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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A63812 A treatise of dreams & visions wherein the causes, natures, and uses, of nocturnal representations, and the communications both of good and evil angels, as also departed souls, to mankind. Are theosophically unfolded; that is according to the Word of God, and the harmony of created beings. To which is added, a discourse of the causes, natures, and cure of phrensie, madness or distraction. By Tho. Tryon, student in physick. Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703. 1689 (1689) Wing T3197A; ESTC R221812 87,971 320

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upon their Breast and as it were stiffling them occasioned by means the free penetration of the Spirits to the Nerves is hindred the passages being stopt by a surcharge of the aforesaid Humors This happens most to such as use to lie upon their Backs and whilst it is upon them they are in great Agony being unable to speak but strive to do it with imperfect groans but if any person speak to hem and call them by name the animal spirits being excited force their way and the oppression ceases or if they can move or turn the body on one side and especially if the Brest be rubbed to d●●●pate the Humor The Cure is to be effected by a regular diet and such as may generate good spirits and prevent the increase of M●lancholy and Phlegm avoid full Suppers and excess in Liquors which oft occasion the Disease use convenient purging and sometimes breathing a Vein may be expedient especially in Women in certain obstructions peculiar to that Sex the black Seeds of the Male Piony are much commended in this Distemper Thus much though it be a digression from our main Subject I thought fit having this opportunity to say of these two Nocturnal disturbances conceiving it might be of use and satisfaction to some Readers CHAP. III. Of the General Cause of Dreams or Radix whence they are derived in Nature IT is a Truth generally acknowledged but seldom so well considered as it ought to be that Man is the compleat Image of God and Nature and contains the Principles and Properties of all things Corporial and Incorporeal that he is endued with an Elemental or Palpable body actuated enliven'd or informed by an etherial spirit and so answers to the great Body of the World from whence the same is taken and is an Abridgment or Epitome thereof or if you please its Son or Off-Spring and as it doth contain all the true Properties of the gross Elements viz. Earth Air and Water which are as it were the Mothers of the Body that nourish and sustain it So he has also the Principle of Fire and Light that is Soul and Spirit which gives Life and Motion to the Body of Flesh and answers to the Soul of the great World or that mighty Spirit which is moving vivifying and most wonderfull creative and conservative Power in this vast Systime of things which we call the World and which does preserve and sustain it and every part thereof in Beauty Splendor and Harmony which living and creating power does never stand still or cease from generating and operating for if it should the whole Systime or Body of this W●rld would immediately ●ail and perish as the Apostle Paul saith without the Spirit the Body is dead and profiteth nothing The like is to be understood in the little World 〈…〉 all lively Motion strength vigour and beauty resides in the Spirit or Soul in which there is no standing still Idleness or Cessation no more than there is in the great world and as the universal spirit or power of the Lord is always forming shaping and bringing to manifestation the hidden mysteries of Eternity and cloathing the various Spirits with Elemental Bodies the like does the Soul and Spirit in Min it is always in motion and generating and as the Scripture saith of the wonderful and ever-blessed Creator That he slumbereth not nor sleepeth for sleep does truly signifie death and weakness and nothing sleepeth but what is mortal and finite So the soul and spirit in man sleepeth not as being the Breath of God and Eternal for in God there is no Time nor Seasons or divisions of Time as nights days years or the like nor any use as to himself of Sun or Moon but they are Creatures made by him for the Accomodation of this lower World and the Inhabitants thereof as St. Iohn in the Revelations doth declare speaking of the new Ierusalem or Super-Caelestial Paradise There was there neither days nor nights nor Light of the Sun or Moon but the divine Power and Spirit of the Lamb was the Glory and Light thereof And this Glympse of the ineffable Splendor he saw upon the Lords-day when he was in the spirit not in the operations of the senses of the external Nature or Body of this world unto which the properties of the natural sleep do belong but the Soul or Spirit cannot sleep for then it could not be eternal but when the Body and Senses lie lock't up fast in the Arms of Merpheus then is the soul or spirit as it were unchain'd or unbound as being free'd from the continual Interruption of the senses and Earthly dispositions which whilst they are waking and in full strength and vigour do captivate the soul and hinder its generating and progress in that manner