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A50764 The method of chemical philosophie and physick. Being a brief introduction to the one, and a true discovery of the other. namely, of diseases, their qualities, causes, symptoms, and certain cures. The like never before extant in English. Philagathoƫ. aut 1664 (1664) Wing M1943; ESTC R214177 176,186 276

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Mercury is called the Renewer and Restorer of mans body So also the Antimony of all the Waters is the best Cordial in which so great power and vertue of Balm is occultly contained so that it is able to cure all desperate and deplored Diseases as well sharp Diseases as Chronical What shall I say of Vitriol which alone is able to cure the fourth part of all Diseases and to root out altogether all Tartareous Diseases I let passe Sulphur indued with infinite properties and Sal-niter which helpeth and cureth the greatest Diseases beyond our expectation so also I let passe Sol and Luna Margarits and Corals and other Individuals of this kind The Minerals demonstrate their Vital qualities with such a vertue of their actions and they demonstrate the differences of the Vital qualities that is of the first qualities from which all actions proceed from them Paracelsus fetches seeds which are Vigent and bear sway in the Treasures of the Elements for to administer the Worlds province and that they might come forth into aspect they do unite with the Spirits but yet with such Spirits as of which bodies may be constituted and compounded And this Wedlock or Union is the connexion of the seeds and principles Afterward when as they have found forth fit Matrices and Receptacles for every Element bringeth forth the Fruits not in his own proper place but in a strange or unusual place they admit rather the company of visible bodies than of compound and mixt bodies Then the Elements constitute not the common bodies but the bodies proper unto the Minerals In like manner the principles of bodies that is Mineral Sulphur Mineral Salt and Mineral Mercury do constitute Mineral Fire and Mineral Air Earth and Water and this is the union or connexion of the Elements and Principles These being absolved and perfected they produce all Congelations Colours Signatures which are Vegetive in the seeds stars or Vital principles thereof and they demonstrate Metals or Minerals very nigh unto Metals In our Astral Philosophy it it said that there is a corporeal Second part cap. 2. life in all things which lie hidden in the Centre of the Elements which life is subject to the wills of workmen by wonderful Providence and Wisdom of God For the mechanical Spirits or Soul hath made a firm and constant union or connexion with the body but yet not with the external Crasse and last bodies which are altogether unvalid and unfirm but with the internal aed s●iritu●l bodies which are destinated unto properties Furthermore those which have their Roots fixt in the Centre of the Elements live obscurely be cause they are not distracted with the offices and varieties of actions neither serve they for sense and motion But those which live obscurely have a common Hermophrodites seed agreeing with many Spirits that is the Nature of all things living obscurely and lying hidden in the Centre of the Elements is so framed that they participate something of all kinds of their kind and for the Harmony Society and Constellation of their Nature they most easily conspire These things are illustrated and made more plain by examples Alexander a Suchlen in a certain Quer●itanui against Anon p. ●4 Treatise of Antimony writes that he found in one Root of Antimony not only three united principles the Roots of Minerals but also Gold Silver Mars Jupiter Saturn except Venus So from Venus and Mars Vitriol is drawn by art from Metal Mineral is drawn and contraiwise This is that which Severinus Davus pag. 124 saith by the great power of Nature we have wondred and admired in the seed of the Minerals not only the unexpressed variety of the Sex but also the united principles of the Individuals and Spirits in one and the same seed These are the mysteries and secrets and wonderful things of God placed in the Majesty of Nature Let these suffice concerning the Generation of the Element of Water Now we proceed to the Generation of the Element of Earth and we will intreat of Vegetables All Vegetables are those which have Roots fixt and fastened into the Earth and are sustained by a Vegetive Soul Furthermore Plato called the Plants Animated or Vegetables There are especial differences of Generations in regard of the Elements and of the seeds The seeds and stars are ever the same in Nature Virtue and Essence but the Elements differ much amongst themselves in subtileness and moveableness as the Element of Water is more subtile and moveable than the Earth so the fruits and things generated from it are more subtile moveable valid or firm and more excellent than the fruits or things begot from the Earth From hence it is that the seeds of Vegetables have a clammy soft crass body in respect of the Minerals and Animals whose seeds are more spiritual and subtile bodies Concerning the manner of Generation of Vegetables those which proceed of their own accord without mans industry have almost the same manner of their Generation with the Minerals for the seeds of Vegetables rise forth of the Matrix of the Earth and at first unite with the Spirits and so constitute their principles Vegetable Salt Vegetable Sulphur begot Vegetable Mercury Vegetable Water and Vegetable Fire Earth and Air. But this is to be observed which is most worthy to be noted that the fruits or effects of every Element retain and reserve the properties nature and conditions of the Matrix in which they lie hidden from the beginning and they never depose them So Paracelsus in his third book 2 Chap. of degrees brought this difference he made the fruits or the effects of the Earth to be of the first degree the fruits of the Air to be of the second the fruits of the Water to be of the third to the fruits of the Fire he ascribeth the fourth degree where he adjoyneth these words he laboureth in vain whosoever he be which would get the quintessence out of Earthly things which is like to that which is got forth of Air. In like manner that quintessence which is from the Air cannot be compared to that which is brought forth of the Water upon this Sentence so it is to be judged of the fourth Element Concerning the extracting of the quintessence forth of the herb Chelondine it is not that thou labour to attain the quintessence of Gold by the quintessence of Chelondine though there be more secret in Balmemint Chelondine and Valerian than in the rest only so far proceeds the degree that the secret may excel in many parts so that in every degree one Element exists higher than another wherefore it is to be observed in things made of Earth whether the Chelondine excel the Balmmint and whether the Balmmint excel the Valerian so likewise it is to be judged of the three other Elements The spontaney or free Generation of the Vegetables cometh nighest unto Nature and is almost like the Generation of Minerals excepting that the seed of the Minerals according to their
the University of things into two Globes the Superiour and the Inferiour The superiour contains the Fire and the Air The inferiour contains the Water and the Earth The Properties of the Elements being considered we may more easily search forth the Nature and Properties of the Spirits for the Seeds and Stars of all the Elements do somewhat imitate the Nature and Poperties of their Matrix If first we consider the Fire we shall deprehend the most forcible impressions of the Element of Heaven as also most vehement impressions of the Element of Heaven as also most vehement impressions in regard of the power of operation unless they be tempered with the confluence of more benign and less violent Elements Water temperates the Element of Fire the next unto it ●● Air and the Earth hath the lowest place CHAP. II. Of the Spirits and Stars of the Elements THe Elements are twofold Spiritual as Fire and Air and Corporal as Water and Earth Of these all natural things are compounded and are resolved into them again and from these they do not only receive life and being but also they receive nourishment from them for the conservation of life wherefore it is truly said of Hippocrates We are nourished by the same of which we are compounded though not actually yet potentially for all our aliment which we receive from the Elements is conveyed to the mechanical spirits of our bodies by which it is transmutated into the substance of our Balsam Nutriment is twofold by reason of the Elements Spiritual and Corporal The Fire and the Air do yield us spiritual nourishment The Water and the Earth yield us Corporal This nutriment whether it be spiritual or corporal contains in it three Principles and animal Balsam for the bodies of all the Elements consist of Salt Sulphur and Mercury Our first-begot spirit or in-bred heat or vital Balsam useth this spiritual aliment and it requires the resolutions and fruits of the Celestial and Aery seeds which are conjoyned by great necessity and this spirit doth not only receive alteration and refrigeration from this aliment but Substance Body and Nutriment yet such as is agreeable unto it In the Doctrine of Transplantation we have demonstrated that in all the Elements and first pure seeds of things there are permixt and implanted tinctures or roots or stars the Authors of Transplantations which induce and bring the anatomy of Diseases and Death into the Common-wealth of life whatsoever therefore receiveth and sucketh life and aliments from the Elements doth therewith receive Diseases for all aliments are seeds but yet permixt with impurities From these we collect that there are four stars or spirits of Health in the Elements so also stars or spirits of Diseases lurk and are closely contained in the Elements And these are in the Macrocosm In the Microcosin also there are four stars of Health and four of Diseases Paracelsus lib. 1. Param de origine Morb. cap. 369 ex tribus primis cap. 2. CHAP. III. Of the visible Stars of the Firmament COncerning that which the Astrologers say that the good and bad fortune of men doth depend on the fortunate or malignant aspect or position of the stars we will not stand on it neither do we reject or approve of their fictions and writings concerning Nativities or of the fore-deeming Astrology in this place Seeing we consider the nature aswell of fixt stars as of erring stars and by what means they cherish and conserve these inferiour bodies and how they bring and endeavour corruption and destruction to the resolved stars and spirits of the Diseases The stars of the Firmament which are the most perfect bodies and are represented by a visible form are contained in the other Elements in vertue and vital power for we see the Golden chain of Homer and the Society of the invisible nature with the visible and we deprehend it in the conspiration of the stars as well of Health as of Diseases In the superiour Globe we see the Fire of the Heathen Baths or Waters hot by Nature and we find the same poperties in the stars of the Heaven or Firmament and they are by so much more forcible by how much there is the greater difference of these Elements In the inferiour Globe we see Crystal and stones to be cold by Nature likewise we see some visible stars having the same property The Loadstone hath an attractive faculty the like attractive faculty is in many stars by influences These operations of the stars are not to be ascribed to the Heat or Cold of the stars but they are contained in the faculties and sciences of their principles of which they consist Concerning the offices of the visible stars they are created of God for signs and seasons that they may make day and night and that they may