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A08779 Christs confession and complaint concering his kingdom and seruants; conuincing Iewes of obstinacie, Romish Catholickes of conspiracie, seducers of sedition, Arminians of apostacie, and diuers others of coldnes, schisme, treachery & hypocrisie. By J.P. I. P., fl. 1629. 1629 (1629) STC 19069; ESTC S102324 96,442 116

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and rule spiritually this Temple beeing indeed a figure of the Chu●ch where in he should rule which came to passe not when Antichr●st came to sit in the Temple of God as God whereof in the s●quel but when Iesus Christ who is the Word came and decla●ed himselfe in the Temple and thereby signified his owne gouernment in his Church which is there where the Wo●d ruleth this was accomplished suddenly after the preaching of his forrunner Iohn Baptist Luk. 3.4 who came ye see as it is written in the booke of Esayas the Prophet saying The voice of him that crieth in the wildernesse prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desart a high way for our God Euery valley shall be exalted Isa 40.3 4 5. and euery Mountai●e and hill made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plaine the Scriptures should be so clearely expounded And the glory viz the Word of the Lord shall be reuealed and all flesh shall see it together And a litle after vers 9. Say vnto the cities of Iudah behold youre God Behold the Lord God will come with stronge hand And his Arme viz. the Word which is his Sonne shall rule for him For that wee might be sure that this Kingdom belonged to Iesus Christ Iohn preached I baptize with water Ioh. 1. but there standeth one amonge you mightier then I whose shooes lachet I am not worthy to vnloose this was Christ who could not haue vnde●stood by Scriptures what manner of King the Messiah should be no● haue preached and wrought myracles so according to the Prophesies of him if he had beene a deceiuer and had not b●ene the Christ the Sonne of God but he was approued to be the Ch●ist For when Iesus was baptized of Iohn in Io●dan M●k 1.10 ● and came out of the water Iohn saw the Heauens opened and the Spirit like a doue descending vpon him And the●e came a voice from Heauen saying Ioh. 1.33.34 Thouart my welbeloued Sonne i● whome I am well pleased Which comming to pa●●e as God foretold Iohn he saith I saw and bare record th●t this is the S●nne of God and consequently that his is the promised Kingdom of the M●ssiah Which was soone manifested for after Iohn was put in prison by Herod Mark 1.14 Luk. 4.43 Iesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God That is the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God A●d so he saith I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also Therefore he calleth his doctrine the Word of the Kingdom saying Mat. 13.19 When any one heareth the Word of the Kingdom and vnderstandeth it not So he saith Euery Scribe which is instructed vnto the Kingdom of God is like vnto a man that is an howseholder which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new old New that is the tre●sures of the Gospel and Old that is the testimonies of the Prophets which foretold and prefigured this grace that comes to vs Luk. 16 16. Luk 17.20 Since that time the Kingdom of God is preached and euery man presseth vnto it And when he was demanded of the Pharises when the Kingdom of God should come he answered them saide The Kingdom of God commeth not with obseruation Neither shall they say loe here or loe there for behold the Kingdom of God is within you That is they shall not say it is in this nation or in that in this citie or in that haueing the seate thereof here or there for the Word is within you Rom. 10.8 in your mouth and in your heart illuminating ruling some of your Soules therefore the Kingdom of God is within you And indeed God who by voices from Heauen by miracles app●oued him had promised foretold that so it should be for Behold the dayes come Ier. 31.31 saith the Lord that I will make a new Co●enant with the ho●se of Israel not according to the former when I brought them out of ●gypt which my co●enant they brake but this shall be the couenant that I will make with the howse of Israel I will put my law in theire inward parts ●ndw●i●e it in theire hearts And they shall all know me for I will forgiue theire iniquitie c. and in another place I will giue them a new heart with many the like promises Loe he would write the law in theire hearts the word should rule there and enlighten them with the * Isa 54.13 c. 53.3 c. promised knowledge of God and his remission and saluation in the death and doctrine of Christ Isa 53. and soe his Kingdom should be in theire hearts and soules within them Tit. 2.11.12 Ioh. 8.32 Character of a Christ pag. 329. c. as Christ saith that is when the grace of God bringing saluation was preached and the same