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A10405 The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.; Bible. English. Great Bible. 1540 (1540) STC 2069; ESTC S121497 1,995,822 1,050

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mother flee in to Egypt and be thou there tyll I brynge the worde For it wyll come to passe that Herode shal seke the chylde to destroye hym So when he awoke he toke the chylde and his mother by nyght and departed in to Egypte and was there vnto the death of Herode that it might be fulfylled whiche was spoken of the lorde by the Prophet sayeng out of Egypt haue I called my sonne Then Herode when he sawe that he was mocked of the wyse men he was excedynge wroth and sent forth men of warre and slue all the chyldren that were in Bethleem and in all the coostes as many as were two yere olde or vnder accordynge to the tyme which he had diligently knowen out of the wyse men Then was fulfylled that whiche was spoken by the Prophet Ieremy where as he sayde in Rama was there a voyce herde lamentacyon wepynge and great mournynge Rachell wepynge for her chyldren and wolde not be conforted ☞ bycause they were not ⊢ But when Herode was deade behold ✚ an angell of the Lorde appeared in a slepe to Ioseph in Egypte sayenge aryse and take the chylde and his mother and go in to the lande of Israell For they are deade which sought the chyldes lyfe And he arose toke the chyld and his mother and came in to the lande of Israel But when he herde that Archelaus dyd reygne in Iury in the rowme of his father Herode he was afrayde to go thyther Notwithstandynge after he was warned of god in a slepe he turned asyde into the partyes of Galile and went and dwelte in a citye which is called Nazareth that it myght be fulfylled whiche was spoken by the Prophettes he shall be called a Nazarite ⊢ ¶ The Baptym preachynge and offyce of Iohn̄ and how Chryst was baptysed of hym in Iordane CAPI III. ✚ IN those dayes came Iohn̄ the Baptyst preachyng in the wylnernesse of Iury and sayenge ☞ Repente of the lyfe that is past for the kyngdome of heuen is at hande For this is he of whome the prophet Esay spake whiche sayeth The voyce of a cryer in the wyldernesse prepare ye the waye of the Lorde and make his pathes streyght This Iohn̄ had his garment of camels heer And a gyrdell of a skyn aboute his loynes His meate was locustes and wylde hony Then went out to hym Ierusalem all Iury and all the regyon rounde aboute Iordane and were baptysed of hym in Iordan confessyng theyr synnes ⊢ ✚ But when he sawe many of the Pharises and Saduces come to his baptyme he sayde vnto them O generacyon of vypers who hath taught you to flee from the vengeaunce to come Bryng forth therfore the frutes that be longe to repentaunce And be not of soch mynde that ye wold say within yourselues we haue Abraham to our father For I saye vnto you that God is able to brynge to passe that of these stones there shal ryse vp chyldren vnto Abraham Euen nowe is the are also put vnto the rote of the trees so that euery tree whiche bryngeth not forth good fruyte is hewen downe and cast into the fyre I baptise you in water vnto repentaūce but he that shall come after me is myghtyer then I whose shoes I am not worthy to beare He shall Baptyse you with the holy gooste and with fyre Whose fan is in his hand and he wyll pourge his floore and gather his wheat in to the barne but wyl burne the chaffe with vnquencheable fyre ⊢ ✚ Then cometh Iesus from Galile to Iordane vnto Iohn̄ to be Baptysed of hym But Iohn̄ forbad hym saynge I haue nede to be baptised of the and comest thou to me Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym Let it be so nowe For thus it becometh vs to fulfyll all ryghtewysenesse Then he suffered him And Iesus when he was baptised came streyght waye out of the water And lo heuen was open vnto him and he sawe the spiryte of god descendynge lyke a doue lyghtynge vpon hym And lo there came a voyce from heuen sayenge This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased ▪ ⊢ ¶ Chryst fasteth and so tempted he calleth Peter Androwe Iames and Iohn̄ and healeth all the sycke CAPI IIII. ✚ THen was Iesus led awaye of the spiryte in to wyldernesse to be tempted of the deuyll And when he had fasted xl dayes and. xl nyghtes he was at the last an hūgred And when the tempter came to him he sayde yf thou be the son of god cōmaund that these stones be made bread But he answered sayd it is wrytten Man shall not lyue by breade only but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouth of god Then the deuyl taketh hym vp in to the holy citye and setteth hym on a pynacle of the temple and sayeth vnto hym yf thou be the sonne God cast thy selfe downe headlyng For it is wrytten He shall gyue his Angels charge ouer the and with theyr handes they shall holde the vp leest at any tyme thou dasshe thy fote agaynst a stone And Iesus sayde to hym it is wrytten agayne Thou shalte not tempt the Lorde thy God Agayne the deuyll taketh hym vp in to an excedyng hygh moūtayne sheweth him all the kyngdomes of the worlde the glory of them sayeth vnto hym all these wyll I gyue the yf thou wylt fall downe worshyp me Then sayeth Iesus vnto hym Auoyde Satan For it is wryten Thou shalte worshyp the lorde thy god him only shalt thou serue Then the deuyl leaueth hym behold the angels came minystred vnto hym ⊢ ✚ When Iesus had herde that Iohn was taken he departed in to Galile and lefte Nazareth and went and dwelte in Capernaum whiche is a citye vpon the see coost in the borders of Zabulon Neptalim that it myght be fulfylled whiche was spoken by Esay the prophet sayenge The lande of Zabulon Nephtalim by the waye of the see beyonde Iordane Galile of the Gentyls the people whiche sat in darkenesse and in the shadowe of death sawe great lyght to them whiche sat in the regyon and shadow of death is the lyght spronge vp From that tyme Iesus began to preache and to saye repent for the kyngdome of heuen is at hande ⊢ ✚ As Iesus walked by the see of Galilee he sawe two brethren Simon whiche was called Peter Andrewe his brother castyng a net in to the see for they were fysshers and he sayeth vnto them folowe me and I wyll make you ❀ to become fysshers of men And they streyght waye lefte the nettes and folowed hym And when he was gone forth from thence he sawe other two brethren Iames the son of Zebede Iohn̄ his brother in the shyp with Zebede theyr father mendynge theyr nettes and he called them And they immediatly lette the shyp and theyr
