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A61329 Secrets reveal'd, or, An open entrance to the shut-palace of the King containing the greatest treasure in chymistry never yet so plainly discovered / composed by a most famous English-man, styling himself anonymus or Eyræneus Philaletha cosmopolita ... ; published for the benefit of all Englishmen by W.C., Esq., a true lover of art and nature. Philalethes, Eirenaeus. 1669 (1669) Wing S5288 50,733 164

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associate thy self with the Vulgar this is unworthy but if thou shalt contract familiarity with Wisemen it behoves thee to be most highly wary least some of them discern thee with the same facility as thou believest thy self capable of finding out as 't were another Adeptist thou being ignorant of the known Secret If only thou wert able to have a familiar consortship with him thou wilt not so readily discern That an opinion being but a conceited one is without great inconvenience even a slight conjecture shall be sufficient to procure a lying in wait for thee for the Iniquity of Men is so great that we have often known some Men to have been strangled with a Halter yet notwithstanding were strangers to the Art 'T was sufficient that some desperate Men had heard a report of such an Art the knowledge of which such once bore the name to have It would be too tedious to reckon up all things which we our selves have made tryal of we have seen and heard concerning this thing Moreover as concerning this present Age of the World rather more than in any former one Who is it that pretends not to Alchymy Insomuch that thou shalt hardly dare to stir thy foot except thou desirest to be betraid If thou dost but do any thing secretly this wariness of thine will stir in some a zeal of throughly searching thee out even to the bottom They 'l tattle of counterfeiting Money and what not But then if thou art a little open and some unwonted things done by thee whether in Medicine or Alchymy If thou shouldst have a great weight of Gold or Silver and wouldst sell it any one would admire readily from whence so great a quantity of the finest Gold and purest Silver should be brought whereas such Gold is scarcely brought from any place save only Guiny or Barbary and that in the fashion of most small sand but now thine being more noble than that and in a massie form will not want a most notable rumour For Buyers are not so stupid although they should like Children play with thee and say Our eyes are shut come we will not see but if thou dost come they will even see even but out of one corner of thy eye so much as is sufficient to bring upon thee the greatest Misery For Silver is by our Art produced so fine that no such is brought from any place That which is brought out of Spain is the best it doth somewhat excel in goodness even English sterling and that in form of plain Money which is transported by Theft the Lawes of the Nations prohibiting it If therefore thou shalt sell a quantity of pure Silver thou hast even already betrayed thy self But if thou adulteratest it being not a Goldsmith thou runnest the hazard of thy Head according to the Laws of England Holland and almost of all Nations by which 't is provided That every Deterioration or allaying of Gold and Silver though according to the Goldsmiths Balance yet if it be not done by a professed and licenced Metallourgist it will be accounted a Capital Crime We have known the time that when we would have sold so much pure Silver as was of six hundred Pound value in a forreign Country being cloathed like Merchants for we durst not adulterate it because almost all Countries hath its standing Balance of the goodness of Silver and Gold which the Goldsmiths do easily know in the Mass that should we pretend it was brought from hence or thence they would presently distinguish by their Probe or Tryal and apprehend the seller they presently said unto us that brought it This Silver is made by Art We demanded the reason of their saying so They replied only thus The Silver that comes out of England Spain c. we are not now to learn how to know it but this is not any of these kinds which when we heard we privily withdrew and loft both the Silver and the price of it never more demandable Moreover if thou shouldst fain a great quantity of Gold brought from elsewhere but especially of Silver this thing cannot be so private but a rumour will be spread thereof the Ship-Master will say Such a quantity of Silver was never brought by me nor can it come into the Ship and every body be thereof ignorant and when others shall hear thereof that were wont to buy it they 'l laugh and say What Is it a likely thing that this Man can get such a Mass of Gold and Silver and put it into his Ship there being such strickt Lawes that forbid it and so strickt a charge to prevent it Thus presently 't will be blazed abroad not in one Region only but in the bordering Countries We being taught by these dangers have determined to lye hid and will communicate the Art to thee who dreamest of such things that so we may see what publick good thou wilt enterprise when thou shalt have obtained it We therefore say as heretofore I taught that ☿ was necessary in the Work and have delivered such things concerning ☿ which no former Age ever delivered so also I now on the other hand lay open the Sulphur which will be desired without which ☿ will never receive a profitable congelation for the supernatural Work Sulphur doth in this Work supply the place of the Male and whosoever undertakes the Transmutation Art without it all his attempts will be in vain for all the Wisemen affirm That there can be no Tincture made without its Latten which Latten is Gold without any double speaking Hence the noble Sendiuogius saith The Fool believe me will not find our Stone no not in Gold but the Wiseman will find it in the Dung That is to say In Gold which is the ☉ of the Sophi the tincture of Goldness lies hid This though it be a most digested body yet is it incrudated and made raw in one only thing viz. Our Mercury and receiveth from ☿ the multiplication of its own Seed not so much in weight as in vertue And although very many of the Sophists do seem sophistically to deny this thing yet verily so it is as I have said that is to say They tell us that common Gold is dead but that theirs is alive so in like manner a grain of Wheat is dead that is the germinating activity therein lies supprest and would eternally remain so should it be kept in a dry ambient Air but let it be but cast into earth and it presently receives a fermental life it swells up is mollified and buddeth Even so is the case with our Gold it is dead that is its vivifying vertue is sealed under abodily shell as 't is with the Grain although differently according to the great difference betwixt a Vegetable Grain and Metallick Gold But even as a Grain remains perpetually unchanged in a dry Air is destroyed in the fire and vivified in the water only even so Gold that is uncorruptible in every Element durable even
