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A95921 The Count of Gabalis, or, Conferences about secret sciences rendered out of French into English by A.L. ...; Comte de Gabalis. English Villars, abbé de (Nicolas-Pierre-Henri), 1635-1673. 1680 (1680) Wing V386B; ESTC R226487 50,429 145

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you are a Vessel of Election Heaven has destin'd you for the greatest Cabalist of your Age. Here is the Figure of your Nativity that cannot fail if it happen not presently and by my means it will be when your Retrograde Saturn shall think fit Nay God Sir If it be my luck to become a Sage said I no Man I assure you shall ever have a hand in it except the great Gabalis but to speak freely I am somewhat afraid you 'll find it no easie task to perswade me to this Philosophick Gallantry Is it then because you are so bad a Naturalist replied he as not to believe the Existence of these People I cannot tell said I but I am still of opinion that they are but Goblins in disguise Will you still give greater credit to your Nurse answered he than to Natural Reason than to Plato Pythagoras Celsus Psellus Proclus Porphyrius Jamblichus Plotinus Trismegistus Noll us Dorneus Fluddus than to the great Philippus Aurelius Theophrastus Bombastus Paracelsus of Honeinhem and all the rest of our Companions I 'll believe you Sir said I as much and more than all these Blades But dear Sir cannot you so order matters with your Brethren that I be not obliged to melt away in love with these Elementary Lasses Alas replied he you are at your liberty no Man is forced to love but though few of the Sages are proof against their Charms yet there have been some who reserving themselves wholly to greater Matters as you shall know hereafter have denied that honour to Nymphs I 'll be one of those then answered I for indeed I cannot bring my self to a resolution to lose time in using of the Ceremonies which as I have heard a Prelat say are necessary for obtaining the Commerce of those Spirits That Prelat knew not what he said replied the Count for you shall one day see that they are not Spirits and besides never did a Sage use either Ceremonies or Superstition for gaining the Familiarity of Spirits nor of the People of whom we speak A C●balist never acts but by Natural Principles and if in our Books there be sometimes hard Words Characters and Fumigations to be found that is onely to hide from the ignorant the Principles of Nature Admire the simplicity of Nature in all her most wonderful Operations and in that simplicity so great so exact and necessary an Harmony that in spight of your Prejudices it will cure you of your weak Apprehensions What I am about to tell you we teach those of our Disciples whom we suffer not to enter into the innermost Sanctuary of Nature and yet will not deprive of the Society of the Elementary People out of compassion that we have for the same People The Salamanders as you perhaps already conceive are composed of the most subtle parts of the Sphere of Fire conglobated and organised by the influence of the universal Fire of which some time or other I will discourse to you so called because it is the principle of all the Motions of Nature In the same manner the Sylphs are composed of the purest atomes of Air the Nymphs of the thinnest particles of Water and the Gnomes of the subtilest parts of the Earth Adam bore some proportion with these so perfect Creatures because being made up of the purest part of the four Elements he contained in himself the perfections of these four kinds of People and was their Natural King But when sin had precipitated him among the Excrements of the Elements as you shall see some other time the Harmony was untuned and becoming gross and impure he bore no more proportion with those so pure and subtile Substanc●s What remedy to this evil How is the Lute to be tuned again and this lost Soveraignty retrived O Nature Why art thou so little studied Do not you conceive my Son with what simplicity Nature can restore Man to the Blessings which he hath lost Alas Sir replied I I am very ignorant in all these simplicities But it is very easie however to be knowing in them answered he If we would recover the Empire over the Salamanders we must purifie and exalt the Element of Fire that is in us and raise again the tone of that slackened String There is no more to be done but to concentrate the Fire of the World by concave mirrours in a Bowl of Glass and this is the Operation which all the Ancients have religiously concealed until Divine Theophrastus revealed it In that Bowl there is a Solary Powder made which being of it self purified from the mixture of other Elements and being prepared according to Art becomes in a very short time a Sovereign