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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13142 A summe or a briefe collection of holy signes, sacrifices, and sacraments instituted of God euen since the beginning of the world, and of the true originall of the sacrifice of the Masse; Sum or a brief collection of holy signes, sacrifices and sacraments. Ling, Nicholas, fl. 1563.; Brett, John, Sir, attributed name.; Devonshire, William Cavendish, Earl of, 1590-1628, attributed name. 1609 (1609) STC 23434; ESTC S113014 129,473 362

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this holy sacramēt the child baptized feeleth no grief as he did feele in cutting of the skinne This signe of water to represent vnto vs the purging and cleansing of our sinnes by the bloud of Iesus Christ was common not onely to the Iewes which were wont to vse their cleansing water but also to the Gentiles and all nations who had in vse the cleansing and washing with this water called Lustrall Expiatorie as may appeare by reading of auncient histories To the end then that the grace of God by Iesus Christ might extend to all the world generally to all nations countries and prouinces as well circumcised as vncircumcised Iewes as Gentiles God did choose the signe of water most common so much the more applying it to the comm●ditie of man to draw him to feare and obedience Tit. 3. Galath 3. By the which signe hee instituted the holy sacrament of baptisme for a note assured marke of our regeneration and purifying represented sacramentally by the vertue of the holy ghost in the which sacrament God doth assist and assure vs to be borne a new and made one with Christ Iesus to be renewed made members of his members and that he will receiue vs as clad and incorporate into him and by him Like reasons might be brought for the other holy Sacrament ordeined of God by his new Testament to wit Sacrament of the holy supper of Iesus Christ of bread and wine Which signes tokens figures and notable formes all nations haue beene accustomed to vse in their sacrifices oblations ceremonies concerning their religions as well circumcised as vncircumcised aswell Iewes as Gentiles Also the two kindes of foodes for the nourishmēt of man are cōtained vnder bread and wine For these causes our good God desiring to drawe vnto him all nations to nourish and minister most necessarie food vnto thē did institute the cōmunion of the body bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ vnder the formes holy signes and sacramentes of bread and wine For as we are assured by the marke and element of water in baptisme to be regenerate and renued in the body and bloud of Iesus Christ represented by the sacrament of holy water by the vertue of the holy Ghost Euen so are we nourished by the communion of this body and bloud represented really by the Bread and Wine consecrated for spirituall foode nourishment euerlasting and quickening by the power of the holy ghost wherin God fauoured vs much in discharging vs of bloudy sacrifices ordeined in the first Church of the Israelits which were wont to be charged with many and diuerse sacrifices celebrated with the shedding of the bloud of earthly beastes after the diuersity of offences and persons offending All which sacrifices were ended and put away by the shedding of the bloud of the iust and innocent Lambe Heb. 9. Iesus Christ which by his perfect sacrifice hath vtterly abolished all other sacrifices reseruing vnto himselfe the dignity of the great and euerlasting Sacrificer sitting at the right hand of God his Father But he hath fauoured vs so much that in place of the abolished sacrifices he hath instituted the two holy sacraments before mentioned to assure vs of our regeneration our purging our adoption our nourishment eternall life giuen vs by the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ But as the Israelites too grosse and carnall did rest in the exterior signes Corruption of the Sacramēts corrupting the true vse of the sacramentes and sacrifices giuen vnto them of God Euen so like abuse yea greater corruptions are come vnto our two holy Sacraments left vnto vs by the new testament of Iesus Christ for the sacrament of Baptisme succeeded in the place of Circumcision man conceiued of corrupted clay would not bee contented with Gods holy institution Sacrament of Baptisme corrupted But some haue brewed and corrupted the vse of the holy sacrament of Baptisme with adiurations and coniurings suggling of salt of oyle of tapers creame blowings hoodes or biggins with an infinit number of crosses on the forehead on the eyes Theodor. in his booke of the fables of heretikes on the nose on the backe on the breast on the shoulders on the mouth to chase away Deuils For the Massalians heretikes authors of coniuring and crossing do say that the child borne is accompanied with his Spirit or Deuill which cannot be chased away but by adiuration and coniuring Ca. sine Ca. post quam de consecratione distinct 4. And for this cause this holy sacrament of Baptisme hath beene corrupted so farre that they haue added thereunto strange termes of the Syrian language with spettell and purging sniuell Ephetath per Satyr 2. What greater corruptions coulde there be described then these abhominable inuentions as if the bloud of Iesus Christ had not beene sufficient for our regeneration and purgation And as if God had not beene of power sufficient to perfect and regenerate vs by the holy signe of water representing the bloud of Iesus Christ Gala. 3. Ephe. 4. 