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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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A90869 A compendious view, or Cosmographical, and geographical description of the whole world. With more plain general rules, touching the use of the globe, then bave been yet published. Wherein is shewed the situation of the several countries, and islands: their particular governments, manners, commodities, and religions. Also a chronology of the most eminent persons, and things that have been since the creation, to this present: wherein you have a brief of the gospel, or a plain, and easie table, directing readily where to find the several things, that were taught, spoke, done and suffered, by Jesus Christ, throughout the said gospel. The which is not onely pleasant, and delightful; but very useful, and profitable; for all. But cheifly for those who want, either time, to read, or money to buy, many books. / By Tho. Porter. Porter, Thomas, fl. 1654-1668. 1659 (1659) Wing P2998A; Thomason E1863_2; ESTC R210226 74,944 154

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much hurts the Fruit and make it lateward 2 The SUMMER begins the 11th of June and continues till the 12 of Septemb. It is hot and dry and now we are not troubled with many Winds especially in the midst hereof Conjectures on Summer A wet and hot Summer begets many diseases scarcity of Corn and putrefies Fruit If it be to dry a Dearth oftentimes follows but plenty of Summer Fruit which being too eagerly eaten oft engender or beget many hurtful Diseases And a cold Summer makes Fruit lateward but proves a fruitful season 3 AUTUMN begins the 12 of September and ends the 12 of December it is cold and dry and hath many Winds At the beginning dryness is most predominant in the midst much like but at the latter end more cold then dry Conjectures on Autumn If it be moister then usually it is wont to corrupt the Grapes If wet fall at the latter end hereof beware of scarcity the year following if it be hot unhealthful and if too cold a hazard to Fruits 4 WINTER begins the 12 of December and continues till the 11 of March It is cold and moist Conjectures on Winter A cold and dry Winter is wholesome for it purifies cleanseth the Air but if it prove hot and moist it is both unwholesome and hurtful to the Corn frequency of Wind is hurtful to all manner of Fruits a want thereof brings as much damage to all kinds of Grain but if the whole year be calm and very quiet you may suspect that a Pestilence will range up and down Although these four Seasons Quarters differ something every year yet while the Earth remaineth seed-time and Harvest Cold and Heat Summer and Winter and Day and Night shall not cease Gen 8. 22. Of the Heavens and Elements according to Ptolomies Figure thereof The whole World is divided into 2 parts that is to say Elemental and Celestial The Elemental part is divided into 4 parts namely Earth Water Fire and Air as you may see in the round figure of the Heavens and and Elements the inmost or middle most conteining Water and Earth intermingled together next the Air and next to it the Element of Fire as you may there see each having its name set in the proper place to which I will refer you and here chiefly describe them 1 The EARTH is dry and cold an Element differing from Air agreable with Fire in driness with Water in coldness and it is more of a dry quality and less of a cold The Circuit of the Earth is 21600 miles but the Diameter is 6872 so that 3436 will reach the middle In the middle thereof is eternal Fire and Hell which is the bottomless Pit of the damned 2 The WATER is cold and moist an Element differing from the Fire agreeable with earth in coldness with Air moisture and is more cold and less moist 3 FIRE it hot and dry an element differing from Water and agreeable with the Air in heart and with earth in dryness and it participates more of heat and less of dryness The AIR is hot and moist and element differing or disagreeable from the earth and agreeable with Water in moistness and with Fire in heat and hath more of moisture and less of heat 1 The MOON the lesser light like no mean Princess ordained or placed between the Sun and the other Planets doth govern the earthly Region disposing and ordering dayes by a manifest change and alteration She is less then the earth 39 times and compasseth 12 degrees with the beams she goes about the Zodiack in the space of a moneth is a friend to Jupiter Venus and Saturn and enemy to Mercury and Mars She is Female Night-shining cold and moist having somewhat variable qualities in her quarters as the sun by quarters doth change the times of the year she is a conveigher of all the vertues or forces and impressions of other Planets Of Colours she hath yellow in man she hath the Brain in woman the womb in both the stomack belly and the tuition of the left part 2 MERCURY is 19 times lesser then the Earth he casteth his Rays 7 degrees and makes his course nearly with the Sun and Venus he is a Friend to Jupiter Venus and Saturn and enemy to the Sun Moon and Mars He is a mixt Planet male with male and female with females Hot with hot and moist with moister Planets According