Aramathia named Ioseph whiche also was Iesus disciple He wente to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus Then Pilate cōmaunded the body to be delyuered And when Ioseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a cleane lynnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rocke rolled a great stone to the dore of the sepulcre and departed And there was Mary Magdalen the other Mary syttyng ouer agaynst the sepulcre The next day that folowed ☞ the day of preparynge the hygh preestes Pharises came togyther vnto Pilate sayeng Syr we remember that this deceyuer sayd whyle he was yet alyue After thre dayes I wyll aryse agayne Cōmaunde therfore that the sepulcre be made sure vntyll the thirde daye lest his disciples come and steale hym away and say vnto the people he is rysen from the deade the laste errour shal be worse thē the fyrst Pilate sayd vnto them Ye haue the watche go your way make it as sure as ye can So they wente and made the sepulcre sure with watche men and sealed the stone ⊢ ¶ The resurreccion of Christ. The hygh preestes gyue the souldiours money to say that Christ was 〈◊〉 o●● of his graue Christ appeareth to his disciples and sendeth them forth to preache and to baptyse CAPI XXVIII ✚ VPon an ☞ euenyng of the Sabbothes whiche dawneth the fyrste daye of the Sabbothes came Mary Magdalen and the other Mary to so the sepulcre And beholde there was a great earth quake For the angell of the lorde descended from heuen and came and rolled backe the stone from the dore and sat vpon it His countenaunce was lyke lyghtenynge and his rayment whyte as snowe And for feare of hym the kepers were astonyed and became as deade men The angell answered and sayde vnto the women feare ye not For I know that ye seke Iesus whiche was crucified he is not here he is rysen as he sayd Come se the place where that the lorde was layde go quicklye and tell his disciples that he is tysen agayne from the deade And beholde he goeth before you in to Galile there ye shall se hym Lo I haue tolde you ⊢ ✚ And they departed quycklye from the sepulcre with feare and greate ioye and dyd runne to brynge his disciples worde And as they went to tell his disciples beholde Iesus met them sayenge All hayle And they came and helde hym by the feete and worshypped hym Then sayde Iesus vnto them be not afrayde ☞ Go tell my brethren that they go in to Galile and there shall they se me When they were gone beholde some of the kepers came in to the citye and shewed vnto the hygh preestes all the thynges that had happened And they gathered them togyther with the elders and toke counsell and gaue large money vnto the souldyours sayenge Say ye that his disciples came by nyght stole hym away whyle ye slepte And yf this come to the rulers cares we wyll persuade hym and saue you harmelesse So they toke the money and dyd as they were taughte And this sayenge is noysed among the Iues vnto this daye ⊢ ✚ Then the .xi. disciples went awaye in to Galile in to a mountayne where Iesus had appoynted them And when they sawe hym they worshypped hym But some douted And Iesus came spake vnto them sayeng All power is gyuen vnto me in heuen and in earth Go ye therfore and teache all nacions baptisyng them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy goost Teachyng them to obserue al thynges what soeuer I haue cōmaunded you And lo I am with you alwaye euen vntyll the ende of the worlde ⊢ ¶ Here endeth the Gospell of Saynt Mathew ¶ The Gospell of Saynt Marke ¶ The O●●yer of Iohn̄ the Baptyst The baptyme of Chryst his fastyng his preachyng the callyng of Peter Andrewe Iames and Iohn̄ Chryst healeth the man with the vncleane spirite helpeth Peters mother in lawe clenseth the leper CAPI Primo ✚ THe begynnyng of the Gospell of Iesu Chryst the sonne of God as it is wrytten in the Prophettes Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before the. The voyce of a cryer in the wyldernes prepare ye the way of the lorde and make his pathes streyght Iohn̄ dyd baptyse in the wyldernes and preached the baptyme of repentaunce for the remyssyon of synnes And all the lande of Iurye they of Ierusalem went out vnto hym and were all baptised of hym in the ryuer Iordan confessyng theyr synnes Iohn̄ was clothed with camels heere with a gyrdell of a skyn about his loynes And he dyd eate locustes wylde hony preached sayenge He that is stronger then I cometh after me whose shoo latchet I am not worthy to stoupe downe vnlose I haue baptised you with water but he shall babtyse you with the holy goost ⊢ And it came to passe in those dayes that Iesus came from Nazareth of Galile and was baptised of Iohn̄ in Iordan And assone as he was come vp out of the water ☞ he sawe heuen open ☞ the spirite descendyng vpō hym like a doue And there came a voyce frō heuen Thou arte my dere son in whom I delyte And immediatly the spirite droue hym into wyldernes and he was there in the wyldernes xl dayes was tempted of Satā was with wylde beastes And the angels ministred vnto hym After that Iohn̄ was taken Iesus came in to Galile preachynge the gospel of the kyngdom of god sayeng The tyme is come the kyngdom of God is at hande repente and byleue the Gospell As he walked by the see of Galile he sawe Simon Andrew his brother castyng nettꝭ into the see for they were fysshers And Iesus sayd vnto them folowe me and I wyl make you to become fyshers of mē And streyght waye they forsoke theyr nettes and folowed hym And when he had gone a lytell further thence he saw Iames the sonne of Zebede Iohn̄ his brother which also were in the ship mendyng theyr nettes And anone he called them And they lefte theyr father Zebede in the shyp with the hyred seruauntes and folowed hym And they came in to Capernaum and streyght way on the Sabboth dayes he entred in to the Synagoge and taughte And they were astonyed at his learnynge For he taughte them as one that had auctoryte and not as the Scribes And there was in theyr Synagoge a man vexed with an vncleane spirite and he cryed sayenge Alas what haue we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth Arte thou come to destroye vs I knowe the what thou arte euen that holy one of God And Iesus rebuked hym sayenge Holde thy peace and come oute of the man And when the vncleane spirite had torne hym and cryed with a loude voyce