as it doth when the body is a sleep or dead for the soul of man hath so great Power when freed ●orm the Earthly Quality and heavy sensual power that it can make something where nothing is and from the Representations of Swords or Guns Fire or Water as real when and where there is indeed no such palpable substance but it is real and substantial in the spirit even as the good and evil words and works of men shall be unto them in Eternity their works do follow them not after the manner of this world but in the Spirit yet real and essential Now it is from the Soul or Spirit in man which is the mage of the divine Eternal Spirit and never standeth still Sleepeth or Slumbereth whence Dreams and all Nocturnal Visions do arise and proceed for whilst the Senses and Powers and Faculties of the outward Nature do sleep rest or cease from their Functions the Soul and Spirit ceaseth not from its operation but goeth on forming figureing and Representing of things as real and substantial for in truth though ofttimes we perceive it not and more often cannot remember particulars yet when ever we sleep we dream for you may as well imagine Fire without heat Sun without Light as to conceit that an Intellectual Immortal Soul can for one moment cease from Actions suitable to its Nature But here some will be apt to object and say This is a strange Paradox for if we always Dream in some kind or other as often as we sleep how is it that we but seldom perceive or are sensible of it Sure if the Soul and Spirit be as you teach evermore busie in framing and representing of things we should remember somewhat of the matter whereas we sleep soundly for several nights together sometimes and cannot remember that we had any Dreams at all To this I answer That the thoughts of worldly Affairs and the intemperances most men commit in Meats Drinks Labours Exercises and Passions do not only becloud the Soul and Intellect and over-whelm their powers and operation so that they cannot see or perceive any Coelestial things with Clearness as Experience dai●y proves they do the same things when we are awake
and evil clean and unclean Spirits viz. respectively in the two grand Fountains or Principles of good and evil as there are material Inhabitants in this internal or visible principle or Elementary Quaternion of Earth Air Water and Fire and of as various and different shapes formes and natures and complexions if we may in an Analogous way apply those words to Spiritual which commonly are only predicated of gross Palpable Creatures and th●ngs for all this wonderful variety of the Animal Vegetative and Mineral Kingdoms are but a Figure and Similitude of what is in the internal Spiritual World whence all those proceeded and the internal Spirit and Power is still the true cause of all motion growth and increase and Life in all Creatures and things contained in the said three Kingdoms and no internal Intelligence Power Spirit Angel or Genius whatever can affect us otherwise than as we draw near them in Spirit and so by degrees awaken their predominant property or principle by which they have power to influence us either in good or evil But for the most part it happens in the Evil because most men live under the dominion of the evil principle and properties of Nature For a man hath both inward o●tward helps in whatsoever he inclines to more especially if his propensions desires be fixed and strong his inward helps towards vertue are the good Angels and Spirits who readily meet embrace and rejoyce at the drawing near of men to their principle whence it is said that there is Joy in Heaven at the Conversion of a Sinner and to encourage them in well-doing they by almost imperceptible wayes afford them assistances and reveal many wonderful secrets to them both by day and nightly Visions and his outward Helps are innocent Living Temperance and Cleanness in Meats Drinks Exercises and Communications with good sober men and those latter helps being practised to conciliate and promote the former On the contrary men evilly enclined have also two Spurs to wickedness viz. inwardly by the suggestions of bad Doemons whose work it is to prompt men to viciousness and outwardly by Covetousness Pride Drunkneness Vain-Glory Uncleanness Intemperance evil Words Works and Communications with evil men Likewise as every man is endued Radically with the two grand Fountains or Principles of good and evil which every one in the World is more or less sensible of by their inward operations and that continual Strife and as it were open wars there is between them in the Centre of his Soul so every man thence comes to have two Genij or Spirits that alwayes wait upon and attend him viz. one good which answers to the good friendly principle of Light and Love The o●her evil refering to the fierce wrathful Principle which two do continually and fiercely contend for Victory and oft-times cause great trouble perplexity in the Soul but when 〈◊〉 good overcomes then there is Joy Concord and Pleasure or an intire Satisfaction of Mind It is further to be noted that there are great numbers of Elemental Spirits which are of a middle nature some of which do dart and gleam into some persons whose understandings are not exalted above their Principles or Elements