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A12703 The high vvay to Heaven by the cleare light of the Gospell cleansed of a number of most dangerous stumbling stones thereinto throwen by Bellarmine and others In a treatise made vpon the 37. 38. and 39. verses of the 7. of Iohn: wherein is so handled the most sweete and comfortable doctrine of the true vnion and communication of Christ and his Church, and the contrarie is so confuted, as that not onely thereby also summarilie and briefly, and yet plainly all men may learne rightly to receiue the sacrament of Christs blessed bodie and blood, but also how to beleeue and to liue to saluation. And therefore entitled The highway to Heauen. By Thomas Sparke Doctor of Diuinitie. Sparke, Thomas, 1548-1616. 1597 (1597) STC 23021; ESTC S102434 161,682 384

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though therein we shew neuer so much zeale and learning he hath the verie thing he desireth For that doubtlesse hath beene and is still a dangerous stratageme or pollicie of his when he findeth he cannot as he would preuaile by keeping men in ignorance and carelesse security then to doe what he can that they may spend their learning and zeale about matters of the least moment that in the meane time he may the more quietlie by their silence in matters of greatest weight by the other contrary way as it were paue the waie to Atheisme yea I feare much to speake plainely what I thinke that lacke of due consideration hereof in time in some hath not onelie beene one of the next causes of the phantasticall sectes of the Brownistes and Familistes but also of too shamefull encrease in so great light of the Gospell both of Papistes and Atheistes amongest vs. Wherefore my heartes desire and prayer to God for England is and euer shall be and for all the Churches of Christ wheresoeuer in the wide world that this subtiltie of Sathan may both heere and euerie where be throughlie well lookt vnto and the mischiefe thence ensuing be as carefully preuented as possiblie may be for otherwise it may growe intollerable and vncurable And J beseech the Lord heartilie to giue your Grace and all the rest of the reuerend Fathers the Bishops of this land and all others that be in authoritie with you in the same both skill and will power and might by the assistance of his holie spirite speedilie and effectuallie to cleanse and purge these Churches of England and Ireland so of all these foure kindes of dangerous aduersaries that without their stopping of vs at the first or seducing of vs afterward eyther of the right hand or of the left all the rest of vs as brethren and heires of the kingdom of heauen may both happilie get into this way thither and also most stedfastlie and constantlie perseuere therein euen vnto the verie end Thus presuming as you see of your Graces curteous and friendlie acceptance both of this my trauell in pointing out this waie and also of this my bold dedicating the same vnto you J will not cease to praie vnto God to requite and recompence seauen-folde into your bosome both this all your great and vndeserued former fauours towardes mee And thus beseeching him also long to preserue you in health and honour to his glorie the Churches good to your owne euerlasting comfort now euer crauing also pardon for this my boldnes and hoping therof I most humblie take my leaue From Blechlie in Buckingham shire 1596. Your Graces alwaies most readie and willing to be at your commandement Thomas Sparks The high way to Heauen Iohn 7. vers 37.38.39 Now in the last and great day of the feast Iesus stoode and cried saying if any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke He that beleeueth in mee as saith the scripture out of his belly shall flow riuers of waters of life This spake be of the spirit which they that beleeued in him should receiue For the holie Ghost was not yet giuen because that Iesus was not yet glorified IN these wordes welbeloued in our Lorde and Sauiour the holy Euangelist Saint Iohn hath set down the summe and effect of a famous sermon made by Christ himselfe the verie consideration whereof ought both to stirre vppe me to open the same the more reuerently and also to prooue you to listen thereunto the more religiously and attentiuely Herein The method the method that he hath followed and that therefore likewise I must is this First hee noteth certaine circumstances thereof then the substance of the sermon it selfe The circumstances hee expresseth in these wordes Nowe in the last and greate day of the feast Iesus stood and cryed saying and the sermon in the rest and that in this order First he noteth to whom he directed it and his speech therein saying that he beganne it thus If any man thirst then in the rest what it was that he spake vnto such Nowe the summe of his speeches as he hath heere recorded it consisted of two pointes first of a commaundement that he gaue to them to whome he spake and then of a promise that he made them obeying that commaundement of his The commaundement the Euangelist saith was