1 Cor. 15. if there were not spettell coniured sniuell oiles salt biggins creame torches or tapers or milke or hony inuented by other Heretikes Other more subtill Magicians Tertullian in his booke of the crowned Souldier Pithagorians instructed in the Massalian doctrine haue added moreouer to pronoūce twentie times ouer the man child presented to Baptisme the name of a Deuill which they say doth accompany him by that meanes to adiure and coniure him away And at the Baptisme of a wench to say the same thirtie times Was there euer such detestable corruption in the sacrament of Circumcision Wherefore O Massaliās haue you brued your oiles in the holy Sacrament of Baptisme Following the heresie Marcus Marcosus Epipha lib. 1 tom 3. heres 34 which commanded to anoint the childrē that were to be baptized The holy signe of water instituted by the hand of God was it not sufficiēt to represent the precious bloud of Iesus Christ for our regeneration purification without brewing of greeses of oile of spettel other minglings inuēted by the corruptors of the holy sacraments The body and bloud of Iesus Christ whrewith wee be clad by the holy water of Baptisme was it not sufficient to preserue vs from all tempestes without borrowing of Biggins and Crisomes And for another more great corruption and abuse it was permitted vnto women to baptise Tom. 1. Epipha lib. 1. heres 42. lib. 2. Tom. 1. heres 49. following the error of the Marcionistes Quintilians Cataphriges Montanists Pepuzians Priscillians and Artotirites Was it euer permitted vnto women by the lawe of God to administer the holy sacraments or sacrifice instituted in the first Church of the Israelites or in the newe Testament of Iesus Christ In the History of Moyses it is recited Exod. 4. how that his wife Sephora moued with a womanly rage tooke the stone or knife wherewith she circumcised her sonne but it
of baptisme afterward ordeined by the signe of water which is the lauer of regēeratiō renuing of the holy ghost During the time that the elect people of God were holden in the wildernes of Arabia Manna to them was ministered food of heauenly bread Exod. 16. wherewith they were nourished 40. yeares This holy sacramēt instituted by the power of god was in such great admiration that euery of the people said Manhu 1 Corin. 10. Ioh. 6. what is this here they did see the heauenly Manna giuen vnto thē without trauell a signe of the liuing bread descēded from heauen and giuing life to all the faithfull Also another meruailous signe was ordeined of God by the rocke flowing of liuely water in Hereb to quench the thirst of thirsty people a signe figure of the true rock Iesus christ out of whō did issue water bloud to staunch the thirst of all sinners for euermore Water of the Rocke Exod. 17. Num. 20. 1 Corin. 10 Iohn 19. The signes and sacraments aforesayd Diuers sacrifices ordeined of God in the yeare of the world 2455. were not on●y ordained of God but also the law of Sacrificers was published by Moyses as signes figures and shadowes of the Sacrifice performed by Iesus Christ The Sacrifices are either publike or particulers Holocausta some were here offerings sacrifices cōsumed with fier other were of beasts slaine Diuision of sacrifices drawen out of Exod. Leui. and Num. and offered vp to eate some were of earthly beasts other were beastes of the ayre Among the earthly beasts were such as were most obedient as Beafe Beasts for sacrifices and Veale sheep and Lambe the Goat the Kid Among the birdes also the most tame the Pigion and the Turtle Of Sacrifices some were publike other were particuler the publike either were daily Daies appoin●ed for sacrifices or else seuen times a day or in the new moones or in time of abstinence or else in three feasts celebrated in a yeare To witte in the daies of sweet breade when the pascall Lambe was offered and eaten without leuened breade Exod. 23. in the time also of haruest of first fruites and in the feast of Wine and Oliues toward the end of the yeare ●earch the booke of Philo ●he Iew and Iosephus It is commanded euery day to offer two Lambes the one in the morning the other at night after that the Aultar was perfumed with incense and sweet odours Also some of the sacrifices were ordeined for corporall thinges which were offered with shedding of bloud other for incorporal things without bloud The sacrifices called Holocaustes did cōcerne only the honor of God Holocaustes Philo the Iewe in his treatise of beasts appointed for sacrifices Iosephus lib. 3. cap. 10 de antiqui in lat because all the sacrifice was consumed with fire for the which sacrifice Holocaustes the male not the female was receiued that is to say the Beaf the Lambe the Goat of one yeare For the