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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A81574 Divinity and philosophy dissected, and set forth, by a mad man. The first booke, divided into three chapters. Chap. I. The description of the world in mans heart: with the articles of the Christian Faith. Chap. II. A description of one spirit acting in all, which some affirme is God. Chap. III. A description of the Scripture according to the history and mystery thereof. Mad man. 1644 (1644) Wing D1737; Thomason E53_15; ESTC R14404 70,768 67

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deludest thy selfe when thou makest anothers griefe thy joy or his joy thy griefe and so thy faith or beleefe is that that is not but is a lie for joy is not griefe nor griefe joy but thou dost deceive thy selfe in saying anothers griefe is thy joy or his joy thy griefe for anothers joy or griefe can be nothing to thee in reallity but by participation and so it is thy joy or griefe and no otherwayes so that by participation we rejoyce with them that rejoyce and grieve with them that grieve and when wee doe the contrary as to grieve at anothers joy or joy at his griefe it is a delusion of the Devill that maketh joy seem griefe and griefe seem joy by his deceitfull fallacies and when thou shalt looke with a righteous and just eye then thou shalt see all these fallacies and deceits wherein thou hast so willingly cose●ed thy selfe to lose thy owne soule but thou thinkest thou canst not lose it for thou thinkest thou art something and nothing and it is no matter let every thing run which way it will all things will be well at last but thou art as greatly mistaken in this as thou art in the rest as thou shalt find by wofull experience when it falls upon thee and it is as true as thou art and that there is a God that thou must answer for all that thou hast done whether good or evill to him that is the cause of thy appearance think what thou wilt to deceive thy selfe So thou thinkest also that all things else is something and nothing when something is something still for there is no such thing as nothing neither is there any demonstration or words to expresse the same therefore in saying thou knowest nothing it is true so farre and in this manner thou canst not possibly know that that is not but canst know something and possibly all things if thou hast to doe with all or some for that that thou usest and hast to doe with all thou knowest its qualities for all things hath quallities and quantities and are to be knowne by the same and as their quallities be so are they called and named for every thing hath its severall quallity and so a severall name and thy owne eyes sees these severall things and their quallities for thou seest the quallity of fire that it will consume or burne any thing that is put in it and some things it will melt and harden others so thou seest really what fire is by these quallities and it is verily so and very true and is no other thing then it shews it selfe to be and the quallity of water is to moysten and cleanse or to quench thirst or fires and many other things that I need not expresse which is really so as it manifesteth it selfe to all the world and can be no other thing then as it is manifested And the aires quallity is manifested by many severall operations for it makes the fire burne and set forth his quallity and it deadneth and taketh away the life of many thing and reviveth and refresheth many things that walke in it and many other operations of life and death it hath which I cannot expresse And the earth hath divers setting forth of its quallities as to make all seeds set forth themselves in their shapes and formes making them appeare to all the world and all these seeds and herbes have their severall quallities and setting forthof themselves which those who study nature can set forth and shew the reall truth of by their effects for the least herbe tree or mettall or any other living creature hath his severall quallities as the Galenist Herbalist or those who study mineralls finde out and those Doctors and Physitians see the severall quallities of things with the antipathies and simpathies of their severall quallities and it is really so and they be the very same thing as they set themselves forth to be for their nature is really declared by these their quallities Now every man and woman hath severall quallities and is proper selfe and their quallities are either antipathies or simpathies one with another for the natures of some are so opposite and there is such antipathy that they cannot agree nor abide to live one with the other but in continuall opposition and there are others whose natures and quallities doe sympathize and those doe agree and live most happily together in sweet society now every mans nature is as his complexion is and is composed of the spirituall elements of earth water aire and fire which is the intellectuall and internall man I doe not meane the earth water aire and fire that is materiall and those lower elements which is a dead matter but the intellectuall internall and spirituall elements which are all spirit and life for some men and women are compounded most of the spirituall element of fire and they are more full of fury and wrath and another is more compounded of aire and hee is more amorous sweet and pleasantly disposed and given more to the act of generation then any other for his minde is full of spirits that would appeare by him for the spirits of men and women doe more animate the aire all man then any other to make them appeare in this lower elementary world the reason is because he is most flexible and more easie to be moved by their instigation to bring them forth and the flegmaticke man that is more compounded of the spirituall waters is more dull and his capacity cannot very soone reach or conceive any thing but when he receives he will hardly lose it againe whether good or bad therefore it is good for him to have his mind set upon the best object and the man that is more compounded of the spirituall earth he is of the most deep reaching minde of all for he hath all the elements more powerfully contracted together in him and he containes more of them then all the rest being more capatious and if his minde be set upon the evill object the Devill hee is the most wicked that is upon the earth and the Devill can worke more mischiefe by him then by all the rest for his capatious minde can sooner conceive mischiefe when it is shewed him then all the rest besides and the Devill by him doth most prodigious and horrid cruelties although hee doth enough and too much by all for this wicked spirit through and by them all sets Kingdomes together by the eares making one to kill another perswading them to take pleasure in doing such mischiefe but it is a mad pleasure and wickednesse so to doe and so it will be found in the end let them thinke as well as they will of it for the present sometimes they set Countries on fire consuming all their victualls and corne and this they take pleasure in but if rightly considered it is miserable paine and madnesse for they themselves come afterward to suffer such misery and want for their wastefull spoyling