Remedy to exalt the Fire that is in us and to ●●ke us if one may say so become of an igneous Nature Then do the Inhabitants of the Sphere of Fire become our inferiors and ravished to see our mutual Harmony restored and that we are become like to them they have the same love and friendship for us that they have for their own kind all the respect which they owe to the Image and Vicegerent of their Creator and all the care that the desire of obtaining the immorta●ity which they want by our means can make them excogitate The truth is as being more subtile and pure than those of the other Elements they live very long so they are not so solicitous in demanding Immortality from the Sages You may make use of one of those my Son if the aversion you talk of last always probably you shall never hear her speak one word of that which you are so much afraid of The ease is not the same with the Sylphs Gnomes and Nymphs for seeing as being shorter lived they stand more in need of us so their Familiarity is more easily obtained There is no more to be done for 〈◊〉 but to stop a bottle full of cong●obated Air Water or Earth and set it for a month in the Sun and then to separate the Elements according to Art which above all is most easie to be done in the Water and Earth It is wonder what a strange Load-stone each of these Elements purified are to attract Nymphs Sylphes and Gnomes As little almost as nothing taken of it daily for the space of some months will let you see in the Air the republick volant of Sylphs the Nymphs coming in crouds to the Shore and the Guardians of Treasure opening Shop and laying out their Wealth So that without Characters Ceremonies and barbarous Words one becomes absolute over all those People They demand no Worship from a Sage whom they know to be nobler than themselves Thus venerable Nature teaches her Children to repair the Elements by the Elements Thus is Harmony restored Thus does Man recover his Natural Empire and can do all things in the Elements without the Devil or black Art You see now my Son that the Sages are more in●●cent than you imagine What do you say I admire you Sir said I
and I begin to fear that you will make me turn Apothecary Ah! God forbid my Child cried he your Nativity has not destin'd you for such trifles On the contrary I discharge you to trouble your Head about distilling I have told you that the Sages teach such things onely to those whom they will not admit into their Society You shall have all these advantages and many others more glorious and agreeable by Philosophick Procedures of a far different Nature I have on●y told you of these ways that I might let you see the innocence of this Philosophy and cure you of your panick fears Thanks be to God Sir answered I my fear is not so great now as it was a while ago and though I be not as yet res●lved to embrace the offer that you proposed to me with the Salamanders yet I have still the curiosity to be informed how you have learnt that these Nymphs and Sylphs do die In troth replied he they tell us so and we see them die How can you see them die said I since your Commerce renders them im●ortal You had said somewhat answered he if the Sages were as many in number as those People are besides a great many of them had rather die than to run the risque of being as miserable as they see the Devils are by endeavouring to attain to Immortality It is the Devil that puts these thoughts into the●r Heads for he does all he can to hinder these poor Creatures from becoming Immortal by our Alliance So that I look and you ought my Son to look upon the Aversion which you have to it as a most pernicious temptation and uncharitable inclination But further as to the Death you have been speaking of What was it that obliged the Oracle of Apollo to say That all who spake in Oracles were dead as well as himself as Porphiry reports And what meant that voice d' ye think which was heard over all the Coasts of Italy and so terrified those that were at Sea The great Pan is dead It was the People of the Air who gave advice to the People of the Water t●at the Chief and most Aged of the Sylphes was just then expired When that voice was heard said I I think the World adored Pan and the Nymphs These Gentlemen then whose Commerce you preach to me were the Pagan Gods It is true my Son replied he the Sages are far from thinking that the Devil had ever the power to make himself be adored he is too miserable and weak ever to have had that Satisfaction and Authority but he may have perswaded those Guests of the Elements to appear to Men and to procure Temples to be dedicated to them who by the Natural Dominion that each of them have over the Element they possess they troubled the Air and Sea shook the Earth and sent Thunder and Lightning at their