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A25754 Every man his own doctor in two parts, shewing I. how every one may know his own constitution by certain signs, also the nature and faculties of all food as well as meats as drinks ... : the second part shews the full knowledge and cure of the pox, running of the reins, gout, dropsie, scurvy, consumptions and obstructions, agues ... / written by John Archer. Archer, John, fl. 1660-1684. 1671 (1671) Wing A3608; ESTC R27652 39,777 161

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of any thing is an enemy to Nature 3. Nature is the Physitian of Diseases but the Physitian is the servant of Nature and ought to imitate her she acting aright 4. Custome is a second Nature and those things which he are accustomed to a long time though worse they are wont to be less troublesome then those things we are not used to Doctrine of the preservation of health DOctrine for health is comprehended in these 2 parts viz. Materials of health or wholesome causes 2. A knowledge necessary for the preservation of health teaching how things called Non-Natural are to be used for the keeping men in health they are comprehended under the notion of things Non-Natural and ought to be ordered into four Ranks as 1. First Those things which are taken in 2. S●condly Those things which are carried 3. Thirdly Those things which are emitted and Retained 4. Fourthly What befalls the body by accident as Of Air Meat and Drink Passion of the mind Motion and exercise of body Rest Sleep and Watching Venery excretions and Retentions CHAP. VI. Of Air. AIr is the most worthy Element for the preservation of Life in every creature nay the other Elements subsist by it as for example fire is extinguished if you keep Air from it and water putrifies and stinks if Air comes not to it and the very Earth brings forth nothing to maturity without it Therefore we may well give precedency to its worth in discourse The Air affects our bodies two wayes viz. Extrinsecally as it insinuates through the pores of the skin and as it is attracted by inspiration so it hath a force upon our bodies and impresseth its quality whether good or bad upon us according to all writers The best air The best Air is temperate as to the primary quallities and is pure and infected with no pollutions but is Serene moved or stirred with the Winds breathing sweetly with pleasant Gales and sometimes moistned with wholesome showers Corrupt air On the contrary that Air is vitious which is infected with exhalations and vitious vapours breaking forth on every side or is compassed with marish or standing waters after what manner soever it be impure and such as cannot be purified by the blowing of Winds that Air which is troubled or too Hot or too Cold too Dry or too moist Constitution of air But the Constitution of Air may be polluted though divers causes first the Constitution of the Air depends on the scituation and nature of places for some Regions are hotter then others others colder for by how much the more any Regions receive the direct beams of the Sun and by how much the longer the Sun remains above their Horizon by so much the Country is more hot the contrary Reasons make it so much the Colder yet this cause only doth not suffice neither is the same Constitution of Air in all the inhabitants under the same Latitude for these ten Reasons First the mold and proper Nature of the Earth conduceth to the Constitution and Temperature of the air wherein is to be observed what the Nature of Ground is whether Fat Dirty Filthy Gravelly Stony Sandy Whether the place be high or low what scituation there is of Mountains and Valleys what Winds it often admits and from what Climates whether the Sea or any Lakes be near it whether it brings forth mettals from whence malignant air may be exhaled 2. Scituation of Mountains The Mountains also change the Constitution of the air according as the blowing of certain winds drive away and admit it and if the Mountains drive away the North wind but admit the South wind it comes to pass that the air is hotter and moister the contrary makes the place colder and dryer 3. Winds The different winds bring forth great Mutations as the Oriental or East winds are more temperate also the Occidental or West but these are moister the Northern are cold and dry and have power to bind bodies and dry them the Southern are hot and moist therefore as the Region or Scituation is more or less disposed to this or that wind so it obtains this or that Constitution of air but generaly Countrys exposed to the Oriental Sun are more wholesome then those which are exposed to the Septentrional or North winds and hot winds are more wholesome then those which are exposed to the West 4. Sea and Lakes The Vicinity to the Sea and Lakes conduce much to the peculiar Nature of the air unless interjected Mountains prohibit for from moist places of this Nature many exhalations are drawn up which mingle themselves with air and moisten it and indeed the humidity will be increased if the Sea or Lake be scituated on the South but if towards the North fridigity 5. Metallick Pits or Mines Mines generally communicate their malignant smell and vapou●s to the neighbouring places also Caves exhale venemous air also Woods that are too thick hinder the light of the Sun and Moon as also the motion of the air 6. Times of the Year Indeed the seasons of the Yeer change the air which Astronomers constitute equall according to the motion of the Sun and Zodiack being divided into four parts but Physitians regard these times according to the temper of the air and call that the Spring when the constitution of the air is more temperate when we grow neither stiff with cold nor sweat with heat but the Summer when the same is hot and dry Winter when it