Godhead that is one is of a more pure and excellent nature then these lower changeable elements of earth water ayre and fire of which this lower world is composed off for this lower world bringeth forth nothing but his owne nature as earth water aire and its spirit of fire from which all spirits have borrowed a body which they cannot keep for ever because its nature is changeable and runneth or whirling round never standing at one certaine stay for the Sunne which is soule fire or life of this world never standeth still but every yeare runneth his race round and in his running he melts hardens congeales withers and makes grow green so that there is a continuall death and resurrection every yeare of things under the Sunne for nothing stands at one stay but is in continuall motion and change and in this change is was and shall be one and the same for ever for no man can consume diminish or annihilate the least atom or dust or bring any thing that is to nothing neither can any man finde the beginning or end of things but thou hast borrowed a garment or body which did lye potentially in that matter and when thou makest it appeare it is said to be a beginning to thee and when thou leavest it as it was it is called an ending to thee As for the world whereof Moses speaketh that the most holy God made certaine it is some more excellent better or purer world for man to live in then this for hee hath no true content here in this world or body of clay for this world is the visible God or good that is in continuall change but in the invisible world or invisible God is no change nor shadow of turning but is one and the same for ever if thou borrow a body or garment of this internall and invisible world he never looketh for it again for he is the righteous that lendeth never looking for it againe O that all soules did keep this body or garment that was given them out of this internall world that they might see with those eyes the Sun Moon and all the glorious orders of Starres which glorious world is for thee O man therefore look for thy internall garment that is given thee for ever for the eyes or lights of this body shall never wax dimne but in those lights or eyes we shall see and behold the eternall eye or light from whence those our eyes or lights came which shall be our everlasting body that wee need not feare losing or changing for it continues one and the same for ever being the free gift of the internall God There is a time wherein it seemeth to us that we had a beginning to this internall and invisible body although indeed and in truth this body hath neither beginning nor ending because it lay potentially hid in God and in his essence for its beginning to us is its ending because the beginning reacheth unto eternity and we shall for ever have this body if we doe not lose and disregard it as I feare we all have done for wee have not remembred our Creator in these dayes of our youth before our evill dayes came wherein we have had no pleasure for our evill dayes is this when we disregrad this holy body and then those eyes begin to wax dim in us though in themselves they are one and the same for ever and those grinders cease from eating the internall life the food of our soules and the mourners shall carry this dead body about the streets and walks of our hearts mourning and grieving for us and for our great losse and this is the grieving of the holy Spirit by whom we are sealed made sonnes of God for we have quenched crucified and killed this holy body of the Lord which he gave us for a garment for ever to cover our nakednesse and so he returnes to that holy divine earth from whence he came and the soule spirit or life of that body returnes to him that gave it And now O man what shall we doe for our great losse for we see nothing but death on every side for this externall world is but a living death to us for wee are in continuall expectation to be called out of it and besides there is one that is worse then death that followes us to cloath us with his mortall garments or body of wickednesse for he prepareth a body which is a lie or delusion and shews us a body which is a lie or vanity to cloath us with so that this body is worse then death for it is a living death and dying life and we were better to bee dead and and if possible to be annihilated quite then to live in such a wicked body of sinne and death and it had beene better we had never beene borne or brought forth in it as Job saith cursing the houre of his birth and the day wherein he was borne and wisheth that he had dyed in the birth and that he had never been seen in this wicked world therefore we see many worlds yet cannot see what reason man hath to believe that this externall world was ever made as he imagineth seeing there will follow so many absurdities on it for what reason can be given that there was but one man and one woman at first seeing there is blackmores or men and white and it is contrary to nature and impossible for a man naturally black or blackmore to bring forth a white or a white to bring forth a blacke and we see it so by experience and when Cain killed Abel the Lord being angry with him said that he should be a vagabond and runnagate Cain answered that his punishment was greater then he could beare and if any man should meet him he should kill him when there was none to kill him for if there was but one man and woman created at first there was but his father and he in the world and afterward it is said that hee went into the land of Nod and tooke him a wife who did inhabit that land and what man was the father of his wife how can all these things bee made good by the letter of the Scripture or doe you thinke that there was a materiall garden or a tree whereon did grow the fruit of good and evill or that a Serpent did goe up in the same to speake to the woman sure it cannot stand with reason that it could be so for it is said that all the creatures did come to Adam and he gave them names according to their natures now it is contrary to the Serpents nature to speake after the manner of men unlesse you will alleadge that she understood the language of the beasts and thought them wiser then God and resolved to be ruled by them which to me seems altogether against reason that the woman should be so ignorant and irrationall who was created rationall after the image of God to be ruler of all creatures