand that grace is in the soule and not in the visible signes For this cause they are called also vesselles of grace They may be also called vessels after another maner Because as that whiche is in a vessel is no parte of it neyther commeth of it and yet neuerthelesse is drawen out of it so grace commeth neither of nor by the Sacramentes but springeth from the eternall founteine and is drawne out from thence by the soule in the sacramentes And as a man when he wold haue liquor goeth streight to the vessell so he that seeketh after the liquor of grace and hathe it not must haue recourse to the sacramēts Thus farre Bonauentura who rightly referred grace vnto GOD the founteine of all good thinges I would he had also more purely and simplie sett downe the rest He also saide truely that the soule of man was the seate and receptacle of grace and of the gyftes of GOD and not thinges without sense For the holie Scripture teacheth euery where that the minde of man not any Element or whatsoeuer is forged by mans deuise is the mansion place of the grace of god and that it is not to be sought for or worshipped as included in any insensible thing If the heauen of heauens sayth Solomon be not able to conteine thee howe shoulde then this house do it that I haue builded Wherevnto the most constant martyr of Christ Stephan alluding saieth He that is highest of all dwelleth not in Temples made with handes as sayeth the prophete Heauen is my seate and earthe is my footestoole What house will ye builde for mee sayeth the Lorde or whiche is the place of my reste Hathe not my hand made all these thinges Which that great Apostle of Christe Paule following sayth God that made the world and al that are in it seeing that he is Lord of heauen and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands neither is worshipped with mennes handes as thoughe he needed of any thing seeing he himselfe giueth to all life and breath and all thinges c. Wherevpon Christ him selfe in the Gospell speaketh more expressely The houre commeth when yee shall neither in this mounteine neither at Hierusalem worshippe the Father But the houre commeth and now is whē the true worshippers shal worship the father in spirit and truth The faithfull therefore do lifte vpp the eyes of their minde from earthly and visible thinges vnto heauenlie wherevppon our godly forefathers when they celebrated the Lords supper heard that saying repeated or soūg vnto them most agréeable to such holy mysterics Lifte vpp your hands all the people answearing together Wee lifte them vpp vnto the Lorde Doth not the verie grosse absurditie of the thing plainely proue that grace is not conteyned in the signes For if by grace you vnderstande the fauour and good will of God if pardon and forgiuenesse of sinne cleansing I saye and iustifying of the beléeuers if finallie the giftes and graces of the spirite what I pray you can be imagined more absurde and senselesse than that suche excellent thinges shoulde be kepte inclosed in water bread and wine The signes truely haue no néede of grace nor a-any pardon and forgiuenesse of sinnes To what purpose then should grace be conteined within Sacramentes What profite I pray you will redound vnto men Or who knoweth not that all the institutions GOD were ordeyned for the commoditie of man Or shall wee say that grace is therefore kepte included within the Sacramentes that from thence it might be conueyed vnto vs by chanels But the scripture speaketh not after that manner For grace as hath béene often nowe repeated is the fauour and good will of GOD whereby he him selfe not by sensible matters but of his owne accorde and thoroughe his power and might is brought vnto vs These thinges are spirituall and therefore are brought to passe by the gyft and mediation of the holy Ghost GOD is ioyned vnto vs by his spirite and we are coupled to him by faith thorough the gyfte of the holy Ghoste whiche thing in the writinges of the Euangelistes and Apostles is euerie where to be séene Moreouer the wordes of the Canon of the counsell of Nice are not to be vnderstoode after suche a grosse and rude manner Our baptisme is not to be considered with the bodily eyes but with the eyes of the minde Thou seest water weygh the heauenly force whiche lyeth hidde in the water c. For it is a Sacramentall spéeche whiche truely euery bodie at that time vnderstoode as also at this day to vs it is no new nor harde kinde of speaking to say that in the seale there is faith and trueth in a marriage ring the faith and loue of wedlocke in a Scepter and crowne the kinges authoritie For no man is so foolishe that by reason of the kinde of speeches he will affirme that the thinges them selues are conteyned and inclosed in the signes euerie man knoweth this kinde and manner of spéech To this matter also apperteineth that Iohn the Baptist baptised in the riuer Iordane that the Apostles also themselues baptised with water neither cōsecrated nor prepared with any inchauntmentes breathinges or crossinges that it might receiue the grace of God into it and make them that are baptised partakers thereof The Aethiopian in the Acts of the Apostles saw a founteine not mingled with Dyle neither consecrated with any holy charmes neither moreouer prepared with any breathinges nor putting in of waxe candles nor pictures of crosses yet neuerthelesse he said to Philip the Apostle See here is water what doth let me to be baptised But Philip required faith of him in the Lord Iesus and vpon his confession he foorthwith baptised him no consecration of the founteine first prouided for by the whiche forsoothe he might call downe the grace of the holy Ghoste and the power of regeneration into the water and forthwith might applie it to the purifying of the Aethiopian And if so be wee procéede to include the grace of GOD within the Elementes and the thinges themselues within the signes by the whiche they are represented who séeth not with howe great daunger wee shall doe the same especially among the simple sorte For vnto those we shall giue occasion of idolatrie and to cleaue vnto the visible signes of whome also they will require and aske that whiche ought to be asked of God the authour of all goodnesse with mindes lifted vpp into heauen For where as it is obiected
Iohn Baptist and requireth to be baptised of him in Iordan And when he refused and said I haue need to bee baptised of thee and comest thou to me he heareth Suffer it to be so nowe For thus it becommeth vs to fulfill all righteousnesse Certeinely righteousnesse giueth to euerie man that which is his own Faith therefore which is the righteousnesse of Christians giueth glory to God and beléeueth that he being wonderfull wise doth wil well vnto men and therefore that he hath instituted nothing vnprofitably but all things for the saluation of his faithfull ones a faythfull man therefore vseth all the institutions of God without any reasoning or gainesaying Neither is there any here I think that will say that this dode of Christ parteyneth nothing to him whereby vndoubtedly he layd before vs an example to followe Yea that which he him selfe did he willed other also to doe when he sent his disciples forth and sayde Goe into the whole world and preach the Gospell to all creatures baptising them in the name of the father c. He which shall beléeue and be baptised shall be saued where truly he ioyneth together both fayth and baptisme whiche to abide vpon he would not haue done if Sacramentes were superfluous there where fayth is Whereby it manifestly appeareth that they are wrong as farre as heauen is wyde whiche thinke that Sacramentes are indifferent that is to say a thing put to our owne will and choyce eyther to vse or not to vse For as we haue heard already a flat commandement concerning baptisme so the Lord instituting and celebrating the supper sayth Doe this in the remembrance of me He therfore that despiseth these commaundements of God I sée not howe he can haue fayth whereby he should be inuisibly sanctified Hitherto belongeth nowe that whiche the faithfull prince of Acthiopia confesseth that he beleeued with all his hart in the Lorde Iesus yet neuerthelesse as soone as he sawe water he sayde Beholde heere is water what letteth me to be baptised He doth not saye I beléeue with all my hart I féele that I am instified and cleansed why then shoulde I be washed with water hauing no filth remayning Therefore wheresoeuer true fayth is there Sacramentes are not contenined or refused but more desired For Cornelius the Centurion also after he had receyued the holie Ghoste doth not gainesay Peter who sayde Can any man forbid water that these shuld not be baptised which haue receiued the holy Ghost as well as we Peter was a faithfull preacher of the Gospell a skilfull teacher of the trueth therefore he dereiueth no man and he teacheth vs by his owne déede that fayth doth then specially prouoke vs to be partakers of the Sacraments when it is true in the faithfull To whome Paule his fellowe-minister agréeth saying Let euerie one proue himselfe and then let him eate of this breade and drinke of this cup but that prouing is made by faith therefore not faith but vnthankfulnesse doth contemptuously reiect the Sacraments Truely I am not ignoraunt that verie many withoute the vse of visible Sacraments haue beene sanctified and at this day also are sanctified but none of those despised or contemned them They were not partakers of the Sacraments being therevnto driuen by necessitie as there be at this day some that are helde captiues vnder the tyrannie of Antichrist and the Turk and for the time beléeue with their whole heart in the Lord Iesus Therefore the examples of these or suche like are no defence for them which may receiue the Sacraments if they regarded the ordinaunces of God and set so muche by them as of duetie they should doe I will note here for the singular benefite of the readers S. Augustines dispufation bycause it maketh notably for our purpose He Quaest lib. in Leuit. 3. cap. 84. sayth It is demaunded not without cause whether inuisible sanctitication do profite nothing without visible Sacraments wherewith a man is visibly sanctified whiche withoute doubt is absurde For more tollerably it may be sayde that this sanctification ●s not without them than that it dothe not profite if it be without them since in sanctification all their profite conūteeth But we must also weigh this how it is rightly saide that without y Sacramentes sanctification can not be For visible baptisme did nothing profite Simon Mag●s to whome inuisible sanctification was wanting but by cause this inuisible sanctification profited them that had it in like manner they whiche were baptised receyued also the visible sacraments And yet neither is it shewed where Moses himself was sanctified with visible sacrifices or oyle who notwithstanding did visibly sanctifie the priestes but who dare denie that he was inuisibly sanctified whose grace was so great surpassing and excellent This also may be sayd of Iohn Baptiste For he was first a baptiser before he was séen to be baptised whervpon we can deny by no means that he was sanctified yet we do not find that that was visibly wrought in him before he came to the ministerie of baptising This also may be verified of the théefe crucified with Christe to whome the Lorde sayde as he hong with him on the crosse To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise For he coulde not haue béene partaker of so great felicitie vnlesse he had béene inuisibly sanctified Whereby wegather that inuisible sanctification hath bene present with some and profited them without the visible sacraments and that visible sanctification whiche is wrought by visible Sacramentes may be present without this inuisible sanctification but yet maye not profite vs Yet neuerthelesse the visible Sacrament is not therefore to be contemned For the contemner therof ●an by no means be inuisibly sanctified Hereof it is that Cornelius and they that were with him whon they did now appeare to be inuisibly sanctified by the holy Ghoste poured into them yet notwithstanding they are baptised neyther is visible sanctification which had inuisible sanctification going before it counted superfluous Thus farre he With this disputation an other question also hath some affinitie or likenesse which is Whether Sacraments depend vpon the worthinesse of the ministers and whether they be hindred in their force by the vnworthinesse of the ministers Cyprian more than in one place doth contend That they can not baptise which want the holy Ghoste which errour springeth herevppon for that he attributeth too muche to the ministerie of baptisme He doth thinke that men are purified or cleansed by baptisme so that therby he dothe gather that an vncleane person can not purifie or cleanse and therefore not baptise and that the baptisme of an vncleane person is not baptisme from whence he deriueth Anabaptisme or rebaptising But if that holie man had rightly and religiously distinguished betwéen power and ministerie betwéene the signe and the thing signified betwéene the outwarde and inwarde sanctification he had vndoubtedly vnderstoode that we are inuisibly sanctified by the méere grace of God