is cold and moist neither do they appoint these seasons to be equal in all Countries 7. The Spring The Spring being the most temperate or as Hypocrates calls it hot and moist that is when calidity moderately overcomes frigidity and humidity moderately exceeds driness it is the most wholesome time of the Year and although diseases are generated or rather shews themselves in the spring time yet the spring of its self doth not produce them but the vitious humors which are gathered together in the Winter time are driven out in the spring by the heat o● the Sun and Planets 8. The Summer This quarter is hot and dry ergo makes bodies more hot and dry purifies and disolves and renders them weaker by reason of heat it attenuates humours and kindles them from whence Cholorick and Acrimonius humors are accumulated 9. Autmne This Season is mixed with cold and heat that is mornings and evenings are cold the midle part of the day hot its Constitution is hot and cold and by Reason of its inequality in Air it is very obnoxious to Diseases and blood at this time of the Year is diminished by Reason of approach of cold Winter makes it dangerous to Phlebotomise but upon necessity for now Melancholly abound bodyes are thickned by the Retiring of Blood and Spirits which causeth the pores to close 10. Winter Now the Frigidity of the Air with moisture makes Flegm abounds and procures Catarrhs Distillations Rotten Coughs But if the Seasons of the Year are variable and uncertain
and generate Putrid humours and sometimes Worms in Putrid Feavers taken by surfeit and ever-much eating them yet the black are most wholesome and indeed Medicinal against Convulsions Plumbs and Prunes Plumbs in general are cold and moist but there are divers kind of Plumbs the sweet ones are not so cold as the sower in nature they are chiefly profitable to cholorick stomachs they are easily concocted and pass through the belly those that are fresh alter most powerfully they mollify the belly being taken before meat but very dangerous taken after by reason they scatter abroad many excrements and that crude they do not generate good juice those which abound most with a moistcrude juice are the worst also the white or yellowish are the worst but the best are of a black or blew colour like Damsons and Damask Prunes the dry are more fit for nourishment for those that are weak in stomach plumbs are not convenient because they loosen its strength by a cooling moisture Mulburies Mulburies do very powerfully quench thirst from their moisting and cooling quality they mitigate choller but nourish little they easily pass through the belly but if they are retained they are easily corrupted and become putred and acquire an ill Nature wherefore they are to be eaten when the stomach is empty only and not stuffed with peccant humours that they may quickly descend through the belly Figs. Figs are hot and moist by Nature and nourish very much above any other Fruits they easily descend and pass through the belly they have a penetrating and cleansing faculty yet too much use of them begets Wind dry Figs are hotter and dryer then green and are of a very opening and attenuating quality and do also loosen the belly and drive humours to the external parts therefore profitably taken by Women near their time of travel they generate blood also but none of the best Grapes Grapes that are sweet are hot and therefore cause thirst sharp sower austere are colder therefore allay drotwh or thirst the mean between sweat and sowre are best to make Wine of the fresh gathered ate flatulent windy afford little nourishment and if they are detained long in the Stomach are corrupted and dilate the belly and stir up Chollick Fits and cause the Spleen to swell and fill the Stomach and Liver with crude humours the fresh gathered serve rather for pleasure then health but the best are the sweet ones mixt with a little sharp tast those without stones loosen the belly more but with stones strengthen the Stomach Almonds and Nuts Sweet Almonds are the best of Nuts and of them the largest and sweetest are most to be desired they are temperately hot and moist and yeilds store of nourishment and of good juyce and moderate they attenuate and cleanse for which Reason they are the best Food for imatiated bodies and they replenish the intrails and the whole body with convenient nourishment and such as is not apt to corruption they purge the breast open Obstructions of the Urinary passage and cause sleep but are not so useful for a Chollerick Stomach nor good to be given in Feavers proceeding from Choller they are usually given to the Sick dissolved in broaths which are called emulsions Filberds and Hasle-Nuts The best of Hasle Nuts are Filberds and do come nearest to Almonds in vertue but they are hot and dry in quality hardly digested afford a thick juyce if old the young or newly gathered are the best Walnuts Walnuts if new gathered are hot and moist the old are hot and dry in faculty the new are safer eaten then the old for the old generates Choller offend the orifice of the Stomach and hurt the Gullet or Wind-pipe cause a Cough and causeth pain in the head the use of them is commended after eating of Fish because their heating and dryness prevent the corruption of Fish Chestnuts Gallen that learned Physitian believes that Chestnuts have no ill juyce as all other Fruits of Trees have they are hot and dry and if they are well concocted nourish very much and affords durable nourishment they bind the belly and if they are eaten in too great plenty generates Wind. Olives Oyle Olives are temperate and the Oyl drawn from them that are Ripe affords nourishment temperate and agreeable to our Nature and can correct the pravity of other Aliments amends the crudity of Herbs Resists poyson it mollifies and loosens