pleasure insomuch that it was easie for them to be taken for Deities so long as the Supream Being neglected the Salvation of the Nations But the Devil obtained not all the advantage that he expected from his malice for it came to pass by that that Pan the Nymphs and other Elementary People having found a means to change that commerce of Worship into a commerce of Love for you remember th●t among the Ancients Pan was the King of those Gods who were called Incubus's and made love to Maids many of the Pagans escaped the snares of the Devil and shall not burn in Hell Flames I understood you not Sir said I. You will not understand me continued he in a jearing tone and smiling this is above your reach and indeed surpasses the reach of all your Doctors who know not what true Natural Philosophy means I 'll tell you the great Mystery of all that part of Philosophy which concerns the Elements and which if you love your self will certainly remove that so unphilosophical repugnancy which you have testified to me this very day Know then my Son and divulge not this great Arcanum to any ●nworthy ignorant Know that as the Sylphs acquire Immortalily by an Alliance which they contract with Men who are predestinated even so Men who have no right to Eternal Glory those Wretches to whom Immortality is but a fatal advantage for whom the Messias was not sent ..... Hold hold ye Gentlemen of the Cabal are Calvinists and Presbiterians then said I interrupting him We know not what that means my Child replied he briskly and we scorn to inform our selves about the differences of Sects and Religions with which the ignorant are infatuated We stick to the Ancient R●ligi●●n of our Fore-fathers the Philosophers wherein I must needs sometime or other instruct you But to return to the purpose those Men whose sad Immortality will prove but everlasting mis●ry those accursed Children whom the supream Father hath fors●ken have this relief still that they may become Mortal by matching with Elementary People So that you see that the Sages hazard nothing for Eternity if they are predestinate they have the Satisfaction when they leave the Body to carry to Heaven with them the ●ylphide or Nymph whom they have immortalized and if they are not predestinate the Commerce of the Sylphide renders their Soul mortal and delivers them from the horrours of the second Death Thus all the Nymphs who were allied wiih the Pagans escaped the Clutches of the Devil Thus the Sages or the Friends of the Wise to whom God puts it in our hearts to communicate any of the four Elementary Secrets which I have pretty near discovered to you free themselves from the danger of damnation In sober sadness Sir cried I not daring to put him out of humour again and judging it fit to forbear telling him openly my thoughts until that he had discovered to me all the Secrets of his Cabal which by that pattern I concluded must needs be very odd and pleasant In sober sadness you carry Wisdom very far and you had reason to say that it would surpass the reach of all our Doctors I am truly of opinion that this is also above the reach of all our Magistrates and that if they could find out who they are that make their escape from the Devil by this means as ignorance is always unjust they would take the Devils part against those Fugitives and trunch them severely And it is for that reason replied the Count that I have recommended and do religiously recommend to you Secrecy Your Judges are strange Men they condemn a most innocent Action as a most hainous Crime What barbarity to cause burn those two Priests whom the Prince of Mirandula says he knew each of whom had his Sylphide for the space of forty years What inhumanity was it to have put to death Jean Hervillier who for the space of thirty six years laboured in the immortalizing of a Gnome And how ignorant was Bodinus to call her a Witch and to take occasion from her adventure to authorize the vulgar Fancies
of the Fable which the Poets and Roman Historians have related of that Nymph Egeria William Postoll the least ignorant of all who have studied the Cabal in the Common Books knew that Vesta was the Wife of Noah but he was ignorant that Egeria was the Daughter of that Vesta and not having read the secret Books of the Ancient Cabal of which the Prince of Mirandula bought a Copy at so dear a rate he believed that Egeria was only the good Genius of Noah's Wife We are informed by these Books that Egeria was conceived upon the Water when Noah wandered upon the avenging Floods that deluged the Universe Women were then reduced to that little number which was saved in the Cabalistick Ark which that second Father of the World had built This great Man groaning to see the dreadful punishment wherewith God chastised the Crimes occasioned by