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B04357 The wonders of the world: or, Choice observations and passages, concerning the beginning, continuation, and endings, of kingdomes and commonwealths. With an exact division of the several ages of the world ... the opinions of divers great emperours and kings ... together with the miserable death that befel Pontius Pilate ... a work very profitable and necessary for all. / Written originally in Spanish, translated into French, and now made English, by that pious and learned gentleman Joshua Baildon.; Silva de varia leción. English Mexía, Pedro, 1496?-1552?; Baildon, Joshua. 1656 (1656) Wing M1957; ESTC R215366 95,994 143

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least which portion proceeds out of the mony given by those that took the fairest at a high price and by this means the foul one are as wel married as the fair ones without giving any mony Marc●s Amonius S●belicus saith that this was the custom amongst the ancient Venetians but you must alwaies understand that those which were indifferent beautiful or fair gave no portion nor those that took them not The ancient French to the end their daughters might not complain of marrying against their mind had a custome the day that they would marry their daughter to invite a number of young men but all of such quality as might seem fitting for her estate at which feast they suffered their daughter to choose a husband amongst those that were invited and to shew a sign who she most liked she presents him water to wash his hands In a Town in Affrica called Leptine there was a custome that the first day that the wife entred into the house of her husband she sends to borrow an earthen pot of her mother in law who makes answer that she will not lend it her which is done that she accustome her self from the first day to endure and bear with her mother in law and with that churlish answer learn to endure when she gives a true one The Arabes of Arabia the happy had anciently a custom that the married wife was common to all the kindred of the husband And as Strabo saith when any of them went to her he left at the entry of the door a little wand that if any other should come he might know the place was taken up and that he must not enter for they had that respect one to another and he was punished with death which entred in to a woman if he were not of kindred Now it happened that a very fair and beautiful woman was for that cause often visited by the kindred of her husband by means of which importunity and frequent visitation she set at her door a little wand to the end that whosoever should come should think that there were another before him and by this deceipt for many daies no man entred till one day all the kindred and the husband were together in one place one of them resolved to leave the rest visite her and finding the wand at the door knowing that he had left all the rest of the kindred together thought that some adulterer had been with her wherefore he went presently to advertise the rest especially the husband who being come thither found her all alone and confessed the cause why she had done so which when they considered and found that her intention was grounded upon virtue to the end to shun the dishonest conversation of so great a number of kindred of her husbands and also to live in greater temperance and chastity which was contrary to the brutish use and custome of the Country and having in their opinion just reason for what she did she was rather praised and commended then blamed CHAP. XX. How necessary water is to the life of man Of the excellency of that element How to know that which is good IT seems there is nothing more necessary for the life of man than water because if at any time bread be wanting a man may be nourished by Flesh and other Viands and if fire fail there are so many things found good to eat raw that he may be sustained for a time without fire but without water neither man nor beast can live there is neither hearb nor any other kind of Plant that can bring forth seed or fruit without it all things have need of water and of moisture This is so true that Thales and H●siod have thought that water was the beginning of all things and the ancientest of all elements and again the most powerfull for as Plinio saith and likewise Isiodorus water ruines and dissolves Mountains reigns over the earth extinguisheth fire and converting it self into vapours surpasseth the Region of the air whence afterwards it descends to engender and bring forth all things upon the earth So God esteemed of water that having concluded to regenerate man again By Baptism that he would it should be by the means of that element And that when he divided the waters at the beginning of the world he had them in such esteem as the text saith that he set them apart and placed the waters above the firmament without comprehending that which compasseth the earth The greatest punishment which the Romans give to those that were condemned was that they prohibited them water and fire putting water before fire for its dignity Seeing then that water is so necessary for mans life we ought with diligence and care to find out that which is the best For which purpose I will note some properties of water alledged by Aristotle Plinie and Di●scorides and others speaking of the election of waters The first instruction is That if a man travell into strange Countries and would know if the waters there are good for his use either there or to transport them some where else according to his occasion let him observe and consider the neighbouring Rivers or Fountains and of what life and disposition the people inhabiting thereabouts are if they be healthful strong wel coloured in their faces without sore eyes or legs