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A20900 A breefe aunswere of Iosephus Quercetanus Armeniacus, Doctor of Phisick, to the exposition of Iacobus Aubertus Vindonis, concerning the original, and causes of mettalles Set foorth against chimists. Another exquisite and plaine treatise of the same Iosephus, concerning the spagericall preparations, and vse of minerall, animall, and vegitable medicines. Whereunto is added diuers rare secretes, not heeretofore knowne of many. By Iohn Hester, practicioner in the spagericall arte.; Ad Jacobi Auberti De ortu et causis metallorum contra chymicos explicationem brevis responsio. English Du Chesne, Joseph, ca. 1544-1609.; Du Chesne, Joseph, ca. 1544-1609. De exquisita mineralium, animalium et vegetabilium medicamentorum spagyrica praeparatione et usu. English. aut; Hester, John, d. 1593. 1591 (1591) STC 7275; ESTC S109966 94,663 138

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art to imitate nature Secondly it worketh by it selfe but not first because first it engendreth some vnperfect mettall of the same beginninges in his mine and lastly conuerteth it into gold in which point art followeth nature it selfe in that of vnperfect mettalles it maketh gold as nature it selfe doth Hereby it is euident something to be made of something two manner of waies mediatly and immediatly For according to Arist lib 9. Meta. There may be many matters of one thing as mediat and immediat albeit at the last the mediat matter must bee reduced into the immediat for otherwise of diuerse matters diuers thinges would rise Therfore because art taketh both the mediat immediat matter which nature doth reduceth the mediat at the last to the immediat as nature also doth hath one and the selfe same agent which shall spoile the quicksiluer and at last transforme it and the end of art and nature is all one that is by the vniting of this forme with his matter at last to ingender gold there is no doubt but that art imitating nature it selfe in all pointes can make an vnperfect mettall a perfect as nature it selfe doth make as we haue aforesaid Wherefore the causes being all one of necessitie they also must be one and bring forth the like effectes Neither do I thinke them to be excused which seeke the subiect of the Chymick Philosophers in the vegitalles Their lahour is in vaine for there can be no generation but by the neerest conuenient and immediates Others haue bestowed their labors vpon animall thinges specially in an egge because the Chimick Philosophers moued with a certaine similitude of egges called their worke the egge and said that the egge euen as the Elixir doth conteine 4 elements whose shell they called the earth the thinne skinne the aire the white water and the yelke fier So also the same Philosophers by a darke speech said their stone was one in three and three in one because it conteineth in it a bodie that standeth a soule that g●ueth life and a spirit that staineth They which vnderstand not these darke speeches perswaded themselues that an egge was the Philosophers stone because it conteined three in one the shell the yelke and the water and therefore at last concluded the egge to be the onely matter sought for by the Chim●stes being no lesse deceaued then other not considering this matter not to be fit to draw out mettall out of For a man begetteth a man a beast a beast But because good Au●ertus hath tried this with his losse as I hard which decocting egges philosophically consumed some hundred of crownes therefore he quarrelleth with the art as though it had deceiued him but vndeserued when he himselfe rather erred for art is not bound to maintaine his fault For kinde ought to be ioyned with kinde and like with like and euery blossom to answere to his seede as we said afore And there be some which seek the matter of their Elixir not in vegitals or animalls but in thinges vnder the earth and neerer For they say that art doth immitate nature and therefore thinke to labor vpon those first matters wherupon nature wrought and decoct quicksiluer and sulphur which they heare to bee the next matter of mettalles But sillie men they loose both their cost and labour For the Philosophers quicksiluer is not that common neither also the common sulphur as I said For is there any man which can attaine the intent of nature in due proportion and measure no man truely Moreouer quicksiluer if you set it but to a verie litle ●ier it vaporeth away being mixed is seperated sulphur also not hardly when notwithstanding the coniunction of both these is necessarie euen to the end of digestion in the generation of mettalles so are they deceaued as many as seeke the stone in marchasites tuty antimony ar●●ick orpment when as it is either altogether an inseperable sulphur yet ought to be seperat at lest as wee haue said or because it is seperat with a small fier all the Philosophers writings sufficiently declare that it can not bee the Philosophers subiect They also erre which think to take gold for the man and siluer for the woman which two they amalgame for we may vse the words of the art with common mercurie of three make one which they decoct chyminically sublyme and out of it at last drawe the spirit which afterward they goe about to fix For they depart from the philosophers writinges which confesse all with one mouth that the agent is ioyned and proportionat by nature in the mines with his owne matter and they say that it is but one thing wherein are the foure elementes well proportioned that there is the ●ixer the ●ixed the stayner and the stained white and red male and female compound together It is therefore as wee said before a certaine third nature common and altered of diuerse mixture and digestion of sulphur and quicksiluer in which is a mineral power to ingender a mixt thing which to do so perpetuallie worke and suffer betweene themselues vntill they be translaved from the forme of vnperfect bodies first begotten the agent not being yet seperat from his matter into an other forme and at last come by continuall digostion and purifications to the last true perfect forme which is the forme of golde in which is the last tearme of motion where also the agent is v●terly seperate from his matter Many see●e what this is few finde it or if they do finde it they know not the preparations and intentions of the philosophers whose medecine is also drawē out of those things by art in which it dwelleth potentially by nature and in which the perfection of the first matter and all mettalles are found This matter after they haue founde it first they thinke meete to be calcined and purged from all his filths restoring his h●a●e and preseruing his naturall moisture for in the Chimicke calcination there ought to be no diminution of the body but rather multiplication Then they reduce the calcined matter by making thin his groines into a certaine liquid substance as into his first matter which they call minerall water which doth not wet the handes then is it made one in kinde but not so in number whose father they call the sunne the moone the mother and mercury the mediator the bodie is altered from his proper forme but a new is induced immediatly for there is nothing founde in the nature of thinges spoiled of all forme That done out of that so dissolued they seperat the four elements and deuide them into two partes into the ascendenter spirituall and into the inferiour or earthly which twoo partes yet are of one nature for the inferiour is the leauē fixing it and the superior part is the soule quickning the whole matter Notwithstanding their diuision is necessarie that they all might be the easilier changd amongest themselues
and therewith part by passing into water wax blacke and the water by passing into airie wax white and the aire be● turned into fier The separation of elements made they make a coniunction of water earth with aire and fire keeping a proportion that euery element may be dispersed with other giue vnto the male 3. partes of his water and vnto the women ix parts then euery like reioyceth with his like for the desire of the ioyning specially of the materiall sulphureouse forme These thus ioyned they putrify it in a moist heate lest by hot fier the mercurie should be seperat or carried vp on high through his spirituall nature that by this corruption the matter might be changed and the elementes naturally deuided that regeneration may followe for there is nothing borne or groweth nor without life but first things putrifaction is made After putrefaction they come to coagulation and with the same most temperat heate continually altering the matter as well inwardly as outwardly they do worke vntill all the matter be white like vnto pearles then is there a true fixing and congealing of the shining spirites with the bodies The Chimick philosophers call this the white thorne and white sulphur incombustible which neuer departeth from the fier Finally they proceede vnto Cibation that is to the making thicke of the thinne and making subtile the grosse mingling his water with the ashes and his milke with the foliat earth but moderatly that so the whitenes and rednes goodnes quantitie and vertue of it may increase and grow and by decocting and decocting againe the matter might be nourished Then they sublyme the matter but not with common sublimation and so purge it from all vncleannes lifting vp the bodie and making it spirituall and the spirit corporal fixed by taking away the sulphureous saltnes that it may all be white and easily be molten Hauing finished the sublimation they leuen the water by ioyning the spirit with his whitened earth or calce as with his ferment or incorporating the soule with the bodie For the spirituall accidentes cannot shew their permanent qualities except they be ioyned with fixed bodies as with his leuen which bringeth vnro him his aptnes to his nature colour and sauour by the mutuall and common impression of the bodie and spirit without the which the worke can not bee finished as paste cannot be leuened without leuen But for the greater nobilitie of the matter they thinke it must be exalted by increasing the spirit and sublyming making subtil the earth by naturall rectifying of all the elements and the true circulation and graduation of them vntill they be brought to a perfect ●mbrasing Then they increase the force of their Salamander by reiterating their solutions and coagulations and with new leuen in force and quantitie and that into infinite Last they make proiection of one waight vpon many vppon the vnperfect according to the perfection of the medecine for by how much the more it is made subtill and stained so much the more abundantlie it worketh and so following nature they make perfect vnperfect mettalles and turn them into the sunne moone of their proper matter purified and made subtile by art and then fixed by decoction and digested vntill it come to a white and after into a red colour and is made againe flying and againe fixed vntill it haue his entrance and sta●ne perfectly they ma e their medecine and their powder which they call the philosoph rs stone And that by sundry workes ●iuers thinges many vessels and many furnaces as by that is aforesaid the vnskilfull of art peraduenture will iudge when as vnto the true Philosopher in all this great worke there is but one worke one way one thing one vessell one onely fier and furnace as all do confesse All these things would I note by the way whereby I might ouerthrow maister Aubertus opinion touching the philosophers stone for it is lawfull for any m●n by i●sting to vtter his follie in thinges vnknowen and that I might demonstrat that not the bare forme of gold or siluer drawen from his substance as hee thinketh is not the matter of the philosophers medecine But saith he I care not of what matter the stone bee compounded Notwithstanding because it is not a naturall substance it cannot put on a natural● forme but onely artificiall and deceitfull I could here appeale to the witnesse of many notable men but I thinke it better to deale by reason Therefore I say that mettalles truely altered are knowē to be perfect not by the forme the● had afore or that is put in for that were impossible but by the accidents properties and passions which follow the formes Therefore if in mettall altered all those thinges are found in euery examination that are in the true mettall truely it is to be iudged they haue not a counterfect form but the true forme of mineral gold and siluer For that which worketh the worke of the ●i● is the ●i● as the philosopher writeth 4. Meteor and so contrarie Further more we haue shewed the Philosophers stone to be naturall by reason of his making and that by meanes of the naturall agent that is fier with his naturall colour sent and forme which are accidentall formes following his determinat substantiall forme art ministring matter vnto it For art is ioyned with nature for the beginning of art is nature it selfe as the philosopher writeth 2. phisic ●y which reason art may be called natural his workes naturall his formes are called naturall in two sortes that is when nature prepareth matter for it selfe and afterward induceth forme as in man and stone or when art doth minister and prepare matter for it selfe yet not with the last prepation with nature notwithstanding doth dispose and prepare euen to the end and doth induce a forme vpon it as is to be seene in the making of ceruse and red lead Neither is it any new thing that art in many points followeth nature and that many naturall thinges are made by art which Arist affirmeth 4 Metaph. spheaking of colchota and calchant For nature saith hee in the mines of Atraments engendreth Atraments and he sheweth the manner of the making And a little after hee saith the two atraments may be made and compounded by art for art being the follower of nature as he writeth 2. Metaph. by taking the substance of Iron or copper whereof naturally they are made ministring it vnto nature with often dissolutions distillations and coagulations doth so perfectly and ingeniously make them that they haue the same properties and operations actiue passiue that the two mineral attraments haue The like is seene in making of salt There is some minerall salt founde as in Polonia other some is made as in France yet hauing the same properties and passions as the minerall by which reason it may be called verie naturall and his forme also naturall and verie perfect
