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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586

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is written by the prophete 6 And thou Bethlehem in the lande of Iuda art not the least among the princes of Iuda For out of thee shall there come a capitain that shal gouerne my people Israel 7 Then Herode when he had priuilye called the wyse men inquired of thē diligently what tyme the starre appeared 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem and sayde Go and search diligently for the young childe and when ye haue founde hym bryng me worde agayne that I may come and worship hym also 9 ☞ When they had hearde the kyng they departed and loe the starre which they sawe in the east went before them tyl it came stoode ouer the place wherin the young chylde was 10 When they sawe the starre they reioyced excedyngly with great ioy 11 And went into the house and founde the young chylde with Marie his mother and fell downe and worshypped hym and opened their treasures and presented vnto hym gyftes golde and frankensence and mirre 12 And after they were warned of God in a dreame that they shoulde not go agayne to Herode they returned into their owne countrey another way ☜ 13 When they were departed beholde the Angel of the Lord appeared to Ioseph in a dreame saying Aryse take the young chylde and his mother and flee into Egipte and be thou there tyll I bryng thee worde For it wyll come to passe that Herode shall seke y e young chylde to destroy hym 14 When he arose he toke the young chylde and his mother by nyght and departed into Egipt 15 And was there vnto the death of Herode that it myght be fulfylled whiche was spoken of the Lorde by the prophete saying Out of Egipte haue I called my sonne 16 Then Herode when he sawe that he was mocked of the wyse men was excedyng wroth and sent foorth and slew all the chyldren that were in Bethlehē and in all the coastes as many as were two yere olde or vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched out of the wyse men 17 Then was fulfylled that which was spoken by Ieremie the prophete saying 18 In Rama was there a voyce hearde lamentation wepyng great mournyng Rachel weping for her children and woulde not be comforted because they were not ☜ 19 ☞ But when Herode was dead beholde an Angel of the Lorde appeared to Ioseph in a dreame in Egipt saying 20 Aryse and take the young chylde and his mother and go into the lande of Israel For they are dead whiche sought the young chyldes lyfe 21 And he arose toke the young chylde and his mother came into the lande of Israel 22 But when he hearde that Archelaus dyd reigne in Iurie in the rowme of his father Herode he was afrayde to go thyther Notwithstandyng after he was warned of God in a dreame he turned aside into the parties of Galilee 23 And went and dwelt in a citie which is called Nazareth that it myght be fulfylled which was spoken by the prophetes He shal be called a Nazarite ▪ ¶ The .iij. Chapter ¶ 1 Iohns preachyng office lyfe baptisme 7 reprehendyng of the Pharisees 13 and baptizyng of Christe in Iordane 1 IN those dayes came Iohn the Baptist preachyng in the wyldernesse of Iurie and saying 2 Repent for the kingdome of heauen is at hande 3 For this is he of whom it is spoken by the prophete Esayas saying The voyce of one crying in the wyldernesse prepare ye the way of the Lorde make his pathes strayght 4 This Iohn had his rayment of Camels heere and a girdle of a skynne about his loynes his meate was locustes and wylde hony 5 Then went out to hym Hierusalem and all Iurie and all the region rounde about Iordane 6 And were baptized of hym in Iordane confessying their sinnes 7 But when he sawe many of the Pharisees and Saducees come to his baptisme he sayde vnto them O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the anger to come 8 Bryng foorth therefore fruites meete for repentaunce 9 And be not of suche mynde that ye woulde say within your selues we haue Abraham to our father For I say vnto you that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham 10 Euen now is the axe also put vnto the roote of the trees therefore euery tree which bryngeth not foorth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire 11 I baptize you in water vnto repentaunce But he that shall come after me is mightier then I whose shoes I am not worthy to beare he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire 12 Whose fanne is in his hande and he wyll purge his floore and gather his wheate into his garner but wyl burne vp the chaffe with vnquencheable fire 13 Then commeth Iesus from Galilee to Iordane vnto Iohn to be baptized of hym 14 But Iohn forbad hym saying I haue nede to be baptized of thee and commest thou to me 15 Iesus aunsweryng sayde vnto hym Suffer it to be so nowe For thus it becommeth vs to fulfyll all righteousnes Then he suffred hym 16 And Iesus when he was baptized came strayghtwaye out of the water and loe the heauens was open vnto hym and Iohn sawe the spirite of God descendyng lyke a doue and lyghtyng vpon hym 17 And loe there came a voyce from the heauens saying This is my beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased ¶ The .iiij. Chapter ¶ 1 Christe fasteth is tempted 17 he begynneth to preache 18 he calleth Peter Andrewe Iames and Iohn and healeth all the sicke 1 THen was Iesus ledde away of the spirite into wyldernesse to be tempted of the deuyll 2 And when he had fasted fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes he was afterwarde an hungred 3 And when the tempter came to hym he sayde If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made breade 4 But he aunswered and sayde it is written Man shall not lyue by breade only but by euery worde that proceadeth out of the mouth of God 5 Then the deuyll taketh hym vp into the holy citie and setteth hym on a pinacle of the temple 6 And saith vnto hym If thou be the sonne of God cast thy selfe downe For it is written He shall geue his Angels charge ouer thee with their handes they shall lyft thee vp lest at any tyme thou dashe thy foote agaynst a stone 7 And Iesus sayde to hym It is written agayne Thou shalt not tempt the Lorde thy God 8 Agayne the deuyll taketh hym vp into an exceadyng hye mountayne and sheweth hym all the kyngdomes of the worlde and the glorie of them 9 And sayth vnto hym All these wyll I geue thee yf thou wylt fall downe and worshyp me 10 Thē sayth Iesus vnto hym Auoyde Sathan For it is written Thou shalt worshyp the Lorde thy God and hym
see the sepulchre 2 And behold there was a great earthquake for the Angell of the Lorde descended from heauen and came roulled backe the stone from the doore and sate vpon it 3 His countenaunce was lyke lyghtnyng and his rayment white as snowe 4 And for feare of him the kepers were astonyed and became as dead men 5 The Angell aunswered and sayde vnto the women feare ye not For I knowe that ye seke Iesus whiche was crucified 6 He is not here he is rysen as he saide Come se the place where that the Lord was layde 7 And go quickly tell his disciples that he is rysen agayne from the dead And beholde he goeth before you into Galilee there shall ye see hym Loe I haue tolde you ☜ 8 ☞ And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with feare and great ioy and dyd runne to bryng his disciples worde 9 And as they went to tell his disciples beholde Iesus met them saying All hayle And they came and helde him by the feete and worshypped hym 10 Then sayde Iesus vnto them be not afrayde Go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee there shal they see me 11 When they were gone beholde some of the watche came into the citie and shewed vnto the hye priestes all the thynges that were done 12 And they gathered thē together with the elders and toke councell and gaue large money vnto the souldiers 13 Saying Saye ye that his disciples came by nyght stole hym away while ye slept 14 And yf this come to the deputies eares we wyll perswade hym and saue you harmelesse 15 So they toke the money dyd as they were taught And this saying is noysed among the Iewes vntyl this day ☜ 16 ☞ Then the eleuen disciples went awaye into Galilee into a mountayne where Iesus had appoynted them 17 And when they sawe hym they worshypped hym But some doubted 18 And Iesus came and spake vnto thē saying All power is geuen vnto me in heauen and in earth 19 Go ye therfore teache all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holye ghost 20 Teachyng thē to obserue all thynges whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you And loe I am with you alway euen vnto the ende of the worlde ☜ ¶ Here endeth the Gospell by Saint Matthaewe ❧ The Gospell by Saint Marke ¶ The first Chapter ¶ 2 The office of Iohn the Baptist 9 The baptisme of Christe 13 his fastyng 14 his preachyng 17 and the callyng of Peter Andrewe Iames Iohn 23 Christe healeth the man with the vncleane spirite 29 helpeth Peters mother in lawe 41 and clenseth the leper 1 THE begynnyng of the Gospel of Iesu Christ the sonne of God 2 As it hath ben written in the prophetes Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy waye before thee 3 A voyce of hym that crieth in the wyldernesse Prepare ye the waye of the Lorde and make his pathes strayght 4 Iohn did baptize in the wyldernesse and preached the baptisme of repentaunce for the remission of sinnes 5 And all the land of Iurie and they of Hierusal● went out vnto hym and were all ●●ptized of hym in the ryuer of Iordan●●onfessyng their synnes 6 Iohn ●s clothed with Camelles heere a●● with a girdle of a skynne about his loynes and he did eate locustes and wylde hony 7 And preached saying He that is stronger then I commeth after me whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to stowpe downe and vnloose 8 I haue baptized you with water but he shal baptize you with the holy ghost 9 And it came to passe in those dayes that Iesus came frō Nazareth of Galilee was baptized of Iohn in Iordane 10 And assone as he was come vp out of the water he sawe heauen open the spirite descending vpon him like a doue 11 And there came a voyce from heauen Thou art my deare sonne in whom I am well pleased 12 And immediatly the spirite driueth hym into wyldernesse 13 And he was there in the wyldernesse fourtie dayes and was tempted of Satan was with wylde beastes And the Angels ministred vnto hym 14 After that Iohn was deliuered to prison Iesus came into Galilee preachyng the Gospell of the kyngdome of God 15 And saying The tyme is come and the kyngdome of God is at hande repent and beleue the Gospell 16 As he walked by the sea of Galilee he sawe Simon and Andrewe his brother castyng nettes into the sea for they were fysshers 17 And Iesus saide vnto them Folowe me and I wyll make you to become fysshers of men 18 And strayghtway they forsoke their nettes and folowed hym 19 And when he had gone a litle further thence he saw Iames the sonne of Zebedee and Iohn his brother which also were in the shippe mendyng their nettes 20 And anone he called them And they lefte their father Zebedee in the shippe with the hired seruauntes and folowed hym 21 And they came