is the Heaven wherein the great Lights together with the Stars are rowled about and it sendeth down its virtues through the Air unto inferior things but in the Beginning all being confounded together made a Chaos Behold I have holily opened to them the truth for our Chaos is as 't were a Mineral Earth in respect of its own coagulation and yet notwithstanding it is indeed volatile Air whithin which the Heaven of the Philosophers is in its Centre which Centre is truly Astral shining upon the Earth with its Beams even to the very superficies And what great one is this that is so wise as to gather from these things that a new King is born more powerful than all the rest a Redeemer of his Brethren from original Defilements for 't was expedient that he died to be exalted aloft that he might give his Flesh and Blood for the Life of the World Good God! How wonderful are these thy Works 'T is thy doing and it seems miraculous in our eyes Father I thank thee that thou hast hidden these things from the Wise and revealed them to Babes CHAP. 6. The Air of the Sophists THe wide Circuit or Firmament called in the Holy Writ Air is likewise called our Chaos and yet not without a great Secret because as the Firmamental Air is the separator of the Waters even so is our Air. Our Work is therefore verily a System of the greater World because as the Waters under the Firmament are to be seen and do appear to us who live upon the Earth but the superior Waters do flie our sight because they are so far distant from us even so is it in our Microcosm the Waters are the Minerals without the Centre these appear but those that are inclosed within do shun our sight and yet really and truly are These are those Waters that the Author of the New Light speaks of viz. Which are and do not appear untill the Artist pleaseth Therefore even as the Air distinguisheth between the Waters so doth our Air prohibit all manner of ingress of the extracentrical waters unto the waters that are in the Centre for should they but enter in and be mixed then would they presently close together with an indissoluble union therefore I say that the external vapours and burning 🜍 doth stiffly adhere to our Chaos whose tyranny it being not able to resist the pure flies away from the Fire in the form of a dry powder If thou knewest how to water this dry earth with a water of its own kind thou wilt loosen the pores of the earth and this outward Thief with the workers of Malice will be cast out of doors and the water will be purged by the addition of a true Sulphur from Leprous Defilements and from superfluous Hydropical Moisture and thou shalt have in thy power the Fountain of Count Trevisan whose waters are properly dedicated to Diana the Virgin This Thief is evil armed with arsenical Malignitie whom the winged Youngster doth abhor and flie from and although the central water be his Bride yet the Youngster dares not utter his most ardent Love towards her because of the snares of the Thief whose tricks are almost inavoidable In this let Diana be propitious unto thee who knows how to tame the wild Beasts whose two Doves shall temperate the malignity of the Air with their feathers then the Youth enters easily in through the pores presently shaking the waters above and stirrs up a rude and rubish Cloud do thou bring in the water over him even to the brightness of the Moon and so the darkness which was upon the face of the Abyss will be discussed by the Spirit which moves it self in the waters thus by the Command of God Light shall appear separate the Light from the Darkness the seventh time and then this Sophick Creating of thy ☿ shall be complete and the seventh day shall be to thee a Sabbath of Rest from which time even to a Years Revolution must you expect the Generation of the Son of the supernatural Sun who will come into the World at the end of the Ages that he may free his Brethren from al Defilements CHAP. 7. Of the first Operation of the Preparation of the Sophick Mercury by the Flying Eagles BRother You are to know that our exact knowledge of the Eagles of the Philosophers is conceived and judged to be the first degree of perfection for to know it there is required a quick ingenuity For do not believe that this Science comes to any of us by chance or a casual imagination as the common ignorant people do stupidly believe but we have sweated much and a long time we have passed many nights without sleep we have undergone much labour and sweat that we might obtain the truth and therefore O studious Beginner Know of certainty without labour and sweat thou wilt accomplish nothing viz. in the first Work although in the second Nature alone performs the Work without any imposition of hands only using a moderate external Fire Understand therefore Brother the sayings of the Sophi when they write That their Eagles are to be brought to devour the Lion the which Eagles how much the sparinger the number is so much the greater wrestling and a slow victory but the work is most excellently perfected in the seventh or ninth number The ☿ Sophical namely is the Bird of Hermes which is sometimes called a Goose sometimes a Pheasant one while this thing another while that but wherever the Magi speak of their Eagles they speak in the plural number and they assign their number from three to ten yet they are not to be understood thus as if they would have so many weights or parts of the water to one of the earth but you must interpret their sayings to be meant of the intrinsecal weight that is to say you must take the water so oftentimes acuated or sharpened as they number Eagles which acuation is made by sublimation and therefore every sublimation of the ☿ of Philosophers let be one Eagle and the seventh will so exalt the ☿ that it will become a most convenient Bath for thy King Therefore that thou mayest have this knot well unfolded attend diligently Let there be taken of our Fiery Dragon which hides the Magical Chalybs in his own belly four parts of our Magnet nine parts mix them together with a torrid Vulcan or great Fire in the form of a Mineral water upon which there will swim a scum which is to be cast away remove the shell and take the kernel purge it the third time with Fire and Salt which will easily be done if Saturn shall have beheld himself in the Looking-glass of Mars thence is made the Chamaeleon or our Chaos in which all Arcana's lies hid virtually but not actually This is the Hermaphroditical Infant which even from his very first Infancy hath been infected by the biting of the Corascene Mad Dog whereby he is besotted and distracted by a
obtain an excellent powerful fixity It is evident therefore that the whole Secret consists in ☿ of which a Philosopher saith There is in ☿ whatever the Wiseman seeks concerning which Geber saith Praised be the Most High who hath created our ☿ and hath given it a nature overcoming all things For verily if that were not the Alchymist's might boast as they will but their Work of Alchymy would be vain 'T is likewise evident it is not the vulgar ☿ but the Sophick because every vulgar ☿ is a Male that is corporeal specificate and dead but ours is spiritual feminine living and vivifying Attend therefore to those things that I shall speak of ☿ for as the Philosopher saith Our ☿ is the Salt of the Wisemen without which whosoever operates is like an Archer that shoots without a Bow-string and yet it is no where to be found upon the Earth but our ☉ is formed by us not by creation but by extracting him out of those things in which he is Nature co-operating in a wonderful manner by a witty Art CHAP. 2. Of the Principles composing the ☿ Sophical THe Intention of some Operators in this Art is this They purge ☿ diversly for by the adjoyning of Salts they sublime it some do vivifie it from various Faeces others only per se and so by these repeated Operations they think to make the ☿ of the Philosophers They erre because they do not operate in Nature for she amends things only in their own nature Let them therefore know that our Water is compounded of many things but yet they are but one thing made of divers created substances of one essence that is to say There is requisite in our Water first of all Fire secondly the Liquor of the Vegetable Saturnia thirdly the bond of ☿ The Fire is of a Mineral Sulphur and yet is not properly Mineral nor Metalline but a middle betwixt a Mineral and a Metal and neither of them partaking of both a Chaos or Spirit because our Fiery Dragon who overcomes all things is notwithstanding penetrated by the odour of the Vegetable Saturnia whose blood concretes or grows together with the juyce of Saturnia into one wonderful body yet it is not a body because it is all Volatile nor a Spirit because in the Fire it resembles a Molten Metal It is therefore in very deed a Chaos which is related to all Metals as a Mother for out of it I know how to extract all things even ☉ and ☽ without the transmuting Elixir the which thing whosoever doth also see may be able to testifie it This Chaos is called our Arsenick our Air our ☽ our Magnet our Chalybs or Steel but yet in divers respects because our Matter undergoes various states before that the Kingly Diadem be brought or cast forth out of the Menstruum of our Harlot Therefore learn to know who the Companions of Cadmus are and what that Serpent is which devoured them