the christian church or congregation and afterwarde Paule the Apostle laying his handes on them they are baptised not with water againe but with fire Luke bearing witnesse and saying The holie Ghoste came vppon them and they spake with tongues and prophecied But this baptisme of fire and the visible ministration of the giftes ceased together with miracles neither at this day is it vsuall or common in the Churh but the baptisme of water remaineth whiche is one and the selfe same whether it be ministred by the handes of Iohn or of the Apostles or by diuerse handes of the ministers of the Churche For diuerse handes make not diuerse baptismes Wherefore we rightly beléeue that there is but one onely and simple Baptisme of the faithfull in all ages For Paule in expresse wordes sayth There is one Lorde one faithe one baptisme and one god and father of all Where-vnto also tendeth this saying of the same Apostle I thanke God that I baptised none of you but Crispus and Gaius least any should say that I had baptised in mine owne name Vppon this Apostolique trueth the reuerend fathers of the Counsel of Constantionople are reade to haue made this confession in their Créede I beleeue one Baptisme for the remission of sinnes For there is but one Churche onely one body one head and one king prince and highe Priest of the Catholique Church Now I am come to expound the rite or ceremonie of Baptisme It was simple and but one from the beginning and not charegable or burdenous to the Churche through immoderate ceremonies Iohn baptised in Aenon beside Salem because much water was there and he baptised in the name of Christe So did the Apostles likewise Whereby it remaineth for an vndoubted truth that the verye beste fourme of baptising is that whiche is done by water in the name of the Father and of the sonne and of the holie Ghost For so the Lorde commaunded in the 28. of Matthew Doe you aske howe it commeth to passe that Luke in the Actes maketh mention that Peter and Paule baptised in the name of the Lorde and expresseth not that they baptised in the name of the Father and of the sonne and of the holie Ghoste I answere That vnder the name of the Lorde the mysterie of the trinitie is comprehended For when the Lorde saide I and the Father are one he whiche is baptised into the Lorde is also baptised into the father and so in like manner into the holie Ghoste whiche is not diuided from them For verily they haue one and the selfe same spirite For truely Luke sayth that they were baptised of the Apostles in the name of the Lorde whome the Apostles baptised according to the Lords instiution Some say Christe is the accomplishment or fulfilling and the proper obiecte of Baptisme wherefore it is no meruaile that the Apostles baptised into the name of the Lorde who neuerthelesse were commaunded to baptise in the name of the father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghoste For all the mysteries of Baptisme are laide foorth vnto vs in the onely Sonne of god Truely wee say bothe To baptise into the name of the Lorde and to baptise in the name of the Lorde The vse of speaking after the firste manner is read in the 28. of Matthew and in Luke Actes the 19. For bothe haue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In nomen into the name And so also Tertullian interpreteth it contra Praxeā saying Hee commaunded that wee should be baptised into the father the sonne c. The latter manner doeth the same Luke vse in the Actes 10. and 2. saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is In the name Moreouer what it is to baptise into the name or in the name of the Lord I tolde you in the last Sermon next before this that it is to be inrolled into Gods housholde that he whiche is baptised may now receiue the name of GOD and be called the sonne of God yea and be as it were registred into the roll of the children of God Citizens of the kingdome of Heauen Wherevppon we haue also nāmes giuen vs in baptisme that as often as wee heare our selues named wee may remember our Baptisme and the mysteries therof Neither is it a new thing or straunge from the Scriptures that names are giuen vs in baptisme For so it was vsed also in Circumcision whiche is to be séene in Luke 2. Chapter Furthermore the question is asked Whether we oughte to baptise with these bare words I baptise thée in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie ghost Or whether it be lawful to ad or ioyne some thing els I thinck we ought to aunswere That it is the seruants dutie to ad nothing to his lords institutiō but diligentlie to kéep that which he hath deliuered yea aduisedly to marke what in baptisme the Lord him selfe and his Apostles did holily to imitate the same that in the church of God as Paule hath commaunded all thinges may be done decently and in good order But after that most holie fourme of baptising set downe and deliuered we sée two things in holie Baptisme and in the vse thereof to be obserued For firste the Apostles and they that were with the Apostles did teache verie significantly of the promises of GOD and faith in Christ whiche is apparaunte in the Actes of the Apostles It is lawefull therefore in the action or ministration of Baptisme to recite the promises of God to rehearse the beliefe and require faithe either of them that are to be baptised béeing of perfecte age or else of them whiche bring the Infantes to bee baptised Moreouer when the Lorde was baptised of Iohn Baptiste in Iordan he prayed Which thing Luke in his Gospel reporteth of him in the historie of the Gospell It is lawfull therefore in the vse of Baptisme to pray and solemnely to cal vpon the name of the Lorde At the firste these Prayers were moderate and shorte not of a great length tedious In processe of time there was no measure kept not onely in tedious blessings but also in diuerse ceremonies which they that came after added therevnto Of the whiche it shall not séeme altogether vnprofitable to rehearse somewhat out of the olde Doctours Tertullian in his booke De Corona militis saith When we go to the font there and also a little before in the church the bishop laying his hand on vs wee doe confesse that wee forsake the diuel his pompes and all his angels Then are wee thrise dipped in the water not some leaue out not aunswering any thing more then the Lorde hath set downe in the Gospell When wee be taken out of the fonte we taste of milke and honie mingled together and from that time wee absteine from daily washinge by the space of a whole weeke We heare in this an vtter denying or renouncing a thirde dipping a
tasting of milke and honie and after baptisme an abstinence from bathing by a wéekes spaces In his first boke against Mart. hemaketh mentiō also of oyle Truly milk is méete for children vnto whom also they that be of perfect age being baptised are likened Beside this in the olde testament there is often mention made of the land of promise flowing with Milke and Honie Those thinges were first offered to be tasted of them that are baptised to giue thē to vnderstande that Christ Iesus being their capteine and hauing passed ouer Iordan they might by an infallible hope haue an inheritance in the lande of promise S. Hierome witnesseth that wine was mingled with milk saith Com. lib. 15. ad Isaiam The Lord prouoketh vs not onely to buy wine but milke also which signifieth the innocencie of infants which type and custome is euen vnto this day kepte in the weste churches to giue to thē that are borne a-new in Christ wine and milke At this day neither of them both is giuē to infants no not of them which will seeme to be zealous mainteiners of the olde ceremonies They beléeue in the meane while that their omitting of these ceremonies is without sinne and néedeth no satisfaction Nowe also we may gather out of the sixte booke of Augustine de Bap. contra Donat cap. 24. that they vsed diuers and what praiers thei thought good about baptisme The same August contra Pelag. Celest. lib. 2. cap. 40. saith In baptising of children they firste coniure and blow away all contrarie power Which also the infantes by the wordes of them that beare them doe aunswere that they renounce This ceremonie he mentioneth also Libro primo de Nupt. Concup ad Valer. cap. 20. libro 2. cap. 18. It is saide in the ecclesiasticall Decrees that the holy church through-out the whole world vsed that ceremonie Againe August In Epistola ad Bonifa 43. saith that the god-fathers doe aunswere for the faith of the children and confesse their faith We aske them saith he which offer the infants and say Beleeueth he in God who being of that age knoweth not whether there be á God or no They answere He beleeueth and so they aunswere vnto euery question which is asked The same Augustine in his booke de Trinitate 15. capi 26. maketh mention also of Oyle wherewith they that were baptised were annoynted Rabanus Maurus Bishop of Mentz a longe time following after Augustine reckoneth vp many more ceremonies of baptisme For he Libro de Institutione Cleri 1. cap. 27. saith They are marked in the forehead and heart with the crosse in baptisme that the diuell seeing that marke may knowe that that sheepe is not of his folde Also consecrated salte is put into the childes mouth that beeing seasoned with the salte of wisedome he may be free from the stinch of wickednesse and rotte no more with the wormes of sinne His eares and nosthrilles are touched with spittle saying the word Ephatha vsed of our Sauiour beeing therevnto added that by the vertue of Christ the high Priest his eares may be opened to receiue the knowledge of God and to heare the wil and commaundementes of god Then the childe is blessed and his breast annoynted with holy oyle that no reliques of the enimie may lurk and remaine in him After this in the name of the holie Trinitie he is baptised beeing dipped thrise in the water And in his 28. Chapter And beeing baptised he immediatlie is signed in the forehead with the Chrisme with a prayer together followinge that he may be made an inheritour of the kingdome of Christ and of Christ may bee called a Christian And in the 29. Chapter After Baptisme there is deliuered to the Christian a white garmente signifying purenesse and innnocencie Also for this cause were the baptised cloathed with white garments that they mighte nowe remember that they were set free and of seruauntes and bonde-slaues of the Diuell made the free-men of CHRIST IESVS Moreouer white couloure in times paste was consecrated to victoryes and triumphes Whereby it may seeme that the white garmente was therefore giuen to them that were baptised that they mighte bee mindefull that whiles they lyue here on earth they must continually fight and ouercome in Christe For the life of manne is a warrefare vppon earth And certeinely whereas offeringes also began to bee giuen to the baptised by the God-fathers that seemeth to haue bene borrowed from warrefare For by the offering or earneste whiche wee Switsers call Die yn bindeten he that is baptised is warned of his faithe giuen in baptisme alwayes to be mindeful what a Capteine hee forsooke and into what garrison he was entertayned wherein hee muste keepe his faith giuen to the new capteine Christe Many other thinges of this kinde which I find● among writers of this latter age I willingly passe ouer leaste I shoulde séeme to abuse your patience and gentlenesse And who perceiueth not yea that at this day other of this kinde innumerable new deuises are added to baptisme Therfore the safest and surest way is to builde vppon the firste foundations of the blessed Apostles For if antiquitie séeme to boulster vpp these last inuented ceremonies who dare denie that the authoritie of the Apostles doeth excell it manye wayes For the Apostles were before them all which haue lastly inuented and deliuered those manifolde ceremonyes to be vsed in Baptisme This also commeth in question Whether we ought to baptise with bare faire water or with consecrated water and why the Lorde commaunded to baptise with water S. Cyprian epist. lib. 1. epist. 12. sayth The water ought to bee cleansed and sanctified before of the priest to wash away the sinnes of the man that is baptised But the examples and testimonies of the holie Scripture doe more preuaile with me than the authoritie of Cyprian or any other man whatsoeuer it be This good man of God was also deceiued in another place aboute the mysterie of Baptisme so that we must read his writings with iudgement The Scripture telleth vs that Iohn Baptist and the Apostles and faithfull disciples of Christ baptised with water not consecrated For what can bee spoken or read more plaine than that Iohn baptised in Iordane Yea that Christe him selfe and his Apostles also baptised in the Riuer Iordane Where or howe did the Apostles consecrate the water of baptisme in the Actes of the Apostles Philip when the Eunuch shewed him water as they iourneyed he baptised him oute of that pure and cleare founteine Beside this I haue declared in the Sermon nexte going before how little purenesse is in common fourme of baptisme whereby the fonte is consecrated But if any man thincke that wee oughte to Baptise with consecrated or holie water and by consecrated doe neither vnderstande annoynted or prepared with crosses or sanctified with charmes but chosen to holie vses I woulde stande in contention with him neuer a whitt For the water of Baptisme in very