Ierusalem at Easter in the feast daye many byleued on his name when they sawe his myracles whiche he dyd But Iesus dyd not commyt hym selfe vnto them bycause he knewe all men and neded not that any mā shulde testifie of hym For he knewe what was in man ⊢ ¶ The cōmunicacyon of Chryst with Ni●ddem●s The doctrine baptym of Iohn̄ what wytnes he teareth of Christ CAPI III. THere was a man of the pharises named Nicodemus a ruler of the Iues. The same came to Iesus by nyght and sayd vnto hym Rabbi we knowe that thou arte a teacher come from god for no man coulde do suche myracles as thou doest excepte God were with hym Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym Uerely verely I say vnto the excepte a man be borne from aboue he can not se the kyngdome of God Nicodemus sayeth vnto hym ☞ howe can a man be borne when he is olde Can he enter in to his mothers wombe be borne agayne Iesus answered Uerely verely I say vnto the excepte a mā be borne of water of the spirite he can not enter in to the kyngdome of God That whiche is borne of the flesshe is flesshe and that whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Meruayle not thou that I sayde to the ye must be borne from aboue The wynde bloweth where it lysteth and thou hearest the sounde therof but canst not tell whence it cometh whyther it goeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite Nycodemus answered and sayd vnto him howe can these thynges be Iesus answered sayde vnto hym arte thou a mayster in Israel and knowest not these thynges Uerely verely I saye vnto the We speake that we do knowe and testifie that we haue sene and ye receyue not our wytnesse If I haue tolde you earthly thynges and ye byleue not how shall ye byleue yf I tell you of heuenly thynges And no man ascendeth vp to heuen but he that came downe frome heuen euen the sonne of man whiche is in heuen And as Moses lyfte vp the serpent in the wyldernesse euen so must the son of man be lyfte vp that who soeuer byleueth in hym peryshe not but haue eternall lyfe ⊢ ✚ For God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten son that who soeuer byleueth in hym shuld not perisshe but haue euerlastyng lyfe For God sent not his son in to the worlde to condemne the worlde but that ☞ the worlde through hym myght be saued He that byleueth on hym is not condemned But he that byleueth not is condemned all redy bycause he hath not byleued in the name of the onely begotten son of God And this is the condemnacyon that lyght is come in to the worlde and men loued darkenesse more then lyght bycause theyr dedes were euyll For euery one that euyll doeth hateth the lyght neyther cometh to the lyght leest his dedes shulde be reproued But he that doth truth cometh to the lyght that his dedes maye be knowen howe that they are wrought in God ⊢ After these thynges came Iesus and his disciples in to the lande of Iurye and there he taryed with them ☞ and baptysed And Iohn̄ also baptised in Enan besyde Salim bycause there was moche water there they came and were baptysed For Iohn̄ was not yet cast in to pryson ✚ And there arose a questyon bytwene Iohn̄s disciples and the Iues aboute purifienge And they came vnto Iohn̄ and sayd vnto hym Rabbi he that was with the beyonde Iordan to whom thou barest wytnes beholde the same baptiseth all men come to hym Iohn̄ answered and sayd A man can receyue nothynge excepte it be gyuen hym from heuen Ye youre selues are wytnesses howe that I sayde I am not Chryst but am sente before hym He that hath the bryde is the brydegrome But the frende of the brydegrome whiche standeth and heareth hym reioyseth greatly bycause of the bryde gromes voyce This my ioye therfore is fulled He must encreace but I must decreace He that cometh from on hygh is aboue al He that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth He that cometh from heuen is aboue al and what he hath sene and herde that he testifieth and no man receyueth his testimonye He that hath receyued his testimonye ☞ hath set to his seale that God is true For he whom God hath sent speaketh the wordes of God For ☞ God gyueth not the spirite by measure vnto hym The father loueth the sonne and hath gyuen all thynges into his hande He that byleueth on the sonne hath euerlastynge lyfe He that byleueth not the sonne shall not se lyfe but the wrath of God abydeth on hym ⊢ ¶ The louynge cōmunicacyon of Christ with the woman of Samaria by the welles syds How he healeth the rulers son CAPI IIII. AS soone as the Lorde knewe howe the Pharises had herde that Iesus made and baptised mo disciples then Iohn̄ though that Iesus hym selfe baptised not but his disciples he lefte Iuery and departed agayne in to Galile For it was so that he must nedes go thorowe Samaria ✚ Then came he to a citye of Samaria which is called Sichar besydes the possessyon that Iacob gaue to his sonne Ioseph and there was Iacobs well Iesus then beynge werye of his iourney sat thus on the well And it was aboute the syxte houre and there came a womā of Samaria to drawe water Iesus sayth vnto her gyue me drynke For his disciples were gone awaye vnto the towne to bye meate Then sayeth the woman of Samaria vnto hym howe is it that thou beyng a Iue askest drynke of me whiche am a Samaritane For the Iues medle not with the Samaritans Iesus answered and sayde vnto her yf thou knewest the gyfte of God and who it is that sayeth to the gyue me drynke thou woldest haue asked of hym and he wolde haue gyuen the water of lyfe The womā sayeth vnto hym Syr thou hast nothyng to drawe with and the well is depe from whence then hast thou that water of lyfe Arte thou greater then our father Iacob which gaue vs the well and he hym selfe dranke therof and his chyldren and his cattell Iesus answered sayde vnto her who soeuer drynketh of this water shal thyrst agayne But ☞ who soeuer drynketh of the water that I shal gyue hym shal neuer be more a thyrst but the water that I shall gyue hym shall be in hym a well of water spryngynge vp in to euerlastyng lyfe The woman sayeth vnto hym Syr gyue me of that water that I thyrst not neyther come hyther to draw Iesus sayeth vnto her Go call thy husbande and come hyther The woman answered and sayde vnto hym I haue no husbande Iesus sayde vnto her Thou hast well sayde I haue no husbande For thou haste had fyue husbandes and he whome thou nowe hast is not thy husband In that
