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A20673 The practise how to finde ease, rest, repose, content, and happines. Written by a religious man of the congregation of St. Elias the prophet, and the order of our Blessed Lady of mount Carmell, restored by the Blessed mother Teresa. The second part. Containing directions how to end all controuersies, and take away all discontentments, and euils, and attaine vnto true ioy of minde, and content of heart, and all good; Practise how to finde ease, rest, repose, content, and happines. Part 2 Doughty, Thomas, fl. 1618-1638. 1619 (1619) STC 7072.6; ESTC S106011 123,081 516

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towards the Heauens as though she would in gratitude offer them to the Heauens as a Present for all benefits receiued The Elements liue in a perpetuall interchange of amitie the Fire transporting it selfe into Ayre the Ayre into Water and the Water into Earth and the Earth condensing and becomming hard returneth againe to yeeld Fire and their intercourse of friendship is confirmed in so firme a league that rather then the Earth should in any thing perish by suffering vacuum the Ayre or Fire forgetfull of his owne well and content of his owne will and desire leaueth his Region to descend in hast to supply the Earths want that vacuum bee not found in Nature The most vntame Birds and sauage Beasts keepe companie together each one reioycing at others good Insomuch as that the wilde Boare or Beare who amongst the beasts are accompted the most sauage will not sticke to turne against Man vvhen hee shall perceiue that he hath hurt or wounded any of his companie So strait is the bond of Amitie betweene all liuing things in their kinde that the weale of one seemeth in some sort to be the content of all And as for Man the greater he is the more neede he standeth of the common people Kings there could be none if Common people were not nor yet Common people liue long in vnitie and peace if Kings they had not Princes and Peeres depend vpon their meanest Subiects and their Subiects liue in peace vnder the Protection of their greatnesse So Nature hath combined all in vnity and friendship that he must be a monster in nature that should deny the loue of his Neighbour to be necessary to his Content and Happinesse Againe some are so yong that they cannot helpe themselues some so old that their forces are spent some in Prison many lame and none so exquisite in all Arts and Sciences that he is able completely to furnish himselfe with whatsoeuer he wanteth Whereby appeareth that there is nothing more manifest then that the loue of our Neighbour is necessary to Mans Happinesse And it is no lesse manifest by the Scriptures and light of Grace that the loue of our Neighbours is necessarie to Content and Happinesse He that saith he is in the Light Io. 2. 9. and hateth his brother is in the Darkenesse euen vntill now Hee that loueth his brother abideth in the Light and scandall is not in him But he that hateth his brother is in darkenesse and walketh in the darkenesse and knoweth not whither hee goeth because the Darkenesse hath blinded his eies Againe Euery one Io. 3. 10. that is not iust is not of God and he that loueth not his brother because this is the Annuntiation which you haue heard from the beginning That you loue one another Againe Whosoeuer hateth his 1. Io. 3. 16. brother is a Murtherer and you know that no Murtherer hath life euerlasting abiding in him Againe My dearest 1. Io. 4. 7. let vs loue one another because Charitie is of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God He that loueth not knoweth not God If any man shall say that I loue God and hateth his brother he is a lyar for he that loueth not his brother whom he seeth God whom he seeth not how can hee loue And this is the Commandement we haue from God That hee which loueth God loueth also his brother whereby and by many more passages of holy Scriptures it is manifest that the loue of our Neighbour is necessarie to Happinesse and Saluation and that no man whatsoeuer shall either in this World or in all Eternitie euer attaine vnto any true Content or Happinesse who doth not keep the Law or tenne Commandements which consist in the loue of God and loue of our Neighbour as witnesseth our Lord saying Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God from thy whole heart Mat. 22. 