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A41414 The Christian sodality, or, Catholick hive of bees sucking the hony of the Churches prayers from the blossome of the word of God blowne out of the epistles and Gospels of the divine service throughout the yeare / collected by the puny bee of all the hive, not worthy to be named otherwise than by these elements of his name: F. P. Gage, John, priest. 1652 (1652) Wing G107 592,152 1,064

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because they were commanded absolutely by the Patriarchs and Prophets being themselves servants of God though masters of the people who were indeed Lords of all Gods graces and favours since no nation shared thereof beside the Jews 2. The Apostle follows his example and proves there is no difference between a Lord under the command of Tutors and Governours and a meer servant since this Lord or heir is not all the while of his Minority to rule and command but to obey his stewards and governours who are then the Fathers and shall after be their young Pupills servants too and this time in those dayes of the old Law lasted till the heir was twenty five yeers of age 3. The Apostle here applyes this argument to himself formerly of the Jewish Religon and consequently an infant or little one in the line of those that are Gods true servants namely Christians serving God onely under the Alphabet of a religious Law that is under the letter or Elements of the world which were the old Law all the rule men had to serve God by and then saith the Apostle we were like little ones young lords and masters by birth-right of our Judaism yet nothing different from servants since we had that Law but as an Usher to bring us up and deliver us over to another much better indeed a most perfect Law of Grace whereunto the old Law was a meer type or figure a meer Element or Alphabet of a true Law Note by the Elements of the world are here understood the letter of the law given to the men of the world in those at least who were the select thereof the Jewes for if the world were here taken for other than the men thereof the Elements of the naturall world were to bee understood earth aire water and fire but since by the world is meant the people thereof therefore Element here stands for the letter of the old ceremoniall and servile Law whence the Apostle here useth the word of serving very aptly for there are three servings in this word related unto The First that of heathens serving their Idols as their Gods The second that of the Jews serving God by their impure creatures ordered unto Gods service The last that of Christians serving God by pure creatures not by Idols nor by bloudie sacrifices but by such as in Sacraments are sanctifyed and so are more than Jewish Elements of sanctity as the Rhemists Annotations have at large expressed though true it is many by the elements here understand also the festivall and solemn dayes moneths and yeares which the Jews very superstitiously observed and made themselves indeed not onely servants thereof but even slaves unto them and this because in the tenth verse of this Chapter S. Paul mentions their formalities upon these dayes moneths times and yeares 4. By the fulnesse of time is here literally understood that time when Christ by the authority of his Father sending him for that purpose came to abrogate the servile law of the Jews and to deliver us a more filiall law of love liberty and grace for then was the time of the old law filled up when it was no longer to remain when we were no more to bee under the Ushers and Tutors of Religion but under Christ himself the true Lord and master of the whole and specially of the Christian world That the Son of God sent unto us is here said to be made of a woman wants not a deep sense namely to shew he was not begotten nor conceived of his fathers seed but was made and framed wholly out of the pure substance and blood of his blessed mother the Virgin Mary where we are to note the word woman in this place doth not signifie any commixture or corruption which doth accompany the losse of virginity when maids passe from their virginal purity to the impurer state of corrupted woman but woman here signifies directly the sex or female kinde of man and so in that sense is competent even to a virgin who is also of the female Sex again he was said to be made of a woman to declare the falsity of the Valentinian and Anabaptistick heresies teaching Christ to have been made of some aeriall and not of an earthly substance as if he had brought his body ready made in the heavens out of some aeriall combinations into the womb of the virgin and had not received his flesh from her whereas the true Christian doctrine teacheth he was flesh of her flesh and bone of her bones He is further said to be made under the Law not that by right he was subject thereunto even as man because his person was divine by the union of his two natures making but one onely sacred and divine person so called from his principal his divine nature but that indeed he was