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A26734 The triumphant chariot of antimony being a conscientious discovery of the many reall transcendent excellencies included in that minerall / written by Basil Valentine ... ; faithfully Englished and published for the common good by I.H. ...; Triumph-Wagen Antimonii. English Basilius Valentinus.; J. H. (John Harding), b. 1600 or 1601. 1660 (1660) Wing B1021; ESTC R37084 67,875 183

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metalls otherwise mercury is running mercury still and so remains untill this quality be taken from it And on that account all animall and vegetable things are too too weake to bring mercury unto a fix permanent and malleable hardnesse though some imagine the contrary because they are not of a metallick kind for mercury is a meere fire whence t is that he can not be burnt by any fire there 's no fire touches him at least so as totally to destroy for he either suddenly flies away and is spiritually resolved into an Oyle incombustible or else after fixation he abides constant that none can abstract from him any thing more and by this it appears also because of him may be made whatsoever can by art be made of gold for after a due coagulation hee is in all things like to gold because he enjoyes the same root stock and originall as gold doth But seeing it is not my purposed aime to speake more prolixly of mercury here and by speaking to introduce disputations but simply and candidly to describe the true fundamentall Originall of Antimony farewell mercury that the discourse of Antimony may be continued but yet that which I have spoken of mercury parabollically for your farther meditation is not mentioned in vaine but that Antimony may thereby be the more rightly understood it also being endowed with a Mercuriall Orignall Observe mark and understand this commit it to thy memory viz. That all mineralls as also all metalls are born of one Principium or beginning to wit of a vapour which the superiour stars do as it were extract from the Element of the Earth by a certain distillation of the Macrocosme or greater world the influx of which upper astrall heat operates upon things below by an aereall fiery p●operty infu●●ing it in spiritually and invisibly Which vapour is resolved in the Earth and flowes as it were into water from which minerall water all mettalls are seasonably brought to their maturity and perfection and of it is made this or that metall or minerall according to the predominating power of one of the three principles or that which it abounds withall be it one or two or all equally tempered together from whence t is that some metalls are fixt othersome not fixt as are Gold Silver Copper Iron Tin and Lead moreover besides those known metalls out of the same three principles according to the various commixion of them are sundry and divers mineralls generated and produced such are Vitrioll Antimony Marcasits and other like Flectrams and Mineralls all which to reckon up would be superfluous Now whe●e●s Gold in its own Asterisme and Generation becomes suddenly impregnated with and receives a portion of a more pure and perfect Sulphur and mercury then the other mineralls and metalls have therefore its operative power and virtue is more large and effectuall in acting then the ●tars of the other metalls and mineralls are and on that account in the star of the Sun all things appear more perfectly if at least it shall be by the benefit of the fire reduced to its maturity then are to be found in the rest of the metalls and mineralls And yet notwithstanding is there one only minerall frequently mentioned by me wherein the Sulphur of the Sun is found to be as strong yea and stronger then in the Sun it self even as also there are two sorts of metalls found wherein those dominations do abundantly triumph of which this is no place to treate but I shall go on to finish the description of the Nature of Antimony Antimony therefore is a minerall having its minerall vapour turned into water which spirituall Emanation of the stars is the true star of Antimony which water in the Element of the Earth by the strength of the stars and also of the Fire dwelling in the aire being dryed became by coagulation a palpable thing out of which Antimony is generated and brought forth in a forme wherein sulphur beares the sway Mercury hath the next portion and salt the least although it hath received salt enough to become an hard unmalleable forme As to its quality it is dry and cold its cold and moisture are not much even as common Mercury and corporeal gold it self hath more of heat then cold Let these things suffice concerning the matter and the 3 Principles of Antimony and how by the Archeus in the Element of the Earth It became perfect But because such a narrow Philosophical search is not of so much concernment to the Students of Art and most men value not in what centre the star of Antimony Resides and from whence t is sprung but would rather learne what good lyes in it and would understand its preparation and reduction to a due state that the virtues and operations thereof so much every where by all spoken of may not be to them unknown I shall therefore omit to delay them with long doubtings but will briefly and sincerely write those things which in my private labour I have observed to be in Antimony Although for the shortnesse of life none can perfectly learn all because in its preparations miraculous accidents doe follow each other degree following degree colour following colour One virtue faculty and operation succeds another Antimony therefore is no light or trivial poyson but a chief one and most high being deadly both to man and beast from whence the common Physitians and ignorant plebeians having no true knowledge of Medicine reject the use of Antimony as Poisonous Physitians forbid it to noble men as dangerous and the Academical Professours doe barke out and howle even to madnesse to their disciples a Caveto O beware of Antimony for its a merely absolute poyson Now the inhabitants of Towns or Cities on these clamours forbid the use of Antimony and with those out cryes have most men bin stird up that even to my Age or time they 'l not hear of Antimony nor give any trust unto his medicines although immense and unspeakable things are found therein Well bee it so verily I speak the truth and my writings are void of falsity I call God my Creatour to witnesse that there is not a more noble medicine under the heavens wherein a capital rich-pillar may be placed then is in Antimony and deservedly on that accompt ought there to be fixed and erected My Son mark my sayings Reader observe my writings wise men Consider the Antimonial experiments which I doe mention My theory is founded upon nature and my practick on experience most frequently demonstrated producing its effect to the admiration of many incredulous people I doe confesse as formorly I have done that Antimony at first before its preparation is a meere poyson But good M. Doctour or Batchelour or Physitian but yet without any true degree since thou art buried as to Art and Onely beatest the bush what dost thou talke for let me also speak too remember what thou sayest and consider that doctrine which I propound unto thee
