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A16095 Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels, of euery Sonday and holy day in the yeare; Bible. N.T. Epistles. Selections. 1540. 1540 (1540) STC 2972; ESTC S1204 97,658 125

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¶ The Gospell on Wytson sonday the .xiiij. chapi of Iohn̄ E. IEsus sayd vnto his disciples yf any man loue me / wyll kepe my saynges My father also wyl loue hym we wyl come vnto hym / wyl dwel with him He that loueth me not kepeth not my saynges the wordes which ye heare are not mine but the father which sente me This haue I spoken vnto you beyng yet p̄sent with you but the cōforter whiche is the holy ghost whom my father wyl gyue in my name shall teache you all thynges brynge all thynges to your remembraunce what soeuer I haue told you Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you not as the worlde giueth gyue I vnto you let not your hertes be greued neyther feare ye ye haue herde how I sayd vnto you I go come agayn vnto you / if ye loued me ye wold verely reioyce because I sayd I go vnto the father for the father is greater then I. And now haue I shewed you before it come that whē it is come to passe ye myghte beleue Here after wyll I not talke many wordes vnto you for the cheyfe ruler of the worlde cōmeth hath naught in me but that the world may knowe that I loue the father and as the father gaue me cōmaūdement euen so do I. ¶ The Pystle on the Monday in the Wytson weke the .x. cha of the Actes of the Apostles F. PEter opened hys mouthe and sayde Iesus commanded vs to preache vnto the people and to testifie that it is he that is ordeyned of god a iudge of quycke dead to him gyueth al the ꝓphetes witnes that thorow his name shal receyue remissiō of synnes all that beleue in him whyle Peter yet spake these wordes the holy ghost fell on all thē which herde his preachynge And they of the circūcision whiche beleued were astonied as many as came with Peter because that on the gentyls also was shede out the gyfte of the holy ghost for they herde them speake with tonges and mangnyfy god Then answered Peter can any man forbyd water that these shulde not be baptysed whiche haue receyued the holy ghost as wel as we And he commaunded thē to be baptised in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The Gospel on the Mondaye in the Wytson weke the the .iiij. Chapiter of Iohn̄ B. IEsus sayde vnto a ruler amōge the Pharyses God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely sonne for the entente that none the beleue in him shulde perysshe but shulde haue euerlastyng lyfe for god sent not his sonne into the worlde to cōdēne the worlde but that the worlde thorowe hym myght be saued he that beleueth on hym shall not be condempned but he that beleueth not is condempned al redy because he beleued not in the name of the onely sonne of God And this is the condempnacyon That lyght is come in to the worlde and the men haue loued darkenes more thē light because theyr dedes were euyl for euery man that doth euyl hateth the light neyther commeth to lyght least hys dedes shuld be reproued but he the doth the trueth commeth to the lyghte / that hys dedes myght be knowen howe that they are wrought in god ¶ The Pystle on the Tewysday in the Wytson weke the .viij. Chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles B. WHen the Apostles whiche were at Ierusalem herd saye the Samaria had receyued the worde of god / they sente vnto thē Peter Iohn̄ whiche when they were come prayed for thē that they might receyue thy holy ghost for as yet he was come on none of them but they were baptysed onely in the name of Chryste Iesu Then layed they theyr handes on them and they receyued the holy ghoste ¶ The Gospel on the tewysday in the Wytson weke the .x. chapiter of Iohn̄ A. IEsus sayde vnto his discyples Verely verely I saye vnto you whosoeuer entreth not in by the dore into the shepe folde but clymmeth vp some other waye / he is a thefe a robber He that goeth in by the dore is the shepeherde of the shepe To this man the Porter openeth the dore the shepe here his voyce / he calleth his owne shepe by name he ledeth thē out when he hath sent forth his owne shepe / he goeth before thē the shepe folowe hym / for they knowe his voyce / A straūger they wyll not folowe / but wyll flye frō hym / for they know not the voyce of straūgers This maner of sayeng spake Iesus vnto thē they vnderstode not what thīges they were which he spake vnto them Thā sayd Iesus vnto thē agayne Verely I say vnto you that I am the dore of the shepe All euen as many as came before me are theues robbers but the shepe dyd not here them I am the dore by me yf any man entre in he shal be safe shal go in out and fynd pasture The thefe cōmeth not but for to steale / kyll / and destroye I am come that they myghte haue lyfe / and haue it the more habundantly ¶ The Pystle on the wednysdaye in the Wytson weke The .ij. Chapyter of the Actes Apostles C PEter stepte forth with the eleuen and lyfte vp his voyce sayde vnto them / ye men of Iewry all ye that in habyte Ierusalem be this knowē vnto you / and with your eares heare my wordes These are not drōken as ye wene for it is yet the thyrde houre of the day but this is that which was spokē by the prophet Iohel It shall be in the laste dayes sayth god of my spyryte I wyll powre out vpō all flessh your sonnes your doughters shal prophesye your yonge men shal se visiōs your olde mē shal dreame dreames on my seruaūtes / on my hād maydēs I wyll powre out of my spyrite in those dayes they shall prophesy I wyll shewe wōders in heuē aboue tokēs in the earth byneth bloude fyre the vapoure of smoke The sonne shal be turned into darknes the moue into bloude before the great notable daye of the Lorde shall come and the tyme shall come / that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde shal be saued ¶ The Gospel on the Wednysdaye in Wytson weke The .vj. Chapiter of Iohn̄ E IEsus sayd vnto his disciples to the cōpany of the Iewes No man can come vnto me excepte my Father whyche hath sente me drawe hym I wyll rayse him vp at the laste day It is wryten in the prophetes And they shall all be taught of god euery mā which hath herde lerned of the father cōmeth vnto me not that any man hath sene the father saue he which is of GOD the same hathe sene the father Verelye verelye I saye vnto you he that beleueth on me hath euerlastynge lyfe I am the breade of lyfe your fathers dyd eate Manna in the
am not Arte thou a prophet And he answered no. Than sayed they vnto hym what arte the / that we maye gyue an answere to thē that sent vs ▪ what sayest thou of thy selfe he sayde I am the voyce of a cryer in the wyldernes make strayght the way of the Lorde as sayed the prophet Esaias And they whiche were sente were of the pharyses they ared hym sayed vnto hym ▪ why baptysest thou thē yf thou be not Christ nor Helias neyther a ꝓphet Iohn̄ answered thē saying I baptyse with water / but one is come amōge you whō ye know not He it is that cometh after me which was before me whose shoo latchet I am not worthy to vnlose These thynges were done in bethabara beyond Iordan where Iohn̄ dyd baptyse ¶ The pystle at hye masse on Christmas daye The .j. chapyter to the Hebreus A BRethrē god in tymes past diuersly many wayes spake vnto the fathers by the prophetes but in these laste dayes he hath spokē vnto vs by his sonnes whō he hath made heyre of all thynges / by whō also he made the worlde whiche sonne beynge the bryghtnes of his glory very ymage of hys substaūce bearynge vp all thynges with the worde of his power hath in his owne person pourged oure synnes sytteh on the ryghthande on thy Maiesty on hye and is more excellente than the angels in as moche as he hath by euerytaunce obteyned an excellenter name then they haue / for vnto whiche of the angels sayde he at any tyme thou art my sonne this daye begat I the. And agayn I wyll be his father and he shall be my sonne And when he bryngeth in the fy●ste begotten sonne into the wor●de he sayth And all the angels of god shall worshyppe hym and vnto the angels he sayeth he maketh his angels spyrites and his ministres flammes of fyre but vnto the sonne he sayth god thy seate shal be for euer and euer the cepter of thy kyngdome is a ryghte cepter Thou hast loued ryghtwysenes hated iniquite wherfore hath god whiche is thy god anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes And thou lorde in the begynnyng hast layde the foundacion of the earth And the heuens are the workes of thy handes The shall perysshe but thou shalt shalt endure they all shal waxe olde as doth a garment / and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shal be chaunged but thou art alwayes the same and thy yeares shall not fayle ¶ The gospell at hye Masse on Christmas daye The .j. chapyter of Iohn̄ A IN the begynnyng was the worde the worde was with god and god was the worde The same was in the begynnyng with god All thynges were made by it without it was made nothyng that was made In it was lyfe / and the lyfe was the lyght of men the lyght shyneth in the darkenes and the darkenes comprehendeth it not There was a man sent from god whose name was Iohn̄ The same same as a wytnes to beare wytnes of the lyght that all men through hym myght beleue he was not that lyght but to beare wytnes of the lyght That was a true lyght which lyghted all men that come into the worlde he was in the worlde the worlde by him was made and the worlde knewe him not / he came among his owne his owne receyued him not vnto as many as receyued hym gaue