this Let him come to me and drinke and the promise was this hee that beleeueth in mee as saith the scripture out of his belly shall flowe riuers of waters of life So that he commaunded two thinges first a comming vnto him and then a drinking of him and forasmuch as the promise was thus deliuered in a figuratiue and metaphoricall kinde of phrase the Euangelist directed by the spiritte of God of a care he had to leade men to the right vnderstanding of Christes meaning therein and to preserue them from mistaking of the same telleth vs plainely that by the riuers of waters of life that Christ spake of in this promise of his he vnderstoode the spiritte which they that beleeued in him shoulde receiue adding withall that that was not in such measure yet powred vppon such as it shoulde be afterward for that Iesus was not yet glorified for so his wordes the holie Ghost was not yet must be vnderstoode as I shall shewe The circūstances when I come vnto them Wherefore nowe to prosecute these thinges in order as they lie as they shall offer themselues vnto vs in the text First we haue to consider what he hath saide concerning the circircumstances of this sermon Touching which nowe in the last and greate daie of the feast Iesus stoode and cryed saith the Euangelist for the better vnderstanding of which wordes if we peruse the former part of this Chapter it will euidentlie appeare vnto vs that when Christ made this sermon he was at Hierusalem and in the temple there by occasion of the feast of tabernacles which then there they kept solemnized where and when the Iewes sought to take him and therfore purposely the pharisies and high priestes sent officers thither and that to the end that so he being taken they might kill him whereof Christ was not ignorant For there before this at this verie feast teaching openly out of the scriptures to the astonishment of all his enemies that heard him he saith slatly vnto them vers 19. Why goe yee about to kill me Nowe the last day of this feast as we may see Leuit. 23. vers 36 was the eight day when by Gods ordināce they were to haue an holie conuocation and a solemne assemblie vpon which daie Iesus stoode vp and made this sermon with a lowde and crying voyce that so the better he might be hearde throughout that great assemblie and concourse of people All these thinges therefore laid together shew vs plainely thus much that Iesus was the preacher of the sermon and where when and in what manner it was preached by him namely that it
It standes therefore euery one in hand that receiue these Sacraments to haue a greate care not onelie to beleeue that GOD for his parte will performe that which thereby he bindeth himselfe vnto but also for their partes to fulfill that whereunto they tie themselues otherwise sure they are no better than dissemblers before men and hypocrites before GOD. If the Etimologie of this worde Sacrament be but considered it might teach vs in an●e case to deale with these alwayes Sacra mente that is with a sacred and a holy minde The worde is taken and vsëd so generally often that euery outward thing by Gods ordinance signifying a further grace or benefite hath beene called a Sacrament And therfore Iohn Chapp●●s in his Cōmentary vpon Raymunds summe of the Sacraments tract 1. thought he had found in Hugo de sancto victore in his sixt booke of Sacraments a verie perfect definition of a Sacrament when he found that he defined it to be Naturale elementum extrinsecùs oculis suppositum ex institutione figurans ex similitudine repraesentans ex sanctificatione aliquam gratiam inuisibilem conferens that is A naturall element set outwardly before the eyes by institution figuring by similitude representing and by sanctification conferring some inuisible grace And in verie deede it somewhat well restraineth the ouerlarge vse of the word and there is nothinge therein but it is true of Sacraments properly taken as I take them now But to make it fully to expresse the nature of a sacrament thus taken and noe more I woulde thereunto adde and I am sure it ought to be so that the institutor must bee God himselfe that sometime the outward partis not onely one element to be seene with the eies but more then one and that it is not enough that by sanctification it conferre any visible grace whatsoeuer but that that grace be euen Christ himselfe with such graces as in him re prouided for our saluation And therfore I define a Sacrament as nowe I speake thereof to be A visible signe or signes ordained by Christ to be ministred in his Church to thē that be his not only to figure represent himselfe and what he hath done for their saluation but also whereby to offer himselfe with grace necessarie to saluation and to deliuer himselfe with the same and to seale the communication and deliuerie thereof to euery worthy receiuer of the outward element or elementes according to his institution And such we finde no more now in the newe Testament but Baptisme and the Lordes Supper The other fiue vrged as Sacrament by the Romanists of our daies howsoeuer in