Icarus and Dedalus have done But when I approached overneer to the Sun my wings were burnt by his heat and down I tumble headlong into the deepest sea But because I called upon God in my necessity he sent me aid and help from Heaven whereby I was reedeemed from destruction and danger For an Angell from Heaven came unto my succour who Commanded the water to stand still and there was opened a great Abysse like a most high mountain where walking up and down I would needs search whether or no it were possible as the sons of men speake that there should be a familiarity between things most high and things most low and whethet or no the supream stars have received from the Creatour force and virtue sufficient for the production of things in the earth like unto themselves and having searched through all I found it certainly true which our ancient Teachers have long since left behind them for our Instruction and Information if we are desirous Disciples after truth and verity and have set down as fundamental for which I gave most cordial thanks to the omnipotent God and author of all wonderful things Briefly I find that all minerals flow from the Celestial Stars and have their original out of an Aqueous Vapour which haveing bin a long time nourished by the stars is reduced by the Elements into a palpable forme whence that vapour is dryed and the waterishnesse looseth its dominion and the fire after or next to the water by the benefit of Aire bears the sway that out of the water the fire may be made and out of the fire and the Aire the earth may be made which notwithstanding are found inseparable in all the corporeal things of the world before their resolution The first matter therefore of all bodies is water which by the dryness of the fire and the aire is changed into earth But because I have determined to teach how the stone of fire is to be prepared out of Antimony and because it doth not onely cure men but particularly cures even Metals also It is convenient to advise what the stone of fire is what its mineral is whether or no a stone can be made without matter and also of the ultimate difference kinds and use of stones Let the Holy Spirit be assisting in this my determination that I may truely explain this art as far as is lawful from whence I hope for an eternal absolution from my chief Confessour who eternally sits in the throne of grace and that from eternity and will bear witnesse of all things when the last sentence and decretory Judgement shall passe upon all men without protestation or Appellation In the first place and above all other things know that the true Tincture of Antimony which is a medicine both for men and metals is not to be made of crude melted Antimony such as the drugsters and the merchants sell But out of its mineral or Aes as t is dig'd out of the Mountains and that too made into glass But how to performe that extraction is all the art and workmanship and whosoever finds it shall be thereby inriched with health and wealth Know also friendly Reader that the prepared fixt and permanent Tincture of Antimony which I call the stone of fire is a penetrating spiritual fiery essence reduced into a coagulated matter and may be compared to the Salamander which cannot be burnt but is purged and conserved in the fire But our stone of fire doth not ting universally as the stone of the Philosophers doth which is made of the essence of Gold nor hath it so much virtue granted it But it tinctureth particularly viz. Luna Jupiter and Saturne into Gold It toucheth not Mars and Venus but onely as to what may by this separation be in part produced from them Also one part of this Tincture can transmute but five parts so as to remain constant in the trial colour and weight In Saturn and Antimony it self when as contrarywise the true antient and great stone of the Philosophers doth perfect innumerably But yet this can be yet exalted it its own augmentation And its Gold is pure and constant The Mineral of the stone of fire or of the Tincture is the Mineral or Aes of Stibium out of which as I have afore mentioned it is made but how it is done and what virtues and operations are therein I will presently declare Moreover the Reader may observe that many stones tinge particularly for all fixt tinging powders are by me called stones but yet one tingeth deeper then another as first The stone of the Philosophers which far transcends all others Next which are the Tinctures of the Sun and of the Moon c. As to the white Then the Tincture of Vitriol or Venus and the Tincture of Mars both which contein in them the Tincture of the Sun if they have bin formerly brought unto fixation next to these follow the Tincture of Jupiter and Saturne for the Coagulation of Mercury and then finally the Tincture of Mercury itself this is the difference and multiplicity of Stones and Tinctures which notwithstanding are all generated out of one seed and one principal Matrix from whence also flowes the true Universal one and without these no metallick Tincture can be given And verily t is not in other things of what name soever I value not stones and Gems as to my present purpose for I will speak not of such now since that they conteine in them a medicinal virtue onely I will also omit animal and vegetable stones as appartaining to medicine solely being unprofitable in metallick operations As the virtues of which Mineral vegetable and animal stones are conteined in the Philosophers stone together and at once Salts cannot ting but are onely a Key to the preparation of stones otherwise they are impotent of themselves At least as to what belongs to metallick and mineral Salts and now I speak to the purpose if thou rightly understandst me as to what difference I suppose to be between mineral Salts they ought not to be rejected neither can they in Tinctures in whose composition none can be wtthout them for in them is found an excellent treasure by which every fixation and constancy hath its original and foundation Some body will now haply enquire whō I do not upō this account reprehend whether or no without matter such a stone can be made I say No For every thing necessarily hath its own matter but diversly The animals theirs The minerals theirs and vegetables their matter Yet consider exactly that no body without fermentation of which in the end of the work of the preparation of the great stone where I consider the transmutation of other metals with profit which cannot be wanting is profitable or fit for any stone Although at the beginning a bodily form corporeal essence visible palpable be taken yet out of such a bodily essence the heavenly and spiritual vision for I cannot
for therein lies an an entrance of great concernment Antimony ought therefore so to be prepared which its owne proper Vinegar is able to do that its poison may be taken away and transmuted into Medicine which never more for the future retaines any poison but rather is sufficient to expell all sorts of poisons The preparation of Antimony consists in the Keyes of Alchymy only by which it is opened divided and separated such are Calcination Reverberation Sublimation Also in the Extraction of its Essence which is vivified into Mercury which Mercury is to be precipitated into a fix'd Powder moreover by art may an Oile be thence made which is most exceedingly profitable for the healing of the French disease and so other preparations are found out by the benefit of Chymistry For Example A workman intending to make Ale out of Barly Wheat or other Fruits t is needfull that he passeth through all these degrees before he extracts its Essence and convert it into a noble drink First of all he must macerate it in water untill the fruit be broken as I exactly observed when being a young man I was in Holland and England and this is nothing else but putrefaction This being done let the water run therefrom and the corne thus macerated gather up into an heap and leave it so for some season that of its own accord it may grow warme and this is called digestion which being finished dry the corne thus prepared in the Aire or at the heat of a fire which is Reverberation or coagulation being dryed let it be ground in a Mill like Meale and this is its Vegetable calcination all these things being performed it is to be boyled with water that so the most noble spirit of the graine may be extracted by and joyned unto the Water which before its preparation could not have beene done Thus then is the crude water changed into Ale and this is distillation after a grosse manner The little leaves of the Hops that are at last mingled with it are the Vegetable and preservative salt keeping the Ale from perishing by a new putrefaction The Italians and Spaniards have but a small Knowledge of this processe in the upper Germany also in the country of Rhine being my country few there are that are herewith acquainted All the aforesaid degrees being compleated then by clarification is a new separation made and a little ferment or Yest added to the boyled Ale which stirs it up to motion that it lifts up it self of its own accord and by that Ebullition is the troubled separated from the cleer the impure from the pure by convenient standing and time from whence the Ale attaines its due perfection and can operatively penetrate and accomplish that for which intent t is given As long as the operative spirit is hindred by impurity it cannot performe its Office and Worke which is apparent in Wine which before its setling and standing it cannot performe its operation but