sacrifice for health it was indifferent to take male or female Leui. 1 2.3.4 alwaies three parts of the sacrifice was reserued for the Priest To witt the fat the two kidneies the kall or the fatte of the flankes Another difference there is also betwixt the sacrifice for health Sacrifice for health and the sacrifice celebrated for sin for in the one was ordeyned to eate all the sacrifice in two daies in the other for sin it was enioyned to eate all in one day onely Sacrifice for sinne By reason whereof some sacrifices were called Holocaustes other for health and other for sinne The sacrifices for sinne were diuerse aswell for because of the persons as for the offerings Sacrifice for the sinne of ignorance For he that sinned by ignorance was clensed by offering an Ewe or a she Goat but the clensing of sinne done wittingly was clensed with a Ramme Sacrifice for the sinne of the high Priest Prince Magistrate particuler person Leuit. The sinne of the great Priest was clensed by offering of a calf of the prince by offering a goat a bul that of the magistrate with a Goat that of any particuler with the offering of a female Sacrifice for the man poluted For the woman deliuered Leuit. 12. The sacrifice for clensing of sin done against God was done with a ram The sacrifice for a man polluted was with an Ewe or a she goat for clensing of a woman after her childbirth was a lambe of one yeare a young pigion a turtle Sacrifice for the Leprous Leui. 14. For the clensing of Lepre were 2 birds aliue pure cleane Cedre wood and Isope 2 whole lambes one Ewe of a yeare with floure and oyle Another sacrifice also was made for the persō poluted by seed shed or mēstruous Sacrifice for the poluted menstruall with 2. turtles 2. yong pigiōs If the great sacrifices did faile then did they repare to doues pigions and turtles th one for the burnt offering the other for the food of the Priests And in all sacrifices there was pure floure without leuen salt Leuen hony forbidden in all sacrifices A sacrifice for the woman suspected of adultery Numb incense and oile And it was not lawfull to offer any thing with leuen or hony vpō the alter Alwaies in the sacrifice ordeined for the purging of women suspected of adulterie there was no incense nor oile as in other sacrifices but for her was offered water mixt with dust or ashes gathered vpon the pauement of the temple Sacrifice of the Nazereus Numb 6. Philo the Iew in the treatise aforesayd Againe there was another sacrifice celebrated for them which had made the great vowe called Naserius when the time of their deuotion was done it was ordeined vnto them to offer three sacrifices a Lambe an Ewe a Ramme One to witte the Lambe for the burnt offering the second being the Ewe for the saluation the third for health Moreouer the heares of him which made the sacrifice should be cast into the fire with the burnt offering to be burned I haue thought good to discourse the diuersitie of sacrifices briefly to the end to make knowen the great goodnesse of our God who by the lawe of Sacrifices published by Moyses would as with a bridle restraine the rude people of Israel which could not forget the idolatries of Egypt wherein they had beene nourished 430. yeares vnder the tyrranny of Pharaoh But what straight lawes what ceremonies sacrifices so euer were ordeined for them euer this people did fall to Idolatry abusing the law of God and corrupting the holy sacraments and sacrifices it shall be declared hereafter If any man be desirous to know more of the multitude diuersitie of sacrifices let him reade the books of Philo the Iewe ●nd Iosephus of the Iudaicall antiquities following that which Moyses hath plainely written
corrupte● with the leuen of sinne Euen so by the second Adam Iesus Christ we are by grace purged from our offences To our first and vniuersall father Adam was giuen a holy signe to exercise his obedience and to his successours was giuen other holy signes sacrifices sacraments instituted of God as the tree of life the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and euill the raine-bowe circumcision the lambe without blemish the bread without leuain the cloud the fiery piller the red sea diuided the heauenly Manna the water of the rocke the immolation and offering of beasts for sacrifices the arke of couenant the brasen serpent the purging water the Temple builded in the middest of the holy Citie All which sacred signes sacrifices and sacraments were figures of that which was accomplished by Iesus Christ Iesus Christ the tree of life Apoca. 