dissolueth the stone in the raines and prouoketh vrine The last liquor that is redde maketh the heare yellowe as golde if ye wash it there with diuers times It taketh away spots in the eies and is thus made Take pure honie 2. poūd and distil it in a glasse that containeth 2. gallons with a gentle fire in sand till it changeth colour then change the receiuer increase the fire a little vntill all the fumes be come foorth the which will afterwarde turne into a redde liquor which some call the oile ex leonardo Phiorauanti There is also a quintaessence or burning spirit made out of honie the which hath the vertues and quailities that the spirite of wine hath in all pointes and may be vsed in steede therof some affirme that this quintaessence or spirite of honie will dissoule golde being firste calcined and circulated therewith certaine daies It dissolueth like wise any kinde of iewell that is put therein It healeth woundes with greate speede if ye wash them therewith It helpeth againste the cough cattar and paines of the milte it cureth spots in the eies and preserueth the sight It is affirmed that one vsinge this essence 40 daies was cured of the Palsie and fallingesicknesse also this quintaessence beeing distilled 20. times with perfect pure siluer calcined it wil restore the sight vnto those that are in manner blinde The extra●ction of liquors out of plantes flowers seedes and rootes Cap. 3. PVt Celandine brused into a glasse cucurbit well stopped set itto digest 15. daies in warm dung then distil it with a gentle fire vntill the feces remaine drie the which ye shall stampe pow●ring there on the element of water before distilled that i●t may be couered 4 fingers thē stop the glasse putrifie it 8. daies in Balneo after distill it againe giuing fire by degrees til ther come forth no more spirits in this 2. distillation thou shalt haue the water aire the fleme if ye wil ye may seperate by Balneo which reserue then calcine the feces that remaine which imbibe with the fleme reserued puttifie it in Balneo and distill it per alembicum vntill the matter appeare in white stones the which by often solutions and coagulations with his proper water become cristaline and so the earth shall remaine well purified which although it be white notwithstanding containeth his fire and inward tincture vpon this put on your 2. first elementes before reserued and circulate al together in Balneo till the oile appeare and swim vpon which is called the true essence endued with infinite quallities In like manner ye may attaine the true preparations of Melissa sage and Valerian and all other hearbes In that manner ye may prepare the oyles of flowers but the herbes and flowers which yeeld small quantitie of oyle must be cut or stamped small and then put it into a glasse mixing with them if they be drie faire water distilled But if they be moist or waterish ye shall put them in a glasse alone close stopped and set them in the sunne or some warme place to macerate vntill ye see the oile swimme vppon the toppe the which ye shall power foorth and making it warme ye may seperate it by a funnell or conuenient instrumente Some vse to take those herbes and flowers thus macerated and distil them in a vessel of copper with a refrigeratory and after seperate the oile ye shall note that what vertue the herbe is of the oile is of the same but much more forcible subtile Oyle of Time his vertues THree or 4. droppes being drunke with aqua mulsa helpeth the painefull cough shortnes of breath clenseth the brest and ripeneth the fleme it prouoketh vrine expelleth the secundine and dead fruite from the ma●rix in di●●olueth clotted and cōgealed bloud within the body being vsed with Oximell and a little salte it purgeth toughe and clammie fleme and sharpe cholerike humours and corruption of the bloud It preuaileth against blastings and winde in the bellie and stones being often vsed it preuaileth against melancholie diseases and the goute the smell of this oile is profitable for those that are toubled with the falling sicknesse Beeing put in to a hollowe tooth it taketh away the paines presentlie Oyle of sweete Margerom THis oile being often vsed with other conuenient medicines is most profitable for those that are fallen into a dropsie and cannot make water but with great difficultie It preuaileth against winde and gripings in the belly and prouoketh neesing it is comfortable against all paines of the heade and restoreth smelling beeing lost if it bee put into the eare nostrels it is good against poison and the stinging of Scorpiones Oyle of Sage THis oile dissolueth congeled bloud within the body cureth inward woundes and bruses comming either of a stripe or fall It prouoketh vrine and expelleth grauell comforteth the hart and head that is greeued with cold humours it is profitable for women with child because it closeth the matrix and comforteth the childe it is profitable for those that are troubled with the gout palsie or weakenes of the sinewes if ye mixe it with oile of waxe annoint the partes therewith it helpeth the cough and openeth obstructions of the liuer and swageth paines in the side beeing drunke with wormewood wine it is profitable against the bitings of venemous beastes for it cleanseth the sores and healeth them if it be put into vnguentes fitte for that purpose Oyle of Peniriall THis oile being drunke with conuenient liquors proueketh Menstrua and bringeth foorth the after burthen the dead fruite and vnnatural birth It prouoketh vrine and breaketh the stone especially in the kidnes being taken with conuenient siropes it clenseth the lunges and breast from al grosse and thicke humors beeing taken with aloes and honie it preuaileth against crampes and contractions of the sinewes being dronke with water and vineger it stayeth the inordinat desire to vomit gnawing paines of the stomack and is profitable against the biting of venemous beastes the annointing of the temples and nostrelles with this oile is profitable against the falling sicknes and taketh away the swimming paines thereof and is most profitable for those that haue a colde and moist braine it slaketh the paines of the gout the fume of this oile being receaued at the lower partes with a funnell is profitable against windines and blastinges and also against hardnes stoppings of the matrix Oile of Mintes THis warmeth and strengtheneth the stomacke and dryeth vp moist and superfluous humors gathered in the same and causeth good digestion it stayeth vomitting being dronke and annointing the stomacke therewith and killeth round wormes being often vsed it helpeth the griping paines of the collicke and stayeth the menstruall fluxe being either eaten or dronk with some conuenient medicine it easeth women which are much troubled with harde and perillous trauell in childe birth It helpeth deafnes if it be
altogether mingled The Stoickes contrarily doe affirme that whole substances are mingled with the whole but leauing these waues of slipperie opinions we will goe to the safe and quiet port And in this point we do allow the opinion of Aubertus who thinketh the elementes not to be mixed bodies essentially or in deede but in power which Galen witnesseth in the first book de methodo medendi where he writeth that the elements are to be mingled wholly with the whole onely by their qualities Of the second or proper matter of mettalles the opinion of many Philosophers is not agreeable but very diuers For some said the neerest matter of mettals is a moist breath as Aristotle some hold it to be a water drawē from other elementes which Agricola alloweth whose opinion our Aubertus agreeth vnto Other deeme it ashes moistened with water But the Chimist whose opinion Aubertus goeth about to ouerthrow saith quicksiluer is the matter of them some haue ioyned sulphur all which opinions are breefly and diligently to be examined by vs that the matter may bee more euident and that all men may vnderstand how vnworthely Aubertus others haue inue●ghed against so many famous Chimist philosophers Aristotle the prince of philosophers assineth a double matter of those things which are made within and vppon the earth by the supernaturall power and force that is a breath and a vapour by the mixture whereof in the bowelles of the earth h●ethinketh all are made and haue their originall and those hee d●uideth according to the diuer●e nature of the matter into two sortes that is into thinges to be digged and ●e●●allyne They are called fossilia because they are digged out of the earth and like vnto the earth that is digged neither are they liquable as all kind of stones which are made of a dry exhalation set on fier and with the heate consuming the moisture and in a manner burning it The other sort are metallyne whereof some are fusible and liquable because they draw neerer to the nature of moisture then of drith as leade and tinne and are so called because they are easelier molten then beaten On the contrary those that are to be beaten which are molten with greater difficulty as Iron whose next matter is a vaperous breath congealed by cold and groweth into mettall according to the opinion of Aristotle whom our Aubertus thinketh worthy to be reprooued For saith he it cannot come to passe in the nature of things that there may be a passage from one extreame or contrary into an other without any meane for it is euident that mettalles and breathes are of contrary qualities for these are very subtill and the other very grose Hereupon he concludeth in the originall of mettalles breathes and vapoures doe of necessitie first congeale into humors before they harden into mettalls This did he take out of Agricola but that excellent learned man Iacobus Scheggius in his cōmentaries vpon Arist Meteors doth sufficiently defend Aristotle being vnworthily reproued where he teacheth that the breath or vapor whereof water commeth is one that whereof mettalles concreteth is an other as also that wherof a storme groweth another for it is sometime more ponderouse and grosse then that whereof water groweth By which reason they propose a further distant matter of mettalles which say it is water thē they which say it is a breath when as the greatest part of meteors do growe vpon these breathes and vaperous matters raised vp out of the water and earth by the force of heate for so much as there is no fertility of the water or earth without heat for heate doth procre at these two as a first childe in whose nature the force of the parentes that is of the foure elementes is represented and as it were an ingendring power of them doth consent together two qualities working by a masculine force the other two suffering as feminine But either of them obaying the celestiall temperature as their father whereby these thinges without life are accustomed to be procreat by the instrument of the first qualities And this may be perceaued by the verie sence that so grosse vapors do often breake out in places vnder the ground that the diggers can not take breath and sometimes through the grosenes therof as Galen witnesseth are choked If they be so grosse who will iudge that mettalles and breathes are of contrary qualities but that they may grow into a sound matter of mettalles without any other meane as the ponderous vapor doth into a storme Furthermore as multitudes of people can testify if it hath rained copper and Iron and that stones and such other bodies do grow and are made in the vppermost aire how should these be engendred of water earth for whom there is no place to tarrie in the aire rather then of vapour and breath which both can pearce stay there for their thinnes and heate Wherefore it is certaine that mettalles rather haue their originall of breath then of water which breath because it is grosse doth also easely congeale But what needeth more of this when it is manifest to all Philosophers that all thinge haue their originall of that whereunto they may at last be reduced For all mettalles except the two perfect which by greater decoction haue their matter more compact and fixed are they not reduced into a breath of vapor in the examinatiō of the test or cople do they not vanish away into smoke Yes truly into smoke which is not turned into water or moisteneth but grosse because of the earthines mixed with it being cōgeled thickned with cold which by certain experience may daily be seene perceaued of those which work in fier and more easily also of the Philosophers in their sublimations The same doth Tutia Cadmia and Pompholix with other such like prooue which comming of the vapoures of mettalles sticke to the walles of the furnaces and shew them to be grosse in the mines neither do represent water by any meanes Let Aubertus therefore with his leaden argument hold his tongue which goeth about to ouerthrow Aristotles opinion neither let him iudge rashly of things which he knoweth not but credit those which haue experience know those vapors to bee most thicke whereof mettals are first congealed and without any other meane hardned But hauing ouerthrowen Aristotle let vs see what iudgement he will giue of other lerrned men and Philosophers as of Albertus magnus Geber and other Collars for by that name this our noble censor adorneth those excellent men whose opinions Aubertus refelleth in this point because they say that quicksiluer and sulphur is the next matter of mettalles and goeth about with certeine arguments to shew how they are out of the way First touching quicksiluer he saith it is not likely to be the propper matter of mettalles because it can not congeale into hardnes surely an excellent argument and worthy to bee often repeated of the author whereunto
notwithstanding he is answered by vs before the saith it can not congeale because it is of an airy substance But the vapor which we concluded out of Aristotle to be the next matter of mettalles who will not confesse to be airy in respect of water and notwithstanding who will denie but it may cōgeale then I confesse that quicksiluer is airy and therefore many Philosophers iudge it not to be a mettall but onely in Power but I do call it so to bee airy that it sendeth forth a most grosse vapour which by colde congealeth as may bee seene in Mercurie ●u●limat and many other his preparations wherein he sendeth forth his smokes and vapors but not so a●rye but they will grow thicke But what will you say to those vnp●rfect mettalles which as wee before said in examination do fl●e away into smokes and vapors what finally shall wee thinke of their matter and forme brought to nothing will you not confesse the grosse vapour which wee call quicksiluer to bee the matter of them when at the last mettalles are reduced againe into it But Aubertus alledgeth this out of Aristotle those thinge which perteine vnto water if they conte●ne ●n them ● o ● a●re then water they can not congeale as o●le and quicksiluer But the matter of 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 to be ● rought to a hardnes otherwise they cou●●● not put on the forme of mettalles ther fore their matter can not bee quicksiluer for so much as it can not congeale to hardnes But this argument is no more effectuall then the former For he setteth downe as graunted that which he hath not by any means prou●d and which we haue alreadie denyed for we graunted vnto him that quicksiluer was of an a●rie substance but that it cannot therfore congeale wee deny when contrary to his minde we haue shewed his vapors do congeale And truly Aubertus doth not deny but by art it doth harden but hee thinketh that neither by art or nature it may congeale into mettalle in hardnes or forme as thoughe to thinke were to demonstrate a thing Therefore he denyeth quicksiluer to be the matter of mettalles the cause which he alledgeth that it is of an airy substance is of no force For wee haue showed out of Aristotle that it is a vapour of an airy substance in respect of water and neuerthelesse the next matter of mettals Therefore airy thinges are to bee distinguished for such as are altogether and simply airy because of the predominant matter cannot be coagulated neither by heat or by cold because their airie moisture cannot bee dryed vp the earth w●nting by which reason also they swimme vpon the water witnesse Aristotle as oile and are easily set on fire because it is matter of fire as oile it selfe and wooddes which swimme vpon the water except ebenum which is more earthly as by his waight may be iudged but quicksiluer is neither set on fire neither matter of fire but most contrary vnto it like water neither is it light but ponderous that in it the soūdest boddies of all mettalles will swimme vpon golde onely except for the great affinitie of them both whereby it appeareth that it is of an other substance then simply aire like oile Therefore to the similitude of this quicksiluer the next matter of mettalles the Chimicall Philosophers haue said that this quicksiluer is ingendred of a strong commixtion of the first matter of all mettals that is of a moist viscous incombustible humour incorporat with a subtill earth equally and strongly mixed by small partes in the minerall caues of the earth Vnto this wise nature because the matter bringeth not it selfe to effect ioyneth his proper agent that is sulphur which is nothing else then a certaine fatnesse of the earth engendred in the proper mines and by temperat decoction thickned that it may turne the quicksiluer by digestion and concoction into forme of mettall Therefore this sulphur is to the quicksiluer as the man to the woman and as the proper agent to the proper matter Not that this quicksiluer and sulpur as some foolishly thinke are found by themselues in their nature in the mines but that these are alreadie mingled by nature and by longe concoction brought into the nature of earth And this truly is the ne●rest matter of mettalles as in the generation of man meate is neerer matter then the elements the blood neerer then meate and the sperme neerer then blood it selfe and at last by apt digestion the matter receiueth the shape of a man So when as it is said that mettals are first made of the foure elements as of their generall and first matter the same order kept it is necessarie that of those elements come vapours of vapours a slimie water which is yet a neerer matter thē the vapors lest by defending Aristotle Aubertus may thinke mee to gainsay my selfe and heauy mingled with a subtile sulphureous earth which is called quicksiluer of which as of a neerer matter by meane of the mixture and working of the outward sulphur is made gold or other mettall according to the great or lesser digestion of nature For as the Philosopher writeth Metaph. 