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A76830 A physical dictionary in which all the terms relating either to anatomy, chirurgery, pharmacy, or chymistry are very accurately explain'd / by Stephen Blancard ... Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702. 1684 (1684) Wing B3164; Wing B3164_VARIANT; ESTC R24203 144,782 320

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are red hot and burning Pimples some take Hydroa for Eczema but 't is a mistake Effervescentia is an Intestine Motion of Particles of different nature and qualities tending to sudden Destruction sometimes attending with heat and a flame as in unquenched Lime Hay laid up moist Chymical mixtures c. Egestio the same with Dejectio Elastica vis is an Explosion of Animal Spirits as is frequent in Cramps Convulsions also an Intestine Commotion of the Air. Elaterium is the Juice of wild Cucumbers made up in a thick and hard consistence also any Medicine that purges the Belly Elctica see Attrahentia Elcus see Helcus Electuarium is a Confection of Simple Ingredients Paps or Pithes Gums mixed with Syrup or Honey of a Consistence like a Conserve and it is either Simple or Compound the Simple consists onely of the Pith of Cassia Tamarinds or Pruines but the Compound for the most part of several Simple Ingredients Pulps condensated Juices Gumms c. made up with Honey or Syrup Electuaries are Digestive Loosning Purging Strengthning Alexipharmic c. Elementa or Principia are the Simplest Bodies that can be which are neither made of one another nor of any thing else of which all things are made and into which they are ultimately resolved There are Five Elements Spirit Salt Sulphur Water and Earth the two last whereof are called Passive the rest Active Others reckon Three only Salt Sulphur and Mercury but not so well The Peripateticks reckon Four Fire Air Water and Earth Cartesius supposes a First Matter a Second and a Third but all those Elements are compounded of others wherefore to say that any thing consists thereof is as if one should say That a Tree is compounded of a Root Trunc Branches Leaves Flowers c. Eleosaccharum is nothing but Distilled Oyl mixed with Sugar Elephantiasis Arabum of which the Greeks speak nothing but the Arabians do frequently is a kin to a varix or crooked swelling in the Veins and proceeds from thence and is only a Tumor in the Feet Avicenna Treats of this Distemper where he speaks of the varices yet Rhases differs from him and Haly Abbas follows the Greeks who says That an Elephas is a Disease which corrupts all the Members of the Body and is as it were an Universal Cancre but neither is he consistent with himself when he Writes That Ulcers in the Legs and Feet are called Elephas and that Elephanticus Morbus is an Aposthume proceeding from Melancholy in the Legs and Feet and a sign of it is that the shape of the Foot is like the figure of an Elephant All the rest Treat separately of a Leprosy and an Elephantia and make the latter to be a swelling of the Feet proceeding from Melancholy and Pituitous Blood and the crooked swelling of the Veins whereby the Feet resemble the Feet of an Elephant in shape and thickness and this sort of Tumor is often seen in Beggars who wander much Elephantiasis Grecorum which the Arabians call a Leprosie it is called also Elephas Elephantiasis and Elephantia from an Elephant as some think because it makes People big like an Elephant which is a foolish notation of the Word for the Body is no bigger though the Disease be Others think it so called because the Distemper lying in the Legs makes them stiff and equal like an Elephant or because 't is a strong vehement Disease like an Elephant with such like stuff Galen in his Fourteenth Chapter of Tumors says That this Disease is called Saturiasmus when it first begins because it makes the face like that of a Satyr For the Lips are thick the Nose swells the Ears decays the Jaws are red the Forehead is set with Tumours like so many horns Though others think it is called Saturiasmus because the Persons Affected are much inclined to Leachery at the beginning as Satyrs are Celsus Describes it thus The whole Body says he is so affected that the very bones may be said to be Corrupted the upper parts of the Body are full of Spots and Tumours the Redness whereof is gradually turned into Black the top of the Skin is unequally Thick Thin Hard Soft Rough as if it had Scales on it the Body decays the Bone Calves of the Legs and Feet swell when the Disease is old and inveterate the Toes and Fingers are hid in the swelling and