pleased to subject himself to the law though of right he were above it and thus he vouchsafed also to undergo voluntarily the law of circumcision rather to take it honourably away than to subject us to so dishonourable a slavery as that of the Old Law was 5. This Verse reports to the former and makes that to be the cause why Christ subjected himself to the Law of servitude namely because by his so doing he might redeem those who truly were under the servile Law and that by this Redemption we might all receive the Adoption of Sons and by a new filiation become the children of Grace nay even Heirs of God and Coheires of Christ who were formerly bastards and slaves of the Devil whence Saint Bernard sayes well upon this place Therefore God became Man that Man might become God And we must further note here that this our happy Adoption which is made by the means of Grace doth not onely give us right to the Inheritance of God but to a participation even of the Divine Nature it self according to S. Paul Rom. 8. ver 15. where it was said we became True Sons of God by the holy Ghost communicating himself unto us and so making us true Children of Christ God and Man if any doubt of this truth let him read what Cornelius à Lapide excellently proves to this purpose upon the place of Saint Paul his Epistle above cited and what will be said more to this purpose on the eighth Sunday after Pentecost in this Book We are lastly to note that not onely the just who are now under the Law of Grace but even those just who were under the Law of Moses were also the Adopted Sons of God however the Apostle calls them here Servants and not Sons First because though they were the true Sons of God yet they were not in the state of liberty competent unto such Children Secondly because they had not their right to this inheritance or f●liation by vertue of the Law under which they lived but by a speciall prerogative of Grace and Faith infused into them of Christ his being to come and so they were rather belonging to
the soule or understanding but first it must passe the sentinels of our outward sences and they if loyall will keep out all sinne whatsoever but if corrupted or treacherous to their sovereigne the soule then they welcome any traytour sent by the world or the devill to surprize their Prince and indeed all resistance to forreigne enemies is vayne if we first subdue not our domestick foe our own bodies by forcing them to obey the commands of reason for unl●sse we bring them first to this obedience all our resistance to sinne is like artilery let flye at crowes in the ayre when an army of daring men are ready to run into the mouthes of our Cannon and might be taken off if levelld at whilest our bullets fly in vaine above their heads by a mismounting our Artillery that is to say by roaring and crying out against the distantiall world and devill when indeed the flesh is the storming foe that scales our walls unresisted at the same time we pretend a maine resistance to our mightiest foes this fond way of fight the Apostle tells us of when he shewes his own close guard to be the safer defence namely the chastizement of his own body and if we aske what that chastizement imports we shall find it to be not onely a correction or slight rebuke but an absolute subduing or captivating of it to the soules command by fasting prayer and other corporall austerities as haire-shirts disciplines or worse tormenting instruments such as holy men have taught us the wholsome use of upon all notable occasions of temptations or dangers to the soule nay these meanes the Apostle used amidst his greatest spirituall labours least as he sayd while he preached to others he might himself become reprobate by the assault of pride or vain-glory how much more then oght those to mortifie their bodies who do not wast them in spirituall indeavours as S Paul did but above all how fondly do Hereticks shake off the use of corporal mortifications the exercise of good works under pretence of Faith alone to be sufficient when the greatest master of Spirit in the world S. Paul dares not hold himself by Faith secure without good works much lesse did he boast as they doe of a revelation that he should be saved noe nor relye upon his being confirmed in grace but wrought his salvation with feare and trembling which did accompany his hope not his presumption thereof Heare Saint Ambrose how he speaks against hereticks opposing this doctrine and practise of Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Vercellan Church I hear saith this Doctor-Father some men say there is no merit of abstinence and that those are mad who chastize their bodies to make them subject to their soules which certainly Saint Paul had never done if he had held it to be madnesse To the same effect all the rest of the Fathers abound with like sentences which for brevity sake I omit to transcribe but not to admonish the Christian reader of especially the hereticks whom it most concernes I say not who they be least I offend persons while I onely oppose their