6. when any thing is said to be made of another either an extreme perfect is made of a meane and vnperfect as of a childe a man or else an extreme of extreme as aire of water but let vs returne to our Aubertus He writeth that sulphur also can not bee the matter of mettalles But let vs heare by what reasons he doth proue it Sulphur saith he according to Aristotle is ingendred of a hot drie and vnctuous breath but mettals are ingendred of an other breath hot and moist and a litle vnctuous Truly a goodly but sophisticall argument by which he goeth about to proue his purpose by the opinions which he hath already impugned Let him therefore remember that he before hath affirmed against Aristotle that breath was not the matter of mettalles and now he doth confesse that mettalles are ingendred of breaths Therefore he speaketh against himselfe that he shall not neede my refutation hee addeth to proue his opinion that sulphur waxeth soft with moisture like salt and that mettalles are molten only with strong fire but of a false antecedent can not follow a good consequent For by no meanes is sulphur dissolued into water but by heat is molten like leade and this should our searcher of thinges vnder ground first haue tryed then to affirme so boldl●e that which is false Therefore that dart may be bent against him wherewith hee supposed to haue wounded ●he Chimistes Also he saith that sulphur is of an airy and fi●ie substance and therefore can not bee increased or congealed But I haue afore shewed the contrary wherfore he is not to looke for any other answeare of me because he hath neither reproued my argument neither made any demonstration of his opinion by firme reasons But this one thing sufficeth that all wise Chimistes do affirme that this which
any part yee must first hold it ouer the ●ume of nettels boiled in faire water vntill the pores bee open then drie it well and annoint it with this oile and it will preserue it long time in youthfull state Oile of Galbanum THis gumme must first be dissolued in distilled vineger and then distilled in a retort with a gentle fire this oile is most profitable against inwarde bruses and crampes and shtinking of sinewes being dronke with oile of mirrha it is good against venome being either dronke or shotte into the body with venemous arrowes also dronke in the same order it prouoketh womens termes and deliuereth the dead fruit the fume of this oile being receaued at the lower partes worketh the same effect Also the fume of this oile being taken at the mouth helpeth the rising of the mother being layd to the nauell it causeth the matrix to stay in his naturall place the fume of this oile is profitable against the falling sicknes if ye annoint the nostrelles therewith In this maner ye may make oile of labdanū opoponax sagapenum Amoniacum and such like which doe soften the knots of the gout and doth mightily dissolue the hardnes of the liuer splene and other members if they be distilled all together or taken euerie one by himselfe according to the method prescribed Oile of Egges SOme make this oile by distillation of the yolks of egges some by stirring them in a pan ouer the fire after they be sodden hard The water of egges being distilled taketh away scarres and spottes in the face or other places The oile comforteth against all paines it helpeth woundes by gunshot it preuaileth much against burninges and scaldings either with fire or water or powder it maketh haire blacke if ye annoint it therewith it slaketh the paines of the hemeroides if yee annoint them therewith often times The yolkes of egges being distilled with as much white wax is most precious to heale woundes and bruses for it resolueth them with great speede the stomacke being annointed therwith causeth good digestion and comforteth it meruellouslie The true preparation of certaine oiles which are commonlie vsed in Apothecaries shops to be applied outwardly FOr outward medicines you shall best draw forth the hole strength of roses violets nymphaea white popie henbane and Mandrake with oile oliue which are commonly vsed in shoppes all which do quench inflamations and great heates asswage hot swellinges strengthen and thicken the member stoppe fluxes helpe madnes and prouoke sleepe if you vse this method following Oile of Roses TAke oleum omphacinum and wash it with common water distilled diuers times then purify it in Balneo vntill it leaue no more feces then take lb. j. of this oile so prepared of red roses the whites being cutte off and brused in a stone morter lb. j. ss put them into a glasse and set it to putrify in warme dung twelue daies being close luted thē presse forth the oile and put in fresh leaues as afore is said and putrify it againe and this ye shall doe three or foure times and so shall ye haue a perfect good oile in like sort shall you make all other cooling oiles for topicall medecines very well So is oile of Quinces and myrtilles made which refrigerat and astringe and are applied to the stomacke liuer braine and weake bowelles and also to the fundement In like manner are oiles made of Camomill and Lilies which doth strengthen the sinewes moderat resolue and swage aches but these are made with ripe sweet oile prepared as afore Of mintes wormewood lentiscus and others after the same order are oiles made with oleum omphacinum which being annointed doth moderatly warme the stomacke and strengthen the other partes and helpe concoction but first they are prepared with their proper water and astringent wine and must be clensed from all feces in Balneo certaine daies as is afore said But if any man will warme attenuat and digest the more strongly by these oiles let him take like portions of oile purifyed in Balneo and the spirit of wine Out of baies and such like beries ye may make oile if ye digest them the space of a moneth in warme dung and then presse them forth serua They are good for all colde greefes of the braine or sinewes and disperse winde But all these oiles of hot quallities will be much better if they be drawne onely with the spirit of wine in Balneo without any addition of other oile as Galen 1. simp cap. 15. Although it doth easilie inflame yet it doth not so quickly heate vs for through his grose and slimie substance sticking fast to that it first toucheth and therfore indureth long vpon all things wherewith it is annointed neither is it extenuated or digested of the aire about it or easily made to passe into the bodie Of artificiall saltes and their properties Chap. 1. THe vse and profit of saltes that are drawen out of simples by calcination are in maner as great in phisicke as the rocke or common salt is which daily and in general serueth to mans releefe for when from simples a grosse fleme is taken awaye which in troth hindereth their operation how much more woulde they performe their operation if they were conuerted into a spirituall matter which by long distillations and filtrings is caused that they may change by a certaine manner into a firye matter therefore it is not to be doubted that when the simples be conuerted into a salte and the element of fire hath in no such wise dominion in them but that they pierce sooner and may performe their proper action that such a heape or companie of diuers simples shall not neede besides in the composition of remedies for such salts haue certaine properties the which other purgers being distilled want for euerie salt saith Theophrastus Paracelsus purgeth but the distilled waters of the purgers lacke or haue not the same propertie because his salt is not ioyned in the same so that I suppose a great tartnes or sharpnes consifteth in them all The manner and fashion to prepare these saltes are diuers according to the opinion of the Authors Some will the hearbes to be gathered in their due time and distill away the water in Balneo then calcine the feces and with their proper water draw forth the salt the which yee shall calcine in a fornace of calcination and dissolue it againe and congeale it and this ye shall do vntill it be white as snowe the which afterward by a workeman may be brought christalline These saltes called alkalye must be kept in a glasse close stopped because the aire will soon resolue them which happeneth especially to those that are made of hearbes those substances which possesse and haue more quantity of eile and the subtiller Some calcine them slightly some more some lesse some make their salte with their owne water distilled from the hearbes some with raine water distilled
by sweates and finallie are not a little profitable by their whole substance as many learned men daily with great successe doe practice but of these thinges more then enough Therefore now we will goe forward to those thinges which you write touching mettalles A briefe answeare of Iosephus Quercitanus Armeniacus doctor of Phisicke to the exposition of Iacobus Aubertus Vyndon concerning the originall and causes of mettalles against the Chimistes MANY write that mettell is a bodie to be digged vp by nature either liquid as quick-siluer or hard which may be molté with the heate of the fier as gold siluer copper leade and tinne or softened as Iron Other call all things that are digged out of the bowels of the earth by the proper name of mettalles So Onesicritus writeth that in Carmania there is a mettall of a red chalke Herodotus affirmeth that in Lybia about Atlantus is a mettall of salt and this doth Plinie testify in his 33. booke of his naturall historie Others say that is proper mettall which being molten is brought againe to his former forme and that may be beaten out with hammer is hard and apt to take impression for that cause they deuide it into six that is golde siluer copper tinne leade and Iron whereunto some haue added mercurie not that it is a mettall indeede but it may be The Chimistes vse to call them by the names of the planets not to referre their substance to the planets as Aubertus foolishly thinketh but partly moued with a certaine likenes of the greatest and principall starres for which cause they named the two most perfect mettalles the Sunne and Moone and Iron for his hardnes Mars whom the Poets faine to be the God of armes and battell and quicksiluer for the great and vncertaine motion they called Mercurie and partly after the Pythagoreans that they might hide their secrets vnder darke speeches But I see no reason why Antimony should be properly receiued among mettalles wherefore by Agricola his leaue whose aucthoritie Aubertus leaneth vnto it is to be excepted out of their kinde for that it is alltogether repugnāt to their definition for all mettalles molten doe returne to their proper forme and such as are easie to be driuen be hard and apt to receiue impression by which reason they differ from many liquable stones in which the humiditie is not strongly mixed with the dry earthines as also from infinite kindes of marcasites and halfe metalles But Antymony molten doth vtterly loose his first forme as practisioners doe daily trie neither is it easye to be driuen and practise sheweth it will take no print and therefore properly it cannot be called mettall But it pleased Aubertus which is so learned in mettalles to affirme this that yet he dreameth that tynne glasse which is that Bisemutum and that sinder or ashie kinde of leade whereof Agricola speaketh much in the 8. booke de natura fossil to be Stibium molten and the Chimists basiliske which is most absurd For that tinne-glasse which is commonly called bisemutum is not stibium any way prepared neither the Chimistes basiliske extract with tartar niter may be called bisemutum which I leaue to the iudgement of al that be of vpright mindes but this is small to the purpose when many thinges are called by the name of mettall and yet not properly But let vs pardon Aubertus in this which neuer saw any mines that he might iudge rightly of thē neither vnderstandeth the minde of Agricola In the meane time hee complaineth that Chimistes deuide the metalles into perfect and vnperfect and that he thinketh ridiculous for many causes First because of a certaine diffinition giuen by Geber which agreeth no lesse to one mettall then an other whereas the perfecte might be discried from the imperfect one diffinition were to be giuen to the one an other to the other As though the diffinition of a man were not agreeable to a child although he be not yet come to a mans age or in other accidentes seeme to differ from him as mettals do differ among themselues So the diffinitions of white and red coralles should be sundrie and diuers that by reason of absolute and perfect concoctiō the white haue not attained the vttermost degree whose definition notwithstanding is all one But Aubertus to proue his opinion the better writeth that all thinges which haue essentiall forme as it is certaine mettalles haue must of necessitie be perfect And that nature the godly parent of all thinges in doing of her office doth not cease or rest except it be letted vntill she hath attained her purposed end and scope He addeth that the matter whereof any naturall thing is made and whereabout nature is occupied doth moue so long vntill it hath attained the essentiall forme He concludeth that mettall cannot rightly be deuided into perfect and vnperfect neither that gold ought by any meanes to be called more excellent and perfect although it be more bewtifull and temperat then other mettalles all which wee must confute as sriuolous and vaine And to prosecute all thinges in due order we must shew that golde it selfe of the true Philosophers is worthily called more perfect excellent and pure then other mettals that hereuppon wee may conclude mettalles not without reason to be deuided of the Chimistes into perfect and vnperfect Therefore that I may also stay vpon the aucthoritie of Agricola out of whom Aubertus hath specially taken those his wordes he writeth in lib. 5. de ortu causis subterraneorum that mettalles do differ among themselues not onely in shining but also in colour sauour sent weight and power And specially speaking of shining which you Aubertus confesse to be in golde and siluer he saith But by how much the humor is more subtile thicke and pure by so much the mettall is more cleere and shining for which cause in this behalfe gold excelleth the other The excellencie of which gold Agricola himselfe seeketh in the difference of sent sauour and waight For the vnperfect mettalles when they come in any liquor are perceiued to be sower of taste as copper and Iron for the adust earth is cause of their sowernes whereof those mettalles do participat as Agricola himselfe witnesseth But the other because of their pure earth and more abundant water do not giue the liquors so sensible a sauor bur rather a sweetish tast as gold and siluer Also for as much as in gold the earth is most pure and verie wel tempered with his water it giueth verie litle or scarse sensible smoke when it is burned and rather sweete then stinking And Agricola addeth more that gold when it is purged in the fier hath in a maner no excremente because of his puritie in others there is more but so much more in one then an other as it is more vnpure Also the excellency of golde is to bee sought for in his force and strength because that besides it and siluer all other mettalles do vanish away in smoke