distinguish the times not that they confer any thing to the heat pulchritude nature and properties of Man or fruits of the Earth or Water as many Astrologers do trisle but that the Sun and the Stars should be as instruments of digestion even as our material Fire and our Vulcan for without the visible stars we cannot live seeing that the heat and cold and digestion and maturity of natural things which we use in our Meat and Drink are caused from them The more principle visible stars are seven Sol Luna Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury so likewise there are seven orders of the fixt stars of which every one is referred to a principal star so that some stars are Saturnine some Jovial some Martial some Mercurial some Solar some Venereal some Lunar which at the accomplished and decreed times do either produce many fruits of Soundness or of Diseases CHAP. IV. Of the Being of Stars A Being is a thing or substance which hath power to govern change and affect our bodies Paracelsus in param de entibus Morb. he reckoneth five kinds of these Beings 1. The Being of the Star 2. The Being of Poison 3. The B●ing of Nature 4. The Being of Spirits that is of Enchanters 5. The Being of God These five Beings are five Originals or Causes of Diseases of which Causes every one hath full and perfect power of procreating all Diseases so that according to the Beings or Causes there are five kinds of the Plague five kinds of the Dropsie five of the Jaundies five kinds of Fevers and so of every Disease there are five kinds and not one kind of every Disease as Physicians have fasly perswaded themselves hitherto seeing that every Being is able to engender all the Diseases and as in the inferiour Globe of Water and Earth we see the fruits which generate the Stone the Tartar the Sand the Gout the Pining and the Dropsie so in the superiour Globe some stars have the same Properties and corrupting tinctures and seeds of Diseases and are able to produce all Diseases which thing Hermes Trismegistus the Father of the first sacred Philosophy testifies when as he saith It is true and no
hath described the unseasonable and intemperate revolutions of the stars in many words and circumstances who in this place is to be read of us CHAP. VIII Of the Astral Impression IN the sixth Chapter we have divided all the stars into three Orders in regard of the inferiour bodies namely benign and mild mean and extreme noxious and hurtful In the seventh Chap. we have divided the sta●s considered by themselves into two Orders and we have comprehended the indifferent and mean under the benign and mild stars by reason of the general Transplantation which happeneth equally to all created things of the superiour and inferiour Globe In the precedent Chap. concerning the spiritual Transplantation of the stars we have handled and demonstrated which stars did excel others in malice and malignity whose beginnings and resolutions are first of all to be considered for all Diseases which the inferiour Globe generates may likewise be produced of the superiour In the inferiour Globe and fruits of the Elements of Water and Earth we can eschew and flie those things which are extreme hurtful and noxious as far as they are known to us But we can no way flie the Astral impression and infected Air but without discerning we attract as well the hurtful and infected air as the wholsome by inspiration and inward breathing and we use it for necessity seeing it is invisible and destitute of exteriour signatures Furthermore when the Constellation Influence or Astral impression ariseth from the course of the stars or unlucky and unfortunate placing and contrary motion thereof or from the Aspects of the Planets as also the Malevolent and malignant stars have made resolutions of the fruits in the air and have imitated the aliment of the superiour Globe in their signatures according unto the poisonful properties of the stars and when the material stars rise with the poisonful properties of Arsenick or when Arsenicks properties or Realgar of the Planets are begot by the malignant and infortunate positure or conjunction then the plague is caused But when the properties of Saturn Ellebor Colocynth Scammony and Devils Milk have dominion in the air they produce the dissolute Disease and the Dysentety for whatsoever the beams of the stars touch that they change altogether and indue the nutriment of the superiour Globe with poisonful properties which men attract by breathing And this is the engendring of the Plague Dysentery Out-raging Madness Epilepsie Gout and of all Astral Diseases for there is the same reason of the indifferent or mean stars which produce lighter Diseases as Fevers Rheums Horrours Disuria Pandiculation Sloth Drowsiness difficulties of breathing CHAP. IX Of the Anatomy of Astral Diseases THus far we have demonstrated that all Astral Diseases rise from the being of poison But perchance some will object feeing that the being of poison is attracted spiritually by inspiring wherefore is not the whole body but some part and not the heart but some other more principal Members transmutated It is answered by the common sentence of Philosophers that Nature rejoyces for Nature and Nature receives that Nature which it meets with verily in man all the properties and stars of the Heaven and Earth are contained and for this cause man is called a Microcosm though they shew the contrary but yet he is so by reason of the like effects as Libavius could not deny for there are not only bad properties in man but good as the form of Darnel lies closely in the seed of the Wheat Therefore like do congratulate with like and good properties do ever yield to the more strong when as bad are superadded as the form of Wheat yieldeth and granteth the Empire to bad properties the tinctures of the Lilly being superadded These Transplantations are frequent in the Generation and in the Curing of Diseases But certainly when the temperature of the bad properties and not of the first or second qualities of which Galen distemperature rises excelleth and receiveth more nutriment from inordinate and bad diet or from the influence of the stars the natural actions of the Members are hurt weakned hindred or altogether extinguished from whence it is a true saying As many Members as many Deaths When a Physician helpeth diseased Nature by the like Remedies fetcht from the signed art and anatomy the temperature of the bad properties is expelled and the Empire and Dominion of Nature is restored And this is the true and proper Theory of the Generation and Cure of Diseases That we may return unto our purpose and propound more clearly the anatomy of astral Diseases we will demonstrate this anatomy by an example of the Dysentery The poison of the Dysentery is of the Nature of the fiery impression and the intestines of man have the same properties Furthermore the intestines receive that p●●son and so it is conjoyned and united with the 〈◊〉 and malignant properties which lie closely in the 〈◊〉 stance of the intestines as the form of the Darnel in the Wheat which properties of the intestines being malignant and strengthned in the Period of Evacuations expel Nature untill that after the avoiding and ejection of all the Excrements and Humours the faculties be excoriated and so they expel and eject the blood little pieces of flesh yea the very substance of the intestines So likewise the Brain hath his stars which if they be rightly tempered in the Macrocosm the Brain i● also well but if they infect the air by Diseaseful resolutions the Brain admits the same malignant properties and receives them unto the Vein as unwelcome guests which is not to be understood only of the Brain but of the Heart Liver Reins Lungs Milt and Gall. This is the anatomy of the Places and the Planets which first of all are to be observed and understood of a Physician Of which Paracelsus in the 4. Chap. de duplici anatomia This I count the chief and especial thing in a Physician that he rightly understand the confluence of anatomy and by what means Places and Diseases do agree amongst themselves not that it ought to be done without the exteriour anatomy of the Macrocosm but rather that it be deduced by the same influence CHAP. X. Of the Natural Being THe Microcosm being created from the Macrocosm and according to the Macrocosm contains in him four Elements Heaven and Earth Air and Water he contains in him four Earths four Fires four Airs four Waters But he doth not alone contain the Elements which a●e the Matrices and Nurses of things but all the fruits and things begot of the Elements and not only the Elements and their fruits but all the stars of all the Elements which are fourfold as well of Health as of Diseases according to the number of the Elements namely Fiery Aiery VVatery and Earthly stars as in the second Chap. in Respectu Generationis Transplantationis If this be true which no wise man will deny then the Firmament of both the Globes For all things are in all things
for there is in Nature Earthly Fire Air and Water again there is Heavenly Earth Air and Water The natural Being is the Firmament of the Microcosm it becomes the Being of a Disease as far as there chance errours in the Firmament of the Microcosm the Planets and all the Stars as well fixt as erratical are contained in man Some things chance often in the Astronomy of the greater VVorld as Conjunctions Eclipses Oppositions which Prognosticate great Evils so also great Eclipses Conjunctions and Aspects chance in the Astronomy of the Microcosm or little VVorld and in the Transplantations of times and Prevarications of the confluences by reason that the Laws of Harmony and Conspiration are corrupted in the Firmament of the Microcosm so that there necessarily follows Barrenness want of natural Moisture Pining and many other hurts and evils CHAP. XI How much the Firmament of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm diff●rs A Man is a Microcosm and the most perfect creatu●e of all creatures he hath the East in his Mouth the VVest in his Fundament the South in his Navel the North in his Back And as there are four Cardinal winds in the greater World so there are four Cardinal winds in the less World in these parts The Bladder in the Microcosm is the VVestern Sea into which all slouds flow and in which they are consumed and in which the superfluous Salt is resolved The hollow Vein in the Back-bone is a Mediterrane Sea in the Microcosm Though it go invisibly through the whole Body yet it is grounded in the Vital or Animal Heat and Spirit namely of winds The Concordance and Division of the Elements mixtly is perspicuous in the Microcosm The Element of Fire appears in his eyes The air is in the whole body which air is the spirit of the Arteries The Element of VVater appears in the Conduits that is in the Veins of the whole body The Element of Earth is flesh with the bones which is every way compassed with watery Rivers But wherefore hath it seemed good to premit or put before the Elements and agreeable beginnings of mans Nature and those which were unknown but that the way might more easily ly open to the unknown things for in these Elements the seeds and Celestial stars Aiery Earthly and VVatery are cherished and nourished which at decreed and appointed times b●ing forth fruits either Messengers of Health or Diseases In these also all the Planets work namely the Sun Moon Mars Saturn Mercury Jupiter and likewise the Saturnine Jovial Martial Venereal Mercuria Solar and Lunar stars not bodily but spiritually The spirits absolve and perfect all the course in mans Astronomy and not bodies from these arise new Changes Exaltations Conjunctions Oppositions Eclipses and the Affections of mans Astronomy In the Macrocosm some stars beget Thunder Lightnings Hail Rain Heat Cold and Driness Those in the Microcosm generate spiritually Fevers Epilepsies Dropsies Rheums Paralysis Apoplexies so the Heart and