only after the separation of the pure from the impure which is hereby discernable because that neither wine nor ale will inebriate as long as they are new and unpurified and are not capable of then emitting their operating spirits but of this enough Now after all this a new separation may be instituted by a vegetable sublimation whereby the spirits of Wine or Ale may be reduced to another Drink viz. Aquavitae which also is extractable out of either of their feces which being done and the operating spirituall virtue separated from its body and abstracted by fire there remaines nothing behind but only a warrish and dead Sediment and by rectification this Aquavitae may be so exalted that by a frequent and artificiall abstraction it may become most pure without any phlegme or water accompanying it and then one pound is more efficacious then twenty pounds or more were before for it speedily penitrates and inebriates being reduced to this high Degree of Volatile virtue Thou therefore that art desirous of art if thou wouldst obtaine Knowledge from my Writings and Wealth Riches and true Medicine from Antimony consider well what I have afore sayd for therein the least Letter hath its signification and there 's not a word writ in vain verily in my writings all about are many words variously placed which if the artificer did consider and understand what the true intent is and in what the Mark lyes it would not greive him to read over every Leafe severall times and to engrave every word in a Table of Gold and take notice that although I have made use of Rusticall and Grosse Examples yet are they of great concernment I will not praise my own Bookes it being too unbe-seeming but let tryal be made and they shall be found truly praise-worthy I have the rather used such grosse examples that because the virtue of Antimony lies most profoundly hid and is to be drawn out of most secret places by such Examples a way may be opened for thee that thou mayst sooner obtaine thy end and begin in a convenient manner and bring thy diligent search to an happy issue Antimony may be compared to a Bird flying in the ayre which turnes herselfe sometime here sometimes there even as the aire drives her so here a man or artist is the Wind who drives Antimony where it pleaseth him and brings it under a constellation in that place which he hath assigned it for he can make it red yellow white or black even as it seemes him best having good respect to the governance of his Fire wherein he shall assuredly discerne that Antimony passeth all the colours which are wont to be found in Mercury at which do not make such great admiration for Nature permits many things which neither I nor thou shall be able totally and throughly to learne to day to morrow or next day When an illiterate man takes up any book he knowes not what the writing thereof containes and is totally ignorant of the signification of the Letters therein which he gazeth on as a Heifer on a new dore but when that unskilfull man shall be informed as to the signification and use of those Letters he then ceaseth to esteem it any science more but counts it a thing common and very facile the use and intent whereof he perfectly understands so that nothing seemes to him secret or obscure in that book when both the reading and true apprehension of its Contents are discovered and well conceived by him In like manner Antimony is as it were a booke for unexperienced men to read whom I faithfully admonish with all my heart if they would participate of the benefit of that booke that they first consider its Letters know and pronounce them that to read may be familiar unto them the which by practising they may deservedly be advanced unto a higher Forme or Classis in the Schoole in which Schoole truly experience is the master which by the Tryall discovers who shall obtaine the Garland and be
Leather poure thereunto four parts of the red Oyle of Vitriol rectified to the supreamest height abstract the Oyle and the spirits of the Oyle will remain with the Mercury urge the fire and somewhat will sublime throw back the sublimate upon the Earth remaining in the bottome and pour again thereupon as much new Oyle sublime it as formerly and iterate it three times The fourth time cast back your sublimate again upon its own Earth grind it together and it will be pure like Chrystall put it in a Circulatory and pour thereon as much Oyle of Vitriol and thrice the quantity of the spirit of Wine circulate it even to separation and so the Mercury resolved into Oyle will swim at the top in the manner of Oyle Olive separate this Oyle and put it into another Circulatory Glasse and pour thereunto sharp distilled Vinegar and by this meanes the Oyle will recover its weight within twenty dayes or thereabouts and will settle to the bottome and whatsoever is poysonous remaines in the vinegar the which will be cloudy and blackish and this is a miracle contrary to Nature that an Oyle at first swimming should in the end settle to the bottome But note that even the Oyl of Vitriol is heavy and therefore beares up the Mercury which in its separation is not as yet altogether pure but when that light impurity is received by the Vinegar then doth the Oyle recover its own weight and being made compact goes to the bottome and this is the oyle of the Mercury of Antimony And is the fourth Pillar of all Remedies Now where ever thou art who beest Leprous I will procure for thee a meanes of health This Oyle heales the Apoplexy comforts the Brain and Reason excites the vitall spirits of the Braine and whosoever shall use this oyle daily for some time and is afflicted with any Distemper he shall loose both his Nailes and Haire and become young again the Bloud is thereby purged and every Evill expelled the French Disease is but a spot to this Medicine which in a very little white radically ejects it the praise of this Remedy cannot be described with either Tongue or Pen Ah miserable clod of earth and bag of worms why dost thou delay to offer a sacrifice of Praise to thy Creator for those Remedies which he hath granted unto thee O ye bragging boasters of both medicines come unto me a Monk and servant of God I will lay open to your Eyes what you never saw before and will shew you the way of health which as yet you have not observed Now if any one knowes better preparations let him not be silent but speak I am desirous to learn nor is it a shame unto me to make further enquiry and to search out that light which as yet I have not seen for I have oft said no one is able because of the brevity of Life to perceive all the secrecies of nature But whatsoever Artificer hath lesse experience then I have and doth not throughly understand my Writings I shal advise him to be silent and nor presume to correct or disgrace them with unseemly prating and many unprofitable words because he hath not heard them in the Schoole nor rightly understands the processes my Termes are different from those which are in use with my adversaries who are ashamed of Labour the which is necessary as to the planting of good Trees and ingraffing of wholsome fruits whence it happens that relying on a wild Tree they never come to any sweet bough of a gentle Garden Tree Unskilfull man do not at the very first word judge the things thou dost not know nor condemn that which neither by knowledge or study thou hast attained unto Many Country people indeed say that the Fishes dy in the water by reason of cold but whoever affirm it speak ignorantly and indiscreetly and what cannot be proved for if in the Winter Season when the Superficies of the Water is mightily congealed and frozen there be little holes made by breaking the Ice not a Fish will perish by reason of the cold but if the Ice of Ponds or other waters be not broken the Fish will certainly dye not because of the Frigidity but the want of the aire which cannot penetrate through all the Ice For t is clearly evident that no living Creature can live without the use of Ayre whence t is that the Fishes are choaked under the Ice and are not kill'd with cold I apply this Example thus It is necessary in Antimony that because of its manifold use holes be made by the miner in the mountain that it may enjoy the Ayre and then t is behovefull that it be prepared with Water Ayre and Fire least its fruitfullnesse be choaked in the Earth instead of its being manifested by the various