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A58336 A divine looking-glass, or, The third and last testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ whose personal residence is seated on his throne of eternal glory in another world : being the commission of the spirit, agreeing with, and explaining of the two former commissions of the law and Gospel, differing only in point of worship : set forth for the tryal of all sorts of supposed spiritual lights in the world, until the ever-lasting true Jesus, the onely high and mighty God, pesonally appear in the air with his saints and angels / by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton ... Reeve, John, 1608-1658.; Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1661 (1661) Wing R676; ESTC R35141 178,978 220

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or glory at all and hell or misery must be essentially distinct from heaven or glory or else there can be no certain hell or misery at all 40 Moreover the glorious person of the divine Majesty himself must of necessity be essentially distinct from men angels heaven earth and all in them or el●e it were impossible that there should be any God or angels men or devils heaven or hell or any thing else besides but accidental things proceeding from those four elements of earth air water and fire as all filthy Atheists vainly and blindly imagine 41 But my beloved spiritual brethren you have not so learned Christ or received the truth of the ever-living Jesus into your innocent souls to abide in any such foolish darkness 42 Wherefore for your confirmation chiefly is this Epistle written that you may be enabled to discern the lying notions and fleshly voluntary wil●-worship in man contending against the secret decrees of the Holy One of Israel 43 Furthermo●e because many of the elect of God are as yet in bonds by the exceeding subtilty of many silver-roule merchants of this perishing world therefore I shall endeavor to confirm what is written from a clo●d of un-erring Witnesses my spiritual Brethren the fo●mer true Prophets and Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ wherefore it was sai● by our God which is Christ Jesus the Lord that heaven and ea●th shall pass away but his words shall not pass away 44 Again it is written That he made all things for his own glory and the wicked for the day of wrath Also it is written That Jacob was loved and Esau was hated before they had done good or evil that the purpose of God might remain according to election For he saith to Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and will have compassion on whom I will have compassion So then it is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercy Further it is written But O man who art thou which pleadest against God shall the thing formed say to him that formed it wh● hast thou made me thus hath not the Potter power over the clay to make of the same lamp one vessel to honour and another to dishonour what if God would to shew his wrath and to make his power known suffer with long pa●ience the vessels of wrath prepared to destruction and that he might declare the riches of his glory upon the vessels of mercy which he hath p●epared unto glory Rom 9. And in Rom. 8. it is thus written Also we know that all things work toge●her for the b●st unto them that love God even to them that are called of his purpose for those which he knew before he also predestinated to be made l●ke to the image of his Son moreov●r whom he predestinated th●m also he called and whom he called them also he justified and whom he justified them also he glorified Again in the first Epistle of Peter it is thus written Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture Behold I lay in Sion a chief corner stone elect and precious and he that believeth therein shall not be ashamed unto you therefore which believe it is precious but unto them that be disobedient the stone which the builders d●salowed the same is made the head of the corner and a stone to stumble at and a rock of offence even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient unto the which thing they were even ordained But ye are a chosen Generation a royal Friesthood an holy Nation a People set at liberty that ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous l●ght Moreover in the Epistle of Jude are these word For there are certain men crept in wh●ch were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men they are whi●h turn the grace of God into wantoness and deny God the onely Lord and our L●rd Jesus Christ they are the raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame they are wandring stars ●o wh●m is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever Again For if God spared not the angels that had sinned but cast them down to hell and del●vered them into chains of darkness to be kept unto d●m●ation what will become of all those ang●lical fleshly hypocr●tes which bless themselves in their unrighteousness and cursedly contend for it even against the holy God elect men and angels and their own consciences which will become their eternal chief Accomptant in the great day 45 Again as a conclusion unto what is written aforesaid I shall write something concerning the Scriptures themselves 46 My spiritual brethren can you possibly think that those men as yet have received the spiritual truth of the true God which idolize the visible Records and worship them in stead of that holy Spirit in our Lord Jesus Christ which spake them 47 Again did ever any man attain to a true understanding of that Holy One of Israel by any endeavor whatsoever from the bare letter of the Scripture 48 It is written The letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life Again it is written That the Scriptures are sufficient to make the man of God wise unto salvation 49 My brethren can any man be a godly man or a man of God unless he hath the spiritual light of life eternal to enable him to understand the minde of God in the Records and so believe unto immortality CHAP. VI. 1 Of the Scripture Records 2 Of the ignorance of men that deifie or villifie them 3 The Prophets Prayer in the con●lusion IS there any testimony in Sc●iptures that ever any man of God received the true faith of the spiritual Jesus in him from the letter of the Scripture or could possibly know whether those literal Records proceeded from the wisdom of God or from the wisdom of prudent men onely unless he were inspired from that spirit which spake them In the third of the Galatians it is thus written O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth This onely would I learn of you Received ye the spirit by the workes of the Law or by the hearing of faith preached Are ye so foolish that after ye have begun in the spirit ye would now be made perfect by the flesh 2 My spiritual brethren is it not a work of the flesh in man which studies day and night in the letter of the Scripture to finde out the spirit of God in the letter 3 Is it not a work of the flesh in man which labours to reconcile Scriptures of seeming contradiction without a divine gift of the spirit 4 Is not that man in the depth of spiritual darkness which perswadeth his hearers that the Scriptures are easie and plain in the very letter of them unto that mans reason that is laborious to know them 5 Are not the Scriptures all matters of faith and very misterious for