other yeere of Iubilie In the auncient Iewish yeare of Iubilie there is to be considered the meaning of the letter and of the spirite * According to the letter bondmen were set at libertie and lawful heires did receiue againe their patrimonie and possessions which either was chaunged awaye or otherwise gone from them The meaning of that order as it could not be brought againe into all kingdomes in these latter dayes without the trouble of all estates so is it little set by and the care of the oppressed vterly neglected by the holy popes who nowe of late brought in the yeare of Iubilie and preached it vnto the foolish worlde not for any zeale they had to helpe the oppressed but for the desire they had by robbing the world to augment their owne treasures * The spirituall and hidden mysterie of the Iubilie did cōmende vnto them of olde the frée remission of all sinnes through Christe by faith in Christe which frée grace cannot without reproche to Christe bee otherwise preached than it hath béen alreadie taught by the holie Gospell Therefore the church was without the obseruation of any yeare of Iubilie by the space of one thousande three hundreth yeres after Christ his incarnation At laste vp start Bonifacius the eyghth of that name byshop of Rome who firste of all inuented that wicked ordinaunce For Platina in the life of that Bonifacius saith This is he that first brought in the Iubilie in the yeare of Christe 1300. wherin he graunted full remission of all their sinnes to as manie as visited the See apostolicall And the same did he ordeine to be obserued euery hundreth yeare So then the church of Christ was without this Iubilie without peril of saluation by the space of one thousand thrée hundreth yeres And therefore may wee also be without it without all peril and damage yea to our great profite commoditie For if our Romanists go on to obtrude it to the worlde as a thinge necessarie to saluation then shal they condemne the vniuersal church which was before Pope Boniface his time who first brought in this vnacquainted Iubilie Thus we are so farre frō not being able to be without it that we ought by all meanes possible to detest and abhorre it as a verie wicked and blasphemous ordinance considering that wee haue to beléeue that the Iubilie is vtterly abrogated by Christ and also y al sinnes are fréely through Christ forgiuen to all that beléeue in what place of the world so euer they liue and are conuersant in This Pope Boniface doth to his moste false promise and vnpure place annexe the remission of sinnes Nowe I doubte whether this blasphemous antichriste could do any thing more horrible and more against the honour of the Sauiour For therein is defiled the glory of the onely begotten sonne of God who is the onely health of all the world Therein is defiled the saluation of many thousands for which Christ died vpon the crosse And therein also is defiled the glorie of Christian faith by which alone we are made partakers of eternall saluation This vngratious wicked Pope was he of whome that common prouerbe runneth Hee entred like a woolfe he reigned like a Lyon and dyed like a dogge For verily so blasphemous an ordinaunce was worthie of such an author So foolishe a people was worthie of suche a pastour And so diuelishe a Pope was worthie of such an ende Platina writeth that in that yeare of Iubilie there came so greate heapes of people to Rome that although the citie were indifferently large ynough yet one man could not for throng passe by an other For the worlde will needes bée deceiued if it were not so they would giue eare vnto the Lord which cryeth O all ye that thirste come to the waters and ye that haue no money drawe nigh Why spend ye your money vpon a thing of naught c. Esaie 55. and Iohn 4. 7. Now all the while that the world was sett thus on madding the righteous Lord was not a sléepe nor yet did dissemble howe much they displeased him with that diuelishe inuention For the verye same yeare he stirred vpp Otthoman the Patriarche and first founder of the Turkish empire by whose meanes he did notably scourge the churche of Rome and the corrupt manners that were crept into Christendom A fewe yeares after succéeded Clement the sixte Paule the seconde and Sixtus the fourth as wicked men as he as is to be found in the histories of their liues who chaunged the yere of Iubilie frō euery hundreth to euery fiftieth yere and so at last to euery fiue and twentieth yere that so they might suck the more aduauntage out of mennes foolishnesse But nowe to the matter againe The Sacraments also of the aunclent Iewes are flatly abrogated and in their places are substituted newe sacramentes which are giuen to the people of the newe couenaunt In stéede of circumcision is baptisme appointed The Apostles in the Synode helde at Hierusalem did oppose them selues against those which were of opinion that circumcision was necessarie vnto saluation and in that counsell they allowed of Paules doctrine who both thought and taught the contrarie For Paule in one place sayth Loe I Paul saye vnto you that if ye be circumcised Christe shall profite you nothinge For I testifie to euery man which is circumcised that he is a debitour to the whole lawe to doe it Christe is made of none effect to you as many of you as are iustified by the lawe are fallen from grace Neither is it right or conuenient that in the churche of Christe there should remaine so bloudie a Sacrament as Circumcision was when once that bloud was shead vppon the crosse which stauncheth and taketh awaye the bloude of the olde testament In stéede of the Paschall lambe is the Lordes supper ordeined which by another name is called the Euchariste or a thankesgiuing For so the Lord him selfe in Luke expoundeth it saying that hee did then eate the laste passeouer with his disciples at the ende whereof he did immediately ordeine the Sacrament of his bodie and bloud which he biddeth them to celebrate in remembraunce of him vntil hee returne to iudgement againe Therefore the Lorde leaft the supper to be an vnchaungeable Sacrament vntill the ende of the worlde Moreouer that all sortes of sacrifices conteined in the lawe are vtterly abrogated no man I suppose will once denye which doeth but consider that both the Temple and the two altars with all the holye Instrumentes are vtterly ouerthrowen and come to nothing I told you that those sacrifices were remembraunces of sinnes and types or figures of the cleansing and attonement that was to be made by Christe Iesus Therefore when Christ was come and offered vpp for the sinnes of all the worlde then verily did all the sacrifices of the auncient Iewes come to their ending For where there is a full and absolute remission of sinnes there is no
vncouered or hidden as it were vnder a vaile or figure They are conteined in the lawe and the Prophets euen till the time of the captiuitie at Babylon The blessed Apostle Peter doth in the 3. chap. of the Actes cite the prophecie of Moses touchinge the comming of the greatest of all Prophets The prefigured promises of Christ are the sacrifices whiche Paule in his Epistle to the Hebrues doth in a wonderfull summarie shortly declare The same Paule in the fift of the first to the Corinthians applieth the Paschal lambe to Iesus Christ The like doeth Peter in his first Epistle Againe the stonie rocke that was struck and gushed out with water S. Paul calleth Christ And Christ himselfe in the Gospel after S. Iohn doth say that he was prefigured in the brasen Serpent which was lift vp in the desart the mysterie wherof I haue in an other place more fullie declared Many more there are like vnto these a good parte whereof I haue alreadie touched when I had occasion to treate of the ceremonies and their signification Where he that listeth may read of it at large The vnfigured and vncouered promises are almost without number in the Psalmes and the Prophets Yea the Lord himselfe in the Gospel after S. Luke doth testifie that the description of all his office and businesse is at large conteined in the lawe the Prophets and the Psalmes And when S. Peter had preached the Gospel wherein he promised both Christ and the full remission of sinnes to all that beleeued he did immedately add All the Prophetes also from Samuel these that followed in order as many as haue spoken haue likewise told you of these dayes Dauid verilie in the 2. 22. and 110. Psalmes hath notably sett downe the two natures of Christ his Godhead and his Manhood Againe he hath layed before all mens eyes his hoalsome preaching his eternall priesthoode his euerlasting redemption and most bitter death and passion What shal I say of the Prophet Esay who was by no smal doctour of the church of Christ verie worthilie called an Euangelist rather than a Prophet as if he had writ a storie of thinges alreadie past and done by Christ not of thinges that should be done so truly did he foretel the state of Christ Now he maketh Christ to be verie God and verie man borne after the fleshe of the vnspotted Virgin who had to preach the word of life like a good shéepheard to feede his fearefull shéepe to bee the light of the Gentiles vnto the vttmost partes of the earth to giue sight to the blinde to heale the lame and diseased to be betrayed by his owne to be spitt vppon to be smitten to be hanged béetwixt théeues to be offered vp a sacrifice for sinne and finallie to make intercession for transgressours that hee himselfe being iuste might iustifie all that beléeue in his name Read Esaie 7. 8. 9. 11. 28. 40. 49. 50. 53. Chapiters and also al the last Chapter of all his Prophecie wherein he doth most fully describe the church or congregation of Christ Immanuel Ionas bare the most manifest type of the Lords sharp death and ioyfull resurrection Micheas also doth name Bethleem to be the place wherin Messiah should be horne whose beginning to wit of his diuine nature he doth referre to before all beginnings He doth also foretel that the preaching of the Gospell should from out of Hierusalem bee sowen abroade through all the compasse of the world Ieremie sayeth that God would raise vpp to Dauid a true séede or braunch that is the looked-for Messiah And in that Prophecie he alluded to the lawe concerning the raysing vpp of séede to the deceassed brother For the Virgin conceiuing by the holie Ghost brought foorth a sonne whose name is IEHOVAH being verie God in verie déede whom Esaie calleth Immanuel and is the true righteousnesse of all that doe beléeue in him For by Christ are the faithfull iustified For the same Prophete in the 31. Chapiter doth promise in Christ full or absolute remission of sinnes and aboundant grace of the holie Ghost whiche thinge Ioel also did not conceale Thus out of many testimonies I haue picked out onely these fewe in number For the whole bookes of the Prophets are occupied in the description of Christe and his offices The last promises concerning Christ were by God reuealed to the Prophets and by them declared to the Church of God euen in the verie time of the captiuitie at Babylon or else immediately vppon their returne to Hierusalem Ezechiel prophecieth of the shéepheard Dauid and of the shéepe receyuinge that shéepeheard whiche prophecies the Lord doeth in Sainct Iohns Eospel expound of himselfe The same Prophete treateth very much of grace and francke full remission of sinnes thorough the Sauiour Christ especiallie in the 34. 36. and 37. Chapiters of his prophecie Daniel verilie hath visions and many dreams but in them hée doeth so set Christ out vnto vs that it is vnpossible to haue him more better more euidently excellently described In his second Chapiter hee teacheth vs of his eternall kingdome and telleth vs that Christ should come vnder y Romane Monarchie at what tune the Romane Princes beeing by affinitie allied together should mutually in battell destroye one an other Whiche was fulfilled when Pompeie and Iulius Caesar Antonie and Octauius Augustus mainteyned ciuil warre Moreouer Daniels wéekes are vnknowen to no man wherein hée doeth as it were with his finger point at Christ the cōming of Christe and the reprobation of the Iewes because of their disloyaltie vnbeliefe Haggée the Prophete foretold the maner how the temple should be builded I meane the true temple in déede to witt the Church of Christ Zacharie doth excellently paint to vs many mysteries of Christ Hée layeth before vs the kingdome and priesthoode of oure Lord and Sauiour Hée commendeth to vs that one and onely eternall sacrifice whiche is effectuall enoughe to cleanse the sinnes of al the world Zacha 3. 9. 14. Chapiters Yea hee prophecieth of nothing else but of Christ his kingdome Malachias foresheweth the forerunner of the Lord and handleth no small number of mysteries concerning Christ Whereby we doe perceiue that Paule writt most truely in the first to the Romans saying That God did afore promise the Gospell by his Prophets in the holie Scriptures Nowe by these holy promises wee we gather this also that there are not manye or diuers Gospels althoughe wee denie not but that the same Gospell was penned by diuers Enangelistes but that there is one alone and that too as it were eternall For the verie same Gospell whiche is at this day preached to vs was at the beginning of the world preached to our first parents For it is assuredly certeine that by the Gospel were saued Adam Euah Abel all the Patriarchs Prophets and faithfull people of the old Testament Which thing we haue in an other place at large declared Wee are nowe come to