preparation of the Physitian for the hoped-for correcting and qualifying of distempers which was the ground of its searching after Most miserable man that art an hater and despiser of Antimony and cryest out that t is a meere poison where is thy Eloquence and Rhetorick to defend thy self withall And seeing thou dost not understand neither white black nor any other Colour in this businesse as to the preparation of Antimony and art a stranger to its virtue and benefits thou mayest justly hold thy peace and suffer these speeches and writings to passe by thy Eares because of thy unskilfullnesse like an impetuous Torrent agitated by the wind But beware lest the wind the waves increasing thy broken little Ship be totally drowned Now to avoid this danger do as the Apostles did seasonably imploring help by thy prayers unto thy sleeping master not hypocritically but with a pure and sincere heart and so thou shalt be saved and really find that the sea and the winds wil be tractable unto thee and thou shalt bring all things to the desired end Good God! were but this the mind of man in following after somewhat with study and labour without doubt the Muses and Fortune would be propitious unto him and that Disciple of Art would find that health and prosperity would attend him in his Closet of Art and habitation of Grace so as that he should perceive a sure Foundation a full unspotted and constant Corner stone whereon he may with safety rest and found his owne Conscience and so the unprofitable tatling of Disputers with the sick would be omitted and cast out of the Schooles and the silent man would take his Turne also and publickly assert and prove that a Castle built of stone is not so easily combustible as a pigeon-house or a thatch't roof or an old wooden neast of a stork that is dryed every year in the sun My Disciples attend rightly with the utmost of your understanding to my simple plain admonition studiously and diligently seek the Centre which is scarce or never known by the outward face search throughly its virtue with a carefull expectation even as an Hunter doth after a wild Beast Mark
be admitted such convenient remedies as may search unto suddenly set upon and divide it with the restauration of strength otherwise the Physitian labours in vain if the centre be not reached unto Every Physitian ought to know that no Externall disease having his originall and residence within can be destroyed by outward medicines but death and destruction would ensue thereupon For example if a man should endeavour to repell the out-breaking flowers of a tree back into their centre he would not only thereby destroy the fruit of the flower but the juice being forced back to the centre against the Law of Nature from whence it had its afflux to the tree would not onely be unprofitable by this violent Reunition but also totally suffocate it because the moist nutriment of the earth which it desires could not have admittance Great therfore is the difference between new wounds made with Iron old Ulcers begotten from an inward distemper New Wounds are curable by outward remedies old Ulcers are not so But besides the Application of Ointments Oyls Balsoms Cataplasms they require an inward cure that the Fountain may be destroyed and the thence-flowing River may be dryed up by which observing a right diet the disease shall be easily helped 'T is no Art or Skill to cure a green wound which even the Countryman with a peece of salted Hogs fat easily doth 'T is a peece of Art to remove the symptomes that happen to wounds and to dry up the original of diseases All ye Physitians throughout the universe all ye Doctors who practise Physick ye Masters and learned in Medicine of both sorts External and Internal come hither and examine your honourable Title and consider in your consciences whether you received it from God or not or proudly usurp it in formality or not Verily there is as vast a difference between an outward and inward curing as is betwixt the Heaven and the Earth If you have received your Title from God he will help blesse and prosper you But if you faign it or assume it to your self without such a Call ye though Great shall greatly fall by which you prepare for your selves the unquenchable fire of hell Truly our Saviour said to his Disciples Ye call me Lord and Master and ye doe well so let every one that will take to himself this honourable Title consider that he doth what is right that is that he abuseth not his Title and boast not of more than he hath learned He that will be a Doctor of both Medicines ought wel to understand both Medicines that he may discover inwardly the disposition of the body by Anatomy and in what member the disease hath his originall and by what means he may succour it he also ought to understand outwardly the circumstances of Wounds and Ulcers Good God! what would become of the Master of both Medicines and his Title where will it be found if many of such as use it were exposed to an exact tryall Heretofore the Physitians themselves wrought with their own hands especially in outward diseases this belonging to the Physitians office But now in our Age they have brought up their Servants to exercise Chirurgery and thus is this most noble Art become a base Trade which even the most illiterate blush not to practise Yea even such also as know not how to drive an Asse out of the Corn are Doctors of Chirurgery yet even the Physical Doctors are their Disciples and frequently exercise it with more successe and a better conscience that I may speak the truth than thou O Ambitious titled onely unlearned Physicall-Chyrurgeon that boastest of both names or titles doest But pray Master Doctor and Master Physitian be not angry I beseech you with my speech and opinion for thou wouldst be forced to acknowledge should I examine thee of Cuts and Stabs c. that thy judgement concerning such things is as large and as much knowledge lyes in thy pate as in the head of a Hen painted on a Table 'T is my faithfull advice to all such as are Learned both of high and low estate to consider judiciously and conscientiously those things that are required in Doctors and Masters viz. the true manner of the Preparation and the use of Medicine then may you justly assume to your selves this honourable Title and you 'l be able to succour the distressed and with a pure heart praise your Creatour By what hath been spoken let every one examine himself and see whether with right he may assume this Title for whoever will lay claim to any Title 't is behoovefull that he exactly understand it and be able perfectly to give an accompt why he assumed it For it is not sufficient to say with the vulgar Behold a great deal of stinking ordure with honour to your eares and to be ignorant of the cause of the stinch Although a man often feeds on the most sweet smelling food yet presently he casts out most fetid dung But you are to know the cause why fragrant fruit transmutes into stinch the ground of which is naturall Putrefaction And on the other hand in Spices the Odour is not solely to be respected but a Genuine Philosopher must search into the Essence and Originall of that smell and what good virtues lye therein From stincking dung with which the Earth is dung'd and nourished grows sweet smelling fruit for which are many reasons and a large Book might bee written of the various Transmutations of Nature but the chiefe cause of this change is Putrefaction and Digestion and they are its chief Keyes because the Fire and the Air bring or cause Maturity so that the Earth and Water are transmuted into each other for 't is a certain alteration that of Dung a Balsome bee made and contrariwise of Balsome Dung But you will object and say that I bring very Rurall and plain examples I confesse they are homely but the Wise man will by his own industry consider my intention herein how from the most low the most high may be made and from the high the most humble or low how out of a Remedy a Poyson and out of a Poyson a Remedy out of a Sweet thing a Corrosive and from thence a thing profitable may be produced Good God! Nature will not be throughly searched by us all for our Life is short and thou most just Judge hast kept to thy self many things that Man may admire thy Creatures of which thy self wilt be the Judge Give me grace that I may firmly retain my Saviour in my heart even to my ultimate end that besides my bodily health and food which in abundance thou hast bestowed upon me I may also obtain the riches and health of my soul of which I make no scruple since thou hast shed on the wooden Crosse out of thy ardent Love and Mercy the true Sulphur of the soul for me which heavenly Sulphur of the soul proves a poyson to the Devill but to us the greatest Medicine
