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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23803 The whole duty of mourning and the great concern of preparing our selves for death, practically considered / written some years since by the author of The whole duty of man, and now published upon the sad occasion of the death of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lady Mary the II, Queen of England, &c. of blessed memory. Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. 1695 (1695) Wing A1194; ESTC R33068 65,567 192

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the Soul's Tutour and an Elevated Eye Teach an Vpright Heart the Heart to seek that Contiuing City the Eye to look for one to come VI. And here the Christian and the Heathen part who have all this while gone along together in the we have no continuing City they likewise undauntedly apprehending their Mortality and such as dare to hasten it Desperate Unthrifts of their Blood only to period their Miseries yet some of them in general Notions Dreamt of the Souls Immortality thus far shined the dimm Light of Nature here were their Herculean Pillars but without any endeavour of good Works tô seek or with the Eye of Faith to look for one to come this is a regenerate Man and a Christians Hope the Child of Propagative Faith VII That was a strange close of dying Adrian Thou little wandring merry Spirit who wert wont to cheer the Body what place shalt thou now Inherit c. Alas Heathens find but diminutive Comfort at their Death treading those unknown Paths with unprepared Feet going from one Darkness to another oh how may we ever Bless God for our Vocation our double Light of Grace and Knowledge when the most Learned of 'em go hence with I know not whither I go whereas the meanest Christian with a Job's Faith Exulteth I know that my Redeemer Liveth and therefore go forth my Cheerful Soul and fear not now to go to Christ whom thou so long hast Serv'd yet it is not my Task here rigorously to determine all those Lost whose exact Virtues so out Moral'd Christians VIII We cannot limit Mercy God loves it above Sacrifice Mat. 9. and our Just Lord requires but according unto what he gives Luke 12.48 though indeed the Heathen People that know not God in respect at least of outward Calling are not within the pale of the Messias Dear and the Law so Written in their Hearts I fear that Suppressing those inherent Evidences of Nature which St. Paul calls with-holding of the truth in unrighteousness Rom. 1.18 does render them inexcusable as the Apostle St. Paul argues strongly in that forecited Chapter Acts 4.12 for there is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby they may be saved but not to make our selves inexcusable by Judging another this we leave to the Great Judge of all Revealed things to us albeit we say not what becomes of them yet to our grateful Comfort we know saith he that when this earthly tabernacle of ours shall be dissolv'd we have a building not made with hands Eternal in the Heavens 2 Cor. 5.1 and yet our Confidence is to Weak to go alone it must be accompanied with Diligence we must not think to enjoy Heaven with only looking for it they would not then be so few that are chosen Math. 20.16 IX All are Baalamites and desire to dye the Death of the Righteous but Vainly unless they live the Life of them 't is Foolish to expect an end without the means to look for this Heavenly City and not seek it or that any Lazie Confidence should think to gain it as God knows that's all the evidence many have to shew for it I hope for it but for all this Hope if no Endeavour be used the Heart may break no nor is it Faith can look for 't unless Operative for our Faith cries out like Rachel give me Children or I die James 2.20 but such a Faith as Works by Love maketh our Hope infallible of finding what we seek we seek one to come X. Seek then is a Word of Labour bidding us with the Apostle Work out our own Salvation Phil. 2.12 Work 't is not a Feast or a Feather-Bed will bring a Man to Heaven our Jehovah will not as the Poet Jove did in Diana's Lap Rain down this Golden Purchase into our Bosomes no no Drones shall ever tast the Hony of that Hive but those industrious Bees alone that seek it a sharp Reproof for Idleness that Gate of all Impieties is a Whip of Scorpions for the Sluggards Back Prov. 6.10 some like the Spouse seeks no farther then the Pillow but she found not her Beloved there Cant. 3.1 and as little do they who stretching on their Beds of Ivory e'er find his Benefits whose Bed was but a Manger but Ruin suddenly for their not seeking finds out them Prov. 6.1 Idleness we know it was denominated those Virgins Foolish and Excluded them both the Chamber and the Knowledge of the Bridegroom Matth. 