of flesh blood and bone from eternity 22 Neither would I willingly have any of the blessed of the Lord to be so grosly ignorant as to think that the glorious Creator could possibly be a spiritual living substance without a body or person 23 If Christ Jesus and the Father from all eternity were but one distinct person some men may say unto me What might the form of his uncreated Majesty be before he became flesh from the light of life eternal 24 To this I answer His divine form did not consist of natural Earth Air Water or Fire in the least but is was a bright burning fiery glory of uncompounded purities continually satisfying it self with variety of divine excellencies 25 Though the spiritual person of the Holy One of Israel was from eternity so transcendently glorious that no Elements could possibly contain him without being immediately consumed to ashes yet he was absolutely from the crown of his glorious head to the soles of his divine feet in form like unto the first man Adam 26 You that possess the heavenly truth in you may know the divine form of Jesus Christ the everlasting Father was of so pure thin or light nature that as beforesaid it was swifter then thought clearer then Cristal infinitely more glorious then the Sun purer then the purest gold or any thing more precious 27 So that when the eternal spirit moved him to enter into the Virgins Womb it being swifter then thought and its body being of its own nature he was in her womb before she was aware of it onely by a wonderful change in her soul she felt him converting his Godhead glory into flesh blood and bone according to his promise by the Angel Gabriel this was that wonderful mystery of God the everlasting Father which manifested himself in a body of flesh at which most men and women stumble and perish 28 Is any thing impossible for God to do when his divine glory moves him to it 29 Moreover is not the infinite power wisdom or glory of the everliving God most of all seen by men or Angels in the lowest abasing himself 30 Do not all men which confess a Creator conclude that his holy spirit is infinitely full of all divine qualifications whatsoever and is the incomprehensible Spirit of the Holy One of Israel any thing at all without its glorious vertues 31 Is it possible think you that this eternal spirit could be sensible of its heavenly glories without a distinct body of its own to enjoy them in If this be truth the which none can gainsay but senceless sots or simple saints then with controversie Christ Jesus and the Father was eternally but onely one spiritual body in form like a man 32 Is there any created being whether sensible or insensible either in Heaven or in Earth that possesseth any kind of spiritual or natural motion heat light life joy or glory in the least without a distinct body of its own suitable to its present condition 33 Hath the most wise Creator so ordered every living being that all the joy they possess is in their own bodies chiefly distinct from one another and that each others joy is nothing at all to one another unless they be both sensible of the same 34 Can any sober man be so sensless as to imagine or think that the glorious Creator of all spiritual and natural order can possibly be any thing at all without a distinct body of its own as abundantly beforesaid 35 Are not all infinite creatures a meer Chaos of sensless matter until they are formed into distinct beings of themselves and have names given them by God and man according to their natures and are they any thing at all until they become living spirits in compleat bodies of their own as aforesaid 36 This being known to be as true as truth it self can it possibly be that he that gave beings to all things should not be something that is infinite also or a distinct glorious body having variety of holy Names attributed to him according to his divine nature for the exaltation of his infinite Majestical Person above all Heavens Angels and men CHAP. XIX 1 Of the true spiritual Trinity in Vnity 2 Of the one personal divine Majesty 3 No Scripture mentioneth God to be three persons onely one God and one person 4 Why God called himself by a three-fold name IN the next place I shall treat of that divine Trinity in Unity of the Holy One of Israel 2 You may remember I have already elsewhere in this Epistle clearly demonstrated the horrible fallacy and absurdity of that old error of three distinct persons or spirits and but one God from these words For there are three that bear record in Heaven the Father Son and Holy Ghost and these three are one 3 My spiritual and literal brethren also that have any desire in you to know the truth take special notice of this thing there is not one positive record in Scripture that affirmeth the God of Heaven and Earth to consist of three persons 4 Was not the eternal Jehovah called the Holy One of Israel in the Law 5 Was not the eternal Jesus called the Holy One in the Saints time of the Gospel 6 Is not Jesus called a consuming fire in the Gospel as well as Jehovah in the Law 7 Hath not Jesus attributed unto him the Titles of a Creator Ancient of Days Everlasting Father Mighty God or Redeemer and such like as well as Jehovah 8 Was not all divine honor glory praise might or dominion by men and angels in as full a maner ascribed unto Jesus as Jehevah 9 Doth not the Scripture say that the Holy One of Israel will not give his glory to another and yet you know Christ Jesus had all glory from men and Angels given unto him who then is that eternal Jehovah but the everlasting Jesus and what is that eternal Jesus but the everlasting Jehovah 10 Before the eternal Jehovah became Jesus in flesh was not his invisible Spirit the everlasting Father 11 Was not that fiery glorious body wherein God the Father had his heavenly habitation that eternal Son of God 12 Was not the Holy Ghost that Almighty Word that proceeded through his heavenly mouth when his holy Spirit mov'd him to speak 13 Is not this Trinity in Unity or Unity in Trinity more agreeable to the Holy One of Israel then any other Trinity whatsoever unto all men which acknowledge but one eternal Being 14 What difference is there between the holy Names of Father Son and Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ was it any thing else but one and the same Godhead person in a three-fold condition appearing unto men 15 Again if need be will not the Names of Father and Lord bear one sense The names of Son and Jesus signifie one thing and may not the Titles of Christ and Spirit be of one signification also 16 Doth not the word Lord signifie divine protection and doth not the
strengthning themselves in their Atheistical error to prevent discovery they may or will say there is no world but this onely and this world had never any beginning nor will never have any ending men may talk of a Creator and a day of judgement for silver and honor or to keep children or fools in awe but wise men knows as aforesaid that one generation passeth away and another cometh in its room and so it will be for everlasting 28 Thus you that are truly spiritual do or may know that the spirit of every man naturally is so cursedly proud that rather then men should finde him a lyar in the name of the Lord of Hosts even against his own rational light he is apt to say there is no other God or shame or world to come but the Elements of air water earth and fire of this perishing world though these and such like sandy foundations are the pillars of cursed Cananites yet I know that you blessed ones have not so learned Christ 29 The fourth and last sort of deceived men are so far from acknowledging Christs personal raign with his Saints in any kinde whatsoever that they blasphemously affirm they are all Gods or Christs themselves 30 These are those which say that God is a Spirit and that his Spirit and their spirits are but one spirit onely 31 Moreover to strongthen themselves in this their Serpentine Sophistry they can tell you from the Records that Christ is the head of his Church and his Saints are his body 32 Also this sort of men pretend such a union with the divine Majesty that they do not onely attribute to themselves his Holy Names or Titles but Lucifer-like they will tell the simple and fearful soul that they are set down in the Throne of Glory with Christ already 33 Furthermore though this sort of Saints in their own account are all Kings Priests and Prophets unto God yet if you should ask them a sober question concerning any spiritual thing after death they are so dead drunk with their notional witchcrafts that they count all men in darkness that see not themselves in the throne of immortal glory already as aforesaid 34 Again they also seem to be full of Hymns or Spiritual songs in reference to the present glory they enjoy with the eternal Spirit when the Lord knoweth they acknowledge no divine Majesty or God at all but those imaginary Siren songs and their own natural blinde-born spirits from whence they proceeded 35 This sort of seeming glorious Saints do imagine their spirits so divine that they think it impossible it should ever see death but they like unto children or fools conceit their bodies turn to dust for ever but their souls ascend into an unknown spiritual glory 36 Therefore if a man speaks of a personal God or a personal glory in a life to come they will tell him he troubles himself above