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water_n air_n element_n fire_n 13,062 5 7.1789 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22165 A litell treatyse of astrouomy [sic] very necessary for physyke and surgerye, declarynge what herbes, and all kynde of medecynes are appropryate and vnder the influence of the planetes, sygnes and constellacyons : and also the partes and members of the bodye thereto correspondynge, and howe ye shall brynge the vertue of the heuens aud [sic] nature of the sters to euery parte of mans bodye beynge deseasad or sycke to the soner recoueraunce of helth : and also howe to chose the most luckey dayes and tymes for the aboue sayde, the whiche shal be appoynted by the almanacke yerelye, accordynge to the course of the moone, passynge by all the signes and sterres in one reuolucion / gathered and set forth by Anthony Askham physicio[n] ... Askham, Anthony, fl. 1553. 1550 (1550) STC 857A.5; ESTC S645 12,676 62

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A LITELL treatyse of Astronomy very necessary for Physyke and Surgerye declarynge what herbes and all kynde of medecynes are appropryate and vnder the influence of the Planetes sygnes and constellacyons And also the partes and members of the bodye thereto correspondynge and howe ye shall brynge the vertue of the Heuens and nature of the Sters to euery parte of mans bodye beynge deseased or sycke to the soner recoueraunce of helth And also howe to chose the most luckey dayes and tymes for the aboue sayde the whiche shal be appoynted by the Almanacke yerelye accordynge to the course of the Moone passynge by all the Signes and Sterres in one reuolucion gathered and set forth by ANTHONY ASKHAM Physiciō in the yere of our Lorde God M. D. L. the twelfe day of Februarye ☞ THOMAS PAYNEL ❧ Repulse the begynnyng of euery malady For medecines ministred not in dewe season Dothe not relyeue or helpe the mysery Of suche as hath by longe contraction Dyfferred the tyme of mynistracion Wherby theyr maladye fercely myght increse Nature corrupted the bodye to deface ❧ In tyme to minyster medecynes the sicke doth relyeue And wine out of tyme dothe the much domage Increase of paynes the pacyent dothe achieue But in tyme to take plasture the sore doth asswage Al thynges in season shulde haue theyr passage Remedy for desease in tyme to procure Thus all thynges are subiecte to tyme and to measure ¶ Finis ꝙ Thomas Paynel ❧ THE EPISTLE to the Reader IT is manyfeste and well knowen good Reder that al herbes stones gummes and metalles hath theyr generacions disposicyons vertues and proprietyes of the Sonne Moone and Sterres so that euery herbe hathe certayne Sterres appropryate and addicte vnto them of whom they receyue suche influence and operacyon as is accordynge to the nature of the Sterres the whiche is knowen of longe tyme by dayly experience in consideryng theyr mouinges their cōiunctions and aspectes And also markyng theyr influences and propertes at such lyke tymes aforsaid Also by further experiēce the Phylosopher hath founde forth seuen Sterres orrotical in seuen seueral heauens or speres and of sundrye influences and operacions and accordynge to suche men of such lyke condycyon they haue gyuen them names as Saturne Iupiter and Mars and so furth Also all the rest of the Sterres are fyxed in the eyght heauen or spere emonges whom are ymagened xii beastes called sygnes and. xxviii other constellacions and by suche lyke experyence of influences hath named a certayne nōber of Sterres to be a Ramme to be a Bull to be a Lyon to be a Scorpion to be a Beare to be a Dogge and so forth Also the heauenlye Sterres hath certayne commyxtion with the elementes and the Elementes with them so that all thynges made of the Elementes receyueth certayne qualytes and operacions sensible by an Elementall power and also they receyue certayne operacyons and vertues insencible and occulte by a celestiall and heauenly power as all herbes and medecines solutisse are either hote dry moyst or colde by the elementall power and also by the celestyal power some purge color some melancoly some fleume and some from the head some from the stomake some from the herte some from the lyuer and so forth of the whiche no man knoweth no other cause but the alonely propertye and vertue of the heauens Also furthermore it is knowne and experte howe the planetes sygnes and constellacions doth worke perticulerly in diuers partes of mans bodye and specially the seuen planetes vnto whose influence all other Sterres are obedyente and agreable furthermore knowe that the Sonne and Moone are cheife of al other planetes for the Sonne is the minister of al lyuely propertye and giueth al thinges lyfe and makethe all herbes to growe tyl they come to their perfection Also the Sonne draweth first frō the roote the lyuely moysture that maketh the herbe to growe wax Saturne holdeth the mater together in the roote stalke and leaues Iupiter