37. and with thy whole soule and with thy whole minde This is the greatest and the first Commandement And the second is like to this Thou shalt loue thy Neighbour as thy selfe on these two Commandements dependeth the whole Law and the Prophets So Saint Paul saith Hee that loueth his Rom. 13. 9. Neighbour hath fulfilled the Law For thou shalt not commit Adulterie Thou shalt not Kill Thou shalt not Steale Thou shalt not beare False witnesse Thou shalt not Couet And if there be any other Commandement it is comprehended in this word Thou shalt loue thy Neighbour as thy selfe The loue of thy Neighbour worketh no euill Againe All the Law is fulfilled in one Gal. 5. 14. word Thou shalt loue thy Neighbour as thy selfe CHAP. XIII The meanes how to become heartie wel-willers of our seuerest Persecutors and most alienated Aduersaries ALthough it be easie to loue men of meeke and milde disposition yet it may seeme hard heartily to loue and pray for our enemies and persecutors especially for such persecutors as haue for office to draw vs by spoile of goods losse of libertie and life from temporall and eternall Happinesse into temporall and eternall Myserie which is the case of our Persecution in England wherefore it is necessarie heere to set downe the meanes how to loue our most alienated enemies or aduersaries and fulfill the Precept of our Lord which saith Loue your enemies doe Mat. 5. 44. good to them that hate you pray for them that persecute and abuse you that you may be the Children of your Father which is in Heauen who maketh his Sunne to shine vpon the good and bad and raineth vpon the iust and vniust Againe Reuenge not your selues Rom. 12. 19 my deerest but giue place vnto Wrath for it is written Reuenge to me I will reward saith our Lord but if thy enemy hunger giue him meate if he thirst giue him drinke be not ouercome with euill but ouercome in good the euill If saith the Prophet Dauid I haue rendred to them that repayed me euill let me worthily fall emptie from mine enemies Let the enemie persecute Ps 7. 6. my soule and take and treade downe my life in the Earth and bring downe my glory in the dust The practise of which Doctrine though to worldly men it seeme hard and haue great difficultie yet by the grace of God and the good meanes which he hath left for vs to vse it is light and easie Of our selues as 2. Cor. 3. 4. of our selues we be not sufficient to thinke any thing But our sufficiencie is of God Christ Rom. 8. 34. Iesus that dyed for vs who is on the right hand of God also maketh intercession for vs Who then shall seperate vs from the Charitie of Christ Tribulation or Distresse or Famine or Nakednesse or Danger or Persecution or the Sword as it is written For we are killed for thy sake all the day we are esteemed as sheepe of slaughter But in all these things we ouercome because of him that hath loued vs. I can all things
with all their hartes and keeping of his Commandements Peace with their Neighbours by louing them as themselues no man commencing a Suite against himselfe Peace with their enemies by patient suffering whatsoeuer iniuries they shall lay vpon them Peace with the Angels and Saints in Heauen by Vnion with them in a mysticall body Peace with the Deuills in Hell by hauing authoritie ouer them Peace with all the Creatures of the earth by vsing them according to the end they were created That it may bee verified which was spoken by the Prophet Isay saying Isa 66. 12 I will decline vpon her a floud of peace Againe And I will make thy visitation Isa 60. 17 peace and thy ouerseers Iustice Iniquitie shall no more be heard in thy Land waste and destruction in thy borders and Saluation shall occupie thy walles and praise thy gates This is the Ease Rest Repose Content and Happines which wee speake of and desire to Preach vnto all Phil. 4. 7. people The peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding The Legacie which our Lord and Sauiour left vs saying Peace I leaue to you my Iohn 14. peace I giue to you A true Ioy and Content of heart and minde which hee commanded vs Math. 10. 11. to Preach vnto all the Families of the earth saying Into whatsoeuer Citty or Towne you shall enter enquire who is worthie and there tarrie And when you enter into the house salute it saying Peace bee to this house according to whose commaundement wee Preach it vnto thee deare Reader and say Peace be to thee and so rest thy humble Seruant OF EASE REST REPOSE CONTENT and Happinesse CHAP. I. That Man hath a complete Ioy and Content proportionable to his being ALmightie God hauing created all things of Ps 113. 