to some he rules the Thighs Navel Privity Legs Sinews and Veins According to others and more rightly he possesseth the Mouth Tongue Cogitation and Memory also the Hands and Legs and Colours all mixt and various 3 VENUS is 6 times less then the earth she equals her course with the Sun and is friend to all Planets except Saturn she is female night-shining cold and moist temperately flegmatick and rules or keeps the Loins Reins Haunches Privities and matrix of Colours she holds white declining unto green 4 The SUN the greater Light is Lord of perfection and King of Nature the Author of Times Generation and Life the greatest of all the Planets exceeding the earth 30 times or more with his Orbe and Beams he possesseth 15 degrees going about the earth in 365 dayes and almost 6 hours which is the compass of a year He is a friend to Jupiter and Venus an enemy to Mars and Mercury and is a Masculine day-shining Planet moderately hot and dry He keeps the Brain Marrow Sinews the right eye of a man and the left of a woman and holds the yellow colour mixt with red 5 MARS is the Lord of War he equals the earth once with an half and an 8 part With his beams he compasseth 8 degrees and is 13 times less then the earth he compasseth the Zodiack in almost 2 years He is onely a friend to Venus all the rest are his enemies but especially Jupiter and Sol. He is a Male Planet night-shining immoderately hot and dry predominant over the left Ear the Veins the Gall and the Stones Of Humours he hath Choller and of Colours red 6 JUPITER is 14 times greater then the earth In the bigness of his Orbe he is 9 degrees and goes about the Zodiack in 12 years He is a friend to all Planets except Mars and is a masculine Planet shining by night hot moist sanguine complexioned he rules the Liver the Lungs the Ribs the Gristles the Bloud and the Seed He hath Citron or Orenge colour or gray and green 7 SATURN is a male Planet and the highest of all In bigness 22 times greater then the earth the Circuit of his Orbe is 9 degrees he compasseth the Zodiack in 30 years and is a friend to Jupiter the Sun and Moon an enemy to Venus and Mars an adversary to Humany Learning destroying life he is malevolent cold and dry Of all the members of man he hath the right Ear the Spleen and the Bladder of Humours he hath Melancholy with commixture of Flegme and of colours he hath black 8 Is the Sphear
Hereticks as he called them to passe it so easily and not to give them the like speed 5 Ainan which affords plenty of Honey Wax Fish Ivory Gold Iron and very large Sheep In Religion they are Heathens in all the aforesaid Kingdoms onely some Mahometans on the Sea-coasts Of the Islands belonging to Africa 1 Zocotora at the mouth of the Red-Sea lyeth open to the sharp Winds and is therefore extream dry and barren yet affords some good Pasture for the breed of Cattle as also Dates and some kind of Fruits liberally furnished with Medicinal Drugs and the best Aloes c. The people are rude and barbarous and though their Hair be long yet their Cloathing is hardly enough to cover their nakedness The Women govern all the Affairs within and without their Bread for the most part is made of Dates the rest of their Food is milk and butter The people are accounted Christians and Jacobites in Sect adoring the Cross most superstitiously and give themselves much to Enchantments 2 Madagascar or St. Laurence is rich and plentifully stored with almost all Commodities that man can use as Rice Sugar Honey Goats Deer Elephants and other Creatures both Tame and Wild in great plenty Also Beeves and Muttons both large and good are here in such abundance that they sell them for very trifles Here is also Wax Cotton Ginger Saffron Cloves Amber some Mines of Gold Silver Copper and Iron And here grows ● Tree which beares that Fruit called Caeos a kind of Date as big as a Cabbage wherein is a pint of Liquor which tasts like Wine and Sugar and the Kernel is sufficient to satisfie two men It affords not only meat but cloathing furniture for their Houses Tackling for Ships Timber for Building and Fuel for the Fire The people for the most part are black ignorant and treacherous Idolaters in the midland parts and Mahometans upon the Sea-coasts 3 Mohelia the people are black large strong and couragious they pink their Arms and Faces in several shapes and use no other Apparel but their Natural Garments except some Plantain Leaves to hide their shame They are Mahometans 4 Mauritius or De Cirne is well stored with Beeves Goats Hogs most sorts of Fish dainty Fruits and plenty of Ebony of all colours yet not inhabited 5 St. Hellen is very high and hilly stored with Hogs Goats Hens Orenges Lemmons Figs and the like 6 St. Thomas is situated directly under the Equator inhabited by the Negroes and Portugals The Air agrees so well with the former that they generally live to 100 years of Age but few of the Portugals to 50. It is destitute of Wheat but abounds with Sugar In the midst hereof stands a Woody Mountain over-shadowed continually with Clouds which moysten the Trees that grow here in good plenty from whence falls a great quantity of water which doth refresh their Fields and Sugar-canes notwithstanding the extream heat of the Air. Their Religion is the Christian 7 Princes Island so called because the Revenues thereof belonged to the Prince of Portugal 8 The Isles of Gorgades or Cape Verde the chief now inhabited are 1 St. Jago though it be mountainous and rocky yet is full of pleasant Vallies and well inhabited 2 Demay hath a Lake whose Water is medicinable 3 Del Fuego so called from the Flakes of Fire which it usually sends forth The rest we forbear to name 9 The Hesperides which are often mentioned by the ancient Poets in the Fable of Atlas his Daughters It was supposed to be the Seat of their blessed which they called the Elisian Fields and indeed it is a happy Soil the Weather alwayes fair the Season also temperate and the Air never extream 10 The Canaries and they are 7. 