such bear witnesse of the goodnesse of their water if contrary then it is nought But if the water be new found out so that this experience is wanting there are other proofs You must take a clean brasse Bason very well polished and cast into it certain drops of the water whereof you would make the experience and after the water is dried if the Bason have no spots where the drops were it is a sign that the water is good It is also a good proof to boil the water in the same Bason and then let it cool and settle and after it is poured out softly if there remain no gravel nor slime in the bottome it is a sign the water is good And of two sorts of water that which is least gravelly or slimy is the best If in this vessell or any other you boil pease beans or any other pulse that makes pottage that is the best water that boils them soonest You must also consider when you would make a certain experiment of waters from what place they take their head or original whether it be sandy neat and clear or muddy thick foul or whether there grow any rushes or any other unwholsome or naughty hearbs But for more safety and sure remedy if you wil drink of an unknown water or which is not reputed good let it be boiled a little over a gentle fire and let it cool again Plinie saith that the Emperour Nero boiled his water so and cooled it again in snow and magnified himself that he had found out such an invention The reason why boiled water is more wholesome than others is
because the water that we drink is not simple in its proper nature but is mingled with earth and air but by the fire the windinesse is exhaled into vapour the earthy parts by the nature of the fire which doth refine and separate the divers natures descends to the bottome and there rests By this means water that is boiled becomes lesse windie than raw water because the windy quality that it had at the first is evaporated it is also more subtile and light being purified from the earthy parts and so much more easie to be kept and preserved so that it cool again and competently kept without much altering And by this we may know that Well-water is not so good as others because it participates more of the earth and is not purified by the heat of the Sun and therefore is more easie to corrupt yet the more water is drawn out of a Well the lesse hurtfull it is because the continuall moving hinders the accustomed corruption that fastens to waters inclosed and have no course and then nature sends new and fresh water according to the measure that hath been drawn out For this reason the waters of Lakes and standing Pools is the worst of all because for want of running they corrupt and breed evill things and many times infect the air which breeds diseases to those that live near them We must again consider that those waters which have their course towards the South are not so good as those which run towards the North because in the South parts the air is more mingled with vapours and moisture which spoils the water and endamages it And in the North parts the air is more subtile and lesse moist whereby it swels not nor is made so heavy For this cause the water that is most clear most light most subtile and most purified is the best because as we have said before it is less mingled with other elements and again being set over the fire it heats sooner then other water So it is a singular triall between two sorts of water to see which will be first hot in the same quantity by the same fire and the same space of time And also to see which will be the foonest cold for those are two arguments of the penetrable and subtile substance and forasmuch as the mingling of the earth among the water argues the weight of it it is good to choose the lightest which may be done by this experiment Take two pieces of linnen cloath both of the same weight and put one piece in one of the waters and the other in the other water and let them so remain till they be throughly wet then take them out and spread them in the air where the Sun comes not and when they are dry weigh them again and that piece that weighs most shews that water to be the heaviest Others weigh them in two neat glasse viols both of a weight Aristotle and Plinie say that the greatest cause that diversifies the quality of waters is from the substance of the earth from Stones Trees Minerall and Mettals by which Fountains and Rivers passe and this makes the one hot the other cold one sweet the other brackish Wherefore it is a certain rule that that water which hath neither smach nor smell is known to be the best All those that have writ of water maintain that that which pasteth through the Mines of gold is the best And that those Rivers are the most excellent in the world whose fine sands engender and preserve gold And now that we have spoken of Fountain and River it is fit we should speak something of rain water which is praised by some and censured by others Vitruvis Collumellus and some other Physitians give great praise of rain water when it falis clear and neat because say they it is light and not blended for so much as it proceeds of vapour which by its subtilty is mounted into the Region of the air and it is to be believed that the weighty and earthy part remains upon the earth And although some say that water that falls from the clouds corrupts presently as we see in standing pools which ingenders much impurity yet we must not say it is the fault of the water but that it is receaved in some place where either mud or some other pollution is and again by the means of that filth it carrieth along with it as it fals upon the ground when it rains aboundantly Wherefore the cause of its suddain corruption proceeds from that it is subtile and delicate and by the heat of the Sun and moisture of the water with the mixture