And ye shall be brought vnto the heade rulers and kynges for my sake in wytnesse to them and to the gentyls But when they delyuer you vp take ye no thought howe or what ye shall speake For it shall be gyuen you euen in that same houre what ye shall speake For it is not ye that speake but the spirite of your father whiche speaketh in you The brother shall delyuer vp the brother to death the father the sonne And the chyldren shal aryse agaynst theyr fathers and mothers shal put them to death and ye shal be hated of all men for my name sake But he that endureth to the ende shall be saued But when they persecute you in this citye flee ye in to an other For verely I saye vnto you ye shall not go thorowe all the cityes of Israel tyll the sonne of man be come The discyple is not aboue the mayster nor the seruaunt aboue his lorde It is ynough for the disciple that he be as his mayster is and that the seruaunt be as his lorde is If they haue called the lorde of the house Beelzebub howe moche more shall they call them of his housholde so Feare them not therfore For there is nothynge close that shall not be opened nothyng hyd that shal not be knowen What I tell you in darkenesse that speake ye in lyghte And what ye heare in the eare that preache ye on the house toppes And feare ye not them whiche kyll the body but are not able to kyl the soule But rather feare hym which is able to destroy both soule and body in to hell Are not two lytell sparowes solde for a farthynge And one of them shall not lyght on the grounde wtout your father Yea euen al the heere 's of your head are nombred Feare ye not therfore ye are of more value then many sparowes Euery one therfore that shal knowledge me before men him wyl I knowlege also before my father which is in heuen But who soeuer shall denye me before men hym wyll I also denye before my father whiche is in heuen Thynke not that I am come to sende peace into the erth I came not to sende peace but a swerde For I am come to set a man at varyaunce agaynst his father the doughter agaynst her mother and the doughter in lawe agaynst her mother in law And a mans foes shall be they that are of his owne hausholde He that loueth father or mother more then me is not worthy of me And he that loueth sonne or doughter more then me is not worthye of me And he that taketh not his crosse and foloweth me is not worthy of me He that fyndeth his lyfe shall lose it and he that loseth his lyfe for my sake shal fynde it He that receyueth you receyueth me and he that receyueth me receyueth hym that sent me He that receyueth a prophet in the name of a prophet shal receyue a prophetꝭ rewarde And he that receyueth a ryghteous man in the name of a ryghteous man shall receyue a ryghteous mannes rewarde And who soeuer shall gyue vnto one of these lytell ones to drynke a cup of colde water onely in the name of a disciple verely I say vnto you he shall not lose his rewarde ¶ Iohn̄ Bapiyst sendeth his disciples vnto Christ. CAPI XI ANd it came to passe that when Iesus had made an ende of cōmaundyng his twelue disciples he departed thence to teache and to preache in theyr cityes ✚ When Iohn̄ beynge in pryson herde the wordes of Christ he sent two of his disciples and sayde vnto hym Arte thou he that shall come or do we loke for an other Iesus answered and sayde vnto them Go and shewe Iohn̄ agayne what ye haue herde and sene The blynde receyue theyr syghte the lame walke the lepers are clensed and the deafe heare the deade are reysed vp and the poore receyue the glad tydynges of the gospell And happy is he that is not offended by me And as they departed Iesus began to say vnto the people concernynge Iohn̄ What went ye out into the wyldernes to se A reede that is shaken with the wynd Or what went ye out to se a man clothed in softe rayment Beholde they that weare softe clothyng are in kynges houses But what wente ye out to se A prophet Uerely I say vnto you more then a prophet For this is he of whom it is wrytten Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before the. ⊢ ✚ Uerely I saye vnto you amonge them that are borne of women arose not a greater then Iohn̄ the Baptyst Notwithstandynge ☞ he that is lesse in the kyngdome of heuen is greater then he From the dayes of Iohn̄ Baptyst vntyll this day the kyngdom of heuen suffreth violence and the violent plucke it vnto them For al the prophettes and the lawe it selfe prophesyed ☞ vnto Iohn̄ And yf ye wyll receyue it this is Helyas whiche was for to come He that hath eares to heare let hym heare ⊢ But whervnto shall I lyken this generacyon It is lyke vnto chyldren whiche syt in the market places and call vnto theyr felowes and saye We haue pyped vnto you and ye haue not daunsed we haue mourned vnto you and ye haue not sorowed For Iohn̄ came neyther catynge nor drynkynge and ye saye he hathe the deuyll The sonne of man came eatynge and drynkynge and they saye beholde a glutton and an vnmeasurable drynker of wyne and a frende vnto publicans and synners And wysdome is Iustified of her chyldren ✚ Then began he to vpbrayde the cityes whiche moost of his myracles were done in bycause they repented not of theyr synnes Wo vnto the Chorasin Wo vnto the Bethsaida for yf the myracles which were shewed in you had bene done in the citye of Tyre or Sidon they had repented of theyr synnes long agone in sacke cloth and asshes Neuerthelesse I say vnto you it shall be easyer for Tyre and Sidon at the daye of iudgement then for you And thou Capernaum whiche ●ete lyfte vp vnto heuen shalte be broughte downe to hell For yf the myracles which haue bene done in the had bene shewed in Zodom they had remayned vntyll this daye Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you that it shall be easyer for the lande of Zodom in the day of iudgement thē for the. ⊢ ✚ At that tyme Iesus answered sayd I thanke the O father Lorde of heuen and earth bycause thou hast hyd these thynges from the wyse prudent hast shewed them vnto babes verely father euen so was it thy good pleasure All thynges are gyuē ouer vnto me of my father And no man knoweth the sonne but the father neyther knoweth any man the father saue the sonne and he to whom soeuer the sonne wyll open hym Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are