Sun the Moon and the Brain Mercury and the Lungs Jupiter and the Liver Saturn and the Spleen Mars and the Gall are compared amongst themselves not according to their bodies but according to their spirits not according to the Elements but according to the Stars Therefore what actions soever are ab●olved and perfected in the Macrocosm by bodies those are perfected in the Firmament of the Microcosm by spirits and vital powers CHAP. XII How Errours do chance to mans Astronomy and how from the Being of Nature may be produced the Being of Diseases or Being of Poison PAracelsus in his Paragr sub titulo Astronomiae fol. 50. saith that there is one Heaven one course of Stars and one Man and that Heaven is Man and Man is Heaven all Men one Heaven and Heaven only one Man according to the Cabalistical science all men are one man all anatomies one anatomy all the diseases of all men are the diseases only of one man these are true in all parts of the World in Arabia Europe Italy and Germany for we have laid the firm and solid grounds of our art not upon the sand but upon the living stone Whosoever would have the title of a Physician and challenges the title of Physick he ought to get the accurate and exquisite knowledge of this Heaven But what is the knowledge of this Heaven but the knowledge of this Star therefore who so hath obtained the knowledge of Heaven and the Star he hath deserved the true triumph of his name that is of a Physician Heaven is internal and external the Physician considers the internal the Astronomer and the Astrologer the external The internal heaven is one in essence but divers in kind for the Spirit of God which h●th separated the Light from the Darkness and he which h●th created Heaven and Earth with his Almighty word hath made in man as well the superiour as the infe●iour Firmament yet the analogy of them both was res●rved The inferiour Heaven or Firmament is corporal which produces the fruits of the Water in the bosom of the Earth Another is the Liquor of life conserving the body from corru●tion and de●●ruction The superiour Heaven worketh in the Microcosm not by substance not by the body but by spirit vertue and vital power as it is said in the 11. Chap. Nevertheless the superiour Heaven is nourished and conserved by the infe●iour for the great Heaven or vital mechanical spirits consume this Firmament or the inferiour Heaven continually therefore there is need of restitution mixtion and composition It is most truly said of Hippocrates that conservation is continued by nutrition for they are called the greater after a Philosophical manner which excel in more forcible impressions and tinctures and they are called the less or weaker which yield in the mixtion and conspiration of the beams and grant the separations alterations and transmutations of their parts to the disposing and wills of the more potent and strong The fecundity and fruitfulness of whole Nature is Established and Confirmed by the mutual conspiration of both the Firmaments or Heavens and by their familiarity and nutrition by the reciprocal course of the impressions the knot or bond of health is conserved the Laws of these being corrupted barrenness defects and most grievous diseases do follow in mans Nature Some things were see in the VVorlds Astronomy as the rising of Stars at certain seasons defend and conserve the wholsomeness of the year for the seasonable resolutions of fruits forthwith the stars of Rain bringing more commodiously resolution are required Sometimes the stars of winds sometimes of serenity and clearness sometimes of heat sometime the stars of cold snow frost dew sometime of the VVest winds and the stars of the genital deflux are desired And in the Terrestrial Astronomy sometimes Roses sometimes Violets sometimes Daffodiles do spring and flourish somtime Pulse sometime Vines Trees and all Plants observe their Periods unless the causes of sterility and diseases preve●t So in mans Astronomy the stars of the
dizziness is the spirit of Sulphur ascending from the inferiour Heaven unto the Firmament that is unto the Head in which it is resolved it being resolved produces the Vertigo the Pulse of the heart and the Night-mare Sublimed Mercuty causes the paroxisin of the Apoplectick and the Epileptick by his fame The paroxism dures untill the Mercury be consumed which is a sperm of some Salt begot from imagination besides Nature the ectasis Paracelsus lib. 3. Parag. de morbis caducis Parag. 30. Therefore we must know that the most of the Mercurial diseases are kinds of Mercury and as many kinds as there are of Mercury so many kinds there are of a disease for the Falling-sicknes is not caused from Complexions Qualities Thurneus saith that the cause of the disease is in the bloud or Humours as the vain Galenists have taught Fernelius the most Learned amongst the Galenists in his 2. book Chap. 22. de abditarum rerum causis writes that the Falling-sickness of what kind soever it be is generated from the being of poison so also in his book de Sev. p. 315. saith that the root of the Epilepsie is Mercurial Vitriol partium morbis he acknowledgeth that besides the aboundance of humour there must needs be a poisonful offensive and grievous quality in the substance of the brain which is the cause of the Epilepsie which as often as it is agitated and contends to enter into the brain it as it were ●miting and the brain resisting and oppugning by their oppugnance and fighting the Epilepsie is caused This man amongst all the Galenists of this age came the nighest to the knowledge of the cause of the Epilepsie In another place Paracelsus writes that the matter of the Falling-sickness is stupefactive and biting Sulphur existing in the Microcosm which like unto smoke by boyling caused from the stars hurts the brain Paracel de morbis amentium tract 1. cap. 1. The original of the Falling-sickness is fivefold in regard of their places forth of which it first proceeds and arises from the brain heart liver intestines or from the four external members Fernelius makes three differences of the Epilepsie one is assigned from the Brain another is of the Ventricle the 3. is that which is caused by the consent of every other part Galen brought in a twofold Epilepsie by it self and by consent But certainly it is one and the same disease proceeding from the same Beginning Root and Seed They cause the nources and conservants and the difference of the sick they alter the signatures of the symptoms by their vehemency celerity frequencie duration and such like for the Falling-sickness of the Intestines Diaphragma Teeth Hands Feet Testicles Marrow and Throat do differ much amongst themselves I say that the Falling-sickness of the glew and bloud differ much from that of the Ventricle and Diaphragma by reason of their places and matrices in which the cause of the disease consists and where it emulates the nature properties subtilty and power of the matrix Again according unto Paracelsus de caducis Parag. 3. fol. 339. 340. The Falling-sickness is fourfold according unto the four Elements for the differences of the fourfold Falling-sickness are taken from the diversity of the pains and fits We must here recur unto the beginnings of Philosophy As in the Macrocosm the Element of Fire is most forcible so in the Microcosm the fit of the Falling-sickness from the fiery star is most vehement for it consists of more forcible and potent seeds by whoseresolution it is wont to possess the vital Elements of the whole body in a moment like a thunderbolt The paroxism of the Falling sickness from the Air is most mild and gentle so also there are four degrees of the Falling-sickness in the Microcosm as in the Philosophy of the Macrocosm we have set down four degrees of the Elements The Falling-sickness from the star of the Earth obtains the first degree The Falling-sickness from the star of the Air obtains the second degree The Falling-sickness from the star of Water obtains the third degree The Falling sickness from the star of Fire obtains the fourth degree After this manner the specifical Remedies of the Falling-sickness are divided into four degrees as we will say in our cure and his kinds The Falling-sickness and such like diseases which are infamous and notable in destruction and difference of paroxisms or symptoms have twofold particular indications for some Remedies especially respect the paroxisms some respect the roots or grounds thereof the cooling of the boiling spirits girding pricking and binding c. especially respect the paroxisms but the resolution of the Epilepsies tincture that is the consumption and abolishing of the seed of the root respects the roots themselves c. These indications admit easie mixtions and may be absolved by the same remedy Therefore we have distributed the remedies or medicaments into two orders I he one respect the paroxism the other respect the roots or grounds thereof Lastly we adjoyn medicaments which do not only respect the paroxism of the Epilepsie but also the very roots The true opiate Laudanum of Paracelsus respects the paroxism and constringes mitigates releases and binds the boiling spirits of which iij or more grains are administred with the spirits of Vitriol and essence of Camphora The essence of Manna and mans bloud respects the root it self of which there is to be administred in the full moon unto the Epileptick every moneth for it mitigates it and expels it A perpetual remedy of it is the essence of mans scull with the water of the flowr of Linden in the paroxism and before the paroxism a spoonful of Selondines water for the first dosis The extract of Elaterium The Azure stone and the Armenian stone prepared with the water of Balmmint and Bugloss The essence of black Ellebor Theophrast saith in the beginning of this disease if any have 3. 4. 5. or 6. paroxisms and no more two drops of the oil of Vitriol two drops of the oil of Pearls administred in Aqua vitae do altogether remove and expel this disease Theophrast saith that he hath approved this by deed The Philosophers stone and the Mercury of Gold or Silver removes this disease Paracel in tinctura Physicorum saith that the oil of Silver of which there must be taken ij or iiij drops with the water of Betony and Sage and Balmmint dissolves consumes and removes the root of the Falling-sickness The Smaragdus not only drunk but if it be hanged about the neck it wars and expels the Falling-sickness as an enemy Read Theophrast lib. 3. Parag so also in his book de signis Zodiaci a little after his Preface he saith that in the centre of the Scull of a A German cured his Son with such a bone of the Falling-sickness strangled man there is a bone found of a triangular figure it is not found in all Sculs but in some This bone being pulverized and