some generall improper sense they maybe so called in this they cannot For some one or other necessary thing mentioned in this definition is wanting in euery one of them And yet there is nothing in this definition that can be omitted if we minde so to define or describe a Sacrament as that indeed truely and fully we meane to expresse the nature thereof as it is common but to these two Baptisme and the Supper To the constitution therefore of a Sacrament by this we may see that it is first necessarie that Chrst be the author and institutor thereof Secondly that there haue a commandement passed from him to administer it in his Church Thirdlie that it consist of such outward visible element or elementes as he hath chosen and appointed for that purpose And fourthly that according to his ordinance they be taken as meanes to put him on by and to make him ours with all such graces as in him are prouided for our saluation So that asto the making of a perfect mā there must concurre bodie and soule in one and to the being of our Christ to be a fit person to be our Messias and Sauiour Godhead manhood so to the full beeing of a Sacrament according to Christs ordinance an outward element or elements and Christ himselfe and his grace fit and needfull for our saluation are necessary And therefore as neither bodie soule in man nor Godhead manhood in Christ without falling into a grosse errour there about can or may be said or thought to be eyther confounded with the other or annihilated or absorpted sorpted of the other so neyther may we say or thinke of these two partes in a Sacrament When therefore we come to receiue any Sacrament as outwardly we receiue the outward element so inwardly we must seeke to receiue also the heauenly thing thereby offered vnto vs or else by our default we seuere those thinges which we should coupple and as much as lyeth in vs ouerthrowe the nature and vse of the Sacrament Nowe to descend from the consideration of a Sacrament thus in generall Of Baptisme to these two particuler Sacramentes In Baptisme which is the first we haue Christes ordinance for it and commaundement also for the ministring of it Math. 28.19 where Christ said vnto his disciples Goe and teach all nations baptising them in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost And thereby also the worde baptise signifying as it doth to dippe in water or therewith to sprinkle we may see the outward element to be water Which is also cōfirmed by al the practise of the Churches in the Apostles times as appeares both in the storie of their Actes written by Saint Luke and elsewhere And that the thing therby signified offered deliuered is Christ himselfe and so in him remission of sinnes regeneration and dying to sinne and liuing againe vnto righteouspesse it sufficiently appeareth in these places of the Scriptures Knowe ye not that all we which haue beene baptised into Christ haue beene baptised into his death we are then buried with him by Baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raysed vp from the dead to the glory of the Father so we also should walke in newnes of life Rom. 6.3.4 All ye that are baptised into Christ haue put on Christ Gal. 3.27 Be baptised euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes Act. 2.38 Christ loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the word c. Ephe. 5.25.26 According to his mercie he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and renewing of the holy Ghost Tit. 3.5 Baptisme that now is saueth vs by the resurrection of Iesus Christ 1. Pet. 3.21 They therefore that are desirous not onely to be accounted baptised with the outward Baptisme of water must as you see according to Paules counsell Rom. 13.14 put on the Lord Iesus Christ himselfe and take no thought for the flesh to fulfill the lustes of it For if they be partakers of the other part thereof in the blood of Christ they are washed and cleansed and so must and are bound to liue as men dead to sinne and aliue to righteousnesse Baptisme therfore Is a Sacrament of the new
possest there also the possessour may be assured that with him he possesseth all those things also And yet these men no not their Bellarmine can abide any of these but it shall be inough with them him also to beleeue there is remission of sins accompanying baptisme to be had by him in him in the Church that there is such a mercy of God that is able to saue and that the righteousnesse of Christ may be as he is our head ours in such a sort that it may be the efficient cause of an inherent righteousnes in our selves able to earne heauen by but particularlie especially for vs to beleeue that we shall without all doubt haue all our sinnes forgiuen vs that we are sure of this mercie and haue this righteousnesse of his imputed vnto vs as our owne whereby we shall and may be righteous before God at no hand they can abide As though he that sticketh not to giue vs his sonne God and man to be our verie owne so that we are his and he ours would not or could not together with him giue vs these things