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B15418 Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ... Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632. 1610 (1610) STC 20485; ESTC S1664 417,169 706

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Starres haue illumined mee with their Light and preserued mee with their Influences That the Elements the birdes of the Aire the Fishes of the Sea the Beastes and Plantes of the Earthe haue helped to sustaine mee I confesse that I deserue not the Bread I eate nor the VVater I drinke nor the aire I breathe neither am I worthy to lift vp my Eyes to Heauen I haue rather deserued that flashes of fier should discende from thence to burne mee like Sodome Gomorrha or that the Earthe should open and swallowe mee aliue like Dathan Abyron that newe Hells should bee founde and newe Torments inuented to chastize my grieuous Sinnes And seeing that the Goodnesse VVisdome Immensenesse Omnipotencie Liberallitie Beneficence and Charitye of God haue not beene sufficient to bridle mee it had beene Iust that his Iustice should haue appeared to auenge the injuries donne to these diuine Perfections Sap. 5.18 and Soueraigne Benefits and should haue giuen Licence to all Creatures as shall bee giuen at the Daye of Iudgement to take Vengeance on mee for the injuries that I did to the Creator and to them Colloquie to offende him But o my God my Creator seeing that of thy Mercie thou hast thought good to suffer mee adde this benefit to the former thinking it good likevvise to pardon mee Amen The sixt Meditation of the grieuousnesse of Sinne by comparison betweene the temporall and eternall Paines wherewith it is chastised The first Pointe FIrst I am to consider the greiuousnesse of mortall Sinne by comparison with all the paines and miseries that are in this life pondering that it is the cause of these temporall euills God thereby chastizing it most iustly For proofe hereof I may runne in Discourse thorough the exteriour Goods which wee call the Goods of Fortune and thorough those which belong to the Bodye of the which Sinne is the Destruction First it destroyeth Riches God depriuing Sinners of them because they abuse them as hee spoiled the Egiptians of their Iewells and the Iebusites and Cananites of their Countries Sinne likewise destroyeth Honour for whosoeuer taketh as much as lyeth in him the honour from God and from his Neighbour deserueth to loose his owne Honour For this the high Preiste Heli and his Sonnes lost the Honour of Preisthood with their life God saying vnto them Qui contemnunt me 1. Reg. 2.30 1. Reg. 13 14. 15 23. Dan. 4.23 erunt ignobiles They that contemne mee shall bee base Sinne destroyeth the Scepter and the Gouernment For disobedience God tooke from Saul the kingdome that hee had giuen him And Nabuchodonosor with vaine-glorious boasting lost his also liuing seuen yeares like a Beaste God cutting downe that sightly Tree for that his Sinnes deserued not that hee should stand vpright And it is a iust Chastizement that hee should neither haue Dignitie nor Commaunde on Earthe that subjecteth not himselfe to the king of Earthe and of Heauen and that hee should haue no preeminence ouer men who by Sinne makes himselfe like vnto Beastes Besides this Sinne destroyeth the Healthe God chastizing Sinners with manifoldnesse and Varietie of Infirmities and Sores from Heade to Foote Isai 1.6 For hee deserueth not to haue Healthe that employeth it to offende him that gaue it him and whosoeuer hath his Soule sicke beeing albe to heale it is worthy to haue his Bodye sicke and not to bee able to eure it as the Lame man that in eight Ioan. 5.2 and thirty yeares could not bee healed in the Probatiea pond where others were healed Sinne taketh away Content and Alacritie causing a mortall Sadnesse which dryeth the bones giueth a Life worse then Deathe itselfe Thren 3.15 Like vnto the Citty that saide God hath filled mee vvith bitternesse and made mee drunke vvith VVormevvod Or as the miserable king Antiochus that saied 1. Mach. 6.11 2. Mach. 9.11 To hovv much Tribulation and to vvhat VVaues of Sadnesse am I come I that vvas merry and beloued in my kingdome Sinne taketh away Life procuring Deathe by a thousand disastrous meanes Exod. 12 29. 