These only busie themselves in foolish unluckey ridiculous prankes and doing of pretty mischiefs whereby they often promote idle jesting vain laughter wanton love stories and the like but they generally attend those people that have poor low beggerly genius whose understandings are very little elevated above Bruits for this Infantry of Spirits or lower graduated Spectrums have no communication either with men of vertue or prudence nor yet with those that are Exalted in the highest degrees of evil for these Lemures or Terrestrial or Watery Spirits are as they chiefly inhabit woods Mountains or unfrequented Valleys Rivers and Lakes so they come nearer to the nature of some sorts of Beasts then of man unless of such men only who have base low beastial complexions for with such they have a simile of this sort The Prophet Isaiah seems to speak Chap. 13. 21. where he mentions Ziim and Ob and 〈◊〉 and the Satyrs which should dance in the ruins of Babilon they are unclean sorts of inferiour Spirits and their conversation does ill become the Noble Race of Mankind But for the good Superiour Angels their converse is very advantageous and therefore ought by all lawful means to be courted and conciliated and the discoveries made by them to be highly regarded and concealed for its a great and mischievous error for People to tell abroad their Dream and the secret communication of their Souls with Angels and good Genij and so highly to prostitute them to every lewd and vain Companion as though they were of no worth or value this is very common amongst most people but it is a greater evil then most do imagine for some who have had good Angels granted to them for day and night Companions that taught and revealed unto them many excellent things both present and to co●● have by their divulging and foolish talking of them lost such their Guardians and all the conversation of their good genij which too la●e they have been sensible of but found them as hard to be regained as Esan's Birth-right was when by evil courses and sin he had fooled it away and then sought it in vain with tears for there is nothing more offends the good Angels then mens light behaviour and vain talking of them as on the other side nothing doth more please and allure them then for men to look up their secrets in religious and thoughtful Brests and to abscond them from the vulger and profain as we read in Ezra Thou shalt deliver these books that contain the secret Law of the Hebrews unto the wise men of thy people whose hearts thou knowest can comprehend them and keep these secrets Therefore it was usual amongst the Philosophical Ancients to hide their great secrets and vail holy mysteries in abscure Characters and Hieroglyphicks because they should not be known to and profaned by the wicked So we read of Theodorus the Tragick Poet when he would have referred something of the mysteries of Jewish Scriptures to a certain fable he was depraved of his sight T is also reported of Theopompus when he began to translate something of the divine Law into the Greek tongue he was smitten with a kind of Phrensie or extraordinary trouble of mind and desired of God to make him sensible wherefore that calamity was fallen upon him received answer in a Dream that it was because he had basely polluted Divine things by setting them forth in publick Our Lord Christ himself whilest he lived in the humane Nature spake after that manner and fashion that only the more intimate Disciples should understand the mysteries of the Word of God but to others he spake onely in Parables he also commands that holy things should not be given to Dogs nor Pearls cast before Swine Therefore saith the
includes our Love to God the supream Good for his own sake and to all the rest of the Creation in obedience to his Commands but particularly giving of Almes which is but one and one of the lowest Branches of the sublime tho most lowly Vertues which as it does wonderfully abate Pride Covetousness and such swelling Vices so it does advance the Soul in all kind of Vertue causes it to draw near the supream Good who in his boundless mercy giveth all things freely receiveth naught from any but his own the Truth tells us Give Almes and all things shall be clean unto you and the wise man saith As Water exting●ishes Fire so Almes doth Sin and Daniel taught the King of Babylon that he should Redeem his Sin by Almes and the Angel Raphael testifieth to Tobias that Almes freeth from Death so our Lord Christ commands us to pray to the Father Forgive us as we forgive and by analogy Give us as we give to others but for our further encouragment to Charity and Almes-Giving he adds not only that you shall receive an hundred fold but possess eternal Life and the Scriptures declare that when he comes to judge the Quick and the Dead he shall upbraid the wicked above all things for their neglect of Almes and works of Mercy Furthermore all that have obtained the knoweldge of themselves and the gifts of the mind and the communicati●ns of good Spirits and Angels by dreams or any other ways ought above all things to keep silent and constantly conceal and lock up such sublime secrets in their religious Breasts for nothing drives away and offend the divine Powers good Angel