1● nothing according to the disposition of his will as a pious Parent and mercifull Creator hath giuen to euerie thing a Content and Happinesse which had then it is so well satisfied that it seemeth to desire no more but resteth and after his manner reioyceth as content and well pleased As wee see by experience that he hath giuen to a Stone a Content to be in his Centure Water a Rest in the hollow places of the Earth Ayre a Repose in his Region and Fire in his Sphere Trees Plants and Hearbes a Delight in the fat and firmenesse of the Earth tempered according to their properties Birds Beasts and Fishes a Pleasure in Meates Places Companie and sensuall Delights And out of his infinite goodnesse in creating euerie thing hath also annexed vnto it such a disposition to order and such a propension to his good and content that take but out of his place a piece of Earth which of all the creatures of God Almightie is the meanest and giue it all things you can deuise and make the most of it that possible you can inuent yet it will tend thither and neuer be quiet vntill it returne insomuch as doe but take away that which holdeth it vp presently it goeth thither of it selfe and that infallibly And if by some accident a subtile Vapour become to be inclosed in some hollow place or caue of the Earth where it hath as it were a chamber prepared for to rest in it will be so vnquiet that it wil teare in pieces Rockes and Mountaines ouerthrow Castles and Towers and as angrie shake the whole Earth to ascend vp to his place and if it find but an issue or you make but a passage it is gone Or if a grosse vapour by the heat of the Sunne be drawne vp into the Region of the Ayre as though it should be exalted to higher dignitie and there come to be enuironed about with clouds that it cannot descend but must stay there it taketh his exalting in such disdaine and stayeth with so great discontent that by collision of bodies and through earnest pressing it throweth fire downe from Heauen and causeth such a thunder as though it would teare the Heauens in pieces and all to descend to his place of rest there to remaine where it was ordained that it should be in his first creation And the same we may obserue in Birds Beasts and Plants put them in a Soyle not accommodated to their properties and they die or take from Birds or Beasts their naturall Companie Foodes Places of abode c. and giue them what other thing else you can yet out of anguish and grief they wil pine away and let them but loose they are gone to their ordained Companie Meat and Rest Whereby wee may inferre that since all creatures whatsoeuer haue a Content and Rest which once had then they seeme well pleased and desire no more that also Man hath his Rest Happinesse wherein also he may be satisfied and well pleased And seeing God Almightie as a most prudent Creator hath giuen to euerie thing a Content proportionable to his being it must needes be that Man being a farre more excellent creature then any of the Elements Birds Beasts Fishes and Plants must haue a more excellent Content then any of them vnlesse we should esteeme God Almightie iniurious to the nature of Man which cannot be His Mercies to Man exceeding all Ps 144. his Workes being duely considered So hauing found out that Man hath a Happinesse and Content it will be worthie of our labour to seeke wherein it consisteth and set downe the meanes how to attaine vnto it which wee will doe by Gods grace in the ensuing Chapters CHAP. II. That there is a God THe foole hath said in his Ps 1● heart there is no God Fooles whose grieuous sinnes and horrible crimes haue extinguished the right vse of Reason denie the first Cause Agent Mouer and Creator of all things and descend to such grosse ignorance as that they attribute that to Nothing Chaunce Fortune or Accident which proceedeth from God as though Nothing or that which hath no being were more potent then that which is and could giue being beginning and motion to all things To dispute against fooles obstinate and wilfull people who haue lost wit and reason is but to become foolish To conuince them there is no better argument then to put them to the practice of their Doctrine as when they are sicke hungrie afflicted or want any thing to let them haue no other helpe or succour then their Nothing or Chance to helpe them vntill they change their Opinions since in their iudgements Nothing is so potent and actiue as that it can giue being motion and action to all things it must of necessitie also in their iudgements be of sufficient force to helpe them in their necessities to rest and content without any other assistance Aristotle setting downe common places and meanes how to find out arguments to conuince errors and establish truths against Atheists would not dispute but set downe this for an argument saying Such as doe doubt whether Top. lib. 1. c. 9. they should honor the