a small Fever arises which easily consumes a man loaden with so many Infirmities Elevator the same with Elevatorium Elevatorium so called from lifting up is a Chyrurgions Instrument wherewith Sculls that are depressed are raised up again Elixir so called from the Arabic Word Elecschir or Elieschir or Eleschus is the Essence of any thing Extracted with the Spirit of Wine or something of that Nature it is the same that a Tincture Elminthes are little Worms bred in the Guts especially that called Rectum the lowermost Elodes is a continual Fever wherein the Patients are almost melted through moisture Elythroides or Vaginalis is the second proper Tunic which mediately involves the Testicles Embrocatio the same that Embroche Embrocha the same that Embroche Embroche an irregulation or instillation is a sort of Fomentation when a Liquor is distilled from on high like Rain upon a part which is either done by a Vessel with a Nose that inclines or by distillation or out of an Ewer First it is used in Distempers of the Brain where the Liquor is first poured upon the Suturs called Coronalis and is permitted to run by that called Sagittalis Secondly it is applyed to the top of the Spinal Marrow in Diseases of the Nerves and is permitted to run down the whole ridge of the Back Thirdly it is used to warm or dry the Ventricle and the Liquor is suffered to run through the whole Abdomen and if the Bowels be weak they apply a Sear-cloth of Santalum some English it Sanders to the Liver when they apprehend it may be over-heated The matter whereof these Embroches are made in common Bathe water a Decoction Milk and Oyl according as the Distemper of the part and necessity require Embryon is the Rudiment of a Child in the Womb. Embryatomia is an Anatomical Dissection of a Faetus Emetica or Vomitoria are Medicines which with their Pungent Particles contract the Fibres of the Stomach upwards and so Eject at the Mouth whatsoever is offensive to the Stomach they are made of Decoctions Tinctures and Infusions c. and therefore for the most part are Liquid Emetologia is a description of things that provoke Vomiting Emmenagoga are Medicines which excite the Courses Emmoton is a Liquid Medicine which is injected into Ulcers with a little Instrument which they use in Wounds fashioned like a Man's Yard Emollientia softning things are such as with a moderate heat and moisture dissolve the parts which before cohered close and dissipating others make them loose and soft Empasma the same with Catapasma Emphraxis is Obstruction in any part Emphractica the same with Emplattomena
Gargareon Gurgulio uva uvula uvigena uvigera epiglottis sublinguium is the cover of the Wind-pipe it hangs betwixt the two Glandules called Amygdalae above the Chink of the Larynx and is a Process from a Substance as one would think Glandulous Spongie and Red which Columbus is of opinion arises from the Tunic of the Mouth redoubled in that place But Riolan says it proceeds from some Muscles which are terminated there it is a Figure roundly Oblong in the upper part thicker and ending Obtusely in an Acute It s use is to attemperate the coldness of the Air and to hinder the Drink from falling upon the Nostrils sometimes this Uvula sticks out too far from the Humours that fall upon it which cannot return by the Lymphatic Vessels whence proceeds the falling of the Uvula which we call Roof of the Mouth Cionis the same with Cion Circuitus the same with Periodus Circulatio sanguinis see periodus Circulatio Chymica is the Exaltation of pure I iquor by a Circular Distillation in an Instrument called a Pelicane or a blind Alymbic by the virtue of Heat Circulatorium is a Glass Vessel wherein the Liquor infused by its Ascending and Descending rowls about as it were in a Circle there are several sorts of these Vessels but two especially of moment and use that called Pelicanus and the other Diota Circulus is a round Instrument made of Iron for the cutting of Glass which is performed thus The Instrument being heated is applyed to the Glass and is there continued till it grow hot then with a drop of cold water or a cold blast upon it it flies in pieces Cirsocele is a swelling of the preparing Vessels about the Testicles so that they sometimes look like a Third Testicle Cirsos or Varix is a Dilatation and swelling of the Veins crooked or winding and arising in one or more parts of the Body insomuch that the Veins threaten a Rupture Citta or Pica is a depraved Appetite when people long for those things which are not fit to be nor are ever eat as Lime Coles Shells Cloth Hides