came after me went before me for he was before me And of his fulnes haue al we receyued euen ☞ grace for grace For the lawe was gyuē by Moses but grace and trueth came by Iesus Chryst. ☞ No man hath sene God at any tyme. The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared hym ⊢ ✚ And this is the recorde of Iohn̄ when the Iues sent preestes and Leuites from Ierusalem to aske hym what arte thou And he confessed and denyed not and sayd playnly I am not Chryst. And they asked hym what then Arte thou Elias And he sayeth ☞ I am not Arte thou that Prophet And he answered no. Thē sayd they vnto hym what arte thou that we maye gyue an answere to them that sent vs. What sayest thou of thy selfe He sayd I am the voyce of a cryer in the wyldernes make streyght the way of the Lorde as sayd the prophet Esaias And they whiche were sent were of the Pharises And they asked hym and sayd vnto hym Why baptisest thou then yf thou be not Chryst nor Elias neyther that Prophet Iohn̄ answered them sayenge I baptyse with water but there standeth one amonge you whō ye knowe not he it is which though he came after me was before me whose shoo latchet I am not worthy to vnlose These thynges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordan where Iohn̄ dyd baptyse ⊢ ✚ The nexte day Iohn̄ seeth Iesus commynge vnto hym and sayeth beholde the lambe of God whiche taketh away the synne of the worlde This is he of whom I sayde After me cometh a man whiche went before me for he was before me and I knewe hym not but that he shulde be declared to Israel therfore am I come baptysyng with water And Iohn̄ bare recorde sayenge I sawe the spirite descende from heuen lyke vnto a doue and abode vpon hym and I knew him not But he that sent me to baptyse in water the same sayde vnto me vpon whome thou shalte se the spirite descende and tary styl on hym the same is he which baptyseth with the holy goost And I sawe bare recorde that he is the sonne of god ⊢ The nexte day after Iohn̄ stode agayne and two of his disciples And he behelde Iesus as he walked by and sayeth beholde the lambe of God And the two disciples herde hym speake they folowed Iesus And Iesus turned aboute sawe them folowe hym and sayeth vnto them what seke ye They sayde vnto hym Rabbi whiche is to saye yf one interprete it Mayster where dwellest thou He sayeth vnto them Come and se. They came and sawe where he dwelte and abode with hym that daye For it was aboute the tenth houre One of the two which herde Iohn̄ speake and folowed hym was Andrewe Symon Peters brother The same founde his brother Symon fyrst and sayeth vnto hym we haue founde Messias whiche is by interpretacyon anoynted and brought hym to Iesus And Iesus behelde hym and sayde thou arte Symon the sonne of Ionas thou shalte be called Cephas whiche is by interpretacyon a stone The day folowynge Iesus wolde go into Galile and founde Philip and sayeth vnto hym folowe me Philip was of Bethsaida the citye of Andrewe Peter Philip founde Nathanael and sayeth vnto hym We haue founde hym of whom Moses in the lawe and the Prophettes dyd wryte Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth And Nathanaell sayde vnto hym Can there any good thyng come out of Nazareth Philip sayeth vnto hym Come and se. Iesus sawe Nathanaell comynge to hym and sayeth of hym Beholde a ryght Israelyte in whome is no gyle Nathanaell sayeth vnto hym whence knowest thou me Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym Before that Philip called the when thou wast vnder the fygge tree I sawe the. Nathanael answered and sayd vnto hym Rabbi thou art euen the very sonne of god thou arte the kynge of Israel Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym Bycause I sayde vnto the I sawe the vnder the fygge tree thou byleuest Thou shalte se greater thyngꝭ then these And he sayeth vnto hym Uerely verely I say vnto you hereafter shall ye se heuen open and the angels of God ascendynge and descendyng ouer the sonne of man ¶ Chryst turneth the water in to wyne and dryueth the byers and sellers out of the temple CAPI II. ✚ ANd the thyrd day was there a mariage in Cana a citye of Galile and the mother of Iesus was there And Iesus was called and his disciples vnto the maryage And when the wyne fayled the mother of Iesus sayth vnto him they haue no wyne Iesus sayth vnto her woman what haue I to do with the myne houre is not yet come His mother sayeth vnto the ministers what soeuer he sayeth vnto you do it And there were standyng there vi waterpot●es of stone after the maner of the purifieng of the Iues conteynynge two or thre fyrkyns a pece Iesus sayeth vnto them fyll the water pottes with water And they fylled them vp to the brym And he sayeth vnto them drawe out nowe and beare vnto the gouernoure of the feaste And they bare it When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was turned vnto wyne and knew not whence it was But the ministers whiche drue the water knew He calleth the brydegrome sayth vn to hym Euery mā at the begynnyng doth set forth good wyne ☞ when men be dronke then that which is worse But thou hast kept the good wyne vntyll nowe This begynnyng of myracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galile and shewed his glory and his disciples byleued on hym ⊢ After this he went downe to Capernaum he his mother and his brethren and his disciples and there contynued not many dayes ✚ And the Iues easter was euen at hande and Iesus went vp to Ierusalem and found syttynge in the temple those that solde oxen shepe and doues chaungers of money And when he had made as it were a scourge of small coordes he droue them all out of the temple with the shepe and oxen and powred out the chaungers of money and ouerthrew the tables and sayd vnto them that solde doues Haue these thyngꝭ hence and make not my fathers house an house of marchaundyse And his disciples remēbred it that is wryten the zele of thyne house hath euen eaten me Then answered the Iues and sayd vnto hym what token shewest thou vnto vs seynge that thou doest these thynges Iesus answered and sayd vnto them destroy this temple and in thre dayes I wyll teare it vp Then sayde the Iues. xlvi yeres was this temple a buyldyng and wylt thou reare it vp in thre dayes But he spake of the temple of his body As soone therfore as he was rysen from death agayne his disciples remembred that he thus had sayd And they byleued the scripture and the wordes whiche Iesus had sayde When he was in