14 27. for the Sinnes of Pharao and his kingdome an Angell killed in one night all the first begotten and another day drowned his Armye of innumerable men And another Angell in the Campe of Senacherib 4. Reg. 19 35. Exod. 32 28. Leuit 10.2 Num. 11.33 2. Reg. 24.13 killed one hundred fourescore and fiue thousand men and many Israelites perished in the Desertes with diuerse straunge kindes of Deathe Finally Sinne causeth those three terrible euills that were offered to Dauid to choose one of them in punishment of his Offence Famine VVarre and Pestilence with the which innumerable men perishe with exceeding greate miserie and rage For Sinne likewise come Earthquakes Tempests at Sea Deluges Fiers Lightenings Haile Stormes and other such chastizements for as Sinne is the Injurie of the vniuersall Creator all the Creatures are Instruments of his Vengeance Then I will applye all this to myselfe beholding my euills and miseries and I shall vnderstand that they haue all come vpon mee justly for my Sinnes that I may knowe and see by Experience as Ierem●e saithe how euill Ierem. 2.19 and bitter it is to forsake God and not to feare him And so from the horrour which I haue of these paines I shall extract a horrour of my Sinnes saying to myselfe Seeing thou art so much afraide of temporall miseries Colloquie vvhy art thou not afraide of Sinne vvhich is the cause thereof If thou tremblest at Pouerty and Dishonour vvhy tremblest thou not at Sinne from vvhence they both proceede And if thou flyest the sicknesse of the bodye vvhy flyest thou not the sickenesse of the Soule seeing that endes vvith a temporall Deathe but this hath a Deathe euerlasting O eternall God illuminate mee vvith thy Soueraigne Light that thorough the feare I conceiue of the euills of the bodye I may learne to feele the euills of the Soule The second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider that Sinne is an euill incomparably greater then all the temporall euills that haue beene spoken of and that with them wee cannot paye the leaste parte of the paine that one onely mortal Sinne deserueth pondering some manifest reasons of this Veritie alledged by the Saintes 1. The first for that all the euills that haue beene spoken of depriue of Goods created which are very much limited Ex D. Th. 1. p. q. 48. ar 6. Luc. 18.19 but Sinne depriueth of an Infinite good which is God And as God onely is for Excellencie called Good because the other things created though they haue some goodnesse yet being compared with that of God it is as it were nothing so Sinne onely may bee called absolutely euill and the malice of other miseries is as if it were not in Compatison thereof nor all togither are sufficient to impose vpon mee the title of euill D. Dionis c. 4. de diuinis nominibus if I
that which the royall Prophet Dauid saieth Psal 108 6. Appoint a Sinner ouer him and let the Diuell stand on his right hande vvhen hee is Iudged let him come forth condemned and let his praier that hee maketh be turned into Sinne. Another whiles to mooue myselfe to Confidence I will beholde the Iudge gentile towardes mee with an amiable and pleasing Countenance and on my right side my Angell Gardian cheerefull for my Victorye Imagining that hee is saying in my fauour against the Diuell that which the Prophet Zacharie repeateth Zach. 3.2 Our Lord rebuke thee o Sathan our Lord rebuke thee Is not perhaps this poore wretche a cole pulled out of the fier that it might not bee burned Then what wilt thou O most lust Iudge Colloquie and most mercifull Father I confesse that I am thorough my Sinnes a blacke and filthy Cole and halfe burnt vvith the fier of my passions vvashe mee o Lord and vvhiten mee vvith the liuing vvater of thy grace and therevvith quenche this fier that burneth mee that in the daye of account the Diuell may leaue mee the Angell may protect mee thy mercye may receiue mee and thy Iustice may crovvne mee Amen The second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider the Time and Place S. Ioan. Clima cus cap. 7 S. Greg. 4. dialog cap. 37. wherein this Iudgement is to bee donne 1. The time is the Instant of Deathe for allbeeit that by the speciall dispensation of God it hath beene seene to begin visibly a litle before Deathe in sundry cases that haue happened for our example yet ordinarily it is donne inuisibly in the very Instant that the Soule leaues to Informe the Bodye without any delaye And in that very moment the whole Iudgement is concluded the accusation is made and the Sentence is giuen and executed This moment I am to haue allwaies before mine eyes as that which is to bee the beginning of my eternall good or euill saying O momentum à quo aeternitas O moment vvherein