25.10 thus Slothful Persons like Arrows from a feeble Bow fall short of what they Aim at and with Esau come too late to gain the Blessing Gen. 27.30 XI Dilligence invites a Blessing you see Moses keeping watch over his Flock by Night is grac'd with Visions Exod. 3.4 a sight of him whose Vision is Beatifical and Saul seeking his Fathers Asses finds a Kingdom 1 Sam. 9.20 and David is taken from following the Ewes great with Young and made the great Shepherd of Israel Psal. 78.71 Diligence invites a Blessing whereas on the Contrary Idleness allures Temptation and Tempts the Tempter while David exercised himself in God's Law Day and Night all went well with him he fear'd not what either Man or Satan could do to him but when once he ascends his Wanton Prospect and loosens the Reins unto his Idler Senses the Devil soon changes his Title and makes him a Man after his own heart Wraps him in a double Snare of Murder and Adultery and after these how Justly he Complains mine Eyes are Dimm Psal. 6.7 when there 's such a Pearl in one and the other Blood-shod XII Indeed it is the sitting Bird that is the Fowler 's Aim the Envious Man Sowes his Tares while the Husbandman Sleeps and Hell it self is beholding to Idleness not only for Company but for a description being called a Lake of standing Water Rev. 21.8 there 's an old Fable how once the Elements Contended for Priority the Fire most active got Supremacy the agil-Agil-Air Wonn the next Regions the Ambitious Waters Flow to overtake 'em while Drowsie Earth sat still the while and therefore is ever since Disgrac'd with the lowest Room No Sin so unnatural as Idleness in a Word the Idle Man 's the Devil's Cushion whereon he sits and takes his Ease while the well-busied Heart is in the Shop or Work-house of the Almighty then let ever some good Act or other be as an Anchor to the Floating Mind Sedulity becometh even our Civil Callings but for Spiritual saith the Apostle 2 Pet. 1.10 Give all diligence to make your Calling and Election sure CHAP. XII Several Instrumental Means to be used in the Seeking and Attaining of a Heavenly Kingdom Practtically Considered IN the pursuit of a Heavenly Kingdom we must Run so that we may obtain But because 't is necessary a Seeker should have Eyes as well as Feet Knowledge as well as Industry least as the Perverse Jews you ask and receive not because you ask amiss James 4.3 Now Consider the manner how to
Seek and that is by doing Good and suffering Evil doing Good and being active is the Work of Nature but to do well is an effect of Grace and cause of prosperous Reward as Holy Moses intimates to Israel Deut. 6.28 Do ye that which is good in the sight of the Lord that you may prosper Do you that which is good and that you may do chiefly with these two Instruments a Praying Tongue and a Relieving Hand for Charity and Prayer are the Swiftest Wings on which the Soul can mount to Heaven II. Prayer is the Jewel of God's Ear the Dialogue 'twixt Heaven and Earth the Tongue of Angels the Souls Embassador with God which never with a Faithful Hand knock'd at Heaven Gates and was sent Empty away what though not presently heard 't is but to double our Importunity what though not straightway granted 't is but to glorify our Patience yet sometimes I confess our Prayers like Exhalations drawn up here may fall else where in fruitful Showers and may light on our posterity but fervent Prayer never goes uncrown'd but is still heard in a proportion to our Welfare though not always answered according to our vain Desires II. Prayer is the Sole Phoenix of the Graces from out the Ashes of whose Spicy Nest Revives a Bird of Paradise this can make a Precious Arabian Bird as Happy as her other Sister and for stony hearts can give us Hearts of Flesh Ezek. 11.19 there is a kind of an omnipotence in Prayer it locks and opens Heaven 1 Kings 18.5.7 it renews Societies 'twixt parted Souls and Bodies 2 Kings 4.33 it blows down the Walls of Jericho stays the Sun and makes Fire descend it holdeth that Hand which holdeth all the World from striking a very Sodom GOD himself can do nothing till praying Lot is gone Gen. 19.22 and 't is very remarkable in that Dialogue 'twixt GOD and Abraham Gen. 18. how God disisted not from Granting till Abraham first left off Petitioning and therefore as the Apostle wishes Pray Continually 1 Thes. 5.17 That is at constant times of publick and retir'd Devotions or else continually by Good Words