of much filthinesse Yet if this water so subtile purged and clear were received falling from the tops of houses that were clean or at least when it falls from the clouds through the air before it touch any thing and if it were so received in clean vessels it would be better than others and would keep longer time There are some of the contrary opinion as Plinie who saith it is so unwholsome that one ought not to drink it because the vapours from whence it issues proceeds from many causes and places whence it receives much different qualities as well bad as good And shewing yet further reasons he answers those which we have before alledged and saith that the triall is not sufficient to say therefore it is good because it is lighter for being drawn out of the region of the air for such an evaporation is drawn on high by a secret violence of the Sun and by the same reason that is also vapour whereof the stonie hardnesse of hail is formed in the air which water is pernitious and likewise that of snow he saith further that besides this defect this rain water is made unwholsome by the vapour and heat of the earth than when it Rains And for an argument of its impurity we cannot but see how soon it will corrupt whereof is made a true experience at Sea where rain-water cannot be preserved For this cause we find fault with Wells and Cisterns Upon all these opinions every one may give his own as he thinks good as for me I approve lesse of rain-water then other although it be more necessary and that Plinie who finds fault with it saith That Fishes grow fat in Pools Lakes and Rivers and that when it rains they grow better and that they have need of rain-water Theophrastas saith that Garden hearbs and all others water them never so much they grow not so well as with rain-water CHAP. XXI Of divers Lakes and Fountains whose waters have great proprieties IN this Chapter the first that we will speak of shall be the Lake of Judea called Asfaltide which since hath been named Mare Mcriunm The Dead-sea Of this water is reported wonderfull things by Plinie ●o●umel and Diodoras First They say there is not any fish breeds in it nor any other living thing and that no living thing sinks into it So that
a meal hath so much the greater charge and weight And neverthelesse it is so and we need not marvel at it for eating and drinking augments the spirits and chears him which makes him grow and increase in natural heat From hence it comes that when one man assays to lift up another if he wil that is lifted up he can make himself heavier by forcing forth his breath with in him which if he should keep in he would weigh lighter also one that runs breaths but little that he may run the more swift because the air being a very light Element desires to lift it self up high where its place is naturally as we see a piece of skin of chejucel or a bladder unblown thrown into the water it sinks presently but blow it up with air and it swims above the water In the same place Plinie saith That a body dead in the water when it comes to float if it be a man his face will be upwards towards heaven if it be a woman she wil rise with her face downwards which provident nature hath so ordeined to cover the shamefull parts of a woman There is yet an other natural reason for it And that is that women weigh heavier in the foreparts because of their breasts And men in their back-parts because of their shoulders CHAP. IX That death is to be judged good or evil according to the condition one dies in with examples of the death of divers IT is common to all once to die but to know when or how or what manner of death is revealed to none but all consists in being found in a good or evil estate That death may not be termed unfortunate unlesse that which finds not a man in that condition which he ought to be It often hides it self and keeps in houses and places where we least suspect And for this cause we ought not to live one day without consideration of it To this purpose examples are infinite and I will bring some here worthy note considering the effects are so strange though such happen daily Aullus Gelius writes and after him Valerius that there is in Italy a Town called Croton in Calabria in which lived one called Milo that was so strong and fit for any thing he undertook that at all games feasts and publick wrestlings never could be found his like and for the most part carried away the victory in such sort that he was accounted the strongest and most valiant that could be found in his time This Milo travelling over a Mountain and withdrawing himself out of the common rode for refreshment saw amongst other Trees an Oak having two great branches which some had begun to cleave by great force with wedges and left them behind not able to perform it which he being very desirous to accomplish put both his hands into the cleft and drew till he had opened them a little more so that the wedges fell to the ground but whether because it may be his strength failed him or that it may be he thought the branches were not of so great force he let go a little whereby the Tree closed on such a sudden that both his hands were fast taken therein so that he could not escape out and none passing by to help him he died there in great pain and of famine one of the most miserable and unhappiest deaths that could be imagined for he was made a prey to the most salvage beasts and so his own strength killed him If the death of Milo was so strange this of Echilus the Poet is no less strange for he one day walking out of a Town in Sicilie where he dwelt to take a little warmth of the Sun because it was then cold weather and he being old and bald-headed whose head shone again with whiteness seated himself in a high place where the Sun beat and having his head bare an Eagle by chance