into Capernaum strayghtway on the Sabboth dayes he entred into the synagogue taught 22 And they were astonyed at his learnyng For he taught them as one that had aucthoritie not as the Scribes 23 And there was in their synagogue a man vexed with an vncleane spirite he cried 24 Saying Alas what haue we to do with thee thou Iesus of Nazareth Art thou come to destroy vs I knowe thee what thou art euen that holy one of God 25 And Iesus rebuked hym saying holde thy peace and come out of hym 26 And when the vncleane spirite hadde torne hym cryed with a loude voyce he came out of hym 27 And they were all amased insomuch that they demaunded one of another among them selues saying What thing is this What newe doctrine is this For with aucthoritie commaunded he the fowle spirites and they obeyed him 28 And immediatly his fame spread abrode throughout all the region borderyng on Galilee 29 And foorthwith when they were come out of the synagogue they entred into the house of Simon and Andrewe with Iames and Iohn 30 But Simons wyues mother lay sicke of a feuer anone they tell hym of her 31 And he came toke her by the hande and lyft her vp and immediatly the feuer forsoke her and she ministred vnto them 32 And at euen when the sonne was downe they brought vnto hym all that were diseased and them that were vexed with deuyls 33 And all the citie was gathered together at the dore 34 And he healed many that were sicke of diuers diseases and caste out many deuyls and suffred not the deuyls to speake because they knewe hym 35 And in the mornyng before day Iesus when he was rysen vp departed and went out into a solitarie place and there prayed 36 And Simon they that were with hym folowed after hym 37
with God 3 All thynges were made by it and without it was made nothyng that was made 4 In it was lyfe and the lyfe was the lyght of men 5 And the lyght shyneth in darkenesse and the darknesse comprehended it not 6 There was a man sent from God whose name was Iohn 7 The same came for a witnesse to beare witnesse of the lyght that all men through hym myght beleue 8 He was not that lyght but was sent to beare witnesse of the lyght 9 That lyght was the true lyght which lyghteth euery man that commeth into the worlde 10 He was in the worlde and the worlde was made by hym and the worlde knewe hym not 11 He came among his owne and his owne receaued hym not 12 But as many as receaued hym to them gaue he power to be the sonnes of God euen them that beleued on his name 13 Which were borne not of blood nor of the wyll of the fleshe nor yet of the wyll of man but of God 14 * And the same word became fleshe and dwelt among vs and we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the only begotten sonne of the father full of grace and trueth ☜ 15 ☞ * Iohn beareth witnesse of hym and cryeth saying This was he of whom I spake he that commeth after me is preferred before me for he was before me 16 And of his fulnesse haue all we receaued and grace for grace 17 For the lawe was geuen by Moyses but grace and trueth came by Iesus Christe 18 * No man hath seene God at any tyme The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared hym ☜ 19 ☞ And this is the recorde of Iohn When the Iewes sent priestes and leuites from Hierusalem to aske hym What art thou 2● And he confessed and denyed not and sayde playnely I am not that Christe 21 And they asked hym What then art thou Elias And he sayth I am not Art thou that prophete And he aunswered no. 22 Then sayde they vnto hym What art thou that we may geue an aunswere to them that sent vs What sayest thou of thy selfe 23 He sayde I am the voyce of a cryer in the wildernesse make strayght the way of the Lorde as sayde the prophete Esaias 24 And they which were sent were of the pharisees 25 And they asked hym and sayde vnto hym Why baptizest thou then yf thou be not Christe nor Elias neither that prophete 26 Iohn aunswered them saying I baptize with water but there standeth one among you whom ye knowe not 27 He it is which though he came after me was before me whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to vnloose 28 These thynges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordane where Iohn dyd baptize ☜ 29 ☞ The next day Iohn seeth Iesus comming vnto hym and saith beholde the lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the worlde 30 This is he of whom I sayde After me commeth a man which is preferred before me for he was before me 31 And I knewe hym not but that he shoulde be declared to Israel therfore am I come baptizing with water 32 And Iohn bare recorde saying I sawe the spirite descende from heauen lyke vnto a doue and abode vpon hym 33 And knewe hym not But he that sent me to baptize with water the same saide vnto me vpon whom thou shalt see the spirite descende and tary styll on hym the same is he which baptizeth with the holy ghost 34 And I sawe and bare recorde that he is the sonne of God ☜ 35 The next day after Iohn stoode agayne and two of his disciples 36 And he behelde Iesus as he walked by sayth beholde the lambe of God 37 And the two disciples hearde hym speake and they folowed Iesus 38 And Iesus turned about and sawe them folowe hym sayth vnto them What seeke ye They sayde vnto hym Rabbi which is to say yf one interprete it Maister where dwellest thou 39 He sayeth vnto them come and see They came and sawe where he dwelt and abode with hym that day For it was about the tenth houre 40 One of the two which hearde Iohn speake folowed hym was Andrewe Simon Peters brother 41 The same founde his brother Simon first and sayth vnto hym We haue founde Messias which is by interpretation the annoynted 42 And brought hym to Iesus And Iesus behelde hym and sayde Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona thou shalt be called Cephas which is by interpretation a stone 43 The day folowyng Iesus woulde go into Galilee founde Philip and sayth vnto hym folowe me 44 Philip was of Bethsaida the citie of Andrewe and Peter 45 Philip founde Nathanael and sayth vnto hym We haue founde hym of whom Moyses in the lawe and the prophetes dyd write Iesus of Nazareth the sonne of Ioseph 46 And Nathanael sayde vnto hym * Can there any good thyng come out of Nazareth Philip sayth vnto him come and see 47 Iesus sawe Nathanael commyng to hym sayeth of hym Beholde a ryght Israelite in whom is no guile 48 Nathanael sayth vnto hym Whence knewest thou me Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto hym Before that Philip called thee when thou wast vnder the fygge tree I sawe thee 49 Nathanael aunswered and sayde vnto hym Rabbi thou art euen the very sonne of God thou art y e kyng of Israel 50 Iesus aunswered sayde vnto hym Because I sayde vnto thee I saw thee vnder the fygge tree thou beleuest Thou shalt see greater thynges then these 51 And he sayth vnto hym Veryly veryly I say vnto you hereafter shall ye see heauen open and the Angels of God ascendyng descendyng vpon the sonne of man ☜ ¶ The .ij. Chapter ¶ 7 Christe begynneth to worke miracles and turned water into wyne 12 he goeth to Capernaum and so ascendeth to Hierusalem 14 he casteth buyers and sellers out of the temple 19 he forewarneth his death and resurrection 23 and many beleue in hym when they see his miracles 1 AND the thirde day was there a mariage in Cana a citie of Galilee and the mother of Iesus was there 2 And Iesus was called and his disciples vnto the mariage 3 And whē the wyne fayled the mother of Iesus sayth vnto hym they haue no wyne 4 Iesus saith vnto her Woman what haue I to do with thee myne houre is not yet come 5 His mother sayth vnto the ministers Whatsoeuer he sayth vnto you do it 6 And there were set there sixe water pottes of stone after the maner of the purifiyng of the Iewes conteynyng two or three firkins a peece 7 Iesus sayth vnto them fyll the water pottes with water And they fylled them vp to the brym 8 And he sayth vnto them drawe out nowe and beare vnto the gouernour of feast And they bare it 9
When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wyne and knewe not whence it was but the ministers which drewe the water knewe the gouernour of the feast calleth the brydegrome 10 And sayth vnto hym Euery man at the begynnyng doth set foorth good wine and when men haue well dronke then that which is worse But thou hast kept the good wyne vntyll nowe 11 This begynnyng of miracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galilee and shewed his glory his disciples beleued on hym ☜ 12 After this he went downe to Capernaum he and his mother and his brethren and his disciples and there continued not many dayes 13 ☞ And the Iewes Passouer was at hande Iesus went vp to Hierusalem 14 And founde sittyng in the temple those that solde oxen and sheepe and doues and chaungers of money 15 And when he had made as it were a scourge of small cordes he droue them all out of the temple with the sheepe oxen and powred out the chaungers money and ouerthrewe the tables 16 And saide vnto them that solde doues Haue these thinges hence and make not my fathers house an house of marchaundize 17 And his disciples remembred that it was written The zeale of thine house hath euen eaten me 18 Then aunswered the Iewes sayde vnto hym What token shewest thou vnto vs seeyng that thou doest these thynges 19 Iesus aunswered sayde vnto them Destroy this temple in three dayes I wyll reare it vp 20 Then sayde the Iewes fourtie and sixe yeres was this temple a buildyng and wilt thou reare it vp in three dayes 21 But he spake of the temple of his body 22 Assoone therfore as he was rysen from death agayne his disciples remembred that he thus had sayde And they beleued the scripture the wordes which Iesus had sayde 23 When he was in Hierusalem at the Passouer in the feast day many beleued on his name when they sawe his miracles which he dyd 24 But Iesus dyd not commit hym selfe vnto them because he knewe all men 25 And neded not that any shoulde testifie of man For he knewe what was in man ☜ ¶ The .iij. Chapter ¶ Christe teacheth Nicodemus 15 Of fayth 16 The loue of God towarde the worlde ●● Condemnation 25 Iohn baptizeth 27 Iohn teacheth his disciples 1 THere was a man of the pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Iewes 2 The same came to Iesus by night said vnto him Rabbi we knowe that thou art a teacher come from God for no man coulde do these miracles that thou doest except God were with him 3 Iesus aunswered sayde vnto hym Veryly veryly I say vnto thee except a man be borne agayne he can not see the kyngdome of God 4 Nicodemus sayth vnto hym Howe can a man be borne when he is olde can he enter into his mothers wombe and be borne agayne 5 Iesus aunswered Veryly veryly I say vnto thee except a man be borne of water and of the spirite he can not enter into the kyngdome of God 6 That which is borne of the fleshe is fleshe and that which is borne of the spirite is spirite 7 Maruayle not thou that I sayde to thee ye must be borne agayne 8 The wynde bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the sounde therof but canst not tell whence it commeth and whither it goeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite 9 Nicodemus