hath giuen vnto none neyther doth any minister vnles he be blinded with diuelish pryde take that vnto him selfe as though he did worke those workes that are proper vnto Christe eyther for Christe or in Christes stead or together with Christ The Apostles being Christ his most faithful ministers and most chosen instruments of God did not giue the holy ghoste did not drawe mens harts did not inwardly anoynt mens mindes did not regenerate soules they them selues did not deliuer from sinne death the diuell and hell For all these things be the works of God whiche he hath not communicated to any Wherfore the most holy Baptist in plaine wordes denied that he was Christ he denied that he him selfe baptised with the holy Ghoste I saithe he baptise with water but hee baptiseth with the holy Ghost I am the voyce of a cryer in the wildernes prepare the way of the Lorde And Paule pleading his cause before Agrippa wisheth of God that king Agrippa were such a one as Paule him selfe was except his bonds But such a wishe had not néeded if he him selfe could drawe sanctifie and absolue There are infinite other of this kinde to be séene in the scriptures Yet neuerthelesse the ministerie of the church is not néedles The kings counsellers and officers haue not equall power with the king neither are they kinges with the king or for the king but for all that their seruice is not in vaine Therefore that thing which Christ the sonne of God who is the greatest the best and the chiefe high priest of his Church worketh in his catholique church inwardly and in their mindes as the onely searcher of of the hearts the very same outwardly he declareth and testifieth by his ministers whome the Scripture for that cause calleth witnesses embassadours or messingers You sayth the Lord to his Apostles shall beare witnesse bycause ye haue beene with me frō the beginning And Paul saith I am ordeined a precher an apostle a teacher of the gentiles Therfore the same apostle in another place calleth the same Gospell both a testimonie and preaching of our Lord Iesus Christe And Ihon the Apostle affirmeth that he was banished into the Isle of Pathmos For the worde of God and for the witnessing of Iesus Christe And therefore when ministers beare witnesse of the Sonne of God and out of his word promise life euerlasting their worde is not called mans word but the word of God and they are saide to saue and to release from sinn For they are the true messingers and harroldes of the king who is the deliuerer who hath sent them to publishe remission of sinnes wherevpon also they attribute all the meanes of life saluation and deliuerie to the onely deliuerer Christe Paule in an other place calleth ministers Fellowe labourers with God and afterward againe Disopsers of the secrets of God. For the saluation whiche the sonne of God hath onely wrought and whiche he also onely giueth the ministers preache or dispose and so they are fellowe labourers The same Apostle out of the doctrine of the Gospell which resembleth the teacher in the Church to one that soweth séede compareth the ministers to gardeners and planters of trées to whom he committeth the outward manuring reseruing the inwarde working to Christe our Lord saying Who is Paule then and who is Apollos but ministers by whome ye beleeued and as the Lorde gaue to euerie man I haue planted Apollos watered but god gaue the increase So then neyther is he that planteth any thing neyther he that watereth but God that giueth the increase With whiche testimonie of the Scripture Augustine being instructed learned so to speake and write of the ministerie of the Church as nothing shoulde be diminished from the glorie of God which inwardly moueth and teacheth vs and yet in the meane time the office of the ministerie should not be taken away or despised as vnprofitable For in his Epistle Ad Circenses which in order is accounted the 130. speaking of the secrete drawing of God and the outwarde ministerie of men These are not sayth he oure workes but Gods I would not at al attribute these thinges vnto mans working no not if when wee were with you so greate a conuersion of the multitude through our speaking and exhortations should happen That thing hee worketh and bringeth to passe who by his ministers outwardly warneth by tokens or signes of things but by the things them selues he inwardly teacheth by him selfe Thus farre he But least it might séem to any man that he spake too briefly and sparingly and not worthily enoughe of the ministerie of the Church euen he him selfe immediately addeth and sayth Neyther therfore ought we to be more flowe to come vnto you bycause whatsoeuer is done prayse woorthy among you commeth not of vs but of him which alone doth wonderfull thinges For we ought more carefully to runne to behold the workes of God than our owne workes Bycause euen we our selues if we haue any goodnesse in vs we are his worke and not mans Therefore the Apostle said Neither is he that plāteth any thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth the increase The same writer speaking of the verie same thing in his 26. treatise vpon Iohn Al the men of that kingdome sayth he shall be suche as are taught of God they shall not heare by men and though they heare by men yet that which they vnderstand is inwardly giuen it shineth inwardly it is inwardly reuealed What doe men in preaching outwardly what do I nowe when I speake make you to heare a noyse of wordes with your eares But vnlesse he reueale it which it within what say I or what speake I The outward workman is the plāter of the tree and the inwarde is the creatour Hee that planteth and hee that watereth worketh outwardly that doe we But neyther is he that planteth any thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth the increase This is the meaning of They shall be all taught of God. Thus far Augustine Wherfore when in another place S. Paule sayth Ye are the Epistle of Christe ministred by vs written not with ynke but with the spirit of the liuing God not in stonie tables but in fleshie tables of the heart we must diligently put a difference betwéene the worke of the spirit and the work of man or of the minister The minister doth not take on him the honor of God and the worke of the spirite but his owne worke that is to say the ministerie Paule preacheth and writeth with ynke but the spirite of God moueth the heart and with his grace or annoynting he writeth in the very heart so he worketh together with GOD Paule working his proper woorke and the spirite working his worke The Apostles are preachers and ministers of the Gospell not of the letter but of the spirite not that they giue the holie Ghoste but bycause they are preachers of the
name of IESVS CHRISTE for the remission of sinnes and yee shall receiue the gifte of the holie Ghoste Therefore in baptisme water or sprinckling of water in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost and al that which is done of the church is a signe rite ceremonie outwarde thing earthly sensible lying opē made plaine to the senses but remission of sinnes partaking of euerlasting life fellowshippe with Christ and his members and gifts of the holy ghoste which are giuen vnto vs by the grace of God through fayth in Christ Iesus is the thing signified the inward and heauenly thing and that intelligible thing whiche is not perceiued but by a faythfull mynde After the same manner the Scripture bearing witnesse also of the Supper of the Lord which is the other sacrament of the Church sayth The Lord Iesus when hee had taken breade hee gaue thankes and brake it and gaue it to his disciples and sayde take ye eate ye this is my body whiche is giuen for you Likewise he tooke the cuppe and gaue it to them saying drinke ye all of this for this is my bloud of the newe Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sinnes doe this in remembraunce of me Nowe therefore all that action which is done of the Church after the example of Christ our high Prieste I meane breaking of bread the distribution thereof yea and the banquet or receyuing of breade and wine is the signe rite ceremonie and the outwarde or earthly thing and also that selfe same sensible thing which lyeth open before the senses but the intelligible thing thing signified the inward and heauenly thing is the verie body of Christ giuen for vs and his bloud shed for the remission of sinnes and oure redemption and fellowship which we haue with Christe and all the Saintes yea whiche he chiefly hath with vs. By these things it shall be easie to determine certeinely of the names or termes nowe giuen to the sacramēts For they are called external or outward signes bicause they are corporall or bodily entring outwardly into those senses whereby they be perceyued Contrariwise we call the thing signified inwarde thinges not that the thinges lye hidde included in the signes but bycause they are perceiued by the inwarde faculties or motions of the mynde wrought in mē by the spirit of god So also those signes are termed both earthly and visible bycause they consist of thinges taken from the earth that is to wit of water breade and wine and bycause they are manifestly séene in these likenesses To be short the thinges signified are called heauenly and inuisible bycause the frute of them is heauenly bicause they are discerned with the eyes of the mynd or of faith not of the body For otherwise the same body and bloude of our Lorde Iesus Christ which in the supper are represented to the faythfull by the fourme of breade and wine are not of their owne proper nature heauenly or inuisible For the body of our Lord touching his substaunce and nature is consubstantiall or of the same substaunce that our bodyes are of Now the same is called heauenly for his deliueraunce from corruption and infirmitie or else bycause it is clarified not by reason of the bringing to nought or laying aside of his owne nature The same body of his owne nature is visible not inuisible resident in heauen howbeit it is séene of the godly celebrating the supper not with the eyes of the body but with the eyes of the mynde or soule therefore in respect of vs it is called inuisible which of it selfe is not inuisible Now the worde in the sacraments is called and is indéede a witnessing of Gods will and a remembraunce and renuing of the benefits and promises of God yea and it is the institution and commaundement of God which sheweth the author of the sacrament with the manner ende of the same For the word in baptisme is the verie same that euen now we haue recited Goe ye into all the worlde c. In the supper of the Lord this is the word of God Iesus tooke breade c. And the rite custome and manner howe to celebrate the supper is to be sought out of the example of the lord going before in the holy action wherein we comprehend bothe prayers and those things which are recited out of the worde of Christ For as he brake breade and diuided it and in like maner the cuppe so likewise with holy imitation and sacramentall rite we follow the same in this holy action As he gaue thankes so also wee doe giue thankes wee by certeine prayers in baptisme doe request the assistaunce and grace of the Lorde we recite certeine places out of the gospell which we know to be requisite in the administration of baptisme and we are woont to doe the same also in the celebration of the Lordes supper But it is not my intent at this presente to speake largely and exactly of the rites of the Sacrament which notwithstanding we holde to bee beste that are taken out of the holie scripture and doe not excéede of whiche shall be spoken in theire place Some in stead of the word doe put promise and in stead of rite ceremonie And truely in the word ceremonie I sée no daunger at all if by ceremonie be vnderstood the outwarde comelines and rite which the Lorde him selfe hath commended to vs by his example and left to be vsed in the celebration And in verie deede Sacramentall signes are not simple or bare signes but ceremonies or religious actions so also there séemeth to bee no daunger in the worde promise so that by promise wee vnderstand the preaching of the gospel the commemoration or remembrance of Gods promises which we often vse in the preching of the gospell and celebration of the sacraments that is to say that God doeth receiue vs into his fellowship for Christe his sake through faith doeth wash away our sinnes endeweth vs with diuerse graces that Christe was giuen for our sinnes shed his bloud to take away the sinnes of all faithfull For in celebrating of Baptisme we vse these wordes of the Lord Suffer little children to come vnto mee for vnto such belongeth the kingdome of heauen c. In the celebration of the banquet of Gods holie children we vse these holie wordes of our Lord And after supper Iesus tooe bread and after he had giuen thanks he brake it gaue it to them saying take ye eate ye this is my bodie whiche is giuen for you This is my bloud which is shed for you for the remission of sinnes this do in the remembrance of me c. For those remembrances and rehersalls are promisses of the Gospel promising forgiuenesse of sinnes to the beléeuers shewing that the Lords bodie is giuen for them and his bloud shed for them whiche faith verilie is the onely and vndoubted meane to