1. Canary is plentiful in Barley Sugar-canes Honey Wax Kine Camels Goats Woad for Dyers and Canary Wine which at first was accounted good for cold stomachs but is now brought in such abundance to supply Luxury that as it is reported there are 3000 Tuns vended yearly into England and Holland 2 Teneriffa hath a Mountain in it which as some affirm may be seen 80 Leagues or more at Sea in a clear day This Island is as fruitful as Canary but hath no Water but from a Cloud which at Noon dissolves and is conveyed into several parts 3 Gomera though formerly most barbarous yet is now as well manured as the rest 4 Ferra hath no fresh water but what they preserve in showers both for themselves and Beasts but a happiness it is if they have them oft 5 Palma is well stored with Cattle Cheese Sugar and Wine and is the place where our Ships touch to refresh themselves in their Voyage towards America 6 Forte Ventura which is of the same nature with the rest 7 Lancerote whose Inhabitants were the first that were made subject to the Spaniards and were then so rude and ignorant that they did account it the greatest work that could be put upon them to kill a Beast and did therefore impose it on condemned persons and prisoners But now they are most Christians of the Church of Rome and their Seat of Justice is in that Isle called Canary There are some others but of little account and therefore I omit them And as for the knowledge of the Cities of most note that are within this part we shall refer you to the Map of Africa A View of AMERICA or as we may call it The New World for that it was last discovered AMERICA or The New World so called because it was last discovered and from its bigness Christopher Columbus was the first that opened a gap into it Next to him Americus Vesputius who gave it that name Ferdinando Magellanicus first attempted and found out the compass of the South-Sea Limits which beareth his Name Our own Heroicks Sir Francis Drake and Noble Candish followed and added to what was done by them Davis and Forbisher two English-men went fair for a Passage round and have left their Names behind them in the North part thereof as is expressed in the Map This New World or America hath many Mines in some whereof as it is reported they hardly find so much Earth as Gold which they exchange for Axes Hammers Knives and such like Tools for want of which they formerly made their Boats or Canoes with the force of fire There are such multitudes of Bulls and Kine that the Spaniards kill thousands yearly onely for their Tallow and Hides It is also very plentiful in Spices and Fruits and divers strange Beasts and Birds which other parts are ignorant of as Deer without Horns a kind of Hare resembling a Cat in its Tayl a Wont in its feet and under his Chin is a little bag which Nature hath taught him to make a Store-house for having filled his belly he reserveth the rest therein And here is a Bird so big that it will seize on a Calf or Sheep and devour it Here is another also as little called Tomineo
of all colours yet hardly bigger then a Butter-fly and is as sweet as the Nightingale in note The People are indifferent fair though a good part of it lyeth in the same Parallel as the Land of Negroes so that it appeares that the heat of the Sun is not the sole and onely cause of blackness and it is most probable that these people came first out of Tartary not only by reason of their rude and barbarous manners but also because America is parted from thence by a very small straight as appeares in the Map to which I refer you But from whomsoever these People descended they have surely been here many Ages which clearly appeares because no part was found without Inhabitants by any of the first Discoverers though now much diminished by the cruelty of the Spaniards who killed them like Beasts not suffering them to enjoy their Natural Birth-right though there was Land and Riches enough both for the one and the other But in our Description of this Western Hemisphere we shall speak to it as it is now known and discovered in the several Countries and then of Its Islands And this we would have you note that when we say the People you are to understand the old and Natural Inhabitants except we express the contrary We will begin in the North part because that is the upper-part of our Map and the Cardinal or chief Point of the Wind or Compass As for the furthest North of all we can say little onely that some small Discoveries have been