I cure my Brethren by Prayers spiritually by Appropriate remedies bodily and hope that they 'l watch spiritually for me that we may all become co-inhabitants in the Tabernacles of the most high God But to return to my Antimonial Philosophy Be it therefore known unto the Reader that every thing hath in it selfe a quickning and operating Spirit which dwels in bodies nourisheth and preserves them In the Elements also are living Spirits by Gods permission be they good or evill Men and other living creatures have a living operating spirit in themselves the which departing a carkass only remains Hearbs and Plants contain in them a healthy spirit otherwise they would be unfit for medicinal preparation and use So both Metals Minerals have in them their Impalpable spirit wherein lyes contained all their force and efficacy without a spirit the body is dead nor can it discover any lively operation Know then rhat in Antimony lyes a spirit which effects all such things as lye hid therein and are thence educible but invisibly not unlike the invisible virtue that lyes hid in the Loadstone whereof in my ●ract of the Magnet I shall speake more largely Now there is a twofold spirit Intelligent and not Intelligent The Intelligent spirits are endowed with Reason and can become when they list impalpable and without bodies like us naturall men of which kinde are the Elementary inhabitants viz. fiery as walking and wandring lights and other bright phantasines also inhabitants in the Ayre and dwellers in and governours over the Waters lastly the Earthy inhabitants of which Ranck are those that frequently appear in Metallick Mines and are thence denominated Mine-Pit men Now these are understanding Spirits skill'd in Art and are able to alter their shape of whom I dare not determine any thing but leave it to the all knowing God whether it be expedient to deliver my judgment concerning them or not The other spirits of the universe and which doe not operate after the afore said manner by their own innate power are such as ly hid in man Animals Brutes Plants Minerals which notwithstanding have in them an operative life which they by their works discover evidencing that there lyes an healing power in them when they are separated from their bodies by the benefit of Art Thus also the Spirit of Antimony manifests its vertue and communicates it to mankind when by a freedom from the chains and bonds of its body that its penetrative and operating force may be awakened it be used to that intent for which by the Artist it is ordained Truely t is expedient that the master or artist Vulcan entertaine familiarity for the fire separates the operative force and virtue But the artificer forms and fashioneth the matter as a black-smith by the help of one and the same fire and of one and the same metal viz. Iron forms out of that one matter sundry and several utensils as spits Iron shooes forkes plowshares c. So also out of Antimony many artificial things and of diverse uses may be made The artificer is the black-smith forming the matter the fire is the unlocking key the operation and utility confirms the preparation and brings experience O good God! Would but the foolish and unwise world see and hear rightly and discreetly and truely understand that a sight and hearing onely of what I write may not satisfy them without the obtaining of a truly inward useful knowledge It would not lick up the purulent dregs but go unto those living fountains where it may drink of the water of life And let all know that I shall indeed make fools of many learned Masters and on the contrary Doctors of many poor despised searching and inquiring schollars all such breathing and longing spirits I invite to follow my doctrine to observe my writings and admonitions with a chearful heart a faithful companion and good conscience to whom thus enjoying I promise many things and so shall they be effectors of their desire and speak honourably of me when I shall ly in my sepulcher prolonging my fame with a lasting memorial even to the worlds end Now if any surviving me shall dispute in my School against me when dead my writings will answer abundantly for me and I certainly know that my disciples will not be unmindfull of the benefit they have reaped but preserve the majesty of truth which hitherto we have alwayes obtained to the confusion of falsity and lying and alwayes shall obtaine it to the worlds end Moreover the courteous favourable student of Art ought to know the several sorts and kinds of Antimony One sort is pure faire of a golden nature and abounds with Mercury Another abounds with Sulphur and largely differs from that of the golden property and temperature For in the former sort are faire long shining Radii or Lines whereby 't is distinguishable from the latter For the difference of the goodnesse of the sorts of Antimony is as much as is betwixt the flesh of four footed beasts of fishes which have some agreement and affinity as to the name and if you will essence but in goodnes are different The ingenuous student must also know that a great many men have written of the inward virtues of Antimony but most few are they who have learned the basis of its vertue or found how they might possesse it and since they onely talke and speak groundlesly they loose their honour in that for which intent of honour they betook themselves to writing He that will write of Antimony needs a great consideration and most ample minde and various rules of its preparation and assured end wherein it may with profit be used that so he may give a certain undoubtful testimony of what is good or what is evil what helpful and what poysonous T is no small thing truely to search out Antimony thereby to know its essence and at length by diligence and experience to obtaine the knowledge of it to take away its poison so much cryed out against by the clamours of the vulgar and by a better omen to transmute it into wholsome medicine Many inquirers or Anatomists have hunted some here some there and miserably handled tormented and crucified Antimony in so much that 't is both unexpressible and incredible But really they have not found out or accomplished any profitable operation wandring from the true end propounding to themselves things that are false and thereby shadowing their sight from beeing able to discerne the mark Antimony may deservedly be compared so also Mercury to an infinite Circle and painted with all sorts of colours and by how much the more it is sought into so much the more is found out and learned so that your progresse therein be right and true In a word one mans life is too too short perfectly to be acquainted with all its mysteries It is the worst of poysons the which being separated therefrom it becomes the supremest medicine and is
Elements have a proper and own Matrix of begetting easily or more difficultly by the force and virtue of the stars from which the elements themselves are generated and procreated Now if that Matrix be strong in the Earth it potently casts forth its seed by a strong expulsion even unto the highest of the European Alpes or the top of the Babilonian Tower They that are not very wise hearing me so to speak will lay madnesse to my charge or cry out that I am drunken with new wine even as the Jewes dealt with the Apostles in the feast of Pentecost As is the elevation of the waters so is the sublimation of flores whereof viz. of the waters those that appear in the highest mountains are more wholsome and cool then the well waters and such as are obtained by digging so if the matter be lifted up by the force and violence of fire into the mountain of the ancient wise men long since deceased the earth will stay behind in the bottome out of which a salt may be extracted for its proper use And by sublimation is made a separation of the good from the bad of the pure from the impure of the thin from the thick and medicine becomes thereby distinguishable from poyson Wee poor wretched miserable men being after death which for our iniquities we have deserved buried in