an Organical body every thing that giveth it life and causes the vital actions is to be judged to be the Soul which is the perfection of the whole Furthermore seeing that they can no other way know the essence they leaving the obscurity of essence do pass unto the proper functions of it which are more manifest and they attain knowledge from the differences of the Soul so they define the Soul to be life as from the proper functions of it and from the differences of life they make certain kinds of the Soul and so they comprehend in their mind three differences of living things namely Natural Sensitive and Intelligent because that some bodies do live by the benefit of sole Nature others have Sence others are induced with Reason and Understanding as if Sence and Reason were not aswell natural and have their foundations in the very essence of Nature which thing Hippocrates expresses manifestly by a luculent testimony in his first Book de diata And these differences of living things are not to be ascribed to their functions faculties sciences gifts and interior signatures but rather to the Essence of the Soul Here you may see the calamity of Aristotle and Galen which are fallen and do cast themselves headlong into very foul and unfortunate errours by their subtilty for they do attribute that to the faculties and functions of the Soul which are to be attributed to the very Essence But they may say that that which is natural in Plants is a Soul from which we say that Plants are animated though they be not animals and that Sensitive faculty which governs and directs brute Beasts is also a Soul which doth not only make them animated but also animals Lastly there is none which will say that the Intellective faculty of man is not a Soul These Souls are so severed and distracted that neither the Intelligent Soul of Man is a Sensitive Soul nor the Sensitive Soul of a Beast is a Natural Soul So that Man is not Beast nor Beast is a Plant otherwise there would be great confusion of the kinds and natures of things To whom I answer with Hippocrates Of what kind the sciences and gifts of the natural spirits of the Soul of the hot Fire are there are such like signatures or sealings exprest in the bodies and the whole ornature or comeliness of the whole body is contained in the anatomy that is in the Soul for the Soul is the cause or beginning of the organical body for from this the body is caused by the vertue and power of it the elements and principles are mixed augmented and changed from spiritual into bodies having their figures magnitude colours and such paintings that is signatures agreeable to the Soul which make much for the absolving of the pre-ordinated functions and offices Hippocrates doth illustrate the unity of the Soul by an excellent testimony in his Book de diaeta saith he Male and Female may consist together and each one constitute other and he addeth this reason because the same Soul is in all living bodies but the body of them all do differ Therefore the Soul is the like as well in a greater as a less that is in an infant as one come to years for it is not altered neither by Nature or Necessity but the body is never the same either by Nature or Necessity Now it is separated from all otherwise it were commix'd Here he calleth the Soul the Root and the vital beginning because this thing is common to both Sexes in all kinds of animals therefore they may consist together Again the Male and Female are rooted in the same root and mutually propagate themselves for the Souls which are vital beginnings and the radical tinctures of things are stable and perpetual not subjected to mixtion therefore they persist the same and altogether like themselves The natural description of the Soul whether they be in less Individual things that is in weaker and unfirmer or in greater that is in more stronger and firmer The unity of the Soul being thus demonstrated I call the Soul Vitalspirits the Chorionium of Paracelsus the Powers of Hippocrates Spiritual and Vital powers Tinctures Vital qualities which being dispersed through the whole anatomy of the living body nevertheless they are concentred and united in the more principal parts which communicate true essence to the body The Essence of this Soul though it be obscure and unknown of Aristotle and Gallen nevertheless it is perspicuous and manifest enough to us for by the industry of the workman it is subjected to the eye which we call the Native liquor the Radical moisture the mystery the mean of the Soul the golden vigour of the Soul the flowr of the Soul and the efficacy of the spirit in the elements which we call Jupiter in heaven Juno in the air Neptune in the water and in each of the parts of these the Ancients have called it by divers names of the Gods PART II. CHAP. I. Of the Original of Forms THe most have supposed Heaven to be the Father of all things which are generated upon Earth and the Earth to be the Mother They called the Heaven the Father because the Water falling from thence supplies the place of Seed they call the Earth the Mother because it receiveth it after the manner of a Mother and brings forth For the same cause we find the Moon called of many after Mankind because it is affirmed to have the Dominion over the humours and doth perform a manly work in the administration thereof Which thing Tertullian and Cornelius Severus profess which Charisius cites the Epithete of Phoebus being adduced from the Male kind he saith Now the fiery Stars did shine in the Heaven O Phoebus the succeeder with thy Brothers Horses In the secrets of the Hebrews which they call Cabalistical all the vertues of the Stars and the heavenly images are received and contained in the body of the Moon from which afterward the species of things fruits animal sand all new things which are in power to be generated by the several elements are immitted into the inferiour matter and genital seed Aristotle and other which imitate him deduce the forms and first substances of all things from heaven Galen derived the specifical form or essential property of every thing from a certain congress mixtion and temperature of the elements These are the famous doubts which obscure very much the knowledge of natural things from this fountain there is derived an overthrow which hath corrupted all Philosophy and begot obscurity and transplantation by the Laws and confuse administration of mixtion In whose steps must we now insist whom shall we trust shall we trust ancient Writers as Aristotle and Galen Unto these Aristotelians methinks I hear Moses speak who many years before the history of the created World following the Eternal God and instructed in all kind of things said that God had put a natural power or vertue in the created
Plantation are not subjected to the wills of men neither do they conserve perpetuity as the Vegetables by propagation of Individuals The seeds of Vegetables are twofold The Astral seeds which are only subject to Nature Secondly Mineral seeds which are subject to the sense and will of man as of Barley Wheat Oats and other pulse which spring not but by Industry and good Husbandry In Plants there be divers manners of propagation but in Minerals at least there is but one manner and it is spontaney or of free accord caused by no labour of man Some Vegetables are propagated by mans Industry and Husbandry by material seeds or grains either round or three cornered or long c. Some Vegetables are propagated by Graffs as Vines some by Branches or Boughs as Willows very many from Roots pulled up There are divers times of the springing and rising of these seeds whether astral or material Some spring in Summer some in the Spring some in Autumn some in the beginnning middle or end of the Spring or Summer or Autumn some spring in Cancer or in Libra or in Virgo or in Leo and then come forth●nto the sight or aspect of men He will admire the confluence of Nature which marketh the springing and budding of Plants at the rising and setting of certain Stars There are also certain fit places required in the Generation of Vegetables as the Poplar tree and the Willow and Arsmart love the Waters the Trifoil Ragwort the Coslip and Melilot the Origan and the herb Groundpinn love the mountains of which Virgil in his 1 book of his Georgicks writes thus here will good Corn rise there will Grapes spring plenteously and in another place good Apples will grow and flourishing Grasse And again in the second of his Georgicks he saith every ground cannot bring forth all fruits The Willows spring at the waters side the Alder-trees in the foggy Fens the barren wild Ash-trees grow on stony mountains the Sea shores are most pleasant with Mirtles our Ladygloves affect hillocks the Yew-tree loves the Northwind and cold of the Air and he addeth the cause in the second of his Georgicks for surely it is only Nature This is by reason of the temperament and friendly conspiration of superiour and inferiour things for the seeds having an in-bred knowledge do all Fructifie as Seasons and in their places for the constitution of the air is otherwise about the waters or flouds than in the valleys in which the Sun-beams by their great power cannot peirce and temperate the turbulent and crasse air The constitution of the air about little mountains is divers from that about great mountains for the conspiration of the superiour and inferiour things is chiefly to be considered in the Generations of the inferiour Globe if that the prevarications of the confluences and the dearth of Corn bring great defect There are three especial differences of Generations in this inferiour Globe of Minerals Vegetables and Animals In the Element of Water four kinds of fruits appear Salts Minerals Gemms and Stones by one name called Minerals There are only two kinds of fruits from the Element of Earth Plants and Trees called Vegetables which being explained we will descend to the Generation of Animals The vital principle of the Nature of Animals is grounded in a certain Radical matter namely in animal Balsam in Suphur and vital Liquor which two namely the vital Principle or native Heat and radical moisture or first-begot moisture have made a constant and firm Wedlock or Union as we have demonstrated in our Philosophy de calore native This first matter of Animals though in spiritual subtileness it excel the Balsam of Vegetables and Minerals neither is it grounded in a matter subject to the wills and judgment of man nevertheless it hath most effective tinctures in it in which as though in mechanical spirits the knowledge of the anatomy of all the parts of the animal are secretly contained for the least dram of the seed contains the anatomy of the whole kind because the mechanical spirits and Principles of the bodies are taken from the Dimensions and Straitness of bodies that is the First matter or stars of animals is not subjected to Geometrical Demonstrations Here the Aristotelians contend that this seminal matter is only contained in the anatomy of the Testicles Hippocrates saith that seed is derived from the most strong and forcible Root of the whole animal he testifieth it by this note because so little matter being evacuated there are made very great mutations and great losse of the strength in the body There is nothing in the body more strong than the animal Balsam or vital Sulphur Hereupon Paracelsus in his book de sagaci Philosophia calls this Radical matter the quintessence of Lmibicagaster From hence the Philosophers called the seed of Animals the viridity of Nature and the flowr of strength though we deny not but that the crude and imperfect matter which is in place for a covering wherewith the mechanical spirits and principles of Generation are invested is perfected and digested and brought unto maturity by the perfecting of the members of Generation otherwise Generation were frustrate and in vain not by the inconstancy of the mechanical spirits and vital principle but by the imperfection and debility of the bodies This is the true original of seed and the Nature in Animals From these it appeareth that the seed the Animal Balsam is not only contained in the Testicles or Brain or Sperm of the marrow but that it is diffused through the whole body that is through the whole anatomy of the Animal and it is the vital Liquor the Radical matter the First matter for these vertues and faculties which have flown forth of the whole body especially out of the principal parts together with the spirits do inhere and remain in that matter of the seed being prepared and perfected in the Testicles and are as it were the mistresses or workers of procreation Aristotle contends by many reasons that he might shew that women neither have seed nor do emit or send forth any in the Venereal act But the contrary may be taught especially by this reason because women have Testicles and Vessels for seed all which if Nature did not make them in vain as it makes nothing in vain have likewise a faculty of generating seed attributed them which is the cause thereof The truth of this matter is proved by the testimony of sense for it is seen in women which have longer refrained from coiture that their seed would flow about the Vessels being cut as well as in men but in the Testicles there is a more crass and perfect seed because women will confess that by dreams their seed is sent forth with no less pleasure than in coiture In widdows and those which have longer abstained from Venery by dreams and by tickling of the privities abundant and crass seed will burst forth This is not only confirmed by the whole