taught mē to denie vngodlinesse worldly lusts The Truth knowne maketh men free from seruing sinne euen as Ioseph was taught by the fauour of his maister to denie the vngodlie lust of his mistris and escape away for soe men escape the p●llutions of the world through the knowledge of Christ as did Zacheus Luk. to 28. soe he saith there The Sonne of Man is come to s●eke and saue that wh●●h is lost And as they heard theese things he added and spake a parable because they thought that the Kingdom of God should immediately appeare A certaine noble man went into a far countrie to receiue for himselfe a Kingdom And he called vnto him his tenne seruants and deliuered vnto the tenne pounds and saide vnto thē Occupie till I come c. This noble man was Christ who before his ascention deliuerd the Word of truth vnto his seruants and since giueth of the same Word to others by his Spirit and so will till his second cōming theese ten seruants are his ministers and other his seruants the pounds or talen●s were seuerall portions of the Word of grace of the mysteries of God d●uers * Rom. 12.3 1. Cor. 12.11 measures of the knowledge and faith of Christ wherein they ought to increase and to shew the fruite thereof in a holy life also to vse theire skill to bringe others to the knowledge and obedience of Christ which is to giue him his owne with vantage for they are Stewards of the mysteries of God 1. Cor 4 1. and it is required in Stewards that a man be found faithfull Deliuering nothing for doctrine but that which was * Chap. 11.23 receiued of the Lord by his Apostles and Prophets neither hiding his talent of doctrine nor teaching for doctrines commaundements and opinions of men things not commaunded in the Word For as when amonge the Romans there was difference aboute meates the Apostle saide The Kingdom of God is not meate and dr●●ke that is Rom. 14 17. the Word of God doth not commaund and teach theese
death of a high Pre●st who shall be the ver● Word of G●d voide of all ●nne as well willing as vnwi●●ing whose Father s●ould be God and this Word shall be the Fathers w●s●em by which all things ●n this world were created Now that Christ Iesus was this Word incarnate That Iesus was the word the true Messiah wh●ch as Iohn saith reuealeth the Father our Sa●●our himselfe further proueth while when he had shewed himsel●e to be the Word and therein the Sonne of God as aboue saide to those Iewes that counted this blasphemie he added Ioh. If I d●e not the workes of my Father beleeue me not But if I doe though ye beleeue not me beleeue the workes that ye may know and beleeue that the Father is in me and I in him As if he saide the works proue it The●efore in another place he saith I haue a greater wi●nesse then that of Iohn Ioh. 5 3● for the works which the Father hath giuen me to fin●sh the same works that I doe beare witnesse of me that the Father hath sent me and c. Now therefore let vs take a short view of some few of those works or witnesses to see how they proue it and so proceede to the rest of the confession before Pilate Luk. 11.13 When he had cast out a Deuil out of one that was dumbe some of them saide he casteth out Deuils through Beelzebub the cheife of the Deuils to which he answered But if I with the finger of God cast out Deuils noe doub but the Kingdom of God is come vpon you that is no● doubt but the Word is now incarnate which should come and rule for God for the Word is the finger Arms or power by which he made and g●●erned all things Psa 66. Luk. 4.33 He rule●h by his power for euer The●efore the Messiah who was to be●h●s Power ●s come and worketh by ●t because● by that power cast out Deuils Therefore ●n the S●nagouge the Deuil in one posessed cri●d out what haue wee to doe wi●h thee thou Ies●s of Nazareth ●rt thou c●me to destroy vs I know thee who thou●rt the holy one of God And Ies●s reb●ked him s●ying Ho●d thy peace and come out of him And when the Deuil h●d hrowen him in the midst he came out of him And they were all amazed and spake amonge themselues saying * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What a Word is th●● Our Euangel●st will answer All things were m●de by him In him was life and the life was the light of men The life of the Word was here manifested in the sight of many while so greate a miracle was donne thereby and the li●e was the light of men to thei●e convertion wh●le in amazement they say What a Word is this for with authority and power he commaundeth ●he vncleane spirits and th●y come out The Euang list will answer againe The w●rd was made flesh and wee behold his glorie the glorie as of the only bego t●n of the Father full of gr●ce and truth vers 32. And so when he ●au●ht Th●y were aston●●d at his d●ctrine for his word was with power There was life therein acco●ding a● Ch●●st sai●e The words th●● I speake they are Spiri● and they are life yea eternall life Ioh 12 5● as Peter sai●h Thou