the earth are seasoned with salt until we putrify and at length are raised up by the heavenly fires heat are clarified and listed up to a celestial sublimation and exaltation where being purged from all the impure dregs and feces of sin we become the sons of God and heyres of eternal life which our merciful God grant unto us But I hope that none will reprove me because of my comparing things corporeal with things spiritual and heavenly sublimation with the earthly in this my example For I have not done it causelesly understanding by mine own experience what is white or what is black whether it be a cloudy or clear heaven I le therefore passe to another preparation of Antimony T is expedient that my Art-desiring disciple doe understand and remember by my Philosophicall teaching that the extractions of Antimony and of all other things doe differ exceedingly among themselves in their operations which difference is not either in the matter nor known from the matter out of which it is extracted but depends upon the preparation and addition whereby the whole virtue is extracted experience being witnesse And this I shall illustrate and confirme by an example thus whatsoever is extracted either from Antimony or from other things by the spirit of wine obtains an operation far different from that which is extracted with strong vineger The chief cause whereof I have already mentioned for all extractions with spirit of wine doe provoke to stoole most powerfully whether they be made of Antimony or other purging things as hearbs roots seeds and the like I speak as to the first extraction Contrarywise whatsoever is extracted with vineger doth not provoke to siege as doth the other but rather constipates and binds by a singular medium Whereby the volatile is made fixed This secret or Arcanum ought very carefully to be lookt unto but a very few doe consider it for many things ly hid and profoundly shut up in this mystery which many masters and servants yea and many knowledge-pretending Sophisters have not seen unto this day The extraction of Antimony is performed two several wayes to wit with vineger and spirit of wine the vineger doth condense but the spirit of wine doth of it self provoke urine and siege as I have frequently mentioned and especially in my twelve keyes that the extraction of the glasse of Antimony is a gentle Purge but the extraction of Antimony with vineger doth not purge at all which is most certainely true which experiment is a cause of more mature consideration and further-reaching thoughts by which considerations nature gives produceth a true Philosopher And it is altogether miraculous that those things which at first have bin extracted with spirit of wine should retain a purging quality when as on the contrary if the glasse of Antimony be at first extracted with vineger and the vineger beeing separated it be againe extracted with spirit of wine there 's no such poysonous and purging faculty then left but t is totally taken away and not a footstep thereof remaining so as to cause siege yet it can operate by sweat and other wayes especially by spitle and vomit it can performe its office and seeks about if it can find out any thing unfitting It purgeth the bloud heales the Peripneumonia is profitable for the Asthmatick and conduceth to other diseases It allayes any violent cough of what sort soever and it is a divine remedy And this extraction is perfected by common vineger There is also another extraction viz. Take powdered Antimony Poure thereupon destil'd vineger not common vineger but that which is extracted from its own mineral close it up well and place it at the heat of the Sun and so in time the vineger will become as red as blood separate this extraction and filtre it destil it in sand by an Alembick and in its drawing over it will represent wonderful colours most delectable to the fight This oyle at length comes to be bloud-like and leaves many Feces and may be profitably used in most Diseases For in the Leprosie its Glory appeares and its virtue becomes manifest the French Pox lately brought into our countrey is consumed and dryed up thereby and it operates severall other miraculous things if that the Physitian hath regard to its right use and observes a true Preparation let him diligently consult with Experience and remember without forgetfulnesse Antimony is also prepared after this ensuing manner Take of Antimony and red Tartar of each equall parts grind them exceeding well together and burn them in a pot well luted least the Spirits exhale untill the Tartar be burnt which you must do in a wind Furnace beat or grind the matter thus combust very small whereto poure common warme water straine it as you would a Lixivium by which meanes a Liver will be made for that Title our ancient predecessors put upon it dry this Liver put it into a Cucurbit and pour Spirit of Wine thereon filter it through a thick paper and abstract it in B.M. to a third part this extraction may be used but very sparingly and with very great discretion wherein is to be observed a notable miracle viz. That the Spirit of Wine once abstracted will not be united to the Red extraction any more from whence it was separated but swims on the top thereof as Oyle swims on the surface of water But if this Spirit of VVine be again poured upon new Liver it extracts as afore but this second Extraction poured on the former will not at any rate commix which really is greatly to be admired at but who can declare all the great wonders
of God or observe those gifts which the Creatour hath implanted in his Creatures most profoundly to be considered I have a little before mentioned an Extraction of Antimony with Vinegar and Spirit of VVine now if the Vinegar be separated from that Extraction by B.M. and the powder remaining be put in a moist place it will resolve into a wound-Liquor or yellow Oyle which in new wounds acts wonders ineffable and in like manner in old it hinders and absolutely prevents any Symptomes from taking root and resists putrefaction The other or second extraction out of this powder before its solution with Spirit of Wine doth also shew its effect and in inward diseases gives place to no other remedy I have in my precedent writings most frequently propounded the way of its preparation and in this Antimoniall admonition abundantly repeated it because I know how much utility and how great secrets ly hid therein and therefore hope that those Repetitions in my Writings will not be tedious or troublesome to the Learner for what I write is not causelesly written But my speakings are short and containe a large extent within them and albeit they are manifold and frequently rementioned yet are they most obscure to such as are unexperienced and unprofitable to children and Infants and most beneficiall to the Disciple of Art only There 's also gotten another Extraction by a Caustick water and t is thus Grind equall parts of Vitrioll and common Salt together and distill from them a water Per Latus or retortwise Increase and urge the fire and so shall you extract a Liquor like unto melted Butter or Oyle which keep for its proper use Powder the Caput mortuum and dissolve it in a Cellar into water which gather apatt and filter through Paper Then take Hungarian Antimony most finely ground or powdered put it into a broad bottomed Glasse and pour upon it that water set it at a gentle warmth where if you let it abide its season it will at the beginning resemble the violet colour of the ●methyst which when t is brought to this Passe augment the fire and thou shalt have the colour of a Transparent Saphyr and from this Saphyrick colour will precipitate a white powder by the help of common water poured thereon which inwardly taken operates by stoole and Vomit like as the Extraction of Crude Vitrioll doth The solution in the Cellar which was extracted from the Caput mortuum doth truly transmute the thin leaves of Mars if boyled therein into Copper Experience being witnesse now hearken to me and consider somewhat further Pour the Oyle or the aforesaid water spoken of in the processe upon Crocus Martis being first reverberated with Sulphur to a Rednesse place it in some heat and extract the bloud red Tincture of Mars then take of this Extraction one part of the red Extraction of Antimony burnt with Salt Petre and prepared with spirit of wine three parts of the water of Mercury made