also Yea how can he withold them giuing vs his sonne seeing these and he goe alway togither But to proceede This vniō is not carnall but spirituall this vnion of ours and cōmunion with Christ though it must be certain reall true in refpect of the things to be vnited yet in regard of the manner of vniting them we must not imagine it to be any grosse or earthly commixtion or cōiunction with him such as is with vs the mingling or ioyning togither of any creatures that in themselues are diuerse but that it is altogither in respect of the manner spirituall and supernaturall and yet neuerthelesse true and certaine though it be both vnsearchable and vnutterable For let a man fearch all the scriptures thorow and an other communion and fellowship with Christ whereupon saluation commeth then that which is spirituall he shall nether finde eyther promised expected or performed In deede it was both promised and thereupon expected and performed that Godhead and manhood shoulde be vnited togither in one person that so man who by sinne had lost his vnion communion and fellowship with God might recouer the same againe in and by that person and by that which he should accomplish in those two natures for him But as the personall vnion of these two natures in one Christ as by our Catholicke faith we are perswaded is reall certaine and sure so we finde it yet by humaine sense and reason incomprehensible and yet by the power of the eternall spirite by the same faith we are taught vndoubtedly to beleeue it was so verily effected for our euerlasting good A communicating of the merits of this Christ God and man vnto those that belezue in him by imputation there is we knowe For the righteousnes of God is on all and vpon all that beleene in him Rom. 3.22 which is a righteousnes that such attaine vnto by faith in him not made manifest by the lawe as the inherent righteousnesse of our owne merits if there were any such as men knowe is as both in that verse and that which goeth before is shewed But without the inhabitation of the spirit of God proceeding both from the Father and the Sonne the worke whereof faith is Iohn 6.29 Gal. 5.22 we cannot attaine heereunto Howbeit heere we talke not eyther of the vnion of the two natures in the person of one Christ nor yet of his communicating of his merits vnto vs by imputation nor of his dwelling in vs by his spirit but of his owne vniting and communicating of himselfe both God and man vnto vs. For consisting of those two natures heere in my text he biddeth vs to come vnto him and as I haue shewed to drinke of him which if once we duelie performe then we withal euen thereby are sure of all the benefits necessary to our saluation that by any of these we may looke for Now Paule when he spoke most plainely of this saying We are members of his body of his flesh of his bones Ephes 5.30 to assure vs that it is reall and essentiall yea and most certaine in respect of the thinges to be vnited Christ his members yet within two verses after he confesseth and saith that it is a great mystery that he speaketh of thereby also shewing that in respect of the manner of vniting of them it is supernaturall and vnsearchable by humaine sen̄se and reason howbeit this is our comfort that though we cannot conceiue it whiles we are heere and our knowledge is vnperfect that yet Christ our sauiour to our vnspeakeable consolation hath tolde vs that the day shall come when his shall knowe By the spirit it is obtained That he is to the father they in him and he in them Io. 14.20 In the meane time thus much it hath pleased him to reueale vnto vs by the worde that it is the holie Ghost the vertie spirit of God without which this cannot be and by the means whereof this vnion and communion is made betwixt Christ and vs. For it is written as vttered by Christ himselfe Io. 3.5 Except a man be borne againe of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God And Paule most plainelie saieth Rom. 8.9 If any man haue not the spirit of Christ the same is none of his And likewise Saint Iohn 1. Epist cap. 4. vers 13. writeth that by this we knowe that Christ is in vs by his spirit that he hath giuen vs. Paule also to this purpose verie notablie saith by one spirite we are all baptized into one bodie and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirite 1. Cor. 12.13 And therefore vpon verie good ground hath the ancient father Irenaeus who liued in the next age to the Apostles in his third booke and 19. chapter against the heresies of the Valentinians and others written most sweetely and profoundlie Sicut de arido tritico massa vna fierinon potest neque vnus panis ita nec nos multi vnum fieri in Christo Iesu poteramus sine aqua qnae de coelo est sicut arida terra si non percipiat humorem non fruclificat sic nos lignum aridum existentes primùm nunquam fructificaremus vitam sine superna voluntaria pluuia that is As of drie wheate neyther one lumpe of dowe nor one loafe can be made so neyther we beeing many could euer haue beene made one in Christ Iesu without water from heauen and as the drie earth fructifieth not without moysture so we being first but dry wood could neuer haue had our fruit to be eternall life without voluntarie raine from aboue Which in the same place he interpreteth to be the spirit of God which God bestoweth vpon his Which Chrisosiom in his Homilie at Pentecost of the holy spirit calleth the coupling or band of the vnion betwixt Christ and his Further to