made by our English to several parts as appeares by the several Names given thereto as New-North Wales New-South-Wales New-Brittain Buttons-Bay Hudsons Straights and the like which you may see in the Map Estotiland is but little known and therefore this is all that we can say of it That it is very cold yet is said to have divers Mettals and Fruits necessary for the life of the People whose Cloathing is the Skins of Beasts and Sea-Calves Labourers Land is like to it and they are accounted both as one Terra-corterealis was first discovered by Sebastian Cabot Anno 1499. at the charge of Hen. 7th who found good store of great Stags White Beares and abundance of Cod-fish but returning home there being preparation for a War with Scotland nothing was done in further Discovery Canada on the North of New-France all we can say of it is that the French have taken some possession hereof and that it affords good store of Wild-Beasts and Fish New-France hath plenty of Stags Hares Conies Beares Foxes and Fish The people are rude Idolaters and are allowed two or three Wives apiece The Women labour more then the men both in digging the ground and in Fishing and are so constant that they will not marry after the death of their Husbands New Scotland containing that part to New-France which was by King James called Cady in his Grant to Sir William Alexander 1621. But he for want of meanes sold it to the French Norumbega the soil is fruitful and the Air of an indifferent temper the men are given much to Hunting and the women love their Husbands well for until the death of their Husbands be revenged if at any time they be killed they will neither eat flesh nor marry New-England now come we to have the Countries better distinguished that they may be discerned in the Map for thereunto we refer you hath on the South-West New-Netherland on the North-East Norumbega The rest either borders on the Sea or is not well discovered The Air is much like to that of England and the soil fruitful in the Natural Commodities as also in those that were carried from England It affords great store of Wood Deer Fruit Swans Ducks Geese Partridge Pidgeons and the like But the chief Commodities are Amber rich Furs Iron Pitch c. New-Netherland hath on the South-West Virginia and on the North-East New-England The Air is good and the soil fruitful abounding with Nuts and Wild-Grapes and is within the Hollanders jurisdiction Their Woods are stored with Deer their Plains with Fowl and their Rivers with Fish They have also Grain Hemp and Flax in good plenty The people are fickle yet true to them that trust them and did use Bows and Arrows until the Dutch furnished them with Arms and shewed them how to use them but they were the first that felt the smart Their Religion is gross Idolatry for they worship the Devil by the name of Meneto Virginia is bounded on the South-West with Florida on the North-East with New-Netherland The Countrey is mixt with Hills and Vallies affording not onely Woods Fruits and Corn but plenty of Cattle Fowl Fish Turpentine Pitch Gums Allum and some Mines of Copper and Iron The People are crafty and inconstant for the most part full limb'd and tall wearing an Apron and a loose Garment and paint their bodies with horrid shapes of Serpents and other Creatures They worship whatsoever is like to hurt them as Water Thunder Fire and the like Florida is bounded on the East with the Sea called Mare Del Nort on the West with some part of New-Spain and some Countries not yet well known On the South the Gulf of Mexico and on the North East-Virginia It was first discovered by Cabot an English-man in the year 1497. though better searched into by John de Ponce a Spaniard Anno 1527. The People are of a big stature and go naked except their secret parts which they cover with some skins They have many Hermaphrodites which they put to all kind of drudgery And herein are divers sorts of Woods as Bay-Trees Cypress Cedars Oaks and the like Also wild and tame Beasts with several sorts of Fruits and some Mines of Gold and Silver New-Albion lieth on the West of California and was first discovered by Sir Francis Drake who gave it that name in honour of England which was once called Albion But because it lieth at such a distance from thence that little or no benefit could be returned it hath been neglected Beyond it lieth the Kingdom of Quivira and Anian The last so called from the straights of Anian which parts America from Asia New-Spain is bounded on the East with the Gulf of Mexico on the West with the Gulf of California and part of Mare Del Zur on the South with Mary Del Zur on the South-East with Guatimalia the North not yet discovered The Air is very hot but much qua●ified by the cooling-Winds which come from the Sea almost on three sides The people are more ingenuous then the rest of the savadges curious in painting upon Cotton what is presented to their Eyes Neither are any more expert in refining Mettals or making of their Feather-Pictures at which they will sit a whole day touching and trying how they may best fit each Feather to the place assigned The Countrey affords plenty of Citrons Pomgranates Cherries and other European Fruits many Silver and Brasse Mines but few of Gold or