eternitye beginneth who can forget thee without greate Perill and who can remember thee without greate Astonishment Bee mindefull o my Soule of this moment and endeuour not to loose any moment of time for in euery one thou maiest merite the life that shall for euer endure 2. The place of this Iudgement is wheresoeuer Deathe arresteth any man without going to the Valley of Iosaphat or to any other speciall place for as the Iudge is in all places so in all places hee hath his Tribunall and maketh this Iudgement in the Earthe and in the Sea in the bed and in the streete that in euery place I may feare because I knowe not whither that shall bee the place of my Iudgement But because that Deathe most ordinarily attacheth vs in our Chamber and Bed when I am in these places I must imagine sometimes that there standeth the Tribunall and Throne of God to judge mee and the good and euill Angell assistantes at the Iudgement for this holy Cogitation will restraine the vnmeasurable excesses of the Fleshe which bud out with the Solitarinesse of the place From these two Considerations I am to drawe a greate feare of offending God for peraduenture the Time and Place wherein I committee this Sinne shall bee also the time and place wherein God will doe Iudgement Genes 19 26. 1. Cor. 11 29. as the wife of Loth who in the same Instant and place that shee turned to looke vpon Sodome was turned into a Satatue of Salt as S. Paule saith whosoeuer eateth vnworthily the bodye of Christe our Lorde eateth Iudgement to himselfe Iob. 15.16 So when I drinke VVickednesse like VVater I drinke Iudgement to my Soule and perhaps the Drinke may bee so mortall that in that very Instant the Iudgement shal bee executed The third Pointe THirdly I am to consider the Frame and Order of this Iudgement that is the Accusers and VVitnesses the Proofe and rigorous Examination that shall bee made of all my workes to Iudge mee accordingly 1. First the Accusers shall bee three The first shall bee the Diuell Apocal. 12.10 whome S. Iohn calleth the Accuser of our bretheren whose Office is to accuse them before God daye and night but in this last Iudgement with greater hatred and furye hee will accuse mee of all the Sinnes I committed thorough his perswasion by consenting to his Temptations yea and hee will adde false accusations for his owne Suspicions aswell for that hee knoweth not the Intentions as also for that his Anger malice doe blinde him making him holde for true that which is false Therefore o my Soule resist allwaies the Deuill and admitte nothing of his that when hee commeth to Iudgement against thee Ioan. 14.30 hee may finde nothing of his for which to laye holde on thee nor no Sinne whereof truely to accuse thee 2. The second Accuser shall bee euery mans owne Conscience the which shall likewise bee a witnesse and stand for a thousand for the Thoughtes thereof shall beate against vs Ad Rom. 2.15 and they as the Apostle saithe shall in that hower accuse or defend vs. And as in Confession I myselfe of my owne will am the Guilty the Accuser and the VVitnesse against myselfe that the Prieste may absolue mee so then also I shall bee so perforce that God may Iudge and condemne mee for that whereof here I obtained not pardon 3. Finally the Angell Gardian himselfe shall bee the third witnesse and after a sorte Accuser against mee for my rebellions to his Inspirations Counsells From whence I may collect how much it importeth mee allwaies to consent to the good Inspirations and Dictates of these two faithfull Companions Conscience and Angell and to yealde myselfe vnto them when in this life they accuse or reprehend mee that afterwardes in the other they may not condemne mee following the Counsell of our Sauiour Christ who saieth Matt. 5.26 Luc. 12.58 Bee at agreement vvith thy Aduersarye betimes vvhiles thou art in the vvaye vvith him and goest to appeare before the Prince for if thou then compoundest not with him hee will deliuer thee to the Iudge and the Iudge to the Officer who will cast thee into prison from whence thou shallt not get out till thou hast paied the last farthing O Prince of Heauen Colloqu to vvhose Tribunall I goe to bee Iudged graunt mee that I may take thy vvholesome Counsell agreeing allvvaies vvith these tvvo good Aduersaries that beeing freed from the Sinne I may bee so likevvise from the Officer and eternall Prison Amen 4. But aboue all I am to ponder the most rigorous examination of the Iudge himselfe wherein are two terrible things the first is that it is vniuersall of all things whatsoeuer charging mee with all my Sinnes of Deede VVorde and Thought though they were but Idle ones Matt. 12 36. and with the omissions and negligences of my Life with the Ingratitude and euill correspondence that