Guardians more then to publish mysteries to the profane multitude for this cause our Saviour Christ when he lived on Earth spoke after such a manner and fashion that only the more intimate Disciples should understand the Word of God but the multitude should only perceive the parable he likewise on the same ground commanded that holy things should not be given to Dogs nor Pearls be cast before Swine therefore well saith the Prophet I have hid thy Word in my heart that I might not sin against thee and it is said of Mary the Mother of Christ that after the Angel had informed her that she had found favour in the sight of the Lord and should bring forth the Saviour of the World she laid all these things up in her heart and she did not divulge what was discovered to her by the Angel. The thrice Great Hermise or Mercury of Egypt avers that to publish to the knowledge of the Rabble a Speech filled with the Mysteries and Majesty of the Deity is a sign of a irriligious Spirit and Plato Commandeth that holy Secrets and Religious things should not be divulged to the Common People Pythagorus injoyned his Followers to a Religious silence for so many years Orpheus also did with a certain Authority of Religion exact an Oath of silence from those whom he innitiated in holy Rites and in Esdras we read this precept concerning the Cabalistical Secrets of the Hebrews Thou shalt deliver these Books to the wise Men of the People whose hearts thou 〈◊〉 can comprehend them the Antient Egyptiaens had certain Characters for their secrets and mysteries which might not be easily known to the vulger and these are therefore called Hieroglyphicks and Tertullian saith that the promise of silence is due to Religion so we Read of a certain Greek Tragedian that when he would have Transfered somewhat out of the Jews Laws to supply one of his Fables with was struck Blind And Theopompus who beginning to Translate somewhat out of the divine Law into the Greek Tongue was presently troubled in mind and afterwards earnestly desiring God to let him know the occasion of that Judgment received answer in a Dream that it was because he had poluted divine things by Setting them forth in publick Thus the Indian Brachmans the Persians Magi the British Druids the Greek Phylosophers Pythagoras Socrates Plato c always were nice and diligent in keeping secrets to themselves and their qualified Sectatores and never to discover Mysteries without a vail Certain it is that as in Heaven there is an everlasting Stilness and sweet Harmony so all heavenly wisdom is strengthened by Silence and Concord but publication and discord distroys good Effects and drives away holy powers from us Therefore such as would reap Fruit by what we have before taught must hide and lay up those secrets in their religious breasts for the prating of Fools and incredulity are the two grand hinderances that disturb and obstruct the good effects in every thing that tends towards the Illumination of mans Soul for those sublime vertues require in a man a wonderful dignification self-denial and that we should leave ●arnal Affections frail Sences and mater●l Passions for mens souls when freed from the gross Fumes of the body and evil dispositions have wonderful power being not distempered but i●●luenced by divine Li●ht whereby they are rendered compleat in Intrinsecal and Extrinsecal Perfection Let us therefore remove all Impediments possible and wholy apply our selves to Contemplation and innocency of Life that is doing unto the whole Creation as we would be done unto and turn our Eyes inwards for there is even in our own selves the apprehension of all things but most men are prohibited by Self-conceit prejudices of Education Custom vain Conversation and the like from enjoying the benefit of this in-born Light so as few enjoy those Heavenly Gifts for Opinions Customs and Passions do continually oppose us even from our birth but if those vain Imaginations immoderate Affections violent Desires after what is not needful be once Expelled the divine Knowledge and power presently takes place and obtains the Government over the Soul. But for the further accomplishment furnishing and fitting a mans Soul for the fore-mentioned subline converse and also for the abtaining the Knowledge and Conversation of the Good Genius before treated of let these following Rules be observed 1st Let your Meats and Drinks be Clean and of a simple Nature and Operation 2d Have a care the quantity be not too great 3d Remember to let your quality be sutable and agreable to your Nature and Constitution 4th Let none of your food be attended with the dying Groans of of the innocent Creatures 5th Consider the first state of man and what Foods were ordained for him viz none but innocent Herbs Seeds Fruits and Grains 6th B●think your self and understanding from what Principle Killing and Eating of Flesh did first arise and do proceed 7th Consider also the Nature Shapes and Forms of these Creatures that by Nature incline to eat Flesh. 8th Note that all the Wilde Savages of the Desart in whom the Principle of the fierce Wrath does predominant are formed by the same Principle which the fierce Spi●its are f●●med and look also with Teeth and Claws like so many terrible Weapons of War to Prey upon