the love that Adam had for his Eve and perceiving that Adam had undone his posterity by preferring Eve to the Daughters of the Elements and by denying her to Salamanders or Sylphs who could easily have gained her love Noah I say growing wise by the fatal example of Adam consented that his Wife Vesta should yield to the Salamander Oromasis the Prince of fiery Substances and likewise perswaded his three Sons to give their three Wives to the Princes of the Three other Elements The Universe by this means was in a short time re-peopled with so heroick knowing beautiful and rare Men that their Posterity dazzeled with their Vertues took them for Deities One of the Sons of Noah rejects the counsel of his Father and cannot resist the Charms of his Wife no more than Adam of his Eve But as the Sin of Adam blackned the souls of all his Off-spring so the small complaisance that Cham had for the Sylphs marked all his black Posterity Hence comes as our Cabalists say the horrible colour of the Mores and all those hideous People who are commanded to inhabit the Torrid Zone as a Punishment of the Prophane Heat of their Father These are indeed pretty odd Records Sir said I admiring the extravagancy of the Man and your Cabal is of wonderful use for illustrating Antiquity Wonderfully replied he gravely and without it Scripture History Fables and Nature are obscure and unintelligible For example you believe that the injury which Cham did to his Father was such as it appears by the Letter verily it is a far different thing Noah being come out of the Ark and perceiving that his Wife Vesta grew fairer and fairer by the commerce she held with her Gallant Oromasis fell passionately in love with her again C ham fearing that his Father was about to people the Earth with a Race as black as his Mores watched his opportunity one day when the good old Man was full of Wine and without mercy cut off his stones You laugh I laugh said I at the indiscreet zeal of Cham. You should rather admire replied the Count the Civility of the Salamander Oromasis whom Jealousie hindred not to pity his Rivals Misfortune he taught his son Zoroaster otherways called Japhet the name of the Omnipotent God which expresseth his eternal fecundity Japhet with his Brother Shem marching backwards towards the Patriarch pronounced six times by turns the dreadful Name of JABAMIAH and made the old Man whole again This History ill understood made the Greeks say that the ancientest of the Gods was gelt by one of his Sons but the truth of the matter is as I have told you From whence you may conclude that the morality of the people of the Fire is far more courteous than ours yea even than of the people of the Air or Water for the Jealousie of these is Cruel as Divine Paracelsus informs us in an adventure which he relates and which was seen by all the Town of Stauffembergh A Philosopher with whom a Nymph engaged in a Commerce of Immortality was so dishonest as to fall in love with a VVoman as he was at Dinner with his new Mistriss and some Friends they saw in the Air one of the lovliest Thighs and Legs that could be imagined The Invisible Lover was willing to shew it to the Friends of her Disloyal Servant to the end they might judge how much he was in the wrong to prefer a VVoman to her After which the inraged Nymph killed him on the spot Ha ha Sir cried I that is enough to put me out of conceit with such Misses I confess replied he their nicety is a little too violent but if amongst our VVomen some provoked Misses have been known to dispatch their perjured Gallants it is not to be wondred at if those so beautiful and faithful Sweet-hearts be inraged when they find themselves betrayed and the rather because they exact no more from Men but that they would abstain from VVomen whose defects they cannot away with and that they allow us to make love to as many of themselves as we please They prefer the Interest and Immortality of their Companions to their private fatisfaction and are glad when the Sages bestow upon their Republick as many Children as they are able to beget But in fine Sir replied I how comes it to pass that there are so few instances of what you tell me There are a great many Child continued he but Men reflect not on them or believe them not or in a word explain them amiss for want of the knowledge of our Principles They ascribe to Devils all that should be attributed to the people of the Elements A little Gnome procures the love of the famous Magdalene of the Cross Abbess of a Monastery at Cordova in Spain at twelve years of age she began to render him happy and they continued their Commerce for the space of Thirty years An ignorant Confessor perswades Magdalene that her Gallant was a Goblin and obliges her to beg Absolution from Pope Paul the