what the hollow Oak is which Cadmus fastened the Serpent through and through unto Learn what Diana's Doves are which do vanquish the Lion by asswaging him I say the Green Lion which is in very deed the Babylonian Dragon killing all things with his Poyson Then at length learn to know the Caducean Rod of Mercury with which he worketh Wonders and what the Nymphs are which he infects by Incantation if thou desirest to enjoy thy wish CHAP. 3. Of the Chalybs of the Sophists THe Wife Magi have delivered many things of their Chalybs to Posterity nor is it a slight thing they have attributed thereto and therefore the contention amongst vulgar Alchymists is great as touching what is to be understood by the name of Chalybs Several men have given several interpretations of this thing The Author of the New Light hath writ thereof candidly but obscurely For my part that I may not out of envy conceal any thing from the Inquirers of this Art I will sincerely describe it Our Chalybs is the true Key of our Work without which the Fire of the Lamp could not be by any Art kindled it is the Minera of Gold a Spirit very pure beyond others it is an infernal Fire secret in its kind most highly volatile the Miracle of the World a Systeme of the superior virtues in the inferiors and therefore the Omnipotent hath marked it with that notable Sign whose Nativity is declared in the East The Wisemen saw it in the East and were amazed presently knew that a most Serene King was born into the World Thou when thou beholdest his Star follow him even to his Cradle there shalt thou see a fair Infant by removing the defilements honour the Kingly Child open the Treasury offer the gift of Gold so at length after death he will give thee his Flesh and Blood the highest Medicine in the three Monarchies of the Earth CHAP. 4. Of the Magnet of the Sophists EVen as Steel is drawn to the Loadstone and the Magnet doth of its own accord convert it self to the Chalybs even so the Magnet of the Sophi draweth their Chalybs therefore I have taught that the Chalybs is the Minera of Gold In like manner our Magnet is the true Minera of our Chalybs Furthermore I declare that our Magnet hath an occult Centre abounding with Salt which Salt is the Menstruum in the Sphere of the Moon which knows how to calcine Sol this Centre doth convert it self to the Pole with an Archetick Appetite in which the virtue of the Chalybs is exalted into Degrees In the Pole is the Heart of ☿ which is a true Fire in which is the rest and quiet of his Lord sailing through this great Sea that it may arrive to both the Indies and direct its course by the aspect of the North-Sar which our Magnet will cause to appear to thee The Wiseman will rejoyce but the Fool will disesteem these things nor will he learn Wisdom even though he behold the Central Pole turned outwards marked with the notable Sign of the Omnipotent They are so stiff-necked that though they see even Signs and Miracles yet will they not lay aside their Sophistications nor enter into the right Path. CHAP. 5. The Chaos of the Sophi LEt the Son of the Philosophers hearken to the Sophi unanimously concluding that this Work is to be likened to the Creation of the Universe Therefore In the Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Earth and the Earth was void and empty and Darkness were upon the face of the Deep and the Spirit of the Lord was carried upon the face of the Waters and God said Let there be Light and there was Light These words are sufficient for a Son of Art for the Heaven ought to be conjoyned with the Earth upon the bed of Friendship and Love so shall he honourably Reign all his Life The Earth is an heavy body the Matrix of Minerals because it keeps them occultly in it self although it brings to light Trees and Animals It
but in a Millenary more than perfect perfection CHAP. 11. Of the Invention of the perfect Magistery THe Wise Men heretofore as many of them as obtained this Art without the help of Books were led to the attainment thereof on this wise by the permission of God For I cannot perswade my self it came to any of them by immediate Revelation unless Solomon had it so which I am rather willing to leave to the Judge than determine thereof And yet though he should have had it what hindreth but he might have got it by search whereas he requested only wisdom which God did bestow upon him in such manner that he therwith possess'd all both Wealth and Peace And therefore he unript as it were and searcht out the nature of the Plants and Herbs from the Cedar of Lebanon even to the Hyssop on the Wall and what man that is well in his wits will deny but that he likewise knew the nature of the Minerals the knowledge of which being altogether as pleasant or prositable But to the purpose We say that it may very likely be believed That the first Adeptist that injoyed this Magistery amongst whom was Hermes who had no plenty of Books in those days did not at first seek after a more than perfect perfection but only a simple exaltation of the imperfect Metals to a regal condition and when they perceived that all Metallick Bodies were of a Mercurial Original and that ☿ was both as to its weight and homogeneity most like unto Gold which is the perfectest of Metals they therefore endevoured to digest it to the maturity of Gold but they could not effect it by any fire Therefore they considered with themselves that there was requisite besides the external heat an internal one if they will accomplish their intentions This heat therefore they sought after in most things First of all they distilled out of the lesser Minerals most exceeding hot waters and with them they corroded the ☿ but they could not by any Art accomplish it this way so as to cause the ☿ to change or alter his intrinsecal proportions for because all the corrosive waters were only external Agents after the manner of fire though somewhat different But these Menstruums as they call'd them did not abide with the dissolved body being by that same reason confirmed they rejected all Salts one Salt only excepted which is the first Ens of Salts the which dissolves all Metals and by the same work coagulates ☿ but this is not done but by a violent way and therefore that kind of Agent is again separated entire both in weight and vertue from the things it is put to Wherefore the Wisemen did at length know and consider that in ☿ the watery crudities and the earthly faeces did hinder it from being digested which being fixed in the roots thereof cannot be rooted out but by turning the whole compound in and out They knew I say that ☿ if it could but put off these things it would presently become Fix for it hath in it self a fermental Sulphur of which even the smallest grain would be sufficient to coagulate the whole Mercurial Body if only the Faeces and Crudities could be removed This thing therefore they attempted to bring to pass by various purging it but in vain forasmuch as the foresaid Work requires both mortification and regeneration for which there is need of an Agent Then at length they knew that ☿ was destinated in the bowels of the earth to have been a Metal to which intent it retained a daily motion as long as the fitness of the place and other externality well disposed did remain but these being by accident corrupted this immature Child or Offspring died of its own accord so that it is beheld as a certain thing deprived of motion and life But now an immediate regress from privation to habit or form is impossible that is to say there is a passive 🜍 in ☿ which ought to be active so that it is needful to introduce into it another life of the same nature in the introducing of which it stirs up the hidden life of ☿ so life receives life then at length it is fundamentally transformed or changed and the defilements are voluntarily cast away from the Centre as we have abundantly enough written in the preceding Chapters This Life is in the Metallick Sulphur alone which the Wisemen sought for in ♀ and in such like substances but in vain Then they took the offspring of Saturn in hand and they found he was the Stylanx or tyer of Gold and whereas therefore it hath the power of separating the Faeces from ripe Gold they thence