hast the words of et●rn ●ll life and wee beleeue viz. and therefore wee b●le●ue and are sure th● u●r● the Christ the Sonne of the liueing God S●●nt Mathew saith Mat. 8.17 Th●y brought to him many that were posessed with Deuils and he cast out the Spirits wi●h his Word and healed all that were sieck wi●h his Word that is with the power by which God the Father worketh Io● 〈◊〉 .5 At the poole of Bethesda there was a Man that had ●●en lame eight and thir●ie yeares Iesus sai●h vnto him Rise take vp thy Bed and walke And immediately the man was made whole and walked This could be donne by noe other then the Word of God whereof the Psalmist saith when theire Fathers were in like distresse psa 107 20. He sent his Word and healed them Vpon this myracle there was greate dispute betweene our Sauiour and the Iewes Aug. in Ioan. Tract 19.20.21 c. where●n he proued himselfe to be the Word of the Father as Saint Avgustin sh●weth on that Gospel See also the Character of a Christian. pag 63. c. Ies●s with clay made of spi●te healed a man that was b●rne blinde Ioh. 9.6 Ve●● 3● 3● Which man beeing brought befo●e the Phari●es reasoned thu● Wee know that God heareth not sinners but if a man be a worshipper of God and doe his will him he heareth Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of the blinde If this man were not of God he could doe nothing This vnlearned man could not giue such diuine proofes but by Gods Spirit that thus makes the Pharises his aduersaries more inexcusable Lazarus had lien fower dayes in the graue And when Iesus was come with Martha Marie and diuers Iewes to the place where they had layed him at last Ioh. 11.30 He cried with a loude voice Lazarus come forth And he that was dead came forth Vers 43. What Word could d●●e this or any worke so greate but the mightie Wo●d of God which made the World If then Ie●us did it by his Word it is plaine that in him the Word was made flesh and they saw the gl●rie thereof in this myracle the glorie as of the only begotten of God But that he did it is manifest for some of the Iewes that saw it went theire wayes to the Pharises and told them V●rs 46.47 therevpon the Cheife Preists gathered a counsell and saide What doe wee for this man doth many miracles If wee let him thus alone Vers 53. all men ●ill beleeue on him And the Romans shall come and take away both our place and Nations From that day they tooke couns●ll to put him to death and did it But this polecie brought on them the iudgement it went ab●ute to preuent and so must all such polecies needes doe which for worldl●e respects any way hinder Gods Kingdom Now then seeing Iesus did so greate workes by his Word it is plaine that he was the Word and that Word the Sonne that should come in the flesh and be the M●ssiah Which thinge the Father himselfe openly witnessed by voices from Heaven first at his Baptisme when he came out of the water Mat. ●3 16 and loe a voice from Heauen saying Ioh. 1.33 This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased Iohn Baptist heard this and th●n saw the Spirit of God descending on him like a doue and therefore bare record that this is the Sonne of God Now noe man could except against Iohns testimonie he was so generally beleeued to be holy iust and a Prophe● Aga●ne when Iesus praied Father glori●ie
people saying this is the blood of the Testament which God hath enioyned vnto you That was a type of this Testament sealed and dedicated to all mākinde in Christs blood which sprinckleth both the Testament as a witnesse and seale of it and the people as redeemed and sealed vnto therefore this blood of the euerlasting couenant is called a witnessing Heb. 12.24 a speaking blood The blood of sprinckling which speaketh better things then the blood of Abel It witnesseth the Truth of all things declared in the new Testament and so speaketh reconcilliation grace peace life to the consciences of all them that receiue the same Testament and the loue of the Truth therein manifested in all things necessary to saluation See that ye refuse not him that speaketh vers 25. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth much more shall not wee if wee turne away from him that speaketh from Heauen viz. by this blood and the representatiue signes thereof in his Sacraments therefore Saint Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 5.8 There are three that beare witnesse in Earth the Spirit and the Water and the Blood and theese three agree in one They all witnesse and seale the same thinge they agree in witnesse of one Truth one Testament Ioh. 14.26 chap. 16.13 The Spirit that is the holy Ghost that brought all things to the mindes of the Apostles that Christ had told them and that witnesseth the same Word and noe other vnto vs for he guided them into all Truth he was not to speake of himselfe but to take of Christs and shew vnto them nothing but that which Christ had * Ioh. 15.15 