Third Nevertheless it is impossible that it could be a Devil for all Europe knows and Cassiodorus Renius hath left on Record to Posterity the Miracle that was daily done in favour of that Holy Nun which in appearance would not have happened if her commerce with the Gnome had been so devillish as the Venerable Confessor imagined That Doctor if I mistake not would have boldly affirmed that the Sylph who immortalized himself with the young Gertrude a Nun of the Monastery of Nazareth in the Diocess of Cologne was some Devil Without doubt said I and I think so too Ha! my Son continued he laughing the Devil is not unhappy then in that he could entertain a Commerce of Gallantry with a Girl of Thirteen years of Age and write to her the sweet Love-letters that were found in her Cabinet Believe my Child believe that in the Region of Death the Devil hath sadder Imployments and more conform to the hatred which the God of Purity pursues him with but thus men wilfully shut their eyes We find for instance in Titus Livius that
They lived many years together and had very lovely Children but this young Lord was not so good a man as to retain the wise Sylphide he swore and talked Baudy She often admonished him but finding that her Admonitions were in vain one day she evanished leaving him onely her Coats and sorrow that he had not followed her holy Counsels So that you see my Son that the Sylphs have reason sometimes to disappear and you perceive that the Devil cannot hinder no more than the Capricious Whimsies of your Divines but that the People of the Elements successfully endeavour their immortality when they are assisted by some one or other of our Sages But really and in good truth Sir replied I are you perswaded that the Devil is so great an Enemy to those Debauchers of Young Maids A mortal Enemy said the Count and especially to the Nymphs Sylphs and Salamanders For as for the Gnomes he does not hate them so much for as I think I told you these Gnomes terrified at the houling of the Devils which they hear in the Center of the Earth chuse rather to continue mortal than to run the risk of being so tormented if they acquired immortality Hence it is that the Gnomes have pretty good Commerce with their Neighbours the Devils These perswade the Gnomes naturally very kind to men that it is great service done to men and a deliverance from a great danger to oblige them to renounce their immortality for that end they ingage to furnish him whom they can perswade to that renunciation with as much money as he shall please to ask to avert the dangers that may threaten his Life during a certain space of time or what other condition whicn he who makes that accursed compact shall please so the Devil wicked Rogue as he is by the meditaion of that Gnome makes the Soul of that Man become mortal and deprives it of a right to Life eternal How Sir cried I are not these Compacts whereof Demonographers relate so many examples in your opinion then made with the Devil No sure replied the Count hath not the Prince of the World been cast out Is not he shut up Is not he bound Is he not the Caput Mortuum and terra damnata which hath sunk to the bottom of the operation of the Supream and Architypical Stagyrist Can ●e ascend unto the Region of Light and spread his concentrated darkness there He can do nothing against Man He can onely inspire into the Gnomes his Neighbours to come and make such Propositions to those whom he fears most will be saved to the end their Soul may die with their Body According to your Doctrine then added I these Souls die They die Child answered he because their Soul dies with the Body They come off on very easie terms then replied I and are very lightly punished for so enormous a Crime as the renouncing of their Baptism and the death of their Saviour Call you that said the Count a slight punishment to enter into the dark Abyss of Nothing Know that this is a greater punishment than to be damned that there remains some mercy still in the Justice which God exercises against the sinners in Hell and that is great favour that they are not consumed by the Fire that burns them Non-entity is a greater evil than Hell and that is it which the Sages preach to the Gnomes when they call them together to make known to them the wrong they do in preferring Death to Immortality and the Abyss of Nothing to the hope of a Blessed Eternity which they might have a right to possess if they would ally themselves to Men without exacting from them those Criminal Renunciations Some of them believe us and we marry them to our Daughters Ye preach a Gospel then to the Subterranean people Sir said I. Why not replied he we are their Doctors as well as of the people of the Fire Air and Water and Philosophical Charity is indifferently diffused