aunswered and sayde vnto hym howe can these thynges be 10 Iesus aunswered sayde vnto hym Art thou a maister in Israel and knowest not these thynges 11 Veryly veryly I say vnto thee we speake that we do knowe testifie that we haue seene and ye receaue not our witnesse 12 If I haue tolde you earthly thynges and ye beleue not howe shall ye beleue yf I tell you of heauenly thynges 13 * And no man ascendeth vp to heauen but he that came downe from heauen euen the sonne of man which is in heauen 14 * And as Moyses lyft vp the serpent in the wyldernesse euen so must the sonne of man be lyft vp 15 That whosoeuer beleueth in hym perishe not but haue eternall lyfe ☜ 16 ☞ * For God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shoulde not perishe but haue euerlastyng lyfe 17 For God sent not his sonne into the worlde to condempne the worlde but that the worlde through hym myght be saued He that beleueth on hym is not condempned 18 But he that beleueth not is condempned alredy because he hath not beleued in the name of the only begottē sonne of God 19 And this is the condempnation that lyght is come into the worlde and men loued darknesse rather then lyght because their deedes were euyll 20 For euery one that euyll doeth hateth the lyght neither commeth to the light lest his deedes shoulde be reproued 21 But he that doeth trueth cōmeth to the lyght y t his deedes may be knowen howe that they are wrought in God ☜ 22 After these thynges came Iesus and his disciples into the lande of Iurie and there he taryed with thē * baptized 23 And Iohn also baptized in Enon besides Salim because there was much water there and they came and were baptized 24 For Iohn was not yet cast into prison 25 ☞ And there arose a question betwene Iohns disciples and the Iewes about purifiyng 26 And they came vnto Iohn and sayde vnto hym Rabbi he that was with thee beyonde Iordane to whom thou barest witnesse beholde the same baptizeth and all men come to hym 27 Iohn aunswered and sayde A man can receaue nothyng except it be geuen hym from heauen 28 Ye your selues are witnesses howe that I sayde I am not Christe but am sent before hym 29 He that hath y e bride is the bridegrome But the friende of the brydegrome which standeth heareth him reioyceth greatly because of y e brydegromes voyce This my ioy therfore is fulfylled 30 He must increace but I must decreace 31 He that commeth from an hye is aboue all He that is of the earth is earthlye and speaketh of the earth He that commeth from heauen is aboue all 32 And what he hath seene and hearde that he testifieth and no man receaueth his testimonie 33 He that hath receaued his testimonie hath set to his seale that God is true 34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the wordes of God For God geueth not the spirite by measure vnto hym 35 The father loueth the sonne and hath geuen all thynges into his hande 36 He that beleueth on the sonne hath euerlastyng lyfe He that beleueth not the sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abydeth on hym ☜ ❧ The .iiij. Chapter ¶ 7 Christe weryed asketh water of the woman of Samaria 10 The liuely water 24 He teacheth true worshippe 26
He confesseth hym selfe to be Messias 29 The woman sheweth the citizens that Christe is come 32 Christes meate 39 The Samaritanes beleue Christe 45 Christe is receaued of the Galileans 50 He healeth y e rulers sonne 1 ASsoone as the Lord knew how the pharisees had heard that Iesus made and baptized mo disciples then Iohn 2 Though that Iesus hym selfe baptized not but his disciples 3 He left Iurie and departed agayne into Galilee 4 For it was so that he must needes go through Samaria 5 Then came he to a citie of Samaria which is called Sichar besydes the possession that Iacob gaue to his sonne Ioseph 6 And there was Iacobs well Iesus then beyng wery of his iourney sate thus on the well And it was about the sixt houre 7 And there came a woman of Samaria to drawe water Iesus sayth vnto her geue me drynke 8 For his disciples were gone away vnto the towne to bye meate 9 Then sayth the woman of Samaria vnto hym Howe is it that thou beyng a Iewe askest drynke of me which am a Samaritane For the Iewes meddle not with the Samaritanes 10 Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto her yf thou knewest the gyft of God who it is that sayeth to thee geue me drynke thou wouldest haue asked of hym and he woulde haue geuen thee water of lyfe 11 The woman sayth vnto hym Syr thou hast nothyng to drawe with and the well is deepe from whence then hast thou that water of lyfe 12 Art thou greater then our father Iacob which gaue vs the well and he hym selfe dranke therof and his chyldren and his cattell 13 Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto her Whosoeuer drynketh of this water shal thyrst agayne 14 But whosoeuer drynketh of the water that I shall geue hym shall neuer be more a thyrst but the water that I shall geue him shal be in him a well of water spryngyng vp into euerlastyng lyfe 15 The woman sayth vnto hym Syr geue me of that water that I thyrst not neither come hyther to drawe 16 Iesus sayth vnto her Go call thy husbande and come hyther 17 The woman aunswered and sayde vnto hym I haue no husbande Iesus sayde vnto her Thou hast well sayde I haue no husbande 18 For thou hast had fyue husbandes and he whom thou now hast is not thy husbande In that saydest thou truely 19 The woman sayth vnto hym Syr I perceaue that thou art a prophete 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountayne and ye say that in Hierusalem is the place where men ought to worshippe 21 Iesus sayth vnto her woman beleue me the houre commeth when ye shall neither in this mountayne nor yet at Hierusalem worshippe the father 22 Ye worshippe ye wote not what We knowe what we worshippe For saluation commeth of the Iewes 23 But the houre commeth and nowe is when the true worshippers shall worshippe the father in spirite and in the trueth For such the father also requireth to worshippe hym 24 God is a spirite and they that worshippe hym ▪ must worshippe hym in spirite and in the trueth 25 The woman sayth vnto hym I wote that Messias shal come which is called Christe When he is come he wyll tell vs all thynges 26 Iesus sayth vnto her I that speake vnto thee am he 27 And immediatly came his disciples and marueyled that he talked with the woman Yet no man saide what seekest thou or why talkest thou with her 28 The woman then left her water pot and went her way into the citie sayth to the men 29 Come see a man which tolde me all thynges that euer I dyd Is not he Christe 30 Then they went out of the citie and came vnto hym 31 In the meane whyle his disciples prayed hym saying Maister eate 32 He sayde vnto them I haue meate to eate that ye wote not of 33 Therfore sayde the disciples among them selues Hath any man brought hym ought to eate 34 Iesus sayth vnto them my meate is to do the wyll of hym that sent me and to finishe his worke 35 Say not ye there are yet foure monethes and then commeth haruest Beholde I say vnto you lyft vp your eyes and loke on the regions for they are whyte alredy vnto haruest 36 And he that reapeth receaueth wages and gathereth fruite vnto lyfe eternall that both he that soweth he that reapeth myght reioyce together 37 And herein is the saying true that one soweth and another reapeth 38 I sent you to reape that wheron ye bestowed no labour Other men laboured and ye are entred into their labours 39 Many of the Samaritanes of that citie beleued on hym for the saying of the woman which testified that he tolde her all that euer she dyd 40 So when the Samaritanes were come vnto hym they besought hym that he would tary with them And he abode there two dayes 41 And many mo beleued because of his owne worde 42 And sayde vnto the woman Nowe we beleue not because of thy saying for we haue heard him our selues know that this is euen Christe the sauiour of the worlde ☜ 43 After two dayes he departed thence and went away into Galilee 44 For Iesus hym selfe testified that a prophete hath none honour in his owne countrey 45 Then assoone as he was come into Galilee the Galileans receaued hym when they had seene all the thynges that he dyd at Hierusalem at the day of the feast For they went also vnto the feast day 46 So Iesus came agayne into Cana of Galilee where he turned the water into wyne ☞ And there was a certayne ruler whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum 47 Assoone as the same hearde that Iesus was come out of Iurie into Galilee he went vnto hym and besought hym that he woulde come downe and heale his sonne For he was euen at the poynt of death 48 Then sayde Iesus vnto hym except ye see signes and wonders ye wyll not beleue 49 The ruler sayth vnto hym Syr come downe or euer that my sonne dye 50 Iesus sayth vnto hym Go thy way thy sonne lyueth The man beleued the worde that Iesus had spoken vnto hym and he went his way 51 And as he was nowe goyng downe the seruauntes met hym and tolde him saying thy sonne lyueth 52 Then enquired he of them the houre when he began to amende And they sayde vnto hym Yesterday at the seuenth houre the feuer left hym 53 So the father knewe that it was the same houre in the which Iesus sayde vnto hym thy sonne lyueth And he beleued and all his householde ☜ 54 This is agayne the seconde miracle that Iesus dyd when he was come out of Iurie into Galilee ¶ The .v. Chapter 5 Christe healed on the Sabboth the man that was sicke thirtie and eyght yeres 10 the pharisees accuse hym 1● Christe aunswereth for hym selfe reproueth them 32 shewyng by the testimonie of his father 33 of Iohn