other man Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached vnto hym Iesus And as they went on theyr waye they came vnto a certayne water and the chamberlayne sayd Se here is water what doth let me to be baptised Philip sayd vnto hym If thou byleue with all thyne herte thou mayst And he answered and sayde I byleue that Iesus Chryst is the sonne of God And he cōmaunded the charet to stande styll And they went downe both into the water bothe Philip and also the chamberlayne and he baptised him And assoone as they were come out of the water the spirite of the lord caught awaye Philip and the chamberlayne sawe hym no more And he went on his way reioysyng but Philip was founde at Azotus And he walked thorowout the coūtrey preachyng in all the cityes tyll he came to Cesarea ⊢ ¶ Paull is conuerted and confoundeth the Iues. Peter reyseth Tabitha CAPI IX ✚ ANd Saul yet brethynge out threatnynges slaughter agaynst the disciples of the Lorde went vnto the hygh Preest desyred of hym letters to cary to Damasco to the Synagoges that yf he founde any of this way whyther they were men or women he myght bryng them bounde vnto Ierusalem And when he iourneyed it fortuned that as he was come nygh to Damasco sodenly there shyned round about hym a lyght from heuen and he fell to the earth herde a voyce sayenge to hym Saul Saul why persecutest thou me And he sayde what arte thou Lorde And the lorde sayd I am Iesus whom thou persecutest It is harde for the to kycke agaynst the pryckꝭ And he both tremblynge and astonyed sayde Lorde what wylte thou haue me to do And the lorde sayd vnto hym Aryse and go in to the citye and it shall be tolde the what thou must do The men whiche iourneyed with hym stode amased hearyng a voyce but seyng no man And Saul arose frome the earth and when he opened his eyes he sawe no man But they led hym by the hande and brought hym in to Damasco And he was thre dayes without syght neyther dyd eate nor drinke And there was a certayne disciple at Damasco named Ananias and to hym sayd the Lorde in a vision Ananias And he sayd beholde I am here Lorde And the Lorde sayd vnto hym Aryse go in to the strete whiche is called streyghte and seke in the house of Iudas after one called Saul of Tharsus For beholde he prayeth and hath sene in a vision a man named Ananias comynge in to hym and puttynge his handes on hym that he myght receyue his syght Then Ananias answered Lorde I haue herde by many of this man how moche euyl he hath done to thy sayntes at Ierusalem here he hath auctoryte of the hygh Preestes to bynde all that call on thy name The lorde sayd vnto hym go thy way for he is a chosen vessel vnto me to beare my name before the Gentyls and kynges and the chyldren of Israel For I wyll shewe hym howe great thynges he must suffre for my names sake And Ananias went his way and entred in to the house put his hande on hym and sayde brother Saul the Lorde that appeared vnto the in the waye as thou camest hath sent me that thou myghtest receyue thy syght and be fylled with the holy goost And immediatly there fell from his eyes as it had bene scales and he receyued syght and arose and was baptysed and receyued meate and was comforted Then was Saul a certayne dayes with the disciples whiche were at Damasco And streyght way he preached Chryst in the Synagoges how that he was the sonne of god But all that herde hym were amased and sayde is not this he that spoyled them which called on this name in Ierusalem and came hyther for that entent that he myght brynge them bounde vnto the hygh Preestes But Saul encreased the more in strength and cōfounded the Iues which dwelte at Damasco affyrmynge that this was very Chryst. ⊢ And after a good whyle the Iues toke counsell togyther to kyll hym But theyr layynge awayte was knowen of Saull And they watched the gates day and nyght to kyl hym Then the discyples toke hym by nyght and put hym through the walle and let hym downe in a basket And when Saul was come to Ierusalem he assayde to couple hym selfe to the disciples but they were all afrayd of hym and beleued not that he was a discyple But Barnabas toke hym and brought hym to the apostles and declared to them howe he had sene the Lorde in the way and that he had spoken to hym and how he had done boldly at Damasco in the name of Iesu. And he had his conuersacion with them at Ierusalem speakyng boldely in the name of the Lorde Iesu. And he spake and disputed agaynst the Grekes but they wente aboute to sley hym Whiche when the brethren knewe they brought him to Cesarea and sent hym forth to Tharsus Then had the congregacyon rest thorowout al Iuery and Galile and Samary and were edified and walked in the feare of the Lorde and multiplied by the comforte of the holy goost And it chaunsed as Peter walked thorowout all quarters he came also to the sayntes whiche dwelte at Lydda And there he founde a certayne man named Eneas which had kepte his bed viii yeres and was sycke of the palsye And Peter sayde vnto hym Eneas the Lorde Iesus Chryste make the hole aryse and make thy bed And he arose immediatly And all that dwelte at Lydda Assaron sawe hym and turned to the Lorde There was at Ioppa a certayne woman a disciple named Tabitha whiche by interpretacion is called Dorcas the same was ful of good workes and almesse dedes whiche she dyd And it chaunsed in those dayes that she was sycke and dyed Whom when they had wasshed they layde her in a chamber But for as moche as Lydda was nygh to Ioppa and the disciples had herde that Peter was there they sent vnto hym two men desyrynge hym that he wolde not be greued to come vnto them Peter arose and came with them And when he was come they brought him in to the chāber And all the wydowes stode roūde aboute hym wepynge and shewyng the cootes and garmentes whiche Dorcas made whyle she was with them And Peter put them al forth and kneled downe prayed and turned hym to the body and sayde Tabitha aryse And she opened her eyes and when she sawe Peter she sat vp And he gaue her the hande lyfte her vp And whē he had called the sayntes and wydowes he shewed her alyue And it was knowen thorowout al Ioppa many byleued on the Lorde And it fortuned that he taryed many dayes in Ioppa with one Simon a tanner ¶ The visyon that Peter sawe Howe he was sente to Cornelius The heathen also receyue the spirite and are baptysed CAPI X. ✚ THere was a