on all those Children of God as they are more subtile and more knowing than the ordinary sort of Men so are they more docile and capable of Instruction and they listen to Divine Truths with a respect that ravishes us It must indeed be rav shing cried I laughing to see a Caballist in a Pulpit holding forth to these Gentlemen You shall have the pleasure my Son when you will said the Count and if you please Ill call them together this Evening and preach to them about Midnight At Midnight cried I I have been told that that is the hour of Sabat or the Devils Night Rendezvous The Count fell a laughing You put me in mind said he of the Fopperies that are recounted by Demonographers concerning their imaginary Sabbat I wish also for the rarity of the thing that you believed them likewise Ha! as to the Tales of the Sabbat replied I I do assure you I believe not one word of it You do well my Son said he for once more the Devil hath no power so to play upon Mankind nor to converse with men far less to make himself be adored by them as the Inquisitors believe The occasion of this popular report is because the Sages as I have just now told you assemble the Inhabitants of the Elements to preach to ●hem their Mysteries and Morality and seeing it happens commonly that some Gnome is cured of his gross Error conceives the horror of Non-entity and consents to be immortalized we give him a Maid marry him and celebrate the Wedding with all the rejoycing that the Conquest we have made does require These are the Dances and Shouts of Joy which Aristottle says were heard in some Islands where no Body was seen however The great Orpheus was the first that called together the Subterranean People at his first meeting Sebasi●s the ancientest of the Gnomes was immortalized and from that Sebasius the Assembly had its name in which the Sages directed their Speech to him so long as he lived as appears in the Hymns of the Divine Orpheus The ignorant have confounded things and have taken occasion thereupon to tell a thousand impertinencies and to decrie an Assembly which we only summon for the glory of the Supream Being I could never have imagined said I that the night Sabat was an Assembly of Devotion It is though a most holy and Cabalistick one replied he which the World will not easily be perswaded of But such is the deplorable ignorance of this unjust Age men are infatuated with a popular opinion and will not be undeceived It is in vain for the Sages to speak Fools are better believed It is in vain for a Philosopher evidently to demonstrate the Falsity of the Notions that Men have framed to themselves and give evident proofs to the contrary let him use what Experiment and solid Reason he can If a man in a Hood appear who will undertake to falsifie it Experience and Demonstration are baffled and Truth cannot again recover its
right Men believe this Hood more than their own Eyes There hath been a memorable instance of this Popular Infatuation in your own France The Famous Cabalist Zedechias had a mind in the Reign of your King Pepin to convince the World that the Elements were inhabited by all those People whose Nature I have already described to you The Expedient he conceited was to advise the Sylphs to shew themselves publickly in the Air they did it with great Pomp and Magnificence These admirable Creatures were seen in the Air in Humane Shape sometimes in Battel Array marching in good Order standing to their Arms or encamped under rich Pavillions sometimes in a Fleet of Aereal Ships of an admirable Build which sailed with gentle Zephirs What became of it Do you think that the ignorant Age fell to reason on the Nature of those marvellous Spectacles No such matter The People believed at first that they were Sorcerers who had got into the Air to raise Tempests there and to showre down Hail upon their Crops The Learned Divines and Lawyers were quickly of the Opinion of the People the Emperour believed it also and that ridiculous Notion prevailed so far that the Wise Charlemaigne and after him Lewis the Debonaire imposed heavy punishments upon all those pretended Tyrants of the Air. This you may see in the First Chapter of the Capitular Decrees of those two Emperours The Sylphs perceiving that the People Pedants and the Crowned Heads themselves conspired thus against them resolved that they might make them lose the bad Opinion which they had of their innocent Fleet to carry away men from all parts to shew them their Fair Women their Republick Government and then to drop them in several places of the World They did as they projected the People seeing Men descend came running from all parts possessed with an Opinion that they were Sorcerers who detached themselves from their Companions that they might poison the Fruits and the