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A91999 Keiromantia [sic] or, The art of divining by the lines and signatures engraven in the hand of man, by the hand of nature, theorically, practically. Wherein you have the secret concordance, and harmony betwixt it, and astrology, made evident in 19. genitures. Together with a learned philosophicall discourse of the soule of the world, and the vniversall spirit thereof. A matchlesse piece. / Written originally in Latine by Io: Rothmanne, D. in Phisique, and now faithfully Englished, by Geo: Wharton Esq.; Cheiromantia. Rothmann, Johann.; Wharton, George, Sir, 1617-1681. 1652 (1652) Wing R2001; Thomason E1237_3; ESTC R210441 69,654 193

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Number and Measure but Living Animate Intellectuall The former Part of the Definition is cleare from the Holy Scriptures The latter is Proved of Plato and that by manifest Reasons Where we say A Living Systeme we intend a certaine Naturall Life diffused through the Bodies of the world extended and Movably Acting together with the Body of the World Where we call it An Animate Systeme we meane the substance of the Soule of the World whose Essence indeed is both Indivisible and Immutable like the Intellect yet it may in some sort be tearmed Divisible and Moveable because it is the Proper Fountaine of some Powers that are declining to Divisible and Moveable Vertue also and Action is partly Individuall and Immoveable so far forth as it agrees with Divine things steadfastly worketh and Partly Divisible in some Respects both because it is Manifold and also for that it Declineth to a Manifold and Divisible Body And Moveable because it worketh Temporally Where we tearme it Intellectuall we meane the Angelicall Intellects which are properly Perfect and Indivisible according to Place in their Government of the Spheres and Immutable in respect of time the Naturall Life and Forme Corporeall being Opposite thereunto Divisible and Mutable That even these Angelicall Intellects be in the Body of the World necessity requires it because the Body of the World is through Life made fit for the Intellect Therefore looke how it is in regard of Life and the like it is in respect of the Intellect And as it hath not onely a Naturall lying hid in the Matter of the World but an Animall also that is A Soule existing in it selfe So hath it not only an Intellectuall Quality infused the Soule but also an Intellectuall Substance therein remaining For certaine Qualities are every where reduced to certaine Substances As a Vitall Quality to a Vitall Substance so also an Intellectuall Quality to an Intellectuall Substance But as touching these things we shall explaine our selfe more at large The whole Body of the World is a certaine Body composed of all the Foure Elements the Members or Parts whereof are the Bodies of all Living Creatures For the small Body of every Animall is a Part of the Worlds Body Neither is it composed of the whole Element of Fire Aire Water or Earth but of some Parts of these Elements By how much therefore the Whole is more Perfect then a Part thereof by so much is the Body of the World more Perfect then the Body of any one Living Creature Hence were it absurd to thinke that an Imperfect Body should have a Soule But that it neither hath a Soule nor can live Perfect None will be so mad as to say the Part Liveth and not the Whole Therefore the whole Body of the World Liveth whilst the Bodies of the Animals therein Live which are the Parts thereof And now seeing there must needs be One Soule of the whole World we will in the next place enquire in what Part thereof this Soule may Reside whence she Distributes her Spirit through all things and preserves the same so Distributed Shee fixeth not her Seate and Pavilions in Bodies subject to variety of Change and Manifold Corruption as are the Elements and Elementary Bodies wherefore seeing that in Heaven there is no Corruption of Bodies there certainly is her Place of Residence And although those Elements also may be in Heaven but most Purely or Spiritually yet is it manifest that the Element of Fire hath therein Dominion Even as here in this Inferiour Part of the World where the Soveraignty of the Elements remaines in the Power of Fire And this we are sensible of in our owne Bodies But much more if we doe but consider how the Fire by no meanes Putrefieth nor is any way Corrupted notwithstanding it often Corrupteth other Bodies where it gets Preheminency Moreover Nature affords it Earth Water and Aire as a certaine Subject Matter whereon to Exercise its Power The Aire it selfe as also the Earth with the Water surrounding it whence we are Nourish'd and draw our Breath is indeed so Affected of the Fire about it that sometimes Heate doth therein predominate otherwhiles it is so Extenuated that for want of Heate it leaves its owne Quality and is forsaken of Cold In like manner we see such Impressions conveyed from the Fire above us upon the Earth and Water that sometimes the Nature and Quality thereof is capable of some Excesse otherwhiles of Defect the Celestiall Fire it selfe remaining Entire Wherefore seeing the Soule of the World hath its Residence in Heaven of Necessity it must live in a Fiery Substance For Heaven is a Fiery Essence but withall most Temperate Pure