2. Rom. 11. For first hee was the true tree of life planted in the midest of the garden of God in whom and by whom we which were bastard trees are grafted and set to the obtaining of eternall life hee hath giuen vs the keeping of the fruites of the tree of wisedome by his holy gospell and commaunded vs to keepe it whole without abusing without corrupting without adding or diminishing in paine of eternall death Rainebowe He hath bin as the celestial Bow bended in the aire to assure vs of the bande and couenant contracted between God and vs that wee should bee no more drowned in the floud of sinne He was circumcised to accomplish the lawe in himselfe Circumcision Gala. 4. that hee might cut away the foreskinne of our hearts to spoyle vs of our old corrupted skinne in Adam The burning bushe He was the flame in the burning bush taking flesh in the wombe of the virgine conceiued by the grace of the holy Ghost without the seed of man the holy virgin as the bush remaining neuertheles perfect and vncorrupt Hee was sacrificed as the iust innocent Lambe Pascall lambe Iohn 1. Hebr. 13. his bloud being shed to preserue vs frō the tyrannie of Sathan and to open vnto vs the passage into the lād of promise the kingdome of heauen Bread of life Iohn 6. He is the true bread which came downe from heauen without leauen without corruptiō and spot whereof wee must eate for our spirituall nourishment to the ende we may celebrate the feast of the Pharaonicall passage in the land of libertie 1 Cor. 5. The cloude firie piller and red sea Hee was the cloude the fiery pillour the red sea diuided which hath conducted vs which hath deliuered vs from the hands of our enemies 1 Cor. 10. Iohn 19. out of whose side opened came bloud and water for our saluation and redemption He was the heauenly Māna sent from heauen to nourish vs for euer The heauenly Manna the rock flowing water of life 1. Corin. 10. and the true rocke from whence flowed water to quench the thurst of all those for euer which thurst and beleeue in him It was he that made the sacrifice of health for the defacing of our sinnes Sacrifice Heb. the sacrificer and sacrifice the offering and offerer abiding foreuer a sacrificer at the right hand of God his father Heb. 9. He entred into the heauēly sanctuary builded not with the hands of men but with the hand of God The arke of witnes He was the true Arke of couenant appoyntmēt by the which God did manifest and declare his oracles and in the which he did rest to accomplish his diuine and incomprehensible misteries He was as the brasen serpēt fastened to the crosse Brasen serpent Iohn 3. to giue health to the sicknesse of al those which did turne toward him and behold him in faith Temple of God Iohn 2. He was the true temple of God wherin the holy ghost doth dwell in whome and by whome one God in trynity is worshipped The host and holy water Hee was the true and holy sacrifice whereof was made the purging water for the cleansing of all spots hauing by his owne ashes that is by his owne bodie offered vp Iohn 19. sprinckled and watered with water issuing out of his side all people beleeuing in him The ceremoniall law being thus accomplished not by figures but really executed by the incarnation death and resurrection of Iesus Christ our Sauiour our mediatour our euerlasting sacrificer and mercy obtainer the infinite goodnes of God was yet more manifested by the new band Heb. 9. new couenant and new comming of the son of God incarnate For by his new testament confirmed by the death of the testator Rom. 8. he hath made vs fellow heires and inheritours of the kingdome of heauen with God For assurance of this heauenly succession gotten to vs by grace after that he had finished the ceremonial law and abolished the same as we haue shewed by the sacrifice perfectly made by the euerlasting Sacrificer S. Augustine in his 3. booke of the christian doctrine cap. 9. there were left vnto vs two sacred signes and holy sacraments wherein God hath vsed more fauour and more special grace than euer hee did before his incarnation in this that hee hath deliuered vs from the seruile law of circumcision of difference of meates and of diuers sacrifices ordained in the first Church of the Israelites and in discharging vs of this heauy burthen he hath so much the more comforted vs in ordaining vnto vs for a memorie and remembrance of our regeneration and life euerlasting two holy sacraments Sacraments of the new Testament vnder two holy signes To wit the water of Baptisme the bread and wine for the partaking of his bodie and that his grace might extend to all nations God did choose those tokens signes which were most cōmon easie For Circumcision was a speciall marke for Abraham and his posteritie the which Circumcision other nations were not accustomed to vse although Herodote a Greeke in the history which he writeth of the manners of the Egytians Herod lib. 2. doth attribute vnto them the custome to circumcise especially their Priestes But it is easie to coniecture that hee had heard speaking of the Iewes dwelling in Egipt for the space of foure hundred and thirtie yeares obseruing the circumcision Moreouer the Circumcision was ordained for the men onely A comparing of the circumcision with baptisme Exod. 12. and not for the women there was also a day set for Circumcision the eight day after the natiuitie and the cutting of the skinne was paineful and greuous But the grace of God hauing abolished by his incarnation and perfect sacrifice Genes 17. the rigour of the ceremoniall law as wel for the difference of meates as of dayes hath left vnto vs by his new will and couenant the holy signe of water common to all as well men as women without difference of dayes Num. 19. in