a simple carnal God and Glory that is not 37 But if he knew what it was to be possessed with divine light life or glory in his own soul as they do he would no more trouble himself in the least concerning a God or glory to come at a distance 38 There are some among these of a more purer sort which speak many sweet truths and according to their light they live in them onely poor hearts as yet they are ignorant of the fountain of glory from whence their spiritual streams proceed 39 Moreover though they cannot close with a personal God and personal glory of the elect in another durable world and a personal shame of Reprobates in this world to all eternity yet the secret love of God preserves their merciful spirits from that error of the wicked I mean from despising things that are hid from them 40 Therefore I make no question but in due season they shall be revealed to them unto their everlasting joy and glory in the highest heavens as aforesaid 41 Furthermore though these elect vessels at present understand no other God but what is within them yet they are afraid to call themselves God or Christ or Creator or the like lest there should be a divine Majesty to own those titles himself 42 Again all those simple hearted souls which are appointed to eternal glory are not so rivetted in their present light but if a more clear manifestation appear their spirits are both ready and willing to embrace it 43 But of the contrary all cursed Cananites are fully resolved to remain where they are though never so glorious a light should appear 44 Moreover those that are the blessed of the Lord are very tender of condemning any men of what appearance or opinion soever if they see never so little of the pure light of life eternal appearing in them 45 But of the contrary the unmerciful reprobate condemns all men as in a bottomless pit that are contrary unto his fleshly opinion 46 Furthermore the blessed of the Lord are made willing to yield all spiritual obedience unto the unknown God till they know him and shew mercy unto all though he perish this is a Job-like spirit who said though thou kill me yet will I trust in thee 47 But of the contrary the hypocritical Cananites love to make a glittering shew before men but as for any inward purity of spirit towards God and mercy unto all men they are so far from any such principle that they count it a delusion in them that enjoy it 48 Many of the blessed of the Lord do know that all the desires of men or Angels cannot prevail with the divine Majesty to perswade him to set the se●l of his love upon any mans person until he is graciously moved unto it of his own pleasure according to those sayings of Holy Writ I am found of them that sought me not and before they call I will answer when they were in their blood I said unto them live and of that notable saying in the 15. Chapter of the Prophet Jeremiah Then said the Lord unto me though Moses and Samuel stood before me yet mine affection could not be toward this people cast them out of my sight and let them depart 49 But of the contrary the formal Hypocrite is so dark in this divine secret that he thinks himself the blessed of the Lord for his much babling and counts those men cursed that are not of the same minde with him 50 My beloved spiritual friends though I have branched these men into four several heads yet in the main they are all of one spirit my meaning is this they are all ignorant of the glorious God being in the person of a man CHAP. XLII 1 A further Discourse concerning the Error of Christs personal reign 2 The interpretation of the three last verses in the 12. of Rev. 3 Concerning the Dragon and the Woman 4 Of the binding of the old Serpent Dragon for a thousand years 5 When they expired 6 Of the worship of the beast 7 Of Satans being loosed out
unclean reason or lying imagination within him is it possible think you that any man should be so tormented as some men are with an inward burning through a secret fear of eternal sufferings rising in them from the guilt of former evils committed against the light of conscience 21 Furthermore seeing all men which live after the flesh must die or perish and that mans own lust is that imaginary Devil from whence proceeds all sin or evil without controversie though men or Angels should gain-say it there are now no other evil Spirits Angels or Devils but unmerciful men and women onely 22 Again if envy pride covetousness hypocrisie lust and such like be the Devil in man are not men and women those Devils that are under the power of those evils I would fain know from the learned men of this world whether there are any other evil Angels or Devils besides mankinde that lust after women or silver or honor or revenge or any kinde of evil whatsoever 23 Truly if those supposed wise men which talk so much 〈◊〉 subtilty of the Prince of the air that rules in the children of disobedience could possibly know that their own imaginary reason was that evil spirit or Prince of all their airy disputes concerning God Angels Devils Heaven Hell eternal glory or shame to come which they know not of according to truth 24 Then in stead of their rejoycing in the approbation of many men in relation unto their natural gifts their own spirits would immediately become the principle of all those howling groaning Serpent Devils spoken of in holy Writ even in the sight of elect men and Angels in this mortal life 25 Again is it not against all spiritual or rational sence that any Man Angel or Devil should suffer eternal damnation for the sins of another or for anothers tempting him to sin or evil 26 Moreover doth it not stand to very good sence that that creature that is left to himself to be tempted unto sin or evil and overcome thereby and remains under the power of it to his lives end should eternally suffer at the great day for his own sins and not for anothers iniquity 27 Wherefore is it not now one of the vainest things in the world for any man to think that there is any other evil Spirit Angel or Devil that tempts him to any motion imagination thought desire word or action of rebellion against God or man but that lying proud envious Devil living in his whole man as beforesaid 28 Therefore let no man that professeth spiritual light or life in him for very shame say that God can be tempted or tempt any man unto sin or evil neither let him say that any evil Spirit Angel or Devil in the air or earth or in the water or in the fire tempts him to commit any sin or evil but that air watery fiery fleshly Devil dwelling onely in his own body 29 I say let him know that that is the Prince of the air which through the abscenting vertue of the Holy Spirit begets those legions of Devils or lusts in the soul of man 30 And it is the true light of the Lord Jesus Christ in all his new born ones that crushes those Cockatrice Egs before they become Serpent Devils to sting the whole man with fears of eternal death 31 Those Devils which by the powerful word of the Lord Jesus were cast out of Mary Magdelen or any other creature spoken of in holy Writ were onely all maner of filthy diseases or fiery distempers in man that hurried him about any desperate wickedness whatsoever oftentimes increasing so powerfully that it did not onely occasion him to rend his own body and break iron chains 32 But also he is ready to tear any one in pieces until the Lord of glory shine into his distempered soul with that golden grace of true faith through which that imaginary Devil is chained up whereby all his fleshly goods were spoiled of ever having power in him as formerly and being now in his right minde at the glorious feet of the true Jesus through his own pure light leading him into heavenly raptures in reference unto his eternal glory at his visible appearing in the Clouds with all his mighty Angels CHAP. XXXVII 1 The prerogative power of God is above all Law 2 Why God cursed the fallen Angel in the womb of Eve 3 The Angels nature after his offence was not satisfied without being ruler SOme men may say unto me if it should be granted that that Serpent by whom Eve was beguiled was none of the trees of this Creation nor an evil spirit in the body of a natural Serpent as hath been long imagined by the learned Ministers of men but was an absolute Serpent Devil as is abundantly declared by you and that it entred into Eve and in her womb was pronounced cursed by the Creator and