sepulchre and sawe the lynnen clothes lye 7 And the napkin y t was about his head not lying with the linnen clothes but wrapped together in a place by it selfe 8 Then went in also that other disciple whiche came first to the sepulchre and he sawe and beleued 9 For as yet they knew not y e scripture that he should rise agayne from death 10 Then the disciples wēt away agayne vnto their owne house 11 ☞ Marie stoode without at the sepulchre weepyng So as she wepte she bowed her selfe into the sepulchre 12 And seeth two angels clothed in white sittyng the one at the head the other at the feete where the body of Iesus was layde 13 They saye vnto her Woman why weepest thou She saith vnto thē For they haue taken away my Lorde I wote not where they haue layde him 14 When she had thus sayde she turned her selfe backe and sawe Iesus standyng and knewe not that it was Iesus 15 Iesus saith vnto her Woman why weepest thou Whom sekest thou She supposing that he had ben the gardener saith vnto him Sir if thou haue borne him hence tel me where thou hast layde hym and I wyll fet hym 16 Iesus sayth vnto her Marie She turned her selfe and sayde vnto hym Rabboni which is to say Maister 17 Iesus saith vnto her Touche me not for I am not yet ascended to my father But go to my brethren and saye vnto them I ascende vnto my father and your father and to my God your God 18 * Marie Magdalene came and tolde the disciples that she had seene y e Lorde and that he had spoken suche thynges vnto her ☜ 19 ☞ The same day at nyght whiche was the first day of the Sabbothes when the doores were shut where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stoode in the myddes and sayth vnto them peace be vnto you 20 And when he had so sayde he shewed vnto them his handes his syde Then were the disciples glad when they sawe the Lorde 21 Then sayde Iesus to them agayne peace be vnto you As my father sent me euen so sende I you also 22 And when he had saide those wordes he breathed on them saith vnto them Receaue ye the holy ghost 23 Whosoeuers sinnes ye remit they are remitted vnto them And whosoeuers sinnes ye retayne they are retayned ☜ 24 ☞ But Thomas one of the twelue which is called Didymus was not with them when Iesus came 25 The other disciples therfore sayde vnto hym we haue seene the Lorde But he sayde vnto them Except I see in his handes the print of the nayles and put my fynger into the prynt of the nayles and thruste my hande into his syde I wyll not beleue 26 And after eyght dayes againe his disciples were within and Thomas with them Then came Iesus when the doores were shutte and stoode in the myddes and sayde peace be vnto you 27 After that said he to Thomas Bring thy fynger hyther and see my handes reache hyther thy hande and thrust it into my syde and be not faythlesse but beleuyng 28 Thomas aunswered and sayde vnto hym My Lorde and my God 29 Iesus sayth vnto hym Thomas because thou hast seene me thou hast beleued Blessed are they that haue not seene and yet haue beleued ☜ 30 And many other signes truely dyd Iesus in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this booke 31 These are written that ye myght beleue that Iesus is Christe the sonne of God and that in beleuyng ye myght haue lyfe through his name ¶ The .xxj. Chapter 1 Christe appeared to his disciples when they were fisshyng 6 they take a great multitude of fisshes 7 Peter leapeth into the water 15 Christe restoreth Peter to his office and commaunded hym to feede his sheepe 19 Christe forewarneth Peter of his death and persecution 20 Peter stayed lokyng at Iohn 25 Of Christes many folde miracles 1 AFterward dyd Iesus shew him selfe againe to his disciples at the sea of Tiberias And on this wyse shewed he hym selfe 2 There were together Simon Peter and Thomas which is called Didymus and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee and the sonnes of Zebedee two other of his disciples 3 Simon Peter saith vnto them I wyl go a fisshyng They say vnto hym We also wyll go with thee They wēt their way and entred into a shippe immediatly that nyght caught they nothyng 4 But when the mornyng was nowe come Iesus stoode on the shore Neuerthelesse the disciples knewe not that it was Iesus 5 Iesus sayth vnto them Children haue ye any meate They aunswered hym no. 6 And he saith vnto them Cast out the net on the ryght syde of the shippe and ye shall fynde They cast out therefore and anone they were not able to drawe it for the multitude of fisshes 7 Then sayde the disciple whom Iesus loued vnto Peter It is the Lord. Whē Simon Peter hearde that it was the Lorde he gyrde his coate vnto him for he was naked and sprang into the sea 8 The other disciples came by shippe for they were not farre from lande but as it were two hundred cubites And they drewe the net with fisshes 9 Assoone then as they were come to lande they sawe whot coales and fisshe layde theron and bread 10 Iesus saith vnto them Bryng of the fisshe which ye haue nowe caught 11 Simon Peter went vp and drewe the net to the lande full of great fisshes an hundred and fiftie and three And for all there were so many yet was not the net broken 12 Iesus sayth vnto them come and dyne And none of the disciples durst aske hym who art thou For they knewe that it was the Lorde 13 Iesus then came and toke bread and gaue them and fisshe lykewyse 14 This is nowe the thirde tyme that Iesus appeared to his disciples after that he was risen agayne from death ☜ 15 So when they had dyned Iesus saith to Simon Peter Simon Ioanna louest thou me more then these He sayd vnto hym Yea Lorde thou knowest that I loue thee He sayth vnto hym feede my lambes 16 He sayth to hym agayne the seconde tyme Simon Ioanna louest thou me He sayth vnto hym Yea Lorde thou knowest that I loue thee He sayde vnto hym feede my sheepe 17 He sayde vnto hym the thirde tyme Simon Ioanna louest thou me Peter was sory because he sayde vnto hym the thirde tyme louest thou me And he sayde vnto hym Lorde thou knowest all thynges thou knowest that I loue thee Iesus sayth vnto hym feede my sheepe 18 Veryly veryly I say vnto thee when thou wast young thou gyrdedst thy selfe and walkedst whither thou wouldest but when thou shalt be olde thou shalt stretch foorth thy handes and another shall gyrde thee and leade thee whither thou wouldest not 19 That spake he signifiyng by what death he
guyde And he desired Philip that he woulde come vp and sit with hym 32 The tenour of the scripture which he read was this He was ledde as a sheepe to the slaughter lyke a lambe dumbe before his shearer so opened he not his mouth 33 In his humilitie his iudgement is exalted But who shall declare his generation For his lyfe is taken from the earth 34 And the Eunuche aunswered Philip and sayde I pray thee of whom speaketh the prophete this Of hym selfe or of some other man 35 Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached vnto hym Iesus 36 And as they went on their way they came vnto a certayne water and the Eunuche sayde See here is water what doth let me to be baptized 37 Philip sayde vnto hym If thou beleuest with all thine heart thou mayest And he aunswered and saide I beleue that Iesus Christe is the sonne of God 38 And he commaunded the charet to stande styll and they went downe both into the water both Philip and also the Eunuche and he baptized hym 39 And assoone as they were come out of the water the spirite of y e Lorde caught away Philip that the Eunuche sawe hym no more And he went on his way reioycyng 40 But Philip was founde at Azotus And he walked throughout the countrey preachyng in all the cities tyll he came to Cesarea ☜ ❧ The .ix. Chapter 3 The conuertion of Saule 25 Paule escapeth the Iewes conspiracies 26 he goeth vp to the Apostles 34 Peter healeth Eneas 40 and rayseth vp Tabitha 1 AND Saul yet breathyng out threatnings and slaughter agaynst the disciples of y e Lord went vnto y e hie priest 2 And desired of him letlers to carrye to Damascus to the synagogues * that yf he founde any of this waye whether they were men or women he myght bryng them bounde vnto Hierusalem 3 And when he iourneyed it came to passe that as he was come nye to Damascus sodenly there shyned rounde about hym a lyght from heauen 4 And he fell to the earth and hearde a voyce saying to him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me 5 And he sayde Who art thou Lorde And the Lorde said I am Iesus whō thou persecutest It is harde for thee to kicke agaynst the prickes 6 And he both tremblyng and astonyed sayde Lord what wylt thou haue me to do And the Lorde sayde vnto hym Aryse and go into the citie and it shal be tolde thee what thou must do 7 The men also which iourneyed with him stoode amased hearing a voyce but seyng no man 8 And Saul arose from the earth and when he opened his eyes he sawe no man But they ledde him by the hande and brought hym into Damascus 9 And he was three dayes without syght and neither dyd eate nor drynke 10 And there was a certayne disciple at Damascus named Ananias to him sayde the Lorde in a vision Ananias And he said Behold I am here Lorde 11 And the Lorde sayde vnto hym aryse and go into the streate whiche is called strayght and seeke in the house of Iudas after one called Saul of Tarsus for beholde he prayeth 12 And hath seene in a vision a man named Ananias commyng in to hym and puttyng his handes on hym that he myght receaue his syght 13 Then Ananias aunswered Lorde I haue heard by many of this man how much euyll he hath done to thy saintes at Hierusalem 14 And here he hath aucthoritie of y e hye priestes to bynde all y e call on thy name 15 The Lord sayde vnto hym Go thy way for he is a chosen vessell vnto me to beare my name before the gentiles kynges and the chyldren of Israel 16 For I wyl shew hym how great thinges he must suffer for my names sake 17 And Ananias went his way and entred into the house and put his handes on hym and sayde Brother Saul the Lorde euen Iesus that appeared vnto thee in the waye as thou camest hath sent me that thou myghtest receaue thy syght be fylled with the holy ghost 18 And immediatly there fell from his eyes as it had ben scales he receaued syght foorthwith and arose and was baptized 19 And receaued meate and was comforted Then was Saul certaine dayes with the disciples whiche were at Damasco 20 And strayghtway he preached Christe in the synagogues that he was y e sonne of God 21 But all that hearde hym were amased and sayde Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Hierusalem and came hyther for that intent that he myght bryng thē bounde vnto the hye priestes 22 But Saule increased the more in strength and confounded the Iewes whiche dwelt at Damasco affirmyng that this was very Christe ☜ 23 And after that many dayes were fulfilled the Iewes toke counsell together to kyll hym 24 But their laying awayte was knowen of Saule And they watched y e gates day and nyght to kyll hym 25 Then the disciples toke him by night and put hym through the wall and let hym downe in a basket 26 And when Saule was come to Hierusalem he assayde to couple hym selfe to the disciples but they were all afrayde of hym beleued not that he was a disciple 27 But Barnabas toke hym brought hym to the Apostles and declared to them howe he had seene the Lorde in the way that he had spoken to hym and howe he had done boldely at Damasco in the name of Iesu 28 And he had his conuersation with thē at Hierusalem 29 Speakyng boldly in the name of the Lorde Iesu And he spake and disputed agaynst the Grekes but they went about to slea hym 30 Which whē the brethren knewe they brought hym to Cesarea and sent hym foorth to Tarsus 31 Then had the Churches rest throughout all Iurie and Galilee and Samaria and were edified and walked in the feare of the Lorde multiplied by the comfort of the holy ghost 32 And it came to passe as Peter walked throughout all quarters he came also to the Saintes which dwelt at Lydda 33 And there he founde a certayne man named Eneas which had kept his bed eyght yeres was sicke of the paulsie 34 And Peter sayde vnto hym Eneas Iesus Christe make thee whole aryse and make thy bedde And he arose immediatly 35 And all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron sawe hym and turned to the Lorde 36 There was also at Ioppa a certayne woman a disciple named Tabitha which by interpretatiō is called Dorcas the same was full of good workes and almes deedes which she dyd 37 And it came to passe in those dayes that she was sicke and dyed Whom when they had wasshed they layde her in an vpper chamber 38 And forasmuch as Lydda was nye to Ioppa and the disciples hadde hearde that Peter was there they sent vnto hym two men desyryng hym that he woulde