they call sulphur is not the common sulphur which burneth with combustion of blacknes and adustiō is burned whereas their proper sulphur doth whiten rubify coagulat and finally make perfect that Chimicall quickesiluer which is commonly vnknowen into the substance of golde according to nature or of the philosophers stone and gold according to art And this is the true secret sulphur and the onely tincture and shadow of the sonne and the proper congeler of his quicksiluer which the Philosophers haue shadowed with diuers names their dark speeches and enigmaes whereby it appeareth Aubertus to haue farre erred and by all meanes to bee refused because he speaketh of a sulphur which he knoweth not and that the Chimick Philosophers are not to be blamed because they say quicksiluer and sulphur to be the matter of mettalls which do not vnderstand it of the common quicksiluer sulphur For they know that these things whereof they speake are not founde in the mettal mines in their verie nature but o● those two they say there is made a third mixture hauing the natures properties vertues of them that of it may be engendred any mettall according to the diuersitie of the composition digestion and place These shall suffice touching the next matter of mettalles which Aubertus would haue to be water wrought vpon by the other elements but he hath kept silēt the cause why he thinketh so being contented to say that it is set forth by others or that he hath found it in other mens writings which is the saying of a man that will proue his opinion by an other mans credit and not by reason as the true Philosophers doe But now the efficient causes call vs which the Philosophers make double and so many passiōs for heat and cold are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they haue power to moue moist and drie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for because they rather suffer any thing then worke and are said to be wrought vpon of the first qualities as of the most noble and higher in nature by whose worke forme is ingendred in thinges for the matter is not knowen by it selfe but by the chaunge which cannot be without suffering as neither that without touching the which by coniunction and cogelation and by introduction of act and forme is abolished But it is to be obserued that by the mixture of drie and moist the bodies are first called congealed then harde or soft of which congealed bodies there is a triple difference for it is either a watrie humor that is congealed or some dry earthly thing or a mixture of them both Also these some of them are molten some dried some moistened and some made soft But those thinges which are drye and fierie as hony and must will neuer be congealed and they which are moist airie predominant as all oily thinges Wherefore these also are not elements neither the matter of these sufferinges But of bodies which doe congeale and are hardened according to Aristotle some are affected by heate and some by cold by heate drying vp the humor by cold driuing out the heate Therefore those thinges that are congealed by heat by want of moisture are dissolued of cold which maketh the moisture to enter in againe as salt And those thinges which for lacke of heate are congealed are dissolued againe by heate entring in againe as mettals for whatsoeuer is dissolued melting is molten either by fire or water Whatsoeuer melteth by water must needes be congealed by hot drie that is fiery heate and those which fier melteth or whose congelacion in any part it doth dissolue as horne are congealed by colde for of contrarie effectes the causes be contrarie and because that mettalles do melt by heat it is of necessitie that first they were congealed by cold as the efficient cause whereof none of the Chimist philosophers doth doubt although as Aristotle some time saith experience sheweth vs the contrary for salt is congealed by heate and may bee dissolued and molten by fier as I haue often tried and it is called fusible salt Neither Albertus Magnus that great Philosopher ought to be reprehended of our Aubertus because he referreth the power of making mettalles vnto heate when as Albertus doth not meane it of only heat as he thinketh Therefore it is to be knowen as Aristotle witnesseth thinges by meanes of colde to suffer rather then to worke because that cold is proper to the patient elements that is water and earth which both by nature are cold For they do not receiue cold from any other thing as they do heate but by taking away the heat they coole of their owne nature neither are they cooled by any externall cause as the aier and fier Wherfore albeit cold in mixed thinges hath an efficient force yet it preuaileth rather to corruption then to generation Therefore the Chimists are not to be reprooued although they say that nature needeth a heat vnder the earth for the procreatiō of mettals as a more effectuall efficient cause which may mingle alter dispose digest and concoct their matter at last with long tract of time frame it into gold as into his last end Neither are they to be reproued in this that they refer some force to the influēce of the heauenly bodies for Aristotle ●onfirmeth their opinion in his booke de coelo mundo and his booke of the causes of the properties of elements in these wordes For saith he the first beginnings mouing to generation and inducing forme in euery thing are the starrie and heauenlie bodies by their mouing and light For they are the first that moue moued of the intelligences to performe the nature of generation or corruption for the preseruation of kindes and of them is giuen forme and perfection and as hee said in an other place the sonne and man engendreth man nether doth Aubertus rightly conclude vppon this reason the art of Alchemy to be vaine if mettalles bee ingendred by force of the starres when as the Chimiste s can not haue the fruition of this heauenly power for they beleeue with the Philosopher that if formes bee put on vppon inferiour thinges by the motion and light of the heauenly bodies by their site and aspect the same by consequent to come to passe in mettalles but that is done as it were by a generall cause and farre off but they haue a neerer efficient cause as we said that is heate by force whereof mettalles congealed in the bowels of the earth are disposed digested made perfect These thinges thus declared we must see to what end Aubertus tendeth and what is his vttermost scope hee would haue the labour of the Chimistes which they take vpon them in making perfect of mettalles to be vtterly vaine and lost and he denyeth that copper tinne Iron or leade which of them are called vnperfect mettalles can by any art be made perfect and be turned into gold and siluer And first saith hee it is euident
many other throughout Germany and Italie do vse the spirit and oile of vitrioll for the curing of the falling sicknesse the stone and asthma with great ease and meruellous profit And Dioscorides speaking of vitrioll saith thus it killeth the broad wormes in the bellie ʒ i. of it being taken inward Being dronke with water it helpeth against the poyson of toadstooles and dissolued in water dropped into the nose purgeth the head By this it doth sufficiently appeare that so great a venemous quallitie is not in Mercury sublimat by meanes of vitrioll much lesse it is to be thought of commō salt Finally if so great malignitie were in it by meanes of the salte or vitrioll because it carrieth vp the spirites with him this malignitie also would be in Mercurie precipitat for the strong water wherwith it is made is compounded of the spirites of vitrioll and salte with the which also the phisitions make their precipitate which many of them doe minister without further preparation which albeit through his great sharpnes by meanes of the spirits inclosed in the strōg water it purgeth the bodie violently yet it is well knowen vnto many learned men at this day that it doth not hurt as the sublimat doth This malignity therefore in the sublimat commeth by how much the more it is made subtill and stronger by exaltation and flyeth with a small heate but in the precipitate it is not so for it is mortifyed and so fixed with that philosophilall fier the strong water that it will suffer great heat neither can that maligne aire be sent vnto the hart if it containe any which by nature is easily assaulted with all poysons because that the naturall heat cannot cause the precipitate to fume which no violence of fier can cause to vanish away as by certaine experiences is approued the fixing therefore of his spirit is the true preparation that either taken inward or applied outward cānot hurt the which many go about to do sundry wayes I speake of them which seeke his preparation onely for phisicke which think by powring on the water twise or thrise vpō the feces which they call caput mortuum and so distill it againe that the true preparation of so great a medecine may be attayned but they are not a little deceaued specially because they are not carefull to take away his corrosiue or else know not how to do it for truly Mercury precipitat can neuer be a sufficient profitable medicine so long as the corrosiue quality taken of the strong water is ioyned with it which is not taken away as many suppose with common washings but with farre other preparations and dulcifyinges which beyng vnknowen no perfect thing can be wrought therefore ye mustworke after this order following specially for the making of turpetum that wonderfull medicine Rec. Calcis terrae pellucidae fixae Talcum well calcined the which calcination shall be shewed in another place of each one pound make of them a strong capitall lye in the which ye shall boile one pound of Mercury first fiue times sublimed euery time quickened according to art the space of 7. howers and so shall ye attaine vnto the perfect purging of Mercury and the beginning of true fixing to all workes for these calces are so fixing that with sublimations reiterated vppon them at the length the mercury shall be fixed This mercury so prepared dissolue with regali foetido and proper menstrua dissolue also by it selfe ʒ iij of the mercury of Antimony well prepared and ℥ i. of gold purged by antimony according to art All these dissolutions put into a bodie of glasse and the vessell will be darkned or clowdy set that glasse in an Athenor giuing thē soft fire vntil they wax cleare then increase the fire and distill away the water by alimbecke from the feces till they bee drye powring on the water againe vpon the dead head four tymes then put on new fixing water that the matter may be couered 4 fingers set that to digest 2. or 3. dayes then distill it twise or thrise vppon the feces and toward the end giue it fier of sublimation that those thinges which are not truely mortifyed may rise and be exalted which must be kept a part for they serue not for our purpose then take the dead masse and bring it to powder and put it in a scaruell stirring it the space of 12. howres in the second degree of the fire in a fornes of reuerberation vntill it come to the rednesse of a Salamander out of the which ye shall drawe all the sharpnes and venom on this manner Rec. Of the sleume of vitrioll and allome ana lb. ij fs distilled vineger lb. ij calcis terrae nostrae pellucidae ae fixae ℥ 4. sulis corneoli cristallint ℥ i. whites of egges 20. distill all these by alimbeke twice vpon the feces put three pound of this water to one poūd of the powder of Mercury prepared as afore and distiil it away from the feces in alimbeke 4. times and the last time distill it vntil the feces be dry This done grind your powder vpon a stone powring to it againe new fixing water distill it againe foure times as before Then you shal fixe and make sweate thy mercurie by distilling from it the Alchooli vini fiue times putting on fresh euery time This the chyminicall phisitions call precipitate or turbith minerall by cause it purgeth grosse and slymie humours eight graines of this is giuen with conserue of Betony and aqua theriacalis to cure the pox due purgations being vsed before With two drammes of the extract of wild cucūbers one dramme of the extract of Hermodactiles ℈ ss of this precipitat is made a mixture whereof halfe a scruple is mingled with two drammes of aquae theriacalis and is giuen for the gout 4. or 5. times according to the age and hardnes of the disease and the strength of the sicke bodie in the spring Autumne For without any greefe it doth meruellously purge the sharpe excrements and draweth them out of the ioyntes For to cure the dropsie there is made this composition which doth purge the sharpe excrementes and strengthen the nutritue parts Rec. Of this precipitat aforesaid ℈ i. the extract of alhandall and Elaterium ana one scruple a halfe of the extraction of Elebori nigri well prepered and Rhuberbe ana one scruple the essence of red corall and yellow sanders ana 2. scruples spiritus vitrioli i. scruple olei mafliichini and cinamomi ana halfe a scruple mingle thē with the powder of cubebes and the muslage of gumme tragagant and make it into pilles The dose is from halfe a scruple to one scruple it must be geuen twice in a weeke if their strength will beare it If it be mingled with Diaphoreticall thinges it onely prouoketh sweates and by that meanes helpeth also many diseases mingled alone with butter it cureth cankered and eating vlcers specially that come of the