flew over him in the Air having in his tallons a Tortoise and seeing the white head of Echilus took it for a stone and so let it fall a great heighth thereupon so to break it that afterwards he might get the flesh of the Tortoise to eat it which broke his skull whereof he died presently A wonderfull thing seeing that he sate so high in an open place where one would have thought it impossible for any thing to fall upon his head Baptista Fulgosa in a near book that he hath written of Examples recites the unfortunatee death of a King of Navarre named CHARLES this King was old and very ill and troubled with a great pain in all his Nerves for which pain by the counsel of all the learned Physitians there could be found no Remedie but one which was to wrap him in a linnen cloath steeped in Aqua-vitae and sow him in it round on every side and he which sowed him in having nothing by him to cut off the thread took a candle lighted that was next him the flame whereof took hold of the Aqua-vitae so suddenly that before the King could be unsowed again or have any help he was burned in the flame and so he was cured of the pain he had in his Nerves and likewise of all his other diseases The death of Philemon was very pleasant for seeing an Asse come near to a table where on there was figs and fell to eating them fell into so great a laughter that the end of his laugh accompanied the end of his life And it is reported that Philiston the Commique Poet died laughing And so we find many men that have died of joy of which number was Dennis the Tyrant of Cicilie Diagoras and that Roman Dame who seeing her son return home who was thought to be slain in the battell died presently That death of the Shepheard Cratis whether it be so or no is likewise very strange for being asleep on a Mountain amongst his Goats a Buck-Goat killed him for jealousie he had of one of the She-Goats with whom Cratis abhominably perverted the order of nature Lewis Celius and Volateran recites this story alledging for it some Greek authors I leave divers other sorts of deaths as that of Pope Bonniface who died mad being famished in prison Of Richard the second of England Of the Arch-Bishop of Magunce who was killed and eaten up by a multitude of Rats Of Decius the Emperour of whom Familius Victor writes that though victorious he was found dead swimming in a Lake In this sort in our time died Lewis King of Hungary And Sforza father to that gallant Captain Duke Francis Sforza drowned himself thinking to save one of his Pages Andrew King of Provance died by the hand of his wife assisted by some other women who strangled him and hanged him up The Emperor Tiberius was also poisoned by his wife Agripina So Kings Princes and great Lords are subject to unfortunate and unhappy deaths as well as poor men although somtimes they are advised thereof yet in vain CHAP. X. How many
Torch it puts it out and if you put it in unlighted it will light it and alwaies at midday it is dry then when the day darkneth it begins to encrease again that at midnight it will be so full that it runs over In Persia they say there is a Fountain which makes their teeth fall out that drinks of it In Arcadia there are certain Fountains which run from some hils which water is so cold that there is no vessel neither gold nor silver nor any other mettal could hold it for as far as they fill it it breaks in pieces nor can be held in any other vessel but such as are made of the hoof of a Mule We will scarce believe that amongst Rivers although very great there are some that run into the earth and then rise again a good way off if we would have examples even Vadian in Spain Tigris doth so likewise in Armenia and Licus in Asia There are also Fountains of sweet water which entring into the Sea keep above the salt water Of which number there is one in Sicilie and an Isle named Enarie upon the coast of Naples We know wel that in Egypt it rains not but that naturally the River Nilus overflows and waters all the ground leaving it moist and fit to bring forth fruit There are two Rivers in Beocia In the one of which all sheep that are dipt it makes their fleeces black the other makes them white In Arabia there is another Fountain that makes all beasts that drink of it vermilion red of all which waters that have these properties Aristotle speaks copiously The River Lyncestis hath this quality that it makes any that drinks of it drunk as if it were wine In the Island Cea according to Pliny there is a fountain which he that drinks of becomes sottish There is a Lake in Thrace which if any one drink of or if they but bathe in it they die incontinent There is also a River in Pontus which brings forth a kind of Stones that burn and when there is the least wind they light and the more they are in the water the more they burn They also write of divers waters which heal diseases whereof there is one in Italy called Zize which heals sore eys Another in Achaia which if a woman great with child drink of she shall have a good delivery Divers others also that heal other infirmities As the Stone the Leprosie and the Tertian Ague and the Quartan Ague whereof Therphrastus Plinie and Vitruvius speaks There is another River in Mesapotomia that sends forth a sweet odour Baptista Fulgosa saith in his collections That in our time there was a Fountain in England in which if you cast in a piece of wood in the space of a year it would become Stone Himself testifies that which Albertus Magnus speaks of which is That there is a Fountain in high-Germany and Albertus saith that with his own hands he put a piece of wood into that water which became perfect stone and that part that touched not the water remained wood as before The same Fulgosa reports another property of a Fountain which is very strange for if a man walk