apart by injection into an hollow pipe one part of the Calx of the Sun dissolved in this Caustick water halfe a part mix them and by effusion out of one Vessel into another purge them then forthwith abstract them by ashes in a fire meanly strong but the whole will not come over for there will reside in the bottom a fair red fixt solution very profitable for old Ulcers The remaining Caput Mortuum begets by resolution in a dark place so sharp a Liquor that scarce any Aqua fortis can compare with it in acrimony or sharpness but of this enough Out of Antimony may also be prepared a white powder thus Take of Hungarian Antimony and Salt Petre thrice depurated and ground together equall parts burn them in a new pot wherein hath been no grease in a fire of circulation you must not cast in all at once but by little and little and apart which the ancient Spagyrists call by the name of puffing for t is necessary that the Students in Art be acquainted with their strange Termes which as to country Language is unknown that puffation or injection being accomplished powder that hard remaining matter in the pot put it into a vessell of Glasse and pour thereunto common water warmed and when the matter shall have setled separate it and pour on more which do sometimes that the Salt Petre may be extracted dry and powder the matter and mix it again with an equall part of Salt petre proceed as before and do thus three times then grind the matter which remaines and pour thereunto the best spirit of Wine and circulate it for a month in Cucurbit or Circulatory well shut then burn on it new spirit of Wine nine or ten times which labour being done dry the powder leisurely and in a melting Crucible let it be well heated red hot for an whole day at the fire Out of this powder being resolved in a moist place either upon a Table of Glass or Stone or in the Whites of Eggs is made a Liquor which by the heat may be again dryed into a powder Verily this powder operates many very gallant things scarce credible without Experience It workes not of a sudden but by little and little and time must be granted for the production and discovery of its force and virtue Let any one who is afflicted with an inward Aposteme take constantly of this powder five or six times every day in spirit of Wine or meere Wine fifteen graines at a time and he shall be healed and the bloud shall by little and little be ejected and the Patient be come perfectly well He that is afflicted with the French Disease within his body let him use this powder and he shall be radically cured It produceth new Haire purgeth the bloud and doth many other good things which we omit for brevities sake For I cannot expound every thing with that plainnesse and so perspicuously as that every one should become a great Physitian by the bare reading of my Writings without any paines or labour no let them endure the burden as is reasonable and let him know that the country man that thresheth and worketh on the Corne will eat the best bread But now I proceed too much into the open Field in which the ancient Fowlers catch their Larks whom the younger will speedily follow with their Nets for my stile as all my Writings witness hath a peculiar method even as other Philosophers have likewise done before me But now that my Philosophy is changed by the processe therein immixed let not any Reader wonder at it for my Philosophical speech having description of the processes therein is different from another bare speech that hath no manifestation Mark this difference neither accuse me of being changeable in my intention in my philosophical stile preparation and process for in my philosophical speech thou shalt learn observe the Theory but the process together with admonition sufficient doth teach the practise and on that account are perspicuous
and sufficient words to be made use of thereabouts A Balsom may also be prepared out of Antimony not crude but out of its Regulus profitable for very many diseases from which the Mercury of Antimony may be vivified viz. Take of Hungarian Antimony and crude Tartar of each equall parts Salt Petre halfe a part grinde them and flux them in a wind Furnace poure them forth into a Cone and let them coole Let the Regulus thus made be in like sort purified in the fire by Tartar and Salt Petre three or four times and so it will become white like to silver that hath passed the fulmination and the Examen of Lead Grind this Regulus pour unto it in a Glasse the Oyl of Juniper or Spirit of Turpentine which ascends first in distillation and is clear like to Water shut your Glasse well place it in B.M. at a moderate heat and that Spirit or Oyl will grow red in the manner of Bloud pour it off and rectifie it with Spirit of Wine It hath the same Virtues as the Balsom of Sulphur hath as I shall advise thee when I come to speak of Sulphur for the preparation of both is in a manner alike Three drops of this Balsome taken in warme Wine only thrice in a week heales the Diseases of the Lungs the Astmah Ptysick Pleuritick and such as are afflicted with an old Cough There are also made of Antimony severall Oyles some by themselves others by addition and have not the same Virtues but diverse from each other according to the manner of the preparation I wil speak a parable unto thee many living Creatures live only in the Earth as Wormes Serpents and other kinds and sometimes new sorts are generated by corruption formerly unknown Others live in the water as Fishes Others in the Ayre as Birds others in the fire as the Salamander and there are found in the hot Islands and burning Countryes other wonderfull Creatures of which we are ignorant who conserve their Life by the solary heat and presently dye at being brought into another ayre So Antimony prepared with a watry addition operates otherwise then if prepared with a fiery one and although every preparation thereof be done with fire without which its virtue is not detected or opened yet note and consider that an Earthy addition workes divers from a watry one and so suitably if Antimony be by the fire elevated Per se into the aire and further prepared it obtains a severall virtue according to its severall preparations The cheifest Oyl and Sulphur of Antimony is thus made without any addition of ought else Take Ungarian Antimony beate it grosly put it into a glasse cucurbit with a plain bottome pour thereto the true Vinegar of the Philosophers viz. The Vinegar with its own Salt Lute up the Glasse Putrefie it in Horse Dung or in B. M. for forty dayes and the body becomes again opened and is made more black then Ink which is a signe of a perfect solution But good God why do I speake or write I suppose that I shall meet with most few that will credit this Testament which I leave unto my disciples yet some few will be found who acknowledging these wonders and acquainted by Experience with them will more circumspectly consider them and give me honourable thanks when I lye rotting in my Tomb because I have by the gift of God set free from prison that Virtue which is united to the Creature and made it operative Another way of bringing Antimony over the Helme without any addition is this Make Regulus of Antimony Tartar and Salt nitre as I have afore spoken powder that Regulus put it into a great round glasse in a gentle fire in Sand and the Antimony will sublime but every day brush down with a feather whatsoever is sublimed into the bottome of the glasse and thus do until it will sublime no more but a fixt precipitate Regulus remaines in the bottome but know that this work will require time ere the work appear grind this precipitate and leave it in a Cellar upon a polisht stone for halfe a yeare and then t will be resolved into a red Liquor and some Feces will remain for the Salt of Antimony will only melt filtre this Liquor and abstract the Phlegme in an Alembeck till a thick Liquor be left which lay aside in the Cellar and t will be congealed into Chrystalls of a reddish white and if they be again purged they will be altogether white this is the true Salt of Antimony which I have frequently made dry it mix one part of this Salt with three parts of Venetian Earth destill it with a strong fire and there will come first white Spirits then red the which do also resolve into white rectifie this spirit Gently in a dry Bath and thou shalt have another Oyle of Antimony but much inferiour to the