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A66688 Truth lifting up its head above scandals Wherein is declared what God Christ Father Son Holy Ghost Scriptures Gospel Prayer Ordinances of God are. By Gerrard Winstanly. Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. 1649 (1649) Wing W3054; ESTC R222280 38,309 95

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Saviour and therefore Paul after he had looked upon the Lambe along time that is looked upon Christ at a distance from himselfe he saw that would bring him no peace therefore saith he Though I have known Christ after the flesh yet henceforth know I him no more for now the mystery of God that hath been kept secret from ages and generations past is in these last daies revealed which is Christ in you the pope of glory Qu. But was not that body killed laid in the earth and raised again from the dead and ascended up to the Father into Heaven Ans. He was killed by the curse that ruled in the Jewes and was laid in the earth here was the wisdome and power of the Father seen that though all the powers of hell or covetous proud flesh did combine together to oppresse and then to kill a body wherein he himselfe dwelt bodily yet they could not distemper him for he was still patient and he was not heard to complain Qu. Wherein was his wisdome and power seene in this Ans. Hereby hee gives testimony to the World that it is he himself that is the Seed that bruises the Serpents head that is in mankinde for his spirit being so powerfull in flesh kils the spirit of venome that is in flesh and that body being laid in the earth purifieth the earth and purges it from that curse that man had filled it with by his unrighteousnesse and so his spirit doth spirit the Earth in righteousnesse Q. Did man fill the Earth with poyson and the curse A. Yea after he refused to live after the Spirit his Maker and made joyce to live upon the objects of the Creation he then dyed and corrupted and fell into all venimous and stinking unrighteousnesse and as his body went to the earth he did still poyson and corrupt the earth and caused it to bring forth poysonous Vipers Todes and Serpents and Thornes and Bryars For the curse being first falen upon mankinde through man it fell upon the other creatures and the Earth was cursed for his fake and the poyson of mans unrighteous body dunging the Earth filled the grasse and herbs with strong unsavory spirits that flowed from him whereby the cattell feeding comes to be made bitter spirited and mad one against another For the Ayre and Earth is all poysoned and the curse dwels in both through mans unrighteousnesse he that should have kept within order being made Lord of creatures he put the Creation out of order by forsaking his Maker and by acting according to the flesh Now this mighty spirituall man of righteousnes Jesus Christ doth purify humane flesh again and so restoring the head first doth new spirit the Creation and brings all into order again taking away the bitternesse and curse and making the whole Creation to be of one heart and one Spirit Q. But it is said that his body rose again and ascended up through the cloudes into the skies which is called Heaven or place of Glory where the Father dwels A. This speech hath blinded the understandings of many for the Father is not confined to any one particular place for he is in every place and in every creature and where Hee dwels in cleare manifestations there is Heaven and the higher manifestations the higher Heavens Now the body of Christ is where the Father is in the earth purifying the Earth and his Spirit is entred into the whole creation which is the heavenly glory where the Father dwels which is a glory above the flesh and where he rules King and Lord in and over all the Creation purging out all strong spirited powers that causes sorrow and bringing all into the unity of that one Spirit himself So that this Jesus Christ or mighty man that saves us is not in one particular place but every where And this certainly to me is very cleare That whereas the Apostles saw Christ arise and ascend and were witnesses of his Resurrection it was onely a declaration in vision to them of the Spirits rising up for death and hel and darknesse and sorrow could not hold him under he saw no corruption for as soon as that one body in which he was confined for a time was laid low he rose presently up again in the bodies of the Apostles so began to spread in the Earth and when his set time is expired that the Beast or flesh shall reign no more Then he will spread himselfe in sons and daughters from East to West from North to South and never cease encreasing till this vine hath filled the Earth And truly this is great comfort to me that envy could not kill that Spirit but though it killed that body through an appointed permission yet the spirit rose up and shewed himself and went to his Father that is entred into the Creation to purge it from the curse and to spread himselfe in sons and daughters of the Earth that by him their flesh being made subject and saved from the curse might by him become one with him and with his Father that is become one in spirit with him and enjoy communion with the Spirit that is in the whole Globe Qu. But how shall I know that Christ dwels in ●e Ans. It is the testimony of the Spirit it ●elfe that must give you satisfaction for ●hat which is a testimony within me is not ●ours till the same Spirit make it yours ●herefore you are to waite with a quiet and ●umble spirit till the Father be pleased to ●each you and manifest himselfe to you ●nd then you shall know what I speake I ●peake not of my selfe but what I have re●eived from the Father Qu. You seem to say that the body of Christ ●as laid in the earth and remains there but the ●criptures say that he saw no corruption how doth ●is agree Ans. His body was laid in the Earth as ●ther dead bodies of men are but it lay not ●n the Earth as other dead bodies doe for o●her dead bodies lay there corrupting the Creation but he rose up and purified the Creation death or curse could not hold his ●ody under its power Qu. What doe you mean by Creation in this ●nce Answ I mean fire water earth and aire ●f which four elements the whole creation is made and mankind is made up of them all Now when the first man fell he corrupted the whole creation fire water earth and aire and still as the branches of his body went to the earth the creation was more and more corrupted by the multiplicities of bodies that stil saw corruption for none rose up above the curse but all lay under it Now when the body of Jesus Christ went to the earth that body likewise being made of fire water earth and ayre he purified the whole creation and rose up and saw no corruption as others did Quest But how can he be said to be laid in the earth and remaine there and yet rise up out of it purifying the creation