about it viewing of it and looking into it without speaking any word he shall find it clear and quiet but if he speak never so little when he is near or going away from it the water will be roubled and begin to bubble he himself witnesseth to have seen i● and to have tried the experience himself for looking into the Fountain intentivery without speaking he saw it fair and clear But when he spake the water was troubled and moved with such force as though one had been stirring in it with something In France there is one as he writes that is extream cold yet many times there is flames of fire seen to come out of it Plinie saith that divers make a conscience to join faith to these things But they may be well perswaded that the great effects of nature shew themselves more evidently in that element of water then in any other Though the wonders are so many yet ought we not to think any one of them impossible and especially those that are cerufied by such Authors as I have alledged here Again we are sufficiently certified by the testimony of those that have seen in our time in an Island in the Canaries called For in a place well inhabited with people which serve there selves with no other water but what they draw out of a Trough or Cistern into which distils and drains abundantly the juyce of a Tree which is in the middle of this Island at the foot of which Tree nor any place near it there is neither Fountain nor Prock and neverthelesse this Tree is alwaies so moist that from its leaves branches and boughs the water drops necessantly and runs into this trough or cistern in so great abundance that night and day they receive enough to serve for their necessi●ies throughout the Island which we should hardly believe if it were but onely put to writing Therefore none ought to think strange that which we have before recited for this element of water is so powerfull and so necessary that its forces and qualities are neverstrange As for the Sea it is said it is more hot in winter than in Summer and more salt in Autumn than at any other time And it is a thing of great wonder that casting oil into the Sea appeaseth the rage and fury thereof Again we know for certain that it never snows in the places near about the Sea that are far from firm land Of all these things many give divers reasons the greatest part of which is attributed to the propriety and quality of the earth and Mines whence Fountains spring and Rivers runs through That it is true it is proved by that which we see daily that Vines and other fruits of the earth are better in one place than in another because in one place they are sweet and in another sharp and sower the one good and profitable the other damageable and hurtfull The air it self is corrupted and becomes pestilential by passing through a naughty Country What marvel is it then if water which washes and penetrates the earth stones mettals hearbs roots and trees take their good or evil qualities be they as strange as may be especially being assisted by the force of the Planets and the Stars CHAP. XXII Of many things which happened at the Birth and Death of our Saviour recited by many Historians besides that which is recorded by the Evangelists ALthough the things certified by the Evangelists to be manifested by great wonder at the Birth and Death of our Saviour are most certain and worthy of all belief yet me thinks it convenient to make some mention of other wonderfull things that were seen by other persons that have writ them Paul Horatius and Eutropius Secretaries to Octavian and likewise Eusebius say That at the time that Jesus Christ
it would be long to recite them He suffered all indifferently to become Christians for whom he built sumptuous Temples and those which had been formerly dedicated to Idols he dedicated to the service of Christ and his members Since which time although the Church of God hath suffered scandals and persecutions as those of Iulian the Apostata and others yet alwaies and in many places of the world Christ hath been publickly worshipped and from thence forward all histories are full of the acts of the Saints and the greatest part of the subsequent Emperours have been faithfull Catholicks as Theodosius Iustinian and others I could bring many authorities of Ethnick Historiographers that have written of Christ but I would help my self with this small number onely because they are famous and of great authority CHAP. XXV Of the Amity and Enmity which by a secret property are in many things THe ancient Philosopher Heraclitus and divers others since him have been of opinion that all things are occasioned by concord and disconcord and that by peace and enmity which is in all things comes the generation and corruption of them of which Philosophie I will not now treat of as well because the Subject would be difficult for me as that the reader would receive little pleasure Howsoever we will speak of the love and enmity which is between many things that none knoweth truly from whence the cause proceeds which in truth is a thing very wonderfull as that which is between the dog and the cat between oyl and glew between the stag and the adder and such like whereof we will speak that naturally hate one another and yet this enmity proceeds not from the elements for the contrariety and enmity which are between things of which they are composed is most clear as we see that water is an enemy to fire because the fire is hot and dry and the water cold and moist in such sort that these elements are totally contraries The water and the earth are friends in as much as they are both cold but they are contrary in this that the water is moist and the earth dry Betwixt the fire and the earth there is some conformity because of the drinesse of them both and difference by the heat of the fire