Waters and according to the rage that is inspired by such imaginations they dragged the poor innocent men to punishment It is incredible what a vast number of them perished by Fire and Water in this Kingdom One day amongst the rest it happened at Lyons that three Men and a Woman descended in those Aereal Ships the whole City gather about them cry they are Magicians and that Grimoald 〈◊〉 of Benevent the Enemy of Charlemaigne sent them to destroy the Crops of France It was to no purpose for the four Innocents to say for their justification that they were of the same Countrey that they were lately carried way by miraculous men who shewed them unheard of Wonders and prayed them to relate them The infatuated People will not hear their Defence but was going to throw them into the Fire when the good man Agobard Bishop of Lyons who whil'st he was a Monk had obtained great Authority in that City came running upon the News and having heard the Peoples Accusation and the Defence of the Accused gravely pronounced that both were false That it was not true that these Men came down out of the Air and that what they affirmed to have seen there was absolutely impossible The People believed what good Father Agobard said better than their own Eyes was pacified set at liberty the four Ambassadors of the Sylphs and received with admiration the Book which Agobard wrote to confirm the Sentence he had pronounced Thus was the Testimony of these four Witnesses made frivolous In the mean time seeing they escaped punishment they were free to relate what they had seen which was not altogether fruitless for if you remember the Age of Charlemaigne abounded in Heroick Men. And this is a sign that the Woman who had been with the Sylphs obtained Credit amongst the Ladies of those Times and that by the grace of God many Sylphs were immortalized many Sylphides became likewise Immortal by the relation that these three Men gave of their Beauty which obliged the people of that Age to apply themselves a little to Philosophy and from thence have come all the Stories of Fairies which you find in the amorous Legends of the Age of Charlemaigne and the succeeding And these pretended Fairies were nothing else but Sylphides and Nymphs Have you read the Stories of those Heroes and Fairies No Sir said I. I am sorry for that replied he for they would have given you some Notion of the State to which the Sages are resolved one day to reduce the World Those Heroick Men those Loves of Nymphs those Journeys to the Earthly Paradice those Palaces and Inchanted Groves and all those Charming Adventures are but a weak Emblem of the Life that the Sages leads and what the World shall be when Wisdom by their means shall reign therein There shall be none but Heroes in it the least of our Children shall have the might of Z●roaster Apollonius or Melchsedec and most part of them shall be accomplished as the Children that Adam would have begotten on Eve had he not sinned with her Did you not tell me Sir said I interrupting him that it was not the will of God that Adam and Eve should have had Children and that Eve should have given her self only to Sylphs or Salamanders It is true said the Count they should not have procreated the way they did Your Cabal Sir continued I furnishes Man and Woman then with an Invention of Begetting Children after another manner than the common Method Assuredly replied he Good now pray teach me that Sir answered I. You shall not know it too day if you please said he laughing I 'll revenge the Quarrel of the people of the Elements because you have made so much difficulty to undeceive your self of their pretended Devilry I make no question but your pannick fears are now over I leave you therefore that you may have time to meditate and deliberate in the presence of God to which kind of Elementary Substances it will be most for his glory and your honour that you bestow a share of your Immortality In the mean time I 'll go recollect my self a little for the Discourse that you have put me upon making this night to the Gnomes Go said I explain to them some Chapter of Averroes I believe said the Count I may very well have a little touch at that for I have a Design to preach to them the Excellency of Man that I may work upon them to court our Alliance And after Aristotle Averroes holds two things which it is fit I should illustrate the one concerning the Nature of the Mind and the other about the Chief Good He says That there is but one created Mind which is the Image of the uncreated and that that Mind alone is sufficient for all Men. And as to the Chief Good Averroes says It consists in the Conversation with Angels which is not Cabalistick enough For Man even in this life is created for the Enjoyment of God as you shall one day know