and liquid which they thinke best to be thus prepared Rec. The pure and best liquid Mummia Alcoolis vini ana 1. poūd mixe them well together in a glasse and digest it in warme horse dunge or Balneo 12. daies afterward distill it as it ought reiterating the distillation twise againe then digest it againe 20. daies and distill it the third time then leaue thy glasse in the heat of dunge or Balneo till there be 2. essences perceiued one of a golden colour and the other white let these essences bee taken forth and circulated with his like menstrue in a Pellican many daies alwaies separatinge the feces and the impure from that which is subtill and pure and so with reiterating his digestions and rectifications you shall haue a most excellent medicine of this is giuen euery month in the full moone I. Scrup to them that haue the falling sicknesse it dooth mittigate that disease and driueth it away for it is his proper Alexipharmacum also it purifieth the bould Rec. The newest and best Mummia and cut it small then put it into a glasse with a long necke powring thereon the menstrua of Oliues and close it with Hermes seale then putrifie it a month that there may bee a solution then open the vessel and put it into a cucurbite of glasse and set in Balneo the vessell being open that the Mercurie maye flie away which it will doo with an incredible stincke and there let it remaine tell there come foorth no stincke and that all the Mummia be dissolued that which is dissolued put into another vessell and digest it in Balneo againe vntill it come to a thick oile and fatty like sirope of a duskish colour That being done circulate all with the spirit of wine in Balneo 20. daies then seperate the spirit and in the bottome will remaine a redde and sweete oile hauing the vertue of all naturall balmes which dooth greatly helpe all venemous and pestilent diseases Take of the Mummia so prepared 2. ounces of the best Alcoole vini 2. pound circulate them a moneth then distill awaie the menstrua per alimbicum then againe let it digest in a vessell closed with hermes seale and reiterat it 3. times as is aboue said vntill the matter abouesaid do altogether loose the nature of his bodie and become a tincture which truly doth excell with such a quickning power that there is no part wherevnto it doth not pearce No vlcer or any corruption which it doth not cure if ye giue euery day twice for a certaine time foure or fiue graines of it with a conuenient decoction Of the essence of mans scull Chap. 2. MAny learned men haue written that the scull of a man not buried is by a certaine propertie profitable against the falling sicknes for which cause I thought it not amisse to set forth the true preparation of it for I do not thinke that there is anie of the learned that doubteth but this medecine rightly prepared and brought into a thinne essence will be a great deale more effectuall and profitable to cure those diseases chiefly if you do dilligently consider the essence of the sicknes his causes and the remedie thereof therefore I will intreat of the preparation of which 1. scruple will profite more then a whole scull dried and beaten to powder whose essence is thus drawne out Rec. the scull of a man that hath not bin buried and beat it to powder and put it into spiritu vini saluiati so that it may be couered 6. fingers and set it to digest in Balneo 14. daies being close stopped then distill it in a retort according to the maner of aqua fortis then powre on that liquor vpon the feces or caput mort●●m againe but first grind the feces then putrify it 8. daies distil it as at the first and that do 3 times than circulat all together certaine dayes that being done then seperat the menstrua and in the bottom thou shalt find the essence of the scull coagulated of which yee shall geue halfe a scruple with the water of the flowers of lintre in the fit and before the fit Or prepare it thus seeth the scrapinges of a scull that hath not bin buried with the spirit of Mellissa or Betony boyled powre that decoction by it selfe and againe powre on more fresh till there remaine no more force in the scull then vapor away all that water in Balneo and it will remaine in the bottom coagulated the which it shall resolue againe and vapour and coagulat so long till the matter remaining in the bottome may be sublimed with a most easie fire This sublimat doth helpe much them that haue the falling sicknes and looseth the belly aboundantly without any trauell or molestation Of Viperis Chap. 3. GAlen and other great phisitions haue taught vs many thinges out of Andromacus touching the preparation of vipers and their vertue for the cure of the leprosie which they had proued chiefly that it purgeth the whole body by the skinne out of whose flesh the head and taile being first cut of which are the most venemous partes and haue litle flesh in them being boyled in a pot with faire water dill salt and putting thereto stale wheaten bread they made pastillos the which is also put into theriakle Out of vipers also you shall make a most notable medecine against the leprosie plague and all venemous woundes in this maner In the moneth of Iune take 4 or 6. vipers of the which yee shall cast away the taile and the head and pull away the skinne and the intralles but cut the flesh in small peeces and put it in acucurbit of glasse 3. or 4. daies in the vapor of Balneo or of moist dung to driue forth the sweat But take heede ye receaue not the air of that fume which is corrupted venemous through the vapors of the vipers which being done powre vpon it the spirit of wine Alcolisati terebinthinati solutiui ana that it might bee couered 8. fingers high digest them in a vessel closed with Hermes seale in Balneo or moist dung twelue daies vntill all the flesh of the vipers be dissolued in the aforesaid menstrua then powre of the said menstrua from his feeces and vapor it away in Balneo and it will be coagulated like a iellie vpon the which powre againe spiritum vini cariophillatum circulat them in a pellicane 10. daies then seperat the menstrua and the flesh of the vipers wil remaine excellently prepared essentificated with the which mingle vpō a gentle fire oleum anethi cinamomi ana 1 scrup a halfe essentia croci margaritarum ana 1. scrup then with the muslege of gum tragagant make it in pilles or if yee will make pastillos after the olde manner with drye wheaten bread 1. scrup of this medicine is giuen against the leprosie the plague and all other venemous diseases Of the skin
dropped into the eares the onely smell of this oile maketh the hart mery Oile of Hisope BEing dronke with some conuenient liquor it openeth all obstructiōs of the brest it helpeth the shortnes of breath and cough being dronke with the sirope of vineger it expelleth tough and clammy fleme it killeth driueth forth wormes it hath the like operation if it be eaten with figges Oile of wormewood THIS oile is a profitable medicine against all paines of the stomacke that is oppressed with hot cholericke humors for it expelleth them partly by the stoole and partly by vrine and comforteth the stomacke likewise it purgeth all cholericke humors gathered together in the vaines and liuer The vse thereof helpeth the yellow iaunders and all obstructions of those partes It is profitable against windines and blastinges of the belly against paines and appetite to vomit and the wamblinges of the stomacke if it be mixed with oile of Aniseede and eaten in losenges or drinke it resisteth venome and killeth wormes being dronke and the belly annointed therewith it helpeth digestion purifyeth the bloud prouoketh sleepe and preserueth them in good temperature that vse it either with wine or some other conuenient thing it is profitable against the dropsie comforteth the liuer and hart and resolueth the milte if yee mixe with it 2. or 3. drops of oile of vitrioll it helpeth long sicknesses being often vsed in the morning with conuenient liquors it is very profitable for those that are waxen leane and are euill coloured in the face and bodie wormewood wine is verie fit to drinke it withall Oile of Rosemarie flowers THis oile is most commodious against all paines of the head proceeding of cold although it haue continued along time it comforteth the memorie and preserueth the sight it helpeth deafnes if it be dropped into the eares it openeth all obstructions of the liuer and milte and is profitable against the dropsie and yellow iaunders it breaketh wind and is profitable against the collicke and rising of the mother it is also good for those that haue dronke poison or that are infected with the pestilence if it be dronke with some conuenient liquor and sweat thereon It comforteth the hart and clenseth the bloud and maketh a man merie● to conclude it comforteth against all diseases of the bodie comming of colde and moist humors it helpeth the canker and fistula Oiles of seedes must thus be prepared TAke your seedes and beate or bruse them and lay them to steepe 2. or 3. daies in distilled water or wine then distill them with a refrigeratory with a gentle fire vntill all the oile be come forth the which ye shall seperate by a funnell Oile of Aniscede BEing dronk or eatē fasting in losenges in the morning it causeth a sweet breath is profitable for those that are short winded and cannot fetch their breath but with great paine it breaketh winde in the stomacke belly and guttes it breaketh fleme and causeth it to be spitte forth it increaseth nature it driueth forth poison by sweat it comforteth the breast and lunges it prouoketh vrine and breaketh the stone in the raines bladder it is good against the bloudy flixe and piles The nostrels being annointed therewith at night when ye goe to bed prouoketh sleepe and wood being annointed therewith wil not suffer mothes to breede there Oile of Fenell seede IT comforteth the affectes of the head It sharpneth the sight it helpeth the straitnes of the breast and horsnes of the voice it helpeth concoction dissolueth wind It breaketh the grauell and prouoketh vrine and the menstruall flux it openeth the obstructions of the liuer and milt and profiteth greatly against the dropsie and yellow ●anders being vsed with conuenient liquors or medicines Oile of commin seede IT is good against woundes in the splene and disperseth winde in the stomacke belly bowelles and matrix It helpeth the cough and shortnes of wind it is good against the fretting of the belly either taken by potion or glister It is profitable for those that haue the burning of vrine and cannot hold their water being dronke with water of ferne it helpeth digestion of grosse humours in the stomacke Oile of caraway seede THe vse of this oile is most conuenient against windines in the stomacke and helpeth digestion it prouoketh vrine and hath in manner all the vertues that are ascribed vnto aniseede Oile of Dill seede THe vse of this oile driueth away vētosity or windines asswageth blastinges and gripinge tormentes in the belly It staieth vomitting and the flux it prouoketh vrine it is auaileable against the suffocation and strangling of the matrix if the fume thereof bee receaued with a funnell at the lower partes it stayeth the yex or hicocke it healeth hollow and moist vlcers in the share or priuie partes it digesteth resolueth and swageth paines and ripeneth all rawe humors this oile may not be vsed too much inwardly for it diminisheth the sight and seede of generation Oile of Percelie seede THis oile openeth all obstructions of the liuer kidneis and prouoketh the menstruall flux if it be dronke with conuenient liquors it causeth appetite helpeth digestion and comforteth the stomacke It expelleth the stone and grauell in the mines and prouoketh vrine it is a good remedie against poisons it expelleth all blastings and windines it is good against the cough being taken with conuenient liquor Oile of the seed of Rue or hearbe grace CARDANVS writeth that this oile being dronke with wine it is of great vertue against poison for it causeth the patient to cast it foorth by vomite at the first time that it is taken And at the second it expelleth the other euill humors that are infected therewith And at the third time it cureth the patient and maketh him whole It helpeth all diseases of the eyes so that the apple of the eye be not perished if ye wash them with the water and droppe one drop of the oile into the eie being drunke it suffereth no poison to remaine in a man that day also beeing drunke it mitigateth the goute and dropsie comming of colde humours It restoreth all benummed members taken with the palsie if ye annointe them therewith Cardanus also affirmeth in his second booke De Subtilitate that there are certaine poisons the which do slaie onely with their touching against which poisons saith hee the best remedie is not to staie in any place vntill the hand waxe whote and often bathe the parts with warme water and annoint them with oile of Rewe YOur fruits and rootes must first bee beaten put them into a distilling vessel with as many gallons of distilled water as there are poundes of stuffe and so let them macerate 3. or 4. daies thē distil them with a refrigeratory as it is said afore Oile of Iuniper beries THis oile is profitable against griping paines or winde in the guttes and may
be compared to balme 4 or 5. drops being drunke preuenteth the resolution of the Sinewes the falling sickenes and other diseases of the braine it preserueth the body from poison and pestilent aires it com●orteth a weake cold stomacke staieth vomiting it purgeth the raines breaketh grauell and prouoketh vrine and is profitable against the dropsie and water betweene the skinne and the flesh it killeth wormes to conclude it comforteth all weake members by his piercing vertue it helpeth conuulsiones and shakings and paines in the necke comming of a Catar if ye annointe the partes therewith it easeth the paines of the sciatica in the hippes the gout and the collicke and all malign vlcers being annointed therewith Oile of Baie berries OVt of lb. 1. of Baies there is not drawne aboue ℈ 2. of oile by distillation the which is most profitable against Collicum iliacum sciaticam passionem Oile of Iuie berries THis oile is distilled as the oile of Iuniper berries but some doo take the berries wood gum and all together and distil it by descention out of the which there will come foorth a thicke blacke oile that is profitable against colde diseases of the iointes it prouoketh the Flux Menstruall expelleth the stone and purgeth vlcers Oiles of sweete smelling thinges are thus prepared BEate them grosely then infuse thē in faire distilled water as afore is said and distil them with a refrigeratorie Oile of Cinamom THis reuiueth the naturall spirits marueilously it disperseth the euil humors in the stomack it openeth obstructions and is profitable against all cold diseases it preserueth from putrefaction it cureth woundes and vlcers as the naturall balme doth it causeth faire deliuerie of child birth it is a most precious remedie for those that lie speechlesse if ye put 3. or 4. drops into their mouth either by it selfe or mingled with cinamom water it helpeth concoction the lyke vertue the water hath but it must be vsed in greater quātity This oile is of such a piercing nature that it pierceth thorough the whole bodie and finally it is a present remedie for a woman that soundeth in her trauaile if she drinke 3. or 4. droppes The Oile or essence of Safrone TAke drie Safron and drawe awaie his tincture with the spirit of wine vntill the feces remaine white the which ye shall calcine according to arte and circulate them in Balneo with the said mēstrua afterward let it settle vapor away the said Menstrua in Balneo and the essence of Safron will remaine in the bottome the which is excellent to comforte the spirites for if ye mixe a droppe or two with brothe or some conuenient liquor it restoreth and strengtheneth the weake spirites marueilouslie but especiallye the hart with infinite other vertues which wee omitte tyll another time Oile of Mace THis oile is of a hot facultie and therefore it is commodiouslie vsed in the Collicke comming of a cold cause or of a Catar descending from the heade it comforteth the hart belly and Matrix It is also good against trembling of the hart the obstructions of the bladder and Matrix it helpeth the strangurie and all diseases hauing their original of colde It strengtheneth the stomacke and wombe being vsed in wine or broth or made in losenges Oile of Cloues THis oile is very profitable for the bellie hart and liuer and hath all the qualities of naturall balme it healeth all fresh woundes and punctures it strengtheneth the hart and head and helpeth the megrim it purgeth melancholie bloud it sharpeneth the sight comforteth the stomacke causeth digestion and maketh a sweete breath it helpeth the collicke and all the paines in the bellie comming of colde if ye drink two or three drops in wine or eate losenges made with the same oile Oile of Pepper THis oile hath much more vertue then the Pepper it selfe in piercing and specially in the windie collicke other weake partes filled with fleame it staieth the shaking of the feuer tertain if ye take three or foure droppes with sirope of quinces two houres afore the fitte prouided that the bodie be first well purged and let bloud as occasion shal serue ye shal note this oile is onely the ayrie parte seperated from the other elementes Oile of Nutmegges THis oile being drunke with cōuenient liquors bringeth downe the menstruall fluxe and also the quicke and deade fruite and therefore women with childe shall not vse this oile vntill such time as they be in trauell and then it causeth faire deliuerie without any danger it is profitable against all paines of the heade comming of colde it causeth a sweete breath and warmeth and strengtheneth a cold stomacke and consumeth superfluous humors of the same it dispearseth winde and appeaseth the collicke is profitable for the affects of the bladder it helpeth inward woundes beeing drunke with some conuenient wound drinke it helpeth colde diseases of the sinewes and swellinge of the Spleene two or three droppes being taken in broth Oiles of Woodes are thus prepared TAke Lignum vite rasped in powder and put it into a glasse or stone pot close stopped and set it in Balneo or warme dunge certaine daies to digest then distill it with a gentle fire Per descensum and there will come foorth a liquor called of the chimistes Mercurie then increase the fire and there will come foorth an oile which is called the sulfure the which must bee purged by arte from his stincking smel then take the ashes of the woode and drawe foorth his salt with Fumetorie water the which ye shall calcine dissolue and congele diuers times vntill it be as white as snow the which salte by a workeman may be brought Cristalline Of the Mercury or first liquor is giuen one spoonful or more with 2. ounces of Fumetorie water against all vicious humours in the body and driueth them out by sweate with the oile or sulfure ye shall cure the vlcers or other greefes after the bodie is well purged with the salt the which is done in this order Take of the salte ʒ i. good theriakle ℥ ss mixe them and giue thereof ʒ ss more or lesse according to the discretion of the phisicion and the strength of the partie in this order must thou draw forth the Mercurie sulfur salt of all maner of woods there are diuers other orders to giue this Mercurie or liquor whereof some are written in the chapter where wee intreat of spiritus tartars Oile of Iuniper wood THis oile is profitable for members that are weakened through cold it strengtheneth the raines and matrix and helpeth conception it cureth maligne vlcers wounds and swageth paine it taketh away the fit of a quartane feuer especiallie being annointed from the nauell downeward Oile of the wood of Ashe THis oile doth cure the colde gout and cicatriceth raw places it dissolueth the white morphew and maketh it blacke it cureth those that