sepulchre in the cyte of Moden And all the people of Israel made great lamentacyon for nym mourned longe salenge Alas that thys worthy shulde be slayne which deliuered the people of Israel As for other thynges perteyninge to the battailes of Iudas the noble actes that he dyd of hys worthynesse they are not wrytten for they were very many And after the death of Iudas wycked men came vp i al the coastes of Israel and there arose all such as worcke vngodlines In those dayes was there a greate dearthe in the lande and all the countre gaue ouer them selues and theirs vnto Bachides So Bachydes chose wycked men made them lo●des in the land These sought out made search for Iudas frēdes ●nd brought them vnto Bachides which auēged him self vpō them with great despyte And there came so great trouble i Israel as was not sens the tyme that no prophere was sene there Then came all Iudas frendes together and sayde vnto Ionathas For so much as thy brother Iudas is deed ther is none like him to go forth against cur enemies agaist Bachides suche as are aduersaryes vnto oure people Wherfore thys daye we chose the for hym to be oure prince and captayne to ordre oure battaille And Ionathas toke the gouernaunce vpon hym at the same tyme and ruled isteade of his brother Iudas When Bachides gat knowledge therof he sought for to sley hym But Ionathas and Symon his brother perceauynge that sled into the wildernes of ●hec●a with al theyr company and pytched theyr tentes by the water pole of Asphar Which when Bachydes vnderstode he came ouer Iordane with al his host vpon y ● Sabbath day Now had Ionathas sēt hys brother Ihon a captayne of the people to pray his frendes the Nabuthites that they wolde lende them their ordiuaunce for they had much So the chyldren of Iambry came out of Madaba and toke Ihon and al that he had and wente their waye withal Then came worde vnto Ionathas and Simō his brother that the chyldren of Iambry made a greate mariage and brought the bride frō Madaba wyth greate pompe for she was daughter to one of the noblest princes of Canaan Wherfore they remembred the bloude of Ihon their brother wete vp hid them selues vnder the shadowe of the moūtayne So they lift vp their eyes and loked and beholde there was much a do and great repayre for the brydegrome came forth ▪ his frendes and hys brethren met thē with tympanyes instrumētes of musicke and many weapēs Then Ionathas they that were with hym rose oute of theyr lourkynge places agaynst them and slewe many of them As for the remnaut they fled into the moūtaynes and they toke all their substaunce Thus the maryage was turned to morninge and the noyse of their melody into lamentacyon And so when they had auenged the bloude of they re brother they turned agayne vnto Iordane Bachides hearynge thys came vnto the very border of Iordane with a great power vpon y ● Sabbath day And Ionathas sayd to hys companye let vs get vp and fyght agayne our enemies for it stādeth not with vs to daye as in tyme paste Beholde oure enemyes are in our waye the water of Iordane vpon the one syde of vs with bankes fennes and woddes of the other side so that there is no place for vs to departe vnto Wherfore crie nowe vnto heauen that ye maye be deliuered frō the power of your enemies So they stroke y ● battaille And Ionathas stretched out his hādes to smite Bachy des but he fled bacwarde The Ionathas they that were wyth hym leapte into Iordane swymmed ouer Iordane vnto hym and there were staine of Bachides side that daye a thousande men Therfore Bachydes with hys hoost turned againe to Ierusalem and builte vp the castels and strong holdes that were in Iewrye Iericho Emaus Bethoron Bethell Thamnata Phara and Topo w t hye walles with portes and with lockes and set mē to kepe them that they might vse theyr malyce vpon Israell He walled vp the cytye Bethsurah Gazarah and the castell and prouided thē with mē and vitayles He toke also the chefest mens sonnes in the countre for pledges and put them in the castel at Ierusalem to be kepte Afterwarde in the hundred fyftye thre yeare in the secōde moneth Alcimus cōmaūded that the walles of the inmost Sanctuary shuld be destroyed and the buyldīges of the prophetes also And when he began to destroye thē the thynges y t he wēte aboute were hindered for he was smyttē with a pal sey and his mouth shut so that he coulde no more speake nor cōmaūde any of hys house concernyng his busynesse Thus dyed Alcimus in greate misery at the same tyme. And whē Bachides sawe that Alcimꝰ was dead he turned agayne to the kyng and so y e lāde was in reast two yeares Then all the vngodly men helde a councel saieng Behold Ionathas and his cōpany are at ease and dwell without care Wherfore let vs bringe Bachides hyther and he shall take them al in one nyght So they wente and gaue Bachydes this councell which arose to come with a greate hoost snet letters preuely to his adherentes which were i Iewry to take Ionathas those that were w t him but they might not for the other had gotten knowledge of their deuice And Ionathas toke fyfty men of the countre which were the ryngleaders of thē and slewe them Then Ionathas Simō with theyr company departed vnto the cyte Bethbessen which lyeth in the wildernes repayred y ● decay therof and made it strōg When Bachydes knewe thys he gathered all hys hoost and sent worde to them that were of Iewry Then came he layed sege to Bethbessen and fought agaynst it a long season made instrumētes of warre Now Ionathas left his brother Simō in y e cytie and wente forth him selfe into the coūtre came with a certayne nōbre and slewe Odares and his brethrē and the children of Phaseron in their tentes so that he begāne to be stronge and to increase in power As for Symon and hys companye they wente out of the cytye and brent vp the instrumentes of warre fought agaynst Bachides and discōfyted hym And Bachides was sore vexed because his councel and trauayl was in vaine Wherfore he was wroth at the wycked men that gaue hym councell to come into their lande and slewe many of them Then purposed he with his company to go awaye into hys owne countre wherof whē Ionathas had knowledge he sent embassytours vnto hym for to make peace w t hym and that he shuld delyuer him his presonners agayne To the whiche Bachides consented gladly and dyd according to his desyre yee and made an othe that he shulde neuer do him harme al the dayes of his life So he restored vnto hym al the presonners that he had taken out of the lande of Iuda then turned