so naturally brought forth himself a cursed Cain of her seed what was this unto Eve or why should she suffer any kinde of punishment for being overcome by an enemy that was too mighty for her 2 From the light of life eternal to this I answer Concerning the enemy being too potent for her that was hid from her eyes by the unsearchable wisdom of the Creator 3 For you that are spiritual may know that the soul of Eve was not onely purely created in its kinde like unto Angels or other creatures but it was also of the very same nature of his most glorious spirit that formed it so that she could not be ignorant in the least that all obedience was most due unto her Creators command 4 Moreover you may know also that the Creator by the vertue of his Royal will for manifesting of his glorious power might give his creature a spiritual law of light and life in it self and yet reserve to himself the prerogative power of it 5 Furthermore you know the glorious Creator might present unto the view of his image a Serpent Devil for the trial of his workmanship and might upon pain of death forbid his creature of having to do with that tree or of hearkening unto it in the least 6 Also you know the Creator might leave his divine image unto its own present strength through which it might by a subtile enemy be tempted and overcome to commit evil with it against its Creators law and yet its sin be upon his own head 7 Why not onely because it rebelled against its own divine light but principally because there was no law to binde an infinite Majesty to protect it in its created purity 8 My beloved moderate brethren if men could forbear reasoning against the Creators prerogative power wonderful wisdom or ways which are past finding out then would they enjoy true and lasting peace in their own souls through deliverance from that conscience condemning evil of rash judging things they know not but this grace of patience is prepared onely for the blessed Israelites and not for scoffing
Lord Jesus Christ to this I answer All the angels were equally created under one Law the which moral Law was written in their angelical natures motioning in them that all obedience was properly due unto their Creator which had made them such marvellous creatures 19 Again you that are spiritual may know that no created being was capable to be formed in a lawless condition 20 Why because there is nothing uncapable of being made under a law from another but that divine being onely which was eternally in or from it self You may also know that those very words of creation or creatures includes a Creator and a command of all obedience due unto him 21 Also you know that no creature could acknowledge any kinde of obedience to be due unto a God unless he were guided thereunto by 〈◊〉 light or law from him that formed him 22 My spiritual brethren from the divine voyce of God himself I affirm that the uncreated Godhead it self is unto the created beings of angels or men either a law of perfect faith and pure burning love in them towards God and man unto life eternal 23 Or else a fiery Law of unbeleeving burning envy them against God elect men and angels unto death eternal 24 Not that any sin or evil could possibly proceed from the holy spirit of the Creator into the nature of the cr●atures either in his creating of them or after they were formed by him 25 You know that was impossible because his divine nature in it self is nothing else but all variety of ravishing purities to himself or elect men or angels 26 Moreover you spiritual ones may know that though the spirits of angels were created perfectly pure in their kinde and measure yet if they were not continually ●●pplied with inspirations from that divine glory which gave them their beings in stead of continuing in their angelical brightness their spirits would become nothing else but a bottomless pit of imaginary confused darkness of aspiring wisdom above the Creator 27 For the elect angels spirits being onely pure reason the very nature of them is to desire after the knowledge of that incomprehensible glory which gave them their beings and it is the variety of his divine excellencies flowing into their desiring natures which is that heavenly food that is prepared for their eternal preservation 28 My beloved brethren if you look into the first Epistle of St. Peter you may see that the elect angels are of a desiring or prying nature into the secret mysteries of our God when he manifested himself on this earth in a body of flesh the words are these Searching when or what time the spirit which testified before of Ch●ist which was in them should declare the sufferings that should come unto Christ and the glory that should follow the which things the angels desire to behold 29 Furthermore I am perswaded in my spirit the the forming of angels was not very long before the creating of Adam and Eve 30 Because you know that the elect angels were not onely made for the personal society of the Creator in his heavenly throne or kingdom of Glory but they were appointed also for ministring spirits unto the heires of salvation in this world according to that in the first of the Hebrews 31 Moreover you that are spiritual may undoubtedly know that it was utterly unpossible for man or angels to be void of all Law in their creation 32 Because the Creator himself became subject to his own law when his divine Godhead was transumted into pure man-hood 33 T is truth that the uncreated eternal God was above all Law and so uncapable of any ki●● of Law before he descended from his infinite glory into the womb of a woman 34 But that he might be capable of the condition of a servant for the manifestation of this his infinite wisdom power and glory in a body of flesh unto elect men and angels therefore he transmuted his unchangeable Godhead into the likeness of sinful mortals for a season that he might become the heavenly pattern of perfect obedience to his own Law in the visible sight of elect men and angels 35 And that from thence by vertue of his sufferings at the hands of cursed Canaanites he might also become a purchaser from himself of a twofold infinite ravishing glory to himself and elect men and angels the which his spiritual body was uncapable of untill it became suffering flesh blood and bone 36 Therefore whosoever saith that any other body ascended into glory but that very same body of flesh and bone that suffered death upon the Cross he is an Antichrist in utter spiritual darkness let him be the perfectest literalist or naturalist in the whole world 37 Moreover you that are truly spiritual do know that it was utterly impossible that heaven and earth with all the wonderful works in them should be from eternity as godless Atheists would vainly imagine becaus● they cannot attain to know what the holy One of Israel is by their own natural reason 38 For alas if no mortal man can give a being to one hair of his head though he be Lord of all other creatures under the Sun how should he possibly be from eternity 39 I hope these overwise men will not say that men were brought forth by Earth Air Water Fi●e Sun Moon Stars or any such like weak means as those are because the spirit of man far exceeds all such creatures 40 You may know that though those creatures have life in them according to their kind yet man being a sensible living soul to it self and being capable in some measure to comprehend the nature of those creatures aforesaid must of necessity be a more eminent living being then they all 41 For alas you know though the Sun Fire Water Wind or Air are powerful in their natures oft times destroying mankind yet when they have done it they are no way capable in themselves of any sensible joy or sorrow for what was done by them no more then the stones in the street 42 Therefore seeing all these creatu●●s were formed for mans use and are in measure known by man and yet are all uncapable of any sensible knowledge of themselves or of man either and seeing no man by his natural reason can perceive how any spirit bring forth its own body unto matu●ity neither how it by degrees passeth away into its dust or non-being again nor no creatures worth naming were ever seen by men to have a beginning in any other way but that of generation onely 43 How can any ration I wise man possibly imagine or think that man or any other living formes ●hould ever appear to be without a glorious Creator to give them their be●ngs at the first 44 Furthermore my spiritual Brethren can any of you be so weak after a sober consideration to imagine or think that a formless God gave being to all these marvellous living forms 45 How is it possible for that which hath