became confident by an argument drawn from the lower to the less that it would do so in ☿ but they proved that this also had its own defilements and they remembred the old Proverb Be thou clean that desirest to cleanse another therefore they endevouring to purge it found it altogether impossible because it had no Metalline Sulphur in it though it abounded with the most purged Salt of Nature When therefore they observed a little Sulphur in ☿ and that only passive they found now in this Child of ♄ no actual 🜍 but only potential and therefore it entred in friendship with a burning Arsenical Sulphur and foolish as it is it cannot subsist in a coagulated form without this Sulphur and yet notwithstanding it is so stupid that it had rather dwell with the Enemy by whom it is so exceeding streightly imprisoned and commit Fornication than renounce him and appear under a Mercurial form Therefore they sought further for an active 🜍 and that most throughly and at length the said Magi sought it and found it hidden in the house of Aries This 🜍 is most greedily received by the son of ♄ which Metallick matter is most pure most tender and most near to the first Metallick Ens void of all actual Sulphur but yet in power or capacity to receive a 🜍 It doth therefore draw this to it self like a Magnet and swallows it up in its own belly and hides it and the Omnipotent that he might most highly adorn this Work hath imprinted his Royal Seal thereon Then forthwith these Magi rejoyced when they beheld the 🜍 not only found but also prepared Then they endevoured to purge ☿ therewith but the success was not answerable because there was as yet an Arsenical Malignity commixt with this 🜍 thus swallowed up in the Child of ♄ the which evil though now it was but little in respect of the abundance which it had in its own Mineral nature yet it withstood and hindred all entrance Therefore they assaied to contemperate this malignity of the Air by the Doves of Diana and then the event was answerable to their desires then commixed they Life with Life and moistened the dry by the moist and acuated the passive by the active and vivified the Dead by the Living so the heaven became clouded over for a
they are Creatures of God far be it from us for in that respect we honour them and think them worthy esteem But the people of Israel adores them as well as the World therefore let it be ground to powder like the Brazen Serpent I do hope and expect that within a few years Money will be like dross and that prop of the Antichristian Beast will be dasht in pieces The People are mad the Nations rave an unprofitable Wight is set in the place of God These things will accompany our so long expected and so suddenly approching Redemption when the New-Jerusalem shall abound with Gold in the streets and the Gate thereof shall be made of entire Stones and most pretious ones and the Tree of Life in the midst of Paradise shall give Leaves for the healing of the Nations I know I know these my Writings will be to most Men like the purest Gold and Gold and Silver will through these my writings become as vile as dirt Believe me ye Youngmen believe me ye Fathers because the time is at the dore I do not write these things out of a vain Conception but I see them in the Spirit When we Adeptists shall return from the four Corners of the Earth nor shall we fear any Snares that are laid against our Lives but we shall give thanks unto the Lord our God My heart murmureth things unheard-of my Spirit beats in my breast for the good of all Israel These things I send before into the world like a Preacher that I may not be buried unprofitably in the World Let my Book therefore be the fore-runner of Elias which may prepare the Kingly way of the Lord. I would to God that every ingenious Man in the whole earth understood this Science then no body would esteem hereof Gold Silver and Gems being so exceedent abundant but so far forth only as it conteined knowledge Then at length Vertue naked as it is would be had in great honour meerly for its own amiable nature I know many that possess the true knowledge thereof all of whom have vowed a most secret silence but as for my self I am of another judgement because of the hope I have in my God therefore I wrote this Book which none of my Adept Brethren with whom I daily converse knew of For God gave rest unto my soul by a most firm faith and I do undoubtedly believe that I shall by this way serve the Lord my Creditor and the World my Neighbour and chiefly Israel by this using I say of my Talent And I know that none can improve his Talent to so great Usury for I foresee that haply some hundreds will be illuminated by these my Writings therefore I consulted not with flesh and blood I sought not after the consent of my Brethren in writing hereof God grant that it be to the glory of his Name that I may attain the end I expect Then as many Adeptists that knew me will rejoyce that I have published these things CHAP. 14. Of the requisite Circumstances in general belonging to this Work VVE have sequestred the Chymical Art from all the vulgar errours and of the vanquished Sophisms and the curious Dreams of the Imaginarists and have taught That the Art is to be made of ☉ and ☿ We have shewed that ☉ is Gold without all uncertainty and doubtfulness not Metaphorically but in a true Philosophical sense to be understood also our ☿ we have declared to be true Argent Vive or Quick-silver without any ambiguity of acceptation The latter we have told you must be made by Art and be a key to the former We have added such clear and apparent reasons that except you be blind at the Sun you cannot but perceive We have protested and do again profess That we do not declare these things from the faith we give to the Writings of other Men the things we faithfully declare are what we have both seen and known We have made and do possess the Stone the great Elixir nor verily will we envy thee the knowledge thereof but we wish that thou mayest learn them from these Writings We have likewise declared That the Preparation of the true Philosophical ☿ is difficult the main knot lying in finding Diana's Doves which are folded in the everlasting Arms of ♀ which no Eyes but a true Philosopher ever saw This one skill performs the Mastery of Theory enobles a Philosopher and unfolds to the knower of it all our Secrets This is the Gourdian Knot which will be a knot for ever to a ●yro in this Art except the Finger of God direct yea so difficult that there needs the peculiar grace of God if any one would attain the exact knowledge thereof For my part I have delivered such things concerning the making thereof as none before me ever did more I cannot do unless I should give the very Receipt which I have also done only I have not those things called by their proper names It now remains that we describe the use and practice by which thou mayest easily discern the goodness or defect of thy ☿ that being known thou mayest alter and mend it as thou wilt Having therefore animated ☿ and Gold there remains an accidental Purgation as well of the ☿ as the Gold secondly Dispensation or Marriage thirdly Rection or Governance CHAP. 15. Of the accidental Purgation of Gold and Mercury PErfect Gold is found in the bowels of the earth whereupon 't is sometimes found in little pieces or in sands if thou canst have this sincere it is pure enough but if not then purge it with Antimony or by the Cineritium or Royal Cement or by boyling with Aqua fortis the Gold being first granulated Our Gold is made by Nature perfect to our hands which I have found and used but hardly the Hundred thousandth Artist knows it except he hath exquisite skill in the the Mineral Kingdom but besides this it is in a substance obvious to all Men but then it is mixt with many superfluities we do therefore make it pass through many Tryals and Mixtures till all the feculency be removed and the pure remain which is then not without all Heterogeneitie yet we melt it not for so the tender soul is lost and becomes as dead as Gold vulgar but wash it in the water in which all but our matter is consumed then is our body like a Crows bill afterward melt it with a fire of fusing and file it then 't is Prepared But ☿ needs an internal and an essential Purgation which is an addition of a true 🜍 orderly and by degrees according to the number of the Eagles then is it radically purged This 🜍 is no other than our Gold which if you know to separate without violence and then to exalt each a part and after to reconsume them thou shalt betwixt them have a conception which will give thee an Infant more noble than any sublunary thing whatsoever This Work Diana know to perform if she