my face be couered vvith shame for my Sinnes that then I may lift vp my Heade for Ioye of the redemption that I expect of them Amen The third Pointe Of the fier that shall burne the VVorlde Psal 49.3 96.3 2. Petr. 3 7. 10. THirdly I am to consider the terrible fier that shall arise from all the foure partes of the worlde to burne and consume the things of the Earthe and to renue and purifye what is therein to remaine 1. Concerning this fier wee are principally to ponder three things for our purpose First that it shall burne and consume exceeding quickely and without resistance the Pallaces and Forests Treasures of Golde and precious Stones Beastes Birdes and Fishes and all men that it shall finde aliue for from it none shall bee able to escape And herein shall ende the Glorye and Beautye of this visible VVorlde which VVorldlings so much loue and esteeme Ioel. 2.3 Fullfilling that of Ioel That before God shall come a consuming fier and after him burning flames and the Earthe that was a Paradise of Delightes shall become a Desert for nothing shall escape from that fier Colloquie 1. Cor. 7.31 O my Soule vvhy doest not thou abhorre the figure of this vvorlde vvhich passeth so hastily and shall haue so disastrous an onde Tremble at this fier vvhich shall burne the riches thereof that thou maiest not giue foode therevvith to the fier of thy Auarice 2. Sapien. 16.22 Secondly I will ponder that this fier as saithe the booke of VVisdome shall bee most cruell against the wicked and most gentle to the good that shall then bee aliue for to these it shall serue as a Purgatorye to purifye them from their Sinnes and from the dregs thereof and to augment vnto them the merit and the Crowne that soone after they are to receiue But Sinners it shall terribly torment as the beginning of Hell that attendeth them to chastice their rebellion 3. From hence it is that this fier shall last in the worlde till the generall Iudgement bee concluded Psal 28. ibid. D. Basil God as Dauid saieth diuiding the power thereof to inlighten without hurt the bodyes of the elect and to torment the bodyes of the reprobate so that forthwith in rising they shall feele the horrible fier wherein they are to remaine which the Sentence being giuen like a furious Riuer shall ouerwhelme them and goe downe with them to Hell Then shall bee fullfilled both in good and bad that saying of the Prophet Malach. 4.1 The daye of our Lord vvill come kindled like a fiery furnace and all the Provvde shall bee like Stravve and that day of our Lord shall burne them to the roote but vnto you that feare my name the Sun of Iustice shall arise in vvhose plumes you shall haue safetye you shall leape like younge Calues and shall treade vpon the vvicked and they shall bee like Ashes vnder your feate O my Soule compare this fiery furnace vvith this Sun of Iustice these flames that blinde Colloquie vvith these Splendours that giue light these Ashes of Torments vvith these plumes of Ease this burning like Stravve vvith this leaping for pleasure like a young calfe and choose such a forme of Life as may free thee from so greate euills and negotiate for thee so greate good O eternall God from vvhose presence shall filovve this Riuer of fier for the Punishement of the vvicked Daniel 7 10. and another Riuer of liuing vvater for the refuge of the good vvashe mee Apocal. 22.1 and purifye mee vvith the vvater of this second that I may bee free from the fier of the first Amen The fourth Pointe FOurthly Matt. 24 36. I am to consider what Christe our Lord saithe of the daye that hee hath assigned for this Iudgement to witte That none knoweth it but God Luc. 17.26 Genes 7.5 and that it shall come on a sodaine for the which hee bringeth twoe similitudes As saith hee in the dayes of Noe men were eating and drinking buying and selling marrying themselues and negotiating their businesses vntill Noe entred into the Arke and then began on a sodaine the Diluge that drowned them Likewise as in the time of Lot Genes 19 24. the Sodomites being very carelesse Lot departing out of the Cittye of Sodome it rained fier and brimstone from Heauen that destroyed them all so shall bee the comming of the Sonne of man to Iudgement For men being occupied