mean that they are so fixed as to be uncapable of motion but of the contrary from the Lord I affirm that the Firmament it self is not capable of motion but by the word of the Lord that formed it it is made unmoveable until the day of its dissolution and those bodies of Sun Moon and Stars motions in that firmamental heaven in their seasons to fulfil that word of Government in them 30 For you that are spiritual may know that the firmament of heaven and those Rulers of Sun Moon and Stars set in them as to govern both the day and the night may be compared to a Prince with his Nobles Throne and other inferior Rulers 31 For you know that his kingdom whereon they have their living being is unmoveable but the Governours do the work unto which they are appointed 32 My brethren you may understand also that the firmamental body above us or below us if you think it so for its appointed season is as firmly fixed as the earth we tread on and as things in power are motional on this earth so likewise those created lights are onely motional in that heavenly body aforesaid 33 Again it is said That God set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth 34 My brethren hearken no more unto vain Astronomers or Star-gazers concerning the bulk of the Sun Moon and Stars for I positively affirm from that God that made them that the compass of their bodies are not much bigger then they appear to our natural sight 35 O empty vain liars how long have you been suffered to deceive the people with your monstrous imaginary bodies of Sun Moon and Stars which are not and of your great knowledge concerning them your things are too big to be good or true and the time of your serpentine Sophistry is almost finished 36 Again I declare from the holy Spirit that the bodies of the Sun Moon and Stars are all distinct beings from each other and possess their own created light alone neither borrowing nor lending their light to one another what ever hath been imagined to the contrary concerning New Moons or Eclipses 37 Again you know the Scriptures do not say that the Sun and Moon are two great bodies but two great lights onely Neither doth the Scripture say that the bodies of the Global Earth and Heavenly Firmament are covered with the vastness of the Sun Moon or Stars or that they inclose any other bodies within their own bodies or that any other bodies are fixed in them 38 But on the contrary the Scripture saith That the Sun and Moon were set in the firmament of Heaven to shine upon the earth wherefore it is as clear as the light that that which is fixed is of a less bulk than that wherein it is inclosed 39 Yet you know that the greater bulk may receive its principal light from that lesser body within its circumference as a rich diamond in a Ring or a Candle or Torch in the night in a wide room or the like 40 My spiritual brethren you may understand that the glory of the most high God consists not in bulk of things but in the exceeding brightness of them 41 Nay moreover you cannot but know that the infinite wisdom of the Divine Majesty doth the more abundantly appear in an extraordinary light shining from a very little body 42 My brethren it is not the bulk of the Sun or Moon which causeth so great a light but as aforesaid it is the transcendent brightness of their created purities which displayeth those beams of light through the visible heaven and earth 43 What ever hath or shall be said to the contrary from the Lord I positively affirm that the bodies of the Sun Moon and Stars are all fixed beings onely in one firmament 44 Moreover from the Lord of glory I declare that this visible Heaven is all the Firmaments that ever was formed by the Creator 45 Furthermore though the bodies of the Sun and Moon were both formed out of that element of water yet they were made as contrary in their natures as fire and water 46 Because you know their government were over contrary beings the one to rule the day and the other to rule the night so that as the Sun is a fiery glorious light for consolation unto the natural things of the day so likewise the Moon is a qualifying cold watry light answerable to the watry things of the night 47 Wherefore though the body of the Sun is of a more eminent brightness than that of the Moon yet they being of contrary natures it is against all sober reason that the one should receive any light from the other in the least 48 Again you know that when the bodies of the Sun and Moon seem close together in stead of any agreement between them there is such a fiery contest as if they would absolutely destroy each other And what think you is the just occasion of it is it not the difference of their natures 49 Can fire and water or light and darkness agree if they be united together is there any rest unto either of them until one of them is dissolved 50 My beloved friends in the pure truth what ever men have long declared concerning the Eclipse of the Sun through the near appearance of the Moon you may understand that the true occasion of the Sun eclipsed whether in part or whole is according to their appearing at a further or nearer distance unto each other 51 For as beforesaid the nature of the one being fiery hot and dry and the nature of the other being watry cold and moist if the most high God had not decreed the time of their contest when they are nearly conjoyned there would be no communion between them until one of them were utterly dissolved 52 Again is it not as clear as the light it self unto us that the true occasion of all variance between created beings whether sensible or insensible ariseth onely from a difference of natures or spirits in them 53 Moreover when any kind of natures are sutable to each other is there not a sweet harmony between them 54 Wherefore if the Moon received her light from the Sun as natural wise men have long imagined is it not against all sense or reason that there should be no union between them but at a distance 55 Doth it not rather agree with all true sense that if the one received her light from the other that the more nearer they are in bodily appearance the more greater harmony would ensue and occasion the lesser light rather to shine more clearly than darken each others brightness 56 I think that William Lilly and his learned brethren in Astrologian figures dare not say that either the Sun or the Moon were ever at variance with their own selves or that the Eclipses of the Sun or Moon proceedeth from any harmony between that which occasioneth the Eclipse and the thing so eclipsed 57 Well then
God or a Christ living in mens consciences only and cannot endure to hear of a distinct personal God upon the throne of his glory in the Heavens above the Stars 32 What ever God-like shape they appear in as yet they are but freewill redemptionists or refined naturalists at the best and all their speakings though mixed with many words of truth tend to nothing else but meritorious popery from themselves and tyrannical Prelacy over one another CHAP. XVIII 1 A discourse that the divine being is clothed with flesh and bone 2 How God knows all things in the world 3 Of the manner of Gods taking upon him humane nature 4 What the form of God was before he became flesh 5 No spirit can enjoy happiness or misery without a body IS not Heaven Earth Angels and Men as they are created beings sub●ect to change or to be changed 2 Doth not all men that acknowledge a Creator conclude that his spirit is infinite unchangeable immortall and eternal as beforesaid 3 Wherefore if this infinite or boundless Spirit of the Eternal Majesty were dwelling within the spirits of men or Angels could it possibly be avoided but every thing then would become infinite unchangeable immortal and eternal in it self as he is 4 Doth not the Scriptures call the glorious Spirit of the everliving God by titles a consuming fire and everlasting burnings 5 O all ye lucepherian despisers of a glorious God in the person of a man wonder and perish at a miracle of all miracles that shall be declared unto the general view of men in this place 6 Wherefore behold ye elect and precious Jewels of divine glory though