power to be the sonnes of god in that they beleued on his name which were borne not of bloude nor of the wyll of the flesshe nor yet of the wyll of men but of god the worde was made flesshe dwelt amōge vs we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the on y begottē sōne of the father which worde was ful of grace verite ¶ The Pystle on S. Steuens day The .vj Cchapiter of the Actes of the Apostles C STeuen full of fayth power dyd great wōders myracles among the people There arose certayne of the Synagoge whyche are called Lybertynes and Syrenytes and of Alexandria and of Cylicia and Asya disputed with Steuen they coulde nor resyste the wysedome and the spyryte / with which he spake When they hearde these thynges theyr hertes cloue a sonder and they gnasshed on him with theyr tethe but he beynge full of the holy Ghoste loked vp stedfastly wyth hys eyes into heuen / sawe the glory of god Iesus standyng on the ryght hande of god and sayd beholde I se the heuens open and the sonne of man standynge on the ryght hande of God then they gaue a shoute with a loude voyce and stopped their eares and ran vpon him all at ones caste hym out of the cytie stoned him and the wytnesses layde downe theyr clothes at a yonge mans fete named Saule And they stoned Steuē calling on sayeng Lord Iesu receyue my spiryte and he kneled downe and cryed with a loude voyce Lorde saye not this synne to theyr charge / And whē had thus spoken / he fell a slepe in our Lorde ¶ The Gospell on Saynte Steuens daye the .xxiij. chapiter of Mathew D. IEsus sayde vnto the Iewes and chefe prestes beholde I sende vnto you wyse prophetes wyse men and scrybes of them som shall ye scourge in your synagoges and persecute from cytye to cytye and al ryghtuous bloude maye fall on you whiche was shede vpon the earthe frome the bloude of ryghtuous Abell vnto the bloude of zacharias the sonne of Barachias whom ye slewe betwene the temple and the auter Verely I saye vnto you all these thynges shall lyghte vpon this generacyon Ierusalem / Ierusalem / which kyllest prophetes and stonest them whiche are sente to the howe oft wolde I haue gathered thy chyldren togyder as the henne gathereth her chyckens vnder her wynges but ye wolde not beholde your habitacion shal be lefte vnto you desolate For I say vnto you ye shal not se me henforth tyl that ye saye Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lorde ¶ The Pystle on S. Iohn̄ the Euangelystes daye Eccles xv HE that feareth god wyll do good / and he that kepeth the lawe shall obtayne wysedome and she wyl come agaynst hym as an honourable mother as a woman yet a vyrgyn shal receyue hym She shal fede hym with the bread of lyfe and vnderstandynge and the water of holsome wysedome she shall gyue hym to drynke she shall exalte him amōge his neyghbours shall open hys mouth euen in the thyckest of the congregaciō And he shall fyll hym with the spyryte of wysedome vnderstandynge and wyth the garment of glory shall apparel hym She shall make him rych with ioye and gladnes and shall inherete hym of an euerlastynge name ¶ The Gospell on S. Iohn̄s daye the Euangelyste The .xxj. chapyter of Iohn̄ E Iesus sayd to Peter folowe me Peter turned about sawe the disciple whō Iesꝰ loued folowyng which also leued
of the people / and demaunded of them where Christ shulde be borne They sayde vnto hym in Bethleem in Iurye for thus it is wrytten by the prophet And thou Bethleem in the lande of Iurye arte not the loste concernynge the Prynces of Iuda / for oute of the shall come a captayne whiche shall gouerne my people Israel Then Herode pryuely called the wyse men / and diligētly enquyred of them / the tyme of the starre that appered / and sent them to Bethleem sayenge Go and serche diligentlye for the chylde / and when ye haue founde hym / brynge me worde that I maye come and worshyppe hym also / when thy had herde the kynge they departed and so the Starre whiche they sawe in the Easte wente before them / vntyll it came and stode ouer the place where the chylde was / when they sawe the starre they were maruaylously glad and entred in to the house and founde the chylde with Mary his mother and kneled downe and worshypped hym and opened theyr treasures / and offered vnto hym gyftes / Golde / Frankēsence / and Myrre And after they were warned of god in their slepe that they shuld not go agayne to Herod They returned into theyr owne countre another waye ¶ The Pystle on the sonday within the vtas of the Epyphanye VP and receyue lyghte Ierusalem c. Ye shall fynde this pystle on twelfe daye fo vi ¶ The Gospell on the Sondaye within the vtas of the Epyphany The .j. Chapiter of Iohn̄ D IOhn̄ sawe Iesus comynge vnto him and sayde Behold the lambe of God / whiche taketh awaye the synne of the worlde This is he of whom I sayde after me commeth