in mariages and Pastimes the flood of Tribulations shall begin and there shall rise a fier that shall consume them and innumerable shall they bee that shall bee condemned except some fewe that like Noe and Lot shall bee saued And seeing the same happeneth in many Tribulations Matt. 24 21. Plagues and mortallities which sodainely assaile vs I am to endeuour to liue so well prepared that I may merit to bee saued taking the Counsell that our Sauiour Christ inferred heereupon Luc. 17.33 saying VVhosoeuer would saue his Soule let him loose it that is let him mortifye his carnall life for loosing it in such manner hee shall quicken it with a spirituall Life and shall bee secure at the daye of this Iudgement Colloquie O soueraigne Iudge quicken mee vvith thy grace that like another Noè I may bee faued in the Arke of thy Churche Dragge mee out of the Sodome of the VVorlde though it bee by force like Lot that beeing free from the fiers that burne it I may saue my Soule in the high mountaine of thy Glorye Amen The fourtenth Meditation of the Resurrection of the Deade and the comming of the Iudge and what hee will doe before hee giue Sentence 1. FIrst Ioan. 5.28 1. Ad Thess 4.16 D. Tho. in addit q. 75. q. 76. Ex D. Hier. in reg Monacharū c. 30. Apoc. 20.13 I am to consider the generall Resurrection of the Deade that men in Soule and Bodye ar to appeare at this iudgement Concerning this Article of our Faithe I am to ponder First that an Archangell with a dreadefull Voice in manner of a Trompet shall summon and call all the Deade to rise againe and come to iudgement saying Surgite mortui venite ad Iudicium Arise you deade and come to iudgement And so potent shall this voice bee by Vertue of Gods Omnipotencie that in a moment all the deade shall arise And as S. Iohn saithe the Sea shall giue vp the bodyes that perished therein the Earthe those that it swallowed aliue and Deathe those whome after they were deade it dissolued and consumed who though they were turned to Dust Gods Omnipotencie will forme them in a moment with all the perfection of members that they should haue And in this very moment the Soules shall ascende from Hell and those of Heauen shall descende and euery one shall bee vnited to the same bodye that before it had So that to this voice of the Archangell and to his Citation to
For the Corruption whereof it is ingendred which is Sinne never endeth and the liuely apprehension thereof and of the Paine never ceaseth and so that cruell gnawing which it maketh in the Conscience shall never haue an ende Fourthly the Decree of God is eternall and immutable for he is resolved never to revoke the diffinitiue sentence that hee hath giuen nor to deliuer out of Hell him that once entreth therein Quia in inferno nulla est redemptio For in Hell there is no Redemption of Captiues nor ransoming of Prisoners nor any price for them for as much as the blood of Christe passeth not thither D. Tho. 3. p. q. 52. art 6 And if when it was freshe and was shed vpon mount Caluarye it drewe out of Hell none of the Damned neither shall it now deliuee any Finally all the Paines shall bee eternall because the sinnes shall likewise bee so For as much as in Hell there is no pardon of sinnes no true Penance nor satisfaction that may bee accepted neither is the blood of Iesus Christ applyed vnto them From whence it proceedeth that whosoever will dye without doing penance for his sinnes Nota. Ex D. Th. 1.2 q. 87. ar 3. ad 1. cum D. Aug. D. Greg. quos citat Meditat 9. pūcto 4. hee virtually willeth to remaine in them for ever and that his sinnes should bee eternall and therefore hee meriteth that Gods Iustice should chastize him whith paines everlasting And heerevpon it is that allbeeit a sinner dye with true Faithe and Hope yet entring into Hell hee is deprived of them not onely for beeing as is aforesaide vnworthy of them but also for that now there remaineth with him no obiect of Hope neither to obteine pardon of sinnes nor to bee heard in his petitions nor to issue out of myserie nor ever to attaine to any blessednesse Then hovv is it Colloquie o my soule that thovv fearest not this beeing eternall obliged to eternall miseries Hovv is it that thou art not affrighted vvith this fiere this breather this vvorme and this decree of God immutable and sempiternall Consider that yet God vvill alter the sentence if thou vvith penance alterest thy life Attende not till thy sinne bee eternall for then so likevvise shall bee thy punishement The third