Lucid and Incorruptible Nor shall they Trouble us who deny the Fiery Heaven in regard the Motion of the Heavens is Circular the Fires Motion Perpendicular For because our Fire is Peregrine and Impure therefore it tends directly upwards and by a kind of Veneration Covets the Place of the Proper and Naturall Fire yet is it not to be supposed such a Fiery Hot Heaven as that 't is burning or Heating By how much lesse Fire is mingled with strange Matter by so much the lesse it Burneth The which is seen in the Flaming of the Purer sort of Oyle but especially of Oyle Artificiously Extracted from Gold the which True Alchemists doe Witnesse and as these M●r●all Eyes of mine have sometimes Tryed Therefore seeing there is not any matter in Heaven estranged from the Celestiall no Adustion no Heate is made there We see no Adustion in Comets running through the Celestiall Spheres but onely some Illustration for that doubtlesse the matter thereof much participateth of the Nature of the Celestiall Bodies But TYCHO BRAHE A Dane A Noble-Man An Astronomer and a most incomparable Philosopher of this Age shall anon more plainly unfold to us this matter farre different from the Madded Nursery of Peripatetiques and that not without the Infallible Curiosity both of Observations and Demonstrations Now because some Matter Opposed is Heated and Burnt by the Rayes of the Sun contracted by a Glasse that is a suddaine generation of Heat and Fire increasing by the Flagration of the Collected Rayes in the Glasse and applyed to Fit Matter which are of another Disputation Some will have the Matter of Heaven to be Aereall But for that Light is a Propertie of Fire enlightning even the Aire it selfe in my Judgment wee doe better in supposing it to consist of a Fiery Matter Besides Heaven is next to the Divine Seate and God himselfe yet not so as that God is not every where God is called The Father of Light with whom there is no Change by whom the Light may be Extinguished or Diminished neither an overshadowing of Change whereby sometimes he either is turn'd into Night or suffereth an Eclipse GOD is Light in which there is no Darkenesse that is Forme wherein there is nothing Informe Beauty in which there is nothing of Deformity As therefore GOD is Light
with the Tongues of Angells and had all Faith so that he could Remove Mountaines out of their Places although he had all Sciences and knew all Mysteries though he should give his Body to be Burnt and were full of Prophesie GOD is CHARITY we were Created and Redeemed of Charity in Charity and by Charity Charity Preserves in us the Command of GOD Charity is the Bond of Perfection Col. 3. Charity is Long suffering and Bountifull she Envieth not she maketh no Tumults she is not puft up she doth nothing whereof she is ashamed she seeketh not her owne she Provoketh not she thinketh no Evill she rejoyceth not at Iniquity but the Truth she beareth all things she believeth all things she hopeth and sustaineth all things Charity Buildeth up knowledge puffeth up Charity is greater then Prophesies Sciences Tongues Prophesies shall be abolished Tongues shall be Silent Sciences Perish Charity remaineth for ever He that remaineth in Charity remaineth in GOD and GOD in him Now we must know there is a Two-fold Man One Astrall Externall or Carnall which is called Animall nor perceiveth he the things which are of the Vivifying Spirit The other Spirituall or Internall busied in Renuing the Corrupted Image of God Rom. 7. In like manner there shall be a Two-fold Wisdome One Worldly or Astrall the Wisdom of Arts Sciences Dignities Possessions and of Corruptible things wherein the Gentiles are alone Busied Mat. 6. The other Celestiall consisting in the knowledge of GOD in the consideration of his Ineffable Mercy in the Desire of Eternall Happinesse This Wisdome acknowledges no other Governour then the Holy Spirit operating by the word of GOD That the Heavens and Celestiall Influences Both which may be Joyned in a Man that Pleaseth GOD But in whom the Celestiall Wisdome Raigneth that other is onely a Hand-maid she seeks for nothing at all but the Glory of GOD and the welfare of her Neighbour which indeed is as much as is granted in this Life to the Elect or those whom the Father hath given unto Christ Now where the Astrall raigneth suppose that alone There are Dogs and Swine unto whom we are forbidden to cast Pearles or that which is Holy Lastly where the Celestiall and Astrall doe Conjunctly Rule that is when we indeavour to serve Two Masters There is True Hypocrisie very displeasing unto GOD No Man can serve Two Masters such were the Pharisees in the time of Christ whose Righteousnesse if ours exceed not we shall not enter into the Kingdome of God Christ himselfe hath spoken it It was but requisite that we a little touched upon those things lest Ignorant Detractors who are either far out of the way or abhorre this True manner of Philosophizing should take occasion to mingle Holy things with Profane or Profane with Holy whilst perhaps they might take upon them to Disprove these Realities Furthermore 〈◊〉 hitherto we have Treated of the Soule and Spirit of the Universe and of the Syderiall Governour in Man So now we may possibly be informed concerning Foure Senses in the Universe accommodating themselves to the Four-fold Vertue or Power of the