former and t is rather a Spirit then an Oyle because this Salt is spiritually forced out It hath frequently deserved praise in quartane Feavers and others it breakes the Stone of the Bladder provokes Urine cleanseth filthy Serpentine or creeping Ulcers which have their Operation from Mars being outwardly applyed It purgeth the bloud like to the Salt of Gold and may be used in many other Diseases but it is not so perfect as the red Oyl of Antimony is whose Sulphur hath been separated purged and brought to the highest degree The Sulphur and the Salt of Antimony having beene described together with their preparation and medicinall use I will passe to the description of its Mercury and its medicinall virtue Take therefore the Regulus of Antimony eight parts the Salt of mans urin clarified and sublimed salt armoniack and salt of Tartar of each one part mix the Salts and thereto poure strong vinegar Lute it with the Lute of Wisdome and digest the salts for a month in a continuall heat then distill off the Vinegar by Ashes untill the Salts remaine dry which being done mix with them three parts of Venetian Earth urge them by a Retort with a strong fire and thou shalt have a wonderfull spirit poure this Spirit upon the powdred Regulus and putrifie them together two moneths then abstract the Vinegar and to the Remainder add four times as much fileings of Mars and distill it by the force of fire in a Retort the spirits of the Salts will bring the Mercury over with them in the manner of a fume but thou must place instead of the Recipient a large glasse full of Water thar the spirits of the salt may mix therewith but the Mercury will come together and be converted into true quick Mercury in the bottome of the vessell Thus may the Artificer extract living and running Mercury out of Antimony which hath beene by many a one every where studiously sought after now therefore will I come to make known its use in medicine Take with the help of God one part of this Mercury presse it through a skin of
and mix them exceedingly well place them in a gentle fire burne or fire them together according to art this is the work and this is the Labour then shalt thou finde a dark dusky coloured matter remaining behind of which make glasse out of which being powdered extract a most red Tincture with a most strong vinegar distilled and made out of its own proper Minerall abstract the vinegar in B. M. and there will remaine a powder which yet again extract with spirit of Wine rectified unto the height and some feces wil remaine and thou shalt have a most red extraction profitable in medicine This is a most pure sulphur of Antimony separated to the utmost which if thou hast two pounds of add foure ounces of the salt of Antimony made as I have afore taught thee thereto mix them and circulate them in a vessel well shut for a month at least so wil the salt be united to the extraction if any feces remain let them be separated then first of all destil off the spirit of Wine in B. M. and that being abstracted augment the fire and there wil come forth the most sweet pellucid red oyle with many miraculous colours rectifie this oyle in B. that a fourth part may remaine and t is good Which being done take of the quick mercury of Antimony already spoken of and pour thereto a red oyle of Vitriol made out of Iron and supreamly rectified distil the phlegme in sand from the mercury and thou shalt have a precipitate a fairer then which cannot be seen nor a more profitable in old wounds and ulcers for it dryes up accidentall humours from whence martial diseases have their Rise where also the united spirit of the oyl assists him Take of this precipitate and of the aforesaid dulcorated oyle of Antimony equal parts mix them put them into a glasse wel shut in a gentle continuall heat the precipitate wil be dissolved in the oyle and be fixt consume all the phlegme in the fire and then shal you have a fix dry red fusible powder emitting no fume My disciple I wil now speake in the manner of the Prophets foretelling things to come When thy studies have guided thee thus far in Philosophy and thou hast perfected the Labour of Antimony which I have prescribed thee thou hast a medicine both for men and metals it is sweet and safe it penetrates it moves not the belly it corrects and expels what is evil If thy progresse hath been right this medicine wil reward thee in thy health and food that nothing in the world shal be wanting unto thee for which thou owest unto God a sacrifice of praise My God! I now speake with a sadned mind being an Ecclesiastical man for I do not know whether I have done right or otherwise whether too much or too litle I leave it to every ones judgment ye that are my disciples make tryal as I have done if you attaine to your end give praise to God and thank me who am your master if ye erre from the way blame your selves for I am not the cause of your errours I have spoken enough I have written enough yea so clearly that none can teach more cleare unlesse a man would purposely run into Hell and there drown himself uttering things prohibited by the Creatour and eating of the tree placed in the middle of Paradise but what I have done shal suffice me until I can more largely judge of what is lawful as to this thing and now I le speak a few words of its use The use consists in the view of the person and observation of his complexion as to humane health see thou givest neither too much nor too little that thou neither burden nature nor deny her what is sufficient Albeit it hurts not although too much be given for it helps lost health and resisteth poisons Yet know that three or four graines at a dose is sufficient for the expulsion of all diseases being given with spirit of wine This stone or Tincture penetrates all the joynts of the body and far transcends other Arcanums it doth most readily take away the Pthisis and all diseases arising from the Lungs the Asthma the Cough Lepry and Lues venerea the Plague Jaundise dropsie and all Feavers it expels any poisonous drink t is profitable for such as are infected by a philtre or love potion it comforts the head the brain and what is of affinity to them the stomack the Liver it heales the diseases of the Reines it purgeth corrupt bloud expels maligne humours lessens the stone of the bladdet and drives it forth heales the windy Dysury c. It brings back the vitall spirits compresseth the suffocatian of the Matrix provokes the Menstrues and allayes their overflowings it begets fruitfulness and sound seed in both sexes Outwardly This stone of fire but yet it must be be also taken into the body and a suitable wound plaister externally applyed heales the Gangrene and all other corroding diseases the scab and infirmities arising from the corruption of the bloud and the Noli me tangere In a word this stone as a particular Tincture is a remedy for almost all the diseases whereto man is subject which experience showes together with the way if only thou beest a true Physitian sent and called by God I will write no more of Antimony I have acted my part let another also act his that the mysteries of God may be layd open before the worlds end to the glory of him and for the health of men I le hold my peace and returne to my monastick order until I shal have made larger progresse in my Philosophy that I may also write those things which I have a long time decreed viz. of Vitriol common sulphur and the Magnet their beginnings and virtues may it please the Prince of Heaven to bestow upon us health of body and eternall welfare of our soules in the unsearchable joyes of his celestial delight Amen I conclude this Tract of Antimony those things which I have written of the red oyle of Antimony made of its purified sulphur and of its spirit which is prepared of its salt observe and therewith compare this last Doctrine of the stone of sire wherein if thou whettest thy wit and mind from this comparing wilt thou finde their conjunction for the Basis and Foundation is one and the same and the Amiry and Freindship is the same by which health is attained unto and the lamenting Stag caught by a pleasant cheerfull hunting The Water Fire Aire Earth yea all things shall be reduced into powder and Ashes whatsoever is borne of them doth also in time perish The mercy of God only endures to all Eternity which alone Man enjoyes for which let us be thankfull FINIS The sorts of Antimony