or Works for indeed no Circumstances can exclude Prayer and besides every good Action is a kind of Supplication Seek therefore by doing Good and that first by Prayer III. But because Prayer alone makes a Man but like a Bird with one Wing or as a Boat with one Oar somewhat lame and imperfect to perform this Duty for let any Zeal make what noise it will if spoke with the Tongue of Men and Angels yet without Charity 't is but a tinkling not a well-tuned Cymbal 1 Cor. 13.1 Let therefore the praying Tongue say to the relieving Hand as Ruth to Naomi Ruth 1.16 Whether thou goest I will go and where thou dwellest I will dwell Let Charity I say and Prayer like Links of a golden Chain depend on one another though like two Gloves one lost the other but of little use yet both together make themselves compleat For God like Isaac Gen. 27. will feel the Hands as well as hear the Voice of whom he blesseth IV. Pliny in his History tells us of the Eagle That she knows her young Ones by their Eyes their Perspicacy and unless they can out-face the Sun she rejects them as a Bastard Brood But God knows his Children by their Hands their Liberality and whom he finds like Jeroboam withered-handed close-fisted he counts them but degenerate Sons and will dis-inherit them of his Heavenly Kingdom yet will give them a Portion I tremble to say where Cast then thy Bread upon the Waters Eccles. 11.1 relieve the Needy whose Multitude and Weakness terms them so and after many days for Heaven will never forget it thou shalt find it and that flowing to thee like rich Merchandize with blest encrease each one that shall crave an Alms is an Arm stretcht out from God who hath another Hand as ready to reward as that was to receive for who so hath Mercy upon the Poor lendeth to the Lord Prov. 19.17 and indeed but lendeth to the best advantage for the Lord will recompence him God puts us not to the expence of costly Sacrifices should he how cold would his Altars lye the Calves of our Lips and Offerings of our Hands are now all he challengeth and therefore to do good and to distribute forget not for these are the pleasing Sacrifices V. Part with some of that which long you cannot keep to gain that which you can never lose Make you friends of that unrighteous mammon Luk. 16.9 Ethimius tells us God hath given Men Riches not as unto Treasurers but Stewards Imitate then that wise One in the Gospel for to every one it shall be one Day said Give an Account and believe it none shall make a better Reckoning at the last great Audit than the Charitable Person For love covereth a multitude of sins 1 Pet. 4.8 and this indeed the Judge himself attestates Mat. 25.30 Christ there describing his last general Sessions seems to take notice only of Works of Mercy there 's no mention of your Frugality Temperance Diligence or other Virtues but Feeding Cloathing Visiting and Ministring these Christ names and takes upon his own account You have done it unto me and therefore re-pays them with Eternal Happiness Come you Blessed c. and Charity is the way unto that Kingdom and Heavenly City of the New Jerusalem that we seek though not the worth of it Seek therefore by doing good and that by Prayer and Charity VI. It follows next That by Patience in suffering Evil we ought to seek By suffering for thereunto are we called saith the Apostle 1 Pet. 2.21 Christ also suffered for us leaving us an Example that we should follow his steps and two ways likewise must we suffer by Bearing and Forbearing in which two Things says Epictetus the sum of all Philosophy and I may add of almost all Christianity consists First in forbearing Intemperance all Luxurious Riot and Excess 't is both the Mother and the Nurse of Vertues Hippocrates his Aphorisms is true on both sides That Diseases both of Body and Mind for the most part owe their original to fulness and redundant Humours and indeed where Satan tempts one fasting he tempts a thousand full and therefore abstinence is the best Cure of both And oh how well had it been for their Posterity had but our first Parents been acquainted with this Virtue in Paradise then for ought I know they had still been there and then I 'm sure that same one Man's Meat had not prov'd so all others Poison but ever since we took from that first Mother of ours all our vicious longings we likewise hunger after Superfluities and Forbidden Fruits not contented with enough but are too indulgent to our wanton Genius VII Intemperance brings not only Grey Hairs but Green Years with Sorrow to the Grave For how soon does immoderate Potions like much Water on a little Fire extinguish natural