the eternal spirit of your Creator and Redeemer be of so fiery glorious a nature that neither Fire Air Earth Water Sun Moon Stars Heavens Earth Angels Men nor any thing else is capable of the indwelling of it one moment without being consumed to Ashes Dust Sand or Powder yet this infinite bright burning spirit is contained within a single person of flesh and bone glorified 7 Yea and is so united unto it that all its divine pleasures naturally floweth from its essential owness to all ete●nity 8 Insomuch that from that unerring spirit I positively declare against men or Angels that this fiery glorious spirit cannot possibly possess any sensible living being out of that blessed body of flesh and bone in glory no more then the mortal soul of a man can live without its natural body of flesh blood and bone in shame 9 Though the heavenly body of the eternal Majesty be very flesh and bone it self yet I would gladly have you that are spiritual to understand that through the indwelling of its Godhead spirit it is so fiery glorious that neither men nor Angels can behold his fa●● and live unless their spirits be strengthned by vertue of its inshining excellency 10 Though the glorious body of the everliving God be very flesh and bone yet you may understand that its clearer then Cristal brighter then the Sun swifter then thought yea and infinitely more softer then Doun and sweeter then Roses 11 You may also know that the visible sight of so glorious a face is that which will eternally ravish the spirits of men and Angels 12 You may also understand that though the body of Christ glorified be very flesh and bone of a burning bright swift soft sweet nature beyond all expression of men or Angels yet it is of an immortal fiery glorious softness or sweetness and not of a mortal fiery nature mixt together as the most softest or sweetest of pleasures in this world are 13 Though the infinite Spirit of the unchangeable God is clothed with his eternal Son beforesaid which was too pure to be subjected by sin wrath death hell or the grave yet you that are truly enlightned from on high may know that by vertue of his wisdom or transcendent glory he perfectly seeth through Heavens Earth Angels and Men at once and knoweth all motions thoughts desires words or actions in all things whatsoever without charging his spiritual memory in the least 14 Therefore it is written that the eyes of the Lord pass to and fro through the earth beholding the just and the unjust and the Lord knoweth that the heart of man is vain and his imaginations are evil and onely evil and continually evil and all evil things that are done now in secret with delight shall be revealed upon the house top or head of mens understandings soon enough and with sorrow pain and shame enough what ever is thought or said to the contrary 15 If the Spirit of the divine Majesty be so infinitely glorious that no created being is capable of the indwelling of its divine Godhead some men may say unto me had not that man Christ called the Son of God his being on the womans part from the loins of Mary his mother as well as other children If this be truth which the Scriptures clearly demonstrated how then could that childe Jesus be capable of the indwelling of an infinite spirit any more then any other childe whatsoever 16 Unto this curious query from the unerring spirit I answer though that childe Christ Jesus had beginning of the seed of his Virgin Mother as all children have yet he was that Holy One of Israel which from eternity was a spiritual body in form like a man therefore when he entred into the Virgins Womb he laid down his infinite spiritual glory by vertue of his Godhead power that he might be capable to transmute create or conceive himself of the Virgins seed into a condition of pure flesh blood and bone in a new and wonderful way for an everlasting astonishment unto elect men and Angels 17 Wherefore the Virgin Mary his Mother was forewarned by the Angel of his glorious and gracious purpose that her soul might be prepared for that marvelous incoming of her onely God and Savior to become the Redeemer of his elect people from the power of sin and fear of eternal death 18 It is written great is the mystery of godliness which is God was manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of Angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up to glory Again it is written who being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God but he made himself of no reputation and took on him the form of a servant 19 Is there any more then one God and was not Christ the form of this invisible God before he became the person of a man and did not that spiritual form of Christ Jesus enter into the Virgins Womb and became a pure natural form 20 Moreover was not Christ and his Father onely one uncreated heavenly person from all eternity 21 Though I undoubtably affirm that Christ Jesus eternally was the divine form of the invisible God yet I would not have any man imagine or think that I go about to prove the Creator to be a body
the God of Heaven and Earth without a voice of distinct words to the hearing of the ear from the everliving God 11 Or can he possess any true joy or peace of conscience in his prophetical declarations without such an immediate commission from the true God as beforesaid 12 Again though Spirit Blood and Water by the wisdom of God sweetly agree within the body of a healthful man yet you know that they are of contrary natures to one another 13 For the soul or spirit of man is an absolute mortal fire within the blood and the water which by vertue of its fiery nature qualifieth the blood and the water according to their capacities 14 Through which they are so sweetly composed that unanimously they give natural life and strength through the whole man in so much that the one cannot live without the other though they are of contrary natures 15 Thus through the secret decree of the divine Majesty there is a marvelous trinitary mystery within the natural body of man 16 But very few men understand it for want of the prophetical spirit of David in them who cryed out with exceeding admiration of the Creators wisdom saying I am fearfully and wonderfully made 17 So likewise you may know it is with these three commissionated witnesses of the divine Majesty in earth 18 For though all three proceeded from one and the same spirit of truth and all bear Record unto onely one distinct personal God-man glorified yet in the maner of their declarations concerning the worshipping of the Holy One of Israel they differ and are as contrary as fire blood and water which are without the body of men 19 But in the spirituality of their administrations concerning invisible worshipping of the Lord Jesus Christ they harmoniously agree as one soul like unto spirit blood and water within mans body as aforesaid 20 If any man should ask why the Holy One of Israel hath put such a vast difference between the administrations of his three witnesses in earth To this from the Holy Spirit I answer by way of Quere Is it not to blinde the eyes of the wise and prudent men of this world that from their strength of reason in Scripture records they may war against the pure light of life within the witnesses of the God of all saving truth 21 That they may remain in their rational darkness of unbelief wherein they were born and so everlastingly perish for want of that ●ew and true birth of the fiery glorious Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ 22 Is it not also that God alone may receive all the honor power praise and glory from his redeemed ones in the revealing his true witnesses or Prophets unto them by his eternal spirit through which they attain to the right understanding of the very true God and the glorious things of eternity declared by his own chosen messengers 23 And so are made to receive those divine truths in the purity of them by loving of them above the gain or glory of this conceited peri●hing world 24 Moreover do they not thereby enjoy an invisible seal of an assurance of the eternal immortality of their persons at the visible appearing of the divine Majesty of the Son of man 25 That most infinite glorious God with all his mighty Angels Moses and Elias at that dreadful day when all time shall vanish immediately and eternity onely seize upon all mankinde in their several persons 26 Again if water blood and