haue the palsie and is profitable for those that are vexed with the splene not only dronke but also annointed therewith The true order to prepare and make oiles out of Rosens concreat liquors and gummes Chap. 4. THis oile is distilled with a gētle fire in Balneo and is most pure cleer some distil it in fand or ashes putting therto a hādful of salt a litle aqua vitae some put to it for euery lb. of turpentine ℥ iij. of sifted ashes to keep the matter frō running ouer This oile is most profitable against cold diseases of the sinewes against asthma difficultie of breathing if ye drinke thereof ʒ ij euery morning it preuaileth against grosse humors gathered together in the breast it ceaseth the paines of the collicke it helpeth chappes in womēs breastes and woundes it taketh away the crampe it helpeth deafnes and prouoketh vrine Oile of Frankensence THis oile is distilled as afore is said in sand with a gentle fire according to art vntill all the substance be come forth the which will be both oile and water the which yee must seperate by a funnell the water is good against winde in the stomacke if it be dronke it helpeth all chappes and chilblaines and such like either in the hands or feete if ye wash them therwith and annoint them with the oile against the fire and straight waies put on a paire of gloues it helpeth the white scall if yee wash it therewith also all maner of scabbes laying thereon morning and euening a cloth wet in the same it dryeth vp vlcers sores the oile is most precious against woundes in all partes of the body because it preserueth from putrefaction and alteration and taketh away paines if ye ioine the wound close together and lay this oile warm heron The first oile that commeth forth is cleere and preserueth the handes and face being annointed therewith it is also most profitable against all colde diseases inwardly if yee geue thereof ʒ i. with conuenient liquors it dissolueth all tumors and aches comming of colde it taketh away the blacknes of any bruise being new done in two or three houres by continuall annointing the place so fast as it dryeth in Oile of Succinum or Amber STamp your amber small distill it in a retort with the powder of flint stones giuing it fire according to art vntill all the substance be come forth the which will bee both water and oile and a sal armoniacke the which wil hange about the Receauer the which keepe as a precious iuell then seperat one from another the oile is good against all affectes of the head comming of colde moist humors it helpeth the resolution of the sinewes the Apoplexia the falling sicknes and being put into the nostrelles when they fall it will recouer them presently it preserueth a man from poison and pestilent aires if yee annoint the nostrelles therwith it is good against diseases of the raines and bladder it dryueth forth grauell and prouoketh vrine if it be dronke with conuenient liquors it helpeth the collicke choking of the matrix being annointed therewith it bringeth forth the fruit and causeth faire deliuerance if it be dronke with conuenient liquors it strengtheneth and comforteth all the powres of the bodie it consumeth superfluous humors Oile of Masticke THe Apothecaries of ℥ 4. of Mastike lb. i. of the oile of vnripe Oliues with ℥ 4. of rosewater do make an oile which the Phisi ions prescribe to cure the lienterie and vomitting and to strengthen the stomacke and liuer which preparation is accounted ridiculous vnto those which out of lb. i. of mastike by their art draw ℥ 10. of most pure oile whereof two droppes taken either with wine or broth or applied to the grieued place will profit more to cure the aforesaid diseases then lb. i. not of mastike but o●iues rather which our Phisitions I know not by what reason do vse now adaies wherefore yee shall prepare your oile in this manner Take of pure mastike lb. i. put it in a glasse with distilled water and aqua vitae of each alike so that it may be couered 4. fingers high then lute it close and set it in warme dung to putrify certaine daies afterward distill it in sand giuing fire by degrees and first there wil come forth with the menstru● a yellow oile the which keepe by it selfe then augment the fire and there will come forth a redde oile then at the last there will come forth a thicke blacke oile smelling of the fire the which ye shall circulate with the spirit of wine seperated from the first and then distill it againe and thou shalt haue a perfect oile profitable for outward griefes especially for his piercing force whereby it doth refresh all the members it strengtheneth the stomacke it helpeth concoction and inflations of the bowels it mollifyeth and asswageth their sorenes It comforteth and strengtheneth all the sinewes also the first yellow oile is geuen with wine or his proper decoction for the same diseases and to stoppe reumes if ye feare his fyrie heate after the aqua vite is seperated ye may wash it with rose water or faire water distilled and so ye shall make an excellent medicine against diuers infirmities Philippus Hermanus writeth that this oile is of a most subtill nature and stoppeth the menstruall flox and all other flixes being vsed with conuenient medicines either inward or outward it is good against falling downe of the fundement if ye annoint the parts therwith and put thē into their naturall place it is also profitable against the rupture in yong children it healeth woundes it fasteneth the teeth if yee annoint the gummes therewith Oile of Mirrha TAke pure mirrha ℥ vj. and put thereto ℥ xij of the spirit of wine set it in warme dung 6 daies then seperat the menstrua and the tincture or oile will remaine in the bottom This oile hath the vertues of naturall balme and preserueth all thinges from putrefaction that is annointed therewith Also the face being annointed therewith in a bath or stoue is preserued in youthfull state a long time it healeth woundes quicklie it helpeth foule stinking vlcers it helpeth those that are deafe it helpeth the paines of the mother if it be annointed therewith This oile dryeth and consumeth all accidents after child birth being dronke it maketh a sweete breath and helpeth the cough and shortnes of winde it helpeth the stitch in the side and all other inward diseases if ye drinke ʒ ij thereof it stayeth haire frō falling If any be troubled with a feuer let them annoint all their bodie therewith and lay them downe to sweate and they shall be cured it taketh away the stinch of the armepittes if ye annoint the partes therewith in a bath or stoue being mixed with wine and the mouth washed therewith it fasteneth the teeth and gummes when ye will vse this oile to preserue
from those kind of hearbes being drie or greene some put on the water colde some hot and so let it stand certaine daies stirring it often the which is not amisse then distill it by a filter vntill it bee cleere and vapor it away in Balneo vntill it bee drie then calcine it againe and dissolue it in some conuenient liquor and then congeale it againe and this yee shall doe vntill it be white as snow the which by often calcining and dissoluing may be brought christalline whereof one graine is of more force then fixe of the first De salibus purgantibus per tussim THe salt of Hipericone or saint Iohns wort certaine affirme to bee highly commended and approued in the pluresie giuing the patient in warme wine so much as will goe into halfe a hasell nutshell A certaine singular phisition in the pluresie gaue as much of this salt as he cold hold betweene the ende of his fingers in malmsie and God is the witnes that the patient was cured by it the like vertue hath the salt of Polipodij De salibus purgantibus per vrinam AS much as a man may hold betweene the end of his fingers of this salt was giuen with warme wine vnto one that could not make water and he was presently deliuered as Leo Suauius writeth Salt of Woormewood THis salt is geuen in maner in all diseases or sicknesses with profit but especiallie in the pestilence it is profitable against all obstructions of the ●iuer and kidneis it prouoketh vrine it helpeth the dropsie and water betweene the skinne and the flesh proceeding of a salt cholericke humor and is profitable against the yellow iaundies it prouoketh sweat it helpeth and driueth forth from the inward partes the poxe Feiguarzen and such like diseases It comforteth the stomacke purgeth waterish bloud gathered together in the vaines and liuer causeth good digestion and slaketh the griping paines and blastinges in the bellie being vsed with conuenient liquors or medicines it mundifieth all foule sores if it bee strowed thereon or mixed with conuenient liquors or vnguents Sal Gentiane This salt is profitable against all feuers it openeth and purgeth all obstructions of the bowelles it prouoketh menstrua and vrine being dronke with conuenient liquors Sal Gratiolae This salt is effectuall against the dropsie Sal Anonidis This salt diminisheth the stone and prouoketh vrine is profitable against the strangury Sal Raphani This salt hath the aforesaid vertues Sal Genistae This salt breaketh the stone and prouoketh vrine Sal Stipitum Fabarum This salt helpeth the difficultie of vrine and breaketh the stone Sal Iuniperi This salt of Iuniper is of a piercing nature and hath the aforesaid vertues De salibus purgantibus per vterum THis salt doth prouoke womens termes This salt also prouoketh menstrua purgeth the womb and helpeth the suffocation of the matrix Sal Chelidoniae Take the rootes of celandine cleane scraped and not washed q. v. stampe them well in a stone morter then digest them 24 howres with the spirit of wine in Balneo thē powre it out without pressing and vapour away the said spirit in Balneo and in the bottom will remaine a yellow tincture or powder the which profiteth much in prouoking of womens termes the dose is about ℈ i. in white wine or other conuenient liquor De salibus purgantibus per sudorem THis salt is verie profitable against the pox or such like diseases either to be vsed inward or outward it prouoketh sweate mightily if it be mixed with diaphoreticall medicines The salt of Scabious hath the like vertue in prouoking sweat De salibus dolorem sedantibus TAke the bloud of an old Hart or Stagge being yet warm and distill it in Balneo with a gentle fire vntill all the fleme be come away then change the Receauer and set thy vessell in sand and augment the fire and there will com● forth both oile and salt the which will hange round about the glasse the which must be mixed with the oile Yee shall note that the stinking smell of the oilemay be taken away by often washinges in warme water afore yee mixe it with his salt This oile swageth all paines of the gout if ye annoint the partes therewith Sal sanguinis humani THe salt of the bloud of a man and a goate is made in the same order the which haue great vertue to helpe the raines bladder and all diseases of the articular partes as Chiragra Gonagra and Podagra A composition of saltes that seperateth fleme TAke hisop penirial ana ℥ ss Origanūʒ ij fenel seed ℥ ss Caraway seed ʒ ij licorice ℥ i. Salis vsti ℥ vj. Salis absinthij ʒ ij salis Iumperi totidē cinamomi oū i. ss piperis longi ʒ vj. carda momum granorum paradisi cariophilorum ana ℥ ss Gingiberis ℥ i. misco fiat puluis Sal perigrinorum TAke sails nitri fusi salis gemmae ana ℥ i. galangae macis cubebarū ana ℈ i. fiat puluis The dose is foure or sixe grains in the morning fasting vpon a peece of bread this comforteth the stomake maketh good digestion and preserueth the bodie from putrifaction the vse of this salt being at the sea will preserue from vomitting An addition to that salt to preserue the bodi● in health TAke of the aforesaid salt so prepared ℥ iij. Alcoolis vini exiccati lb. ss extrahatur alcali of the which take ʒ ij put thereunto kist vnum liquor is granorum Iuniperi mixe them the dose is 1. or 2. gr in wine ye shall not adde any other thing vnto this lest the vertue of the salt be spoiled this salt was of great estimation with Hermes trimigistes to preserue the bodie in health Balsamum vrinae the which through the great vertues it hath deserueth to be called Catholicum and is made thus TAke the vrine of yong Children aboute the age of 12. yeares that hath dronke wine for certaine moneths if it be possible the same putrify in Balneo or dung a philosophers yeare then distill it with a gentle fire in sand being also luted the which ye shall note diligently the fleme ye shall put vpon the feces 4. times then the last water keepe close shut the which is white and stinking and therfore ye may giue it both tast and smell with sinamom and sugar the feces that remained in the bottom being blacke yee shall sublime by degrees of fire and you shall haue a most precious salt the which some affirme will dissolue gold siluer other mettalles some philosophers call it their menstrua The vertues of this Balsamum vrinae are infinite and may rightly be called Catholicum remedium because it hath maruellous vertues in all maner of diseases and doth nourish nature wonderfullie by his similitude and not by contrarietie It cureth the dropsie prouoketh