will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Iohn 1.12 13. And Christ hath most plainely said Iohn 3.5.6 Verely verely I say vnto thee except a man be borne of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God that which is borne of the flesh is flesh and that which is borne of the Spirit is Spirit And yet more plainely to assure vs of the trueth of this point Paule in expresse words hath taught vs that faith is the fruite of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 Ordinarily the worde preached But yet we must not thinke though the Spirit can extraordinarily worke this faith without meanes immediately where when and in whom it listeth that yet notwithstanding ordinarily it doth it by the ministrie of the word and that preached For so Paule concludeth saying Rom. 10.17 Then faith is by hearing and hearing by the worde of God And therefore accordingly 1. Cor. 1.17 he writeth That seeing the world by wisedome knew not God in the wisedome of God it please him by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue those that beleeue And therefore also he notes it is an especial fruit and effect of Christes ascension Ephes 4.10.11 c. that he gaue and bestowed sundrie ministries there mentioned vpon his Church for the repairing of the Saintes for the worke of the ministrie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ Till we all meete togither in the vnitie of faith and the acknowledging of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ that we henceforth be no more children wauering and caried away with euerie winde of doctrine by the deceit of men and craftinesse whereby they lay in waite to deceiue Saint Peter also agreable heereunto in his first Epistle Cap. 1.22.23 c. noteth that our souls are purified in obeying the truth thorow the spirit being borre again not of mortall seed but of immortal by the word of God which after there he saith endureth for euer and is that which is preached amongst them Whereupon therefore in the next chapter he exhorteth them to lay aside all malitiousnes all guile dissunulation enuie and euill speaking and as new borne babes to desire the sincere milke of the worde that they may grow vp thereby if it be so they had tasted how bountifull the Lord was Vers 1.2.3 Whereunto we had as much neede to list●n as euer they had For these are the daies wherein we liue wherin that prophecie of Christ is fulfilled Mat. 34. touching the danger that should be by false prophets and teachers able if it were possible to seduce the verie elect Verse 24. and wherein he may behold multitudes for lacke of foode and faithfull preachers and teachers as sheepe hauing no sheepheard dispersed and scattered and therefor in respect wherof he may also say Surely the haruest is great but the labourers are few And by the administration of Sacraments I woulde to God therefore we coulde and woulde euerie one of vs according to his counsell there Praie the Lord of the haruest to thrust out labourers into his haruest Matth. 9.3.6 c. Besides the bare preaching of the worde as it is well knowne and confessed of all for the better both breading and nourishing of this our faith as an outward good meanes for the spirite to worke that effect in vs by our most gratious and louing GOD knowing howe slowe to beleeue we woulde bee hath left and giuen vnto vs visible and palpable Sacramentes thereby as it were to seale and more particularly to apply vnto vs all the good promises of saluation in Christ Iesus as namelie nowe baptisme and the supper of the Lorde to vs of the newe Testament The first whereof offereth vnto vs and sealeth the deliuerie to the right receiuer thereof of his regeneration teaching him to looke for it at the handes of God the Father through God the Sonne by the mightie working of the holie Ghost onelie in that onelie he is baptized in water in their names And the other is a Sacrament of his continuall nourishment to eternall life in and by the broken bodie and bloodeshed of Christ Iesus And therefore as to be a man it is necessarie but once to be borne but yet after often to bee sedde so is it most necessarie for those that woulde euer growe to bee perfect men in Christ Iesus but once to bee baptized but often to receiue the other Sacrament And it must be remembred alwaies that both these offer and set before vs one and selfe same Christ the one that he may by his blood wash vs cleane from our sinnes and regenerate vs that we may beginne to lead a newe and a holy life the other that by his body broken and his bloode shed for vs he may be both meate and drinke and sufficient spirituall foode and nourishment vnto