syghtes (b) The vilenesse of the punyshment declareth here that God detesteth pride and tyranny His gaundfather also was eaten of lice (c) The more that tyrantes go about to suppresse gods worde the more doth it increase and multiplie (a) The word signifieth to execute a publike office as the Apostles was so that here is shewed that they preached and prophesied dyd not offer a sacrifice or say masse at Antioche as some vntruely gather Actes xii d. Exod. vii a. and .viii. b. Actes viii b Iohn vi d. Actes xv g. Actes xii c. Exo xiiii a. Iosue xiii d Iudi. i. a. i Reg. viii a. i Reg. x. a. i Reg. viii a. i Reg. x. a. i Reg. xvi a. Psal 89. c. Psal 132. c. i Reg. vii b. Mark i. a. Luk. iii. c. Iohn i. d. Math. iii. b. Math. x. a. i Cor. ii b. Math. 27. c. Luk. xxiii d Actes i. ● Actes i. ● Psal ii a. Hebr. i. b. Esai lv b. (b) Meaning that he would faythfully accomplishe the promises which he made of his free mercie with the forefathers that Christ should be borne of the stocke of Dauid iii Reg. ii b. Luk. 24. g. Abacuc i. a. Acte● xi ● Math. x b. Esai xlix b. Luk. i. e. (c) These were welthie and substancial women and yet superstitious beyng led with a blynde zeale whom y e common people esteemed very Godly ▪ and therfore Luke speketh here of these women as y e worlde esteemed of them (d) This they dyd according to the commaundement of the Gospel for a witnesse of their trauayle that they came into their citie and offered to them the doctrine of the Gospel which they contemned and therby signified also that they so detested their companie for this their contempt that they woulde not haue the dust of their citie hange vpon their shoes 〈…〉 the world● ▪ and 〈…〉 with God 〈◊〉 at 〈◊〉 with hym to be in peace with the worlde (b) The per●n o● the 〈◊〉 is an 〈…〉 of the ●ospel Esa xxxv b Math xv d. Luk. vii d. Actes 28. ● Actes x. d. Apo. xix b. and. xxii c. Gen. i. a. Psal cxlvi a Apo. xiiii b Actes xvii f R●m i. b. (c) They that a litle before woulde haue worshipped Paul as God nowe they are content that he shoulde be stoned as a wicked man ▪ such inconstancie is in the● ignoraunt multitude Actes xiii e ii Tim. iii. c. (d) Here we learne that when so euer we go about any wayghtie matter we ought with abstinence prepare our myndes vnto prayer that it may be the more earnest Galath ● Galath ii ● Actes i. b. Psal vii c. i para 28. b. Iohn xiii b. (a) He meaneth the holy lawe and not y e ceremonies only calleth at a yoke not able to be borne because no man not y t most holyest and perfect that euer was Christe only excepted was able to perfourme the same in all poyntes both outwardly accordyng to the letter ▪ and inwardly accordyng to the spirite (b) The prophete in this place prophecied of Christes commyng in the fleshe which shoulde buyld agayne y e tabernacle of Dauid which figured Gods Churche but then vtterly defaced and brought to ruine by the pharisaicall and Iewyshe superstitions Exod. xx a. Gen. ix a. Leuit. vii c. Iohn xiiii a Actes xii e. (c) God suffereth y e most perfect to fall and yet turne their infirmities to the settyng foorth of his glory as this ●rea●he of ●o 〈◊〉 cau●ed the Gospel to be preached in mo places Actes xv e. Rom. i. ● Act. xviii c. (a) Whiche coulde tell of thynges past and gesse of thynges to come which knowledge in many thinges God permitteth to the deuyll to this ende as Austen noteth that he myght y e more myghtelye deceaue those y t would beleue hym Mat. xvi d. Actes xix c ii Cor. xi f. Actes v. d. and .xii. b. Luk. ● Acte ● Ioh● ● Luk. ● Acte ● Ioh● ● Luk. xix g. Math. viii d Luk. ●4 g. Actes 28 ● Iohn xix c. (a) Like quarell pykynge they vsed ag●inst Christ And these be the weapons whereby the world continually fyghteth agaynst the members of Christe treason and sedition Iohn v. g. Act. xviii b. (b) The Epicures were a sect of learned men whiche beyng without the knowledge of God helde opinion that ther was no lyfe or ioye after this life but that all mans felicitie dyd consist in y e pleasures of this worlde The Stoikes were an other kynde of learned men whiche lykewyse wantynge the knowledge of God affirmed y t mans whole felicitie happinesse did cōsist in the qualities and vertues of the mynde Gene. i. a. Act. xiiii c. Psal xlvi a. Apo. xiiii b Act. vii f. Esai lxvi a. 4. Re. viii c. Gene. i. a. Act. xiiii c. Psal xlvi a. Apo. xiiii b Act. vii f. Esai lxvi a. 4. Re. viii c. i. Paral. v. c. Genes i. b. (c) The Apostle tearmeth vs the generation of God not that we be of y e substance and nature of God but because God hath created vs and by his sonne Iesus Christe hath redeemed vs and made vs his chyldren by adoption Rom. xvi a. ii Tim. iiii d Act. ●vii d. Math. x. b. Mark vi b. Act. xiii g. (a) By this hebrue speach he signifieth that he that dyeth and perysheth shall peryshe thorow his owne fault Iohn iiii g. Act. xvii b. (b) Cenchrea is a hauen at Corinth ▪ where Paul takyng shippe dyd sheare his head accordyng to his vowe For accordyng to the lawe of Moyses they that vowed them selues to God were cōmaunded to suffer their heere to grow as long as they would continue Nazarites and afterward to sheare it and to burne it This dyd Paul not forgettyng what he had before decreed with the Apostles touchynge the aboli●shyng of the 〈…〉 lest● 〈…〉 which 〈…〉 (c) Apollo beyng a wittie a learned mā was not ashamed to be taught instructed in the doctrine of christ of a poore craftes man and his wyfe (a) By the holye ghoste here he meaneth the visible graces of the holy spirite (b) By this place Iohns baptisme signifieth Iohns doctrine whiche therfore is so called for that he sealed his doctrine with the seale of baptisme in them that beleued (c) They that were baptized were not baptized with water beyng before baptized of Iohn with water but they were baptized with visible gyftes of the holy ghost which Saint Luke declaryng howe it was ▪ writeth that it was by the laying on of S. Paules handes Mark xvi d Actes v. c. Math. xvi d Math. vii e. Mark i. a. Act. xvi d. Psal cxv a. Act. xxi g. Act xx ● ● Tim. iii● d 1 Re. xvii d. 4. Re. iiii f. Luk. vii c. Actes ix g. Lu. xxiiii ● (a) That is to saye I go by the impulsion and commaundement of y e holy ghost who draweth me as with ● bonde ii Tim. ii b. (b) That whiche apperteyneth to Christes manhod which is
Alas that this worthy should be slaine which deliuered the people of Israel 22 As for other thinges pertayning to the battailes of Iudas the noble actes that he did and of his worthynes they are not written for they were very many 23 Now after the death of Iudas wicked men came vp in al the coastes of Israel there arose all such as did worke vngodlinesse 24 In those dayes was there a great dearth in the lande and all the countrie gaue ouer them selues and theirs vnto Bacchides 25 So Bacchides chose wicked men and made them lordes in the lande 26 These sought out and made search for Iudas friendes and brought them vnto Bacchides whiche auenged him selfe vpon them with great dispite 27 And there came so great trouble in Israel as was not since the time that no prophete was seene there 28 Then came all Iudas friendes together and sayde vnto Ionathas 29 Forsomuch as thy brother Iudas is dead there is none like him to go foorth against our enemies against Bacchides and such as are aduersaries of our owne people 30 Wherefore this day we choose thee for him to be our prince and captayne to order our battayle 31 And Ionathas toke the gouernaunce vpon him at the same time and ruled in steade of his brother Iudas 32 When Bacchides gat knowledge therof he sought for to slay hym 33 But Ionathas Simon his brother perceauing that fled into the wildernesse of Thecua with al their campanie and pitched their tentes by the water poole of Asphar 34 Which when Bacchides vnderstoode he came ouer Iordane with al his hoast vpon the Sabbath day 35 Nowe had Ionathas sent his brother Ihon a captayne of the people to pray his friendes the Nabuthites that they would lende them their ordinaunce for they had much 36 So the children of Iambri came out of Madaba and toke Ihon and all that he had and went their way withall when they had taken it 37 Then came worde vnto Ionathas and Simon his brother that the children of Iambri made a great mariage brought the bride from Madaba with great pompe for she was daughter to one of the noblest princes of Chanaan 38 Wherefore they remembred the blood of Ihon their brother and went vp and hyd them selues vnder the shadowe of the mountayne 39 So they lift vp their eyes and loked beholde there was much a do great preparation for the brydegrome came foorth and his friendes and his brethren mette them with tympanies instrumentes of musicke and many weapons 40 Then Ionathas and they that were with hym rose out of their lurking places against them and slue many of them and the remnaunt fled into the mountaynes and they toke all their substaunce 41 Thus the mariage was turned to mourning and the noyse of their melody into lamentation 42 And so when they had auenged the blood of their brother they turned againe vnto Iordane 43 Bacchides hearing this came vnto the very border of Iordane with a great power vpon the Sabbath day 44 And Ionathas sayd to his companie Let vs get vp fight against our enemies for it standeth not with vs to day as in time past 45 Behold our enemies are in our way the water of Iordane vpon the one side of vs with banckes fennes and woods on the other side so that there is no place for vs to depart vnto 46 Wherefore crye nowe vnto heauen that ye may be deliuered from the power of your enemies So they stroke the battayle 47 And Ionathas stretched out his hande to smyte Bacchides but he fled backwarde 48 Then Ionathas and they that were with him leapt into Iordane swimmed ouer Iordane vnto the further banke but the other woulde not passe ouer Iordane after him 49 And there were slayne of Bacchides side that day a thousande men 50 Therefore Bacchides with his hoast turned againe to Hierusalem and buy it vp the castles and strong holdes that were in Iurie Iericho Emans Bethoron Bethel Thamnata Phara and Thopo with hye walles with portes and with lockes 51 And set men to kepe them that they might vse their malice vpon Israel 52 He walled vp the citie Bethsura Gazara and the castle and prouided them with men and vittayles 53 He toke also the chiefest mens sonnes in the countrey for pledges put them in the castle at Hierusalem to be kept 54 Afterwarde in the hundred fyftie and three yere in the seconde moneth Alcimus commaunded that they should destroy the walles of the inwarde court of the sanctuarie and he pulled downe and began to destroy the monumentes of the prophetes 55 But at the same time Alcimus was plagued and smitten with a paulsie and his enterprises were hindered his mouth was stopped by God so that he could no more speake nor commaunde any of his house concerning his businesse 56 Thus died Alcimus in great miserie at the same time 57 And when Bacchides sawe that Alcimus was dead he turned againe to the king so the land was in rest two yeres 58 Then all the vngodly men held a counsell saying Behold Ionathas and his company are at ease and dwel without care wherefore let vs bring Bacchides hyther and he shall take them all in one night 59 So they went and gaue Bacchides this counsell 60 Which arose to come with a great hoast sent letters priuily to his adherentes which were in Iurie to take Ionathas and those that were with hym but they might not for the other had gotten knowledge of their deuice 61 And Ionathas toke fyftie men of the countrey whiche were the ringleaders of them and slue them 62 Then Ionathas Simon with their companie departed vnto the citie Beth-basin whiche lyeth in the wildernesse and repaired the decay therof and made it strong 63 When Bacchides knewe this he gathered all his hoast and sent word to them that were in Iurie 64 Then came he layed siege to Beth-basin and fought against it a long season and made instrumentes of warre 65 Nowe Ionathas left his brother S●mon in the citie and went foorth hym selfe into the countrey and came with a certayne number 66 And slue Odomeras and his brethren and the children of Phaseron in the● tentes so that he began to be strong and to increase in power 67 As for Simon and his companie they went out of the citie and brent vp the instrumentes of warre 68 And fought against Bacchides and discomfited him and Bacchides was sore vexed because his counsell and trauayle was in vayne 69 Wherefore he was wroth at the wicked men that gaue him counsel to come into their land slue many of them Then purposed he with his companie to go away into his owne countrey 70 Wherof when Ionathas had knowledge he sent ambassadours vnto hym for to make peace with hym and that he shoulde deliuer him his prisoners againe 71 To the whiche Bacchides consented gladly