hedged with infinite briars and we have made a Vow unto God and Equity that we would never in naked words declare each Regimen for I can assure you upon my credit that I have in other things discovered the truth plainly Take then that ☿ which I have described and unite with Sol to which 't is most friendly and in seven moneths in our true Regimen of heat thou shalt for certain see all which thou desirest or in nine moneths or ten at the most but our ☽ in its full thou shalt see in five moneths And these are the true periods of this 🜍 out of which by reiterate decoction thou shalt have our Stone and permanent Tinctures through the grace of God to whom be all glory and honour for ever CHAP. 20. Of the appearing of Blackness in the Work of Sol and Luna IF thou shalt work in Sol or ☽ to our 🜍 in them consider if you see this matter like to paste and to boyl like unto water or rather like to melted pitch for our Sol and ☿ have an emblematical Type in Sol vulgar joyned with and decocted in our ☿ When thou hast kindled thy Furnace wait for the space of 20 dayes and nights in which time thou shalt observe divers colours and about the end of the fourth week if the fire be continual thou shalt see a most amiable greenness which will be seen for about ten dayes less or more then rejoyce for without doubt in a short time thou shalt see it like unto a coal in blackness and all the members of thy Compound shall be turned into Atomes for the Operation is no other than a Resolution of the fixt in that which is not fixt that afterwards both being joyned together may make one matter partly spiritual and partly corporal Therefore saith the Philosopher Take Corascene Dog and Bitch of Armenia joyn them together and they shall beget thee a Son of the colour of the heaven for these Natures in a short decoction shall be turned into a broth like unto the foam of the Sea or like a thick cloud which shall be tinctured with a livid colour and once more I may assure thee that I have not hidden any thing save only the Regimen and this if thou art wise thou shalt easily collect from my Lines Supposing then that thou wilt learn the Regimen Take the Stone which I have told you of before and govern it as you know how and there shall follow these notable things first as soon as our Stone shall feel the fire it shall flow its 🜍 and its ☿ together upon the fire like to wax and the 🜍 shall be burned and the colour shall change day by day but the ☿ is incombustible only it shall be affected with the colours of the 🜍 for a time but it cannot be radically affected therefore it will wash Letton clean from all its filth reiterate the heaven upon the earth so long and so often until the earth receive a spiritual and heavenly nature O blessed Nature which doth that which is impossible for Man to do Therefore when in thy glass thou shalt see thy Natures to be mingled like unto a coagulated and burnt blood know that then the Female is embraced by the Male Therefore after the first stirring up of the Matter expect that in 17 dayes thy two Natures shall be turned into a bloody or fatted Broth which shall be turned round together like unto a thick Cloud or the scum of the Sea as is before said and the colour of it will be exceeding obscure then be sure that the Kingly Child is Conceived and from that time thou shalt see vapours green blew black and yellow in the Air or Fire and at the sides of the Vessel These are those Winds which in the forming of our Embryon are very frequent which are to be kept warily lest they fly out and the Work be destroyed beware also of the Odour lest it happen to exhale at any chink for the vertue of the Stone would thereby get a most notable detriment therefore the Philosopher commands to keep the Vessel close sealed and beware that you do not break off abruptly from the Work neither open nor move the Vessel nor yet intermit the Operation not an hour but continue the Decoction till you see the moisture begin to fail which will be in about thirty dayes then rejoice and rest assured that thou art in the right way Attend the Work vigilantly for in about two weeks from the time thou shalt see the whole earth dry and notably black then is the death of thy Compound at hand the Winds are ceased and all are rest and quietness This is the fatal Ecclipse of the Sun and of the Moon when no light shall shine upon the Earth and the Sea shall vanish then is made our Chaos out of which at the command of God shall proceed all the Miracles of the World in their orders CHAP. 21. Of the Burning of the Flowers and how to prevent it THe burning of the Flowers is an errour of fatal consequence yet soon committed before the Natures which are tender and extracted from their profundity they are oftentimes burnt this errour is chiefly to be heeded after the three weeks for in the beginning there is so much moisture that if the Work be governed by a stronger fire than is convenient it being brittle will not bear the abundance of winds but will suddenly fly in pieces unless the glass be too large and then sure the vapours will be so out of measure dispersed that they will hardly return again to their body at least not so much as is necessary for the refreshment of the Stone But so soon as the earth shall begin to retain part of its water then the vapours decreasing the fire may be strengthened without danger of the Vessel but the Work will nevertheless be destroyed and will have a colour of a wild Poppie and the whole Compound will at length become a dry and unprofitable powder of a half red colour Thou shalt conclude from this sign that thy fire hath been too strong so strong to wit as to hinder true conjunction for know that our Work doth require a true change of Natures which cannot be until an entire union of both Principles be made but they cannot be united but in the form of water for bodies may be confounded or blended together but cannot be united nor yet can any body with a spirit be united per minima but spirits with spirits may well be united therefore our Operations must become Homogeneal Metallick Water the way to which Solution is our foregoing true Calcination which therefore is not an exsiccation properly but a kind grind of water as earth in Atomes which when they become more subtle than the exigencies of the earth requires earth is then actually transmuted into and doth receive the form of Ferment of water but if the fire be too vehement this spiritual Nature being struck
as with a fatal stroke our active will become passive of spiritual corporal even a red unprofitable precipitate for in a due heat the colour will be as black as that of the Crow which though it be dark yet it 's most desirable yet there is also a blackness which will appear in the beginning of the true Work and that very remarkable but this is ever accompanyed with a due proportion of moisture and sheweth that heaven and earth have been in conjunction between which the fire of Nature is conceived by which redness all the concave of the glass will seem as it were gilt over with Gold but this colour is not durable long but in a short space will be changed into a greenness then in a very short time expect blackness and if thou wilt be patient thou for certain shalt see thy desire accomplished at least make slow but sure progress Let not thy heat be over strong and yet strong enough and between Scilla and Charibdis sail like unto a skilful Pilot so shalt thou attain the wealth of either India sometimes thou shalt see as it were little Islands sloating and shooting out as it were little sprigs and buds which will be changeable in colours which soon will be melted and others will arise in the stead of them for the earth as it were inclining to a Vegetation is