our hungrie and thirstie soules but then withall we may vnderstand that the same Christe to the same endes is offered still vnto vs when his Gospell is preached vnto vs onely this is the difference as I said before that the worde offers and sets him before vs in generall and these in particuler and speciall manner leade vs vnto him And whereas the word to breede or nourish faith in vs stricketh onely the sense of our hearing these duely ministred doe not onely the better to prouoke and strengthen the same mooue and strike that but also our sight smelling tast and feeling And therefore as it was noted by Paule He●●● 2. that the cause why the worde which the Iewes heard in the wildernesse profited them not because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it so is it most certaine that these shall not profit vs though outwardly we be partakers thereof neu●r so much if we haue not faith to pearse further than to the outward elementes and if it be a fault so to harden our heartes when the worde is but preached that we take not occasion thereby to beleeue it must needes be a farre greater fault if these added therunto we be still vnfaithfull And therefore as in respect of hearing of the word the Apostle said Heb. 3.5 So long as it is said to day harden not your heartes as in the prouocation for some when they heard prouoked him to anger so say I vnto you in respect of both much more To this ende neuer forget the examples of Simon Magus and of Iudas whereof though the one was baptized as we read he was Act. 8.18 and the other was with Christ at the institution of the other Sacrament as it appeareth Luke 22.21 yet as it appeares in both those chapters for that they neither of them had any sound or true faith they were neuer the better but the worse for that to their other sinnes they added in the receiuing of these the prophaning as much as lay in them of both thes If when the word is preached
therefore it is the fashion of the scriptures after hard things to ioyne other that be plaine Origen also in his first Homilie of Hierimie and Chrysostome in diuers places namely writing of the holy Ghost and in his 12. Homtlie vpon Genesis are most pregnant in this point the one reiecting all sences and interpretations as of no credit without warrant from other scriptures and the other affirming plainely that the scriptures so expounde themselues that they suffer not the Reader to erre Whereupon no man no not amongst vs is more earnest to vrge all sortes of men to read the scriptures than Chrysostome as any man may see in his 9. Homilie vpon the Collossians in his third vpon Matthew Let vs therefore in this case take triall of this rule that so we may learne what we are to vnderstande by these riuers of water heere spoken of and promised And for as much as when these wordes were first vttered by Christ then the Canonicall scriptures onely of the olde Testament were written it shal be most fit to looke into them for this purpose Wherein to this end verie pertinent it is that the blessed man which doubtlesse he is that commeth vnto Christ and drinketh of him aright is described in the first Psalme to be like a tree planted by the riuers of waters that will bring forth his fruite in due season and whose leafe shall not fade but whatsoeuer he doth it shall prosper Vers 3. But that in the fiue and fiftie of the prophesie of Esay vers 1. c. in my iudgement and in my opinion best agreeth with this and appertaineth hereunto For there after that the thirsty are solemnly as it were by way of proclamation called and allured to come to the waters and so freely being come to drinke wine and to cate milke and that which was fatte and good a promise is made them if they would so do that they should liue and enioy the sure mercies of Dauid That also Esay 59.20.21 may well be as a Commentarie vpon this where after that it is said that the redeemer shall come vnto Sion it is saide that this couenant shal be made with them that turne from iniquitie in Iacob that his spirite and word shoulde neuer departe from them nor from their seede after them which couenante or promise is more fully opened Ieremie 31.33.34 vnto which time of the comming of the Messiah and the performance of this promise then Ioell hauing an eye he bringeth in GOD promising then that he woulde poure out his spirite vpon all sortes olde and yong men and women Cap. 2. vers 28. whereunto in my opinion it seemeth that Iohn thought that Christ had relation in this promise-making heere in that in plaine termes he telleth vs that this he spake of the Spirite which they should receiue that beleeued in him for saith he the holy Ghost was not yet bycause that Iesus was not yet glorified This therefore is euen sufficient to teach vs in what sence the scripture woulde haue vs to vnderstand that riuers of waters of life shall flowe out of the bellies of such as will come vnto him drinke of him and beleeue in him as we haue heard namely euen of the plentifull giftes and graces of the spirite that vndoubtedly he woulde bestowe and