and that this inward sanctification is outwardly by the ministerie represented and sealed there he might haue vnderstoode that sealed euidences may be published as well by an euill minister as by a good Gods sacraments are to be referred to God the authour of them who is faithfull and true in all his ordinaunces howe false and faithlesse so euer men be Although Iudas were a théefe yet he preached and baptised whose doctrine and baptisme was as well the doctrine and baptisme of Christe as was Peters and Andrewes Iames and Iohns And touching the perfectnesse purenesse bothe of the doctrine and baptisme done by the ministerie of Iudas no man euer doubted as though they were neuer taught or baptised whome he taught and baptised who in the meane while is called of the Lorde him selfe not a diuelishe man but a verie diuell For he baptised not in his owne name but in the name of Christe he preached not his owne but the doctrine of Christ To conclude the Lorde of his goodnesse for his truthes sake and not for Iudas sake wrought in the faythfull whiche working of his an others vngratiousnesse maliciousnesse coulde not hinder as at this daye verily it hindereth not a whit Truely we muste doe what we can to haue holy and vnblameable ministers so farre foorthe as by oure care and diligence we are able to procure and bring to passe yea let vs depriue and disgrade them whom we shall finde to behaue them selues vnworthy of their function but in the meane time let vs not doubt at all of the purenesse of the Sacramentes whiche they while they were in their office ministred vnto vs that is to say after the same manner and fourme as the Lorde instituted And verily as the faythful doe not fasten their myndes on the elements so neyther doe they on the ministers They in althings looke only vp to God the authour of all goodnesse and to the ende of those thinges which the Lord ordeyned Saint Augustine hath handled this matter verie diligently excellently well applying to these thinges verie effectuall arguments whose wordes I wil set down Lib. 3. contra Donatist de baptismo 3. cap. 10. The water is not vnholy sayth he or defiled ouer which the name of the Lorde is called on though it bee called on of vnholy and vncleane persons bycause neyther the creature it self nor yet the name is vncleane And the baptisme of Christe consecrated with the wordes of the Gospell is holy both by them that are vncleane and in them that are vncleane thoughe they bee defiled and vncleane bycause his holinesse can not bee polluted and in his sacramēts a diuine power is present eyther to the saluation of them that vse them well or to the condemnation of them that vse them yll Dothe the lighte of the Sunne or of a candle when it shineth through a filthy sinke gather no vncleannesse from thence and can the baptisme of Christ be polluted with any mans wickednesse For if wee apply our myndes vnto the verie visible things vnder which sacraments are deliuered who knoweth not that they are corruptible But if wee ascend vnto that whiche is figured by them who seeth not that they be incorruptible though men by whom it is ministred according to their deseruinges are eyther rewarded or punished And so foorth I could alledge many examples of this kynde if I thought them necessarie For I think that by them it is largely and plainly enough declared that the perfectnesse and purenesse of the Sacramentes are not to be estéemed by the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the ministers but by the truth of God who did institute them To him be glory power dominion for euer euer Amen Of holie Baptisme what it is by whom and when it was instituted and that there is but one baptisme of water Of the baptisme of fire Of the rite or ceremonie of Baptisme how of whome and to whom it must be ministred Of Baptisme by Midwiues and of infantes dying without Baptisme Of the Baptisme of Infantes against Anabaptisme or Rebaptising and of the power or efficacie of Baptisme The eighth Sermon NOwe I haue to intreate particularly of holy Baptisme and of the holy supper of the Lorde whiche may be done somuch the more briefly as we haue largely spoken alreadie of Sacraments in generall Christe our Lorde open your myndes and guyde my toung vnto the glorie and prayse of his blessed name for euer Baptisme is a worde fetcht from the Eréekes who vse bothe these words Baptismus and Baptisma both whiche signifie baptisme as the Latines also do And Baptisme is a dipping whiche worde Tertullian willingly vseth For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth to dip or dip in and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to plunge or put farre in wherevppon also to baptise is vsed for to plunge in to washe away or to cleanse and baptisings in the Scriptures are put for washings and purifyings as it appereth in S. Marke the seuenth chapter and in Paule to the Hebrues the 9. chap. To be baptised with the same baptisme is prouerbially spoken of him that is partaker of the selfe same danger or misfortune And to be baptised with bloude is to be imbrued with bloud They define Baptisme for the most parte to be a token or recognizaunce of our cleansing yea of oure inrolling whereby we are receyued into the Churche to be of the number of Gods children But we describing the nature of baptisme more at large do say That it is an holy action instituted of GOD and consisting of the worde of God and the holy rite or ceremonie whereby the people of God are dipped in the water in the name of the Lord to be short whereby the Lorde him selfe dothe represent and seale vnto vs our purifying or cleansing gathereth vs into one body and putteth the baptised in mynd of their duetie In this description of Baptisme these things séeme chiefly to be considered Who did institute Baptisme Of what things it consisteth Whether it be simple but one and the selfe same or drawne into many partes What rite or ceremonie of baptising is deliuered to the Churche What the ende and force of Baptisme is It was no man that did institute the Sacrament of baptisme but God him selfe though by man it tooke the name that is to say by Iohn it was ministred who of it was called the Baptist That we might vnderstand this the Euangelists in many places haue confirmed that the calling of Iohn was from heauen For thereby we may gather that his ministerie was from heauen Doth not he say him selfe in expresse words He which sent me to baptise with water the same sayde vnto me vpon whom so euer thou shalt see the holy ghost c. Also our Lord in the Gospell arguing that the baptisme of Iohn was not from men but from God he demaundeth of the Phariseis The baptisme of Iohn whence was it from heauen or of men Wherefore the
déede is holie not in respecte of the wordes rehearsed or by crosses and other signes made but because God hath instituted it and in respecte of the holie vse and prayers of the godly Of whiche matter I spake not long agoe when I intreated of the sanctification or consecration of the Sacramentes And Christe commaunded his disciples to baptise with water for diuerse causes For types or figures wente before Baptisme in water as the ●loud as the redd sea through which the people of Israel passed as diuerse cleansinges and set washings mentioned in the lawe Neither doe the Apostles of Christe dissemble those thinges For Peter sayth that Noe was saued in the water of the floud but the wicked drowned in the water Paule affirmeth that all our fathers were baptised by Moses in the Cloude and in the Sea. Therefore mortification and viuificatiō is prefigured And truely the principall badge of the newe testament is Baptisme witnessinge that full remis●ion of sinnes is brought vnto vs by Christe And the holye Prophetes of God by the mouth of the Lorde foreshewinge and promisinge this haue willingly shadowed out this inestimable benefite by water therefore Baptisme must be ministred in water This also serued notably to represent the mysterie Of which matter I haue spoken in my last sermon when I intreated of the analogie or likenesse of signes And for these causes chiefly baptisme ought to be ministred in this and not in any other element There is contention also aboute this Whether once or thrise hee that is baptised oughte to bee dipped or sprinckled with water Truely the Apostles haue not curiously commaunded any thing in this behalfe So that it is frée either to sprinckle or to dip Sprincklinge séemeth to haue béene vsed of the olde Fathers For honestie and shamefastnesse forbiddeth to vncouer the body And also the weake state of infants for the moste parte cannot away with dipping since sprinckling also doeth as much as dippinge And it standeth in the choyce of him that minstreth baptisme to sprincle him either once or thrise after the custome of the Church wherof he is minister Tertullian contra Praxeam sayeth The Lorde commaunded to baptise into the father and into the sonne and into the holie Ghoste Not into one For wee are baptised not once but thrise at eache name into eache person And Gregorie aunswering Leonarde the byshop saith A diuerse custome hindereth nothing the holye church so that it be done in one faith Wee by thrise dipping doe signifie the mysterie of Christes lying in the graue three dayes Againe the reuerend fathers in the fourth counsel helde at Toledo doe allowe but one dipping in baptisme and then ad immediatly this reason And lest any should doubt of the mysterie of this Sacrament why wee allowe but one dippinge he may se therein our death and resurrection For the dipping into the water is as it were the goinge downe into the graue and the comming vpp againe out of the water is the rysing againe out of the graue Also hee may perceiue that therein is shewed the vnitie of the Godhead and the trinitie of the persons The vnitie is figured when we dipp once the trinitie when we baptise in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie Ghoste This I doe not alleadge to stay my selfe vppon mans testimonyes but by mans testimonie to shewe that it is frée to followe that whiche serueth moste to the edifying of the Church Also there is a question moued touching the place of baptisme Whether it be not lawfull to baptise in any other place than in the Churche I say that the Churche is consecrated to ministeries and to the worshipp of God and therefore that comelynesse it selfe requireth to baptise openlie in the Churche But if necessitie will not permit this the baptisme of Christe is tyed to no place For we heare that Philipp baptised out of the founteine in the broade fielde Yet let vs take héede that wee make not necessitie a pretence for our lewde affections But let all thinges in the Churche bee cleane which perteine vnto Baptisme let all superfluitie be laide aside let all filth and vncleannesse bee banished let all thinges as saith the Apostle be done honestly and in order Touching the time there is no lawe prescribed of the Lord that is left frée to the iudgement of the godly They that beléeued the preaching of S. Peter at Hierusalem in the day of Pentecoste the Eunuch also whome Philip baptised Cornelius the Centurion likewise finally Paule the Apostle at Damascus yea and Lydia the purple-seller a religious or deuout woman and the kéeper of the prison they of Philippos also and other faithfull men and women as soone as they had tasted of the gyftes and graces of Christe and beléeued his worde foorthwith they dersired to be baptised they did not foade it off till another next time Wherfore they do verie wel whiche neither in themselues neither in their families do linger in receiuing baptisme The delaying of circumcision in his children fel not out wel vnto Moses As therfore we graunt that the time of baptisme is frée so it ought to bee our duetie to take héede that we abuse not our libertie being always mindefull of these wordes spoken by God The vncircumcised manchilde in whose fleshe the fore-skinne is not circumcised that soule shal be cut off from his people because he hathe brokē my couenant But we are not ignorante that baptisme came into the place of circumcision Therefore the omitting of baptisme is not free There were some in the time of Cyprian which helde opinion that baptisme ought to bee receiued on the eighth day after the manner of circumcision But Cyprian and the 66. Bishops and Elders that were with him in the Counsell ordeyned the contrarie to wit that euery one without any delay shoulde receiue baptisme and procure the same spéedily in their familie That place is extant epist. li. 3. Epist. 8. Furthermore Socrates the hystoriographer Lib. 5. Ca. 22. saith I knowe also another custome in Thessalie according to the whiche they baptise onely on the dayes of Easter Whereby it commeth to passe that sauing a verie small number they dye vnbaptised But after a certeine time there was a lawe made that the Infantes of the faithfull should not bee baptised but at the feastes of Easter and Whitsuntide They excepted the time of necessitie We may read this in Decret Syricij Pont. in Isidore in the Epistles of Pope Leo vnto the Bishopp of Campania and Sicylia which in order are reckoned to be 57. and 62. But the thinges that moued them herevnto are suche as may bee easily disproued and ouerthrowne Truely from the beginning the time of baptisme was not so limited Neuerthelesse that Lawe of baptising the faithfull at the feast of Easter Pentecoste was renued by Pipine Charles Lodouick Lothar French kinges and was spread farre as their dominions