made knowne vnto them saue only that he should shew them things to come viz. touching the comming of the man of sinne his lying wonders him that letted Seducing Spirits that should forbid marriage and some meates the seauen seales the 7. Triumpets the 7. Vials the Dragon with tenne hornes the Beast his marke them that receiue it Babylons Ruin and the like Whereof our Lord speaketh when he saith I haue yet many things to say vnto you Ioh. 16.12 but ye can not beare them now theese can not be as the greate whore and her members most impudently affirme the traditions of the Church of Rome as inuocation of saints single life of Preists distinction of meates theire obserued fasts and feasts the Popes succession in Peters chaire as head of the Church priuate masses drawing Soules out of purgatorie c. For this is a bold diuination for thire owne proffit any other Hereticks may say as much for theire herefies if that would serue and to disproue them all our Sauiour speaking of things absolutely necessary to saluation saith All things that I haue heard of my Father haue I made knowne vnto you Ioh. 15.15 theese the Spirit brought to theire mindes and in theire writings * Act. 20.27 1. Ioh. 1.3 chap. 2.27 Charac of a Christian p. they manifested them to vs and to theese the Spirit beareth witnesse on earth And the water viz. in Baptisme it is a seale of that Couenant and Truth it exhibiteth and witnesseth the same things vissiblie and to the Soule in a sealing signe that the Testament doth And the blood this did Christs bloods shed on the Crosse and this doth the cup in the Sacrament for therefore Christ giueth to the signe the name and sealing virtue of the thinge signified saying This is my blood of the new Testament viz. that witnesseth and confirmeth the truth of it and of all that it offereth and teacheth to youre Soules This cup is the new Testament in my blood the Testament witnessed sealed confirmed and dedicated to you in my blood as the first Testament was in the blood of Calues of Goates c. and therefore Saint Iohn there addeth If wee receiue the witnesse of men 1. Ioh. 5.9 the witnesse of God is greater for this is the witnesse of God which he testifieth of his Sonne that is which he testifieth of the Word of the Truth which is his Sonne and which God witnessed and sealed vnto vs not only by voices from Heauen and myracles but also by the blood of his Sonne and now by his Spirit by the water of Baptisme and by the cup in the Lords Supper therefore it is saide Him hath God the Father sealed Ioh. 6.27 and therefore John Baptist saith of Christ Ioh. 3.33 He that receiued his testimonie hath set to his seale that God is true that is true in his Word and true in the sealing that he giues to it he iustifieth him in his sayings Rom. 3.4 He that beleeueth him not in euery thinge he hath saide but reiecteth the Testament the Truth in any point of faith and saluation he beleeueth not God but hath made him a liar vers 10. because he beleeueth not the record that God gaue of his Sonne He beleeueth not the witnesse of the Spirit of the water of the cup not the witnes which Christ bare vnto the Truth in his blood he refuseth him that speaketh by theese yea he reiecteth Christ the faithfull and true witnesse and the Seale or marke of God Reu. 1.5 euen the testimonie of Iesus * chap. 19.10 see Character of a Christian pag. 228. receiued by all them that are in a right and saueing manner of the true Church Wherein there is noe other Word receiued in matters of faith and saluation but Gods Testament Noe vaine brags of the spirit but by the Scriptures the * 1. Ioh. 4.1.6 Act. 17.11 1. Thes 5.21 Isa 8.20 Spirits are tried To the Law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is noe light in them And consequently noe spirit of prophesie in them If a man be well skilled or mightie in the proofes power of the new Testament as Apollos was saide to be mightie in the Scriptures Act. 18.24 then he hath the spirit of prophesie otherwise not for that true member of the true church endued with such excellent knowledge that Iohn would haue worshipped him Reu. 12.9 chap. 19.10 saith I am of thy Brethren the Prophets of them that keepe the sayings of this booke Which expoundeth that I am of thy Brethren that haue the testimonie of Jesus he had nothing else but his Testament he came out from the Arke of his Testament out of that Temple wherein was noe other Word he was powerfull in that nor would he allow any doctrine which was not agreeable thereto to be of the Spirit therefore he saith for the testimonie of Iesus is the Spirit of prophesie noe other If therefore men bringe not that testimonie they vainly talke of the Spirit of prophesie as Papists for theire traditions Anabaptists for theire dreames and others for theire Heresies wherein they reiect the testimonie of Iesus doe despite to the Spirit of grace Wherefore the Apostle saith Heb.