THen came Iohn vp from Gaza and tolde Simon his father what Cendebeus had done among their people 2 Vpon this called Simon two of his eldest sonnes Iudas and Iohn and saide vnto them I and my brethren and my fathers house haue euer from our youth vp vnto this day foughten against the enemies of Israel and God gaue vs good fortune to deliuer Israel ofttimes 3 And now forsomuch as I am olde and ye by gods goodnesse are of a sufficient age be ye in steade of me and my brother to go foorth and fight for our people and the helpe of God be with you 4 So he chose twentie thousand fighting men of the countrey with horsemen also whiche went foorth against Cendebeus and rested at Modin 5 In the morning they arose and went into the playne fielde and beholde a mightie great hoast came against them both of footemen and horsemen Nowe was there a water broke betwixt them 6 And Iohn remoued the hoast towarde them and when he saw that the people was afrayde to go ouer the water broke he went ouer first him selfe and the men seyng this folowed him 7 Then Iohn set his horsemen and footemen in order the one by the other for their enemies horsemē were very many 8 But when they blewe vp the priestes trumpettes Cendebeus fled with his hoast whereof many were slayne and the remnaunt gat them to their strong holdes 9 Iudas also Iohns brother was wounded at the same time and Iohn folowed still vpon the enemies till he came to Cedron which Cendebeus had builded 10 The enemies fled also vnto the towres that were in the fieldes of Azotus and those dyd Iohn burne vp with fyre Thus there were slayne two thousand men of them and Iohn turned againe peaceably into Iurie 11 And in the fielde of Iericho was Ptolomi the sonne of Abobus made captayne which because he had aboundaunce of siluer and golde 12 For he had maried the daughter of Simon the hye priest 13 Waxed proude in his minde thought to conquer the land imagining falshood against Simon and his sonnes to destroy them 14 Nowe as Simon was goyng about thorow the cities that were in the countrey of Iurie and caring for them he came downe to Iericho with Mathathias Iudas his sonnes in the hundred threescore seuenteenth yere in the eleuenth moneth called Sabat 15 Then Ptolomi the sonne of Abobus receaued them but with disceyte into a strong house of his called Dochus whiche he had buylded where he made them a banket and had hyd men there 16 So when Simon and his sonnes were mery and had drunken well Ptolomi stoode vp with his men whom he had hid there and toke their weapons entred into the banket house and slue Simon with his two sonnes and certayne of his seruauntes 17 Such great vnfaythfulnesse dyd Ptolomi in Israel and recompenced euyll for good 18 Then wrote Ptolomi these thinges sent vnto king Antiochus requiring him that he shoulde sende hym an hoast to helpe him and so should he deliuer him the lande with the cities and tributes of the same 19 He sent other men also vnto Gaza for to take Iohn and wrote vnto the captaynes to come to him and he shoulde geue them siluer gold and rewardes 20 And to Hierusalem he sent other to take it and the sanctuarie 21 Then ran there one before and tolde Iohn in Gaza that his father and his brethren were slayne howe that Ptolomi had sent to slay him also 22 When Iohn hearde this he was sore abashed and layed handes of them that were come to destroy hym and slue them for he knewe that they went about to kill hym 23 As for other thinges concerning Iohn of his warres of his noble actes wherin he behaued hym selfe manfully of the buylding of walles which he made and other of his deedes 24 They are written in the cronicles of his priesthood from the time foorth that he was made hye priest after his father ¶ The end of the first booke of the Machabees ❧ The seconde booke of the Machabees The first Chapter 1 An epistle of the Iewes that dwelt at Hierusalem sent vnto them that dwelt in Egypt wherin they exhort them to geue thankes for the death of Antiochus 19 Of the fire that was hyd in the pit 24 The prayer of Nehemias 1 THe brethren of the Iewes which be at Hierusalem in the lande of Iurie wishe vnto these brethrē of the Iewes that are thorowout Egypt health and peace 2 God be gracious vnto you and thinke vpon his couenaunt that he made with Abraham Isaac and Iacob his faythfull seruauntes 3 And geue you all such an heart that ye may loue and serue hym yea and perfourme his will with an whole heart and a willing mynde 4 He open your heartes vnto his law and in his commaundementes sende you peace 5 Heare your prayers be at one with you and neuer forsake you in time of trouble 6 Forsomuch as now we here be praying for you 7 What time as Demetrius raigned in the hundred threescore nyne yere we Iewes wrote vnto you in the trouble violence that came vnto vs In those yeres after that Iason departed out of the holy lande and kingdome 8 They brent vp the portes and shed innocent blood then made we our prayer vnto the Lorde and were hearde we offered vp sacrifices and fine floure setting foorth cakes and bread 9 And nowe come ye vnto the feast of tabernacles in the moneth Casleu 10 In the hundred fourescore and eyghtteene yere the people that was at Hierusalem and in Iurie the counsel and Iudas him selfe sent this wholsome salutation vnto Aristobulus king Ptolomies maister whiche came of the generation of the annoynted priestes and to the Iewes that were in Egypt 11 Insomuch as God hath deliuered vs from great peryls we thanke hym hyly no lesse at all then if we had vanquished the king in battell 12 For when he with those that had fought against the holy citie dyd set vpon Persia 13 For as he was in Persis namely the captayne with the great hoast he perished in the temple of Naneas beyng disceaued thorowe the deuice of Naneas priestes 14 For when Antiochus as he that should marry with her came and his friendes with him into the place to receaue by name of dowrie the money whiche the priestes of Naneas had set foorth 15 He entred with a small companie into the compasse of the temple and so they shut the temple 16 Nowe when Antiochus entred by opening the priuy entraunce of the temple the priestes stoned the captayne to death hewed them in peeces that were with him smote of their heades and threwe them out 17 In all thinges God be praysed which hath deliuered the wicked into our handes to be punished 18 Where as we are now purposed to kepe the purification of the temple vpon the twentie fiue day of the moneth Casleu we
disciples vnto hym he gaue them power agaynst vncleane spirites to cast them out and to heale all maner of sicknesse and all maner of disease 2 The names of the twelue Apostles are these The first Simon whiche is called Peter and Andrewe his brother Iames the sonne of Zebedee Iohn his brother 3 Philip Bartholomewe Thomas and Matthewe which had ben a Publicane Iames y e sonne of Alphee Lebbeus whose surname was Taddeus 4 Simon the Cananite Iudas Iscariot which also betrayed hym 5 Iesus sent foorth these twelue whō he cōmaunded saying Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into the citie of the Samaritanes enter ye not 6 But go rather to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel 7 As ye go preache saying The kyngdome of heauen is at hande 8 Heale the sicke cleanse y e lepers rayse the dead cast out deuyls Freely ye haue receaued freely geue 9 Possesse not golde nor syluer nor brasse in your purses 10 Nor yet scrippe towardes your iourney neither two coates neither shoes nor yet a staffe For the workman is worthy of his meate 11 But to whatsoeuer citie or towne ye shall come inquire who is worthy in it and there abyde tyll ye go thence 12 And when ye come into an house salute the same 13 And if the house be worthy let your peace come vpon it but if it be not worthy let your peace returne to you again 14 And whosoeuer shal not receaue you nor wyll heare your preachyng when ye depart out of that house or that citie shake of the dust of your feete 15 Veryly I say vnto you it shal be easier for the lande of the Sodomites and Gomorreans in the day of iudgement then for that citie 16 Beholde I sende you foorth as sheepe in the middest of woolfes Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and harmelesse as doues 17 But beware of men For they shall delyuer you vp to the councels and shal scourge you in their synagogues 18 And ye shal be brought to the head rulers and kynges for my sake in witnesse to them and to the Gentiles 19 But whē they delyuer you vp take ye no thought how or what ye shal speake For it shal be geuen you euen in that same houre what ye shall speake 20 For it is not ye that speake but y e spirite of your father which speaketh in you 21 The brother shall delyuer vp the brother to death and the father the sonne the chyldren shall ryse agaynst their fathers and mothers and shall but them to death 22 And ye shal be hated of all men for my names sake but he that endureth to the ende shal be saued 23 But when they persecute you in this citie flee ye into another For verily I say vnto you ye shall not ende all the cities of Israel tyll the sonne of man be come 24 The disciple is not aboue the maister nor the seruaunt aboue his lorde 25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his maister is and that the seruaunt be as his lorde is If they haue called the lorde of the house Beelzebub howe much more shall they call them of his householde so 26 Feare them not therfore For there is nothing close that shal not be opened nothing hyd that shall not be