and it shall come to him and he would not Blessing and it shall be farre from him in all eternitie he shall neuer heare any Their Noses shall be tormented with stinke For sweet sauour sayth the Isa 3. 24. Prophet Isay there shall be stinke The cursed Carkas of one damned man in Hell for want of charitie shall stinke worse then all the carrion vpon the Earth so imagine if thou canst what a pestiferous stinke all the carkasses of the damned together shall make Their Taste shall be tormented with raging hunger and thirst and yet they shall neuer taste so much as one drop of Water to coole their Luc. 16. Tongues Their Touch and whole bodie shal be scorched with fire gnawne vpon by wormes Their Phantasie shall Isa 14. be frighted with vgly formes Their Memorie shal be afflicted with a perpetuall memorie and a continuall thinking vpon their miseries and torments alwaies so present as that they cannot possibly forget them for that they are eternally the same Their Vnderstandings shall be vexed with frensie folly and ignorance according to the saying of the Prophet Our Lord Ps 2. from Heauen shall laugh them to scorne Their Wills shall bee tormented with the losse of eternall weale and the possessing of eternall woe And thus confirmed in this rufull estate without hope of euer finding any alteration comfort or change The smoake of Apo. 14. their torments shall ascend vp for euer and euer And this is sufficient for to shew vnto thee deare Reader the miserable estate of these who liue and die in the breach of the Commandements of God that if the loue of thy owne good and content doe not moue thee to keepe them yet the feare of miserie and torments may winne thee to obserue them that thou maiest by one meanes or other attaine vnto the Ease Rest Repose Content and Happinesse which I heartely wish vnto thee CHAP. XV. That the Happie Elect and Iust and all those who shall be saued shall keepe the Law loue God with their whole hearts and their Neighbours as themselues FIrst it is an horror to Nature that any man should be truely Happy or Content who keepeth not the whole Law or Commandements of God as that a Fornicator Adulterer Drunkard Man-killer Vsurer Extortioner Periured person or Hater of God should be receiued into Heauen or liue with any Content vpō earth for because we see that such as are guiltie of these crimes and publikely professe in print that they cannot loue God with all their hearts or liue chast according to the Law are not content to be stiled or called haters of God Adulterers or Fornicators because of the repugnance which Nature hath against the guilt of sinne and breach of the Commandements of God which repugnance forceth them to esteeme the very stile of being so called as an infamous thing and badge of vnhappinesse If the guilt of such sinnes were not a horror to Nature there would be no repugnance in such as professe they cannot loue God or liue chast to be stiled haters of God fornicators and adulterers But they would like well of those names more then of others as most agreeable to their Natures and correspondent to their Faith and Religion And if the onely styling of men with these names of fornicators and haters of God which is but an extrinsecall denomination bee so disgustfull that no man though guiltie of the crime for the good opinion fame and estimation he desireth to haue before men will be content to take them for his name and be generally counted a fornicator or hater of God how much more will the vgly guilt and crime of sinne it selfe be disgustfull before men Angels and God Almightie Whereby it is manifest to reason that no man liuing with the guilt or staine of the breach of any one Commandement in his soule can euer bee Content or Happy in this life or in the other but that the Happy Iust and Elect shall keepe the Commandements of God loue him with all their hearts and their Neighbours as themselues And with this reason agreeth the consent of both the Old and New Testament saying Our Lord Deut. 31. 6. thy God will Circumcise thy heart and the heart of thy Seede that thou mayest loue our Lord thy God in all thy heart and in all thy soule that thou mayest liue Againe Ezek. 11. 