and the cold of the earth So betwixt the elements there is a contrariety and yet in part of them there is some conformity All things then being composed of the elements it must of necessity follow that amongst them must be these contradictions and conformities which the elements have whereof they are composed Wherefore that thing in which the elemenrary quality most governs takes the name from that quality and that do we call hot or cold moist or drie some in a more high degree than others according as the thing is qualified with one of these first four qualities And so it comes to passe that one thing is contrary to another causing divers effects which contradiction is most manifest and we know it so sure that now we will come to give the reasons But of this other enmity which proceeds not from the elements but from a secret or hidden propriety or superiour influence requires a deep contemplation to search out from whence the cause proceeds The dog and the cat as we have said before would do one another mischief and yet we know not wherefore we see also other things that agree and love one another and yet this love is not derived from the elements whereof they are composed The Asse desires and loves an hearb called Sagapena or Giant Fennell which is venemous to other beasts of the nature of horses The Fox is a friend to the Adder which is an enemy to all other beasts This is not of the least consideration that it is amongst men as among beasts seeing that not kowing wherefore nor how one man that seeth another at the first sight that never saw or knew one another before will contemn and loath him and another will be agreeable and pleasing unto him and sometimes so soon as he shall see one he knoweth not he will bear him affection and reverence him although he be below him Others will be dispised although they be great persons yea Lords There are others to be found that seem as though they were born to be Tutors and instructers to other as you may see two men whereof the one will suffer himself to be led and governed by the other and in this many times the Lord by his servant in such sort as it seemeth he were naturally subject unto him and we can give no reason for it In like case we see such subjection and enmity amongst beasts as between the Eagle and the Swan between the Raven and the Kite and many times we see that the Kite snatches the prey out of the Ravens claws There is also enmity between the Kite and the Owl the Eagle and the Goose so that if one mingle the feathers of the Eagle with Goose feathers the Eagles will consume them all The Stag persecutes the Adder for with a strong respiration of his breath which he makes at the mouth of the Adders hole he draws him out of his hole and eats him That it is true that there is such an enmity between them you may prove it by burning some of the Stags hair for all the Adders wil fly from the smoak of it There is also great enmity betwixt the Raven the Asse and the Bull because the Raven attempts alwaies with his beak to strike out their eyes The greatest enemies to the Wolf are the Fox the Asse and the Bull. There is also a naturall quarrell betwixt the Vulture and the Eel The Lyon is afraid and shuns the house Cock also the fire and the noise of a Waggon The Hienna is an enemy to the Panther The Scorpion hath a deadly hatred to the Tarantola whose biting or sting cannot be healed as it is said but by musick and there is so much enmity between these two beasts that he that is stricken with the Scorpion is healed with the oil wherein Terantolaes have been steeped and suffocated The Elephant which is one of the strongest beasts fears and shuns a Snake or an Adder and also a Sheep and is amazed at the gtunting of a hog There is a kind of Faulcon which Aristotle calleth Tico that hath a great war and debate alwaies against the Fox and as often as he can beats and persecutes him Elian writes that there is a great enmity between the Raven and a kind of Falcon called Pelagre and between the Raven and the Turtle-Dove There is also a deadly hatred between the Owl and the Stork the Patridge and the Tortis The Pellican persecutes the Quail above all other birds And the Horse is afraid more of a Camel then of any other beast There is also great discord and enmity amongst fishes The Dolphin is an enemy to the Whale The Cougar is naturally an enemy to the
some birds that speak as Parots as Lewis Celie recites one of Cardinal Askanius which in his presence pronounced word after word all the Creed in Latine and missed not a syllable One may answer that this is not speech for they know not what they say but it is a certain custome in teaching them for many daies together to frame such a voice And then true speech before it be pronounced is conceived in the heart of which birds are defective and also to that argument which saith we know creatures by the diversity of their voice and that they understand and call one to another amongst themselves yet it is not to be said that such a voice is a form of speech for as Aristotle saith the voice looseth it self so may we without forming any word or speech signifie or give to understand joy or anger and all other universall passions as we see by the voice which we make in laughing and pleasure and by the sighs and cries that are made by those that mourn And for brute beasts which have a difference either in their note or in their voice one may know when they are displeased or pleasant by moving of themselves or by high flying where they make some other sign according to the occasion even so words and speech by which we shew particularly what is profitable what is necessary what hurtful malice Justice injustice honesty and goodnesse And by which more one may tell of things past and provide for the future by reasons