superiour Globe the vital spirits of the Heart and Brain are moistened kindly of the seeds with showres serenity heat and by the fruitful falling of dew and VVestwinds and by such like fruits of the inferiour Elements which being absent and wanting defect of Radical humour pining and barrenness doth happen Both of these stars do endeavour by the abound●nce of aliments to restore the melting and decayed parts and to recover the sick hastening unto rottenness Again the inferiour stars bring forth Roses Violets Balmmint Valerian Vines Fruits Gold Silver Rubines Sa● hires continually from aliments unless the cause of sterility shall prevent not that they demonstrate the external signatures in man for they have lost their outmost Vestures by Transplantation but because they produce like properties in the spiritual bodies of mans anatomy from which the superiour stars receive nutriments and all of them are made fit for their offices and actions for transplanted Generation as abovesaid becomes worse and not better and it is hindered whereby the Roots of Generation may less be able to explain their gifts and native sciences for the spirits of Transplantations are more strong and vigorous than of the inbred But how shall the inferiour stars bring forth fruits of soundness and health out of the aliments if that the temperature of the bad properties excel and if the bowels of nourishing be faint and weak whereby they may he less able to separate the pure from the impure and the unfirm from the firm Certainly if the inferiour Heaven be destroyed and co●ru●ted of necessity the superiour Heaven must be corrupted for how will it give that which it takes not or how will it give that which it hath not From hence it is that the superiour Heaven endeavours dissolution seeing that the strength is consumed and it is destitute of nutriment for we have said that the Transplantations of times what shall I say of times but the prevarications of fruits and the confluences may bring such evils and infinite calamities yea lastly Death it self into mans Commonweal so from the Being of Nature proceeds the Being of Poison and Diseases CHAP. XIII Of Curing of Astral Diseases of the Greater and Lesser World Which rise ●rom the ●irmament of the Ma●rocosm which rise from the Firmament of the Microcosm THere is required for the preservation of Astral Diseases first an evacuation of impurities by convenient Remedies for there lie divers seeds oftentimes of Diseases in the filthy impurities and if such impressions be contained in the body the astral are more easily admitted when as the bloud shall be impure that impurity is not to be removed by the cutting of the Vein but it is to be expelled by Diaphoretical Veins fetcht from Physical anatomy not that one exhibition or giving will suffice for preservation but every week one Dosis of Diaphoreticks is to be taken by reason of the time In the Curing of the Epidemical Diseases first it is to be respected unto the being of Poison and labour must be taken especially that the Poison be abolished and taken away speedily without deliberation by convenient Remedies No better and more excellent method of curing astral Di●eases can be invented of expelling the being of Poison than that which is made by swear In this Cure the chief Remedies are Diaphoretical or sudoriferous Medicines which expel the being of Poison by sweat luckily and take away and disperse the mists and poisoned spirits of the bloud especially diaphoretical or sweating Medicines are to be given which are fetcht from Astronomy and the signed art untill that all the Poison be abolished In the curing of these Diseases the Galenists are mad with reason which make purgations of the belly obstinately when as no body is present with the being of Poison but spirits for in astral Diseases astral and spiritual Concerning this look into the following Treatise cap. 16. at the end de Cura Phthisea Remedies are to be given In the Curing of the Diseases which have their beginnings and originals from the Firmament of the Microcosm first of all a Physician must know and understand Transplantation which in Philosophy is called Regeneration or begetting again for example if some be sick with the Hectick in Phthisis under the Empire or Dominion of Saturn In the Curing of this Disease we must labour with all diligence to transplant Saturn into Venus wherefore the most perfect Cure of Antimony is seen in the Hectick and Malignant are to be tempered with the Benign Phthis●s because it transplants Saturn into Venus These are the Mysteries of Cures the secrets of Remedies and the brevities of Manifestations So all the Stars in the Microcosm may be transplanted and made friendly unto mans Nature by the secrets of Remedies and Mysteries of Cures so all deplored and desperate diseases are abolished by this Philosophical Transplantation as the Leprosie the Leprie and all kinds of the Leprie There are the proceedings of many by which Transplantation or Regenerating is perfected is comprehended in the preparations of Antimony CHAP. XIV Of the Being of Poison THus far have we handled of the Astronomy of the greater and less World and of the stars of diseases of the Element of Heaven and the Air and also of the Cu●ing of astral diseases Now it is convenient that we descend to the Philosophy and diseases of the inferiour Globe namely of the Element of Earth and VVater All the fruits and effects of the Element of Earth and ●ram in Apolog. re●●t fol. 10. Water have poison admixt not only medicamental and extreme hurtful and noxious but those which are called of Physicians alimental Wherefore seeing we take aliments for the preservation and nourishing of our bodies we also receive poison mixt with our aliment but if all be rightly administred in the frame of the Ventricle this poison by the admixtion of more benign and wholsome meats being tempered resolved and separated is thereby expelled or else this poison remains in the anatomy of the belly and is the cause of many most grievous diseases for the governour and faculty of the Ventricle if it have strength and power of working it separates the pure from the impure and changes the pure into a tincture and gives the tincture to the body for norishment for the conservation of life of the great Heaven in the little World but when this Spagyrian or Separatour doth not rightly execute his Functions and that the poison is separated from the aliment neither by natural nor artificial concoction of the Ventricle it comes to pass that the poison and the aliment conspire and after All the kinds of Poison are in the Tartar the conspiration follows putrefaction and digestion after digestion comes corruption which is the breeder of all diseases CHAP. XV. What the Being of Poison is THe being of Poison which is in all aliments is an excrementitious and Tartareous impurity which hath not an expulsive vertue but rather a
inbred and Native heat It is also the first substance which they call the First-begotten moisture for it is the first and common to all living things in which the spirit perfused with heat primarily and by it self consists so that neither of them can endure long without the help and vertue of this humour for there is such an agreeable conspiring harmony and continual affinity amongst them so that they work mutually neither can any of them effect any thing being destitute and deprived of the help of the rest The Radical matter is as it were the Original and nourishment of the Heat for the heat is sustained by the benefit of it This Heat is as the principal efficient cause the Humidity is subjected to the heat in the place of the matter and suffereth more from which we may at the first behold as it were in a glass that the Native heat is the Radical moisture perfused every where with inbred spirits and heat And this is the whole substance of the sounder Galenists as they call them of the which we have sufficiently spoke Now it followeth that we handle of Nature CHAP. VI. Of Nature PLutarch a grave and learned man saith that the knowledge of truth is so amiable and delectable that our very being and act of living was given unto us for the knowledge of the truth Seeing therefore that it is elsewhere firm and stable but especially in Philosophy it is judged to be ratified firm constant and stable therefore I say it is to be weighed more deeply in our judgments lest that we be thought only to follow the shadow of Nature the image of light being left behind our backs and also lest that the inquisition of truth being posthibited we do fall into errours which cannot be avoided and so make our selves unwotthy of our life and office Certainly if we consider Aristotles Philosophy and the difference of the Nature of things and examine this well in a Philosophical ballance Aristotelians will seem unto us to be like Children which hold nuts in their hands but yet they are ever busie about the shells and never taste the kernel First we will bring the definition of Nature into light that it may throughly be understood of us Nature is the beginning of motion and of rest in that Aristotle in the second Book of Physical auscultations cap. 1. Josephus Michaelis in his Chemical apolygy p. 21. The Nature of every thing is nothing but the Commandement of God by which all things are that they are and do that they are commanded to do At his b●ck the Elements observe the prescribed Law and the Heaven and Earth do obev The substance and essence of Nature is inbred heat thing in which it is primarily and by it self and not by accident What doth he mean by this definition of Nature for it makes nothing for the knowledge of the very substance of Nature For though thou say unto me that Nature is the beginning of motion or that which moveth all things nevertheless it remaineth as yet unexplained and defined what the substance of Nature and what the essence of the Movent is from whence all actions proceed which are comprehended under Motion But these are the subtilties of the Peripateticks by which they bring counterfeits unto others but let us let them pass lest we be thought to contend with shades and ghosts and let us convert our speech to those which have searched forth the very essence of Nature and have contemplated the very truth thereof and have as it were handled it in their hands and seen it with their eyes with whom we profess that the substance and essence of Nature is Native and Inbred heat which before we have described It hath conformed and augmented Animals Vegetables and Minerals from the beginning and as it were nourish the cause of all natural effects Therefore Nature as likewise inbred heat comprehends three things namely Radical moisture Spirits and Heat All these ate generated of one seed and at one generation This is that Nature in which the seminary causes of things are secretly contained In which the Philosophy of the Platonicks triumphs Aristotle and Galen and their Sectators which writ the precepts of Natural Philosophy doubted not that there was a certain Nature with us and that well known and that which all conclude to be the vulgar principle of Philosophy which neither ought nor can be demonstrated which only we comprehend in mind and understanding Galen brings Hippocrates to confirm this in the ninth Book of the Opinions of Hippocrates and Plato Hippocrates durst not affirm what the substance of Nature is in the conforming and governing of us and that it was the workman and cause of us But