errors cut of charity to them and zeale of their soules salvation Cap. 10. vers 1. Here the Apostle seems to divert from the Corinthians to the Jewes but indeed makes this seeming diversion an approach to them againe whilest he puts them in mind that it is not onely Faith with Abraham nor to be baptized with Christians will suffice to get the goale of heaven unlesse we run continually thither upon the speed of our perpetuall good works for saith he I will not have you ignorant that our Fathers namely the children of the Synagogue the Israelites wanted not Faith nor the figurative Baptisme of the cloud and the red Sea types of our true Baptisme yet because they did murmur at God and sinne in the desart deserting thereby the necessary adjunct of good works to merit their arrivall at the land of promise of six hundred thousand onely two men Joshua and Caleb did arrive at and enter the said land In like manner Christians be they never so firme in their Faith never so deepely dipt in the true Baptisme of the red sea of Christs passion unlesse they hold on the speed of good works while they are running the race to the heavenly Canaan● they shall never enter that heavenly land of promise which is the price they runne for But we are here to note how Calvin corrupts this place of S. Paul saying the Jewes received no lesse the truth and substance of Christ and his benefits in their umbratile and figurative Sacraments onely than we Christians do in our reall Sacraments which are the true substance of the Jewish shadowes For the Apostle doth not say they and we eat all one meate but that all they among themselves did eat of the figurative body of Christ the Manna in their desart raining down upon them and drank of his figurative bloud the waters flowing out of the rock strucken by Moses as a Type of the bloud and water the matter of our truer meates issuing out of our Saviours side peirced by Longinus as Jesus hung upon the crosse The cloud here mentioned is that we read of Exod. 13. shadowing them in the day from the scorching Sun and shining like fire to guide them in their nightly marches through the desarts as prodigious a thing as was the division of the red-sea by the switch of Moses his wand as he marched on before them 2. Note this verse doth not assert the Jewes to have been baptized in Moses as in a signe of their beliefe in the Mosaick Law but that by this precedent miraculous kind of Baptisme they were induced afterwards to believe in the ●aw of Moses so in this the figure differs from the thing figured for though this their umbratil Baptisme previous to their Faith be a Type of our true Baptisme yet our Faith in Christ is precedent thereto whereas the Jewish Faith was consequent to their shadow of baptisme And whereas the divided sea stood as two brasse walls to secure the children of Israel a dry passage through the wet element of the waves yet joyned againe to overwhelme the Aegyptian forces that presumed to persecute the children of God so the red sea of Christs passion divides it self to secure the children of grace but closeth to drown the children of the devill originall sinne in infants originall and actuall too in the adult being those who are at years of discretion As therefore our Baptisme is the thing praefigured by this divided sea so Christ is by Moses so the holy Ghost by the cloud cooling the scorching sun of concupiscence in us and inlightening our darkned soules by his holy Grace 3. We were told in the exposition of the first verse of this Chapter that they did all eat the same figurative food onely with us that is Manna wich was a figure of Christs body our spiritual food in the Sacrament of
Hell or an indefinite number meant by this definite of seven for so the malice of the Jews imports when it grew more inraged against the Son of God then all the devils of Hell alone could have expressed had not the more hellish Jew concurred to encrease the same Blessed God! how truly doth this Verse close saying These devils dwell there since we are told the refractory Jew shall never be dispossessed absolutely of this devil till the day of Judgement when Jew and Gentile shall both make up one Church of Christ though but for a little time yet sufficient to verifie the Oracle of Truth There shall be one sold and one shepherd And thus literally we may expound these three Verses mystically the recess and access of this foul Fiend is verified when Baptismal Grace first cast a single devil out of our Souls guilty onely of single Original sin and he by our reiterated actual sins returns again with his increased numbers his sevensold Fiends the seven deadly Sins or some such graceless rabble who made the last of this man worse then the first God send he dwell not in us till the Day of our private Doom as certainly he will unless we cast the waters of Contrition on him to quench the fire of his Malice both against God and us and so smoak him out of his Mansion house by making it a Temple for the God he hates when it is perfumed with the incense of Devotion and adorned