knowen 27 What I tell you in darknesse that speake ye in lyght And what ye heare in the eare that preach ye on the houses 28 And feare ye not them which kyll the body but are not able to kyll the soule But rather feare hym which is able to destroy both soule and body in hell 29 Are not two litle sparowes solde for a farthyng And one of thē shall not light on the grounde without your father 30 Yea euen all the heere 's of your head are numbred 31 Feare ye not therefore ye are of more value then many sparowes 32 Euery one therfore that shall confesse me before men hym wyll I confesse also before my father which is in heauēs 33 But whosoeuer shall denye me before men hym wyll I also denye before my father which is in heauens 34 Thinke not that I am come to sende peace into the earth I came not to sende peace but a sworde 35 For I am come to set a man at varyaunce agaynst his father the daughter agaynst her mother and the daughter in lawe agaynst her mother in lawe 36 And a mans foes shal be they of his owne householde 37 He that loueth father or mother more then me is not worthy of me And he that loueth sonne or daughter more thē me is not worthy of me 38 * And he that taketh not his crosse foloweth me is not worthy of me 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his lyfe for my sake shall fynde it 40 He that receaueth you receaueth me he that receaueth me receaueth hym that sent me 41 He that receaueth a prophete in the name of a prophete shall receaue a prophetes rewarde And he that receaueth a ryghteous man in the name of a ryghteous man shall receaue a ryghteous mans rewarde 42 And whosoeuer shall geue vnto one of these litle ones to drynke a cuppe of colde water only in the name of a disciple veryly I say vnto you he shall not lose his rewarde ❧ The .xi. Chapter ● Christe preacheth ● Iohn Baptist sendeth his disciples vnto him 7 Ch●istes testimonie concernyng Iohn 1● The opinion of the people concernyng Christe and Iohn 20 Christe vpbraydeth the vnthanfull cities ●5 The Gospell is reuealed to the simple ● They that labour and are laden ●9 Christes yoke 1 AND it came to passe that when Iesus had made an ende of commaundyng his twelue disciples he departed thence to teache and to preache in their cities 2 ☞ When Iohn being in prison heard the workes of Christe he sent two of his disciples and sayde vnto him 3 Art thou he that shoulde come or do we loke for another 4 Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto them Go and shewe Iohn agayne what ye haue hearde and seene 5 The blinde receaue their sight the halt do walke the lepers are cleansed and the deafe heare the dead are raised vp and the poore receaue the Gospell 6 And happy is he that is not offended in me 7 And as they departed Iesus began to say vnto the multitude cōcerning Iohn What went ye out into the wildernesse to see A reede shaken with the winde 8 Or what went ye out for to see A man clothed in soft rayment Beholde they that weare soft clothyng are in kinges houses 9 But what went ye out for to see A prophete yea I say vnto you and more then a prophete 10 For this is he of whom it is written Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which
the chylde grewe and waxed strong in spirite and was fylled with wisdome the grace of God was vpon hym ☜ 41 Nowe his parentes went to Hierusalē euery yere at the feast of y e Passouer 42 ☞ And when he was twelue yere old they ascended vp to Hierusalem after the custome of the feast day 43 And whē they had fulfilled the dayes as they returned home the chylde Iesus abode styll in Hierusalem Ioseph and his mother knewe not of it 44 But they supposyng hym to haue ben in the company came a dayes iourney and sought hym among their kinsfolke and acquayntaunce 45 And when they founde hym not they turned backe againe to Hierusalem and sought hym 46 And it came to passe that after three dayes they founde hym in the temple sittyng in the myddes of the doctours hearyng them and posyng them 47 And all that hearde hym were astonied at his vnderstanding aunsweres 48 And when they sawe hym they were amased And his mother said vnto him Sonne why hast thou thus dealt with vs Beholde thy father and I haue sought thee sorowyng 49 And he sayde vnto them Howe is it that ye sought me Wyste ye not that I must go about my fathers businesse 50 And they vnderstoode not that saying which he spake vnto them 52 And he went downe with them and came to Nazareth was obedient vnto them But his mother kepte all these sayinges in her heart 53 And Iesus increased in wisedome and stature and in fauour with God men ¶ The thirde Chapter ¶ 3 The preachyng and baptisme of Iohn 7 he sharplye rebuketh the hypocrites 15 he is thought to be Christe 16 Iohns testimonie of Christe 20 his imprisonment 21 Christe is baptized 23 the age and genealogie of Christe 1 NOwe in the fifteenth yere of y e raigne of Tiberius Cesar Pontius Pilate being lieftenaūt of Iurie and Herode being tetrarch of Galilee his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and of the region of y e Trachonites and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abiline 2 When Annas and Caiaphas were the hye priestes the worde of the Lorde came vnto Iohn the sonne of Zacharias in the wyldernesse 3 And he came into all the coastes about Iordane preachyng * the baptisme of repentaunce for the remission of sinnes 4 As it is writtē in y e booke of the wordes of Esaias the prophete saying The voyce of a cryer in wyldernesse prepare ye the way of y e Lorde make his pathes strayght 5 Euery valley shal be fylled and euery mountayne hyll shal be brought lowe And thynges that be croked shal be made strayght and the rough wayes shal be made playne 6 And all flesshe shall see the saluation of God ☜ 7 Then saide he to the people that were come foorth to be baptized of hym O generations of vipers who hath forewarned you to flee from the wrath to come 8 Bryng foorth therefore due fruites of repentaunce and begyn not to say within your selues we haue Abraham to our father For I saye vnto you that God is able of these stones to rayse vp childrē vnto Abraham 9 Nowe also is the axe layed vnto the roote of the trees Euery tree therfore which bryngeth not foorth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire 10 And the people asked hym saying What shall we do then 11 He aunswereth and sayth vnto them He that hath two coates let him part with hym that hath none and he that hath meate let hym do lykewyse 12 Then came publicanes also to be baptized and saide vnto him Maister what shall we do 13 And he sayde vnto them Require no more then that which is appoynted vnto you 14 The souldiours lykewyse demaunded of hym saying And what shall we do And he saide vnto them Do violence to no man neither accuse any falsely and be content with your wages 15 As the people wayted all men mused in their heartes of Iohn whether he were very Christe 16 Iohn aunswered and said vnto them all In deede I baptize you with water but one stronger then I commeth whose shoes latched I am not worthy to vnlose he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire 17 Which hath his fanne in his hande wyll purge his floore wyll gather the wheate into his barne but y e chaffe wyl burne vp with fire that neuer shal be quenched 18 And many other thinges in his exhortation preached he vnto the people 19 Then Herode the tetrarch when he was rebuked of hym for Herodias his brother Philippes wyfe and for all the euyls which Herode dyd 20 Added this aboue all shut vp Iohn in pryson 21 Nowe it came to passe as all the people were baptized and when Iesus was baptized and dyd praye that the heauen was opened 22 And the holy ghost came downe in a bodyly shape lyke a Doue vpon hym and a voyce came from heauen which sayde Thou art my beloued sonne in thee I am well pleased 23 And Iesus him selfe began to be about thirtie yeres of age beyng as he was supposed the sonne of Ioseph whiche was the sonne of Heli 24 Whiche was the sonne of Matthat whiche was the sonne of Leui whiche was the sonne of Melchi whiche was the sonne of Ianna whiche was the sonne of Ioseph 25 Whiche was y e sonne of Matthathias whiche was the sonne of Amos whiche was the sonne of Naum whiche was the sonne of Hesly which was the sonne of Nagge 26 Whiche was the sonne of Maath which was the sonne of Matthathias which was the sonne of Semei whiche was the sonne of Ioseph whiche was the sonne of Iuda 27 Whiche was the sonne of Ioanna which was the sonne of Rhesa whiche was the sonne of Zorobabel whiche was the sonne of Salathiel which was the sonne of Neri 28 Whiche was the sonne of Melchi whiche was the sonne of Addi whiche was the sonne of Cosam whiche was the sonne of Elmodam whiche was the sonne of Er 29 Whiche was the sonne of Iose which was the sonne of Eliezer whiche was sonne of Iorim whiche was y e sonne of Matthat which was y e sonne of Leui 30 Whiche was the sonne of Simeon whiche was the sonne of Iuda whiche was the sonne of Ioseph whiche was the sonne of Ionan whiche was the sonne of Eliacim 31 Whiche was the sonne of Melea whiche was y e sonne of Menam whiche was y e sonne of Matthatha which was the sonne of Nathan whiche was the sonne of Dauid 32 Whiche was y e sonne of Iesse whiche was the sonne of Obed which was the sonne of Booz whiche was the sonne of Salmō which was y e sonne of Naassō 33 Whiche was the sonne of Aminadab whiche was the sonne of Aram whiche was the sonne of Esron whiche was the sonne of Phares whiche was the sonne of Iuda 34 Whiche was y e sonne of Iacob