Galen durst in his Book of Diet where he saith that Fire Hippocrates understands by the name of Fire Nature it self can move all things generally and that Water can nourish all things and that these two things are sufficient for all things and for themselves but neither of them separately is sufficient for it self or others in which words he manifestly declares the essence of Nature and the substance thereof in that he signified Nature by the name of Fire which moveth all things universally He calleth the essence and substance of Nature Water which nourisheth all things wholly for it is received from the more profound Philosophers that all natural bodies are nourished by this natural Balsam though not pure but mixed with diverse impurities so all nutriments are spiritual and humid after the similitude of seeds which in the beginnings of generations must be spiritual and humid But he expresseth his mind more plainly by much in these words These two are sufficient both for all others and for themselves but separately they are neither sufficient for themselves or others What meaneth he almost by this divine Oracle but that these two Fire and Water that is Nature and Essence to constitute all natural things from which they have their name But separately they are neither sufficient for themselves nor others that is neither Fire without Water nor Water without Fire or otherwise neither Nature without Essence nor Essence or substance without Nature can subsist And this is that which the Philosophers call the hot and humid temperament of all things Namely to continue in their state though perchance that one thing amongst the rest do prolong the life for many years So that many have supposed that it was not able to continue or consist seeing that continually without intermission of time the humour is consumed by the force of the Heat so that in a short time the Heat remaineth single in the place of the hot and moist temperament and at last it is brought to a hot and dry temperament Again the humour being consumed and wasted and the Heat being destitute of aliment by little and little it fadeth away and driness altogether succeeds and also the heat being dis-jected and cast forth of it and
diffused abroad very much it begins to decay and corupt and so the dry and cold matter is left which is held to be the last of all For the vital spirits whose force is fiery do consume nutriments and aliments hourly so that there is need of continual restitution mixtion and composition therefore it is most truly said of Hippocrates I find saith he that we are nourished from those things of which we consist and that by them generation and nutrition is continued From hence Aliment is named of Paracelsus seed because in all aliments there is the Balsam of the animal Whether doth Gaeln make Hippocrates the chief in his folly or no Let us I pray you pardon Galen for he is ignorant of the Spagirical art and hath never attained unto the secrets of Hippocrates whereby it is come to pass that he hath left the Essence of Nature untouched and uncomprehended As likewise he was ignorant of the forms of things and therefore he could not obtain the forms of things from their bodies For the confirmation of this namely that Hippocrates understood by the name of Fire Nature it self we may bring the testimonies of other Philosophers lest that we be thought to depend on the authority and judgment of one man alone though that the testimony of Hippocrates being an excellent Philosopher might abundantly suffice us Paracelsus also in his book writ of the Generation of Natural things so also in his book de Electro he calleth the Soul or Nature by the name of Fire with whom Fernelius Alanus consents in his Sayings which he hath consecrated to posterity he calleth Nature by the name of Fire of Wisdom Alexander a Suchten calleth Nature by the name of Living Fire Raimundus Lullius calleth Nature the Living Fire of Nature so also he calleth Living Fire by the name of Nature Geber the Prince of Philosophers calls this Fire of Nature the Incombustible Sulphur Paracelsus in his first book of the Secrets of Creation calleth this Fire by the name of Middle Nature and forthwith in the same place he annexeth some few things and calls it the Nature of Viridity or Greenness for this is the blessed and happy Greenness which makes all things bud This is the Green Lion of the Physicochemists to the which Paracelsus ascribes all the cures of all diseases in his book de tincturaphysicorum The ancient Author in the Apocalyps of the Spirit of the secret world amongst the rest he affirmeth this celestial spirit the Heaven to exist in a waterish body more than perfect and clarified he affirmeth this to be the inferious Heaven whose sparkle is the Alcool of wine which is spirit water and fire This is that which is so much commended of Paracelsus in his writings as also of other great Philosophers of notable wits affirming thus The Fire and Azoth are sufficient for thee which are the great mysteries of Nature as Paracelsus speaks in his Archidoxes In this place I have communicated and opened the gates of Nature by these which are said very benignly I might also bring more without envy but that it is a caution in the laws of Philosophy That there be some tedious things left for the Scholars Concerning the cited place of Hippocrates Hippocrates explains himself in his first book de diaeta which may fully certifie what he meaneth by the name of Fire for saith he either Fire hath distinguished in the generation of Man three circuits diverse in faculties yet conspiring both in vardly and outwardly by a mutual society which have circuits in the cavities which are workhouses of the humours That is in the Bowels which serve for nutrition They relate the power motion and maturity of the Moon but those which absolve the resolutions outwardly where the more solid members consist do imitate the properties of the Stars which do consist in the midst that is in the heart they contain the nature of most forcible fire which is present without and within through all the parts and hath dominion over them all and it in secret silence is not perceived by sight nor feeling In this fire that is in the Stars the soul of this middle revolution understanding prudence augmentation motion diminution transmutation sleep watchings are secretly contained The spirits being there mechanical workers are ascending spiritual bodies and they are the immediate instruments of the actions and have roots In the same book he hath described the faculties and sciences of this Divine Nature Hippocrates saith that Nature is the governour of men this causes the attractions of the elements the mixtions of the parts dispensations conspi●ations of those which agree the expulsion of those which disagree This is that which expells which attracts which gives and receives and which proportionateth less things for less places but greater things for greater places and this it doth by altered and well-tempered mixtion Furthermore Orpheus calls Nature as it were a thing adorn'd with the Laws of the Fates which word Hippocrates uses for there is a Law or Reason grounded in the essence of Nature and it is that essence which impells moves and governs all things and because it is in bred it perfects the decrees more sorcibly Because of the diverse in comprehensible gifts of Nature Hippocrates said that Nature was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is taught or instructed of none This is the Light of Nature this is the Predestination of Paracelsus in which he deservedly glories that he knew it wholly and perfectly I say this Nature is the Vegetable secret of Nature the vigour or efficacy of the name the fruitful vertue of the light which is of a perfect body the bright force of Sulphur the hidden virtue of the Heaven the most pure la●p the fire of truth which cannot be attained the ensigns of a living form the flower of Nature the house of tincture and the noble branch CHAP. VII Of the Soul What the Soul is and the substance of it ALL living bodies inasmuch as they live whether they be contained in the bosom of the Elements and live obscurely or they live manifestly I say all these are compounded of three parts namely Soul S●irit and Body The Body and Spirit may in some sort be sought forth by sense but the Soul and the essence of it seeing it flies sense is obsecurely and too darkly known for it is no obvious or easie thing to attain thereunto Wherefore the understanding must apprehend it from the operations functions and effects arising from thence conspicuous and objected unto the sense even as every occult cause is to be enquired and sought forth These are Aristotelical and Galenical opinions taken from the same ground They endeavour to proportionate the anatomy of Troy by Geometrical partitions and figures but in vain Thus they define the Soul The Soul is the beginning and cause of the functions of a living body Or the Soul is the perfection of an Organical body Seeing that every living body is forthwith
The beginnings of bodies are destinated to properties and actions and they bear sway with the wonderful Power or Vertue of the qualities or properties These are the Laws of the Generation of natural things that the seeds and stars do come forth of the Fountains and Deeps and dark places into light and out of the Iliadum into the Worlds anatomy the Principles of the Bodies being constituted and assumed at defined and set times and by the renovation of the Individuals and production of bodies conserve the property of the spirits This renovation of bodies is a Generation whose Foundation confists in the seed In this Lithurgy and action of seeds and stars visible things are made and generated from invisible things corporeal things from incorporeal things by the vertue and power of the immortal and vital science bearing sway in Nature which science he handleth above in the sixth Chapter of his Philosophy We said that it was the light of Nature and the predestination of Paracelsus By the power and work of it the Elements are made thus and thus that is either Mineral or Vegetable or Animal Elements for there is in Nature a Vegetable Mineral and an Animal Earth and there is a Vegetable Mineral and Animal Water the like of the Air and of the Fire And by it the beginnings of the bodies agreeable to the offices of the seeds and stars are extant and come forth So colours smells tasts heat cold moistness driness quantity number confirmation all vital qualities and other signatures do proceed in the mechanical process of Generation Because no Generation can be perfected without Mixtion we will forthwith intreat of it Mixtion is the Instrument of the seed proceeding unto Generation by whose ministery the Elements and the beginnings of bodies which agree with the seeds and domestical things as Animals united to Animals Minerals to Minerals Vegetables to Vegetables so emulate the unity of the seeds which are their examples The foundation of Mixtion is the vital beginning instructed with an effective science the form the idaea the seed the star by whose power and infallible science divine offices of mixtion are administred This is that especial star or seed which we have demonstrated to be the Foundation or ground of all Generations The Term or bound and subjects of mixtions are the Elements and beginnings of bodies produced from aliments by vertue and science of the mechanical spirits for the mixtion is made when bodies are constituted of incorporeal things but yet altogether spiritual bodies The Laws of mixtion are three ways considered The first is the mixtion of the Elements amongst themselves The second is the mixtion of the Elements with the principles or beginnings The third is the mixtion of the principles amongst themselves and of all them together for if they ought to exhibit one similar substance of a body unto the senses then there ought to