with all varieties of Vertues 28 29. It seems there was a huge energy in Christ his delivering himself upon this subject when a pious woman ravisht as it were with admiration of his Sanctity and solidity of discourse cryed out praising and magnifying not onely him but even the womb that bare him and the paps that gave him suck not without special Providence of God ordaining her speech to the praise of the Mother not the Father to shew he had no Father as he was man 30. This did not deny but it was indeed a great blessing for the virgin Mary to have had her Saviour in her wombe but yet it tels us both she and others are more blessed to have him in their Souls and so to make their Soules Mothers to the Words-Spirit or of Spirituall Words is to be much more honourable then to have the word-flesh in their bodily wombe or to be the Spirituall Parent of Christ bringing forth the fruit of his Gospell then the corporall bringing forth his flesh and bloud so the word of God is valued above the body of Christ his Spirit is better then his Flesh And the reason is that to bee Mother of God was a grace gratis given not making gracefull but to heare and keep the word of God is an internall grace rendring one acceptable againe to be Gods Mother did not suffice to save her but to heare and keep Gods word doeth the one proper to her the other common to all Christians The Application 1. WE heard in the first Sundayes Epistle of Lent the Priests were bound to Preach unto us this holy time as in Catholick Countries they do every day now we are particularly minded of our duty to heare them Preach as a work appertaining to the Integrity of our holy Fast And lest we should thinke we had comply'd with our obligation in this particular by a bare hearing of Sermons in Lent see our Saviour adds another branch to integrate this duty namely to keep the word we heare that is to conserve it in our hearts by meditating thereupon and by doing as the Preacher tels us we are bound to do for those only that so heare as they also keep this holy word are they our Saviour proclaimes to be blessed Soules 2. Now as this Active word of God cannot lye still in our hearts so it was fit to day to tell us of casting out a Dumb Devill thereby to minde us we are bound to speak forth the praises of Almighty God this holy Time of Lent as wel as to heare his sacred word delivered to us 3. And because we are not silent only out of sloth to speak forth the praises of God but sometimes out of shame are dumb and will not speake the guilt of some foule sin that lies upon our soules when yet we are bound in confession to discover it at which time we are truly possessed with a Dumbe Devill who by the story of this Gospell is not to be removed but by maine force therefore the most forcible of other words that we call divine and the mighty finger of God himselfe are said to be the only meanes to cast this devil out who lest he enter in to the disturbance of our holy aimes We fitly pray as above to keep him out and so to be defended from him On the fourth Sunday in Lent The Antiphon John 6. v. 3. IEsus therefore went up to the mountaine and there he sate with his Disciples Vers To his Angels c. Resp That in all c. The Prayer GRant we beseech thee Almighty God that we who through the merit of our own actions are afflicted by the consolation of thy grace may be comforted The Illustration SEe how the Lenten Letter of our Holy Fast is silently carryed down the mysticall streame thereof in this present Prayer for why doe we now afflict our bodies with abstinence but because we have justly merited that punishment to be inflicted on us through the merits or demerits rather of our sinfull actions more it is to be wondered how we dare close this Prayer with a Petition of consolation how we can hope to be comforted by his holy grace with whom we are so deeply in disgrace as to lye actually under the lash of his correction but here is the difference betweene Almighty God and man the latter never mixeth favors with his frownes of the former the royall prophet tels us that even whilest he is angry he is mindfull of mercy towards us so hence it is we begge this consolation of his grace to be our comfort even while we are under the affliction due to the demerits of our actions and this with reason because every action that is absolutely ours is mixt with sin and so merits punishment but this obedientiall action of our Holy Fast is rather an act of grace then of nature and thence it is we presume to begge the comfort of that grace which doth enable us to this act of pennance But we have yet a harder taske in hand what relation is there in this Prayer to the Epistle and Gospel of the day where is there here a word of Agar and Sarah Abrah Jsaac or Jsmael Sinai or Sion where a Syllable of a miracle of the multiplication of five loaves and two fishes into food sufficient for above five thousand persons yet these are the Subjects of the Epistle and Gospel and we must finde report to these as well as to the time of Lent in the Prayer above or