continue in such And let it not seeme strange vnto any man thus to heare the spirite of God watering and moystening the house of God and washing and softning the heartes of those that be in neede therof compared vnto waters for it is very vsuall in the scriptures For not onely Psal 1.3 Esay 55.1 c. as I haue noted before by riuers of water waters we cā vnderstād nothing so fitly as the most plentifull rich graces of God in Christ but also elsewhere often both in the olde Testament and in the new the same or like speeches are vsed whereby we can vnderstand nothing else For after that God to perswade Iacob not to feare had said I will powre water vpon the thirstie and floudes vpon the drie ground to make it plaine that he vnderstoode nothing else thereby immmediatly he addeth I will powre out my spirite vpon thy seede and my blessing vpon thy buddes and they shall growe as amongest the grasse and as the willowes by the riuers of waters Esay And what else could or did Ezechiell vnderstande Cap. 47.1 c. by the vision of waters flowing out of the Lordes house in such a plentifull manner that they were first ancle deepe then thigh deepe then vnpassageable on euerie side whereof growe all fruitfull trees whose leafe shoulde not fall and that monethly should bring forth fruite and that wholesome and medicinable And we beleeuing as we doe that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne as both the scriptures and all sound confessions of the Catholicke and Christian faith teach what can we more fitly vnderstand by that pure riuer of water of life cleare as chryst all that Iohn saw proceeding out of the throne of God the Lambe c. Reuel 22. Vers 1. than the holy Ghost proceeding and flowing from the father and the sonne to cheere and to make fruitful the Citizens of the heauenly Hierusalem And by that water of life which Christ taught the woman of Samaria to aske of him whereof if a man drinke he saide he should neuer thirst againe for that it should be in him a well of water springing vp to euerlasting life noe doubt of it he vnderstoode nothing else but the Spirit which he would bestow vpon all his to regenerate and sanctifie them effectually withall Hereby then you may see not only this interpretation iustified that by riuers of water of life flowing out of the bellies of such as come vnto Christ and rightly make him their owne by drinking of him we are to vnderstand the Spirit of God and the plentifull graces thereof promised to the faithfull but also that this is a Metaphore very fit apt to expresse the same or else that God woulde neuer haue so much delighted therein as thus by the often vsing it he sheweth he hath done Howbeit before we proceede any further to confider of the ground why this Metaphor should be counted so apt and so much to this purpose delighted in we are first to vnderst and that by the belly frō whence these riuers of water of life shoulde flowe is meant the soule heart and good conscience by faith purified in the beleeuers Actes 15. Ver. 9. For the end of the commaundement and so the shew of all the good fruites of the Spirit in Gods children commeth from a pure conscience and both them from faith vnfained as Paule testifieth 1. Tim. 1. Ver. 5. The bellie and bowels are no seate or fountaine from whence such things issue or flowe Then whereas Iohn saith the holy Ghost was not yet whereof he telleth vs we are to vnderstande Christes promises we must take heede
though according to the diuersitie of places that they hold in that bodie one and the selfe ame Spirit is diuersly bestowed vpon them as we are taught 1. Cor. 12. Ver. 4. c. So that the Spirit and the giftes and graces of God are here so promised to them all and shal be and are performed as that aptly they may be called riuers of water of life flowring out of their bellies But yet then some may maruaile comparing the spirit and giftes thereof seene in many of the faithfull since Christ was glorified with the Spirit and giftes thereof founde in sundry as in the Patriarches and Prophets and other famous holy men in the olde Testament and finding them in show to be but equall or rather inferiour to some of theirs why Iohn shoulde eyther simply or by waie of comparison thus signifie vnto vs that the Spirite had not beene giuen in such measure before as nowe Christ beeing glorified it should Whereunto though I might answere that Iohn might well say so in that then the partition wall betwixt Iew and Gentile shoulde be pulled downe and so the borders compasse of the Church should wonderfully be enlarged in comparison they were before yet more fullie to aunswere this obiection though in respect of those times wherein the Patriarches and Prophets and holie men of GOD liued in the time of the olde Testament their faith and other fruites of the Spirite that appeared and were founde in them were verie commendable yet in many respectes Iohn might preferre the Spirite and the giftes thereof giuen to beleeuers in the newe Testament so before them in the olde that in comparison thereof the