19. And I will giue them one heart and will giue a new spirit in their bowels and I will take away the stonie heart out of their flesh and giue them a fleshy heart that they may walke in my Precepts and keepe my Iudgements and doe them and they may bee my People and I may bee their God Againe This Ier. 31. 33. shall bee the Couenant that I will make with the house of Israel After these daies saith our Lord I will giue my Law in their Bowels and in their hearts I will write it And I will be Heb. 8. 10. their God and they shall bee my People And Saint Heb. 10. 15. Paul making mention of this Prophesie affirmeth that the foresaid words of Ieremy are to be verified vpon Christians saying Our Lord hath obtained a better Mysterie then Moyses by so much as he is Mediator of a better Testament which is established in better promises For if the former had beene void of fault there should not certainely a place of a second beene sought for blaming them he saith Behold the daies shall come saith our Lord and I will consummate vpon the house of Israel and vpon the house of Iuda a new Testament For this is the Testament which I will dispose to the house of Israel after these daies saith our Lord giuing my Lawes in their minde and in their heart will I subscribe them and I will be their God and they shall be my people Whereupon the Prophet Dauid saith The mouth of the Ps 36. 30. iust shall meditate wisedome and his tongue shall speake iudgement The law of God is in his heart and his steps shall not be supplanted Againe The Iustice Ps 102. 17. of our Lord is vpon the Childrens Children to them that keep his Testament and are mindfull of his Commandements to doe them The Prophet Isay speaking of the estate of our Catholike Church to come saith All thy Children taught of our Isa 54. 13. Lord and a multitude of peace to thy Children and in Iustice thou shalt be founded in keeping the law which is iust iustified Ps 18. in it selfe Whereupon our Lord saith That he came not to breake the Law but to Deut. 30. 6. fulfill it and giue grace vnto euery one to loue God with all their hearts and their Neighbours as themselues without the which no man can be saued as witnesseth our Sauiour saying If thou wilt enter into life keepe the Commandements Againe He that doth the will of my Father Luc. 7. 21. which is in Heauen
which according to God is created in Iustice and holinesse of the Truth Whereupon Saint Iohn Baptist speaking of the way or meanes how to attaine vnto Content and Happinesse sayth Who hath shewed Mat. 3. 7. you to flye from the wrath to come yeeld therefore fruit worthie of Penance Which is as if he should haue said If any one hath shewed you the way to Content and Happinesse and not by contrition and detestation of sinne the fruites of Penance hee hath deceiued you So our Lord and Sauiour in his first Sermon according to Saint Matthew taught Penance as the first meanes to Happinesse the Text saying that Mat. 4. 17. Iesus began to preach and to say Doe Penance for the Kingdome of God is at hand Heere thou mayest see how many men which are of short Capacities and weake and shallow Wits and Vnderstandings are deceiued in framing to themselues a conceit that to doe Penance is to be tormented deiected and oppressed in minde when it is nothing lesse but the greatest ease remedie and rest to a deiected and oppressed minde that can be had or found and the way and meanes to all true Content and Happinesse If thou wilt beleeue the Scriptures and Experience Contrition or sorrow for sinne doth much differ from the sorrow or lamenting of worldly men when out of selfe-loue they lament the losse of their worldly Commodities or Pleasures The fruites of this Sorrow are Sadnesse Oppression of Minde and Discontent as being inordinate and not ordained by God to be vsed as a meanes of finding Happinesse vvhereas Penance Contrition and Sorrow for Sinnes beeing meanes ordained by God to Content and Happinesse the more thou vsest them the more rest and content of heart thou shalt finde because God Almightie doth reuiue the Isa 57. 