defende that infantes vpon the pinche of necessitie not béeing guiltie of the contempte of God or wicked negligence are not damned though they die vnbaptised For so saluation should be tyed to the signe and the promise of god shuld be made voide as though that alone without the signe vpon the point of necessitie were vaine could worke nothing and as if the hand of God were shortened boūd as it were to the signe For otherwise I teache by al means that infantes are to be baptised and the baptisme is not to be delaied negligētly or to be put off maliciously but in the meane time if by too too spéedy death they departe vnbaptised I exhort charge that a good hope confidence be had in the trueth mercie of the Lorde who promiseth in the law and the gospel that he is the God of young infantes and that his will is that not so muche as one of his little ones should perishe With Pelagius and Pelagians we haue nothing to doe neither are we ignorant what S. Augustine hath writen vnto Hierome epist. 28. in this behalfe Who so euer shal say sayth he that infants which leaue this life not hauing ben partakers of Christ his sacramente of baptisme are quickened and made aliue in him this man doubtlesse doth sette himselfe both against the preaching of the Apostles condēneth the whole Churche where for this cause they make hast and runne with their children to haue them baptised for that without doubt they beleeue that by no meanes otherwise they coulde be made aliue in Christe And againste the Pelagians epistle 106. The Apostolicall seate dealing against Pelagius accurseth them whiche saide that Infantes vnbaptised haue life euerlasting The same Aug. Lib. 1. de an● c. ca. 9. to Renatus disputeth against Vincentius Victor who graunted that infants are inthralled to original sinn yet neuerthelesse are saued though they be not baptised against whō he bringeth forth this saying of our sauiour Except a mā be borne of water of the spirit he can not enter into the kingedome of God. But we which cōdemne both Pelagius Pelagiās do affirme both those things which they denie to wit that infantes are borne in originall sinne therfore that the sanctification of Christ is necessary vnto them without which they are not saued Again we defend and maintein that the same infants ought to be baptised if it be possible though by the right of the couenaunt they belong to the bodie of Christ are sanctified by the bloud of Christ Pelagius taught that infants ought not to be baptised for that he helde opinion they are without all fault or any sinne blame offence That wicked vngodly man therfore did not acknowledge either our owne corruptiō or the benefit which God hath performed by in through Christ Yet canst thou find neither of these in our assertion doctrine wherfore we take no part with the Pelagians S. Aug. in that selfe same epistle vnto S. Hierome expressly saith Thou art none of them which say that there is no guilt drawne frō Adam frō which the infant should bee washed by baptisme And against Iulian also Li. 1. ca. 2. he proueth by the sentences of the holy fathers that infants haue original sinne ther-vpon gathereth that therfore infantes ought to be baptised because they haue sinne For the Pelagians gathered cleane contrarie They haue no sinne therefore they are not to be baptised For the counsel of Carthage writeth thus to Innocent The Pelagians denie that infantes are to be baptised For these say they perished not neither is there any thing to be● saued because there is nothing in them that is corrupt or wicked c. But we in so much as we beleeue that infantes are borne in sinne yea and that they are both borne the children of wrath and are corrupt and wicked moreouer because wee beleeue that the sonne of God was borne without sinne of a pure virgin to fulfill and confirme Gods promises which doe not shut out infantes from saluation but let them in as ioyncte-parteners in the league therefore we holde defende that they are to be baptised And therefore this reason gathered of Augustine we cannot simplie allowe Out of the felowshippe of Christ no man commeth vnto life But by baptisme wee are ioyned as members into the bodie of Christ haue fellowship with him therefore infantes which are not to be baptised are without the fellowship of Christ and therefore are condemned For as we denie not that we are graffed into the bodie of Christe by partaking of the sacramentes as we declared in our last sermon of Sacramentes nexte and immediately going before this so we haue elsewhere shewed and that too oftentimes alreadie verie largely that the firste beginning of our vniting or fellowship with Christe is not wought by the sacramentes but that the same vniting or fellowshipp whiche was founded and grounded vpon the promise and by the grace of God thoroughe the holy Ghost was communicated vnto vs and ours yea before the vse of the sacramentes is continued and sealed vnto vs by the participation or receiuing of the sacraments Although therfore an infant die without baptisme and being shut out by necessitie from hauing felowship with Christ so that he be neither partaker nor yet sealed by the visible signe of the couenant yet he is not altogether an aliant or stranger frō Christ to whom he is fastened with the spiritual knot of the couenant by the vertue whereof he is saued The place of Gen. 17. alledged of cutting off the vncircumcised frō the people of God in consideration of the time it fitly agréeth to those that are of perfect age wel grown in yeres not to babes or infantes which thing is séen in Moses whō the angel of the lord for neglecting circumcisiō or for delaying it longer than was lawfull would haue slaine as he testifieth of himselfe neither am I ignorant that certeine olde interpetours referre y not to Moses but to Eleazar the sonne of Moses But the verie course of the hystorie the circumstances of the same doe sufficiently proue that the danger lay on the fathers not on the sonns necke What if a reason be added in the wordes of the law whiche by no meanes agréeth to infantes Therfore shal the vncircumcised perish saith he because he hath broken my couenant So that if we consider that circumcision in the verie same place was commaunded not only to infantes but to such as were of perfect age as to Abraham Ismael and others desiring visibly to be ioyned into the felowship of god we are not to maruell the destruction is threatened to the disobediēt For if any mā at this day vnderstande knowe the Lords ordinaunce comprehended in these his wordes He which shall beleeue and bee baptised shal be saued wil yet neuertheles not be baptised but boasteth the faith is sufficient for him
owne of his méere grace and frée promise without their confession So that of the contrary part we doe thus reason They that beléeue are to be baptised whiche the verie aduersaries also do confesse Infantes doe beléeue For God reckoneth them in the number of the faithfull whiche I haue afore manifestly proued Therefore infantes are to be baptised They obiect that infants vnderstande not the mysterie of baptisme and therefore that it is not onely repugnant to religion but to common sense and reason to baptise infants For to baptise an infant is to baptise a logge since neither of thē hath the vse of reason but these filthy knaues let their tongs run at randon against the verie maiestie of god God commaunded to circumcise the infants and circumcisiō conteineth high mysteries whiche infants vnderstand not But hath God ordeined any thing against reason cōmonsense Go ye falseknaues go with your blasphemies to the place which you deserue It is a most filthy déede yea and more than barbarou● in that ye compare infants to logges For what great store God setteth by infants we taught you alredy before out of the Gospell But men which nowe beginne to haue the vse of sound reason are diligently and earnestly to be taught and admonished to remember they are baptised and to indeuour by calling on the name of the Lord in all points to be answerable in life and conuersation to their promise and profession For so Abraham instructed his sonne Isaach and all the holy fathers their children But letting passe these brainsicke frantique and foule-mouthed raylers who as we haue heard neuer want wordes to wrangle though we haue hadde neuer so muche neuer so often and neuer so earnest conference with them Let vs procéede to declare in a sewe but yet manifest arguments that infants are to be baptised and that the Apostles of Christe our Lord haue baptised infants The Lorde commaunded to baptise all nations and therefore infantes For they are comprehended vnder the worde of All nations Againe whom so euer God reckoneth among the faythfull are faythfull For Peter in a vision heareth That whiche God hath cleansed call not thou common or vncleane God reckoneth infantes among the faythfull therefore they are faythfull except we hadde rather resist God and séem to be stronger than he And now we count it oute of all controuersie that the Apostles of Christe baptised them whome Christ commaunded to baptise but he commaunded to baptise the faythfull therefore the Apostles baptised infants The Gospell is greater than baptisme for Paule sayth The Lorde sent me to preache the Gospell and not to baptise not that he did absolutely denie that he was not sent to baptise but bycause he preferred doctrine For the Lord commended them both to his Apostles Furthermore in the Gospell children are receyued of God and not refused who then vnlesse he be willingly obstinate can debarre them from the lesse In ●acramentes the thing signified and the signe are considered The thing signified is the excellenter from the infants are not debarred Who then will denie them the signe Truly the holy sacraments of God are more estéemed by the worde than the signe By the woorde we gather that women are not excluded from the Supper of the Lorde Although therfore we reade not that they were in the first institution and set at the first table of the Lorde neyther that there is any expresse law which commaundeth vs to admitte them to the Supper yet neuerthelesse withoute feare or doubt by a perfect argument we admit them S. Peter could not deny them the baptisme of water to whome he sawe the holie Ghost to be giuen whiche is an assured tokē of Gods people for he saith in the Acts of the Apostles Can anye man forbid water that these should not bee baptised which haue receiued the holie Ghoste as well as wee Wherefore the holie Apostle Peter denyed not baptisme to infants For he knewe assuredly euen by the doctrine of his Lord and maister that I may speake nothing now of the euerlasting couenaunt of God that the kingdome of heauen is of infants No man is receiued into the kingdome of heauen vnlesse he be the friende of god And these are not destitute of the spirite of god For hee which hath not the spirit of Christe the same is none of his children are Gods therefore they haue the spirite of god Therefore if they haue receyued the holy Ghost as well as we if they be accounted among the people of God as well as we that be growne in age who I praye you can forbid these to be baptised with water in the name of the Lord At the first the Apostls murmured being thē not sufficiently instructed against them that brought infantes vnto the Lorde But the Lord rebuked them and said Suffer little children to come vnto me Why then do not the rebellious Anabaptistes obey the commaundement of the Lord For what other thing doe they at this day whiche bring children vnto baptisme than that whiche they in times past did which brought infants vnto the Lord And the Lord receyued them layde his handes on them and blessed them and to be shorte by wordes and gestures he notably signified that children are the people of God and most acceptable to god But why then by the same meanes say they did not he baptise them Bycause it is written that Iesus him self did not baptise but his disciples Nowe since of the thing it selfe it is so playnely determined why as yet doe we contend about the signe Hitherto good men are satisfied but contentious persons go on to busie them selues with questions Beside this circumcision among the olde people of God was giuen to infants therefore baptisme ought to be giuen to infants among the newe people For baptisme succéeded in the place of circumcision For S. Paule sayth By Christ ye are circumcised with circumcision made withoute hands by putting off the body of the fleshe subiect to sinne by the circumcision of Christ buryed with him in baptisme Loe Paule calleth baptisme the circumcision of Christians made without hands not that water is not ministred by hands but in that no men hencefoorthe is circumcised with handes the mysterie of circumcision remayning neuerthelesse in the faythful Neither shalt thou reade any of the old interpreters of the church which haue not confessed the baptisme came in stead of circumcision Yea the likenesse and similitude of both of them do shewe a manifest succession To that whiche I haue sayde I ioyne this The seruauntes of God haue alwayes bene carefull to gyue the signes to them for whome they were ordained For that I may passe ouer al other did not Iosua diligently prouide that the people shoulde be circumcised afore they entered into the lande of promise And since the Apostles the preachers to the whole worlde haue bene the faythfull seruaunts of Iesus Christe who hereafter may doubt that they