be three beginnings and each one mixt Again the manner of Mixtion is threefold for either a perfect is mixt with a perfect or a corruptible or impure with a corruptible or a perfect with a corruptible The mixtion happeneth far otherwise if a perfect be mixt with a perfect that is a pure with a pure than if an impure or corruptible be mixt with an impure or pure for the beginnings elements and foundations of bodies are twofold they are either perfect or the first that is the immediate receptacles of the seeds which are the nighest to the seeds as are the beginnings of bodies or they are corruptible or superadded that is which are more remote from the seeds and the stars as are the Elements which bear the name of a Matter how much therefore the subjects of mixtion differ amongst themselves so much the unions terms or limits and continuance do differ for pure permixt with pure things that is which are more remote from the impurity of the Elements have a longer time of digestion and comem later to their dissolution as are Gold Siver precious Stones which are meer individual principles altogether perfect and separated from the external impurities of the Elements The impure hasten quickly to corruption some of them sooner some later according to the analogy and proportion of the subjects The Elements and beginnings of Animals have times of their continuance very much distinct from the Elements and principles of Minerals and Vegetables and these Minerals and Vegetables do differ much from the procreations of the superiour Globe that is from the fruits of the superiour Elements We will handle more largely of corruptible things Foundations Elements and Beginnings and of the mixtion of them with Pure in the Generation of Diseases for they contain the anatomy of Diseases and Death Seeing therefore there be divers manners of Generations by reason of the Elements and Seeds so that in some the differences of the Sex is altogether neglected as in Minerals and Metals In some the Rudiments or beginnings of the sex do appear obscurely as in Vegetables In some they appear manifestly by a perfect separation of the Individuals and their properties expressed as in Animals These manners of Generations being rightly explained do make much for the right understanding of the Generation of Diseases we will explain all in order beginning with the Minerals In the Generation of Minerals which is very hard to be understood of those which cannot apprehend the unaccustomed phrases of Philosophers first there is to be observed the connexion of those things which are required to Generation There is a twofold connexion the first of principles and principles the second of principles with elements Secondly we must observe that this Generation of Minerals is of Consanguinity with Nature for there is no Generation neither of Vegetables nor Animals so nigh the Fountains of Nature neither do approch so nigh the Fountains of Unity as the Generation of Minerals though some Minerals have their admixt impurities for Minerals are the Off-spring and Issue of the seeds the Off-spring and Children of the stars and seeds lying hidden in the Element of Water which Issue have all the gifts of their Parents the sciences signatures and properties thereof by an hereditary right and they possesse them inviolated furthermore the Minerals have most effective Balm and they possesse almost a solid and homogeneous Matter and they have peirced the Vital principle that is the whole substance of the Matter and proportionated it unto themselves So the star or seed in this kind of Minerals hath perfected some perfect Individuals not only according to their substance but according to the vertues of Nature which being adorned and fenced in with the abundance and purity of Balm they are not deprived of their strength in many years neither are they corrupted with any external injuries for example Mercury of which Paracelsus speaks is a perpetual Moon neither can it be corrupted by any violence or injury by reason of the firmness and perfection of the Balm existing in the Mercury
evacuated by sweat the Tartar makes an union with it or the Sulphur and when this is come to pass the Tartar is no more generated but dung and excrement in which Tartar lieth hidden from hence mixt diseases are ingendred for the excrement of Nature namely Sulphur putrefies from whose putrefaction arises the continual rotten Fever and other inflammations This is to be noted that the excrement of bloud viz. Sulphur being commixt with Tartar is expelled by sweat but if for the weakness and debility of the spirits or Ventricle of bloud only the Sulphur be expelled but the Salt or Tartar which is the other kind of excrement remain whether resolved or coagulated and brings infinite diseases with it The bloud in the greater World is nothing else but Wood but there are infinite kinds of Wood therefore there are infinite kinds of bloud and as there are divers fruits of Trees so divers diseases of bloud exist as he speaks in Paragra de Philosophia pag. 27. In another place he saith that the bloud is the Element of Water in the Microcosm How many fruits of the Element of Water are found to be in the Macrocosm so many diseases are found to be in the bloud of the Microcosm CHAP. XXII Of the Tartar of the Flesh THe liquor of the flesh is the Ventricle of the flesh in which the excrements are separated from the liquor of the flesh and from the nourishment of it If the separation be exquisite the excrements are carried unto the veins and pores of the bladder and are expelled together with the Urine but when two excrements concur namely of the flesh or of his liquor and nutriment then the Stone is begot in the bladder and the reins it is called the Generation of the Stone from the Urine of bloud and such little stones are begot not only in the bladder and reins but also in other parts of the body from whence oftentimes arise obstructions and divers chronical diseases in the hips loins sides and other parts These are the most vehement kinds of Tartar or the Stone The Stones which rise from bloud are greater and harder and have more invasions of the fit than those which rise from Urine simply so called CHAP. XXIII Of the Tartar of the Marrow THe liquor of the Marrow is the Ventricle of the Marrow this liquor is fatness but the liquor of the flesh is a thin water the Ventricle of the Marrow hath a fire of digestion for the necessary use of life it can both digest and perfect for it self In other parts and in the Ventricles the excrement and Tartar is separated from the nutriment and so likewise in the Ventricle of the Marrow The Tartar of this Ventricle is not in a coagulated form but in a resolved form because the fatness hindereth as in the 18. Chap. for the same cause is said that butter hinders the Generation of the Tartar whereby it may not be so easily coagulated Though this Tartar be resolved nevertheless it produces The Symptoms whi●h follow the Paroxism of the Tartar Fat Ulcers from the Tartar of Marrow many and divers Tartareous diseases which they are wont to call doloriferous fluxes and every Arthetica and Sciatica which is not a perfect Gout rises from this Tartareous liquor which is seated in the joynts sinews and junctures or ligaments which b●ings with it the symptoms of the Stone He which can cure the Stone may cure this disease Par●●●l 3 Param de morb origina ex Tar●●r● Tract 5. but if not he can never attain unto the perfect curing of it The liquor of the Marrow of the sound is sound when the excrements are consumed by the driness of the bones and do not fall into strange places junctures flesh and ligaments but when they pass over the set limits of their place they produce divers diseases the Podagra the Chiragra the Genugra the Sciatica and the pains of the joynts There is a Ventricle and fire of digestion in the glewish matter of the joynts of ●ans body the fire separates the excrement and Tartar from the nutriment The glew is a most excellent member induced with a most exquisite sense which of all members can suffer the least The Tartareous excrement of it is twofold namely coagulated and dissolved In the beginning of separation before the spirit of Salt come it appears in the substance of the liquor but after the spirit of Salt comes it is coagulated into a solid substance from which the Podagra Chiragra and Genugra are begot The Medicine which reduces resolves and consumes the Tartar cures and removes the Podagra and his kinds and he which cannot reduce resolve and transmute the Tartar cannot remove the Podagra The Cholick ●ises from the Tartar of the Intestines Theophrast Tom. 5. prob 207. The Stone of Paracelsus is called a Tartar of the bladder so also the Urine is called a resolved Salt p. 208. Eodem loco CHAP. XXIV Of the Essence of Seed WE insisting in the steps of Paracelsus hitherto have explained the three Beings of Diseases the Being of Stars the Being of Nature and the Being of Poison though Paracelsus makes five Beings of Diseases yet seeing three only have natural causes and admit explication the other two namely 1. the magical being which is opposed directly against a Christian man 2. and the real being which is an unsearchable secret are left unexplained of us seeing that these three being explained suffice any Physician Perchance some may wonder wherefore we have not made mention in the general explication of Diseases of the three principles to the which Paracelsus ascribes all the causes of diseases I answer that Paracelsus in his book 1. and 2. Param writes that all diseases consist in three beginnings in Salt Sulphur and Mercury but it is not simply to be understood but in his 1. book de origine Morb. ex tribus substantiis in the end of the 2. Chap. he expresses his mind saying that every disease is to be conferred with man through all his parts he proceeds that this is the ground of the knowledge of diseases if a disease must be conferred with man according unto his accident or proper and essential adjuncts for so the four Elements the three Principles or three Substances the four Stars four Earths four Waters four Airs four Fires and all the conditions and properties of man are comprehended without which no disease can be In the greater World we see the sublimation of Mercury in which there are three beginnings essentially for an individual by it self is absolute In the less World such a digestion is wont to be made from too much Fire of digestion This sublimed Mercury is the greatest poison in the Microcosm begets the Epilepsie or Falling sickness But none will perswade himself that this Mercury alone is a beginning but an individual in which not one but three beginnings concur Paracelsus oftentimes calls it Mercurial Salt of Vitriol in which