geueth the temperature benefete shap and fasshyon and the ayrie humour and smell Mars hardeneth and gyueth the wooddy stalkes and strength The Sonne gyueth a contynual increase of lyfe by a liuely hete Venus gyueth the flowers fayrenes and temperate humour Mercurye geueth the barke and sede the preueand occulte properte The Moone geueth the leaues and warry humoure And thus vnderstande of all other thinges bothe of stones gummes and metalles and also of the body and sundrye partes of mankynde furthermore knowe that the fyrste and most pryncypall workeman is the father of heauen the which hauyng in the Godhead in the mynd deuine and in the henuen archetypi the edees simylytudes and the ymages of all thynges create before the creation of the worlde the whiche at the proper instant of the creatyon he hath infused these symylitudes and ymages beynge euen percelles and powers of the Godhead in all his creatures and as he hathe made all thynges of nought so are yet al thīgꝭ nought the whiche wanteth these edees similitudes ymages and powers of the Godheade for he is Omnia in omnibus secondarye he hath create instrumentes as second causes the which are the Sonne Moone and Sterres whose matter influence and operacyons is nothynge but by his power infused the which he hath made alonelye to declare his glory and hyghe workemanshippe to his intellectyfe creatnes Also knowe that the Sonne is the princypall workeman of God and the planetes are instrumentes and toles wherewith the Sonne worketh and the signes and constellations are other meane instrumentes to the planetes and the Element are the mater that they worke vpon and all thynges made of the foure elementes are the substaunces and bodyes with lyfe schape faryon that they make of the Elementes as man beast fyshe fowle herbe and stone Also knowe that the Moone is the lowest of all the planetes and next to the Elementes hauynge the lest and swyftest course of all the other planetes and is the mediatrix cariare and daily instrumentes and cōueyre of the vertues and propertyes of al the other planetes from the one to the other and is also the commixter and ioynere together of all the heauens and elementes as by example when the Sonne commeth to vs warde in sprynge tyme and at all other tymes he gyuethe lyghte to all the Sterres and planetes and this lyght by an occulte vertue is mouyng and lyuely and is cōueyed by the Moone to the element of the fyre and there is made a lyuely heate Also the Moone and the elemente of the fyre doth conuey it to the elemētes of the ayre where it is made a temperate lyuely heate and from the ayre to the water and so receyueth an humorall moisture in conceruing the temperate liuely heate fynallye the earthe the whiche is the mother and matter of all the other thinges and this liuely hete entrynge and openynge the pores of the earth and also of the rootes and seedes of herbes geueth quicnynge and mouynge vpwarde agayne from the
centre and by the elemente of the water mynystred by the Moone a conseruyng moisture and by the Ayre and fyre a temperate lyuely heate the herbe beginneth to sprynge and appere sensible Then the Moone in her course passynge by the Sterres signes or constellation of Saturn mynystreth the influence of Saturne to the herbe the whiche thicketh and kepeth the matter ī rotes stalkes and leaues togither by the element of the earth Also in passyng by Iupiter she ministreth his influence to the herbe in giuing temperature shape facion and smelle by the elemente of the ayre and in passyng by Mars by Venus by Mercury or by their Sterres and cōstellacions ye shal vnderstande in lyke maner Also yf the Moone shuld not haue this ministracion dayly emonges the planetes this succession of the growing of herbes shulde not folowe ordinatelye and oftentymes we se daylye decay and lete of these procedinges the whiche the cause is of the coniunctions and aspectes of contrary planetes to the procedinges thereof as at suche tyme when Venus and Mercury shulde bringe forth the flower fruyte and seede Then at that proper instant or at the entraunce of the reuolucion fygure Saturne and Mars being in dygnites doth thicke and make cold dry and earthy and vtterly sleeth that tender matter and lyuely humour whereof the flouer and sede shulde haue ben ordeyned and made and thus fynallye the Moone hauing dayly administration of all maner of propertyes of herbes both elemental and celestial it shal be declared by the course of the Moone in the sygnes the tyme of ministryng of herbes and medecines for al partes of the bodye the whiche tymes shal be knowen by the Almanacke as is afore saide wherefore nowe to conclude gentell reader I haue wrytten this lytell treasyse not for leraned men but al onelye for the vnlerned Englishe reader that they may partly perceyue the workynge of the omnipotente power in hys instrumentes the heuens and elementes in the elementates or inal thinges that are made of the .iiii. elemente to