Selected quad for the lemma: water_n

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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72185 Here begynneth the boke of knowledge of thynges vnknowen aperteynynge to astronomye with certayne necessarye rules, and certayne speres contaynyng herein compyled by Godfridus super Palladum de agricultura Anglicatum.; This booke of astronomye Godfridus. 1554 (1554) STC 11930.7; ESTC S124959 18,587 74

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¶ The fyrste daye of the Monthe of Iulye ¶ The seconde daye of the Monthe of Octobre ¶ The laste daye of the Monthe of Apryll ¶ The fyrste daye of August ¶ The laste daye goynge oute of Decembre ¶ These vi dayes with great dylygence ought to be kepte but namely the latter .iij. for all the vaynes are than full For then whyther mā or Beaste he ●●yt in than within vii dayes or c●rtaynly within .xiiij. dayes they shall dye And yf they take any drynkes within xv dayes they shall dye And yf they eate of any goose in these .ij dayes within xl dayes they shall dye And yf any chylde be borne in these .iij. latter dayes they shall dye a wycked deth ¶ Astronomiers and Astrologiers saythe that in the begynnynge of Marche the .vij. nyght or the .xviij. day let the blode of the right arme And in the begynnynge of Apryll .xi. daye on the lefte arme And in the ende of Ma●e .iij. or .v. daye on whyther arme thou wylt And thus of all that yere thou shalte syke●ly● bewaresshe fro the Feuers and fro the fallynge gowte fro the fyste● gowte And fro losse of thy syghte Bia●magest insent●●o qui of Ptholomei● Eche mannes bodye is rewled by a certayne sygne of the zodiake Wherfore as saith Ptholome●s in the place of Bone Yf thou be sycke in any lymbe do no medycyne vnto that lymbe when the Moone is in sygne of that lymbe for it shall rather hynder than fourther And namely flee blode lettynge it that tyme of those lymbes Thus shalte thou knowe whiche sygnes reygneth in whiche lymbes ¶ The Bulle reyneth in the necke and in the throte ouer all ¶ The Gemuse reyneth in the shulder armes and handes and those .iij. be the sygnes of Ver. ¶ The Creues or Lobster Reygneth in the brest stomacke and lymbes arteries the mylte herte lyuer and gall ¶ The Lyon reygneth in y e backe sydes bones synewe and grystles ¶ The Mayde reygneth in the wombe mydry●e and gu●tes And also ¶ Here foloweth the dyscryption of the .iiij. Elementes and of the .iiij. Com●lection● I Do the to Wyt that in eche man and woman reygneth eche planet and euery sygne of the zodiak and euery pryme qualytes and euery Element and euery Complection but not in euery like for in some men reygneth one more in some men reygneth another and therfore mēbe of dyuers maners wherfore good is that we se shortly the kynde of those prymes qualytes And so forth on the other ¶ Of the foure pryme qualytes and what they are ☞ FOure Pryme Qualytes there be That is to saye moystenes hotenes drynes be two contrary●s And therfore they maye no neyghe togyther withoute a meane for the hotenesse on the one syde byndeth them togyther and coldenes on the other syde Also hotenes coldenes are two contraryes therfore they maye not nyghe togyther withoute a mene for the moystnes on the one syde byndeth them togyther And drynes on the other Moystenes is cause of euery thycke Substaunce and of euery swete taste And there agayne drynes is cause of euerye thyn substaūce and of euery sowre stynkynge ●ast And also hotenes is cause of euery red coloure and large quantyte There agayne coldenes is cause of euery whyte coloure and lytle quantyte ¶ Combyne That is ●o saye knyt these .iiij. pryme qualytes alter these .iiij. cōbinations That is to saye knyttynges and than they wyll holde .iiij. Elementes that is to saye The Ayre moyste and hote The fyre hote and drye The Earth drye and colde The Water colde and moyste The Ayre the Earth are two contraryes and therfore they maye not neyghe togyther but as fyre byndes thē on the one syde betwene them And the water on the other syde betwene them Also Fyre and water are two contraryes and therfore they maye not neyghe togyther but as the Ayre betwene them byndes on the one syde And the Earth betwene byndeth them togyther on the other syde The Fyre is sharpe subtyll and monable The Ayre is subtyll monable and corpulent and dull The Earth is corpulent and thycke The Water is mouable corpulent and dull The Earth is corpulent dulle and vnmouable ryght as an egge shell Vyngose a thyn skyn And y e sygne Vyngose the white and in the myddes of the yolke is a lytell tender hoole ryght so the Fyre Vyngose the Ayre ten tymes more and ten tymes Than the Ayre Vyngose the Water .x. tymes more and .x. tymes tymer than the water The water Vyngose the Earth .x. tymes more and .x. tymes tymer than the Earth In the herte of the Earth is the senter of the worlde That is to saye the myddes poynt And in euery Sente● is hell And there agayne is aboue y e fyre are the starres and aboue them is heauen christalline that is to saye waters of all blysse departed in nyne orders of Aungelles than is heauen in the hyest rowmest and largest And the re agayne is Hell in the lowest narowest and straytest ¶ Ryghte as there be .iiij. Elementes so there be .iiij. Complections accordynge in all maner qualytes to these .iiij. Elementes ¶ The Fyrste is sanguyne that is to saye blode gendreth in the lyuers lymbe and lyke to the Ayre ¶ The Seconde is Cooler gendred in the galle And lyke therto And it is accordynge to the fyre ¶ The thyrde is Melancolye gendred in the mylt and lyke to the dregges of blode and it accordeth to the Earth ¶ The Fourth is Flumes gendred in the lunges lyke to glat and it accordeth to the water A sanguyne man moche may and moche coueyteth for he is moyste and hote ¶ A Cooloryke man moche coueyteth and lytell maye for he is hote and drye ¶ A Melancolyus man lytell may and lytell coueyte●h for he is drye and colde ¶ A Flumatyke man lytell couerteth and lytell maye for is colde and moyste ¶ A Sanguyne manis large louynge glade of chere laughynge ●oddy of Colour stedfast tlesshely ryght hardy manerly gentyll and well noryrshed ¶ A Cooleryke man is gylefull false and wrathfull tretours and ryght hardy quynt small drye and blacke of colour ¶ A Melancolyus man is enuyous sory coueytous harde and false holdynynge gylefull dredefull slouthfull and clere of colour ¶ A Flumettyke man is slomery slepy slowe sleyghtfull and moche spyttynge dul●e and harde of wyt fat vysage and whyte of colour ¶ Of the .iiij. quarters of the yere and of the .iiij. complections and what they are IN the yere be foure quarters rewled by these .iiij. cōplections that is to saye Ver Sommer Haruest and wynter Ver hath .iij. monthes That is to saye Marche Apryll and Maye And is sanguyne complection Sōmer hath also .iij. monthes That is to saye Iune Iulye and August And this quarteris coleryke complection Haruest hath also thre mo●thes That is to saye Septembre Octobre Nouembre and this quarter is melancolyus complection Wynter hath also .iij monthes That is to saye Decembre Ianuarie