fol. 233. saith that he which hath the Uva or inflammation of the jaws let him take Salentine and burn it in a pot and use it with honey and water Mathiolus against Dioscorides Alexander Benedictus lib 7. cap. 5. 6. and Gualterus Ruffius in Germanica gorargia last Chap. and last part cap. 29. The Syrup of Jujuba and Violets ana mixt together cures the hurt jaws also take the diamorum of prune water and the juice of roses and mix them the mixture being hot let there be made a Gargarism or diamorum ℥ with the water of Sage and Prunes ana ℥ ij and the spirit of wine mixt with Camphora ℥ ss let them be mixt for a Gargarism A notable The Ulcers of the jaws water for all the Ulcers of the jaws Take the half quart of the spirit of wine of Camphora put it in the spirit of wine let them stand covered over-night the next day take one quart of Rhenish wine and put unto them the powderings of Alume ʒ●iij of Frankinsence Mastick and Myrth ana ℥ ss and make them boil t●ke them from the ●ire and pour in the spirit of wine with Camphora and boil it untill the third part be consumed strain it and keept in a glass Paracelsus de tartaro lib. 2. cap. 5. There is the same cure of the pru●ella and the Plague He that will cure the prunella totally it is necessary The cure of the prunella that first he cure the Fever for the prunella or Squincy rises from the Fever in regard of the tongue or jaws The Fever rises from the opilation of the Liver the opilation from the poison of Arsenick Our general Diaphoreticks expel this Arsenicks poison altogether so also our Alexipharmacum or preservative against poison removes these obstructions and comforts nature and so the Fever ceases The chief medicine is the Laudanum perlatum of Paracelsus given in the water of prunes for it extinguishes the heat of the spirits but it doth not remove the cause it self afterwards there must a regard be had of the tongue and jaws The best medicine for the Squincy is common salt prepared and dissolved Cure of the Squincy in the water of prunes and let there be made a Gargarism thrice in the day in the morning noon and night shave the tongue and wash it with Fountain water let the knife be made of Willow wherewith thou shavest the tongue this is more often proved in Ungaria Saluiter is thus prepared Take Salt Peter melt it in a mortar which Goldsmiths use and put into it being melted a little Sul●hur of the magnitude of two pease by this means it is purged from impurities and becomes crystaline Those which have the Squincy let them eschew baths Read Phrisius in sp●culo lib. 2. part 3. cap. 1. Gual●erus Riffius in Chirurgia Germ. and last part Chap. 30. Bartholomeus Anglus lib. 7. cap. 27. Alexander Benedictus lib. 7. cap. 15. unto the 27. Read Cataphrastus de ulceribus cap. 41. So also take two or three of the fishes Cancer put them in a mortar bruise them affuse with he distilled Vinegar of wine and Rosewater mix them and strain them through a cloth and make a Gar●arism Theophrastus tractat 2. de tartaro cap. 1. saith that the prunella is an inclusion of the air in the ●iver therefore when this air hath an egress it is pestilent Take of prune water of purged Laudanum mix them c. The cure of it is the same with the cure of the Plague CHAP. XVI Of the hurts of the Lungs their Symptoms causes and Signs BY the name of Lungs we understand all the vessels which are in them and the rough artery The affections which happen unto the Lungs are the peripneumonia obstruction the imposthume and such like The obstruction is frequent in the Lungs as in other more principal Members or Bowels The causes of The causes of the obstruction of the Lungs the obstructions in the lungs are diverse The aboundance and clamminess and thickness of humours the Grando the Stone or liquid and coagulated tartar The tartar is the cause of many obstructions all obstructions are cured by tartar The affections which rise from the obstructions of the Lungs are the Cough the Asthma the strangling Rheum and oftentimes the Phthisis The aboundance of humours flowing into that only membrane which compasseth the throat with pain and also stopping it obscures the voice and brings hoarsness The too much roughness of the throat or artery whether it be caused from smoke or crying or cold causes this hoarsness But if the distillation fall into the hollow pipe of the throat it causes a little cough with a certain straitning of the provoking acrimony But if it fall into the breast and Lungs it causes a great Cough bursting out from the bottom of the breast This comes to pass when Nature endeavours to cast forth any thing which is molestuous by his acrimony or obstruction The Cough is a preternstural sounding motion of the Lungs accompanied with the violent blowing with a violent blowing and sending forth of breath even as when any thing falls into the throat while we eat or drink But certainly if that which distils into the Lungs be very small then it is hardly cast forth by coughing but much more hard it is and difficult to cough forth that which is crass and clammy in the Lungs neither can it easily be wiped away or removed or blown forth by breathing When the distillation is little and light then the symptoms which accompany it are light but when much and grievous distillation comes suddenly upon one then a certain strangling difficulty of breathing vexes him and he breaths often swiftly and very vehemently Furthermore the crass and clammy humour which possesses the Lungs and his artery troubles one The dry Cough with a dry cough vehemently by which any thing is scarcely extended it causes the breathing to be difficult and while one breaths it causes a ratling or noise in the The cause of the noise in the throat while one breaths The cause of the Cough from Paracelsus throat because it ●ops the passages by which breath should go forth That which Paracelsus doth write doth not repugn these that we have said he saith that a cough is generated from tartar by tartar he doth not only understand the sand hail like matter and stones but every crass slimy and excrementitious and clammy matter which at length comes to be tartar This crass and clammy humour with the time thickneth and dryeth more and more notwithstanding by the force of heat it comes to be a vitreous or slimy flegm or tartar of things An aboundance of it being collected in the pipes of the Lungs produces the Asthma The Asthma is a great difficulty of breathing accompanyed with a sound perceived either inwardly or outwardly in the breast The Dysponia is a difficulty of breathing to which those are obnoxious which are
of the menstruum that the menstruums may flow forth according to the prescript of ●ature which thing is effected by the essence of Gold or as Paracelsus speaks the rozen of Gold it also cures the Cancer in all the parts both of men and women The essence of Mercury and Coral the secret of Antimony and the liquor of the Philosophers effect the same The Schirrhus is expell'd by the dissolution expulsion and consumption of tartar and that from Anatomy and signed at Copper cures all the affects of the Womb and the essence of the Vitriol of Copper doth the same for Copper bears dominion over the womb and privities Nature it self expels the mass The essence of the Vitriol of Copper doth cure the Inflammation as also the Dropsie most excellently The essence of common salt of Sal maris and Sal gemmae effects the same The essence of Mercury cures the Rhagades the Condyloma the Haemorrhoides both in womans privity and the fundament they are also cured by the essence of Sulphur oyl of Cammomil and oyl of Eggs. The said essence of the Vitriol of Copper is thus prepared ℞ filings of Copper put them in a copper vessel and moisten them well with strong vinegar set them in gentle heat or in the Sun till they be dry then moisten them again with vinegar and dry them as before so do four times let them be very well dryed at the last Then with hot water wash away all their green Tincture filter that green water an ●in the paper will remain a yellow earth which may be kept for other uses the green filter'd water coagulate on gentle heat till it become thick and having sufficient quantity of that thick juice distill it by degrees of fire so will ascend a thick substance sticking to the Alembick which then you must take off and with a stick put it down again into the Cucurbite and so you must do as oft as it ascendeth and when it will rise no more but remain in the bottom of the Cucurbite then let it cool take it out and by Retort distill in strong fire the stronger the better then will ascend first a white sour spirit then a yellow sour spirit and lastly some bloud red drops with a white cloud when no more will come over then let it cool take then all that distilled over put it in a Cucurbite and with gentle heat distill off all the spirit make not your fire so strong as to force over any of the yellow spirit and a thick substance will remain behind a blackish red matter which extract with a well rectified spirit of wine as often with fresh spirit as it tingeth it red then distill both together by Retort and afterwards separate the spirit of wine in gentle Balneo and so have you the essence of the Vitriol of Copper CHAP. XXXI Of the Symptoms and Causes of the Womb. PAracels lib. 11. paragr fol. 412 saith The superfluous Flux of the Menstruum is an immoderate and preternatural evackation of menstruous bloud forth of the veins of the Matrix which brings an hurt to the whole body that there are two diseases in the Matrix viz. Retention and Superfluity the menstruum is an excrement of the Matrix c. The superfluity of the menstruum's vacuation is caused from the poyson of Mars which is the fountain and original of The Gonorrhaea is a preternatural and involuntary Flux of seed forth of thei vessels all fluxes The Gonorrhaea is a dissolution or paralysis of the genital members Cap. 8. de gutta It is called the strangling of the womb the Suffocation of the Matrix because it strangles the spirits of the members with poyson lying in the Matrix as in the centre and bursting forth Thurnens in herbario fol. 12. saith that it is a species of the Epilepsie Paracels fol. 71. 81. calls it the falling disease of the matrix You may read more in Paracels lib. de amentibus titled de suffocatione intellectus So also de caducis lib. 2. part ● de caduco matricis Paracels lib. de Icteritia cap. 2. annotat The precipitation and suffocation The Suffocation of the matrix is a preternatural ascending of the womb towards the superiour parts hindring the motion of the Diaphragma is nothing else than a Jaundise of the Matrix You may read the cure of them both in the same place Cap. 3. fol. 353. 354. lib. de caduco 9. de caduco matricis fol. 416. Paracels in his archidox sets down the magistery of the milt of an oxe for a specifical medicament The Cure of the Matrix for to provoke the menstruum in the suppression this he faith is a most excellent medicament The essence of Corals the oyl of Iron or potable Iron have the Pre-eminence in restriction or binding Paracels rehearses in his cures that a certain woman had the Flux of the menstruum very long and so abundantly that she often fell into a deliquium animi and he cured her with the oyl of Vitriol in the water of Plantain and of Corneola The magistery of the Loadstone from anatomy and the signed art effects the same in the Flux of the menstruum the stellicidium or dropping and the white Flux of the womb The diseases of Mars are those which are perfectly cured by the spirit of Iron existing in the Loadstone The specifical medicine is Arsemart Shepherds purse put in the shoes Laudanum Perlatum without the musk of aramanthis drunk in white wine restrains the aboundance of menstruum Mathiolus in Dioscordium commends the preparation of Corals for the restraining of the menstruum and Flux Read I heophrast tract 3. praeparat lib. 1. tract 2. Trochisks of terra sigillata stay all the Fluxes of bloud as also the Haemorrhoids the Gonorrhaea in women is cured in women as likewise in men by the magistery of Pearls from the signed art of the Heaven for the Margarites and Pearls are begot from seed that poisonful matter which follows the lues Venerea pertains to the cure of the lues Venerea The root of Briony which hath boyled in wine is profitable for the strangling of the Matrix Matthiolus says I knew a woman obnoxious almost every day for many years unto the Strangling of her privity and she was cured by drinking white wine in which the root of Briony had boiled after she went to bed and she used this medicament for a years space and afterward she felt no annoyance or hurt Three drops of the spirit of the Vitriol of Copper taken in liquor is a most excellent medicament against all the affects of the matrix So also take Sal armoniacum and a little more of Saffron pulverise them and give it in wine It is certain and approved that Harts-horn pulverised and given in hot wine is effective and profitable in the Cholick of the Matrix so also terra sigillata given with hot wine is very profitable A specifical remedy of the