the belly it takes away sharpness it helps Ruptutes and such as are bursten bellied and mittigates pain internally and externally Mushromes and Toad-stools Lastly since the wantonness of some will eat Mushromes yet they are not eaten without danger they are by nature cold they yeild a watry and thick nourishment but oftentimes they are poysonous therefore better let alone then eaten Now we have passed through all eatable things it is necessary we speak next of all sorts of Drink CHAP. XII Of Drink Its Use DRink is of so absolute necessity that without it the moist substance which is daily consumed cannot be restored nor the natural thirst allayed neither can the Fat and thick moisture be carried through the narrow passages and by drink the meat in the Stomach is mingled concocted and poured forth and an inflamation of that Fat which destinated by Nature to nourish our bodies is prohibited Kinds of Drink There are divers kinds of Drink as Water Wine Strong Beer Ale Syder Perry Drinks made of Honey Sugar c. and divers decoctions Waters how to know good There is great variety of Waters all which are cold and moist but the best is that which is pure and clear by the sight taste smell and offers the sale of nothing to the tast nor odour to the smell which upon the fire is soon made hot and taken from the Fire doth soon grow cold which is light and wherein Flesh and Fruit are soon boyled some is Fountain others is River water some Rain water others Lake or Pond water some marish others Snow waters Fountain Water Fountain water is the best which hath these marks of good water that spreads towards the East and Runs Eastward and Riseth through Sand and Gravel that carries no mud with it that is hotter in Winter and colder in Summer River Water River Water for the most part is Fountain water and ariseth from many Fountains flowing together and therefore is of a mixed nature and receives also a mixt Nature from the Earth it passeth through Waters are mixed And sometimes also they are mingled with Snow melted in the Mountains and great showres of water collected together yet its crudity is corrected by the beams of the Sun whilst it runs through divers parts of the Earth before the use of it it should stand and settle in Cisterns and Tubs that what impurities it brought with it may settle to the Bottom Rain Water Rain Waters which falls in the Summer time with Thunder is the thinnest and lightest but since many vapours are lift up by
drinking of Beer or Ale for 4 days taking this drink at meat and else and take also 3 of our corroborating pills every morning for a week together early stirring after them it will free your body with ease and safety Avoiding the violent sweats the Jesuits powder doth commonly bring upon all that take it CHAP. X. Of a Consumption and decays of Strength or Consumptio corporis I Am come now last of all to treat of a Consumption any of which Diseases before mentioned if neglected may bring the body into therefore we say veniente occurite Morbo it is easier to prevent then cure the least Disease Diffinition Tabes Quia partium ingreditur soliditatem soluit A Consumption so called because the Disease enters into the solid and noble parts and consumes them as Fire doth mettles by melting them though properly it signifieth an Ulcer in the Lungs which by spreading doth wast and consume them and the whole body the French call it Le pulmonick by the name of the Lungs and there it doth begin by a putrid corosive sharp humour contained in the mass of blood which humours become such for want of Fermentation and continue such by additional acrimony which is the cause that all salt sharp Rheums and distillations which usually fall down most by night are so destructive and mortal and that the venenat quality of that sharp Phlegm distilling doth so continually stimulate the expulsive faculty of the Lungs desiring to free it self by Coughing Therefore all sharp salt acrimonous things or things easily corrupted are most dangerous to consumptive persons and all things that resist putrifaction and acrimony are the best preservatives For cure of a Consumption and all decays of Strength and Nature Be carefull to dispose of your self so that the Disease may be oppugned and nature strengthened and first I shall admonish you to have regard to those things called not naturall as Air Food Sleep the passions of the mind exercise and to the former may be added excrements that these may be Rectified if amiss and procured if wanting the full directions there to you are taught in the begining of this treatise in the Doctrine of preservation of health be careful of keeping your body from all excess which is hurtfull to nature also leave not of suddenly what you have been long acustomed to although worse except Air which we ought to change though you live in the best yet change is better walking Mornings to Hills or high grounds in the Evenings in Summer time by pleasant Rivers according to the saying Fons speculum gramen haec dant occulis Relevamen mane igitur montes sed serum inquirito fontes I caution you not to be out of house after Sun set nor to live in nor adjoyning to old Stone Walls nor new Buildings the former being though most before wet Wether yet dampishly unwholsome penetrating and will transmute Sound and Solid Bodies to putryfaction the latter very Suffocating till Summer Air hath throughly dryed putrid Air is also to be avoided if you live near stinking Lakes of Water Moorish Ground c. for as Air is more or less putred it is better or worse in this distemper for Air is obnoxious to putrifaction as well as any thing else therefore it is worth while for all Weak or Consumtive people especially to enquire into the nature of the Air of the place they intend to live in for we chiefly live by the Air