Soule of the World There are Foure Elements which contribute Matter to the Body of the World and there are also Foure Powers in the Soule of the World The first is the Intellect of it selfe Immovable the Mover or Governour of the Sphere instituted by the Author of all things Governing the Spheres The second is the Soule of the Sphere A Mover indeed that is Moveable yet so of it selfe The third a Certaine Intelligence excellently placed in this Soule by GOD and the superiour Intellect The fourth is Nature that is to say A Seminary and Vitall vertue every way infus'd into the Matter by the Soule The Intellect and Soule are indeed Substances But the Intelligence and Nature are Qualities Those of the Soule these of the Matter The Foure Images of these are the Foure Elements For Fire resembles the Intellect Earth the Water Aire the Intelligence And lastly Water the Soule And as there are three things Proper to Fire three things also opposite to Earth and that the Mediums agree with Mediums by a certaine Proportion so there are three things proper to the Intellect and their Opposites are proper to Nature The Mediums also to the Mediums For the Intellect is Individuall Uniforme Eternall Nature Dividuall Multiforme Temporall The Soule amongst these Mediums looks indeed through the Intelligence more participating of the Intellect it selfe then of Nature But through the Animall Power the rather agrees with Nature then the Intellect Wherefore it is called Partly Individuall partly Dividuall Partly also Uniforme and partly Multiforme Againe partly Eternall and partly Temporall From Substance Vertue Action Fire Subtile Acute Moveable Aire Subtile Obtuse Moveable Water Grosse Obtuse Moveable Earth Grosse Obtuse Immovable The Intellect Individuall Uniforme Eternall Intelligence Individuall Vniforme Eternall Animall Power Dividuall Multiforme Temporall By Nature Dividuall Multiforme Temporall Hence also are the Foure Lives Delivered and Beleeved of Plato The life of Saturne admireing in the Intellect Heaven the Father thereof that is God the Father of Heaven The Ioviall in the Intelligence declining to Action yet Moveable The Venereall in the Animall Vertue yet Affecting Matter And the Dionysiacall as if Drunk in Nature that is of a Drench'd or Drown'd Matter And by a like Reason there are Foure Senses in the Universe The First in the Soule of the World Commune I say and one Sense that is a certaine Imaginary Vertue so accompanying its Intelligence and touching the Particular Formes of things as the Intelligence doth the Universall Touching I say Intrinsecally and therefore it wants no Instruments neither proceeds or suffers it anywhere without The Second is in the Soules of the Spheres and Stars Commune indeed and Impatible also but proceeding without The third in Particular Soules distributed through all the Instruments beyond Common strength and spreading it selfe without but ending in the Judgement The Fourth and last Sense is according to the Pythagoreans allow'd to Plants yea a certaine Image of Sense and that indeed Stupid having no Judgement of Quality but Posited onely in the Passion of some Pleasure or Griefe The First Sense represents the Intellect The Second the Intelligence The third the Animall Vertue and the Fourth the Naturall wherein we must remember that the Matter of the World doth not otherwise enter the Soule then by Nature nor otherwise the Intelligence then by the Soule nor otherwise the Intellect then by the Intelligence Even as it receiveth Water by the Earth by the Water Aire and by the Aire Fire But at length to come to our Matter we must know that the Lines of the Hands are not otherwise produced giving GOD in the first place His Due then from the Imagination of the Greater World thus or so Affected in the Generation of Man yet performing its Authority Office by the Stars It is hardly perceptible to our Humane Wit how such
usually marke out such as be Laborious something Covetous and Hard But that the Lines of the Hands are not compleatly perfect at the Houre of the Nativity this Example abundantly manifests Moreover seeing by this it is certaine That the Positure of the Planets in the Figure are of great Authority It necessarily followes that the Lines especially the Lesse Principall doe truly receive their clearer Conformity from the First Moment of the Birth in which the Infant begins to move its hands and make as it were to lay hold of or Catch at things As touching the Principall Lines there is no doubt but that they are Clearly enough Engraven at the very Instant of the Nativity But that in processe of time there is an Accesse of some Incisures and Characters Reason it self will teache him that shall make more Diligent Inspection into the hands of little Infants For at first wee finde an obscure and subtile Draught of the Lines Afterwards the thinne and tender skin being worne away by the continuall Motion and Bathing thereof all the Lines grow Fairer and Brighter every day more then other For then the vertue of the Starres and the Sydereall Spirit wherewith every one is Inspired begin to perfect the Lines more Compleatly the Element of Water intervening Whatsoever is Generated in this World is Generated of Water and the Spirit And whosoever is not Regenerate of the Water and Spirit shall not enter into the Kingdome