Sand c. that cause lies in the Depravation of the ferment of the Ventricle Claretum is an Aromatic Wine impregnated with an Infusion and sweetned with Sugar it is otherwise called Vinum Hypocraticum Hypocras Wine also a medicated Wine It is so called because it is percolated and purified by a Wine-sack through which it is drained from its dregs called Manica Hippocratis Clarificatio is when Juices or thick Decoctions become clearer and finer which is done three ways by subsiding Fermentation or the addition of Vinegar white of an Egg or Milk Claviculae are two little Bones which close the Chest of a Man fastening the Shoulder-bone like a Key with the Breast bone that part where the Ribs joyn together they are otherwise called Ligulae or Furcale Furcala Superior c. they are placed transverse under the very bottom of the Neck in the top of the Breast on each side one Clavus see Helos Clavus according to Tornamira is a pain in a small part of the Head commonly above the Eye in the Eye-brow and seems as if that part of the Head were bored through with a little Auger or Wimble Cleidion the same with Clavicula Clitoris is a part in a Woman resembling the Yard of a Woman whose use is Titillation it consists like a Mans Yard of two Nervous Bodies which arise from the lower part of the bones of the Privities and at the end is covered with a Nut and a Prepuce or fore-skin its substance is spungie so that it is capable of increase and Relaxation but is not perforated as in Men. Clydon is a Fluctuation in the Ventricle Clysma the same with Clyster Clyster and Clysterium or Enema is a fluid Medicine given inwardly injected into the Bowels by the Fundament some Clysters are softening and loosning others scouring others astringent others which ease pain and others for other uses Clyster is sometimes taken in a larger sence for Mehenchyta Otenchyta Ritenchyta c. which see in their proper places Cuismus the same with Pruritus Coccyx the last Portion of the Back is made up of three little Bones sometimes four which are under the Os Sacrum and serve for easier sitting Cochlea is the cavity of the inner part of the Ear so called from its windings and turnings for it has three or four Rings which mutually succeed one another it is girt about with a very soft and thin Membrane Coctio Concoction or Digestion is the fermentation of the smallest Particles which our Nourishment consists of that they may be made fit and proper for the nourishment and increase of a Living Body The first Concoction is made in the Stomach by a Ferment which partly remains there from the reliques of the former Meat and partly flows thither from the Caeliac Arteries The second is made in the Guts by the Gall and Pancreatick juice The third is in the Glandules of the Mesenterie from a Lympha or Water which mixes it self with the Chyle The fourth is in the Lungs from the Inspiration of Nitrous Air. The fifth is in the Vessels and Bowels as in the Spleen Liver Testicles c. It is ill called coction or boiling because 't is the property of Fire to boyl for if Heat were the cause of Fermentation what should be then of Fish and other things wherein there 's no sensible heat at all Codia are the tops of Poppies of which they make Syrup Cecum intestinum is the Fourth in order from the Stomach and first of the thick Guts in Children new born 't is found full of Excrements but in Adult persons its Cavitie often disappears and onely hangs like a Worm Caelia is a great Cavity as the uppermost middle and the lowest Region or Cavity Caeliaca Arteria is that which arises from the Trunc of the great Arterie and spreads it self towards the Ventricle and Liver with its Branches Coeliaca passio or Affectio is a Purging wherein the Meat either wholly changed or in part is ejected without any Chilification and it is twofold the first in which the Meat is onely Digested in the Stomach the other when Concoction or Fermentation is performed in the Stomach and Intestines both at once but by reason that the Lacteal Vessels or little Teats of the Guts are Obliterated through long Fasting a Purulent Dissenterie or the like the Chyle is not distributed Coeloma is a hollow and round Ulcer in the Horny Tunic of the Eye Coelum is the Cavitie of the Eye towards the Corners The Palate is also called Coelum Cohobatio is when a distilled Liquor is poured upon its Menstruum again and afterwards is Distilled Coindicantia are signs which do not indicate by themselves but by another Colatura is that which after Boyling or Infusion is percolated through a Sive or Cloth Colc●thar is the dry Substance which remains after Distillation commonly called Caput mortuum