fire without the body of man be mixt together being of contrary conditions or natures you know they cease not contending until they have conquered one another 27 Also you know blood is too strong for water and fire too powerful for blood so likewise you may know it is with the three commissionated witnesses of God in earth Moses the Apostles and two last Witnesses 28 Though they unanimously agree in bearing record unto onely one distinct personal God of all saving truth as spirit water and blood sweetly accord within the healthful body of a mortal man as aforesaid 29 Yet you may know that in their visible worship they are at warfare with each other until they have obtained victory one over another 30 That the present immediate spiritual wisdom of the divine Majesty might bear rule in the consciences of the chosen Jewels of immortal crowns and not that which is past 31 Wherefore when that Gospel administration of blood appeared you know that the Apostolical Commissioners thereof did with all their power preach against all Mosaicall observations of Jewish circumcision new Moons or abstinence from meat drinks or any kinde of Sabbattical Ceremonies whatsoever to be vain and of none effect and contrary to the Spirit of Christ 32 Thus you that are enlightned from on high may see that that spiritual wine of the everlasting Gospel in the chosen of God transmuted all watery Ceremonies into its own spiritual substance even as water being mingled with blood is converted into its own nature 33 Moreover since the appearing of the two last Witnesses of the eternal spirit you may know that all Apostolical ordinances imitated by men called Ministers of the Gospel are counterfeit Apostles which take upon them to Preach Pray Baptize with water break bread lay on hands or any such like without a commission from on high 34 Whether for silver or honor or a name amongst men under pretence of conscience unto a God which they truly understand not nor desire to know 35 From the true God I say again you that are spiritual may know that these idol Shepherds and their imaginary formalities are now become vain and contrary to the heavenly breathings or incomes of the glorious Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ God-man glorified 36 Thus in what soul soever this divine worship of the true God powerfully appeareth it immediately transmutes all Apostolical formalities into invisible spiritualities of glorious joys 37 By vertue of an heavenly intercourse between the divine spirit and the poor soul that is acquainted with his heavenly voice or still motions 38 Again if divers men appear as Witnesses or Prophets immediately sent forth by a powerful commission from the everliving God are there not certain divine seals to distinguish between those Embasladors which are infallible and them that are but fallible 39 My elect brethren is it not the property of a commissionated Witness of Christ Jesus at the first appearance of God unto him to desire the Most High that he would passe him by and make choice of any other to be his Embassador unto his people 40 Furthermore in the maner of his spiritual declarations unto the most wisest natural men doth he not appear not onely seemingly quite contrary unto the Lords former witnesses but also as the most blasphemous simple base fellows that ever appeared in the name of the Lord 41 But of the contrary for the most part in men that are deceived is there not a strong desire in their fleshly spirits
raign-mongers confess that Christ was God and man in one person and that that most blessed body of his is now glorified in the highest heavens 20 Do you not also pretend to believe that the divine person of this God-man glorified is infinite immortal unchangeable and eternal 21 Moreover if there be any such divine light or heavenly faith in your persons I would fain know whether you think it possibly that this mortal world or men can bear the presence of a divine Majesty whose body is become a consuming fire of immortal everlasting burnings without its being immediately consumed to ashes or transmuted into his own glorious likeness 22 O that all the elect did but know how suddenly this personal God will appear in his glory to consume this whole world 23 Again if you look in the 11. Chapter of the Hebrews you may finde it thus written All these died in faith and received not the promises but saw them afar off and believed them and received them thankfully and confessed that they were strangers and pelgrims on the earth for they that saw such things declare plainly that they seek a country and if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out they had leisure to have returned but now they desire a better that is an heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed of them to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city here you may see that Abraham himself was so far from expecting a personal raign of Christ on this earth though he believed that his seed should enjoy the promises of God both temporal and spiritual in their appointed seasons 24 Therefore he onely minded a personal ascending into the heavenly City of eternal glory prepared for him and his elect seed at the resurrection of the just 25 So that Abraham looked upon the promises of God that they were to enjoy in this world onely as types or shadows of that heavenly City or Kingdom with its ravishing excellencies as aforesaid 26 Moreover if that glorious God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob had intended a personal raign on this earth a thousand years with his Saints after his glorification in the highest heavens can any sober man be so weak as to think he would have hid it from Abraham whom he was pleased to call the father of the faithful and friend of God You know what is written shall I hide this thing from Abraham 27 Furthermore if the Lord in life or death had revealed any such thing unto Abraham the thing being of so great concernment can you possibly think that he would have hid it from his generation to come you may be sure if there had been any such thing to be accomplished he would have declared it to after ages 28 Seeing neither Abraham nor any of the Patriarks or Prophets knew of Christs personal raign on this earth with his Saints but spake as to the contrary altogether what sufficient ground hath any man in this world to expect such a thing 29 But how can it be otherwise when men takes upon them to interpret the mysteries of the Scriptures without an immediate Commission from the eternal spirit 30 Again the Scripture saith That the day of Christs appearing shall be like unto that of Noah and Lot now you know in the day that Noah entred into the Ark the flood came and by degrees destroyed them all 31 Also in that day Lot departed out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all 32 If the whole world was drowned with water immediately after Noah entred into the Ark and Sodom and Gomorrah was consumed by fire suddenly after Lot departed out of the City and the day of Christs coming shall be in like maner without controversie in stead of his personal raign on this earth with his Saints at his next appearing immediately after all his blessed Noahs and Lots are ascended into the Ark of his immortal glory this firmamental created heaven and the lights thereof shall be all on fire 33 And shall descend upon the face of the whole earth and burn all the fruits and glory thereof unto ashes but it shall not be so favorable as to consume the bloody minded men therein 34 If the Lord of Glory had purposed to come personally to raign a thousand years amongst his Saints before the general day of judgement is any man so weak as to think he would have hid it from his chosen Apostles whom he had promised to set upon twelve thrones to judge the twelve Tribes of Israel when he appeared again in his glory 35 Is there any one place in Holy Writ that expresly speaketh of Christs personal raign in this world 36 If there be no express record for any such thing as I am sure there is not doth not those men that hold forth such an opinion as this imitate little children or fools that re●oyce in Rattles or Counters in stead of gold or precious stones 37 Thou that art confident of Christs personal raign on this earth suppose such a thing should come to pass in thy days and thou shouldst be one of those Saints what condition