vrine and menstrua that are suppressed it resisteth corruption it cureth the plague and sundrie feuers as pestilential tercians quartanes and quotidianes it withstandeth vomitting There is no doubt but that al these vertues are contained in this blessed Mumia for that we see the effect in crude vrine for it moueth vrine and menstrua it cureth tumors the dropsie it helpeth the paines and wind in the gut●es collicke it is profitable against the feuer tercian quartan quotidian and against the plage and pestilent feuer it is a remedy if it be dronke 15. daies together with safron or certaine graines of this powder following whose wonderfull vertues daily experience doth shew as well in curing as preuenting as hath bin proued in the time of the pestilence Take Maces laied to steepe in vineger 24 houres oū ij cāphir oū ss Manus Christi made with dissolued perle oile of cinamom oū iiij beat them in fine powder and keepe it to thy vse Vrine also breaketh the stone in the raines and bladder it dissolueth the obstructions of the liuer it cureth the iandies it purgeth the lunges and killeth wormes with diuers other vertues which ye shall find written in a booke called Vrinarum probationes Iodoci Wilichij the dose of the essence is from oū i. to oū ij with sugar cinamom of the crude vrine yee may drinke greater quantitie Paracelsus writeth a great arcaū of vrine and calleth it Rebisola and sal cristalline the which cureth the iandies take the vrine of a yong child as a fore and boile it in a glasse or stone vessell and skum it cleane then put it in a glasse and set it in a moist place certaine daies and in the bottom ye shall finde certaine stones ●f salt congealed the which are called Rebisola and are of a wonderfull vertue against all obstructions of the body The feces remaining in the bottom after the vrine is quite boiled away being calcined white and dissolued in a conuenient distilled water and congealed againe into a most white powder is a most approued experiment against all outward greefes of the eies if it bee put therin twice a day Rec. Euphrasiae faeniculi rutae chelidoniae ve●benae betonicae ana m. i Rosmarini m. ss semen feniculi anisi carui sileris montani ana oū ss Calami aromatici ʒ vi thurismirrhae aloes ana ʒ ij aque rosarū lb ij aque rutae vini odorati ana lb i. vrinae pueri lb ss let them stande together foure daies and then distill them in a glasse and therewith wash your eies Also yee shall hange in this water a fine linnen cloth wherein is the powder of white amber or succinum or else put in the powder it selfe Also it would bee good to wash their feet in the morning with the decoctiō of betonye and sometime to take the fume of Xyloaloes in the eies the which is a present remedy against Opthalmia Of common salt THere are founde three sortes of saltes the one naturall which is a meane mineral called sal gemmae or stone salt the which is found in mountaines in the prouince of Calabria and in Spaine in the I le of Iuiza whereof there are diuers medicines prepared the second is artificiall as is made in Cheshire and diuers other places by boiling it The third kinde is made in the sand by extreame heate of the sunne but the most pleasantest and well relished salt is that which is boiled on the fire for it is pure and white neuerthelesse the salt of the mountaine is of more vertue in phisicall causes for if it be calcined 40. dayes and then dissolued in the quintessence of honie it is of such vertue that it will in maner reuiue a man that lies speechlesse if yee giue him a spoonefull thereof to drinke also this salt being made in a pultus with branne and oile and applied warme helpeth many griefes Also a decoction of sal gēmae with wine and oile being giuen in a clister is most profitable against pains of the head the sciatica and paines of the raines and likewise is profitable for those that are troubled with a carnositie in the yard for by nature it preserueth all thinges from putrefaction also this salt being often calcined dissolued congealed may be vsed in meates in stead of common salt for it procureth an appetite causeth digestion killeth wormes with diuers other vertues Also it may be made fusible in this order Rec. lb. i. of sal gēmae and 2. ounces of tartar calcined one ounce of sal nitri and boile them in distilled vineger vntil it be drye then grind it to powder and boile it with as much faire water vntill it be drie and this ye shall doo so often vntill it remaine like an oile in the bottome for as soone as it feeleth the aire it will turne to water This oile doth retaine all volatill spirits is called of the Alchemistes their susible salt It helpeth in manner all kind of vlcers if ye touch them therewith in short time L. F. Oleum salis Rec. cōmon salt lb. 3. terrae luteae lb. 6. salis nitri purgati oū i. ss mixe them well together distil thē in a retort of earth as ye would do aqua fortis vntil all the spirits be come forth the which ye shall rectify in sand vntill all the fleme be separated from the spirites This oile being mixed with oile of verbascum and annointed taketh away the paines of the gout and dissolueth hard swellinges It quickneth a man it consumeth water betweene the flesh and the skinne it driueth away the falling sicknesse it profiteth against the dropsie and feuers if three or foure droppes be dronke with aqua vitae Sal nitri THis salt is a kind of salt of vrine the which is taken forth of the earth by art and is verie profitable against many infirmities and worketh two contrarie effectes the first is that it cooleth greatly as yee may see in sommer when the weather is most hot how that for to coole their wine presently they take sal nitri and mixe it with water and therin shake or moue their bottelles of tinne or glasse being full of wine presently it waxeth as cold as Ise also laid vppon the tong it cooleth maruellouslie To the cōtrary if ye drink the waight of ʒ i. it will heate the bodie maruellouslie Also a water made of sal nitri and roch allome according to art is of such an extreme heat that it wil dissolue siluer copper Iron steele and all other sortes of mettalles presently into water Moreouer being mixed with cole and sulfur it maketh gunpowder Also sal nitri being calcined 30. daies with as much tartar and circulated with the spirites of wine mixed with the spirites of cinamom ginger and cloues it will bee a most rare medicine to cure the Etisie and dropsie such like diseases Oleum salis nitri
after it hath been first dried with water of Buglosse or melissa euaporate away the water with a gentle fire which being drie digest with our heauenly menstrua the spirit of wine in Balneo and circulat it 30. daies to the highest degree thē seperat the menstrua and congeale it with a gentle fire and to correct it ad the essence of pearles corall and saffron with oile of cinamone and cloues it helpeth against melancolike affects the frensie vertigo Epilepsia Cephalalgia quartaines and the canker His dose is 1. scrup halfe with water of balme or Buglosse it purgeth blacke choller and whatsoeuer grosse slimie thing is mixed with the bloud The stone Cyaneus thus prepared may more cōmodiously bee giuen in the confection of Alkermes being commended by all Phisitions against the trembling of the hart syncope sadnes and to strengthen all the spirites and to driue away all poisons Of the preparation of Rhabarb Aloes Sennae Agaricke Myrabolanes Oxiphenicis and of such like of a meaner sort THese medicines are compounded by Actuarius and the rest of the Phisitions among the true purgers because euerie of them do draw by his whole substance their proper humor for they purge not the whole bodie from the roote as I may say but not with so great trouble Phisitions vse them chiefly to cure almost all diseases either because they may bee vsed without any greater preparation then that which they themselues know or else because they dare not trie any better seeing they are ignorant of the preparations of their medecines In the meane season the purging power of these meane purgers may be greatly encreased with Spagyricall preparations by taking out of them that which is pure and seperating the feces which are contrarie to the purging of mans bodie thereby will great profit follow First for that the stomake will not be hurt with the medicine when nothing shal hinder but that it may performe his worke spedily moue the bodie be likewise moued of it againe And secondly the sick or diseased person wil more easily a great deale take it for that there is but a little quantity of the medicine which are sometimes found to be harde that they had rather change life for death then they would drinke vp whole cupfuls of those troubled thicke medicines which the stomacke of many can not abide before they take them or else is made so weake that it loathing them do cast them vp againe and that with great trouble True phisitions therefore should giue diligent heede to seeke out these preparations of medicines both for their honour of the art of Phisicke for the health of the diseased It is manifest that the essence of Rhabarb is of a purging power because of his sub●ill part which is left in his decoction so that thereby he looseth his purging vertue which by Phisitions is taken out if it be macerated in some thinne liquor by putting too white wine Cinamom They call this the infusion of Rhabarbe because they do after a sort draw out the force and essence of the Rhabarbe casting away the seces But by this methode following that medicine will be made a great deale better and more profitable Beate thy Rhabarb to powder and put thereon the Alcool of wine that it may be couered foure fingers then close it fast and set it to digest three or foure daies in Balneo vntill the menstrua be coloured then powre it out put on fresh do so vntil the menstrua will be no more coloured that the feces remaine white all being well circulated according to art seperat the menstrua by Balneo and the essence of the Rhabarbe will remaine in the bottom then to euery ounce thereof ad oile of cinamon 2. scrup of which if you giue 1. scrup with a spoonfull of white wine it doth purge more mightely then 1. oū of the infusion yet with lesse trouble This medicine may be ministred vnto children to women with child old men and to those that are weake through sicknes It purgeth and bringeth forth yellow choller The feces or earth that doth remain is of a binding qualitie and therfore it is prescribed against Lienteria Dissenteria al●● fluoribus But if any desire to haue it purge more stronger let him calcine the feces in a reuerberatorie then with water draw forth his salt with reiterating his filteratiō● it wil bee purifyed like christall then cast his essence that was drawen out vpon his alkaly digest him then distill him for by this meanes the strength of all medicines shall be increased So shal you prepare the extractiō of alloes which doth purge choller and thicke fleame but gently chiefly from the stomacke and intrailles and strengtheneth those parts as wel in clensing as purging them to this extraction ad oile of cloues and mace to resist his force the oile of masticke to take away his sharpnes and corroding quallity Agaricke being prepared after the same order doth purge chiefly fleame out of the stomack mesenterion liuer spleen and lungs from the braine and sinewes not so swiftly because his power is weake His dose is 2. scrup aswell to the young as to the old but because it doth somwhat offend the stomake it is corrected with the oile of ginger and spike Thus may you haue out the extractiōs or essence of sene polypody mechoacam mirabolanes and such like which you may minister to whom and when they be conuenient by putting to them their proper corrections according to the qualitie of the sicknes and the strength of the diseased These are they which I purposed to set forth of the Spagiricall preparations meaning shortly God willing to set forth greater thinges that thereby those that are studious for true phisicke may enioy my labors watchinges and trauelles and the profit that I haue gotten thereby through the talke of diuers learned men Of which I thought good to shadow certaine thinges with certaine secret words of art lest I should seeme rashly to cast forth those pretious pearles heare set forth principally for the Spagyricall Phisitions to the Sophisters of all good discipline and contemners of the secrets of nature who when they haue gotten any commō or neuer so sleight a thing out of the neast of Cadmi fillius they contemne things vnknown and are not afraide to raile at that art and vnwiselye to taunt with all kind of bitter words at that which they neuer so much once did see FINIS The vertues of aqua Balsamie IT preserueth all things from putrifaction that is put therein or annointed therewith as the naturall balme doth in all respectes If any bee touched with the pestilence so that the hart or braine be not infected geue them ʒ 2. thereof to drinke and annoint his stomacke with the same lay him downe to sweat and in once or twise vsing it by the grace of God they shall be holpe for
dossis obserued The cause of the purging quallitie of all these simples is this that a certaine thinne portion of it stirred vp by naturall heate creepeth in by the open conditts or passages into the lesser vaines and from thence floweth into the greater from the which by the liuer it is turned into the intestinalls and into the reynes it selfe and then followeth euacuation of humores by the belly which sometimes are discerned by the vrine in which as well the coloure as the sauor of the medicine receaued is manifestly seene which any man may trie in Rhabarbe senuae Seing therfore the vapor of these medicines which we call the essence being stirred vp by naturall heate from the earthy partes doth attenuate the resting humor and moueth the nature of the parte with a contrarie quallitie and prouoketh it to cast out their earthly substance or feces remaining in the stomake and the inward partes who then is so doltish that wil not commend the spagiricall preparation of these medicines wherewith wee doe drawe forth the essence which is the true purger and take away the maligne quallitie Or at the least we suppresse it with his owne menstrua which agreeth with his properties and haue an vnitie with them We seperate the feces or yearth as deadly and hurtfull which doth much offend for his thicknes cleauing vnto the tunicle of the stomake which Galen affirmeth out of Hipocrates in these wordes For saith he the purging medicine how smal soeuer it be it must needes goe to the bottom of the stomacke and in going do wne the stomake and what soeuer is found about it is infected not onely by the quallitie of the medicine but also by the cleauing of the substance in the swallowing it is greatly hurte and againe those that are of more thinner essences more readily executed their proper accions then the grosse as Galen witnesseth in many places Also where as he saith in the first booke of simples that those things which haue but a smal bodyly substance doe worke more then they that haue great Our extractions of essēces is to be commēded in which al these things are performed the proper purgatiue quallitie of the humor notwithstanding reserued in the medicine as also it is made so much the stronger in that his vnprofitable earth and fex is seperated from it and by his proper menstrua ioined vnto it all the maligne quallitie is taken awaye which Galen writeth is to bee done where he saith those seedes are to be mingled with medicines which mittygate their mallignitie and hinder not their worke which haue force to extenuate to cut that they may cutt asunder grosse humors and open the wayes by which they must be auoyded All which thinges all learned men may iudge to be done in our preparations But some will saye the extraction of essences is not so necessarie when as Actuarius commaundeth vnto whose opynion Paulus agreeth that to such as are of a weake stomacke 15. or 20. graines of Lathiris are to be swallowed whole he saith that though they be not brused minimeque in Corpus permeent yet they purge verie much Which place is not against our saying but doth rather affirme it because alitle after he willeth that those who must bee more effectually purged must eate them by which it is manifest enough that there is a greater vertue by bringing the medicine into a fine substance then in the whole mase and in the essence it selfe a greater force then in the residence of it which may be perceaued in Rhabarbe it selfe the infusion thereof doth purge more mightely then the whole substance doth for which cause I doubt not but that the same graines of Lathyris are prescribed rather whole then brused by any meanes to a weake stomake because the force and strength of the Lathiris as Galen saith is much like in force to Esullae and these medicines are so sharpe and vehement that they purge both vpward and doneward with great vexation and by that meanes the more violent they be the more they hurt the stomak but the slender body as Galen writeth is easier altered and chaunged of that whereunto it is applyed but that which is grosser is not chaunged but in a great time and scarce at length feeleth any sensible alteration