is called Rubrica The third sort is yet worse for it is thicker and harder and swells more and is cleft on the top of the Skin and gnaws more violently It is scaly too but black and spreads broad and slow It is called Nigra The fourth sort is altogether incurable of a different colour from the red for it is something white and like a fresh Scar and has pale Scales some whit●● some like the little Pulse called Lintell which being taken away sometimes the Blood follows Otherwise the Humour that flows from it is white the Skin hard and cleft and spreads farther All these sorts arise especially in the Feet and Hands and infest the Nails likewise Impetigo some reckon the same with Lichen Impetigo Plinii Pliny's Impetigo is the same with Lichen Graecorum Inappetentia is want of Stomach for want of Ferment in it Inceratio is a mixture of Moisture with something that 's dry by a gentle soaking till the substance be brought to the consistence of soft Wax Incidentia the same with Attenuantia Incineratio is the reducing the Bodies of Vegetables and Animals into Ashes by a violent Fire Incisores dentes the same that Primores Incisorii the same with Primores Incorporatio is a mixture whereby moist things are contemperated with dry into one Body as into a Mass therefore here is no lingring Nutrition but as much moisture is added as is requisite to the consistence of the mixed Body so that it becomes like a Pudding as it were whence it may be called also Impastatio and in some things Subactio a Kneading Things thus incorporated must be left in a digestive Heat that by mutual Action and Suffering they may get one temperature common to them both Incrassantia thickning things are those which being endued with thick ropie parts and mixed with thin liquid Juices bring them to a thicker consistence by joining and knitting their parts Incubus see Epialtes Incus is one of the Bones in the inner part of the Ear It is like a Grinder and lies under the Bone called Malleus It has two Processes below one shorter which leans upon the scaly Bone another longer which sustains the top of the Stapes or triangular Bone that bears upon the Cavity of the inner part of the Ear whilst it immerges it self into the place called the Oval Window with a pretty broad Basis Indicans is nothing else than something observed in the Body upon whose account something is said to be done that ought to contribute thereunto Indicantes dies are those days which signify that a Crisis will happen on such a day which are therefore called indicant and contemplable Such are 4 11 17 24. Indicatio is that which demonstrates what is to be done in Diseases and it is threefold praeservatorie which preserves Health Curative which expels a Disease that has already seized upon a Person and Vital which respects the Strength and way of living Indicatum is that which is signified to be done in order to the recovery of Health Indices dies see Critici dies Indurantia see Sclerotica Indusium see Amnios Inedia is abstaining from Meat when one eats less than formerly Infimus venter see Abdomen Inflammatio see Phlegmone Inflatio is the distention of a part from flatulent matter Infundibulum cerebri the same that Choana Infundibulum renum is the Pelvis or Basin through which the Urine passes to the Ureters and the Bladder Infusio is an Extraction of the Virtue of Medicines with a convenient Liquor which if it be purgative it may be taken at once and to this the Name properly agrees Inguen is the place from the bending of the Thigh to the secret parts Injectio intestinalis the same that Clyster Inium is the beginning of the oblongated Marrow which is the common Sensory because the Species which are received from the external Organs are conveyed thither by the Nerves Innominata tunica oculi the Tunic of the Eye that wants a Name is a certain subtile Expansion of the Tendons from the Muscles which move the Eye to the circumference of the Iris or horney Membrane Innominatum os others call it os Coxae or Ilium is placed at the side of the os Sacrum consisting of three Bones Ilium os Pubis and Ischium joined by Cartilages and appear distinct by three Lines till seven years old but grow all into one Bone at riper years They are called also Cuneiformia and Ossa Innominata nameless Bones Innominatus humor or Insitus is a secondary Humour as the Ancients call it wherewith they thought the Body was nourished For those nutritious Humours they talked of are four Innominatus Ros Gluten Cambium