Pointe THirdly I am to consider the continuation and inuariablenesse of the paines which goeth togither with eternitie Pondering that the painer shall in such sorte for euer endure that they shall bee perpetuall without interruption and inuariable without diminution So that allbeeit they should continue millions of yeares yet shall there not bee one onely day of vacation neither shall the paine cease so much as for an hower or a moment neither shall the substantiall paine bee diminished Luc. 16.24 nor haue any refreshing as is apparent in the riche couetous man to whome Abraham denied so small a refreshing as to haue his tongue touched with the tippe of a finger dipped in water Rather newe accidentall torments shall bee augmented vpon them by the newe entrance of other damned and that change which heere vseth to bee a refreshing if in hell bee any change shall bee there as a newe torment Iob. 24.19 For if the luxurious as it is saide in Iob passe from the ardours of the fier to the waters of snowe it shall bee that the heate may more torment them thorough the warre that it hath with the colde and the colde may cause the greater trembling and gnashing of teethe combating with the heate Finally allthough these torments be so lasting and continuall yet custome in suffring gaineth nothing to bee any cause of their ease rather euery day they are as it were renewed and waxe greene with newe impatience Psalm 73.23 For as the pride of these wretches which abhorre God saieth the Prophet Dauid allwayes encreaseth so likewise encreaseth their wrathe and enuye their impatience furye and rage Then what sayest thou o my soule and what doest thou if thou hast a liuely faithe of such torments how is it that thy spirit failes not to consider such terriblenesse such perpetuitye such continuation such immutabilitye and eternitie If lying in a soft bed thou feelest it equall with death to passe a long night in watching and paine expecting with griefe the refreshing of the day breake how much more shallt thou feele it to bee in an obscure prison in a bed of fier in perpetuall watching and in terrible paine in a night so long and tedious that expecteth no refreshing of day breake because it is eternall Colloquie Psalm 9.2 O Iustice of the allmighty vvho trembleth not in thy presence Deliuer mee o lord from thy ovrathe and chastize mee not in thy furye but proiect mee vvith thy mercye that I fall not into so dreadefull and eternall a miserie Amen The fourth Pointe FOurthly descending to the particular I am to consider the dreadefullnesse of that Place which wee call Hell 1. For first it is a place vnder the earthe obscure and full of darkenesse thicker then that of Egipt where neuer entreth the light of sun moone nor starres And the fier allbeeit it burneth it giueth no light but smoketh and blindeth the sight for our Lord for the wicked diuideth the flame of the fier Psalm 28.7 taking from it the good that it hath and leauing it the euill 2. Item Hell is a most straite Place devoide of those flowery meadowes and spacious Foresss of the Earthe For allbeeit that Hell as Isaias saithe is verie deepe Isai 30.33 large and wide and hath his creekes farre stretdched out yet so manie are the men that shall discende there into that hardely there shall bee for euery one the place of a very narrowe graue and they shall bee crowded togither like brickes in a fiery fornace that they shall not bee able to wrinche 3. Besides this it is a most distemperate place with excessiue heates hauing not so much as a chinke where any winde may enter to refreshe it Apocal. 19.20 20.15 And for this cause S. Iohn in his Apocalyps calleth it allwaies a Lake of fier and brimstone For as Fishes are in a Lake of VVater ouerwhelmed and as it were prisoners without beeing able to get out so shall the Damned bee in that burning lake of terrible fier mingled with Brimstone melted of a most abhominable smell 4. And from hence also it is that Hell is a most stinking Place For the bodies of the Damned shall reake forth an insupportable sweat with an abhominable stinch And finally it shall bee fastned on al sides with eternall boltes that they shall neuer bee able to get out neither by Force nor by subtletye And if by the Dispensation of God any commeth out hee carrieth with him his Torment and returneth presently from whence hee issued but that dispensation shall neuer bee giuen after the day of Iudgement O how soft and sweete would any Dongeon appeare vnto thee if