alwaies sending forth some new thing or other sometimes thy fancy will be that thou seest in thy glass Birds or Beasts or creeping things and thou shalt each day behold colours most beautiful to sight which though they are pleasant to the eye are not of a long continuance all is in the keeping of a due heat without any intermission So shall all these pleasant colours in the space of fifty dayes end in a colour most black and a powder discontinuous which if thou seest not blame either thy ☿ or thy Regimen or the disposition of the Matter unless thou either hast moved or medled with the glass which may either protract or finally destroy the Work CHAP. 22. The Regimen of Saturn what it is and whence it is denominated AS many of the Wise men as have wrote of this Master-piece of Philosophy have all spoken of the Regimen of ♄ which many understanding wrong have turned aside unto divers errors and deceived themselves with their own opinion some being thus led with a great deal of confidence although with very little advantage But know that our ♄ is more noble than any Gold it 's the Limus in which the soul of our Gold is joyned with its ☿ that after they may produce Adam and Eve his wife therefore that which is the highest shall so humble it self as to become the lowest then expect that he will redeem all his Brethren by his blood The sepulchre in which our King is buried is named ♄ in our Work and its the Key of the Work of Transmutation O happy is he that may behold this slow Planet Pray to God my Brother that he would vouchsafe to you his blessing for it s not of him that willeth nor of him runneth but on the Father of Lights alone this Blessing dependeth CHAP. 23. Of the various Regimens of this Work BE certainly confident studious Son of Art whoever thou art that nothing is hidden in this Work save only the Regimen of which that of the Philosopher may be verified Whoever is Master of that Science Princes and Grandees of the Earth shall honour him I assure you upon the word of an honest Man that if this one Secret were but openly discovered Fools themselves would deride the Art for that being known nothing remains but the Work of Women and the play of Children and that is Decoction So that not without cause did the Wise men hide this Secret with all their might And rest assured that we have done the same whatever we have seemed to speak concerning the degree of heat yet because I did promise candor in this Treatise something at the least is to be done that I may not deceive the ingenious of their hope and pains Know then that our Regimen from the beginning to the end is only lineal and that is to decoct and to digest and yet this one Regimen in it self comprehends many others which the envious have concealed by giving them divers names and describing as so many several Operations We to perform the candor we promised will make a far more perspicuous manifestation So that Reader whoever thou art if ingenious thou shalt find cause to acknowledge our candidness in this to be more than ordinary CHAP. 24. Of the first Regimen of the Work which is of Mercury ANd in the first place we shall treat of the Regimen of ☿ which is a secret hitherto not discovered by any Philosophers for they verily do begin their Work at the second Regimen and do give a young Practitioner no light in the mastery of the capital signs of blackness in this point that good Marquiss of Treveso was silent noble Bernard who in his Parables saith That the King when he came to the Fountain leaving all strangers behind him enters the Bath alone clothed in golden Robes which he puts off and gives to ♄ his first Chamberlain from whom he receiveth a black Velvet Suit But he sheweth not how long the intervail of time is before he plucks of his golden Garment and therefore he passeth over in silence the first and most intricate Regimen which is perhaps forty or fifty dayes ere it be fully complete in which time the poor Practitioner is left to uncertain Experiments from the appearing of blackness until the very end of the Work the sights that do appear are sufficient to refresh the Artist but in this space to wander without a guide or direction for the space of fifty dayes I confess is tedious I say then That from the second kindling of the fire even until blackness all the interval of time is the Regimen of our ☿ even of our Sophical ☿ which all that time doth work alone his Companion being dead at first and so remains a great space and this Secret before me no man ever yet discovered Therefore when thy Matters are joyned which are our ☉ and our ☿ do not think as some Alchymists vainly imagine that the r●●ing of the Sun will follow suddenly no verily we waited a long and tedious while before a reconciliation was made betwixt the water and the fire and this the envious have in a short speech mystically comprehended when they in the first beginning of their Work called their Matter Rebis that is made of two substances according to the Poet Res Rebis est bina conjuncta sed est tamen una Solvitur ut prima sint aut Sol aut Spermata Luna Rebis are two things joyn'd yet is but one Dissolv'd that Sol or Lune be Sperm alone For know of an undoubted truth that though our ☿ devour the ☉ yet it doth not so as
Chymical Phantasticks dream for although the ☉ joyn with our ☿ yet a year after you shall separate each from the other in its own nature unless you decoct them together in a convenient degree of fire otherwise they will not be altered he who will affirm the contrary is no Philosopher They who wander in Errours Path do dream that it is a matter of very light concernment to dissolve the perfect bodies in our ☿ in so much that according to their imaginations Gold in this will be devoured in the twinkling of an eye not well understanding the place of Bernard Trevisan in his Parable concerning his Golden Book irrecoverably drowned in his Fountain But how hard a Work it is to dissolve Bodies they can witness who have taken pains in this dissolution I my self who have been oft taught this Lesson by ocular testimony can be a witness that it is a most ingenious thing to govern the fire even after the matter is prepared such a fire as may dissolve the Bodies as they ought to be dissolved without burning their tinctures Attend then to my Doctrin Take the Body which I have shewed you and put it into the water of our Sea and decoct it continually with a due heat of fire that both Dews and Clouds may ascend and drops may descend both night and day without intermission and know that in this Circulation the ☿ doth arise in its former nature and leaves the body beneath its former nature so long until after a long time the body begin to retain part of its soul so by degrees both begin to partake each of other but because the whole water doth not ascend by sublimation part of it remains below in the bottom of the vessel therefore is the body boyled in the water that remains beneath and by its means it is sifted and the drops which are continually running down do perforate the masse marvelously and by continual Circulation the water is made more subtle and doth sweetly extract the soul of the Sun so by the mediation of the soul the spirit is reconciled with the body and an union of both is made at the utmost within fifty dayes and this Operation is called the Regimen of ☿ because the ☿ is circulated above and in it the body of the Sun is boyled beneath and the body is in his work passive until the colours shall appear which will be a little about the twentieth day in a good and continual ebullition which colours are afterwards increased multiplyed and varied until all be at last completed in black of the blackest most black which the fiftieth day will give thee If Fates thee call CHAP. 25. Of the second Regimen of the Work which is of Saturn HAving run through the Regimen of ☿ which is to strip the King of his golden Robes to assault the Lion with divers conflicts to weary him and at length to kill him the next Regimen that apears is that of ♄ for it is the will of God that the Work when once it 's begun should be carried on even unto the end and the law of those Operations is that the ending of one is the entrance of another