Insania or Amentia Madness is an Abolition or Depravation of Imagination and Judgment Insessus is a Bath for the Belly proper for the lower Parts wherein the Patient sits down to the Navel They are for several uses as for easing of Pain softning of Parts dispelling flatulent matter and frequently for exciting the Courses Inspiratio is an alternate Dilatation of the Chest whereby the nitrous Air is communicated to the Blood to accend it by the Wind-Pipe and its Vesicular parts The cause of Respiration does not seem to consist only in the Dilatation of the Thorax as is commonly thought but in the Contraction of the Tunic which covers the upper part of the oesophagus and the most close Recesses of the Wind-Pipe Intellectus is Cogitation whereby a Man apprehends an Object It seems to be transacted in the Corpus Callosum from the expansion of Spirits there Intemperies is a Disease which consists in inconvenient qualities of the Body and these are either manifest or occult The Manifest are either simple or compound the Simple is when one Quality is peccant as an hot thin hard acid salt Disposition c. the Compound is when more Qualities than one are peccant as an hot and salt a cold and acid Disposition c. An Occult ill Disposition or Distemper is such as proceeds from some poysonous Qualities as from the Air from poysonous Animals c. It comes from the Air when the Nitre in it becomes contagious by reason of standing stinking Waters daily Droughts Earth-quakes c. whence malignant pestilent Feavers and Plagues themselves arise For the Vapours being taken away that which remains of the Air by reason of the Sulphur and Salt in it contracts an ill Savour whereupon the Air and its Nitre degenerate from their due Temperature and Crasis And I believe the same happens from very dry Grounds for sulphureous and saline Particles intermix with the watery ones above which render the Nitre of the Air sharp and pointed like Arsenic sublimated Mercury or Aqua stygia which being sucked into the Lungs do coagulate and corrode the Mass of the Blood and make its Spirits vanish whence proceed Quinzies Plurisies Pestilential Swellings c. Intercalares dies or intercidentes which others call Provocatorii are those Days wherein Nature either by
little Leaves or Scales in it Petechialis is a malignant Fever call'd also Pulicaris because it makes the Skin look as tho it were Flea-bitten Petia is Stuff that certain Physicians Bags are made of Petigo vid. Lichen Petrosum Os is the inside of the Bones of the Temples so called from the Hardness thereof Phacia vid. Lenticula Phacos is a Spot in the Face like a Nit whence it is called Lenticula and Lentigo Phacotos is a Chirurgical Instrument Phenomaena are preternatural Appearances in the Body Phagadena is an exulcerate Cancer Phalacrosis is a falling off of the Hair Phalangosis is a fault of the Eye-lids when there are two rows of Hair or when the Hair grows inward and offends the Eyes Phalanx is the Order and rank observed in the Finger-Bones Phantasia is an internal Sense or Imagination whereby any thing is represented to the Mind or impressed in it It seems to be a certain Undulation or waving of the Animal Spirits in the middle of the Brain which are afterwards expanded towards its Circumference Phantasma is the same with Phantasia Pharmacum is any sort of Medicine against a Disease Pharmaceutica the same that Pharmaca Pharmacia is an art of collecting chusing and compounding Medicines The Apothecary's Art Pharmacopaea is the Doctrine or a Description of things physical in order to cure Pharmacopaeus is a Man that understands to make up Medicines he is called the Right-hand of a Physician and a Surgeon the left Pharyngetrum is sometimes used for the Pharinx sometimes for the Bone Hyades Pharyngotomia vid. Laryngotomia Pharynx is the upper part of the Gullet consisting of three pair of Muscles Philtrum is the hollow dividing the upper Lip also a Love-cup Phimosis the same that Paraphimosis also the Inversion of the Eye-lids through an Inflammation Phleborragia is the breaking of a Vein Phlebotomia opening of a Vein Phebotomus the Blood-letter also an Instrument called a Phleme Phlegma is a slimy Excrement of the Blood caus'd often by too much nitrous Air It is likewise a watery distilled Liquor opposite to spirituous Liquor also those Clouds which appear upon distilled Waters Hippocrates uses it often for an Inflammation It is also the Disease of Hens called the Pip and is sometimes taken for a viscous Excretion Phlegmagoga are Medicines to drive away the Phlegme Phlegmasia