of GOD as our Saviour speakes Water hath a respect unto the Heart of Man But the Spirit hath regard of the Divine Efficacy Moreover the Starres doe first of all convey their Influence through the Aire which is neerest the Nature of Fire like as is the Nature of the Starres themselves whereby the Water it selfe that is next to the Aire in Situation receives the Caelestiall vertue and Communicates it to the Earth from which Communication the Fecundity thereof proceedeth And this is evident in the Spring-time whilst things are Sprouting from the Bosome of the Earth For if Showers be then wanting they grow but slowly and the Increment they have is either by the vaprous Cold of Night the Image of Humidity or else the Nightly Dew or both together the Heate of the Sun assisting in the day time which being continued for some dayes afterwards when a Shower comes you shall quickly perceive ●hem Encreased in a Moment because that now the Sydereall spirit enlivening them renders it selfe more Excellent then they by its plentifull besprinkling of Moisture The like is to be understood of the Slender Skin upon the Hands You see also in the Plants themselves how Rude their Leaves be when First they peepe out of the Earth in respect of the Lineaments and Pictures of their Branches they are otherwise called Signatures which by little and little show themselves more plaine and openly to our view The like wee must judge of the Lines or Incisures of the Hands which hold the like Analogy and Proportion in the Manifestation of their Signatures Whereby it appeares How Great the Workes of GOD are He hath put these signes in the Hand of all Men that every one also might hereby acknowledge his Workes past finding out as Iob saith Chap. 37. v. 7. Neverthelesse there are some both Divines and Philosophers who account it a Haynous thing of us that wee wrest this saying of Jobs to Chiromancy But that wee may Briefly satisfy such we will examine the meaning thereof more fully The Text there runs thus V. 5. God will Thunder Marvellously with his Voyce who doeth Great and Inscrutable things V. 6. Who commandeth the Snow to fall upon the Earth so likewise the Winter showers and the Raine of his Strength V. 7. Who hath placed Signes in the Hand of every Man that all Men may know His Worke V. 8. The Beast entereth into his Covert and remaineth in his Den IN the Beginning of the Chapter you have as it were certaine Praeludiums to a following Proposition layd downe in the 5. Verse For thus he saith Iehovah Thundreth or speaketh Lowd in his Workes That they may be Great and Inscrutable The Examples of the Proposition follow in the 6 7 8 9 10 c. He maketh saith Hee the Snow to Descend like Wooll as the Psalmist addeth The Reasons of the Generation of Snow are indeed speciously delivered amongst the Peripatetiques yet if you Reduce them to a Levell they will by no meanes stand but terminate in Dotage Another Example of the Proposition you have in the 7th Verse GOD Signeth all men ●n their hands That every one might know his worke that is Those Lines were not made there by Chance The Hebrew Version verbatim He shall Signe all Men in the Hand that every man may know his Worke The 70. Interpreters He marketh all men in the Hand that every Man may know his Infirmity S. Hierome He hath placed Signes in the Hand of all Men that every one may know his workes The Chaldee Translation Hee maketh Signes in the Hand of all the Sonnes of Men that all the Sonnes of Men might know their Worke These wee wholy apply to the Lines of the Hands because that every Man beholds them dayly but seldome knows what they signify unto him You have in each an Universall Particle and therefore no Man is Excluded which very thing Refutes the Translation of some who Read That every one might know his Worke-men But there are many Thousands of Men Living that have no Work-men at all who Earne their Bread with the Labours of their own Hands Besides To know their Worke-men is not a Great and Inscrutable Worke but altogether such a One as every common Rustique dayly is capable of And therefore that version wholy dissents from the Proposition Object But now yee may Object That if the Disposition and Draught of the Lines of the Hands be an Inscrutable Worke then nothing of Certainty can be pronounc'd as touching their Decrees and Significations and therefore the Science of Chiromancy will be Imperfect and Lame or if you please no Science Solu I Answer All Sciences in this Life are Imperfect and Lame if yee looke upon the Force of Humane Wit as the Apostle himselfe testifies And surely they were so made lest we should wax Proud and Boast of our Wit and of those Sciences but rather seeke for the Absolute Perfection of all things in GOD who hath reserved that Perfection for the World to come yet therefore are not those Sciences to be Despised and utterly Rejected But that the Mind of an Ingenious Man might delight it selfe in them because Sciences are the only Food of the Mind Wee maintaine also that Chiromancy containeth things that be Inscrutable by a Threefold Reason 1. Because that in this Science wee cannot attaine the Knowledge of all the Particular and scrupulous Lineaments so as that we can explicate the Decrees of every Incisure And although many Particulars may be pronounced yet are they such Particulars