the period of one the beginning of another Nor doth the Regimen of ☿ sooner pass away but his succesor ♄ comes in who is the next higher in succession the Lion dying the Crow is ingendred This Regimen lineal in respect of the colour for there is but one only colour and that is the blackest black but neither fumes nor winds nor any symbole of Life only the Compound will at some seasons appear dry otherwhiles boyling like to melted Pitch O sad sight the Image of eternal Death But withal a most pleasant Messenger to the Artist for the blackness is not ordinary intense so that it shines again for blackness and when thou seest thy Matter swelling beneath like unto a Paste rejoyce for know that within this there is shut a quickening spirit which in its appointed time will restore Life from the Almighty and these Carkases Be thou only careful of the fire which thou must be sure to govern with a sound judgement and I swear unto thee upon the Faith of an honest Man that if thou urge thy Fire so as to make ought to sublime in the dayes of this Regimen thou wilt destroy the Work irrecoverably be content then with good Trevisan to be detained in prison forty dayes and nights and suffer the tender Nature to remain below in the bottom which is the Nest of their Conception knowing for certain then that when the period of time is expired which the Almighty hath appointed the spirit will arise glorious and glorifie its body it will ascend I say and be circulated sweetly and without violence and from the Centre it shall ascend unto the Heavens and again from the Heavens it shall descend to the Centre and it shall receive the vertue of that which is above and that which is beneath CHAP. 26. Of the Regimen of Jupiter AFter black ♄ ♃ succeeds who is of divers colours for after the putrefaction and corruption which is made in the bottom of the vessel through the command of God thou shalt again see change the colours and a circulating sublimation This Regimen is not durable for it continues not more than three weeks space in which time all colours imaginable in the World will be to be seen of which no certain account can possibly be rendred In these dayes the showres shall be multiplyed continually and at the last after all these things most beautiful to behold there shall shew it self a whiteness at the sides of the vessel like unto rays or hairs then rejoyce for now thou art hapily run through the Regimen of ♃ The greatest caution in this Regimen is lest when the Chickens of the Crow have left their Nest they return to it again also lest you draw out the water too immoderately so the earth beneath want it and be left dry and unprofitable in the bottom lastly lest thou waterest thy earth so intemperately as to suffocate it which errour thou shalt help by the good Regimen of external Fire CHAP. 27. Of the Regimen of Luna AFter the finishing of Jupiter's Regimen about the closing of the fourth moneth the sign of the Moon Crescent shall appear unto thee and know that the whole Regimen of ♃ is imployed about the washing of Letton the washing Spirit is very white in its nature but the body which is to be washed is very black in the passage whereof to white all the middle colours shall be seen after which all will become white not in a day but gradually it shall arise from white to the whitest of all and know that in this Operation there shall be a season in which all shall appear like to liquid Argent Vive and this is called The sealing of the Mother in the belly of her own Infant which she brought forth and in this Regimen there shall
imagine then expect a sudden end within three dayes thou shalt see for thy Matter shall convert it self into grains and as fine as the Atomes of the ☉ and the colour will be the highest Red imaginable which for its transcendent redness will shew blackish like unto the soundest blood when it is congealed although thou mayest not believe that any such thing can be an exact parallel of our Elixir for it is a marvellous Creature not having its compare in the whole Universe nor any thing exactly like it CHAP. 31. The Fermentation of the Stone REmember now that thou hast got our 🜍 red and incombustible which can by no fire be promoted further of it self and be very wary which I should have told you in the former Chapter had I not forgot it that in the Regimen of the Citrine Sun before this supernatural ☉ be born which is adorned with a true Tirian colour lest I say thou then vitrifie thy Matter with too great fire for so it would be after insoluble and by consequence cannot be coagulated into these glorious Atomes Red of the Reddest Be wary then that thou destroy not so great a Treasure and yet do not think that thy Labour here hath an end but proceed further that out of this 🜍 by reiterate solution and coagulation thou mayest have our Elixir Take then of most fine Gold three parts and of this 🜍 one part thou mayest take four parts of ☉ and a fifth part of our 🜍 but the aforesaid proportion is better melt the ☉ in a clean Crucible and when 't is melted put thy 🜍 into it but very warily lest you lose it by the smoke of the coals let them flow together then put them forth into an Ingot and thou shalt have a Mass which may be pulverised of a most glorious Red colour but hardly transparent then take of this Mass exactly pulverised one part of thy Sophical ☿ two parts mix them well put them in a glass which seal and govern it as before two moneths in which time thou shalt see all the foresaid Regimens pass in their order This is true Fermentation which thou mayest if thou wilt reiterate CHAP. 32. The Imbibition of the Stone I Know that many Authors do take Fermentation in this Work for the internal invisible Agent which they call Ferment by whose virtue the fugitive and subtile Spirit without laying on of hands are of their own accord thickened and our forementioned way of Fermentation they call Cibation with Bread and Milk so Ripley but I not using to cite other Authors nor yet to swear to their words in a thing which I my self know as well as they have followed my own judgement in my Writings There is then another Operation by which our Stone is increased in weight more than virtue Take of thy 🜍 white or red and to three parts of the 🜍 add a fourth part of the water and after a little blackness in six or seven dayes decoction thy water newly added shall be increased or thickened like unto thy 🜍 then add another fourth part not in respect of the whole Compound which is now increased a fourth part by the first Imbibition but in reference to thy first 🜍 as thou tookest it at first which being dryed add another fourth part and let it be congealed with a convenient fire then put to it two parts of the water in reference to the three parts of the 🜍 which thou tookest at first before the first Imbibition and in this proportion imbibe and congeal three other times at last add five parts of water in the seventh Imbibition still remembering to reckon the water in reference to the 🜍 as it was taken at first seal thy Vessel and in a fire like to the former make thy Compound pass through all the foresaid Regimens which will be done in one moneth and then thou hast the true Stone of the third order of which one part will fall on a thousand and teyn perfectly CHAP. 33. The Multiplication of the Stone TO this is required no labour save only that thou take the Stone being perfect and joyn it with three parts or at the most with four parts of ☿ of our first Work and govern it with a due fire in a Vessel well closed so shall all the Regimens pass with infinite pleasure and thou shalt have the whole increased a thousand fold beyond what it was before the Multiplication of it and if thou shalt reiterate this Work again in three dayes thou shalt run through all the Regimens and thy Medicine shall be exalted to another millinary virtue of Tincture and if thou yet shalt reiterate the Work it will be perfected in a natural day and all the Regimens and Colours shall pass which will be done afterwards with another reiteration in one hour nor shalt thou at last be able to find the extent of the virtue of thy Stone it shall be so great that it shall pass thy Ingenuity to reckon it if that