and words which declares it and produce other profitable things by speech which is onely given unto man and he hath it of his proper nature CHAP. XIX Of divers customes that the ancients held at marriages MArriage is contracted with the consent onely of the man and woman But to the end that this consent be better authorized and remain inviolable it is requisite to declare it in words and outward signs because God onely knows and understands the heart From hence it comes that men have instituted divers ceremonies and solemn words As for those of the Christians they are wel enough known and therefore there is no need that I should speak of them Wherefore I will treat onely of some customes which barbarous nations and the Romans were wont to use at their marriages the diversity wherefore may yield a little pleasure The ancient Romans perhaps according to Cicero married two manner of waies so had they two sorts of wives according to the divers Ceremonies of their marriage The one was more common and called her self the Matron the other called her self the mother of the family these it seems married almost as the Christians do now For the husband asked the wife if she would be mother and dame of his family and she answered Yes she in the like case asked the husband if he would be father of her family and he answered he would Then they took one another and clapt hands and this form of marriage was held for the most excellent so this wife hath in the house and family of her husband such a place as if she were the daughter of the house because she is now placed in the number of the proper linage as a daughter comes to succeed in the heritage of her husband Boecius speaks of it amply writing upon the 2 of the Tropicks of Cicero The other Ceremony was common and by ordinary words and did not take themselves for mothers of the family but they were called Matrons The Romans had further this custome that bringing the Bride to the husbands house she sets her down at the door and will not enter till such time as she be drawn in by force to let them know by that she is constrained by force into that place where she must loose her virginity Then when they give the wife into the power of the husband they make her sit down in her mothers lap from whence the husband must take her by force and the Bride holds fast about the mother and embraces her hard and this is done in memory that anciently the daughters of the Sabins had been taken by force by the Romans by means of which force it succeeded well to an encreasement of that people yet before it came to this the Bride must touch fire and water which was done as Plutarch and Luctantius saith to signifie the generation by these two elements because these are the two principal generative causes of all things Others say it was to demonstrate to the woman the sincerity and loyalty of heart which she ought to keep because water washes and makes clean all filthinesse and by fire are purged evil mixtures and refines mettals They hold it for an ill presage to marriages that are solemnized in the moneth of May because of some superstitious vanities that they have amongst them These things Ovid certifies and Plutarch They had a further custome that when the Bride entred in at the door of the house of the Bride-groom He pronounced with a high voice Caja Cecilia and she Cajo Cecilio And this was because that in the time of Tarquin Prisque King of the Romans he had a very chast wife sober wise and endued with many virtues named Caje Cecilie before she came to Rome she was called Tanaquile Therefore the husband pronounceth these words to put his wife in mind to imitate her They carry also a distaff furnished with Flax and a spindle before the Bride going to the Bridegrooms house to put her in mind that she must exercise good housewifery Of these things Plinie speaks These Romans had yet another custome That when a men married a widdow the wedding was kept upon a Festival or Holy day But if a Maid they were kept upon a working day Of this Macrobius and Plutarch are the Authors And Plutarch saith that the celebration of the wedding upon the Feast daies was expressely because then all the people be taken up with recreations and pleasures then the wedding of the widdows was lesse taken notice of And on the contrary they celebrated the Maids wedding upon working daies that they might be seen of all But Macrobius saith that the Maids were not married upon the Feast daies because as we have said they made it a ceremony to take her by force from her mothers lap which could not be done upon a Festival day I forbear to speak of other ceremonies and solemnities of the Romans to come to those of the Babylonians Whose manner of marrying their daughters was that upon one certain day in the year they brought their daughters to a publick place in the Town and the fairest of them were married not for any portion was given with her but to him that would give most mony to have her and the same course they took with them that were lesse fair to less fair and from degree to degree till they come to the most ugiest of all which afterwards are married with mony to him that will take