for we trye by experience that we are so much the soner heated with pepper as by how much the smaller it is beaten and euen so must we iudge of the purging medicines therefore in steade of those Infutions and decoctions after the cōmon sorte we vse their essences and that healthfully without hurting of the stomak or any of the other partes But those vehement medicines otherwise to be feared haue beene so rightly prepared of the true spagiricks that their malitious quallities and sharpnes haue bin altogether bridled with their proper corrections and so haue serued in steade of gentler medicines for the cure of diuerse diseases So our Essence of Elcborus Niger being well prepared is ministred at this day in many places and is safly giuen to children to losen the belly without any labor In the meane season there bee a great number which ignorantly condemne these essences and speake against the vse of them and spew out the poyson of their gaule against them at whose rayling I cease to meruaile because the Poet saith that to those men that think nothing right but what them selues doe nothing can be founde more vniust or wicked then that they doe not But there bee other which being ouercome with reason will at last commend these our extractions of essences out of all thinges but yet they feare this one thing that is their fierie nature in them by a certeine quallitie receaued of the outwarde fire and therefore they refuse the vse of them chiefly in agues and for curing of hott effectes by which they shew themselues to be vnskillful in the Spagirick Arte and to giue rashly iudgment of thinges vnknowen For almost all Essences are drawen forth with the temperate heate of balneo or horsdonge with proper meanes belonging thereto which we call Menstrues because the skillfull spagirickes by it with their art and labor do drawe forth al the strength and vertue of any thing seperating that which is pure from the earth and stinking feces reseruing onely the quickning escence whose power rising vp as it were breaking his bondes doth drawe it selfe higher and sheweth much greater force then it did before and more effectuall for helping of the bodie And if they will saye that all the menstrues be hot they are verie much deceaued for the iuce of Lemonds prepared after our order is the mēstrue for pearles because it dissolueth them and chaungeth thē into a thinner essence and yet the iuce is not hot nor the essence of the pearles hot which remayneth When the menstrua is separated awaye And as Galen writeth wee must not call whatsoeuer is subtill hot also for water it selfe
is of a more subbil essence which is manifest because it runneth spedily throwe haire and garments and yet being so thinne it neuer heateth as by his nature neither is it the proper norishment of fire but it is contrarie to it But they will aunswere Vini alcool his essence or spirite which menstrue we oftenest vse to drawe out the essence of all other thinges is most hot let it be so shall it therefore bee called daungerous by any meanes Seeing the proper menstrua is alwaies seperated out of euery essence of thinges and all his force is taken away and euerie medicine remaineth simple with his proper quallities being onely increased in vertue Finally to returne to purgings who will deny that they haue a hidden power of heate to stirre vp with which notwithstanding must bee mingled such things as must take awaie their malignitie and make it more subtill and pearcing and quicken his slow operation and make it effectuall according to the opinion of Galen Therefore Paulus wileth to mingle with Eleborus Peniroyall and sauerie or any of those that soddenly passe through and are not hurtful to the stomack Item all phisitions doe will to mingle with Rhabarbe Cinamond and spikenard with hermodactilis Radish Cōmin with Cnicos Cardamomum Aloes with Nutmegges masticke and cloues with Agarick turbith sennae ginger which although they bee hot yet they are mingled in purgations which also are safly giuen to the sicke of the Agew not that a hot medicine is giuen for the Agews sake but that greater commoditie might followe in rooting out the humors which cause the feauers for the commoditie is greater saith Galen in taking awaie the molesting humors then the hurt which necessarily is done to the body by the purgations which yet wil bee more commodiously donne if whatsoeuer hurteth be taken away without payne by medicines prepared and corrected which the cōmon phisitions do although they take not away the heat of the simple mixed in the corecting of their purgations and notwithstanding they feare not to minnister them to hott diseases But our Menstrua of Alcoole Vini although they cal it hott yet is it so spiritual Yf we may vse words of art that with the least heate it vaporeth away and is altogether seperated from that which it dissolueth which is so separated from the feces that his power and subtil essence only remaineth which also more aptly doth execute his proper action whether it be to coole or heate or to purge and that with lesse daunger for 2 causes First because the essence of the medicine doth more swiftly passe thorow the bowells and thereby the sharpe and yearthy partes of them cleauing to the inward partes cannot vlcerate them according to which opinion Paulus speaketh thus of Colocinthide let it saith he be diligētly corrected because his sharpenes cleauing to the entrailes doe cause vlcers and trouble the sinnowes with like effects Secondly because all the noysome qualities of those Essences yf they cannot be wholly taken awaye in the first preparation may yet be taken away or easily corrected with mixing of other conuenient essence So the of Alloes otherwise is slowe in purging wil most swiftly purge and least it should open the vaines by his to much subtilnes it may eassily be corrected with our oyle of Masticke and so safly ministred But let vs heare Mesues Iudgement of all these preparations who agreeing with Paulus and Auicen that writeth Colocinthides is to be beaten small for our reasons aforesaide in these wordes It doeth require saith he long decoction and it is as it seemeth to me with the sonne of Serapion contrarie to the minde of the sonne of Zezaz to be beaten to small pouder that his malicious power may be mixed with other exquisite things to correct him that it may the sooner passe thorow the bowels and not stay in them for the thicknes of some part not wel beaten whereby it may peraduenture be longer staied in the bowels and exulcerate them chieflie when by some little partes of it sensiblie felt who cānot denie but that al these are done more commodiouslie with our essences with greater profit to the patient then the simple pouder I thinke none except some donghill raker that is altogether vnskilfull in phisicke It remaineth that we set downe the extractions of purgers and their preparations and so to prosecute in order Of Eleborus TAke the rootes of blacke Eleborus fresh gathered in Autumne 1. li. boile thē in water of Aniseede peniroyal out of which the oile is drawen Chimicallie closlie stopped in Balneo a whole day then straine it foorth harde and distill it by a filter vntill it be cleare then seperate the menstrua and in the bottome will remaine a slimie substance vnto which poure the spirite of wine that it may be couered foure fingers and so let it stand two or three daies close stopped to digest in Balneo then poure away that part which is cleare put on more doing as ye did before vntill you haue drawen out all the essence with reiterating the digestions alwaies seperating the feces according to arte which done seperate the first menstrua in Balneo that being done circulate it with new spirites of wine of the infusiō of maces for certaine daies then seperate the Menstrue againe in the bottome shall remaine Essentia Ellebori in forme of a sirop and Duskish of Coulor the which thou shalt keepe to many vses ℈ j of these essence mixed with certaine dropes of oyle of And myntes is giuen fasting with some conuenient decoction or water of wormes against the dropsie Item with water of Betony it helpeth against diseases of the braine as Maniae Melancholiae Vertiginis Epilepsiae and Paralysis it purgeth choller and fleame without any paine and finally the whole bodie of all corrupt-excrements which as Hipocrates saith maketh a man healthfull and as it were young it draweth not onely the hurtfull humors and excrements out of the vessels by purging the bloud but also from the whole bodie and skinne it selfe and therefore it is very healthfull against Elephantiasis the canker Erisipelas malomortuo all eating sores Paulus did giue about ʒ i. of the roote of Eleborus niger infused in aqua mulsa fasting against the aforesaid diseases I know not why in our time wee haue left the vse of it and shunne it as it were some strong poison and yet in the ancient time it was so much commended except it bee through the vnskilfulnes of the Phisitions seeing the mallice of this medicine and all other may easily be taken away with their true preparations as we haue declared and that this doth good Hypocrates witnesseth where he maketh mētion of white Eleborus saying thus To some bodies saith he Eleborus is troublesome as in other places hee saith that all byting medicines are naught for them but it being corrected by art and industrie may rightly bee ministred to whom and when it ought
put on new spirits of wine infusionis diamarg. frigidi and circulate them altogether 10. dayes in a Pellican that the force of the medicine may bee increased and all malignity taken from it at length seperat the last menstrua and coagulate it with a most gentle fire which will be done in a few daies of the which take 1. oū and put thereunto oile of nutmegs and cinamom ana 1. scru and mixe them together so haue ye the Spagiricall preparation of Elaterium or his Essence which doth drawe meruellouslie all sharpe excrementes out of the ioyntes and from the braine and therfore helpeth much Arthritides dropsies old headach and the falling sicknes the dose is ℈ ss Out of the root of Squilla after the same order you shall draw and prepare the iuice but to doe it better ye shal take sweete malmsie it doth euacuat grosse and slimie humors that sticke in the breast by cutting extenuating clensing dissoluing and digesting them and taketh away the obstructions of the liuer and splene the dose is ℈ 2. with some pectorall decoction or cinamome water De lachrimis purgantihus Colocynthide ALL Phisitians doe agree that Scammony is a most violent and dangerous medicine and that for many causes for with his biting blastes it hurteth the stomacke very much and ouerturneth it Further with his immoderate drawing it doth open the vaines with his sharpnes doth excoriat the verie intrailes and by that meanes bringeth great paines for which cause Galen doth mixe him with Quinces others do boile it with Galingale Ginger Aniseed Daucus or Smaledge seedes or with the muscledge of Psyllium or boile it in a sower or tart apple to make it more milde but by the Spagiricall preparation it may be made so commodious to be vsed that it may be mixed with any other medicines without any danger and safly ministred to purge choller and fleame Dissolue Scammonie in oile of Masticke drawen out by the art spagirical with the spirit of wine that being done digest it eight daies in Balneo close stopped that which is cleere and shining powre of and powre on new menstrua vntill you haue drawen out all the essence notwithstanding put apart all the feces then seperat all the menstrua and put on new spirit of wine corolisated that it may be couered four fingers circulat them all in Balneo 10. dayes or more then draw away the menstrua and for euerie ounce of essence that remaineth in the bottome yee shall put thereto the true essence of corall and pearles ana 1. scrup the essence of safron halfe a scru oile of Aniseedes and cinamon ana 1. scrup a halfe mixe them all together on a soft fire vntill a reasonable thicknes Mingle this essence so prepared with the essence of aloes and Mirabolanes and it will be a compounded medicine verie profitable to purge choler and to draw downe sharpe excrements from the head halfe a scruple may be giuen by it selfe with 2. oū of oile of sweet almondes without any trouble or heate of the hart or stomacke or liuer and bringeth from those places choler To prepare Euforbium Sagapenum and Opoponax you must dissolue them first in white rose vineger distilled in Balneo then straine them through a searce from all their terrestriall matter and thus thou shalt doe 3. times that it may bee the purer then vapor away the vineger that the sharpenes may be taken away with often washing it with rose water for these medicines are sharpe and of a thinne and fierie substance but Euphorbium of all gummes is the hottest subtillest swiftest and burneth most with a fierie force as Galen witnesseth which it doth with such violence that we must greatly beware of the vse of it except it bee rightly prepared Serapio and Auicen haue written that ʒ iij. taken of it doth kil and yet Aetius and Actuarius vsed it not only to purge fleame but also mightily to expulse all sharpe excrements And Dioscorides witnesseth that we must giue it to the sicke of Ischiadis onely mingled with honie Paulus also saith ʒ i. of Euforbium being dronke with honie doth rather expell fleame then water But by this preparatiō following all his maligne quall●tie may bee taken away so that it will helpe verie much against the palsie Arthritide Crampe dropsie purge fleame without any trouble whether it be thinne or thicke or lying among the sinewes and ioyntes and it is prepared in this order Take your Euforbium prepared and washed as is aforesayd and couer it with the spirit of wine so that you may draw forth his essence seperating the feces and all the impurity then circulat al with new Alcoole sacharino 10. daies then seperat the menstrua and coagulat it with a gentle fier putting therunto at the end the oile of masticke 2. scru olei Anisi 1. scrup Essentia Corralli halfe a scrup make thereof a mixture The is dose 1. scrup with some conuenient decoction to cure all the aforesaid diseases Thus are medicines prepared of Opoponax Sarcocolla and sagapenum most profitable against the same diseases of whose force purging downward the Grecians haue not spoken but it was found out by the Arabians and these purge more gentlier then doth Euforbium of all these is made a compound medicine purging thicke and slimie fleame euen from the furthest partes of as the head the sinewes the ioyntes and the breast I will shortly if God giue mee leaue set forth a description of our spagiricall practise in which I will more fullie and at large declare the compositions and vse of all these medicines The force of Colocynthida is so vehement in purging that sometime with his onely touching and yea with his only smel he doth purge the belly of some This medicine though it be otherwise most vehement yet by the preparation following it may safely be ministred Beate Colocynthida in most fine powder and put thereon the Alcoole of wine well prepared that it may be couered sixe fingers then digest it in Balneo 3. weekes being close nipped and in that time it will loose all his sharpnes but if it be digested a longer time the extraction will wax sweet and so it will be made a noble medicine against fleame and all other grosse and clammy humors to draw them from the lower partes and that without any harme as wee haue declared and therefore it is ministred with the Syrop of roses or myrtels against diseases in the head and megrim and falling sicknes and apoplexia and is also corrected with oile of Masticke Nutmegs and cynamon Of stones that purge LApis Armeninus Cyaneus must be made red hot vj. times and quenched in aqua ardenti then beat them to powder very fine and wash them with faire water casting away the earth that which wil swim vpon the water and do thus often times then wash the rest of the powder that is left