15. heart of the Contrite by the assisting of the holy Ghost Gal 5. whose fruits are Charitie Ioy of heart and Peace of minde of which wee are to speake more in his place A second meanes of attayning vnto the loue of God is often to Communicate according to the words of our Lord saying He that eateth Ioh. 6. my Flesh and drinketh my Bloud abideth in me and I in him which is the Charitie wee seeke for A third meanes is Meditation seriously to consider all the benefits thou hast receiued from his diuine Maiestie as Creation Redemption Conseruation and whatsoeuer graces thou hast or expectest and likewise to meditate often vpon his diuine Attributes as his infinite Goodnesse Beautie Maiestie and Power c. for the onely meanes to loue any thing that is very good faire pleasing and beautifull is but to looke seriously vpon it and consider it well and the loue or liking of it presently is begotten in thy heart And it being excellently good the more thou thinkest or meditatest vpon it the more the loue of it increaseth in thee So if thou wilt loue much GOD Almightie doe not omit thy Meditations A fourth meanes is alwaies to keepe the Presence of God that hauing alwayes before thine eyes an infinite Good from whom all things else borrow whatsoeuer good they haue thou canst not but little esteeme of all other goods in comparison of it and loue it with thy whole heart and all things else as they may conduct thee vnto it of which Presence wee are to speake in our third Booke A fifth meanes is to make many Acts of the loue of God As in Arts and Sciences thy continuall practise increaseth thy knowledge and skill so the making of many Acts of the loue of God increaseth in thee the loue of God And to that end heere I set downe these Acts following Acts of Charitie or Loue towards God AS the chased Hart thirsteth after the Fountaine of Water so I desire that my heart should perpetually thirst after thee deare Lord. O Lord of infinite beautie that my heart were so wounded with thy loue that out of feruour of spirit I might in silent speech perpetually breath forth When shall I come and appeare before thy face O most amiable Sonne of the liuing God take now possession of this my heart which was created for to loue thee and pierce it with a thousand wounds of pure loue that I may for euer sweetly languish after thy eternall beautie How beloued are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts my soule coueteth and fainteth after the Courts of my God Decre Iesu to thee I consecrate my heart O deere King of all beautie and glory I will no other inheritance but thee O Life of my life and more beautifull then all beauties created put together inflame me with a most desired burning after thy eternall beautie O Lord of infinite mercy how great are the multitude of thy mercies that thou commandest mee to loue thee and if I doe not thou art angrie and threatenest eternall miseries when in louing thee consisteth all my ioyes and good O who will giue to me my Lord that I may die for thee that by my corporall death my soule may be ingulfed in thee her rest and chast bed-Chamber of all diuine delights Too late haue I loued thee Beautie so ancient and so new too late haue I loued thee but pardon my negligence past deere Lord and graunt that this my beginning may last and increase for euer Thou deere Lord was within mee and I was without my selfe and amongst these faire things which thou hast created I sought thee and fowly erred faire they were because thou createdst them but to me foule for that I loued them and loued them not in thee O how I lament deere Lord that my poore soule hath beene so deceiued with sensuall loue and worldly vanitie now conuert mee so wholly vnto thee deere Lord that nothing created may please me but the only louing of thy diuine Maiestie Thou art all faire my Loue thou art all faire and there is not a spot or staine in thee O my infinite Good I resigne to thee all that thy liberalitie hath bestowed vpon me that thereby I may please thee and offer without ceasing in the Altar of my heart my selfe in Sacrifice If I forget to loue thee my Lord let all my pleasures be turned into sorrowes and let my right hand be forgetfull of her actions if I doe not offer vnto thee vpon the Altar of my heart a Sacrifice of perpetuall Loue Morning Mid-day and Euening CHAP. XII That true Content and Happinesse cannot be without Charitie or loue towards our neighbours and keeping of the Commandements of God SO great is the Obligation and bond of Societie interposed betweene all things created that the good of one in some sort dependeth vpon the loue and societie with the other The Angels in Heauen reioice one at anothers good and Happinesse and receiue increase of Content by the increase of Glory bestowed vpon any one The Heauens send downe showers and dew to water and make pleasant the Earth and the Earth shooteth vp all her fruits