dost thou think thy body shall be in 38 Dost thou think it shall live upon carnal things or shall it be immortalized and live upon spiritual things onely 39 Or if thou thinkest thy soul shall be in a divine condition and thy body shall feed upon natural things as now it doth and shall be in perfect health and free from diseases 40 I say if thou hast imagined such an estate as this is I would fain know of thee what condition thou thinkest that Christ will appear in 41 Dost thou think that he will descend from the throne of his Glory upon this earth amongst the sons of men again to eat and drink of carnal things with them as formerly 42 Or dost thou think that he will appear amongst them in a glorious condition to make them more happy in things that perish then now they are 43 If Christ should personally raign with his Saints what union or communion could they enjoy with him more then now they do unless he was in a capacity of eating and drinking with them or else they were delivered from feeding upon natural things themselves through their transmutation into his own glorious likeness 44 It is written in the 26. Chapter by St. Matth. I say unto you that I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I shall drink it new with you in my Fathers kingdom 45 Here you that are spiritual may see that Christ was so far from encouraging his Apostles to expect his coming to taste of the fruit of the natural vine in a personal raign with his Saints that he layeth it down as a positive rule that he would drink no more of the natural vine in this earth until he drank it in a new and spiritual way with them in his Fathers
and salvation without them and despised the invisible breathings of his Holy Spirit in his innocent people as delusion blasphemy and such like shall be full of unspeakable burning pain and shame through their inability of bearing the fiery brightness of the Son of Man that most high and mighty God with his elect men and Angels as abundantly beforesaid 23 Moreover you know it is said As it was in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot so it shall be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed 24 Furthermore you know the Scripture saith They were eating and drinking and marrying of wives and planting and building unto the day that Noah entred into the Ark but in the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone and destroyed them all 25 Again you know the whole old world and Sodomites a little before their final dissolution were not onely possessed with all variety of natural comforts but they were also given up to all maner of unnatural filthiness and so continued to the day of their total destruction 26 Moreover you know it is recorded of the men of Sodom that they were haters of God and turned the truth of God unto a lie and worshipped and served the creature forsaking the Creator which is blessed for evermore Amen 27 Furthermore While the meat of the unsatiable Jews were in their mouths you know there was a plague brake out among them These final dissolutions you know were not onely invisible but visible also 28 Moreover if the personal appearing of Christ in his Glory shall be like unto that of Noah and Lot and the final dissolution of the old world and that of Sodom and Gomorrah when it was in the midst of the height of all their fleshly filthiness and exceeding fulness of bread which included all good things and in their more then ordinary planting building putting the evil day far from them is it not thus in these out days also was there ever more glorying in all maner of Sodomitical unnatural filthiness then now there is 29 Did men ever deifie carnal creatures as now they do Moreover was there ever such a babling about a God or Christ in mens consciences onely as now there is notwithstanding many of those cursed Serpents villifie the very name of a personal God in a Throne of Glory above the Stars more then the greatest theeving whoring murderer in the land 31 Furthermore was there ever such talk of pure love without envy upon a spiritual account as in these our days and in stead of mercy towards one another since the world began under pretence of conscience and an art of lamb-like words do not men like roaring Lyons lie lurking in every quarter seeking whom they may devour 32 Again notwithstanding such varieties of breaking forth in declaring the sudden appearing of the Lord of Hosts to recompence vengeance upon all sorts of bloody-minded covetous men whatsoever can any man living ever remember such purchasing such build●ng such planting and plenty of all natural comforts as now there is 33 Moreover was there in any mans memory such changes in Government and marvelous transactions in them as in these our days 34 Furthermore was there ever such variety of witchcraft voices visions signs and wonders acted as in these our days from a pretended spiritual God Christ or power within men onely 35 Besides all this hath not the God of Glory by poor and contemptable means discovered the Serpentine subtilties of the honorable artificial Priests and Astrologian Sorcerers in this age and land more then ever he did since the Apostles times and hath there not been many signs in the heavens and in the earth and in the creatures in a marvelous maner since our civil dissentions with many bloody massacres at home and abroad and doth these things presage nothing or did they come to pass by chance or fortune onely 36 O ye Hypocritical minded sign-mongers and cursed despisers of the Son of God who is the Lord your maker remember what effect those wonderful signs in Egypt took upon Pharaoh his Counsellors and people and what effect Eliah the Prophets signs took upon Ahab Jezebel and her four hundred Idolatrous Priests besides your forefathers that murdered the Lord of Glory his Prophets Apostles and innocent people for the truths sake onely though they had the gift of tongues and miracles by calling all their miracles languages or spiritual truths delusions to deceive the people against the very light of their own consciences through a secret fear of losing their gain and glory among men that perish CHAP. XLVII 1 Further signs of the approaching day of Christs coming to judgement 2 The Prophet writes by inspiration 3 And giveth the interpretation of several Scriptures tending thereunto AS the old world and Sodom were blinded by abundance of prosperity and plenty of all things to the very day of their final overthrow so likewise what ever men shall declare to the contrary it shall be with this bloody-minded world until the Son of Man come in his glory If you ask me the reason the main ground of it is this because the God of Glory that cannot possibly lie hath said that they day of his appearing shall be like unto that of Noah and Lot 2 Moreover another reason of it is this not onely to prevent mans wisdom to be prepared for the day of his glorious and dreadful appearing but also to catch those men with their own craft that counted them children or fools that expected any such thing 3 Furthermore another reason is this for the deeper condemnation of all those men that heard the declarations of this personal appearing in his glory but laught it to scorn or put the evil day far from them because of the present fleshly gain and glory they lived in 4 Again you know it is written That in the day Lot departed out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone and destroyed them all behold what a dreadful and sudden desolation fire maketh in a mortal world even within a dayes compass 5 So likewise it shall be when the Son of man appears in his glory for within the compass of a day or twelve hours after mans account the heavens without the body of man shall be melted with fervent heat and in stead of the former and latter showers of water to nourish the earth and rejoyce mans heart as a flood of fire and brimstone it shall pour it self upon the whole world and burn all the beauty vertue or glory thereof to dust or powder as beforesaid 6 I write not against the truths of the Scriptures but by inspiration from the Holy Spirit I bear record to the mind of God in them in opposition of all pretended spiritual lights under heaven 7 Wherefore as an eternal witness against all sorts of men that wrest the Scriptures to their own hurt give me leave to recite that threefold testimony of Peter as a seal to this