The same also is mentioned in Luke In the Gospel of Iohn the third chapter baptisme is called Purifying In the Actes of the Apostles Peter saith to the people which demaunded what they should do Repent ye and let euery one of you be baptised in the name of Iesus Christe for the remission of sinnes Ananias also sayth to Paule Arise and be baptised wash awaye thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lord. And now Paule himselfe saith Christ loued the church gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it when he had cleansed it in the founteine of water in the word Wherefore the promise yea the trueth of sanctification and ●rée remission of sinnes is written and ingrauen in oure bodies when we are baptised For God by his spirite thorough the bloud of his sonne hath newly regenerated and purged againe oure souls and euen now doth regenerate and purge them And baptisme is sufficient and effectual for the whole life of man yea and reacheth and is referred to all the sinnes of all them that are baptised For the promise of God is true The seale of the promise is true not deceiueable The power of Christ is euer effectuall throughly to cleanse and wash away all the sinnes of them that be his Howe often therefore soeuer wee haue sinned in our life time let vs call into oure remembrance the mysterie of holy baptisme wherewith for the whole course of our life we are washed that we might know not doubt that our sinnes are forgiuen vs of the same God and oure Lord yea and by the bloud of Christe into whome by baptisme once we are graffed that he might alwayes woorke saluation in vs euen til we be receiued out of myserie into glorie Neither is there any doubt that Abraham in his whole life had continually in his minde the mysterie of circumcision and rested in God and the séede promised vnto him Yet I thinke that that ought diligently to be marked which S. Augustine pithily plainly hath oftē cited That our sinnes are forgiuen or purged in baptisme not that they are no more in vs for as long as we liue concupiscence beareth swaye alwayes breedeth and bringeth forth in vs somewhat like it selfe but that they shuld not be imputed vnto vs neither that wee may not ●inne but that it should not bee hurtfull for vs to haue or had sinned that our sinnes may be remitted when they are committed not suffered to be continued De Fide operib cap. 20. And also many more of this kind Gratian reciteth Distinct 4. de Consecrat Beside that by baptisme wee are gathered together into the fellowship of the people of god Wherevppon of some it is called the first signe or entrie into Christianitie by the whiche an entraunce into the churche lieth open vnto vs Not that before wee did not belong to the church For whosoeuer is of Christ partaker of the promises of God and of his eternall couenaunt belongeth vnto the Churche Baptisme therefore is a visible signe and testimonie of our ingraffing into the bodie of Christ And it is rightly called a planting incorporating or ingraffing into the bodie of Christe For I said in the generall discourse of Sacramentes that wee first by baptisme were ioyned with Christe and afterward with all the members of Christ our brethren For Paul saith All ye that are baptised haue put on Christ But to put on Christ is to bée made one with him as as it were to be ioyned and incorporated in him that he may liue in vs and we in him For hée onely by his spirite regenerateth and renueth vs and most liberally inricheth vs with all manner good giftes which the same Apostle in another place expresseth in these words God saued vs by the founteine of the regeneration renuing of the holy Ghost whiche he shedd on vs richly through Iesus Christ our sauiour Yea and therefore Christ our Lord is baptised in oure baptisme to declare that he is our brother and we ioynte-heires with him Verie well therefore said S. August That baptisme is thus farre forceable that wee beeing baptised are incorporated into Christ and counted his members The same Aug. calleth Baptisme the sacrament of Christian felowship For we are gathered againe visibly by baptisme into the vnitie of one bodie with all the faithfull as many as haue beene are and shal be For Paule also saith By one spirite wee are all baptised into one bodie And it followeth hereby that baptisme serueth for our confession and is rightly called the token of Christian religion For it is a badge or cognizaunce wherby we witnesse and professe that wée consent and are lincked into Christian religion Wée cōfesse that we by nature are sinners and vncleane but sanctified by the grace of God through Christ For if we were cleane by nature what néeded we then any cleansing But now since wee are cleansed who doubteth of the truth of God Therefore when we receiue baptisme wee truely and fréely confesse both our sinne wherein we were borne and also frée forgiuenesse of sinnes Lastly the remembrance and consideration of the mysterie of baptisme putteth vs in minde of the dueties of Christianitie and Godlines that is to say al our life long to weigh diligently with our selues of whose bodie we be made members to denie our selues and this world to mortifie our fleshe with that cōcupiscences of the same and to be buried with Christ into his death that we may rise againe in newnesse of life and liue innocently to loue our brethren as our mēbers with whom by baptisme we are knit together into one bodie to remaine in the bond of concord in the vnitie of the church not to followe straunge religions béeing mindeful that we are baptised into Christ to whome alone we are consecrated and farre separated and diuided from all other Gods worships or religions and to be short from all heresies Let vs thincke also that wée must constantly and valiantly fighte against Sathan and the whole kingdome of Sathan As often therefore as wée remember wée are baptised with Christes baptisme so often are these thinges put into our mindes and wée admonished of our duetie But the Apostle handleth this matter more at large in the sixt Chapter of his epistle to the Romanes where hee expresly maketh mētion that we by baptisme are made the graftes of Christ that is to say that we might growe out of him as braunches out of the vine and féele in our mindes and bodies both the death and resurrection of Christe For since we are indued with the spirit of Christ which worketh in vs our body verily dieth daily but oure spirite liueth and reioyceth in Christe To whom be glorie for euer and euer Amen ¶ Of the Lords holie Supper what it is by whome when and for whome it was instituted after what sort when and howe oft it is to be celebrated and
laide not a side his true and very body 2. Cor. 5. Philip. 3. Christ ●ath a reaso●able soule Matth. ●0 Matth. 26. Iohn 12. Luke 22. Luke 9. The hereticall error and the sounde truethe touchinge the mysterie of Christes ●ncarnation * Aprouer biall kind of speache whereby is meante that in avoyding a lesse error he fall into a greater Of the vnitinge of Chrste his Godhead and manhood Iohn 1. ● Tim. 3. Heb. 2. Heb. 2. Christ reteineth both natures vnmeddled or vnconfounded to gether 〈◊〉 7. ●sai 9. 〈◊〉 5. Matth. 22 Psal. 110. Luke 1. Iohn 14. Marke 14. Matth. 28. Rom. 1. The Natures in Christ are not mingled or cōfounded Christe in one persō remaineth vndiuided 1. Cor. 2. Actes 20. Of communicatinge of ●●ope●ties Iohn 3. Heb. 2. Iohn 6. Iohn 20. The person of Christ is not diuided Matth. 8. Marke 16. Actes 1. Actes 8. Christ is king of al. Gene. 3. Luke 11. Colos 1. 2. Pet. 2. Matth. 21. Christ is a monarche Psal. 2. Psal. 110. Esai 49. Isai 16. Ierem. 23 Of the kingdome of God. Mich. 4. Rom. 24. Matth. 25. Luke 23. The king●ome of God which 〈◊〉 one i●●wo wai● ▪ ●●nfidere● Gods kingdome of grace in ●arth Pro. 24. 1. Sam. 7. Howe Canst reig●et● on 〈◊〉 in ●is king●ome ●poc 1. The spiritual kingdome of God. Iohn 18. The ●ounds of Christes kingdome ●n earth The seate of our King Christe 〈◊〉 1. Ephe. 5. Gods kingdome of glorie in heauen Apoc. 21. 22. The kingdome of Christe is in euerlastinge kingdome Matth. 16 Matth. 24 Dan. 7. Matth. 6. The kingdome of the world what māner of one it is Iohn 12. 2. Cor. 4. 1. Iohn 3. Christ Ie●us the ●●gh pries ▪ Psal 110. Heb. 6. Hebr. 7. Gen. 14. Hebr. 5. Psal. ● Christ is ānoynted Psal. 45. Esai 61. Howe Christ our priest doth the offices of a priest Christ the teacher of the church Christ maketh intercession Christ blesseth Christ sacrificeth Christ san●●ifieth Iohn 7. Iohn 17. Of Christs priesthood Heb. 8. Heb. 13. 1. Iohn 2. Esai 4 4. Heb● 5. Iohn 16. Heb. 9. Heb. 10. Apoc. 1. 1. Pet. 2. Of the name of a Christian Christians are kinge and priests Christians are kinge Rom. 6. I. Iohn 5. Christians are priests Heb. 3. Heb. 13. The name of a Christian moste auncient There are but fewe Christians Esa. 66. Matth. 7. A gainste false Christians The conclusion The word Spirit is ●●pounded Spirit is ●ayer or 〈◊〉 Iohn 3. 1. Cor. 14. Spirit signifieth an Angel. Psal. 104. Hebr. 1. Spirit signifieth life Psal. 145. 104. Gene. 6. Spirit signifieth the soule of man. Luke 23. Iohn 19. Actes 7. Eccle. 12. Spirit signifieth affection of minde Spirit signifieth spiritual motions Rom. 2. 2. Cor. 3. Spirit ●ignifieth reuelation 1. Iohn 4. Iohn 4. What the holy ghos● is That the ●olyghost 〈◊〉 verie God. 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 12. Matth. 28. ob 25. Luke 1. 2. Pet. 1. Actes 5. 1. Cor. 3. 1. Cor. 6 1. Cor. 12. The holy ghost is neither minister ●or instrument The holie ghost is a substance not an accident Rom. 8. Gal. 5. Of the proceeding of the holie ghoste The holie ghost procedeth frō the father and the sonne Gal. 4. Matth. 10. Iohn 15. Iohn 14. Iohn 15. Iohn 5. The proceeding of the holie ghost is two-fouldor of twoe sortes Temporal proceding Eternall proceding Looke in the. 3. Sermon of this decade about the beginning 1 Pet. 1. 2. Cor. 4. ●ncreasinges of the spirite 4. Reg. 2. Iohn ● Matth. 13. 1. Sam. 16. Psal. 51. Of the effect and power of the holie ghost The holie ghost The holie ghost is the Spirite of God a●d of the sonne 1. Cor. 3. Rom. 8. The hol●e ghost is the comforter Iohn 14. The holi● ghoste is a comforter giueth ioye and gladnesse The holie ghost is the Spirite of trueth Iohn 16. Iohn 14. The Spirit of promise Gal. 3. The holie ghost the singer of god Luke 11. Exod. 8. Looke in the. 3. Sermon of this decad what things are spoken against the heretiques called the Anthropomorphites The spirit is called water and a liuely founteine Esai 44. Iohn 7. The holie ghost is fire The holie ghost a mightie winde The holie ghost a fi●ie tongue The holie ghost a loue Matth. 3. ●sai 53. ●ohn ● Actes 8. ●api 7. The holie ghost oyle and ānoyning 1. Iohn 2. Iere. 31. Hebr. 8. 2. Cor. 1. The holy ghost is the earnest of our inheritance Ephe. 1. 1. Iohn 4. 1. Iohn 3. The holie ghost loue or charity Rom. 5. The operations of the holie ghost Isai 1● Wisdome Vnderstāding Counsell Strength Knowledg Feare Rom. 8. The spirit doth mor●fie and quicken The spirit ●r holie ghost reuealeth ●he mysteries of the ●ingdome of God. 1. Cor. 2. Iohn 16. The spirite foresheweth thinges to come Actes 11. The diuers giftes of the holy ghost Gal. 5. Tertullians notatable treatise of the holy ghost Isai 11. Isai 6● Psal. 54. Rom. 8. ● Cor. 3. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 7. 1. Cor. 14. 1. Tim. 4. 1. Cor. 12. Mark. 3. A summe of the vnitie and Trinitie of God. A● angel ●al 2 3. 1. Cor. 11. ● Pet. 2. 1. Cor. 6. ● Cor. 12. That there are angels Actes 23. Matth. 22. A. Steuchus in his 6. and. 8. booke de perenni philosophia What Angels are That Angels are created Heb 1. Coloss 1. When Angels were created Angels are Substances Heb. 1. Matth. 22. Hebr. 2. What māner of Substances angels are Psal. 104 ▪ Bodily Substāces What bodies are taken of Angels Angels are incorruptible Matth. 22. 1. Cor. 15. Luke 20. Angels are moste free swifte and speedie Actes 5. Actes 1● Iohn 5. Luk. 23. 16. Dan. 9. The strength of Angels Dan. 10. The knowledge of Angels Of the multitude and order of Angels Dan. 7. Matth. 26 Hebr. 12. The exposition of names giuen to Angels Angels Archangels 1. Thes 4. Thrones or Seates Psal. 18. Lordships Principalities Powers Cherubim Seraphim God vseth the ministerie of Angels Psal. 103. Exod. 19. D●u● 5. Actes 10. Luke 15. Zacha ▪ 1. What the ministeries of angels are Esai ● Ezech. 3. Luke 2. 1. Pet. 1. Matth. 13. Luke 1. Matth. 2. Luke 22. Gen. 16. Actes 17. Exod. 12. Actes 12. 4. Reg. 19. 2. Reg. 24. 2. thess. 1. Apoc. 16. Psal. 34. Psal. 91. Matth. 18. Gen. 32. 4. Reg. 6. * Seruants Gene. 24. Exod. 34. 〈◊〉 10. ●an 4. We muste ●ot attribute too much vnto Angels Sainctes wil not be worshipped of vs. Actes 7. Gen. 16. Actes 27. Apoc. 22. The wor●hippinge ●f Angels greatly cōdemned Marke what he thinketh of the temple builte to S. Michael in Mount Garganu● Of euill spirites That there are diuels What the diuel is That the diuel is a creature The diuel was not created euil Of the fall of Angels from heauen Iob. 4. 2. Pet. 2. Iohn ● Isai 14. Ezech. 2● The diuel is euerlastingly cōdemned Ma●th 25. Mark 9. Iohn 5. Da● ●2 Apoc. 20. Diuels are spirits and