Answ As his body was laid by the hands of his enemies in the earth as dead carrion as they thought like one of themselves when they die but his body corrupted not the creation but rose up above corruption purging it out Qu. Explaine your meaning Ans. His body being made of the four Elements which were corrupted by man in whom they all dwelt they are restored again from that bondage of corruption by the body of Christ in whom they all dwelt likewise As thus his breath rose up above the corruption of the Ayre purifying the Ayre his moysture rose up above the corruption of the waters purifying the water his heat and warmth rose up above the corruption of the fire cleansing the fire and his flesh and bones rose up above the corruption of the earth and stones purifying of them and so he spreading himselfe in the body of the Creation took of the curse so that the foundation of restoration of all things was laid in and by him which when it is manifested then man kinde shall see the glory of it and till that time the whole Creation groaneth and travelleth in paine waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God Q. I but the Apostles saw him after he was risen and touched him and saw him ascend upwards Ans. The declaration of Scripture doth point out the mystery of Christs spirituall ●ising and the exaltation of his spirituall power over the flesh and over the corruption that is in the Creation for the whole Scriptures are but a report of spirituall my●teries held forth to the eye of flesh in ●ords but to be seene in the substantiall ●atter of them by the eye of the Spirit and ●herefore the Apostle might well say they saw touched Christ for their very bodies and mindes were changed and made like to his glorious body for they were made new creatures and were raised up above corruption which was no other but Christ rising up in them and lifting up himselfe in their fight and feeling above the flesh Quest Why then I perceive that as the body of the first man was a representation of the whole Creation and did corrupt it so the body of Christ was a representation of the whole Creation and restores it from corruption and brings all into the unity of the Father again Ans. This is very true for in this particular lies the mystery of the Fall and the restoration of all things again Q. But whither went the Spirit of Christ Ans. To his Father that is entred into the spirit of the whole Creation into that Spirit that breathed all forth of himselfe and that governs all by himselfe which is Reason and so is become one with him and being lifted up will draw the whole Creation to the spirit of onenes with himselfe and with his Father As a bucket of water first taken out of the Sea and standing alone for a time is afterwards powred into the Sea again and becomes one with the Sea And this is the Seed that comes to bruise the Serpents head and when his work was done in that one particular person hee returned backe again to his Father from whence he came and now sends down his Spirit and drawes up Sonnes and daughters yea the whole Creation into himselfe And truly this is great comfort to me that whereas formerly there was not a man found that could remove the curse but every one still increased the curse now there is a man found that hath killed the curse in part and the virtue of that sweet oyntment shall cleanse the whole and this worke is now breaking out for the Father will make the Creation to know it by experience and it shall be hid no longer And this points out the mystery of the first Adam and the second Adam or the first Man and second Man which the Father Reason was pleased should spring up in mankinde Q. What doe you mean by the first Adam or first man Ans. He is a preparer to hold forth three names or titles of the one perfect power of darknesse and yet a son that Reason hath brought forth But this son is said to be of the earth earthy for he is a son that feeds lives and delights himselfe altogether in and upon the objects of the earth endeavourin to make himself a Lord over his fellow creatures in unrighteousnesse seeking to advance himselfe though it be to others ruine and this man hath lift up his heel against his Maker and knowes him not Qu. Is this Adam one single person or branch of humane flesh Ans. Every particular branch of mankind living upon the objects of the creation and rejecting their maker are the linage or generation of the first man yea being bound up all together they make up but the one first Adam Qu. Declare more plaine what this first man is Ans. He is that mighty power of flesh that leades flesh to live upon it selfe and not to live upon its maker it followes the way of the flesh with greedinesse and jeeres and ejects the spirit And this is called a mighty man because he being to act his part in the great world first as Father Reason will have it He hath drawne all flesh into disobedience to the spirit And this Adam hath beene very fruitfull he hath filled the earth with himself and covered all with his darknesse For looke upon every man and woman in the world that lives upon the ob●ects of the creation and not upon the spirit in the creation and they are but branches of the first man and then put them all together into one lumpe and they make up still but the first man perfect an earthy man that knowes not the spirit and therefore when you see a man wholly delighting himselfe in the enjoyment of fellow creatures you may call him truly Adam or the first man Qu. What is the spirit in the Creation Ans. It is a meeke and loving spirit liveing in the light and strength of reason holding up the whole creation in a onenesse of sweet compliency in every creature according to its place and office Qu. What are those three names of one perfect power of darknesse that the first man Adam was a preparer of Ans. First The King of darknesse or aspiring power of the flesh that lifts up his heele against his Maker but yet lies within and acts not Secondly The beastly son that arises up from that rebelling power and that is Man that holds forth this rebellion to fellow creatures for now rebellion is broke out and Reasons law is violated the creatures flesh seekes to honour it selfe and hath forsaken his Maker here is the Father and the Son of darknesse Thirdly When the whole earth is filled with this disobedience so that you cannot meet with a branch of mankinde but hee lives upon the objects of the creation and not upon the spirit This makes the first man perfect in darknesse and the whole world is filled with uncleane