of time even to the bottome of the water till the child made a sign to rise again In this solace and sport they spent many daies during which the Dolphin came every day to present himself to the brink of the Sea But at one time the child being naked swimming in the Sea and getting upon the Dolphin willing to hold fast one of the sharp pricks in the Fin of the Dolphin run into his belly which wounded him so that the child died immediately in the water which the Dolphin perceiving and seeing the bloud and the child dead upon his back he swam presently to the shore and as though he would punish himself for this fault swimming in great fury he leaped out of the water carrying with him as well as he could the dead child which he so much loved and died upon the shore with him This very thing is recited by Plinie and others with examples of Dolphins which have born love to men And particularly he saith that in the time of the Emperour Octavian another Dolphin in the same manner took love to a child upon the Sea-coast near to Pusoll and that every time this child called Simon they say this fish will run at that name it came presently to the Sea brink the child mounted upon the back of it and the Child was carried into the sea as little away as he would and brought back again safe He saith also that this child dying by accident of sicknesse and the Dolphin coming divers times to the accustomed place not finding the child there died also Plinie the second Nephew to the great Plinie recites marvellous things of the Dolphin in his ninth book of his Epistles in an Epistle which begins thus Incidi in materiam veram c CHAP. XXX Why Snow being covered with straw it preserves it in its coldnesse and hot water in its heat seeing they are two contrary effects by one and the same thing with some other secrets TO men of wit and lovers of the contemplation of the works of nature there shall not any thing present it self though never so slight or of little worth but they will find something of note in it which may yield them content when they have found it out We may find many men that if we should ask them the reason and what is the cause that Snow being covered with straw is preserved a long time in its cold nature of Snow without melting they could not tell what to say To this Alexander Aphrodise an excellent Parepatetick answers That straw hath no manifest or known quality it is neither hot nor cold so that some have named it without any quality for this cause because it is so singularly temperate and delicate even to such a degree as we cannot say whether it be hot or cold and so easily converts it self unto the qualitie of the thing whereunto it is adjoined so that putting it upon snow which is cold the straw pertakes of the cold quality of it and by the means thereof aids and maintains the coldnesse of the Snow as a thing of one quality helped by another without heating it at all because it hath none so the Snow being accompanied with cold and defended from heat which the straw keeps from it preserves it self in the same being a long time and longer than if it were not covered with straw By the same reason it works a contrary effect in warm-water because being covered with straw the straw receiveth immediately the quality of heat from the water and being so heat it aids and keeps the water in its heat and defends and keeps away the air that would cool it By this reason we may understand and find out other dificulties and doubts which curious persons may put unto us like unto this We know well that besides our naturall and inward heat that which causeth heat in us in Summer is the air which in that season is much more hot then at any other times in the year so the hotter the air is the more we feel the heat If then it be so now cometh it that we find more coldnesse and freshnesse and lesse heat in giving our selves air in summer by fanning and moving it when Aristotle saith motion causeth greater heat so that the air by this agitation ought to be hot it self and heat us more than if it were left quiet and unmoved The cause proceeds from this that we have more heat in our bodies then there is in the air as well naturally as what the air worketh in us For the air coming freshly I say freshly because it is more temperate then our selves it something tempers us but being at rest about us it heats it self by our heat as we have said before of the straw it preserves nay augments this heat howbeit if it be agitated and often renewed in coming upon us more temperate than we are our selves this temperature and difference which we find of lesse heat moderates that which we have from our selves This is the answer that Alexander and Aristotle gives to this question We must notwithstanding observe and note That if the air be more hot than the heat which we have from our selves the agitation and fanning of that air will not be so good because we shall find greater heat by so doing So let us see now to come again to hot water If we put our hands into it we shall have much ado to keep them in yet if we hold our hands still we may endure it better than if we stir them up and down because the water which surrounds the cold hand tempers a little that which is about it but in stirring it in the water the water renews its heat and begets every time new force We may ask again Why is it hotter in June and althrough July the Sun being then farther from us than at the beginning of June when we are in the Solstice and longest daies in the year beats more right upon us with his rays To which Aristotle answers in the second of his Meteors that the heat of the Sun is not the cause nor do we feel it the more by being near to us but when it hath the longer time to be over us because in June July it hath had a longer time to draw near unto us so in declining it causes a greater heat for it heats again in its descent the part and track of the air which it had before heat by its rising CHAP. XXXI In what part of the Zodiack the Sun the Moon and the rest of the Planets were placed when they were made And which was the beginning of years and times AS the Philosopher saith men are naturally curious to know and again in this case such is their covetousness greedy desire of human understanding that they content not themselves alone with the things that they comprehend with ease But beyond that they search and strive with great presumption to know and understand