should glorifie God And whē he had spoken this he sayth vnto hym folowe me ☞ 20 Peter turned about and sawe the disciple whom Iesus loued folowyng which also leaned on his brest at supper and sayde Lorde which is he that betrayeth thee 21 When Peter therfore sawe hym he sayth to Iesus Lorde what shal he do 22 Iesus sayth vnto hym If I wyll haue hym to tary tyll I come what is that to thee folowe thou me 23 Then went this saying abrode among the brethren that that disciple shoulde not dye Yet Iesus sayde not to hym he shall not dye but yf I wyll that he tary tyll I come what is that to thee 24 The same disciple is he which testifieth of these thynges and wrote these thynges And we knowe that his testimonie is true ☜ 25 There are also many other thynges whiche Iesus dyd the which yf they shoulde be written euery one I suppose the world could not conteine the bookes that shoulde be written ¶ Here endeth the Gospell by Saint Iohn ❧ The Actes of the Apostles ❧ The first Chapter ¶ 7 The wordes of Christe and his Angels to the Apostles 9 His assention 14 Wherin the Apostles are occupyed tyll the holy ghost be sent 26 And of the election of Matthias 1 IN y e former treatise O Theophilus we haue spokē of all that Iesus began to do and teache 2 Vntyll the day in which he was takē vp after that he through the holy ghost had geuen commaundementes vnto the Apostles whom he had chosen 3 To whom also he shewed hym selfe alyue after his passion and that by manye tokens appearyng vnto them fourtie dayes and speaking of the kingdome of God 4 And gatheryng them together commaunded them that they shoulde not depart from Hierusalem but wayte for the promise of the father wherof saith he ye haue hearde of me 5 For Iohn truely baptized with water but ye shal be baptized with the holy ghost after these fewe dayes 6 When they therfore were come together they asked of hym saying Lorde wylt thou at this tyme restore agayne the kyngdome to Israel 7 And he sayde vnto them It is not for you to knowe the tymes or the seasons which the father hath put in his owne power 8 But ye shall receaue power after that the holy ghost is come vpon you And ye shal be witnesses vnto me both in Hierusalem and in al Iurie in Samarie and euen vnto the worldes ende 9 And when he had spoken these thynges whyle they behelde he was taken vp an hye and a cloude receaued hym vp out of their syght 10 And while they loked stedfastly vp towarde heauē as he went beholde two men stoode by them in whyte apparell 11 Which also sayde Ye men of Galilee why stande ye gasyng vp into heauen This same Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue seene hym go into heauen ☜ 12 Then returned they vnto Hierusalem from the mount that is called Oliuete which is from Hierusalem a Sabboth dayes iourney 13 And when they were come in they went vp into a parlour where abode both Peter and Iames and Iohn and Andrewe Philip and Thomas Barthelmewe and Matthewe Iames the sonne of Alpheus Simō Zelotes and Iudas the brother of Iames. 14 These all continued with one accorde in prayer and supplication with the women and Marie the mother of Iesus and with his brethren 15 ☞ And in those dayes Peter stoode vp in the middes of the disciples and said The number of names together were about an hundred and twentie 16 Ye men and brethren this scripture must needes haue ben fulfylled which the holy ghost by the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas which was guide to them that toke Iesus 17 For he was numbred with vs had obteyned felowship in this ministerie 18 And the same hath nowe purchased a fielde with the rewarde of iniquitie And when he was * hanged he burst a sunder in the middes all his bowels gusshed out 19 And it is knowen vnto all the dwellers at Hierusalem in so much that the same fielde is called in their mother tongue Aceldema that is to saye the blood fielde 20 For it is written in y e booke of psalmes Let his habitation be desert and no man be dwellyng therein And his bishopricke let another take 21 Wherfore of these men which haue companyed with vs all the tyme that the Lorde Iesus went in and out among vs 22 Begynnyng from the baptisme of Iohn vnto that same day that he was takē vp from vs must one be ordeyned to be a witnesse with vs of his resurrection 23 And they appoynted two Ioseph which is called Barsabas whose sirname was Iustus and Matthias 24 And they prayed saying Thou Lord which knowest the heartes of all men shewe whether of these two thou haste chosen 25 That he may take the rowme of this ministerie and Apostleship from which Iudas by transgression fell that he myght go to his owne place 26 And they gaue foorth their lottes the lot fell vpon Matthias and he was counted with the eleuen Apostles ☜ ¶ The .ij. Chapter 3 The holy ghost came vpon the Apostles in visible signes 6 The hearers were astonyed 14 Peter preacheth stoppeth their mouthes 41 He baptizeth a great number 42 The godlie exercise of the faythfull 1 AND when the day of Pentecost was they were all with one accorde in one place 2 And sodenly there came a sounde frō heauen as it had ben the commyng of a mightie wynde and it fylled all the house where they sate 3 And there appeared vnto them clouen tongues lyke as they had ben of fyre and it sate vpon eche one of them 4 And they were all fylled with the holy ghost and began to speake with other tongues as the spirite gaue them vtteraunce 5 There were dwellyng at Hierusalem Iewes deuout men out of euery nation of them that are vnder heauen 6 When this was noysed about the multitude came together and were astonnyed because that euery man hearde them speake with his owne language 7 They wondred all and marueyled saying among themselues Beholde are not all these which speake of Galilee 8 And howe heare we euery man his owne tongue wherin we were borne 9 Parthians and Medes Elamites and the dwellers in Mesopotamia and in Iurie and in Capadocia in Pontus and Asia 10 Phrygia Pamphylia in Egypt and in the parties of Lybia which is besyde Cyrene straungers of Rome Iewes and Proselytes 11 Cretes and Arabians we haue hearde them speake in our tongues the wonderfull workes of God ☜ 12 They were all amased and wondred saying one to another What meaneth this 13 Other mocked saying These men are full of newe wyne 14 But Peter standyng foorth with the eleuen lyft vp his
the gentiles also was shedde out the gyft of the holy ghost 46 For they hearde them speake with tounges magnifie God Then aunswered Peter 47 Can any man forbid water that these shoulde not be baptized which haue receaued the holy ghost aswell as we 48 And he commaunded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. ☜ Then prayed they him to tary certaine dayes ¶ The .xj. Chapter 4 Peter sheweth the cause why he went to the Gentiles 18 The Churche approueth it 22 Barnabas Paul preache at Antiochia 28 Agabus prophesieth dearth to come 1 ANd the apostles brethrē that were in Iurie hearde that y e heathē had also receaued the worde of God 2 And when Peter was come vp to Hierusalem they that were of the circumcision contended agaynst hym 3 Saying Thou wentest in to men vncircūcised diddest eate with them 4 But Peter rehearsed the matter from the begynnyng and expounded it by order vnto them saying 5 I was in the citie of Ioppa praying and in a traunce I sawe a vision a certayne vessell descende as it had ben a great sheete let downe from heauen by the foure corners and it came to me 6 Vpon the which whē I had fastened mine eyes I considered sawe foure-footed beastes of the earth and wylde beastes and wormes and foules of the ayre 7 And I hearde a voyce saying vnto me aryse Peter slay and eate 8 But I sayde Not so Lorde For nothyng common or vncleane hath at any tyme entred into my mouth 9 But the voyce aunswered me agayne from heauē Make them not cōmon which God hath cleansed 10 And this was done three tymes And all were taken vp agayne into heauen 11 And beholde immediatly there were three men alredy come vnto the house where I was sent from Cesarea vnto me 12 And the spirite sayde vnto me that I shoulde go with thē without doubting Moreouer these sixe brethren accompanyed me we entred into the mans house 13 And he shewed vs howe he had seene an Angel in his house which stoode and sayde vnto hym Sende men to Ioppa and call for Simon whose sirname is Peter 14 He shal tell thee wordes wherby both thou and all thyne house shal be saued 15 And as I began to speake the holy ghost fell on them as he dyd on vs at the begynnyng 16 Then came it to my remembraunce howe that the Lorde sayde Iohn baptized with water but ye shal be baptized with the holy ghost 17 For as much then as God gaue them the lyke gyft as he dyd vnto vs when we beleued on the Lorde Iesus Christ what was I that I shoulde haue withstande God 18 When they hearde these thynges they helde their peace and glorified God saying Then hath God also to y e Gentiles graunted repentaunce vnto lyfe 19 They also which were scattered abrode through the affliction that arose about Steuen walked throughout vnto Phenices and Cypers and Antioche preachyng the worde to no man but vnto the Iewes only 20 And some of thē were men of Cypers and Cyrenes which when they were come to Antioche spake vnto y e Grekes and preached the Lorde Iesus 21 And the hande of the Lorde was with them and a great number beleued and turned vnto the Lorde 22 Then tydynges of these thinges came vnto the eares of the Churche which was in Hierusalē And they sent foorth Barnabas that he shoulde go vnto Antioche 23 Which when he came and had seene the grace of God was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they woulde cleaue vnto the Lorde 24 For he was a good man and full of the holy ghost and of fayth And much people was added vnto the Lorde 25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus for to seeke Saul 26 And when he had founde hym he brought hym vnto Antioche And it came to passe that a whole yere they had their cōuersation with the Church there taught much people in so much that the disciples of Antioche were the first that were called Christians 27 * And in those dayes came prophetes from Hierusalem vnto Antioche 28 And there stoode vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirite that there shoulde be great dearth throughout all the worlde which came to passe in the dayes of Claudius Cesar 29 Then the disciples euery man accordyng to his abilitie purposed to sende * succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iurie 30 Which thyng they also dyd and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saul ¶ The .xij. Chapter 1 Herode persecuteth the Christians 2 kylleth Iames and putteth Peter in prison 7 whom the Lorde delyuereth by an Angel 21 The horrible death of Herode 24 The Gospel florissheth 25 Barnabas and Saul turnyng to Antiochia take Iohn Marke with them 1 AT the same tyme Herode the king stretched foorth his handes to vexe certayne of the Churche 2 And he killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sworde 3 And because he sawe it pleased the Iewes he proceaded further and toke Peter also Then were the dayes of sweete bread 4 And when he had caught hym he put hym in pryson also and delyuered hym to foure quaternions of souldiers to be kept intendyng after Easter to bryng hym foorth to the people 5 And Peter was kept in pryson But prayer was made without ceassyng of the Churche vnto God for hym 6 And when Herode woulde haue brought hym foorth vnto the people the same nyght slept Peter betweene two souldiers bounde with two chaynes and the kepers before the doore kept the pryson 7 And beholde the Angel of y e Lorde was there present and a lyght shyned in the habitation And he smote Peter on the syde and stirred hym vp saying Aryse vp quickly And his chaynes fell of from his handes 8 And the Angel sayde vnto hym gyrde thy selfe bynde on thy sandales And so he dyd And he sayeth vnto hym cast thy garment about thee and folow me 9 And he came out and folowed hym and wyst not that it was trueth which was done by the Angel but thought he had seene a vision 10 When they were past the first and the seconde watch they came vnto the yron gate that leadeth vnto the citie which opened to them by the owne accorde And they went out and passed through one streate and foorthwith the Angel departed from hym 11 And when Peter was come to hym selfe he sayde Nowe I knowe of a suertie that the Lorde hath sent his Angel and hath deliuered me out of the hande of Herode and from all the waytyng for of the people of the Iewes ☜ 12 ☞ And as he considered the thyng he came to the house of Marie the mother of Iohn whose sirname was Marke where many were gathered together in prayer 13 As Peter knocked at the entrie doore a damsell came foorth to