thou proceed in the Work of reiterate Multiplication Now remember to render immortal Thanks to God for thou now hast the whole Treasure of Nature in thy possession CHAP. 34. Of the manner of Projection TAke of thy Stone perfected as is said white or red according to the equality of the Medicine take of either ☉ or ☽ four parts melt them in a clean Crucible then put in of thy Stone white or red as the Metal that is melted is in quality and being well mixed together in fusion pour them into an Ingot and thou shalt have a Mass which is brittle take of this Mass one part and ☿ well washed ten parts heat the ☿ till it begin to crack then throw upon it this Mixture which in the twinckling of an eye will pierce it increase thy fire till it be melted and all will be a Medicine of inferior virtue take then of this and cast one part upon any Metal purged and melted to wit as much as it can teyn and thou shalt have most pure ☉ or ☽ purer than which Nature cannot give But it is better to make Projection gradually until Projection cease for so it will extend farther for when so little is proiected on so much unless Projection be made on ☿ there is a notable loss of the Medicine by reason of the Scorias which do adhere to impure Metals by how much then the Metals are better purged before Projection by so much more will the Matter succeed CHAP. 35. Of the many Vses of this Medicine HE who hath once by the Blessing of God perfectly attained this Art I know not what in the World he can wish but that he may be free from all snares of wicked men so as to serve God without distraction But it would be a vain thing by outward pomp to seek for vulgar applause such trifles are not esteemed by those who have this Art nay rather they despise them He therefore whom God hath blessed with
through every Age is reducible in our water only and is then living and ours Even as Wheat sown in the ground doth change its name and is called the Husbandman's Seed-corn either for Bread or other uses as well as for Seed even so it is with Gold as long as it is in the form of a Ring a Vessel or Mony 't is the vulgar Gold but as concerning its being cast into our water 't is Philosophical In the former respect it is called Dead because it would remain unchanged even to the Worlds end in the latter respect it is said to be living because it is so potentially which power is capable of being brought into Art in a few daies but then Gold will be no longer Gold but the Chaos of the Sophi therefore well may Philosophers say That their philosophical Gold differeth from the vulgar Gold Which difference consisteth in the Composition For even as that Man is said to be dead which hath already received the sentence of Death so is Gold said to be alive when it is mixed in such a Composition and put upon such a fire in which it will necessarily receive a germinative life in a short time yea 't will demonstrate the actions of a life beginning and that within a few daies Therefore the same Sophi that say their Gold is living do bid thee the Searcher of Art to revive the dead the which if thou knowest to do and to prepare the Agent and rightly to mix the Gold it will soon become living in which vivification thy living Menstruum will dye Therefore the Magi command thee to revive the dead and to kill the living They do at the first entrance call their water living and say that the death of one principle with the death of another hath one and the same period Thence 't is evident That their Gold is to be taken dead and their water living and by compounding these together the seed-Gold will by a short decoction vivifie or quicken and the live ☿ will be killed that is the spirit will be coagulated with the dissolved bodie and both of them putrifie together in the form of dirt or mud until all the members of the Composition are rent or dispersed into Atoms Here therefore is the naturality of our Magistery The Mistery which we so much hide is to prepare the ☿ truly so called the which cannot be found upon the earth ready prepared to our hands and that for singular reasons known to the Adeptists In the ☿ we neatly amalgamate pure Gold purged to the highest degree of purity and filed or beaten and being shut in the glass we daily boyl it the Gold is dissolved by the vertue of our Water and returneth to its nearest matter in which the included life of the Gold becomes free and takes the life of the dissolving ☿ which in respect of the Gold is the same as good earth in respect of the Grain of Wheat In this ☿ therefore the Gold being dissolved doth putrifie and must be necessarily so by the necessity of Nature therefore after the putrefaction of death there riseth the new Body of the same Essence with the former Body and of a more noble substance 〈◊〉 takes on it the degrees of virtuality proportionable to the difference between the four qualities of the Elements This is the reason of our Work this is our whole Philosophy We have said therefore That there is nothing in our Work secret but ☿ only the Magistery of which is rightly to prepare it and extract the hidden ☉ it contains and to Marry it in a just proportion with Gold and to govern it with the fire as the ☿ requireth because Gold doth not of it self fear the fire and as far forth as 't is united with the ☿ so far doth it render it able to abide the fire Therefore this is the Labour and Work to accommodate the regiment of the heat to the capacity of ☿ his abiding it but he that hath not rightly prepared his ☿ and should joyn Gold therewith his Gold is yet the Gold of the Vulgar because 't is joyned with such a foolish Agent in which it remaineth as much unchanged as if it had been kept in the Chest nor will it lay off its own bodily nature by any Regiment of the Fire whatsoever where an Agent is not alive within Our is then a living and quickning soul and therefore our Gold is Spermatical as Wheat sown is Seed-corn when as the same Wheat would in the Barn remain Bread-corn only and dead and though it were buried in a pot under the earth as the West-Indians are wont to hide their Fruit or Corn in pits in the earth fenced against the access of water yet unless it be met withal by the moist vapour of the earth 't is dead and abides without fruit and is plainly remote from Vegetation I know there are many which will carp at this Doctrine and say That he affirms it Gold of the Vulgar and running ☿ is the material Subject of the Stone But we know the contrary Go to therefore ye Philosophers examine your Purses although you know such things have ye the Stone Verily as for my self I do not possess it by theft but by the gift of my God I have it I have made it and daily have it in my power have often form'd it with my own hands and I write the things I know But I write not to you Therefore deal with your Rain-waters May-waters your Salts tattle of your Sperme that it is more potent than the Devil himself slander and revile me Believe ye that this your evil speaking will sadden me I say that Gold only and ☿ are our Materials and I know what I write and the searcher of all hearts knoweth that I write the truth nor is there any cause to accuse me of envy because I write with an unterrified Quill in an unheard-of style to the honour of God to the profitable use of my Neighbours and contempt of the World and its Riches because Helias the Artist is already born and now glorious things are declared of the City of God I dare affirm that I do possess more Riches than the whole known World is worth but cannot make use thereof because of snares of Knaves I disdain I loath and deservedly detest this Idolizing of Gold and Silver by the price whereof the pomp and vanities of the World are celebrated Ah filthy Evil Ah vain Nothingness Believe ye that I conceal these things out of envy No verily for I protest to thee I grieve from the very bottom of my Soul that we are driven as it were like Vagabonds from the Face of the Lord throughout the earth But what need many words That thing that we have seen taught and wrought which we have which we possess and know these do we declare being moved with meer compassion toward the studious and with Indignation of Gold and Silver and of pretious Stones not as