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water_n baptize_v jesus_n john_n 3,386 5 6.8394 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00659 Golden epistles contayning varietie of discourse both morall, philosophicall, and diuine: gathered as well out of the remaynder of Gueuaraes workes, as other authors, Latine, French, and Italian. By Geffray Fenton. Fenton, Geoffrey, Sir, 1539?-1608.; Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545? 1575 (1575) STC 10794; ESTC S101911 297,956 420

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to his creatures of the world but it is measured with his iustice and paysed with his wisedome and mercie And so following eftsones our first matter if it be true as it is most cleare from error or falshode that the Lord is iust and in his iudgements righteous and doth all things by waight and measure how can this be w tut apparance of contradiction when hee gaue heauen to the théefe without deseruing it and led him with him into Paradise hauing done to him no seruice For sinnai for sinner wicked for wicked vnthākful for vnthankful théefe for théefe it séemes to the aduise reason of man that God might aswel haue employed his kingdome in Judas that had followed him thrée yeres as vpon the théefe that accompanied him on the crosse but thrée houres fur erat loculos habebat it was written of Judas he was a théefe and had the bagge and of the other it is also written that he was a théefe and a robber wherein if in the maner and fashion of robbing they were different much lesse were they like of name and fact So that if Iesus Christ had taken his kingdome from a wicked man to haue giuen it to a good man that had bene to do iustice vprightly but to take it from one théefe to bestowe it on an other robber séemes a thing very straite and hard for that in the world there can be nothing worse employed then that which is geuen to a person vnworthy God the creator tooke the right of inheritance from Cain to bestowe it on Abell he depriued Jsmaell to giue it to Jsaac and Esau to transferre it to Jacob he tooke it from Ruben too bestow it on Juda he deposed Saule to the end to rayse Dauid to the Empire depriued Holy to aduaunce ▪ Samuell al which he did for that in the one fort of them he found great merites and in the other plentie of wickednes and abhominable crimes But in these two théeues the world discerned little apparance of merit and lesse expectation of any good thing in a life so euill disposed as theirs where being detected iudicially the very testimony of their faultes proued in them sufficient matter to bée reprehended and corrected But since GOD is of a power to pearse into the thoughtes hartes and intencions of men and to him selfe he hath reserued the solucion and triall of thinges that hée doth I say that in this nor in any other case what so euer there is nothing wherein it is lawfull for man to argue with GOD For in this did hée iustly send Judas into hell and wyth the same equitie translate the théefe into Paradise●… for that the one was worthy of glory for confessing his trespasse and the other deserued to loase it for that hée was a Treator to the lyfe of his Mayster Let vs not marueile at the thinges that GOD doth and much lesse rise into thought and wonder at the thinges which the almightie in his eternall counsell foreséeeth one man findes out an other by the habitte that they beare but GOD iudgeth euery one by the harte that hée hath yea hée leadeth the actions and effectes of their lyfe not according to their worldly appetite or wisedome but as hée hath preordeined in his eternall presence whereby it followeth that in the soueraigne and high tribunall of Iesus Christ the trueth of his iustice neuer was corrupted nor the measure of his mercie falsefied Therefore if Iesus Christ communicated the kyngdome of heauen to the théefe he did it in these good reasons and considerations first because hée confessed him to bée Lord hée accompanied him on the Crosse hée rebuked his other companion acknowledged him selfe to bée wicked died with Iesus Christ and to him recommended himselfe Oh infinite bountie and secret iudgements of God séeing that in recompence of a fewe transitory yeares wherein the théefe was a sinner in the world the Lord was content to be satisfied wyth the thrée houres wherein hée became a good man on the Crosse Yea those thrée houres onely wherein hée accompanied Iesus in his Passion serued him more then the thrée yeares of the Apostleshippe of Judas And these houres béeing the last and extréeme seasons and respite of his temporall lyfe hée employed so well that the more hée had sinned at leasure wyth so much more deuoute diligence hée repented and so much the more soddenly aspired to his conuersion But let vs nowe ioyne to the example of this théefe his singular excellencies and withall let it bée a chiefe office in our Christian dutie to knowe that the foundation of our health and heauenly felicitie consistes in the true fayth wée haue in Iesus Christ by meanes whereof as wée ought to doe our dutie and thereby stand in grace to obtaine that wée would or desire so without this meane wée can not be saued nor yet deserue to bée called Christians For to be a Christian is no other thing then to beléeue in Iesus Christ our GOD and serue him as our redéemer And that this good théefe was made a Christian it is a good argument to holde that he would not haue aunswered for Iesus Christ if hée had not bene a friend to Iesus Christ neither would hée haue recommended him selfe to him as to God had hée not beléeued him to bée god That this théefe was baptized we make no doubt but the maner and place of his baptizing is to vs vnknowne onely we may say that if there were want of water to performe the ceremonie there wanted no teares of the mother nor bloud of the sonne to regenerate him At the baptisme of Christ was onely S. Iohn but at the conuersion of this théefe was Iesus himselfe his mother S. John Mary Maudlen Nicodemus Joseph together with the inhabitants of Jerusalē vpon which we may inferre the in the house of God more honour is reserued to good théeues then to wicked Emperours This theefe was so good a christian and beleued with so great zeale in Iesus Christ that in faith he surmounted all those that till then were dead and withall was no lesse equall to all such as then liued For publikely and without feare he confessed Iesus Christ to bée God where all the others either denied him or doubted of him So much the more merit hath the fayth of a Christian sayth S. Gregory by how much lesse the reason of man hath force or vigor of it So that the merit of our catholique faith consistes not so much in thinges that the eye séeth as in that the hart beleueth But let vs conferre a little the simple beléefe of this théefe with the faith of those that were dead long afore him and such also as liued at the instant with him and we shall find that by how much they excelled him in good life and conuersation by so much did he requite it in the recompence of his faith and beliefe Abraham had faith but