Spirite might be saide not to haue beene before For first though then the mysteries of religion were sufficientlie reuealed for those times yet were they not opened so clearely and lightsomely then as now since the comming of Christ and the Spirit that he beeing ascended he promiseth to his leadeth them to all trueth and teacheth them all thinges Iohn 14.26 In so much that the beleeuing Christian nowe can speake by direction therof more plainly of the Trinitie of Christes person and office and of many other mysteries of Christian religion than any of them had done or could In respect and regard whereof Christ saith of Iohn Baptist verily verily amongst them that are begotten of a woman arose there not a greater and yet notwithstāding he that is least in the kingdome of God is greater than he For he preached Christ and pointed him present and none of them sawe him or spake of him but a farre off and yet after Christ had gone thorow with that which he came for and was ascended by his Spirite he so enlighteneth the heartes of the meanest sounde members of his Church that they can say more of him than Iohn coulde And in this respect Christ saide that manie Kings and Prophets had desired to see and heare those thinges which his Apostles and followers sawe and yet did not Luke 10.24 Then who also knoweth not that the ministrie and reuelation of the will of God was then verie darke it lay so much in types and figures in compasson that it is now Christ being come and ascended at whom those did but aime and poynte at a farre off and that therefore in that respect Paule might truely and iustly say that the night was past and the day come Rom. 13.12 and also magnifie the ministerie of the newe Testament as farre more glorious than that of the olde as most notablie he doth 2. Cor. 3.6 c For then they had but the light of the moone and the starres to direct them whereas we nowe haue the brightnesse of the shining sonne and theirs in comparison was but of the letter and of death and ours is of the spirite of life as Paule sheweth there And therefore how can it be otherwise but that the effectes and fruits of the Spirite beeing conformable in some good measure to the ministry wherby it worketh but that now since his comming and glorification they shoulde be in his as riuers of water of life flowing out of their bellies whereas before they were in comparison but like vnto the little and soft running water from out of the fountaine of Siloah at the foote of the mount Syon And somewhat it maketh the better to make vs vnderstande both what Christ saide and did as Iohn heere hath set it down that Tremelius noteth vpō this place For he telleth vs that the Iewes in their Talmud in the tract of the feast of Tabernacles Chapter Chal. shewe that the last day of that feast was the greatest because as they say their ancient Doctors taught them that whereas the other daies thereof they shoulde in ioy onely once circuit the Altar carrying boughes and palmes in their handes and crying Hosannah that is saue I pray this last day by tradition as they tooke it from Haggai and Zachariah they were so to doe seauen times crying both Hosannah and Hatzlicannah that is saue vs I pray thee and make vs to prosper oftentimes with a lowde voyce and further he reporteth that there it is set downe as the fashion of that people receiued by the tradition as they tooke it from the same Prophets that that day they vsed with greate ioy to drawe water out of the fountaine of Syloach and to carry it to the Priestes that they might powre it vpon the Altar with the drinke offering of wine hauing in the meane time that songe cheerefully alowde which we read Esay 12.3 You shall drawe waters with ioy out of the fountaine of saluation which whiles they did they thought they serued God highly and prouoked him to bestow the Spirit of prophesie vpon them as superstitiously they dreamed that he did vpon Ionas whiles he was so occupied Whereupon as he thinketh it might well be that Iesus tooke occasion as that day standing whereas otherwise when he taught he vsed to sit and to speake but in an ordinarie voyce to cry vnto them that so the better for all that noyse and stirre he might be heard of them If any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke he that beleeueth in me as saith the scripture out of his belly shall flowe riuers of water of life so to draw them from that superstitious fashion indeede to drawe water of life out of him the fountaine of liuing waters as he is termed Iere. 2.3 All these things therefore now thus laide and considered togither I hope you vnderstand both Christ and Iohn in these wordes of my text and perceiue what other occasion soeuer he had he had heerein a purpose to promise them that directly come vnto him by drinking of him to satisfie their thirstie soules and that leauing running to all other rotten cesternes that could holde no water they should finde him no drie fountaine but a fountaine to fill them so that they shoulde runne ouer againe therwith to the watering of others and