by reason we are continually drawing in and breathing forth Generally the Air in Cities we find by daily experience is not so good as the open Country because the breath of many people in a close place doth putryfie the Air as well the transpiration of the pores of the Body and also the ill smells of divers filth These things are and may be proved as also the goodness or badness o● any Air by the keeping of any kind of Flesh meat for the better the Air is the longer it will keep uncorrupt and so it is with our instruments of Respiration as the Lungs will keep longer sound in a good Air then bad small Ale is most agreeable at meals and warm For dyet your best dyet being meat easie of concoction not easily corrupted fine manchet Land Birds Rabbets Poultrey c. Also where the Stomach is not very Phlegmatick milk hot from the Cow with Sugar of Roses dissolved to be drank about 5 a Clock in the afternoon is safely to be taken to the quantity of half a pint But for the Consumption Cure The most effectual remedy you will find is especially where there is any Catarrh distillation Rheum or Cough is our cordial dyet drink and corroborating pill therefore take of the dyet drink half a pint morning and evening warm in Bed which strengthens the vitals and resists putrifaction lying every morning an hour after it without drinking or eating any thing for that space at night taking as much and sleep upon it the Pill is to be taken one or two in a morning when you rise either constantly or as you find your strength and walk after it and you may eat or drink within an hour after It doth cleanse the Stomach and body in general it is a little laxative but very strengthning making a due Fermentation and a lively complection you ought to exercise according to your strength and to have your Legs arms and body often rubbed with a soft hand never drink cold nor sharp things which duly observed is the best means for recovery CHAP. XI Treating of all sorts of Jaundies and Green-Sickness Obstructions ICteritia est effusio bilis modo flavae modo atrae subnide utriusque quod in puellis saepe accidit per Universum corpus or the Jaundies is nothing but a diffusion of Choller or Melancholly or both through the whole body many times happening when the blood is corrupted without a Feaver as in the Crisis of Diseases and in Maids that have the Green-Sickness all oftentimes caused by Obstructions of the Gall Liver Spleen c. It is easily discovered by the yellowness and discoloration of the skin and deep Red tincture of the Urine or pale colour in the Green Sickness of young women The cure Be it to Men Women or Maids the cure is very safe and speedy first vomit with 2 or 3 of my emetick pills drinking posset drink as they work then sweat at night and morning with our cordial dyet drink hot half a pint at a time the next morning after your Sweat take 3 of our corroborating pills stir much after the taking of them and half an hour after taking them drink a large draught of small Ale or posset drink Maids ought to take the pills for 3 weeks time for the Green Sickness If Maids take them for the Green Sickness let them drink White-wine and continue taking the pills as directed for 20 days though you may be cured before 't is not safe to leave dregs behind and walk much every day after your pills and the Cure will speedily be effected though it be black Jaundies yellow or Green Sickness or any other obstructions in Liver Spleen or Reins in Men Women or Children and doth strengthen the noble parts and Reins to admiration For your dyet in the Jaundies it ought to be tender cooling and opening easie of concoction as Barley Grewel Fresh Fish Poultrey Rabbets and drink freely of small Ale or Barley broath with Liquorish boyled in it But Maids in the Green Sickness ought to use hot drinks that are opening as our dyet drink is also White-wine spiced meats c. because their Disease of Obstruction riseth from a cold cause therefore they must avoid all stopping cold things as Milk Cheese Fruit Nuts and such like One thing I shall say for the comfort of all persons that have lost their Complection that the corroborating pills being taken every morning for ten days or longer doth wonderfully revive and clear the countenance and make a fresh colour though in aged people and if Ladies once try them they need never paint more besides it makes the body sound and strong CHAP. XII Of the Prices of the Medicines that cure the Diseases aforementioned First our cordial dyet drink is 2 s. 6 d. the quart Morbus Pill the Box containing 30. at 5 s. The corroborating Pill the box containing 40. at 5 s. The vomiting Pill the box containing 20. at 3 s. The Cordial Pill giving ease in an hour and frees thy body from the greatest pain If pain be great in any part of the body occasioned by Gout Chollick Pox Stone or otherwise take one of my Cordial Pills at night going to bed and indeavor to sleep upon it and it will give ease in one hours time provided you do not eat nor drink any thing after for two hours space and fotbear speaking or else that may hinder its efficacy upon the Vitals for it gives ease by corroborating and not by stupifying It is most beneficial when the Patient hath had a stool not long before the taking of it Which may easily be procured by help of any small Glister I need not write more in commendation of it for he or she that finds release from pain will not longer doubt of the value and goodness its price 12 d. each pill there being three in a box is 3 s. price These pills and dyet drink are so well known by all that have used them for their excellent vertues that they need nothing of pen praise their benefit in use will shew their worth and to be had only from my house in Winchester-street near Gresham Colledge next door to the Fleece Tavern FINIS