terpretatiō of the wordes of the supper To argue from the sacramēts of the old testament to ours of the newe We may vse sacramentall speaches Sacramentall speaches are to be expounded ☞ A briefe rehersall of such poinctes as he intreated vppon in his former sermon We must● vse reuerence in disputing of sacramentes The arke of the co●●nant To attribute too ●uch to sa●●aments It is a greate sin not to attribute so much vnto the sacraments as the scripture doth attribute Num. 4. It is taughte that sacramentes giue grace Augustin● taught not that s●cramentes giue grace Of the likenes difference of the sacramentes of the old and newe Testament Augustine teac●eth that the Sacramēts of the Iewes and ours are al one Grace ●hat it is Sacramēts do not cōferre or giue grace Ieremie 7 Esai 1. Galath 3. The error in the Apostolique churche Actes 15. That grace is giuen freely and receiued by faith Luke 7. Iohn 4. Rom. 5. Their santasy which faine a generall and speciall taith is here confuted Whether the grace of God be conteined ●n the Sacramentes These are soung in the Easter holie daies at their cōs●cration of baptisme Bonauentura sayth that grace is not conteined in the Sacra●ents The seate of the grace of God. 3. Reg. 8. Actes 7. Actes 17. Iohn 4. The canon of the Nicene counsell touching baptisme The A●ostles b●ptised in water not consecrated Actes 8. To include grace in the sacraments causeth idolatrie The god●y are first iustified receiued into fauor before the● be made partakers of the sacraments Actes 2. 1. Iohn ● 1. Iohn 4. Rom. 10. 1. Iohn 5. Actes 10. Actes 2. 1 Cor. 11. Rom. 12. To euacuate the sacramēts and conuince God of a lye Sacramēts are holy and not prophane thinges Sacramēts are witnesses of the trueth The gospell is a witnesse Sacramēts do visibly confirme the good wil of god to vs ward Rom. 4. Sacramēts are seales and where vnto seales do serue Nehe. 9. Hag 2. ●ere 22. Matth. 27. The place of Paule Rom. 4. is expounded and he receiued a signe of the circumcision c. The matter is made ●laine by 1 Parable Sacramēts haue a more effectual force than any sealed chancers How bap●isme sealeth Mark. 16. Marke 10 Matth. 18. Infantes which beleue not ●re baptised Howe the lords supper is a seale of the righteous●es of fayth Ioh. 6. Zuinglius of the Sacramentes which certifie and beare witnesse The holy ghost doth properly s●ale The sacraments seal nothing to the vnbeleeuers Sacramēts represente● thinges Sacramēts doe stirre vppe and healpe faith Of the analogie in baptisme To giue and take names in baptisme Of the analogie in the supper Synaxis a communion How the Sacramēts do stirre vp faith The efficacie or force in the preaching of Gods worde Zuinglius of the Sacraments vpholding fayth A coniunction with Christ and with the Church By sacraments we are visibly gathered together into one religion and distinguished from others Ephe. 2. Phil. 3. Rom. 15. 1. Cor. 12. The place of Paul. 1. Cor 18. The bread which we breake c is expounded They are the members of the diuell that are partakers of vnlawful Sacraments Zuinglius of binding Sacramēts c. Sacramēts ●ut the faithful in minde of their duetie Deut. 10. Iere. 4. Rom. 6. 1. Cor. 11. That the sacraments profite nothing without faith Iohn 12. Hebr. 4. 1. Cor. 11. Rom. 1. Hebr. 11. Matt 22. 1. Cor. 10. Heb. 11. Augustine doth teache that sacrament●● receiued without faith are vnprofitable to the receiuers Sacramēts depende not on our worthines or vnworthinesse Rom. 3. Of baptisme of infantes Rom. 8. That Sacramēts or not superfluous or voide to them that haue faith Gen. 17. Exod. 4. Matt. 3. Sacraments are indifferent Many are sanctified without visible sacraments Cyptians error touching the Sacrament of baptisme Iohn 6. Baptisme What baptisme is Who instituted baptisme Iohn 1. Matth. 22. When baptisme was instituted Of What thinges baptisme consisteth One onely baptisme The baptisme of Iohn of Christ and of the Apostles is one and the selfe same Actes 19. Of the baptisme of Christe which is also the baptisme of fire Actes 1. Actes 1. Actes 8. Actes 10. Ephes 4. 1. Cor. 1. Of the rit● ceremonies of baptisme ●hon 3. What it is to baptise in the name of the Lorde 1. Cor. 14. Luke ● Ceremonies added in times past to baptisme Whether we ought to baptise with water not consecrated Why the 〈◊〉 commaunded ●o baptise ●ith w●●er ● Pet. 3. ● Cor. 10. Whether once or thrice the infant ought to be dipped in the water Of the place of baptisme The time of Baptisme Gen. 17. What the baptiser worketh Iohn 1. Whether midwiues may baptise 1. Tim. 2. Sep●ora circumciseth Exod. 4. 25 2. Sam. 12 of saluatiō of infant●●●eparting without ●aptisme Mark. 10. Matt. 18. Gen 17. 1. Cor. 7. Gen. 17. Iohn 3. The Pelagians deny the baptisme of infants and why Lib. 3. Depec● me● remiss Cap. The exposition of the place The soul● of the vncircumcised shal be cut off The exposition of the place Except a man be borne of water c. Iohn 3 De peccatorum meritis remissione lib. 1. ca. 20. Iohn 6. Who ar to be baptised Who be the people of God. Actes 8. Gen. 17. Rom. 5. Infantes confessing or beleuing By what argumēt t●e Anabaptistes ●each that infan●es ought not to be baptised Matt. 28. Infantes vnderstād not the mysterie of baptisme That the baptisme of infantes is of God and that the Apostles baptised infants Actes 10 1. Cor. 1. Rom. 8. Iohn 4. Col. 2. Iosua 5. The baptisme of in fants hath lasted frō the time of the Apostles The historie of Anabaptisme Imperiall lawe against the Anabaptistes Ios 5. The places alledged to proue Anabaptisme are confuted The twelue men of Ephesus not rebaptised Actes ● Actes 19. Of the ●orce of Baptisme we are baptised into the remission of sinnes Mark. 1. Luke 3. Iohn 2. Actes 2. Actes 22. Ephes 5. Baptisme is effectual for mans whole life By baptisme we are gathered together to be the people of God. Gal. 3. Tit. 3. Luke 3. 1. Cor. 12. Baptisme serueth for our cōfession Sundrie names of lordes supper The Lords table Communion Breaking of breade A memoriall of the Lords passion A thankes giuing A Sacrament Synaxis An assemblie A Testament What the Lords supper is The supper of the Lord is an holie action Who is the author of the supper When the supper was instituted Wherof i● consisteth the words of the supper After what māner the supper was celebrated and instituted Wether it be lawfull to ad aniething to the rite c. Leuit. 1● Leuit. 10. 2. Sam. 9. Num. 4. 1. Cor. 11. How in old time it hath been celebrated in the Church The four●e of the Lordes supper changed Why it was insti●●ted in th● fourme 〈◊〉 bread an wine Whether the bread ought to be leauened or vn leauened Whether water is to be mingled with the
finde that they of the old Testament had Sacraments after one kynd and they of the newe Testament Sacraments after an other kind The Sacraments of the people vnder the old Testament were circumcision and the Paschal lambe to which were added sacrifices whereof I haue aboundantly spoken in the thirde Decade and the sixt Sermon In like manner the Sacraments of the people vnder the newe Testament that is to say of Christians by the writings of the Apostles are two in number Baptisme The Supper of the Lorde But Peter Lombard reckoneth 7. Baptisme Penance the supper of the Lorde Confirmation Extreme vnction Orders Matrimonie Him followeth the whole rablement of interpretours and route of scholemen But all the auncient doctours of the Church for the moste part do reckon vp two principall sacraments among whome Tertullian in his first fourth booke Contra Marcionem and in his booke De corona militis very plainly maketh mention but of two onely that is to saye Baptisme and the Eucharist or supper of the Lorde And Augustine also Lib. 3. de doctr Christiana cap. 9. sayth The Lorde hath not ouerburthened vs with signes but the Lorde him selfe and the doctrine of the Apostles haue left vnto vs certeine fewe thinges in steade of many and those most easie to be done most reuerend to be vnderstoode most pure to be obserued as is baptisme and the celebration of the body and bloude of the Lord. And againe to Ianuarius epist. 118. he sayth He hath knit and tyed together the fellowship of a newe people with sacramentes in number verie fewe in obseruing verie easie in signification verie excellent as is baptisme consecrated in the name of the Trinitie and the partaking of Christs body and bloud and whatsoeuer thing else is commended vnto vs in the canonicall scriptures excepte those thinges wherewith the seruitude of the olde people was burdened according to the agreeablnes of their heartes and the time of the prophets Which are read in the fiue books of Moses Where by the way is to be marked that he sayth not And whatsoeuer things else are commended vnto vs in the canonicall scriptures but And what so euer thing else c. which plainely proueth that he speaketh not of Sacramentes but of certeine obseruations bothe vsed and receyued of the Churche as the wordes of Augustine whiche folowe do declare Howbeit I confesse without dissimulation that the same Augustine elsewhere maketh mention of the Sacrament of Orders where neuerthelesse this séemeth vnto me to be also considered that the selfe same authour giueth the name of Sacramentes to Annoynting and to Prophecie and to Prayer and to certeine other of this sorte as well as he dothe to Orders and now and then among them he reckoneth vppe the Sacramentes of the Scripture so that we may easily sée that in his workes the worde Sacrament is nowe vsed one way and sometimes an other For he calleth these Sacraments bicause being holie they came from the holie Ghoste and bycause they be holie institutions of God obserued of all that be holie but yet so that these differ from those Sacramentes whiche are holie actions consisting of wordes and ceremonies and whiche gather together into one fellowshippe the partakers thereof But Rabanus Maurus also Byshoppe of Mentze a diligent reader of Augustins works Lib. 1. de Instit cleric cap. 24. sayth Baptisme and vnction and the body and bloude are Sacramentes whiche for this reason are called Sacraments bycause vnder a couert of corporall thinges the power of GOD woorketh more secretely oure saluation signified by those Sacramentes wherevppon also for their secrete and holie vertues they are called Sacramentes This Rabanus Maurus was famous about the yeare of the Lorde eight hundreth and thirtie so that euen by this we may gather that the auncient Apostolique Churche hadde no more than two Sacramentes I make no mention here of Ambrose although he in his bookes of sacramentes numbereth not so many as the companie of scholemen doe bycause some of those workes sette foorthe in his name are not receyued of all learned men as of his owne doing so I little force the authoritie of the workes of Dionysius whiche of what price and estimation they be among learned and good men it is not needefull to declare But howe so euer the case standeth the holye Scripture the onely and infallible rule of life and of all thinges whiche are to be done in the Churche commendeth baptisme and the Lordes Supper vnto vs as solemne institutions and Sacramentes of Christ Those two are therefore sufficient for vs so that we néede not be moued what so euer at anye time the subtile inuention of mans busie brayne bring against or beside these twaine For why GOD neuer gaue power to any to institute Sacramentes In the means while wee doe not contemne the wholesome rites and healthfull institutions of GOD nor yet the religious obseruations of the Church of Christ We haue declared elswhere touching Penaunce and Ecclesiasticall Order Of the residue whiche latter writers doe authorize for Sacra ▪ mentes we will speake in their conuenient place So haue we also elsewhere so farre foorthe as we thought requisite entreated of the likenesse and difference of Sacramentes of the people of the olde and newe testament Nowe let vs sée in what thinges Sacramentes consiste By the testimonie of the Scripture and of all the godly men they consiste in two thinges to witte in the signe and the thing signified in the worde and the rite in the promise of the Gospell and in the ceremonie in the outwarde thing and the inwarde in the earthly thing I saye and the heauenly And as Irenaeus the Martyr of Christe witnesseth in the visible thing and inuisible in the sensible thing and the intelligible For heerevnto belongeth that whiche Sainte Iohn Chrysostome vppon Matthewe sayth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 CHRIST deliuereth nothing vnto vs that is sensible but vnder visible thinges the outwarde thinges are sensible but yet all spirituall But hee calleth those thinges 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sensible whiche are perceyued by the outwarde senses as by séeing hearing tasting and touching but those thinges he calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 intelligible or mentall whiche are perceyued by the mynde the vnderstanding consideration discourse or reasoning of the mynde not of the fleshe but of fayth By the testimonie of the Scriptures this thing shall bée made manifest .. The Lorde sayeth to his disciples in the Gospell Goe into the whole worlde and preache the Gospell to all creatures and he whiche shall beleeue and bee baptised shall be saued Yee shall baptise in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghoste The same sayeth of Iohn Baptiste Iohn baptised in the wildernesse preaching the baptisme of repentaunce for the remission of sinnes So also Sainte Luke witnesseth that Sainte Peter sayde to the Israelites Repent yee and bee baptised euerie one of you in the