a man which was before me for he was yer then I and I knewe him not but that he shulde be declared to Israell Therfore am I come baptysynge with water And Iohn̄ bare recorde sayeng I sawe the spyryte descendynge from heuen / lyke vnto a done and it abode vpon hym and I knewe hym not he the sent me to baptyse the in water sayde vnto me vpon whome thou shalte se the spyryte descende and tary styll on hym / that same is he which baptysed with the holy ghost And I sawe and bare recorde that this is the sonne of God ¶ The Pystle on the .i. Sōdaye after the vtas of the Epiphany The xjj chapiter to the Romayns A BRethren I beseche you by the mercyfulnes of God that ye make your bodyes a quycke sacryfyce holy and acceptable vnto god whith is youre resonable seruynge of god and fassion not your selues lyke vnto this worlde but ye be chaūged in your shape by the rennynge of your wyttes that ye may fele what thyng the good that acceptable and perfecte wil of god is for I say thorow the grace that vnto me giuen is to euery man amonge you that no man esteme of him selfe more then it becommeth hym to esteme but that he discretly iuge of him selfe accordynge as god hath daelt to euery man the measure of fayth as we haue many membres in one body and all membres haue not one offyce so we beynge many are one body in Christe and euery man amonge our selues one anothers membres ¶ The Gospel on the .i. Sondaye after the vtas of the Epiphanie The .ij. Chapiter of Luke F WHen Iesus was .xij. yere olde they went vp to Ierusalē after the custome of the feaste and when they had fulfylled the dayes as they returned home the chylde Iesus bode styll in Ierusalē vnknowen to his father mother for they supposed he had bē in the cōpany They came a dayes iorney sought hym amōge theyr kynsfolke acquayntaunce foūde hym not They went backe agayn to Ierusalē soughte him and it fortuned that after thre dayes they founde him in the temple syttynge in the myddes of the doctours both herynge them posynge them all that herde hym maruayled at his wytte answeres when they sawe hym they were astonyed hys mother sayde vnto hym sonne why hast thou thus dealt wyth vs Beholde thy father I haue sought the sorowynge he sayd vnto the how is it that ye haue sought me wyst ye not that I must go about my fathers busynes and they vnderstode not the sayenge that he spake to them he went with them and came to Nazareth and was obedyent to them / but his mother kept all these thynges in her herte / and Iesus encresed in wysedom and age and infauoure with god and man ¶ The Pistle on the .ij. Sonday after the vtas of the Epiphanie The .xij. chapiter to the Romayns C. BRethren seynge that we haue diuers gyftes accordyng to the grace that is gyuen vnto vs if any man haue the gyft of prophecye let hym haue it that it be agreynge vnto the fayth Let him that hath an office wayte on his offyce let him that teacheth take hede to his doctryne lett him that exorteth gyue attendaunce to his exortacion if any man gyue let hī do it with singlenes let him that ruleth do it with diligence yf any man shewe mercy let hym do it with cherefulnes let loue be without dissymulacyon hate that whiche is euyll and cleue vnto the which is good Be kynde one to another with brotherly loue / in gyuynge honour / go one before another / let not the busynes whiche ye haue in hande be tedious to you / be feruēt in the spirite applye your selues to the tyme reioyse in hope be paciēt in tribulaciō cōtinue in prayer dystribute vnto the necessitye of the sayntes diligētly to harborowe Blesse them which persecute you blesse but curse not be mery with thē the are mery wept with thē that wepe / be of lyke affeccyon one toward another / be not hye mynded but make your selues equall to them of the lower sorte ¶ The Gospel on the .ij. Sonday after the vtas of the Epiphany the .ij. Chapiter of Iohn̄ A. THere was a maryage in cana a cytye of galile / Iesus mother was there Iesus was called also and his disciples vnto the mariage and when the wyne fayled Iesus mother sayd vnto hym / they haue no wyne Iesus sayd vnto her / woman what haue I to do with the myne houre is not yet come his mother sayde vnto the ministers / what soeuer he sayeth vnto you do it There were stādynge .vj. water pottes of stone after the maner of purifienge of the Iewes cōteynyng .ij. or .iij. fyrkyns a pece Iesus sayde vnto them / fyll the water pottes and they fylled them vp to the harde brym / and he sayd vnto them Drawe out now / and beare it vnto the gouernour of the feast they bare it whan the ruler of the feaste had tasted the water that was turned vnto wyne neyther knewe whense it was but the mynisters whiche drewe the water knewe / he called the bryde grome and sayd vnto him al men at the begynnynge set forth good wyne and whan men be