an Inflammation Heat or Burning Phlegmatici those that are much troubled with Phlegme Phlegmone is a Tumour of the Blood in the Flesh or Muscles causing Heat Redness Beating and Pain Phlegmonodes is an Inflammation like the former Phlogosis the same that Phlegmone Phlyctaena is a Pimple in the Skin also a little Ulcer in the corneous Tunick of the Eye Phlyctenodes are hot watery Pustules like the former Phaenygmus is a Medicine that makes the Skin red Phrenes vid. Diaphragma Phrenesis the same with Phrenitis Phrentiasis the same Phrenetici Nervi are those which belong to the Midriff Phrenetis is a Dotage with a continual Fever often accompanied with Madness and Anger proceeding from too much Heat in the Animal Spirits not from the Inflammation of the Brain as the Antients thought Willis thus defines it namely an Inflammation of the whole sensitive Soul and Animal Spirits Phricodes is a dreadful Fever whereby besides the Heat Men fancy terrible things Phtharticum is a corrupting Medicine Phthirasis is the lousy Disease also a skaly Scab of the Eye-brows Phthisicus a Man in a Consumption Phthisis a Consumption of the whole Body rising from an Ulcer in the Lungs accompanied with a slow continued Fever smelling Breath and a Cough Phthoe the same Phygethlon is a Swelling proceeding from an Inflammation of the Glandules wherein Nature expels something as in the Plague about the Groins Phyma is a Swelling There are five sorts Verrucae Calli Vari Farunculi Hydroa or Desadationes Of which in their order Others reckon it a Tumour in the Glandules only which quickly suppurates Phymatodes like the former Physema an Inflammation in any part of the Body as a Tympany also the Rosine of the Pine Physesis the same Physiognomica are Signs whereby we conjecture something by the Countenance Physiognomia is the Art of knowing Natures Physiologia is a part of Physick that teaches the Constitution of the Body so far as it is sound Physocele vid. Pneumatocele Physodes that which is very flatulent Pia Mater vid. Mater tenuis Pica vid. Citta Picatio vid. Iropacisinus Picra vid. Hiera picra Pichrocholus a Man troubled with a black Bile Pilula is a solid Medicine made like a little Ball of Powder Gums Extracts c. mixed with a glutinous Liquor Pili the Hairs are round oblong slender Bodies consisting of much Sulphur and Earth and of different Colours according to the difference of the Constitution They grow out at the Pores of the Skin that the vapours may may more easily exhale through them as through so many little Tubes or Pipes I have discovered through my Microscope several little Knots or Valves in them Pinealis Glandula vid. Conarium Pinguedo vid. Adeps Pinna Auris is the upper and broader part of the Ear called the Wing Pittacium is a little Cloth spread with a Medicine and applied to the part affected Pituita vid. Phlegma Pituitaria Glandula vid. Glandula pituitaria Pityriasis vid. Fupfurratio Pityroides a setling in the Urine like Bran. Placenta Vterina is a red Substance like the Liver full of Glandulous Kernels It has an Artery and a Vein from the Navel-string and perhaps lymphatick Vessels from the neighbouring parts outwardly sticks to the Womb to either side indifferently yet more commonly to the middle within it is covered with the Chorrium It has its nourishing Moisture from the Porosities of the Womb as it happens with the Papillae of the Guts which drink in the Chyle and communicate it to the milky Vessels which through the Navel-vein feeds the Young The superfluous part whereof the Arteries lodg in the Ammion that the Young may be nourished by its Mouth The Placenta together with the Membranes is expelled after the Birth and are called Secundinae Secundines Pladarosis are little soft Tumors which grow under the Eye-lids Plagula vid. Splenia Planta Noctis vid. Sudamina Hydroa Plastica Virtus is that which can form or fashion any thing it 's an old saying and a sure Refuge of Ignorance for what the Ancients could not explain they called a plastick Virtue Platisma is a broad Linnen-cloth put upon Sores Platysma Myodes vid. Myodes Plectrum vid. Cion Plenitudo is when a Man has too much Blood The same that Plethora Plerotica are Medicines that breed Flesh and fill up Wounds Plethora when there 's more good Blood than 's requisite It happens either to the Vessels when they are stretcht out and cannot hold all or to the Strength for sometimes tho the Vessels be not over full the Strength is over loaded Plethoricus a Man troubled with a Plethora Pleura is a Membrane that incloses the Breasts and its Entrails