the hyghe laude and prayse of the Deyte to whom be all glorye worlde without ende Amen ☞ FINIS ☞ The deuysion of this boke THe fyrst parte declareth the influence of the seuen planetes in herbes stones gummes and mettalles in the partes of mans body and also in what signes constellations starres euery planete hath most dominion and lordship The seconde parte declareth the influence of the .xii. signes in herbes stones gummes and mettalls bothe by theyr owne influence and by the influences of the planettes that hath lordshyp in them and also certaine degrees wherin diuerse starres are set beynge pryncipall starres of sundry constellations be longynge to certayne planettes also what parte of mans body the signe gouerneth howe to bringe the vertues of the Heauens and Sterres to what parte of mannes bodye that ye wyll The thyrde part declareth by example howe ye shal bryng the vertue of the Sterres to euery parte of mans body by the course of the Moone with a table of the sygnes and Planetes and howe ye shall knowe in euery signe what planetes hath dominacion therin wherby ye may lyghtlye perceyue the herbes and medecynes belongyng to the saide planetes the whiche shal be ministred in that sygne for that parte of the bodye the whiche the sygne gouerneth the Moone beynge in the sayde sygne Also there foloweth the tryplicites of sygnes and tryplycytes of the partes of the bodye and howe ye shall minister in the one sygne for the other and to the one member for the syckenes of the other with a table for the same also there is a nother ministracion after the māsions of the Moone ❧ HERE BEGYNNETH the firste parte the whiche treateth of the seuen planets and fyrste of the herbes stones gums and mettalles that are appropriate to the planet Saturne ¶ Of herbes SEngrene Affodyll Serpentary Rewe Comyn blake Elebore Mandragon Opium blacke Figges Pyne tree Cypresse tree And of stones Saphire blacke Iasper Chalcedon Magnes and the blacke Onichinus a litel stone of Iude. Of Gummes blacke pytche Of metalles the Marcasita of base Golde Leade and Antimony ¶ The partes of mans body that Saturne ruleth and gouerneth ❧ Saturne gouerneth the lyuer and gall and the flesshely parte of the stomake and holdeth and restraineth all maner of fluxes ❧ The signes of heuen in whom Saturne hath great strength and Lordeshyppe ☞ Saturne hath domynacyon and lordeshippe in Capricorne and Aquary and in Libra bycause of his exaltacions and in all thinges continued vnder these signes ❧ In what constellacion df heauen Saturne hath lordship and dominion ¶ The constellacion of the blacke Rauen is of the nomber of seuen Sterres emonges whom is a payle Sterre vpon the lefte wyng of the Rauen the which hath disposicion and influence of Saturne at the aforesayde daye of the .xvi. degre of Libra and al other thinges conteyned vnder the cōstellacyon aforsaid at that present tyme. ❧ Of herbes stones gummes and mettalles that are appropriate to the planette Iupiter ☞ Of Herbes HOuselyke or Sengrene Basyll Buglosse Mynte royall Enulacampana Violettes Cockle Maces Spickenarde Poplere Asshe Beche Almondes Walnuttes Pyonye rootes Mirabolaynes whyte Figges Pears Apples Prunes Olyues Rabarbe Manna Wheate Barlye Raisens Lycoresse Suger Of stones Iacinet Berell Saphere Tute Smaragde grene Iasper and all other stones that are grene in coloure Of gummes Mastycke Storaxe Of Mettalles Tynne Syluer and Golde ✿ The partes of mans body that Iupiter ruleth and gouerneth ¶ Iupiter ruleth the wombe and nauell the shorte rybbes withal the bowelles and also the ryghte hande and the lefte eare and the naturall spirite the vaynes Raynes backe and buttockes ⚜ The sygnes of heauen that Iupiter hath dominion and lordeshyppe in ☞ Iupiter hath lordshyppe in Sagitarye and Pisces and in Cancer where he is exalted and also in all thinges conteyned vnder these iii. signes ¶ The constellacions of heauen wherin Iupiter hath influence ¶ Iupiter hath dominacion in the constellacion of Elpheia and in the great Horse in the thyrde degree of Sagittary and in the thyrde degre of Pisces and in al these herbes and stones that are vnder these two constellacions at the degres aforesayd ⚜ The herbes stones gummes and mettalles that hath influence of the planet Mars ☞ Of herbes DOgfenel Arnoglossa whyte Elebore Garlyke Radyshe Laurel Napellus Scamonie Thystel Netrell Sperewort Onyons Lekes Mustarde Of stones Adamāt Magnes the bloude stones Iasper Amatysie Of Gummes Euphorbium Armoniake Of Mettalles Iron Redde brasse Sulphire or Brymstone ✿ The partes of mans body that Mars ruleth ☞ Mars gouerneth the raynes stones matrice and genitall seede ☞ The sygnes of heauen in whom Mars hath great dominacion ☞ Mars hath domynacyon and lordeshyppe in Aries and Scorpio and in Capricorne bycause of his exaltacion and in all thynges conteyned vnder these sygnes ¶ The cōstellacions of heauen in whō Mars hath dominion ❧ Mars hath lordeship in the constellacyon of Plciades the seuen