Athenobiꝰ the kynges frēde came to Ierusalē when he sawe the great worshyp honour of Symō in golde siluer so great plēty of ornamentes he marueled tolde Symon as y ● king cōmaūded hi. Then answered Symon sayd vnto hi. As for vs we haue nether takē other mens lādes nor wthold thē but onely our fathers heritage which our enemies had vnrightuously in possession a certayne tyme. This herytage of oure fathers haue we chalenged in processe of tyme. And where as y ● cōplanest cōcerning Ioppa Gaza they did gret harme to our people in our lāde yet wyl we gyue an C. taletes for them Neuertheles Athenobius answered hi not one word but curned agayne wrothfully vnto the kyng tolde him al these wordes the great dignite of Symon with al y ● he had se●ie the king was very angry In the meane tyme fled Triphō by shyp vnto Orthosaida Then the kyng made Cēdebens captayne of the see coast gaue hi an host of fote men horsmen cōmaundyng hym to remoue the host towarde Iewry to buylde vp y ● cyte of Cedron to make vp the portes to warre against the people of the Iewes As for y ● king him selfe he folowed vpon Triphō So Cendebeus came vnto Iamnia begāue to vexe the people to treade downe Iewry to take y ● people presoners to sley them to buylde vp Cedron where he let horsmen other men of warre that they mygnt come forth go thorowe the stretes of Iewry lyke as the kyng had cōmaunded hym ¶ Cendebeus the Captayne of Antiochus hooste is put to flyght of the sonnes of Symon Ptolomeus the 〈◊〉 of A●●bus hylleth Symon and his two sonnes at a bancket Ihon kylleth them that lye in wayte for his lyfe CAPI XVI THen came Thon vp from Gaza told Symon his father what Cenoebeꝰ had done among their people Upon this called Simo● two of his eldest sōnes Iubas and Ihon said vnto them I my brethren and my fathers house haue euer frō our youth vp vnto this daye foughten agaynste the enemyes of Israel and God gaue vs good fortune to delyuer Israel oft tymes And now for so muche as I am olde be ye insteade of me and my brother to go forth and fyght for our people and the help of God be with you So he chose xx M. fightyng men of the coūtre with horsmen also whiche wente forth agaynst Cendebeus and rested at Modin In the mornynge they arose and went in to the playne feide and beholde a myghtye great host came agaynst them bothe of fote men and horsmen Nowe was there a water broke betwyxt them and Ihon remoued the host towarde them And when he sawe that the people was afrayed to go ouer the water broke he went ouer fyrst him selfe the men seinge this folowed hym Then Ihon set his horimen and fote men in ordre the one by y ● other for their enemyes horsmen were very many But when they blew vp the prestes trōpettes Cendebeus fled with his host wherof many were slayue and the remnaunt gat them to theyr strong holde Iudas also Ihons brother was wounded at the same tyme. And Ihon folowed styl vpon the enemyes tyll he came to Cedrō whiche he buylded The enemyes fled also vnto the towres that were in the feldes of Azotus and those dyd Ihon burne vp Thus there were slayne i● M. men of them Ihon turned agayne peaceably into Iewry And in the felde of Iericho was Ptolomy the sonne of Abobus made captayne whiche because he had aboundaunce of syluer and golde for he had maried the daughter of Simō the hye prest waxed proude in his mynde and thought to conquere the lande ymagenyng falshed agaynst Symon and his sones to destroye them Now as Symon was goyng aboute thorowe the cyties that were in the countre of Iewry and caring for them he came downe to Iericho with Matathias and Iudas his sonnes in the. Clxxvij yere in the xj Moneth called Sabat Then Ptolomy the sonne of Abobus receiued them but with disceyte into a stronge house of hys called Doch which he had buylded where he made them a bancket So when Symon and his sonnes were mery and had dronken well Ptolomy stode vp with his men whom he had hyd there toke their weapens entred into the bancket house and slewe Symon with hys two sonnes and certayne of his seruaunces Suche great vnfaythfulnesse dyd Ptolomy in Israel and recōpensed euyl for good Then wrote this Ptolomy the same vnto kynge Antiochus requyryng him that he shulde sende hym an host to helpe him and so shulde he de lyuer hym the lanoe with the cyties and trybuces of the same He sent other ●e●● also his to Gaza for to take Ihon and w●ot● 〈◊〉 the captaynes to come to hym and 〈◊〉 ●hul●e gyue them syiuer golde and rewardes And to Ierusalem he sent other to take 〈◊〉 and the Sanctuary Then ranne there one before and tolde Ihon in Gaza that his father his brethren were slayne howe that Ptolomy ha● se●re to slepe hym also When Iohn herde this he was sore abashed and layed handes of them that were come to destroye hym and slewe them for he knewe that they went ●●●●te to kyll hym As for other thynges concernyng Ihon of his warres of his noble actes wherin he behaued him selfe manfully of the buylding of wastes which he made and other of his dedes They are wrytten in the cronicles of his presthode frō the time forth that he was ma●● hye prest after hys father ❧ The ende of the fyrste Booke of the Machabees Eee v. The seconde booke of the Machabees ¶ An Epystle of the Iewes that dwelt at Ierusalem sente vnto them which dwelt in Egypt wherin they exhorte them to geue thankes for the death of Antiochus Of the fyre that was hyd in the pyt The prayer of Nehemias CAPI I. THe brethren of the Iewes which be at Ierusalem and in the lande of Iewry wysh vnto those brethren of the Iewes that are thorowe out Egypte good fortune health and peace God be gracious vnto you and thyncke vpon his couenaunt that he made with Abraham Isaac and Iacob his faythfull seruaūtes and gyue you all such an herte that ye may loue and serue hym yee and perfourme his wyll with an whole herte and of a wyll●g mynde He open your hertes in his lawe and in his commaundementes sende you peace heare your prayers be at one w t you and neuer forsake you in tyme of trouble This is here our prayer for you What tyme as Demetrius raygned ● the Clxix yeare we Iewes wrote vnto you in the trouble and vyolēce that came vnto vs. In those yeares after that Iason departed out of the holy lande kyngdome they brēt vp the portes shed innocent bloude Then made we our prayer vnto y ● lord were herd we offred lyghted the cādels